


《饥饿游戏》读后感 《饥饿游戏》读后感 今天我有幸拜读了饥饿游戏这本书,我想和大家谈谈我的感想。 《饥饿游戏》是美国苏珊·科林斯写的。《饥饿游戏》向人们讲述了:在未来的北美洲,帕纳姆国建立在一片废墟之上,它的中心凯匹特位于十二个区的中央。每年,十二个区都被迫向凯匹特送去年龄12岁至18岁的少男少女各一名作为”贡品“,参加”饥饿游戏“。这是一项残酷而可怕的生与死的竞赛,所有贡品必须战斗到死,最后的幸存者就是胜者。竞技场是经过人工布置的森林、荒野。竞赛中,猎杀、追踪、饥饿、伪装、智斗等生死存亡的场面,都被电视现场直播到全国,每个人都必须看,而且要当成节日一样庆祝。对于凯匹特,这是年度盛会,是一场游戏;对于其他十二个区,则是羞辱和折磨。生存是16岁的凯特尼斯的本能,她依靠在十二区围栏外偷猎、采集野果勉强养活妈妈、妹妹和自己。凯特尼斯代替抽中"生死签”的妹妹参加饥饿游戏。在竞技场上,凯特尼斯机缘巧合被塑造成“燃烧的女孩”,又与本区的另一个贡品皮塔组成“明星恋人”备受瞩目。她很困惑自己与皮塔的关系?她企图拯救其他竞赛者的生命,机智的应对游戏出现的谜题,这使他成了电视观众关注的中心。生死关头,她才发现爱情竟然也可以成为赢得策略。凯特尼斯利用她和皮塔的爱情、坚强的毅力、和她的机智,凯特尼斯和皮塔破例共同的到了桂冠。 我很佩服凯特尼斯的勇气,她代替她的妹妹参加饥饿游戏。这是十二区几十年来都没有发生的事情。这正充分体现了她的勇气与对妹妹的关怀之情。而她并没有因此而惊慌失措。而是勇敢的面对了现实。如果我被抽中要参加饥饿游戏的话,我定会吓得手足无措了。她的勇气与对家人的关怀之情让我十分敬佩、十分崇拜......

饥饿游戏 英文读后感

The hunger game 2. Background In the ruins of a place once known as North America lays the nation of Panem, the central ruling city, named the Capitol, holds the Hunger Game every year. The Capitol is cruel; it keeps the people in line by forcing them fight each other. Hunger Game will not end only one tribute alive. 3. Characters The female leading role in this story, Katniss Everdeen, took the place of her dear sister to be chosen to join the 74th Hunger Game. And the boy who had saved Katniss by giving her bread is the male leading role, Peeta, stands for the district 12. 4. Contest At first, Katniss had won the attention from sponsors who can help tributes by giving them foods or medicine during the game, because her figure was a girl with sparkle fire flame dress. 5. At the beginning of the game, Katniss stayed away from other tributes that were professional tributes that had well training. After fighting, Katniss’s enemies had died half off. Then she allied with Rue, a girl from district 11, but unfortunately, Rue was killed later, which is the cost of burning enemies’ important materials and goods. 6. But during the game is continuing, the rule of the game changed into there could be two survivals if they came from the same district. So Katniss found Peeta who was hurt badly and looked after him to recover. Nearly to the end, Katniss and Peeta, killed others hand in hand. They finally have the second life and return home in District 12. 7. After interviewing the book and most of you may have read this book or the movie, I want to talk about my thoughts after reading. In the book, Peeta is a baker’s son, he is rich and lighthearted, but Katniss has to make a living by hunting in the forest and support the family. So compare the two children, Peeta is puerile, while Katniss is more mature. During the dialogs through the game, they respect Peeta as a bolshy and dauntless person. For Katniss, she has changed a lot, from a cautious girl, to an intrepid super hero. From the growth of Katniss, I deeply impressed that she is not only minute but also representative and aspirant, for the Hunger Game is not only a game itself as a show, but also the game between the Capitol and other 12districts. This is a game about domination and revolution. 8. This series has three books, the one is , the second is , and


