

+ plus加号;正号

- minus减号;负号

±plus or minus正负号

×is multiplied by乘号

÷is divided by除号

=is equal to等于号

≠is not equal to不等于号

≡is equivalent to全等于号

≌is equal to or approximately equal to等于或约等于号≈is approximately equal to约等于号

<is less than小于号

>is greater than大于号

≮is not less than不小于号

≯is not more than不大于号

≤is less than or equal to小于或等于号

≥is more than or equal to大于或等于号

% per cent百分之…

‰per mill千分之…


∝varies as与…成比例

√(square) root平方根

∵since; because因为


∷equals, as (proportion)等于,成比例





πpi 圆周率


?perpendicular to垂直于

∪union of并,合集

∩intersection of 交,通集

∫the integral of …的积分

∑(sigma) summation of总和




℃Celsius system摄氏度

{open brace, open curly左花括号

}close brace, close curly右花括号

(open parenthesis, open paren左圆括号

)close parenthesis, close paren右圆括号

() brakets/ parentheses括号

[open bracket 左方括号

]close bracket 右方括号

[] square brackets方括号

.period, dot句号,点

|vertical bar, vertical virgule竖线

&ersand, and, reference, ref和,引用

*asterisk, multiply, star, pointer星号,乘号,星,指针

/slash, divide, oblique 斜线,斜杠,除号

//slash-slash, comment 双斜线,注释符


\backslash, sometimes escape反斜线转义符,有时表示转义符或续行符~tilde波浪符

.full stop句号




?question mark问号

!exclamation mark (英式英语) exclamation point (美式英语)



-- dash 破折号

...dots/ ellipsis省略号

"single quotation marks 单引号

""double quotation marks 双引号

‖parallel 双线号

&ersand = and

~swung dash 代字号

§section; division 分节号

→arrow 箭号;参见号


数学符号及读法大全 常用数学输入符号:≈≡≠=≤≥<>???±+-× ÷/∫?ⅴ∞ⅸⅹ∑∏?∩ⅰ??//?‖ⅶ???√()【】{}ⅠⅡ??ⅷαβγδεδεζΓ

符号含义 i -1的平方根 f(x) 函数f在自变量x处的值 sin(x) 在自变量x处的正弦函数值 exp(x) 在自变量x处的指数函数值,常被写作e x a^x a的x次方;有理数x由反函数定义 ln x exp x 的反函数 a x同 a^x log b a 以b为底a的对数; b log b a = a cos x 在自变量x处余弦函数的值 tan x 其值等于 sin x/cos x cot x 余切函数的值或 cos x/sin x sec x 正割含数的值,其值等于 1/cos x csc x 余割函数的值,其值等于 1/sin x asin x y,正弦函数反函数在x处的值,即 x = sin y acos x y,余弦函数反函数在x处的值,即 x = cos y atan x y,正切函数反函数在x处的值,即 x = tan y acot x y,余切函数反函数在x处的值,即 x = cot y asec x y,正割函数反函数在x处的值,即 x = sec y acsc x y,余割函数反函数在x处的值,即 x = csc y ζ角度的一个标准符号,不注明均指弧度,尤其用于表示atan x/y,当x、y、z用于表示空间中的点时 i, j, k 分别表示x、y、z方向上的单位向量(a, b, c) 以a、b、c为元素的向量 (a, b) 以a、b为元素的向量 (a, b) a、b向量的点积 a?b a、b向量的点积 (a?b)a、b向量的点积


