

医院常用英语general hospital综合医院

Department of ophtalmology眼科

children hospital儿童医院


tumour hospital肿瘤医院

Department of stomatology口腔科

chest hospital 胸科医院

Department of urology泌尿科

field hospital野战医院

Department of orthopedic骨科

isolation hospital隔离医院

Department of traumatology创伤科military hospital陆军医院

Department of endocrinology内分泌科municipal hospital市立医院

Department of anesthesiology麻醉科maternity hospital产科医院

Department of dermatology皮肤科

mental hospital精神医院

Department of infectious diseases传染病科infectious hospital传染医院

Department of pathology病理科

leprosy hospital麻风医院

Department of psychiatry精神科

affiliated hospital附属医院

Department of orthopacdic surgery矫形外科training hospital教学医院

Department of cardiac surgery心脏外科

out-patient department门诊部Department of cerebral surgery脑外科

In-patient department住院部Department of thoracic surgery胸外科Nursing department护理部Department of plastic surgery矫形外科Admission office住院处

Department of physiotherapy理疗科Discharge office 出院处electrotherapy room电疗科Registration office挂号处heliotherapy room光疗科

Reception room, waiting room侯诊室wax-therapy room蜡疗科Consultation room诊察室hydrotherapy room水疗科

Isolation room隔离室

central laboratory中心实验室

Labour room待产室

clinical labororatory临床实验室Delivery room分娩室bacteriological labororatory细菌实验室Emergency room急诊室biochemical labororatory生化实验室Ward病房室

serological labororatory血清实验室Pharmacy dispensary药房

X-ray roomX光室

Nutrition department营养部doctor’s office医生办公室

Diet- preparation department配膳室

nurse”s office护士办公室

Therapeutic department治疗室

director of the hospital院长

Operating room手术室

head of the nursing department护理部主任Blood-bank血站

attending doctor主治医师


resident doctor住院医师


intern doctor实习医师

Dressing room 换药室

chief physician主任医师


associate chief physician副主任医师Record room病案室


Department of internal medicine内科urological surgeon泌尿外科医师Department of surgery外科neurosurgeon神经外科医师

Department of pediatrics儿科

plastic surgeon矫形外科医师

Department of obstetrics and gynecology妇科anestheist麻醉科耳医师

Department of neurology神经科




Doctor for tuberculosis结核科医师Physiotherapist理疗科

Doctor for infectious diseases传染病科Dietician营养科医师









Assistant pharmacist药剂医士

X-ray techmicianX光技师

Laboratory technician化验员

Head nurse护士长

Student nurse实习护士

Assistant nurse卫生员




Sanitation worker消毒员

First visit初诊

To attend the clinic复诊


Case history病历

Sheet-for-case history病历袋

Turnover of beds病床周转率

Average of hospital stay平均住院日数Ward round查房


Medical certification诊断书Certification for leave of absence病假证明

Application for laboratory examination


Application for X-ray examinationX光申请单Requisition for drugs领药单

共空间大厅 Hall 0

公共空间大厅 Hall

中药局 Chinese Medicine Pharmacy

公用电话 Public Telephone/Pay Phone/Telephone/Public Phone 日常生活训 区Daily Activity Training

日间门诊 Clinic Area

日间 院 Adult Day Care Center

日间照护 Day Care Center

出院室 Discharge Office

加护病房 Intensive Care Unit(ICU)

打卡刷卡区 Clock In / Out

民众意 箱 Suggestions

各科门诊 Out-Patient Departments(OPD)

早产儿室 Premature Babies

住院室 Admissions

义工服务台 Volunteer Services

义工室 Volunteers

更衣室 Dressing Room

夜间门诊 Evening Clinic


注射室 Injections

治疗 室 Treatment Room

社福卫教室 Social Work and Health Education 门诊大厅 Outpatient Hall

门诊注射室 Outpatient Injection

门诊部 Out-patient

门诊满意调查回收意 箱Suggestion Box

门诊检验 OPD Laboratory

待产室 Labor Room

急诊暂 观察室ER Observation Room

恢复室 Recovery Room

候诊区 Waiting Area

晒衣场Clothes Drying

气喘卫教室Asthma Health Education Room

消毒室 Sterilization

消毒锅区 Equipment Sterilization

病房 Ward

病毒室 Viral Laboratory

健儿门诊 Well Baby Clinic

健检中心 0

健检中心 Physical Examination Center

健检室 Physical Examination

产後护理 中心 Postpartum Care Center

发烧筛检站 Fever Clinic

诊 室 Consulting Room

新生儿病房 Neonatal Ward

隔 离检疫舍 Quarantine House

取药处 Medicine Receiving

转诊中心 Referral Center

药物谘询 Drug Information

药库 Drug Storage

接待,服务及休闲区 水间Kitchen / Drinking water / Hot Water 育婴室 Nursery Room / Mother and Baby Room