2020电影《熊出没·狂野大陆》观后感范文5篇《熊出没·狂野大陆》是《熊出没》第7部动画电影,讲述为了守护基因变身技术所承载的美好初衷,光头强与乐天冒险闯入总部,却再次发现在老板汤姆背后隐藏着真正的幕后黑手,他们是否能够获取最终的胜利?神秘人乐天背后又有着怎样的故事…下面就是小编给大家带来的2020电影《熊出没·狂野大陆》观后感,欢迎大家阅读! 点映场的影厅里,一半是熊大人,一半是熊孩子。 已经数不清这是第几部《熊出没》大电影了,它对于《喜羊羊与灰太狼》的贺岁档接棒早已完成,每年一部的规定动作全是来捡钱的。 虽说这样捡钱很容易,但终归还是要对得起观众,《熊出没》的主创们一年一度大开脑洞必须开出更大的花样才行。 这一次的《狂野大陆》已经开出国际水平的脑洞了,我们可以从中看到许多撒了国产孜然的好莱坞烤脑花。 1、《西部世界》 不知道方特科幻公园是不是受了美剧《西部世界》的启发与诱惑,开始谋划下一代体感融入式情景主题公园了。 片中的《狂野大陆》就是这样一款未来范儿乐园产品,人们可以在公园中变化为各种动物,在森林、草原、沙漠、海洋等各种自然环境下体验动物生存,并在其中展开夺宝、冒险等各种故事线。 没错,这看上去就是《西部世界》的动物体验版。但这只是形似,神似的还在后面: 它们都有两位创始人,其中一位因为儿(女)患有绝症而萌发了创造乐园的灵感与源动力;不约而同的,两位创始人因为理念不同最终分道扬镳,走上了相互对立的道路…… 2、《饥饿游戏》 荒野生存是残酷而野蛮的,为了体现人性的闪亮与兽性的狂野,必须引入组队对抗模式。这便是《饥饿游戏》的游戏规则。 《狂野大陆》很识时务的“拿来”了这一规则,这便有了光头强、熊二与神秘人乐天的不靠谱组合。


《饥饿游戏》读书笔记 本文是关于心得体会的《饥饿游戏》读书笔记,感谢您的阅读! 《饥饿游戏》读书笔记 “饥饿游戏”所谓“饥饿”无非便是少年们的争斗。 故事发生在施惠国的一场战争,由十三区的毁灭而结尾,首都凯比特为了让各区记住这段历史,每年都要举行“收获节”,十二个区选出男女两名“贡品”在一个地方进行决斗,只有一个人可以活下来。作为“饥饿游戏”的奖励,胜利者将会衣食无忧,居住在每个区专门建立的“胜利者之村”。 在74届的饥饿游戏中,凯特尼斯自愿顶替被抽中的妹妹成为贡品,在本区曾经的胜利者现任的导师黑密曲,十二区负责人艾菲的指导与同区的贡品—皮塔扮演情侣以求达官显贵的赞助。 也许是首都市民被两人的“爱情”所感动,在游戏进行到一半时,凯比特突然告诉参赛者可以与本区贡品合作,共同成为胜利者。凯特尼斯不得不寻找皮塔继续扮演明星恋人。在凯特尼斯精湛的箭术以及赞助者的共同努力下,凯特尼斯与皮塔存活到了最后,可凯匹特又反悔了,宣布还是只能有一名胜利者。 愤怒的凯特尼斯悄悄问皮塔:“如果一名胜利者都没有,你说他们会怎么样呢?”于是二人双双准备将手中的毒果放入口中,果然凯匹特惊恐地广播道:“停下!停下!现在我宣布饥饿游戏第74届胜利者是凯特尼斯与皮塔!” 为什么人们这么害怕饥饿游戏?原因很简单,因为游戏只能有一个赢家,而且是一个你死我亡的游戏。这种游戏年年都会上演,为一饱贵族们的眼福,为警告威慑十二个区。而那个牺牲的人可能是是自己挚爱的人,最重要的是,那是饥饿游戏的时代。 人性是本善还是本恶呢?24名少男少女有着24种不同的性格,不同的背景,不同的遭遇,本来年纪轻轻正处花季的他们因为一场游戏而变得复杂,变得乐于算计他人。笑脸背后藏着重重的心机,所谓的真善美只有在梦境里才能实现吧。 那么中考呢,面对百分之十五的A率比饥饿游戏的生存率还要低上一倍不止,贡品们赌上的是他们的性命,而我们赌上的是未来。 中考中没有给你送食送水送药品的赞助商,没有运筹帷幄,远程操作的导师,更没有相互依靠的合作伙伴,我们靠的只能是自己。没有血腥,没有杀戮,中考


