2020年 名校考前冲刺押题试卷 高考英语考前最后一套(六)

2020年  名校考前冲刺押题试卷  高考英语考前最后一套(六)
2020年  名校考前冲刺押题试卷  高考英语考前最后一套(六)


1、Chinese Language and Culture Summer Camp in China

Shanghai is the city which will present you how modernization meets tradition, and how western culture dances with eastern civilization. So it offers a best place for you to participate in Chinese language and culture summer camp.

Interactive Chinese Lessons

Our Chinese courses focus on developing speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in a well-balanced way, while each has its own focus. The teaching materials we use, offering 12 levels of classes, are written specially for our program. For beginners, speaking and listening abilities will be stressed while for advanced level students, the course will develop in depth their skills on Chinese characters recognition, long paragraph reading and writing, as well as fluent conversation.

Small Size Classes

Our students come from all over the world, mostly between 11 and 17 years old, having different Chinese levels. They will accept level assessment on the first day of camp, and be placed into different groups according to their language fluency. In a small-class setting each student can receive individual attention from teachers and achieve best studying result.

Traditional Culture Courses

We provide various culture courses to help students to develop interest in traditional Chinese culture, which will benefit their language learning. The culture courses include: Calligraphy, Traditional brush painting, Chinese Kong-fu, Tai-chi, Paper-cutting.

Day Camp

Day camp is designed for participants who have a host family in Shanghai. Day camp runs from Monday to Sunday between 8:30 and 17:00.

Day camp package includes:

Chinese classes in the mornings


Culture courses, field trip and sports activities in the afternoons

Others: Textbooks, studying materials, camp life souvenir

Day camp package NOT includes:


Daily pick up and drop off

Breakfast, dinner

Field trip is optional.

1. What is one of the summer camp’s features?

A. Its teaching materials are regular and common textbooks.

B. Every participant in the camp has to finish 12 levels of classes.

C. Beginners attend the class stressing characters recognition.

D. Students are placed in groups that meet their language fluency.

2. The summer camp’s traditional culture courses don’t include .

A. Traditional brush painting

B. Chinese Kong-fu

C. Traditional Chinese cooking

D. Paper-cutting

3. Which of the following descriptions about the day camp is TRUE?

A. Everyone who attends day camp will receive a camp life souvenir.

B. Participants in day camp can have breakfast, lunch and supper there.

C. Field trip is an activity that everyone is supposed to participate in.

D. Day camp is designed for participants who live in the summer camp.

2、On a freezing cold day, a couple had to move into a small apartment because of their failure in business. The husband worked day and night to support the family but gave no care of his wife. So she thought, “He doesn't love me any more. He just cares about his business ... not me”.

One day, she was about to take a shower when he stopped her at the door, “Let me take it first, okay?”“Why not me first?”she asked. “I am tired, honey, you take it later, okay?”She was entirely unhappy.

One day, she found nothing to do and turned on his computer. A few words came into her sight. Reading them, she burst into tears. It was his diary: Today, I was quite sad. She asked me why I was always taking the shower first, and I said to her, “I was exhausted.”She was unhappy. In her mind, I treated her not as well as usual, but what could I do? I was not as rich as before! We moved to the small apartment, and there was only one shower in the bathroom. It was so cold to take a shower in such a cold winter. But I found that if one person took the shower first, the room could get a little warmer. So every day I rushed to the bathroom first. I was thinking that, when she took the shower, the room would get warmer, even if it was only 1℃.

Now I cannot give her a comfortable life, take her to good restaurants, or buy expensive dresses for her, but at least, I can give her 1℃love.

1.Why did the couple move to the small apartment _______?

A.Both of them were out of work.

B.They wanted to live a better life.

C.The man could take better care of his business.

D.They were too poor to live in the former house.

2.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “exhausted”_______?





3.What can be inferred from the passage_______?

A.They would live a richer life soon.

B.The woman misunderstood her husband.

C.The man would care less about his business.

D.The woman would get angry after reading the diary.

4.What's the best title of the passage_______?

A.A Love Story


C.A Suffering Couple

D.Fight for the Bathroom

3、A recent study, while showing a generally positive attitude toward science, also suggests a widespread worry that it may be "running out of control ". This idea is dangerous.

Science can be a force for evil(邪恶)as well as for good. Its applications can be channeled either way, depending on our decisions. The decisions we make, personally or collectively will determine the outcomes of science. But here is real danger. Science is advancing so fast and is so strongly influenced by businesses that we are likely to believe whatever decisions we come to will make little difference. And, rather than fighting for the best possible policies, we may step back and do nothing.

Some people go even further. They say that despite the moral and legal objections ( 反对) whatever is scientifically possible will be done—-somewhere, sometime. They believe that science will get out of control in the end. This belief is dangerous too, because it fuels a sense of hopelessness and discourages them from making efforts to build a safer world.