哺乳室 Nursery Room

调 室Dispatch Room

司机室/司机调 室Drivers' Lounge

值日室Duty Room

值班休息室Duty Office

医师休息室Physicians' Lounge


儿童游戏场Recreation Area

医 器材贩卖部Medical Supply Dispensary

椅借用区Movable Beds


住院病 组Inpatient Records Unit

兵役复检室Military Service Examination


社会服务室Social Worker Room

社区副院长室Community Deputy Superintendent

社会服务科Social Service Section

门诊病 组Outpatient Records Unit

保险作业组 Insurance Declaration Section

急诊批价ER Cashier

科主任办公室Dept. Chief Office

政单位疾病分析组Diseases Classification Unit

病 室/组Medical Records Room/Unit/Section

门诊组Outpatient Un 0

门诊组Outpatient Unit/Section

住院组Inpatient Admissions

秘书室Administration Office



感染控制委员会Infection Control Commission 营养部Food & Nutrition Department

总务室General Affairs Office

总务组General Affairs Section

医品组Quality Assurance Section

医勤组Medical Service Section

医学工程室Medical Engineering Office

医 副院长室Medical Deputy Superintendent

药剂科主任室Pharmacy Chief

床科部中医科Chinese Medicine

中医科-内科Chinese Internal Medicine

中医科-针灸科Chinese Acupuncture


小儿科-心脏Pediatric Cardiology

小儿科-外科Pediatric Surgery

小儿科-心肺Pediatric Cardiopulmonary

小儿科-感染Pediatric Infectious Diseases

小儿科-胃肠Pediatric Gastroenterology

小儿科-眼科Pediatric Ophthalmology

小儿科-神经科Pediatric Neurology

小儿科-遗传科Pediatric Genetics

小儿科-预防注射Pediatric Vaccinations


小儿科-青少 门诊Ado 1

小儿科-青少 门诊Adolescent Health

小儿科-过敏免疫风湿科Pediatric Allergy Immunology

小儿科-血液肿瘤科Pediatric Hematology & Oncology

小儿科- 科Pediatric Urology

小儿科-内分 科Pediatric Endocrinology

小儿科-重症医学科Pediatric Intensive Care

新生儿科加护病房Newborn ICU

小儿加护病房Pediatric ICU

儿童急救加护医学科Pediatric Emergency and Critical Care Medicine 小儿心肺功能室Pediatric PFT

优生保健科Perinatal Genetics

内科Internal Medicine

内科-一般门诊Internal Medicine:General

内科-日间化学治 Day Chemotherapy


内科-胸腔科Pulmonary Medicine


内科-内分 科Endocrinology

内科-内分 暨代谢科Endocrinology and Metabolism

内科-心脏(血管)内科Cardiology Dept.

内科-血液肿瘤科Hematology and Oncology

内科- 人医学门诊Geriatrics

内科-过敏免疫风湿科Rheumatology/Immunology/Allergy 内科-神经Neurology


内科-肝胆胰内Hepatic-biliary-pancreatic Medicine 内科-感染科Infectious Disease


家庭牙医科Family Dentistry

牙科-特别门诊Dental Specialty Clinic

牙科一般门诊(初诊)Dental Clinic-Initial Visit

牙科复诊(约诊)Dental Clinic-Appointment Only

口腔颚面外科Oral Maxillo-facial Surgery

口腔病 诊断科Oral Pathology


儿童牙科Pediatric Dentistry




外科-小儿Pediatric Surgery



外科-手外科Hand Surgery

外科-消化系Gastrointestinal Surgery

外科-一般门诊Surgery-General Clinic

床科部外科-大肠直肠Colo-rectal Surgery

外科-整形Plastic Surgery

 外科-甲 腺乳腺Thyro 0

外科-甲 腺乳腺Thyroid and Breast Surgery

外科-乳房Breast Surgery Clinic

外科-心脏Cardiac Surgery

外科-心脏血管Cardiovascular Surgery

外科-胸腔Thoracic Surgery

外科-美容外科Cosmetic Surgery

外科-肝胆Hepatic Surgery

外科-肝胆胰外Hepatic-biliary-pancreatic Surgery 外科-重建整形Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery

外科-胃肠及一般Gastroenterology & General Surgery 骨外伤科Orthopedic Traumatology

外科加护病房Surgery ICU


皮肤科-一般门诊Dermatology-General Clinic

皮肤科-职业性皮肤病Occupational Dermatology 耳鼻喉科ENT Dept.(Otolaryngology)

耳鼻喉科-一般门诊General ENT Clinic

耳鼻喉科-门诊小手术Minor Surgery

耳鼻喉科-鼻窦内视镜门诊Sinus Endoscopy


科-一般门诊Urology-General Clinic

科- 性 失禁Incontinence Clinic

科-男性 孕症Male Infertility Clinic

科-性功能障碍Sexual Dysfunction Clinic


妇产科Obstetrics and Gynecology

妇产科- 孕症Infertility Clinic

妇产科-子宫颈癌Cervical Carcinoma Clinic

妇产科-羊水穿 Amniocentesis

妇产科-妇科肿瘤Gynecological Oncology

妇产科-子宫颈病变Cervical Dysphasia Clinic 妇产科-妇 期Menopause Clinic

妇产科-快速子宫颈抹片Express Smear Service 妇产科-抹片及乳房检查Pap Smear

妇癌科Gynecologic Oncology

妇科 学科Gynecology Urology


眼科-青光眼Glaucoma Clinic

眼科-斜弱视Strabismus and Amblyopia

眼科-视网膜Retina Section

眼科-一般门诊Optometry-General Clinic

眼科-兵役检查Military Service Eye Exam


眼科-视 保健Vision Protection Clinic

床科部眼科-萤光摄影Fluorescent Photography

眼科 射Ophthalmologic Laser Therapy


精神科-身心内科Psyc 0

精神科-身心内科Psychosomatic Clinic

精神科-焦虑忧郁失眠门诊Anxiety and Insomnia Clinic

精神科-癌症团体心 治 Group Cancer Therapy

精神科-儿童青少 特别门诊(限18岁以下) Youth Psychiatry 放射线科Radiology

核医科Nuclear Medicine

疼痛科Pain Management

麻醉科Anesthesiology(Anesthesia) Dept.


解剖病 科Anatomical Pathology

预防注射科Prophylactic Immunization

病 科Pathology

青少 谘询特别门诊Juvenile Psychiatry Department




家庭医学科Family Medicine

社区医学部Community Medicine

心血管加护病房Cardiac CU(CCU)

心血管中心Cardiovascular Center

心脏血管外科加护病房Cardiovascular Surgery ICU 急诊Emergency Dept.

