



I don't know when I have had such a delightful(pleasant)(memorable)(enjoyable)weekend as the one...


This is to thank you again for your wonderful hospitality and to tell you how much I enjoyed seeing you again.


Thank you for one of the most enjoyable visits we have had in many months.


Thank you for one of the most memorable days of my trip.


Thank you for one of the most enjoyable visits we have had in many months.


Thank you for one of the most memorable days of my trip.


Thank you for doing so much to make my trip to New York interesting (pleasant)(resultful).


Thank you for contributing so much to the pleasure of our stay in ...


Thank you so much for your generous hospitality.


I hope something will bring you to New York soon so that I can reciprocate your kindness.


You must give me the chance to return your kindness when you visit here.



给老师的英文感谢信简单的 写给老师的一封英文谢谢信简单的 Dear teacher , I am writing to you to express my thanks for your help in learning English and speaking English. During these days in your class, I have learned much from you and it is very helpful to me. Firstly, you let me know what is the west thinking patternstraight thinking pattern. And, I think, it is very important to understand the wests thoughts. As you know, this can help me with my examination and interaction with foreigners. Secondly, I have got enough confidence in speaking in English from your class and it took me a long time to gain this confidence. Now, I always express my ideas in English as possible as I can. Its great to do that. The last not the least, I find that learning English is not an boring thing as before and Im interested in studying English which was just a necessary task to pass examinations. Reading, listening or speaking all become interesting and I really enjoy it. Above all, I want to say thanks again to you. And thank you for your time. Good luck ^_^ 英文谢谢信范文谢谢老师二: Dear teacher: A: hello! Pen, full of words like a flood in my heart, dont know where to start. That you give us the deepest impression of your words and deeds left our best memories. Time flies, unconsciously, the teacher you have to accompany the time we spent almost a year, this year, we have to say no to you out of gratitude. Come to the first lesson of the university, is your English class. In our eyes, your kind, no vehemently enforcement. Your class, I feel no pressure and tension. Not only learning in class, after class, you are also very concerned about to us. Whenever we meet with difficulties, you are always thinking about new ways to help us, teach us; When our mood depressed, you will take the initiative to clean our struggle, you have confidence in our future. Although the teacher you often mention their own children in class, in our hearts, you are not only our English teacher, is more like a great mother. Your class, I cant pick out any problem, you use your unique way of teaching to us in every class, both humorous and vivid. In the coming days, we will be more efforts to study, with the most excellent grades in return for your sweat, return school and society. To the dead silk side, ended.candles burn, you the silkworm spirit however we respect, thank you, teacher. Thousands of words, express thanks to you. Finally wish the teacher: Healthy body, a happy family, Happy every day. your student: xx年x月x日 英文谢谢信范文谢谢老师三: Dear Teacher:


用英文致顾客的感谢信 date and place mr.____ minister of _____ beijing,china dear minister, i am writing this letter to thank you for you warm hospitality accorded to our company. i would also like to thank you for your interesting discussion with me which i have found very informative and useful. during the entire visit, my delegation and i were overwhelmed by the enthusiasm expressed by your business

representatives on cooperation with china. i sincerely hope we could have more exchanges like this one when we would be able to continue our interesting discussion on possible ways to expand our bilateral ecomomic and trade relations and bring our business people together. i am lookingforward to your early visit to china when i will be able to pay back some of the hospitality i received during my memorable stay in yur beautiful country. with kind personal regards, faithfully yours, 尊敬的客户; 自本人做销售以来,一直得到你们的支持和帮助,值此端午佳节即将来临之际,向你们表示亲切的问候和诚挚的谢意,致广大顾客的感谢信。你们过去对我的支持和帮助,让我在这个行业中充满信心和勇气,并从中享有收获和喜悦。


