


在英语文法中有三种语气,即直述式语气(In dicative Mood)、祈使语气(ImPeratiVe MOOd)和虚拟语气(SUbjeCtiVe MOOd),其中前两种我们早已熟悉了,这里则不多谈了,女口: HOW beautiful She is!则是直述式语气,而HUrry up! Do n't hurry UP则是祈使语气。我们主要来看看虚拟语气的主要用法。虚拟语气主要是用来表达一种无法实现的愿望,一种与事实相反的情况,或者将不可能实现的,或可能性很小的事实,假想为事实予以表述。这样的动词结构称为虚拟语气。它主要有三种形式,即与现在事实相反的假设,与过去事实相反的假设,与将来事实相反的假设。它们具体结构如表8 —7。




Incorrect: If I WaS a girl, I would marry you

Correct: If I Were a girl, I would marry you


Incorrect: If I Were you I will not worry

Correct: If I Were you I should n't worry


In correct: God forgives you!

Correct: God forgive you!

这里的主语God是第三人称单数,之所以动词不加S是因为要表达一种祝愿,即人力所不能及的事情,实际上是forgive前有一助动词should, May 等,

但在口语中将其省略了。如:May you be happy祝你幸福。

In correct: If the Weather WaS nice yesterday,

We would have gone to the zoo

Correct: If the Weather had been nice yesterday We would have gone to the zoo

因句中有 yesterday 一词即表示的是与过去相反的事实,即昨天天气很不好, 我们也未去动物园,所以if 条件句应用had+过去分词。

Incorrect: If it is was not snowing right now,I will go for a walk

Correct: If it was (were) not snowing right now , I would go for a walk

虚拟语态be 动词作助动词时,则可用 WaS 来取代were,女口 WaS to 。虚拟语 态中的动词如果是表示正在进行之中也要用进行时态。

Incorrect: If you had taken my advice, you Would have been better noW

Correct: If you had taken my advice, you Would be better noW

这句话的意思是如果你以前要是能听我的忠告的话, 你现在就会好多了。 其条 件句是与过去事实相反的虚拟句, 而主句是与现在事实相反的虚拟句, 这在语法 书中叫做混合虚拟条件句。 例如: If I had caught that plane , I Would be dead noW 即: The plane I intended to catch craShed and everyone WaS killed

he Would go home at once he Would go home at once

在虚拟条件句中的if 可以省略,但if 省略后其句子的结构要采用倒装语序

Incorrect: SuppoSing your teacher SaW you With me What doeS She think?

Correct: SuppoSing your teacher SaW you With me , What might She think?

这句话中没有if 条件句,但仍要用作虚拟语态。这里因为有些分词或介词短 语,起到了从句的作用。这些短语有: Without , providing, SuppoSing , but

for(you) …

Incorrect: To See the girl , you Will like her Correct: To See the gir ,l you Would like her


Incorrect: I'm Sorry I did have come here by car Correct: I'm Sorry I Should have come here bycar 这里的条件句被省略了, 其意为我真应该坐小车来。 同样在句意不会混淆的情 况下,主句也有时可以被省略,女口: What if We should

fail!(我们万一失败了如何)。 If he could do it, Why not? (如果他能做,他怎么会不干呢 ?)

Incorrect: If the earth Were (WaS) to turn from eaSt to WeS ,t I Will give you thiS car aS a gift

Correct: If the earth Were(WaS) to turn from eaSt to WeSt I Would give you thiS car aS a gift

条件句中也常用 Were to 来表示说话者认为可能性极小或根本不可能的事。

In correct: If you'd have told him early, he would have PaSSed the exam

Incorrect: He Were you , he Would go home at once

Correct: Were he you , Correct: If he Were you ,

Correct: If you had told him early, he would have PaSSed the exam

非正式口语中往往听见外国人讲:'d have÷ PP (过去分词)但仍没有人认为它是正确的句子,不易为我们效仿。

In correct: The little girl looked as if She would have See na ghost Correct: The little girl looked as if She had See n a ghost

要注意的是as if从句中如果用虚拟语气,它的用法要与if条件句的动词结构相同,即与现在事实相反动词用过去式,be动词用were,而与过去事实相反的动词用had+ PP (过去分词)。另外更要注意的是,并非所有 as if从句都要用虚拟语气。如:Itlooks as if it is going to Snow (看天好像要下雪)即是真实条件句。

