













His Excellency Premier Wen Jiabo, Excellency, Heads of state, Heads of government, Other distinguished guests, Ladies and gentlemen,

We are here today celebrating the golden age of ASEAN-China relations.

All the leaders of ASEAN are visiting China to celebrate the 15th year of China’s Dialogue Partnership with ASEAN. As the chair of ASEAN this year, I am particularly proud of the role that ASEAN has played in helping China integrate its economy and become a powerhouse in the region and the world. The relationship between China and ASEAN has helped ASEAN as a region. Our trade is surging with China; we are seeing more Chinese in ASEAN. We hope to see more.

The ASEAN-China partnership remains one of the most dynamic and progressive in the East Asia region. When ASEAN and China first began relations in 1991, the focus was on cooperation in economic and trade relations. Over the past 15 years, the relationship has evolved to include cooperation on political security, development, and other regional issues. Going forward, we should continue to strengthen the ASEAN-China partnership by promoting confidence-building measures, intensifying interactions, and allocating adequate resources to steer the relations and cooperation for mutual benefit. This China-ASEAN Expo is a good example of what we should be doing.

It is with great enthusiasm that we participating in the China-ASEAN Expo. Our businessmen are looking not only for products to bring home but also for industries where Chinese and ASEAN manufacturing can collaborate to produce for our own domestic markets and for the rest of the world.

Our businessmen have come to Nanning looking for products as candidates for integration trade with China.

I am confident our search will bear fruit in the field of shared prosperity both for China and ASEAN. Thank you.


中国与东盟的关系口 译

10.4 China-ASEAN relations 主题导入:下面是一段关于东南亚国家联盟的背景情况,以及中国与东盟关系的对话。 提示:请先熟悉列出的单词和短语再听录音,并在录音停顿时开始口译。 词汇与短语 Brunei 文莱 Cambodia 柬埔寨 Laos 老挝 Myanmar 缅甸 Free Trade Bloc 自由贸易区 dialogue partners 对话伙伴 on a sound track 运行情况良好 observe 奉行,遵守 Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence 和平共处五项原则(mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity 互相尊重主权和领土完整;mutual non- aggression 互不侵犯;non-interference in each other’s internal affairs 互不干涉内政;equality and mutual benefit 平等互利;peaceful coexistence 和平 共处。) 问:请问,东盟是什么时候成立的?现在包括哪些成员国?

Excuse me, could you tell me when ASEAN was established? And how many member countries does it have now? 答:ASEAN was established on August 8, 1967; it has 10 member countries: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand, Singapore and Vietnam. 东盟于1967年成立,目前有10个成员国,它们是文莱、柬埔寨、印度尼西亚、老挝、马来西亚、缅甸、菲律宾、泰国、新加坡和越南 问:除了10个成员国,东盟还经常召开10+1,10+3会议,这是不是说明东盟还有一些对话伙伴国? Besides these 10 member countries,ASEAN also always holds the 10+1,10+3 meetings. Does this mean that ASEAN has some dialogue partners?答:Yes. ASEAN has 10 dialogue partners – Australia, Canada, China, the European Union (EU), India, Japan, Russia, New Zealand, South Korea and the United States. 是的. 东盟有10 个对话伙伴,它们是澳大利亚、加拿大、中国、欧盟、印度、日本俄罗斯、新西兰、韩国和美国。 问:东盟地区的范围大概有多大?语言相通吗?总人口有多少? What is the area ASEAN covers? How many languages are spoken in this region? What is the total population?


