



2006年6月Do all the exercises in the exercise-book (from U2—15)


I. Find the choice that best completes each of the following sentences: (20%)

*. John is a _______ boy.

A. twelve years old

B. twelve-year-old

C. twelve-year-old’s C. twelve-years’ old

0. We played two draws the other day, but when I tried ______ time , I was beaten.

A. a third

B. the third

C. a three

D. the three

1. If I ________ time last Sunday, I would have gone to see you.

A. had had*

B. had

C. have had

D. would have

2. It was in this room ______ the meeting was held.

A. which

B. what

C. where

D. that*

3.They ______very late. (u-11-p76)

A. seldom stay up*

B. stay seldom up

C. stay hardly

D. stay scarcely

4. The _________ you work, the _______points you’ll get in the exams.

A. few…little

B. fewer…fewer

C. less…fewer*

D. less…less

5. Moonlight is only sunlight _______ on the moon.

A. shone

B. shining*

C. shine

D. shines

6. He is over fifty, but he looks as if he ______ only his thirties.

A. were*

B. is

C. will be

D. has been

7. The book _____ by the famous writer is being printed at the factory.

A. wrote

B. write

C. written*

D. writing

8. Look what you’ve done! You ______ be more careful.

A. may

B. should*

C. had to

D. would

9. _______ that it was raining, he put on his raincoat.

A. See

B. To see

C. Saw

D. Seeing*(seeing that---because)

10. John Hilton, ______ is a journalist, made an excellent speech at the meeting yesterday.

A. that

B. whom *

C. who

D. whose

11. Many new oilfields _____up one after another in our country.

A. will be opened*

B. has opened

C. open

D. is being opened

12. To pay tribute to our beloved Premier Zhou Enlai, _____ came Tien An Men Square on April 5, 2005. (p24)

A. thousand people

B. thousands of people*

C. thousands people

D. a thousand people

13. When _____, ice will be changed into water.

A. heating

B. heats

C. heated*

D. heat

(from 05-1 the central TVU-3446)

14.He avoided _________ us a definite answer.

A. to give

B. giving*

C. give

D. to giving

15. She often helped us _______ the washing and cooking.

A. in

B. on

C. for

D. with*

16. It was _______ who did it.

A. we*

B. our

C. us

D. ours

17. We played two drawers the other day, but when I tried ________ time, I was beaten.

A. the third

B. a third*

C. a three

D. the three

18. The products in that shop may be _____ than those in others, but ______.

A. more cheaper…not as good

B. cheaper…not as good*

C. cheaper…not as better

D. more cheaper…not as better

19. If I _______you, I would study English harder.

A. am

B. will be

C. were*

D. would be

(1—6from the paper 05-1 central TV)

20. “Would you mind my opening the window?”


A. No, I wouldn’t*

B. Yes, I mind not

C. No, I would

D. Yes, I do

21. If you argue with him, it will only make things _____ for all of us.

A. worse*

B. worst

C. better

D. best

22. He slipped and broke his leg. _____, he will have to be away from school for two or there months.

A. As result

B. As a result*

C. For result

D. For a result


23. “______ are you going to stay there?”

“ For a week or so.”

A. How much

B. How long*

C. How soon

D. What time

24. I was told he would be back ______an hour.(u-12-p95)

A. at

B. on

C. for

D. after*

25. I will be back ________two weeks.

A. at

B. about

C. in*

D. after

26. “Are you going to the post office?”

“No. _______.”

A. I am

B. I didn’t

C. I did

D. I’ve already been there.*

(from the exercise book)

27. Please don’t get mad ______me. I was only trying to help.() (u-12-p95)

A. on

B. to

C. at*

D. against

28. Her father is _______ than intelligent.

A. more kinder

B. more kind

C. kinder

D. kind

29. The village in ______ I lived when I was young has changed a lot.

A. that

B. which*

C. where

D. when

30. ________you use to walk to the office at that time?

A. Did*

B. Do

C. Are

D. Were

31. There was nothing to do but________.

A. escaped

B. escape

C. to be escaped

D. to escaping

32. I don’t like these apples. They are getting ________.

A. rot

B. rotted

C. rotten

D. rotting

33. Asia and America are separated by _______ Pacific Ocean.

A. the

B. a

C. an

D. some

34. She was __________ girl that he fell in love with her at first sight.

A. a nice so

B. so nice

C. so a nice

D. so nice a

II. From the four underlined parts in each of the following sentences choose the one that is wrong:(20%)

*. I have lost my keys; I cannot remember where I lost it.


0. There was hardly somebody at the party who liked to talk to him, even though everyone


knew who he was.


1. You mustn’t read that article if you don’t want to.

A* B C D

2. He practiced to swim in the morning of Sunday.

A B* C D

3. The Amazon which source lies in the Andes is the world’s longest river.

A B* C D

4. The students thought that the teachers may have already set the papers for the examination.


5. It was him who broke the window.

A B C* D

6. Hangzhou is the most beautiful city I saw.

A B C D*

7. At that time she is working in a PLA unit.

A B C* D

8. Tom and Mary are traveling in the Europe now. they plan to visit Germany, France


and Spain.

9. There is little what the enemy could do besides surrender.

A B C* D

10. Over mine-tenth of China’s inhabitants be long to the Han nationalily.

A* B C D

11. My uncle lived in this city since 1980. (u5-p31 tense)

A* B C D

12. Though he is quite young , but he knows a lot.

A B C* D

13. Have you ever seen his sister’s Xiao Hua’s book?

A B C* D

14. “Let me help you with the suitcase.” : Thanks. Myself can do it.”

A B C* D

15. Its capacity was 7.3 time as great as in 1990.

A* B C D

16. One of Mrs Wilson’s daughters doesn’t play the piano as skillful as the other one does.

A* B C D

17. In the end of the party, Lois found herself washing the dishes alone again, as usual.

A* B C D

18. This is the last time which I shall give you a lesson.

A B C* D

19. This room is three time larger than that.

A* B C D

20. She appeared at the ball with the splendid jewels what were borrowed from

A B C* D

a rich lady.

21. In the United States, inches and feets are still used as units of measurement.


22. There was a very interesting news on the radio this morning about the earthquake in



23. His uncle’s and aunt’s house is in Beijing.

A B C* D

24. Because he is our monitor, as he always takes the lead in everything.

A* B C D

25. The best work is not always done by those who work the faster.


26. Penny has always enjoyed looking the flowers and walking through the park.


27. If one does not work hard, you can’t expect to succeed.

A B* C D

28. There was a news on the radio this morning about the earthquake in Japan. (u2p12)

A B* C D

29. I wish I can speak Chinese so that I can talk directly with you.

A B* C D

30. Liberation put an end to the miserable life we live.

A B C D*

31. I let you have the book when I’m through.

A B C* D

22. He is very strong. He can be able to work for another hour.


33. They didn’t let me to go by ship.

A B C* D

34. If you saw the number of pancake he consumed at breadfast this morning, you


would have understood why he is so overnight.


35. Oliver learned that Rose had fallen into a deep sleep from that she would awake either to


get better or to die.

36. The membership committee are trying to make up its mind about your application.


III. Fill in the blanks with proper tense forms of the verbs given in brackets: (20%)


Jim walked into a store which had a sign outside: “Second-hand clothes bought and sold.” He 1 (carry) an old pair of trousers and 2 (ask) the owner of the store, “How much ________you 3 (give) me for these?”The man looked at them and then 4 (say) rudely , “Two dollars.”

