



±plus or minus正负号

×is multiplied by乘号

÷is divided by除号

=is equal to等于号

≠is not equal to不等于号

≡is equivalent to全等于号

≌is equal to or approximately equal to等于或约等于号≈is approximately equal to约等于号

<is less than小于号

>is more than大于号

is not less than不小于号

is not more than不大于号

≤is less than or equal to小于或等于号

≥is more than or equal to大于或等于号

%per cent百分之…

‰per mill千分之…


∝varies as与…成比例

√(square) root平方根

∵since; because因为


∷equals, as (proportion)等于,成比例





πpi 圆周率


⊥perpendicular to垂直于

∪union of并,合集

∩intersection of 交,通集

∫the integral of …的积分

∑(sigma) summation of总和




℃Celsius system摄氏度

{open brace, open curly左花括号

}close brace, close curly右花括号

(open parenthesis, open paren左圆括号

)close parenthesis, close paren右圆括号

() brackets/ parentheses括号

[open bracket 左方括号

]close bracket 右方括号

[] square brackets方括号

.period, dot句号,点

|vertical bar, vertical virgule竖线

& amp;ampersand, and, reference, ref和,引用

*asterisk, multiply, star, pointer星号,乘号,星,指针

/slash, divide, oblique 斜线,斜杠,除号

//slash-slash, comment 双斜线,注释符


\backslash, sometimes escape反斜线转义符,有时表示转义符或续行符~tilde波浪符

.full stop句号




?question mark问号

!exclamation mark (英式英语) exclamation point (美式英语)



-- dash 破折号

...dots/ ellipsis省略号

"single quotation marks 单引号

""double quotation marks 双引号

‖ parallel 双线号

~swung dash 代字号

§section; division 分节号

→arrow 箭号;参见号

1. Logic

9 there exists

8 for all

p ) q p implies q / if p, then q

p , q p if and only if q /p is equivalent to q / p and q are equivalent

2. Sets

x 2 A x belongs to A / x is an element (or a member) of A

x =2 A x does not belong to A / x is not an element (or a member) of A

A ?

B A is contained in B / A is a subset of B

A ?

B A contains B / B is a subset of A

A \

B A cap B / A meet B / A intersection B

A [

B A cup B / A join B / A union B

A n

B A minus B / the di?rence between A and B

A ?

B A cross B / the cartesian product of A and B

3. Real numbers

x + 1 x plus one

x ?1 x minus one

x ?1 x plus or minus one

xy xy / x multiplied by y

(x ?y)(x + y) x minus y, x plus y



x over y

= the equals sign

x = 5 x equals 5 / x is equal to 5

x 6= 5 x (is) not equal to 5


x ?y x is equivalent to (or identical with) y

x 6?y x is not equivalent to (or identical with) y

x > y x is greater than y

x >=y x is greater than or equal to y

x < y x is less than y

x <=y x is less than or equal to y

0 < x < 1 zero is less than x is less than 1

0 ?x ?1 zero is less than or equal to x is less than or equal to 1

jxj mod x / modulus x

x^2 x squared / x (raised) to the power 2

x^3 x cubed

x^4 x to the fourth / x to the power four

x^n x to the nth / x to the power n

x☆x to the (power) minus n

px (square) root x / the square root of x

3 px cube root (of) x

4 px fourth root (of) x

npx nth root (of) x

(x + y)2 x plus y all squared

y ?

x over y all squared

n! n factorial

^x x hat

锅x bar

~x x tilde

xi xi / x subscript i / x su兵i / x sub i

n Xi=1

ai the sum from i equals one to n ai / the sum as i runs from 1 to n of the ai 4. Linear algebra

kxk the norm (or modulus) of x

! OA OA / vector OA

OA OA / the length of the segment OA

AT A transpose / the transpose of A

A? A inverse / the inverse of A


5. Functions

f(x) fx / f of x / the function f of x

f : S ! T a function f from S to T

x 7! y x maps to y / x is sent (or mapped) to y

f0(x) f prime x / f dash x / the (?st) derivative of f with respect to x

f00(x) f double{prime x / f double{dash x / the second derivative of f with

respect to x

f000(x) f triple{prime x / f triple{dash x / the third derivative of f with respect

to x

f(4)(x) f four x / the fourth derivative of f with respect to x



the partial (derivative) of f with respect to x1



the second partial (derivative) of f with respect to x1

Z 1

the integral from zero to in?ity



the limit as x approaches zero



the limit as x approaches zero from above



the limit as x approaches zero from below

loge y log y to the base e / log to the base e of y / natural log (of) y

ln y log y to the base e / log to the base e of y / natural log (of) y

Individual mathematicians often have their own way of pronouncing mathematical expressions and in many cases there is no generally accepted \correct" pronunciation.

