

牛津版八年级下册英语单词表Unit 1 Helping those in need

raise v.筹募 v.增加; 提高

permission n.准许;批准

disabled adj.丧失能力的;有残疾的

teenager n.青少年

offer v.主动提出

suffer v.(因疾病等) 受苦;受折磨

serious adj.严重的

illness n.(某种) 病

organize v.组织;筹备

express v.表达;表露

pain n.痛苦;苦恼

lonely adj.孤独的;寂寞的

friendship n.友情; 友谊

difficulty n.困难;费劲

joy n.愉快;喜悦

peace n.平静;宁静

hurt v.(hurt,hurt) (使) 疼痛;受伤

courage n.勇气; 勇敢

spirits n.[pl.] 情绪;心境

pay v.(paid,paid) 付费

community n.社区

in need 需要帮助的

voluntary work 义务性工作

ask permission 报请批准

suffer from 因.......受苦;受折磨

raise one's spirits 是振奋;使鼓起勇气

in order to 目的在于;为了

Unit 2 Body language

language n.语言

communication n.交流;交际

*ballet n.芭蕾舞

accept v.接受(建议、邀请等)

*reject v.拒绝接受;不予考虑

meaning n.意义;意思

gesture n.手势

message n.( 书面或口头的 )信息;消息bored adj.(对某人/某物)厌倦的;烦闷的part-time adj.兼职的

well-dressed adj.衣着入时的;穿着讲究的lady n.女士;女子

sigh v.叹气; 叹息

matter n.(询问某人的情况)怎么了

expression n.表情;神色

appearance n.外貌;外表

impression n.印象

towards prep.向; 朝;对着

hold v.(held,held) 使保持(在某位置)

later adv.以后; 后来

remind v.提醒;使想起

neck n.颈;脖子

cross v.使交叉;使交叠

nod v.点头

shake v.(shook,shaken)(与某人)握手

v.(shook,shaken) 摇头

sure adj.确信;肯定

body language 身势语;肢体语言

take place 发生

sit up 坐起来; 坐直

make a good impression on... 给....留下好印象remind sb.about sth. 提醒某人某事

Unit 3 Traditional skills

description n.说明;形容

describe v.描述;形容

fisherman n.渔民

net n.网

although conj.虽然;尽管

fit adj.健壮的;健康的

*cormorant n.鸬鹚

dive v.下潜

ready adj.谁备好

reach v.到达;抵达

attract v.吸引;使喜爱hang v.(hung,hung) 悬生; 吊post n.柱;杆;桩

require v.需要;依靠practise v.从事

tool n.用具;器具

scissors n.[pl.] 剪刀pattern n.图案

character n.文字; 符号

n.人物; 角色

health n.健康

luck n.幸运

*wedding n.婚礼;结婚庆典*dough n.生面团

*rough adj.粗糙的

size n.大小

simple adj.简单的

lovely adj.有吸引|力的;


paper cutting 剪纸

up to 到达(某数量、程度等);至多有set off 出发;动身

up and down 起伏; 上下波动

after dark 天黑后;黄昏后

no more 不再;再也不

all the time (在某段时间)一直;始终Unit 4 Cartoons and comic strips cartoon n.动画片;卡通片

warning n.警告;警示

role-play v.角色扮演

symbol n.符号

*bubble n.泡;' 气泡

thought n.心思;思想

*rough adj.粗略的

*sketch n.速写;概述

program n.程序

record v.录制; 录(音)

