

例句:主语 + 动词 + 宾语 + 状语 (方式 + 地点 + 时间)
I bought a hat yesterday.
The car stopped suddenly.
A young girl walked confidently across the room.
We ate our meal in silence.

例句:The man run away.
The man who stole the money ran away.
The girl is my sister.
The girl with a book in hand is my sister.
The girl reading the English book is my sister.
The girl who are reading the the English book is my sister.
The girl for whom I bought the present is my sister.
The girl whose English is very good is my sister.
The girl praised by the president is my sister.
I bought a raincoat.
I bought a raincoat with a warm lining.
I bought a raincoat made in France.
I bought a raincoat which looks very …

陈述句:the shops close at 7 tonight.
疑问句:do the shops close at 7 tonight?
祈使句:shut the door!
感叹句:What a slow train this is!

例子:Stephen apologized at once.
I bought a book yesterday.
I was a doctor candidate.

Stephen realized his mistake and apologized at once.

When he realized his mistake, Stephen apologized at once.


My head aches./ My head aches heavily.
本句型中的动词,主要是指(1)不及物动词(ache, appear, arrive, come, cough, disappear, fall, go),和(2)既可以做及物动词,又可以做不及物动词的动词,但在本句型中做不及物动词(drop, ring, fly, hurt, break, burn, close, shut, understand, shake,move.)。
小贴士:①及物动词,是后面可以带宾语的动词。有的及物动词,在形式上由两个或以上单词组成,(包括短语动词),如listen to. 更多的例子:he came up with a good idea./he’s crying out for help./I look forward to it./I won’t put up with it./she looks up to you.
②不及物动词,是后面不能带宾语的动词。有的不及物动词,在形式上由两个或以上单词组成,(包括由动词+小品词in,up,down等组成的短语),如touch down.更多的例子:prices bottomd out./my car is broken down./ I’ll call by tomorrow./prices have come down./my plan came off.成功/please don’t cut in./the sound died away./let’s dress up.
还有, come in, sit down, stand up, come into ….

Frank is clever.
John is a teacher.
He became a killer.
小贴士:①本句型中的动词,只能是系动词,包括be.其他,还有:appear, become, look, seem, sound, taste.
②本句型之补语,可能是:a.形容词。Frank is clever. b.名词。Frank is an architect. c.形容词+名词(名词短语)。Frank is a clever architect. d.代词。It’s mine. e.地点或时间副词。The meeting is here. / The meeting is at 2.30. f.介词短语。Alice is like her father.
My sister enjoyed the play.
I bought a book.
I like her.
小贴士:①直接宾语可能包括很多形式:名词、代词、反身代词(we enjoyed ourselves at the party.)、动词不定式(I want to go home now.) 、-ing形式(I enjoye sitting in the sun.)。②还有一种情况,是主语+动词+to 名词/代词,或者主语+动词+for 名词/代词:John introduced his guests to his father. // I can’t describe this. Would you describe it for me please? 此外,这种动词还有至少如下:admit, announce, confess, confide, declare, demonstrate, describe, entrust, explain, mention, propose, prove, repeat, report, say, state, suggest.
The firm gave Sam a watch.
I bought my girlfriend a BMW.
Buy your mother a present. 中的YOUR MOTHER.
小贴士:①本句型可以转变为带to或for的句子。如:a) the firm bought Sam a house. 可以变成the firm bought a house for Sam. b) they gave him a watch.可以变成they gave a watch to him. ②可以带to的本句型中的动