Distinctions made in writing are often not made explicit in speech; thus the sounds fx may

be interpreted as any of: fx, f(x), fx, FX, FX, ! FX . The di?rence is usually made clear

by the context; it is only when confusion may occur, or where he/she wishes to emphasise

the point, that the mathematician will use the longer forms: f multiplied by x, the function

f of x, f subscript x, line FX, the length of the segment FX, vector FX.

Similarly, a mathematician is unlikely to make any distinction in speech (except sometimes

a di?rence in intonation or length of pauses) between pairs such as the following: x + (y + z) and (x + y) + z

pax + b and pax + b

an ?1 and an?


一、代数部分 (Algebra) 1. 数学运算 equal, is equal to 等于equivalent to 等价于 is greater than 大于 is lesser than 小于 is equal or greater than 大于等于is equal or lesser than 小于等于operator 运算符 add, plus 加 subtract 减 difference 差 multiply, times 乘 product 积 divide 除 augend, summand 被加数addend 加数 minuend 被减数 subtrahend 减数 remainder 差 multiplicand, faciend 被乘数multiplicator 乘数 product 积 dividend 被除数 divisor 除数 quotient 商 remainder 余数 divisible 可被整除的 divided evenly 被整除divisor 因子,除数 dividend 被除数 factorial 阶乘 power 乘方 radical sign, root sign 根号 factorial 阶乘 logarithm 对数 exponent 指数,幂 power 乘方 square 二次方,平方 cube 三次方,立方 the power of n, the nth power n 次方 evolution, extraction 开方 square root 二次方根,平方根 cube root 三次方根,立方根 the root of n, the nth root n次方 根 2. 数字 digit数字 number数 natural number 自然数 integer/whole number 整数 positive number 正数 negative number 负数 positive whole number 正整数 negative whole number 负整数 consecutive number 连续整数 odd integer, odd number 奇数 even integer, even number 偶数 real number 实数 rational number 有理数 irrational number 无理数 consecutive 连续数 inverse / reciprocal 倒数 composite number 合数 prime number 质数 common divisor 公约数 multiple 倍数 (least) common multiple (最小)公 倍数 (prime) factor (质)因子 common factor 公因子 nonnegative 非负的 units 个位 tens 十位 ordinary / decimal scale 十进制 binary system 二进制 hexadecimal system 十六进制 weight, significance 权 carry 进位 truncation 截尾 round to / to the nearest 四舍五 入 round down 下舍入 round up 上舍入 significant digit 有效数字 insignificant digit 无效数字 3. 分数和小数 decimal 小数 decimal point 小数点 fraction 分数 numerator 分子 denominator 分母 proper fraction 真分数 improper fraction 假分数 common fraction 普通分数 mixed number 带分数 simple fraction 简分数 complex fraction 繁分数 (least) common denominator (最 小)公分母 quarter 四分之一 decimal fraction 纯小数 infinite decimal 无穷小数 recurring decimal 循环小数 places位(thousands’ place, hundreds’place,tens’place, units’ place (ones’ digit), tenths’ place,hundredths’ place,thousandths’ place.) 4. 集合与函数 aggregate 集合 element 元素 void 空集 subset 子集 union 并集


