


Passage 1

One motivational analyst who became curious to know there had been such a great rise in impulse buying at supermarkets was James Vicary. He suspected that some special psychology must be going on inside the women as they shopped in supermarkets. His suspicion was that perhaps they underwent such an increase in tension when confronted with so many possibilities that they were forced into making quick purchases. He set out

to find out if this was true. The best way to detect what was going on inside the shopper was through the use of a galvanometer or lie detector. That obviously was impractical. The next best thing was to use a hidden motion-picture camera and record the eye-blink rate of the women as they shopped. How fast a person blinks his eyes is a pretty good index of his state of inner tension. The average person, according to Mr. Vicary, normally blinks his eyes about 32 times a minute. If he is tense, he blinks them more frequently; and, under extreme tension, he may blink up to 50 or 60 times. If he is notably relaxed, on the other hand, his eye-blink rate may drop to a subnormal twenty or less.

Mr. Vicary set up his cameras and started following the ladies as they entered the store. The results were startling, even to him. Their eye-blink rate, instead of going up to indicate mounting tension, went down and down, to a very subnormal fourteen blinks a minute. The ladies fell into what Mr. Vicary calls a hypnoidal trance, a light kind of trance that, he explains, is the first stage of hypnosis. Mr. Vicary has decided that the main cause of the trance is that the supermarket is packed with products which in former years would have been items only kings and queens could have afforded and here in this fairyland they were ava ilable to all. Mr. Vicary theorizes: “Just within this generation, anyone can be a king or queen and go through these stores where the products say ‘buy me, buy me’.”

1 Vicary’s curiosity was aroused by the fact that _________.

A. there was a decrease in sales in supermarkets

B. women were showing strong resistance to products in supermarkets

C. there seemed to be no logic in women’s buying habits

D. women were shopping very carefully

2 According to the article, eye-blink rate is an indication of ________.

A. the truth or falsity of a statement

B. the mental ability of a person

C. blood pressure

D. the emotional state of a person

3 Mr. Vicary’s test ________________.

A. proved his original hypothesis to be true

B. proved that the tension of a woman shopper, after entering the store, decreased

rather than increased

C. nullified the eye-blink rate as a measurement of tension

D. showed that a woman’s reaction to the products in a supermarket is impossible to


4 After his tests, Mr. Vicary concluded that _____________.

A. shopping was apt to create serious nervous disorders

B. a supermarket is a fantastic place

C. women are entranced by the many wonderful items available in supermarkets

D. women develop an inferiority complex when in supermarkets

5 Implied but not stated: _______________.

A. Quick purchases are the result of inner tension

B. The first stage of hypnosis is a light trance

C. Research conducted by motivation analysis can disprove their original premises

D. Supermarkets seeking a fairyland atmosphere should install hidden movie


Passage 2

In science, a theory is a reasonable explanation of observed events that are related.

A theory often involves an imaginary model that helps scientists picture the way an observed event could be produced. A good example of this is found in the kinetic molecular theory, in which gases are pictured as being made up of many small particles that are in constant motion.

A useful theory, in addition to explaining past observations, helps to predict events that have not as yet been observed. After a theory has been publicized, scientists design experiments to test the theory. If observations confirm the scientists’ predictions, the theory is supported. If observations do not confirm the predictions, the scientists must search further. There may be a fault in the experiment, or the theory may have to be revised or rejected.

Science involves imagination and creative thinking as well as collecting information and performing experiments. Facts by themselves are not science. As the mathematician Jules Henri Poincare said: “Science is built with facts just as a house is built with bricks, but a collection of facts cannot be called science any more than a pile of bricks can be called a house.”

Most scientists start an investigation by finding out what other scientists have learned about a particular problem. After known facts have been gathered, the scientist comes to the part of the investigation that requires considerable imagination. Possible solutions to the problem are formulated. These possible solutions are called hypotheses.

In a way, any hypothesis is a leap into the unknown. It extends the scientist’s thinking beyond the known facts. The scientist plans experiments, performs calculations, and makes observations to test hypotheses. For without hypotheses, further investigation lacks purpose and direction. When hypotheses are confirmed, they are incorporated into theories.

6 “Bricks” are mentioned in Paragraph 3 to indicate how _________.

A. mathematicians approach science

B. building a house is like performing experiments

C. science is more than a collection of facts

D. scientific experiments have led to improved technology

7 In the fourth paragraph, the author implies that imagination is most important to

scientists when they ________.

A. evaluate previous work on a problem

B. formulate possible solutions to a problem

C. gather known facts

D. close an investigation

8 In the last paragraph, the author refers to hypothesis as “a leap into the unknown”

in order to show that hypotheses ________________.

A. are sometimes ill-conceived

B. can lead to dangerous results

C. go beyond available facts

D. require effort to formulate

9 In the last paragraph, what does the author imply is a major function of


A. Sifting through known facts.

B. Communicating a scientist’s thoughts to others.

C. Providing direction for scientific research.

D. Linking together different theories.

10 Which of the following statements is supported by the passage?

A. Theories are simply imaginary models of past events.

B. It is better to revise a hypothesis than to reject it.

C. A scientist’s most difficult task is testing hypotheses.

D. A good scientist needs to be creative.

Passage 3

For most of us, the work is the central, dominating fact of life. We spend more than half our conscious hours at work, preparing for work, traveling to and from work. What we do there largely determines our standard of living and to a considerable extent the status we are accorded by our fellow citizens as well. It is sometimes said that because leisure has become more important the indignities and injustices of work can be pushed into a corner, that because most work is pretty intolerable, the people who do it should compensate for its boredom, frustrations and humiliations by concentrating their hopes on the other parts of their lives. I reject that as a counsel of despair. For the foreseeable future the material and psychological rewards which work can provide, and the conditions in which work is done, will continue to play a vital part in determining the satisfaction that life can offer. Yet only a small minority can control the pace at which they work or the conditions in which their work is done; only for a small minority does work offer scope for creativity, imagination, or initiative.

