




Describe your latest interesting travel in detail.

When and where you go?

Whom you go with?

What things you do?

Last year, I went to Shilin with my wife. Shilin, is locat ed about 80

kilometers from Kunming. Kunming is the capital city of Yunn an Province .It took us 3 days to get Shilin. Shilin is f amous for its large areas of stone forests. All stones in Shilin are vividly shaped, resembling various figures. Some s tones look like a monkey, and some stones look like a bird . In a word, the stones are fantastic. In addition, I met a classmate of Chongqing University in Shilin. We talked a bout the things and persons which we remembered in school.

I think that is an interesting trip.

1) Describe some interesting things happened during your trav el. Can u describe it for me?

Ok. I met a classmate of Chongqing University .We talked ab out the things

and persons which we remembered in school. I think that is an interesting thing.

2) What is your goal to travel and your reason to travel is

I enjoy traveling. It is so interesting to see how other p eople live, and

it is really an amazing way to learn about different cultur es.

3) Describe the advantage and disadvantage of travel for the country

Tourism is a useful source of foreign currency for the coun try, but

sometimes so me visitors destroy cultural heritage.

4) Why China can attract people to travel?

A 5,000--year cultural heritage attract more people to China.

5) Do Chinese people like to travel now?

Yes, of course. Since the opening-

up, transportation is easy and convenient. Also, we have amp le money for the journey.

6) Which festival do people travel in and where do people travel to?

We often go to resorts around National Day, such as Forbidd en City, Summer Palace, and Temple of Heaven in Beijing.

7) Compare the difference about traveling among Chinese peopl

e between 100 years ago and now?

100 years ago, transportation was very difficult; few people could travel in China because most of people were very po or. But now, transportation is easy and convenient and we h ave ample money for the journey.


雅思口语Part2常考话题:交通工具 本文为大家收集整理了雅思口语Part2常考话题:交通工具。雅思口语Part2着重考察同学们的英语交流能力,同学们在备考阶段可以注意多积累素材,平时多模仿多练习,这样在考试中才不至于无话可说。 Describe an important form of transport for you I want to describe the bus, which is probably the most common form of transport for most of us in Suzhou. I probably use the bus about 10 or more times in a week. I use it not just to go back and forth to work but also to go shopping. I have a monthly pass and so I can travel freely on one without having to pay each time I go on. I also use a bus when I want to go traveling from one place to another for distances that do not last fur more than a day. I do have a bicycle, but I use that only for very" short distance" things, like getting some vegetables at the local grocery store or things like that. I prefer taking the bus. I always feel safe taking a bus because it is a big vehicle and it moves more slowly than a taxi. It is quite convenient, since there are enough lines. Even though it is not as convenient as a car, it allows you to work while you are traveling. It is relatively cheap


IELTS SPEAKING TEST Part 1 Work or study 1.Do you work or are you a student? 2.What subject(s) are you studying? 3.Why did you choose to study that subject? 4.(For high school) Why did you choose those subjects? 5.Is that a popular subject (to study) in your country? 6.Do you think it's popular because people want to gain knowledge or is there some other reason? 7.What are the most popular subjects (= university degree courses = majors) in China? 8.Did your family help you choose that course? 9.What school (or university) do you go to? 10.Why did you choose that university (or, school)? 11.Do you have any recreational or entertainment activities at your school/university? 12.How do you like your subject? 13.What do you like about your subject? 14.Do you think it's important to choose a subject you like? (Why?) 15.(For university students) What are your favourite classes/ courses/ subjects at university? 16.(For high school students) What's your favourite subject at school? 17.Is your subject interesting? (Why? / Why not?) 18.Do you think it's important to choose a subject you are interested in? (Why?) 19.What's the most interesting part of your subject? 20.(For high school) What's the most interesting of your subjects at school? 21.What are your future work plans? (after you graduate) 22.Do you think what you are studying now will be very useful (or, relevant or, important) for this type of work? 23.How will you (or, how do you plan to) get the job you want? 24.Do you think it will be easy to find that kind of work? 25.Why are you taking the IELTS test? 26.In addition to gaining knowledge, what other ways have you benefited from your school/university experience? Accommodation 1.What kind of housing/accommodation do you live in? 2.Who do you live with? 3.How long have you lived there? 4.Do you plan to live there for a long time? 5.Can you describe the place where you live? 6.Which room does your family spend most of the time in? 7.What do you usually do in your house/flat/room? 8.Are the transport facilities to your home very good? 9.Do you prefer living in a house or a flat? 10.Please describe the room you live in. 11.Is there anything you don't like about the place where you live?