数学常用词汇中英文对照 代数部分 1、有关基本运算: add,plus加 subtract减 difference差 multiply,times乘 product积 divide除 divisible可被整除的dividedevenly被整除 dividend被除数 divisor因子,除数 quotient商 remainder余数 factorial阶乘 power乘方 radicalsign,rootsign根号 roundto四舍五入 tothenearest四舍五入 2.有关集合 union并集 proper subset真子集 solution set解集 3.有关代数式、方程和不等式algebraic term代数项 like terms,similar terms同类项numerical coefficient数字系数literal coefficient字母系数inequality不等式 triangle inequality三角不等式range值域 original equation原方程equivalent equation同解方程 等价方程 linear equation线性方程 4.有关分数和小数 proper fraction真分数 improper fraction假分数mixed number带分数 vulgar fraction,common fraction普通分数simple fraction简分数 complex fraction繁分数 numerator分子 denominator分母 (least)common denominator(最小)公分母quarter四分之一 decimal fraction纯小数 infinite decimal无穷小数 recurring decimal循环小数 tenthsunit十分位 5.基本数学概念 arithmetic mean算术平均值 weighted average加权平均值 geometric mean几何平均数 exponent指数,幂 base乘幂的底数,底边 cube立方数,立方体 square root平方根 cube root立方根 common logarithm常用对数 digit数字 constant常数 variable变量 inversefunction反函数 complementary function余函数 linear一次的,线性的 factorization因式分解 absolute value绝对值, round off四舍五入 6.有关数论 natural number自然数 positive number正数 negative number负数 odd integer,odd number奇数 even integer,even number偶数 integer,whole number整数 positive whole number正整数 negative whole number负整数consecutive number连续整数 rea lnumber,rational number实数,有理数


英语数学符号 +plus加号;正号 -minus减号;负号 ±plus or minus正负号 ×is multiplied by乘号 ÷is divided by除号 =is equal to等于号 ≠is not equal to不等于号 ≡is equivalent to全等于号 ≌is equal to or approximately equal to等于或约等于号 ≈is approximately equal to约等于号 <is less than小于号 >is greater than大于号 ≮is not less than不小于号 ≯is not more than不大于号 ≤is less than or equal to小于或等于号 ≥is more than or equal to大于或等于号 %per cent百分之… ‰per mill千分之… ∞infinity无限大号 ∝varies as与…成比例

√(square) root平方根 ∵since; because因为 ∴hence所以 ∷equals, as (proportion)等于,成比例∠angle角 ?semicircle半圆 ?circle圆 ○circumference圆周 πpi 圆周率 △triangle三角形 ?perpendicular to垂直于 ∪union of并,合集 ∩intersection of 交,通集 ∫the integral of …的积分 ∑(sigma) summation of总和 °degree度 ′minute分 ″second秒 ℃Celsius system摄氏度 {open brace, open curly左花括号 }close brace, close curly右花括号


代数ALGEBRA 1. 数论 natural number 自然数positive number 正数negative number 负数odd integer, odd number 奇数even integer, even number 偶数integer, whole number 整数positive whole number 正整数negative whole number 负整数consecutive number 连续整数real number, rational number 实数,有理数irrational(number)无理数inverse 倒数composite number 合数e.g. 4,6,8,9,10,12,14,15… prime number 质数e.g. 2,3,5,7,11,13,15… reciprocal 倒数common divisor 公约数multiple 倍数(minimum) common multiple (最小)公倍数 (prime) factor (质)因子common factor 公因子ordinary scale, decimal scale 十进制nonnegative 非负的tens 十位units 个位mode 众数mean平均数median中值common ratio 公比 2. 基本数学概念 arithmetic mean 算术平均值weighted average 加权平均值geometric mean 几何平均数exponent 指数,幂base 乘幂的底数,底边cube 立方数,立方体square root 平方根cube root 立方根common logarithm 常用对数digit 数字constant 常数variable 变量inverse function 反函数complementary function 余函数linear 一次的,线性的factorization 因式分解absolute value 绝对值,e.g.|-32|=32 round off 四舍五入数学 3. 基本运算 add,plus 加subtract 减difference 差multiply, times 乘product 积divide 除divisible 可被整除的divided evenly 被整除dividend 被除数,红利divisor 因子,除数,公约数 quotient 商remainder 余数factorial 阶乘power 乘方radical sign, root sign 根号 round to 四舍五入to the nearest 四舍五入 4. 代数式,方程,不等式 algebraic term 代数项like terms, similar terms 同类项numerical coefficient 数字系数literal coefficient 字母系数inequality 不等式triangle inequality 三角不等式range 值域


1 概率论与数理统计词汇英汉对照表 A absolute value 绝对值 accept 接受 acceptable region 接受域 additivity 可加性 adjusted 调整的 alternative hypothesis 对立假设 analysis 分析 analysis of covariance 协方差分析 analysis of variance 方差分析 arithmetic mean 算术平均值 association 相关性 assumption 假设 assumption checking 假设检验 availability 有效度 average 均值 B balanced 平衡的 band 带宽 bar chart 条形图 beta-distribution 贝塔分布 between groups 组间的 bias 偏倚

binomial distribution 二项分布binomial test 二项检验 C calculate 计算 case 个案 category 类别 center of gravity 重心 central tendency 中心趋势 chi-square distribution 卡方分布chi-square test 卡方检验 classify 分类 cluster analysis 聚类分析coefficient 系数 coefficient of correlation 相关系数collinearity 共线性 column 列 compare 比较 comparison 对照 components 构成,分量compound 复合的 confidence interval 置信区间consistency 一致性 constant 常数