Inequality at work and in work is still one of the cruelest and most glaring forms of inequality in our society. We cannot hope to solve the more obvious problems of industrial life, many of which arise directly or indirectly from the frustrations created by inequality at work, unless we tackle it head-on. Still less can we hope to create a decent and humane society.

The most glaring inequality is that between managers and the rest. For most managers, work is an opportunity and a challenge. Their jobs engage their interest and allow them to develop their abilities. They are constantly learning; they are able to

exercise responsibility; they have a considerable degree of control over their own and others’ working live s. Most important of all, they have opportunity to initiate. By contrast, for most manual workers, and for a growing number of white-collar workers, work is a boring, dull, even painful experience. They spend all their working lives in conditions which would be regarded as intolerable --- for themselves --- by those who take the decisions which let such conditions continue. The majority have little control over their work; it provides them with no opportunity for personal development. Often production is so designed that workers are simply part of the technology. In offices, many jobs are so routine that workers justifiably feel themselves to be mere cogs in the bureaucratic machine. As a direct consequence of their work experience, many workers feel alienated from their work and their firm, whether it is in public or in private ownership.

11 In the writer’s opinion, people judge others by_________.

A. the type of work they do

B. the place where they work

C. the time they spend at work

D. the amount of money they earn

12 According to the writer, in the future, work will ________.

A. matter less than it does now

B. be as important as it is now

C. be better paid than it is now

D. offer more satisfaction

13 What does the writer think is needed to solve our industrial problems?

A. A reduction in the number of strikes

B. Equality in salaries

C. A more equal distribution of responsibility

D. An improvement in moral standards

14 What advantages does the writer say managers have over other workers?

A. They cannot lose their jobs.

B. They get time off to attend courses.

C. They can work at whatever interests them.

D. They can make their own decisions.

15 Working conditions generally remain bad because _______________.

A. the workers are quite satisfied with them

B. no one can decide what to do about them

C. managers see no need to change them

D. office workers want to protect their positions

Passage 4

Coincident with concerns about the accelerating loss of species and habitats has been a growing appreciation of the importance of biological diversity, the number of species in a particular ecosystem, to the health of the Earth and human being. Much has been written about the diversity of terrestrial organisms, particularly the exceptionally rich life associated with tropical rain-forest habitats. Relatively little has been said, however,

about diversity of life in the sea even though coral reef systems are comparable to rain forests in terms of richness of life.

An alien exploring Earth would probably give priority to the planet’s dominant, most distinctive feature – ocean. Humans have a bias toward land that sometimes gets in the way of truly examining global issues. Seen from far away, it is easy to realize that landmasses occupy one-third of the Earth’s surface. Given t hat two-thirds of the Earth’s surface is water and that marine life lives at all levels of the ocean, the total three-dimensional living space of the ocean is perhaps 100 times greater than that of land and contains more than 90 percent of all life on Earth even though the ocean has fewer distinct species.

The fact that half of the known species are thought to inhabit the world’s rain forests does not seem surprising, considering the huge numbers of insects that comprise the bulk of the species. One scientist found many different species of ants in just one tree from a rain forest. While every species is different from every other species, their genetic makeup constrains them to be insects and to share similar characteristics with 750,000 species of insects. If basic, broad categories such as phyla and classes are given more emphasis than differentiating between species, then the greatest diversity of life is unquestionably the sea. Nearly every major type of plant and animal has some representation there.

To appreciate fully the diversity and abundance of life in the sea, it helps to think small. Every spoonful of ocean water contains life on the order of 100 to 100,000 bacterial cells plus assorted microscopic plants and animals, including larvas of organisms ranging from sponges and corals to starfish and clams and much more.

16 What is the main point of the passage?

A. Humans are destroying thousands of species.

B. There are thousands of insect species.

C. The sea is even richer in life than the rain forests.

D. Coral reefs are similar to rain forests.

17 Why does the author compare rain forests and coral reefs (Paragraph 1)?

A. They are approximately the same size.

B. They share many similar species.

C. Most of their inhabitants require water.

D. Both have many different forms of life.

18 The passage suggests that most rain forest species are ________________.

A. insects

B. bacteria

C. mammals

D. birds

19 The author argues that there is more diversity of life in the sea than in the rain

forests because ____________.

A. more phyla and classes of life are represented in the sea

B. there are too many insects to make meaningful distinctions

C. many insect species are too small to divide into categories

D. marine life-forms reproduce at a faster rate

20 Which of the following conclusions is supported by the passage?

A. Ocean life is highly adaptive.

B. More attention needs to be paid to preserving ocean species and habitats.

C. Ocean life is primarily composed of plants.

D. The sea is highly resistant to the damage done by pollutants.

Passage 5

Battles are like marriages. They have a certain fundamental experience they share in common; they differ infinitely, but sill they are all alike. A battle seems to me a conflict of will to the death in the same way that a marriage of love is the identification of two human beings to the end of the creation of life – as death is the reverse of life, and love of hate. Battles are commitments to cause death as marriages are commitments to create life. Whether, for any individual, either union results in death or in the creation of new life, each risks it – and in the risk commits himself.

As the servants of death, battles will always remain horrible. Those who are fascinated by them are being fascinated by death. There is no battle aim worthy of the name except that of ending all battles. Any other conception is, literally, suicidal. The fascist worship of battle is a suicidal drive; it is love of death instead of life.

In the same idiom, to triumph in battle over the forces which are fighting for death is – again literally –to triumph over death. It is a surgeon’s triumph as he cuts a body and bloodies his hands in removing a cancer in order to triumph over death that is in the body.

In these thoughts I have found my own peace, and I return to an army that fights death and cynicism in the name of life and hope. It is a good army. Believe in it.