“What!” said Jim. “I 5 (guess) they were worth at least five.”

“No,” 6 (say) the man, “they 7 (be) not worth a penny more than two dollars.”

“8 (be) you sure?” asked Jim.

“Very sure,”9 (say) the man.

“Well,”said Jim, 10 two dollars out dollars out of his pocket, “here 11 (be) your money. These trousers 12 (hang) outside your store with a price tag that 13$ 6.50, but I 14 (think) that was too much money, so I 15 (want) to make sure how much they 16really worth.”

Then he 17 (walk) out of the store with the pair of trousers and 18 before the surprised store owner 19 (can think) of anything to20 .

1. _________

2. _________

3. ________


5. __________

6. _________


8. _______

9._________ 10. __________

11._________ 12.__________13. _______ 14. _______ 15. _________

16._________ 17.__________ 18. _______ 19. _______ 20. _________


A judge was working in his room one day when a neighbor 1 (run) in and 2 (say), “If one man’s cow 3 (kill) another’s, 4 (be) the owner of the first cow responsible?”

“It 5 (depend),” 6 (answer) the judge.

“well,”7 (say) the man, “Your cow 8 (kill) mine.”

“Oh,”9 (answer) the judge. “Everyone 10 (know)that a cow 11 (ca not think) like a man, so a cow 12 (be )not responsible, and that 13 (mean) that is its owner 14 (be ) not responsible either.”

“I am sorry, Judge,” said the man. “ I 15 (make) a mistake. I 16 (mean) that my cow killed yours.”

The judge 17 (think) for a few seconds and then said, “When I 18 (think) about it more carefully this case is not as easy as I 19 (think) at first. “And then he turned to his clerk and said. “Please 20 (bring) me that black book from the shelf behind you.”


2. ________

3. __________

4. _________

5. _________

6. ________

7. ________

8. __________

9. _________ 10. ________

11. _______ 12. _______ 13. ________ 14. __________ 15. _________

16. _______ 17. _______ 18 ________ 19. __________ 20. _________

(1. ran 2. said 3. kills 4. is 5. depends

6. answered

7. said

8. has killed

9. answered 10. knows

11. cannot think 12. is 13. means 14. is 15. made

16. meant 17. thought 18. think 19. thought 20. bring)


Fill in the blanks with proper tense forms of the adjectives given in brackets: (20%) Once a year a race is held for old cars. A lot of cars entered for this race last year and there was a 1 (great) deal of excitement just before if began. One of the 2 (handsome) cars was a Rolls Royce Silver Ghost. The 3 (unusual) car was a Benz which had only three wheels. Built in 1885, it was the 4 (old) car taking part. After a great 5 (many) loud explosions, the race began. 6 (many) of the cars broke down on the course and some drivers spent 7 (much) time under their cars than in them! A 8 (few) cars, however, completed the race. The

winning car reached a speed of forty miles an hour much 9 (fast) than any of its rivals. It sped downhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lot of trouble trying to stop it. The race gave everyone a great deal of pleasure. It was very different from modern car races but no 10 (exciting).


When I opened the door I saw a man on his knees. He _______clearly 1 (listen) to our conversation and I wondered how much he 2 (hear). When I 3 (ask) him what he 4 (do), he said that he 5 (drop) a 50p piece outside the door and 6 (look) for it. I 7 (not see) any sign of the money, but I 8 (find) a small notebook and pencil which he 9 probably (drop) when the door 10 (open) suddenly. So he 11 (take)note of our conversation! The notes 12 (be)( written in a foreign language, so I 13 (turn) to the stranger and 14 (ask) him to translate. But he 15 (pull) my hat over my eyes and ran off down the corridor. By the time I recovered from the shock he had disappear round the corridor, curiously enough, when I moved my foot I found that I had been standing on a 50p piece. Perhaps he had been telling the truth after all!

1.( )

2. ( )

3.( )

4.( )

5.( )

6.( )

7.( )

8.( )

9.( ) 10.( )

11.( ) 12.( ) 13( ) 14.( ) 15.( )

IV. Cloze (20%)


In different parts of the world, there were different ideas about the universe. The Mediterranean people of 1,000 BC thought that the 1 was a flat piece of land with a sea all round it, and that somewhere the sea met the 2 . nobody knew what happened at that place, and so sailors never voyaged 3 from the land. The ancient Egyptians believed that every day Ra, the sungod, sailed across the sky in his 4 and brought light to the earth. At night, the planets sailed in boats through the darkness.

The ancient Greeks were the first people to 5 the universe more scientifically. In the sixth century BC Pythagoras put forward the idea that the world was 6 . However, he could not explain why people at the bottom of the world did not 7 off.

It was not 8 the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries that scientists found the answers to some important questions. Galileo’s9 made it possible to see sky more clearly, and to find the positions of the stars and planets. Finally, in 1665, Isaac Newton explained to the world what gravity was and people at 10 understood why they did not fall off the earth!

( ) 1. A. earth B. moon C. sun D. land

( ) 2. A. land B. earth C. sky D. river

( ) 3. A. near B. far C. back D. toward

( ) 4. A. boat B. planet C. place D. position

( ) 5. A. learn B. see C. watch D. study

( ) 6. A. flat B. around C. round D. circle

( ) 7. A. take B. get C. go D. fall

( ) 8. A. to B. at C. until D. for

( ) 9. A. microscope B. telescope C. lens D. friends

( ) 10. A. last B. first C. beginning D. late


Paper is fast _______ 1 one of the most useful products of the century. _____2 are we using more and more of it, but its uses are still increasing. You could build houses ______3 it, eat from it, ride in it, and get married in it. ______4 the paper products to come on the market in the past few years are clothes, _____5 with dresses. They were bought by all sorts of people in many parts of world. The first paper clothing was developed for men _____6 did a great deal of traveling. It was easy to _____7. If the paper revolution continues, it may be possible some day to travel without any luggage. You can buy dresses, shirts, etc. ______8 very little money, wear them ______9 and throw them away. It is said that the day will soon come ______10 people who get married can get the clothes they need at the church door.

1. A. become B. became C. becoming* D. becomes

2. A. Not B. Only C. Not only* D. Once

3. A. with* B. for C. to D. on

4. A. During B. Among* C. In D. On

5. A. start B. starts C. started D. starting*

6. A. who* B. whom C. whose D. that

7. A. carry on B. carry for C. carry about* D. carry with

8. A. with B. for* C. to D. on

9. A. a time B. once* C. twice D. through

10. A. after B. before C. if D. when*

(from 051 3446)


Of all animals in the animal kingdom, which one (aside from man) is the smartest?

There are several ways of 1 the intelligence of animals. In one tesst a scientist sets three identical cans on a table. While the animal watches, he puts food 2 one of the cans. Then he leads the animal away. Some time later, he brings it back to see if it remembers which can has the food. No 3 is allowed; the animal must go directly to the correct can or it fails.

This is called a delayed-response test. The idea is to 4 how long an animal’s memory can retain information. The scientists would try showing the cans to the animal one hour later or two hours later, or even a full day later. They discovered that chimpanzees() and elephants have the best memory, and are able to remember the correct can for at least twenty hours. No other animal is 5 . dogs came next, but they only remembered for nine hours.