一、数学运算符号的英文表达(小数、分数、百分数和运算符号) 1. 小数表示法 (1) 小数的读法 小数点左边的数通常按基数词读,若为三位以上的数,也可按编码式读法读出,即将数字单个读出;小数点右边的数通常按编码式读法单个读出。如: 6.86 six point eight six 14.15 fourteen point one five 345.456 three four five point four five six 或three hundred and forty-five point four five six (2) 小数中“0”的读法 “0”在小数中通常读作nought(英)或zero(美),也可读作字母o。如: 0.08 (nought)point nought eight 或(zero)point zero eight 9.07 nine point o seven 2. 百分数表示法 百分数中的百分号%读作percent。如: 6% 读作six percent 0.6% 读作(nought)point six percent 500% 读作five hundred percent 3. 倍数表示法 倍数表示方法很多,如: This room is four times as big as mine. 这个房间是我房间的四倍。 This room is three times larger than that one. 这个房间比那个房间大两倍。 The output of coal has doubled. 煤的产量增加了一倍。 My aunt is as old again as I am. 我姑姑年龄比我大一倍。 Productivity is increased three fold. 生产效率提高了两倍。 The volume of the Sun is about 1,300,000 times that of the Earth. 太阳的体积约为地球的1300000倍。 4. 加减乘除式的读法 6+5=11 Six plus five is eleven 或Six and five is eleven. 11-6=5 Eleven minus six is five. 或Six from eleven is five. 4×5=20 Four multiplied by five is twenty.或Four times five is twenty. 20÷4=5 Twenty divided by four is five. 或Four into twenty goes five.


一、基本图形三角形:triangle 矩形:rectangle 正方形:square 平行四边形:parallelogram 梯形:tapezoid 菱形:rhombus 圆:circle 四边形:quadrilateral 二、基本立体图形正方体:cube 长方体:rectangular prism 圆柱体:right circular cyclinder 圆锥体:right circular cone 球体:sphere 三、基本计算量长度:length 面积:area 体积(容积):volume 周长:perimeter 表面积:surface area 底面积:base area 四、有关集合union 并集proper subset 真子集solution set 解集五、有关数论natural number 自然数positive number 正数negative number 负数odd integer,odd number 奇数even integer,even number 偶数integer,whole number 整数positive whole number 正整数negative whole number 负整数consecutive number 连续整数real number,rational number 实数,有理数irrational(number)无理数inverse 倒数composite number 合数eg. 4,6,8,9,10,12,14,15……prime number 质数eg.2,3,5,7,11,13,15……reciprocal 倒数common divisor 公约数multiple 倍数(last)common multiple (最小)公约数(prime)factor (质)因子ordinary csale,decimal scale 十进制nonnegative 非负的tens 十位units 个位mode 众数median 中数common ratio 公比六、数列arithmetic progression (sequence)等差数列geometric progression(sequence)等比数列七、其它approximate 近似(anti)clockwise (逆)顺时针方向cardinal 基数 ordinal 序数directproportion 正比distinct 不同的estimation 估计,近似parentheses 括号proportion 比例combination 组合table 表格trigonometric function 三角函数unit 单位,位八、其它几何1、所有的角alternate angle 内错角corresponding angle 同位角vertical angle 对顶角central angle 圆心角interior angle 内角exterior angle 外角supplement aryangles 补角complement aryangle 余角adjacent angle 邻角acute angle 锐角obtuse angle 钝角right angle 直角round angle 周角straight angle 平角included angle 夹角2、所有的三角形equilateral triangle 等边三角形scalene triangle 不等边三角形isosceles triangle 等腰三角形right triangle 直角三角形oblique 斜三角形inscribed triangle 内接三角形3、有关收敛的平面图形,除三角形外semicircle 半圆concentric circles 同心圆quadrilateral 四边形pentagon 五边形hexagon 六边形heptagon 七边形octagon 八边形nonagon 九边形decagon 十边形polygon 多边形parallelogram 平行四边形equilateral 等边形plane 平面square 正方形,平方rectangle 长方形regular polygon 正多边形rhombus 菱形trapezoid 梯形4、其它平面图形arc 弧line,straight line 直线line segment 线段parallel lines 平行线segment of a circle 弧形5、有关立体图形cube 立方体,立方数rectangular solid 长方体regular solid / regular polyhedron 正多面体 circular cylinder 圆柱体cone 圆锥sphere 球体solid 立体的6、有关图形上的附属物altitude 高depth 深度side 边长circumference,perimeter 周长radian 弧度surface area 表面积volume 体积arm 直角三角形的股cros section 横截面center of a circle 圆心chord 弦radius 半径angle bisector 角平分器diagonal 对角线diameter 直径edge 棱face of a solid 立体的面