In our interconnected(互联的)world,the lack of agreement in and out of the world of science can lead to the failure to control the use of science. Without a common understanding, the challenges of "controlling" science in this century will be really tough. Take human cloning for example. Despite the general agreement among scientists on its possible huge impact(影响)on traditional moral values, some countries still go ahead with the research and development of its related techniques. The outcomes are hard to predict. The outcomes are hard to predict. Therefore, discussions on how science is applied should be extended far beyond scientific societies. Only through the united efforts of people with hope, can we be fully safe against the misuse science and can science best serve mankind in the future.

1. According to the passage, what will happen if we hold that science is getting beyond control?

A. The development of science will hopelessly slow down.

B. Businesses will have an even greater influence on science.

C. The public will lose faith in bringing about a bright future.

D. People will work more actively to put science under control.

2. The discussion should reach beyond scientific societies because

A. scientists have failed to predict the outcomes

B the ties between different areas need strengthening

C. united efforts are necessary for the development of science

D. people need to work together to prevent the bad use of science

3. What can we conclude from the recent study?

A. People think highly of science. B People hold mixed opinions about science.

C. Science is getting dangerously out of control

D. Science is used for both good and bad purposes

4. What is the main idea of the passage?

A Science and its applications bring us many dangers.

B. The development of science mostly lies in people’s attitudes.

C Mankind can largely take control of science with their efforts.

D The future of science will be influenced by the dangerous ideas

4、 People have been wondering why elephants do not develop cancer even though they have lifespans(寿命)that are similar to humans, living for around 50 to 70 years.

Now scientists believe they know why. A team at the University of Chicago, US has found that elephants carry a large number of genes that stop tumors(肿

瘤)developing. To be precise, they found 20 copies of an anti-tumor gene called TP53 in elephants. Most other species, including humans, only carry one copy. According to the research, the extra copies of the gene improved the animal’s sensitivity to DNA damage, which lets the cells quickly kill themselves when

damaged before they can go on to form deadly tumors.

“An increased risk of developing cancer has stood in the way of the evolution of large body sizes in many animals ,”the study author Dr Vincent Lynch told The Guardian. If every living cell has the same chance of becoming cancerous(癌变的), large creatures with a long lifespan like whales and elephants should have a greater risk of developing cancer than humans and mice. But across species, the risk of cancer does not show a connection with body mass.

This phenomenon was found by Oxford University scientist Richard Peto in the 1970s and later named “Peto’s paradox(悖论)”. Biologists believe it results from larger animals using protection that many smaller animals do not. In the elephant’s case, the making of TP53 is nature’s way of keeping this species alive. The study also found that when the same genes were brought to life in mice, they had the same cancer resistance as elephants. This means researchers could use the discovery to develop new treatments that can help stop cancers spreading or even developing in the first place.

“Nature has already figured out how to prevent cancer,”said Joshua Schiffman, a biologist at the School of Medicine, University of Utah, US. “It’s up to us to learn how different animals deal with the problem so that we can use those strategies to prevent cancer in people.”

1.Why are elephants unlikely to develop cancer?

A.They have a rather large body size.

B.Their genes suffer no DNA damage.

C.Certain genes in their body kill existing tumors.

D.They carry many genes to prevent tumors developing.

2.According to the passage, what has been a risk in the evolution of large animals?

A.Deadly tumors.

B.The huge body mass.

C.Cells killing themselves.

D.Sensitivity to DNA damage.

3.What does the underlined part “This phenomenon”in Paragraph 5 probably refer to?

https://www.360docs.net/doc/2e5352895.html,rger animals have protection from TP53.

B.The risk of cancer is not

related to body size.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/2e5352895.html,rger animals suffer the same risk of cancer as smaller ones.

D.The larger animals are, the bigger risk of cancer they will have.

4.What can be concluded from the passage?

A.Depending on nature is surely enough to fight against cancer.

B.The TP53 genes have proved useful in stopping cancer in people.

C.Humans are expected to prevent cancer with the making of TP53.

D.The extra copies of elephants’genes are used to cure cancer patients.


Last summer over 12,000 fans were at Wembley Arena in London, shouting and cheering. Thousands more were watching online. 1 It was esports, or competitive computer gaming.

Millions of people in the UK play computer games for fun. Some of them have become professional gamers, playing games as their full-time job. 2 They practice for ten or more hours a day, five or six days a week. They do exercises like typing something and trying to type it faster and faster. They also study videos of other players and plan ways to beat them.

3 Are players athletes? Some say no. Esports players don’t need to run, jump, throw or do big physical actions. At the moment, the UK government classifies esports as kinds of games, not as sports.

But others say yes: esports are sports. Players do need some physical skills, especially hand-eye coordination, reflexes, accuracy and timing. If darts, snooker and shooting are classified as sports, then perhaps esports should be too.

