




an apple= a napple

an emperor=a nemperor

an hour=a nhour

an old man=a nold man


I looked for it here and there. There is a football under it. There are some books on the desk.

Here are four eggs.

3.辅音+半元音/w/,/ j /

Nice to meet you.

Would you like a cup of tea? Could you help me, please?


She is a nice sister.

That is my brief view.

Literature Review 文献综述

Interprete v.口译,理解,解释

Abstract n.摘要

Just in case 以防万一

Intend v.意图,打算

That’s the idea.=You can say that again.


Hurricane n.飓风hit /h/

Injure v.受伤

Thrill v.颤抖

Be thrilled with 对…激动

Heritage n.继承,传统

Overwhelm v.压倒=swamp v.淹没

TPO1 Conversation 1

1. Why does the student go to see the librarian?

●To sign up for a seminar on using

electronic sources for research

●To report that a journal is missing from

the reference area

●To find out the procedure for checking out

journal articles

●To ask about how to look for resources for

a class paper

2.What does the librarian say about the availability of journals and articles in the library?

●They are not easy to find if a professor put

them on reserve

●Most of them are accessible in an

electronic format

●Most of them can be checked out for three


●Printed versions from the past three years

are located in the reference section.

3.What does the librarian suggest the student should do to save time?

●Choose an easier research topic

●Concentrate on five journals

●Read the summaries of the articles first

●Install a new program on her home


4.What can be inferred about why the woman decides to use the computer in the library?

●She thinks she might need additional help

from the man

●She does not have a computer at home

●She has to hand in her assignment by the

end of the day

●She will be meeting a friend in the library

later on

5.Why does the woman say this()

●She had forgotten about the information

●She is surprised she was not aware of the


●She is annoyed that the information was

published only recently

●She is concerned that the librarian gave

her incorrect information

TPO7 Conversation 2

1.Why does the student come to the library?

●To learn about the library's resources

●To ask about interlibrary loans

●To attend the new student orientation

●To start work on a research project

2.why does the librarian point out the history section to the student?

●She wants to point out the closest area containing copy machines

●She assumes that he will need to do research there

●The student is looking for a book he used at his last school

●Students sometimes mistakenly assume that the section contains literature books

3.what does the student imply about the interlibrary loan service at his last school?

●He never used it

●He came to appreciate it

●It was inconvenient

●It was expensive

4.what does the student need to do before he can use any rare books?

Click on 2 answers

●Purchase a card

●Obtain permission

●Put on gloves

●Try interlibrary loan first

5.which sentence best expresses what the librarian means when she says this()

●I wish this were true

●That is not a very good idea

●Thanks for your suggestion

●That is what we intended

TPO9 Conversation 2

Part 1

1.What are the speakers mainly discussing?

?A book that the man is trying to find in the


?A book that the man already returned to the


?A book that the man is using to write his

senior thesis

?A book that the man lent to his sociology


2.What does the woman offer to do for the man?

?Let the man know when a book he needs is

returned to the library

?Photocopy a chapter of a book for him

?Ask a professor to return a book the man


?Find a copy of a book for him at another


3.What is the woman trying to explain when she

mentions students who have lost their borrowing privileges?

?Why the man should not photocopy part of

the book

?The reasons for one of the library’s policies

?What will happen if the man does not return

the book

?The reason the man has to fill out a form

4.How does the man probably feel at the end of the conversation?

?Annoyed that he has to pay a fine on the book

?Upset that he will lose his library privileges

?Glad that he can keep the book for two more


?Appreciative that the woman is helping him

5.Listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question.

Why does the woman say th is: …

?To make sure she understands what the

man’s problem is

?To encourage the man to return the book to

the library soon

?To check whether the man has already

returned the book

?To explain to the man a change in the

library’s policies

TPO 18 Conversation 1

1. Why does the student go to the university office?

To apply for a work-study job

To get information about hosting an exchange student

To find out if there are any jobs available on campus

To find out eh hours of the computer lab

2. Why did the student transfer to Central University?

To take advantage of an academic program

To participate in a student exchange program

To attend a smaller university than the one he was at before

To benefit from Central University's international


3. Why does the student mention hosting foreign-exchange students?

To explain his interest in a particular field of study

To explain why he is looking for a job so late in the semester

To explain why he would like to be an exchange student the following year

To explain how he learned his computer skills

4. What can be inferred about students who apply for the open position at the technology-support helpdesk.

They must be enrolled in a computer course.

They will only be able to work on weekends.

They are willing to work many hours each day they work

They are willing to work irregular hours.

5. Why does the woman say this?

To dissuade the student from starting a job right way

To suggest looking for an off-campus job

To imply that the student might not like the job that is available

To encourage the student to apply to a work-study


TPO 17 Conversation 2

1.Why does the man go to see the woman?

A.To complain about customers.

B.To request an increase in his pay.

C.To ask for a change in his work schedule.

D.To apply for a job playing music in the dining hall.

2.What activity does the man want to be able to do at dinnertime?

A.Prepare for his morning music classes.

B.Rehearse with a school music group.

C.Play jazz for the faculty in the dining hall.

D.Eat with classmates from his music class.

3.The woman asks the man to consider a different job. What kind of work would the man have to do for the new job?