In correct: I should have come here early but I had bee nbusy

Correct: I should have come here early but I WaSbUSy


In correct: To tell the truth, I WiSh I know her address now

Correct: To tell the truth, I WiSh I knew heraddress now


be动词用were,与过去事实相反的条件动词要用hac÷过去分词。女口: I WiShed I had PaSSed that exam

In correct: HiS homework WaS Writte n badly

I WiSh he will do it better tomorrow

Correct: HiS homework WaS Writte n badly

I WiSh he would do it better tomorrow


并非WiSh不能表达真正的祝愿,但是不能接从句,而要用双宾语,或不定式,如:I WiSh you luck (双宾语)

I WiSh you to be a good StUde nt

I WiSh to See her at once

In correct: I WiSh it will not be ano ther failure

Correct: I hope it will not be ano ther failure

Correct: I WiSh it would n ot be ano ther failure



[例1] If he __ on tourists for his bus in ess he would have to close his shop

A depends

B will depend

C depended DhaS depended

[答案]C. 这是与现在事实相反的假设。应译为:如果他仅靠旅游来做生意


虚拟语气 一.语气的分类: 二.虚拟语气的用法: (一)虚拟语气在if条件句中的用法: ---If I were you, I would give it up. (与现在事实相反) ---If I had taken his advice, I would not have made such a mistake. (与过去事实相反) ---If she came/should come/were to come, I could ask her for help. (与将来事实相反) 2.特殊用法: ①错综时间虚拟条件句:条件从句与主句所指时间不一致,主从句的谓语动词要根据假设的时间来定。 ---If you had followed the doctor’s advice, you would be much better now. ②if条件句虚拟倒装:可以把if从句中的should, were, had置于句首,省略if构成倒装。 ---Were I you, I would give it up. ---Had I taken his advice, I would not have made such a mistake. ---Should she come, I could ask her for help. ③含蓄虚拟条件句:有时假设的情况并不以if引导的条件从句表示出来,而是通过一个介词短语或其他方式表示。常用的词或短语有:without, but for, otherwise, or, but等。 ---Without/But for your help, I could not have succeeded. ---I should have returned the book last week, but I was too busy. (but后为真实情况) ---He was ill, otherwise/or he would have helped us. (otherwise/or前为真实情况) ④特殊的if句虚拟:If it were (had been) not for…“要不是…” ---If it were not for peace, we could not be living a happy life. ---If it had not been for your help, I would have failed. (二)虚拟语气在名词性从句中的用法: 1.一些表示坚持,命令,建议,要求的词用于名词性从句中时从句的谓语动词用虚拟(一坚持,二命令,三建议,四要求) ---Our teacher suggested that we (should) study hard. (宾语从句) ---That we (should) study hard was our teacher’s suggestion. (主语从句) ---It was suggested that we (should) study hard. (主语从句) ---Our teacher’s suggestion was that we (should) study hard. (表语从句) ---Our teacher gave us a suggestion that we (should) study hard. (同位语从句) ★suggest表示“暗示”,insist表示“坚持说”时不用虚拟。 ---His pale face suggested that he was ill. ---The old man insisted that I had stolen his money.


虚拟语气: 表示说的话不是事实,不可能发生或者说可能性很小的情况,表达一种愿望、建议、假设。 if were/did, would do if had done, would have done if were to do/should do, would do 举例: If I were you, I would do nothing about it. If you had taken your teacher’s advice, you wouldn’t have made such a mistake. If it were to/ should rain tomorrow(表示降水率很低),they wouldn’t go shopping. 附注: 虚拟语气,条件状从倒装 状语从句中,去掉if,提前were/ had/ should 如:If I were you, I would give up. →Were I you, I would give up If you had taken the advice, you would have…. →Had you taken the advice, you would have… If the world shou ld come to an end,…… →Should the world come to an end…… 另外,without, but for, otherwise构成的条件状语从句中,也有含蓄的虚拟语气But for the popularization of electricity, we would lead a whole different life today. (popularization 普及,publicity 宣传) Without your help, I would have failed. We’ll go earlier, otherwise we wouldn’t get a seat.(表示可能性小)