To settle the matter, the scientists devised a gigantic maze, and ran the chimps and elephants 6 it. The maze was very complicated, with many blind alleys and 7 ends. It took the chimps ten minutes to find their way out. The elephants needed a half hour. Even allowing for the elephants slower rate of speed, he test indicates that chimpanzees are the smartest animals.

From this and other tests, the scientists 8 the following conclusion: an animal’s intelligence depends on the size of its brain in proportion to the size of its 9 . the elephant’s brain weighs ten pounds…this is only 1/600 of its 6,000 pound body. A chimp’s brain weighs about one pound, or 1/120 of its total body weight. So in proportion to its body size, the chimp has

four times as much brain as the elephant-more brain for 10 body. The chimp is the champ.

1. A. making B. guessing C. weighing D. measuring

2. A. under B. over C. on D. across

3. A. eating B. tasting C. smelling D. hearing

4. A. try out B. put out C. look out D. find out

5. A. liking B. nearing C. close D. same

6. A. across B. on C. through D. under

7. A. dead B. died C. death D. dying

8. A. drove B. came C. draw D. required

9. A. leg B. body C. arm D. many

10. A. little B. more C. less D. many

(1. D 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. C /6. C 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. C)


It is estimated that in the last two thousand years the world has lost more than a hundred species of animals. A similar number of similar number of species of birds have also become extinct. The real significance of 1. figures, however, lies in the fact that almost three-quarters 2 all the losses occurred in the past hundred years and as direct result 3 man’s activities on this planet. It is essential for 4 whole process of evolution 5 the extinction of certain species should occur over a period of time. But extinction should occur by nature’s design 6 not as a result of the activities of man 7 is by no means 8 to the preservation of all species of animal and 9 life. Conservation means the maintenance of a healthy environment 10 a whole. If 11 ignored, then within a 22 short time our water supply will be found inadequate, 33 seas and rivers will 14 fewer fish, our land will produce 15 crops and the air we breathe will become poisonous. It becomes a matter of time before our health deteriorates and before man, together with every other living thing disappears from face of the earth.

( ) 1. A. this B. world C. thousand D. these

( ) 2. A. of B. from C. with D. since

( ) 3. A because B. of C. since D. the

( ) 4. A the B. their C. a D. his.

( ) 5. since B. certainly C. because D. that

( ) 6. with B. and C. since D. because

( ) 7. whose B. who C. he D. yet

( ) 8. A. greed B. following C. committed D. occurred

( ) 9. A. bird B. plants C. their D. plant

( ) 10. A. for B. as C. half D. but

( ) 11. A. to B. is C. are D. can

( ) 12. A. largely B. extreme C. fine D. very

( ) 13. A. her B. few C. them D. our

( ) 14. A. hold B. make C. yield D. see

( ) 15. A. lesser B. less C. any D. some


Men have always wondered about the earth they live 1 , and about the sky above them.

When early men looked at the night sky, they asked 2 a lot of questions, they looked

at the moon, and 3 what this strange bright object in the sky was. They did not understand 4 it changed its shape from night to night. They looked at the stars and planets, and asked themselves what these points of light in the 5 really were. They wondered why some of the points changed 6 position, and 7 did not.

They also thought 8 the shape the earth. Most 9 people believed that the earth was flat.

In different parts of the world, there were different 10 about the universe. The Mediterranean people of 1,000 BC thought that the 11 was a flat piece of land with a sea all round it, and that somewhere the sea met the 12 . nobody knew what happened at that place, and so sailors never voyaged 13 from the land. The ancient Egyptians believed that every day Ra, the sungod, sailed across the sky in his 14 and brought light to the earth. At night, the planets sailed in boats through the darkness.

The ancient Greeks were the first people to 15 the universe more scientifically. In the sixth century BC Pythagoras put forward the idea that the world was 16 . However, he could not explain why people at the bottom of the world did not 17 off.

It was not 18 the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries that scientists found the answers to some important questions. Galileo’s 19 made it possible to see sky more clearly, and to find the positions of the stars and planets. Finally, in 1665, Isaac Newton explained to the world what gravity was and people at 20 understood why they did not fall off the earth!

( ) 1. A. on B. in C. at D. above

( ) 2. A. them B. themselves C. it D. him

( ) 3. A. understood B. found C. knew D. wondered

( ) 4. A. what B. why C. when D. where

( ) 5. A. black B. darkness C. day D. day-time

( ) 6. A. its B. his C. their D. themselves

( ) 7. A. other B. others C. another D. they

( ) 8. A. it B. out C. at D. about

( ) 9. A. early B. modern C. old D. young

( ) 10. A. ideas B. idea C. suggestions D. suggestion

( ) 11. A. earth B. moon C. sun D. land

( ) 12. A. land B. earth C. sky D. river

( ) 13. A. near B. far C. back D. toward

( ) 14. A. boat B. planet C. place D. position

( ) 15. A. learn B. see C. watch D. study

( ) 16. A. flat B. around C. round D. circle

( ) 17. A. take B. get C. go D. fall

( ) 18. A. to B. at C. until D. for

( ) 19. A. microscope B. telescope C. lens D. friends

( ) 20. A. last B. first C. beginning D. late

V. Translation each of the following sentences into a required one. (20%)

1. Although we fished all day, we didn’t catch a thing.

A compound sentence: ___________________________________________________________ Ans: Although we fished all day, but we didn’t catch a thing.

2. I could not come on account of my illness.

A complex sentence with adverbial clause of reason:________________________________

______________________________________________________________________________ ans: I could not come because I was illness.

3. He was an honest person in spite of some shortcomings.

A complex sentences with an adverbial clause of concession:________________________ ans: He was an honest person though he had some shortcomings.

41. John is not a student. Mary is not a student.

change the following sentences into simple sentences: _____________________


ans: Neither John nor Mary is a student.

4. Unless changed, this law will make life difficult for farmers.

Change the sentences into a complex one: ____________________________

5. The boss is flying to Paris. His secretary is flying to Paris.

Change the sentences into a simple sentence:_______________________________

6. All the students present looked up in alarm.

A complex sentence with an attributive clause: ___________________________________

_________________________________________________________________________ ans: All the students that were present looked up in alarm.

7. I was afraid that I should fall behind the others.

A simple sentence: _____________________________________________________________

8. I threw the ball to Tom, who threw it to Ann.

change the sentences into a compound one: ___________________________


ans: I threw the ball to Tom, and he threw it to Ann.

9. “You may have this bicycle for two weeks.” said John.

Put the following into indirect speech:


ans: John said that I might have that bicycle for two weeks.

10. He was only one who realized the danger.

A simple sentence: _________________________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________________ ans: He was only one to realize the danger.

11. He will go to Beijing for vacation. He finishes his exams.

Join the two into an adverbial clause of time: _____________________________________ 12. Where can we find the funds? Don’t worry about that.

Combine each of the following pairs of sentences:


ans: Don’t worry about where you can find the funds.

13.The moon became the first body in space. Man set foot on it.

Join the sentences by changing the second of each pair into an attributive clause:


ans: The moon became the first body in space on which man set foot.

14. I would rather not depend on Tim. I am not absolutely sure that he is trustworthy.

A complex sentence with an adverbial clause of time: _______________________________

__________________________________________________________________________ ans: I would rather not depend on Tim until I am absolutely sure that he is trustworthy.

