雅思新东方基础班词汇测试 三题目

雅思新东方基础班词汇测试    三题目
雅思新东方基础班词汇测试    三题目

Sanitation wildlife prepare opponent competition realize

improve scholarship private function

1) The whole class is working hard for the exams.

2) Only later did she her mistake.

3) The company needs to performance in all these areas.

4) Development of the area would endanger .

5) She won a to study at Stanford.

6) The hotel has 110 bedrooms, all with bathrooms.

7) A lack of clean water and were the main problems.

8) The machine won't properly if you don't oil it well.

9) The team's are unbeaten so far this season.

10) We won the contract in the face of stiff .

Basic require express sufficient treatment natural package persuade

exciting contact

1) When body temperature is beginning to fall there is a tendency

to fall asleep.

2) Guests at the health spa receive a range of beauty and fitness

3) The office boy will deliver the .

4) The campsite provided only facilities.

5) I allowed myself to be into entering the competition.

6) His views have been in numerous speeches.

7) They waited and waited for something to happen

8) True marriage us to show trust and loyalty.

9) These reasons are not to justify the ban.

10) The organization put me in with other people in a similar position

Gigantic potential negative protect prove manufacture appearance avoid academic mention

1) Each company is fighting to its own commercial interests.

2) The crisis had a effect on trade.

3) Vitamins cannot be by our bodies.

4) He failed to that he was the one who started the fight.

5) The problem was beginning to take on proportions.

6) The students return in October for the start of the new year.

7) She has great as an artist.

8) The name was changed to confusion with another firm.

9) In this country, you are innocent until guilty.

10) Judging by can be misleading.

License devote collect carry imagine touch strange transport vitamin remind

1) She herself to her career.

2) I can't life without the children now.

3) I told you not to my things.

4) She was looking at me in a very way.

5) The new drug has not yet been in the UK.

6) to and from the airport is included in the price.

7) This story me of my childhood.

8) He was a suitcase.

9) The package is waiting to be

10) Oranges are rich in C.

Retail apathy complain available responsible achievement probable qualify anxious fascinating

1) The swimming pool is only in summer.

2) We should not show towards the poor children.

3) Mike is for designing the entire project.

4) It was a remarkable for such a young player.

5) Parents are naturally for their children.

6) The recommended price is £9.99.

7) It's to see how different people approach the problem.

8) Two years of experience him for a promotion.

9) She never , but she's obviously exhausted.

10) It is that the disease has a genetic element.


雅思高频词汇测试 根据题干,选出合适的选项。 ()1. 创造能力 A. invention B. imagination C. impression D. intonation ()2. 正常的 A. tutorial B. qualified C. normal D. facial ()3. 培育,培养 A. associate B. cultivate C. predict D. criticize ()4. 过度的 A. various B. generous C. eminent D. excessive ()5. 聪明的 A. intensive B. intelligent C. immense D. intricate ()6. 消失 A. fade B. haunt C. immerse D. cancel ()7. 特性 A. individual B. edge C. property D. instance ()8. 押金 A. optimum B. profit C. discount D. deposit ()9. 方式 A. approach B. coach C. platform D. mission ()10. 保险 A. infancy B. injury C. insurance D. indication ()11. 每年的 A. capable B. potential C. absolute D. annual ()12. 推断 A. recommend B. deduce C. encode D. approve ()13. 分配 A. oppose B. illustrate C. allocate D. attribute ()14. 蒸发



雅思高频词汇测试 根据题干,选出合适的选项。 () 1. 创造能力 A. invention B. imagination C. impression D. intonation () 2. 正常的 A. tutorial B. qualified C. normal D. facial () 3. 培育,培养 A. associate B. cultivate C. predict D. criticize () 4. 过度的 A. various B. generous C. eminent D. excessive () 5. 聪明的 A. intensive B. intelligent C. immense D. intricate () 6. 消失 A. fade B. haunt C. immerse D. cancel () 7. 特性 A. individual B. edge C. property D. instance () 8. 押金 A. optimum B. profit C. discount D. deposit () 9. 方式 A. approach B. coach C. platform D. mission () 10. 保险 A. infancy B. injury C. insurance D. indication

