





中美家庭价值观的差异 摘要:家庭是社会的载体,家庭成员的价值观直接或间接地决定他们在社会交往中的行为和言语,其影响和作用十分广泛。本文试从家庭模式,家庭教育和婚姻模式三方面对中美家庭价值观作一粗浅的比较,为进一步研究中美文化差异这一论题奠定基础。 关键字:家庭模式家庭教育婚姻模式中美家庭价值观 家庭可称为人类社会最基本的社会细胞,也是一个社会稳定和发展的基础,家庭既是人的存在方式,又是人存在的寓所。因此,家庭成员的价值观直接或间接地决定他们在社会交往中的行为和言语。本文试图通过语言揭示人的家庭的序曲,着重探讨中美两国文化中的家庭价值观的差异,为进一步研究中美文化差异奠定基础。 每一个社会都有自己传统的价值观,不同文化的价值观也不尽相同。而中国人的价值观念的核心是强调集体主义,个人的利益要服从集体利益。中美两国家庭处在不同的文化国度中,受到不同社会的价值观念的影响,其成员在家庭中表现出的观念、行为也不尽相同,那么到底中美两国的家庭价值观有什么不同呢??本文将从从家庭模式,家庭教育和婚姻模式三方面寻找差异的根本原因。 一、家庭模式 在中美文化中,家的概念有天壤之别。传统的中国家庭大多几代同堂,祖孙几代住在一起,尊卑长幼非常明确。几千年的儒家文化造就了中国家庭中家庭成员对家的义务———父母尽责、儿女尽孝———以及家庭成员之间的相互支持和相互依赖;传统家庭模式的结构依据如下原则:以家中最年长的人为起点,其所有男性后代及其配偶、未出嫁的女性后代必须在一个家庭中生活,父祖在,子孙不许别籍异财,是三世同堂家庭的法律和伦理保证。尊老爱幼是中国家庭的传统美德,老年人希望也需要获得子女的关心与照顾,子女也需要退出生产领域的父母帮助料理家务和照看自己的孩子,在经济上和生活上仍然存在相互依赖、相互帮助的关系。因此,三世同堂仍然是现代中国家庭的重要模式。 传统的美国家庭所包含的仅仅是父母及未成年的子女,成年子女无论结婚与否一般都会选择搬离父母的家。美国家庭中的权利意识是指每一个成员以自己为中心,而不是以整个家庭为中心。美国人认为,作为个体的人,他应该有自己的尊严和独立的人格。在任何时候对任何人都不能轻易放弃自己的权利。它是个人、家庭或群体的心理需求与社会需求之一。有时它又是一种为实现某一目标而暂时需要的心理态势。 二、家庭教育 中美两国的父母对家庭教育都很重视,但两种文化下的人们采取的是不同的


浅析中美家庭教育差异毕业论文 目录

课题:浅析中美家庭教育差异一、课题(论文)提纲 二、容摘要


On the Differences of Family Education between China and America 00000000000000 Abstract Family, the first school of life, is the basis and supplement of school education. A person's success largely depends on the Family Education. Modern social development requires highly qualified and talented person, and good family education is the key. As there are many differences in the social system, cultural background and educational purposes between China and America, which also brings the different concept of family education. All countries all over the world are developing the New Century Education Project; they attach great importance to the family education. Although family education has given rise to concerns of the community in our country, especially the great concern of the Education Sector, up to now, there are still misunderstandings in Chinese Family education. In this paper, the author starts from the definition of family education, then make the process comparison of family education between China and America, and then pointes out that the results of the Sino-US Family Education and the problems of Sino-US Family Education. Based on these comparisons of factors, the writer analyzes the reasons for differences family education in the two countries. Key Words Family Education ; American Family Education; Chinese Family Education ; Comparison