常用数学符号大全 Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998

常用数学输入符号:~~≈ ≡ ≠ =≤≥ <>≮≯∷ ±+- × ÷/∫ ∮∝∞ ∧∨∑ ∏ ∪∩ ∈∵∴//⊥‖ ∠⌒≌∽√()【】{}ⅠⅡ⊕⊙∥αβγδεζηθΔαβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρστυφχψω ΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘΙΚ∧ΜΝΞΟ∏Ρ∑ΤΥΦΧΨΩ абвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя АБВГДЕЁЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯ

sin(x) 在自变量x处的正弦函数值 exp(x) 在自变量x处的指数函数值,常被写作e x a^x a的x次方;有理数x由反函数定义 ln x exp x 的反函数 a x同 a^x log b a 以b为底a的对数; b log b a = a cos x 在自变量x处余弦函数的值 tan x 其值等于 sin x/cos x cot x 余切函数的值或 cos x/sin x sec x 正割含数的值,其值等于 1/cos x csc x 余割函数的值,其值等于 1/sin x asin x y,正弦函数反函数在x处的值,即 x = sin y acos x y,余弦函数反函数在x处的值,即 x = cos y atan x y,正切函数反函数在x处的值,即 x = tan y acot x y,余切函数反函数在x处的值,即 x = cot y asec x y,正割函数反函数在x处的值,即 x = sec y acsc x y,余割函数反函数在x处的值,即 x = csc y θ角度的一个标准符号,不注明均指弧度,尤其用于表示atan x/y,当x、y、z用于表示空间中的点时 i, j, k 分别表示x、y、z方向上的单位向量 (a, b, c) 以a、b、c为元素的向量 (a, b) 以a、b为元素的向量 (a, b) a、b向量的点积 ab a、b向量的点积 (ab) a、b向量的点积 |v| 向量v的模 |x| 数x的绝对值 Σ表示求和,通常是某项指数。下边界值写在其下部,上边界值写在其上部。 如j从1到100 的和可以表示成:。这表示1 + 2 + … + n M 表示一个矩阵或数列或其它 |v> 列向量,即元素被写成列或可被看成k×1阶矩阵的向量


Specialist Mathematics 3B 1,horizontal component 水平分量 2,vertical component 竖直分量 3,magnitude/modulus 模,大小 4,position vector 位置向量 5,displacement 位移 6,discriminant 判别式 7,complex number 复数 8,conjugate 共轭 9,Argand diagrams 阿根图 10,period 周期 11 amplitude 振幅 12,parity 奇偶性 13,initial ray 始边 14,terminal ray 终边 15,,acute angle 锐角 16,acute triangle 锐角三角形17,vector 向量 18,vector equation 向量方程 19,cartesian equation 笛卡尔方程20,parameter equation 参数方程21,collision /interception 相撞/相交22,circle centre 圆心 23,calculus 微积分 24,differentiation 微分 25,gradient 斜率 26,chord 弦 27,gradient function 斜率函数 28,chain rule 链式法则 29,quotient rule 商法则 30, product 乘积法则 31,derivative n 导数 32,differentiate v 求....微分,求导33,quadrant 象限 34,x-axis x轴 35,,coordinate 坐标 36,positive 正的 37,negative 负的38,determine 确定,决定39,,prove 证明 40,real part 实部41,imaginary part 虚部 42relative to 相对于 43quantity 量,数量 42.Non-real 非实数 43.Exact value 精确值 44.Irrational number 无理数 45.Arithmetic 运算 46.Root 根 47.Variable 变量,变量的 48.Radian 弧度 49.Degree 度 50.算符operator 52.数字digit 53.数number 54自然数natural number 55整数integer 56.小数decimal 57小数点decimal point 58.分数fraction 59.分子numerator 60.零null, zero, nought, nil 61.定理theorem 62.计算calculation 63等式,方程式equation 64一次方程simple equation 65二次方程quadratic equation 66三次方程cubic equation 67四次方程quartic equation 68有理数rational number 69无理数irrational number 70实数real number 71虚数imaginary number 72复数complex number 73横坐标x-coordinate