A.Get ingredients ready for a meal.

B.Clean kitchen equipment for the cooks.

C.Prepare the weekly menu for the dining hall.

D.Coordinate schedules for student workers.

4.What does the man imply about his job as a waiter?

A.It allows him to get to know the professor better.

B.It is his first job at the university.

C.It does not pay as much as other jobs.

D.It interferes with his studies.

5.What does the woman imply when she says this?

A.She thinks the man should keep his job as a waiter.

B.She is grateful that the man is willing to work longer hours.

C.The man will have to make many sacrifices to achieve his goals.

D.The man does not appreciate the opportunity she is offering him.

TPO15 Conversation 1

1. Why does the student go to the campus newspaper


To turn in outlines of possible articles

To find out when his article will be printed in the


To find out if he got a position as a reporter

To get help with an assignment for his journalism course 2. Why does the student want to write for the campus


He wants to earn some money.

He wants to learn about the newspaper business.

He wants to share his enthusiasm for physics.

He thinks the experience will be valuable.

3. The student mentions the proposed tuition increase as

a possible topic for the newspaper. What does the

adviser imply about the topic?

The news editor thinks that the topic is not suitable for a new reporter.

The news editor was impressed be the student’s outline about the topic.

There is not enough information to write an article about the topic.

The topic has already been assigned to another reporter.

4. What will the student write about in his first article for

the newspaper?

The physics department’s plans for attracting more


The university’s plan to offer more physics course.

The importance of physics in our daily lives.

The opinions of professors on the recent changes to

introductory physics courses.

5. What does the adviser imply when she says this

She is not responsible for evaluating proposed articles.

She did not tell Max about the student’s interest in joining the staff.

Max recently became the editor of the newspaper.

Max has been very busy lately.

TPO5 Conversation 1


Q1: What do the speakers mainly discuss?

A.Why the woman has little in common with her roommates

B.How the woman can keep up in her academic studies

C.The woman’s adjustment to life at the university

D.The woman’s decision to transfer to another university

Q2: Why does the woman mention her hometown?

A.To draw a contrast to her current situation

B.To acknowledge that she is accustomed to living in big cities

C.To indicate that she has known some people on campus for a long time

D.To emphasize her previous success in academic studies

Q3: What does the woman imply about incident that occurred in her sociology class?

A.She was embarrassed because she gave an incorrect answer

B.She was upset because the professor seemed to ignore her

C.She was confused by the organization of the professor’ s lecture

D.She was surprised by the comments of the other students

Q4: According to the counselor, why should

the woman visit her pro fessor’s office?

Click on 2 answers.

A.To offer a compliment

B.To offer to help other students

C.To introduce herself

D.To suggest ways of making the class more personal

Q5: What does the woman imply about joining the string quartet?

A.It would enable her to continue a hobby she gave up when she was ten

B.It would allow her to spend more time in her major area of study

C.It would help her stop worrying about her academic studies

D.It would be a way to meet students with similar interests.


2000年1月TOEFL语法笔记 编委:Maya 审委:Xaosduck 1. Amanda Way’s career as a social reformer____ in 1851 when, at an antislavery meeting in Indiana, she called for a state woman’s rights convention. (A) begin (B) began (C) have begun (D) to have begun Key:B 分析:考点是动词时态。根据句中的时间状语in 1851可知,空格中的动词应用过去式,所以选B,began。 参考译文:作为一个社会改革者Amanda Way事业开始于1851年,在印第安拉州的一个反奴隶制的会议上,她为这个州妇女的权力的条约而呐喊. 2. The celesta, on orchestral percussion instrument, resembles___ (A) a small upright piano (B) how a small upright piano (C) a small upright piano is (D) as a small upright piano key:A 分析:考点是宾语成份。句中的谓语是resemble, resemble是及物动词,其后应直接加名词做宾语.e.g.: He strongly resembles his father. 参考译文:钟琴(发出如钟的声音的一种有键小乐器)是一种管弦乐打击乐器,酷似一个体型小巧的竖直钢琴. 3. Thomas Paine, _____, wrote Common Sense, a pamphlet that identified the American colonies with the cause of liberty. (A) writer of eloquent (B) whose eloquent writing (C) an eloquent writing (D) writing eloquent key:C 分析:考点是同位语。句中的主语是Thomas Paine,谓语是wrote,所以紧跟主语后的空 1 版权所有水妖的岛


1995年01月语法题 1. An underlying assumption of most market research is that people are continually _____ financial decisions based on their desire for goods that give them the most satisfaction. (A) making (B) and make (C) being made (D) having made 答案:A 测试点:谓语。 分析:that从句中有主语但谓语不全,选择(A)making与系词and组成进行时。 解题要点:continully和always等词常与进行时连用,表示“一贯如此”。 2. _____ tempera paint, the artist mixes dry pigments with water until the mixture resembles a stiff paste. (A) In preparation (B) The preparing of (C) To prepare (D) Prepared 答案:C 测试点:状语/不定式。 分析:逗号后为句子,逗号前为状语。动词不定式(C)作目的状语。 3. When two straight lines meet, _____ an angle. (A) it is formed (B) formed (C) they form (D) to form 答案:C 测试点:主谓结构。 分析:逗号前为when引导的从句,逗号后应是主句。主句主、谓语俱缺,应在答案 中选择主语+动词的形式,即(A)或(C)。(A)用了形式主语n,但空格后并无真正的主语部分。故选(C) 4. Madge Macklin promoted the expansion of medical training to include genetics _____ supported the founding of genetics departments in North American medical schools. (A) nor (B) and (C) while (D) if 答案:B 测试点:连词。 分析:空格前为主谓语完整的句子,空格后又出现一谓语动词,即全句有一个主语,两个谓语。这两个谓语动词之间应用and连接,故选(B)。(A)用于否定句;(C)后接句子或现在分词短语;(D)接从句。 5. _____ mammals have hair at some time in their lives, though in certain whales it is present only before birth. (A) Most (B) The most (C) Most of which (D) In most of the 答案:A 测试点:定语。