中美婚姻观差异 论文

浅析中美婚姻观差异及其形成原因 裴鸽鸽 (华北水利水电学院外语系河南郑州450011) 摘要:中国的婚姻建立在家庭条件和容貌之上,而美国更多建立在共同的兴趣爱好之上。中美不同的生存环境影响了人的性格,男女在经济中的不同地位决定了他们在家庭中的地位,而中美经济方式的差异决定了各自婚姻观的不同。社会价值观是社会思想的主流,无形中影响了大众的婚姻观。宗教信仰在婚俗方式,婚姻维持等方面更是起着举足轻重的作用。 关键词:中美婚姻观家庭条件共同爱好生存环境经济社会价值观宗教夫妻从相识、相知、相爱、相伴、到相守,要经历友情、爱情、同情、恩情的各种体验,而婚姻是对男女关系最直接的定位,无论哪个人在哪个国家都要面对。婚姻作为文化的一部分浓缩并反映了它所处社会的文化特征、道德信仰、经济与政治等文化现象值得我们深思,本文就中美婚姻观差异及其形成原因作初步探讨。 一中美婚姻观对比 1.提到中美婚姻,有人形象地比喻:“对中国人来说,结婚更像一种商业活动, 所以叫经营婚姻;而对于美国人而言,婚姻更像家家酒,爱到一起翻天覆地,不高兴了就一拍两散。”中国婚姻特点:改革开放前,低质量,高稳定,60%的夫妻婚姻是“凑合型”;之后性观念混乱,离婚潮泛滥,则是低质量,低稳定。而美国人所信奉的既不是严格的单偶制,也不是完全开放的关系,而是对爱情、特殊癖好和多种伴侣关系的包容。经调查,中国人的择偶标准是:长相、年龄、家庭条件;而美国人的择偶条件是:尊重、信任、兴趣。 2.说到家庭条件,从择偶开始,中国人就视婚姻往往成为买卖,而美国人则将 婚姻视为卖买。在中国的婚姻中,人们较多的说法是男人娶老婆,而很少有人会讲女人娶老公。所以男女婚姻更多地像是做一桩买卖,既然是买卖那就离不开钱。如今没房子的男人在有些女性眼里根本算不上男人。在一些女人心里,一套房子顶得上一百个白马王子,结婚是最好的商业投资机会,电视剧《蜗居》就揭示了这一残酷现实。而著名思想家恩格斯则尖锐地指出,为钱结婚无异于长期卖淫。美国人的婚姻是将买卖两个字颠倒过来,称之为卖买,男男女女即是卖家也是买家。女人要找个如意郎君,首先得把自己卖出去,不论是聪明的大脑、杰出的才华、漂亮的脸蛋、姣好的身材还是共同的兴趣,这些都是资本,男人若买账,那就是对婚姻下了订金。在物质这一点上美国人很看得开,不怕结婚时啥都没有,只要夫妻能同甘共苦,面包会有的、汽车会有的、房子也会有的。 3.结婚时,中国的婚俗程序繁多,讲究所谓的“排场”改革开放后,婚礼越办 越奢侈,婚庆公司、婚纱照相馆如雨后春笋般冒出。某种程度上,中国的婚礼是在作秀,用外在的奢华宣扬貌似浓烈的爱情,而真正的爱情似乎不再神


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On Differences of the Marriage Concept between Chinese and American Introduction Traced back to primitive society, there is the so-called marriage. It is the law of nature that opposites attract makes the mammals live and multiply. Therefore, marriage is a normal and necessary social phenomenon. Because of the different social environment, the human concept of marriage and the mode of combination are also different. The culture of China and America is different, especially the concept of marriage. The United States is a cross-cultural social group and it is composed of many cultural groups of society. The Americans’ mentality are characterized by freedom love, independent and the fondness of exploring, adventuring and enterprising; While we Chinese mentality mainly is a kind of care and the consciousness of compassion. It is based on the two different points of view that people's understanding of marriage is different. About the marriage, someone vividly metaphor: "for the Chinese, marriage is more like a commercial activity, so called management marriage; for Americans, marriage is more like playing house, full of freedom. So there are much differences of marriage concept between China and America.


