


How English Reading is affected by Cultural Knowledge


This paper will explore the affection of cultural knowledge to the English reading from the perspective of cross-cultural communication, trying to generalize the different type s of affection Chinese students meet in English reading, and then analyzes the causes and bring forth approaches and methods for reducing and clearing the affections.

Key words: English reading; cultural affection;

Cultural knowledge is one of the main affections in English reading for Chinese students. Cultural background knowledge plays a part in reading which draws more and more attention these years (Sun Zhangjing, 2008: o6; Xu Xuefen, 2004; Duanmu Yiwan, 1999: 03). So the research on the affection of cultural knowledge has important meaning on improving the reading ability and reading level, as well as on the general development of reading teaching.

1.what is the cultural knowledge affection

There are a dozen of definitions of cultural people have given. According to the need of foreign language teaching, Hu Wenzhong (1993:193) divided culture into two types: cultural knowledge information and cross-cultural communication. He figured out that cultural knowledge information is cultural factor which will not affect the Information transfer between two different people in different cultural background knowledge; cross-cultural knowledge is the factor which affects directly the language information transfer and non-language information transfer (misunderstanding and deviation). He also hold that cross-cultural communication plays more important part than cultural knowledge information in language teaching. In this paper, culture refers

to three levels culture: higher level culture, including philosophy, art, religion; Mass culture, such as customs, ceremony, basic necessities of life and relationship; Deep culture, including value of beauty and ugliness, time sense, circadian rhythm, the way of solving problem, gender, stratum, occupation and kinship.

2.The cultural knowledge affection and language

In order to identify and overcome the negative affection of cultural knowledge in English reading, it is necessary to category them. The category should be based on culture. Higher culture, mass culture and deep culture are both cultural knowledge information an cross-cultural knowledge, because they have effect on English reading.

Higher culture affection refers to the materials about philosophy, art, and religion and so on, when people read these kind of materials, they find that there is no similar or close thing in own culture, leading to misunderstanding and deviation. In daily association and oral communication, higher culture has no obvious effect, but in reading, readers often come across this kind of problem.

Mass culture affection is that when readers read the materials about customs, relationship, and ways of solving problem and so on, they will misunderstand the mass culture own or its way of occurring. This kind of affection appears in literature, advertisement, magazine, film intermediary, public readings and teaching materials about social culture.

Deep cultural often leads the understanding difficulty and error, such as what is beauty and justice in English country, while what is ugly and evil.Philosopher Thomas Hobbes had his representative viewpoint that beauty is what useful, beneficial and can let people happy. Under this direction, people in English country think that no matter what, no matter the thing is important or not, if they do, and they succeed, then it’s success. While for most Chinese people, officials and have success at learning are success. when it comes to the judge on value, English country people treat the puncturalit as important part of personal quality; they have specific time arrangement on meeting and date; they arrange and make time plans before visit, they stress efficiency. While in China, late for meeting or date are common, they visit

friends and relatives generally whenever they want and need. In English country, generally speaking, people use two ways to solve problem: peace talks and law. They spurn the way of quarrel and fight. However, in Chinese traditional culture, people solve problem through taking a roundabout way and finding relation.

In English country, female have many rights and freedom, for example, be respected and be cared about in job. Lady first when have a seat, female have many choices when they find job and no discrimination, such as white collar, blue collar, civil service, military officer, governor of a state, secretary of State, even the prime minister and queen. Communal facilities have special design for female, footstep armrest on the naval vessel, accommodation. But after marriage, female follow husband’s family name. In China, compared with male, female have less rights, freedom, and value approval, female suffer the discrimination when they find jobs, but they use their owns’ family name after they get marry. In English country, Britain has obvious rank of nobility, other countries have not such obvious stratum, the common people can be the prime minister, and the prime minister can be common people after leave his/her post. In Chinese culture, people are divided into three grades from high to low: cadre, worker and farmer. On the family ties, English country generally has two generations, after marriage, children move away from the family and set up own family, they value the independence more. While in China, three generations in a family that is normal, the relation within family members is closer, the older has more rights than the younger ones.