Exploring Filipino School Counselors’ Beliefs about Learning Allan B. I. Bernardo [Abstract] School reform efforts that focus on student learning require school counselors to take on important new roles as advocates of student learning and achievement.But how do school counselors understand the process of learning? In this study, we explore the learning beliefs of 115 Filipino school counselors who indicated their degree of agreementwith 42 statements about the process of learning and the factors thatinfluence this process.A principal components analysis of the responses to the 42 statements suggested three factors:(F1)social-cognitive constructivist beliefs, (F2) teacher-curriculum-centered behaviorist beliefs,and (F3) individual difference factors.The preliminary results are briefly discussed in terms of issues related to how Filipino school counselors’ conceptions of learning may guide their strategies for promoting student learning and achievement. [Key words]beliefs about learning, conceptions of learning, school counselors, student learning, Philippines School reform efforts in different parts of the world have focusedon students’learning. In particular,most school improvement programsnow aim to ensure that students acquire the high-level knowledge and skills that help them to thrive in today’s highly competitive globaleconomy (e.g., Lee & Williams, 2006). I n this regard, school reform programs draw from various contemporary theories and research on learning (e.g.,Bransford,Brown, & Cocking, 1999; Lambert & McCombs, 1998).The basic idea is that all school improvement efforts should be directed at ensuring students achieve high levels of learning or attainment of well-defined curricular objectives and standards.For example, textbooks (Chien & Young, 2007), computers and educational technology (Gravoso, 2002; Haertnel & Means, 2003;Technology in Schools Task Force, 2003), and educational assessment systems (Black & Wiliam2004; Cheung & Ng, 2007; Clark, 2001; Stiggins, 2005) are being reconsidered as regards how they can effectively provide scaffolds and resources for advancing student learning. Likewise,the allocation and management of a school’s financial resources are assessed in terms ofwhether these are effectively mobilized and utilized towards improving student learning (Bolam, 2006; Chung & Hung, 2006; Retna, 2007). In this regard, some advocates have also called for an examination of the role of school counselors in these reform efforts (Herr, 2002). Inthe United States, House and Hayes (2002) challenged school counselors to take proactive leadership roles in advocating for the success of all


+ plus 加号;正号 - minus 减号;负号 ±plus or minus 正负号 ×is multiplied by 乘号 ÷is divided by 除号 =is equal to 等于号 ≠is not equal to 不等于号 ≡is equivalent to 全等于号 ≌is equal to or approximately equal to 等于或约等于号 ≈is approximately equal to 约等于号 <is less than 小于号 >is more than 大于号 ≮is not less than 不小于号 ≯is not more than 不大于号 ≤is less than or equal to 小于或等于号 ≥is more than or equal to 大于或等于号 % per cent 百分之… ‰per mill 千分之… ∞infinity 无限大号 ∝varies as 与…成比例 √(square) root 平方根 ∵since; because 因为 ∴hence 所以 ∷equals, as (proportion) 等于,成比例 ∠angle 角 ⌒semicircle 半圆 ⊙circle 圆 ○circumference 圆周 πpi 圆周率 △triangle 三角形 ⊥perpendicular to 垂直于 ∪union of 并,合集 ∩intersection of 交,通集 ∫the integral of …的积分 ∑(sigma) summation of 总和 °degree 度 ′minute 分 ″second 秒 ℃Celsius system 摄氏度 { open brace, open curly 左花括号 } close brace, close curly 右花括号 ( open parenthesis, open paren 左圆括号 ) close parenthesis, close paren 右圆括号() brakets/ parentheses 括号 [ open bracket 左方括号 ] close bracket 右方括号 [] square brackets 方括号 . period, dot 句号,点 | vertical bar, vertical virgule 竖线 & ampersand, and, reference, ref 和,引用 * asterisk, multiply, star, pointer 星号,乘号,星,指针 / slash, divide, oblique 斜线,斜杠,除号 // slash-slash, comment 双斜线,注释符 # pound 井号 \ backslash, sometimes escape 反斜线转义符,有时表示转义符或续行符 ~ tilde 波浪符 . full stop 句号 , comma 逗号 : colon 冒号 ; semicolon 分号 ? question mark 问号 ! exclamation mark (英式英语) exclamation point (美式英语) ' apostrophe 撇号 - hyphen 连字号 -- dash 破折号 ... dots/ ellipsis 省略号 " single quotation marks 单引号 "" double quotation marks 双引号 ‖ parallel 双线号 & ampersand = and ~swung dash 代字号 §section; division 分节号 →arrow 箭号;参见号