Differences of Family Values Between China and America Abstract :This paper tries to make a comparison of different family values between China and US, which appeared in many fields, for instance, the American emphasis the individualism but Chinese focus on the collectivism, the relationship between family members and their attitudes to each other are also quite different,the life style influenced by family values are varied. Reasons for these differences are complex, including different customs, cultures and social backgrounds and so on. Key words: family values, life styles, cultures, differences. Ⅰ.Introduction Family is the most basic unit of all human society. It reflects the ethical values of a society, its cultural characteristics and the unique features of a nation. People begin to learn anything about the world and their culture through the family they are brought up in. What you think, how you act, even your language, are all transmitted through the family from the wider cultural context. Family values are the core in the research of cultural values, and it has a huge influence on people’s thoughts and behaviors. So if we want to get a glimpse of the cultures of two different countries, it is necessary to know their different family values. In this paper we will analyze family values from different aspects, including the decisive family values, the attitude to the family members and their relationships, and the influences of family values. Ⅱ.The differences of family values. A.The individualism VS. the collectivism The American emphasize the personal independence, while Chinese emphasize on the whole family, not any individual member. Children in America have more freedom than that in China. Their parents rarely interfere with their private affairs, and usually try to enhance children’s all-around abilities when they are young. They


张仰媚(菏泽学院外国语系,山东菏泽274000) 摘要: 父母是子女的第一任教师,家庭教育对人的教育具有不可置换的意义。中美在家庭教育上存在着显著的差异,不同的观念和培养方式造成了中美两国的儿童在成人后存在着明显的差异。本文试图分析差异产生的原因并给出解决的办法。 关键词:家庭教育;育儿观;传统;素质教育 中图分类号:G78 文献标识码:B 家庭教育指的是在家庭互动过程中父母对子女的成 长发展所产生的教育影响,也是全社会各个教育环节中 最重要的一环。中美两国由于在文化传统、观念意识、 生活方式以及社会习俗等方面存在着诸多不同之处,导 致在两国的家庭教育方面也存在着许多差异。 一、中美家庭教育差异及原因 (一)两种不同的家庭成员关系 我国当代家庭教育受传统的家庭观念影响,家长总 是意味着权威,作为统治者在家庭中处于核心地位。在 家庭中,年长者一定可以教育年幼者,这就在家庭内部 形成一种人际关系的不平等,儿童也由此学会了对不同 的人说不同的话,懂得了父母比朋友重要,长者是权威 的象征。长期处于这种环境下,孩子慢慢习惯了在多重 规则下生活。然而随着物质生活水平的提高和计划生育 政策的执行,许多家庭走向另一个极端,让孩子在家庭 中处于特殊地位并加以重点保护,孩子成了中心人。对 孩子采取百依百顺的态度。他们过分满足孩子的任何需

要,生活上过分优待孩子,经济上过多偏重孩子,这就造成家庭关系的另一种不平等。 而在美国家庭,家长更注重自由与平等的相处。从 小就尊重孩子,重视给孩子的个人自主权,让孩子学会在社会允许的条件下自己做决定,独立解决自己所遇到的各种问题。 他们把孩子当做一个独立的个体平等对待, 给孩子应有的尊重和理解。孩子在父母面前可以畅所欲言地发表自己的见解,所言有独到之处,父母还会给以适当的奖励。孩子有独立的时间和空间去自由地想象或进行创造性活动。 (二)两种不同的育儿观 中国式家庭教育往往着眼于孩子将来是否有出息, 能否找个好职业,能否在顺境中度过一生。基于这种期盼,很多家长认为,父母对孩子的责任就是让他们生活得更好,父母能给他们多少幸福就给他们多少幸福。若能给孩子创造最优越的生活条件,再苦再累也愿意。为此,父母在孩子成长过程中,除了生活上进行无微不至的照顾,还特别关心孩子的智商,为了能让孩子成龙成凤,除了学习,什么都不让孩子干。至于孩子的独立生活能力、对未来生活的适应能力,以及公民意识等却很少考虑,认为孩子只要成绩好,什么问题都能解决。


浅谈现代中美婚姻观念 的差异 标准化管理处编码[BBX968T-XBB8968-NNJ668-MM9N]

浅谈现代中美婚姻观念的差异 摘要 二十一世纪的中美两国是世界上的两个超大的经济体,且属于不同的政体,中美两国的不同历史文化背景导致彼此的婚姻观存在诸多差异。中国受封建儒家思想影响比较深,而美国则是受外来思想比较严重。近年来随着中国的改革开放不断深入,中美文化的交流越来越频繁,而且互补性很强。本文着重从中美两种文化根源的角度,阐述了中美婚姻观念的不同之处,拓展了人们的认识空间。 关键词:婚姻观念差异文化