15. They made many suggestions. Some of the suggestions are worth study.(model test-2-p)

A complex sentence with an attributive clause: _____________________________________

16. The telephone rang when she was about to go out. ________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 17. The system used in this school is very successful.

Change the sentences into a complex one:_______________________________

Ans: It was when she was about to go out that the telephone rang.

18.The first person to reach the South Pole was a Norwegian.

Emphasize the underlined element in the sentence: __________________________


ans: It was a Norwegian who was the first person to reach the South Pole

19.The work could not be finished without your help.

A complex sentence with adverbial clause of condition:________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ans: The work could not be finished if there was no help from you.

20. Didn’t they tell you to be there by seven o’clock?

Passive voice: _______________________________________________________________ Ans: Weren’t you told to be here by seven o’clock?

21. Nothing in the world is so precious as time.

Using the superlative degree of the adjective: ______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ans: Of all things in the world, time is the most precious.

22. I went to town because I wanted to buy some books.

Emphasize the underlined element in the sentence: ___________________________________

23.1000C shows the temperature. Water boils at the temperature.

Join the sentences by changing the second of each pair into an attributive clause:

__________________________________________________________________________ ans: 1000C shows the temperature at which water boils.

24. “Would you mind if I open the window, madam?” he asked.(model test-2-p)

Indirect speech: ________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

25. I don’t remember having borrowed anything from you.

A complex sentence with an object clause: _________________________________________

26. Where have you been? Would you tell me?

Combine each of the following pairs of sentences: __________________________________

___________________________________________________________________________ ans: Would you tell me where you have been?

27. Why are you late? I don’t understand.

Combine the two sentences above:___________________________________

28. John found many mistakes for me.

Emphasize the underlined element in the sentence: __________________________________

___________________________________________________________________________ ans: It was John that found the mistakes for me.

29. As Mary was the eldest, she looked after her sisters.

A compand sentence: __________________________________________________________


心之所向,所向披靡 心之所向,所向披靡 2010-2011学年第二学期期末考试 市场营销基础期末考试试卷 试卷说明: 1.本试卷适用于客服信息服务专业,10级;考试方式为闭卷。 2.整套试卷共6页,试卷共4页,答题卷共2页,共7大题、44小题,满分100分,考试时间90分钟。 1、分销渠道: 2、取脂定价策略: 3、促销: 4、公共关系: 5、营销战略: 二.填空题(18分) 1.影响企业定价的外部因素有 、 和 。 2.企业促销的四种基本方式是 、 、

第2页 此 处 请 勿 答 题 和 。 3.中间商的功能包括 、 和 . 4.公共关系使用的策略包括 、 、 和 四种。 5.营销战略的特点,分别为 、 、 、 和 。 三.判断题(对的打“T ”,错的打“F ”,共10分) 1.在大型企业中,由于商品种类、品牌繁多,为便于不断适应市场的需求, 商品定价决策由具体销售人员来决定。 ( ) 2.世界著名品牌的定价往往采用的是竞争导向定价法( )。 3.分销渠道越短,商品流转速度越快,因此中间环节越少越好,没有更好。 ( ) 4.密集性分销渠道适用于价值较高的商品,消费者重视品牌的商品。 ( ) 5.广告使用的前提条件之一是消费者对企业的商品或服务缺乏认识。( ) 6.在公共汽车内设置的各种广告,被认为是户外广告。 ( ) 7.权力营销的对象首先是“守门人”,即拥有决策权力的官员或决策中的关键人物。( ) 8.权力营销应利用一切手段让“守门人”满意。( ) 9.企业机会是市场上未滿足的需要。( ) 10.营销管理过程是企业与它最佳的市场机会相适应的过程。( ) 四. 单选题(10分) 1.商品价格下降,需求量增加;价格上升,需求量减少,这种关系称为( )。 A 、需求原理 B 、供应原理 C 、价格原理 D 、市场原理 2.商品定价目标与企业( )总目标必须保持一致,才能体现出企业盈利最大化水平。 A 、商品 B 、营销 C 、质量 D 、数量 3.生产者在一定时期内只选择几家批发商和零售商来推销本企业的产品,这是一种( )分销策略。 A 、密集性 B 、选择性 C 、独家 D 、联合 4.摩托车生产企业在推销产品时,宜选择( )分销渠道。 A 、较宽的 B 、较窄的 C 、较长的 D 、集团联合 5.商品进入成熟期阶段,广告的主要内容是介绍商品的( )。 A 、品牌 B 、包装 C 、功能和特点 D 、知名度 6.既可认为是人员推销,又可认为是营业推广的促销策略是( ) A 、展销会 B 、上门推销 C 、商品表演 D 、赠送样品 7.企业以不计报酬的方式参于社会公益事业的一种公关活动是( )。 A 、专题创意 B 、媒介事件 C 、情感服务 D 、公益活动 8.由被叫方付费的热线电话这种公关活动是( )。 A 、专题创意 B 、媒介事件 C 、情感服务 D 、公益活动 9.在波士顿矩阵中,业务增长率为15%,相对市场份额为5的产品,属于( )。


《市场营销基础知识》期末考试卷与答案 (2011-06-16 12:59:56) 转载▼ 标签: 杂谈 一、单项选择题(每小题1分,共20分) 1.环境保护意义与市场营销观念相结合所形成的市场观念称为()。 A.大市场营销 B.直接市场营销 C.关系市场营销 D.绿色市场营销 2.下列()因素是企业的微观环境因素? A.人口 B.购买力 C.公众 D.自然环境 3.消费者的购买决策很大程度上受()的影响。 A.社会文化因素 B.心理因素 C. 个人因素 D. 以上三个因素都是 4.麦当劳与肯德基、可口可乐与百事可乐持续不断的竞争,实行的是()。 A. 避强定位 B. 迎头定位 C. 重新定位 D. 产品差异化 5.企业为那些当场付清货物的顾客进行的一种减价行为,称为()折扣。 A.数量折扣 B.季节折扣 C.现金折扣 D.交易折扣 6.生产者通过两个或两个以上的同类中间商来销售自己的产品的渠道是 ()。 A.长渠道 B.短渠道 C.宽渠道 D.窄渠道 7.消费者的购买行为过程的起点和终点是()。 A.一手钱一手货,交换结束,购买行为就结束 B.从顾客向售货员询问到交易完双方道别 C.从走进商店到交易完走出商店 D.从需求产生到对所买商品的最终评价 8.一辆摩托车,有人觉得骑上它神气十足,而有人觉得骑上它危险较多,这说明消费者()。

