

太原市2018 年初中毕业班综合测试(二)


I-V 听力(略)

V. 单项选择(共15 小题,每小题1 分,满分15 分)

请你从每小题所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将其字母标号填入题前的括号内。

( ) 21. Not only do teenagers need to learn knowledge at school, but they also have to get enough ______ to face difficulties from real life.

A. weight

B. service

C. courage

( ) 22. The government in Taiyuan is rebuilding Binhe sports Center to_____ the National Youth Games in 2019.

A. warn

B. support

C. prevent

( ) 23. Many teenagers hope to be as ________ as Kobe, but few of them would put so much effort into basketball as he did.


B. confident

C. famous

( ) 24. -It is said that National Library of China is the biggest library in Asia.

-Yes, and there are _____3.5 million books in it. What a large number!

A. nearly

B. simply

C. hardly

( ) 25. Many people fly to Wuhan in spring_____ they can enjoy the most beautiful sakura (樱花) in the city.

A. so that

B. as long as

C. even though

( ) 26. The lyrics of the song You Raise Me Up are so beautiful tha t I‘m sure whoever listens to it____ fall in love with it.

A. need

B. can’t

C. must

( ) 27. The movie forever young is popular with old people because it makes them_____ their past life at school.

A.listen to

B. think of

C. help with

( ) 28. The middle school life will be over soon. We should _____ the teachers and classmates who have helped us in these three years.

A. be strict with

B. be thankful to

C. be sorry for ( ) 29. -Excuse me, could you please help me repair my alarm clock?

-_____. Come and get it in half an hour.

A. No problem

B. Good idea

C. I’m afraid not

( ) 30. -It is necessary for Chinese teenagers to know more about China. I wonder_____. -I think they should watch the documentary Amazing China.

A. why they love China so much

B. when they can do something for China

C. how they can get a better understanding of China

VI. 补全对话(共5 小题,每小题1 分,满分5 分)


(Tony meets Anna on their way to school)

Tony: Hi, Anna. You don ’t look well. What’s the matter?

Anna: I have a headache and I’m sleepy now.

Tony: 31__________

Anna: I stayed up too late to do my homework.

Tony: But there was not much homework yesterday. And I finished it in one hour.

Anna: That’s true. My grandfather was ill, and my parents sent him to the hospital. 32_____ I had to look after my younger sister.

Tony: 33______ How is your grandfather now?

Anna: Much better. The doctor gave him some medicine.

Tony: Oh, I see. 34_____

Anna: No, I got up late and I don ’t have enough time to eat it.

Tony: Let’s share my breakfast together.

Anna: 35____

Tony: You are welcome.


When I was young, I belonged to a club that did community service work. There was one special event that was unusual for me. I spent three or four hours 36 warm dinner to the homeless out in the streets. After that I went to a homeless shelter not far from the Bay Bridge.

I was in high school and at the time my sister was too 37 to join in. She wanted to help, so she made many chocolate chip cookies for 38 to take to people. When getting to the shelter, I began making sandwiches and shared them with the crowd. Then I had the boxes with my sister ’s cookies in them and began to walk around, 39 them to anyone near me.

I walked close to an old gentleman and said, “ Sir, would you like a cookie?” He stopped and turned around. He looked at me 40 and said, “ What did you say? Did you call me sir?” I told him I had, and his eyes 41 a little bit. “ No one has ever called me sir in the past 60 years,” he said. So he was completely moved. It touched me.

I told him that 42 a person’s color and social position were, he should be respected. It saddened me to think that just because he was homeless, no one treated him with basic 43 . It broke my heart. I had never thought that anyone

was 44 me because everyone should be treated in the same way.

Years later, I still 45 that memory and the lesson it taught me. Good behavior can always make a big difference to one ’s life.

