

NB: This may not be a word-for-word transcript.

Speech by Michael Jordan at the Memorial for Kobe and Gigi Bryant

Staples Center

February 25, 2020

I would say, “Good morning,” but it’s afternoon. I’m grateful to Vanessa and the Bryant family for the opportunity to speak today. I’m grateful to be here to honor Gigi and celebrate the gift that Kobe gave us all – what he accomplished as a basketball player, as a businessman and a storyteller and as a father. In the game of basketball, in life as a parent, Kobe left nothing in the tank. He left it all on the floor.

Maybe it surprised people that Kobe and I were very close friends, but we were very close friends. Kobe was my dear friend. He was like a little brother. Everyone always wanted to talk about the comparisons between he and I. I just wanted to talk about Kobe. You know, all of us have brothers, sisters, little brothers, little sisters who, for whatever reason, always tend to get in your stuff, your closet, your shoes, everything. It was a nuisance, if I can say that word. But that nuisance turned into love over a period of time just because [of] the admiration that they had for you as big brothers or big sisters, the questions they’re wanting to know every little detail about life that they were about to embark on.

He used to call me, text me 11:30, 2:30, 3:00 in the morning, talking about post-up moves, footwork, and sometimes, the triangle. At first, it was an aggravation, but then it turned into a certain passion. This kid had passion like you would never know. It’s an amazing thing about passion. If you love something, if you have a strong passion for something, you would go to the extreme to try to understand or try to get it – either ice cream, Cokes, hamburgers, whatever you have a love for. If you have to walk, you would go get it. If you have to beg someone, you would

go get it. What Kobe Bryant was to me was the inspiration that someone truly cared about the way either I played the game or the way that he wanted to play the game. He wanted to be the best basketball player that he could be.

And as I got to know him, I wanted to be the best big brother that I could be. To do that, you have to put up with the aggravation, the late-night calls or the dumb questions. I took great pride as I got to know Kobe Bryant that he was just trying to be a better person, a better basketball player. We talked about business, we talked about family, we talked about everything. And he was just trying to be a better person.

Now he’s got me, I’ll have to look at another crying meme for the next…I told my wife I wasn’t going to do this because I didn’t want to see that for the next three or four years. That is what Kobe Bryant does to me. I’m pretty sure Vanessa and his friends all can say the same thing. He knows how to get to you in a way that affects you personally, even if he’s being a pain in the ass. But…he always…you have a sense of love for him and the way that he can bring out the best in you. And he did that for me.

I remember maybe a couple of months ago, he sends me a text and he’s saying, “I’m trying to teach my daughter some moves and I don’t know what I was thinking or what I was working on. But what would you…were you thinking about when you’re trying…as you were growing up trying to work on your moves?” I said, “What age?” He says, “12.” I said, “12, I was trying to play baseball.” He sends me a text back, saying, “Laughing my ass off.” And this was at 2:00 in the morning.

But the thing about him was we could talk about anything that related to basketball, but we can talk about anything that related to life. And we, as we grew up in life, rarely have friends that we can have conversations like that. Well, it’s even rarer when you can grow up against adversaries and have conversations like that.

I went and saw Phil Jackson in 1999 or maybe 2000, I don’t know, when Phil was here in L.A. And I walk in and Kobe’s sitting there. And the first thing, I’m in a suit, first thing, Kobe said, “Did you bring your shoes?” No, I wasn’t thinking about playing. But his attitude to compete and play against someone he felt like he could enhance and improve his game with. Jimmy, that’s what I loved about the kid, absolutely loved about the kid.

No matter where he saw me, it was a challenge. And I admired him because [of] his passion, you rarely see someone who’s looking and trying to improve each and every day, not just in sports, but as a parent, as a husband. I am inspired by what he’s done and what he’s shared with Vanessa and what he’s shared with his kids.

I have a daughter who is 30, who just…I became a grandparent. And I have two twins, I have twins at six. I can’t wait to get home to become a girl dad and to hug them and to see the love and the smiles that they bring to us as parents. He taught me that just by looking at this tonight, looking at how he responded and reacted with the people that he actually loved. These are the

things that we will continue to learn from Kobe Bryant.

To Vanessa, Natalia, Bianka, Capri, my wife and I will keep you close in our hearts and our prayers. We will always be here for you, always. I also want to offer our condolences and support to all the families affected by this enormous tragedy.

Kobe gave every last ounce of himself to whatever he was doing. After basketball, he showed a creative side to himself that I didn’t think any of us knew he had. In retirement, he seemed so happy. He found new passions and he continued to give back as a coach in his community. More importantly, he was an amazing dad, amazing husband, who dedicated himself to his family and who loved his daughters with all his heart. Kobe never left anything on the court, and I think that’s what he would want for us to do.