A.性格特征不同 B.价值观念不同 C.消费习俗不同 D.社会阶层不同 9.下列()的需求弹性最小。 A.手表 B.食盐 C.化妆品 D.时装 10.中国电信规定每日21:00-24:00拨打国内长途电话按半价收费。这种定价策略属于()。 A.成本加成策略 B.差别定价策略 C.心理定价策略 D.组合定价策略 11.市场包括三个基本因素:有某种需要的人、为满足这种需要的购买能力和()。 A.购买渠道 B.供应产品的厂商 C.购买行为 D.购买场所 12.目标市场营销由三个步骤组成:一是市场细分;二是选择目标市场;三是进行()。 A.推销 B.促销 C.竞争 D.市场定位 13.采用统一品牌策略的各种产品必须具有相近的()。 A.性能特点 B.规格型号 C.质量水平 D.价格水平 14.需求层次理论是20世纪50年代由美国心理学家()提出的。 A.波登 B.赫杰特齐 C.马斯洛 D.温得尔.斯密 15.市场营销学最早产生于()。 A.美国 B.英国 C.中国 D.日本 16.自古至今许多经营者奉行"酒好不怕巷子深"的经商之道,这种市场营销管理哲学属于()。 A.推销观念 B.产品观念 C.生产观念 D.市场营销观念 17.许多冰箱生产厂家近年来高举“环保”、“健康”旗帜,纷纷推出无氟冰箱。它们所奉行的市场营销管理哲学是()。 A.推销观念 B.生产观念 C.市场营销观念 D.社会市场营销观念 18.相对于黑白电视机而言,纯平彩色电视机属于()。 A.全新产品 B.换代产品 C. 改进产品 D. 仿制产品 19生产者在某一地区仅通过少数几个精心挑选的中间商来分销产品,这是 ()分销策略。 A.广泛 B.密集 C.强力 D.选择性 20.公共关系是一项()促销方式。 A.一次性 B.长期 C.短期 D.偶然性


一、单项选择题(每题2分,共40分) 1.以下( C )图像必须是何种模式,才可以转换为位图模式。 A.RGB B.索引颜色 C.灰度 D.多通道 2.以l00%的比例显示图像应该如何操作?( C ) A.在图像上按住Alt键的同时单击鼠标 B.选择“满画布显示”命令C.双击“缩放工具” D.双击“抓手工具” 3.以下可以减少图像的饱和度的工具是( C )。 A.加深工具 B.减淡工具C.海绵工具D.任何一个在选项调板中有饱和度滑块的绘图工具 4.下列选项中哪个是喷枪可以设定的内容?( D ) A.样式 B.湿边C.自动抹掉 D.流量 5.以下的( D )是Photoshop中没有的通道。 A.彩色通道 B.Alpha通道C.专色通道 D.路径通道 6.( C )是Alpha通道最主要的用途。 A.保存图像色彩信息B.创建新通道 C.用来存储和建立选择范围D.是为路径提供的通道 7.如果在图层上增加一个蒙版,当要单独移动蒙版时下面哪种操作是正确的?( D ) A.首先单击图层上面的蒙版,然后选择移动工具就可移动了 B.首先单击图层上面的蒙版,然后选择全选用选择工具拖拉 C.首先要解掉图层与蒙版之间的锁,然后选择移动工具就可移动了 D.首先要解掉图层与蒙版之间的锁,再选择蒙版,然后选择移动工具就可移动鬈当图像偏黄时,使用“变化”功能中应当给图像增加何种颜色?( A ) A.蓝色 B.绿色C.黄色 D.洋红 9.当使用绘图工具时,想暂时切换到吸管工具,应该( B )。 A.按住Shift键 B.按住Alt键 C.按住Ctrl键 D.按住Command+Alt键 10.CMYK颜色模式默认的颜色通道数是( A )。 A.4个 B.2个C.1个D.3个 11.在“色彩范围”对话框中调整( C )数值,可以调整颜色的范围。 A.反相 B.消除锯齿C.颜色容差 D.羽化 12.下列哪个解决方案可以解决Photoshop用户内存不够的问题?( C ) A.删除动作 B.清除直方图 C.清除历史记录 D.清除预置文件 13.仿制图章工具可准确复制图象的一部分或全部,应按住( A )键的同时,单击此工具可确定复制的起始点。 A.AIt B.Ctrl C.Shift D.Tab 14.对于双色调模式的图像可以设定单色调、双色调、三色调和四色调,在通道调板中,它们分别包含几个通道?( C ) A.分别为l、2、3、4个通道 B.分别为l、2、2、2个通道 C.均为1个通道 D.均为2个通道 15.在执行将两个Alpha通道载人的选区合并到一起时,应该按住下列哪个键?( C ) A.Ctrl键 B.Alt键·C.Shift键D.retain键 16.下面哪个不是图层样式菜单中列出的效果?( D ) A.投影 B.内发光C.描边 D.镜头光晕 17.下列描述关于参考线和网格正确的是( D )。 A.Photoshop可以将绘制的直线路径转化为参考线,但不可以转化为网格 B.Photoshop中可将参考线转化为网格 C.Photoshop中可将网格转化为参考线 D.参考线的位置可以任意移动,但网格不可以 18.在“文字工具”对话框中,当将“消除锯齿”选项关闭会出现何种效果?( C ) A.文字变为位图 B.文字依然保持文字轮廓’ C.显示的文字边缘会不再光滑. D.如果从Adobe Illustrator中输入到Photoshop中的文字,没有任何影响 19.下列对复制多个图层叙述正确的是( A )。 A.按住Ctrl选中想复制的图层,拖动到图层复制按钮上。 B.按住Ctrl选中想复制的图层,选择“图像”一“复制” C.按住Ctrl选中想复制的图层,选择“文件”一“复制图层” D.按住Ctrl选中想复制媳图层,选择“编辑”一“复制” 20.下面只对RGB图像起作用的滤镜是( B )。 A.马赛克 B.光照效果C.波纹D..浮雕效果 二、多项选择题(共24分)


华中师大一附中高三年级英语检测试题 时间:120分钟满分:150分组题人:黄瑾 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话仅读一遍。 1.What does the woman imply? A.For the first time the team has become the league champion. B.The team did a good job again this time. C.The team has little chance to win this time. 2.What program does the man generally listen to? A.News. B.Talk shows. https://www.360docs.net/doc/2e5428413.html,cation program. 3.Where is the conversation taking place? A.In a park. B.In a museum. C.In a pet store. 4.How does Mike feel? A.Satisfied. B.Puzzled. C.Worried. 5.What does the woman mean? A.She doesn’t understand the man. B.She gave the change to someone else. C.She’s unable to help the man. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题。从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6.Why is the woman talking to the man? A.Because of the poor quality of the goods she bought. B.Because of not getting the promised discount. C.Because of the impolite attitude of the salesgirl. 7.What will the man give to the woman? A.Some money. B.A letter of apology. C.A new product. 听第7段材料,回到第8-10题。 8.Which place would the man like to go? A.An exciting modern city. B.A popular tourist attraction. C.A quiet and far-away place. 9.What does the woman worry about? A.The weather. B.The food and water. C.The language. 10.What does the woman plan to do now? A.Travel with the man. B.Do some gardening. C.Go to the travel agency.


