


Question1:Please give a brief summary of your current recreational and leisure activities, including sports and hobbies.



Question2:What clubs and societies are you a member of and in what capacity?


Question3:What factors have influenced your career choice?


Question4:Outline your career ambitions and objectives.



Question5:At KPMG our global values guide the way that we interact with each other and help to create our open, friendly and supportive culture. Please tell us about a situation where you have used two of KPMG's values to achieve a positive outcome.



四大会计师事务所笔试面试题库真题备考 推荐:【最新投行| 四大|外企shl真题题库|Aptitude test|Numer|Logic|Verb】【陶宝望望联系:快乐小精灵旺铺】专门针对各大投行|四大|外企校园招聘、社会招聘笔试,资料包含了包含了各大投行、四大、快销等外企笔试Aptitude tests 官网全套题库【10种题型1900道试题详细解析】以及各大外企的shl真题题库,适用于shl、Kenexa、Cubiks、TalentQ、Saville Consulting等测试,可作为各大投行、四大会计、各快消企业、各咨询公司等外企的笔试复习资料。具体包括但不限于汇丰、渣打、花旗、恒生、瑞士、德意志、摩根大通、美林、巴莱克、毕马威、普华永道、德勤、安永,宝洁,联合利华、安利、玛氏、箭牌、百威、飞利浦等外企公司各职位, 一、四大会计事务所笔试Aptitude Tests全套题库题库: 包含10种题型+1900道试题+详细解析,所有题目Questions和Solutions全部齐全,且含有详细解析,各种题型Tests 的套数和Questions 的数量与以下描述完全一致,都是文字,为文字题库,可编辑,不存在看不清楚的情况!!!且与官网保持同步更新 二、四大会计事务所笔试面试求职资料: 包含几十个笔试真题,面试资料,,四大为同一机构出题,且往往选自同一题库,出现原题的概率极高,因此参考性极强!!! 三、四大重点整理题库部分目录: 1、Numerical 重要; 2、Verbal 重要;

3、德勤图形logic 重要; 4、最新秋招套题,特备重要,优先练习; 5、毕马威最新秋招套题重要; 6、德勤案例分析; 7、安永完整测试题(含log,num,ver,工作优势问卷); 8、kpmg毕马威cut-e在线测试mapTQ完整题及参考答案; 9、毕马威案例分析; 10、2小时突击普华永道最新秋招套题特别重要; 11、Numerical一小时突击题库; 12、Verbal1小时突击题库;图形推理的十大规律; 13、德勤和普华共用CEB题库重要文件整理;.......................... ............. ..... 有序整理的题库,题库经过专业团队亲身校招经历整理,挑选出了2小时突击题库和大题库,让你复习有的放矢!获取方式可直接掏宝联系望望名:快乐小精灵旺铺 四、价值昂贵的笔试和面试题库资料(赠品): 笔试外还有视频教学指导,其涵盖网申,笔试解题技巧总结,case分析方法,partner面试风格等,物美价廉。,面试视频由四大多年manager亲自指导,详细阐述网申到面试的细节,笔试高效的解题技巧,面试case和partner 风格


I, AtJwancet) 5计副粤讥 1" Corre&pand tOu i wtht required cre^dencinb PYourwif 1 Online STrale^y: 1. Customug yaur when agpLyii 叫 for d 仆!eFeri Strat^y:=卜 Fifid yOur unrquD and appl* 5电 How wauld ottie rs describe y(Hi? 1网申分类问Know boLhi ycurself and your Lariet ctMnpanv nulch * --- ---- ---- - - 坯h 冃viM questions --STAR ^CMCef ptflrlrtine Pfl rifloal —wHo ar^yau 馆古II# SISC (西门子国际学生圈) 1. What's your motivation for app lyi ng for SISC? 2. How do you think a friend or pro fessor who knows you well would describe you? (1500 letters) 3. How would you describe the ideal job for you follow ing graduati on? (1500 letters) 4. What are your long range and short range career goals and objectives? When and why did you establish them and how are you preparing yourself to achieve them? 5. Tell me a challe nge you had in your work/study life. How did you overcome those difficulties and achieve the goal. (1500 letters) 6. In teracti ng with others can be challe nge at times. Have you ever had any difficulty getti ng along with some one at school? Tell me about a sp ecific situati on in which this happened. How did you han dle it? (1500 letters) 网申思路图 W biftt is on 用ne appik- attor? Common Per&qndL Info; Format and Strategies UtKover the- Cover LMt 出 、 Online Application and Open Ques-tions Strategy- 1: G?t familiar with Lh? t?rmi oft 总fl ui?d in job applkut km 弓一 StraLciy £: Carcf'ully choose vertB cfl dfCMnstrAt# 鼻日uf F?!(Kr1encc Strategy 蓟 Deunbt Scrateyy 4; Know the Oo'% 、PonF Open Your rtfnd to Open i ■險 4 R p nwipM whw