中国—东盟博览会策划案 前言: 中国—东盟博览会是由中国总理温家宝倡议,中国商务部和东盟国家经贸主管部门共同主办国际展览盛会。中国-东盟博览会集货物贸易、服务贸易、投资合作、专题研讨、文化交流于一体。这样大型的国际性展会是公司展示强大的产业实力,提升科丰品牌的知名度绝佳平台。 展会地点:南宁国际会展中心(主会场) 广西展览管(农业产品会场) 规模:设国际标准展位4000个 会展开幕时间:2009年10月20日 会展闭幕时间:2009年10月24日 参展主题:推介科丰产品,树立科丰品牌,打响科丰的知名度 展会口号:科丰机械,品质的保证 本次展会公司负责实施部门:总经办销售部策划部 具体操作方案: 1、搭建宣传工作台,播出公司的宣传光碟,展示科丰产品的性能,把参观展会的各界朋友吸引到科丰产品展台前。 2、发放科丰的宣传资料,张贴大型的宣传海报。设立专门的服务咨

询台为农民朋友讲解科丰的产品。突出科丰的技术优势,及其他同类产品所不具备的科丰独有的强大售后服务。介绍科丰产品的优势。 3、外贸销售人员做好与外商的业务洽谈工作。 4、突出宣传用语“一台机器十几种功能”。张贴醒目的宣传横幅,科丰员工统一着工作服,佩戴工作牌,热情认真的讲解、发放资料。展现科丰的专业素质。 展会布置所用道具: 电视机(DVD)、电视架、电脑、复印机、背景板、金丝绒(黄布)、背胶、产品标识牌、价格牌、饮水机(桶)、电源线(插板)、公司相关证书等。 展会所用宣传品: 横幅、挂画、会议光碟、宣传光碟(补贴)、专业光碟、笔记本、笔、电话记录表、信笺、订书机、文件夹 室内展位现场布置: 方案一: 1、背景板的安装,用胶布或背胶把背景板粘在后围板上,要求尽量平整。 2、门头横幅的装订(桂林高新区科丰机械责任有限公司),横幅装订同背景。 3、右(左)侧面可以正反两面挂背景(现场布置3X3米挂画)


我国与东盟国家的贸易关系 (线索:东盟介绍——发展历程——发展现状——存在问题——前景展望)一、东南亚国家联盟(东盟)的由来 东南亚国家联盟的前身是由马来西亚、菲律宾、泰国三国于1961年7月31日在曼谷成立的东南亚联盟,1967年8月,印度尼西亚、马来西亚、菲律宾、泰国和新加坡等5国外交部长在泰国首都曼谷举行会议,发布《东南亚国家联盟成立宣言》,宣告东南亚国家联盟(简称东盟,Association of Southeast Asian Nations--ASEAN)正式成立。成员国外长会议是最高决策机构,每年举行正式例会和特别会议各一次。常设委员会为执行机构,负责处理日常事务,执行外交部长会议的决议。 东盟的宗旨是通过成员国共同努力,加快本地区的经济增长、社会进步和文化发展;维护正义和法制及遵守联合国宪章原则,促进区域合作与稳定;在经济、社会、文化、科技等领域,促进互利合作;扩大成员国间的贸易;研究共同关心的国际问题等。 二、发展历程 1991年,中国与东盟开始正式对话?当年7月,时任中国外长钱其琛出席了第24届东盟外长会议开幕式,标志着中国开始成为东盟的磋商伙伴? 1997年12月,时任中国国家主席江泽民出席首次中国-东盟领导人会议?会议期间,中国与东盟领导人发表了《联合宣言》,确定了面向21世纪的睦邻互信伙伴关系?中国与东盟关系进入一个新阶段? 2003年10月,第七次中国-东盟领导人会议期间,温家宝总理与东盟领导人签署了《面向和平与繁荣的战略伙伴关系联合宣言》?在这次会议上,中国正式加入《东南亚友好合作条约》,双方政治互信进一步增强? 2004年11月,温家宝总理出席第八次中国-东盟领导人会议,提出了加强双方合作的十点新倡议?会议期间,双方签署了《中国与东盟全面经济合作框架协议货物贸易协议》和《中国与东盟争端解决机制协议》,中国-东盟自由贸易区进入了实质性建设阶段? 2007年1月14日,中国与东盟在菲律宾宿务签署了中国-东盟自由贸易区《服务贸易协议》?协议的签署为中国-东盟如期全面建成自贸区奠定了坚实基础? 2009年8月15日,中国与东盟共同签署中国-东盟自贸区《投资协议》?协议的签署标志着双方成功地完成了中国-东盟自贸区协议的主要谈判,中国-东盟自贸区将如期在2010年全面建成? 2010年1月1日,中国-东盟自由贸易区正式建成?这是最大的由发展中国家组成的自贸区?惠及人口最多的自贸区? 总的来说中国—东盟自贸区建设大致分为三个阶段:


江西财经大学 《物流工程》课程设计报告 报告题目中国—东盟博览会永久会址 ——南宁国际会展中心选址方案研究 课程编码 06333 选课班 A01 课程名称物流工程任课教师仲昇 学号 0100595 姓名谢金桂 学院工商管理专业物流管理 考试时间 2012年7月5日 中国-东盟博览会永久会址——南宁国际会展中心选址方案研究报告 一、前言 背景介绍: 纵观世界经济的发展形势,区域经济一体化与经济全球化已成为当今世界经济发展的主流。中国同东盟领导人审时度势,高瞻远

瞩地做出了建立中国—东盟自由贸易区的重大战略决策。截至2010年,除极少量商品外,自贸区已经基本实现零关税。 中国—东盟博览会是目前中国境内唯一由多国政府共办且长 期在一地举办的展会。博览会由中国国务院总理温家宝倡议,中国和东盟10国经贸主管部门及东盟秘书处共同主办,广西壮族自治 区人民政府承办的国家级、国际性经贸交流盛会,每年在广西南宁举办。展览商品包括东盟商品展区和中国商品展区涵盖了商品贸易、投资合作和服务贸易三大内容,是中国与东盟扩大商贸合作的新平台。 南宁国际会展中心一期工程于2003年10月23日正式投入使用,当年11月13日中国—东盟博览会永久会址正式落户南宁。南宁国际会展中心占地面积850亩,是中国—东盟博览会的永久会址,是由德国gmp设计公司和广西建筑综合设计研究院合作设计。 南宁国际会展中心由主建筑、会展广场、民歌湖、行政综合楼等组成,其中主建筑面积为15.21万平方米,由会议、展览和大型宴会厅三部分组成。此外,南宁国际会展中心还有用地面积3.56万平方米,可停放1000多辆小汽车的生态停车场和可容纳3.5万人、具有文化活动、展览、体育、休闲功能的民歌广场,民歌广场是每年一届南宁国际民歌艺术节的主会场。 自2004年以来,中国—东盟博览会已成功举办八届,同期成 功举办八届中国—东盟商务与投资峰会。到2010年,中国—东盟 自由贸易区建成后,东盟对中国的出口增长48%,中国对东盟的出口增长55%,对东盟和中国国内生产总值的增长贡献分别达到0.9%(约合54亿美元)和0.3%(约合22亿美元),将为中国和东盟商界创造无穷商机和广阔前景。 二、中国-东盟博览会永久会址——南宁国际会展中心选址方案研究 会展中心建设选址因素极为复杂,具有多重目标,很多因


有关中国制造的英语作文 中国元素火了Chinese Elements Are Hot Before Rio Olympic Games, many players were annoyed by the virus that caused by the mosquito, even some chose to quit the match. While for Chinese players, they have the special weapon to protect themselves. A foreign player even wanted to buy one. Everyone was so curious, then we saw the picture of the weapon---mosquito net. Everyone laughed out loudly, because it was such an ordinary equipment for Chinese people, while more foreign players were surprised by such special equipment, and they also wanted to own it. The other Chinese element is the cupping glass. When we watched the match, we found that some players had the red circle marks in their bodies. It was the Chinese traditional treatment. The foreign players enjoyed this treatment and they spoke highly of it. Chinese elements are hot outside the stage. 【参考译文】 里约热内卢奥运会开始之前,许多运动员都受困于一种由蚊子引起的病毒,一些人甚至因此选择退出了比赛。而对于中国运动员来说,他们有特殊的武器来保护自己。外国运动员甚至想买一个。每个人都很好奇这个东西,之后我们看到了武器------


