江苏省泰兴市西城初级中学八年级英语上学期期末考试试题(无答案) 牛津版

江苏省泰兴市西城初级中学八年级英语上学期期末考试试题(无答案) 牛津版
江苏省泰兴市西城初级中学八年级英语上学期期末考试试题(无答案) 牛津版



A. 你将听到四段对话,从所给四幅图画中选出与你所听内容相符的一幅。听两遍。(4分)


B. 你将听到6段对话,请根据每段对话内容所提出的问题选出正确答案听两遍(6分)

5. When did David go to China ?

A. This September.

B. Last September.

C. Last spring

6. What does the girl want to do tomorrow?

A. To go fishing.

B. To go swimming.

C. To go running.

7. How is the weather today?

A. Cloudy.

B. Snowy.

C. Fine.

8. Where is Jack now?

A. In the school.

B. At home.

C. In hospital.

9. When might John come to see the doctor?

A. Monday.

B. Wednesday.

C. Friday.

10. What does John want to see?

A. Tigers.

B. Keys.

C. Monkeys

C. 你将听到2段对话,每段对话后都有几个问题,每个问题有三个供选择的答案,请你根据对话内容



11.Where are they going this coming Saturday?

A. Century Park.

B. Zhongshan Park.

C. Nanjing Road.

12.Which season is it now?

A. Spring.

B. Summer.

C. Autumn.


13.Where are they talking?

A. In the street.

B. In a radio shop.

C. In the museum.

14. What can you learn from the talk?

A. Susan can repair walkmans.

B. The man wants to buy a new walkman.

C. Something is wrong with Susan’s walkman.

15.What will Susan do?

A. She will give Roy a call when the walkman is repaired.

B. She wants Roy to buy a walkman.

C. She won’t help repair Roy’s walkman.

D. 将听到一段短文,然后你将看到5个问题,每个问题有三个供选择的答案,请你根据短文内容选择适当答案听两遍(5分)

16. Mr Black didn’t want the others to know ________.

A. he lost his job

B. he was rich

C. he couldn’t hear well

17. ______ his friend told a story.

A. Before the dinner

B. During the dinner

C. After the dinner

18. His friend ________.

A. told an old story

B. told them some interesting news

C. told a funny story

19. Mr Black laughed as loud as the others because _______.

A. he wanted to show he had heard the story

B. he thought the story was funny

C. he was going to tell a funnier story

20. Mr Black _______.

A. was a funny man.

B. had told a funnier story

C. told the same story


21. —When did the train__________? —Half an hour ago.

A. came

B. get

C. arrive at

D. arrive

22. — _________is Mr Green? —He is all right.

A. Where

B. How

C. Who

D. What

23. If it ________ rain tomorrow, we'll go camping.

A. doesn't I3. won't C. will not D. will

24. We should do everything_______.

A. careful

B. with care

C. careless

D. carefully

25. Tom told Peter _______ to give the bird some food.

A. to not forget

B. not to forget

C. don't forget

D. not forget

26. This piece of music is _________that piece.

A. popular than

B. not as popular as

C. so popular as

D. as popular like

27. We'd better keep the windows _______ . It's so hot here.

A. opened

B. opening

C. open

D. opens

28. The number of the students in our class ________ fifty.

A. is

B. be

C. are

D. am

29. What's the short form of centimetre?

A. cm

B. m

C. km

D. min

30. Shanghai is______ the east of China and Japan is________ the east of China.

A. in; in

B. to; to C: in; to D. to; in

31. Sam ______Tom. They are______ brothers.

A. like; twins

B. look like; twin

C. looks like; twin

D. likes; twins

32. My sister likes dancing very much. The sentence structure is________.

A. S+V+P

B. S+V



33. Millie forgot_______ his bag here. He________ it in the classroom.

A. to bring; leave

B. to take; left

C. to take; leave

D. to bring; left

34. The work isn't difficult, Mary. I belie ve you can do it________.

A. herself

B. myself

C. yourself

D. yourselves

35. Mr Brown knows little Japanese, _____he can't understand the instructions.

A. and

B. or

C. but

D. for


It was Monday. Mrs Smith's dog was hungry, but there was 36 in the house. Mrs Smith took a piece of paper and 37 , ‘Give my do g half a pound (磅)of meat.’ Then she gave the piece of paper to her dog said, ‘ 38 this to the butcher(屠夫),he will give you 39 lunch today.’

The dog took the piece of paper and ran to the butcher's 40 . It gave the piece of paper to the butcher. The butcher 41 it. Then he smiled and gave the dog half a pound of meat. The dog was very 42 and ate the meat up quickly.

The dog came to the shop 43 at noon on Tuesday. It gave the butcher 44 piece of paper. The butcher read it ,and gave the dog half a pound of meat again.

The dog came again at noon on 45 with a piece of paper, but the butcher did not look at the paper. He gave the dog half a pound of meat again and the dog ate it.

46 the dog came again at four o'clock. It gave the butcher a piece of paper, and he gave it half a pound of meat again. It came again at six o'clock and 47 a third piece of paper. The butcher thought, ‘This is a small dog. 48 is Mrs Smith giving it one and a half pounds of meat today?’

He looked 49 the piece of paper, and there was no 50 on it. He looked at the dog, and laughed.

( )36. A. much meat B. a little meat C. nothing D. no meat

( )37. A. read B. said C. wrote D. asked

( )38. A. Take B. Bring C. With D. Hold

( )39. A. your B. his C. my D. our

( )40. A. office B. shop C. son D. dog

( )41. A. saw B. read C. looked D. knew

( )42. A. full B. tired C. happy D. unhappy

( )43. A. again B. later C. alone D. late

( )44. A. a B. the C. an D./

( )45. A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Wednesday D. Saturday

( )46. A. When B. But C. So D. With

( )47. A. wrote B. took C. handed D. read

( )48. A. When B. Where C. What D. Why

( )49. A. for B. after C. in D. at

( )50. A. meat B. word C. food D. letter



Last year I had a summer camp with my classmates for a week.

Early in the morning, we gathered(聚集) at the bus station. After saying goodbye to our parents, we got on the buses. It took us more than two hours to go to the campground by bus. We got off the buses cheerfully. Laughing and shouting, we jumped and ran all over the place. It was the first time for us to be away from the parents. Some of us felt homesick(想家). However, when the night party began, the homesickness was gone.

The next day, everybody rushed to the boating class. Everyone hoped to be in front of the others. At first, my friends and I worked hard, but the boat wouldn't do what we wanted it to do and kept going round and round. Then the teacher taught us how to work together. After many tries, we did much better.