https://www.360docs.net/doc/2418128763.html,/finance/company/consumer.html Consumer finance company The consumer finance division of the SG group of France has become highly active within India. They plan to offer finance for vehicles and two-wheelers to consumers, aiming to provide close to Rs. 400 billion in India in the next few years of its operations. The SG group is also dealing in stock broking, asset management, investment banking, private banking, information technology and business processing. SG group has ventured into the rapidly growing consumer credit market in India, and have plans to construct a headquarters at Kolkata. The AIG Group has been approved by the RBI to set up a non-banking finance company (NBFC). AIG seeks to introduce its consumer finance and asset management businesses in India. AIG Capital India plans to emphasize credit cards, mortgage financing, consumer durable financing and personal loans. Leading Indian and international concerns like the HSBC, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, Barclays and HDFC Bank are also waiting to be approved by the Reserve Bank of India to initiate similar operations. AIG is presently involved in insurance and financial services in more than one hundred countries. The affiliates of the AIG Group also provide retirement and asset management services all over the world. Many international companies have been looking at NBFC business because of the growing consumer finance market. Unlike foreign banks, there are no strictures on branch openings for the NBFCs. GE Consumer Finance is a section of General Electric. It is responsible for looking after the retail finance operations. GE Consumer Finance also governs the GE Capital Asia. Outside the United States, GE Consumer Finance performs its operations under the GE Money brand. GE Consumer Finance currently offers financial services in more than fifty countries. The company deals in credit cards, personal finance, mortgages and automobile solutions. It has a client base of more than 118 million customers throughout the world


英汉标点符号对比分析 重庆大学出版社周小群李奉栖 一、概说 什么是标点符号?汉语词典和英语词典分别对它下了定义。《现代汉语小词典》(1984)给出的定义是:用来标明句读、语气和专名的书写符号,包括句号(。)、分号(;)等。《朗文当代英语词典》(1987)在解释punctuation mark(标点符号)一词时用了以下的文字:a sign used in punctuating,e.g. a comma,a question mark,or a hyphen;而在解释punctuate(v.)一词时,它用了以下的文字:to divide (written matter)into sentences,phrases,etc. with punctuation marks.将两个解释结合起来,punctuation mark的定义就是:用来将书面语言分隔成句子、短语等的符号,如逗号、问号、连接号等。两种定义尽管文字表述不同,却道出了两种语言里标点符号的相同作用:分隔语言,区分句读。但英、汉标点符号的作用不止于此。除了表示语言中的停顿以外,它们还表示语气、标明语句的性质和作用、起修辞作用等(吴邦驹,1999)。 同时,我们从上述两个定义也隐约可以看出两种语言里标点符号的差异。汉语将标点符号分为点号和标号,前者主要表示语言中的停顿和语气,包括句号、问号、叹号、冒号、分号、逗号、顿号等;后者主要标明词语或句子的性质、作用,包括引号、括号、书名号、破折号、省略号、间隔号、着重号、连接号等。但英语里没有点号、标号之分,它更强调标点符号分隔语言、标明语气的功能。从总体上说,英语的标点符号种类没有汉语多,书写形式和占位情况也不尽相同。如汉语句号为一个小圆圈,英语句号则为一实心圆点;汉语破折号占两个汉字的位置,英语破折号则只占约一个汉字的位置;汉语省略号为两组三个连点,且上下居中,英语省略号则只有一组三个连点,且居于下方;汉语连接号有“长横”(——)、“一字线”(—)、“半字线”(-)和“浪纹”(~)之分,前三者分别占两个汉字、一个汉字和半个汉字的位置,英语连接号则只占字母m宽度的1/3(–);等等。 二、英汉主要标点符号用法及作用比较与分析 英语、汉语中对应的标点符号之间用法与作用大体相同,但也存在一些细微的差别。下面就差别较大的标点符号做一个对比分析,旨在从标点符号方面来揭示两种语言的差异,为编辑掌握标点符号的正确使用和对等翻译提供参考。 1.问号(question mark) 中、英文问号均放在疑问句的末尾,表示疑问。中文书面语的疑问语气若不包含疑问词、疑问语气词或特殊句式(如“难道……”“去不去”),则只能通过问号来表示,若去掉问号,我们无从判断句子的语气。如: 他就是你们常提起的李老师? 英语则不同,其疑问语气除了用问号体现以外,还可以通过词序来体现,即将助动词、情态动词等提到主语前面构成疑问句式。此时,即使去掉问号我们也知道句子的语气为疑问。如:Did you buy the book on Olympic Games yesterday? 但是在口语中,有时直接用陈述句的语序来表达疑问语气,此时若将句子写下来,就必须借助问号才能理解句子的含义。如: —Where did you go just now? —I went to the cinema. —You didn't go to visit your grandmother?