英文书信中的致谢用语 Thank you very much ( very, very much) (ever so much) (most sincerely) (indeed) (from the bottom of my heart). 很(非常)(非常非常)(最真诚地)(确实)(衷心)感谢您。 Many thanks for your kind and warm letter. 感谢您友好而热情的来信。 Thanks a million (ever so much). 万分(非常)感谢。 Please accept ( I wish to express )my sincere (grateful) (profound) appreciation for ... 请接受(致以)真挚的(衷心的)(深切的)感谢…… I sincerely (deeply) (warmly) appreciate ... 我真挚的(深深的)(热情的)感谢…… I am very sincerely (most) (truly) grateful to you for ... 为了……,我非常真挚的(深深的)(真诚的)感谢您。 There is nothing more important (satisfying) (gratifying) to me than to receive one of you r letters. 再也没有比收到您的来信更使我觉得重要(快慰)(感激)了。 Your letters are so much fun (comfort) (entertainment) (company). 您的来信充满了乐趣(给了很大安慰)(带来了欢乐)(使我不感寂寞)。 Your most courteous (considerate)(delightful)letter... 您那彬彬有礼(体贴入微)(令人欣慰)的来信…… I cannot tell you how much your letter delighted(relieved)(amused)(enchanted)me. 我无法告诉您,您的来信使我多么高兴(宽慰)(觉得有趣)(陶醉)。 I love the way you say (put) things in your letters. You make even the smallest incident seem so interesting(important)(charming)(mysterious). 我很欣赏您在信中描述各种事物的手法。您的妙笔使细小的事情都显得很有趣(重要)(动人)(神秘)。 It was good (fine)(charming)(thoughtful)of you... 承蒙好意(美意)(盛情)(关心)……


篇一:英语感谢信常用语句 英语感谢信常用语句 ①many thanks for your kind and warm help. ②i am greatly indebted to you for your help. ③ thank you for your generous hospitality. ④ it was really exciting to get your new year's card! ⑤ i'm sincerely grateful for all your help in finding me a place. ⑥your note of congratulations is deeply appreciated. ⑦thank you for doing so much to make my trip interesting. ⑧thank you for your kindness to have done me a favour. 篇二:感谢信常用短句 useful words and phrases (单词和短语) a. words (单词) 1 acknowledge vt. 答谢 2 appointment n. 指定,委派 3 appreciate vt. 感谢 4 assistance n. 协助 5 association n. 联系 6 colleague n. 同事 7 confidence n. 信心 8 congratulation n. 祝贺 9 demanding adj. 苛刻的;具有挑战性的 10 ease v. 减轻(痛苦、负担等) 11 encourage v. 鼓励


给老师英文感谢信 感谢信是重要的礼仪文书,是向帮助、关心和支持过自己的集体(党政机关、企事业单位、社会团体等)或个人表示感谢的专业书信,有感谢和表扬双重意思。下面就是小编整理的给老师英文感谢信,一起来看一下吧。 范本一:dear sir : i am very glad that you are my teacher,you are one of the best teachers who i know .there are many good points what we should learn from you,such as kindness,patience,humor and so forgive me that i had made so many mistakes which make you always really want to be a good for you teaching ,i have learn so many interesting things ,so many words,so many sentencesform you,ican feel that it is not only a progress of learning,but also a convarcation of feeling . you are my teacher and good friend, we are the lucky dogs that we have such teacher as ,i hope you happy everyday! best wishes your student 范本二:the teacher dear miss brown, i am writing to express my sincere thanks to you for caring me in the last two years. during the days


给客户的英文感谢信 篇一:英语感谢信套路范文 感谢信开头段常用句式和套话 Iamwritingtoextendmysinceregratitudefor...Iamwritingtoexpre ssmythanksfor... Iamwritingtoshowmysincereappreciationfor...Iwouldliketoconv eyinthislettermyheartfeltthankstoyoufor... IfeeldeeplyindebtedtoyouandIreallydon'tknowhowtothankyoueno ughforyourhelp. 感谢信结尾段常用句式和套话

Imustthankyouagainforyourgeneroushelp.Iammostgratefulforyou rselflessdonation. Mytruegratitudeisbeyondtheword'sdescription.Ifeelmostoblige dtothankyouoncemore.Pleaseacceptmygratitude,nowandalways.★例: Directions: Afterbeinginvolvedinanaccident,youwerelookedafterbyanotherp erson.Writealetter: 1)mentioningwhathappenedintheaccident, 2)tellingthepersonaboutyourrecovery,and 3)expressingyourthanks. Youshouldwritewithnolessthan100wordsonAnswerSheet2.Donotsig