清华大学社会科学学院社会学考博书目考试重点考博试题解析 一、专业的设置 清华大学社会科学学院每年招收博士生24人,含深圳研究生院2名。本院仅招全脱产博士研究生。下设哲学、理论经济学、政治学、社会学、体育学五个专业。 社会学专业下设八个方向:李强的城市社会学;罗家德的组织社会学;刘精明的社会分层;张小军、景军的文化人类学;孙凤的消费社会学;孙立平、郭于华、王天夫的转型社会学;李正风、刘立、吴金希、洪伟的科学社会学;樊富珉、彭凯平、付世敏、孙沛的社会心理学。 二、考试的科目 社会学: 城市社会学:①101英语②629社会学综合考试③501综合考试。 组织社会学:①101英语②629社会学综合考试③501综合考试。 社会分层:①101英语②629社会学综合考试③501综合考试。 文化人类学:①101英语②630人类学综合考试③501综合考试。 消费社会学:①101英语②629社会学综合考试③501综合考试。 转型社会学:①101英语②629社会学综合考试③501综合考试。 科学社会学:①101英语或102俄语或103日语②627自然辩证法研究③501综合考试。 社会心理学:①101英语或104德语②631社会心理学综合考试③501综合考试。三、导师介绍 李强,男,汉族,北京人。清华大学社会科学院院长,社会学系教授、博士生导师,曾长期担任社会学系主任。 罗家德,清华大学社会学系教授、博导,清华大学社会网络研究中心主任,清华大学社会科学学院信义社区营造研究中心主任,中国社会学会社会网暨社会资本研究专业委员会理事会主席,中国人民大学商学院兼任教授 刘精明,男,1966年出生,湖南省人。博士研究生学位,清华大学人文社会科学学院社会学系教授,社会学专业博士生导师。主要研究领域为社会分层与教育社会学、社会学研究方法。 张小军,男,1954年12月31日生于北京市,社会学系教授,博士生导师。所在院系:清华大学社会科学学院。所教课程:文化人类学概论文化人类学理论与方法历史人类学文化人类学专题。研究方向:文化人类学。


生命中,不断地有人离开或进入。于是,看见的,看不见的;记住的,遗忘了。生命中,不断地有得到和失落。于是,看不见的,看见了;遗忘的,记住了。然而,看不见的,是不是就等于不存在?记住的,是不是永远不会消失? ?托福iBT课程 ?托福iBT 阅读 ?新老托福阅读的变化 ?新老托福阅读的变化 ?1,句子简化题 ?句子简化题做题步骤 ?The Great Red Spot ?Camouflage ?Post-it Note ?2,排除列举题 ?单词列举题 ?短语列举题 ?句子列举题 ?专项练习1 ?专项练习2 ? 3.插入句子题 ?Popcorn ?Lions ?Accidental Inventions ? 4.词汇题 ?备考建议以及做题方法(1) ?备考建议以及做题方法(2) ?Smog ?Parasitic plants ? 5.指代题 ?指代题介绍及解题技巧 ?Animal Congregation ?New World Epidemics ? 6.细节题 ?细节题解题步骤和方法 ?The Postage Stamp ?The Clovis Culture ?7.推理题 ?推理题的介绍 ?Tiger Moths ?The Filibuster ?8.修辞目的性题 ?修辞目的性题介绍 ?Xerography ?Demographic Change

?Territoriality ?9.文章内容小节题 ?文章内容小节题介绍 ?Island plant Life ?Ben and Jerry ?The Bald Eagle ?10.图表题 ?图表题介绍 ?Sand Dunes ?William Faulkner ?托福iBT 听力 ?听力语音技巧 ?连读规则 ?弱读+失音+失爆规则 ?ibttoefl听力的练习方法 ?声音方面的练习方法 ?思路方面的练习方法 ?Exercise 小对话 ?1-5题听力原文 ?第1题详解 ?第2题详解 ?第3题详解 ?第4题详解 ?第5题详解 ?6-10题听力原文+详解 ?11-20题听力原文 ?第11-12题详解 ?第13-17题详解 ?第18-20题详解 ?第21-30题听力原文 ?第21-24题详解 ?第25-27题详解 ?第28-30题详解 ?Directions 段落 ?段落练习方法详解(如何做笔记) ?Campus Life Topics_passage 1 ?Campus Life Topics_passage 2 ?Campus Life Topics_passage 3(题目部分) ?Campus Life Topics_passage 3(笔记详解) ?Campus Life Topics_passage 3(题目详解) ?Academic topics_passage 1 ?Academic topics_passage 2 ?Academic topics_passage 3(题目部分) ?Academic topics_passage 3(笔记详解)