Swimming class was my favourite. We had a swimming class at 2 pm. It was the hottest time of a day but the best time to stay in the cool water. The swimming teacher was a funny man, and during the class he made us laugh happily.

During the week I learnt a lot of new things and made many new friends. I also learnt how to take care of myself.

51. The children got to the campground__________.

A. on foot

B. by bike

C. by bus

D. by plane

52. When they were having the night party, they felt________.

A. homesick

B. happy

C. worried

D. sad

53.The writer________ at the beginning of the boating class.

A. was not interested

B. didn't work hard

C. didn't do well

D. did very well

54. In the swimming class, the writer________.

A. felt good to stay in the cool water because it was hot

B. was afraid to jump into the water

C. was punished by the teacher

D. felt bored

55.Which of the following is NOT true?

A. The campground is quite near the children's homes.

B. The children's homesickness didn't last long.

C. In the boating class, boating was teamwork.

D. The camp lasted for a week.


It took Charile Mui several months to save up seven dollars. He wanted to buy a model plane, so he went to the shop with the money.

On the way, Charlie saw a little boy crying on a corner of the street. “Why are you crying?”Charlie asked. “Three big boys took away my four dollars just now,”the boy said,

“I was on my way to buy some exercise-boo ks, but now I can't.”

Charlie thought of the seven dollars in his pocket. He thought of the model plane as well as the poor boy. Charlie wanted to walk away, but he did not. At last he gave four dollars to the boy and went home.

56. How did Charlie get the money? It was probable that ____.

A. he got it by working in his spare time

B. he got it by saving the small boy

C. the three big boys gave it to him

D. now and then(偶尔) his parents gave him a little, which he kept for quite some time

57. How much might a model plane probably cost?

A. 7 dollars.

B. 3 dollars.

C. More than 7 dollars.

D. Less than 3 dollars

58. Which of the following is correct?

A. Charlie offered four dollars to the boy right away.

B. Charlie gave the boy four dollars without any thought.

C. Charlie was forced(被迫) to give up his four dollars at last.

D. Only after a moment's thought, Charlie decided to help.

59. Charlie went home with ____.

A. all his money

B. only 3 dollars

C. nothing

D. a model plane

60. We can guess that when Charlie went home, he felt ____ in his mind(内心).

A. happy

B. tired

C. sad

D. angry


We all cry for water when we are thirsty. But do you know in very hot, dry weather, plants also make very low sounds — as if they are crying out for help?

You see, in a plant’s stem(茎) there are several hundred “water pipes(管道)” that bring water from soil(土壤) all the way up to the leaves. When the ground turns dry, it becomes harder and harder for plants to do this. On very hot days, plants have to get any water that it can.

Scientist Robert Winter has found out that when plants can get no water, their “water pipes” snap(发出断裂声). When that happens, the whole plant vibrates( 振动 ) a little. The snapping pipes make noises ten thousand times more quiet than a whisper(低语).

Robert knows that healthy, well-watered plants are quiet. He also knows that many insects (昆虫) prefer attacking dry plants rather than healthy plants. How do the insects know which are healthy plants and which are not? Robert thinks that the insects may hear the plants crying and then they may come to kill.

61. There are many “water pipes”_________.

A. in a plant’s stem

B. in a plant’s peel(果皮)

C. in a plant’s bark(树皮)

D. in the earth

62. When pla nts can________, their “water pipes” snap.

A. grow well

B. get no sunlight

C. have enough water

D. get no water

63. When “water pipes” snap, the whole plant_________.

A. keeps quiet

B. vibrates a little

C. gets well

D. makes very loud sounds

64. The snapping pipes make noises _________ times more quiet than a whisper.

A. 100

B. 1, 000

C. 10, 000

D. 100, 000

65. Many insects like to attack_________.

A. quiet plants

B. dry plants

C. healthy plants

D. well-watered plants

第二部分 非选择题(50分) 五、词汇运用 用所给词的适当形式填空(10分) 66. Our trip starts at 8:30 am and ______________ (finish) at 4:00 pm this Sunday. 67. Kitty's classmate Daniel taught himself how ____________ (make) a home page. 68. She has many ____________ (use) books. 69. You must write down the words on the blackboard____________ (correct). 70. We mustn't learn from him. He is__________(honest). 71. What prevented you from_____________(join) us last night? 72. You'd better____________ (not; go) out in such a bad day. 73. We all know Beijing is in the______________ (north) part of China. 74. The group______________ (not leave) here tomorrow because of the rain. 75. My father___________ (forget) to bring the key to the office this morning. 六、任务型阅读(10分) Jack hit the bedroom wall with his fist. (1)“You can ’t make me do this or that.” he shouted at his father. “I’m not going where you want to go.” Then he ran away from home. Teenagers like Jack sometimes get angry. And sometimes this causes trouble. People have different ways to solve these problems. We all get angry. But we need to control(控制) and express(表达) it in the (2)_________ way. You can ask yourself some questions like these, “Where does the anger come from?” “How can I express my anger?” (3)“我生谁的气,为什么(生气)?” “Do I communicate well with others?” Don ’t let your anger grow up. Remember that anger is part of life, but how we face it is our choice. 76. 将(1)句译成中文:_________________________________________________________ 77. 请在(2)处填入合适的词: ___________ 78. 将(3)句译成英文:_________________________________________________________ 79. 请在文中找出下列句子的同义句,并写在下面的横线上: People solve the problems in different ways. _____________________________________________________________ 80. 在文中找出该短文的中心句。 _______________________________________________________________________ 七、缺词填空(10分) Food is very important. Everyone needs to eat well if he or she wants to have a s (81) body. Our mind also needs a kind of f_(82)____. This kind of food is knowledge. When we are very young, we begin to get knowledge. Young children like watching and listening. Colour pictures often interest t (83) . While children are older, they enjoy r(84) . When something interests them, they love asking q (85) . Our mind, like o_(86)__ bodies, always needs the best food. If you study by y (87) , you will g (88) the most knowledge. If someone is always telling us answers, we never l (89) well. When we study in the right way, we will learn m (90) and understand better. 81 82 83 84 85 s f t r q 86 87 88 89 90 o y g l m 八、根据中文提示,完成句子(20分) 1.他是我们班跑得最快的。 He ’s ________ ________ _________ in our class. 2.我觉得一直不停的读书有点无聊。

I find it ________ to ________ ________ all the time.


_________ your _________ we ’ll win.


If people _________ _________ _________ the forests to make roads, wild animals will disappear in the end.



There are _______ and _______ giant pandas in the world, we must ________ people from _________ the forests.


The wetlands __________ the wildlife _________ an ________ home and shelter.


Swallows fly to __________ _________ for winter.