4 And they will be an official medal sport in the Asian Games starting from 2022. Next step: the Olympics?

For many esports fans and players, though, the most important thing is that esports are growing in popularity and importance. 5

A. But are esports really sports?

B. All like playing computer games.

C. It’s not easy being a professional gamer, though.

D. But this wasn’t a football, basketball or tennis match.

E. It is certain that esports will come into the 2024 Olympics.

F. In fact, China and South Korea do classify esports as sports.

G. If esports are not as important as sports now, they definitely will be in the near future.

6、阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

The amount of usable water has always been of great interest in the world. 1 springs and streams sometimes means control,particularly in

the 2 areas like the desert.The control is possible even without possession of large areas of 3 land. In the early days of the American West,gun fights were not 4 for the water resources,and laws bad to be 5 to protect the water rights of the 6 and the use of the water resources accordingly.

7 is known to us all, there is not 8 water in all places for everyone to use as much as he likes. Deciding on the 9 of water that will be used in any particular period 10 careful planning, so that people can manage and use water more 11 . Farmers have to change their use of or demand for water 12 the water supply forecast.

The 13 water supply forecast is based more on the water from

the 14 than from the below. Interest is 15 in the ways to increase rainfall by man-made methods, and to get water from the winter snow on mountain 16 . With special equipment, some scientists are studying the ways in which the mountain snow can be 17 , and with the help of a repeater station, they send the 18 data(数据)to the base station. The operator at the base station can get the data at any time by 19 a button. In

the near future, the forecast and use of water 20 probably depend on the advance knowledge of snow on mountains, not of water underground.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/2e5352895.html,ing B.Holding C.Owning D.Finding

2.A.distant B.dry C.deserted D.wild

3.A.rich B.beautiful C.fine D.farming

4.A.unlawful B.unacceptable C.unpopular D.uncommon

5.A.made B.designed C.signed D.written

6.A.winners B.settlers C.fighters D.supporters

7.A.That B.It C.What D.As

8.A.plentiful B.any C.enough D.much

9.A.type B.quality C.amount D.level

10.A.requests B.requires C.means D.suggests

11.A.effectively B.easily C.conveniently D.actively

12.A.leading to B.due to C.owing to D.according to

13.A.correct B.further C.average D.early

14.A.clouds B.sky C.air D.above

15.A.raising B.rising C.building https://www.360docs.net/doc/2e5352895.html,sting

16.A.rocks B.tips C.tops D.trees

17.A.taken care of B.made use of C.piled up D.saved up

18.A.picked B.produced https://www.360docs.net/doc/2e5352895.html,ed D.gathered

19.A.touching B.knocking C.pressing D.turning

20.A.will B.can C.might D.should


Hollywood filmmakers visit Mulan's roots

Hollywood filmmakers, including creators of the 1998 Disney film Mulan, will start ①__________ “discovery trip”to Mulan’s birthplace —Huangpi District in Hubei Province this week.

During the two-day visit, they will see a number of Mulan-themed ②__________ ( performance) , such as the horse lighting show and the local opera. They will also visit places of historical interest, ③__________ the Mulan Mountain and the General's Temple.

In the 20 years since the Disney film came out, ④__________ (it) director Tony Bancroft hasn’t been to the land of Mulan's roots. "For me, it's a full circle tour of where my favorite character was born. I'm also doing my homework for the next film," he said.

“China used to be closed off to Westerners, thus ⑤__________ ( create) a mystery, but in the last few years, U. S. films ⑥__________ (explore ) the Chinese culture and environment, ⑦__________ has opened audiences to a whole new world. I believe the tale of Mulan appeals to Westerners mainly ⑧__________ it’s about a daughte'rs respect for her family, ⑨__________ (especial) her father,”Bancroft added.

A live-action remake of the 1998 film is expected to hit theaters in 2019. The Walt Disney Studios has announced that Chinese actress Liu Yifei, also ⑩

__________ ( know) as Crystal Liu, is going to star in the classic Chinese tale.

8、假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下边写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线( \ )划掉。



1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只请允许修改10 处,多者(从第11 处起)不计分。

It was a Monday morning. When I entered the classroom, the teacher is handing out test papers. I wasn’t prepared for the exam at all, that I had thought would be an easy test. I went through the paper many times, so I could only

answer several question. I didn’t want fail the exam. Then, I got out my notebook , opened them and started looking for the answers. The teacher wasn’t looking for me, so I copied something. Suddenly, I felt the hand on my shoulder! The teacher caught me was cheating. I didn’t know what to say. I got punished for the fool thing I had done.









3.参考词汇:设施——facility 共享单车——bike-sharing

Dear fellow students:

I'm Li Hua, a Senior Three student. I m appealing to you to focus more attention on shared bikes, of which the popularity has been increasing.