急诊医学科Emergency Medicine

内视镜科Endoscopy Section



高危险妊娠症学科High-risk Pregnancy

安 护Hospice Center

职业病科Occupational Medicine

放射肿瘤科Radiation Oncology

保健科Preventive Medicine

运动医学科Sport Medicine


外伤加护病房Trauma ICU

健康检查中心Health Evaluation Center

脑血管中心Cerebral Vascular Clinic

神经医学中心Brain Center

烧伤中心Burn Center

癌症中心Cancer center

癌症防治中心Cancer Control and Prevention Center

高压氧治 中心Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Center

肥胖防治中心Weight Reducing

床科部洗肾中心Hemodialysis Center

医学美容中心Medical Cosmetic Center

医学影像中心Medical Image Center

运动 健中心Rehabilitation-Exercise Center


病人保健推广中心Diabetic Center

中西合作医 中心Chinese-Western Cooperative Treatment Center 社区护 Home Care

护 之家Nursing Home

护 部Nursing Dept. / Nursing Department

护 长室Head Nurse

医 技术CT登记处CT Admission

X光摄影室(借片室)X-ray Room

孕症谘询室Infertility Consultation Room

内分 检查室Endocrine Examination Room

内科诊查室Internal Medicine Clinic


化学治 Chemo-Therapy


心导管室Cardiac Catheterization Room

心脏血管中心Cardiovascular Center

心脏血管检查室Cardiovascular Examinations

心脏超音波Heart Echo

水 室Hydrotherapeut 0

水 室Hydrotherapeutics

生化实验室Biochemical Lab

生 检查科Physiological Exam

皮肤病 诊断中心Dermological Pathological Center 石膏室Plaster Room

光子刀治 中心Photon Knife Center

多功能超音波室Multi-Function Echo Room


血库Blood Bank


血清免疫学实验室Immu-serological Lab

血管功能检查室Vascular Function Test

血管摄影室Cardiac Angiography

动 检查室Urokinetic Exam. Room

技术室Technical Support Division

乳房超音波Breast Echo


儿童治 室Pediatric Therapy Room

儿童物 治 室Pediatric Physical Therapy

儿童职能治 室Pediatric Occupational Therapy

呼吸治 Respiratory Therapy

放射免疫分析室Radioimmunoassay Unit

放射科登记室Radiology Registration

医 技术放射线治 科Radiotherapy

科微波热 室Genitouro Urologic

超音波Urology Echo

物 治 Physical Therapy

物 职能治 室Occupational and Physical Therapy 医院常用中英文对照汇编


肺功能室Pulmonary Function Testing

门诊检验Oupatient Check-UPS

门诊体检Physical Check-Ups

急诊X光室ER X-Ray Room

胃镜室Endoscopy Room

胎儿影像中心3D Live Image Center

气管镜室Bronchoscopy Room

特殊检查室Special Examination

胸部超音波Chest Echo

闪烁摄影室Diagnostic Imaging Unit

骨质密 检查室Bone Density

骨骼肌肉超音波室Echo for Skeletal Muscles

采 室Urine Collection Room

产房Delivery Room


细菌研究室Bacterial Laboratory

麻醉科实验室Anesthesiology Laboratory

健科治 室Rehabilitation Therapy

紫外线光 室Ultraviolet Therapy

肾功能室Renal Function

肾脏超音波Renal Echo

视 检查室Check-up for Eye Sight

周边血管室Peripheral Vascular Examination

微生物实验室Microbiological Lab

新生儿观察室Observation Room-New Born Babies 眩检查室Vertigo Test

准分子 射室Laser Treatment

腹部超音波Abdominal echo


脑波室EEG Unit

解剖病 科实验室Anatomical Pathology Laboratory

运动治 室Therapeutic Exercise Room

射治 室Laser Therap 0

射治 室Laser Therapy

电脑断层摄影室CT Scan Unit

电 室Electrotherapy Room

磁振造影扫描室MRI Unit

膀胱功能室Bladder Function Test

膀胱镜室Cystoscopy Room

语言治 Speech Therapy

器官移植Organization Transplantation

医 技术检伤分 Triage


检验科Laboratory Medicine

检体收发室Specimen Collection

检体受 紧急报告 取Emergency Procedure

检体处 室Lab Samples

营养室Nutrition Dept.

床病 室Clinical Pathology

医务室(医 站)Clinic



研讨室Meeting Room,Seminar Room

医师研究室Physicians' Office

医师讨 室Physicians' Meeting Room


研究室Study Room

男化妆室/男厕所Men's Restroom / Gentlemen's Restroom 洗手间/盥洗室Restroom

身心障碍专用厕所Disabled Restroom

储藏及仓库中央供应室Central Supply Center

中央库房Central Storage

供应室Supply Room

清洁工具室Janitors Room

急诊清洁室ER Janitor


汅物间Soiled Materials

清洁班Cleaning Crew

告示或警告标示施工中Under Construction

禁止吸烟No Smoking

禁止饮食No Food or Drink

禁食槟榔Chewing betel nut is prohibited

禁止携带物No Pets

严禁烟火No Open Flames

请勿(禁止)进入No Entry

闲人勿进Authorized Personnel Only

节约用水Please Conserve Water

随手关灯Turn Off Lights When Leaving

高压危险,有电勿靠近Keep Clear-High Voltage

电器设备,严禁擅入Do not enter!Power Equipment



Take a number. Go to counter when number is called.