根据提示写一篇以“Tigers are in danger”为题保护老虎的文章,要求在80词左右











江苏省泰兴市西城初级中学八年级语文下册《写作 写简单的议论文》教案 苏教版

训练目的 1、学会写简单的议论文来阐明自己的观点。 2、学会写议论文的常用的两种方法;摆事实和讲道理。 训练题目 [见课文] 训练指导 第一题 1、题目说:中华民族有许多优良的传统美德。 讨论具体表现在哪里?⑴父慈子孝,兄友弟悌;⑵为人谦和,礼貌待人; ⑶诚实可信,知恩图报;⑷爱国爱民,心忧天下; ⑸克己奉公,廉洁公正;⑹修身养性,君子慎独; ⑺见利思义,以义制利;⑻勤劳俭朴,艰苦奋斗; ⑼质朴求实,宽容大度;⑽勇敢刚毅,身体力行。 2、题目问:你认为当今最值得发扬和提倡的传统美德是什么? 学生讨论,归纳: 联系实际谈,如青少年学生对孝敬父母的意义——不仅继承了传统美德,而且只是报答父母养育之恩于万一,更是热爱祖国、忠于人民的思想情感的基础。 3、题目上提出四点要求:⑴观点正确;⑵有自己的见解;⑶例证有说服力; ⑷适当引用格言警句。 例如阐述传统美德中讲究“诚信”的道理,观点可以是:诚信是品德之 瑰宝,是才智之源泉,是成功之前提,是无形之资产。 第二题 阅读一则材料,联系现实生活,议论爷爷剪枝条给我们的启示。 学生讨论,归纳:1、削枝以强干。爷爷剪掉一些枝干,会使果树长得更好。舍弃次要的,是为了保留主要的,有所不为方能有所为。 2、看眼前,果树枝条茂盛,长势很好,看发展,剪掉枝条会使果实丰硕,所以爷爷毫不吝惜。行动服于目的,措施受制于宗旨。这是有远见、有胆识之举。 3、小孩拿起一根枝条,也许长得很好,但从整棵果树权衡,它成了分散营养,影响结果数量与质量的冗枝,必须剪掉。正确处理部分与整体的关系,让部分服务于整体,局部服务于大局。 4、“傻孩子”,傻在何处?傻在只看到一根一根的枝条,忘了它们与整体的联系;只看到它们眼前的长势,忘了它们最终影响的结果。我们切不可一叶障目,而不见全树。 第三题 入选“集锦”的材料,要注意“典型”“精辟”“可靠”;分类制作卡片可以从内容、形式或作者等多角度分类,原则上便于查找。 [例文] 《削枝为了强干》(见参考书) 简评: 这篇简单的议论文,阐明的观点就是题目:削枝为了强干。联系实际,必须减轻作业负担,以保证同学们学得更轻松,更有效。 文章阐明观点的事实,一是所提供的材料爷爷给果树剪枝的故事,一是生活中加重作业负担的事实。所举事例有代表性,能充分证明论点。作者对所举的事实作分析,一是分析爷爷给果树剪枝条的原因,二是分析沉重的作业负担所造成的危害。议论文中的分析,就是讲道


江苏省泰兴中学高二政治周末作业(必修) 经济生活第二单元 一、单项选择题 1、右图是中国3G标识,通过3G手机可以实现视频通话、宽带上网、观看手机电视等。手机新功能带来生活和娱乐 方式新变化,这说明() A.消费对生产有反作用 B.生产决定消费水平和消费方式 C.新的消费热点能给企业带来经济效益 D.生产是消费的目的和动力 2.十七大报告指出,促进经济增长由主要依靠投资、出口拉动向依靠消费、投资、出口协调拉动转变。增加“消费”与投资、出口协调拉动经济增长,这是因为() A.只要增加居民收入,就能拉动经济增长 B.生产决定消费,没有生产就没有消费 C.消费的发展能促进生产的发展 D.有效需求不足会制约经济的增长 3.生产决定消费,消费对生产具有重要反作用。下列选项体现消费对生产具有重要反作用的是 A.数字技术的发展,为人们提供了视听效果更完美的产品 B.随着收入水平的不断提高,旅游成为人们生活的一部分 C.网上购物方式不仅方便了消费者,而且降低了企业成本 D.人们对健康的关注,推动了绿色食品业的迅速发展 4.据调查,目前我国至少有85%的新迁住户要装修居室,家庭居室装修业成了新的经济增长点。家庭居室装修业的兴起说明()A.转变经济增长方式必须扩大内需 B.超前消费反映了人们消费观念的转变 C.生存资料消费是居民最基本的消费 D.新的消费热点能够带动相关产业的发展 5、近几年来,人们休闲方式不断“升级”,昔日打网球、保龄球等“贵族运动”,如今已成为平民时尚。人们对休闲服务的个性 化需求也在增加。人们休闲方式不断升级的根本原因是() A.居民收入稳步增长B.社会经济不断发展 C.商品、服务价格持续下降D.居民消费结构日益优化 6、据《人民日报》报道,既不同于集体经济占主导的“苏南模式”,也有别于私营经济唱主角的“温州模式”,务实的宁波人似 乎并不在意什么模式,他们追求的则是“不看成份看发展,不看比例看贡献,不看规模看效益”的目标。材料充分体现了()A.我国公有制经济居于主体地位 B.国有经济的实现形式可以多样化 C.符合“三个有利于”的所有制形式可以而且应当用来为社会主义服务 D.非公有制经济是社会主义经济的重要组成部分 7、2010年10月1日是我国《物权法》实施三周年。物权法规定:国家、集体、私人的物权和其他权利人的物权受法律保护, 任何单位和个人不得侵犯。这一规定() ①有利于维护社会主义市场经济秩序 ②重在保护个人的私有财产 ③重在提高股份制经济在公有制经济中的比重 ④有利于促进公有制经济和非公有制经济的共同发展 A.①③B.②③C.②④D.①④ 8.右图是某市2009年各类经济成分在GDP中所占比重, 说明该市所有制结构是:() A.以按劳分配为主体,多种分配方式并存 B.以公有制为主体,多种所有制经济共同发展 C.以按生产要素分配为主体,多种分配方式并存 D.以非公有制为主体,多种所有制经济共同发展