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________






答案:1.D; 2.C; 3.B; 4.B



答案:1.C; 2.D; 3.B; 4.B



答案:1.D; 2.A; 3.B; 4.C

解析:1.根据文章第二段A team at the University of Chicago, US has found that elephants carry a large number of genes that stop tumors(肿瘤) developing. To be precise, they found 20 copies of an anti-tumor gene called TP53 in elephants. Most other species, including humans, only carry one copy.可以判断:大象携带了许多抗癌基因来阻止肿瘤的发展,所以选择D。

2.根据文章第四段第一句“An increased risk of developing cancer has stood in the way of the evolution of large body sizes in many animals,”联系上文中提到的肿瘤,可知选A。

3.因为划线部分在第五段第一句,而且是承接上文说的,所以往文章第四段最后几句找。从But across species, the risk of cancer does not show a connection with body mass.可以判断:这种现象指的是物种患癌症的几率和他们的体型没有关系,所以选择B。

4.A项太过绝对,文中提到的只是自然给予我们战胜癌症的一种可能性,并不是说一定可以。B项文中没有提到,用于做实验的是老鼠,不是人。选择C说的是未来的一种可能性,正确。D 项文中没有提及大象的基因已经被用来治愈癌症病人,所以错误。





①. 根据空格后的It was esports, or competitive computer gaming.这是一场电脑游戏竞技比赛。得知前面是人们欢呼观看的不是球赛。故选D。

②. 根据空格后的They practice for ten or more hours a day, five or six days a week.他们每天练习比赛长达10小时之上,每周5到6天。得知这些专业游戏家们很辛苦,不容易。故选C。

③. 根据空格后的提问与回答Are players athletes? Some say no. At the moment, the UK government classifles esports as kinds of games, not as sports.电竞比赛选手是运动员吗?英国政府把这种电竞分类为游戏比赛而不是体育。得知句首提问电竞是否是运动,故选A。

④. 根据空格后的And they will be an official medal sport in the Asian Games starting from 2022.得知亚奥理事会宣布电子竞技在2022 年杭州亚运会上成为正式比赛项目。可以推断出前面是说中国、韩国把电竞看成一项运动。故选F。

⑤. 根据空格前的the most important thing is that esports are growing in popularity and importance.电竞比赛越来越流行、越来越受重视。得知后面如果电竞不像运动那么重要,在不久的将来也会实现。故选G。


①. 根据空格后的It was esports, or competitive computer gaming.这是一场电脑游戏竞技比赛。得知前面是人们欢呼观看的不是球赛。故选D。

②. 根据空格后的They practice for ten or more hours a day, five or six days a week.他们每天练习比赛长达10小时之上,每周5到6天。得知这些专业游戏家们很辛苦,不容易。故选C。

③. 根据空格后的提问与回答Are players athletes? Some say no. At the moment, the UK government classifles esports as kinds of games, not as sports.电竞比赛选手是运动员吗?英国政府把这种电竞分类为游戏比赛而不是体育。得知句首提问电竞是否是运动,故选A。

④. 根据空格后的And they will be an official medal sport in the Asian Games starting from 2022.得知亚奥理事会宣布电子竞技在2022 年杭州亚运会上成为正式比赛项目。可以推断出前面是说中国、韩国把电竞看成一项运动。故选F。

⑤. 根据空格前的the most important thing is that esports are growing in popularity and importance.电竞比赛越来越流行、越来越受重视。得知后面如果电竞不像运动那么重要,在不久的将来也会实现。故选G。


答案:1.C; 2.B; 3.A; 4.D; 5.A; 6.B; 7.D; 8.C; 9.C; 10.B; 11.A; 12.D; 13.A; 14.D; 15.B;

16.C; 17.B; 18.D; 19.C; 20.A

解析:1.从下文可以看出,由于地球上的水源不充足,有时有泉水的地方就意味着控制。own 拥有。

2.根据下文中的“the desert”可判断出是干旱地区。distant“遥远的";deserted “废弃的”; wild “野生的”。

3.比较上文中的“desert”可确定选rich,即使没有大片的富饶的土地也要控制。rich land “富饶的土地”。


5.make laws“制定法律”是一个固定搭配。

6.制定法律保护移民者用水的权力和按照规定使用水源。winner“胜利者”; fighter“战士”; supporter“支持者”;settler“移民者”。

7.as is known to us all为尚定句型,意为“众所周知......”。


9.the amount of water“水量”。type“类型,’;quality“质量”; level“水平”。

10.决定任何特殊时期的用水量需要仔细计划。require“需要”; request"请求";mean"意味着”;suggest “建议”。

11.上文“there is not enough water in all places for everyone to use as much as he

likes" 说明由于水源不足,需要仔细地计划特殊时期的用水量,以便使人们更加有效地用水。effectively“有效地”。

12.农民必须根据供水预报改变他们的用水量。according to“根据”。

13.the correct water supply forecast 正确的供水预报。

14.根据下文中的“depend on the advance knowledge of snow on mountains,not of water underground”可确定应选above 作为正确答案。the above指“山上的积雪”;the below指“地下水”。