( ) 36. A. checking out B. giving out C. trying out

( ) 37. A. young B. active C. afraid

( ) 38. A. me B. her C. you

( ) 39. A. lending B. selling C. offering

( ) 40. A. sadly B. surprisedly C. silently

( ) 41. A. watered B. closed C. moved

( ) 42. A. wherever B. whatever C. whenever

( ) 43. A. protection B. promise C. politeness

( ) 44. A. before B. above C. below

( ) 45. A. carry B. leave C. regret

VIII. 阅读理解(一)(每小题2 分,共30 分)

(A )


(B )

请阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。

From the time each of my children started school, I packed their lunches. And in each lunch, I included a note. Often written on a napkin(餐巾), it might be a thank-you for a special moment, a reminder of something we were happily expecting, or a bit of encouragement for the coming test or sporting event.

In early grade school they loved their notes. But as children grew older they became a little rebellious, and by the time he reached high school, my older son, Marc, told me he no longer enjoyed my daily notes. Telling him that he no longer needed to read them but I still needed to write them, I continued until the day he graduated.

Six years after high school graduation, Marc called and asked if he could move home for a couple of months. He had spent those years well, graduating from collage, completing two internship(实习) in Washington, D.C., and finally, becoming a technical worker in Sacramento. Expect for short vacation visits, however, he had lived away from home. With his younger sister leaving for college, I was especially happy to have Marc back. Since I was still making lunch for his younger brother, I packed one for Marc, too. It was hard for me to express my felling when I got a call from my 24-year-old son, asking about his lunch..

“Did I do something wrong? Don ’t you love me any more, Mum?” were just a few of the questions he threw at me as I laughingly asked him what was wrong.

( ) 51. What did the writer do since her children started school?

A. She reminded the kids to say thanks every day.

B. She left a note while packing the kids’ lunches.

C. She took part in the sporting event with the kids.

( ) 52. Wh at does the underlined word “rebellious” probably mean?




( ) 53. Which of the following about Marc is TRUE?

A. He finally worked in Washington, D.C.

B. He didn’t get along well with his mother.

C. He seldom lived at home after high school graduation.

( ) 54. How was Marc’s feeling when he didn’t find the note in his lunch?

A. Pleased

B. Disappointed


( ) 55. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Mother’s love is shown eve rywhere.

B. It’s hard to deal with mother-son relationship.

C. People should separate from their mothers when growing up.

(C )


Where can you learn about the culture relics(文物) of our country? You may visit museums or read books. But now a CCTV show may give you a special way to learn about them. The show is called National Treasure. ___56___ And all of them are closen from nine famous Chinese museums. After it first aired on December 3, 2017, it soon became popular. Yu Lei, director of the show, said it makes national treasures come “alive”.

___57___ An IMAX-sized LED screen on a stage shows the treasures in detail. What’s more, instead of just telling the stories and history behind the treasures, the show invites famous actors to cat out these stories on stage. For example, Emperor Qainlong wanted to make a vase(花瓶) using 17 different kinds of making skills. ___58___ In a dream, he talked about this idea with two ancient artists and his father, Emperor Yongzheng. But they said that Qainlong had a poor taste in artwork. Actor Wang Kai played Emperor Qianlong and people loved his performance so much.

___59___ An old man named Qiu Qingnian is an expert at producing natural paints for repairing ancient paintings. On the TV program, he shows viewers how to make natural paints.

People like the program very much. “National Treasure brings museums and relics to people in an interesting way. ___60___.” Jiang Song, a member of the

第Ⅱ卷非选择题(45 分)

Ⅸ. 阅读理解(二)(每小题2 分,共20 分)



Nowadays, many people have realized the importance of leadership skills. Poor leaders may cause many problems. But good leaders do better in solving problems than poor ones. Without good leaders, problems can ’t be solved. Therefore, good leaders are very important. What’s more, good leaders are good at cooperating with others. Usually they are good at listening to others. But being good leaders isn’t easy. So let me give you some suggestions to help you become a leader.