常用数学符号大全 1 几何符号 ?ⅷⅶ????△ 2 代数符号 ⅴⅸⅹ~∫ ≠ ≤ ≥ ≈ ∞ ? 3运算符号 ×÷√ ± 4集合符号 ??ⅰ 5特殊符号 ∑ π(圆周率) 6推理符号 |a| ??△ⅶ??≠ ? ±≥ ≤ ⅰ????↖↗↘↙ⅷⅸⅹ &; § ??←↑→↓??↖↗ Γ Δ Θ Λ Ξ Ο Π Σ Φ Χ Ψ Ω α β γ δε δ ε ζ η θ ι κ λ μ ν π ξ ζ η υ θ χ ψ ω 1 几何符号 ?ⅷⅶ????△ 2 代数符号 ⅴⅸⅹ~?????ⅵ? 3运算符号 ×÷ⅳa 4集合符号 ??ⅰ 5特殊符号 ⅲπ(圆周率) 6推理符号

|a| ??△ⅶ????a??ⅰ ? ???↖↗↘↙ⅷⅸⅹ &; § ??←↑→↓??↖↗ ΓΓΘΛΞΟΠ?ΦΥΦΧ αβγδεδεζηθικλ μνπξζηυθχψω Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ Ⅸ Ⅹ Ⅺ Ⅻ ﹪ ﹫ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ⅰⅱⅲ?ⅳⅴⅵ? ⅶ?ⅷⅸⅹ???? ??????????????????? ??? 指数0123:o123 上述符号所表示的意义和读法(中英文参照) + plus 加号;正号 - minus 减号;负号 a plus or minus 正负号 × is multiplied by 乘号 ÷ is divided by 除号 = is equal to 等于号

? is not equal to 不等于号 ? is equivalent to 全等于号 ? is approximately equal to 约等于 ? is approximately equal to 约等于号< is less than 小于号 > is more than 大于号 ? is less than or equal to 小于或等于? is more than or equal to 大于或等于% per cent 百分之… ⅵ infinity 无限大号 ⅳ (square) root 平方根 X squared X的平方 X cubed X的立方 ? since; because 因为 ? hence 所以 ⅶ angle 角 ? semicircle 半圆 ? circle 圆 ? circumference 圆周 △ triangle 三角形 ? perpendicular to 垂直于 ? intersection of 并,合集 ? union of 交,通集


GRA VITY RETAINING?WALL 1. INTRODUCTION Retaining walls are structures used to provide stability for earth or other material where conditions disallow the mass to assume its natural slope, and are commonly used to hold back or support soilbanks,coal or ore piles, and water. Retaining walls are classified, based on the method of achieving stability, into six principal types (Fig.1). The gravity-wall depends upon its weight, as the name implies, for stability. The cantilever wall is a reinforced-concrete wall that utilizes cantilever action to retain the mass behind the wall from assuming a natural slope. Stability of this wall is partially achieved from the weight of soil on the heel portion of the base slab. A counterfort retaining wall is similar to a cantilever retaining wall, except that it is used where the cantilever is long or for very high pressures behind wall and has counterforts, which tie the wall and base together, built at intervals along the wall to reduce the bending moments and sheers. As indicated in Fig.1c, the counterfort is behind the wall and subjected to tensile forces. A buttressed retaining wall is similar to a counterfort wall, except that the bracing is in front of the wall and is in compression instead of tension. Two other types of walls not considered further are crib walls, which are built-up members of pieces of precast concrete, metal, or timber and are supported by anchor pieces embedded in the soil for stability, and semigravity walls, which are walls intermediate between a true gravity and a cantilever wall. (a)(b)(e)