详解雅思听力section1考点及解题技巧(三)有过雅思考试经历的考生都知道雅思听力考试的四个section中,就题目的难度、考察的背景信息及录音的速度而言,section 1可以说是难度较低的一部分,然而,纵观考题卷,我们却经常发现section 1的正确率有时却不尽人意。下面为大家详解雅思听力section1考点及解题技巧,希望对大家的雅思听力备考有帮助。 二、解题思路 Section 1中的解题思路可划分为2个环节,分别是:角色分工、信息陷阱。 1、角色分工 从section 1是一个conversation的文体上看,10道题的角色分工是很明显的。根据角色的不同,我们分为信息提问者和信息提供者。从卷面上我们不难发现, (1)10道题都是由信息提供者即回答问题的人提供,比如:Cambridge 7 Test 1 S1; (2)其中有2-4道题是由信息提问者提供,比如:Cambridge 5 Test 2 S1。 2、信息陷阱 (1)信息提问者所提供的答案多数为“陷阱”。 我们对section 1的题目做好角色分工后,就可以根据角色来做题。因为大部分的题目是由信息提供者提供,因此考生在听题的时候,可以不理会信息提问者给出的答案。 (2)信息提供者提供答案的过程中,信息随时会发生转变。 下面我们通过剑桥5 Test 2 Section 1的部分题目来讲解这2个环节。 Q2 two forms of ID e.g. driving license………………..

Q6 Computers can be booked up to……….. hours in advance. 我们先来看一下这两道题的录音: LIBRARIAN: We also need two documents for ID, so a driving license would be fine. MAN: I have got that and what else? A credit card?(陷阱之一) LIBRARIAN: No, it needs to have your address on it.(陷阱之二) MAN: Shall I bring a bank statement,(正确答案) would that do? LIBRARIAN: That’ll be fine.(给予肯定) MAN: Do I have to book in advance for them? LIBRARIAN: Oh, yes, it’s advisable. Most people tend to book 24(陷阱之一) hours in advance although sometimes you can get one with only 6(陷阱之二) hours’notice. However,(语气转折) the earliest you can book a computer is 48(正确答案) hours before you need it. 从录音中可以看出MAN是信息提问者,LIBRARIAN是信息提供者。Q2是由信息提问者提供答案,最终由信息提供者来确定正确答案,而Q6是直接由信息提供者提供答案,但信息不断更换—最终however后给出了正确答案。 以上就是详解雅思听力section1考点及解题技巧的内容,希望对大家的雅思备考有帮助。最后,预祝大家在雅思考试中取得满意的成绩。


雅思考试口语话题素材之改变 Due to the development of economy, people in my hometown are living abetter life.^由于经济的发展,我家乡的人们(正)过着更好的生活。 I have changed a lot in personality.^我的性格已经发生了很大的变化(我个性变化很大)。 Great changes have taken place in my hometown in recentyears.^近几年我的家乡发生了巨大的变化。 I was once a shy boy in the past,but now I am confident andextrovert.^我过去是个羞涩的男孩,可是现在我自信而性格外向。 You could hardly imagine how your life would be like ten yearslater.^你简直不能想象十年后的生活会是怎样的。 Environment is getting worse so that people in the world are worrying aboutit.^环境日趋恶化,世界人民都在为此担心。 The greatest change in my life is my way ofthinking.^我生活中的最大变化就是我的思维方式(的变化)。 Life is colourful because it is full of change.^生活(命)是多彩的,因为它充满了变化。

Life is like a box of chocolate and you never know what you are going toget.^生活就像一盒巧克力,你永远都不会知道你会得到什么。 As long as I am striving forward, I know I could make big changes of mylife.^只要我不断地努力,我知道我的生活会发生很大变化。 Everyone can be better and better if he has a dream and tries his best torealize the dream.^每一个人都会越来越好,只要他拥有一个梦想并为此不断地努力。 I may have difficulties and frustrations in future, but I am ready forit.^我的未来会有困难和挫折,可是我已为此做好了准备。