Learn from books. Maybe nobody teaches you how to be a good leader, but you can learn it on your own. Read biographies(传记) of great leaders from home and abroad. By reading, you can learn a lot from their experience quickly. Then you will be more confident of being a good leader.

Learn form student leaders in your school. There is no doubt that those leaders who are popular with students in your school must have their advantages over others. Don ’t you want to know why they are so successful? Take an active part in the activities often organized by the excellent leaders and learn from them at once. Then you will know the answer.

Practice what you have learned. Find the students that have the same interests as you have and start a club. Some successful activities should be held in the club. When the members in your club have trouble solving problems, you should communicate with them and find out the cause of the problems. After problems are solved, you can share pleasure with them. As time passes by, it’s easy for you to get more trust like those popular leaders. Sooner or later, you will be a good leader.

In short, being a good leader needs courage and practice. Get started before it’s too late!


Today, with most of us owning a smartphone that lets us post on social media (媒体)wherever and whenever we want, oversharing has become harder to avoid. But the fact is that most of people usually do n’t realize when they’re oversharing. We can get more facts from the following charts that were shown by a US survey.

Chart Ⅰ Chart Ⅱ

Many Chinese people also like to post on social media, mainly including the photos of food and the words of wisdom..

While sharing is indeed a good thing, oversharing, especially on social media platforms, is not good. For one thing, it may put people ’s personal information at risk, because what they mean to share with only a small group of friends is actually broadcast to the whole world. Besides, oversharing online can influence people’s normal communication in real life, said Chen Canrui, a psychologist at South China Normal University. That is because oversharing makes deepcommunication less, which hurts strong social relationship, especially friendships. So it is very necessary for people to use social media properly.

66. According to Chart Ⅰ, how many U.S. adults think their friends overshare on social media?

67. What percent of Americans post on social media once or more a day?

68. What do Chinese mainly post on social media?

69. Why can oversharing online influence people’s real communication?

70. As a result, what do you usually share on social media? Why?

X. 词语运用(每小题1 分,共10 分)


Chinese skater Wu Dajing, 23, introduced himself to

the skating world by winning a silver medal at the

Sochi Olympic Winter Games. 71. ________ four years hard

work, at PyrongChang Olympic, Wu not only returned,

but also made history. On February 22, Wu won the gold

medal in the men’

s short-track 500-meter race. He set a new world record with a time of 39.584 seconds. He also became the 72. ________ Chinese man to take home an Olympic short-track gold medal. Because of the achievement, Wu 73. ________a lot of praise so far. Many people said W u’s win was “perfect”, 74. ________ he was much faster than all of the other skaters. “I didn’t give 75. ________ a chance and I kept my speed from the start,” he told the media after the race.

However, other Chinese skaters didn ’t do well at the Games and they all failed

76. ________ home the gold. Wu was China’s biggest hope. It put a lot of pressure on his

77. ________. But he showed himself with his great performance.

In fact, things were very different before, though Wu is 78. ________praised as a talented skater. When Wu joined the national team in 2010, he 79. ________ as almost “nothing” compared to gifted skaters like Zhou Yang and Fan Kexin. People’s comments made him quite upset. But as the saying goes, “Winners never quit(放弃)and quitters never win”. Wu didn’t give up and practiced skating skill 80. ________. He even didn’t return to his hometown for the holidays for 10 years. “I believe in myself,” he said. Wu ’s story shows great Olympic spirit of being hard-working.