精心整理英文邮件致谢的10种表达方式 写在邮件的开头 感谢读信的人是作邮件开场白的好办法。感谢读信的人能使他们感到高兴,特别是在之后你有事相求的情况下会很有帮助。 Thankyouforcontactingus. 如果有人写信来询问你们公司的服务,就可以使用这句句子开头。向他们对公司有兴趣表示感谢。 Thankyouforyourpromptreply. 当一个客户或是同事很快就回复了你的邮件,一定记得要感谢他们。如果回复并不及时,只要将“prompt”除去即可,你还可以说,“Thankyouforgettingbacktome.” Thankyouforprovidingtherequestedinformation. 如果你询问某人一些信息,他们花了点时间才发送给你,那就用这句句子表示你仍然对他们的付出表示感激。 Thankyouforallyourassistance. 如果有人给了你特别的帮助,那一定要感谢他们!如果你想对他们表示特别的感激,就用这个句子,“Itrulyappreciate…yourhelpinresolvingtheproblem.” Thankyouraisingyourconcerns. 就算某个客户或是经理写邮件给你对你的工作提出了一定的质疑,你还是要感谢他们。这样你能表现出你对他们的认真态度表示尊重及感激。同时,你也可以使用,“Thankyouforyourfeedback.” 写在邮件的结尾 在邮件开头表示感谢一般是表示对对方过去所付出的表示感谢,而在邮件结尾处表示感谢是对将来的帮助表示感谢。事先表示感谢,能让对方在之后的帮忙中更主动更乐意。 Thankyouforyourkindcooperation. 如果你需要读信的人帮助你做某事,那就得事先表示感谢。 Thankyouforyourattentiontothismatter. 与上述的类似,本句表示了你对对方将来可能提供的帮助表示感谢。 Thankyouforyourunderstanding. 如果你信中包含任何会对读信的人产生负面影响的内容,那就使用这句句子吧。 Thankyouforyourconsideration. 如果您是在寻求机会或是一个好处时,例如说你在求职,就用这句话作结尾。 Thankyouagainforeverythingyou’vedone. 这句句子可以用在结尾,但和上述的有所不同。如果你在邮件开头已经谢过了读信的人,你就可以使用这句话,表示的是:因为他们对你的巨大帮助,你想要再次感谢他们的付出。 十种不同场合的英文表达 1.Greetingmessage祝福 Hopeyouhaveagoodtripback.祝旅途愉快。


热情接待感谢信 感谢信的写作格式是书信体。谢意之外,如果允诺别人什么应切实可行,能说到做到。你了解同学接待感谢信该怎么写吗?下面是小编为大家整理的同学接待感谢信,希望对大家有帮助。 热情接待感谢信1亲爱的总裁20班老师暨全班同学: 大家好!非常感谢总裁20班给予我这样一个难得的学习机会,我很乐意和各位一道共同努力,把我们总裁20班建设好,使之成为一个充满活力与友爱的温馨大家庭。 我是一个50多岁的年长同学,尽管个人的经历比较丰富,参加工作也有30多年,但在许多方面还远不及在座的各位同学。在未来一年的学习里,我会十分珍惜这相互学习和交流的平台,也会加倍努力赶上大家。同时也衷心地希望能得到各位的支持和交流的平台,也会加倍努力赶上大家。同时也衷心地希望能得到各位的支持和帮助,让我这个“大哥哥”同学在总裁20班这样一个令人向往和希望的大集体里不会丢队。谨此,我深情地谢谢老师和同学们! xxx xx年x月x日 热情接待感谢信2亲爱的同学:

你好! XX年xx月xx日晚点分左右,我在信电系楼前骑车下坡时不慎摔倒,由于速度较快,人从车上飞出,当场摔昏过去,受伤较重,自行车、眼镜、全身衣服报废。 所幸的是,不久后,信电系系友四位同学经过事发地点,迅速将昏迷的我唤醒,把摔坏的车锁好,用他们的自行车载我一直到校医院,使我的伤得到了及时的处理和救治。四位同学与我并不相识,但给予我无私的帮助,救人于危难之间,令我万分感激!他们这种精神也值得浙大学子学习和弘扬。 在此向四位系友的救助表示衷心的感谢! xxx xx年x月x日 热情接待感谢信3亲爱的XXX: 你好! 给你写这封信,是想表达一下我的谢意,感谢你帮我拖地。 同学你太好了,你在我心目中的高大形象是任何人都不可能取代的,你的高大的形象,赛过春哥,压倒李刚。你实在是太好太好了,我对你的敬意,如同滔滔江水不可断绝,我对你的爱慕之意,如抽刀断水,不可断绝,你是新世纪雷锋、新世纪福音战士!我的大神!