词,包括但不限于:bring, give, grant, hand, leave, lend, offer, owe, pass, pay, play, post, promise, read, recommend, sell, send, serve, show, sing, take, teach, tell, throw, write.③可以带for的动词,包括但不限于:bring, build, buy, call, catch, change, choose, cook, cut, do, fetch, find, fix, get, keep, leave, make, order, prepare, reach, reserve, save, sing.④本句型中的动词,有的可以不带to或for。I’ll tell you the truth.
They made Sam chairman.
My daughter always makes me glad.
小贴士:①本句型中的动词大部分可以转换为被动语态。如:they appointed him chairman. 可以变换为he was appointed chairman. 这类动词包括但不限于:baptize施洗礼, call, consider, crown, declare, elect, label称为, make, name, proclaim宣布, pronounce, vote. ②本句型中的补语通常是名词,但有时是形容词。如call, consider, declare, make, pronounce等动词后的补语就可以是形容词。They called him foolish./ your words drive me crazy, mad, wild. / the rain gets my hair dirty, wet. / the wind gets the door open, close. 其他例子还有:make it easy, safte / prefer it fried/ push it open / want it raw/ like it hot / find it easy, difficult…
We fished all day; we didn’t catch a thing.
We fished all day; however, we didn’t catch a thing.
We fished all day, but (we) didn’t catch a thing.
and , and then, but , for , nor, or, so, yet, either…or, neither …nor, not only …but …(also, as well, too) , 这些连词分别可以表示不同的意思,如另加and,对比but/yet,选择or,理由for,连续and/ and then,结果so等。
We were talking and laughing.
He fell heavily and broke his arm.
Weed the garden and I’ll pay you $ 40.
He finished lunch and went shopping.
Tom’s 15 and still sucks his thumb.

其他例句:he not only washed the car, but polished it (too/as well).
He washed his car and then polished it.
He washed his car, but didn’t polish it.
He either speaks French, or understands it. 或者…或者(两者选一)
He neither speaks French, nor understands it.既不……也不
He couldn’t find his pen, so he wrote in pencil.
We rarely stay in hotels, for we can’t afford it.


ank worked hard and (he) became an architect.
I’ve got a cold, so I’m going to bed.
They made him chairman, but (they) didn’t increase his salary.
Her birthday is next Monday, so I must buy her a present.

The alarm was raised as soon as the fire was discovered.
(1)从句The alarm was raised (2)连词as soon as (3)从句the fire was discovered.
To get into university you have to pass a number of exams.
还原:if you want to get into university you have to pass a …
Seeing the door open, the stranger entered the house.
还原:when he saw the door open, the stranger entered the house. (可以在从句中先不出现主语,而是用代词表示。然后在主句中再叙述主语。)

I know that the match will be cancelled. (宾语)
That the match will be cancelled is now certain. (主语)
Tom appears that he has known the person. (补语)

That money doesn’t grow on trees should be obvious. 为避免头重脚轻,经常使用形式主语it,变换为:It is obvious (that) money doesn’t grow on trees.
Everybody knows that money doesn’t grow on trees.
(3)跟在that fact that和the idea that等后面的名词从句。
为了避免直接以that开头之呆板,故可用that fact that替换之。
The fact that his proposal makes sense should be recognized. 其他案例:
We must face the fact that we might lose our deposit.
the fact that之表达,也可以跟在介词短语及介词(because of, in view of, on account of, owing to, due to, inspite of, despite, notwithstanding虽然)之后。如:
Despite the fact that hotel prices have risen sharply, the number of tourists is as great as ever.
His love of literature was due to the fact that his mother read poetry to him when he was a child.

如afraid, glad, happy, pleased, sorry以及certain
I’m afraid (that) we

’ve sold out of tickets.
做主语:Whether he has signed the contract (or not) doesn’t matter.
做补语:the question is whether he has signed the contract.
做动词的宾语:I want to know whether / if he has signed the contract (or not).
做介词的宾语:I’m concerned about whether he has signed the contract (or not).
即由who, whom, what, which, when, where, why, how等疑问词开头,引起的名词从句。
做主语:when he did it is a mystery.
Be之后:the question is when he did it.
在引述动词之后:I wonder when he did it.
在动词+介词之后:it depens on when he did it.
在形容词+介词之后:I’m interested in when he did it.


who, that, whom, whose, which等。其中,可以表示人的有who, whom, that, whose;可以表示事物的有which, that.
He is the man who/that lives next door.
其中,关系从句是由关系代词who引导的:who lives next door,而这个从句中显然who是作为从句之主语而存在的。
其他例子:This is the photo which / that shows my house.
He is the man whose car was stolen.
He is the man whom/that I met.
This is the photo which/that I took.
It was an agreement the details of which could not be altered.
(非正式文体乃为:It was an agreement whose details could not be altered.)
He is the man to whom I gave the money.(关系代词在关系从句中作为介词的宾语而非动词的宾语而存在) = He is the man whom I gave the money to. (man为人。)
This is the pan in which I boiled the milk. = This is the pan which I boiled the milk in. (pan为物。)
He is the man from whose house the pictures were stolen.(whose+名词,是介词from的宾语。)