2019年9-12月雅思口语Part 2新题预测:有意义的 歌 有意义的歌 P2 Describe a song that is meaningful to you. You should say: what song it is; when you first heard it; what the song is about; and explain why it is meaningful to you. P3 1.Is it good for children to learn music? 2.How do Chinese people learn music? 3.Do men and women play different kinds of musical instruments? 4.what's the status of traditional music now? 5.Do all grades have music class? 6.Is music class important? 7.What kind of music do children like? 8.Why would some parents force their children to learn some musical

instruments? 解析 题目要求考生描述“一首对你有意义的歌”。作答要点包括:是什么歌、什么时候第一次听到、歌是关于什么的,并说明为什么这首歌对你有特殊意义。 范文 Three years ago, a song came out that celebrated being young and relaxed and I was instantly crazy about it. It was called ‘Young for you’ and the beat and melody were off the hook! The song became a massive hit across China that year and you could hear it being played everywhere. When I listen to the song now it immediately takes me back to my youth. I first heard the song playing in a shopping mall and was instantly drawn to it. The singer's voice was like no other I had ever heard before and the melody was haunting and sad. I stopped shopping and used an app on my phone to identify the tune. I immediately downloaded the album off iTunes.


考试流程事先熟悉只有事先清楚考试流程,才可以消除考试时带来的紧张感,有利于自己的发挥,所以你要知道: ID check环节属于雅思考试的暖场环节,考官只是为了核对身份,并简单问几个ice-breaking的问题。在这个阶段,考官问什么答什么就好,不要做多余扩展,更不要跟考官做没必要的寒暄。一边熟悉考官的口音和思维模式,一边调动自己进入口语考试的状态,在ID check环节结束后,雅思考试才算正式开始。 Part1 总共分三组,每组平均4题左右,每组话题的问题都是由浅入深一步步深入的。 Part1总时长4-5分钟,所以每组话题答题时间约为90s,每一小题答题时间平均15-25s。 每组新的话题开始前,考官都会明确告诉你:Let’s first talk about what you do.OR Let’s move on to something else. Let’s talk about sports.要注意听考官的引导词。这样,在分析问题的时候,不至于跑偏。 做好考试前热身准备运动员上场前要热身,歌手上场前要开嗓,咱们考雅思也是一样。 因为英语不是咱们的母语,无论是脑子还是嘴都需要一个热身的过程。所以考前的几天,无论你是裸考还是对题库早有了解,都要开口说起来。关注趴趴的烤鸭以及通过其他途径对题库有了解的考生们,建议考前的几天每天坚持做几套真题模考,让自己提前进入状态。 如果你真打算裸考(强烈不建议啊,干嘛跟自己的时间和钱过不去),考前也有必要用英文叨咕叨咕。你可以说些什么呢:对自己专业或者工作的描述,对自己居住城市或者家乡的介绍,还有对你住的房子的描述。这些都是基础题最高频话题。 此外,口语考试前,建议大家稍微早一点到达考场。在去考场的路上和等待的时候也用基础题磨磨嘴皮子。你会发现,等到你进入考场开始正式考试的时候,你的脑子和嘴已经ready啦。 俗话说,临阵磨枪不快也光。根据我们多年的经验,口语考试临阵磨枪格外有用。So, DO warm up!展现出对问题的兴趣和热情有的时候,雅思口语考试的一些问题,尤其是一些基础题的问题很boring,有些还很幼稚。但是在口语考试


雅思听力搭配题解题方法与技巧 很多同学在准备雅思考试的时候都有一个共鸣“选项题比填空题难!”,如果选项遭遇了搭配题就是“难上加难”!下面为同学带来实用的雅思听力搭配题解题方法与技巧。 雅思听力搭配题解题方法与技巧 一、雅思听力搭配题概述 搭配题是选择题的一种变形。在雅思听力中,搭配题所占的比例并不大,也不是每一次考试都考到,但是考的时候一定是连续的4题以上,最多的是连续7题。曾经在2010年1月9日的考试中有2个section都考到了这种题型,也就是一共有11题。总的来看搭配题所占比例为6.4%,也就是平均考2.5题(40题中)左右。这种题型是希望拿高分的同学必不可少的一关。 二、雅思听力搭配题难点及应对 1、阅读速度 既然搭配题是选择题的一种变题,第一个难点自然和选择题类似。对于如何在有限的考试时间看明白大量的信息,是所有考生在考雅思听力所必须面临的一道难关。 如剑6 Test 1 Section 2 Questions 11-16 What change has been made to each part of the theatre? Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G, next to questions 11-16. RIVENDEN CITY THEATRE A doubled in number B given separate entrance C reduced in number D increased in size E replaced F strengthened G temporarily closed