为什么选择投资银行业 在今天的金融市场上,投资银行业已成为必不可少的关键环节,选择投资银行业能够更加深入的了解资金融通的各个环节,把自己的知识和实际联系起来,能够学以致用,找到自己的价值。 网申思路图 SISC (西门子国际学生圈) 1. What's your motivation for applying for SISC? 2. How do you think a friend or professor who knows you well would describe you? (1500 letters) 3. How would you describe the ideal job for you following graduation? (1500 letters) 4. What are your long range and short range career goals and objectives? When and why did you establish them and how are you preparing yourself to achieve them? 5. Tell me a challenge you had in your work/study life. How did you overcome those difficulties and achieve the goal. (1500 letters) 6. Interacting with others can be challenge at times. Have you ever had any difficulty getting along with someone at school? Tell me about a specific situation in which this happened. How did you handle it? (1500 letters)


[网申] 转一个毕马威网申答案 1)Please give a brief summary of your current recreational and leisure activities, including sports and hobbies. My current recreational and leisure activities are as follows: Reading: I am fond of reading detective novels, thrillers (e.g. Alfred Hitchc ock’s); Movies and TV play series: I am a moviegoer and recently I saw Schindler’s List, which is directed by Steven Spielberg. My favorite TV play series are American sitcoms (e.g. Friends); Dancing: I am learning ballroom dance as an elective course; Sports: I always go jogging and rope skipping to keep fit; Drawing: I enjoy doodling and I’m very good at facsimile. You can find my graffito on my sketch paper or the blank places of my textbooks. 2)What clubs and societies are you a member of and in what capacity? I worked as a team player on the student team belonging to Market Research Section in Beijing New Oriental School last year (Jan. 2008-Sep. 2008). New Oriental Education & Technology Group focuses on foreign language education and training. The group was listed on the New York Stock Exchange on September 7, 2006, the first private education company to achieve this feat in China. Main goal of our team: Collect and analyze useful data from activities of other education and training companies and then transfer the data into information, which will make considerable contribution to managers’ decisions. My duties and responsibilities: Collect data from activities of our competitors (e.g. New Channel International Education Group Ltd.), including the number of students, the location of teaching building, the date of courses, new training projects, etc. Obtain the data and information by visiting their official website or consulting directly through phone call. Input and save the data in Excel in an organized way. Participate in lectures and campaigns held by our competitors and record information such as date, place, lecturer and content in Word. Analyze merits and defects of these activities. Take part in meetings every other week to discuss difficulties we met and bring up constructive measures to solve these problems. Results and learning: Last summer holiday I received an individual prize for excellent performance of the last half year’s hard work. This experience cultivates my str ong team spirits and the ability to work well under pressure. 3)What factors have influenced your career choice? Subjective factors: 1) Personality: Cautious, patient, responsible; sensitive and accurate with numbers; look at challenges as opportunities; a quick learner; 2) Ability: Good interpersonal skills, leadership potentials, strong team spirits, ability to work well under pressure, ability to work efficiently and pay attention to detail; 3) Skills: Language Skill: Understand most articles in English, engage in an extended conversation with English-speaking foreigners, write a report or essay that communicates the desired messages; Computer Skill: Collect and analyze data with Excel, confident with other Microsoft Office applications, email and the web;


