Chaoyang Phoenix Mountain 朝阳凤凰山 英文导游词

Chaoyang Phoenix Mountain 朝阳凤凰山 英文导游词
Chaoyang Phoenix Mountain 朝阳凤凰山 英文导游词

Chaoyang Phoenix Mountain

The phoenix mountain scenery resort is located 4km away in the east of chaoyang city. It was named dragon mountain, in the early Qing dynasty, it was renamed phoenix mountain, it covers an area of 55skm, it streaches from southeast to northwest, 660 in height, it is made up of sedimentary limestone. In 1992 it was rated as the national forest park, in 1997 it was qualified as one of the top 50 scenery in liaoning, in 2003 it was titled the top 10 forest park in liaoning. More than 1,600years ago, emperor of yan migrated the captain to chaoyang and founded 龙翔temple here, this temple is the first temple here. From then on, some people came here for their wishes and visit the temple. Till the Liao dynasty, this mountain has become an quite influcial mountain for Buddha. In the middle of Qing, 3 towers and 4 temples were founded here. Now, it has developed into a tourist resort with one niche, two cave, 3 towers, and 4temples. The niche is a script of Buddha which was found in northwei dynasty, the two cave is the guanyin cave and the lying Buddha cave, the 3 towers are the 凌霄,摩云,大宝. The 4 temples are the 华严云接延寿天庆. Apart from that, there are other spots whose number reaches more than 80. the wood here is quite luxuriant, more than 600 plants grows here, the rate of coverage by the forest reaches 85%. It is just like a tourist pearl in north China. This script was carved in northwei, it is the remotest relics of the mountain, there are 72 scripts here, the arhat sculptures were laid inside. When the first rim of the light fall here, here is quite solemn.

This gate is known as the first gate in northeast of China, founded in 1995, 12.6m high and 38m wide, the constructure area is 1636sm. The style is quite simple and sprightly, with a model of feng’s sketch; present the mountain’s cultural relics. The flying dragon and phoenix on both sides, it may appears a sense of modern combined with classical. The pavilions on both sides of the gate named dragon and phoenix pavilion respectively.

Behind the gate, there is a structure, it is 4.5m high and 20m long, the front one is the Chinese cultural and history wall, the behind one is the 9 phoenix wall. The front one was caved the head portrait of 76people, they are the elite in politics, culture, science, phnoserphy and some other fields. In the middle it carved the diagram of the universe, symbolize everthing is in change, the wheels shows the mark of the development of history. The wall behind was carved with 9 pheonixes, with varied clouds around it, it not only shows the beautiful legend of the phoenix but also shows the the desire for develop of chaoyang people.

This is the 9 dragons wall, founded in 1995, 4.7m high and 21.2m long. The nine dragons are in different posture and with different backgrounds. This design break the traditional concept and added modern idea, it connected with the development of human being and shows a explore for the life and universe, so it is also called the myth of nature. In front of this wall, this is the best place to look the script of Buddha.

The hills and stones here are quite interesting, it formed 27spots in total, this is the camel looking the noon. This is a slope strech out, it looks just like a camel, the head of it is quite lifelike, if you take a close look at it you can see its lip, nose, eyes, and ears. The grass on the top is just like the hair of it. The stone is in brownish-black, with moss on it, when the moon is hang in the sky in the night, it is just like a camel walking down a slope, it may also remind you of the desert.

The hills over there is just like boobies, then are 500m high, it were called the boobies peak.

This is the lying Buddha, 219m long, with his head on the green mountain, he faced the sky, the outline of his head, neck, breast is quite clear. This spot is discovered by a retired leader in 1993.

This cave is the guanyin cave, it is located above 20m off the road. The cave is 2.3m high and 1.7m deep. Once here has a stone sculpture of guanyin which was made in liao dynasty, but this guanyin is built in 1993, she faced the south which is quite different compared with other guanyin who faced north, as for the reason, a couplet once said because people do not correct their false some times. It shows her kindness to people. The hill over there is called the stone people hill, on the hill there is a spot named the huatuo ask for the way, this spot is combined with two stones, the upper one is just like an old man sit quietly there, the lower one

is just like huatuo with his basket on his back. It is said that once caocao once lived in chaoyang during his fight of the east, his headache broke out, the doctor went into the mountain looking for the herb but get lost in the rain, he came across an old man and he asked him the way out. After caocao covered, he come to here for visit, the old man was left but there are two stones here. Caocao thought maybe he has been helped by the god, so he kowtow at it 3times.

This grave tower is made by bricks, it buried the master of 严华temple in the early qing dynasty, it is made up of the base, the body and the tasha. 2.7m high, spread green bricks on it and filled with white ash. The base is in square, in the south there is a slabstone caved with lotus, peals and even some Tibetan charactors. This is the newly built platform and the gateway. This 18twist is the main road people would go though to the Buddha, it is also the shortcut between 华严and 云接temple, it is 1.5km long, spread with slabstone. Inside the pavilion there carved the story about running after a deer and found this cave in color, when walking through this road, you can not only overlook the beautiful scenery here but also enjoy the happy of climbing. 延寿temple used to be named 报恩temple, in 1712, the monk 海沧accept his brother 海明here, he give this flat area to haiming and haiming build this temple here. This temple is the biggest one on phenix mountain, covers an area of 10,000sm, the architecture area reaches more than 1000sm, the bell tower and the drum tower are built on the waist of the mountain.

Tianwang palace is the first palace, it has been rebuilt in 1995, with 3rooms outside and 3 inside, it covers an area of 96sm, inside the palace there is the sculpture of maitreya, with the 4 emperor one both sides. This is the second palace, the structure is similar with the first one, it covers an area of 107sm, rebuild in 1996, it present the dizangwang emperor, with 道明and 闵公’s status on both side, it is made up of marble, 2.2m high.

This is the third palace, 大雄宝殿rebuild in 1992, the structure area is 180sm, the statue in it is made of mud. On both sides there stand the status of the 18 arhat, on the wall, part of the painting in qing dynasty is still exist today.

The forth palace is made up of 关帝and 药王palace, rebuild in 1994, covers an area of 33.5sm.

The fifth palace is the guanyin palace, rebuild in 1997, covers an area of 16sm, there are side halls on both side of it. In side the palace, there are 3 statues made of Burma jade.

The sixth palace is used for deposit the Buddhist classical. 11m high, the constructure area is 332sm, the plaque is write by he president of bodhi association in Hong Kong, this floor is 5.2m high, the statue is made of burma jade. With his right hand under his head, he slept on the right side.