15.人们对人工增加降雨量的兴趣不断增加。raise是及物动词, 后面要接宾语。rise是不及物动词。

16.根据常识可知,在冬天,雪会堆积在山顶上。on mountain tops “在山顶上”。

17.科学家正在研究利用积雪的方法。make use of“利用”。

18.人们为了利用山上的积雪,需要不断地收集有关数据。the gathered data“收集的数据”。

19.操作员只要按一下按钮随时都可以获得数据。press a button “按按钮”。

20.根据时间状语“in the near future”可确定要用一般将来时。


答案:1. a2.performances3. like4. its5. creating6. have explored7. which8. because9. especially10. known


1. a此处填不定冠词a,表示“一”。

2. performances考查名词单复数。前面有a number of,表示“许多”,后接可数名词复数。



5. creating考查现在分词作状语。

6. have explored考查动词的时态。由本句中的时间状语in the last few years 可知此处用动词的现在完成时态。

7. which考查定语从句的关系词。由于此处是非限制性定语从句,且先行词指物,所以填which。

8. because考查状语从句。此处表原因。句意:Bancroft补充说:“我认为花木兰的传说之所以能吸引西方人主要是因为花木兰对家人尤其是对她父亲的尊重”。

9. especially 考査词性转换。由语境可知,此处要用副词especially。

10. known考查非谓语动词。此处用过去分词known作定语修饰前面的Liu Yifei。



It was a Monday morning. When I entered the classroom, the teacher

is was

handing out test papers. I wasn’t prepared for the exam at all,



I had

thought would be an easy test. I went through the paper many times, so


I could

only answer several question


. I didn’t want μto fail the exam. Then, I got out

my notebook


, opened



and started looking



the answers. The teacher

wasn’t looking for me, so I copied something. Suddenly, I felt the


hand on my

shoulder! The teacher caught me was cheating. I didn’t know what to say. I got

punished for the



thing I had done.




Dear fellow students:

I'm Li Hua. a Senior Two student. I’m appealing to you to focus more attention on shared bikes, of which the popularity has been increasing. Benefits of bike-sharing riding are obvious: they never produce pollution, thus encouraging low-carbon lifestyle. Convenience is also why people are in favor of it.

Additionally, public bikes are almost free of charge while other forms, taxis, for example, are quite expensive.

But still, problems cannot be overlooked. The main concern is that random parking frequently bothers others a lot. Worst of all,bikes of this kind are left damaged for unknown reasons.

So, considerate parking is what enables everybody to enjoy the public facility. Do keep in mind that when using them, one should take good care of shared bikes rather than destroying the properties. A small action can make a huge difference. Everybody counts.

Yours sincerely!

Li Hua. 解析:略


2016年上海市高考英语试卷 I. Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1.(1分)A.It is satisfactory. B.It is luxurious. C.It is old﹣fashioned. D.It is disappointing. 2.(1分)A.On August 5th. B.On August 6th. C.On August 7th. D.On August 8th. 3.(1分)A.A waiter. B.A butcher. C.A porter. D.A farmer. 4.(1分)A.In a theatre. B.In a library. C.In a booking office. D.In a furniture store. 5.(1分)A.She expected to a better show. B.She could hardly find her seat. C.She wasn't interested in the show. D.She didn't get a favourable seat. 6.(1分)A.The woman often eats out for breakfast.


赢在微点★倾情奉献 英语押题卷(一) 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)略 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A Hundreds of spectators cheered them on at the North American Wife Carrying Championship. The annual event, in its 15th year, was held at the base of a grassy ski mountain at the Sunday River Resort in Maine. “The people in Finland put together this event because they felt there should be at least one news story in the year that makes people laugh,” said competitor John Lund, who spent four years in Finland, the birthplace of wife carrying as a modern sport. The competition began there in the 1990s and was inspired loosely by the legend of a 19th-century outlaw who tested the mettle (毅力) of his gang of robbers by having them run an obstacle course with a woman on their backs. The sport has since gained enthusiasts around the world. The event on Saturday in Maine was one of several officially qualifying competitions for international championships in Finland, with the others held in Australia, Sweden and Estonia. Nearly every team employed the “Estonian carry”, in which the woman hangs the head down with her legs hooked around the man’s neck and her arms around his waist, which frees his hands. Despite the competition’s name, the couple does not need to be married. The winners on Saturday were Jesse Wall, a gym owner, and his friend Christina Arsenault. Under the rules of the game, they won Arsenault’s weight in beer and five times the n umerical value of her weight in cash. Asked what he planned to do with the 10 cases of beer, Wall looked around and said, “Share them with everyone here. ” 21.What does the writer want to tell us? A. The wife carrying sport was originally held in Australia. B. The annual event in Maine has been around for 15 years. C. People had to use the “Estonian carry” in the championship. D. People had to get married to take part in the championship. 22.Why did the Finnish invent the event? A. To make an amusing news story. B. To attract more travelers to Finland. C. To test people’s courage and patience. D. To make people join in outdoor activities. 23.Which of the following countries is the officially qualifying competition not held in? A. Finland. B. Australia. C. Sweden. D. Spain. B Cold, snowy weather has arrived in many places. That means young people are enjoying building snowmen, going snowboarding and having snowball fights. But in one small American city, children can’t play with snow to the fullest. The town of Severance, north of Denver, gets about 100 centimeters of snowfall a year. For almost 100 years, city rules have said it is forbidden to throw or shoot stones or missiles at people, animals, buildings, trees or vehicles. Snowballs were considered to be part of the town’s definition (定义) of “missiles”.