写给老师的感谢信英语 用语言文字来表达对老师您深深地感激之情显得有点薄弱,所以书面形式表达谢意。下面是我为大家整理的写给老师的感谢信英语,希望对大家有帮助。 写给老师的感谢信英语篇一 dear mr li, i’m very excited to write to express my thanks to you. i am now a freshman of wuhan university, which i have been dreaming about. mr li, i still remember the days when you taught me english. my english has been improved greatly because of your creative work. however, at one time, the pressure of examinations, too much homework and the high expectations made me depressed. i was tired of the warning that if i didn’t do my best, i wouldn’t have the chance to go to college. thanks for your encouragement; if not, i wouldn’t have realized my dream. and now i really understand you. i wish more and more of your students could go to their ideal colleges. are you still so busy? how i miss you! hoping to hear from you soon. yours, li hua 写给老师的感谢信英语篇二 Dear teacher: I will soon study in the meddle school. Thanks for you teaching me for so many years. I will bear in mind you to teach me.I think of very much in the time of the primary school. I will stduy hard. I will recompense you. As you has often remarked, one is never too old to learn.I will often come back to see you. loves, XXX 写给老师的感谢信英语篇三


客户感谢信的英文 感谢信是集体单位或个人对关心、帮助、支持本单位或个人表示衷心感谢的函件。下面是小编收集整理的客户感谢信的英文范文,希望对您有所帮助! Customer thank you (1) Respected customers: Hello! Thank you for your trust and support of hongsheng! At the same time, I am glad to gain your recognition and harvest and your friendship, and I will cherish and sustain it for a long time. In the past days, I wonder if you are satisfied with our service. I think our work must have many shortcomings, but you can understand and give feedback so that we can learn and improve, which is very grateful for us. Drink from the source, we know that the Hongsheng company made every bit of progress and success, all cannot do without attention, trust, support and participation of you. Your understanding and trust is a powerful driving force for our progress. Every time you participate and make every suggestion, we are thrilled and push us forward. With you, our cause can


对感谢信的回复英文 【篇一:如何回复英文感谢信】 we greatly appreciate your letter describing the assistance you received in solving your air-conditioning problems. we are now in our fifty year of operation, and we receive many letters like your indicating a high level of customer satisfaction with our installation. we are pleased that our technical staff assisted you so capably. we would like you to know that it you need to contact us at any time in the future. our engineers will be equally responsive to your request for assistance. if we can be of service to you again, please let us know. thank you again for your very kind letter. 承蒙来信赞扬本公司提供的空调维修工程服务,欣喜不已。五年前开业至今,屡获客户来函嘉奖,本公司荣幸之至。欣悉贵公司识技术人员的服务,他日苛有任何需要,亦请与本公司联络,本公司定当提供优秀技师,竭诚效劳。在此谨再衷心感谢贵公司的赞赏,并请继续保持联络。 dear mr.green, we greatly appreciate your letter describing the assistance you received in solving your air-conditioning problems. we are now in our fifth year of operation,and we receive many letters like yours indicating a high level of customer satisfaction with our installations. we are pleased that our technical staff assisted you so capably.we would like you to know that if you need to contact us at any time in the future,our engineers will be equally responsive to your request for assistance. if we can be of service to you again,please let us know.thank you again for your very kind letter. yours sincerely, chief engineer 【篇二:回复英文感谢信】 篇一:如何回复英文感谢信 we greatly appreciate your letter describing the assistance you received in solving your air-conditioning problems. we are


致考察单位的感谢信 xx分局: XX年xx月27日,我局督察监察大队考察组一行13人受xx 市工商局党组委托,到贵分局学习考察督察监察工作经验, 得到你们的大力支持和悉心帮助。对此,我们表示衷心的感 谢! 在学习考察活动中,xx市局xx主任,xx分局xx局长、xx 书记等领导周密安排,热情接待;贵分局监察科xx科长详细介绍了督察监察工作。我们感到,贵分局督察监察工作体 系健全、机制管用、经验可行、绩效突出,是规范行政执法 行为,促进职能到位,实现两个效益“双赢”的重要抓手, 是贯彻科学发展观,落实“四个统一”的集中体现。你们的 经验,让我们开阔了眼界,增长了见识,学到了真经;你们 的经验,将促使我们在新的起点上进一步完善督察监察机制, 着力坚持“对内管住、对外管好”,不断开创xx工商督察监察工作新局面。 xx是董永的故乡,因汉孝子董永行xx天而得名。xx市辖云梦、孝昌、大悟三县及孝南区,代管安陆、应城、汉川三市。改革开放以来,xx经济社会得到了长足的发展。目前,全市 国土面积8910平方公里,人口506万。XX年年,全市总人口万,实现国内生产总值亿元,全市财政收入达到亿元。xx