21 Although the author says that battles are horrible, he also says that_________.

A. most people find fascination in them

B. there is no battle aim worthy of the name

C. one should love life and not death

D. fighting to end battles is justifiable

22 The author states that one who fights a battle toward any end other than peace is


A. tainted by fascism

B. misguided and unworthy

C. victimized by unconscious drives to kill

D. bent on his own destruction

23 The article says that the individual, in battle and in marriage, must_________.

A. make a union

B. compromise his beliefs

C. take the risks he has committed himself to

D. recognize that death is the reverse of life

24 The article says that a surgeon can triumph when he_____________.

A. performs a successful operation

B. triumphs over the body


中大办理退辅修、成绩单等事情全攻略!(针对申请出国读书的同学,内含各类链接)【刚搞定回来,发帖积RP,欢迎转发】来源:杨嘉卉的日志 最近有同学和师弟师妹问我要怎样办成绩单,想着就写一篇日志来告诉大家啦~今天早上刚刚拿到新鲜出炉的成绩单们,为了积RP,于是将整个过程以及一些要注意的细节告诉大家。其实也不见得全面,目的只是想让没去办的同学能大概清楚流程、知道要做些什么准备,不至于办事的时候就蒙了,以至于影响了申请的进度。 一、退辅修 我之前在珠海有选了辅修,但回来南校之后,由于想着不想修那么多的课,所以就将辅修退掉,以充公选。 1、退辅修申请 - 要准备的东西有:(1)取消辅修的申请书。没有模板,就写清楚退辅修的原因,签上名字,留上联系电话,就OK。(2)《中山大学本科转专业学生课程学分认定及成绩转换申请表》在教务处的网站可以找到(https://www.360docs.net/doc/2615572058.html,/home/view.aspx?id=5210)。这一份是转专业的学生用的,但只要将抬头和相关内容改成自己需要的就OK。将辅修已经修过的课程、学时、学分、成绩等填好,拿到自己院系的教务员那边签名和学院章,然后再拿到辅修所属院系的教务员那里签名和盖章。像我们院,要求是系主任一级的人签名。于是还要等系主任有空才签名。反正这个签名和这个章就比较蛋疼,因为不知道什么时候系主任有空帮你签个名。 将这两份东西都需要用A4的纸来打印,当然签名和盖章就不能打印啦~~将他们订在一起,拿到东校区行政楼A201教务处那里交给那里的老师,说清楚你是要退辅修转学分的就OK。表格放在老师那里之后,就要等那个老师什么时候有空帮你操作一下那个教务系统了。我那天是早上交下午就帮我转好。还是觉得教务处的老师效率还是挺高的。 2.退辅修Q&A Q:退辅修有什么好处? A:虽然交了钱,上了那么多课,现在退了,拿不到辅修证,好像挺可惜的。但是其实本来辅修证就没用,而且这些已经修过的课程是可以转为公选。所以对于那些还没修够学分,又不想上课的大四孩纸来说就是一件非常好的事情了~ Q:关于辅修、双专业、双学位的成绩单可以只打其中的一些课程吗? A:无论是中文还是英文的成绩单,对于辅修的成绩,是遵循“全或无”的原则:即要不就全部都打出来,要不就可以全部都不打,不能够选其中的一些打而另外的一些不打。 交了申请之后,留意自己的教务系统上面,是不是已经显示你之前的辅修的课程已经全部转成“公选”了。有什么问题,可以打这个电话查询:39332173(毕业审核,公选课,辅修/双专业/双学位,公选和辅修双专业双学位的成绩管理)。


中山大学MTI考研经验帖2016年 在广州工作,所以择校时没有太多犹豫,就选了自己高中一直向往的中大。 中山大学MTI考研分数线: 2014年370;2015年370;2016年375 中山大学MTI考研报录比:差不多就是10:1,这个概率还是挺大的。 中山大学MTI考试科目: 1、翻译硕士英语 ①英美概况部分参见《英语国家社会与文化入门》上、下册,朱永涛编,高等教育出版社,2005。②其它部分不列参考书。 2、英语翻译基础 ①Newmark,Peter.A Textbook of Translation.London:Prentic e Hall International Ltd,1987.上海:上海外语教育出版社,2001。 ②考试范围参照教指委公布的《全日制翻译硕士专业学位(MTI)研究生入学考试考试大纲》。 3、汉语写作与百科知识 ①考试范围参照教指委公布的《全日制翻译硕士专业学位(MTI)研究生入学考试考试大纲》。 参考书最有用的就是朱永涛那两本书,不过是英文的,看着比较费力,自己把握不好重点,我就从亚马逊上买了一本配套练习册,有重点提要。历年真题来看,翻译这科题型比较稳定,汉译英喜欢出中国领导人讲话,英译汉就是散文,还有30个短语互译。 2016年录取的比较多,口笔译(除了少干计划)共47个进复试,31个拟录取。口译有调剂去笔译的,往年都有这种情况。 中山大学MTI复试: 第一天下午笔试,第二天面试,口译分在上午,每人大概十分钟以内,自我介绍之后开始交传练习。一段英译汉,一段汉译英。老师都很和善,不会刁难学生,往年有初试高分被刷,也有刚过线的复试表现特别好,所以大家机会平等。录取