天庆temple is founded in 1099, preserved in Qing, in 1993 it was rebuild again. The 5 cypresses in front of the temple has a history of more than 1000years, the diameter reaches 40centimeter, 10m high, behind the temple there also plant some cypresses.

In this temple, there are guanyin palace, side halls, gate, wall, and poetry tablet. The guanyin palace covers an area of 40m, the guanyin inside it is 2m high, it is made of marble, duplicated in 1993. in front of the palace, it’s a tablet, there are 26poet and something about the discovering and carving process of guanyin statue. The original one has been ruined, what we see now is the duplication which was made in 1997.

云接temple, the location here is 550 high, including 8 palace, cover an area of 742sm, founded in 1735. the main building here is the 大悲palace, cover an area of 64m, the guanyin statue is 3.15 high, rebuild in 1991, the statue of 韦驮was rebuild in 1993. the goddess palace covers an area of 56sm, repaired in 1994, with several goddess’s statues inside. Guandi palace cover an area of 45sm, rebuild in 1996, 关帝,关平,周仓’s statues were carved inside. The Buddhist palace is the rear palace of this temple, covers an area of 51sm. With 4 buddha ‘s statues inside, such as 文殊,地藏,普贤and guanyin, this is the best preserved temple on the mountain.

This is the well know tower named 摩云,it is just like a sword pointed to the sky, it is build in liao dynasty,

37m high, the doors on each side of it were just the model, and each side carved a Buddha on it, 4kind of animals were carved above it, such as elephant, horse, peacock, and bird. The eaves were in 13 layers, with 104mirror insert in it, on the corner of the eaves, there hang 52 small bells, but now some have been lost. This is the lying Buddha cave, the entry faced the southwest, in the cave, there lied a stone Buddha, this is all made by nature. In 1651, some people went here hunting, they run after a white deer and were lead to here, when they come in, they see the lying Buddha, the white deer however was disappeared, then, then went back and decided to build a temple here. In the following years, this place becomes more and more popular. They also build a small attic at the entry of the cave, at the side of the cave, there hang a bell, this bell was made in 1672. the door of the cave was build later, the stone Buddha was destroyed during the culture revolution. The head of it now was display in the chaoyang museum, and this Buddha was rebuild in 1992, it is 3.2m long, head on the west and feet on the east.

华严temple is located at a height of 660m, founded in liao dynasty and rebuild in Qing, this temple was build according to the hill. In Qing dynasty, there are a lot of buildings from the lying Buddha cave to here, such as the gate, the rear room, the attics, the bell, the second gate, the goddess palace, and the last is the 凌霄tower, it is 15m high, just as the symbol of the gulong city, though the 华严temple is no longer existed, you can see a weather radar tower.

The 大宝tower is 17m high, carved some paintings on the it, such as the lotus, the musician and so on, there used to be 24 sets of image, but it now only exist 14 now. in the south of the tower, there is a door, there are 4 column on the 4 corners of the tower, on each side of the tower, there is a painting of the Buddha, below them are the lotus and above them are the animals, such as the eagles, elephants, horses, and rocs, on both side of the Buddha, there are small towers, although this tower is small in size, it is quite exquisite, the Sanskrit around it is quite rare in the liao building.

Near the tower, there is a spring, when the weather is fine, the shadow of the tower can be seen from the pool.


凤凰山导游词范文 “天高气清”“山高水长”“直上云青”,“振衣干仞”(凤凰山的十景有哪几个?请你说出来?)……字体无不刚劲有力,气势恢宏。与整座山的大气与磅礴浑然一体。 进山后,我们首选来到的是紫阳观,又称三观庙,因观中供奉三位神仙而得名,紫阳观(为何称之为紫阳观?)面向北方,中间正殿供奉着紫阳真人,两侧有众多小神守护,历年来,紫阳观一直香火兴盛笃信道教的善男信女穿流不息,梵音道乐不绝于耳,在每年的农历四月二十八庙会(庙会为何选在这个日子?)之际,更是人如潮涌,紫阳观栖身于奇山秀水之中,使大自然的造化与人工的雕琢更加融洽地合而为一,相映成趣。(游凤凰山有三条主要线路——即大循环、中循环、小循环,,请说出三条线路都经过那些著名的景点?) 现在大家就要登比较险的山路了,几位身体不太好的朋友可以乘坐缆车上去等候我们。沿着山路前行(请大家数一数脚下的台阶有多少节?数到头的时候,你可以许个愿——216阶——108的两倍!108是个什么数字?大家猜一猜?),就会来到导游图(从这里开始这里有两条上山路线)前,这里也是登山的十字路口,沿左边一条路走,将会路经八只手,转下来便是凤凰洞,从凤凰洞出来便是步步高等景点;沿右边这条路,将经过三教堂,两条路都将到达烽火台。 八只手又称斗母宫,临崖而建,风格古补凝重,凤凰山的古建筑始于南北朝时期,历代都进行过修整与重建,在保持原有风格的同时,

又体现着历代工匠的智慧与技艺。 走出八只手,继续前行,不远处就是娘娘庙了,娘娘庙中供奉着送子娘娘、眼光娘娘。送子娘娘身上爬满了顽皮的小孩子,让人一看便知这“送子”的含意。殿内泥塑雕刻都栩栩如生,维妙维肖。远处有一个大型网,从那里不时传来各种鸟的叫声——请大家猜一下那是个什么地方——有哪些名贵的鸟类? 从娘娘庙走出,右行几步,便是著名的风凰洞了,风凰洞是由天然形成的洞穴。洞中幽深奥秘,秀中有险峻,奇中有幽奥,走入洞中,但闻脚下流水淙淙,而伸手不见五指,让人只能在黑暗中摸索着小心翼翼的前行。在惊悚之余,又不能不慨叹自然之神奇。几经迂回之后乙眼前豁然开朗,这便是出了洞口了。俯身一望,才发现自己已经离入口百米,此时正在小山峰上呢。原来凤凰洞并不是平地上水平的洞穴,而我们则一直在洞中登山呢,爬上了百米高的山峰而自己竟浑然不觉,让人不能不称奇。凤凰洞吸引人的另外一原因,是传说中这里曾是凤凰巢空。到风凰的寓所里走一遭沾染些风凰的灵气,也是游人的美好愿望。(凤凰洞前有售票的——每位10元;凤凰洞的传说是什么——来历?里面的壁画主要表现的是什么内容?) 从三教堂(为什么叫三教堂?供奉的是哪三尊神像?)这一边的路走,同样是险象环生,三教堂是人工雕琢与天然形成融合而成的景观,它的底部是凿在石壁上的神龛,里面供奉着石刻的神仙,三教堂是由两块巨石互相支撑搭建而成的,两块巨石与水平面大概有七八十度的倾斜角,几乎垂直的。是而两块岩之间的缝隙非常狭窄,刚好容得下