The millionaire whose son ran away from home a week ago has made a public appeal.( millionaire在整个复合句中做主语,并且被一个关系从句所修饰。)

He is the man whom I met on holiday. (man在整个复合句中做表语,并且被一个关系从句所修饰。)
He gave me a book whose name is war and peace. (book在整个复合句中做宾语,并且被一个关系从句所修饰。)

表示时间:1978 was the year (in which) I was born. (in which可以省略而不影响理解。 )
该关系从句可以变为状语从句:1978 was (the year) when I was born. (the year可以省略而不影响理解。 )
表示地点:This is the place in which I grew up.(可以换成this is the place I grew up in.而省略which)
该关系从句可以变为状语从句:This is (the place) where I grew up. (the place可以省略而不影响理解。 )
表示原因:This is the reason (for which) he dislikes me. (for which可以省略而不影响理解。)
该关系从句可以变为状语从句:This is (the reason) why he dislikes me. (the reason可以省略而不影响理解。 )

I still remember the summer (that) we had the big drought.
I don’t know any place (that) you can get a better exchange rate.
That wasn’t the reason (that) he lied to you.
③当关系代词引导的关系从句修饰的是事物而不是人时,一般可以用which或that都可以。但是,当这些事物用all等词汇(all, any, everything, anything, a few, the only one)表示时,一般不可以用which作为关系代词,而是用that。
Everything that can be done has been done.
I’ll do anything (that) I can.

It’s the silliest argument (that) I’ve ever heard.
Which可以用来表示一个小句,而不是一个单词。此时,which可以用and this, 或者and that代替。
She married Joe, which (=and this, and that) surprised everyone.


该状语从句一般用来回答when?的问题。引导词包括:when, after, as(当…,一边…一边), as long as (长达) , as soon as, before, by the time (that) (在…期间), immediately, the moment (that), now (that)(既然), once, since, until, till, whenever, while.

You didn’t look very well when you got up this morning.
After she got married, Mary changed completely.
We always have to wait till the last customer has left.
The Owens will move to a new flat when their baby is born. (该状语从句,虽表示将来之事,却不用表示将来之will, 但名词从句不能省却will.)
Once we have decorated the house, we can move in.

回答where?之类的问题。引导词:where, wherever, anywhere, everywhere.
The church was built where there had once been a Roman temple.
With a special train ticket you can travel wherever /anywhere / everywhere you like in Europe for just over $ 100.

Everywhere John goes he’s mistaken for Prince Charles.
(1)可以由as连词引导,也可以由:(in) the way, (in) the way that, the way in which, (in) the same way, (in) the same way as引导。
This fish isn’t cooked as I like ti.
Type this again as I showed you a moment ago.

在口语中,how和the way,可以代替as.
This steak is cooked just how/ the way I like it.

(in) the way, (in) the way that, the way in which, (in) the same way, (in) the same way as引导状语从句时,也可以表示比较。

(2)引导词:as if, as though. 当方式状语从句在动词be, act, appear, behave, feel, look, seem, smell, sound, taste等后面时。
I feel as if I’m floating on air.
It sounds as if the situation will get worse.
She acted as if she were mad. (as if / as though可以跟在任何描述行为举止的动词之后。)

一般回答why的问题。引导词:because, as因为,seeing (that)由于,since既然。
As / since, because there was very little support, the strike was not successful.
As you can’t type the letter yourself, you’ll have to ask Susan to do it for you.
John’s trying to find a place of his own because he wants to feel independent.
引导词:assuming (that)假定;if假如;on condition (that) 在……条件下;provided (that)假若;providing (that)假若;so long as, as long as只要;unless除非。