试卷编号: 一、名词解释题(本大题共3小题,每小题3分,总计9分) 1.Bioseparation Engineering:回收生物产品分离过程原理与方法。 2.双水相萃取:某些亲水性高分子聚合物的水溶液超过一定浓度后可形成两相, 并且在两相中水分均占很大比例,即形成双水相系统(two aqueous phase system)。 利用亲水性高分子聚合物的水溶液可形成双水相的性质,Albertsson于50年代 后期开发了双水相萃取法(two aqueous phase extraction),又称双水相分配法(two aqueous phase partitioning)。 3.电渗:在电场作用下,带电颗粒在溶液中的运动。 二、辨别正误题并改正,对的打√,错的打×(本大题共15小题,每小题2分,总计30分) 1.壳聚糖能应用于发酵液的澄清处理是由于架桥作用。错(不确定) 2.目前国内工业上发酵生产的发酵液是复杂的牛顿性流体,滤饼具有可压缩性。错 3.盐析仅与蛋白质溶液PH和温度有关,常用于蛋白质的纯化。错 4.超临界流体是一种介于气体和液体之间的流体,可用于热敏性生物物质的分离。 对 5.膜分离时,当截留率δ=1时,表示溶质能自由透过膜。错 6.生产味精时,过饱和度仅对晶体生长有贡献。对 7.阴离子纤维素类离子交换剂能用于酸性青霉素的提取。对 8.卡那霉素晶体的生产可以采用添加一定浓度的甲醇来沉淀浓缩液中的卡那霉 素。 9.凝胶电泳和凝胶过滤的机理是一样的。错 10.PEG-硫酸钠水溶液能用于淀粉酶的提取。对 11.乙醇能沉淀蛋白质是由于降低了水化程度和盐析效应的结果。对 12.冷冻干燥一般在-20℃—-30℃下进行,干燥过程中可以加入甘油、蔗糖等作为保 护剂。对 13.反相层析的固定相和流动相都含有高极性基团,可用来分离生物物质。错 14.大网格吸附剂由于在制备时加入致孔剂而具有大孔径、高交联度,高比表面积 的特点。错(不确定) 15.PEG沉淀蛋白质是基于体积不相容性。错 三、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,总计20分) 1.对于反胶束萃取蛋白质,下面说法正确的是:A A 在有机相中,蛋白质被萃取进表面活性剂形成的极性核里 B 加入助溶剂,可用阳离子表面活性剂CTAB萃取带正电荷的蛋白质 C 表面活性剂浓度越高越好 D 增大溶液离子强度,双电层变薄,可提高反胶束萃取蛋白质的能力 2.能进行海水脱盐的是:C A 超滤 B 微滤

会计专业英语期末试题 )

期期末测试题 Ⅰ、Translate The Following Terms Into Chinese 、 1、entity concept 主题概念 2、depreciation折旧 3、double entry system 4、inventories 5、stable monetary unit 6、opening balance 7、current asset 8、financial report 9、prepaid expense 10、internal control 11、cash flow statement 12、cash basis 13、tangible fixed asset 14、managerial accounting 15、current liability 16、internal control 17、sales return and allowance 18、financial position 19、balance sheet 20、direct write-off method Ⅱ、Translate The Following Sentences Into Chinese 、 1、Accounting is often described as an information system、It is the system that measures business activities, processes into reports and communicates these findings to decision makers、 2、The primary users of financial information are investors and creditors、Secondary users include the public, government regulatory agencies, employees, customers, suppliers, industry groups, labor unions, other companies, and academic researchers、 3、There are two sources of assets、One is liabilities and the other is owner’s equity、Liabilities are obligations of an entity arising from past transactions or events, the settlement of which may result in the transfer or use of assets or services in the future、 资产有两个来源,一个就是负债,另一个就是所有者权益。负债就是由过去得交易或事件产生得实体得义务,其结算可能导致未来资产或服务得转让或使用。 4、Accounting elements are basic classification of accounting practices、They are essential units to present the financial position and operating result of an entity、In China, we have six groups of accounting elements、They are assets, liabilities, owner’s equity, revenue, expense and profit (income)、会计要素就是会计实践得基础分类。它们就是保护财务状况与实体经营


2018考研心得:中山大学新闻传播学硕 士经验分享 考研的复习时间还有不到40天了,去年这个时候的那种紧迫感我依然记忆犹新,历历在目。回想那将近一年来的考研时光,让人既辛酸又怀念。下面我就说说我自己的考研经历吧,希望能给学弟学妹们带来一定的帮助。 我初试分数为391分,英语70、政治71,专业课分别为123和125,复试结束后总分为399,这样子的成绩还是比较满意的。 我报考的是中山大学的新闻传播学,之所以做这样的选择,也是综合多方面因素考虑。 首先,我本科时理工科,虽是一所“211”学校,在本省的名气还不错,但是那个专业我确实不是很喜欢,学的也不是很好,因此,在巨大的就业压力面前,我选择了做逃兵,便投入了考研的怀抱。在这里提醒大家,无论以何种理由考研,即使是逃避,但是选择之后就必须得好好对待。 第二,对于选择新闻传播学的原因,主要是在学校我担任过校报的主编,对新闻也比较感兴趣,还有一点就是不想读理工科了,一直想逃离数学的魔抓。 第三,我报了一个硕考商城的专业课辅导班,那里的老师说读新闻传播学要么选择北方或东部沿海的专业强校,如中传媒、复旦、北大、厦大,要么选择报业比较发达的广东。因为不想离家太远,同时又怕目标太高考不上,于是就选择考去广东,对于中大和暨大因为一直以来比较中大,便选择了中大。 最终选择了中大的新闻传播学,中大区位优势明显,广州传播产业发达;与企业联系密切,研究特色明显。 开始第二部分,说一下复习的过程: 【初试】 因为不考数学,所以前期的复习当然是以英语单词和专业课为主。 一、英语 相信大部分同学,英语首先面对的就是老大难——单词。单词可以说是整个考研过程中都不能落下的,关键是背的方式的转变,前期单词书,广撒网;后期做题中总结生词和词组,从高频单词入手。真题一定要多研究,不要相信一些辅导书说跟真题类似,都是骗人的,只有真题最有价值。一开始不要图快或者正确率,要把每篇文章彻底翻译一遍,每道题目都仔细推敲。当训练到一定时候可以买本模拟题练练,但是别太当真,以免影响心情。阅读每天都要做几篇,作文一星期写个1-2篇就好了,关键在于坚持,不能三天打鱼两天晒网。 二、政治 政治没有必要太早考试,看早了后期也会忘记,收益较低,纯粹是浪费时间。我当时政治是九月份出了大纲才开始,当时买了大纲解析(一定是教育部的版本,这才是最后的官方版本),政治大家可以考虑去硕考商城报一个视频班,我觉得完全没必要在公共课上报面授班,报了也是一堆人挤在一个大教室上课,还不如视频,实惠,又不会太打乱自己的复习时间。 三、专业课 中大的新闻传播学专业是没有指定教材的,所以我直接选择了购买两门专业课的《复习精编》和《冲刺宝典》来帮助自己复习。所谓专业课,无谓是多看多总结。我看了至少有4遍,同时还整理了一本笔记。