市场营销策划期末考试试卷(A卷) 一、单项选择题(10小题共20分,每小题2分) 1. 企业在市场营销活动中所使用的各种手段,如产品、定价、分销和促销等组成的系统称为()。 A、核心市场营销系统 B、企业内部管理系统 C、市场营销策略系统 D、市场营销环境系统 2. 运用科学的抽象概念来揭示事物本质、表达现实结果的这种创造性思维形式是()。 A、理论思维 B、抽象思维 C、联系思维 D、倾向思维 3. 企业收购和兼并若干个上游企业,控制原材料和供货的渠道,实现供应与生产的一体化,则这种一体化是()。 A、后向一体化 B、前向一体化 C、水平一体化 D、垂直一体化 4.在企业业务的主要类型中,把面临高机会和高威胁环境情况的业务单位称为()。 A、理想型业务单位 B、风险型业务单位 C、困难型业务单位 D、成熟型业务单位 5.五粮液酒的包装时尚典雅,五粮液酒更是芳香宜人,盛装五粮液酒的酒瓶是()。 A、内包装 B、中层包装 C、外包装 D、携带包装 6.市场需求量虽然在增长,但销售量增长速度开始减慢,生产技术已完全成熟,这种市场特点属于产品生命周期中的()。 A、引入期 B、成长期 C、成熟期 D、衰退期 7.在需求导向定价中,企业根据买主对产品或服务项目价值的感觉而不是根据卖方的成本来制定价格的定价方法是()。 A、习惯定价法 B、理解定价法 C、区分定价法 D、通行价格定价法 8. 某家电企业推出一款新手机,上市初期价格定得高,以便在较短时间获得较大利润,这种新产品定价策略称为()。 A、撇脂定价策略 B、渗透定价策略 C、满意定价策略 D、获利定价策略 9. 生产商将产品通过两个或两个以上的分销渠道系统与同一细分市场接触,这种渠道形式称为()。 A、垂直渠道 B、水平渠道 C、多元渠道 D、网络渠道 10.A企业在制定某产品价格折扣策略时规定:批发商获10%的折扣,零售商获5%的折扣。则A企业的此价格折扣策略通常可以被认为属于( )。 A.现金折扣 B.数量折扣 C.职能折扣 D.季节折扣 二、多选题(5小题共10分,每小题2分)


一、单项选择题(共15分,每小题1分) 1.市场营销观念的中心是()。 A.推销已经生产出来的产品 B.发现需要并设法满足它们 C.制造质优价廉的产品 D.制造大量产品并推销出去 2.做为市场营销中介的物流公司,通常被称为( )。 A.供应商 B.商人中间商 C.代理中间商 D.辅助商 3.企业购买者做出购买决策最少的购买情况是()。 A.直接重购 B.修订重购 C.新购 D.变更收购 4.下列调查方法中不属于访问法的是()。 A.邮寄调查 B.留置问卷调查 C.电话访问 D.直接观察 5.某油漆公司不仅生产油漆,同时还拥有和控制200家以上的油漆商店,这就叫()。 A.前向一体化B.后向一体化 C 横向一体化D.多角化6.下列不属于市场营销组合要素的是( )。 A.产品 B.促销 C.渠道 D.利润 7.对经济、收入和税收因素的分析属于( )。 A.技术环境分析 B.政治环境分析 C.经济环境分析 D.社会环境分析8.如一种产品的销售增加必然引起另一种产品销售的减少,那么,这两种产品是( )。 A. 互补品 B. 独立品 C. 条件品 D. 替代品 9.人们购买制冷用的空调主要是为了在夏天获得凉爽空气。这属于空调产品整体概念中的()。 A.核心产品 B.有形产品 C.附加产品 D.直接产品 10.细分消费者市场必须注意以下五方面的要求:()。 A.市场要有同质性、应变性,市场范围相对较小 B.市场要有可进人性、可变性、垄断性、同质性

C.市场具有可测量性、需求大量性、效益性、应变性等 D.市场要有足够的购买潜力、可进入性、可衡量性、可盈利性等 11.相对于黑白电视机而言,彩色电视机属于()。 A.全新产品 B.换代产品 C .改进产品 D.仿制产品 12.产品生命周期指的是()。 A.产品使用寿命B.产品物理寿命 C.产品合理寿命D.产品市场寿命 13.企业只推出单一产品,运用单一的市场营销组合,力求在一定程度上适合尽可能多的顾客的需求,这种战略是()。 A.无差异市场营销战略 B.密集市场营销战略 C.差异市场营销战略 D.集中市场营销战略 14.宝洁公司有包括洗衣粉、牙膏、肥皂、纸尿布、纸巾在内的5个产品线,其中“5”代表的是企业的产品组合的()。 A.宽度 B.深度 C.长度 D.关联度 15.消费者对价格敏感,生产与销售成本低,竞争者易进入,商品差异性小的新产品定价,应采用( )。 A.高价策略B.低价策略 C.满意策略D.折扣策略 二、名词解释(共15分,每小题3分)。 1.关系市场营销 2.后向一体化 3.市场预测 4.核心产品 5.需求的交叉弹性 三、简答题(共30分,每小题6分) 1.影响消费者购买行为的主要因素有哪些?


浙江广播电视大学 开放教育英语专业专科(教育和商务方向) 《文秘英语》课程教学辅导4-2-2 Part 2 Reading B Receiving Visitors There are four parts in receiving visitors: Before the reception, When a visitor arrives, After the reception. Receiving Visitors:In most organizations visitors will spend some time in the reception area before being met by the executive. It is very important that you receive people properly, make them feel comfortable and deal with them professionally. Before the Reception:You should be aware of all the appointments and whereabouts of the executives. This way you can receive and talk to the visitors without hesitancy. When a Visitor arrives: 1) Make sure every visitor feels welcome and is greeted at once on entering the reception area. Be friendly and welcoming. If you know his name, greet him by name. 2) Find out if he had an appointment and whom he is here to see. *As for the appointed visit, notify the person concerned. *As for the visit with no appointment, first you must ask whom he has come to see and what the purpose of the visit is. Then tell him whether he can meet the person he wants to see or not. 3) If the person who is being visited is not available at the moment, find out if there is anything you can do to help: * You should explain tactfully the reason for a delay and apologize for it, then ask the visitor to wait if he/she can wait, offer them something to drink and read. *You may ask if someone else can deal with the matter, but make sure you do not just send the visitor directly without contacting the person whom you are sending him to. * You may make suggestions and arrange a future appointment. 4) If you accompany the visitor to the executive’s office, you may announce the visitor’s name, title and the company he represents and then introduce the executive to the visitor. 5) When the visitor leaves, you always walk him to the front door, thank him for coming and say goodbye. After the Reception: You should fill in the Receptionist’s Register after the reception in order to check that the information is complete. For example: Register of Visitors to South-East Trading Company


湖北省华师一附中2020年5月高三阶段检测 英语试题 本试卷共8页。全卷满分150分。考试用时120分钟。 注意事项: 1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名和座位号填写在答题卡上。 2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡对应的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干 净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。 3. 考生结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. When will the film probably start? A. At 11: 45. B. At 12: 00. C. At 12: 45 2. What did the woman buy for her husband? A. A book. B. A watch. C. A case for coin collection. 3. Where did the man know his flight had been canceled? A. At the airport. B. At the meeting. C. At the international fair. 4. Why can’t the woman contact the man? A. He just had a long phone conversation. B. His phone is out of order. C. The connection on the phone line is poor. 5. What is the man doing? A. Taking an exam. B. Reading a book. C. Having a class. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6 段材料,回答第6 、7 题。 6. What are the speakers talking about? A. How to choose music for the party. B. Who will be in charge of the party. C. When to start the party. 7. What is the woman going to do? A. Help to prepare for the party. B. Tell the man a phone number. C. Ask Sonia for some information. 听第7 段材料,回答第8 、9 题。 8. What does the woman want to do tomorrow?