江苏省泰兴市西城初级中学八年级语文下册《变色龙》第一课时教案 苏教版

19、《变色龙》 教学目标 1、知识目标:了解“变色龙”的表面意思和象征意义; 2、能力目标:通过人物对话来把握人物性格,特别是奥楚蔑洛夫的性格特点; 3、情感目标:认识沙皇专制统治的腐朽黑暗。 教学重点、难点: 1、重点:通过人物对话来把握人物性格,特别是奥楚蔑洛夫的性格特点; 2、难点:理解奥楚蔑洛夫这一人物形象的深刻社会意义。 课时安排: 2课时 教学步骤: 第一课时 一、导入新课 同学们,说起人们眼下追求的个性宠物——蜥蜴,很多人的感觉是丑陋、可怕的,其实蜥蜴中的一种叫变色龙的,它会随着环境颜色的改变而改变皮肤颜色。俄国短篇小说大师契诃夫1884年创作的一篇讽刺小说就叫《变色龙》,其中的奥楚蔑洛夫警官也有善变的技能。今天我们就一起走进小说,去了解那里发生的故事。 二、明确目标 (一)、了解沙皇专制统治的黑暗腐败。 (二)、学习运用精彩的对话刻画人物,理解细节描写对人物刻画的作用。 (三)、进一步理解和学习运用对比进行讽刺的写作方法。 三、简介作者和背景作者简介 契诃夫(1860—1904),19世纪俄国伟大的批判现实主义作家。他出生于小市民家庭,靠当家庭教师读完中学,1879年入莫斯科大学学医,1884年毕业后从医并开始文学创作。 他的短篇小说,采取批判现实主义的创作方法,以犀利的笔锋直刺罪恶社会,揭露小市民的庸俗和丑恶,抨击反动统治,批判黑暗的现实。 2、背景简介 《变色龙》写作于1884年,当时的俄国沙皇亚历山大三世,为了强化反动统治,豢养了一批欺下媚上的走狗,为其镇压人民服务。他也制定了一些掩人耳目的法令,给残暴的专制主义蒙上了一层面纱。沙皇专制警察往往打着遵守法令的官腔,而干的却是趋炎附势、欺下媚上的勾当。《变色龙》中的奥楚蔑洛夫正是其中的典型代表。 四、字词注音 逮住() 逮捕() 盛满() 旺盛() 畜生() 畜牧() 无赖() 戳穿() 坯子()


关于学校的各项综合指标所列出 1.南京外国语学校99.5 2.南师附中9 3.3 3.江苏省苏州中学92.7 4.江苏省扬州中学92.5 5.南京金陵中学92.1 6. 江苏省木渎中学91.4 7.江苏省天一中学90.9 8.江苏省泰兴中学90.8 9.盐城中学90.7 10.江苏省苏州实验中学90.5 11.江苏省南通中学90.45 12.南京市第一中学90.4 13.无锡市辅仁高级中学90.35 14.江苏省常州高级中学90.2 15.江苏省前黄高级中学90.1 16.江苏省启东中学90.0 90分以上十六所,为江苏顶级学校。 18.南通第一中学89.4 19.江苏省锡山高级中学89.1 20. 无锡市第一中学89.0 21.江苏省梅村高级中学88.5 22.江苏省梁丰高级中学88.1 23.江苏省南菁高级中学88.0 24.常州市第一中学87.7 25.江苏省溧水高级中学87.45 27.苏州市第一中学87.0 28.苏州市第十中学86.4 29.江苏省江阴高级中学86.15 30.南京市第十三中学85.5 31.镇江市第一中学85.2 32.徐州市第三中学85.0 33.南京市中华中学84.75 34.苏州中学园区83.7 35.苏州新区第一中学83.4 36.江苏教育学院附属中学83.1 37.江苏省淮阴中学82.7 38.南京市第九中学82.65 39.江苏省常熟中学82.6 40.江苏省姜堰中学82.6 41.江苏省海安高级中学82.5 42.徐州市第一中学82.5 43.江苏省通州高级中学82.4 45.江苏省昆山中学81.6

46.江苏省如皋中学80.8 47.江苏省宜兴高级中学80.7 48.江苏省镇江中学80.4 49.江苏省怀仁高级中学80.2 50.江苏省黄桥中学80.2 51.南通市第三中学80.1 52.南京市江宁高级中学80.05 53.江苏省泰州中学80.0 80分以上53所。 54.姜堰市第二中学79.9 55.江苏省滨海中学79.1 56.江苏省华罗庚中学78.4 57.苏大附中77.6 58.江苏省清江中学77.5 59.江苏省郑集高级中学77.4 60.江苏省丹阳高级中学77.2 61.江苏省邗江中学75.7 62.江苏省武进高级中学75.4 63.江苏省南通市如东栟茶中学75.4 64.盐城第一中学74.8 65.江苏省扬中高级中学74.1 66.江苏省太湖高级中学74.0 67.江苏省建湖高级中学72.2 68.江阴市长泾中学71.5 69.江苏省侯集中学71.4 70.张家港高级中学70.6 71.江苏省奔牛高级中学70.2 72.南京航空航天大学附属中学70.0 70分以上72所学校 73.江苏省羊尖高级中学69.4 74.包场中学67.1 75.江阴市第一中学67.0 76.震泽中学66.2 77.江苏省太仓高级中学65.2 78.苏州第三中学65.1 79.东山高级中学64.7 80.南京市第五中学64.4 81.苏州市第六中学64.3 82.江苏省东台中学63.2 83.苏州新区二中63.1 84.太仓市沙溪高级中学60.5 85.江阴市青阳中学60.1 86.通州市西亭中学60.0 87.江苏省沭阳高级中学60.0 60分以上级别87所,属于优秀级学校