XI. 书面表达(共15 分)


要求: 1. 词数不少于80 词;

2. 提示词正、反方均可使用,仅供参考;

3. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名。


上海金山区2018届中考英语二模试卷(有答案) 上海市金山区2018届中考英语二模试题考生注意: 1. 本卷有7大题,共94小题。 2. 试卷满分150分。考试时间100分钟。 3. 全部试题均采用连续编号。请将所有答案做在答题纸的指定位置上,做在试卷上一律不给分。 Part 1 Listening (第一部分听力) I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解) (共30分) A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片) (6分) A B C D E F G H 1. __________ 2. __________ 3. __________ 4. __________ 5. __________ 6. __________ B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案) (8分) 7. A) By plane. B) By train. C) By car. D) By ship. 8. A) At 12:00. B) At 12:15. C) At 11:15. D) At 12:45. 9. A) Husband and wife. B) Father and daughter. C) Shop assistant and customer. D) Doctor and patient. 10. A) Lily. B) Lena. C) Tim. D) David. 11. A) In the classroom. B) In the library. C) In the reading room. D) On the playground. 12. A) Because they jumped into a river. B) Because they met a policeman. C) Because their car broke down. D) Because they met a traffic jam. 13. A) She wants to lose weight. B) She doesn't like sweet food. C) She is too full to eat anything else. D) She would like something else. 14. A) Whether she has something to do on New Year's Eve. B) Whether she will have a New Year's party successfully. C) Whether she will have enough guests for this party. D) Whether she will receive any invitation from others. C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容, 符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示) (6分) 15. A young man was once travelling by train and the journey was long but interesting. 16. Almost all passengers in the train were attracted by the house but the young man wasn’t. 17. The noise


2019学年第二学期初三英语教学质量检测试卷 听力部分及参考答案 I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解) A. Listen and choose the right picture.(根据你听到的句子,选出相应的图片。)(6分) 1. Nowadays, Chinese people are changing their eating habits. 2. How many medical workers were sent to Wuhan to help fight the disease? 3. Good parents always provide support for their children. 4. Students are looking forward to having lessons at school. 5. Hello, this is Jessica! May I speak to Tom, please? 6. You had better wash your hands at once after you come back. B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear.(根据你听到的对话和问句,选出最恰当的答案。)(8分) 7. W: Hello! Do you have any bananas? M: Sure. You come just in time. Look at these, they’ve just arrived and very fresh. W: Lovely! Can I get 20 of them? Q: What does the woman want to buy? 8. W: We are running out of toilet paper. Shall we take a bus to buy some in the supermarket? M: Maybe not? I am afraid of taking any public transpor tation now. No subway, no taxi, no …W: Then, let’s go there by bike. Q: How are they going to the supermarket? 9. W: Did you go to a Japanese restaurant yesterday? M: No, why do you think so? W: You posted so many pictures of Japanese food on your WeChat! M: Oh! My mom made them. She went to Japan 3 years ago and stayed there for a year. Q: When did the boy’s mother go to Japan? 10. W: Hi, Johnson, can you translate this medicine instruction for me? M: Let me have a look. Oh, it’s in Japanese. I only know a little English and French. Maybe we can look for the same product on Taobao for the translation. Q: Which language is the medicine instruction written in? 11. M: Would you like some tea or milk? W: I like both, but today I feel so hot. I’d prefer something cold. M: Then what about some iced fruit punch? W: That’s good. Q: Which drink do you think the girl want to have now? 12. W: Tom, go to the store downstairs to buy some salt for me. I’m cooking some fish soup. M: Which kind of salt? The normal salt or the sea salt? W: I don’t mind. Come on! I need some immediately. M: Ok, I’ll be back in no time.


中考英语二模试题(含答案) 历下区2019年初三年级学业水平第二次模拟考试 英语试题 本试题共10页,分选择题部分和非选择题部分,考试用时共120分钟。 答题前,请考生务必将自己的姓名、座号、准考证号写在答题卡的规定位置,并同时将考点、姓名、准考证号、座号填写在试卷规定位置。 答题时,选择题部分每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。非选择题部分,用0.5毫米黑色签字笔在答题卡上题号所提示的答题区域作答。直接在试题上作答无效。 考试结束后,将本试题和答题卡一并交回。 选择题部分共105分 I.听力测试(30分) A)听录音,在每组句子中选出一个你所听到的句子。每个句子听一遍。(7.5分) 1.A.Thatishershlbag.B.Thisisyfriend..Thseareybrther s. 2.A.Isyurfathertall?B.Dyuhaveabaseball?.anyuplaythe