Abstract China and the United States in the twenty-first century are the two large economies in the world,they are different form of government ,leading to under different historical and cultural backgrounds of the two countries to each other's views on marriage,there are many differences.Confucianism has been the ideology occupy the field of the orthodox position of the Chinese culture is undergoing extensive and profound impact.Foreign thoughts affect deeply in America's marriage ideasWith the deepening of China's reform and opening up in recent years,.Sino-USintercultural communicationbecamemore and more frequently, also Both Countries are highly complementary in economic and cultural exchangesThis essay illust rates some dif ferent view s betw een Chinese and American marriage ideas in details based on the source of the cultures and thus enlarges eye sight s of people. Key words:marriage ideas;comparison;culture;


婚姻观念差异论文:中西婚姻观差异之比较【摘要】随着我国对外经济开放的不断深入,人们越来越多地追求爱情和婚姻的质量。然而人们为什么要恋爱结婚?换句话说,婚姻有什么作用?在中国,常听到这样一些说法:“结婚是为了父母,娶媳妇是为了给我洗衣做饭。”这些质朴的语言在一定程度上体现了中国人的婚姻观念。那么,西方人的婚姻观和我们又有什么不同呢?本文将从结婚的目的、择偶标准以及婚姻关系中夫妻地位几方面进行了比较、分析。 【关键词】婚姻观念差异择偶方式结婚目的择偶标准夫妻地位 一择偶方式不同 爱情是人类世界最美好的感情,自古以来,多少人为之舍生忘死。但是中国古代的婚姻制度和习俗约束了人们对爱情的追求,中国人的传统择偶方式为“父母之命,媒妁之言”。也就是说,父母对子女的婚姻拥有不可推卸的责任和义务,所以,父母对子女的结婚对象也理所当然的拥有决定权;如果没有了这些繁文缛节,男女双方的结合就是私订终身,往往得不到父母的祝福;许多夫妇在结婚前连见面的机会都没有,更不用说爱情了。正因为这种制度不尊重当事人的意愿,也就酿成了不少爱情悲剧。如,我们所熟知的梁山伯与祝英

台的凄美爱情故事就是最好的例证。受“父母之命,媒妁之言”之苦的不仅仅是梁山伯与祝英台。唐朝洛阳城女子步非烟,才貌双全,依照父母之命嫁给河南府功曹参武公业为妻,曹性情耿直,粗犷躁烈,只知道舞刀弄斧,步非烟的才情对他来说完全是对牛弹琴。尽管他对步非烟宠爱有加,步非烟还是红杏出墙,后来事情败露,被武公业活活鞭打致死,由此可见这种制度的弊端。而西方则盛行自由恋爱,第三者无权干涉。他们认为一个人有权选择和他/她最喜欢的人生活在一起;在建立家庭之前后,都始终讲究一个“情”字,有“情”便可以生活在一起,无“情”便可以分开。 二结婚目的不同 中国传统的婚姻目的是为家庭而非爱情。《礼记昏义》说:“合两性之好,上以事宗庙,而下以继后世也”。就是说,中国传统婚姻的目的:一是通过联姻合两大家族之优势,扩大亲属同盟,即“结缘”;二是为了男性家庭继承家庭的血统,即“继统”,也就是我们俗称的传宗接代。对于一般人来说,男女结合只是为了生存的需要,女人嫁男人只是为了找一个生活依靠;男人找女人只是为了某种需求。因此,中国人的婚恋更多的是理性的选择。虽然随着中西方文化交流的深入,这种传统的婚姻目的受到了极大的冲击,越来越多的人选择“爱情至上”的婚姻;但为了传宗接代而结婚的依