防火门 火警时随手关门Fire Escape-Please Keep Closed

避难出口 高 逃生缓 机Emergency Exit & Escape Sling

紧急疏散方向图Evacuation Plan

禁止将投手伸出扶梯外Please do not stretch out your hand or head

您的位置You are here

电梯内请勿交谈,请戴口罩Do not talk in elevator,Please put on respirator 医院常用中英文对照汇编


日常英语口语对话 日常英语口语汇总- 日常英语口语对话_英语日常对话汇总,最好的、最权威的、最新的日常英语口语对话汇总! 日常英语口语对话_英语日常对话、习惯语500句(高级)(之一) 1. Hold on 等一下(口语中,人们不太用wait a minute)如果两人辩论,吵架,抬杠,你要别人“打住”,可以说,hold it right there. 2. I hate his guts. 我最讨厌他。也有说I hate him guts. Guts 是肠子,相当于“恨之入骨”的意思。He doesn’t have much guts. 他是个胆小鬼。ut feeling 直觉 3. Nuts, 果仁,核,为复数时,意为“疯子”,He is nuts。他有神经病。He went nuts and killed a guy.他发疯了,结果杀了一个人。You are driving me nuts. 你真是要把我逼疯。a tough nut to crack, 一项艰巨的任务,一个难解之题 4. How is everything? (还好吗?) I am just stuck in a rut, doing the same things every day. I wish I could do something different. (烦死了,每天都是干同样的活,我真想换个活法。) rut 日常的,每天都如此,get in a rut,日复一日,天天如此 5. I have totally sold out to your idea. 我100%地赞同赞同你的意见。类似的话还有If you are not careful enough, you will buy into his bad idea. 如果你不小心的话,你就会采纳他的这馊主意。 6. I am just ecstatic about going to visit you soon. 马上要见你,我高兴死了。


光学专业常用英语词汇photoelectric liquid-level indicator 光电液位 指示器 photoelectric encoder 光电译码器photocathode 光电阴极 photoelectric cathode photoelectric cell 光电 阴极光电管 photoelectric fluorometer 光电荧光计 optical-electronic mail address recognizer 光 电邮件地址识别机 photoelectric threshold 光电阈 photoelectric cell 光电元件 photoelement 光电元件 photounit 光电元件 photoelectric reader 光电阅读器 photoreader 光电阅读器 photoelectric chopper 光电斩波器 photoelectric lighting control 光电照明控制electro-optical rectifier 光电整流器photoelectric direct reading spectrometer 光 电直读光谱计

photoelectric guidance 光电制导 photoelectric transit instrument 光电中星仪 photoelectric clock 光电钟 photoelectric translating system 光电转换系统photoelectric conversion efficiency 光电转换 效率 photoelectrical refrigeration 光-电转换制冷 photoelectric tachometer 光电转速计 photoelectronics 光电装置 photoelectric turbidimeter 光电浊度计 photonephelometer 光电浊度计 photoelectron 光电子 photoelectric yield 光电子产额 optical electronic reproducer 光电子唱头 optoelectronic memory 光电子存储 optoelectronic storage 光电子存储 optoelectronic storage 光电子存储器 photoelectronic 光电子的 photoelectric emission 光电子发射 photoelectron emission spectroscopy 光电子


疾病Disease anemia, anaemia 贫血angina pectoris 心绞痛appendicitis 阑尾炎arthritis 关节炎bronchitis 支气管炎cancer 癌 catarrh 卡他, 粘膜炎 chicken pox, varicella 水痘 cholera 霍乱 cold 感冒, 伤风, 着凉(head) cold 患感冒diabetes 糖尿病 diphtheria 白喉 eczema 湿疹 epilepsy 癫痫erysipelas 丹毒 gangrene 坏疽 German measles, rubella 风疹 gout 痛风 headache 头痛 hemiplegy, hemiplegia 偏瘫, 半身不遂 icterus, jaundice 黄疸 indigestion 消化不良 influenza, flu 流感 insanity 精神病 leukemia 白血病 malaria 疟疾 malnutrition 营养不良 Malta fever 马耳他热, 波状热 measles 麻疹

migraine, splitting headache 偏头痛 miocardial infarction 心肌梗塞 mumps 流行性腮腺炎 neuralgia 神经痛 neurasthenia 神经衰弱 paralysis 麻痹 peritonitis 腹膜炎 pharyngitis 咽炎 phtisis 痨病, 肺结核 pneumonia 肺炎 poliomyelitis 脊髓灰质炎 rabies 狂犬病 rheumatism 风湿病 rickets, rachitis 佝偻病scabies, itch 疥疮 scarlet fever 猩红热sciatica 坐骨神经痛sclerosis 硬化 septicemia, septicaemia 败血病 sinusitis 窦炎 smallpox 天花 swamp fever 沼地热syncope 晕厥 syphilis 梅毒 tetanus 破伤风 thrombosis 血栓形成 torticollis, stiff neck 斜颈 tuberculosis 结核病tumour,tumor 瘤 typhus 斑疹伤寒


【医院常用的英语口语对话】 A:Have you taken your temperature? A:你量体温了么? B:Yes, and it is 37℃. B:量了,37度。 A:Well, open your mouth and let me have a look. It is nothing serious. You haven't got a fever. But you should take the medicine and need to have more rest recently. When you feel well, you could take more exercises, or play sports like basketball, running, and swimming. And eating healthy food, having more fruits and vegetableand drinking milk are good for your heath. A:哦,张开嘴,我看看。没什么大问题,你没发烧。但你还是要吃药,最近也要多休息。感觉好些的时候多做运动,打打篮球、跑跑步或者游游泳什么的。多吃健康食品,多吃蔬菜水果,还有多喝奶,对你身体都有好处。 B:Yes, I see. Thanks a lot. B:好的,我知道了。谢谢你。 【医院看病常用的英语口语对话】 护士:早上好! Nurse: Good morning. 病人:你好! Patient: Good morning. 护士:请问哪里不舒服? Nurse: What seems to be the problem? 病人:高烧,感觉糟透了。 Patient: I'm running a high fever and feeling terribly bad. 护士:这种情况出现有多久了? Nurse: How long have you had the problem? 病人:从昨晚开始的。 Patient: Since last night. 护士:您以前来过咱们医院吗? Nurse: Well, have you ever been here before? 病人:事实上,我也是刚刚到这个城市。 Patient: As a matter of fact, I have just moved to this city. 护士:好的,那么您得先填写这张挂号表。比如您的年龄,挂号,住址等等。 Nurse:O. K. In that case, you have to fill in this