pian? 3.A.Ididn’twatertheplants.B.Theydn’tlikearrts..Sheisn’twathingTV. 4.A.herearekalasfr?B.hatdeshelklike?.henisyurusilas s? 5.A.Let’sinthesprtslub.B.Haveagddayatshl..keepquietinthelib rary. B)听录音,从每题A、B、三幅图画中选出与听到的对话内容相符的一项。每段对话听两遍。(7.5分) 10.A.B.. )在录音中,你将听到一段对话及五个问题。请根据对话内容及问题选择正确答案。对话及问题听两遍。(7.5分) 11.A.inanZ.B.iuruuntain..BatuSpring. 12.A.Sewrkers.B.Selassates..Sefarers. 13.A.indyandld.B.Sunnyandwar..ludyanddry. 14.A.At5:00a..B.At5:30a...At8:30a.. 15.A.Hekedeals.B.Hedrankilktea..Hereadbks. D)在录音中,你将听到一篇短及五个问题。请根据短内容及问题选择正确答案。短及问题听两遍。(7.5分) 16.A.nFriday.B.nSaturday..nSunday.


2020届九年级英语中考二模试卷A卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、单选题 (共20题;共40分) 1. (2分)Which of the following phonetic transcriptions is right for the “cold”? A . /kold/ B . /k?ud/ C . /kod/ D . /k?uld/ 2. (2分)Which of the following underlined parts matches the sound /I/? A . wine B . fight C . high D . habit 3. (2分)Mom, I don't want to be else. I just want to be_______. A . anybody; myself B . everybody; myself C . everybody; me D . anybody; me 4. (2分)Could you give me some on how to learn English well? A . advice B . advices C . piece of advice D . pieces of advices 5. (2分)——Would you please tell me the way to the Pacific Hotel? ——Go______ the post office, and you will find it on the left. A . pass B . past C . to pass


2019-2020学年初三英语二模听力汇编——学生版 One【崇明区】 I. Listening comprehension(听力理解)(共30分) A. Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(6分) (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) ( F) (G) (H) 1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________ 5. ________ 6. ________ B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的key:)(8分) 7. A)4:00. B)5:00. C)6:00. D)7:00. 8. A) By taxi. B) On foot. C)By underground. D)By bus. 9. A)In a department store. B) In a lift. C) In a post office. D)In a library. 10. A)Excited. B)Surprised. C)Bored. D)Embarrassed 11. A)Buy gifts for friends. B)Take lots of photos. C)Stay in the hotel. D) Talk with local people.

12. A)To write an article. B)To read it again. C) copy some nice sentences. D) To lend it to his teacher. 13. A) Teacher and student. B) Waitress and customer. C) Manager and secretary. D)Husband and wife. 14. A)Peter met Mr. Bennet just now. B)Peter is telling a lie to Mrs. White C) Mr. Bennet is making a phone call now. D) Mrs. White doesn’t know Mr. Bennet. C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T” 表示,不符合的用“F”表示)(6分) 15. Joseph broke a church window when playing football near it. 16. Joseph called the police and the pastor (牧师)) of the church to report the matter. 17. Joseph was asked to work in the church to make up for the damage. 18.Both the pastor and the police officer were greatly touched after hearing what Joseph had said. 19. The pastor of the church accepted Joseph’s offer. 20.Joseph received awards from both the police officer and his school. D.Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences(听短文,完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)(10分) 21. The writer went into his office at 7 a.m. and_________ _________ new orders. 22. The writer saw a _________ _________ lying next to the lockers and used it to hit the door. 23. The writer was amazed that the locker_________ _________. His walkie-talkie wasn’t there. 24. The writer received a call for an alarm at a building_________ _________. 25. The fence that surrounded (环绕)the closed company building was _________ _________high. Two【奉贤区】 I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解) (共30分) A. Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(6分)