3.The types of cultural affection

In English reading, the affection of cultural knowledge and language can’t be divided, language is vector, language carries not only language information, but also cultural information. They interact with each other, in reading, the cultural information take more effect on the language information. Readers’ comprehension both benefits from the cultural information and restricted by cultural information.

“The vocabulary of a language often has its unique connotation.” (Hu Wenzhong, 1997:53) language is the product of culture and an important part of

cultural constituent, language can reflect its culture.

1). Affection of vocabulary

The first type of affection is vocabulary. V ocabulary is the basic element of language, also the brace of the language, so vocabulary reflect cultural differences directly and widely. Though parts of the English words have its corresponding meaning in Chinese words, readers in different level will not misunderstand in reading, but many English words have no specific corresponding meaning in Chinese, it’s called lexical gap, or English words have its corresp onding words in Chinese, but the cultural connotation can’t corr espond with the English meaning. English culture and Chinese culture both have long history and changes, national composition and social cuetoms are different, so the cultural differences are obvious. As the vector of language, the cultural differences are reflected in many aspects.

The first aspect is the vocabulary gap, many English words have no exact meaning in Chinese words. For example, the word privacy was explained as the state being away from others, alone and undisturbed in English. English cultural gives the high value on the word privacy, privacy is sacred and inviolable, people have high require and expectation on the emotion and mentality, the other members give enough understand and support to one’s privacy, it’s a norm in English country, in the school, business, even in love, between parents and children, however, in Chinese traditional culture, there is no such norm and value, especially within family. Therefore, even though Chinese students read something about privacy and private, even tho ugh they think about the intimacy, solitude, secret and not disturbed, they still hard to comprehend the real value meaning and emotional meaning, then lead to the difficulty to grasp the real meaning of the materials.

Secondly, there is many English words, that they have corresponding words in Chinese, but the two different social give them different meaning. In the other words, they have the same language meaning but not cultural meaning, even opposite. For example, English words clothes, dress, coat and jacket have the same corresponding word in Chinese: yifu. The word morning have longer time in English culture than in Chinese culture. The two different cultures give different cultural meaning in color,

astronomical phenomena and so on. The moon makes people think of dreariness and cold in English culture, while in Chinese culture, moon represents the good expectation and entrust. Red symbolizes danger in English culture, but happy, auspicious and authority in Chinese culture. The two different cultures have the same basic knowledge in some animal and plant, but have different emotional meaning. Dog means friendly, goodwill and sympathy, like love me, love my dog. Every dag has his day.However, Chinese Culture gives the dog negative meaning: low, degrading, and be a bully under the protection of a powerful person and so on. Association of political words is differ from the two different social cultures. Democracy means enjoy political democracy, often associated with personal right in English culture, while for Chinese people, democracy is a kind of ideal goal. In English countries, revolution associates with violence and bloody, while in China, revolution means right, represents advanced, lofty and holy.

2). Affection of phrase

Apart from the vocabulary, the phrase and allusion in the two cultures have many cultural differences. For example, the phrase end of the word comes from the Christian, it means one day, God will try all the people, let kind people in the heaven, bad people in region, so people had better to do good, don’t do rascality. However, it’s not so optimistic in china, generally speaking, Chinese people think that one day, the earth will be destroyed, and everything will be gone and no longer in existence.

3). Affection of sentence

The cultural affection in not just reflected on the vocabulary and phrase, also reflected on the sentence, including proverb and slang. Sometimes the words used and the language meanings are similar, but the sentence contains the cultural differences, so the sentence can lead the misunderstanding. For example: he is a professional; she is a professional.From the language level, the two sentences both refer to personal occupation, in fact, from the gender, social and region, former sentence means he is a vocational boxer, the second sentence means she is a prostitute. Slang is a part of culture, because of the different region and country, English slangs are vary and used in different ways. For example, the dialogue: A: Will you really come? B: Y ou kill me.

Readers may be confused, actually, B uses slang, the real meaning is that B: if I won’t go, you can kill me, in another words: I will be there.