毕马威(KPMG)精英计划网申解题思路 Question1:Please give a brief summary of your current recreational and leisure activities, including sports and hobbies. 求职者选择个人爱好和业余活动必须满足两个原则:体现个人生活的丰富与趣味和尽可能与企业要求的核心素质有所匹配。对于选择的个人爱好必须以事例的形式进行描述,而不能简单地进行名词罗列。 比如如果爱好篮球,就应该讲述一次带领团队战胜强敌,取得胜利的经验,“篮球”的词汇本身对企业没有任何价值。如果爱好长跑,就应该讲述参加某次马拉松的经验,突出准备的艰难和坚持不懈达到目标。如果爱好某种乐器,就应该讲述自己的特长如何在某次活动中得到发挥,受到大家的认可与欣赏。 Question2:What clubs and societies are you a member of and in what capacity? 这是最为简单直接的结构化或者行为测试题目。求职者需要注意的是不能简单地罗列参与过的社团和职位名称,因为从企业的角度看,这些都属于不相关信息。在简单介绍社团经验丰富的基础上,求职者必须详细描述在团队中的具体角色(必须是承担领导责任),以及遇到问题或挑战时具体的解决方法。只有具体的个人行为(以一般过去时的核心动词体现)才能体现个人素质并得到企业的认可。注意仔细分析企业的岗位描述和企业文化,求职者体现的个人素质必须与企业的人才要求相匹配。建议在回答的最后通过“获得社会工作奖学金”或“成绩得到团队成员的认可”等方式再次突出个人成就。 Question3:What factors have influenced your career choice? 建议对问题的回答以下面的思路进行:求职者个人的竞争优势包括2-3个方面,每个优势可以通过具体的事例证明。选择岗位的主要因素就在于这个岗位是否能令以上几个优势得到最大的体现与发挥,或者使求职者能够在此岗位上贡献最大的价值。求职者选择的个人优势中必须有两个与企业的岗位要求直接相关。在优势明确的基础上,可以适当阐述岗位对个人发展的帮助。关于岗位对个人发展的帮助,可以考虑改写岗位描述中的部分内容,包括“快速成长”、“与最优秀的团队一起工作”等。求职者需要通过回答证明与岗位的双向匹配。 Question4:Outline your career ambitions and objectives. 这是非常直接的职业规划题目,需要注意的是求职者的职业规划必须与四大的实际职业发展路径一致,满足“专业人士”的职业发展要求。对于审计类企业,人才的成长路径通常分为三个阶段:第一阶段为工作2年左右,员工主要处于成长


毕马威面试问题汇集 Zz 一 1、你做这个案例获得资料的途径有哪些? 2、你认为这个公司每个发展阶段它的战略重点是什么? 3、这个金融机构的公司业务是如何体现它的理念和价值观的?(因为我主要说了对私业务) 4、在发展过程中最需要注意什么,如何做好风险控制的? 二 1、先简单的做下自我介绍,三分钟 2、在所有学习的subject中,最喜欢哪一门,为什么? 3、有什么社团经历?其中最困难的一件事?如何处理的? 4、问我一次案例竞赛时是如何与团队成员合作的?意见不合时如何处理的? 5、我的实习经历中,具体做什么?实习的公司环境如何?有没有加班?学到了什么?会问的很细 6、最后问了我的职业发展目标。WHY AUDIT? 三 你对KPMG的了解,还有关于网申内容的问题,毕马威的价值观,实习的具体内容,社团活动的具体内容。一个球队获胜的最重要的原因是什么,一个新组建的球队要怎么才能获得比赛胜利,假如你是球队队长,队员有不同意见你会怎么处理 四 1. 为什么一开始选择深圳office? 2. 改成北京office中间的转变过程是什么样子的? 3. 作为ME背景为何选择审计行业? 6. 为什么大学要选择me专业? 7. 你了解的审计是做什么的 8. 你觉得自己有哪些性格特点适合做审计? 9. 你为进入审计行业做了什么样的准备? 10. 为什么选择进入kpmg? 11. KP是很辛苦的,经常要加班,你怎么看? 12. 其他四大有没有投? 13. 为何投DTT不投pwc和ey? 14. 你是中国最好大学thu的学生,以后工作中遇到上司毕业于不知名学校,甚至没有本科学历,比如我,不断指挥你做事,你怎么想? 15. 如果team中有同事对工作有不同意见,你怎么解决?