江苏省泰兴市西城初级中学八年级语文下册《鸟》专题知识点总结练习(无答案) 苏教版

《鸟》专题知识点总结练习 一、完成下列与鸟有关的谜语: 1、空中排队飞行,组织纪律严明。初春来到北方,深秋南方过冬。(大雁) 2、恩爱夫妻喜相逢,说说唱唱打鱼归。芙蓉深处轻舟过,红浆戏水泛光辉。(鸳鸯) 3、背面灰色腹有斑,繁殖习性很罕见。卵蛋产在邻鸟窝,请人孵育自逍遥。(杜鹃) 4、鸟儿当中数它小,针状嘴尾舌尖巧。身子只有野蜂大,飞行本领却很高。(蜂鸟) 5、日在树上,夜到庙堂。不要看我小,我也有心肺肝肠。(麻雀) 6、海上一只鸟,跟着船儿跑。寻找浪中鱼,从不怕风暴。(信天翁) 7、从南来个黑大汉,腰里插着两把扇。走一步,扇一扇,阿弥陀佛好热天。(企鹅) 8、驰名中外一歌手,音韵委婉会多变。能学多种鸟儿叫,祖国内蒙是家园。(百灵鸟) 9、腿儿长背儿驼,长着翅膀飞不过河。风吹草动胆子小,脑袋钻进沙窝窝。(鸵鸟) 10、飞起来像只鸟,坐下像只猫。夜间捉田鼠,眼亮本领高。(猫头鹰) 11、衔树枝,衔泥草,高高树上把房造。好消息,天天报,叫得人们心欢笑。(喜鹊) 12、冬天住在山林里,春天飞到天空中。从早到晚常不停,歌声催人快播种。(布谷鸟) 13、千里飞翔爱热闹,常在空中打呼哨。光送信来不送报,见谁都把姑姑叫。(鸽子) 二、完成下列与鸟有关的成语 1、比喻侍奉尊亲的孝心。【乌鸟私情】 2、形容光阴迅速流逝。【乌飞兔走】 3、像鸟类或鱼类那样聚集在一起。形容聚集得很多。【鸟集鳞萃鳞】 4、比喻事情成功之后,把曾经出过力的人一脚踢开。【鸟尽弓藏】 5、指悼念故人,祭品菲薄。【只鸡絮酒】 6、比喻平凡的人哪里知道英雄人物的志向。【燕雀安知鸿鹄之志】 7、比喻做一件事达到两个目的。【一箭双雕】 8、比喻相爱的男女形影不离。【双宿双飞】 9、形容游子倦游归家.或比喻离开工作岗位太久,倦於在外想回到自己岗位【倦鸟知返】 10、比喻一个人的仪表或才能在周围一群人里显得很突出。【鹤立鸡群】 11、比喻受困而不自由的人,也比喻易于擒拿的敌人。【笼中之鸟】 12、形容春天的景色宜人。【鸟语花香】 13、像聚集的鸟兽受到惊吓飞奔逃散,比喻崩溃逃散的情景。【如鸟兽散】


江苏省泰兴市西城中学2017-2018学年七年级下学期期末考 试语文试题 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、字词书写 1.根据拼音在田字格内依次写出相应的汉字。 闲xiá之余,yōu然漫步于羌溪河畔,碧水潺潺,繁花bānlán,鸟鸣啾唧,令人心旷神怡。 二、选择题 2.下列句子中标点符号使用正确 ..的一项是() A.《木兰诗》选自《乐府诗集》(北宋郭茂倩编,中华书局1979年版)。 B.“我对这次考试充满了信心,”他对我说:“因为我准备得很充分。” C.仰之弥高,越高,攀得越起劲,钻之弥坚,越坚,钻得越锲而不舍。 D.屈原、李白、杜甫……等,像一颗颗宝石,镶嵌在中华民族的史册上。 3.下列成语运用正确 ..的一项是() A.他嘴上虽然没有说不对,心里却不以为意 ....。 B.5月14日,川航一客机出现机械故障,机长刘传建力挽狂澜 ....,将飞机成功降落机场。 C.由于今年多次遇到旱痨灾害,庄稼的收成不好,农民们只能过个兀兀穷年 ....。 D.人民生活安居乐业 ....,社会安定有序,国家长治久安,群众的幸福感才会越来越强。 4.下列句子中,没有语病 ....的一项是() A.走进美丽的银杏公园,我停下脚步驻足观赏。 B.各地中小学建立和完善了校园安全工作机制。 C.这次全市开展的环保征文活动,五个小学的学生获得了二等奖。 D.由于公共自行车站点比较密集,使泰兴城区市民“绿色出行”更加便利。 5.(题文)下列说法有误 ..的一项是() A.我和.母亲漫步西湖,空气清新 ....,繁花似锦,嗅着花香,闭了眼,树上仿佛满.是累累硕果。(上句中的“和”是连词,“满”是副词,“空气清新”是主谓短语) B.陈忠实老师看到出版社的条件很差,就自掏腰包两万元,为改善我们的工作条件尽 了一点绵薄之力 ....。(“绵薄之力”是谦词,使用错误,此处应该用敬词)

江苏省泰兴市西城初级中学八年级语文下册《紫藤萝瀑布》练习 苏教版

一.给下列加点字注音或根据注音写汉字。 迸.溅()琼.浆()绽.开()伶.仃()沉淀.()酒酿.()宗璞.() zhù立()花suì()遗hàn()砥lì() pù布()挑.逗()盛.开()忍俊不禁.()笼.罩()挑.拣()盛.满()禁.止()鸽笼.()二.填空。 1.《紫藤萝瀑布》的作者,是当代的,本名,其成名作是。本文以为线索,浓墨酣畅的描绘了 ,淋漓尽致地抒发了,阐发了的人生道理,表现了作者焕发活力,惜时而行的积极情怀。 2.忽然记起十多年前家门外也曾有过一大株紫藤萝,它(A、依傍B、靠着)一株枯槐爬得很高,但花朵从来都(A、稀少B、稀落),东一穗西一串伶仃地挂在树梢,好像在(A、诉说B、试探)什么。 三.下列说法有误的一项是: A.本文因为作者遇见一树盛开的紫藤萝花,睹物释怀,写成此文。 B.本文描写紫藤萝花的勃勃生机,实际上赞美了生命的美好和顽强。 C.作者由紫藤萝花的勃勃生机感悟到生命的长河是无止境的。 D.本文中多次使用了拟人、比喻、象征等修辞手法。 四.仿照例句写一句修辞手法相同的句子。 例句:只见一片辉煌的淡紫色,象一条瀑布,从空中垂下。 造句:。五.简答题 1.文章第一段“我不由得停住了脚步”独句成段,在全文起什么作用?最后又写“不觉加快了脚步”,这样安排有什么作用?我为什么“停住了脚步”又“加快了脚步”? 2.文章插叙十年前的往事有什么用意? 3.作者是怎样调动多种感官来观察和描写景物的? 六.阅读文章2---7节,回答下列文题。 1.请用简洁的语言概括这部分文字的大意。 2.这几段对紫藤萝的描绘极具层次感,你能指出他们的描写顺序吗? 3.第六节文字依次描写了和。4.第七节“它带走了这些时一直压在我心头的关于生死的疑惑”一句中的“它”指代的是 5.作者为什么把紫藤萝花比作是瀑布? 6.作者将紫藤萝写的如此生动形象,原因是什么?