英语试卷第1页(共28页) 英语试卷第2页(共28页) ------------在 ---------------------此--------------------- 卷--------------------- 上--------------------- 答--------------------- 题--------------------- 无-------------------- 效 ---------------- 毕业学校_____________ 姓名________________ 考生号_______________ ________________ ___________


英语试卷第1页(共28页) 英语试卷第2页(共28页) ------------在 ---------------------此--------------------- 卷 --------------------- 上 --------------------- 答 --------------------- 题 --------------------- 无 -------------------- 效 ---------------- 毕业学校_____________ 姓名________________ 考生号_______________ ________________ ___________


英语试卷第1页(共28页) 英语试卷第2页(共28页) ------------在 ---------------------此--------------------- 卷--------------------- 上--------------------- 答--------------------- 题--------------------- 无-------------------- 效 ---------------- 毕业学校_____________ 姓名________________ 考生号_______________ ________________ ___________


第一学期高三年级期终调研测试 英语试卷 (完卷时间: 120分钟满分: 140分) 第I卷(共100分) I. Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. In a cosmetics shop. B. In a hospital. C. In a nutrition department. D. In a supermarket. 2. A. Boss and secretary. B. Editor and publisher. C. Student and professor. D. Writer and reader. 3. A. Open a wedding company. B. Try a new restaurant. C. Run his own bakery. D. Buy some insurance. 4. A. The package is too big to deliver. B. The delivery can be made automatically. C. The woman will have lunch with the man. D. The man can make the delivery tomorrow morning. 5. A. He was most difficult to satisfy. B. He set many special requirements. C. He inspected the project regularly. D. He was as common as other customers. 6. A. An amazing book. B. A great woman. C. A scientific field. D. A strong voice. 7. A. He himself is a big fan of Hepburn. B. He does not think the girl is like Hepburn. C. H e felt puzzled by girls’ love for Hepburn. D. He does not know anything about Hepburn. 8. A. When to do mind-wandering. B. Where to have physical activities. C. How to keep attentive in a lecture. D. How to take notes in a lecture. 9. A. Ordinary. B. Practical. C. Disturbing. D. Unrealistic. 10. A. Decorating the company. B. Finishing a painting. C. Preparing a presentation. D. Restructuring the budget. Section B Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation. After each passage or conversation, you will be asked several questions. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage. 11. A. 2. B. 11. C. 21. D. 30. 12. A. A horse. B. A dog. C. A pig. D. A cat. 13. A. More annoyed. B. Less anxious. C. More frightened. D. Less shocked. Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.


号 位封座密 号 场不考 订绝密★启用前 【英语高考】普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 英语 注意事项: 1、答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2、回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡 上,写在本试卷上无效。 3、考试结束后,请将本试题卷和答题卡一并上交。 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)(略) 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该 项涂黑。 T o teach effective lessons that inspire and lead to rapid progress from all students. T o plan and prep are effective schemes of work and lessons. T o use regular assessments to set targets for students,and monitor their progress. T o maintain regular and productive communication with students and parents. The Perfect Candidate Must hold a university diploma. Able to work well within a team. S trong understanding of the primary curriculum. Able to create interesting and engaging lessons for students. Deadline:Apply by Thursday,4th January2018at9am. Contact Us Please d on't hesitate to contact us at ASQ Education. If you feel like this is not quite the right role for you,please still contact us at ASQ Edu cation,we have a variety of roles in Primary and Secondary School. 21.What main duties should a supply teacher take? A.Plan,prep are and teach effective lessons. B.Guide students to experience after-school activities. 装号 证Supply Primary T eachers Needed A C.Set targets to become a full time employee. D.Make sure of the students’freedom and flexibility. 考准We work with a group of‘Good’and‘Excellent’schools located across London.We are looking for 【答案】A 只卷 excellent teachers who have a passion for teaching and are looking for new opportunities. About Supply T eaching Supply teaching gives you the fr eedom and flexibility to work at a variety of different schools.Y ou have the option of day-to-day supply or long-term supply,which could lead to a full time employment. Y ou would be required to have a great understanding of the primary curriculum(课程).If you have 【解析】细节理解题。根据第三部分的前两句 “To teach effective lessons that inspire and lead to rapid progress from all students.T o plan and prepare effective schemes of work and lessons.”可知 计划、筹备 并进行有效的教学是老师的主要职责之一。故选A。 22.Which of the following is not suitable to be a supply teacher? A.O ne who has a clear idea of primary curriculum. 名 姓 exper ience,then please don’t hesitate to apply. B.O ne who has great passion for teaching. 此Y ou would be working with students who have varied needs. W e are looking for able and d ev ot ed teachers who are able to teach and engage with the whole class while teaching. C.O ne who has teaching experience. D.O ne who likes working alone.【答案】D 级班 Supply roles are great for experienced teachers and newly qualified teachers looking to gain experience. Key Responsibilities 英语试卷第1页(共16页)