中山大学文件 中大办〔2009〕7号 关于发布中山大学各单位英文译名的通知 校机关各部、处、室,各学院、直属系,各直属单位,各附属单位,后勤集团、产业集团: 为适应学校建设高水平大学的目标和要求,使我校各类机构、单位名称的英文表述更趋规范和准确,学校组织有关专家对各单位英文译名进行了统一的修订和翻译工作。经多次征求意见和论证,在尊重原单位使用习惯和吸取专业意见的基础上,由专家组审定,英文译名已于日前定稿。 学校各类机构和单位英文译名的规范和正确运用,是学校行政管理水平的重要体现。现将学校各二级单位英文译名(见附件1)予以发布,请各单位在日后工作过程中严格遵照执行。同时,为便利工作,加强规范,专家组根据各单位

提交的下设机构名单(附件2)进行了翻译和修订,同予发布,供参考使用。 附件:1.学校各二级单位英文译名 2.有关单位下设机构英文译名 二〇〇九年三月二十日 主题词:行政事务机构英文译名△通知 中山大学校长办公室2009年4月27日印发 责任校对:王莉婧附件1

学校各二级单位英文译名 机关部、处、室 党委办公室 Office of the SYSU Committee of the CPC 党委宣传部 Publicity Department of the SYSU Committee of the CPC 纪委办公室 Discipline Inspecting Commission Office 监察处 Supervision Department 审计处 Audit Department 党委组织部 Organization Department of the SYSU Committee of the CPC 党委统战部 The United Front Work Department of the SYSU Committee of the CPC


2007 —2008 学年第1、2学期分离工程课程期末考试试卷(A 卷)答案及评分标准 二、选择题(本大题20分,每小题2分) 1、由1-2两组分组成的混合物,在一定T 、P 下达到汽液平衡,液相和汽相组成分别为 11,y x ,若体系加入10 mol 的组分(1),在相同T 、P 下使体系重新达到汽液平衡,此时汽、液相的组成分别为 ' 1'1,y x ,则 ( C ) (A )1'1x x >和 1'1y y > (B )1'1x x <和1'1y y < (C )1'1x x =和1'1y y = (D )不确定 2、对于绝热闪蒸过程,当进料的流量组成及热状态给定之后,经自由度分析,只剩下一个自由度由闪蒸罐确定,则还应该确定的一个条件是 ( D ) (A )闪蒸罐的温度 (B )闪蒸罐的压力 (C )气化率 (D )任意选定其中之一 3、某二元混合物,其中A 为易挥发组分,液相组成5.0=A x 时泡点为1t ,与之相平衡的气相组成75.0=A y 时,相应的露点为2t ,则 ( A ) (A )21t t = (B )21t t > (C )21t t < (D )不能确定 4、用郭氏法分析可知理论板和部分冷凝可调设计变量数分别为 ( A ) (A )1,1 (B )1,0 (C )0,1 (D )0,0 5、如果二元物系有最高压力恒沸物存在,则此二元物系所形成的溶液一定是 ( A ) (A )正偏差溶液 (B )理想溶液 (C )负偏差溶液 (D )不一定 6、用纯溶剂吸收混合气中的溶质,逆流操作,平衡关系满足亨利定律。当入塔气体浓度y 1上升,而其它入塔条件不变,则气体出塔浓度y 2和吸收率的变化为 ( C ) (A )y 2上升,下降 (B )y 2下降,上升 (C )y 2上升,不变 (D )y 2上升,变化不确定 7、逆流填料吸收塔,当吸收因数A 1且填料为无穷高时,气液两相将在哪个部位达到平衡 ( B ) (A) 塔顶 (B)塔底 (C)塔中部 (D)塔外部 8、平衡常数较小的组分是 ( D ) (A )难吸收的组分 (B )较轻组份 (C )挥发能力大的组分 (D )吸收剂中的溶解度大 9、吸附等温线是指不同温度下哪一个参数与吸附质分压或浓度的关系曲线。 ( A ) (A) 平衡吸附量 (B) 吸附量 (C) 满吸附量 (D)最大吸附量 10、液相双分子吸附中,U 型吸附是指在吸附过程中吸附剂 ( A ) (A) 始终优先吸附一个组分的曲线 (B) 溶质和溶剂吸附量相当的情况 (C) 溶质先吸附,溶剂后吸附 (D) 溶剂先吸附,溶质后吸附