托福独立和综合口语应该如何记笔 记 托福口语技巧解析,独立和综合口语应该如何记笔记?下面 就和大家分享托福口语技巧解析,希望能够帮助到大家,来学习一下吧。 托福口语技巧解析丨独立和综合口语应该如何记笔记? 托福口语技巧解析一口语考试总览 新托福的写作分为independent writing和integrated writing 一样,其实托福口语部分也可以分为independent task和integrated task。因为task1和task2基本属于personal reference,而task3-task6都不同程度上结合了listening, reading, speaking这三个方面,所以把这四道题归为integrated task. 因为新托福口语笔记是允许的,所以能否在自己的笔记中最大限度且全面地记录listening中的关键信息,就直接地关系到托友们的得分,因此托友们都十分头疼这个环节,我将在这里和大家分享一些相关的经验。 托福口语技巧解析二口语笔记误区解读 综合口语阅读部分笔记误区:

(1) 盲目地记录一些*细节,而忽略了对*整体架构和主要信息的把握。 (2) 缺乏对*内容进行归纳总结的能力,把握不住*的重点。 (3) 不能通过阅读短文从而找出接下来要陈述时所能扩展的点或者说是可以说的点。 综合口语听力部分笔记误区: (1) 在这部分中,大家好走两个极端路线,一是对主体解释的理论部分作了过多的陈述,二是对*举例部分描述太多,没有把这两个部分的比例合理安排好。 (2) 速记的能力有待提高,而且本身考试的时间也很有限。 (3) 考前没有做充足的准备,没有有计划地进行相关针对性练习,所以导致对题型不了解或者是做题速度上不去。 (4) 有的托友本身的听力、语法、词汇的基础就比较弱,缺乏听力的技巧,譬如对signal words所透露的关键信息的把握。 托福口语技巧解析三口语笔记怎么做 1.独立口语笔记


1992年05月语法题 1. --- principal types of acceleration: linear and angular. (A) There are tow (B) Two of them (C) The two (D) Two 答案:A 测试点:there be句型. 分析:空格后只剩下名词性的成份,应在答案中选择主谓结构或there+be结构,即(A). 2. East Liverpool, Ohio, ---the pottery capital of the United States. (A) and called (B) is called (C) calling (D) to call 答案:B 测试点;谓语。 分析:本句有主语而缺谓语,应在答案中选择可作谓语的动词,即(B)。(A)多了连词and; (C)(D)均是非谓语形式,不可作谓语. 3. True hibernation takes place only among ---animals. (A) whose blood is warm (B) blood warm (C) warm-blooded (D) they have warm blood 答案:C 测试点:定语. 分析:本句主谓宾俱全,animals前缺定语,应在答案中选择形容词性的成份,4个答案中只有(C)是形容词. 解题要点:分词的作用相当于形容词. 4. Like other women ---in the field of medicine, Sara Mayo found the beginning years difficult. (A) who they pioneered (B) they pioneered (C) who pioneered (D) pioneered 答案:C 测试点:定语从句/主谓结构. 分析:women后接定语从句,从句连接词,主、谓语均缺,应在答案中选择连接词兼主语牛动词的形式.即(C)。(A)重复主语:(B)不是从句形式;(D)无主语。 5. In his writing, John Crowe Ransom describes what ---the spiritual barrenness of society brought about by science and technology. (A) he considers (B) does he consider (C) considers (D) considers it 答案:A 测试点:主谓结构/词序. 分析:动词describes后接what引导的宾语从句,从句主、谓语均缺,应在答案中选择主语+动词的形式,即(A).(B)是问句语序,而宾语从句应用正常语序;(C)(D)均无主语.


托福写作圣经: 1.写作的第一要务是把观点表达清楚;(就是解释) 2.习作考试不基于考试的真实身份;(可以作假,真情实感没有任何意义) 3.写作考试只考察语言水平,不考察思想水平(unique, critical ideas mean nothing) 4.写作考试不测试考生的真实想法; 5.写作是基于表达,而不是基于翻译; 6.写作考试不同于平时写作; 7.写作内容和语言同等重要; 8.观点的层次比观点的数目更重要; 9.逻辑错误比语法错误更严重; 10.跑题就完蛋(finish egg). “T he longer, the better.”------黄金规则 Use best structure and sentence Sentence: “我认为…………….” I feel/think/hold/claim/believe/deem/maintain/reckon/argue/assume that…………. In my opinion From my point of view From my perspective/angle As far as I am concerned I hold/share the opinion/belief/position/standpoint/idea that My viewpoint/belief/opinion is that……… As I see/view/perceive/ the problem/question/issue/case/discussion/argument/controversy……. 托福作文不需要标题 段落格式:缩行式,空行式 教材推荐: 俞敏洪:《托福词根》 张洪伟,戴云《托福词汇10000》 张道真,《实用英语语法》 戴云,《托福语法精要》 张洪伟,戴云《新托福写作词汇小伴侣》 句子训练方法 1.多种方法表达同一句意 e.g A 对B很重要 1) A is important to B