No one knows how much time we have. That’s why we must live in the moment, we must enjoy the moment. We must reach and see and spend as much time as we can with our families and friends and the people that we absolutely love. To live in the moment means to enjoy each and every one that we come in contact with.

When Kobe Bryant died, a piece of me died. And as I look in this arena and across the globe, a piece of you died, or else you wouldn’t be here. Those are the memories that we have to live with and we learn from. I promise you, from this day forward, I will live with the memories of knowing that I had a little brother that I tried to help in every way I could. Please rest in peace, little bro.


2019年关于科比的英语演讲稿 篇一:关于科比的英语演讲稿 IntroduceofKOBE Goodmorningeverybody!It'smyhonortospeakhere,andIamverygladt osharemytopicwithyou.ThentodayI'dliketotalksomethingaboutmy idol----KobeBryant. WhenIwas12yearsold,Ibeginlovebasketball.Thepower,theskillan dtheagainst,leftadeepimpressiononme.AtthattimeKobebecamemyf avouriteplayer.AlthoughIamagirl,Istillovethebasketball,stil lloveKobe. NowletmeintrducesomestoryofKobetoyou: KobeBryantwasborninAugust23,1978,heisanAmericanAll-Starshoo tingguardintheNationalBasketballAssociation(NBA)whoplaysfor theLosAngelesLakers.Hebeganhiscareerattheageof18whenhebecam etheyoungestplayerinleaguehistorytobedraftedoutofhighschool .Andin15years,hehasbeethebestplayerofthisleague.Asthemostfa bulousShootingGuardafterMichaelJordan.Heoncescored81pointsa tasinglegamein20XX.Thenextyear,hegotfour50+gamesinstraight. In20XX,HegottheMVPaward,andleadLakersbacktothetop.


科比的名言英文版 1.“What I’m doing right now, I’m chasing perfection.” “我现在所做的一切,都是为了追求更加完美。” 2.“Love me or hate me, it's one or the other. Always has been. Hate my game, my swagger. Hate my fadeaway, my hunger. Hate that I'm a veteran. A champion. Hate that. Hate it with all your heart. And hate that I'm loved, for the exact same reasons." 爱我或者恨我,两者必有其一。一直都这样。有人恨我的比赛,我的狂妄自大;恨我的后仰投篮,我对胜利的渴望;恨我是一名老将,恨我获得过总冠军。恨吧,用你的全部心思去恨吧。不过也有很多人深爱着我,理由却和恨我的人一样。 3.“I’ll do whatever it takes to win games, whether it’s sitting on a bench waving a towel, handing a cup of water to a teammate, or hitting the game-winni ng shot.” “为了取得比赛的胜利,要我做什么都能够,不管是坐在板凳席上给队友递毛巾、递水,还是上场执行致胜一投。” 4.“As far as carrying the torch for the years to come, I don’t know. I just want to be the best basketball player I can be.” “我不知道需要多长时间才能取得辉煌,我仅仅想尽我所能去成为最出色的篮球运动员。” 5.“Everything negative - pressure, challenges - is all an opportunity for me to rise.” “压力、挑战,这个切消极的东西都是我能够取得成功的催化剂。”