紧邻湖北省会城市武汉,距武汉市中心仅60公里。京广、汉渝两条铁路,107、316国道和京珠高速公路贯穿全市,省道、市县区域干线纵横其间,公路密度居湖北省之冠,汉江 等23条江河直通长江,构成了水陆空立体交通网络。xx矿产资源丰富,素有“膏都”、“盐海”、“磷山”之称,应城石膏品质居亚洲第一。xx旅游资源丰富。境内有秀色峻丽的双峰山风景区,有宜于疗养的“玉女汤池”温泉,有李白隐居 十年的白兆山,有3个国家森林公园。xx有着光荣的革命传统,在大悟宣化店打响了中原突围第一枪,拉开了解放战争 的序幕。xx是刘华清、徐海东等将军的故乡,1955年至1965年授衔将军中,xx籍将军就有50名,其中大悟县37名,居全国将军县第七位。xx是楚文化的重要发祥地之一。境内有门板湾、夏家寨、禹王城、楚王城等古遗址460多处,古墓葬200多处,古建筑40多处,古塞堡180多处,还有许多古景观。出土的古文物中,国家一级品100余件,二、三级品1000余件。 近三年来,xx市工商局在省工商局党组和市委、市政府的正确领导下,认真贯彻科学发展观,按照“四个统一”的要求,围绕“快速发展、实现新跨越、开创新局面”三大主题,甘 当服务发展主力,争做市场监管苦力,充分发挥职能作用, 努力实现自身发展与全市经济社会发展的同频共振。坚持不 断优化服务举措,创新和落实预约延时、送照上门、“一审


关于给老师的英文感谢信 给老师的英文感谢信 Dear teacher I am writing to you to express my thanks for your help in learning English and speaking English. During these days in your class, I have learned much from you and it is very helpful to me. Firstly, you let me know what is the west thinking pattern—straight thinking pattern. And, I think, it is very important to understand the west’s thoughts. As you know, this can help me with my examination and interaction with foreigners. Secondly, I have got enough confidence in speaking in English from your class and it took me a long time to gain this confidence. Now, I always express my ideas in English as possible as I can. It’s great to do that. The last not the least, I find that learning English is not an boring th ing as before and I’m interested in studying English which was just a necessary task to pass examinations. Reading, listening or speaking all become interesting and I really enjoy it.Above all, I want to say thanks again to you.


BEC商务英语教程之对客户的感谢信商 贸英语 Look at the letter below. Rewrite it as an individual letter to a customer - which would certainly be necessary if the customer had ordered ten items at this price and not just one. The first lines are done for you below. Dear Customer: We regret that your order is being returned to you due to the reason(s) checked below. Unfortunately, prices of equipment are constantly changing and these changes are often not reflected in our advertising due to the months between preparing advertising copy and its publication. Shipping and handling are also variable, so please include the proper charges if that is the reason that your order cannot be processed. It is always best to call us when more than one item is requested, to obtain exact shipping costs for your order. From time to time items are discontinued and, though this is beyond our control, we will be happy to suggest products which are suitable. Please give us a