数学常用词汇中英文对 照

数学常用词汇中英文对照代数部分 1、有关基本运算: add,plus加 subtract减 difference差 multiply,times乘 product积 divide除 divisible可被整除的dividedevenly被整除dividend被除数 divisor因子,除数 quotient商 remainder余数 factorial阶乘 power乘方 radicalsign,rootsign根号roundto四舍五入tothenearest四舍五入 2.有关集合union并集 proper subset真子集 solution set解集 3.有关代数式、方程和不等式algebraic term代数项 like terms,similar terms同类项numerical coefficient数字系数literal coefficient字母系数inequality不等式 triangle inequality三角不等式range值域 original equation原方程equivalent equation同解方程 等价方程 linear equation线性方程 4.有关分数和小数 proper fraction真分数 improper fraction假分数 mixed number带分数 vulgar fraction,common fraction普通分数

simple fraction简分数 complex fraction繁分数numerator分子 denominator分母 (least)common denominator(最小)公分母 quarter四分之一 decimal fraction纯小数 infinite decimal无穷小数 recurring decimal循环小数tenthsunit十分位 5.基本数学概念 arithmetic mean算术平均值weighted average加权平均值geometric mean几何平均数exponent指数,幂 base乘幂的底数,底边 cube立方数,立方体 square root平方根 cube root立方根 common logarithm常用对数 digit数字constant常数 variable变量 inversefunction反函数complementary function余函数linear一次的,线性的factorization因式分解 absolute value绝对值, round off四舍五入 6.有关数论 natural number自然数 positive number正数 negative number负数 odd integer,odd number奇数 even integer,even number偶数integer,whole number整数 positive whole number正整数negative whole number负整数consecutive number连续整数 rea lnumber,rational number实数,有理数 irrational(number)无理数 inverse倒数

数学运算符 的英文表达

数学运算符号的英文表达 小数、分数、百分数和运算符号 1. 小数表示法 (1) 小数的读法 小数点左边的数通常按基数词读,若为三位以上的数,也可按编码式读法读出,即将数字单个读出;小数点右边的数通常按编码式读法单个读出。如: 6.86 six point eight six 14.15 fourteen point one five 345.456 three four five point four five six 或three hundred and forty-five point four five six (2) 小数中“0”的读法 “0”在小数中通常读作nought(英)或zero(美),也可读作字母o。如: 0.08 (nought)point nought eight 或(zero)point zero eight 9.07 nine point o seven 2. 百分数表示法 百分数中的百分号%读作percent。如: 6% 读作 six percent 0.6% 读作(nought) point six percent 500% 读作five hundred percent 3. 倍数表示法

倍数表示方法很多,如: This room is four times as big as mine. 这个房间是我房间的四倍。 This room is three times larger than that one. 这个房间比那个房间大两倍。The output of coal has doubled. 煤的产量增加了一倍。 My aunt is as old again as I am. 我姑姑年龄比我大一倍。 Productivity is increased three fold. 生产效率提高了两倍。 The volume of the Sun is about 1,300,000 times that of the Earth. 太阳的体积约为地球的1300000倍。 4. 加减乘除式的读法 6+5=11 Six plus five is eleven 或Six and five is eleven. 11-6=5 Eleven minus six is five. 或Six from eleven is five. 4×5=20 Four multiplied by five is twenty.或Four times five is twenty. 20÷4=5 Twenty divided by four is five. 或Four into twenty goes five. 15:5=3 The ratio of fifteen to five is three. 32 Three squared is nine. 23 Two cubed is eight. 24 The fourth power of two is sixteen. X^(1/2)=Y The square root of X is Y. X^(1/3)=Y The cubic root of X is Y. a > b a is more than b. a < b a is less than b. a ≈ b a approximately equals to b. a ≠ b a is not equal to b.