中国-东盟博览会背景知识 2003年10月8日,中国国务院总理温家宝在第七次中国与东盟(10+1)领导人会议上倡议,从2004年起,每年在中国南宁举办中国-东盟博览会,同期举办中国-东盟商务与投资峰会。 中国-东盟博览会凝聚了11国的力量,搭建了一个优势互补的合作平台,推动了中国-东盟自由贸易区建设进程。 博览会紧扣自由贸易区建设的主要内容和现实进程,展示自由贸易区经济发展成果,以企业为核心,以双向互利为原则,以贸易和投资于经济技术交流为重点。博览会内容丰富,包含商品贸易,投资合作,服务贸易,高层论坛,文化交流五大内容。 温家宝总理致辞 尊敬的各位来宾、女士们、先生们, 值此第三届中国与东盟博览会开幕之际,我对各位朋友的到来表示热烈欢迎! 中国和东盟10国政府共同主办中国-东盟博览会,体现了双方抓住机遇、深化合作的真诚愿望,搭建了互利共赢,合作发展的平台,推动了中国与东盟在贸易、投资、旅游等领域的实质性合作。 今年是中国与东盟建立对话关系15周年。15年来,中国与东盟经贸关系取得了巨大发展,双边贸易额增长了15倍,2005年达到1300亿美元,双向投资不断扩大,东盟在华实际投资达到400亿美元,中国企业对东盟投资也在快速增长,自贸区的建设步伐加快,此区域合作稳步推进,“早期收获计划”已顺利实施,中国与东盟贸易合作潜力巨大,前景广阔,我们要紧紧抓住机遇,积极进取,努力实现到2010年双边贸易额超过2000亿美元的目标,把双边经贸合作提高到一个新的水平。 各位来宾,女士们,先生们, 昨天,11国领导人共植友谊之树,今天,大家携手共建合作平台,明天,我们将共同收获合作成果。中国与东盟博览会是双方客商创造商机的舞台,我们一定要把它建设好,让我们通过中国与东盟博览会,深化互利合作,为巩固和发展中国与东盟战略伙伴关系作出贡献。预祝本届博览会圆满成功。 菲律宾总统致辞 His Excellency Premier Wen Jiabo, Excellency, Heads of state, Heads of government, Other distinguished guests, Ladies and gentlemen, We are here today celebrating the golden age of ASEAN-China relations. All the leaders of ASEAN are visiting China to celebrate the 15th year of China’s Dialogue Partnership with ASEAN. As the chair of ASEAN this year, I am particularly proud of the role that ASEAN has played in helping China integrate its economy and become a powerhouse in the region and the world. The relationship between China and ASEAN has helped ASEAN as a region. Our trade is surging with China; we are seeing more Chinese in ASEAN. We hope to see more. The ASEAN-China partnership remains one of the most dynamic and progressive in the East Asia region. When ASEAN and China first began relations in 1991, the focus was on cooperation in economic and trade relations. Over the past 15 years, the relationship has evolved to include cooperation on political security, development, and other regional issues. Going forward, we should continue to strengthen the ASEAN-China partnership by promoting confidence-building measures, intensifying interactions, and allocating adequate resources to steer the relations and cooperation for mutual benefit. This China-ASEAN Expo is a good example of what we should be doing. It is with great enthusiasm that we participating in the China-ASEAN Expo. Our businessmen are looking not only for products to bring home but also for industries where Chinese and ASEAN manufacturing can collaborate to produce for our own domestic markets and for the rest of the world. Our businessmen have come to Nanning looking for products as candidates for integration trade with China. I am confident our search will bear fruit in the field of shared prosperity both for China and ASEAN. Thank you.