科比经典励志语录! 1.即使世界抛弃了我,可是还有篮球陪伴着我。 2.无论谁防守我,我都坚信你会在我崩溃之前崩溃。 上图为科比面对雷·阿伦的防守起跳投篮。 3.球场上实力说话,一切与篮球无关的都给我退避三舍! 4.我不想和别人一样,即便这个别人是乔丹。 上图为科比与乔丹的合影。 5.爱我或者恨我由你选择,这就是生活。有人讨厌我的比赛、恨我的嚣张、恨我的后仰跳投、恨我对比赛的痴狂、恨我有总冠军戒指??但也有很多人支持我、爱我,理由却和恨我的人一样。 上图为科比在与太阳队的比赛中使用他的杀手锏——教科书般标准的后仰跳投。 6.scoop jackson(美国知名nba记者和专栏作家)对科比说:10年之后,这个世界会了解你的伟大! 7.任何负面新闻,压力和挑战对我而言都是提升自己的机会。 8.季后赛对我而言代表着“零”,无论是常规赛、季后赛还是分区决赛,它们都一样,什么都不代表。我惟一的目标就是赢得总冠军,那才是真正的挑战,即使获得亚军,对我来说都意味着失败。我付出所有的努力,我认为只有得到总冠军才算得上是成功之道,只有站在那条路的终点,才会在回首的时候感到所有的付出都是值得的。 上图为科比在08-09赛季中率领湖人队夺得总冠军,并荣膺总决赛mvp。 9.即使是耶稣,也会有人对他怀恨在心,我不需要解释什么。 10.我喜欢别人称呼我“关键先生”,在每一场比赛进入最关键时刻的时候,我都渴望自己能够成为那个决定比赛胜负的人。 上图为科比在12月5日与热火的比赛中在最后时刻出手绝杀热火。 11.当我站在球场上,面临的选择只有成功或者失败时,你必须全力以赴,随时给自己动力。这就是我在球场上的心态。我不断给自己鼓劲,要求自己努力向前。和其他所有的人一样,面对挑战,我也有压力。但这时候你必须勇于承担,无所畏惧。在训练的时候,我像一个疯子一样投入。我刻苦训练,让自己有足够的能量保证打完82场比赛。篇二:科比的演讲稿 科比的演讲稿 天空不拒绝翅膀,所以守候你飞翔。不知从什么时候开始斯台普斯的灯光不如以前那么明亮,可以理解的是光明是我们看见了太多也是我们看不见太多的东西。所以斯台普斯用华美暗淡的灯光阐释着这片神圣的土地上曾诞生过多少辉煌的历史。我在属于他的时代到达所以开始领略他“天生其关于孤独的表演”。 这个一高中生身份在nba打了十几年球的男人,这个二十出头就连续三届拿下总冠军的球员,这个曾经因为犯下错误而流下悔恨泪水的人,在每一次运球、每一次投篮无不从满他的霸气。即使03年奥尼尔离他而去,湖人王朝四大天王各奔东西,他依然留在洛杉矶打球。他用他那在联盟并不算强壮的肩膀撑起了湖人的未来。当他的昔日队友离开他后,当他被指责打球风格太独之时,他默默承受着这一切。他用他一场场的实际行动——一场场50+、60+证明着自己想赢的决心。由于他身边的队友已不是昔日那些成熟的球员,因此在更多的时候他只能凭尽自己全身力气去得分。 赢了,别人会说他砍了多少分;输了,别人会指责他出手次数太多,说他自私,说他是一个人在打球。别人都说他很复杂,而我去觉得他很简单——他只是做任何事都拼尽全力,因为他渴望赢他只要属于他的尊严! 很多人都以为他是天才,可又有多少人知道只是用多少汗水和伤疤换来的。


科比英语名言 导读:本文是关于科比英语名言,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、要抓住一切机会,向所有人证明你自己,证明你能够迎接挑战。 Take all the opportunities, prove yourself to all, and prove that you are able to meet the challenge. 2、即便是这样,我依然可以用一只手打球。 Even so, I can still play with one hand. 3、我打算成为史上最伟大球员的那一刻,篮球就是我的一切。 The moment I plan to be the greatest player in history, basketball is everything to me. 4、朋友来来往往,总冠军的旗帜却一直在那里,随风飘荡。 When friends come and come, the banner of the championship is always there, fluttering with the wind. 5、我知道每天凌晨四点洛杉矶的样子。 I know the way Losangeles looks at four a.m. every day. 6、肯定有人要赢的,那个人为什么不能是我? There must be someone who is going to win. Why can't that man be me? 7、在我还是孩子的时候,我就想象过我的生涯要以怎样的方式

结束。我希望球迷们在想到我的时候,能觉得我的成就超过了预期,也超过了我的天赋。让别人这样想,对我来说意义重大,因为这就说明我真的努力了,他们承认了我下的功夫,也认可了我的毫无保留。 When I was a child, I imagined how my career was going to end. I hope that when the fans think of me, I can feel that my achievements are more than expected and that I have more than my talent. It's very important for me to make others think this way, because that means I really worked hard. They admitted my efforts and recognized my unreservedly. 8、世界抛弃了我,可还有篮球陪着我。 The world abandoned me, but there was basketball with me. 9、总有人是要赢的,那为什么不是我呢? There are always people who want to win, so why not me? 10、我的听力越来越差了,在每个球场都听不见嘘声。 My hearing is getting worse and worse. I can't hear the hiss at every court. 11、最重要的事情是你必须让每个人意识到你的存在,并感知到你真真切切的竞争力。从一开始,我就不希望做个流星一般的球员,我不想成为一届或者两届全明星球员,我希望成为历史最佳。当我下定这个决心后,每一场比赛对我都意义非凡,我会尽全力做好。 The most important thing is that you have to make


关于科比精神演讲稿 篇一:关于科比的英语演讲稿 Introduce of KOBE Good morning everybody ! It’s my honor to speak here , and I am very glad to share my topic with you . Then today I’d like to talk something about my idol ----Kobe Bryant . When I was 12 years old , I begin love basketball. The power ,the skill and the against, left a deep impression on me. At that time Kobe became my favourite player. Although I am a girl ,I stil love the basketball ,still love Kobe. Now let me intrduce some story of Kobe to you: Kobe Bryant was born in August 23, 1978, he is an American All-Star shooting guard in the National Basketball Association (NBA) who plays for the Los Angeles Lakers . He began his career at the age of 18 when he became the youngest player in league history to be drafted out of high school . And in 15 years, he has become the best player of this league . As the most fabulous Shooting Guard after Michael Jordan . He once scored 81 points at a single game in 2020.The next year, he got four 50+ games in straight. In 2020,He got the MVP award, and lead Lakers back to the top .