A comment on the Hunger Games The Hunger Games, is written by Suzanne Collins. The central ruling city, named the capitol, holds the hunger games. Every year,the evil Capitol of the nation of Panem forces each of its twelve districts to send a teenage boy and girl to compete in the Hunger Games. The Hunger Games are just a nationally televised event in which "Tributes" must fight with one another until one survivor remains. To my surprise, Katniss involved in the hunger games, replaces her sister to play. She moves forward with faith, and finally wins both love and the hunger games. By the way, Katniss and Peeta are the tributes from district 12. Finally, they survive to the end and return home. In my opinion, the Hunger Games is written mainly against domination. In another word, the hunger games are the product of domination. From the growth of Katniss, I deeply impressed that she is not only minute but also representative and aspirant, for the Hunger Game is not only a game itself as a show, but also the game between the Capitol and other 12 districts. This is a game about domination and revolution. In the Hunger Games, there are many moving scenes. While peeta joins the tributes from the richer districts. However, when he has the opportunity to kill Katniss, he instead saves her from the others. But Rue skilled by another tribute, whom Katniss then kills, Katniss sings to Rue until she dies, which encourages the watching people to chase for freedom and be against domination. Besides this, I also learn something about hope from the story. Katniss moves all the way forward with hope. She tells peeta in the arena,“If we win, we will each get a house in the part of town reserved for Hunger Games’ victors”. She does not give up but does everything she can to increase the possibility of survival. As young adults, we should also have faith in our future. Ups and downs as we may face, none of them is challenging enough compared with the death threat Katniss encounters. Katniss never losed hope. Neither should we. At the end of Hunger Games, when the couple remain last, the rule changes back. One must kill the other to win. Knowing that the gamemakers would rather have to victors than none, Katniss offer some highly poisonous berries to peeta. Realizing that Katniss and Peeta instead to commit suicide, the gamemakers announce that they both will be victors of the 74th Hunger Games. Katniss is very mature, brave and wise.She is a strong role model for young girls with her character's sacrifice, courage, moral grounding in a world that's lost its own, and will to fight for what's right, even if it means sacrificing her own life or sparking a revolution. Although the reality is cruel for almost every character in the fiction, the positive side of humanity and love is always bright.


《头号玩家》电影观后感 《头号玩家》电影观后感 这个片的第一个问题,就是女主叫阿提密斯。有太多片都以 为只要带一个猎神女主角,一切就完美了。这个猎神女主角还要 弓箭能力了得——最后以某种方式没有成为头领,而是与男主相爱——一部电影就写完了。这种电影数量实在太多,以致它们的 硬度真的很成问题。 这篇影评其实非常重要,因为这是我第一次以一种治病的角 度来写影评。以前我写的影评大多数是赞美影片,只要我自己开 心就好。我还写过不少白左影评——那些实在是不堪入目。但这 一次,我是一个医生。看电影,现在有了一种新的角度,就是给 当前的流行文化治病。 Fari看电影,给流行文化治病。 我为什么有这个资格呢?我本人是一个流行文化的巨大爱好者,就像《头号玩家》里的那位创造了整个游戏世界的工程师。我一个人就可以创造出巨大的游戏世界。同时我又是经典的阅读者,我对它们的了解到了血管的深度。 好了我们来谈这一部电影所反映出来的病症。 上一部极其成功的猎神女主角片是《饥饿游戏》而不是《神奇女侠》,虽然两者都使用了猎神作为主角。但是两者所表现的角度有所不同。在《神奇女侠》里,女猎神被认为是战神,但是最终体