4). Affection of text

The last affection is text, compared with Chinese text, English text has many differences, such as mode of thinking, the logical relation between sentences and sentences, between paragraph and paragraph, the utterances which show the temporal relation, spatial relation, comparison, transition, deduction and conclusion. Literary form and rhetoric are both expression ways and cultural thinking ways, but English text and Chinese text have different literary form and rhetoric, so the two factors becomes a kind of affection which misunderstand the readers. For example Chinese metaphor to 挥金如土, but English is to spend money like water, 水中捞月in Chinese, but to fish in the air in English,

From the four types of cultural affections mentioned above, on the on hand, the cultural knowledge affects the reading in every aspect. on the other hand, the language also offered ways to readers to reduce and clear the cultural affections in reading. The master of English culture and language will be helpful to improve the cognition of English culture, so that readers can understand the reading materials better.

4.How to reduce and clear the cultural affection

Language and culture interweave with each other, the difficulties Chinese readers meet in English reading are different levels and different aspects. Porter said that “the comprehension of the language is restricte d by specific cultural experience.” In order to improve the quality of English reading, we need not only master the language itself, but also need know and experience the culture. Only through know both the English language and English culture, can the affections in reading be reduce and even clear completely.

Firstly, we need build and strengthen cultural awareness, different level readers have different goals, for example, for the primary readers, the master of English language is the main goal, while for the advanced readers, English Culture is goal to achieve.

Secondly, we must pay attention to the comparison between English culture and Chinese cultural within cultural phenomenon and cultural connotation, find the similarities and differences to cultivate the sensitivity of cultural differences.

The last but not the least, the systematical learning of reading theory and practice is necessary, only the acknowledgement is promoted into systematical learning, can the learners use the knowledge more freely and efficiently. The foreign language department of CCNU has the reading theory and practice course, as I experienced and observed, the course is popular within students because of its serviceability and interestingness. Apart from this, teacher can recommend a list of book to readers to get to know the English non-language culture.


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Reading, My Love! Reading is a teacher 阅读是一位老师 Teach me more knowledge 教会我更多的知识 Reading is a kind of enjoyment 阅读,是一种享受, Open the window 帮我打开心灵的窗户 Led me into the colorful world 让我走进那个五彩缤纷的世界 Reading is a guide 阅读是一位向导 Led me walk out of confusion 引领着我走出困惑和迷茫 Reading is a ray of sunshine 阅读是一束阳光 To shine on my long life 照耀着我漫长的人生道 Reading are colorful flowers 阅读是一朵朵五颜六色的鲜花 Dress up my colorful inner world 装扮着我五彩斑斓的内心世界 Reading is clear spring 阅读是清澈的泉水 He watered my heart 浇灌着我的心田 Reading is a treasure bo,x full of wisdom 阅读是一个装满 智慧的宝盒 Help me when I'm in trouble 在我遇到困难时暗暗帮助我

Walking into reading 走入阅读 I went into my world 就走入了我的世界 Reading makes me happy Reading makes me clever Reading makes me confident I will read! Everyday!


