
武器隐藏属性中英文翻译 原摘自:伊芙莉特已整理并不断增加更新

010011110100110101000111 (OMG)- Shoots an AoE electrical shock; similar to a rocket launcer[ErIDian 101100 Cannon]
Oh My God-射出一个AOE闪电冲击;类似于火箭发射器[ErIDian 101100 Cannon](都说了是炮了)

12 bullets invade your skull - While scoped, fires the entire clip in one burst. (RepEAter Pistols)

2 More Bullets MAKes All The Difference- Fires 5 round burst instEAd of standard 3 round burst [Combat Rifles]

Ahhh...Fresh MEAt

A bEAst of many forms- Fire, Lightning, and Poison. - Bullets alternate between the 3 elemental damage types on every shot. [Revolvers]

A Gift from Papa Krom- Fires a three-shot burst when aiming. [RepEAter Pistols]

A hunter lives among the stars... - Chance to do Random Shock Damage in vicinity of user when fired. [Sniper Rifles]
一次射击3颗电属性的子弹 碰到障碍物将会反弹一次 反弹后接触敌人将触发电伤害[狙击步枪]

Aim for the Sniper - Better accuracy while scoped. [Shotguns]

A LEAd Wind Blows... - Fires two bullets per one ammo [SMGs]

Ammo is no longer an issue. - Regenerates Ammo [RepEAter Pistols]

A watchful eye:附带高倍瞄准镜(突击步枪)

BAM!BAM!BAM!BAM!BAM! - While scoped, a five round burst. [Sniper Rifles]

Be Careful Not to Drop It... Might Lose A Toe- +100% Melee Damage. [RepEAter Pistols]

Beware The Horde- Once fired, one rocket becomes several. The longer the rockets travel, the more they split, which can lEAd to 20+ rockets for a single shot! [Rocket Launchers] (Sort of like a MIRV warhEAd.)

Beyond Groovy- Fires rockets instEAd of regular ammo ([Shotgun] - Obtained from killing Flynt)

Big Tony says "Hi"- Massive magazine size. [RepEAter Pistols]

Bring Out Your DEAd- High Corrosion Chance. [Shotguns] (Reference to the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail)

Bring The HEAT!- Incendiary Rounds [Revolvers/RepEAter Pistols]

Careful... you might put someone's eye out未知

Cross Their HEArt, Hope They Die- SprEAd follows a cross-shaped pattern. [Shotguns]

DEAth Rains from Above- 产生空中爆炸燃烧效果 射程短[火箭发射器]

Don't Drop It... Might Lose A Toe - +100% melee da

mage, found on The Clipper

Double Whammy!- Shoots 2 bullets (per shot) at a 200% Burst Fire - (Revolvers, RepEAter Pistols)

Dragon Fire!有机会使敌人3倍燃烧伤害

Drop the Hammer- Chance to cause massive damage, Pellet sprEAd on wall is in shape of hammer. [Shotguns]

Fast Hands - Super fast reload

Feel the Sting- Fires 2 bullets with EAch shot. (RepEAter Pistols)

Five HEAds of DEAth- EAch shot fires five tightly-grouped bursts, spaced out along a horizontal path. (EXaMPle) [Shotguns]

Fools! They call me maaaad!- Bullets zig-zag when fired, and ricochet. [Revolvers]

For the Mother Land - Ignores shield [Snipers]

Give Sick.- High chance for Corrosive damage; effect has a chance to tranSFer to nEArby enemies.

Gonna cook someone today- CrEAtes small nuclEAr EXplosion when fired. [Rocket Launchers]

Guns of the Revolution never fall silent. - Massive Magazine. [Combat Rifles]

Hallelujah! - Regenerates Ammo [SMGs]

Have A Nice Day - Shots crEAte a 'smiley-face' pattern.

Hold Your Ground... Forever - Regenerates Ammo [Combat Rifles]

Holy Crap, It Shoots Rockets! - shoots rockets intermittently while firing. [Shotguns] (Uses the wEApon's ammo type, not actual rockets)

I Can Do This All Day... - Regenerates Ammo [Shotguns]

I got boohoo 未知

"I feel like I'm gonna brEAk this thing."- Slower walking speed while held; Causes Massive Shock Damage [Alien Rifles/ErIDian]

I LIKE IT!:带有巨大的爆炸伤害

I Have You In My Eye, Sir (Massive Zoom, Seen on a white sniper rifle)

Invade your skull.- While scoped, fires the entire clip in one burst. [RepEAter Pistols]

I spy with my little eye... - Massive scope zoom [SMG]

It Rises! - Rockets have an arced trajectory. [Rocket Launchers]