() 11. 每年的 A. capable B. potential C. absolute D. annual () 12. 推断 A. recommend B. deduce C. encode D. approve () 13. 分配 A. oppose B. illustrate C. allocate D. attribute () 14. 蒸发 A. eliminate B. dedicate C. evaporate D. calculate () 15. 障碍 A. obstacle B. absence C. obligation D. ambition () 16. sympathetic A. 标志性的 B. 同情的 C. 系统的 D. 简单明了的()17. temporary A. 温度适中的 B. 临时的 C. 脾气好的 D. 诱人的() 18. confirm A. 证实 B. 使……坚固 C. 固执 D. 声称 () 19. stimulate A. 模仿 B. 催促 C. 使……同步 D. 激励 () 20. aggressive A. 一致的 B. 过量的 C. 好斗的 D. 复杂的


雅思词汇量测试专用 很多同学在准备进行雅思考试时都会有疑惑:我记的这些单词效果如何呢?今天小编就准备了雅思词汇量测试专用表,快来测试一下你对这些单词的记忆能力如何把! Level 1 1.sure A.治疗B.确信的C.纯粹的D.诱惑力E.不认识 2.feather A.两者都不B.天气C.皮革D.羽毛E.不认识 3.poor A.贫穷的B.门C.地板D.粗野的人E.不认识 4.housework A.建房B.工地C.家务活D.家庭作业E.不认识 5.bread A.面包B.面条C.水果D.甜点E.不认识 6.sugar A.糖B.醋C.雪茄烟D.饥饿E.不认识 7.onto A.到…之上B.到…里C.此外D.依然E.不认识 8.manager A.饲料槽B.乘客C.邮递员D.负责人E.不认识 9.unit A.点B.直到…才C.单位D.套装E.不认识 10.ignore A.打鼾B.忽视C.点燃D.可耻的E.不认识 Level 2

11.financial A.最终的B.财政的C.结束D.有限的E.不认识 12.immigrant A.移民B.流动的C.不流动的D.留鸟E.不认识 13.roller A.酿酒厂B.角色C.冷却器D.压路机E.不认识 14.ambition A.环境B.救护车C.雄心D.歧义的E.不认识 15.hydrogen A.氦B.氧C.氢D.氯E.不认识 16.pine A.松树B.葡萄酒C.矿坑D.进餐E.不认识 17.surplus A.此外B.超级的C.惊喜的D.剩余E.不认识 18.fireman A.失业者B.消防员C.狙击手D.纵火犯E.不认识 19.outset A.摆放B.外接装置C.开始D.安置E.不认识 20.confusion A.迷惑B.传播C.灌输D.大量E.不认识Level 3 21.reliance A.义务B.信赖C.宽慰D.遗迹E.不认识 22.collide A.碰撞B.巧合C.滑行D.滑翔E.不认识 23.sniff A.僵直的B.东西C.全体员工D.嗅…味道E.不认识 24.shaft A.工艺B.草稿C.箭杆D.气味E.不认识 25.cordial A.走廊B.珊瑚C.心脏的D.真挚的E.不认识 26.foul A.灵魂B.污秽的C.折叠D.高尚的E.不认识


背单词的好方法 我是一名英语培训学校的专职老师,来学校培训的学生中有许多基础比较差、拥有的单词量非常少,直接造成学习英语困难。我教学的一个重要的方面就是提高学习者词汇量,所以在日常的工作中特别关注各种背单词的方法和辅助工具。 这学期我开始了新概念英语的教学,为了采取更好的辅助工具帮助学生记忆单词我对市场中的各种背单词的软件和在线背单词的网站进行了新概念第一册第一单元背诵效果的横向测试,以下是我测试的结果,供各位学习者和老师、家长借鉴。 软件类: ①新东方背单词 《新东方背单词》的特点 就是内容全面权威,囊括中小学、 许国璋、新概念、职称、大学、研 究生、新东方出国考试(GRE、 TOEFL、GMAT、LSAT、雅思)词汇, 适合从零起点到高级英语学习人 员的全面需要。遵循多种记忆法则:例如词缀、词根记忆法、比较记忆法、单词举例记忆法等。 我组织三名成绩接近的学生进行了新概念第一单元的学习和测验。 一个小时测试结果:总学习:175词,已知: 47词,生词: 128词 测验结果:记住40词/小时正确率:31% 学生反馈:新东方背单词的例句有些简单,不太具有典型性。比如excuse,的例句是“Excuse me !" 和“Excuse me.What's the time ?两个例句的知识点