我的偶像科比作文 【篇一:2014年材料作文审题训练导写及范文】 2014年材料作文审题训练导写及范文 一、新材料作文“螃蟹的责备”写作导引 参考立意:1、“具体问题,具体分析”,2、“我们要学会变通”,3、“我们要学会思考”,4、“请从自身找原因”,5、“要因材施教”,6、“吾日三省吾身”,7、“换个角度看问题”,8、“要认识自己”,9、 “不要怨天尤人”,10、“换位思考”,11、“放弃一味责怪别人的思维 定势”,12、“从实际出发”,13、“不能生搬硬套”,14、“站在别人 的角度思考问题”,15、“说话做事要看对象”,16、“不为失败找借口”,17、“凡事应自省”,18、“责己要严,待人要宽”,19、“要对 症下药”,20、“因材施教”等等。 范文 从实际出发 他人获得了成功,他人取得了成就。我们就会去学习他们的成功的 方法和新鲜的经验。而大多数人沿着他人走过的道路前进,大都以 失败告终。这是为什么呢?你有没有想过他人的方法和经验适合自 己吗?就像螃蟹,青蛙指的路没有错,只是螃蟹是横着走的,青蛙 所说的前方并非螃蟹所想的前方。所以要一切从实际出发,找寻适 合自己的道路,这样才会到达终点,取得成功。从实际出发,我们 会取得进步。许多人看别人成功了,妄图一步登天,但往往会摔得 遍体鳞伤。我们必须踏踏实实一点点进步,最后才会成功。就像 nba联盟里的一些球队,比如“开拓者”队,他们考虑实际,知道要 慢慢进步,先努力打进季后赛,积累必备的经验,再向“奥布莱恩” 发起最后冲击。他们稳扎稳打,由一支三流球队变成了季后赛强队,他们一直在进步。相反“快船”队想向“凯尔特人”队一样通过交易一 劳永逸,迅速获得成功。付出了大量的资金去挖别人的墙脚,却仍 沦为鱼腩球队。所以凡事要切合实际,从实际出发,这样我们终会 进步、再进步。 从实际出发,我们会获得成功。有人妄图一夜暴富;有人奢求立即 成名。这些大都不会实现,不会成功。一切都需要从实际出发。当 他在从不缺乏天赋的nba联盟中崭露头角时,人们叫出了“乔丹”接 班人的称呼。但他说“不!”他说,我没有乔丹的天赋,我可能不会 像他那样取得那么高的成就;虽然我的偶像是乔丹,但我不愿成为

科比英文介绍;科比成长史;大学英语课人物介绍;Kobe bryant

Good afternoon, everyone, I am glad to be here to introduce American culture. No applause is a strange thing. First of all, I have a question: what is your favorite sport?... …I wonder what is our teacher's answer? Next, I will start my topic .My story is about a person ,about a basketball player ,about Kobe Bryant. Perhaps this topic is not really about American culture, but Bryant is an American, this is enough Kobe Bryant is a shooting guard who was born on August 23, 1978. 1.98 m tall, and weight 99.8 kg.Now, he is playing for the Los Angeles Lakers. As his father Joe Bryant was also a NBA player, Kobe stared playing basketball in an early age.Besides ,he had great talent in basketball. Bryant enjoyed a successful high school basketball career at Lower Merion High School, where he was recognized as the top high school basketball player in the country..Helping his high school team won their state is championship made Kobe famous around America. Different from our country ,many great universities sent invitations to Kobe as his great basketball skills. “I have decided to skip college and take my talent to the NBA”, Kobe side.It is amazing for a 17 year-old to enter NBA and become a professional player. Lacking of match experience and without a strong body


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除 关于科比的演讲稿 篇一:关于科比的英语演讲稿 IntroduceofKobe goodmorningeverybody!Itsmyhonortospeakhere,andIamve rygladtosharemytopicwithyou.ThentodayIdliketotalkso methingaboutmyidol----Kobebryant. whenIwas12yearsold,Ibeginlovebasketball.Thepower,th eskillandtheagainst,leftadeepimpressiononme.Atthatt imeKobebecamemyfavouriteplayer.AlthoughIamagirl,Ist illovethebasketball,stillloveKobe. nowletmeintrducesomestoryofKobetoyou: KobebryantwasborninAugust23,1978,heisanAmericanAll-starshootingguardinthenationalbasketballAssociation (nbA)whoplaysfortheLosAngelesLakers.hebeganhiscaree