2020高考虽然延期,但是每天的练习一定要坚持,加油! 选择题 第一部分听力 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 本部分共两节,满分30分。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A. £19.15 B. £9.15 C. £9.18 答案是B. 1. What will the man probably do after the conversation? A. Wait there B. Sit down C. Find a man 2. Who are the speakers talking about? A. An actor B. A writer C. A waiter 3. Where does the conversation take place? A. At an airport B. On a bus C. On a plane 4. When will the woman leave for New York? A. On Monday B. On Tuesday C. On Wednesday

5. Why is the man worried? A. There will be a test tomorrow B. He has a lot of homework to do C. The woman is unwilling to help him 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. What did the man buy in Xi’an? A. An ancient jar B. A wonderful knife C. A set of china 7. When will the woman go to the man’s house? A. This Saturday evening B. This Sunday evening C. Next Saturday evening 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8. When is Alice’s birthday? A. Tomorrow B. The day after tomorrow C. The day before yesterday


2016年普通高等学校全国统一考试(新课标全国卷III) 英语 注意事项: 本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。考试结束后.将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第I卷 注意事项: 1.答第I卷前,考考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号填写在答题卡上。 2.选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应的题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,在选涂其他答案标号。不能答在本试卷,否则无效。 第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Music Opera at Music Hall: 1243 Elm Street. The season runs June through August, with additional performances in March and September. The Opera honors Enjoy the Arts membership discounts. Phone: 241-2742. . Chamber Orchestra: The Orchestra plays at Memorial Hall at 1406 Elm Street, which offers several concerts from March through June. Call 723-1182 for more information. http:// Symphony Orchestra: At Music Hall and Riverbend. For ticket sales, call 381-3300. Regular season runs September through May at Music Hall in summer at Riverbend. . College Conservatory of Music (CCM): Performances are on the main campus(校园) of the university, usually at Patricia Cobbett Theater. CCM organizes a variety of events, including performances by the well-known LaSalle Quartet, CCM’s Philharmonic Orchestra, and various groups of musicians presenting Baroque through modern music. Students with I.D. cards can attend the events for free. A free schedule of events for each term is available by calling the box office at 556-4183. .edu/events/calendar.


2017年上海高考英语真题试卷_上海市2017高考英语试卷及参考答案 2017年高考已经结束,相信大家都对高试卷感兴趣,下面是小编收集的上海市2017高考英语试卷及参考答案,供大家参考! 第I卷 第一部分: 听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。 每段对话仅读一遍。 1. Who has given up smoking? A. Jack. B. Frank. C. The woman. 2. Why does the woman apologize to the man? A. She broke his telephone. B. She didn’t take him to the hospital.

C. She forgot to tell him the message. 3. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Salesgirl and customer. B. Passenger and driver. C. Wife and husband. 4. What is the woman’s opinion about the course? A. Too hard. B. Worth taking. C. Very easy. 5. What is the woman doing? A. She is apologizing. B. She is complaining. C. She is worrying. 第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出虽佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟; 听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两 遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. Who wants to attend a US university? A. A daughter of the man’s friend. B. The man’s daughter. C. The man’s friend. 7. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a classroom. B. Over the phone. C. At a language


2020年高考押题预测卷 英语 (考试时间:120分钟试卷满分:150分) 注意事项: 1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需 改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本 试卷上无效。 3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分听力(共两节,满分 30 分) 做题时,请先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转 涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题 1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一 遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A. £ 19. 15. B. £ 9. 18. C. £ 9. 15. 答案是 C。 1. What is the man going to do? A. Have a meeting. B. Go to class. C. Have a test. 2. How did the woman feel about her holiday? A. Disappointed. B. Pleased. C. Excited. 3. What doesn’t the woman want to eat for lunch? A. Noodles. B. Sandwiches. C. Pizza. 4. Why is the man worried? A. His train is delayed. B. He’s late for a meeting. C. The woman’s leaving soon. 5. What do the speakers talk about?