江苏省泰兴中学高中数学 第2章 圆锥曲线与方程 1 圆锥

圆锥曲线 [目地要求] 1、了解圆锥面的概念 2、了解用平面从不同角度截圆锥面所得到的曲线 3、理解椭圆、双曲线、抛物线的定义 [重点难点] 重点:椭圆、双曲线、抛物线的定义 难点:圆锥面的截面的规律性 [典例剖析] 例1、已知△ABC中,B(-3,0),C(3,0)且AB、BC、AC成等差数列 (1)证:点A在一个椭圆上运动; (2)写出这椭圆的焦点坐标 例2、已知动点P到两个定点A(-5,0)、B(5,0)的距离之差为8,求点P的轨迹

例3、若动点M 的坐标满足方程22 53412x y x y +=+-,试判断动点M 的轨迹 例4、如图,已知定圆1F 和定圆2F 的半径分别为121,2r r ==,动圆M 与定圆1F 、2F 都外切,试判断动圆M 的圆心M 的轨迹 [学习反思] 已知平面上定点1F ,2F (122F F c =) 动点P (1) 若12PF PF +=常数2a ,则2a>2c 时,P 的轨迹是___________________ 2a=2c 时,P 的轨迹是____________________ (2) 若12PF PF - =常数2a ,则2a<2c 时,P 的轨迹是__________________ 2a=2c 时,P 的轨迹是____________________

[巩固练习] 1、 已知在坐标轴上有两定点1F (-4,0)、2F (4,0),点P 是平面上一点,且1210PF PF +=, 则点P 的轨迹是______________________________________ 2、 已知△ABC ,其中B (0,1)C (0,-1),且1AB AC -=,则点A 的轨迹是 ______________________________________________ 3、 已知定点M (1,1),定直线:3l x =,有一动点N ,点N 到点M 的距离MN 始终等于点N 到 直线l 的距离,则点N 的轨迹是_____________________________________ 4、 已知椭圆的两个焦点为1F (2,-3)、2F (3,-2),则此椭圆的焦距是___________ 5、 已知椭圆的焦点是1F 、2F ,P 是椭圆上的一个动点,如果延长1F P 到点Q ,使得2PQ PF =, 那么动点Q 的轨迹是____________________ 江苏省泰兴中学高二数学课后作业(6) 班级: 姓名: 学号: 【A 组题】 1、 若动点P 到两点1F (-5,0)、2F (5,0)的距离和为10,则P 的轨迹为___________ 2、 已知定点1F (-2,0)、2F (2,0)在满足下列条件的平面内,则动点P 的轨迹中为双曲 线的是___________________ ①123PF PF -=±;②124PF PF -=±;③125PF PF -=±;④22124PF PF -=± 3、 设定点1F (-7,0)、2F (7,0),动点P(x,y)满足条件1214PF PF -=,则动点P 的轨 迹是_________________ 4、 平面上与定点A(1,1)和定直线l :x+2y-3=0距离相等的点的轨迹方程为____________ 5、 平面内有两个定点1F 、2F 和一动点M ,设命题甲:12MF MF -是定值;命题乙:点M 的轨迹是双曲线,则命题甲是命题乙的_________________条件 6、一个圆过点M (-4,0)且与圆N :()2 249x y -+=相切(注意相切的情形的判断),求动

江苏省泰兴市西城初级中学八年级英语上学期双休日作业2(无答案) 牛津版

江苏省泰兴市西城初级中学八年级英语上学期双休日作业2 班级______ 学号_______ 姓名________ 成绩________ 家长签字_________ 一.词汇 A根据首字母提示或中文提示和句意,写出各单词的正确形式。 1. I think English is one of the most important s_____ _. 2. My cousin Andy often shares his j_______ with me. 3. In a m school, boys and girls have lessons together. 4.the teacher asked the students to talk about their i_____ school life. 5.There are some ______________(广告)in the magazine. 6.My father is _______(耐心的) enough to teach me how to swim. 7 English is one of the most important _______________(语言)in the world. 8. I also keep writing in________(法语) about my daily life.. 9. He is very ________ ( 亲密) to his uncle. 10.The more careful you are, ________(少的) mistakes(错误) you will make. B用所给词的适当形式填空: 11.I think she listens __________(care) in our class. 12. Do you often practice____________(speak)English here? 13. My mother asks us___________(not watch) too much TV. 14.Our team ______(win) the football match yesterday. 15.____________(drive) a car is much faster than taking a bus. 16.. Everyone in our class (enjoy) music very much. 17.He is from Britain. He is a _____________(Britain) boy. 二、选择 ( ) 1.----Can I have ________? ---- Of course .Here you are.. A. some more food B. a few food C. any more food D. a little eggs ( ) 2. Do you and your brother_________ each other? A. is like B. be like C. are like D. look like ( ) 3. One of my_________ is clean, but_________ one isn’t. A. foot, other B. feet; the other C. foot; the other D. feet; other ( ) 4._____________ of the women is my mother. A. The older B. Older C. The old D. The oldest ( )5. There aren’t enough chairs. Would you please _________ ones here? A. to bring another three B. bring more three C. to take three another D. bring three more ( ) 6. She sings beautifully. I never hear ________ voice(嗓音)。 A. the better B. a good C. the best D. a better ( )8.. Why come and play basketball with us? A. not you B. don’t C. not to D. not ( )9. People in the UK say “lift” while people in the USA say “”. A. hall B.elevator C. recess D. soccer ( )10. If it next Sunday, you still the Great Wall? A. will rain; do; visit B. will snow; will; visit C. rains; do; visit D. rains; will; visit

江苏省泰兴市西城初级中学八年级英语上学期期末考试试题(无答案) 牛津版

第一部分选择题(90分) 一、听力(共20分) A. 你将听到四段对话,从所给四幅图画中选出与你所听内容相符的一幅。听两遍。(4分) A B C D B. 你将听到6段对话,请根据每段对话内容所提出的问题选出正确答案听两遍(6分) 5. When did David go to China ? A. This September. B. Last September. C. Last spring 6. What does the girl want to do tomorrow? A. To go fishing. B. To go swimming. C. To go running. 7. How is the weather today? A. Cloudy. B. Snowy. C. Fine. 8. Where is Jack now? A. In the school. B. At home. C. In hospital. 9. When might John come to see the doctor? A. Monday. B. Wednesday. C. Friday. 10. What does John want to see? A. Tigers. B. Keys. C. Monkeys C. 你将听到2段对话,每段对话后都有几个问题,每个问题有三个供选择的答案,请你根据对话内容 选择适当的答案听两遍(5分) 听下面一段对话,回答第l1-12小题: 11.Where are they going this coming Saturday? A. Century Park. B. Zhongshan Park. C. Nanjing Road. 12.Which season is it now? A. Spring. B. Summer. C. Autumn. 听下面一段对话,回答第l3-15小题: 13.Where are they talking? A. In the street. B. In a radio shop. C. In the museum. 14. What can you learn from the talk? A. Susan can repair walkmans. B. The man wants to buy a new walkman. C. Something is wrong with Susan’s walkman. 15.What will Susan do? A. She will give Roy a call when the walkman is repaired. B. She wants Roy to buy a walkman. C. She won’t help repair Roy’s walkman. D. 将听到一段短文,然后你将看到5个问题,每个问题有三个供选择的答案,请你根据短文内容选择适当答案听两遍(5分) 16. Mr Black didn’t want the others to know ________. A. he lost his job B. he was rich C. he couldn’t hear well 17. ______ his friend told a story. A. Before the dinner B. During the dinner C. After the dinner 18. His friend ________. A. told an old story B. told them some interesting news C. told a funny story 19. Mr Black laughed as loud as the others because _______. A. he wanted to show he had heard the story B. he thought the story was funny