Question1 - Please give a brief summary of your current recreational and leisure activities, including sports and hobbies.* In my spare time, I like reading and playing football. My favorite books are biographies, which include the autobiographies of famous and successful persons and those of unsucessful persons as well. By reading these books, I have learnt to know what are the most important qualities that help us to succeed. What's more, the personality of the characteristics and their values set a good example for me to follow in my own life. The way they treat people and think make me want to become the best person that I can be. Besides reading books, I also love playing football. For one thing, this game is full of fun. When I am playing football, I can just forget all the troubles and difficulties in my life and enjoy a good time. For another, I also learn the sense of cooperation from the game, which,I think, is vital to my future success. Finally, my best friends are also fond of this game. So we can play together when we have time Question2 - What clubs and societies are you a member of and in what capacity?* On the campus, I took part in the Student Union. We held a wide variety of activities for students, such as organizing students to visit Haier Science and Technology Museum, climing Laoshan Mountain and so on. I have been benefited a lot from organizing such activities. For one thing, I learnt how to cooperate with other members of the team and cope with the difficulties together. For another, I made a lot of good friends and spent the happiest time of my university. Question3 - What factors have influenced your career choice?* I want to take some work that is associated with mathematics. In my opinion, my personal interest and my academic background have helped me to make my career decision. First, although I don't take mathematics as my major when I entered into the university, I have taken great interest in it since I was a little child. I still remember how delighted I was when I solved the difficult math problem at my primary school. What's more, I have solid maths background and this can be seen from my academic experience. And I truly believe in that interest is the best teacher, so I think that I can do well when doning the things that I love. Question4 - Outline your career ambitions and objectives.* I would like to move into a management position in five years. As an undergraduate majoring in ME, I truly understand that the main thing right now is to learn as much as I can. With my background and my ability to learn quickly, I believe I will be ready for a management position in five years. Question5 - At KPMG our global values guide the way that we interact with each other and help to create our open, friendly and supportive culture. Please tell us about a situation where you have used two of KPMG's values to achieve a positive


* In my spare time, I like reading and playing football. My favorite books are biographies, which include the autobiographies of famous and successful persons and those of unsucessful persons as well. By reading these books, I have learnt to know what are the most important qualities that help us to succeed. What's more, the personality of the characteristics and their values set a good example for me to follow in my own life. The way they treat people and think make me want to become the best person that I can be. Besides reading books, I also love playing football. For one thing, this game is full of fun. When I am playing football, I can just forget all the troubles and difficulties in my life and enjoy a good time. For another, I also learn the sense of cooperation from the game, which,I think, is vital to my future success. Finally, my best friends are also fond of this game. So we can play together when we have time * On the campus, I took part in the Student Union. We held a wide variety of activities for students, such as organizing students to visit Haier Science and Technology Museum, climing Laoshan Mountain and so on. I have been benefited a lot from organizing such activities. For one thing, I learnt how to cooperate with other members of the team and cope with the difficulties together. For another, I made a lot of good friends and spent the happiest time of my university. * I want to take some work that is associated with mathematics. In my opinion, my personal interest and my academic background have helped me to make my career decision. First, although I don't take mathematics as my major when I entered into the university, I have taken great interest in it since I was a little child. I still remember how delighted I was when I solved the difficult math problem at my primary school. What's more, I have solid maths background and