高中英语语法讲解--虚拟语气 1. 语气的定义和种类 (1)语气的定义 语气是动词的一种形式,它表示说话人对某一行为或事情的看法和态度。 (2)语气的种类 A. 陈述语气 表示动作或状态是现实的、确定的或符合事实的,用于陈述句、疑问句和某些感叹句。 We are not ready. Did it rain all day yesterday? What a fine day today! B. 祈使语气 表使说话人的建议、请求、邀请、命令等。 Be careful. Don’t forget to clo se the window. Open the door, please. C. 虚拟语气 表使动作或状态不是客观存在的事实,而是说话人的主观愿望、假设或推测等。 2. 虚拟语气 一. 虚拟语气在条件句中的应用 学习虚拟语气在条件句中的用法之前我们必须清楚条件句的种类:条件句有真实条件句与非真实条件句(或称虚拟条件句)两种。真实条件句所表的假设是可能发生或实现的,句中的条件从句与结果主句都用陈述语气。如: If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, I will go for a picnic. 假若明天不下雨,我就去野餐。 Oil floats if you pour it on water. 你如把油倒在水里,油就浮起来。 虚拟条件句所表的假设则是不可能或不大可能发生或实现的,句中的条件从句与结果主句皆须用虚拟语气。 1. 与现在事实相反的虚拟条件句,条件从句的谓语用动词的过去式(be的过去式用were), 主句的谓语用should (would, might,could)+动词原形。 如: If it were not raining, we should go for a picnic.如果现在不下雨的话,我们就出去野餐了。 (事实是:天在下雨,我们不能出去野餐。表示愿望。) If he came here, he might be able to help you. 如果他来这,他就能够帮助你了。 (事实是:他没来这,他不可能帮助你。表示对他的良好印象。) 2. 与过去事实相反的虚拟条件句,条件从句的谓语用had+过去分词,主句的谓语用should (would, might,could)+ have +过去分词。 如:She would have gone to the party if she had been invited.


虚拟语气用法 英语中的语气分为陈述语气、祈使语气、虚拟语气、疑问语气和感叹语气五类。 1、表示动作或状态是客观存在的、确定的或符合事实的,用于陈述句、疑问句和某些感叹句中。 China is an Asian country. (肯定句) How interesting my stay in China has been! (感叹句) 2、祈使句表示说话人对对方的请求、警告,建议或命令。如: Please come over here. 请到这边来。 Watch your steps! 当心!(走路) 3、虚拟语气表示说话者做出的假设而非事实,或难以实现的情况,甚至表达彻底相反的概念。此外,如需表达主观愿望或某种强烈的感情时,也可用虚拟语气。虚拟语气是由句中的谓语动词的特殊形式表示出来的。如: If I were a bird,I would be able to fly in the air. 如果我是一只小鸟,我就能在空中飞行。 I wish I could pass the examination. 我希望我能通过考试。

If there were a heavy snow next Sunday, we would not go skating. 如果下周日下大雪,我们就不能去滑冰了。 If she were to be here next Monday, I would tell her about the matter. 如果她下周一来这儿的话,我就会告诉她这件事的始末。 4、有时,虚拟条件句中,结果主句和条件从句的谓语动作若不是同时发生时,虚拟语气的形式应作相应的调整。这种条件句叫错综条件句。 ①从句的动作与过去事实相反,而主句的动作与现在或现在正在发生的事实不符。 If I had worked hard at school, I would be an engineer, too.如果我在学校学习刻苦的话,我现在也会成为一个工程师了 If they had informed us, we would not come here now. 如果他们通知过我们的话,我们现在就不会来这里了。 ②从句的动作与现在事实相反,而主句的动作与过去事实不符。 If he were free today, we would have sent him to Beijing. 如果他今天有空的话,我们会已经派他去北京了。 If he knew her, he would have greeted her. 要是他认识她的话,他肯定会去问候她了。 5、当虚拟条件句的谓语动词含有were, should, had时,if可以省略,这时条件从句要用倒装语序,即把were, should, had等词置于句首,这种多用于书面语。 Should he agree to go there, we would send him there.要是他答应去的话,我们就派他去。 Were she here, she would agree with us.如果她在这儿的话,她会同意我们的。 Had he learnt about computers, we would have hired him to work here. 如果他懂一些电脑知识的话,我们已经聘用他来这里工作了。 【注意】 若条件从句为否定句,否定词not应置于主语之后,而不能与were,should,had 等缩略成Weren't,Shouldn't,Hadn't而置于句首。 Had it not been for the bad weather we would have arrived on time. 若不是天气坏,我们就准时到达了。 ②有时省略if后提前的had不是助动词: Had I time,I would come. 假若我有时间,我会来的。(=If I had time…) 6、非真实条件句中的条件从句有时不表达出来,暗含在副词、介词短语、上下文或其他方式表示出来,这种句子叫做含蓄条件句。 ①将条件会暗含在介词短语中,如without…, but for…,otherwise(要不是因为)等 But for his help, we would be working now. (要不是他的帮助,我们还会在工作呢。