数学词汇中英对照 初等数学elementary mathematics 高等数学higher mathematics 现代数学modern mathematics 基础数学basic mathematics 应用数学applied mathematics 计算数学computational mathematics 复变函数论theory of functions of a complex variable 实变函数论theory of functions of a real variable 泛函分析functional analysis 数理逻辑mathematical logic 数理统计mathematical statistics 常微分方程ordinary differential equation 偏微分方程partial differential equation 数理方程equation of mathematical physics 代数拓扑学algebraic topology 集合论set theory 拓扑空间topological 概率论probability 随机过程stochastic process 李群Lie group 数论number theory 图论graph theory 编码理论coding theory 混沌理论chaotic theory

一般词汇 数学mathematics, maths(BrE), math(AmE) 公理axiom 定理theorem 计算calculation 运算operation 证明prove 假设hypothesis, hypotheses(pl.) 命题proposition



*几个GRE最常用的概念: 偶数(even number>:能被2整除的整数; 奇数(odd number>:不能被2整除的数; 质数(prime number>:大于1的整数,除了1和它本身外,不能被其他正整数所整除的,称为质数。也叫素数;<学过数论的同学请注意,这里的质数概念不同于数论中的概念,GRE里的质数不包括负整数)b5E2RGbCAP 倒数(reciprocal>:一个不为零的数为x,则它的倒数为1/x。 *最重要的性质: 奇偶性:偶加偶为偶,偶减偶为偶,偶乘偶为偶; 奇加奇为偶,奇减奇为偶,奇乘奇为奇; 奇加偶为偶,奇减偶为偶,奇乘偶为偶。 等差数列 GRE数学中绝大部分是等差数列,,形式主要为应用题。题目会说三年稳步增长第一年的产量是x,第三年的产量是y,问你的二年的产量。 p1EanqFDPw 数理统计 *众数(mode> 一组数中出现频率最高的一个或几个数。 例:mode of 1,1,1,2,3,0,0,0,5 is 1 and 0。 *值域(range> 一组数中最大和最小数之差。 例:range of 1,1,2,3,5 is 5-1=4 *平均数(mean)算术平均数对一组数进行排序后,正中间的一个数<数字个数为奇数),或者中间两个数的平均数<数字个数为偶数)。例: median of 1,7,4,9,2,5,8 is 5 median of 1,7,4,9,2,5 is (5+7>/2=6DXDiTa9E3d ps: GRE经常考察众数与数的个数的积和这组数的和的大小。 *标准偏差(standard error>一组数中,每个数与平均数的差的绝对值之和,再除以这组数的个数n 例:standard error of 0,2,5,7,6 is: (|0-4|+|2-4|+|5-4|+|7-4|+|6- 4|>/5=2.4RTCrpUDGiT *standard variation<方差) 一组数中,每个数与平均数之差的平方和,再除以这组数的个数n5PCzVD7HxA 例: standard variation of 0,2,5,7,6 is: _ 2 2 2 2 2_ |_(0-4> +(2-4>+(5-4>+(7-4>+(6-4>_|/5=6.8jLBHrnAILg *标准差(standard deviation>


+ plus, positive -minus, negative ×multiplied by, times ÷(/) divided by = is equal to, equals ≠ not equal to ≈ is approximately equal to, approximately equals >greater than <less than ≥ equal to or greater than ≤ equal to or less than >> much greater than << much less than ∈is a member of the set ( ) round brackets, parentheses [ ] square brackets { } braces ∽similar to ≌congruent to ⊥perpendicular to, at right angles with ∥parallel to ∠angle

⊙circle e the base o f natural logarithms, approx. 2. 71828 π pi; the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, diameter, approx, 3.14159 n! factorial n, n( n-1) ( n-2) (n-3) (1) ︱x︱the absolute value of x X2 raised to the second power X3 X cube; X cubed; the cube of X; X to the third power; the third power of X; X raised to the third power X-10 X to the minus tenth( tenth power) √x the square root of x 3√x the cube root of x X n the nth power of X, X to the power n, X raised to the nth power, X to the nth power 1/X n one over X to the n α 5/β2 α to the five over β squared X1/n(n√X) the nth root of X, X to the power one over n y=f(x) y is a function of x a+b a plus b; the sum of a and b; the total of a and b; a added to b; a increased to b; a increased by b; a more than b; a greater than b a-b a minus b; a less b the difference of a and b; from a subtract b; a takes away b; a decreased by b; a diminished by b; b is