一、名词解释 01、崇龙尚玉 龙是中华民族的象征,玉代表高贵的身份和修养。 02、阴阳五行 阴阳五行思想出现于春秋战国时期,是以研究阴阳、五行等矛盾关系为特征的原始唯物主义和朴素辩证法思想。 五行是水、火、木、金、土。阴阳家邹衍继承了前代学说,并进一步认为五行“相生”、“相胜(克)”,并提出了“五德始终”的历史循环论,在我国历史上产生了重要影响 03、王夫之 王夫之,又称王船山,汉族,湖南衡阳人。中国朴素唯物主义思想的集大成者,与黄宗羲、顾炎武并称为明末清初的三大思想家。王夫之晚年居南岳衡山下的石船山,著书立说,故世称其为“船山先生”。王夫之一生主张经世致用的思想,坚决反对程朱理学,自谓:“六经责我开生面,七尺从天乞活埋”。 04、内圣外王 内圣外王,指内具有圣人的才德,对外施行王道。“内圣外王”一词最早出自《庄子·天下篇》。但这并不妨碍用“内圣外王”来阐释儒学,因为自宋以来,随着儒道释三教合流,理学出现,随之开始用“内圣外王”来阐释儒学。 05、禅宗 禅宗,又称宗门,汉传佛教宗派之一,始于菩提达摩,盛于六祖惠能,中晚唐之后成为汉传佛教的主流,也是汉传佛教最主要的象征之一。汉传佛教宗派多来自于印度,但唯独天台宗、华严宗与禅宗,是由中国独立发展出的三个本土佛教宗派。其中又以禅宗最具独特的性格。其核心思想为:“不立文字,教外别传;直指人心,见性成佛”。 06、居士 古代称有德才而隐居不仕或未仕的人。 07、三清四御 “三清”既指天神所居之三处圣境,即玉清圣境(在清微天)、上清真境(在禹余天)、太清仙境(在大赤天),合称三清境;又指分别居住在上述三清境的三位至高神,即元始天尊(也称玉清大帝)、灵宝天尊(也称太上大道君、上清大帝等)、道德天尊(也称太上老君、混元老君、降生大帝、太清大帝等)。 四御是仅次于三清尊神的主宰天地万物的四位天帝。即玉皇大帝、中天紫微北极大帝、勾陈上宫天皇大帝和后土皇地祇。四御中最受崇拜的是玉皇大帝,又称玄穹高上玉皇大帝,昊天金阙至尊玉皇大帝,全称昊天金阙无上至尊自然妙有弥罗至真玉皇上帝,为道教所奉的总执天道的大神,位居三清之后的四御之首。 四御又有另一不同解释,称之为“四极大帝”,北方曰北极紫微大帝总御万星,南方曰南极长生大帝总御万灵,西方曰太极天皇大帝总御万神,东方曰东极青华大帝总御万类。 08、慎独 慎独是一种情操;慎独是一种修养;慎独是一种自律;慎独是一种坦荡。所谓“慎独”,是指人们在独自活动无人监督的情况下,凭着高度自觉,按照一定的道德规范行动,而不做任何有违道德信念、做人原则之事。这是进行个人道德修养的重要方法,也是评定一个人道德水准的关键性环节。 09、冠笄之礼 中国古代的成年礼仪。冠礼是男子的成年礼,一般二十而冠。加冠多在宗庙举行,由家长主持,并取字。笄礼是是女子的成年礼,一般十五而笄,由女性家长主持,将头发挽成发髻,盘在头顶,然后著髻。冠笄之礼作为人生的一件大事,庄严肃穆,标志着一个人从此开始承担责任。 10、合卺 古代婚礼仪式之一。即新夫妇在新房内共饮合欢酒。举行于新郎亲迎新妇进入家门以后。起于上古。本用匏(葫芦)一剖为二,以七将两器(瓢)之柄相连,以之盛酒,夫妇共饮,表示从此成为一体,名为“合卺”。 11、五服 古代王畿外围,以五百里为一区划,由近及远分为侯服﹑甸服﹑绥服﹑要服﹑荒服,合称五服。服,服事天子之意。 12、幞头