是相同的。 我的评价:感觉《新东方背单词》对学习英语的方式方法很有心得,它利用不同的学习方式来加强单词的记忆效果,比起其他软件公司开发的单词记忆软件,具有更强的教学性,毕竟是多年积累的教学经验,更易于学习者的学习。而且有几个不错的背单词的游戏,能引起学生的学习兴趣,寓教于乐。 ②轻轻松松背单词 蒲公英也算是背单词软件行 业里的佼佼者了,估计许多学习 英语的人都用过这款《轻轻松松 背单词》。这款软件最大的特点就 是单词和例句的发音是标准的美 音而且是美国专家朗读,。 我组织三名成绩接近的学生 进行了新概念第一单元的学习和测验。 一个小时测试结果:总学习:175词,已知: 47词,生词: 128词 测验结果:记住39词/小时正确率:30% 学生反馈:《轻松背单词》的发音比较好,例句也是标准的发音不是那种电脑合成的让人觉得难受的声音,而且有不错的记忆游戏可以在游戏中加深记忆。 我的评价:《轻松背单词》和《新东方背单词》作为软件类背诵单词中最优秀的几个,功能实际上已经有较强的趋同性。《轻松背单词》的确可以作为学习英语一个有效的辅助工具。 ③疯狂单词 这款软件界面的设计很有web2.0


词汇量测试量表 (注:为了确保测试结果真实对得起自己凡是不确定的词汇请选择E选项凭猜测的正确答案与真实词汇量无关系) Level 1 1.sure A.治疗 B.确信的 C.纯粹的 D.诱惑力 E.不认识 2.feather A.两者都不 B.天气 C.皮革 D.羽毛 E.不认识 3.poor A.贫穷的 B.门 C.地板 D.粗野的人 E.不认识 4.housework A.建房 B.工地 C.家务活 D.家庭作业 E.不认识 5.bread A.面包 B.面条 C.水果 D.甜点 E.不认识 6.sugar A.糖 B.醋 C.雪茄烟 D.饥饿 E.不认识 7.onto A.到…之上 B.到…里 C.此外 D.依然 E.不认识 8.manager A.饲料槽 B.乘客 C.邮递员 D.负责人 E.不认识 9.unit A.点 B.直到…才 C.单位 D.套装 E.不认识 10.ignore A.打鼾 B.忽视 C.点燃 D.可耻的 E.不认识 Level 2 11.financial A.最终的 B.财政的 C.结束 D.有限的 E.不认识 12.immigrant A.移民 B.流动的 C.不流动的 D.留鸟 E.不认识 13.roller A.酿酒厂 B.角色 C.冷却器 D.压路机 E.不认识 14.ambition A.环境 B.救护车 C.雄心 D.歧义的 E.不认识 15.hydrogen A.氦 B.氧 C.氢 D.氯 E.不认识 16.pine A.松树 B.葡萄酒 C.矿坑 D.进餐 E.不认识 17.surplus A.此外 B.超级的 C.惊喜的 D.剩余 E.不认识 18.fireman A.失业者 B.消防员 C.狙击手 D.纵火犯 E.不认识 19.outset A.摆放 B.外接装置 C.开始 D.安置 E.不认识


【本测试摘自新东方雅思国际学习中心相关教材版权归属新东方教育科技集团】 本量表是新东方英语能力测评体系的一部分,主要用来测试学生的词汇量。词汇量测试共100道题,分为 6个级别 词汇量的计算方法: Level 1答对的题目数×180 + Level 2答对的题目数×280 + Level 3答对的题目数×073 + Level 4答对的题目数×170 + Level 5答对的题目数×192 + Level 6答对的题目数×192=? 雅思考试词汇量测试量表 (注:为了确保测试结果真实对得起自己凡是不确定的词汇请选择E选项凭猜测的正确答案与真是词汇量无关系) Level 1 1.sure A.治疗 B.确信的 C.纯粹的 D.诱惑力 E.不认识 2.feather A.两者都不 B.天气 C.皮革 D.羽毛 E.不认识 3.poor A.贫穷的 B.门 C.地板 D.粗野的人 E.不认识 4.housework A.建房 B.工地 C.家务活 D.家庭作业 E.不认识 5.bread A.面包 B.面条 C.水果 D.甜点 E.不认识 6.sugar A.糖 B.醋 C.雪茄烟 D.饥饿 E.不认识 7.onto A.到…之上 B.到…里 C.此外 D.依然 E.不认识 8.manager A.饲料槽 B.乘客 C.邮递员 D.负责人 E.不认识 9.unit A.点 B.直到…才 C.单位 D.套装 E.不认识 10.ignore A.打鼾 B.忽视 C.点燃 D.可耻的 E.不认识 Level 2 11.financial A.最终的 B.财政的 C.结束 D.有限的 E.不认识 12.immigrant A.移民 B.流动的 C.不流动的 D.留鸟 E.不认识 13.roller A.酿酒厂 B.角色 C.冷却器 D.压路机 E.不认识