日常简单英语口语对话 A:Howareyougoingallthesedays? A:这些天过得怎么样? B:Fine,thanks. B:还行,谢谢。 A:Butyoulookdepressed. A:可你看上去情绪不高。 B:Ihavesomeproblemwithmywork. B:工作上有点问题。 A:Isitserious? A:严重吗? B:IcanI'msolveit,thanks. B:我可以解决,谢谢。 A:Howaboutyourfamoly? A:家庭还好吧? B:EverythingisOK.AndassoonasIseemysonathome,allmyworries vanishintotheblue. B:一切都好,我回家一见儿子,所有的忧虑就消失得无影无踪了。 A:Hehascometolifeintheend. A:他终于醒过来了。 B:Oh,thankGod.Weallfeltfrightenedbythebadnewsabouthim.

B:噢,真是感谢上帝。一听到关于他的坏消息,我们都吓坏了。 A:Yes.Fortunately,anambulancepassedinthenickoftime,andwe gothimawaytohospital. A:就是,幸亏一辆救护车经过,我们才把他送到医院去。 B:Right.Unless,whoknowwhatwillhappen. B:是呀,不然,谁知道会发生什么事。 A:Wishhimbehealthysoon. A:但愿他赶快好起来。 A:AreyoureallydatingwithFrank? A:你真和弗兰克约会吗? B:Yeah.Butinmyheartofhearts,Ifindhe'snotverymuchtomyliki ng. B:是的,可是,我从心眼里并不是非常喜欢他。 A:Thenwhynotkeepawayfromhim? A:那么于嘛不离开他呢? B:TheproblemisthatIjusthavenoonetoturntorightnow. B:问题是我还没有找到更好的人。 A:That'sstupid. A:那样做是很愚蠢的。 看了“日常简单英语口语对话”的人还看了:


网易电力专业英语词汇(较全) 1)元件设备 三绕组变压器:three-column transformer ThrClnTrans 双绕组变压器:double-column transformer DblClmnTrans 电容器:Capacitor 并联电容器:shunt capacitor 电抗器:Reactor 母线:Busbar 输电线:TransmissionLine 发电厂:power plant 断路器:Breaker 刀闸(隔离开关):Isolator 分接头:tap 电动机:motor 2)状态参数 有功:active power 无功:reactive power 电流:current 容量:capacity 电压:voltage 档位:tap position 有功损耗:reactive loss 无功损耗:active loss 空载损耗:no-load loss 铁损:iron loss 铜损:copper loss 空载电流:no-load current 阻抗:impedance 正序阻抗:positive sequence impedance 负序阻抗:negative sequence impedance 零序阻抗:zero sequence impedance 无功负载:reactive load 或者QLoad 有功负载: active load PLoad 遥测:YC(telemetering) 遥信:YX 励磁电流(转子电流):magnetizing current 定子:stator 功角:power-angle

上限:upper limit 下限:lower limit 并列的:apposable 高压: high voltage 低压:low voltage 中压:middle voltage 电力系统 power system 发电机 generator 励磁 excitation 励磁器 excitor 电压 voltage 电流 current 母线 bus 变压器 transformer 升压变压器 step-up transformer 高压侧 high side 输电系统 power transmission system 输电线 transmission line 固定串联电容补偿fixed series capacitor compensation 稳定 stability 电压稳定 voltage stability 功角稳定 angle stability 暂态稳定 transient stability 电厂 power plant 能量输送 power transfer 交流 AC 装机容量 installed capacity 电网 power system 落点 drop point 开关站 switch station 双回同杆并架 double-circuit lines on the same tower 变电站 transformer substation 补偿度 degree of compensation 高抗 high voltage shunt reactor 无功补偿 reactive power compensation 故障 fault 调节 regulation 裕度 magin 三相故障 three phase fault 故障切除时间 fault clearing time 极限切除时间 critical clearing time 切机 generator triping


医院内常见单词 1.慢性疾病或恢复期的患者疗养的私立小医院Private convalescence hospital 2.内科住院医师resident in hospital 3.实习生intern 4.手术助理护士scrub nurse 6. 麻痹患者paretic 7. 急诊室emergency room 8. 护理站station 9. 内科department of medicine 10.内科主任chief of medicine 11.医院实习生extern 12.开业医生practicing physician 13.装病的人malingerer 14.诊疗错误malpractice 15. 病房ward 16.恢复室por 17.内科医生internist 18.牙科医生dentist 19.眼科医生oculist 20. 小儿科医生pediatrician 21.实习医生intern

22.体温计clinical thermometer 23.手术刀scalpel 24.注射针hypodermic needle 25.脱脂棉absorbent cotton 26.人工呼吸artificial respiration 27.碘酒iodine tincture 28.加护病房intensive care unit 29.点滴intravenous drip 30.电脑断层computerized topography 31.骨折fracture 32.麻醉药narcotic/anaesthetic 33.妇科医生gynecologist 34.骨科医生orthopedist 35.精神病医生psychiatrist 36.诊疗台examination table 37.听诊器stethoscope 38.针筒syringe 39.固定镊fixation forceps 40.纱布gauze 41.担架stretcher 42.处方prescription 43.软膏ointment