英语试卷 第1页(共20页) 英语试卷 第2页(共20页) 绝密★启用前 2019年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(全国Ⅲ卷) 英 语 第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A 、B 、C 和D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A OPENINGS AND PREVIEWS Animals Out of Paper Yolo! Productions and the Great Griffon present the play by Rajiv Joseph, in which an origami (折纸术)artist invites a teenage talent and his teacher into her studio . Merri Milwe directs . In previews . Opens Feb .12.(West Park Presbyterian Church, 165 W .86th St .212-868-4444.) The Audience Helen Mirren stars in the play by Peter Morgan, about Queen Elizabeth II of the UK and her private meetings with twelve Prime Ministers in the course of sixty years . Stephen Daldry directs . Also starring Dylan Baker and Judith Ivey . Previews begin Feb . 14. (Schoenfeld, 236 W .45th St .212-239-6200.) Hamilton Lin-Manuel Miranda wrote this musical about Alexander Hamilton, in which the birth of America is presented as an immigrant story . Thomas Kail directs . In previews . Opens Feb .17.(Public, 425 Lafayette St .212-967-7555.) On the Twentieth Century Kristin Chenoweth and Peter Gallagher star in the musical comedy by Betty Comden and Adolph Green, about a Broadway producer who tries to win a movie star's love during a cross-country train journey . Scott Ellis directs, for Roundabout Theatre Company . Previews begin Feb .12.(American Airlines Theatre, 227 W .42nd St .212-719-1300.) 1. What is the play by Rajiv Joseph probably about? A . A type of art . B . A teenager's studio . C . A great teacher . D . A group of animals . 2. Who is the director of The Audience ? A . Helen Mirren . B . Peter Morgan . C . Dylan Baker . D . Stephen Daldry . 3. Which play will you go to if you are interested in American history? A . Animals Out of Paper . B . The Audience . C . Hamilton . D . O n the Twentieth Century . B For Western designers, China and its rich culture have long been an inspiration for Western creative . "It's no secret that China has always been a source (来源)of inspiration for designers," says Amanda Hill, chief creative officer at A+E Networks, a global media company and home to some of the biggest fashion (时尚)shows . Earlier this year, the China Through A Looking Glass exhibition in New York exhibited 140 pieces of China-inspired fashionable clothing alongside Chinese works of art, with the aim of exploring the influence of Chinese aesthetics (美学)on Western fashion and how China has fueled the fashionable imagination for centuries . The exhibition had record attendance, showing that there is huge interest in Chinese influences . "China is impossible to overlook," says Hill . "Chinese models are the faces of beauty and fashion campaigns that sell dreams to women all over the world, which means Chinese women are not just consumers of fashion — they are central to its movement ." Of course, only are today's top Western designers being influenced by China — some of the best designers of contemporary fashion are themselves Chinese ." Vera Wang, Alexander Wang, Jason Wu are taking on Galliano, Albaz, Marc Jacobs-and beating them hands down in design and sales," adds ------------- 在 --------------------此 -------------------- 卷--------------------上 -------------------- 答-------------------- 题--------------------无 -------------------- 效---------------- 毕业学校_____________ 姓名________________ 考生号________________ ________________ _____________


(全国卷)2020年高考英语押题卷及答案解析 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A Once there were two mice. They were friends. One mouse lived in the country; the other mouse lived in the city. After many years the Country mouse saw the City mouse; he said, "Do come and see me at my house in the country." So the City mouse went. The City mouse said, "This food is not good, and your house is not good. Why do you live in a hole in the field? You should come and live in the city. You would live in a nice house made of stone. You would have nice food to eat. You must come and see me at my house in the city." The Country mouse went to the house of the City mouse. It was a very good house. Nice food was set ready for them to eat. But just as they began to eat they heard a great noise. The City mouse cried, " Run! Run! The cat is coming!" They ran away quickly and hid. After some time they came out. When they came out, the Country mouse said, "I do not like living in the city. I like living in my hole in the field. For it is nicer to be poor and happy, than to be rich and afraid." 21.From the passage, we know that _______. A.The City mouse and the Country mouse finally living together. B.The Country mouse would live in his Country field. C.The cat had eaten the Country mouse. D.The City cat have a rich and safe living. 【答案】B 【解析】根据最后一段的“ I like living in my hole in the field. For it is nicer to be poor and happy, than to be rich and afraid." 可知乡村里的老鼠最后仍会生活在它的田里。 22.Why does the Country mouse want to go back to his field. A. Because he dislike living with the City mouse. B.Because he dislike the food in the city. C.Because he prefer a poor but happy life.