中美在饮食文化方面的差异 英语论文

淮阴工学院课程论文(2010-2011学年第二学期) 论文题目: 跨文化交际中的饮食文化差异——以中美饮食文化为例 课程名称:跨文化交际英语任课老师:余洪虹 姓名: 植云 班级: 艺术1093 学号: 1092202325

跨文化交际中的饮食文化差异 ——以中美饮食文化为例 摘要:饮食是一种文化,而不同的文化背景孕育着不同的饮食文化,中国饮食以食表意,其博大精深不可言喻,而美国的饮食则是吃什么就是什么。在中西方文化互相交融的今天,美国文化有值得我们学习和借鉴的地方,同时中华饮食文化的优点也要继承,本文着重从中美饮食文化进行比较,从而用客观的视角去审视中西方饮食文化。 关键词:饮食文化,中国饮食,美国饮食,文化差异 1中国饮食文化的特点 中国的历史悠久,文明源远流长,具有上下五千年的文化,因此饮食文化也比较丰富,它也是祖国丰富文化宝库中的一朵奇葩。中国从原始社会开始都是以大杂居为主,远古时期以部落为单位,后来一直演变,直到现代社会都是以家庭为单位,团团圆圆一直是中国人的愿望,中国人的集体意识形成了中国饮食文化的一大特点就是—一家人都是吃一桌菜,并且大多数家庭是以圆桌为主,一家人围在一起,表示家人和和睦睦、团团圆圆。中国人的饮食很讲究色、香、味原则,三者缺一不可,为使食物色美,通常是在青、绿、红、黄、白、黑、酱等色中取三至五色调配,也就是选用适当的荤素菜料,包括一种主料和二、三种不同颜色的配料,使用适当的烹法与调味,就能使得菜色美观。食物香喷,可以激发食欲,其方法即为加入适当的香料,如葱、姜、蒜、辣、酒、八角、桂皮、胡椒、麻油、香菇等,使烹煮的食物气味芬芳。烹调各种食物时,必须注重鲜味与原味的保留,尽量去除腥膻味;譬如烹调海鲜时,中国人则爱用葱姜。因此适量的使用如酱油、糖、醋、香料等各种调味品,可以使得嗜浓味者不觉其淡,嗜淡味者不嫌其浓,个人根据自己的口味选择。 因为中国自古以来地大物博、人口稠密,所以中国人的饮食从先秦开始,就是以谷物为主,肉少粮多,辅以菜蔬,这就是典型的饭菜结构。其中饭是主食,而菜则是为了下饭,即助饭下咽。因为主食并不可口,必须有一种物质来辅助它使人们能够吃下去。当然菜的功能和盐的功能有共同点,但是不等同于盐。因为主食的单一性,所以,只有在菜上面花功夫,因此,中国的菜大都比较注重口味,


介绍中国的英语作文 【题目要求】 做为一个中国人,你对我们的中国了解多少呢?请给你在 美国的笔友 Dave 写封信,向他介绍你的祖国。80 词左右,恰 当运用比较级和最高级,可适当发挥。 中国是亚洲最大的国家。和美国差不多大。 中国有世界上最多的人口。人们友好勤劳。 长江是世界最长的河流之一。中国有超过 5000 的悠久 历史。比美国的历史长多了。 中国有世界最高山峰。 词汇, population,the Yangtze River ,the third longest ,much longer, Qomolangma 【优秀满分范文】 Dear Dave, I’m happy to be your pen pal. I’d like to tell you something about China. China is the biggest country in Asia. It’s almost as big as the USA. China has the biggest population in the world. The people here are friendly and hard-working. The Yangtze River is one of the longest rivers in the world. China is over 5000 years old. It has a much longer history

than the US. The Qomolangma is the highest mountain in the world. I love China very much. Welcome to China and play with me. Yours Li Lei 【参考译文】 亲爱的戴夫, 我很高兴成为你的笔友,我想告诉你一些关于中国。 中国是亚洲最大的国家。这几乎是美国,中国是世界上人口最多的大。这里的人们友好勤劳。扬子江是世界上最长的河流之一。中国有5000多年的历史。它的历史比美国悠久得多。珠穆朗玛峰是世界上最高的山峰。 我非常爱中国。欢迎来中国和我一起玩。 你的朋友, 李磊 推荐阅读:小学一年级介绍中国的英语作文介绍中国的小学英语作文介绍中国的英语作文100字以上介绍中国的英语作文小学 关于介绍中国的英语作文60词初二英语作文范文:母亲节