(2008-06-16 01:26:15) 转载 标签: 医学 英语 分类:医学临床英语 护理 临床 杂谈 摘自陈淑坚主编《医院会话》 Registration and Work in the Office挂号及办公室工作 Nurse:Do you want to see a doctor?你要看病吗? Patent:Yes,where shall I register?是的,在哪儿挂号?N:Here, have you been here before?这儿,你从前来过吗?P:Yes,a year age./NO,this is my first visit.是的,一年前来过./没有,这是第一次来. N:Have you a registration card?你有挂号证吗? P:Yes here it is./NO,I forgot to bring it.有,在这儿呢./ 没有,我忘记带了. N:Do you remember your card number?你记得你的挂号证号码吗? P:Yes,it is C dash one, five,zero, eight,four, three./No.I can’t remember it.记得,是C-150843./不记得了. N:When did you come last? 上次你什么时侯来的? P:About a week age. 大约在一周以前. N:Then I’11find out for you.那么,我给你查查. Are you working in the Embassy? 你在大使馆工作吗? P: Yes I’ll be here for three to five years. 是的,我要在这儿呆三至五年. I’m a teacher at…我是…的教师.


Lesson 1 Introduction 第一课介绍 introduction介绍;推荐come来here向这里,到这里yes是,嗳,我在这儿mom妈妈pleased 欣喜的;愉快的see会面,晤见;遇见so如是,如此 Mom: Come here, Bo-Bo.来,波波。 Bo-Bo: Yes, Mom? 什么事,妈妈? Mom: This is Li-Li.这是莉莉。 Bo-Bo:How do you do?你好! Li-Li: How do you do? 你好! Bo-Bo: Pleased to see you.见到你很高兴。 Li-Li: So am I.我也是。 Lesson 2 Greetings and Goodbye 第二课问候与再见 hello喂! fine有精神的,健康的thank感谢,谢谢very很,非常well健康的,安好的 So long! 再见! Li-Li: Hello, Bo-Bo! 你好,波波! Bo-Bo:Hello,Li-Li!你好,莉莉! Li-Li: How are you? 你好吗? Bo-Bo: I'm fine, thank you. And you? 我很好,谢谢你。你呢? Li-Li: Very well, thanks.很好,谢谢。 Bo-Bo: Good-bye, Li-Li.再见,莉莉。 Li-Li: So long!再见! Lesson 3 About Bo-Bo's Family 第三课波波的一家 Li-Li: How many people are there in your family, Bo-Bo?波波,你家有几口人? Bo-Bo: There are three: Father, Mother and I.有三口人:爸爸、妈妈和我。 Li-Li: What is your father? 你爸爸是做什么的? Bo-Bo: He is a professor. 他是位教授。 Li-Li: And what is your mother's job? 那你妈妈是干什么工作的呢? Bo-Bo: She is a writer. 她是位作家。 I love my parents very much. 我非常爱我的父母亲。 how many (成语)多少people人,人们professor (大学)教授job工作,职业writer作家;作者 love爱,热爱parents父亲;母亲;双亲very much非常,很 Lesson 4 Getting up 第四课起床


. 词组汇总(一)___基础篇 1.动词短语 be about to do 刚要,即将 be friends with 与……友好 bear in mind 记住 bring into effect 实行;使生效 bring into operation 实施;使生效can not help 禁不住,忍不住 carry into effect 施行;使生效 cast light on/upon 阐明,使了解catch fire 着火,烧着 catch one's breath 喘气,松口气;屏息catch one's eye 引人注目 catch sight of 看到,发现 come into effect 生效;实施 come into operation 施行,实行,生效come to one's senses 醒悟;苏醒come true 实现 could not help 禁不住,忍不住 cut short 中断,打断 do one's best 尽力,努力 enjoy oneself 过得快活 fall in love with 爱上 find fault(with) 找岔 gain an advantage over 胜过,优于get hold of 得到,获得 get rid of 丢弃,摆脱, get the best of 战胜 get the better of 战胜,占上风 get together 会面,装配 give rise to 引起,导致 give way 让路,让步go ahead 开始,进行 go into effect 施行,实行,生效 go into operation 生效,实施 go wrong 出错,出故障 had better 应该 had rather 宁愿 had rather……than 宁愿……而不愿…… have an advantage over 胜过,优于 have in mind 想到;记得;打算 have nothing to do with 和……毫无关系have(something/much/little)to do with 和……(有些/有很大/没有什么)关系help oneself 自用,自取 keep an eye on 留意,照看 keep in mind 记住 keep one's head 保持镇静 keep one's word 守信用 keep pace(with) (与……)齐步前进 lead the way 引路,带路 learn by heart 记住,背诵 leave alone 不打扰,不干预 let alone 更别提,不打扰 let go (of) 放,松手 lose heart 失去勇气,丧失信心 lose one's head 慌乱,仓皇失措 lose one's temper 发脾气,发努 lose sight of 忘记,忽略;看不见 make a /the difference 有影响,起作用make friends 交朋友 make fun of 取笑,嘲弄 make one's way 去,前往


医院名称英语单词hospital 医院 hospital for infectious diseases 传染病医院 childrens hospital 儿童医院 obstetrics and gynecology hospital 妇产医院 tuberculosis hospital 结核病医院 stomatological hospital 口腔医院 army hospital 陆军医院 field hospital 野战医院 hospital of chinese medicine 中医医院 tumor hospita 肿瘤医院 general hospital 综合性医院 mental hospital 精神病院 hospital for lepers;leprosarium 麻风病院 sanatorium 疗养院 clinic 诊疗所 first-aid station 急救站 quarantine station 防疫站 医学名称英语单词 medical science;medical service;medicine 医学 medical book 医书 medical skill;art of healing 医术 medical matters 医务

clinic 医务所 medical science;medicine 医学 forensic medicine;legal medicine 法医学preclinical medicine 基础医学preventive medicine 预防医学 Doctor of Medicine 医学博士 academy of medical sciences 医学科学院medical literature 医学文献 Bachelor of Medicine 医学学士 medical heritage 医学遗产 college of medicine 医学院 medical witness 医学证人 medicine 医药 general medical knowledge 医药常识medical expenses 医药费 medical kit;medicine chest 药箱 first-aid kit 急救药箱 property of a medicine 药性pharmaceutical college 药学院 dipping vat 药浴池 medicated soap 药皂 drug rash;drug eruption 药疹 assistant pharmacy 药剂士pharmaceutics;pharmacy 药剂学