游凤凰山公园 黄山、庐山、泰山……这些天下名山引人向往,令人赞美,可我就爱家乡美丽的凤凰山。我参加了学校组织开展的“走进大自然”综合实践活动,我们全班同学在老师的带领下向凤凰山森林公园迈进。一路上同学们有说有笑,开开心心的。不一会我们就到了凤凰山脚下,清晨,在淡青色的天空下,云雾笼罩着的凤凰山,显得宁静而又安详。我们开展了“挖地雷”的活动,其实就是找到一张小纸条便可以兑换一些礼物,大家都很兴奋。一拥而上,跑得快的则找到了好多“地雷”,而像我们这些女生,别说找“地雷”了,就算在后面跟也累得半死!索性找了个地方坐了下来。有的同学有点气馁地说:“什么时候才能找到啊?”我也觉得有点累。这时,云雾变得如轻纱一般,淡淡的,丝丝缕缕。群山显得格外明朗,环顾四周,群峰兀立,怪石嶙峋,有的像骆驼,有的像狮子,有的像老人……形态各异。在柔软如毯的草地上面,那星星点点的花,白的、黄的点缀其间。秋风掠过,一股清香顿时沁人心脾,使我又有了继续登山的兴致。等到我们等到山顶时,太阳出来了,灿烂的阳光洒在丛林里,光泽四溢。空旷而又宁静的山谷里间或传来鸟的鸣叫声,悦耳动听,为整个凤凰山增添了生机与欢乐。群山显得格外明朗,一切景观尽收眼底。爬完了这座山,大家的肚子也饿了,


Chaoyang Phoenix Mountain 朝阳凤凰山 英文导游词

Chaoyang Phoenix Mountain The phoenix mountain scenery resort is located 4km away in the east of chaoyang city. It was named dragon mountain, in the early Qing dynasty, it was renamed phoenix mountain, it covers an area of 55skm, it streaches from southeast to northwest, 660 in height, it is made up of sedimentary limestone. In 1992 it was rated as the national forest park, in 1997 it was qualified as one of the top 50 scenery in liaoning, in 2003 it was titled the top 10 forest park in liaoning. More than 1,600years ago, emperor of yan migrated the captain to chaoyang and founded 龙翔temple here, this temple is the first temple here. From then on, some people came here for their wishes and visit the temple. Till the Liao dynasty, this mountain has become an quite influcial mountain for Buddha. In the middle of Qing, 3 towers and 4 temples were founded here. Now, it has developed into a tourist resort with one niche, two cave, 3 towers, and 4temples. The niche is a script of Buddha which was found in northwei dynasty, the two cave is the guanyin cave and the lying Buddha cave, the 3 towers are the 凌霄,摩云,大宝. The 4 temples are the 华严云接延寿天庆. Apart from that, there are other spots whose number reaches more than 80. the wood here is quite luxuriant, more than 600 plants grows here, the rate of coverage by the forest reaches 85%. It is just like a tourist pearl in north China. This script was carved in northwei, it is the remotest relics of the mountain, there are 72 scripts here, the arhat sculptures were laid inside. When the first rim of the light fall here, here is quite solemn. This gate is known as the first gate in northeast of China, founded in 1995, 12.6m high and 38m wide, the constructure area is 1636sm. The style is quite simple and sprightly, with a model of feng’s sketch; present the mountain’s cultural relics. The flying dragon and phoenix on both sides, it may appears a sense of modern combined with classical. The pavilions on both sides of the gate named dragon and phoenix pavilion respectively. Behind the gate, there is a structure, it is 4.5m high and 20m long, the front one is the Chinese cultural and history wall, the behind one is the 9 phoenix wall. The front one was caved the head portrait of 76people, they are the elite in politics, culture, science, phnoserphy and some other fields. In the middle it carved the diagram of the universe, symbolize everthing is in change, the wheels shows the mark of the development of history. The wall behind was carved with 9 pheonixes, with varied clouds around it, it not only shows the beautiful legend of the phoenix but also shows the the desire for develop of chaoyang people. This is the 9 dragons wall, founded in 1995, 4.7m high and 21.2m long. The nine dragons are in different posture and with different backgrounds. This design break the traditional concept and added modern idea, it connected with the development of human being and shows a explore for the life and universe, so it is also called the myth of nature. In front of this wall, this is the best place to look the script of Buddha. The hills and stones here are quite interesting, it formed 27spots in total, this is the camel looking the noon. This is a slope strech out, it looks just like a camel, the head of it is quite lifelike, if you take a close look at it you can see its lip, nose, eyes, and ears. The grass on the top is just like the hair of it. The stone is in brownish-black, with moss on it, when the moon is hang in the sky in the night, it is just like a camel walking down a slope, it may also remind you of the desert. The hills over there is just like boobies, then are 500m high, it were called the boobies peak. This is the lying Buddha, 219m long, with his head on the green mountain, he faced the sky, the outline of his head, neck, breast is quite clear. This spot is discovered by a retired leader in 1993. This cave is the guanyin cave, it is located above 20m off the road. The cave is 2.3m high and 1.7m deep. Once here has a stone sculpture of guanyin which was made in liao dynasty, but this guanyin is built in 1993, she faced the south which is quite different compared with other guanyin who faced north, as for the reason, a couplet once said because people do not correct their false some times. It shows her kindness to people. The hill over there is called the stone people hill, on the hill there is a spot named the huatuo ask for the way, this spot is combined with two stones, the upper one is just like an old man sit quietly there, the lower one