英文书信中的感谢招待用语 (2003年02月11日) I don't know when I have had such a delightful(pleasant)(memorable)(enjoyable)weekend as the one... 我不记得曾否有另外的一次像那次高兴的(愉快的)(难忘的)(快乐的)度过周末。 This is to thank you again for your wonderful hospitality and to tell you how much I enjoyed seeing you again. 再次感谢您的盛情款待,并希望再见到您。 Thank you for one of the most enjoyable visits we have had in many months. 在您处的参观访问,是我们几个月中最愉快的一次。谨向您表示感谢。 Thank you for one of the most memorable days of my trip. 为了旅途中最值得留念的一天,谨向您表示感谢。 Thank you for one of the most enjoyable visits we have had in many months. 在您处的参观访问,是我们几个月中最愉快的一次。谨向您表示感谢。 Thank you for one of the most memorable days of my trip. 为了旅途中最值得留念的一天,谨向您表示感谢。 Thank you for doing so much to make my trip to New York interesting (pleasant)(resultful). 为了使我去纽约的旅游有趣(愉快)(大有收获),您做了许多事,特此致谢. Thank you for contributing so much to the pleasure of our stay in ... 感谢您为使我们在……的停留期间的愉快所作的许多努力。 Thank you so much for your generous hospitality. 非常感谢您慷慨的款待。 I hope something will bring you to New York soon so that I can reciprocate your kindness. 希望不久您能有机会到纽约来,使我能答谢您的盛情。 You must give me the chance to return your kindness when you visit here. 希望您光临我处,使我能答谢您的盛情。


2020 感谢信感谢热情接待的感谢信 _0316文档 EDUCATION WORD

感谢信感谢热情接待的感谢信_0316文档 前言语料:温馨提醒,教育,就是实现上述社会功能的最重要的一个独立出来的过程。其目的,就是把之前无数个人有价值的观察、体验、思考中的精华,以浓缩、 系统化、易于理解记忆掌握的方式,传递给当下的无数个人,让个人从中获益,丰 富自己的人生体验,也支撑整个社会的运作和发展。 本文内容如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开】 收到对方的热情接待,我们可以写一封感谢信给她作为回馈。下面小编为大家带来一些感谢热情接待的信范文,望大家采纳。 xxx酒店餐饮部xxx: 您好! 感谢您给与我公司的合作。 在合作期间您所提供的完美体贴的服务和美味的食品,都给我们留下了深刻的印象。 在此,我公司特别向您和您所领导的餐饮部员工致以最真诚的谢意。同时对贵公司xxx、xxx、xxx员工的全力配合表示衷心感谢。 感谢贵公司对我们工作的支持和帮助。 祝万事如意 北京xxx公司

xx年xx月xx日 尊敬的总经理先生: 入住贵酒店二晚,对酒店先进的硬件及优秀的软件深有感悟,特此向您表示感谢! 我们是来自苏州福田金属有限公司的商务客人,因昨晚本人身体不适未能外出,后贵店楼层服务员进来送报纸时发现我躺在床上,便亲切地询问起原尾来,于是我把不适的情况向她进行了说明.没过多久,又来了一位客房中心的年轻服务员,她给我倒了一杯蜜水(蜂蜜),帮助我喝了下去,并拿来了贵地的苹果,告知我一些该注意及可能引起身体不适的因素,并安排好我躺下后才轻轻离开! 对于我们经常出门在外的商务客来说,贵店这种细微之处的服务还是首次遇到,毕竟全国乃至世界各地的出差对我们来说是家常便饭,酒店对于软件方面所下的功夫也因此事而得以体现,在此,我向总经理先生您表示致谢!并也请转告我对那两位女服务员的感谢! 我相信也许下月又会再次入住酒店,祝酒店事业腾达!! 此致 敬礼 尊敬的总经理先生: 入住贵酒店二晚,对酒店先进的硬件及优秀的软件深有感悟,特此向您表示感谢! 我们是来自苏州福田金属有限公司的商务客人,因昨晚本人


关于给老师的英文感谢信三篇 关于给老师的英文感谢信三篇 在生活中,需要使用感谢信的场合越来越多,写感谢信比口头感谢更加真挚。我们该怎么写感谢信呢?以下是为大家收集的给老师的`英文感谢信4篇,希望能够帮助到大家。 给老师的英文感谢信篇1 Dear teacher , I am writing to you to express my thanks for your help in learning English and speaking English. During these days in your class, I have learned much from you and it is very helpful to me. Firstly, you let me know what is the west thinking pattern—straight thinking pattern. And, I think, it is very important to understand the west’s thoughts. As you know, this can help me with my examination and interaction with foreigners. Secondly, I have got enough confidence in speaking in English from your class and it took me a long time to gain this confidence. Now, I always express my ideas in English as possible as I can. It’s great to do that. The last not the least, I find that learning English is not an boring thing as before and I’m interested in studying English which was just a necessary task to pass examina my thanks for