场景一: Patient: Nurse, rm not feeling well today. Doctor: Where don't you feel well ? P: I have a pain in my abdomen. D: How long have you had it ? P: It started in the morning. At the beginning I have a stomachache. D: How long did it last ? P: About 3 hours , but this after noon it moved to the right lower part of the abdome n for 5 hours. D: Have you had any vomiting ? P: I have only nausea. D: Have you any diarrhea ? P: No. D: Any fever ? P: I don't know. D: Let me take your temperature. All right , you have a slight fever. D: Please lie down on the bed, loosen your belt, please. Let the doctor examine you abdomen. P: Thank you. D: Don't be nervous and try to relax. P: All right. D: The doctor said you n eed to collect a specime n of blood for exam in ati on. P: Yes. D: The result of your blood test tells us that your white blood cell count is 18000. P: I see, thank you. D: The doctor said that you had acute appendicitis. P: Oh, I am scared. D:Don't be afraid , you will recover. The doctor said that you have to have an operation. So , please sig n your n ame on the consent form to say that you agree to the doctor operati on on you. P: I'll co-operate. D: Thanks for your co-operation. 场景二: 医生:Hello, little fellow. You're David Brown, right? ....Well, Mrs. Brown, what seems to be the problem? 你好.小家伙.你是大卫?布朗是吗?--布朗太太.您的小孩看起来有什么问题吗? 布朗夫人:I've got the flu these days, and I think he's been infected by me. He started to cough last ni ght. I took his temperature this mornin g. It was 39 degrees. 这几天我染上了流感.我觉得他被我传染了.昨晚他开始咳嗽.今晨我给他测了体温.39度. 医生:All right. Now open your mouth.... 好的.现在张开嘴巴-- 布朗夫人:Well, doctor? 医生.怎么样? 医生:Not very serious. I'll write you a prescripti on. If you follow the direct ions, your child will soon be okay.


亲子英语日常口语对话目录 ? Gettingup 起床 A. 赖床 B. 闹钟响了 C. 睡得好么? D做梦 E熬夜 F起床后 ?GettingDressed 穿着 A. 选衣服 B. 穿衣服 a. Putting on a Shirt 穿上一件衬衫 b. 穿上一条裤子/ 一双鞋 C穿错了 ?Takinga bath 洗澡 ?Going-off 出门 ?ComingHome 回家 ?Washingyour hands 洗手 A B 详细正文内容 ? Getting up 起床 A.赖床 It's time to get up. 该起床了。 Get up soon.快点儿起床! Wake up,sleepyhead . ?起床,懒鬼。 Rise and shine!旭日东升,光彩夺目!(意:该起床了) Get up! Or you will be late. 你再不起床就要迟到了! It's already late. 已经晚了。 I don't want to. 我真不想起。 I don't wanna get up. 真不想起。 Ten more minutes,mom. 妈妈,再让我多睡10 分钟。 It's still early. 时间还早呢。 It just 6:30 A.M. 现在才6:30。 But you are always too slow. 可是你总是慢吞吞的。

I'm still sleepy.我还困着呢! rm still yawning.我还打哈欠呢。 B. 闹钟响了 Did the alarmclock go off?闹钟响了吗? Why did n't the alarm go off? 闹钟为什么没响呢? I heard the alarm.我听到闹钟响了。 I can't sta nd the beep ing sou nd.我真受不了那种哗哗的响声。 What time is it now?现在几点了? It's already 8 o'clock.已经8 点了。 It can't be that time already.怎么已经是这个钟点了? It must be wrong. —定是弄错了。 Oh, n o. I've overslept. I'm goi ng to belate.啊,糟糕,我睡过头了,我要迟到了。 C. 睡得好么? Is David up yet?大卫起床了吗? He is still in bed。他还没起床。 In side, I... I could n't get him up!在里面,我没办法叫醒他! Are you awake?你醒了吗? I am now.我刚醒。 I am awake.我醒了. I'm not quite awake.我还没有清醒过来。 Did you sleep well?睡好了吗? Yes,I slept very well.嗯,睡得挺好。 No,I could n't fall asleep.哪儿啊,几乎没睡着。 Did you have a bad night?晚上睡得不好吗? You were snoring last night.昨天晚上你打呼噜了。 Did I keep you up?影响你睡觉了吗? Maybe I was too tired.我也许太累了。 Ahh, I feel dizzy.啊,我觉得头昏脑涨的。 I yawn and stretch.我打呵欠伸懒腰。 You fin ally got up.你终于起来了。 D做梦 Did you have a dream?做梦了吗? who did you dream of?梦见谁呢? What did you dream last night?昨晚梦见什么了? I had a nightmare.我做了个可怕的梦。 rve been dreaming all the night.我一直在做梦。 Do you dream often?你常做梦吗? There are too many problems on your mind. 你的心事太多了。Ohh, I was having such a good dream!哦,我做了这么好的梦Oh, what a curious dream I had!哦!我做了个好奇怪的梦呀