*effect n.效果

basic adj.基本的;基础的

stage n.段;步; 步骤

pleasant adj.友好的; 和善的;文雅的

appear v.显得;看来;似乎

actor n.演员

match v.与....相配

separately adv.单独地;分别地

play v.播放

score V.得分

team n.队

star n.明星;体坛高手

*mystery n.神秘

island n.岛

storm n.暴风雨

jacket n.夹克衫;短上衣

wave n.海浪; 波浪;波涛

comic strip 连环漫画

pop out (眼睛) (因激动、惊奇) 大睁大; 瞪起decide on 决定; 选定

video camera 摄像机


八年级上英语U2综合练习 I. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案) 1. My father usually reads morning papers before going to work. A. the B. a C. an D. / 2. When the three astronauts came back from space, many reporters interviewed and got some first-hand information. A. they B. them C. their D. themselves 3. I knocked on the door several times but answered, so I left. A. nobody B. anybody C. somebody D. everybody 4. W ould you please turn the fan ? I feel a little cold A. on B. off C. down D. up 5. Don’t drop rubbish the ground, you should drop it the litter bin. A. down…into B. on…to C. on…into D. to…in 6. Climbing mountains was , so we all felt . A. tiring; tired B. tired; tiring C. tiring; tiring D. tired; tired 7. The boy is to go to school. He is seven years old. A. enough old B. young enough C. old enough D. enough young 8. There are people in the People’s Square. A. thousands of B. two thousand C. thousands D. two thousands 9. I enjoy the popular dance “hi p-hop”. Bu t my father my mother likes it. A. b oth…and B. not only …but also C. eit her…or D. n either…nor 10. Susan’s parents have bought a large house with a swimming pool. It be very expensive. A. must B. can C. mustn’t D. can’t II. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子) 1. He lay on the bed and fell asleep. ( comfortable ) 2. I prefer the fresh beans to the ones. ( freeze ) 3. If you have to wait for an hour for a bus, you? ll become . ( patient ) 4. is the most serious problem in the city. ( pollute ) 5. Next, add some to the water. ( chemistry ) III. Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限 填一词)


U n i t 1 1 average 平均的;平均数 The average age of the students is 15. 2 item 一件物品;节目;项目 She had the most expensive item on the menu. 3 product产品[C] a product many products 区别goods, goods生来复数 4 fighter 斗士;战士--注意复数 fight-fought-fought fight against pollution对抗污染 fight for freedom为自由而战 5 fact 事实 in fact事实上;实际eg; She looks young, but in fact she is 54 years old. 6 scientist科学家—注意单复 scien ce科学scien tific科学的 7 be interested in对…感兴趣 be keen on/really like have interest in/show interest in have no interest in… in是介词;介词后面跟doing 8 suppose认为;假设;假定;推断 Eg; I suppose prices will go down. Scientists supposed that large dinosaurs lived in swamps.(沼泽) 9 breathe呼吸 Eg; The air was so cold that we could hardly breathe. Most people don’t realize that they are breathing polluted air. breathe in吸入 His illness is the result of breathing in harmful gases over many years. breathe out呼出 Human beings breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. brea th n. out of breath 上气不接下气 take a deep breath深呼吸 10 gas---gases 气体;气态;煤气 11 release---let…out释放 Four prisoners were released 12 produce=make 制造 13 alive活着的;健在的 be alive Lu Xun isn’t alive while Han Han is alive. 区别living; living things生物


牛津上海版英语八上各单元知识梳理 Unit 1 Penfriends ⅠWords: 1. penfriend 笔友pen pal 2. magazine 杂志 a literary magazine 文学杂志women’s magazine 妇女杂志→n. magazinist 期刊编辑 3. hobby 业余爱好 4. chess 国际象棋chessman 棋子(pl. chessmen) chessboard 棋盘 5. own 拥有own up 承认错误owner 所有者物主业主 6. good/well—better---best 7. architect 建筑师architecture 建筑学 8. nearby adv. 在附近不远adj. 附近的邻近的 9. keen adj. 热心的渴望的敏锐的灵敏的Keenly adv.敏锐地keenness n. 敏锐 10. ambition 雄心抱负be full of ambition 野心勃勃ambitious adj. 有雄心的11. enclose 附上 ⅡPhrases 1. at the end 在………的末端 2. be keen on 热心于做热衷于……… 3. play chess 下象棋 4. twelve years old 5. a boy called Tom 一个名叫Tom 的男孩a boy named Tom a boy with the name Tom 6. best wishes 最好的祝愿 7. by +交通工具= take +a/an +交通工具 8. tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人关于某事tell sb. to do sth. 告诉某人做某事tell sb. not to do sth. 告诉某人别做某事 9. enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事like doing sth. mind /practice/finish/ 10. speak /tell /say/talk say 说述说speak 说话发言电话来时用speaking talk 说谈话of/about tell 告诉讲述 ⅢSentence 1. make it +adj. for sb. to do sth. it 形式宾语 2. sth. +be+ to do 动词不定式做表语 3. I hope you will write to me soon . 我希望你尽快给我回信hope 有可能实现的愿望wish 不大可能实现的愿望hope to do 希望做某事wish sb. to do 希望某人做…….. ⅣGrammar Ⅰquestion words (疑问词) what、who(whom) / whose/which/when/where/how/why how many/much/long/far/soon/fast/often/ how many times Ⅱ冠词 1.不定冠词a/an的用法“不见“原因”(发元音)别施“恩”(an)特殊案例:前需要加a 的:university a usual book Europe 欧洲European 欧洲人one-day trip 需要加an 的:unhappy + n. uncle unusual + n. 2. 定冠词the的用法特指双方熟悉,上文已经提起。世上独一无二,方位名词乐器。某些专有名词,还有复数姓氏。序数词最高级,习惯用语牢记。 特殊案例:a bright moon 4. 零冠词的用法“以下情况冠词免,学科球类三顿饭,名词复数表泛指,季节星期月份前”特殊案例:a good breakfast Unit 2 ⅠWords 1. whizz-kid 神童优等生n. 顶部顶端盖顶盖2. several adj.&pron. 几个少许 3. successful adj. 成功的adj. unsuccessful 不成功的succeed v.成功success n. 成功be successful in 在……..上成功4.Business n. 买卖生意商业businessman 商人生意人(男pl. businessmen)businesswoman (女)商人(pl. businesswomen )