1. The machine looked like a large, ________ , old-fashioned typewriter. A) forceful B) clumsy C) intense D) tricky 2. Though she began her ______ by singing in a local pop group, she is now a famous Hollywood movie star. A) employment B) career C) occupation D) profession 3. Within two weeks of arrival, all foreigners had to _______ with the local police. A) inquire B) consult C) register D) profession 4. Considering your salary, you should be able to _____ at least twenty dollars a week. A) put forward B) put up C) put out D) put aside 5. As he has _______ our patience, we’ll not wait for him any longer. A) torn B) wasted C) exhausted D) consumed 6. These teachers try to be objective when they _______ the integrated ability of their students. A) justify B) evaluate C) indicate D) reckon 7. Mrs. Morris's daughter is pretty and _______, and many girls envy her. A) slender B) light C) faint D) minor 8. Tomorrow the mayor is to _____ a group of Canadian businessmen on a tour of the city. A) coordinate B) cooperate C) accompany D) associate 9. I'm ______ enough to know it is going to be a very difficult situation to compete against three strong teams. A) realistic B) conscious C) register D) resolve 10. Can you give me even the _______ clue as to where her son might be? A) simplest B) slightest C) least D) utmost 11. Norman Davis will be remembered by many _____ with not only as a great scholar but also as a most delightful and faithful friend. A) kindness B) friendliness C) warmth D) affection 12. Salaries for ______ positions seem to be higher than for permanent ones. A) legal B) optional C) voluntary D) temporary 13. Most people agree that the present role of women has already affected U.S. society. _______, it has affected the traditional role of men. A) Above all B) In all C) At most D) At last


A abandon abnormal absorb abstract academic accelerate access accommodate accompany accomplish account accumulate accurate accustom achieve acknowledge acquaintance acquire adapt address adequate adjust administer admire admit adolescence adopt adore advance advantage adventure advertise affect agenda aid alarm alcohol alien allowance alter amateur amaze ambition

ample amuse analyze ancestor ancient announce annoy annual anticipation anxiety apologize apparatus apparent appeal appearance appetite applaud apply appointment appreciate approach appropriate approve approximate arise arouse artificial ascend aspect assemble assist associate assorted assume assure atmosphere atom attach attack attain attempt attend attitude


我十天把考研单词背7遍的心得,附详细操作过程 十二天前我回复了一个帖子,受这个帖子启发,然后搜到了一篇《17天搞定GRE单词》(好像是叫这个名字吧),看完后我决心10天把考研单词全部背完https://www.360docs.net/doc/3111037370.html,/viewthread ... &page=1#pid32113049,而且不是背一遍,是按照背单词的那个循环大表循环着背,前期一些单词都背了7遍了。我做到了!筹划考研比较久了,但还没有考过,本人的基础是:前年单词翻到C放弃,去年单词看完一遍,现在也早就不记得了,掌握了一点基本的词根词缀知识,仅限于此。曾经的我也为单词苦恼过,但现在完成这10天的魔鬼式训练,感觉单词不过如此。谈谈我的方法和心得吧。 首先,这10天我是拿出每天10-12个小时不看别的书专门背单词,(在职的、忙于学业的、每天只能学习4、5个小时的朋友,可以相应延长这个时间到20天,而且我不相信一个考研的人每天4,5个小时都拿不出来,这样的话你最好别考了),偶尔的闲暇我还拿出时间来论坛水 水。 另外,大纲里DOG,DESK,APPLE等中学词汇起码有2000多个不用背。真正需要背的单词大概也就3000-3500(基础好的过了四级六级的,要背的远远少于这个数)。每天平均新单词400不到,耗时6小时。其他4-6小时全部是复习,按照艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线复习。要谨记:复习永远 比学新单词重要。