大学专业常见课程英文词汇 大学英语College English 高等数学Advanced Mathematics 体育Physical Education 军事理论Military Theory 机械制图Mechanical Graphing 算法语言Algorithmic Language 大学物理College Physics 物理实验Experiment of College Physics 线性代数Linear Algebra 法律基础Fundamentals of Law 普通物理General Physics 普通物理实验室Lab of General Physics 复变函数与积分变换Functions of Complex Variables & Integral Transformations 电路理论Theory of Circuitry 电路测试技术Circuit Measurement Technology 概率论与随机过程Probability Theory & Stochastic Process 信号与线性系统Signal & Linear System 电子线路Circuitry 脉冲与数字电路Pulse & Numerical Circuitry 金工实习Metalworking Practice 电工实习Electrical Engineering Practice CET-4College English Test (Band 4) 电子线路实验Experiment in Electronic Circuitry 微机原理Principle of Microcomputer 电磁场与电磁波Electromagnetic Fields & Magnetic Waves 电机电器与供电Motor Elements and Power Supply 计算方法Computational Method 软件技术基础Basis of Software Technique 微波技术Microwave Technique 通讯原理Principle of Communication 数字信号处理Digital Signal Processing 微机实验Experiment of Microcomputer 计算机接口技术Computer Interface Technology c 语言 C language CET-6College English Test (Band 6) 工业企业管理Industrial Enterprise Management 移动通讯Moving Communication 光纤通讯系统Fiber Optical Communication System 可靠性技术导论Introduction to Reliability Technology 卫星通信Satellite Communications 电视原理Television Operation 数字图象处理Digital Image Processing


1..Jobs(职业篇) doctor(医生/博士)manager(经理)teacher(老师)driver(司机)student(学生)nurse(护士) scientist(科学家) singer歌手 policeman(警察)businessman商人farmer农民 waiter服务员,boss老板,visitor(参观教者)lawyer律师dancer舞蹈者actor 演员engineer工程师fireman消防员 editor 编辑guide导游, reporter记者inventor发明家 assistant(助理) cook厨师 librarian 图书管理员artist(艺术家)university大学生musician(音乐家) 2. .Food(食物篇) breakfast早餐 lunch午饭 supper晚饭 dinner晚饭,正餐 meals三餐rice(米饭)fruit(水果) orange(橙) vegetable(蔬菜)soup汤 milk products奶制品 meat 肉类 sugar食糖 grain谷类 fast food 快餐 salt食盐 beef(牛肉)pork(猪肉)chicken(鸡肉)fish(鱼) juice(果汁)drinks (饮料)cake 蛋糕 milk(牛奶)potato(土豆)carrot(萝卜) tomato(西红柿) noodle(面条)hamburger(汉堡包)Coke(可乐)beer 啤酒 ice cream(冰激凌) chocolate(巧克力)water(水) coffee 咖啡 tea茶 cookie饼干 3. Family(家庭篇) grandfather / grandpa (外)祖父 ,爷爷 grandmother / grandma(外)祖母, 奶奶father爸爸 mother妈妈 aunt阿姨 uncle叔叔 sister姐妹 brother哥弟son(儿子)parents(父;母)daughter(女儿)children 儿童 adult 成人 the old老人 the young年轻人 kid/child/ children小孩classmate同学 neighbour邻居 .4.Subjects(课程篇) class(课)art(美术chemistry(化学)history历史maths(数学) Chinese语文English英语 physics物理 music音乐 P.E体育 computer电脑geography地理biology生物 politics 政治 science class 自然课 5..Clothes(衣服) shoes鞋子 jeans(牛仔裤) T-shirt(短袖衣服) shirt(衬衫) dress(裙子)coat(大衣) skirt(短裙) trousers裤子 socks袜子 jacket 夹克衫 socks袜子 sweater毛线衣 boots靴子 hat帽子 shorts短裤 raincoat雨衣 6..Numbers(数字篇) First第一 second第二 third第三 hundred一百thousand一千 million百万billion十亿


护士:您最好挂内科。 Nurse:You'd better go to the medical department. 病人:表填好,给你。 Patient:Here is my registration card. 护士:谢谢。挂号费是一美圆。 Nurse:Thank you. The registration fee is one dollar., 病人:好的。请问我该怎么走? Patient:Fine. But can you tell me how to get to the medical department, please? 护士:坐电梯到三楼,左拐。沿着走道走。您会看到一块牌子在您的右手边。 Nurse:Take the lift to the third floor and then make a left turn. Go along the corridor until you see the sign on your right. 病人:多谢了。 Patient:Thanks a lot. 护士:不客气。 Nurse:You're welcome. 单词Words registration n. 挂号 gender n.性别 address n. 住址 department n. 科,系,部门 register vi挂号 fee n. 费 lift n. 电梯 corridor n. 走道 短语阿 Phrases run a high fever发高烧 as a matter of fact事实上 in that case 如果那样 fill in 填写 and things like that等等 register with 挂(某科)的号 had better 最好 take a lift坐电梯 make a left turn向左拐 句子 Sentence Patterns What seems to be the problem?请问哪里不舒服? How long have you had the problem?这种情况出现有多久了? In that case, you have to fill in this registration card. Your age, gender, address and things like that. 那么您得先填写这张挂号表。比如您的年龄,性别,住址等等。 Which department should I register with, madam?请问我应该挂哪科? You'd better go to the medical department. 您最好挂内科。 Take the lift to the third floor and then make a left turn. Go along the corridor until you see the sign on your right. 坐电梯到三楼,左拐。沿着走道走。您会看到一块牌子在您的右手边。 相关单词(人体部位) Related Words blood vessel 血管 vein 静脉 artery 动脉 capillary 毛细血管 nerve 神经 spinal marrow 脊髓 lung 肺 heart 心 diaphragm 隔膜 internal organs 内脏 stomach 胃 liver 肝脏 gallbladder 胆囊 pancreas 胰 spleen 脾 duodenum 十二指肠 small intestine 小肠 large intestine 大肠 caecum 盲肠 vermiform appendix 阑尾 rectum 直肠 anus 肛门 kidney 肾脏 bladder 膀胱 penis 阴茎 testicle 睾丸 scrotum, 阴囊