八年级英语上册上海牛津版 U1 课文

Unit 1 Penfriends text 1. know the name of 2. rugby 3. top-right corner 4. signature 5. above -- below 6. the whole day = all day 7. postcode 8. a group of letters and numbers 9. be part of 10. A postcode makes it easier for the post office to deliver letters. 11. tell you something about myself 12. You can call me Jon. 13. about one and a half meters tall 14. Playing chess is my hobby. 15. own a Chinese restaurant 16. be at university 17. during the holidays 18. be keen on = be fond of

19. My ambition is to be a/an ... 20. an ambitious man 21. It is beautiful, isn't it ? 22. a photo of myself a photo of mine 23. the meaning of 24. live a meaningful life 25. for example 26. play squash 27. even if 28. other/others/the other/the others/another 29. a kind of sport 30. idle = lazy 31. train sb to do sth 32. trainer 33. junior high school 34. senior high school 35. do well in = be good at 36. tick the boxes of the things he writes about 37. He often feels unhappy, _______ _______ ? 38. Find facts in the letter that tell you they are probably true.


8B Unit 1 Trees 1. pollute (v.) p ollution (n.) *Pollution has become one of the most serious problems of today’s society. *The factories aren’t allowed to let out dirty water for it may pollute the river. *Trees are thought as pollution fighters. 2. f ight(v. n.)争斗,斗争` fight (against) sb / sth fighter (n.) 斗士 3. scientist (n.)科学家science ( n.)科学 4. collect (v.)收集collection (n.) 收藏品 *He used to collect stamps when he was a young boy. *The dustmen collect the rubbish once a day. *My father usually collects me after school 5. She is interviewing Doctor Ray. interview (v. n) interviewer (n.) interviewee (n.) trainer---trainee. / emplover----employee 6. interest *He is telling a story to the children which interests them a lot. *Tom takes great interest in stamps collection. interested (a.) *be interested in +n./doing sth 7 .live (v.) 生活直播的(a.) a live football match alive (adj.) living (adj.) lively (adj.) life (n..) *When the boy was found at last .he was still alive. *We must leart a living language not adead one.


六年级下册词汇 人教版小学英语六年级下册单词表(三会)Unit 1 tall →taller更高的short →shorter 更矮的strong →stronger 更强壮的 old →older 年龄更大的young →younger 更年轻的big →bigger 更大的 heavy →heavier 更重的long →longer 更长的thin →thinner 更瘦的 small →smaller 体型更小的 How tall are you ? 你多高?I’m 164 cm tall.我164厘米高。 You are 4 cm taller than me. 你比我高4厘米。 How heavy are you? 你多重?I’m 48 kg. 我48公斤。 I’m thinner than you, and shorter. 我比你瘦,又矮。 人教版小学英语六年级下册单词表(三会)Unit 2 have a fever 发烧have a sore throat 喉咙疼have a cold 感冒have a toothache 牙疼 have a headache 头疼matter:['m?t?] 事情,麻烦sore:[s?:]疼的hurt :[h?:t]疼痛 nose:[n?uz] 鼻子tired:['tai?d] 疲劳的,累的excited:[ik'saitid] 兴奋的angry:['??gri]生气的 happy 高兴的bored 无聊的,烦人的sad 忧伤的,悲伤的 What’s the matter? 怎么啦?My throat is sore. My nose hurts. 我的喉咙痛。我的鼻子疼。 How are you, Liu Yun? You look so happy. 刘云,你怎么样?你看起来真高兴。 How are you, Sarah?萨拉,你好吗?You look sad today. 你今天看起来很伤心。