2001年1月第二篇 Questions 10-17 at least one carpenter, joiner, sawyer, and cooper in woodworking; a weaver and a tailor 5) an assistant, the rural artisan provided the neighborhood with common goods from furniture to shoes to farm equipment in exchange for cash or for “goods in kind” from the customer’s field, pasture, or dairy. Sometimes artisans transformed material provided by the customer wove cloth of yam spun at the farm from the wool of the family sheep; made chairs or tables 10) from wood cut in the customer’s own woodlot; produced shoes or leather breeches from cow, deer, or sheepskin tanned on the farm. Like their farming neighbors, rural artisans were part of an economy seen, by one historian, as “an orchestra conducted by nature.” Some tasks could not be done in the winter, other had to be put off during harvest time, and still others waited on raw materials that were 15) only produced seasonally. As the days grew shorter, shop hours kept pace, since few artisans could afford enough artificial light to continue work when the Sun went down. To the best of their ability, colonial artisans tried to keep their shops as efficient as possible and to regularize their schedules and methods of production for the best return on their investment in time, tools, and materials. While it is pleasant to imagine a woodworker, for example, 20) carefully matching lumber, joining a chest together without resort to nails or glue, and applying all thought and energy to carving beautiful designs on the finished piece, the time required was not justified unless the customer was willing to pay extra for the quality— and few in rural areas were, Artisans, therefore, often found it necessary to employ as many shortcuts and economics as possible while still producing satisfactory products.


1999年08月语法题 1. In 1864 Nevada enter the United States as _______ thirty-sixth state. (A) in the (B) to be the (C) was the (D) the 答案:D 分析:as是介词,后面应该是名词性结构。 翻译参考:1864年内华达进入合众国,成为第三十六个州。 2. Bob Stephenson, a biologist in Alaska who studies the Canadian lynx, a type of wildcat, has learned ______ from studying their tracks in the snow. (A) how lynx hunt (B) lynx hunt how (C) how hunt lynx (D) lynx how hunt 答案:A 分析:缺宾语,每一个选项中都有how, 说明需要how引导的宾语从句,排除B, D, 语 序不对;名词性从句应该用陈述语气,所以选A. 翻译参考:Bob Stephenson是阿拉斯加一个生物学家,研究加拿大山猫,一种野生的 猫科动物,他从其在雪地上留下的足迹获悉了山猫是如何捕猎的。 3. ______ lay eggs , but some give birth to live young. (A) Although most insects (B) Most insects (C) Despite most insects (D) Most insects that 答案:B 分析:从句完整,从主句的谓语来看主句缺复数主语,所以选B。A中的Although和 but不能同时出现在一个句子里面; B despite后面不能跟句子;D that使得逗号前面无 法成为主谓句。 翻译参考:大部分昆虫都生卵,但是有些生产活体的幼虫。 4. Author Sraah Jewett established her literary reputation with Deephaven, a collection of sketches ______. (A) with rural Maine life (B) that life in rural Maine (C) about life in rural Maine (D) life in rural Maine 答案:C


托福听力中lecture记笔记的方法及要点 自从走上托福听力的讲坛,我经常遇到各种因听力拖后腿而愁眉不展的考生,在听完学子们集体声讨听力段子难度无底限的同时,耳边总是回荡着考生们关于自己无法记下笔记的无奈。这年头,作为一位托福听力老师,手里没几个货真价实的笔记方法,你都不好意思跟学生打招呼;作为托福备考的学子们,要是没几个拿得出手的惯用笔记符号,你都没脸跟人家说自己曾经考过托福。 笔记到底应该怎么记,才会更有效率,笔者认为应该从以下几个方面来练习。众所周知,托福听力讲座呈现的美国大学课堂上的真实场景,教授的演讲总是遵循一定的逻辑和脉络的,常见的结构如总分式,先提出本课的重点,再从多个侧面展开论述,最后总结强调;或者常见于历史类讲座中的线型结构,按照时间的先后顺序进行讲解,这就要求我们在练习的时候,注意从整体上把握文章的结构,边听边划分文章的层次。 把握了文章结构之后,笔记的重点就应该瞄准文章的考点,比如举例论证是听力中出现的最为频繁的考点,出题的角度也是多种多样,在听到举例的时候应该在笔记上标出“eg.”的符号,并用箭头标注此事例的支撑点是什么;抑或是在师生互动的文章中,师生间的问答也是考点,一方面给出相应的背景知识,另一方面老师会对学生的观点进行评价。在平日的练习中,大家就要有的放矢的捕捉考点,逐一击破。 当然,在记笔记的过程中,也要讲究方式方法,平日练习的时候,应该多使用自己习惯的符号,如用星号或三角来表示强调重点;用Q & A 表示问答;用上下箭头表示增减;用单词的首尾字母代替完整的单词拼写,或者几个单词的首字母代替常用的短语。 总之:要想记好笔记,实力一定是第一位的。好的实力才能保证你在听的时候分出精力去辨别此处是否值