凤凰山景区导游词1 各位游客,大家好!欢迎大家到我们凤凰山风景区游览参观。我叫XX,大家可以叫我小X。很荣幸能够为大家服务。预祝大家游得愉快,玩得开心! 下面我先介绍一下凤凰山风景区的基本情况:凤凰山景区位于省会郑州西南约50公里的新密市尖山下寺沟村,总面积约15平方公里。凤凰山属嵩山余脉,俗称北嵩山,因人类始祖伏羲曾经在这一带活动,后人又称其为伏羲山。 从地质地貌上讲凤凰山属元古界嵩山群,嵩山世界地质公园的典型地貌特征,在凤凰山也有充分的体现。咱们凤凰山的主峰是莲花峰,海拔高度861米。 目前咱们凤凰山风景区共开发了三大旅游景区,一个是登山探险的莲花峰景区;一个是漫步休闲的凤凰河谷景区;还有一个是欣赏峡谷风光的凤凰大峡谷景区。咱们今天具体的行程安排,一会儿到导游图前我再给大家做详细的介绍。 莲花峰景区导游词 现在我们站在莲花峰景区和凤凰河谷景区的交汇处,一会儿我将带着登山的游客游览莲花峰景区。不适宜登山的游客请您沿着水线欣赏凤凰河谷的风光,我们会在凤凰湖汇合,凤凰河谷的游览步道比较平缓并且距离凤凰糊比较近,大家不用着急,可以在河谷里多玩会儿。大家要记得中午在凤凰山的集合时间是12点。另外一定要注意安全。 登山的游客朋友,现在随我开始登山了。大家在登山的时候要注意安全,脚步踩稳,不要拥挤。走路不看景,看景要留步。大家登山的时候不用着急,咱们慢慢走时间也很充分。在您感觉有点累的时候,就近找块儿平坦的地方欣赏一下四周的风光。大家要尽量跟上咱们的队伍,因为我们所开辟的登山线路是不走回头路的。 现在咱们停下来看一处风景,大家往我手指的方向看,是不是有一只伸着脖子的白玉石龟。当年空空道人游历凤凰山的时候,见到这只石龟的时候作诗一首说:神龟何处来,在此作徘徊。长卧灵幽地,脚生万年苔。因此当地人称这块石龟为“灵龟探幽”。 现在大家停下来,咱们一起看对面的崖壁,这面百尺高的红岩陡崖叫白鸟崖。为什么叫白鸟崖呢?大家仔细观看一下就能看到许多的鸟巢在这陡峭的崖壁之上。这些小鸟是相当聪明的,把鸟巢建在这崖壁上既能遮风挡雨又能避开天敌——山蛇。每天早上天刚破晓的时候,整个崖壁乃至整个山林都是鸟鸣的声音,场面相当壮观。大家有机会的话可以在凤凰山住一段时间,早上可以登山锻炼身体,还可以欣赏大自然美妙的鸟鸣协奏曲。 再往前走,咱们所处的海拔高度就已经到海拔400米左右了。接下来我们将要进入凤凰山冬凌草基地了。冬凌草味苦性寒,清咽去火,是新发现的抗癌中草药。凤凰山的冬凌草分布在海拔400米到600米之间的山坡上,规模比较大,在河南中部实属罕见,大家可以采摘些嫩叶,回去阴干后冲茶喝,可以清咽解暑。 大家注意安全!好!大家看前方在石缝中间有一棵碗口粗的树木


现代管理学将营销策划分为营销策划市场细分、产品创新、营销战略设计及营销组合4P战术等四个方面的内容。营销策划首先要确定营销概念,其次是在营销理念基础上的策划。营销策划是根据企业的营销目标,以满足消费者需求和欲望为核心,设计和规划企业产品、服务、创意、价格、渠道、促销,从而实现个人和组织的交换过程的行为。 第一:选择价值。在任何产品产生以前,必须先做营销“作业”。营销工作过程是细分市场(segmentation),目标(targeting),定位(positioning)——STP,它是战略营销的精粹。 第二:一旦业务单位选择好了将提供给目标市场的价值,它即准备提供价值工作。有形产品和服务必须具体明确的,目标价格必须建立,产品必须制造和分销给市场。在第二个阶段,开发特定产品的性能、价格和分销,这也是战术营销(tactical marketing)的内容。 第三:阶段的任务是传播价值。战术营销在延伸:组织销售力量、促销、广告和其他推广工作,以使该供应品为市场所知。营销过程始于产品以前,继续于产品开发之中,在产品销售之后还应延续。 1、全局性 营销策划要具有整体意识,从企业发展出发,明确重点,统筹兼顾,处理好局部利益与整体利益的关系,酌情制订出正确的营销策划方案。 2、战略性 营销策划是一种战略决策,将对未来一段时间的企业营销起指导作用。 3、稳定性 营销策划作为一种战略行为,应具有相对的稳定性,一般情况下不能随意变动。如果策划方案缺乏稳定性,朝令夕改,不仅会导致企业营销资源的巨大浪费,而且会严重影响企业的发展。 4、权宜性 任何一个营销策划都是在一定的市场环境下制订的,因而营销方案与市场环境存在一定的相互对应的关系。当市场环境发生了变化,原来的营销方案的适用条件也许就不复存在了。 5、可行性 无法在实际中操作执行的营销策划方案没有任何价值。营销策划首先要满足经济性,即执行营销方案得到的收益大于方案本身所要求的成本;其次,营销策划方案必须与企业的实力相适应,即企业能够正确地执行营销方案,使其具有实现的可能性。 必备条件