rattheageof18whenhebecametheyoungestplayeri(:关于科比的演讲 稿)nleaguehistorytobedraftedoutofhighschool.Andin15 years,hehasbecomethebestplayerofthisleague.Asthemos tfabulousshootingguardaftermichaelJordan.heoncescor ed81pointsatasinglegamein20XX.Thenextyear,hegotfour 50+gamesinstraight.In20XX,hegotthemVpaward,andleadL akersbacktothetop. 科比出生在1978年8月23日。他是效力于nbA洛杉矶湖人队的一名明星后卫。在他十八岁的时候,被从高中直接nbA,从此开始了他的职业生涯。进过十五年的努力,他已经成为这个联盟的最佳球员。作为迈克乔丹之后的最伟大的得分后卫,他曾经在20XX年的 一场比赛中单场拿到81分,在07年里连续四场得分超过50分。在08年获得了最有价值球员,并带领湖人队重回巅峰。 Itisknowntoallofus Kobecouldn’thaveseizedthissuccessifhehadn’tworkedlikecrazyforyearsperfectinghisskills.Therear enoshortcutstohardwork.successisabyproductofthat。 如果没有疯狂的训练,并且多年来完善自己的技能,科比不可能抓住这一成功。刻苦的训练时没有捷径的,成功只


科比经典语录中英文对照 科比经典语录中英文对照 科比·布莱恩特,美国职业篮球运动员,自1996年起效力于NBA洛杉矶湖人队,司职得分后卫。科比·布莱恩特是前NBA篮球运动员乔·布莱恩特的儿子。科比是NBA最好的得分手之一,突破、投篮、罚球、三分球他都驾轻就熟,几乎没有进攻盲区,单场比赛81分的个人纪录就有力的证明了这一点。除了疯狂的得分外,科比的组织能力也很出众,经常担任球队进攻的第一发起人。另外科比还是联盟中最好的防守人之一,贴身防守非常具有压迫性。——科比经典励志名言语录 1。“What I’m doing right now,I’m chasing perfection。”“我现在所做的一切,都是为了追求更加完美。” 2。“Love me or hate me,it's one or the other。Always has been。Hate my game,my swagger。Hate my fadeaway,my hunger。Hate that I'm a veteran。A champion。Hate that。Hate it with all your heart。And hate that I'm loved,for the exact same reasons。" 爱我或者恨我,两者必有其一,一直都这样。有人恨我的比赛,我的狂妄自大;恨我的后仰投篮,我对胜利的渴望;恨我是一名老将,恨我获得过总冠军。恨吧,用你的全部心思去恨吧。然而也有很多人深爱着我,理由却和恨我的人一样。

3。“I’ll do what ever it takes to win games,whether it’s sitting on a bench waving a towel,handing a cup of water to a teammate,or hitting the game-winning shot。” “为了取得比赛的胜利,要我做什么都可以,不管是坐在板凳席上给队友递毛巾、递水,还是上场执行致胜一投。” 4。“As far as carrying the torch for the years to come,I don’t know。I just want to be the best basketball player I can be。”“我不知道需要多长时间才能取得辉煌,我只是想尽我所能去成为最出色的篮球运动员。” 5。“Everything negative-pressure,challenges-is all an opportunity for me to rise。” “压力、挑战,这一切消极的东西都是我能够取得成功的催化剂。”6。“I don’t want to be the next MichaelJordan,I only want to be KobeBryant。” “我可不想成为乔丹第二,我只想成为科比-布莱恩特。”


关于科比的英语演讲稿 篇一:关于科比的英语演讲稿 Introduce of KOBE Good morning everybody ! It's my honor to speak here , and I am very glad to share my topic with you . Then today I'd like to talk something about my idol ----Kobe Bryant . When I was 12 years old , I begin love basketball. The power ,the skill and the against, left a deep impression on me. At that time Kobe became my favourite player. Although I am a girl ,I stil love the basketball ,still love Kobe. Now let me intrduce some story of Kobe to you: Kobe Bryant was born in August 23, 1978, he is an American All-Star shooting guard in the National Basketball Association (NBA) who plays for the Los Angeles Lakers . He began his career at the age of 18 when he became the youngest player in league history to be drafted out of high school . And in 15 years, he has become the best player of this league . As the most fabulous Shooting Guard after Michael Jordan . He once scored 81 points at a single game in next year, he got