虚拟语气的用法总结 语气:语气是动词的一中形式,它表示说话人对某一行为或事情的看法和态度。 虚拟语气表示动作或状态不是客观存在的事实,而是说话人的主观愿望,假设或推测等。如If I were you, I should study English. 一.虚拟语气在条件从句的用法 条件句有两类,一类是真实条件句;一类是非真实条件句,也就是虚拟条件句。 如果假设的情况是有可能发生的,就是真实条件句,谓语要用陈述语气。如If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we will go to the park. 如果假设的情况是过去或现在都不存在的,或将来不大可能发生的,则是虚拟条件句。如If he had seen you yesterday, he would have asked you about it. 在含有虚拟条件句的复合句中,主句 If her mother had taken the doctor’s advice, she would/might have got well earlier. If it were to rain tomorrow, the match would be canceled. 有时候省略if,采用局部倒装语序。把had /should/were 等动词(不包括行为动词)移到从句的句首。例如: Were it to rain tomorrow, our picnic would be canceled. Had it not been for the storm, we would have arrived in time. Should the earth stop running, what would happen? 二. 错综时间条件句 有时条件从句的动作和主句动作发生的时间不一致,这时需要根据意思采用表示不同时间的动词形式来进行调整。 If she had taken the doctor’s advice, she might still be alive. If I were you, I would have accepted their terms. 三.含蓄条件句


虚拟语气 在英语文法中有三种语气,即直述式语气(In dicative Mood)、祈使语气(Imperative Mood)和虚拟语气(Subjective Mood),其中前两种我们早已熟悉了,这里则不多谈了,女口:How beautiful she is!则是直述式语气,而Hurry up! Do n't hurry up则是祈使语气。我们主要来看看虚拟语气的主要用法。虚拟语气主要是用来表达一种无法实现的愿望,一种与事实相反的情况,或者将不可能实现的,或可能性很小的事实,假想为事实予以表述。这样的动词结构称为虚拟语气。它主要有三种形式,即与现在事实相反的假设,与过去事实相反的假设,与将来事实相反的假设。它们具体结构如表8 —7。 虚拟语气的构成 虚拟语气其他习惯用法简表

1语法辨析 In correct: If I was a girl, I would marry you Correct: If I were a girl, I would marry you 表示与现在事实相反的虚拟语气时,if条件句中的be动词一律用were,这句话应译为我要是个女孩,我就嫁给你。实际上不可能是个女孩。 In correct: If I were you I will not worry Correct: If I were you I should n't worry 现在时的虚拟语气主句要用should或would加动词原形,这句话应译为我要是你的话,就没有必要烦恼。要注意这种语态用在这里实际上是想把要讲出的观点表达得婉转些,有礼貌些。 In correct: God forgives you! Correct: God forgive you! 这里的主语God是第三人称单数,之所以动词不加s是因为要表达一种祝愿,即人力所不能及的事情,实际上是forgive前有一助动词should, May 等, 但在口语中将其省略了。如:May you be happy祝你幸福。 In correct: If the weather was nice yesterday, we would have gone to the zoo Correct: If the weather had been nice yesterday we would have gone to the zoo