八年级上英语期末综合练习 Part Two Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分词汇和语法) I. Choose the best answer.(选择最恰当的答案) 22.The man with golden hair is from Greece, _________European country. A) a B) an C) the D) / 23.The architect was born_______the morning of May 2nd , 1978. A) in B) on C) at D) of 24. Will you please do _________ a favour to pass the homework to the teacher? A) he B) his C) himself D) him 25.Tom is strong enough to climb the high mountain _______ he is an elderly man. A) but B) so C) although D) however 26. --- What do you think of the biscuit? --- I like it very much. It tastes ______. A) good B) terrible C) well D) terribly 27. Having sports every day ________us to keep healthy. A) makes B) lets C) enables D) keeps 28. Would you mind _________forward a bit ? It is too crowded here. A) close B) to close C) closed D) closing 29. The foreigners _____________Shanghai for two weeks and they visited the bund last Saturday. A) have been to B) have come to C) have arrived in D) have been in 30. Almost everyone agrees that driving a private car is ________than taking the underground. A) much expensive B) much more expensive C) expensive D) far expensive 31.No. MU5111 flight is put off (推迟)because of the heavy fog and haze(雾霾). We have to wait for __________ two hours. A) the other B) other C) another D) others 32. ________ good time the children are having in the Century Park! A) How B) What C) What an D) What a 33. During the lessons we saw Jim was_______ learner among the children. A) quick B) the quickest C)quicker D) the most quickly 34. ----Sorry, I don’t know the way, either. I’m new here. ----_____. A) Not at all B) Thank you all the same C) That’s all right D) Yes, please. 35. --- Jane, would you like to join the reading club?


Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当 的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给) It is true that a 1 a day's work, in the evening everybody likes to watch TV. So I should say that TV becomes very popular b 2 in the cities and in the country. H 3 , many TV programmes do not run on time. Sometimes the programme may be delayed half an hour or m 4 . Just take last Sunday for example, the English on Sunday programme was twenty minutes I 5 . At the present time people l 6 to talk about reform and efficiency. I hope in the near future I can turn on TV according to the programme listed in China Daily and find my favourite programme on s 7 . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 答案: 1.after 2. both 3. However 4. more 5. late 6. like 7. screen 首字母填空(32) Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当 的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给) Light travels very fast. It moves at 300,000 kilometres a second. Light reaches us from the moon in less than a second and a half. The moon is about 382, 000 kilometres a 1 . Light from the sun reaches us in 8.5 minutes. The sun is about 149, 640,000 kilometres from the earth. The other stars are f 2 away than the sun. Light from the nearest star reaches us in about for years. When you look at a star, you do not see its present condition. You see it as it is used to be. Light from some stars t 3 hundreds of years to reach us. We never see a star as it is n 4 . We see it as it was long ago: perhaps hundreds of or thousands of years ago. Astronomers(天文学家) watch the stars t 5 big telescopes. The w 6 biggest telescope is Russia. Then next biggest is in the United States. With these great telescopes a 7 can see stars and other things very far away. Some of these things are not only stars. They are great groups of stars. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 答案: 1.away 2. farther 3. travels 4. now 5. through 6. world’s 7. astronomers


八年级下英语期末综合练习 Part I Listening Comprehension 略 Part II Vocabulary and Grammar(第二部分词汇和语法共40分) I. Choose the best answer.(选择最恰当的答案))(共16分) 1. The surface of the table feels smooth. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence? A.[?s??f?s] B. [?s?f?s] C.[?s??fe?s] D.[?s?fe?s] 2. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others? A. Kids are chatting happily on the net. B. This one is not for an adult. C. Have you ever seen such beautiful castles before? D. More and more landmarks have appeared in the wonderful area. 3. Look at the photo of my father. He is at _______ work as _______ engineer. A.a ; an B. a; the C. /; an D. /; the 4. Please believe _______ ! You will succeed. B.you B. your C. yourself D. yours 5. France is famous _______ its tasty food and amazing sightseeing. A. for B. from C. as D. of 6. Finally the plane arrived in Beijing _________. A. safety B. safely C. save D. safe 7. Don’t worry. We still have ______ milk in the fridge. A. a little B. little C. a few D. few 8. The dog was running after its master and barked happily. It________ like “yes”. A. looked B. tasted C. sounded D. felt 9. Computers can do _______ calculations in a flash. A. a million of B. two millions C. millions of D. million of 10. Get up early and do exercise every day, ________ you won’t have a strong body. A. but B. for C. and D. or 11. The book was so interesting that he had read it for three hours ________ he realized it. A. when B. until C. after D. before 12. At the end I got the passport that would enable me ________ the USA. A. visit B. to visit C. visited D. visiting