《新托福》课程教学大纲 课程编号: 课程名称:硕士英语(新托福听说读写) 课程英文名称:Insights to IBT TOEFL 课程学分:3分 课内学时:48学时 课程类别:必修 课程性质:学位课 授课方式:讲授 考核方式:口试、笔试、闭卷 一、课程的性质、任务与基本要求 (一)性质与任务 《新托福》课程是研究生第一学期的一门必修课程。此课程涵盖托福听力、托福口语、托福阅读和托福写作,对考试内容、提问方式、解题方法和考试技巧进行逐一的讲解和全面的介绍,并且提供模拟试题,以帮助学习对托福考试的形式、要求、难度等有一个全面的了解,提高使用英语的能力。 (二)基本要求 本课程终结时,学生应达到如下要求: 1、托福听力:托福听力考试的材料类型和题目形式,听具体信息活细节,听总体内容或大意,听暗示内容,听作者观点或态度,听总体结构和其标志词的技巧; 2、托福口语:托福口语考试的题目形式,口语流利技巧,产生参与和扩大谈话的愿望,阐述个人感受,如何简答,话题深入讨论; 3、托福阅读:托福阅读的材料内省和题目形式,快读/浏览获取具体信息,识别论点与论证,整体阅读段落大意,中心思想,意义重述,区分观点与事实的技巧;

4、托福写作:托福学术写作的题目形式,审题、收集素材、构思、提出观点、让步、评价和反驳、定义与解释、主题句与论证、前后一致、难句写作等。 二、主要教学内容及教学要求 THE LISTENING MODULE Unit1Introduction 主要教学内容 1、General information 2、Listening Test Format 3、Questions Type 教学要求 要求同学们掌握托福听力的基本技巧,熟悉托福听力的基本构成与题目类型。 Unit2Listening Strategies and Skills 主要教学内容 1、Listening for specific information 2、Identifying detail 3、Identifying main ideas 4、Seeing beyond the surface meaning 5、Following signpost words 6、Being aware of stress,rhythm and intonation 教学要求 要求同学们掌握托福听力的基本技巧,能够掌握听力基本技能并提高英语的运用技能。 Unit3IBT Listening Sample Tests 主要教学内容 1、Sample tests 教学要求 要求同学们能够将所学习的托福听力技巧应用到实践中。 THE SPEAKING MODULE Unit1Introduction 主要教学内容 1.General information 2.Speaking Test Format


定语从句(道德类核心词汇) 1.对不能抵抗的动物进行实验是不道德的。 Key words: resist, morally wrong 2.在家庭和工作之间寻找平衡的职业妇女会感到进退两难。 Key words: career women, dilemma 3.家长必须教育孩子不要模仿某些某些是负面榜样的明星。 Key words: imitate, negative role model 4.不成熟的青少年容易盲从并误入歧途。 Key words: follow like sheep, go astray 5.知道真相的病人可能会失去活下去的勇气。 Key words: truth, the courage to survive 6.有孝心的孩子不会让自己的父母住到敬老院去。 Key words: with obedience, nursing home 7.不少人坚信堕胎导致社会道德败坏。 Key words: abortion, corruption of social ethics 8.雇主更愿意雇用那些重视诚信和忠心的员工。 Key words: integrity, loyalty 9.作为最常用的电子设备,电脑经常被利用来做犯罪工具。 Key words: electronic facility, crime tool 10.众所周知,安乐死是让病人和他们的家人迅速摆脱痛苦的方法。Key words: euthanasia, get rid of

1、人们可以在家上班,以避免交通阻塞以及拥挤的公共交通。 Key words: traffic jam, public transport 2、在家工作让人们可以花更多时间提高个人能力和接受教育。 Key words: personal skills 3、跳槽是和不同的人一起工作的一种渴望,一种对承担不同工作职责的渴望,一种住在不同城市的渴望。 Key words: job-hopping, yearning 4、经常跳槽的人的诚信和忠诚容易受到质疑。 Key words: integrity, loyalty, be prone to, doubt 5、如果你是一位癌症患者的医生,你忍心告诉他真相,还是保守秘密? Key words: have the heart, keep…a secret 6、尽管说白色谎言是出于良好的目的,但说谎还是不诚实、不道德的。 Key words: out of good intentions, dishonest, immoral 7、承重的工作压力会导致身心健康、工作效率和生活质量一起下降。 Key words: work stress,mental and physical health, working efficiency, life quality 8、对老人实行强迫退休制度是对他们工作权利的侵犯。 Key words: impose…on…, mandatory retirement, the right to work 9、看太多电视节目会对孩子的智力发展造成伤害。 Key words: intellectual growth, cause damage to 10、商业广告中充斥各种误导人、欺骗人的信息。 Key words: flood, misleading, cheating