江苏省苏州市2017届中考英语二模试题 第一部分单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 1.–How do you like _______ holiday in Mount Tai? --We enjoyed it very much. _______ view is very beautiful. A. a, the B. the, / C. a, / D. the, the 2. They went climbing the morning of May 1st and came back the late afternoon. A.on;on B.in;in C.on;in D.in;on 3. He thinks himself________, but we think him ________. A. somebody, anybody B. anybody, somebody C. somebody, nobody D. anybody, nobody 4. —Could you take out the rubbish and do the dishes,Tony? —Sure,Mom will be mad if she sees this _________,I think. A.matter B.mess C.trouble D.difficulty 5. –Dad, _______ we wait until the light becomes green? --Yes, I’m afraid we _______. That’s the traffic rules. A. must, have to B. should, must C. must, should D. should, have to 6. Tim told us that his company __________ robots to do some of the work. A. uses B. will use C. has used D. would use 7. The nurse won't leave her patients _ she's sure they are all taken g ood care of. A.unless B.because C.since D.if 8. I'm afraid that this type of energy will if we continue to waste it. A.run out B.break out C.come down D.fall down 9. —Have you read the book Jane Eyre? —Yes. It’s a famous book and really worth ________.


年中考二模英语试卷南京市鼓楼区2016 2016.05注意事项: 1.本试卷共8页。全卷满分90分。考试时间为90分钟。试题包含选择题和非选择题。考生答题全部答在答题卡上,答在本试卷上无效。 2.请将自己的姓名、考试证号用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔填写在答题卡上。 3.答选择题必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案。答非选择题必须用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔写在答题卡的指定位置,在其它位置答题一律无效。 选择题(共40分) 一、单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 1. —Bob, you should put away the things in your room. It is a terrible mess! —OK, I'm coming, Mum! A. on B. at C. in D. for 2. My elder sister managed to lose weight last year and she found herself each time she weighed herself. A. light B. lighter C. heavy D. heavier Which city do you prefer, Nanjing or Shanghai? —3. city very much. Big cities are too crowded and noisy. —I don't like D. neither C. either A. none B. each not allowed to enter are opened. Shanghai Legoland Discovery Centre has recently It has a special rule that adults 4. ___________ they go with a child. D. unless B. until C. though A. whenever and eating a balanced diet. 5. According to the doctor's advice, people can keep healthy by exercising B. properly C. exact D. exactly A. proper to the country? Have you read the —Hi, Wang Ling! I hear you'll go to Italy. 6. ). 遗产—Yes. Now I know Italy has a long history and many world heritages (. information D C A. introduction B. instruction . interview greatest advantage of shopping online? —Jim, what's the 7. spend a lot of time going from shop to shop. —I think I D. needn't C. can't A. shouldn't B. mustn't 8. A 12-year-old boy, who ran away from home, walked back more than 50 kilometres towards his house after he _______________ his pocket money. A. took out of B. ran out of C. got out of D. cut out of


广东省深圳市罗湖区2020届九年级英语下学期第二次调研试题(二 模) 一、听选信息 1、听第一段对话,选出回答两个问题的正确答案。念两遍。 (1)What birthday presents are they going to prepare? A、A birthday cake, a new shirt and a card. B、A birthday cake, a beautiful skirt and a special dinner. C、A beautiful shirt, a birthday card and a special dinner. (2)Where are they going to have the special dinner? A、In a restaurant. B、At home. C、At a friend's home. 2、听第二段对话,选出回答下面问题的正确答案。念两遍。 (1)What colour the shoes does the man want to buy? A、Black. B、Brown. C、Black and brown. (2)How does the man pay for the shoes? A、In cash. B、With Wechat. C、By Ali-pay. 3、听第三段对话,选出回答下面问题的正确答案。念两遍。 (1)Who is Joseph? A、Sue's father. B、Sue's brother. C、Sue's uncle. (2)What is Joseph's telephone number? A、82926323. B、82926363.