六年级下册英语单词表Unit 1 go to the beach...... 去沙滩 enjoy sunbathing...... 享受日光浴enjoy the moon and the stars...... 看月亮和星星 stay at home...... 呆在家里 have a party...... 聚会 enjoy Spring Festival...... 过春节 by plane...... 乘飞机 sun [s?n]...... 太阳 moon [mu:n] n. ...... 月亮 star [star]...... 星星 at night...... 在晚上 at home...... 在家里 listen to English..... 听英语 speak English...... 讲英语 read English...... 读英语write English........ 写英语 talk in English...... 用英语交谈 play in English...... 用英语玩游戏 learn [l?:n]......... 学;学习;学到a lot of........ 很多 word [w?:d]...... 单词;词blackboard ['bl?kb?:d]...... 黑板say [sei]..... 说 do tasks.....做任务 have an English party........ 举办英语聚会 act in drama........ 表演戏剧 learn from each other......互相学习subject ['s?bd?ikt]...... 学科lesson ['lesn]..... 课 but [b?t]...... 但是 yesterday ['jest?dei]...... 昨天


牛津上海版八年级上英语U n i t1-3基础知识 点练习 -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

八年级上英语U1-3基础知识点练习 I.Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案) 1. I ____ walk to school because my home is far away from it. A, sometimes B, seldom C, often D, always 2.The boy is full of energy (精力). He ____ sleep too much. A, needs B, doesn’t need C, need D, needn’t 3. Professor Wang is very popular ____ the students. A, in B, with C, around D, of 4. James was ____ to get back the lost watch a few days ago. A, lucky enough B, too lucky C, so lucky D, even lucky 5. There are more than three ____ students in our school. A, thousands B, thousand C, thousands of D, thousand of 6. It’s raining outside. Please ____ your raincoat before you go out. A, wear B, dress C, put on D, take off 7. You ____ finish the work before 10 o’clock. A, needn’t to B, don’t need C, mustn’t D, don’t have to 8. He ____ be in his office for he called me from there two minutes ago. A, can B, may C, must D, need 9. I’m sorry that I can’t ____ the lecture at the City Hall. A, attend B, take part in C, join D, enter 10. Oh, what a ____ film! I really get ____. A, boring, boring B, boring, bored C, bored, boring D, bored, bored 11. Maggie is very afraid ______ dogs. A. at B. with C. of D. in


牛津英语上海版八年级下册单词与短语 Unit 1: prodigy n. (年轻的)天才;奇才 pianist n. 钢琴家 stunning adj. 绝妙的;令人难忘的sentence n. 句子 award n. 奖项;奖品 success n. 成功 strict adj. 严厉的;要求严格的performance n. 表演;演出 forever adv. 永远 orchestra n. 管弦乐队 encourage v. 鼓励;鼓舞 support v. 支持;帮助 talent n. 天资;天赋 interest n. 兴趣;业余爱好 inventor n. 发明家;创造者 curious adj. 好奇的;求知欲强的 finding n. 调查发现;研究结果 actually adv. 居然;竟然 lightning conductor n. 避雷针 nowadays adv. 现在;目前 bifocals n. 双目眼镜 develop v. 研制;发展 development n. 开发(成果);研制(成果)set v. 放;置 pavement v. (马路边的)人行道 caller n. 打电话者 overcome v. 克服;战胜 admire v. 钦佩;崇拜 accident n. (交通)事故;意外 medal n. 奖牌 disabled adj. 丧失能力的;有残疾的 violin n. 小提琴 anyone pron. (用于疑问句或否定句中)任何人 hero n. 英雄;豪杰 national adj.3 国家的;民族的 pride n. 自豪;骄傲 volunteer n. 志愿者 manage v. 能解决(问题);应付(困难)hard-working adj. 工作努力的;辛勤的talented adj. 有才能的;天才的intelligent adj. 聪明的;有才智的determined adj. 坚决的;有决心的grocery n. 食品杂货店 clothing n. 衣服;服装 province n. 省 wise adj. 充满智慧的;明智的 belief n. 信仰;信念 equal adj.平等的;同等的 president n. 总统;国家主席 grandchild n. (外)孙子;(外)孙女including prep. 包括……在内shopkeeper n. 店主 miss v. 怀念;思念 retire v. 退休;退职 短语: on television 电视播放的 at the age of 在……岁时 at a price 付代价 be strict with sb 对某人要求严格 fall ill 病例 in place of 代替 be grateful to(sb for sth) (为某事)感激(某人) be curious about sth 对某事感到好奇search for 找寻;思索(答案) lead to 使发生;导致 protect…from …保护……以免…… be tired of (doing sth) 厌倦;厌烦(做某事) be known as 被称作;被叫做 set up 建立;创建 for love 出于热爱 forget about sb 不再想某人; 不再把某人放在心上 come on (表示知道某人说的话不是真的)得了吧 save up 储蓄;攒钱 fight for 为……斗争 be equal to 与……平等 in total 总计;总数 Unit 2: smart adj. 聪明的;机敏的 plenty n. 大量;充足