第一部分:语气的定义和种类 1 语气(mood) 语气是动词的一种形式,表示说话人对某一行为或事情的看法和态度。2 语气的种类 ⑴、陈述语气:表示动作或状态是现实的、确定的或符合事实的,用于陈述句、疑问句和某些感叹句。如: ①There are two sides to every question.每个问题都有两个方面。 ②Were you busy all day yesterday?昨天一整天你都很忙吗? ③How good a teacher she is!她是多好的一位老师啊! ⑵、祈使语气:表示说话人对对方的请求或命令。如: ①Never be late again!再也不要迟到了。 ②Don’t forget to turn off the light.别忘了关灯。 ⑶、虚拟语气:表示动作或状态不是客观存在的事实,而是说话人的主观愿望、假设或推测等。如: ①If I were a bird, I could fly in the air.如果我是一只小鸟,我就能在空中飞行。 ②I wish I could pass the examination.我希望我能通过考试。 ③May you succeed!祝您成功! 虚拟语气在语法里算得上是个难点。让我们就从最简单的开始吧。 第二部分:简单句中的虚拟语气 一、情态动词的过去式用于现在时态时,表示说话人的谦虚、客气、有礼貌、或委婉的语气,常用于日常会话中。 如: ⑴.Would you be kind enough to show me the way to the post office?请你告诉我去邮局的路好吗? ⑵.It would be better for you not to stay up too late.你最好别熬夜到很晚。 二、表祝愿。 1、常用“may+动词原形”表示祝愿,但愿,此时may须置于句首(多用于正式文体中)。 ⑴、May good luck be yours!祝你好运! ⑵、May you be happy!祝你快乐! ⑶、May you do even better!祝你取得更大成就! ⑷、May you have a good time. 祝愿你玩的痛快。


专四语法(虚拟语气) 虚拟语气用来表示说话人的主观愿望或假想,所说的是一个条件,不一定是事实,或与事实相反。 条件句可分为两类,一类为真实条件句,一类为非真实条件句。非真实条件句表示的是假设的或实际可能性不大的情况,故采用虚拟语气。 eg. If he comes, he will bring his violin. 典型例题 The volleyball match will be put off if it ___. A.will rain B. rains C. rained D. is rained 答案B。真实条件句主句为将来时,从句用一般现在时。 注意: 1)在真实条件句中,主句不能用be going to表示将来,该用shall, will. (错) If you leave now, you are never going to regret it. (对) If you leave now, you will never regret it. 2)表示真理时,主句谓语动词便不用shall (will) +动词原形,而直接用一般现在时的动词形式。 从句中提出一种与客观现实不相符或根本不可能存在的条件,主句会产生的一种不可能获得的结果。条件句中的虚拟语气根据不同的时间有三种不同的形 ?If I had time, I would do it again. ?If I had known of your arrival, I should have met you at the station. ?If she had further considered the problem, she might have come to the correct conclusion. 真题举例:



虚拟语气用法总结 朱世梅 新时代大学英语中针对虚拟语气的练习题较多,而学生们往往把握不好虚拟语气的正确使用,现将其用法总结如下: 一.虚拟语气在英语里主要用来表达: a. 非真实的情景,不可能发生的事,即某种与事实相反或难以实现的情况,或说话人主观愿望。 b. 与客观事实相反地情景,即强制性虚拟语气,表示建议、命令、劝告这一类的意思上,表示强烈的要求做到、必须做到这样的含义。 c. 虚拟语气的表达形式是通过动词的变化形式表达的,其特点是主从句时态的不一致,而且一般有明显得标志。 二.虚拟语气的考点为: 1.If 句型 (共有三种句型) 非真实条件句: a.与现在的事实相反:从句用一般过去时,主句的谓语用would (could, might) +动词原形 If I were Bill Gates, I would not work so hard every day. b.与过去的事实相反:从句用过去完成时,主句的谓语用would (could, might) +现在完成时 If I had gone to America when I graduated from middle school, I would have got my PhD degree. c.与将来的事实相反:从句用should (were to,did) + 动词原形,主句的谓语用would (could, might) +动词原形 If it should/were to snow tomorrow, I would go skiing.