2017学年第二学期初三英语教学质量检测试卷 (满分150分,考试时间100分钟)2018. 4 考生注意:本卷有7大题,共94小题。全部试题均采用连续编号。请将所有答案做在答题纸的指定位置上,做在试卷上一律不给分。 Part 1 Listening (第一部分听力) I. Listening comprehension (听力理解) (共30分) A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片) (6分) A B C D E F G H 1.______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5.______ 6. ______ B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问 题,选出最恰当的答案) (8分) 7. A) In his schoolbag. B) In his pocket. C) In the desk. D) In the playground. 8. A) To buy things. B) To travel around. C) To study. D) To go on business. 9. A) Rainy. B) Cloudy. C) Windy. D) Sunny. 10. A) 20 yuan. B) 60 yuan. C) 70 yuan. D) 80 yuan. 11. A) Once. B) Twice. C) Three times. D) Four times. 12. A) Teacher and student. B) Husband and wife. C) Doctor and patient. D) Manager and clerk. 13. A) She isn’t very shy.B) She is quiet. C) She talks a lot. D) She is easy to communicate. 14. A) The radio is broken. B) Some parts of the radio are missing. C) He will repair the radio. D) He will change the batteries. C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否 符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示) (6分)


2019年九年级网上阅卷适应性训练(二) 英语试卷 注意:1.本试卷共8页,满分为120分,考试时间为120分钟。 2.所有试卷答案均填写在答题卡上,答在试卷、草稿纸等其他位置上一律无效。 第Ⅰ部分选择题(共60分) 一、单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 1.There is______8-year-old boy playing ______Chinese chess with his friend in the classroom. A. a;/ B. an;/ C. a; the D. an; the 2.My little cousin is a (n) ______boy and he always comes up with new ideas for class activities. A. creative B. curious C. organized D. energetic 3. —Bob, you look blue. Don’t make any decision, ______when you’re in a bad mood. —OK,I won’t. Thanks. A. exactly B. probably C. especially D. generally 4. —What do you think of the Navy Parade(海军阅兵式) in Qingdao? —_______wonderful! I’ve never watched a _______ one. A. What; good B. How; good C. What; better D. How; better 5. Alice ______ for 15 years, yet she still doesn’t know what kind of man she ______. A. has been married; has married with B. has got married; married to C. has been married; married D. has married; has married to 6.—Would you mind going on a trip with us this Saturday? —_______. I haven’t been outdoors these days. I can’t wait! A. Sorry, I can’t B. Certainly not C. Sure, I’d love to D. My pleasure 7. Go and visit the hospital, ______ you’ll find that not everything can be bought with money. A. so B. and C. but D. or 8. —Good news! A company producing a special battery will be set up in Taizhou. — True! A series of new policies(政策) have ______ the use of new energy cars around China recently. A. pushed for B. pushed in C. put out D. put through 9. —The famous Notre Dame Cathedral(巴黎圣母院) caught a big fire on April 16, 2019. —What a pity! I think French people may have difficulty ______ it well. A. repair B. to repair C. repaired D. repairing 10. —I’m so hungry. shall we begin the dinner, Mum? —_______your father comes from work, dear. A. When; Until B. How long; Not until C. How soon; Not until D. How soon; Until 11. —I promise I’ll do my homework by myself and never copy others’ from now on. —Really? _______.