历届中国—东盟博览会开幕式盛况 中国—东盟博览会开幕式是中国和东盟各国政要出席的一个重大仪式。 隆重大气的仪式富于文化内涵,新颖形象地体现博览会“友谊、合作、发展、繁荣”的主题,彰显博览会10+1>11的精神。 开幕式展现中国和东盟国家友好交往源远流长的历史和日益深化合作的现实,是双方战略伙伴关系深入发展的象征,预示中国—东盟自由贸易区前景辉煌。 开幕式已成为中国—东盟博览会与众不同、独具魅力的品牌。从第一届的“共启友谊之门”、“共注合作之水”、“绽放繁荣之花”、“敲响发展之钟”,到第二届的“聚流成河”,第三届的“珠联璧合”,第四届的“同舟共进、扬帆远航”,第五届的“金桥飞架、五载同心”,第六届的“合作化危为机、信心照亮航程”,第七届的“水润花开,共享硕果”,每届开幕式新意迭出,以“凝聚不散,包容不骄,公平不倚,克难不懈”的“水”为元素贯穿始终,生动形象地把中国—东盟合作的历史、现实、未来,以及博览会的作用和意义展现出来,充满创新精神和文化内涵,受到各国领导人和社会各界的高度赞誉。 1.第一届中国—东盟博览会共注合作之水 首届中国—东盟博览会开幕式采掬11国母亲河之水,汇成合作之泉,演绎博览会“友谊、合作、发展、繁荣”的主题。此届开幕式上,中国与东盟贵宾跨入友谊之门,共注

合作之水,绽放繁荣之花,启动时代之钟,揭开了中国与东盟合作的历史新篇章。 2.第二届中国—东盟博览会聚流成河10+1﹥11 2005年的开幕式上,中国和东盟10国商协会会长共盖象征合作的巨型印章。它寓意着中国—东盟博览会作为大型国际性经贸盛会,商贾云集、商机不断,为各国搭建了一个优势互补的合作平台,促进了繁荣和发展。 随着剪彩嘉宾按动水晶球,无数小水柱簇拥11根巨型水柱喷涌而出,与背板巨大的“10+1﹥11”构成了一幅生动形象的画面,寓意着中国—东盟博览会凝聚了11国的力量,产生了无穷的动力,把11国的合作推向更加繁荣和美好的未来。 3.第三届中国—东盟博览会珠联璧合 2006年,第三届中国—东盟博览会恰逢中国—东盟建立对话关系15周年和中国—东盟友好合作年,11国国家元首/政府首脑聚会南宁,出席博览会。开幕式以“珠联璧合”为创意,珍珠在水中孕育而成,象征中国与东盟15年合作的结晶、成果,玉璧则象征中国—东盟博览会成为区域交流合作大平台。各国领导人把珍珠放在玉璧上连接起来,寓意中国与东盟的合作如珠联璧合,展示未来美好前景。 4.第四届中国—东盟博览会同舟共进扬帆远航 2007年,第四届中国—东盟博览会开幕式以“同舟共进,扬帆远航”为创意,结合本届“港口合作”的重点主题,形

英语论文 中国民间文化的发展

On the Development of Chinese Folk Culture 1 Introduction As an ancient culture, folk customs has had a great influence on China from ancient times to the present, Folk culture has been becoming a must of society. Folk customs, that is to say, the traditions of ancient People and they can be divided into several categories, we will study several groups of folk customs in order to make readers feel the great of Chinese culture. 2 Theoretical Foundations 2.1 Chinese Customs 2.1.1 Lantern riddles Lantern riddles are displayed during traditional Chinese festivals, such as the Chinese Lantern Festival, Chinese middle autumn festival, etc. The full name of …Lantern Riddles… are …riddles written on lanterns…. In ancient China, people believed that it was as difficult to kill a tiger as it was to guess a lantern puzzle, so, it had another name –tiger lantern. Usually, there were four riddles written on red vertical strips of paper pasted to each lantern which was attached by a string.