具体操作是: 第一步:读单词音----简单拼写一下(这个时候不要强迫自己记得每个单词的拼写)---读单词汉语意思----回忆复述一下----PASS,到下一个单词。不要追求拼写,不要追求用法,甚至很多词组都不要去管他, 先记单词再说。 整个过程耗时半分钟不到,个别意思多的要一分钟。因此,1个小时60 分钟能背掉100个单词 第二步:5-10分钟左右(根据自己记忆力)无论背到哪了,都重复前面那个5-10分钟的单词,操作如第一步。如果你10分钟背完之前的那个小段单词,那么复习的时间最多只要3-5分钟甚至更短。 第三步:1小时复习前面1小时背诵的,操作同上 第四步:“12小时后复习当天背诵的”,我一般是上午7点到下午2点完成当天新单词,14点--20点复习前面学习内容(至于复习哪些,大家搜一下艾宾浩斯单词记忆大表,应该都听说过吧),20点-23、24点复习当天内容(这个按照大表上也有规定的),我前面就说了,白天 背诵5,6个小时,复习最多3小时 我大概算了下,每天新单词加复习的旧单词加一起,大概有2000个。 这里补充一些朋友们长期的疑惑 1怎么一天背那么多单词?我一个小时只能背1页纸----------我的单词基础前面就说过了,并不比大家强,甚至比很多人弱。我能做到,你

雅思新东方基础班词汇测试 三题目

Sanitation wildlife prepare opponent competition realize improve scholarship private function 1) The whole class is working hard for the exams. 2) Only later did she her mistake. 3) The company needs to performance in all these areas. 4) Development of the area would endanger . 5) She won a to study at Stanford. 6) The hotel has 110 bedrooms, all with bathrooms. 7) A lack of clean water and were the main problems. 8) The machine won't properly if you don't oil it well. 9) The team's are unbeaten so far this season. 10) We won the contract in the face of stiff . Basic require express sufficient treatment natural package persuade exciting contact 1) When body temperature is beginning to fall there is a tendency to fall asleep. 2) Guests at the health spa receive a range of beauty and fitness 3) The office boy will deliver the . 4) The campsite provided only facilities. 5) I allowed myself to be into entering the competition. 6) His views have been in numerous speeches. 7) They waited and waited for something to happen 8) True marriage us to show trust and loyalty. 9) These reasons are not to justify the ban. 10) The organization put me in with other people in a similar position Gigantic potential negative protect prove manufacture appearance avoid academic mention


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英语雅思 基础入学语法词汇测试卷 PART I 1. He walked in, _________ a book in his hand, went to a table near the window and sat down in silence. A. carrying B. carried C. to carry D. having carried 2. Paper money was in ________ use in China when Marco Polo visited the country in ________ thirteenth century. A. the; 不填 B. the; the C. 不填; the D. 不填; 不填 3. —You were out when I dropped in at your house yesterday. —Oh, I________ for a friend from Beijing at the railway station. A. was waiting B. had waited C. am waiting D. have waited 4. It was not until I got home ________ I found my wallet missing. A. that B. when C. where D. which 5. The number of the people present at the concert ________ much smaller than expected. There ________ many tickets left. A. was; was B. were; was C. were; were D. was; were 6. She returned home from the office, only ________ the door open and something missing. A. finding B. to be found C. to find D. found 7. The Anti- Japanese War ________ in 1937 and it ________ eight years. A. broke out; lasted B. broke out; was lasted C. was broken out; lasted D. was broken out; was lasted 8. When the plane arrived, some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building ________others were waiting on the airfield. A. during B. where C. which D. while 9. ________ is known to everybody, Taiwan is a part of China. A. It B. As C. That D. Which 10. He made ________ known to his friends that he didn’t want to enter politics. A. that B. it C. himself D. him 11. That car nearly hit me; I ________. A. might be killed B. might have been killed C. may be killed D. may been killed 12. “Have you ever eaten snails?” “No, and I hope I ________.” A. will never B. never will C. have never D. never have 13. I’ll have to change my clothes before I go out —I don’t want ________ like this. A. to see B. seeing C. to be seen D. being seen 14. She took her son, ran out of the house, ________ him in the car and drove quickly to the nearest doctor’s office. A. put B. to put C. putting D. having put 15. The old house, in front of ________ there is an apple tree, is ________ I used to live. A. that, the place B. it, the place C. which, where D. what, where 16. We ________ to move but are still considering where to go to.