因为句子有对比之因素,故也称对比从句。引导词:although虽然,considering (that)考虑到;though虽然;even though即使;even if即使;much as 虽然很…,while虽然,whereas鉴于;however much/ badly/

good无论多么多,坏,好; no matter how不管如何; no matter how much不管有多少。口语中常用even though 代替though/although.
Although/ though /Even though I feel sorry for him, I was secretly pleased that he was having difficulties.
Much as I’d like to help, there isn’t a lot I can do.
While I disapprove of what you say, I would defend to the death your right to say it.
However far it is, I intend to drive there tonight.(however可以与许多形容词和副词连用。)
No matter where you go, you can’t escape from youself.(no matter可以与疑问词who, when , where等连用,一起引导让步状语从句。)
Whatever, I say, I seem to say the wrong thng. (带-ever的复合词,可以像no matter +该词,一样引导。如whatever就相对于no matter what…)
(1) 所有让步状语从句的连词后面的现在时,都可以用may代替。
However brilliant you are, you can’t know everything. 可以变为: However brilliant you may be, ….
(2)当as 和though表示“不管到什么程度”意思,可以将as或者though用于某些形容词、副词、动词之后来引导一个让步状语从句。
Unlikely as it sounds (=may sound), what I’m telling you is true.
Beautiful though the necklace was, we thought it was over-priced so we didn’t buy it.
Try as he might, he couldn't solve the problem.

引导词:so that, in order that, not to, so as not to, in order not to, in case, lest, for fear
(1)主句中的动词是现在时、现在完成时或将来时时,引导词后面可以跟may, can, will等现在时态的词。
I’ve arrived early so that I may/can/will get a good view of the procession.
Let us spend a few moments in silence so that we remember those who died to preserve our freedom.
(2)主句中的动词是过去时、过去进行时或过去完成时时,引导词后面可以跟should, could, would, might等过去时态的词。
I arrived early so that I should/could/might get a good view of the procession.

否定的不自然表达:I arrived early so that I might not miss anything.(不能用could not)
否定的自然表达:I arrived early so as not to miss anything.
(3)当句子表示将来时间时,在in case后面必须用should, might或现在时动词。但是lest后面,should可以省略。
We’ve installed an extinguisher 灭火器next to the cooker in case there is ever (there should / might ever be ) a fire.
I’m taking a raincoat with me in case I need it.
We have a memorial service every year lest we (should) forget our bebt to those who died in battle.
I avoided mentioning the subject lest he be offended.
I asked them to ring first lest we were out.
(5)for fear后面常跟might. 但不如in case+过去时(动词)更常见。
I bought the car at once for fear (that) he might change his mind.
I bought the car at once in case he changed

his mind.

引导词:that. (1)可以由“so+形容词”后面的that来引导,回答:how (quick)…的问题。(2)可以由“so+副词”后面的that来引导,回答:how (quickly)…的问题。(3)可以由“such (a)+名词”后面的that来引导,回答:what’s (he) like的问题。
His reactions are so quick (that) no one can match him.
He reacts so quickly (that) no one can match him.
They are such wonderful players (that) on one can beat them.

His reacions are so quick, no one can match him.(that可以省却,并且在省却后可以加一逗号,也可以不加。)
(1)such that 可以用在正式英语中,that仍然是引导词。
His reactions are such that no one can match him.
(2)“so +much/many/few/little之表示多少的词汇+(that)”可以表示结果。
There was so much to lose (that) we couldn’t take any risks.
There was such a lot of rain (that) we couldn’t go out.

经常回答how(怎么样)的提问。后面跟着表示比较的短语,如compared with. 当句子里面的两个动词相同,时态也一样时,第二个动词可以省却。
引导词:as +adj. +as, as +adv. +as , not so …as, not as …as和……不一样; -er than, more …than, less …than, the … the…
He is as quickly in answering as his sister (is).
He answers as quickly as his sister (is).
His sister is quicker than he (is).
He moves more slowly than his sister (does).
The more you practise the better you get.

(1)其他结构:as/so much/many + n. + as ; as many + n. + as结构。往往half, nearly, nothing like等会修饰as/so; 而若是just, twice, ten times等修饰as或so时,只能用as,不能用so.
He didn’t sell half as / so many videos as he thought he would.
You’ve made just as (不用so) many mistakes as I have.

The racing car went out of control and hit the barrier several times before it came to a stop on a grassy bank.