辽宁朝阳旅游资源介绍 班级:02040801 学号:2010020804033 姓名:杜凯

辽宁朝阳 简介 朝阳位于辽宁西部,辖境居东经118°50′-121°17′和北纬40°25′-42°22′之间,东西跨度165千米,南北跨度约216千米,边界周长约980千米。北与内蒙古自治区赤峰及通辽接壤;南与辽宁省葫芦岛及河北省秦皇岛毗连;东与辽宁省阜新、锦州为邻;西与河北省承德、秦皇岛市交界。朝阳总面积 2 万平方千米,占辽宁省的七分之一,总人口 336.5 万。市区面积 46 平方千米,人口 50 万。 旅游景点介绍 朝阳古生物化石地质公园 朝阳古生物化石地质公园位于辽宁西部的朝阳市,总面积2300千米,主要地质遗迹面积207千米。主要地质遗迹为古生物化石、含化石地层、地质构造。地质公园由上河首古生物化石园区、四合屯古生物化石园区、凌源大杖子园区(均为著名的“热河生物群”化石的主要产地)、AAA级的凤凰山园区及槐树洞风景区组成。 中生代古生物化石丰富、多样,迄今为止已发现了最早的鸟类和开花的植物,朝阳因此被誉为“第一只鸟飞起的地方,第一朵花绽放的地方”,在国际上具有独特性、完整性、稀有性,是世界级的古生物化石宝库,具有极其重要的科学研究价值。园区内人文古迹丰富多彩,曾是燕辽时代的佛教圣地,有迄今为上东北地区有记载的最早的佛教寺院、有牛河梁红山文化遗址,其中出土有女神像、玉猪龙、女神庙、积石冢和祭坛遗址等,它的发现将中华文明史提前了一千多年。地质公园集人文、历史、风景名胜和地质遗迹于一身,是理想的休闲、旅游及科普教育基地。 朝阳清风岭省级自然保护区 该保护区是2002年经辽宁省政府批准设立的省级自然保护区,隶属于朝阳市林业局。朝阳清风岭省级自然保护区位于朝阳县南部松岭山脉南段的柏山山脉的南麓,隶属于朝阳县长在营子乡。该保护区总面积9009.6公顷,属于森林生态系统类型。主要保护对象:华北植物区北缘森林生态系统。 目前自然保护区资源现况:1、清风岭省级自然保护区是辽西地区面积较大保存完好的原始次生林区,是一个以森林生态系统为保护对象的自然保护区。2、保护区地处华北植物区系。共有维管束植物96科340属649种。地带性植被为天然辽东栎、黑桦、侧柏混交林。国家二级重点保护野生植物10余种。3、保护区在动物地理区划上处于华北动物区系和蒙新动物区系的交汇地带,动物资源丰富,共有脊椎动物5纲25目297种。国家重点保护的野生动物33种,2000年


凤凰山一游作文400字 凤凰山一游 踏清放松最好不过的是去凤凰山一游了,古人说:“一日之计在于晨,一年之计在于春。”有时独特。美丽的风景也只有凌晨才看的到,正午太阳的雄伟,那么凌晨的太阳,又会是如何的呢?早闻凤凰山是观察天文的好地方百闻不如一见,我和妈妈坐着凌晨的班车,踏上凤凰山。走进凤凰山四周的植被就传给我一阵的自然的芬芳,闻着让人心旷神怡,给人想走近坐下小息一会。 树叶的气息。花草的芳香。晶莹的露珠,早晨的一切带给人的是一阵清新,宛如仙境一般。继续向前一片空地出现了,我和妈妈到了空地中央,放下手中的东西,便开始向天空仰望。星星点点的星辰随着光的到了渐渐消失了,它们也在等待着红日的升起。不一会天空中便只有白茫茫的一片,人们开始活动,时间开始飞驰,五点了。向远处眺望;树木隐约可见,马路上开始传来喇叭声,人群忙碌起来了。这时陆陆续续来了几个人,可谁也不愿打破这短暂的平静。渐渐的东方有些微红,还在向远处扩散,红云波涛似涌动,终于在天际一边出现了太阳的一角,太阳从大地上越来越高。 初升的太阳像一个急不可耐的孩子,已经露出了半个粉嫩的小脸,还在不断升高。深深地吸了一口气,带着大自然的气息,连呼吸都带着清新。自然那我们又有什么理由不去呢? 【每日写作指导:中考生写好记叙文要学会观察生活】 ————来源网络搜集整理,仅供个人学习查参考

每年中考的作文题常常是师生、家长以至社会关注的焦点,然而考后从阅卷部门获得的信息总是不尽如意,甚至很不如意。问题的原委应当到作文教学的过程中去寻找。 尽管作文题花样如何翻新,要求的文体总是记叙文。这是合理的,符合规律的。所谓记叙文就是记人、叙事、写景的,是人物、事件、景物的书面化,是人物、事件、景物的再现。所以好的记叙文首先必须记人、叙事、写景做到形象、具体、生动。这是一项从预初开始就必须渐渐具备的基础功夫。(next88)然而我们的作文教学在最初阶段常常是忽略甚至是严重忽略了这项基础功夫的培养。没有或者欠缺了这项基础功夫,那么记叙文必然空话连篇瘦骨伶仃,不会给人予真切感,也不会让人感动,自然谈不上好的记叙文了。 那么这项基础功夫从哪里来呢?初中的作文教学一开始就要引导学生学会观察生活,培养观察生活的习惯与能力。记叙的形象、具体、生动,是观察的仔细与周全的必然反映。所以在这个阶段作文教学应当运用多种手段引导学生学会观察自己的生活,这是一个包罗万象的天地:教室里的设施,教学大楼的轮廓与色彩、升旗早操的各个环节,运动会的热闹又激烈场面,校院里的花草树木等等;渐渐再把他们的眼界扩大开去:车水马龙的街道,匆匆忙忙上下班的人群,新华书店里人们专注于翻阅与购书的神态,旅游景点的自然风光山水美景等等;渐渐地再引导他们观察一桩事情,一个事件,观察它们的起始、过程、结果,这就是引导他们学习叙事;再就是引导他们观察人,观察父母、同学、老师,观察他们的形态、言辞、以及处事为人的种


游凤凰山 游凤凰山 单千凌 早就听说凤凰山风景优美,是佛教名山,可我就来过一两回,早就把它忘得一干二净了,难得今天有一个可以让我“恢复记忆”的机会,我何乐而不为呢? 天还没亮我随妈妈来到了凤凰山山门前。“哇”这里已经来了好多大世界作文学校的同学和家长,大家聚集在一起热情的谈论着今天的活动。 5点整,在孙老师的精彩讲解中开启了我的“凤凰山文化之旅”。孙老师说凤凰山可以概括为“一龛、二洞、三塔、四寺”。“一龛”指的是修建于峭壁上的七十二个摩崖佛龛。“二洞”指的是倒坐观音洞和朝阳洞。三塔指的是凌霄塔、摩云塔和大宝塔。“四寺”指的是延寿寺、天庆寺、云接寺和华严寺。 沿着平坦的道路我们来到祈福园。在祈福园的门口有四尊雕像,他们分别拿着宝剑、琵琶、雨伞和蛇,代表着“风调雨顺”,意喻祈福。 再往里走映入我眼帘的是一个很大很高的“鼎”。对于“鼎”孙老师进行了了重点讲解。“鼎”的部首是“目”,共有12笔,在古代它有三个含义:权利的象征、用来祭祀和用来做饭。 在登山的途中同学们进行了才艺表演和阅读分享。其中我最喜欢