新托福时代,老托福PBT不得不知的7个秘密 自从ETS在中国大陆从2005年,2006年开始推行新托福以来,ETS一次性的停止了中国大陆包括台湾,香港,澳门的所有新托福考试,使得中国大陆绝大多数考生被迫进入了新托福iBT时代。从此很多人,也放弃了对于PBT老托福的挂念,因为,他不再是触手可及。但是当我们进入到2009年之后,我们发现原来ETS的人都是小沈阳的师弟,本山大叔的徒弟,跟我们玩忽悠!现实到底是怎样的?让我们来看新托福iBT时代你不得不知的老托福PBT7个秘密。 一.在实行新托福的某些地区,仍然有老托福的存在!新托福官方指南之中曾经为我们明确的提出"一旦该地区实行新托福考试,老托福则自动停止"放眼全球范围,中国停了,日本停了,德国停了。但是唯独美国本土,PBT和iBT两个考试处于并行之中!换句话说,在美国境内很多州比如说阿拉斯加州,佐治亚州等,新老托福考试是并行存在的!二丫听到之后高喊:ETS,你坏! 二.其实我们中国学生如果想考PBT老托福考试,仍然是可以的!当我们一旦把目光移到亚洲境内的时候,我们竟然发现,原来我们的邻国泰国和印度尼西亚仍然可以考老托福考试!当我们说到"泰国"和"印度尼西亚"的时候,各位也许没有感觉。但是我们该听说过" 新马泰X日游"和"巴厘岛蜜月游"吧,这里的"泰"指的就是泰国,"巴厘岛"就是在印度尼西亚!天呐!我们以前仅仅想着怎么出去玩了,原来我们还可以去考试的。现在中国的高中考生,为了考SAT考试,已经大批量的去香港,新加坡考试了。作为传统的旅游目的地泰国和印度尼西亚,天呐!那里简直就是我们的后院! 三.报考托福考试的时候,只需要我们提交护照号,而且不限制国籍!这句话也就是说,我们中国大陆的考生,可以在美国本土,印度尼西亚,以及泰国参加老托福考试,而且我们的成绩也完全是有效的! 四.老托福考试有效期仍为2年!HOHO,这也就意味着,我们可以尽情的去考老托福考试,而且老托福考试的效力与新托福考试的效力是完全相同的!当我们一个个人认为,我们自己与老托福考试"情已尽,缘已了"的时候,我们竟然发现,其实老托福PBT考试,正站在不远的地方等我们! 五.想达到相同分数,准备老托福所需时间约为新托福准备时间的一半!老托福需要准备作文、听力、语法、阅读四个单项。作文考试相比新托福考试少了一个综合作文,听力部分绝大多数为短对话,一问一答形式,语法对于中国学生来说如探囊取物,老托福阅读450个单词,新托福阅读750个单词,而且老托福考试完全没有令中国学生头痛的口语考试。相比新托福考试,老托福考试简直就是天堂!对于中国学生而言,在新托福考试想打80分,如果你需要准备3个月的话,那么在老托福考试你最多只需要准备1个多月即可。


趁期末考试结束,GRE分数出来以前,写写我的准备历程吧。 首先声明,我不是牛人,不求高分,也没有多长的准备时间。此文送给所有不牛也没时间的,正在寄托上惊叹牛人并迷茫的人,能对大家有一点点帮助我也会很开心的。 一、基本情况 专业:化学(对GRE要求那是出了名的不高,其他方面有点优势的人,450+800+3.5就差不多了) 对自己的要求:过了上述最低限就行,要是能有500+800+4.0足够让我开心一阵子。要求不高吧:) 英语基础:还不错,四级573,六级544,老托福64+61+61(620)+4.5。话说作为一个中国英语教育方式的受害者,托福语法考61有点丢人了。实际上我的强项在听力和阅读,可是G不考听力,阅读又实在难得可以,无奈。 二、两次考试经历 说起我第一次考G,可是被新东方误导惨了,上完培训班就以为非得考到600+800+4.5,以为非得翻个十遍二十遍的红宝,以为非得做N多遍真题,以为非得耗个四到六个月,后来同学的和我自己的经历都证明这些说法太夸张了。当然内因还是自己不争气,八月初新东方结课到九月初机考,一个月的时间有半个月被我耗在了1/3本红宝上(我那时固执地认为一定要在机考前背完红宝),剩下的半个月中,大概只有一周在看作文,没办法,准备作文就要开电脑,开了电脑就容易堕落。。。在这一周中,有4天在严格按照新东方讲的逻辑错误类型找argu的错误,剩下的时间浏览了issue笔记、练习了模版、看了点强人师姐的范文(主要用来拼凑模版),所以作文是裸考的,考场上明显的感觉凑句子速度极慢,所以两篇都没写完。。。不过我在考前一两天就觉得自己这水平必然考不好,已经作好笔试cancel的准备,所以考完并不怎么郁闷(是不是太不上进了?)因为决定cancel,又因为觉得红宝才勉强过了一遍时间肯定来不及,笔考就干脆没准备。2006年10月28号,走进笔试考场,潇洒cancel,然后开始认真答Q,随便涂V。。。我的考G初体验就这样莫名其妙的结束了。 若不是身边很多同学的经验帮助,我恐怕没有勇气在半年后再次走进考场。机考裸考结束后不久,就在同学的怂恿下报了0706G,当时还怀疑自己是不是第二次白给ETS钱。后来倒是相当感谢她,因为在她的催促下报的早,还挑了个非常合适的机考时间,要知道在南京这种重灾区,当时又宣布这是最后一次旧G,能自己挑时间实在是太幸运了。后来是我恋爱了(先别汗),而我GG恰好是突击成功的典型例子。10天准备机考,30天准备笔考(包括背单词噢),490+770+3.5,对于一个英语基础比我差,又特别爱睡觉的人来说,这么短的时间,突击出这个分数很不错了(虽然数学实在丢人。。。)。他的突击成功让我鼓起了勇气,而他的备考方法也颠覆了我对新东方课程的过分信任,我对备考过程有了更清醒地认识,具体方法下面会提到。另外,班上很多同学并不高的成绩让我充分认识到新东方强调的中国考生分数很高不过是种片面的观点,其实我这个专业的很多人并没考出什么高分,最后也能顺利拿offer。 第二次考G,时间安排上就合理多了。机考方面,我挑了开学后28天的日子,正好又是月末,当月机警相当有用,另外这意味着寒假春节再怎么堕落也没关系。笔试方面,往年6G会和我们的期末考严重冲突(所谓严重,是指笔考之前和之后一天各有一门考试,非常要命),然而今年春节迟,开学也就迟,期末考比往年迟了两星期。实在是“天时”阿,这样好的时间怎能不好好利用呢?至于备考方法,下面有详细解释。 三、机考的准备方法 在此强烈感谢写“17天复习方案”的seven_teen,这篇文章是我整个寒假的最大收获,让我对作文复习有了个明确的概念和大体的安排,所以建议大家先按作者搜索一下他/她的文章,看完再来接着看我这篇。当然我最终的时间安排还是有些变化,因为我自己的观念和计划就一直在修正。 关于最前面的准备期,我大致是在寒假完成的,毕竟我上过新东方也考过一次作文,对机考的概念还