知道什么是人类的进攻极限吗?去防守科比吧!他不会让你失望的——————阿泰斯特 谁才是NBA的超级巨星?我认为是只要这个人想得分,他就能毫无顾忌的得高分,德克不错,但是科比更会让我咋舌!——————库班 他每天都在和各种各样的人来比赛,他现在不仅仅局限于得分,也许有人说勒布朗足以超越科比,我要告诉他们,科比更棒,即便他35岁,让我选全联盟最棒的球员我同样会选择和现在一样的答案,那就是科比——————乔丹 也许你认为MVP代表了NBA最棒的球员,纳什也很荣幸的得到了MVP,但是我仍然认为科比才是最棒的——————德.安东尼 虽然科比没有拿过MVP,但是他的表现足以媲美任何MVP——————肯尼.史密斯现在的科比是最棒的,虽然他有些难以管教,但是同样的一个年龄,科比做的比任何一个人要好,包括乔丹—菲尔.杰克逊 科比拿81分才42分钟,如果又加时,张伯伦就是真作古了—基德 科比每场比赛的表现都像是电玩,我要努力的在与猛龙的比赛中试着追一下科比的记录——————艾弗森 疯狂,疯狂,疯狂,除了疯狂,已经没有词语可以比喻科比了——————伯德 我想往后我们和湖人打比赛要请金刚来帮忙了——————卡莱尔 你们知道我现在最痛恨谁吗?那就是迈克尔,自从昨天晚上他告诉我科比的消息之后我就没有进入梦乡(81分)——————皮蓬 我什么时候能拿他这次得分的一般就满足了——————斯诺 德克和纳什都不怎么防守,你去问问詹姆斯,他不会去防科比,但科比会盯住詹姆斯。科比现在在球场就像乔丹,我之所以认为他是最好的球员,不仅仅因为他是最好的得分手,而且还是最好的防守球员之一——————韦伯 科比和乔丹唯一不同的就是他在场上总抱有包袱,他总在想‘在哪里会早到包夹,谁的位置好,我该怎么打’等,他给人一种教练亲自披挂上阵打球的感觉,如果他把转速时速270 脑子放慢些,抱的包袱少些,他会比迈克尔更出色——————大卫.斯特恩在我进入NBA之前我只认识两个得分后卫,一个是乔丹,一个是科比——————姚明和科比打比赛,你要像总决赛最后一场一样的去打,而且要灌满全场——————姚明如果科比在我们那个年代打球,我想我也许还要奋斗十几年才能3连冠——————拉塞尔 科比绝对是当今NBA最疯狂的家伙,得分疯狂时他可以如拾草芥般的得分——————拉塞尔 科比?不用我评价了吧,全世界文明的球员啊——————易建联 你们可以不喜欢他,可以讨厌、刁难、侮辱他,但是你必须承认,他是你值得敬仰的人——————乔丹 我在得60分时就知道科比并没有全力防守,没想到这次他这样报复我——————被科比防的失误频频的阿里纳斯 神奇,这是我对他唯一的评价——————魔术师 如果科比想要把湖人转到东部,我们也许会同意,因为作为当今NBA的代表人物,一切都应该为他展开——————大卫.斯特恩 如果他在学会了拼抢篮板、封盖和勾手,他不仅仅能成为NBA中最棒的后卫,还能成为最棒的中锋——————贾巴尔 我看干脆交易巴斯算了,科比就留下吧——————奥尼尔 科比是我们这个联盟最好的球员,他每晚的表现都是那样另人难以置信——————詹


关于科比·布莱恩特的故事 一、相关96年的狂想 96年的那届选秀大会能够说是自84年以来最成功的一届,那届新秀中的杰出人士更是被称作黄金一代,而科比无疑是这黄金一代的代 表人物。这让他的职业生涯从一开始就抹上了一层亮色。但不知有没 有人想过,如果科比没有选择在96年进入NBA,那他又将如何?我知 道这是一个狂想,但既然是扯谈,就不妨“狂”一下。能够肯定的说,如果他没有进入NBA,他会继续他的学业。与一般黑人球星不同,科比的学习成绩十分优秀,再加上在高中篮球界的威望,他无疑能够顺利 进入任何一所篮球名校。如果他喜欢,他能够像乔丹邓肯那样在大三 或毕业时参加选秀。只要他发挥正常,他能够轻易挤掉布兰德或肯扬. 马丁,拿到99年或2000年的状元秀。这样的话他将完全进入乔丹曾 走过的轨迹:经过NCAA的打磨与锻炼——以高顺位进入一支鱼腩球队——迅速成为这支球队的核心——拿到一切能够拿到的个人奖项—— 利用五到七年的时间将这支球队打造成一支冠军之师——创建一个不 败的王朝。听着似乎有一些太过玄妙,但能够肯定的是如果科比经过 大学篮球的洗礼再进入NBA,他完全有理由成为一支球队的主力,而不像他在湖人队那样坐了足足两年的板凳。而且如果他不是仅在96年位 列13位,黄蜂也不会轻易将他交换给湖人,他也不会遇到那个联盟中 统治力的中锋,并且在他的压制下苦苦奋争了8年。由此可见,上帝 对任何人都是公平的,他赋予了科比超乎常人的天赋,也让他以一种 别样的方式接受了磨练。这无疑是科比看似完美生活的一种残缺,但 也让科比更贴近真实。 二、源自扣篮大赛的敲门砖 对于一名每场仅上场十几分钟,得到6.7分的NBA菜鸟来说,如 果想迅速扬名立万的话,方法有两个:一是到纽约的NBA总部狂揍一 顿大卫.斯坦恩,二是得到扣篮大赛的冠军。科比无疑会选择后者。对 于1997年的扣篮大赛我始终有两个疑问:其一是如果阿伦.艾弗森不