雅思口语话题大全带答 案 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】

Describe a good parent you know Well,I would like to about my mother’s roommate in college,I call her aunt hongchuan,she is perfect I will explain the reason hong is my mother’s best friend,there is a close relationship between our two mother told me that when I was a baby,aunt hong was always the one who babysit is not very beautiful but very intelligent. he knows how to dress elegant and cook delicious..she is a successful mother mainly because she educates her daughter in a smart way which make her daughter very hong treat her daughter in an eaqual way,she never poses up with poker face,in stead,she tries to make friends with her daughter which result in complete trust of her her daughter trust her mother,and talk everything to her mother,aunt hong knows everything about her daughter and then influence he daughter by her behavior in a positive way .finally,her daughter learned to be self-discipline and went to the peking university which is the best university in china. Describe a perfect holiday you want to have in the future


Objects: Sth You Saved Money For Describe something that you saved money to buy. You should say: what it was how long it took you to save enough money to buy it why you wanted to buy this thing and explain how you felt when you bought it. Part3 1.Which is better for saving money, using a credit card or using cash? 2.What do young people in your country save money for? 3.Who do you think saves money easier, men or women? 4.You do some people find it hard to save? 5.How can young people learn to manage their financial affairs? A Gift You Would Like To Give Describe a gift you would like to give to one of your friends. You should say: who you would like to give this gift to what the gift would be how much it would cost and explain why you would like to give this gift to this person. Part3 1.Why do people give gifts to others? 2.When do people in your country give gifts? 3.What should people consider when choosing a gift? 4.Do you think some parents give too many things to their children? 5.Can you suggest any ways to improve that situation? Sth You Cannot Live Without Describe a thing you cannot live without, (besides a mobile phone and a computer). You should say: what it is what it looks like what you use it for and explain why you think you cannot live without this thing. Part3 1.Why do young people like to use high-tech products? 2.Are there any features on your mobile phone that you don't need?


口语考试如果希望取得高分(比如7分以上),不但要有一定的口语水平,还要来点“旁门左道”。依据我的经验,口语考试成绩=个人真实的口语水平x现场表现系数x考官认可系数。这三部分中,口语水平短时间内很难有大的提高,虽然完全可以通过充分的准备从而“脱胎换骨”。考官是否认可不能由你把握,但是与你的现场表现直接相关。所以,如果想要在口语考试中拿到高分,最能控制也是最立竿见影的就是你的现场表现。一句话:你要影响考官。 一、雅思口语考试三大破绽 口语考试并非"无机可乘",相反,它的主观性决定了它与生俱来的不准 确性。从两次口语取得8分的经历中,我总结出雅思口语考试有以下破绽,从而使考生能用于影响考官: 1 口语考试的成绩与你的真实水平是正相关的,但不是成正比的。也就是说,在你毫无准备的情况下,它能够测出你属于哪一个档次的,比如说,5-6分是一个中级档次,7-8分是一个高级档次。但是在同一个档次内部,到底是5分还是6分,7分还是8分,完全取决于两个人的主观博弈-你和考官。 2 口语考试的生杀大权掌握在考官手中,所以要“攻城为下,攻心为上”。我的口号是“要把考官当人看”,而不是机器或者大牲口(虽然你心里是这么想的)。口语考试考察的是考生的"沟通"能力,而非单纯的"口语"能力。所以,如果你在考试开始前没有礼貌地和考官打招呼,没有尊重地问问考官的名字,说话的时候表 情冷漠,没有笑容,光目呆滞,总是保持一个声调,使人感到乏味,离开考场时忘了对考官说"再见",总之就是没有给予考官对正常人应有的礼貌和尊重时,你是 休想得高分的。