中英文标点符号地读法用法大全 ⒈汉语中地某些标点符号为英语所没有. ⑴顿号(、):顿号在汉语中起分割句子中地并列成分地作用;英语中没有顿号,分割句中地并列成分多用逗号.如:, , . 注意:类似地情况下,最后一个逗号后可加,这个逗号也可省略, (,) . ⑵书名号(《》):英文没有书名号,书名、报刊名用斜体或者下划线表示.如: 《哈姆雷特》' ' 《冬天地童话》《纽约时报》另外,英语中文章、诗歌、乐曲、电影、绘画等地名称和交通工具、航天器等地专有名词也常用斜体来表示. ⑶间隔号(?):汉语有间隔号,用在月份和日期、音译地名和姓等需要隔开地词语地正中间,如"一二?九"、"奥黛丽?赫本(人名)"等.英语中没有汉语地间隔号,需要间隔时多用逗号. ⑷着重号:有时汉语用在文字下点实心圆点表示需要强调地词语,这些实心点就是着重号.而英语中没有这一符号,需强调某些成分时可借助文字斜体、某些强调性词汇、特殊句型、标点停顿等多种方法. ⒉英语中地某些标点符号为汉语所没有. ⑴撇号('):该符号主要表示①所有格,如' ' ;②数字、符号、字母或词形本身地复数,如' .; ③省略了字母、数字或单词,如'()'(). ⑵连字号():该符号主要用于以下几种情况.①复合词,如.②派生词地词缀与词根或词之间,如.③两个比分、比赛对手、地名、人名、数字之间,可视情况译为"比""对""至"等.④单词移行,把在一行写不开地单词按音节移到下一行,但必须注意:. 单音节词不移行. . 曲折变化后地词尾,如等一般不移行.. 数字、缩略词不宜移行.. 易引起歧义地词不移行,如不宜移行为.. 移行后行尾不宜只剩一个字母,如不宜移为. . 带词缀地词应在词缀和词根处移行,如移为.. 复合词在复合成分之间移行,如移为. ⑶斜线号或():该符号主要起分割作用,如. 也常用于标音,如. ⒊某些符号在汉英两种语言中地形式不同. ⑴中文地句号是空心圈(.),英文地句号是实心点(.). ⑵英文地省略号是三个点(...),位置在行底;中文地为六个点(......),居于行中.在美国英语中,如果省略号恰好在句尾,就用四个点,如' ' .... ⑶英文地破折号是(),中文地是(). 四、美国英语与英国英语在标点符号方面地细微差别 .引号地用法:①属于引语地逗号、句号在美国英语中位于引号内,而在英国英语中多位于引号外;②引语内再套用引语时,美国英语中双引号在外单引号在内,而英国英语中地单引号在外、双引号在内. .冒号地用法:①在小时与分钟之间,美国英语多用冒号,英国英语多用句号;②美国


微积分英文词汇,高数名词中英文对照,高等数学术语英语翻译一览关键词:微积分英文,高等数学英文翻译,高数英语词汇 来源:上海外教网|发布日期:2008-05-1617:12 V、X、Z:? Valueoffunction:函数值 Variable:变数 Vector:向量 X-axis T:? S:? Scalar Secantline:割线 Secondderivative:二阶导数 SecondDerivativeTest:二阶导数试验法Secondpartialderivative:二阶偏导数 Sector:扇形 Sequence:数列 Series:级数 Set:集合 Shellmethod:剥壳法 Sinefunction:正弦函数 Singularity:奇点 Slantasymptote:斜渐近线

Slope:斜率 Slope-interceptequationofaline:直线的斜截式Smoothcurve:平滑曲线Smoothsurface:平滑曲面Solidofrevolution:旋转体 Space:空间 Speed:速率 Sphericalcoordinates:球面坐标SqueezeTheorem:夹挤定理Stepfunction:阶梯函数Strictlydecreasing:严格递减 Sum R:? Right-handlimit:右极限 Root:根 P、Q:? Parabola:抛物线 Paraboliccylinder:抛物柱面 Paraboloid:抛物面 Parallelepiped:平行六面体 Parallellines:并行线 Parameter:参数


常用数学符号大全 Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998

常用数学输入符号:~~≈ ≡ ≠ =≤≥ <>≮≯∷ ±+- × ÷/∫ ∮∝∞ ∧∨∑ ∏ ∪∩ ∈∵∴//⊥‖ ∠⌒≌∽√()【】{}ⅠⅡ⊕⊙∥αβγδεζηθΔαβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρστυφχψω ΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘΙΚ∧ΜΝΞΟ∏Ρ∑ΤΥΦΧΨΩ абвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя АБВГДЕЁЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯ

sin(x) 在自变量x处的正弦函数值 exp(x) 在自变量x处的指数函数值,常被写作e x a^x a的x次方;有理数x由反函数定义 ln x exp x 的反函数 a x同 a^x log b a 以b为底a的对数; b log b a = a cos x 在自变量x处余弦函数的值 tan x 其值等于 sin x/cos x cot x 余切函数的值或 cos x/sin x sec x 正割含数的值,其值等于 1/cos x csc x 余割函数的值,其值等于 1/sin x asin x y,正弦函数反函数在x处的值,即 x = sin y acos x y,余弦函数反函数在x处的值,即 x = cos y atan x y,正切函数反函数在x处的值,即 x = tan y acot x y,余切函数反函数在x处的值,即 x = cot y asec x y,正割函数反函数在x处的值,即 x = sec y acsc x y,余割函数反函数在x处的值,即 x = csc y θ角度的一个标准符号,不注明均指弧度,尤其用于表示atan x/y,当x、y、z用于表示空间中的点时 i, j, k 分别表示x、y、z方向上的单位向量 (a, b, c) 以a、b、c为元素的向量 (a, b) 以a、b为元素的向量 (a, b) a、b向量的点积 ab a、b向量的点积 (ab) a、b向量的点积 |v| 向量v的模 |x| 数x的绝对值 Σ表示求和,通常是某项指数。下边界值写在其下部,上边界值写在其上部。 如j从1到100 的和可以表示成:。这表示1 + 2 + … + n M 表示一个矩阵或数列或其它 |v> 列向量,即元素被写成列或可被看成k×1阶矩阵的向量


文档简介 一,英语翻译经典文章之英文原稿二,中文翻译:这篇英语文章的最好翻译版本!不是俺说的,是俺老师说哒!! 英文原稿Brian It seems my only request (“please, let me sleep”) is not clear enough, so I made this simple table that can help you when you’re in doubt. Especially during the night

中文翻译小子: 我只想好好地睡觉,你不明白吗?!所以,我做了这个简表。当你不知道怎么办时,特 别是在晚上的时候,你可以看看它。 具体情况行动指南 1,我正在睡觉禁止进入 2,你不确定我是否睡觉,你想搞清楚管你“鸟”事;禁止进入 3,你嗑了药,想奔向我的床你他妈的滚远点 4,你在youtube上看了一个超赞的视频,禁止进入;在脸书上把链接发给我想让我看看 5,就算第三次世界大战开始了管我屁事,他妈的别进来 6,你和你的基友们想和我“玩玩”抱歉,直男一枚。不要碰我的任何东西,门都别碰 7,你想整理我的房间我谢谢你了!我自己会打扫 8,普京宣布同性婚姻合法化终于等到“它”!还好你没放弃!还是不要来我房里! 9,我不在家进我房间,想都别想 10,白天,我在家。你敲了门,我说“请进” 你可以进来了 福利放送!!

如果你已经看到了这里,那么说明你应该是英文爱好者哦。 下面有一些非常实用,我精心整理的英文资料,你一定用得到!快去看看吧! 一,最常用英语翻译政治文体句型总结大全完美版 二,英文合同翻译最常用句型总结专业版 三,英语毕业论文提纲模板优秀完整详细无敌版


英文标点符号翻译大全 + plus 加号;正号 - minus 减号;负号 ±plus or minus 正负号 ×is multiplied by 乘号 ÷is divided by 除号 =is equal to 等于号 ≠is not equal to 不等于号 ≡is equivalent to 全等于号 ≌is equal to or approximately equal to 等于或约等于号≈is approximately equal to 约等于号 <is less than 小于号 >is more than 大于号 ≤is not less than 不小于号 ≥is not more than 不大于号 ?is less than or equal to 小于或等于号 ?is more than or equal to 大于或等于号 % per cent 百分之… ‰per mill 千分之… ∞infinity 无限大号 ∝varies as 与…成比例 √(square) root 平方根 ∵since; because 因为 ∴hence 所以 ∷equals, as (proportion) 等于,成比例 ∟angle 角 ?semicircle 半圆 ≦circle 圆 ○circumference 圆周 πpi 圆周率 △triangle 三角形 ≧perpendicular to 垂直于 ∪union of 并,合集 ∩intersection of 交,通集 ∫the integral of …的积分 ∑(sigma) summation of 总和 °degree 度 ′minute 分 ″second 秒 ℃Celsius system 摄氏度 { open brace, open curly 左花括号 } close brace, close curly 右花括号 ( open parenthesis, open paren 左圆括号 ) close parenthesis, close paren 右圆括号