注意:虚拟条件句的倒装虚拟条件句的从句部分如果含有were, should, 或had, 可将if省略,再把were, should或had 移到从句句首,实行倒装。 Eg: Should it rain, the crops would be saved. =Were it to rain, the crops would be saved. Eg:_____ to do the work, I should do it some other day. A. If were I B. I were C. Were I D. Was I 答案C. 在虚拟条件状语中如果有were, should, had这三个词,通常将if省略,主语提前, 变成 were, should, had +主语的形式。但在虚拟条件状语从句中,省略连词的倒装形式的句首不能用动词的缩略形式。如我们可说 Were I not to do., 而不能说 Weren't I to do. d.混合条件句主句与从句的动作发生在不同的时间,这时主,从句谓语动词的虚拟语气形式因时间不同而不同,这叫做混合条件句。例如:条件句动作发生在过去,主句的动作发生在现在)谓语动词要根据表示的时间进行调整。 Eg: If it had rained last night (过去), it would be very cold today (现在). 2.Wish 句型表达“但愿…,要是…多好”的语气表示与事实相反的情况,或表示将来不太可能实现的愿望。其宾语从句的动词形式为: He wished he hadn't said that. 他希望他没讲那样的话。 I wish it would rain tomorrow. 我希望明天下雨就好了。 Wish to do表达法: Wish sb / sth to do I wish to see the manager. = I want to see the manager. I wish the manager to be informed at once. (= I want the manager to be informed at once.) 3.在强制性语气的宾语从句中的运用即表示建议、命令、劝告、决心等主观色彩的动词 + that + (should) + 动词原形,其中should 经常被省略。这类动词包括: suggest, propose, recommend, demand, order, command, desire, require, insist,




虚拟语气 在英语文法中有三种语气,即直述式语气(Indicative Mood)、祈使语气(Imperative Mood)和虚拟语气(Subjective Mood),其中前两种我们早已熟悉了,这里则不多谈了,如:How beautiful she is! 则是直述式语气,而Hurry up! Don't hurry up 则是祈使语气。我们主要来看看虚拟语气的主要用法。虚拟语气主要是用来表达一种无法实现的愿望,一种与事实相反的情况,或者将不可能实现的,或可能性很小的事实,假想为事实予以表述。这样的动词结构称为虚拟语气。它主要有三种形式,即与现在事实相反的假设,与过去事实相反的假设,与将来事实相反的假设。它们具体结构如表8-7。 虚拟语气的构成 种类条件句结构主句结构 与现在事实相反动词用过去式 be 动词用were Should/could+动词原形 would/might+动词原形 与过去事实相反的用had+过去分词 Should/could+have+过去分词 would/might+have+过去分词 与将来事实相反动词用过去式 were to 加动词原形 should 加动词原形 should+动词原形 would+动词原形虚拟语气其他习惯用法简表 种 类 功用句型例句 虚拟语气表示主观 愿望 主句谓语宾语从句谓语动词I wish we could go to the seaside today. wish 现在过去式 过去 had+过 去分词 I wish I had gone to the basketball match. 将来 should+ 动词原 形 would+ 动词原 形 could+动 词原形 might+动 词原形 I wished I could fly to the moon. I wish you would stay here a little longer. would rather 现在过去式 I would rather you came to my party tomorrow. 表示虚拟状语从句从句动She looked after the orphan as if he


英语虚拟语气总结(一) 一、概说 英语有三种语气,即陈述语气、祈使语气和虚拟语气。陈述语气用于陈述事实、提出看法或问题等,祈使语气用于表示请求、命令或警告等,虚拟语气则表示假想或主观愿望:He is honest. 他很诚实。(陈述语气) Don’t be late next time. 下次别迟到。(祈使语气) If I were you I wouldn’t go. 我要是你,我就不会去。(虚拟语气) I wish I had a lot of money. 要是我有很多钱就好了。(虚拟语气) 二、带虚拟条件的虚拟语气 1.真实条件句和非真实条件句 条件句有真实条件句和非真实(虚拟)条件句两种。真实条件句所表示的假设是有可能发生的,而非真实条件句则通常表示一种假想,与事实相反或不大可能会发生:If I have time, I will go with them. 假若我有时间,我就同他们去。(陈述语气) If I were you, I would go with them. 假若我是你,我就同他们去。(虚拟语气) 2.虚拟条件句的三种基本类型 (1)若与现在事实相反,条件从句的谓语用过去式(be通常用were),主句谓语用“should (would, could, might)+动词原形”: If you took a taxi,you’d get there quicker. 如果你坐出租车去,你可以快一点到那里。(但你不坐) If I knew her number I could ring her up. 要是我知道她的电话号码,我就可以给她打电话了。(可惜我不知道) (2)若与过去事实相反,条件从句的谓语用过去完成时(had+过去分词),主句谓语用“should (would, could, might)+have+过去分词”: If I’d left sooner,I’d have been on time. 要是我早点动身,我就准时到了。(但我动身太迟了) If we had found him earlier we could have saved his life. 要是我们当时早点找到他的话,我们就可以救活他。(可惜我们找到他太晚了) (3)若与将来事实相反,条件从句的谓语用过去式(be通常用were),主句谓语用“should (would, could, might)+动词原形”: If he went,would you go too? 如果他去,你也去吗?(大概他不会去) If I asked him,I’m sure he’d help us. 如果我向他提出要求,肯定他会帮助我们。(不过我不打算这样做) 注:① 主句谓语中的should主要用于第一人称后。would, might, could的大致区别是:would表示结果,might表示可能性,could表示能力、允许或可能性。比较:If you tried again you would succeed. 要是你再试一试,你就会成功的。(would 表结果) If you tried again you might succeed. 要是你再试一试,你可能会成功的。(might