关于中国国学的英语作文 现在很多培训学校里常常设有国学课程, 为什么现在的国学越来越受大家的 喜爱呢?你是否支持学国学呢?接下来小编搜集了关于中国国学的英语作文 ,仅供大家参考,希望帮助到大家。 关于中国国学的英语作文一 In recent years, Sinology, the study of Chinese traditional culture, literature, history, society etc, has become increasingly popular For instance, it is reported that many primary and secondary schools have set up courses of sinology, in which students are taught classical works by Chinese ancient educators and philosophers, like Confucius- Another good illustration is in the program CCTV Lecture Room famous scholars, eg, Yu Dan, give lectures on Chinese ancient philosophies and literatures. Sinology becomes prevalent due to the fact that it is of vital significance for both the individuals and the society. For one thing, Sinology is the essence of Chinese civilization with more than 5,000 years. Thus, for individuals, they can enlarge their scope of knowledge , enrich their experience and adapt themselves to the complicated society. For another, it is acknowledged that the rehabilitation of Sinology can contribute to the establishment of a harmonious society. In my opinion, all Chinese people should inherit the merits of Sinology. To do so, we can read books by ourselves or to attend lectures on this issue. Besides, we have the obUgation to popularize introducing it to the world By doing so, we can not only inherit it but also make it glorious and prosperous. 关于中国国学的英语作文二 In recent years, Chinese traditional culture, as Sinology, has become increasingly prevalent. For instance, it is reported that many primary and secondary schools have set up courses of sinology, in which students are taught and required to recite classical work by Chinese ancient educators and philosophers, like Confucius. It is of vital significance for the public to acquire knowledge on Sinology.For one thing, it is the essence of Chinese civilization with


历届中国—东盟(百色)现代农业展示交易会简介 1.第一届中国—东盟(百色)现代农业展示交易会 第一届中国—东盟(百色)现代农业新技术展示暨百色商品交易会于2008年10月23日至25日在广西百色市田阳县布洛陀文化广场成功举办。本次展会由中共百色市委员会、百色市人民政府主办,田阳县人民政府承办,设标准展位200个及农业机械展、养殖业活体展等三大展区,邀请到国内外农业部门官员、专家27人,农业科研单位、企业及经销商255家参会。据统计,参会人数达10万人,现场交易额达150万元,订单交易200万元。本次展会为所有参会的代表提供了展示展销、交流推广、经贸洽谈的平台,推进了百色及东盟国家现代农业的发展。 2.第二届中国—东盟(百色)现代农业展示交易会 第二届中国—东盟(百色)现代农业展示交易会于2009年10月23日至25日,在广西百色国家农业科技园(田阳县百育镇)成功举办,本次展会由百色市人民政府、自治区农业厅、自治区科技厅共同主办,田阳县人民政府、广西百色国家农业科技园区联合承办,以“展示农业新成果,共谋农业新发展”为主题,设标准展区(展位306个)、农机展区、养殖活体展区、实物(四季蜜芒)展区等四大展区,围绕观会展、听论坛、重交易、游园区,举行了隆重开幕式,举办国际芒果苷研讨会、百色现代农业项目推介会、中国—东盟(百色)现代农业发展论坛,开展了“九九重阳”敢壮圣山登高节、壮乡美食等一系列活动,进行了农业新技术新品种展示与交流,取得了丰硕成果。据统计,参加展会人数达16万人次,来自区内外及东盟国家企业498家,参展官员嘉宾和客商达1700多人,