江苏省泰兴中学2017-2018学年高二10月阶段检测语文试题 Word版含答案 (1)

江苏省泰兴中学2017-2018学年高二语文阶段性检测 一、语言运用题(15分) 二、1.在下面一段话空缺处依次填人词语,最恰当的一组是(3分) 场内遗留了不少造船厂房及机器设备,作为文物,它们都被认为;作为废铁,它们论吨计价;作为景观,他们往往与现代普通人的审美期望相去甚远,大多。但是我们从中仍感悟到工业“设计”的力量。可以肯定,在当年的机器制造行业中,甚至连“在可能的条件下美观”这样的指导条例肯定也。 A.毫无价值不堪入目不会存在 B.不名一文惨不忍睹不会存在 C.不名一文不堪入目不复存在 D.毫无价值惨不忍睹不复存在 2.下列各句中,没有语病的一项是(3分) A.2013年国庆节,全国各旅游景区游客人数和旅游总收入同比增长至5.2%和4%;但集中出游人满为患,引发了人们对假期安排的讨论。 B.“世界读书日”前夕,中国新闻出版研究院的调查结果显示,国民人均阅读量明显不足,图书行业的出版和消费呈现出不对称发展的态势。 C.专家指出,针对“山西地震谣言”事件,国家必须加快相关立法进程和打击力度,来有效遏制网络散播流言这一现象。 D.因不符合券商上市的新规定,目前,这家证券公司的上市申报材料已经被退回,其多年来上市的夙愿变得遥遥无期。 3.下列四个选项中,前后加点实词解释相同的一项是(3分) A.生孩九月,慈父见.背思垂空文以自见. B. 至激于义理者不然.然.自后余多在外,不长居 C. 一日,大母过.余曰于是乘其车,揭其剑,过.其友 D. 而用.流俗人之言用.之所趋异也 4.下列四个选项中,前后加点字用法相同的一项是(3分) A.且勇者不必死.节思垂.空文以自见 B. 太史公牛马 ..走再拜言吾妻死之年所手.植也 C. 客逾庖而宴.猥以微贱 ..,当侍东宫 D. 无以终.余年韩非囚.秦,《说难》《孤愤》 5.在下面一段文字横线处填人语句,衔接最恰当的一项是(3分) 红星小学门卫王然被区教育局评为“十大感动校园人物”,他的事迹中最突出的一条是认识全


绝密★启用前 2020年江苏省泰州市泰兴市西城初级中学中考数学模拟试卷注意事项: 1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效,选择题需使用2B铅笔填涂 一.选择题(共6小题,每小题3分,满分18分) 1.下列计算正确的是() A.3a3+a2=4a5B.(4a)2=8a2 C.(a﹣b)2=a2﹣b2D.2a2?a3=2a5 2.第24届冬季奥运会,将于2022年由北京市和张家口市联合举办.下列四个图案是历届会徽图案上的一部分图形,其中不是轴对称图形的是() A.B. C.D. 3.关于x的方程x2﹣2x﹣2=0的根的情况是() A.有两个不等实根B.有两个相等实根 C.没有实数根D.无法判断根的情况 4.如图是从三个方向看某个几何体得出的平面图形,该几何体是() A.棱柱体B.圆柱体C.圆锥体D.球体 5.学习全等三角形时,数学兴趣小组设计并组织了“生活中的全等”的比赛,全班同学的比赛结果统计如下表:

则得分的众数和中位数分别为() A.70 分,70 分B.80 分,80 分 C.70 分,80 分D.80 分,70 分 6.如图,点F是矩形ABCD的边CD上一点,射线BF交AD的延长线于点E,则下列结论错误的是() A.=B.=C.=D.= 二.填空题(共10小题,每小题3分,满分30分) 7.分解因式:2x2﹣2=. 8.将201800000用科学记数法表示为. 9.一个多边形的内角和等于它的外角和,这个多边形是边形. 10.设m,n是方程x2﹣x﹣2019=0的两实数根,则m3+2020n﹣2019=. 11.若圆锥的底面积为16πcm2,母线长为12cm,则它的侧面展开图的圆心角为.12.有6张看上去无差别的卡片,上面分别写着0,π,,,1.303003,,从中随机抽取1张,则取出的数是无理数的概率是. 13.如图,点P是△ABC的重心,过点P作DE∥AB交BC于点D,交AC于点E,若AB 的长度为6,则DE的长度为. 14.如图,点A,B,C是⊙O上的三点,若∠A=35°,则∠BOC的度数是.

江苏省泰兴中学2020┄2021学年高二10月阶段检测化学选修试题Word版 含答案

江苏省泰兴中学高二化学(选修)阶段性检测 (考试时间:100分钟总分:120分) 可能用到的相对原子质量:H-1 C-12 N-14 O-16 Na-23 Mg-24 Al-27 S-32 第Ⅰ卷(选择题共40分) 选项符合题单项选择题:本题包括10小题,每小题2分,共计20分。每小题只有一个 .... 意。 1.下列物质均可用作燃料,其中最环保的是 A.甲醇 B.天然气 C.液化石油气 D.氢气 2.合成氨反应:3H2+N2=2NH3其反应速率可以分别用v(H2)、v(N2)、v(NH3)[单位均为mol/(L·s)]表示,则正确的关系是 A.v(H2)=v(N2)=v(NH3)B.v(H2)=错误!未找到引用源。v (NH3) C.v(N2)=2v(NH3)D.v(N2)=3v(H2) 3.25℃时,将0.1mol·L—1氨水溶液加水稀释,下列数值变大的是 A.c(OH—)B.pH C.c(NH4+)/c(NH3·H2O)D.c (H+)·c(OH—) 4.在一定条件下发生反应:A(g)+B(g)xC(g)+D(g),在2L密闭容器中,把4molA和2molB混合,2min后达到平衡时生成1.6molC,又测得反应速率V D=0.2mol/(L·min),下列说法正确的是 A.A和B的转化率均是20% B.x = 4 C.平衡时A的物质的量为3.2mol D.平衡时气体压强比原来减小 5.研究人员研制出一种锂水电池,可作为鱼雷和潜艇的储备电源。该电池以金属锂和钢