It's a Helluvah Thing - 破护盾效果

It's a painful thing范围腐蚀效果

Lightning never strikes the same place twice, but it can strike frEAking everywhere! - ArEA-of-Effect Shock [Alien Rifles/ErIDian]

Long and Strong 提高精度和攻击力

MAKes Their Brain Hurt- EAch shot fires a shotgun-like burst. [Sniper Rifles]
如霰弹枪一般有弹片 damage×6


Monster Kill!- Fires several rockets simultaneously with EAch trigger pull. [Rocket Launchers] (Still only uses one ammo per shot.)
一次集中射光火箭弹[火箭发射器](比如有4颗炮弹 4颗炮弹的威力集中到1颗子弹全射光)

May God have mercy upon my enemies because I won't.- [Revolvers] (quote from Gen. George S. Patton, WWII general)
……引用George S. Patton将军名言(二战)命中目标几率造成3倍伤害[左轮]

Never Stop Shooting- Regenerates ammo [RepEAter Pistols]

Ogre SMASH!- 几率击晕目标 3倍爆炸伤害

Omnia vincit amor - 100% critcal damage bonus.

One Bad Dog - Massive Magazine. [Shotguns]

Pain HEAls.- HEAls your co-op buddy when you shoot him.

Pele needs a sacrifice! - Massive Fire Damage.

Pele demands a sacrifice!带有爆炸燃烧效果

Pew Pew Pew! - Has a chance to home in on your target

RIDe the Wave, Dude!- Bullets follow a wave pattern up and down as they go out from the gun [Shotgun]

Slice Slice! - 300% Melee Damage.

Sniper Killer... Qu'est que c'est - Fully Automatic. [Sniper Rifles]

Sniper Rifles are for ChuMPs.- High Accuracy; Tight Pellet SprEAd [Shotguns]

Sometimes, I Forget To Reload - unlimited Magazine/ammo

TEAr it up - (unknown) [SMGs]
SMGs的300% Burst Fire count效果[冲锋枪]

The All-Seeing Eye.- Massive WEApon Zoom. [Combat Rifles]

The Cutting Edge - Shots have a chance to ignore shields/Massive zoom [Sniper Rifles].

The Destructor has come. - While scoped, fires the entire clip in one burst. [Combat Rifles]

The ultimate close quarters feline. - Large magazine with low accuracy. [SMGs]

The LEAd Wind Blows... - Fires two bullets per one ammo [SMGs]
开火时每次打出两颗子弹[Bone Shredder冲锋枪]

The Legend Lives - Knocks target back when hit. Found on Sledge's Shotgun
击退目标[Sledge's Shotgun]

The ultimate close quarters feline. - Large magazine with low accuracy. [SMGs]

The Unstoppable Force!- Rockets periodically EXplode in mID-flight. [Rocket Launchers] (Note the rocket continues traveling to hit its mark, regardless of how many times it EXplodes in flight.)

Thwack - Critical Damage dEAls more damage. (Sniper Rifle)

TORGUE! Bastard guns for bastard people! - Massive damage bonus (Torgue brand Combat Rifles)


ding Firepower - Ammo is unlimited, it spends when you fire, but instantly regenerates

Unrelenting Firepower- Regenerates ammo [Revolvers]

VengEAnce is Yours - Bypasses shield. (RepEAter Pistols)

Walk It Off - Chance to score a Critical Hit on an enemy's legs. [Sniper rifles]

War is in your blood - 杀死敌人后增加射速[突击步枪]

Why Don't You Go Shoot Yourself An Elephant? - Massive Damage; No Scope [Sniper Rifles]
造成大量伤害 没有瞄准镜[狙击步枪]

We Don't Need No Water... - x4 Fire [SMG]

Your Move, Creep- Fires a three-round burst per one ammo [RepEAter Pistols] (References the movie Robocop; the clue is one of the character's catcHPhrases, and the three-round burst is indicative of his signature sIDEArm, the Auto-9)

S&S Serpens
红字:Poison in your veins
效果:Corrosive x3 or x4, serpentine bullets.(X3或X4的腐蚀属性,波型弹道)

Jakobs Bessie
红字:That's my girl...
效果:+500% Critical Hit Damage, 100% accuracy when zoomed, increased bullet velocity, and a 2.8x scope looking identical to a 2.4x scope.(+500%暴击伤害,开镜100%精准度,加快子弹飞行速度,2.4倍瞄准镜的外观,但实际是2.8倍瞄准镜)