现出来的是爱神的模式——这就是智障。 《饥饿游戏》稍微好一点,毕竟是女作家所写,而且苏珊?柯 林斯本人对拉丁文掌握有度。写出来的剧情其实比任何想要驾驭“猎神片”的男导演要强无数倍。所以《饥饿游戏》其实就是缺一位女导演,不然不会导致不够硬的结局。猎神系列里,女主角必 须要拿弓箭,《饥饿游戏》选择了让男主成为画画枪兵。自古枪兵幸运E,不够硬啊。 为什么谈论《头号玩家》,开头要扯这么一出呢?一是为了显示本人写影评的认真(我们是在治病),二是为了给《头号玩家》下一个定义,就是它是一出什么片?它是一出伪装成游戏穿越片 的女猎神片。这个问题就很大,因为,我买票,想看的其实是游 戏穿越片。 斯皮尔伯格不懂游戏迷,他甚至没有很长时间玩游戏我可以 确定。游戏对于他来说,太耽误他当导演的时间了。只要他有认 真玩哪怕一款游戏,拍出来的电影绝对不会在最后停在“现实才 是真的”。 任何一个对游戏有尊重的人,都会说,游戏才是真实的。 这就是这出片的第二个问题,明明游戏才是真实的,为什么 要说现实是真实?这体现了我们当前的流行文化处于一种很想接 纳游戏(因为赚钱),但是要遮遮掩掩——是的,目前仍然是这样。那个玩魔兽被鄙视的时代仍然没有过去,即使魔兽电影都上映了。 这次的病情和上一次有什么不同呢?最大的不同之处就是,