绪论 一为什么说文化就是“自然的人化”? 文化的实质性含义是指:人化或人类化,即人类主体通过社会实践活动,适应、利用、改造自然界客体而逐步实现自身价值观念的过程。其体现即有自然面貌、形态、功能的不断改观;也有人类个体与群体素质的不断提高和完善。 二怎样理解广义文化与狭义文化的联系和区别? 广义的文化,着眼于人类与一般动物,人类社会与自然界的本质区别,着眼于人类卓立于自然的独特的生存方式,其涵盖面非常广泛,所以又被称为大文化。 狭义的文化排除人类社会——历史生活中关于物质创造活动及其结果的部分,专注于精神创造活动及其结果,主要是心态文化,又称“小文化”。书本绪论为什么说文化就是“自然的人化” 三文化结构的四层次包括哪些内容? 对文化的结构解剖,有两分说,即分为物质文化和精神文化;有三层次说,即分为物质、制度、精神三层次;有四层次说,即分为物质、制度、风俗习惯、思想与价值。有六大子系统说,即物质、社会关系、精神、艺术、语言符号、风俗习惯等。(注意:这里还是记住为好,六大系统可简记为:社语俗物精艺) 四怎样认识和评价中国传统文化? 中国传统文化是中华民族历史的结晶,具有历史性和现实性,不是博物馆里的陈列品,传统文化所蕴含的、代代相传的思维方式、价值观念、行为准则、一方面具有强烈的历史性、遗传性;另一方面具有鲜活的现实性、变异性,它无时无刻不在影响着今天的中国人,为我们开创新文化提供历史的根据和现实的基础。 第一章中国文化的历史地理环境 一历史上哪些地理因素对中国文化的形成和发展产生过较大的影响?举例说明。 1 黄河中下游一带是是中国历史上百姓生存和繁衍的最适宜地区,在中国占主导地位的传统文化,无论是物质的,还是精神的,都是建立在农业生产的基础上的,它们形成于农业区,也随着农业区的扩大而传播。农业文明对中国文化的延续性起了很大的作用。 2 地理环境对中国文化多样性的影响主要表现为,地理障碍对人类活动、特别是交通运输的影响。不同的地理环境与物质条件,形成了不同人群的不同生活方式与思想观念,受到了不同程度的外来文化影响。 3 地理障碍对文化的传播有很大的影响,也使中国的不同地区所受的外来文化影响和影响程度各不相同。 4 地理环境对开放与封闭的影响是相对的,首先,不存在绝对的开放或封闭的地理环境;其次在不同的生产力条件下,影响的程度是不同的;再次自然地理环境也不是决定开放与否的唯一条件,海洋并不是开放的唯一途径。 5 中国历史上确实长期缺乏开放的动力,但从某种意义上说,根本的原因并不是地理阻隔,而是中国的地理条件过于优越。 二为什么同样的地理因素在不同的历史时期会起到不同的作用? 地理环境是人类赖以生存和发展的物质基础,当然也是人类意识或精神的基础。因此,地理环境对人类和人类社会所起的作用是具有一定的决定意义的。,但是在具体的时间和空间范围内,地理环境在起决定作用的同时,也给人类的发展保留着相对广泛的自由,因为:第一,它并没有规定人类从产生到消亡的具体过程、方式和时间;第二,它并没有确定物质和能量的转化和传递的具体过程、方式和时间;第三,人类只要不违背它的内在规律,完全可以根据自己的需要利用这一环境,实现对自身有利的物质转化和能量传递。人类对地理环境的利用从来没有达到极限,今天离极限也还相当遥远。而且,不同地区、不同时间的人们对地理

雅思阅读理解 reading 4

Reading 4 Improving global reading skills a Which paragraph contains the most detail? b Which three paragraphs cover one main theme? 2Choose the sentence that best paraphrases the main idea in each paragraph of the test. 1 Paragraph A A The amount of money spent on magazine advertising is increasing. B The rivalry between magazines and other media is surprising. C Some magazines sell better than others. 2 Paragraph B A Magazines are some more popular than they used to be. B A lot of people are still reading magazines. C TV is more available than ever.

3Paragraph C A Europe allocates a greater proportion of its advertising budget to magazines than the world average. B Belgium and Germany spend more on magazine advertising than other European countries. C The figures for magazine advertising in Europe are decreasing. 4 Paragraph D A Across Europe, people read very different kinds of magazines. B The idea of a ‘European’ magazine is becoming popular. C Magazines that cover popular activities can become best sellers. 5 Paragraph E A Cigarette advertising is banned in some countries. B Magazines advertise a smaller range of products than television. C There are fewer limitations on magazine advertising than TV advertising. IELTS Reading test practice Global reading question 3What is the purpose of the writer of the passage ? A to compare European and world magazines B to attract more magazine readers C to review the continuing popularity of magazines D to illustrate the advantages of electronic magazines IELTS Reading test practice Choosing headings for paragraphs How to approach the task ■ ■ ■ ■ ■


一、单选题(题数:50,共分) 1.以下人物不属于“立言”的楷模的是? 分 ?A、 ?B、 ?C、 ?D、 ? 正确答案:D 我的答案:D 2.唐山大地震发生在哪一年? 分 ?A、 ?B、 ?C、 ?D、 ? 正确答案:B 我的答案:B 3.将“和谐社会”作为国家发展的基本方向而提出的是什么时候?分 ?A、 ?B、 ?C、 ?D、 ? 正确答案:C 我的答案:C 4.“和谐世界”的理念是由哪位领导人提出的? 分 ?A、 ?B、 ?C、 ?D、 ? 正确答案:C 我的答案:C 5.扬仁凤宽是多少? 分 ?A、 ?B、 ?C、 ?D、 ?