由高睿和贾欣园朗诵的《12岁的我》这首诗,它写出了我心中的向往。 我随着大家一路向前,欣赏着凤凰山中不断变换的美景,聆听着孙老师生动的讲解,忽然想起大雕塑家罗丹曾经说过:“生活中不是缺少美,而是缺少发现美的眼睛。”其实家乡的凤凰山真的很美,只要你用心去感受,就会爱上它。 我爱家乡的佛教名山——凤凰山! 简评: 这篇大作小单子早就传给了我,但被我落下了。 这篇作文写的不错,条理清晰,按照游览顺序介绍了爬凤凰山的经过,语句生动流畅,详略得当。但本文也有不足,比如对景物描写少,再比如修辞手法及积累的好词佳句运用少。 亲,再接再厉。


三燕故都神秘朝阳 “凤凰鸣矣,于彼高岗;梧桐生矣,于彼朝阳。”名源《诗经》的辽宁省朝阳市,地处辽、冀、蒙三省(区)交汇处,辖2市(北票、凌源)3县(朝阳、建平、喀左)3区(双塔、龙城、开发),总面积2万平方公里,总人口340万。 朝阳东接沈阳、鞍山等辽宁中部城市群,西连京、津、唐等环渤海城市,北依内蒙古腹地,南临渤海,为辽西沿海城市之一。境内10条国省干道、6条铁路纵横交错,朝锦高速公路与京沈高速公路连接,正在兴建的京四、朝赤、凌绥高速公路,将使朝阳成为高速公路密度位居省内第二的交通枢纽城市。 朝阳是中华文明发祥地之一,举世瞩目的牛河梁红山文化遗址昭示了中华民族史前文明的辉煌,华夏古国文明史不仅在这里又寻到了一个源头,而且被庄严地改写成5500年。 朝阳素有“世界最大的古生物化石宝库”的美誉,“中华龙鸟”和“辽宁古果”的发现,更使朝阳成为世界上第一鸟飞起和第一朵花绽开的地方。朝阳鸟化石地质公园是朝阳古生物化石资源的旅游“大观园”。 朝阳是东北佛教的源流圣地,从东晋至辽的700多年间,一直是东北地区佛教圣地和佛教文化传播中心。这里有东北最早的佛教寺院龙翔佛寺,有中国佛教史上最早西行取经的僧人之一释昙无竭,有全国唯一的“五世同堂”宝塔思燕塔(北塔),塔内奉存的释迦牟尼佛祖真身舍利和南塔发现的锭光佛舍利堪称佛家至宝。 朝阳北塔、凤凰山目前是礼佛朝拜之旅的重点景区(点),规划中的朝阳凤凰山文化旅游产业示范区的两佛舍利供奉道场也正在建设

中。 朝阳是一座历史文化名城,1660多年前曾作为前燕、后燕及北燕都城达百年之久,“三燕故都”遗址被列入2005年全国十大考古新发现之一。 朝阳旅游资源丰富,类型全,品位高,特色强,除了以牛河梁为支撑的红山文化、以四合屯鸟化石博物馆为核心的化石文化、以朝阳北塔、凤凰山、佑顺寺为代表的佛教文化三大主导品牌外,还有以八百里大凌河为纽带的大黑山、清风岭、努鲁儿虎山、槐树洞、大凌河风景区、燕山湖、白石水库等二十多个风光绝美、景色可人的旅游胜地。 朝阳拥有种类繁多、极具特色的地域风情文化。凌源皮影、喀左东蒙民间故事已被列入国家首批非物质文化遗产保护名录,朝阳还是我国著名的剪纸之乡、古筝名城、楹联之市、戏曲大市。“不食周粟”、“老马识途”、“秦开却胡”等典故即出自这里,时下较为火爆的“二人转”一词也源自朝阳。朝阳的小杂粮、风味小吃、紫砂工艺品、手工刺绣等也享有极高盛誉。 朝阳资源富集,广出特产,钼产量居全国第二位,黄金开采居国内八大黄金主产区之列,锰储量居东北之首。蔬菜保护地保存量居东北之首,鲜花产销量仅次于云南,居全国第二位,朝阳大枣、红辣椒、南国梨、苦杏仁、苹果等声名远播。 朝阳是一座富有生机活力的沿海开放城市,正在日益成为承接国际国内产业转移的新热土,目前已经形成以冶金、化工、电力、机械、电子、建材、纺织、医药、食品、饮料等为主,门类齐全,布局完善的工业体系,一大批企业和产品驰名海内外。


丹东凤凰山导游词 丹东是一座美丽的旅游城市,多年来,吸引了众多游客。下面是小雅WTT为大家整理的丹东凤凰山导游词,欢迎参考! 丹东凤凰山导游词1 丹东凤凰山位于辽宁省凤城市,由东山和西山两大景区组成,最高峰“攒云峰”海拔836米,面积216平方公里,被誉为“国门名山”、“万里长城第一山”、“中国历险第一名山”。 唐贞观年间唐太宗李世民御驾东巡,游览此山时,有“凤凰拜祖”的传说,遂赐此山名为“凤凰山”。后“平辽王”薛仁贵为了威慑各附属国,使其永不背叛大唐,在距凤凰山四十里处的发箭岭,开震天弓,搭穿云箭,对准凤凰山方向震臂一射,神箭穿凤凰山而过,落入鸭绿江中,自此便有“神弓射箭眼,一箭定辽东”之说,迄今已有一千三百多年的历史。 凤凰山由东山和西山两大景区组成,以秀美的自然山岳风光称绝,以独特的宗教人文景观为特色。 凤凰山以“绝”惊世,“天下绝”、“老牛背”、“百步紧”挺拔险峻,异美无比。“金蟾望月”、“石壁鹤影”、“龟猴朝圣”形神兼备,惟妙惟肖。 凤凰山聚“仙”显名,“仙人座”、“聚仙台”翠叠丹崖,葱郁流丽;“佛池”、“丹泉”飞瀑流化,洒脱飘逸;“金龟求凰”、“罗汉脸”氤氲飘渺,浑然天成。