《饥饿游戏》观后感 有幸观看了电影《饥饿游戏》,感觉就是享受了一次精神盛宴。我的心里颇不宁静……这种心血来潮的激情,促使我写了这篇观后感。 电影《饥饿游戏》(The Hunger Games)改编自美国作家苏珊〃柯林斯(Suzanne Collins)的青少年科幻小说《饥饿游戏》三部曲小说。《饥饿游戏》讲述了:北美洲在一场大战后被摧毁,在美国原来的废墟上,人们建立了新的家园,但新政权规定:管辖下的12个地区每年都必须进贡一对少年男女,贡品24人参加一档电视直播节目“饥饿游戏”。按着你死我活的游戏规则,只允许1个人活下来,杀人或者被杀。女主角凯特尼斯〃伊夫狄恩的妹妹不幸被选中,由于要保护妹妹,女主角自告奋勇替妹妹上场。尽管她从小就进行狩猎,拥有过人的射箭技术,对节目里的重重障碍能应付自如,但她在比赛中要与残忍强壮的他区选手周旋,还要面对来自同一地区的救命恩人的爱情。要想成为最后的赢家,她必须在人性和生存、爱情和家庭中做出选择,这对她是一个极大的考验。最后,当男女主角正准备同时吃下毒浆果殉情时,官方意外地改变规则,男女主角双双活着回来。 虽然《饥饿游戏》是一部虚幻的科幻电影,但细细琢磨,饥饿游戏是人类社会的一个缩影。 人类社会的历史,又何尝不是一场饥饿游戏!试看人类的历史,自古至今,人类社会的生存竞争,意识形态、价值观之争,财富、资源、能源之争,社会纷争不断,战争不断,冤冤相报何时了? 人性是人个体的价值观,其核心是生存至上。影片中的贡品为了个人生存,互相厮杀,成为丧心病狂的杀人机器。人是高级动物。一方面,作为动物,具有动物天生的的本性和欲望,欲望是支配一切活动的本能;另一方面,群体欲导致人类进入社会性生存的状态,人类个体必须维护群体的利益,才能维持个体生存。于是,国家应运而生,并产生了法律和道德,用以约束社会人的行为,这是人类与其他动物的主要区别。为了维护集体、民族、国家利益而斗争、不惜牺牲自己的人被誉为英雄,改朝换代的开国元勋是领袖。由于国家制度决定了意识形态、价值观的取向,法律所制定的行为准则不一定适合生存竞争的需要,从而导致意识形态、价值观之争。由于道德标准因时因地而不同,道德观念因人而大相径庭,导致个人利益与他人利益、集体利益的冲突。 食欲、性欲、表现欲、权威欲、群体欲是人的主要动物本性。每个人都有被关注、被赞赏、获得荣誉的自我表现欲望。影片中男主角面对看台上狂热的人群自我膨胀起来,面带微笑,挥手致意,好像自己是个不可一世的大人物。影片结尾,男女主角凯旋归来,面对人们的欢呼,得意洋洋,面带微笑,携手致意。这些镜头,使我联想到伟大领袖向群众挥手、检阅群众队伍的场面。对于人类社会,表现欲导致个人崇拜的产生,将个人崇拜演化为登峰造极的神化运动,导致第二次世界大战,导致文化大革命悲剧的产生。影片中有的贡品出于权威欲的诱惑,恃强凌弱,惨无人道,通过杀戮获得成就感。对于人类社会,权威欲导致有人渴望成为群体中的统治者,从而伴随着不休止的争权夺利。胜者诸侯败者贼。战争是由战争狂人发动的。战争狂人往往打着拯救人民、拯救国家、拯救社会、解放全人类的旗号,煽动群众,发动战争。 饥饿游戏是一场秀,一出戏,有演员,有编剧,有导演。每个贡品都要被包装,被宣传,乃至被炒作,最后达到“娱乐至死”,来满足观众变态的娱乐要求。影片随处可见观众鼓掌,观众的欲望催生了被荣誉包装起来的残酷规则。个人崇拜是人捧出来的,是战争的群众基础。当大众媒体、宣传及其它方式将某一个人塑造为理想化、英雄化的公众形象,并予以绝对的奉承和频繁的颂扬时,就会产生个人崇拜。捧人的人,除别有用心者外,大多人是被骗的,随波逐流,一哄而上,顶礼膜拜,高呼万岁,剧场里只要有三分之一鼓掌,其他人也会跟着


Format: Hardcover An adult friend (age 49)loaned me three Harry Potter books for the summer. Wednesday evening I began the first book and I finished the third today, Saturday morning. I am writing this review before I order the fourth Potter book. Will my friend be surprised to get 4 books back! The author's imagination is vividly presented in a cast of almost believable characters attending a school we all wish we could attend. Classes like "Defense Against Dark Arts", "Divination", "Transfiguration", "Arithmancy" and "Care of Magical Creatures" are written as if the author actually attended them and certainly enjoyed every minute of class. More than can be said for most of the classes I have attended. Each book in the series encompasses one year of Harry's fascinating life. The Potter books are written in a way that can charm any age reader. I am 64. A magical read?in more ways than one! What a wonderful book! I read it after my 11-year old son suggested it as a change from my usual reading fare of history and biography. It turned out to be much more than just a springtime reading diversion...it became for me a "magical" reading experience in more ways than one. I was quickly captivated by Harry, Hagrid, Dumbledore, Hermoine, and yes, even the nasty Dursleys, Snape, and Draco Mafoy. Hogwarts came to life for me. I found myself unable to put the book down because it was so exciting and much fun to read! It's easy to understand why my son (and so many kids just like him) love Harry Potter so much. J.K. Rowling proves herself a gifted writer of children's books, not only because the plot is good and the characters come to life, but also because her writing fires the imagination and teaches positive values. "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" is a great book for kids of all ages...from 9 to 99. It's destined to be a classic of children's literature. Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone is one of those rare children's books that seems to be utterly wasted on children. The plot is engaging, the characters are likeable, and it's a good quick read for those older than the specified ages. I'm 18, and I finished it in a few hours, then handed it to my mother, who is 39. After she finished it, she agreed that we needed to get the rest of the series. In a family that regularly reads Shakespeare, that's high praise! It's a refreshing and enjoyable way to get your mind off the overly serious Muggle world and bring back a bit of wonder and magic. If you're a parent considering getting this book for your child, please do... But get a copy for yourself as well, and enjoy revisiting your own childhood. With this introductory novel was published in 1997, few would have predicted the unprecedented success this series would produce. And everything that made Harry Potter so successful is all first shown, though hardly fully explained, in this book, HARRY POTTER AND THE PHILOSPHER'S STONE. The novel opens with Harry living under the cupboard with his abusive aunt and uncle. He has had a mean, depressed life, and though an active boy, the sheer amount of trauma he must have endured would scar any child. But the door opens out of this lifestyle. I've read an interesting theory (obviously not true), that a much different writer than Rowling would have ended Book 7 with Harry having imagined all this fantasy world, where he was so prominent and famous, to help escape the neglect and abuse from the Dursleys. He gets a letter (actually, hundreds) saying he is in fact a wizard. So he is enrolled the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Him, along with his new friend the giant Hagrid, go to Diagon Alley, a magical bazaar, and thus he is thrust into the magical universe so captured the imagination of millions. We soon learn Harry is world famous among wizards for conquering an evil Wizard named Vo - um - He Who Must Not Be Named. Sorry `bout that slip. =). Along the way, we learn that Voldemort is after a magical artifiact called the