6.“己所不欲,勿施于人”是哪一学派的处事原则?分 ?A、 ?B、 ?C、 ?D、 ? 正确答案:A 我的答案:A 7.“学而优则仕”思想形成的始源是? 分 ?A、 ?B、 ?C、 ?D、 ? 正确答案:A 我的答案:A 8.“重本抑末”中的本指的是什么? 分 ?A、 ?B、 ?C、 ?D、 ? 正确答案:B 我的答案:B 9.“扬仁风”是在北京皇家园林()中。 分 ?A、 ?B、 ?C、 ?D、 ? 正确答案:C 我的答案:C 10.科举制度在什么时候结束的? 分 ?A、 ?B、 ?C、 ?D、

11.英国著名的研究中国科技史的人是谁? 分 ?A、 ?B、 ?C、 ?D、 ? 正确答案:A 我的答案:A 12.以下属于中国思维特征的是? 分 ?A、 ?B、 ?C、 ?D、 ? 正确答案:D 我的答案:D 13.《黄帝内经》中认为人的食道和肠道的比例为?分 ?A、 ?B、 ?C、 ?D、 ? 正确答案:C 我的答案:C 14.叶落归根的观念产生于? 分 ?A、 ?B、 ?C、 ?D、 ? 正确答案:D 我的答案:D 15.与中国相比,西方的科技思维特征属于以下哪种?分 ?A、 ?B、 ?C、 ?D、

Reading Skills阅读技巧

Reading Skills Increasing Word Power 扩大词汇量 Words are the bricks to build up any language. How can we increase our word power? 1. Read Extensively 2. Listen and Note. 3. Etymology 4. Check Unfamiliar Words 5. Solve Crosswords 6. Use the Words You Learn Preventing Regression 避免回视 Regression means rereading a word, phrase, or sentence out of habit and not because of need. Sometimes, it is necessary to reread something, especially in a difficult passage. But habitual, unnecessary regression really slows you down. To reduce the number of times that the eyes skip back to a previous sentence, run a pointer along the line as you read. This could be a finger, or a pen or pencil. Your eyes will follow the tip of your pointer, smoothing the flow of speed-reading. The speed at which you read using this method will largely depend on the speed at which you move the pointer. You can also use a card or paper to cover the text after you read it to prevent regression. This will train your eyes to look forward, and eventually you won’t need the guide to focus your vision. Avoiding Vocalization and Inner Speech 避免出声阅读 Put a finger over your lips or on your vocal cords! Broadening Eye Span 扩大视幅 Reading is composed of a series of fixations (注视) which the eye makes while viewing a printed line. During these fixation pauses, the material viewed is translated into meanings by the brain. A good reader will make three to four fixations for ordinary line of print; the poor reader eight to twelve or more. To reduce fixations, take several words or chunk words together in parentheses. Practice seeing more than one word at a time, and increase the amount of words in parentheses each time you practice. With time, you may be able to read an entire line of text in one fixation. Reading in Thought Groups 按意群读 While making constant efforts to improve your reading comprehension, you should try consciously to increase your reading speed. And to read in thought groups is an easy, yet effective way of picking up speed and fluency. It means when you read, try not to think of a sentence as a string of single words. Instead, think of it as several thought groups. In other words, try to move your eyes group by group, not from word to word. In this way you will read faster. However, there are no solid rules for dividing longer sentences into thought groups. It really depends on the idea that you are trying to convey. Taking notes 做笔记 Taking notes during your reading at the recall stage keeps you active and concentrating. Besides, they provide a written record for revision. The content should include: 1. The author’s main ideas and any important details; 2. The logical structure of his/her argument; 3. Any important references he/she mentions. Basic Reading Process 基本阅读步骤 It is preferable to read a passage at least twice: the first time, to get the main idea of the passage, and then a second time, to focus on the important details. Sometimes a third time is necessary—to