3 “多算胜,少算不胜”。我们不能打无把握之仗,而要在考试前积极备战,从而使雅思口语考试的科学性在你的成绩上体现的微乎其微。因为口语考试采用的是题库制,所以所有的题目都能从网上找到“机经”。你完全可以做到有的放矢的备考。一旦你有了充分的准备,即使自认为口语水平一般的同学,通过一定的技术处理,完全有可能在口语考试中作到"点石成金",从而取得7分以上的成绩。 二、现场表现系数的四大要素 口语考试要有以下几个要素才能得高分:自信,反应,语音和表情。这就是我说的“现场表现系数”。 1 自信。你有面对考官的自信吗?比如,你是否会很轻松地反问考官:"What can I call you?"从而给考官的笫一印象就是:这个人肯定口语不错,因为其它考生都不敢和我这样!口语考试不同于一般的和鬼子聊天,而是你和一个考官在一间“阴森可怖”的小黑屋里面,你看着他,他看着你。你无权保持沉默,并且你所说的每一句话都将成为承堂证供,因为你面前还摆着一个录音机。你曾有的自信就在你还没有进入口语考场之前的焦急等待中彻底土崩瓦解了。那你就完了,因为你下面的口语考试就会出现技术变形。自信从何而来?准备。如果你对即将考到的题目烂熟于胸,你会不自信吗?如果你已经拥有了大量和鬼子练口语的经历,发现他们无非就是一群来中国“潇洒走一回”的流浪汉,你会不自信吗?所以,试问那些一考口语就紧张的同学,你们有谁在考试之前做到了以上这两点呢? 2 反应。如果你希望对口语考试中的所有问题都有所准备,这是mission impossible。所以要对没有准备过的问题做出敏锐地反应。我第二次考8分的时候被问到一个问题:“Are physical exercises popular in China?”


雅思听力配对题高分解题技巧 文字配对题的难度要比地图配对题高,因为对听力理解能力更高,更具有挑战性。今天为大家带来了这两种配对题的解题技巧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 【应试技巧】雅思听力配对题高分解题技巧 雅思听力主要有地图配对题和文字配对题两种。地图配对题相对比较简单,同义转换的现象很少出现,只要能理解地图的思路,不弄错大致方向就不会有大问题了。这种题型通常会出现在第一部分和第二部分的参观旅游场景中,往往要求雅思考生把地图中标注的字母和题目要求找到的地点对应起来。往往选项数量很多,但题目中却很少出现同义转换,定位比较简单。 文字配对题对雅思考生的听力理解要求更高,更有挑战性。这种题型在第三部分和第四部分中比较多见,分为两类:选项多于题干型和题干多于选项型。 选项多于题干型:这类考题的选项一般是对题干进行解释说明,很容易出现同义转换。而且有些选项会比较相似,干扰性强。考生在审题时应明确题干的中心词,弄清问的是什么,为定位作好准备。另外,要快速浏览选项,记住大致意思,以免听到了答案却找不到选项,影响听题节奏。

题干多于选项型:这类考题类似于把题干进行分类,一般选项为三个,需要重复使用。在考试中这种形式的考题通常是给出对某些事物的不同看法,根据说话人的表述作出选择。由于选项相对固定,考生要重点分析题干中的信息,避免由于题干同义转换带来的定位困难。 雅思听力技巧之13个原则 一、顺序原则:只要是雅思听力考试的真题,40个题目全部都严格按顺序出场。 二、所听即所得原则:对于填空题而言,一般所听到的直接就是所需要填写的信息。 三、信号词原则:每个答案的出现前或出现后,必定会有较明显的信号词提醒。 四、答案靠后原则:在单选题中,正确答案往往会在最后出现。当然,也不排除答案前置的可能,例如rather than表示前肯后否,答案应该选rather than前面出现过的信息。 五、相似原则:在单选题中,如果两个选项长得很像或意思相反,那么其中一个选项必定是正确答案。 六、重复原则:在听力考试中,如果一个信息被重复了两次,那么这个信息一定是所要的答案。


雅思英语口语考试30个常见话题归纳 1. describe your favorite animal 2. describe relaxation method 3. describe communication method 4. describe al job you are interested in 5. describe sth old in your family(可以谈礼物或jewelry或clothes) 6. describe a book which influenced you in your childhood 7. describe a library 8. describe a physical exercise 9. describe a store 10. describe your favorite magazine or newspaper 11. describe an advertisement you like. 12. describe a school you attended. 13. describe the type of clothing or jewelry you choose in special t ime? 14. describe your favorite room in your home.