2000年5月TOEFL语法笔记 编委:Maya 审委:Xaosduck 1、From 1949 onward, the artist Georgia O’ Keeffe made New Mexico ______. (A) her permanent residence was (B) where her permanent residence (C) permanent residence for her (D) her permanent residence Key:D 分析:考点是make 句型。因为make后面可以接双宾语,所以D。 参考译文:从1949年开始,艺术家GOK把纽约当作她的永久居住地. 2、Just as remote-controlled satellites can be employed to explore outer space, _______employed to investigate the deep sea. (A)an be robots (B)obots can be (C)an robots (D)an robots that are key:B 分析:考点是主谓结构。本题因为没什么词引起倒装,所以句子用正常的顺序. (A) (C)都没有谓语。 (D) 是从句,放在者让主句没有了谓语,违反了谓语单一原则。 参考译文:正因为远程控制卫星能够被用来探测外太空,所以机器人也能被用来探测深海的情况. 3、In ______ people, the areas of the brain that control speech are located in the left hemisphere. (A) mostly of (B) most (C) almost the (D) the most of key:B 分析:考点是定语成分。无须多说,most后面加名词。mostly是副词,“最多部分地;主要地”的意思。 1 版权所有水妖的岛


更多试卷下载请访问:https://www.360docs.net/doc/2917596539.html,/ 2005年01月托福语法全真题及答案 2005年01月语法题【改错部分】 1-15、选择部分省略 16. In the eighteenth century, quilting became a common technique in the American colonies for make of coverlets sewed in floral and geometric designs. 答案:C->改为making 测试点:介词+宾语 分析:for doing sth 为了作某事,介词for后面不能接动词原型make,需要改成doing。 参考译文:在18世纪的时候,在被子上面绣花变成了一种常见的技术,用来在床罩上面绣花和几何图案。 除外。 18. Centrifuges are widely use to separate liquids having different densities or to separate solids from 参考译文:分液漏斗广泛用于吧不同密度的液体分开或者把固体和液体分开。 19. There is ample evidence of that about 700 million years ago, glaciers reached well into what are now tropical regions. 答案:B->改为that 测试点:定语从句 分析:定语从句的连接词that前面多了of,of只能出现在which前面

参考译文:有足够的证据表明,在7亿年前,冰山深入到达过现在的热带地区。 20. Mathematics is a tool that can help solve problems and lead to new developments in other fields, such as space flight, medical, and architecture. 答案:D->改为medicine 测试点:词性 分析:such as 后面接并列的形式,flight, architecture都是名次,medical是形容词,错误,改为medicine 参考译文:数学是用来帮助解决问题的工具,在其他领域可以带来新发展,比如飞行,医药和建筑。 21. The meter of the English poetry is determined by accented syllables rather by the quantities of vowels. 答案:C->改为rather than by 测试点:固定搭配 分析:并列结构by sth rather than by sth,后面的by可以省 参考译文:英语诗歌的节拍是由重读的音节决定的而不是由元音的数量决定的。 22. In the nineteenth-century United States, it was assumed that growth, change, and progressive derived mainly from individual effort and competition. 答案:B->改为progress 测试点:词性 分析:groth, change and______三个名次才能并列,progressive是形容词,词性不对 参考译文:在19世纪的美国,成长,改变和发展被认为是主要来源于个人的努力和竞争。 23. Swelling of the mucous membranes, cause by irritants, allergies, or infections, may block the nasal passages, making breathing difficult. 答案:A->改为caused 测试点:过去分词修饰 分析:句子的主谓分别是swell may block,中间的部分cause没有和may block用连词连接,说明是修饰成分,再看到by说明是被动,所以修改为caused by;making 是现在分词结构修饰动词谓语,没有错误。 参考译文:由刺激、过敏、或者感染带来的粘膜的肿大,可能阻塞鼻子内部的通道,带来呼吸困难。