常用数学输入符号:~~≈ ≡ ≠ =≤≥ <>≮≯∷ ±+-× ÷/∫ ∮∝∞ ∧∨∑ ∏ ∪∩ ∈∵∴//⊥‖ ∠⌒≌∽√()【】{}ⅠⅡ⊕⊙∥αβγδεζηθΔ αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρστυφχψω ΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘΙΚ∧ΜΝΞΟ∏Ρ∑ΤΥΦΧΨΩ абвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя АБВГДЕЁЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯ

exp(x) 在自变量x处的指数函数值,常被写作e x a^x a的x次方;有理数x由反函数定义 ln x exp x 的反函数 a x同a^x log b a 以b为底a的对数;b log b a = a cos x 在自变量x处余弦函数的值 tan x 其值等于sin x/cos x cot x 余切函数的值或cos x/sin x sec x 正割含数的值,其值等于1/cos x csc x 余割函数的值,其值等于1/sin x asin x y,正弦函数反函数在x处的值,即x = sin y acos x y,余弦函数反函数在x处的值,即x = cos y atan x y,正切函数反函数在x处的值,即x = tan y acot x y,余切函数反函数在x处的值,即x = cot y asec x y,正割函数反函数在x处的值,即x = sec y acsc x y,余割函数反函数在x处的值,即x = csc y θ角度的一个标准符号,不注明均指弧度,尤其用于表示atan x/y,当x、y、z用于表示空间中的点时 i, j, k 分别表示x、y、z方向上的单位向量 (a, b, c) 以a、b、c为元素的向量 (a, b) 以a、b为元素的向量 (a, b) a、b向量的点积 a?b a、b向量的点积 (a?b)a、b向量的点积 |v| 向量v的模 |x| 数x的绝对值 Σ表示求和,通常是某项指数。下边界值写在其下部,上边界值写在其上部。如j从1到 100 的和可以表示成:。这表示1 + 2 + … + n M 表示一个矩阵或数列或其它 |v> 列向量,即元素被写成列或可被看成k×1阶矩阵的向量


南京师范大学泰州学院 英文翻译原文 年级: 2011级学号:12110330 姓名:申佳佳 系部:信息工程学院 专业:通信工程 题目:基于C51的数字测速仪设计与仿真 指导教师:焦蓬蓬 2015 年 4 月 5 日

Linux - Operating system of cybertimes Though for a lot of people , regard Linux as the main operating system to make u p huge work station group, finish special effects of " Titanic " make , already can be re garded as and show talent fully. But for Linux, this only numerous news one of. Rece ntly, the manufacturers concerned have announced that support the news of Linux to i ncrease day by day, users' enthusiasm to Linux runs high unprecedentedly too. Then, Linux only have operating system not free more than on earth on 7 year this piece wh at glamour, get the favors of such numerous important software and hardware manufa cturers as the masses of users and Orac le , Informix , HP , Sybase , Corel , Intel , Net scape , Dell ,etc. , OK? 1.The background of Linux and characteristic Linux is a kind of " free (Free ) software ": What is called free, mean users can o btain the procedure and source code freely , and can use them freely , including revise or copy etc.. It is a result of cybertimes, numerous technical staff finish its research a nd development together through Inte rnet, countless user is it test and except fault , c an add user expansion function that oneself make conveniently to participate in. As th e most outstanding one in free software, Linux has characteristic o f the following: (1)Totally follow POSLX standard, expand the network operating system of sup porting all AT&T and BSD Unix characteristic. Because of inheritting Unix outstandi ng design philosophy , and there are clean , stalwart , high-efficient and steady kernels , their all key codes are finished by Li nus Torvalds and other outstanding programmer s, without any Unix code of AT&T or Berkeley, so Linu x is not Unix, but Linux and Unix are totally compatible. (2)Real many tasks, multi-user's system, the built-in n etwork supports, can be with such seamless links as NetWare , Windows NT , OS/2 , Unix ,etc.. Network in various kinds of Unix it tests to be fastest in comparing and ass ess efficiency. Support such many kinds of files systems as FAT16 , FAT32 , NTFS , E x t2FS , ISO9600 ,etc. at the same time .