凤凰山得“道”弥彰,明弘治初年以来,紫阳观等道教建筑,依山水走向,方圆数里,道风浓郁,道境昭然,玄谜隐奥。 朝阳寺等庙宇古刹,依山傍水。气势恢宏,三层殿内供奉着世界唯一一尊正法明如来佛,每日晨钟暮鼓,禅声悠悠。吸引着无数善男信女顶礼膜拜,千年香火不断。 凤凰山景色宜人,是人们休闲旅游、品味自然、寻幽探险的最佳选择。 丹东凤凰山导游词2 丹东凤凰山景区是国家级风景名胜区风凰山是辽宁四大名山之一,位于丹东市西北57公里处,北距沈阳市213公里,西南距大连市300公里,占地24平方公里,山高林茂,瀑布流泉,气势雄伟壮丽,四季景色各异,文物古迹比比皆是,是著名的旅游胜地,以其“景、峰、险、石、洞、泉、物、庙、刻、迹”等十大景观为主线、重点景观100多处,集“雄、险、幽、奇、秀”于一身,其景色集中、险夷莫测。环山的庙宇、石刻和其它人文景观,构成了一幅美丽的中国山水画卷。 丹东凤凰山由东山和西山两大景区组成,最高峰“攒云峰”海拔836米,面积216平方公里,被誉为“国门名山”、“万里长城第一山”、“中国历险第一名山”。凤凰山由东山和西山两大景区组成,以秀美的自然山岳风光称绝,以独特的宗教人文景观为特色。凤凰山景色宜人,是人们休闲旅游、品味自然、寻幽探险的最佳选择。


导游词介绍凤凰山范文 导游词,是导游人员引导游客观光游览时的讲解词,是导游员同游客交流思想,向游客传播文化知识的工具,也是应用写作研究的文体之一。以下是为大家整理的导游词介绍凤凰山,供大家参考学习。 导游词介绍凤凰山1 今天我们一起来参观凤凰山风景名胜区。凤凰山为于丹东市西北60千米处,自古就有“辽东第一名山”之称。清朝道光咸丰年间,凤凰山就与医巫闾山、千山、药山并称为“奉天省四大名山”。现被称誉为“国门名山”,“万里长城第一名山”。现在我们车走的这条路是沈丹公路,即丹东到沈阳的公路。公路长约280千米,凤凰山就位于沈丹公里旁边。丹东到凤凰山是60千米,那么从凤凰山到沈阳则是220千米。从这到凤凰山大约需要半个小时,我想利用这段时间给大家介绍一下凤凰山有关情况。 凤凰山之所以称为凤凰山,不是因为其形像凤凰,是根据这样的一段传说:相传唐贞观年间,唐太宗李世民慕名来游,山上凤凰起舞,飞立于“拜祖石”上,向唐太宗点头行大礼,唐太宗很是高兴,随即赐此山为“凤凰山”。凤凰山位于长白山余脉,面积120多平方千米,最高峰是攒云峰,海拔836.4。凤凰山分

为西山、东山、庙沟、古城、玉龙湖等景区。遍游凤凰山人们常说,凤凰山有泰山之雄、华山之险、黄山之奇、娥眉之秀。因为时间关系我们今天不能参观完凤凰山的每一个景点,我想和大家一起游览一下西山景区比较集中的几个有代表性的景点,让我们能窥一斑而见全貌。现在我们在这里停车,请大家做好登山的准备。我们现在所在的位置是凤凰山的山门。这是一座仿古风格的建筑,左边是凤,雄鸟,右边是凰,雌鸟。 我们眼前看到的就是紫阳观。因为曦阳初上光呈紫色,有‘紫气东来’之说,道教称紫阳乃祥瑞之状,故道观以此为名”。今天我们亦是早早地来到紫阳观,正逢“紫气东来”之良机,看来这会给我们每个人带来好运和吉祥的。紫阳观是凤凰山主持,亦称三官殿.始建与明弘治初年,由三官殿、东西配殿、钟鼓楼组成。现在让我们进三官殿看一看吧。 三官殿内供奉天、地、水三官神像。中间是天官尧,尧能赐福;右边是地民舜,舜可赦罪;左边是水官禹,禹能惩恶。虔诚的人们在三官神像前叩拜,就会解脱罪恶,得享天福。三官神像左边的是“瑶池金女”群塑(传说),右侧为“八仙过海”群塑(传说),正殿东面是“护法灵官”,告戒世人法律面前,人人平等,王子犯法与庶民同罪,西面立的是“护法土地”,墙上绘的这些图画分别是“麻姑献寿”、“大禹治水”、“皇帝战蚩尤”、“神农尝百草”(传说),这些传说可以把你带到遥远古昔,撩起你绵绵的怀古之情。

600字高二写景作文 朝阳凤凰山

600字高二写景作文朝阳凤凰山 在辽宁,人们一提起凤凰山,一般都认为是凤城的凤凰山。其实辽宁还有一座凤凰山却鲜为人知,这就是朝阳市的凤凰山。某个周六,我和网友来到这里。登上山顶,山峰险峻,一望无际,联绵不断,古寺幽静令人神往。 朝阳凤凰山位于朝阳市东,越过大凌河至山下六公里。望山形左右两高峰如凤之两翼,中峰微伏,有塔耸起,形似凤凰,因此得名。 凤凰山又称龙山,东晋咸康七年(公元341年)前燕慕容皇帝迁都于龙山之西筑龙城,即今之朝阳市。凤凰山的山门与北宁的医巫闾山山门相似,大方、庄重。一条山道把游人引向山中,坡度很陡,几乎近四十五度。可以开车上去,但给人以坐飞机升空的感觉,几十米一个急转弯,让你觉的惊心动魄。据当地人讲,此路虽然又陡、又窄,弯急、游人车辆又多,但是从来没有出过事故。 凤凰山分上中下三寺。上寺中有一个古洞叫朝阳洞。洞内宽敞,有卧佛一尊。清朝初为泥塑,*期间被 ___所砸。后来从外地请来石塑佛像,供在此洞,让人们朝拜。上寺绝顶有一座辽代八角十三层砖塔,称做凌霄塔。塔高三十二米,四壁浮雕,有伎乐人、童子、罗汉、观音、莲花等。站在塔顶,放眼望去,山际苍茫,一片云

烟。有诗云:“塔矗危岩红日近,佛眠古洞白云烟。借助于望远镜可看到几公里外一座山的山腰处,有一个大山洞,人称观音洞,分壮观。 中寺为云接寺,寺院一进接一进。下寺为延寿寺,其门脸十分象孙悟空七十二变中为躲避二郎神而变成的庙。为康熙年间在辽代报恩寺旧址重建。 下寺的山坡上,有另一寺院。供有玉石观音,一座方型小塔,精巧玲珑,十分罕见。近日凤凰山旅游景点又装修一新,以新的姿态迎接游人。 模板,内容仅供参考