虚拟语气用法归纳 虚拟语气主要指的的是带有非真实条件状语从句的复合句,表达的是说话人的遗憾后悔的语气,愿望以及建议,命令,要求等等的情感,往往说的是与事实相反或者没办法实现改变的东西。虚拟语气主要表现为在对过去现在或者将来的情况做出假设后,有可能出现的情况。 虚拟语气的内容主要有三大模块,第一模块就是涉及到条件从句部分的内容。这一部分的虚拟语气主要体现在三个方面:基本用法,各自为政,以及含蓄之美。 下表就是条件从句虚拟语气的基本用法: 通常,在上面表格里反映的是非真实条件句的虚拟语气模式,从句和主句的谓语动词时间是一致的,如果两者时间不一致,此时就是混合型虚拟语气。混合型虚拟语气的使用要求“各自为政”,即从句和主句根据各自假设的时间不同,采用上面表格中对应的的谓语动词形式。 如何“各自为政”呢?这就像是数学里的排列组合,一边有三种情况,交叉一搭配就出现了好多种情况。不管怎样,我们要遵循一个原则,就是“各自为政”。例如,从句是对过去情况的假设,而主句则是对现在情况的假设,那我们在使用时,从句就用过去完成式,而主句要用would/could do的形式。当然,也不是所有的AB配就是合理的,有时候在具体语境下,会出现矛盾的情况,这时我们就要结合要表达的意思来判断他们是对什么情况的假设,选择合适的形式。一般而言,主句的假设时间会发生在从句的假设时间之后。因为是有这么一个条件才会出现主句的现状。因此在此类的完成句子练习中,我们要特别提醒注意时间状语的暗示 1. If I had seen you, I would not be so worried now. (从句是对过去的假设,主句是对现在的假设) 2. If you had not watched television so late last night, you would not be so sleepy now.( 从句是对过去的假设,主句是对现在的假设) 3. If I were you, I would seize the chance to go abroad. (从句和主句都是现在的假设) 4. Had you followed the doctor’s suggestion, you would be fine now.( 从句是对过去的假设,主句是对现在的假设) 5. If I had made some money last summer, I would go on holiday next month.( 从句是对过去的假设,主句是对将来的假设) 6. You didn’t let me drive. If we had driven in turns, you wouldn’t be so tired now. (从句是对过去的假设,主句是对现在的假设) 7. If Jack hadn’t met Rose on his voyage, he would be alive now. (从句是对过去的假设,主句是对现在的假设) 8. If Lily didn’t attend today’s party, she could not have the chance to work in the company next week. (从句是对现在的假设,主句是对将来的假设) 9. Had Father followed my travel plan , our family would not stay at home now. (从句是对


虚拟条件句 Q: What’s the difference between the two sentences If I am free, I will visit you. (______条件句) If I were a bird, I would fly into the sky. (______条件句) a. 真实条件句表示条件是真的或有可能实现的, 采用陈述语气。 真实条件句用于陈述语气,假设的情况可能发生,其中if是“如果”的意思 条件从句主句 一般现在时 will \shall+动词原形 . What will you do if it rains tomorrow I will stay at home if it rains tomorrow. The football match _______ put off if it______(rain). b. 虚拟条件句表示条件是无法实现或几乎无法实现的, 采用虚拟语气。 I. 虚拟语气 虚拟语气就是表示与真实情况相反的一种假设、愿望或推测。 Subjunctive mood is the verb form used to express a wish; a suggestion; a command or a condition that is contrary to a fact. If I ________(be ) the girl, I________________(want )a big hug. If I ______(meet ) Obama, I________________ (shake) hands with him. 1.同现在事实相反的假设 条件从句主句 过去式(were) should/would/mould/might/+ do If I had a lot of money, I would donate some to the people in need. 2.与过去事实相反的假设 条件从句主句 had done would/should/could/might + have done . If he had driven more carefully, he would not have had the car accident in May,