雅思基础3500词汇(听口适用) A a (an) art. 一(个、件……)able a.能够,有能力的 be able to do sth能够做…… 【ability n.能力】 about ad. 大约,到处,四处 prep. 关于,在各处,四处 above prep.在……上面 a.上面的 ad.在……之上 abroad ad. 到(在)国外 ▲absorb吸收/受 ▲absent a.缺席,不在(absence n.) ▲academic a.学术的 ▲accent n.口音,音调 accept vt. 接受 accident n.事故,意外的事according【to】按照,根据 ▲account n. 账目,描述 ▲accurate a..准确无误的 ▲accuse v.指责,谴责,控告ache vi.& n.痛,疼痛 achieve vt.达到,取得 ▲achievement n.成就 across prep.横过,穿过 act n. 法令,条例 v.表演,扮演(角色),演出(戏),行动,做事 ▲action n.行动 active a.积极的,主动的 ▲activity n.活动 actor n.男演员 actress n.女演员 actual a.实际的,现实的 ▲AD n. 公元 ▲ad (缩) =advertisementn.广告add vt.添加,增加 【add to增加】 【add…to把…….添加到】 【add up加起来,合计】 【add up to共计达多少】 address n. 地址 v.在(信封、包裹等)上 写名字、地址,演说(讲) ▲administration n.管理,行政, 施行,政府,内阁(任期) admire v.钦佩,羡慕 admit vt. 承认,准许(入场,入 学,入会) ▲adult n. 成年人 advance v. 推进,促进,前进 【in advance在前面,预 先,事先】 advantage n. 优点,好处 adventure n. 冒险,奇遇 ▲advertise vt. 为……做广告 ▲advertisement n. 广告 advice n. 忠告,劝告,建议 advise vt. 忠告,劝告,建议 affair n. 事,事情 afford vt.负担得起(…的费用), 抽得出(时间),提供 afraid a. 害怕的,担心 be afraid of害怕 Africa n. 非洲 African a. 非洲的,非洲人的n. 非洲人 after ad. 在后,后来prep. 在……之后,在后面 conj. 在……以后 after all毕竟,虽然这样 afternoon n. 下午,午后 ▲afterward(s) ad. 后来 again ad. 再一次,再,又 again and again反复地,再三 地 once again再一次 against prep. 对着,反对 age n. 年龄,时代 at the age of在……岁的时 候 【aggression n.侵略】 【aggressive a.侵略的,咄咄逼人 的】 ago ad. 以前 agree v. 同意,应允 agree to do sth同意做 agree with sb.同意某人的看法 /意见等 ▲agreement n. 同意,一致,协 定,协议 ▲agricultural a. 农业的 agriculture n. 农业,农学 ahead ad. 在前,向前 ▲aid n. 援助,救护,辅助器具 ▲AID S n. 艾滋病 aim n.目的,目标v. 计划,打算, 瞄准,针对 air n. 空气,大气 by air 乘飞机 aircraft n. 飞机(单复数同) ▲airline n. 航空公司,航空系统 airport n. 航空站,飞机场 ▲alcohol n.酒精,,含酒精之饮 料,酒,乙醇 ▲alike a. & ad.像….. alive a. 活着的,存在的 all ad. 全部地 a.全(部),所有的,总,整 pron.全部,全体人员 all over 到处,遍及,浑身, 处处(像某人) all over the country/world全 国/全世界 in all总之 not at all一点也不 allow vt. 允许,准许 almost ad. 几乎,差不多 alone a. 单独的,孤独的 along ad. 向前,和……一起,一 同 prep. 沿着,顺着 aloud ad. 大声地 ▲alphabet n.字母表 already ad. 已经


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1) She never achieved her of becoming a famous writer. 2) He is the of three books on art. 3) A good salesperson has to be in today's competitive market. 4) Her unusual talent her worldwide recognition. 5) I'll call the restaurant and make a . 6) Generosity is part of the American . 7) She was one of the leading of the reform movement. 8) He knew he could upon her to deal with the situation. 9) Please our sincere apologies. 10) : The builders are now beginning to lay the of the new school. 1) How are the local weather forecasts? 2) The is off. 3) When the boiler many people were injured. 4) Further details can be by writing to the above address. 5) He speaks Italian. 6) She was to the slightest sound. 7) The is that there is not enough money to pay for this project. 8) It was that there would be job losses. 9) Diet and exercise are important. 10) We spent a most day together. 1) The cream is easily into the skin. 2) He fought the illness with courage and . 3) The two countries have always close relations. 4) They would resist any of their powers. 5) Recession at the time seemed . 6) Readers are left to the killer's motives. 7) She has an position in a finance company 8) The firm is working on a new product in with several overseas partners. 9) His lecture was with slides taken during the expedition. 10) Would it be of me to ask to borrow your car?