《饥饿游戏》读后感 今天我有幸拜读了饥饿游戏这本书,我想和大家谈谈我的感想。 《饥饿游戏》是美国苏珊·科林斯写的。《饥饿游戏》向人们讲述了:在未来的北美洲,帕纳姆国建立在一片废墟之上,它的中心凯匹特位于十二个区的中央。每年,十二个区都被迫向凯匹特送去年龄12岁至18岁的少男少女各一名作为”贡品“,参加”饥饿游戏“。这是一项残酷而可怕的生与死的竞赛,所有贡品必须战斗到死,最后的幸存者就是胜者。竞技场是经过人工布置的森林、荒野。竞赛中,猎杀、追踪、饥饿、伪装、智斗等生死存亡的场面,都被电视现场直播到全国,每个人都必须看,而且要当成节日一样庆祝。对于凯匹特,这是年度盛会,是一场游戏;对于其他十二个区,则是羞辱和折磨。生存是16岁的凯特尼斯的本能,她依靠在十二区围栏外偷猎、采集野果勉强养活妈妈、妹妹和自己。凯特尼斯代替抽中"生死签”的妹妹参加饥饿游戏。在竞技场上,凯特尼斯机缘巧合被塑造成“燃烧的女孩”,又与本区的另一个贡品皮塔组成“明星恋人”备受瞩目。她很困惑自己与皮塔的关系?她企图拯救其他竞赛者的生命,

机智的应对游戏出现的谜题,这使他成了电视观众关注的中心。生死关头,她才发现爱情竟然也可以成为赢得策略。凯特尼斯利用她和皮塔的爱情、坚强的毅力、和她的机智,凯特尼斯和皮塔破例共同的到了桂冠。 我很佩服凯特尼斯的勇气,她代替她的妹妹参加饥饿游戏。这是十二区几十年来都没有发生的事情。这正充分体现了她的勇气与对妹妹的关怀之情。而她并没有因此而惊慌失措。而是勇敢的面对了现实。如果我被抽中要参加饥饿游戏的话,我定会吓得手足无措了。她的勇气与对家人的关怀之情让我十分敬佩、十分崇拜......