凤凰山一日游攻略 先写上为什么我会写这篇攻略,真是为了方便大家,因为我在爬凤凰山之前,也查了相关的资料,像凤凰山险不险啊,好不好爬,全程上下山需要多长时间什么的疑问,但是回答的都很模糊,我写这篇攻略记录着每到一处经典的时间,各位可以做一个参考,希望这篇凤凰山攻略像一盏灯,能帮助到你。 2016年8月10日,我报名的是旅行团,两点好处,由于是多人团票价和交通费加起来会相对便宜一些,在一个旅游车会直接把你送到山下,省去坐火车倒小交通的不便,当然抱旅行团的 一个缺点就是时间紧任务重。 5点市府广场沈阳人才市场门前发车,5:30绕道铁西又接了一波人。8点36分到达丹东凤凰山售票处,车程大概3个半小时。凤凰山被评为国家AAAA级旅游区,如自驾停车场9座以下收费15元/台次。凤凰山售票处离检票口还有2公里多的上山路,步行需要行走20分子,如果跟团游时间紧,可以建议乘坐上山

车10元/人次,车会直接停在检票口。 9点我到达检票口准备检票登山。凤凰山分东西景区,据导游讲东景区已经停止开发了,没有什么景点,著名的老牛背,玻璃栈道都在西景区,建议爬西景区。 西山景区地图





三一文库(,) 〔深圳凤凰山景色的作文〕 写景作文主要是根据景物的特点描绘出景色,可以运用比喻、拟人的修辞手法将其景色描绘出来。小编整理了相关的作文范文,快来看看吧。 ▲深圳凤凰山景色的作文【篇一】 今天是星期六,我们全家去登凤凰山。坐了一两个小时的车,终于到了被誉为“宝安第一山”的凤凰山。凤凰山座落在宝安区福永镇凤凰村东面的山系,海拔678米,方圆1。2公里,素有“凤山福水福盈地”的美誉。 一下车,我就迫不及待地冲进去,争睹它的风采,首先映入眼帘的是一块巨石,刻着“凤凰山”三个大字,四周聚集着同我们一样来观光登山的游客,人来人往,好不热闹。

景区里树木葱茂,百花争艳,蜂围蝶阵,鸟语花香。向上望去,峰峦连绵叠翠,古色古香的山亭隐隐约约,若隐若现,引得我们都想上去看个究近。走在通向山顶的石阶上,感觉与之前的燥热截然不同,这里绿树成阴,还有甘甜清澈的山泉、清新的空气,凉爽的山风,远离城市的喧杂,比老家的山还漂亮、舒服。爬了一个多小时后,刚开始的轻松感已经被现在的疲惫感代替,我们都累得大汗淋漓,只有我6岁的妹妹还劲头不减,一直跑在我们前头,不时会过头向我们喊道:“快点啊,快点啊,看我都跑到这儿来了!是啊,连比我小八岁的妹妹都能坚持往上爬,我为什么不能呢?于是,我又鼓足力气,继续向上爬,四周百鸟鸣啼,树木葱翠,山泉浅唱,我感到没那么累了。 到了“半山亭”的时候,已经11点多了,我们坐在雅致的亭子里休息了一会儿,好久没有这么运动过了,累死我了,不休息一下我可真的走不动了。还没坐五分钟,我妹妹又吵着要走,于是,我们又开始出发了。 差不多又爬了3个小时,终于爬上了海拔678米的凤凰山!顾不得休息,站在一块巨石上向下鸟瞰,西边是一望无


【篇一】初中生游凤凰山的作文 周末时间,我约好林茜游览凤凰山公园。来到公园门口,只见正门挂着一块牌匾,匾上写着五个刚劲有力的大字:“凤凰山公园”。顺着小道往里走,很快就来到了“水上乐园”,水池水不深,大约不到一米,差不多一个篮球场那么大。可能是天气较冷的原因,游人没有往常那么多,只有三个孩童在家长的陪伴下玩游船。 沿着两旁绿树成荫、花草飘香的小路向前走,就来到了“游乐天地”。呵,这里的游乐项目还真不少!我们有选择地游玩了“时空隧道”和观赏冰雕。说到游玩“时空隧道”,可真够刺激的,只要你走进那神秘的小门,迎面而来是一座时光桥,踩上去整个桥都会旋转起来,身体有倾斜和失重的感觉。走过时光桥,步入魔力小屋,会看到水往高处流、球向高处滚等离奇的现象,使您情不自禁的感叹,魔屋如此的神奇。原来这是一组以高科技手段组合的游乐装置。 接下来,我们去观赏冰雕。走进冰雕房间,首先要换上厚厚的棉大衣,沿着红地毯向里走,室内气温很低,尽管穿着这么厚,还是感觉冰冰的。只见一座座冰雕栩栩如生,有形象逼真的动物模型,有豪华气派的各种立体造型:主要有莆田妈祖胜景、北京风景名胜、童话世界、冰雪酒吧等等,配上闪铄的彩灯和欢快的音乐,给人带来心旷神怡的感觉。看着手机里欣赏冰雕的留影,深切感受到能在四季如春的南方,有幸观赏到正宗的哈尔滨冰雕,真是不虚此行! 沿着弯弯曲曲的水泥小道继续向前走,来到“第二游乐园”,远远就能听到游人的欢声笑语,原来有好多大人和小朋友正在玩摩天轮和海盗船。再往里面走,是一片幽静的果树林,虽说已是初冬季节,仍然枝繁叶茂,鸟儿在树枝上欢快地跳跃,似乎在欢迎游人到来。从“第二游乐园”走出来,路过动物园,来到了福祥塔,站在宝塔下用心数一数,一共有七层,远远看上去好雄伟、好壮观! 看看天色已晚,我们只好依依不舍地离开了美丽公园,很惋惜好多风景还没看完,真希望有时间再来凤凰山细细游赏。 【篇二】初中生游凤凰山的作文 凤凰山是个美丽的地方,又是国家AAAA级的景点。 一听到爸爸说去凤凰山,我就兴奋不已,于是我们就准备好了东西出发,一进大门,我们就看到了相思树,它们分别在河的两岸,根连在一起,好像一家人一样,主干交叉在河的两岸,成了一个“丫”字型,它们俩长得真是奇形怪状啊! 我们接着就去观赏鼎鼎大名的牡丹花,这代表国家象征的牡丹花,是所有花中的“花中”,至此岂可错过! 牡丹花的颜色真多啊!有黄的、有紫的、有红的、有白的、有蓝的、有粉的、五彩缤纷。牡丹花有的含苞欲放,有的绽放开来,漂亮极了。在牡丹花的田野里,