2020高考语文作文人物素材——别了,科比:一切已结束,一切又永远不会结束 素材关键词:天才禀赋,勤奋付出,执着倔强,超越自我,追求完美,挑战极致,英雄主义,永不言弃,自信与谦虚,竞争和尊重,犯错和改错,人生无常,珍爱生命…… 一觉醒来,科比走了…… 美国体育媒体ESPN、新闻媒体ABC及娱乐新闻媒体TMZ等多家媒体报道,NBA球星科比·布莱恩特在当地时间26日,于加利福尼亚州洛杉矶县卡拉巴萨斯的一场直升机坠机事故中身亡。据洛杉矶县政府消息,该直升机坠机事故共造成9人死亡;NBC、CNN等媒体证实,科比13岁的女儿也在坠机事故中遇难。 一生紫金,五冠在手 1996年NBA选秀大会,成长于费城的高中生科比-布莱恩特在首轮第13顺位被夏洛特黄蜂选中,随即便被交易至湖人,而他整个NBA生涯皆效力于紫金军团。 辉煌的职业生涯 纵观整个生涯,科比可谓是载誉无数。他曾跟随湖人5次获得NBA总冠军,1次荣膺常规赛MVP,2次获得总决赛MVP,4次获得全明星赛MVP。另外他还18次入选NBA全明星阵容,15次入选联盟最佳阵容(11次一阵,2次二阵,2次三阵),12次入选联盟最佳防守阵容(9次一阵,3次二阵)。而他曾穿过的8号和24号球衣均被湖人队退役。从进入NBA到正式退役,科比-布莱恩特在总得分(33643分)、三分命中数(1827次)、抢断数(1944次)和出场数(1346场)这些数据方面均列湖人队史第一,另外他生涯6306次助攻的成就位列湖人队史第二。 和乔丹较劲:输了比赛赢了尊重 1998年2月8日,第48届NBA全明星赛,纽约麦迪逊广场花园,科比与乔丹上演“王者对决”。年轻的科比面对乔丹完成一记转体360度的高难度扣篮,乔丹毫不示弱连续背身强打科比。前三节,科比22分钟内拿下18分6个篮板1次助攻,乔丹在24分钟内拿到17分3个篮板4次助攻。只不过,科比最后一节枯坐冷板凳,乔丹赢得比赛,更捧走了MVP。但是,科比却向世人宣告,他到底有多强。 向乔丹请教:伟大球员的惺惺相惜 1998年,湖人总经理杰里-韦斯特告诉科比:“你的投篮手型有问题,去和迈克尔(乔丹)


科比经典语录中英文对照版 科比·布莱恩特(1978年8月23日-),美国职业篮球运动员,自1996年起效力于NBA洛杉矶湖人队,司职得分后卫。科比·布莱恩特是前NBA篮球运动员乔·布莱恩特的儿子。科比是NBA最好的得分手之一,突破、投篮、罚球、三分球他都驾轻就熟,几乎没有进攻盲区,单场比赛81分的个人纪录就有力的证明了这一点。除了疯狂的得分外,科比的组织能力也很出众,经常担任球队进攻的第一发起人。另外科比还是联盟中最好的防守人之一,贴身防守非常具有压迫性。 1.“What I’m doing right now, I’m chasing perfection.” “我现在所做的一切,都是为了追求更加完美。” 2.“Love me or hate me, it's one or the other. Always has been. Hate my game, my swagger. Hate my fadeaway, my hunger. Hate that I'm a veteran. A champion. Hate that. Hate it with all your heart. And hate that I'm loved, for the exact same reasons." 爱我或者恨我,两者必有其一。一直都这样。有人恨我的比赛,我的狂妄自大;恨我的后仰投篮,我对胜利的渴望;恨我是一名老将,恨我获得过总冠军。恨吧,用你的全部心思去恨吧。然而也有很多人深爱着我,理由却和恨我的人一样。 3.“I’ll do whatever it takes to win games, whether it’s sitting on a bench waving a towel, handing a cup of water to a teammate, or hitting the game-winning shot.” “为了取得比赛的胜利,要我做什么都可以,不管是坐在板凳席上给队友递毛巾、递水,还是上场执行致胜一投。” 4.“As far as carrying the torch for the years to come, I don’t know. I just want to be the best basketball player I can be.”