八年级(上)英语8AU7练习卷一 姓名 一Choose the best answer ( )1. If he time tomorrow, he will go out sing karaoke with his friends. A. will have B. has C. is going to have D. have ( )2. The middle-aged men the young people is their team leader. A. between B. among C. at D. for ( )3. Jack is not sure his students will visit him next Sunday. A. when B. if C. who D. that ( )4. Tina science fictions her elder brother. A. is like; likes B. likes; likes C. likes; like D. is like; likes ( )5. This morning he made his boss angry because he was two hours . A. early B. late C. earlier D. later ( )6. They’ve learnt a lot they entered the middle school.. A. after B. since C. when D. until ( )7. This brush the wall of the house last year. A. is used to painting B. used to paint C. uses to painting D. was used to paint ( )8. I think he will be back 3 o’clock. A. after B. since C. in D. about ( )9. We shall set off a Wednesday morning. A. on B. at C. in D. of ( )10. The village is so that I hope to live there. A. peace B. peaceless C. peaceful D. in peace 二、Rewrite the sentences as required. 11 After a while, we were all out of the cage. (保持原意) _ __ ,we were all out of the cage. 12. I will catch you. (保持原意) I will you. 13. After he ate breakfast, he went to school at once. (保持原意) Well, Captain, you were wrong about the monster being friendly, ? 14. The coat cost Jane a month’s pay. (改为反意疑问句) The coat cost Jane a month’s pay, ? 15. The lady always has a cup of tea after dinner. (改为反意疑问句) The lady always has a cup of tea after dinner, ? 16. He’s never ridden the horse before. (改为反意疑问句) He’s never ridden the horse before, ? 17. When we are in the reading-room, we have to be quiet. (改为反意疑问句) When we are in the reading-room, we have to be quiet, ? 18. What fine weather! (改为反意疑问句) What fine weather, ? 三、Complete the following sentences with the given words in their proper forms 19. He left (immediate) without saying anything. 20.Paris is one of the most (attract) places in the world. 21. The driver turned the wheel to avoid a stone (lie) ahead. 22. Remember “(safe) first”. 23. The shoe shop (open) from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. . 24. He made a (decide) to study abroad the next year. 四\、Complete the sentences with proper words according to the first letters 25. A m later, the students all arrived and began to set off. 26. The hunter a at the tiger and fired. 27. Her beauty a my attention that day. 28. The old man was s when a big noise frightened him. 五、Complete the sentences with the proper words or 29. I saw a coming towards Captain King. 30. The stone him on his head. 31. The students like to for information on the Internet. 32. The children enjoyed the of the school holidays. 33. I walked for many miles, so I had to to have a rest. 34. You must that you will arrive here in time. 四、Fill in the blanks with proper words The m 35 important holiday in spring, e 36 for Christians, is Easter. This Christian holiday is not on the s 37 date every year,but it’s a38 on a Sunday. It can be any Sunday between March 22 and April 25. Many people c 39 Easter by buying new clothes. Children celebrate by hunting for colored eggs that their parents have hidden around the house. People also give Easter baskets filled with candy and o 40 goodies to one another to celebrate the day. 35. 36. 37. 35. 36. 37.