.. ;.. 一.中古英语时期 Beowulf is the oldest poem in the English language, and the most important specimen (范例、典范)of Anglo-Saxon literature, and also the oldest surviving epic in the English language. The romance is a popular literary form in the medieval period(中世纪). It uses verse or prose to sing knightly a dventures or other heroic deeds. Geoffrey Chaucer, one of the greatest English poets, whose masterpiece, The Canterbury Tales(《坎特伯雷故事集》),was one of the most important influences on the development of English literature. Chaucer is considered as the father of English poetry and the founder of English realism. 二.文艺复兴Renaissance Renaissance r efers to the period between the 14th and mid-17th centuries. It marks a transition(过渡) from the medieval to the modern world. It started in Italy with the flowering of painting, sculpture(雕塑)and literature, and then spread to the rest of Europe. Humanism is the essence of Renaissance -----Man is the measure of all things. This was England’s Golden Age in literature. Queen Elizabeth r eigned over the country in this period. The real mainstream of the English Renaissance i s the Elizabethan drama. The most famous dramatists in the Renaissance E ngland are Christopher Marlowe and W illiam Shakespeare. The greatest of the pioneers of English drama was Christopher Marlowe. Francis Bacon was the best known essayist of this period. “Of Studies” is the most popular of Bacon’s 58 essays. Thomas More ——Utopia Edmund Spenser——The Faerie Queene 相关练习 1. Which is the oldest poem in the English language? A. Utopia B. Faerie Queene C. Beowulf D. Hamlet 2. _____ is the father of English poetry. A. Edmund Spenser B. William Shakespeare C. Francis Bacon D. Geoffrey Chaucer 3. ____ is not a playwright during the Renaissance period on England. A. William Shakespeare B. Geoffrey Chaucer C. Christopher Marlowe D. Ben Johnson 三.莎士比亚William Shakespeare “All t he world 's a stage, a nd all the men and women merely p layers.”——William Shakespeare William Shakespeare is considered the greatest playwright in the world and the finest poet who has written in the English language. Shakespeare understood people more than any other writers. He could create characters that have


中山大学考研448汉语写作与百科知识真题 第一部分: 百科知识(请从ABCD四个选项中选出一个最佳答案50分) 1、《弟子规》原名《训蒙文》,为清朝康熙年间秀才李毓秀所作。其内容采用______第六条:“弟子入则孝,出则弟,谨而信,泛爱众,而亲仁,行有余力,则以学文。”的文义以三字一句,两句一韵编撰而成,分为五个部分加以演述;具体列举出为人子弟在家、出外、待人接物、求学应有的礼仪与规范,特别讲求家庭教育与生活教育()。 A、《论语、为政篇》 B、《论语·雍也篇》 C、《论语,子罕篇》 D、《论语。学而篇》 2、“克己复礼为仁,一日克己复礼,天下归仁焉” “非礼勿视,非礼勿听,非礼勿言,非礼勿动” “己所不欲,勿施于人” “死生有命,富贵在天” “四海之内,皆兄弟也” “君子成人之美,不成人之恶” 以上引语皆出自《论语》哪一篇目?()。 A、里仁篇 B、泰伯篇 C颜渊篇 D、子路篇 3、《三字经》中“融四岁,能让梨”,融是()。 A、建安七子之一 B、竹林七贤之一 C、唐宋八大家之一 D、东汉四才子之一 4、《陈涉世家》为司马迁所著《史记》中的一篇,是秦末农民起义领袖陈胜、吴广的传记。公元前209年,以陈胜、吴广为首的戍卒九百人在大泽乡(今安徽宿州东南)举行了中国历史上第一次大规模的农民起义,揭开了反对秦王朝残暴统治的序幕。“世家”是给什么人做的传?()。 A、帝王 B、王侯 C、重臣 D、将士 5、苏格兰位于大不列颠岛北部,英格兰之北,以格子花纹,风笛音乐,畜牧业与威士忌工业而闻名。2011年5月,主张维持统一的工党在苏格兰地方选举中败给苏格兰民族党,这使得一些苏格兰人又萌生了独立的念头。2014年9月18日,按照苏格兰政府发布的《苏格兰的未来:苏格兰独立指南》白皮书,苏格兰举行了全民公投。最终,约55%的选民投了反对独立的票。因此,英国仍将保持统一。以下哪位作家的作品主要以苏格兰为创作背景?()。 A、 Charles Dickens B、 George Eliot C、 Walter Scott D、 Oscar Wilde 6、爱尔兰文学(英语:Irish literature)是指在爱尔兰产生或爱尔兰人创作的文学作品。爱尔兰是一个无论面积还是人口规模都很小的国家,却对世界文学做出了与其国家规模极不成比例的巨大贡,用英语写成的爱尔兰文学可以看作是英语文学的一个分支。以下哪一位作家不是爱尔兰作家?()。 A、James Joyce B、 George Bernard Shaw


https://www.360docs.net/doc/2615572058.html,/?fromcode=9822 2020中山大学法学硕士考研经验 在职考研,一战进入中山大学法律硕士专业,以高分被录取,备考期间积累了许多经验,特在此分享自己的考研经历和学习方法,希望对同学们有所帮助。 4月-6月 在研途宝考研网上看了很多的经验贴,把前一年的分析大致翻了一遍,结合自己的条件做了个大体规划,就正式开始了。 看第一遍书,每天看一章的内容,听一章基础班的录音课程,做好笔记,不懂的地方直接记到讲义上。 这个时候做题尽量不翻书做,实在不会的就打开书看看,可能一开始错误率比较高,但是完全不用担心,但是每道题的考点一定要找明白,要知道自己为什么错,下次不要再错。 7月-8月 暑假的黄金时间一定要把握好。这个阶段每天白天完成一章的内容,先看一遍分析,再看一遍讲义,讲义上不懂的地方就把音频找出来再听一次,然后看两本配套练习上的错题。 这个阶段依然在理解分析,力求在这个阶段搞懂所有知识点,难点一定要花时间各个击破,方便后面的背诵。 9月-10月 开始正式的背书,选择最适合自己的方法进行背诵。在背书的时候穿插真题的训练,以及重点部分的笔记整理。 第一轮背诵用不同颜色荧光笔做好不同知识点的分类,关键词全部划出。 完成每天的任务后做完相应的真题,再把真题大题出现的年份题型标在分析上。 11月-12月 第二轮背诵依然是三遍背诵法,睡觉前可以在脑子里回忆背诵内容,特别能够加强记忆,强推。 做第二遍真题,这时候大题也要开始自己做了,不用写出完整的回答,关键词得分点写出来就可以了。把重要部分自己整理出来,真题答案解析里的一些知识点的比较和总结。 第三轮背诵会比第二遍背的快很多,虽然要快但是细节仍是不能放过。可以留意一下各科的背诵顺序,法理学这种偏记忆的科目不妨放到最后背诵,或者穿插进行也不失为一个好办法。 三轮背下来基本上所有内容都比较熟悉,重点部分能够完整的表述出来,真题开始刷第三遍,也就是做第二遍的错题,这个时候有的题还是会错,但是心态一定要好,搞清楚考点在哪里不要再犯,并且适当提炼大题的大题思想和套路。 与其羡慕考上名校的师兄师姐,不如扎扎实实低头复习,相信师弟师妹都没有问题,期待明年这时候听到你们的好消息!