中美家庭教育差异开题报告 中美家庭教育差异 姓名:闫姗姗班级:1003班学号:20103952 专业:英语 一、课题研究目的 1.正确认识中美两国家庭教育差异及其原因 中美两国由于在文化传统,观念意识,生活方式以及社会习俗等方面存在着许多差异。分析两国家庭教育差异的原因是我们正确借鉴美国的先进育人理念的前提。 2.寻找,借鉴美国一种更加合理的家庭教育方式。 中美在家庭教育方式中存在很多差异,在这个差异中找到最佳的结合点借鉴美国合理的家庭教育方式有助于使中国的家庭教育趋于完善。 3.完善中国整个教育体系 家庭教育是整个学校教育和社会教育的基础,它是学校教育和社会教育无法取代的,作为教育中一个重要细胞,对中美家庭教育方式差异的对比研究能够有效的完善整个教育体系。. 中美家庭教育差异开题报告 4.促进孩子健康成长,提高未来人才的素质。 家庭教育在教育体系中起着重要作用,家庭是对儿童进行启蒙教育的

主要场所,对其日后的良好习性的养成和智力的开发有着十分重要的作用。 二、课题意义 《中国教育改革和发展纲要》指出“家长应当对社会负责,对后代负责,研究教育方法,培养子女具有良好的品德和行为习惯。”《中华人民共和国教育法》明确提出了要建立和完善终身教育体系,这包含了家庭教育在内的教育,也可以说家庭教育在一个人的终身教育中是出于起点位置的。苏联教育家马卡连柯指出:“现今父母教育子女,就是缔造我国未来的历史,因而也是缔造世界的历史。”家庭教育已经成为全世界面临的课题,家庭教育在人才的培养中起着至关重要的作用。中美两国家庭教育存在着两种截然不同的教育观念,而这种观念导致中美在教育方式上产生巨大差异。正确认识两国之间存在的这种差异对我国当代家庭教育的良性发展有着十分重要的指导作用和现实意义。本文首先介绍家庭教育的定义和特征,接着,对中美家庭教育进行对比分析,找出两者的相同之处和不同之处并分析造成这些差异的原因。最后,总结出从中美家庭教育对比分析中得到的启示。通过中美家庭教育的对比分析,使人们对家庭教育的理解更加透彻,从而促进中国家庭教育的发展。. 中美家庭教育差异开题报告 三、课题研究内容 A.家庭教育的定义和特征


Chinese and western difference in marriage Abstrac t: this article aims at study the difference between Chinese and western in marriage. Chinese marriages are based on family conditions,while Westerns ' marriages are based on the same hobby .Their different survival environment affect the people' characters and influence people's thoughts of their respective marriages. Men and women in the economy of different status determine their positions in the family, which determines the differences in their marriage. Social value is the mainstream of different thoughts, and it indirectly affects the public's view of marriage. Religious beliefs also play an important role in marriage customs and marriages maintaining. Key words: Concept about marriage between Western and China ; Living environment ;The social value I. Introduction Marriage as a human institution exists in all major civilizations since the dawn of time. The Mystery of Holy Matrimony draws its sacred foundation from the creation of the first man and woman, whom God made in His own Image and Likeness and told to be fruitful and multiply? In Orthodox tradition, marriage and monasticism goes hand in hand, and are both considered holy in its calling in the service of God and His People. Most weddings contain wedding vows and a proclamation of marriage, usually by the officiate. Most weddings also involve wearing traditional clothes (i.e., kilts, white gown, red sari, etc.). A wedding is often followed or accompanied by a wedding reception. Other elements may include music, poetry, prayer or scripture. Some elements of the traditional Western wedding ceremony symbolize the bride's d eparture from her father’s control and entry into a new family with her husband. In modern Western weddings, this symbolism is largely vestigial. The common element in a wedding is the assumption of husband and wife roles as well as the roles of the future parents. The wedding is a special moment that marks the beginning of a new generation, a new family and a life together. This moment is recognized with traditions, ceremonies and rituals including engagement and wedding ceremonies. II.A comparison of the view of marriage The mentioned marriage , has been described:" to the Chinese people, marriage is more like a commercial activity, so called marriage; and to the Western people, marriage is more like a house, to turn the world upside down together, not happy is a casual shoot two."