网申开放性问题以及 参考答案

网申思路图 SISC (西门子国际学生圈) 1. What's your motivation for applying for SISC? 2. How do you think a friend or professor who knows you well would describe you? (1500 letters) 3. How would you describe the ideal job for you following graduation? (1500 letters) 4. What are your long range and short range career goals and objectives? When and why did you establish them and how are you preparing yourself to achieve them? 5. Tell me a challenge you had in your work/study life. How did you overcome those difficulties and achieve the goal. (1500 letters) 6. Interacting with others can be challenge at times. Have you ever had any difficulty getting along with someone at school? Tell me about a specific situation in which this happened. How did you handle it? (1500 letters)


* mandatory Title* Surname* e.g. Chen First Name* English Name* e.g. Da Wen e.g. Tom Chinese Name* Location of Citizenship* e.g. 陈大文. If you do not have a Chinese name, please type "N/A" ID/Passport No*

Hukou Province* Hukou City before university entrance* e.g. 成都 Address Line 1 (Detailed Address)* Address Line 2 (Street and House No.)* example example Country State/Province City Postal Code Tel No. (Home)* Email

e.g. (XXX)XXXXXXXXXX example Contact Mobile* Communication Email e.g. (XXX)XXXXXXXXXX example Input your communication email address if different from the registration email address. Beijing No12 High School China From 2008 To 2011 Principles of Management Science 88% 2011 Economic law 82% 2011 Basic Accounting 82% 2011 Business Accounting 90% 2011 Microeconomics 95% 2011 Public Finance 90% 2012 Principles of Statistics 86% 2012 Macroeconomics 95% 2012 International finance 85% 2013 Financial market96% 2013 Finance law 89%2013

毕马威精英计划 网申+面试+笔试 面经

【毕马威】精英计划-笔试&面试经验 自己确定通过之后快一星期才过来发帖。 (想了很久,还是决定写出来,算是鼓励大家参与。其实北师在类似的实习地方的竞争力还是有的,不过大家都不怎么关注也没有多少人去。。。面试遇到一个专门从西安跑过来的妹子,还有北外什么的整个班都报名。。瞬间就觉得,咱们这么点参与率,拿到面试通知的,就我知道的也很多。所以,有兴趣的不妨考虑下啦!) 嗯,笔试在6月1日。6月7号通知笔试通过。面试在6月18日(LZ苦逼从6月15日开始一天一门考试,刚好18号空出来,也算是幸运。。)6月26日下午收到通知说通过(LZ最后一门考试是27号,尼玛收到通知也没机会雀跃,默默滚回去复习啊当时= =#)了。 LZ目前大二结束。精英计划主要针对大二以及研二的学生,不限制专业,自主申请。一般进行时间为下学期3-6月份。申请时间大概会有一个开始时间(可以关注KPMG的官方微博,上面会有提醒),但申请是上一轮精英计划的申请关闭后就开始接收的,所以也可以在较早的时候提前一点交。提交简历的环节,就如实把个人的信息部分填上就好,最后一部分的题目有发散类的题目,就组织好逻辑,表现出个人特点就行(不要写的太简单)。虽然在递交简历环节基本上不进行筛选的,不过摆出一个不错的态度还是必要的。需要注意的是,全部内容都是英文,没什么难度,考过四级的应该问题都不大。LZ是在3月底递交的申请,在5月30号接到的笔试通知——6月1号去笔试。邮件上会注明一些注意事项,基本按照那个上面的拿好东西去就可以了。要带专门涂抹机读卡的那种粗头的铅笔,我当时带的0.5那么细的自动铅笔,涂卡的时候浪费很多时间!!! 然后说笔试本身。提前不需要做太多准备。或者说,大多数部分是准备不来的。当时,就头一天到网上下载了经典24题(数学)和经典36题(英语),然后练了一下速度什么的。毕马威的题目是出了名的压力测试。所以,各个部分的题难度都还好。数学部分用到的运算就只有加减乘除,题目有点像小学初中刚学图表时候出的应用题,当然会比小学初中复杂一