九年级英语 第1页 共8页 九年级英语 第2页 共8页 学校 班级 姓名 考号 密 封 线 内 不 要 答 题 2018年中考第二次模拟试卷 英 语 满分 120分 考试时间:120分钟 亲爱的同学,这份试卷将再次记录你的自信、沉着、智慧和收获,我们一直投给你信任的目 20分,每小题约有8秒钟的答題时间) Ⅰ、录音中有五个句子(每题1分),每题读一遍,然后从每小题A 、B 、C 中选出能对每个句子做出适当反应的答语。 ( )1. A. I know. B. Yes, I do. C. With pleasure. ( )2.A. south B. north C. west ( )3. A. Thank you. B. Not at all. C. Don’t say so. ( )4. A. What a pity! B. Good idea! C. Don’t mention it! ( )6. Where are they talking? A. In a store. B. In a restaurant. C. At a bus stop. ( )7. How did the man use to go to work? A.by taxi B.by bike C.by bus ( )8. Where does the woman want to go? A. The bank. B. The post office. C. The book shop. ( )9. How long haven ’t they seen each other? A. For a year. B. For 18 months. C. For half a year. ( )10. What does the woman ask the man to drink? . ( ) 11. When will the new term begin? A. In July. B. In August. C. In September. ( )12. What kind of class does the man want to choose? A. A two-hour class. B. A one-hour class. C. A fifty-minute class. ( )13. Who’s the teacher of the fifty -minute class? A. Mr. Black. B. Miss Green. C. Frank. ( )14. How much should the man pay for the class in total (总计)? A. 60 yuan. B. 320 yuan. C. 720 yuan. ( )15. Which telephone number should the man call for more information? A. 352-2472. B. 352-2481. C. 752-2461. 笔试部分(100分) I .词汇考查(15分) A) 读句子,根据所给汉语提示写出单词。 1.The ol d man gave away eight ________ (百) books to the primary school in the countryside. 2. Details decide ______ (成功) or not. If we take everything seriously, we’ll achieve our goals. 3. Ten people, ________ (包含) a baby, were hurt in the crash. 4. Email English is ________(广泛地) used among young people. 5. When we ___________ (比较) western culture with Chinese culture, you’ll find many differences. B) 根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 6. After so many ________ (year) practice, Li Na is a well-known tennis player. 7. We’ll have a surp rise party for my mother’s ________ (forty) birthday next Saturday. 8. The higher the mountain is, the ________ (thin) the air is. 9. To tell the ________ (true), I don’t like the drinks in that café. 10. It’s a (an) ________ (usual) experience, few people have chances to do it. Ⅱ.单项选择 (共20题,20分) ( )1. This is 3-D printer. And this is an artificial (人工的) ear. Can you believe that scientists printed this artificial ear by this 3-D printer? A. a B. an C. the D. / ( )2.Did you go to Kenli during the Peach Blossom Festival (桃花节)? --Yes. The flowers were beautiful. Bees were flying them. A. in B. among C. between D. through ( )3. Though they are far away from school, the children who live in mountains ______ go to school on foot. A. ever B. always C. never D. hardly ever ( )4. –Excuse me, haven’t you learned the new law? Everyone in a car must wear the seat belt. -- Sorry, we won’t do that again.


英语试卷 本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分。考试时间为100分钟。试卷满分为90分。 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡 的相应位置上;并认真核对条形码上的姓名、准考证号是否与本人的相符合。 2.答选择题必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的选项涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案,答案不能答在试卷上。 3.答非选择题必须用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔作答,写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应 位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不 按以上要求作答的答案无效。 4.考生必须保持答题卡的整洁,考试结束后,将试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第Ι 卷(客观题共 50 分) 一、单项选择在 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(本大题共 14 分, 每小题 1 分) 1. —Do you think your appearance is ______ help when you look for a new job? —Well, it all depends. Anyway, it may give me _________ chances to try. A.a; many more B. 不填; much more C. a; much more D.不填; many more 2.Amazing China 《厉害了,我的国》, a ___________ documentary, arouses(激发) Chinese _____ from deep inside. A.90-minutes; proud B. 90-minute; pride C. 90-minute; proud D. 90 minutes; pride 3.A hard-working man ______ become a great scientist, but a great scientist _______ be a hard-working man. A. can’t; can B. may not; must C. can’t; must D. may not; can 4. — Do you drink wine as much as before? — _______ at all. My heart problem is getting worse. A. None B. Little C. Nothing D. Anything