两个美国客户刚来到公司的时候是中午午饭时间,所以中方的副总经理就有礼貌的问了句:“是中午饭时间了,请问你们想进午餐吗?”在事先之前,双方都有了解一下各国文化,中方知道美方比较直接,所以就直接问了要不要先吃午饭。而美方的回答却说:“不是很饿,随便。”其实美方客户已经很饿了, 就是知道中国人的间接表达关系,所以就委婉的说“随便”。最后就 页脚内容0 A Comparative Study on Family Education in America and China Abstract: In a lifetime , family is the first school , in which parents are the first teachers for the children . Children are the hopes of a nation , and family education is the elementary education for children . There are many types of family education in the world and each of them shows distinctive features and is closely responsive to its culture . And American family education is the most famous one among them 1 . There are great differences in the concepts of education , aim of education , methods of education and contents of education between American family education and Chinese family education . This thesis will complete the comparative study from the differences , the reasons and the results of family education between America and China . The author hopes to find a satisfied family education method through comparing the differences between American family education and Chinese family education . At the same time , the author hopes this thesis can provide some helpful suggestions for family education in order to make children grow more healthily and roundly . Keywords: family education childeren differences education for all-around development Main Body: Ⅰ.The differences of family education between America and China:


浅析中美家庭教育之差异摘要:父母是子女的第一任老师,家庭教育在人的教育中占有极其重要的地位,是任何其他教育所无法替补的。中美在家庭教育上存在着明显的区别,不同的观念和培养方式造成了中美两国的儿童在成人后存在着显著的差异。本文浅析其差异产生的原因并给出解决的建议性方法。 关键词:家庭教育;育儿观;传统;素质教育 家庭教育指的是在家庭互动过程中父母对子女的成长发展所产生的教育影响,也是全社会各个教育环节中最重要的一环,中美两国由于在文化传统、观念意识、生活方式以及社会习俗等方面存在着诸多不同之处,导致两国在家庭教育方面也存在着许多差异。 一、中美家庭教育差异及原因 1.两种不同的家庭成员关系 我国当代家庭教育受传统的家庭观念影响,家长总是意味着权威,作为统治者在家庭中处于核心地位。年长者一定可以教育年幼者,这就在家庭内部形成一种人际关系的不平等,儿童也由此学会了对不同的人说不同的话,懂得了父母比朋友重要,长者是权威的象征。而在美国家庭,家长更注

重自由与平等的相处。从小就尊重孩子,重视给孩子的个人自主权,让孩子学会在社会允许的条件下自己做决定,独立解决自己所遇到的各种问题。他们把孩子当做一个独立的个体平等对待,给孩子应有的尊重和理解。孩子在父母面前可以畅所欲言地发表自己的见解,所言有独到之处,父母还会给以适当的奖励。孩子有独立的时间和空间去自由的想像或进行创造性活动。 2. 两种不同的育儿观 中国式家庭教育往往着眼于孩子将来是否有出息,能否找个好职业。基于这种期盼,很多家长认为,父母对孩子的责任就是让他们生活得更好。若能给孩子创造最优越的生活条件,再苦再累也愿意。为此,父母在孩子成长过程中,除了生活上进行无微不至的照顾,还特别关心孩子的智商,至于孩子的独立生活能力、对未来生活的适应能力,以及公民意识等却很少考虑,认为孩子只要成绩好,什么问题都能解决。美国家庭的育儿观有很大不同,他们的着眼点在于培养孩子具有适应各种环境和独立生存的能力。十分重视孩子的自身锻炼。从小就注重培养锻炼孩子的自立意识和独立生活能力。诸如劳动锻炼、意志的锻炼等。但最根本的是适应各种艰苦环境和劳动能力的锻炼。 3. 两种不同的教育方式