语 法 讲 解 ——虚拟语气

语法讲解 ——虚拟语气 英语中有三种不同的语气:陈述语气,祈使语气和虚拟语气。虚拟语气表示动作或状态与事实相反,或不可能发生的情况。 1. 表示与现在事实相反或不可能发生:条件状语从句:一般过去时(虚拟语气中be→were)主句用:would(should, could, might)+动词原形。 If we had time now, we would read it again. If I were you, I would work hard. 2. 表示与过去事实相反或不可能发生:条件状语从句:had+过去分词;主句:would(should, could, might)+have+过去分词。If he had taken my advice, he would have succeeded in the test. If I had known your telephone number then, I would have called you. 3. 表示与将来的事实可能相反或不可能发生:条件状语从句: ①一般过去时②should +动词原形③were to+动词原形;主句:would(should, could, might)+动词原形。 If it should rain, the crops would be saved. If it were to snow tomorrow, they would not go out. P.S 虚拟条件句的特殊情况

(1). 混合/错综型虚拟语气 当条件状语从句表示的行为和主句表示的行为所发生的时间不一致时,称为‘错综条件句’,动词的形式要根据它所表示的时间作出相应的调整。 If you had followed my advice, you would be better now.(从句说的是过去,主句是现在) If I were you, I would have taken his advice.(从句是现在,主句是过去) (2)省略if的虚拟语气 如果从句中含有were/ should/ had时,则可以把这三个词置于句首,省略if.采用倒装语序。 If it should happen, what would you do? →Should it happen, what would you do? If he had recognized me, he would have come over. →Had he recognized me, he would have come over. (3) 含蓄虚拟条件句 有时候假设的情况不以if引导的条件从句形式表现出来,而是通过一个介词短语,连词或其他形式表示。常用的词或短语有:without, with, but for(要是没有), otherwise, or, but等。Without your help(=If we had not had your help), we could not have succeeded.


虚拟语气 定义:表示说话人所说的不是事实,而是一种假设、愿望、怀疑或推测。 应用: 错综时间条件句: A.非真实性条件句:if省略句:把were,had,should提到句首,变为倒装句式。 (Attention:否定形式) 含蓄条件句:表示隐含条件,结构与if同。 (without, but for, or/otherwise) a. wish后接宾语从句,表示不可能实现的愿望。 宾语从句 b. 用于表示建议、命令、要求等动词后宾语从句。B.名词性从句: c. would rather 主语从句:It is/was+形容词/过去分词+ that从句。 表语从句&同位语从句:在suggestion, proposal, order, plan, idea, request, advice等名词后的表语从句和同位语 从句中要用虚拟语气, C.as if/as though引导的从句:常与seem/look/appear等动词连用,表示“看起来似乎……”; 以及if only表示“要是……该多好呀”。(结构同wish) D.定语从句和状语从句:定语从句:It is (high) time (that)…句型中。 目的状语从句:in case, for fear that, in order that, so that等引导目的状语从句。

考点一 虚拟语气在非真实性条件句的运用 要点归纳: 真实条件句:假设的情况是有可能发生,谓语要用陈述语气。 条件句 非真实条件句,即虚拟条件句。假设的情况是过去或现在都不存在的, 或将来不大可能发生。 e. g. If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we will go to the park. If he had seen you yesterday, he would have asked you about it. 虚拟语气结构列表如下: e.g. If he were here, everything would be all right. 从句(条件句) 主句(结果句) 与现在事实相反的假设 If +主语+动词过去式(were ) 主语+ should/would/could/might +动词原形 与过去事实相反的假设 If +主语+ had +过去分词 主语+ should/would/could/might + have +过去分词 与将来事实相反的假设 1. If +主语+动词过去式 2. If +主语+ were to +动词原形 3. If +主语+ should +动词原形 主语+ should/would/could/might +动词原形