中山大学翻译学院英语(翻译)2010级 About翻译学院: 翻译学院成立于2005年,是中山大学一个比较年轻的学院。同是学习外语的学院,翻译学院没有外国语学院历史悠久,名气也是远远比不上外院。外界各种传闻说翻院是中大为了扩招才新开的(翻院算是中大人数最多的一个院了吧),而且翻院也招体育特长生,很多被调剂的学生也是被調来翻院。(说白了就是想说其实翻院里面并不全都是大家心中“考上中大的成绩佼佼者”)。各种因素导致翻院在外界有点被鄙视的感觉。但因为年轻,翻院充满着活力。翻院举办过很多大型活动,翻院人也在学校各种活动中取得很好的成绩。(这一点毫不夸张,翻院人超牛,各种活动都是数一数二的。) 翻译学院与外国语学院相比较:外院重理论,就是向搞研究方向去的,只招文科生(2010年);翻院重实践,向应用方向去的,文理兼招(2010年)。翻院就业率去年在中大排第八,外院则是在倒数那头(当然,其中有有很多外院人继续读研读博钻研学术还没找工作的因素在里面)。 About 我的专业:英语(翻译) 一、课程介绍: 大一专业必修课程:综合英语(精读):比较类似于高中英语课讲课文讲词组 英语泛读:每周要求读一本英语文字作品。大一以世界名著(小说、剧本)为主,据说大二大三开始读历史材料、法律文件什么的,每周考一次试 英语听力:教授听力技巧,需把自己课后听的东西汇总写listening log 英语语法:纯教授语法的课,实在是有点枯燥枯燥枯燥… 英语语音:教授地道英语发音技巧,超推荐的课!可以学到很多 英语口语:外教上课,课堂会有很多讨论之类的,以练习口语为主 第二外语:供选的有日语、法语、德语、西班牙语、葡萄牙语、韩语、阿拉伯语、俄语等 大一专业选修课程:英美社会与文化:讲授英美历史、文化知识等 文科数学:难度介于高三理科和大学高数之间 其他公共必修课:思修、史纲、计算机、体育… 二、一些心得: 1、可能有人很鄙夷英语专业,自己当初选专业就是因为喜欢英语才报的,如果你本身对英语不感冒千万别报这个专业,因为每天对着这么多英语会想吐!我刚入学也因为学的东西都围绕着“英语”转超级单一而苦恼过,甚至萌生过转专业的念头。大一这一年学的东西都是基础,比较常规,不过后来习惯了觉得还好,而且陆续而来的各种选修课会让学习丰富多彩。大二,尤其是大三后课程的专业针对性很强,会有专门的口译笔译学,应该是值得期待的。 2、专业作业的多少要看你认真程度,因为虽然常规的练习挺多,但很多老师都不检查,每天至少听1个小时的listening log也是可以只写不听混过去的(不要被1个小时吓到,习惯了根本没什么)。当然如果想学到东西作业还是要认真做的… 3、老实说翻院老师的水平有点参差,有超级好的也有比较一般的,总体来说应该不够外院雄厚。但个人觉得翻院学到的东西在以后更实际更实用(当然,每个人的发展方向也不同,如果你是学术型人才那又另当别论了)。同学的水平也是有差异的,并不是每个同学都是英语一级棒(当然一级棒的也有一大堆),有时候你需要忍受各种不正确甚至难听的口音…请不要被熏陶。 4、对想转专业的同学:都说转专业难,其实难就难在它是一项非常需要意志力的事情。除去转去外


填空题 1. .根据吸附剂与吸附质之间存在的吸附力性质的不同,可将吸附分为物理吸附、化学吸附和交换吸附; 2. 比表面积和孔径是评价吸附剂性能的主要参数。 3. 层析操作必须具有固定相和流动相。 4. 溶质的分配系数大,则在固定相上存在的几率大,随流动相的移动速度 小。 5. 层析柱的理论板数越多,则溶质的分离度越大。 6. 两种溶质的分配系数相差越小,需要的越多的理论板数才能获得较大的 分离度。 7. 影响吸附的主要因素有吸附质的性质,温度,溶液pH值,盐的浓度和吸附物的浓度与吸附剂的用量; 8. 离子交换树脂由网络骨架(载体),联结骨架上的功能基团(活性基)和可交换离子组成。 9. 电泳用凝胶制备时,过硫酸铵的作用是引发剂(提供催化丙烯酰胺和双丙烯酰胺聚合所必需的自由基);甲叉双丙烯酰胺的作用是交联剂(丙烯酰胺单体和交联剂甲叉双丙烯酰胺催化剂的作用下聚合而成的含酰胺基侧链的脂肪族长链);TEMED的作用是增速剂(催化过硫酸胺形成自由基而加速丙烯酰胺和双丙烯酰胺的聚合); 10. 影响盐析的因素有溶质种类,溶质浓度,pH 和温度; 11. 在结晶操作中,工业上常用的起晶方法有自然起晶法,刺激起晶法和晶种起晶法; 12. 简单地说离子交换过程实际上只有外部扩散、部扩散和化学交换反应三步;