15. describe a change in your life. 16. describe the part of day you like most 17.describe the city you enjoyed visiting. 18.describe an old man you are familiar with. 19.describe a river or lake you have seen. 20. describe something which was made by yourself 21.describe the best present you got in your life. 22.describe your favorite way of transport. 23.describe a famous person you admire. 24.describe your favorite movie. 26. describe your best friend. 27. describe an electric equipment you use in your life. 28. describe a subject you studied at school. 29. describe a building. 30. describe a club or team or organization you joined


题目: A Handicraft Q. A Handicraft (something made by hand) You should say: What it is? What it looks like? How to make it? And explain what other people thought of it. 范文: When talking about handicrafts, I’d like to share with you my experience of making paper-cut. Paper-cut is a traditional folk art in China and it’s been very popular in some ruralareas. It is paper cut into different shapes and patterns and then pasted on windows as decorations on festive occasions, such as the Spring Festival or a Wedding ceremony. I first learned to make paper- cut in primary school when making paper-cut was part of the extracurricularactivities. The process isn’t very complicated and doesn’t take long. Well,you need a piece of red-coloured paper, a pair of scissors and a pencil. Second, draw a certain pattern or write down some Chinese characters, such as “XI, OR FU ”that represent the auspiciousnessin our culture on the folded paper. Then use the scissors to cut the paper according to the pattern.When you open it up.Ta-da, you will find out a very beautiful pattern in the centre is right in front of your eyes. Finally , paste the pattern of “FU or XI” to the front-door upside down, which means the fortuneand bliss are coming. It is a very good practice for creativityand hands-on skills. A Health Problem Describe a health problem that you know. You should say: what this problem is what causes of the problem how it affects people's health and explain how to solve this health problem. 素材库what this problem is & what causes ? 是何导致人们吸烟 Peer pressure or curiosity, which leads to an addiction. Some people started as boredom, became a physical addiction. (好奇心或无聊使人们吸烟) People who smoke cigarettes have one or more psychological problems - they have no confidence in themselves and use a cigarette as a crutch and/or to be part of a group that smokes. (缺乏自信,为了融入别人) Sometimes people smoke because they think it makes them cooler. Other times it's because they grew up in a house where smoking was an everyday thing.(装酷或家人影响) People start smoking because they want to look cool, or be part of a group, or because everyone in their family does, and then they get addicted. Oral fixation. maybe there are bad examples from our preceding generation, or maybe there are wrong associations with cigarette, such as it can relieve stress.(口欲滞留症或错误相信烟有其他功效,如减压) 素材库how it affects people's health?


雅思口语上考场时的答题技巧 雅思口语上考场时的5个答题技巧一文总结了站在雅思口语考场上时的5个技巧,这些技巧都是关于心态调整和面对面交流的技巧。下面就和大家分享雅思口语上考场时的5个答题技巧,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 雅思口语上考场时的5个答题技巧 在面对IELTS口语考试时,除了语言知识的储备外,下面这些小提示,希望可以帮到正在为雅思口试而拼搏的你。 1.保持礼貌和热情。 打招呼是考官观察考生的第一步,所以一定要大方,自然。要注意在面试过程中表现出良好的文化修养。进入面试室之前,应该先敲门;进门后,应主动问候考官。如果考官伸出手表示要握手,考生应当立即上前热情大方地与对方握手。但考生不应主动要求握手,更不能戴着手套握手。问候要自然,不要背诵已准备好的问候语,那样会给人一种虚假的感觉。 2.坐势须自如。 考生必须有良好完美的坐势,以使口试中的沟通和接触能够顺利进行。如果你坐的是一张直背椅,千万不要“瘫”在椅背上,

脊背应挺直,切勿弯腰弓背,也不要摇摆小腿,头要挺起,但不宜高昂头颅,僵直着脖子,这样给人一种冷冰冰的感觉。口试时最忌讳的坐势就是把腿翘起来。 3.面对考官的问题,不能简单的回答“YES”或“NO”,而应尽量积极主动。 考官不希望考生像法庭上的被告,用“YES”或“NO”来回答问题。考官在提问时,总是希望你作具体的解释说明,在你的说明中了解你的个性,语言水平等。 4.不要过分奉承考官。 有的考生一味迎合考官,像一个唯唯诺诺的用人,无论考官说什么,都表示赞成或者一味地点头,开口闭口就有意恭维考官:“You are perfectly right。”或“What you have said is true。”这样只顾一心奉承考官而不敢发表自己的意见或见解,其结果只能是使口试越来越枯燥,乏味;考官最终会对你失去信心而得出结论:你是个平庸之辈。 5.有语法错误时不要害怕,应镇定地更正。 力求准确,少犯语法错误当然是考生们追求的目标之一,但千万不要为了追求绝对准确而牺牲了流利。另外,流利不等于语速快,流利意味着没有太多间断的平稳,顺畅的表达。