市场营销学期末考试试卷 班级姓名学号 一、名词解释(每小题5分,共20分) 1.市场营销 2.市场细分 3.消费者市场 4.生产者市场 二、单项选择题(每小题2分,共20分) 1.当新产品的试用率高,再购率低时,应该采取的对策是( ) A.迅速投放市场 B.改进产品 C.加强促销 D.尽早放弃 2.空调生产企业与电风扇生产厂家之间是( )关系。 A.形式竞争者 B.品牌竞争者 C.一般竞争者 D.愿望竞争者 3.某商店经营以下四类产品,其中( )类适宜采用声望定价。 A.日常生活用品 B.高档化妆品 C.小食品 D.文具用品 4.自古至今许多经营者奉行“酒好不怕巷子深”的经商之道,这种市场营销管理哲学属于()。 A.推销观念B.产品观念 C.生产观念D.市场营销观念 5.汽车厂收购或兼并轮胎厂是实现( )战略的表现。 A.前向一体化 B.后向一体化 C.横向一体化 D.横向多角化 6.独家经销一般不适合分销( )的产品。

A.购买者较少 B.技术较为复杂 C.要求便利 D.单价较高 7.生产纯净水的某企业最近向市场推出纯牛奶,这是通过( )寻找市场营销机会的方法。 A.产品开发 B.市场开发 C.市场渗透 D.多种经营 8.中国电信规定每日21:00—24:00拨打国内长途电话按半价收费。这种定价策略属于()。 A.成本加成策略B.差别定价策略 C.心理定价策略D.组合定价策略 9.人们购买制冷用的空调主要是为了在夏天获得凉爽空气。这属于空调产品整体概念中的()。 A.核心产品B.有形产品 C.附加产品D.直接产品 10.通过试用或试销产品,分析效果后再决定是否作大规模推销的方法称为( ) A.实验法 B.观察法 C.顾客意见法 D.询问法 三、简答题(每小题8分,共24分) 1.与消费者市场相比,生产者市场有什么特征? 3.市场营销学的研究对象是什么?? 3.微观环境和宏观环境各包括哪些?


2014年市场营销考试试题及答案 (考试必备) 一、单项选择题(每题1分,共30分) 1. 夏季,“波司登”羽绒服通过打折等促销措施而出现了淡季热销的局面。可见,该厂家深刻领悟到羽绒服的需求属于( ) A. 潜伏需求 B. 充分需求 C. 不规则 需求 D. 过量需求 2. 许多冰箱生产厂家近年来高举“环保”、“健康”旗帜,纷纷推出无氟冰箱。它们所奉行的市场营销管理哲学是( ) A. 推销观念 B. 生产观念 C. 市场营销观念 D. 社会市场营销观念 3. 在微波炉行业,格兰仕占了一半以上的市场份额,财源滚滚而入。根据波士顿咨询集团分析法,微波炉是格兰仕的( ) A. 问号类战略业务单位 B. 明星类战略业务单位 C. 现金牛类战略业务单位 D. 狗类战略业务单位 4. 山东“三联”的主营业务是家电销售,近年将触角伸向餐饮、房地产.旅游等业务,这种多角化增长方式属于( ) A. 集团多角化 B. 同心多角化 C. 水平多角化 D. 关联多角化 5. 同行业中如果有几家企业都实行无差异市场营销,较大子市场的竞争会日益激烈,而较小子市场的需求将得不到满足。这种追求最大子市场的倾向叫( ) A. 市场营销近视 B. 超细分战略 C. 反细 分战略 D. 多数谬误 6. 在春节、中秋节、情人节等节日即将来临的时候,许多商家都大作广告。以促销自己的产品。他们对市场进行细分的方法是( ) A. 地理细分 B. 人口细分 C. 心理细分 D. 行为细分 7. 市场营销管理者采取一系列行动,使实际市场营销工作与原规化尽可能一致,在控制中通过不断评审和信息反馈,对战略不断修正。这种行为称为( ) A. 年度计划控制 B. 赢利能力控制 C. 效 率控制 D. 战略控制 8.“捷安特”自行车公司是“桑塔纳”轿车生产厂的( ) A. 愿望竞争者 B. 一般竞争者 C. 产品 形式竞争者 D. 品牌竞争者 9. 高机会和高威胁的业务属于( ) A. 理想业务 B. 冒险业务 C. 成熟业务 D. 困难业务 10. 王刚正在购买一套两室两厅的单元房,其购买行为应该属于( ) A. 习惯性购买行为 B. 寻求多样化购买行为 C. 化解不协调购买行为 D. 复杂购买行为 11. 某公司在实验设计时,首先选择若干经销商并检查其每周销售情况;然后举办展销会并测量其可能的销售额;最后,将该销售额与以前的销售额相比较,作出最后决策。这种实验设计是( ) A. 简单时间序列实验 B. 重复时间序列实验 C. 前后控制组分析 D. 阶乘设计 12. 为产品大类.企业部门或销售代表确定的销售目标称为( ) A. 企业潜量 B. 市场需求 C. 销售配额 D. 市场潜量 13. 在预测一种新产品的销售情况和现有产品在新的地区或通过新的分销渠道的销售情况时,最好采用( ) A. 专家意见法 B. 市场试验法 C. 时间序列分析法 D. 直线趋势法 14. 企业选择复用包装决策的目的是( ) A. 节约成本 B. 方便顾客购买和使用 C. 通过给消费者额外利益而扩大产品销售 D. 避免某一商品推销失败而影响其他商品的声誉 15. 我国洗衣机行业正处于成熟期,生产厂家可以采权( ) A. 集中决策 B. 收缩决策 C. 快速掠取决策 D. 产品改良决策 16. 相对于黑白电视机而言,纯平彩色电视机属于( ) A. 全新产品 B. 换代产品 C. 改进产品 D. 仿制产品 17. 在为产品线定价时须考虑各产品项目之间相互影响的程度,如果需求的交叉弹性为正值,则此两项产品为( ) A. 互补品 B. 选购品 C. 条件品 D. 替代品 18. 某汽车制造商给全国各地的地区销售代理商一种额外折扣,以促使它们执行销售.零配件供应.维修和信息提供“四位一体”的功能。这种折扣策略属于( ) A. 现金折扣 B. 数量折扣 C. 贸易折扣 D. 促销折扣 19. 有些公司让消费者通过视频信息系统操作一个小型终端,用对讲式闭路电视订购屏幕上显示的商品,这种分销形式属于( ) A. 直接销售 B. 购货服务 C. 自动售货 D. 直复营销 20. 一般说来,批发商最主要的类型是( ) A. 经纪人 B. 商人批发商 C. 代理商 D. 制造商代表 21. 某企业选择仓库设置地点时,使仓库尽可能接近运量大网点,从而使较大运量的商品走相对较短的路程。这种方法被称为( ) A. 重心法 B. 最大运量法 C. 最小运距法 D. 最小运费法 22. 不同的促销工具对购买者知晓.了解.信任和订货等不同购买准备阶段的作用是不同的,其中在信任阶段,对购买者影响最大的是( ) A. 广告 B. 销售促进 C. 宣传 D. 人员推销 23. 在某一特定时期内,不同的人或家庭至少一次展露在媒体计划下的数目称为( ) A. 展露的频率 B. 展露的送达率 C. 展露的影响 D. 加权展露数 24. 企业销售人员在访问推销过程中可以亲眼观察到顾客的反应,并揣摩其心理,不断改进推销陈述和推销方法,最终促成交易。这说明人员推销具有 ) A. 公关性 B. 针对性 C. 灵活性 D. 复杂性 市场营销学试卷第 1 页共7 页