2020春节档电影《熊出没·狂野大陆》 观后感5篇 2020春节档电影《熊出没·狂野大陆》观后感【一】 点映场的影厅里,一半是熊大人,一半是熊孩子。 已经数不清这是第几部《熊出没》大电影了,它对于《喜羊羊与灰太狼》的贺岁档接棒早已完成,每年一部的规定动作全是来捡钱的。 虽说这样捡钱很容易,但终归还是要对得起观众,《熊出没》的主创们一年一度大开脑洞必须开出更大的花样才行。 这一次的《狂野大陆》已经开出国际水平的脑洞了,我们可以从中看到许多撒了国产孜然的好莱坞烤脑花。 1、《西部世界》 不知道方特科幻公园是不是受了美剧《西部世界》的启发与诱惑,开始谋划下一代体感融入式情景主题公园了。 片中的《狂野大陆》就是这样一款未来范儿乐园产品,人们可以在公园中变化为各种动物,在森林、草原、沙漠、海洋等各种自然环境下体验动物生存,并在其中展开夺宝、

冒险等各种故事线。 没错,这看上去就是《西部世界》的动物体验版。但这只是形似,神似的还在后面: 它们都有两位创始人,其中一位因为儿(女)患有绝症而萌发了创造乐园的灵感与源动力;不约而同的,两位创始人因为理念不同最终分道扬镳,走上了相互对立的道路…… 2、《饥饿游戏》 荒野生存是残酷而野蛮的,为了体现人性的闪亮与兽性的狂野,必须引入组队对抗模式。这便是《饥饿游戏》的游戏规则。 《狂野大陆》很识时务的“拿来”了这一规则,这便有了光头强、熊二与神秘人乐天的不靠谱组合。 3、《哈利·波特》 这不是魔幻片,哈利·波特也能乱入? 不是哈利·波特本人,是魁地奇乱入了。 夺宝比赛第二阶段的游戏规则和魁地奇颇有几分相似,谁逮住“金色飞贼”就能秒得高分反败为胜,这道具你说不是从《哈利·波特》剧组借来的我都不信。 4、《侏罗纪公园》


电影《饥饿游戏》观后感 本次在公司看部名叫《饥饿游戏》的电影,这是我第一次接触这部影片。在未看影片前,我就在想为什么会放这部影片给我们看,它有什么地方是需要我学习的?我用百度搜索了解到该电影的前提背景: 《饥饿游戏》的故事讲述了北美洲在一场大战后被摧毁,在废墟中人们建立了新的国家:帕纳姆国(Panem),帕纳姆国由13个区组成。由于帕纳姆国首都凯匹特的政权极为残暴,导致第13区反抗,然而寡不敌众的13区很快被镇压且消灭。为了起到“杀鸡儆猴”的作用,首都决定让剩余的12个区每年各贡献2名从12岁到18岁的人(贡品)来参加一个直播节目——饥饿游戏。饥饿游戏的规则是让所有参加游戏的孩童在精心布置的竞技场内杀死除自己以外的所有人。主角Katniss Everdeen自愿代替妹妹参加饥饿游戏,然而一名16岁的女孩Katniss必须在来自生活、家庭、朋友、人性、爱情、政治、战争等压力之下,如何在“2个人同时胜利的暂时性规则被取消”的时候做出正确而智慧的抉择呢? 这些问题,在公司看了两小时二十多分钟的电影后有了答案。问题一:为什么我们要看该电影? 答:该电影不仅画面精彩、情节引人入胜,女主人公凯莉丝通过自身的智慧和不断的努力,克服重重困难,为自己和同样来