板为电极材料,以LiOH为电解质,使用时加入水即可放电。关于该电池的下列说法不.正确的是() A.水既是氧化剂又是溶剂B.放电时OH—向正极移动 C.放电时正极上有氢气生成D.总反应为:2Li+2H2O===2LiOH+H2↑6.向0.1 mol·L?1 CH3COOH溶液中加入少量CH3COONa晶体或加水稀释时,都会引起A.溶液的pH增大B.CH3COOH的电离程度增大 C.溶液的导电能力减小 D.溶液中n(H+)减小 7.反应3Fe(s)+4H 2O(g)Fe3O4(s)+4H2(g)在温度和容积不变的条件下进行。下列叙述能表明反应达到平衡状态的是 A.容器内压强不再改变B.v(H2O)=v(H2) C.气体的密度不再改变D.反应不再进行 8.下列反应均为吸热反应,其中一定不能自发进行的是 A.2CO(g)=2C(s)+O2(g)B.2N2O5(g)=4NO2(g)+O2(g)C.MgCO3(s)=MgO(s)+CO2(g)D.(NH4)2CO3(s)=NH4HCO3(s)+NH3(g) 9.水的电离过程为H2O H++OH—,在不同温度下其平衡常数为K(25℃)=1.0×10—14, K(35℃)=2.1×10—14。则下列叙述正确的是 A.C(H+)随着温度升高而降低B.35℃时,c(H+)>c(OH—) C.25℃时,PH=3的盐酸中由水电离产生的H+浓度为1.0×10—3mol·L-1 D.35℃时,向溶液中加入稀氨水,平衡逆向移动,c(OH―)增大,K w不变10.下列关于热化学反应的描述中正确的是


第1课时Comic strip &Welcome to the u nit 一、翻译词组 1、半小时前____________________________ 2、见过我的食物 _____________________________ 3、刚刚吃了它__________________________ 4、你变了 ___________________________________ 5、过去常常和我分享一切_________________________ 6、过去常常对我好 __________________ 7、不同时期的交通方式__________________________ 8、步行去那儿 ________________________ 9、进行一个历史的课题研究___________________________10太多人和车辆 _________________ 11、足够幸运看见他的变化___________________________________________________________ 二、根据旬意及中文提示完成单词 1. At ____________(现在,目前),we can fly to Seoul from Yancheng. 2.We can’t forget the poor life in the____________ (过去). 3.I’ve____________ (刚刚)known about it. Sorry to hear that. 4. He has changed. He____________(曾经)to be so kind to his wife. 5. In big cities, people often go to work by ____________(地铁). It’s fast and cheap. 三、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 1.There’re different forms of transport at different____________ (time). 2.I want something ____________ (eat) because I am hungry. 3. 一Where is my book? 一It____________ (be)on the desk five minutes ago. 4.I used to____________ (go) school by bus,but now I ride a bike. 5.Tom has____________ (change)a lot. He always wanted to play with others but now he doesn’t. 四、单项选择 ( ) 1. We got here____________ half an hour ago. A. since B./ C. for D. in ( )2.一____________he ____________at this school two years ago? 一一Yes,I think so. A. Did ; study B. Has, studied C. Was; study D. Did; studied ( )3.Timmy goes to school _________every day.It’s five minutes’ walk from his home to school. A. by bus B. by plane C. On foot D. by train ( )4.一China develops so fast.一That’s true. It____________a lot already. A. has changed B. changed C. will change D. changes ( )5.The building is a cinema now. It____________a supermarket. A. was used to be B. used to be C. is used to being D. uses to be 五、根据中文提示完成句子 1、我妈妈一小时前在家里。 ______________________________________________________________________________ _____ 2、---张鹏,你看见我的电脑了吗?” --- “不,没有。”


江苏省泰兴中学高一数学教学案(134) 必修 2 空间几何体的表面积(一) 班级 姓名 目标要求 1、 了解多面体的平面展开图; 2、 理解并掌握直棱柱、正棱柱的概念和侧面积公式; 3、 理解并掌握正棱锥、正棱台的概念和侧面积公式; 4、 领悟正棱柱、正棱锥、正棱台的侧面积公式之间的关系. 重点难点 重点:正棱柱、正棱锥、正棱台的概念和侧面积公式; 难点:正棱柱、正棱锥、正棱台的概念和侧面展开图. 典例剖析 例1、(1) 判断下列命题是否正确: ①侧棱长相等的三棱锥是正三棱锥 ( ) ②有两个侧面垂直于底面的棱柱是直棱柱 ( ) ③底面是正三角形,且侧棱长相等的三棱锥是正三棱锥 ( ) ④有两个相邻侧面垂直于底面的棱柱是直棱柱 ( ) (2)设集合{},{},{}A B C ===直四棱柱正四棱柱长方体, 则,,A B C 之间的包含关系是 . (3)侧面为直角三角形的正三棱锥, 侧面与底面所成角为θ, 则cos θ= . 例2、(1)正四棱柱1111ABCD A B C D -的底面边长为对角线1AC 长为13,则此正四棱柱的侧面积为 . (2)正三棱台上、下底面面积之比为1:9, 上底边长为a , 侧棱与底面成0 60, 它的全面积是 . 例3、如图,长方体交于点A 的三条棱长分别为 D C B A

A B C P N M 14,3,5AD AA AB ===, 则从点A 沿表面到1C 的最短距离为多少? 例4、已知正三棱锥P —ABC 的侧棱长为1,∠APB=40°,N 、N 分别是棱PB 、PC 上的点,求ΔAMN 的周长的最小值。 学习反思 1、简单的多面体可以沿多面体的某些棱将它剪开而成平面图形,这个平面图形叫做该多面体的 . 2、侧棱与底面垂直的棱柱叫做 ,直棱柱的侧面展开图是 ,S 直棱柱侧= . 3、如果一个棱锥的底面是 ,并且顶点在底面内的正投影是 ,这样的棱锥为 ,正棱锥的侧棱长都 , S 正棱锥侧= . 4、正棱锥被 于底面的平面所截, 之间的部分叫做正棱台,S 正棱台侧= . 5、正棱柱、正棱锥、正棱台的侧面积公式之间的关系可以图示为 6、长方体的长、宽、高分别为 ,,a b c ,则其对角线长为 . 课堂练习 1、底面边长为10,高为5的正四棱锥的侧面积是 . 2、一个正三棱锥的侧面展开图的顶角为平角,侧面积为