学号1040411122 姓名杨梦云 心灵的港湾 ——中美婚姻观对比 正文摘要:中美两国在文化历史,哲学信仰,地理位置及意识形态方面的差异导致了两国间对于婚姻观的截然不同,本文拟对此文化现象进行分析及解剖,探讨两国人对于婚姻观的具体差异及其原因。 关键词:中美婚姻观;爱情;幸福;传统;文化 近日在《南方周末》看到一篇文章《解用都成绝妙辞——比较哲学家吴森》,写了吴森教授通过一则故事对中美婚姻观的看法。 故事是这样的:“获得博士学位后,吴森开始在北伊利诺大学当专任讲师,但是任教不久即辞职他去。辞职的原因当然有很多,其中之一是偶然发现在此高等学府内部竟然也有所谓“配偶交换会”的组织。不过,他在《比较哲学与文化》里没提哲学系有哪些人参加。继以前发现李维曾经五度结婚之后,这场在北伊利诺大学不愉快的经历使吴森对中美婚姻观念的不同有了更强烈的感觉。他发现,美国人对男女之事的态度,是“好奇式的”(wonder),而中国人则是“顾念式的”(concern)。因有“好奇”之心在那里作祟,所以不问利害美丑,长幼尊卑,以及是否有益于世道人心,只一门心思地想“一探究竟”。据说二十余岁的美国青年,多有和他母亲或祖母同一年龄的人发生关系者,这完全就是“好奇”心态下之自然产物。然而,这些人所追求的,只是一种“探究”上兴趣的满足,所以纵使是“春风几度”,也不轻易“许以终身”。吴森此前在密苏里大学当讲师时,班上有一年轻貌美的女生,生于天主教家庭,父亲为圣路易市名律师,彼姝虽然天资颖悟,口才敏捷,但经常对班上的男生“打歪主意”。有一次,吴森与她做长谈,顺便问她对男女关系的看法。该女学生回答得很干脆:“I like sexual inter course。”(我就爱性交)问她:“何以故?”答曰:“This is the best way of knowing a person。”(要想了解一个人,这是最佳途径)这就是说,通过吃饭逛街看电影逛公园,甚至切磋球技和读书心得这些途径,是根本不可能真正认识一个人的。这位“天之骄女”的蛮劲和口才确实一流。 由此对两国婚姻观的差异可见一斑。两国在文化历史上的不同导致了中国人跟American性格 1 【吴森】(Joseph S. Wu),生于广州,其父是一岭南艺术家,其母为一兼通西医的中医师。吴母国文底子很好,曾亲授吴森“四书”,还常举中西医理互相比较,影响他后来注意中西哲学和中西文化的异同。文字学名家高鸿缙和文史学者、禅学家巴壶天对其均有很大影响。后远渡美国研究西方哲学,并于1976年应台


Content I. Introduction (2) 1.1 Research Background (2) 1.2 Aims & Objectives (2) 1.3 The Scope of this Paper (2) II. The intercultural adaptation theory (3) 2.1 The process of adaptation (3) 2.2 Intercultural personhood (4) III. Conflicts between Chinese and Western Culture Reflected in Pushing Hands (6) 3.1 Plot of Pushing Hands—The independent space in Chinese and Western family (6) 3.2 Attitudes towards children (7) 3.3 Chinese and Western family’s attitude toward their elders (8) 3.4 The emotional expression of Chinese and Western Countries (9) IV. Conclusion (10) V. References (11)

I.Introduction 1.1Research Background Nowadays, the development of mass media provides a lot of opportunities for people to experience different cultures. Among mass media, movie industry makes the most powerful impact on human beings. Film-makers use film as a kind of art form to express their interpretations of life. Therefore, movies not only entertain us, but also influence our views on ourselves, others and the whole world. Movies, as an essential form of mass media, have played an important role in intercultural communication. 1.2Aims & Objectives Research on intercultural communication helps us to know how cultures permeate through our daily life, lead our behaviors, form our think patterns and influence our communications with people who have diverse culture backgrounds. Movies are the effective carriers to bring different cultures to audiences. A lot of Chinese directors stand out conspicuously in the world with their unique angle of views and techniques of expression to show Chinese traditional cultures to foreign audiences. Among them, Ang Lee is the most successful intercultural films’ director. With the background of growing up in Tai Wan and being educated in America, Ang Lee has his own cognitions of culture differences and integration. Many years of living experience in America offers him chances to go through the process of intercultural adaptation and to form the intercultural personhood. From his films, the audience could see not only the conflicts and integrations of eastern and western cultures bu t also Ang Lee’s understandings of the humanity. In his early films, eastern and western cultural conflicts are the main topics to discuss. And in his later films, he integrates eastern and western cultures and even is beyond eastern and western culture boundaries to explore and discuss humanity. With long time intercultural life experience, Ang Lee has formed intercultural personhood. 1.3The Scope of this Paper The first part introduces Ang Lee’s biography.Ang Lee’s intercultural background