一.四大之毕马威简介: 毕马威中国在北京、哈尔滨、沈阳、青岛、上海、南京、成都、杭州、广州、福州、厦门、深圳、香港特别行政区和澳门特别行政区共设有十三家分公司(包括毕马威企业咨询(中国)有限公司,2010年10月成立厦门分所),专业人员超过8500名。KPMG台湾所历经多年不断的发展与成长,目前(截至2013年4月)拥有约八十九位合伙会计师以及约两千位员工,服务据点遍及台北、新竹、台中、台南、高雄等五大城市。 2010年10月,毕马威将启用其新设于福建厦门的分公司,董事长CarsonTong今日表示,厦门分公司服务范围将辐射包括整个福建省在内的海峡西岸地区。至此,全球四大会计师事务所全部入厦驻点。厦门将成立毕马威第十三家分公司。 一九九二年,毕马威在中国内地成为首家获准合资开业的国际会计师事务所。毕马威香港特别行政区的成立更早在一九四五年,在香港提供专业服务逾60年。率先打入中国市场的先机以及对品质的不懈追求使我们积累了丰富的行业经验,多家中国知名企业长期聘请毕马威提供专业服务,反映了毕马威的领导地位。 企业社会责任 随着中国企业融入全球经济和境外企业大举进入中国市场,毕马威将结合其丰富的国际经验和对市场的全面认识等优势,在日趋复杂但又机遇处处的中国市场为客户提供高品质的服务。

毕马威以统一的经营方式来管理中国的业务,以确保我们能够高效和迅速地调动各方面的资源,为客户提供高品质的服务。我们统一的管理结构具备高度的灵活性,使我们能够有效和高效地为整个中国地区的客户提供完善的服务,同时也使我们来自不同办事处的专业人员可以在有经验的合伙人的统一领导下携手完成工作。 我们在国内建立了实力雄厚的行业专责团队,以便使我们的合伙人和员工在各行各业不断累积经验。凭借我们对各行各业和国内情况的深入了解,我们可随时调派深谙客户业务的各类专业人员,为客户提供至臻完善的专业服务。 从发掘新的思路到实现战略目标-毕马威中国的专业人员将利用他们丰富的业务经验为客户提供增值服务,使您在业务发展的道路上一帆风顺。 该企业品牌在世界品牌实验室(World Brand Lab)编制的2006年度《世界品牌500强》排行榜中名列第二百二十七。 二.毕马威笔试题型讲解 1.数字能力测试:由37个问题组成


毕马威求职网申问答解析(附个人详细解答) -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

* In my spare time, I like reading and playing football. My favorite books are biographies, which include the autobiographies of famous and successful persons and those of unsucessful persons as well. By reading these books, I have learnt to know what are the most important qualities that help us to succeed. What's more, the personality of the characteristics and their values set a good example for me to follow in my own life. The way they treat people and think make me want to become the best person that I can be. Besides reading books, I also love playing football. For one thing, this game is full of fun. When I am playing football, I can just forget all the troubles and difficulties in my life and enjoy a good time. For another, I also learn the sense of cooperation from the game, which,I think, is vital to my future success. Finally, my best friends are also fond of this game. So we can play together when we have time * On the campus, I took part in the Student Union. We held a wide variety of activities for students, such as organizing students to visit Haier Science and Technology Museum, climing Laoshan Mountain and so on. I have been benefited a lot from organizing such activities. For one thing, I learnt how to cooperate with other members of the team and cope with the difficulties together. For another, I made a lot of good friends and spent the happiest time of my university. * I want to take some work that is associated with mathematics. In my opinion, my personal interest and my academic background have helped me to make my career decision. First, although I don't take mathematics as my major when I entered into the university, I have taken great interest in it since I was a little child. I still remember how delighted I was when I solved the difficult math problem at my primary school. What's more, I have solid maths background and this can be seen from my academic experience. And I truly believe in that interest is the best teacher, so I think that I can do well when doning the things that I love. * I would like to move into a management position in five years. As an undergraduate majoring in ME, I truly understand that the main thing right now is to learn as much as I can. With my background and my ability to learn quickly, I believe I will be ready for a management position in five years.