自12区的比德获得生存所需的资源,最后一起胜利的那种精神和勇气值得我们学习,我们为什么不看呢? 问题二:它有什么地方值得我学习? 答:作为销售人员,黄姐说过“一流的销人员是销售自己”如何销售自己?电影《饥饿游戏》给予了答案。来自12区的凯莉丝要怎样获得人们的喜爱,为自己拉赞助获得生存的机会? 1.包装:从一开始西纳为凯莉丝和比德设计的火焰装,就引起了人们强烈的兴趣,并给予她“燃烧的女孩”的称号。作为销售人员要做的就是包装自己(在不同的场合正确的着装,平时多读书籍增加自己的知识面和修养,加深专业知识的掌握,言谈举止进退有理) 2.合作:凯莉丝能活下来,其中部分原因是因为她的同伴比德,在为一个生存名额厮杀的时候,比德向凯莉丝表白了多年的爱慕之情。凯莉丝和比德的每一次公开露面,以及他们所做的一切使得他们在人群中脱颖而出,获得了更大的生存机会;在进入比赛区,凯莉丝被各区人员追杀时,她和同为竞争对手的小女孩合作摆脱了追击。作为销售人员要懂得合作(与一切可合作对象建立合作关系,包括同事、对手的对手)充分利用团队优势。 3.勇气:凯莉丝为了妹妹自愿参加“饥饿游戏”,在能力展示中把箭射向高级人员聚餐桌上的苹果,最后同比德想一起吞下“索命浆果”向游戏制作着挑战,这些无一不需要勇气。做为销售人员我们必定会面临许多挫折与拒绝,这就需要我们有敢于踏出第一步、直面挑战的勇气。

The_Hunger_Games饥饿游戏 英文书评(book review)

A Report on The Hunger Games The Hunger Games (Scholastic, 2008, e-book edition) is written by Suzanne Collins. The central ruling city, named the Capitol, holds the hunger games, in which tributes from 12 subordinate districts fight against each other. The games won’t stop until there’s only one tribute in the arena. In this book, Suzanne Collins fully conveys a message that domination causes miseries, and that weaker people should not yield to that dominating power. The Hunger Games story is about how the girl Katniss volunteers to play in the game for her younger sister, moves forward with faith, and finally wins both love and the hunger game. Katniss and Peeta are the tributes from district 12. Their main threat is the Careers, who are professional killers. In the vast arena, Katniss stays far away from other tributes. But after she gets the bow and arrows, Katniss begins attacking. She allies with Rue, who is killed later. She then finds Peeta, and they become lovers. Acting as a whole, Katniss and Peeta survive to the end. But there can only be one winner. They decide to commit suicide together, in hope that there can be 2 winners. Finally, they succeed and return home. The book’s popularity is much linked to its fiction style, but that’s not the k ey point. The story, which is imaginative and dramatic, makes the book even more appealing. The games happen in a brand new world in the future. The games are played for a somehow strange reason, by boys and girls chosen at random. The background presents readers with many possibilities, which start our imagination. Who will win the game? Generally thinking, the winner should be a cruel, muscular guy. During my reading, I find the story more and more interesting because I see increasing hope of a girl being the winner of such a physical game. Katniss is not an average girl: she “sometimes managed to shoot a squirrel or rabbit for stew” (51). Y et that can only show she may not die too early. Later, Katniss gets the highest score in the training: “Then they’re flashing the number eleven on the screen. Eleven!” (108) Throughout the game, there are several times when she nearly dies. For example, she encounters a water crisis: “There’s no danger of tears now, I couldn’t produce one to save my life” (167). But she gets over every time. Each up and down can lead to an emotional wave on readers. Finally, Katniss wins, not the strong boys, not even the Careers. “The berries have just passed my lips when the trumpets begin to blare” (339). The final victory of Katniss and Peeta drops the curtain of this dramatic and touching story. In my opinion, the Hunger Games is written mainly against domination. On the one hand, the hunger games are the product of domination. They are bloody and cruel as readers can see, much more frustrating and miserable for residents in the districts. The reason why the games can be created is because of the unbalanced power: “A s our yearly reminder that the Dark Days must never be repeated, it gave us the Hunger Games” (19). The Capitol is mu ch stronger, and it makes the games of deaths a TV show. Mere entertainment as they are for the Capitol, they are nightmare for the districts. Domination causes miseries—23 are killed in violence while one survives. In reality, Egypt emperors rest quietly in the solid pyramids, which thousands of slaves work to death during the construction. Nowadays, there are still undemocratic governments exerting strong power upon people. On the other hand, the author’s opinion about the ruling Capitol can be seen clearly from the characters Katniss and Peeta. “I want to die as myself…I could think of a way to show the Capitol they