签约项目达21个,意向投资9.7亿元,现场交易额4500万元,订单交易7100万元。 3.第三届中国—东盟(百色)现代农业展示交易会 第三届中国—东盟(百色)现代农业展示交易会于2010年10月25日至28日,在广西百色国家农业科技园区(田阳县百色镇)成功举办。本次展会由百色市人民政府、自治区科技厅、自治区农业厅、中国—东盟博览会秘书处共同主办,田阳县人民政府和广西百色国家农业科技园区联合承办,以“机遇·合作·共赢”为主题,设标准展区(展位360个)、农机展区、活体展区、汽车展区等四大展区,举行了开幕式、迎宾晚会,举办了中国—东盟农业合作百色论坛、中国—东盟(百色)现代农业项目推介会、现代农业展示交易等一系列活动,整个展会呈现了“规格更高、规模更大、亮点更多、技术更新、特色更浓”等五大特点,全面展示了百色现代农业发展新成果,推动了百色乃至中国与东盟各国、台湾地区的区域间农业交流与合作,实现了互利共赢。据统计,参加本次展会的人数达18万人次,参展官员、嘉宾和客商达2000多人,有530家企业来参展。签约项目23个,意向投资38.8亿元,现场交易突破5000万元。 地理与面积 田阳县地处广西西部,右江河谷中部,县城距自治区首府南宁市200多公里,距百色市38公里。东至南宁,西通云南、贵州,南经德保、靖西县直至越南,北过巴马、东兰进入河池市。总面积2394平方公里,由南部石山区、北部土山区、右江河谷平原三类不同区域组成。 地形与气候 田阳县是西南出海通道的必经之路,是广西西南出海通道的重要交通枢纽。境内有石山区、土山区和河谷平原三种自然地形地貌,素有“两山一谷”之称。


CHINESE FOLK CULTURE Folk culture has strong folklore and unique characteristics; it is a kind of culture that forms among the working people rather than governmental authority. Folk culture, also known as popular culture, is the basis of Chinese traditional culture. In China, the Book of Songs is the earliest poetry that contains much folk cultural of Pre-Qin dynasty, which reflects that our country’s folk culture is rich and colorful and has extensive knowledge and profound scholarship. However, as the time flying, there are lots of changes happened in the aspects of folk culture. In the tide of globalization, the folk custom culture that the basis of Chinese traditional culture is fading away gradually nowadays. According to this background, we should analyze the new appearance and discuss the protection measures of the folk culture further. It is not only because the Folk culture is the culture of the whole community foundation, and has strong vitality. As we all know, superficial culture is often the top of folk culture, and it is the result of the adaptation and refinement results of the folk culture, but also for the reason that Folk culture of a country are the national spirit of the main component of the national culture are an important cornerstone. So it is critical for Chinese peo ple learning more details about their own country’s folk culture. The traditional festival, also known as moon festival, is china’s second traditional festival next to the spring festival. It is the most important part of our country’s folk culture. The five thousand years civilization of Chinese nation has bred brilliant folk culture, which forms the comparative advantage of industry development in folk culture resources. Chinese folk culture is famous to the whole world for it’s more than 5,000 years long history and its special existence forms. During the course of its long history, the hardworking Chinese people have created an ample material civilization as well as a splendid folk culture. In the field of folk culture, our people link the moon cakes and mid-autumn festival with Archer Yi, just like lots of people are fond of Associating Qu yuan and the dragon boat with the dragon boat festival, and combining sweeping day with honoring ancestor and new life. Mid-autumn Festivals is one of three major Chinese holidays, along with the spring festival and The Dragon Boat Festival. It is an important festival during the eighth month of lunar calendar, for which billions of Chinese people go back to their home and gather together with their families. Traditionally, on this day, Chinese family members and friends will gather to admire the bright mid-autumn harvest moon, and eat moon cakes and pommels together. Mid-autumn festival as well as mouthwatering food people eaten during the period of it and various activities people held in the process of celebrating this festival play an important role of traditional festival, they are also kinds of civil epitome of our country’s folk culture. Chinese people celebrate this significant festival from generations to generations since it was formed during the Xia and Shang dynasty. The mid-autumn festival is a traditional festival for both the Han and minority nationalities. There are also some records of the mid-autumn festival. The most popular records is that people believe