XX广播电视大学 汉语言文学专业(开放专科) 《古代文论选读》单元辅导(二) 两汉和魏晋南北朝文论选读 [两汉文论选读辅导] 1、两汉文论的总特点 从秦汉以后,中国社会开始正式步入封建时代。两汉王朝(前206~220)登上政治舞台之后,逐渐形成了全国大一统的强盛的封建大帝国。 这样的政权,自然需要选择和建立一套与之想适应的思想文化系统,为巩固自己的统治服务。于是以孔子为代表的儒家学派,包括他们的文艺思想开始得势,逐渐被启用,并改造成为官方的统治学说、指导思想,当然也就成为用来指导文艺、文学的方针政策。可以说,我国两千年的正统文学思想,就是在两汉时期正式确立的。 这种正统的文学思想,在当时具有明显的两面性,一方面,它坚决要求文学必须为其政教服务,将文艺紧紧地纳入政治轨道,表现出一定程度的保守性;另一方面,这一时期的儒家文论家都明确地肯定文艺有讽谏批评上政的作用,主X要用文艺来干预和改进现实的政治,当然这种批评要有一定的分寸;他们也都肯定文艺的抒情本质,当然主X对所抒之情要有一定的限制,不能任其泛滥。这种正统文学思想和文艺政策的代表作,就是作者很难确定的《毛诗序》。除此之外,著名的《史记》作者司马迁所提出的“发愤著书”思想,虽然也应该归属于儒家文论的大X围之内,但是他强调写作愤世嫉俗而不是粉饰太平的作品,较少保守性;东汉王充在《论衡》中强调“尚真”,“嫉虚妄”,则是针对走向神学化的儒学不良倾向而发,也代表着儒家文学理论批评的积极进步方面。 2、两汉文论内容要点 ①、《毛诗序》 “情志”说: 诗者,志之所之也,在心为志,发言为诗。情动于中而形于言,言之不足故嗟叹之,嗟叹之不足故永歌之,永歌之不足,不知手之舞之,足之蹈之

2017年华中师范大学英语英语口语 完全版

1. A.With the development of urbanization, we become more and more far away from the nature. What kind of life do you prefer to live, the life in city or in the countryside? B. I believe that man and nature are one group, so man is an animal, naturally should include human. In nature there is a rule that the fittest survive, the weak perish. C. I think,nowdays the human is change the natural environment and the destruction of the natural environment seriously! Just like deforestation, building to enlarge the big cities ,whichoccupy the animal’s home. What do you think that too many people want to go to city for live ? D. I think the former offers more excitement and convenience while the latter offers a cleaner, quieter and often friendlier place to live. E. Yes, but , despite the advantages of small town life, I prefer to live in a big city for several reasons. I believe! life in the city is more convenient. More goods are available and stores are open later. A. Ok, there is better public transportation so it is easier to get around. B. I can find almost anything I want easily in the city. There are more ways to spend leisure time in the city. There are many places I can go to meet friends and have fun. C. For all of these reasons, I think I prefer to live in the city. Although I sometimes miss the fresh air and quiet life of a small town, nothing can make up for the opportunities that the city offers me. If one wants to be successful, I believe the best place to live is the city. D. yeah .My ideal house is one located in the countryside, and it would be just like an average house, nothing too fancy. I want to live close to the nature, I can enjoy fresh air and feel relaxed in that environment. Inside, there are a couple of cozy(舒适的) bedrooms, a bright living room, a well-furnished kitchen, and some bathrooms. In


市场营销期末考试试题库(一) 一、单项选择题 1、产品组合的长度是指企业所拥有的()的数 量。【】 A.产品品种 B.产品项目 C.产品线 D.产品品 2、无差异性目标市场策略主要适用于( )的情 况。【】 A.企业实力较弱 B.产品性质相似 C.市场竞争者多 D.消费需求复杂 3.某商场规定,顾客一次性购买其产品满200元,给予10%的折扣,这种折扣属于【】 A.数量折扣 B.现金折扣 C.季节折扣 D.以旧换新 4.产品特色属于产品整体中的( )部 分。【】 A.核心 B.附加 C.形体 D.特设 5.为避免与强大的竞争对手发生正面交锋,将自己的产品定位于远离竞争对手的区域。这种市场定位策略 是 【】 A.迎头定位策略 B.对峙定位策略 C.避强定位策略 D.从众定位策略 6.1960年,著名学者()提出了4P组合概念,即产品,价格,渠道与促销。【】 A.菲利浦.科特勒 B. 杰罗姆.麦卡锡 C.约翰.霍华德 D.威廉.莱泽 7、产品改良、市场改良和营销组合改良等决策适用于产品生命周期 的【】 A.介绍期 B.成长期 C.成熟期 D.衰退期 8.许多冰箱生产厂家高举“环保”、“健康”旗帜,纷纷推出无氟冰箱,它们所奉行的经营哲学 是 【】A.生产观念 B.推销观念 C.营销观念 D.社会市场营销观念 9、企业生产经营不同产品满足同一顾客群的需求的策略 为【】 A.产品市场选择型 B.产品市场集中型 C.产品专业化 D.市场专业化 10儿童智力玩具一般宜选择( )作为广告媒 介。【】A.报纸 B.广播 C.电视 D.杂志

11.市场容量大,消费者熟悉这种产品,但对价格反应敏感,并且存在潜在竞争者时用()决 策。 【】 A.快取脂 B.快渗透 C.慢取脂 D.慢渗透 12.某企业将A产品以行业的平均价格水平为基础进行定价,则这种定价方法属于【】 A.随行就市定价法 B.竞争价格定价法 C.理解定价法 D.需求导向定价法13.在制定生产资料的促销策略时,通常首先考虑的促销手段 是【】 A.广告 B.人员推销 C.营业推广 D. 公共关系 14、人员推销不包 括 【】 A.柜台销售 B.上门推销 C.派送样品 D.会议推销 15.产品特色属于产品整体中的( )部 分。【 】 A.核心 B.附加 C.形体 D.特设 16.企业通过开发其他企业已经开发而本企业尚未生产的新产品策略 是【】 A.产品发展策略 B.市场渗透策略 C.多角化经营策略 D.产品革新策略 17. ()市场结构,企业只是既定价格的接受者,而不是价格的制定者。【】 A.垄断竞争 B.完全垄断 C.寡头垄断 D.完全竞争 18.消费者对某品牌的电脑的可接受价格是5000元,电脑零售商的经营毛利是20%,电脑批发商的经营毛利是10%。用可销价格倒推法计算企业的出厂价格是() 元。【】A.5000 B.4500 C.3600 D.3000 19.顾客对一件产品的效能与期望值进行比较后的感受就是我们常说 的【】 A.顾客满意 B.顾客满意度 C.顾客忠诚 D .顾客满意率 20.企业以高价格和低促销费用将新产品投放市场,称为()策略。【】 A.快速渗透 B.快速撇脂 C.缓慢渗透 D.缓慢撇脂 21.生产家用电器的企业与房地产公司 是 【】 A.一般竞争者 B.行业竞争者 C.品牌竞争者 D.欲望竞争者