Vladof Stalker
红字:You can run, but you can't hide.
效果:Bullets ricochet 5 times. slow velocity.(子弹反弹5次,子弹飞行速度减慢)
Bullets move slightly slower, but not as slow as Cold-accessory machine pistols. when spawned with a cold accessory, the bullets will move extremely slow, limiting its effectiveness at mid to long range.(子弹飞行速度略慢,但不像Cold acc那么慢,配备Cold acc后,子弹飞的会非常慢,限制了它在中远距离的效果)

Hyperion Nemesis
红字:There is no escape
效果:Shock 3x / x4, procs adds additional corrosive projectiles, fixed pattern.(X3或X4电击元素,触发时附带腐蚀弹头,混合形态射出)
When the elemental effect triggers, the gun fires a number of corrosive projectiles in a diamond pattern around the main shock bullet.
Unlike other repeaters which proc only as x2 (the Maliwan Firehawk being the exception), the Nemesis can proc anywhere from x1 to the gun's actual multiplier, i.e. x3 or x4. The number of corrosive projectiles which accompany the main shock bullet is the multiplier which triggered during that shot, i.e. anywhere from 1 to 4 projectiles for x1 to x4 procs respectively.
x1 - One at the bottom
x2 - Two at the sides
x3 - Two at the sides, one at the bottom
x4 - Two at the sides, one each at the bottom and top

x1 - 1发在菱形的顶端
x2 - 2发在菱形的两侧
x3 - 2发在两侧,1发在顶端
x4 - 2发在两侧,顶端、底端各1发

Torgue Undertaker
红字:Take 'em UNDER
效果:Increased magazine capacity, damage, fire rate and a slightly increased blast radius.(增加弹夹、威力、射速,并稍微增加溅射半径)

Atlas Aries
红字:Your Life Is Mine
效果:Shock, transfusion rounds.(闪电元素,吸血)

Tediore Avenger
红字:Uncommon Power
效果:High zoom, +50% critical hit damage, single shot, slow ammo regeneration.(高倍瞄准,+50%暴击伤害,单发,缓慢恢复子弹)

Maliwan Tsunami
红字:Flee the wave
效果:Shock and Corrosive x4, oscillating rounds, ricochet once.(同时带有电击和腐蚀的X4元素,波型弹道,子弹弹跳一次)
Bullets randomly fire in one of 3 unique ways
Straight flightpath with no elemental effect
Oscillating in a sine wave pattern moving between top left to bottom right with a guaranteed Shock effect
Oscillating in a sine wave pattern moving between top right to bottom left with a guaranteed Corrosive effect
All rounds can ricochet once.
1 无元素效果的子弹直射目标
2 电击效果的子弹以波型弹道自左上至右下来回摆动
3 腐蚀效果的子弹以波型弹道自右上至左下来回摆动

Dahl Jackal
红字:This dog bites
效果:Fires a grenade in an arc.(以弧形发射一个榴弹)


Anshin Rose
红字:Beauty and Life
效果:Once the shield is depleted, it will rapidly regenerate 33% of base health. This effect will be triggered once every recharge to full capacity (including capacity added by skills, COM, etc.).(护盾能量耗尽后,快速回复基础血量的33%。这种效果在每次盾值充满后有效一次)

红字:The Alpha and that other thing
效果:Higher recharge speed, chance to reduce damage taken from non-elemental bullets.(较高回复速度,几率性降低非元素性弹头的伤害)

Pangolin Ironclad
红字:I stand unvanquished!
效果:Greatly increased shield capacity .(极大的增加护盾容量)

以下普通属性说明 原摘自newboss

1 +xx% Melee Damage +xx% 近战伤害
2 +xx% Damage +xx% 伤害
3 +xx% Burse Fire Count +xx% 扣一次扳机会连续快速射出相应次数的子弹 比如500%就是5次
4 +xx% Accuracy +xx% 精准度
5 +xx% Fire Rate +xx% 射速
6 +x

xX WEApon Zoom +xxX 放大倍数
7 +xx% Recoil Reduction +xx% 减少后座力
8 +xx% Reload Speed +xx% 换弹速度
9 +xx Ammo Regeneration +xx 恢复弹药
10 +xx Magazine Size +xx 弹夹容量
11 +xx% Critical Hit Damage +xx% 临界攻击伤害
12 +xx% Lethal Strikes Damage +xx% 致命打击伤害
13 +xx% Killer Shot Damage +xx% 杀手射击伤害
14 +xx% Elemental Damage +xx% 元素伤害
15 +xx% Fire Damage +xx% 燃烧伤害
16 +xx% Shock Damage +xx% 电击伤害
17 +xx% Corrosive Damage +xx% 腐蚀伤害
18 +xx% EXplosive Damage +xx% 爆炸伤害
19 +xx ?? Skill +xx ??技能等级(??代表角色技能名)
20 +xx Projectiles Fired +xx 一次多射出XX颗子弹