13. 在生物制品进行吸附或离子交换分离时,通常遵循Langmuir 吸附方程,其形式为c K c q q 0+= 14. 反相高效液相色谱的固定相是 疏水性强 的,而流动相是 极性强 的; 15. 等电聚焦电泳法分离不同蛋白质的原理是依据其 等电点 的不同; 16. 离子交换分离操作中,常用的洗脱方法有 静态洗脱 和 动态洗脱 ; 17. 晶体质量主要指 晶体大小 , 形状 和 纯度 三个方面; 18. 亲和吸附原理包括 配基固定化 , 吸附样品 和 样品解析 三步; 19. 根据分离机理的不同,色谱法可分为 吸附、离交、亲和、凝胶过滤色谱 20. 蛋白质分离常用的色谱法有 免疫亲和色谱法, 疏水作用色谱法 , 金属螯合色谱法 和 共价作用色谱法 ; 21. SDS-PAGE 电泳制胶时,加入十二烷基磺酸钠(SDS )的目的是消除各种待分离蛋白的 分子形状 和 电荷 差异,而将 分子量 作为分离的依据;加入二硫叔糖醇的目的是 强还原剂,破坏半胱氨酸间的二硫键 ; 22. 影响亲和吸附的因素有 配基浓度 、 空间位阻 、 配基与载体的结合位点 、 微环境 和 载体孔径 ; 23. 阳离子交换树脂按照活性基团分类,可分为 强酸性阳离子交换树脂 、 弱酸性 和 中强酸性 ;其典型的活性基团分别有 3 、 COOH - 、2)(OH PO -; 24. 阴离子交换树脂按照活性基团分类,可分为强碱性、 弱碱性 和 中强碱 性 ;其典型的活性基团分别有-+OH CH RN 33)(、2NH -、兼有以上两种基团; 25. 影响离子交换选择性的因素有 离子水合半径 、 离子价 、 离子强度 、 溶液pH ,温度 、溶液浓度 、 搅拌速率 、和 交联度、膨胀度、颗粒大小 ;


《财会专业英语》期终试卷 I.Put the following into corresponding groups. (15 points) 1.Cash on hand 2.Notes receivable 3.Advances to suppliers 4. Other receivables 5.Short-term loans 6.Intangible assets 7.Cost of production 8.Current year profit 9. Capital reserve 10.Long-term loans 11.Other payables 12. Con-operating expenses 13.Financial expenses 14.Cost of sale 15. Accrued payroll II.Please find the best answers to the following questions. (25 Points) 1. Aftin Co. performs services on account when Aftin collects the account receivable A.assets increase B.assets do not change C.owner’s equity d ecreases D.liabilities decrease 2. A balance sheet report . A. the assets, liabilities, and owner’s equity on a particular date B. the change in the owner’s capital during the period C. the cash receipt and cash payment during the period D. the difference between revenues and expenses during the period 3. The following information about the assets and liabilities at the end of 20 x 1 and 20 x 2 is given below: 20 x 1 20 x 2 Assets $ 75,000 $ 90,000 Liabilities 36,000 45,000 how much the owner’sequity at the end of 20 x 2 ? A.$ 4,500 B.$ 6,000 C.$ 45,000 D.$ 43,000



Passage 1 One motivational analyst who became curious to know there had been such a great rise in impulse buying at supermarkets was James Vicary. He suspected that some special psychology must be going on inside the women as they shopped in supermarkets. His suspicion was that perhaps they underwent such an increase in tension when confronted with so many possibilities that they were forced into making quick purchases. He set out to find out if this was true. The best way to detect what was going on inside the shopper was through the use of a galvanometer or lie detector. That obviously was impractical. The next best thing was to use a hidden motion-picture camera and record the eye-blink rate of the women as they shopped. How fast a person blinks his eyes is a pretty good index of his state of inner tension. The average person, according to Mr. Vicary, normally blinks his eyes about 32 times a minute. If he is tense, he blinks them more frequently; and, under extreme tension, he may blink up to 50 or 60 times. If he is notably relaxed, on the other hand, his eye-blink rate may drop to a subnormal twenty or less. Mr. Vicary set up his cameras and started following the ladies as they entered the store. The results were startling, even to him. Their eye-blink rate, instead of going up to indicate mounting tension, went down and down, to a very subnormal fourteen blinks a minute. The ladies fell into what Mr. Vicary calls a hypnoidal trance, a light kind of trance that, he explains, is the first stage of hypnosis. Mr. Vicary has decided that the main cause of the trance is that the supermarket is packed with products which in former years would have been items only kings and queens could have afforded and here in this fairyland they were ava ilable to all. Mr. Vicary theorizes: “Just within this generation, anyone can be a king or queen and go through these stores where the products say ‘buy me, buy me’.” 1 Vicary’s curiosity was aroused by the fact that _________. A. there was a decrease in sales in supermarkets B. women were showing strong resistance to products in supermarkets C. there seemed to be no logic in women’s buying habits D. women were shopping very carefully 2 According to the article, eye-blink rate is an indication of ________. A. the truth or falsity of a statement B. the mental ability of a person C. blood pressure D. the emotional state of a person 3 Mr. Vicary’s test ________________. A. proved his original hypothesis to be true B. proved that the tension of a woman shopper, after entering the store, decreased rather than increased C. nullified the eye-blink rate as a measurement of tension D. showed that a woman’s reaction to the products in a supermarket is impossible to determine 4 After his tests, Mr. Vicary concluded that _____________. A. shopping was apt to create serious nervous disorders B. a supermarket is a fantastic place