NB: This may not be a word-for-word transcript. Speech by Michael Jordan at the Memorial for Kobe and Gigi Bryant Staples Center February 25, 2020 I would say, “Good morning,” but it’s afternoon. I’m grateful to Vanessa and the Bryant family for the opportunity to speak today. I’m grateful to be here to honor Gigi and celebrate the gift that Kobe gave us all – what he accomplished as a basketball player, as a businessman and a storyteller and as a father. In the game of basketball, in life as a parent, Kobe left nothing in the tank. He left it all on the floor. Maybe it surprised people that Kobe and I were very close friends, but we were very close friends. Kobe was my dear friend. He was like a little brother. Everyone always wanted to talk about the comparisons between he and I. I just wanted to talk about Kobe. You know, all of us have brothers, sisters, little brothers, little sisters who, for whatever reason, always tend to get in your stuff, your closet, your shoes, everything. It was a nuisance, if I can say that word. But that nuisance turned into love over a period of time just because [of] the admiration that they had for you as big brothers or big sisters, the questions they’re wanting to know every little detail about life that they were about to embark on. He used to call me, text me 11:30, 2:30, 3:00 in the morning, talking about post-up moves, footwork, and sometimes, the triangle. At first, it was an aggravation, but then it turned into a certain passion. This kid had passion like you would never know. It’s an amazing thing about passion. If you love something, if you have a strong passion for something, you would go to the extreme to try to understand or try to get it – either ice cream, Cokes, hamburgers, whatever you have a love for. If you have to walk, you would go get it. If you have to beg someone, you would


关于科比的励志演讲稿 大家好! 黑曼巴是一种拥有致命剧毒的蛇,为什么我取这个名字呢?是因为我一旦进入赛场,我就是致命的,就像黑曼巴一样。所以在场下我可以开玩笑,但是我一旦进入赛场,我马上会像换了一个人一样,在球场上全神贯注。 我现在35岁了,算是走到了职业生涯的后半程,像这样一些受伤也是司空见惯了。一旦受伤,你就觉得世界停止了,不管是膝盖受伤,肩膀受伤等等。我知道很多人因此而把整个职业生涯都葬送了,有的人甚至一蹶不振,甚至无法返回赛场。当那个时刻发生的时候,我会看着镜子中的自己说,“科比你会怎么样?如果你经历这样的伤痛你会怎么样?“你知道我每次看到别人受伤,我见到很多人受伤后回不来,我看着镜子中的自己喃喃自语说,”是不是应该退出了?是不是应该停止打球了?“我自己都不知道还能否返回赛场。我现在坐在这里告诉你,我要完全康复回到球场。要抓住一切机会,向所有人证明你自己,证明你能够迎接挑战。向那些说你永远不成能成功,你一定会失败的人证明,这就是我的看法。如果有人说你这次受伤,要一蹶不振了,对我来说,如果别人受了这种伤可能就退出了,但是科比不能这样。别人说这下你不行了,我会说,你这样你才可能会退出。所以我必须要证明给他们看,尤其是给那些支持我,热爱我

的粉丝们,我一定要赢了自己,要赢了伤痛,能够重返赛场。这样才能让那些怀疑我的人重新思考,什么叫将不成能的变成可能。这些伤疤的重要性表现在这里,这些伤疤就是我成长转变的表现。 作为一个球员,我与生俱来的激-情就是想要成功,想要赢。同时也是人生最难却最重要的事情。作为一个球员,要到球场上去迎接最大的挑战,我觉得最大的挑战就是要把全队的人变成像一个人那样,要不竭地,不竭地取得胜利,这就是团队竞技比赛的最大挑战,这也正是我的激-情所在。对我个人来说,最重要的事是不竭地迎接挑战,并且永不畏惧挑战极为重要。 但更重要的是要对事物保持不竭的好奇心,比如说怎么样打得更好,怎么样提高技巧,怎么样从别人身上学到什么。其实我从小到现在一直从各个方面寻找激励我的因素,不仅仅从迈克尔·乔丹身上,从魔术师埃尔文·约翰逊身上,还从迈克尔·杰克逊,贝多芬,达芬奇,李小龙身上,这些伟大的人给了我激励,让我前进,所以这就是黑曼巴的精神。并不是说你要不竭进攻别人,而是要永不竭歇你前进的脚步。人生是学无止境的,于是不竭学习就显得极为重要。你要不竭地学习,学习,再学习,和别人交谈,了解,学习,而不是觉得你自己什么都懂。 只有这样,你才能成为一个更好的人,你的技巧才能进