章一 1.为什么说炎帝黄帝是中华民族的人文始祖?P14 炎帝发展了原始农业,和最早的农耕用具。培植出最早的谷物粟,发明陶器,创立日市,发明医药等。黄帝发明几乎遍及社会生活一切方面,例如文字、衣冠和社会制度等。这些发明推动了农业的发展,有了文明教化的意义,在物质、精神、制度文明上作出重大贡献,为推动社会的进步奠定了最早的基础。 上古各族的迁徙流动经历了漫长的过程,导致不同氏族、部落之间的频繁接触,促进了文化发展。在炎黄部落迁徙的沿途,留下了很多文化遗迹,与当地的氏族部落发生了文化交流。炎黄部落把当时先进的农业带给了东方,黄河下游的一些生活习俗也向西传播到中游地区。古史有记载说周人即是黄帝的子孙,与炎帝也有血缘关系。虽然在当时不同部落的军事冲突中有成功者也有失败者但是都在中国这块土地上继续耕耘,创造古老的中华文明,炎黄是中华民族的人文始祖。 炎黄时代是中国5000年文明源头,中国传统文化讲究与自然和谐统一,这种天人合一的观念早在炎帝时代就有了萌芽。炎帝发明弄个认识自然的综合成就,对天文气候等的粗浅认识。中国文化的人文精神也发端于炎黄时代。在较早的文献中,认得历史就是炎黄的历史,他们的成功得力于人的积极进取,这种相信人的力量依靠人的努力,问题、为社会为人民的精神也是中国传统文化的优良传统。 1、中国史前农业的发展有哪些特点?P21 中国史前农业在黄河流域和长江中下游两个中心地区有自身的特点,形成了自成体系地的中国史前农耕文化,这些在谷物种类、家畜品种、农耕工具、聚落形态方面都有表现。 1)谷物种类北粟南稻粟和稻是中国史前农耕文化的主要品种。粟有野生狗尾巴草培育而来,起源于我国黄河流域。稻是野生稻培育出来,起源于长江流域。 2)家畜品种中国史前农业附属生产部门的家畜饲养业,到了新石器时代末有很大发展,有猪狗鸡牛羊。 3)农耕工具主要农具铲、耒和锄,刀和镰,磨盘磨棒。 4)聚落形态农业的发展促使大规模聚落的形成 2、试简述中国古代文字的发明过程P44.3 文字是记录语言的符号,具有形音义三个要素。神农氏结绳为治,刻画符号是文字的直接来源之一,是文字的先驱,刻画在史前的骨器、玉器、陶器上,仰韶文化和马家窑文化的陶器刻画符号都是单个出现,尚未连缀成书面语言,很难或不可能释读,基本用于记事。大汶口文化晚期的刻画符号更接近事物形象。龙山文化发明了文字诞生可靠证据,笔画比较流畅,个个独立成字,显然脱离了刻画符号和文字画的阶段。文字中除有象形字还有会意字。黄帝之史官仓颉“初造书契”。商周时的巫师们也会以已出现的文字作为垄断神权的手段。 3、关于龙的起源,目前学术界有哪些说法。P41 红山文化玉龙和相关玉器做的研究认为:猪是龙形象的来源之一,表明龙的起源与原始农业发展有密切关系。身如蟒蛇是先民对蛇的恐惧而崇拜,以它作为龙形象的一部分,表达了期望避免危害和获得农业丰收的愿望。最初作为氏族部落的标志出现,是先民崇拜的对象。濮阳西水坡蚌壳龙图案做的研究认为所有迹象都可用天文学观点加以解释。最初作为氏族部落的标志出现,是先民崇拜的对象。 章二 1、试简述中国古代思想家对天人关系的认识。 天人关系的中心问题是把天看做有意志的至上神还是把天看做无意志的、无目的的大自然。一、重人事轻天道的观点P49 二、天道自然的观点三、天人相分的观点四、天人交相胜 2、试简述中国古代变易之学的主要内容和特点。


中国传统文化概观平时作业(1) 一、名词解释 物质文化:指为了满足人类生存和发展需要所创造的物质产品及生产活动本身,这些产品包括饮食、服饰、建筑、交通、房屋、生产工具以 及乡村、城市等。 制度文化:是人类为了生存发展需要创造出来的的有组织的规范体系。 行为文化:是指人的生活方式、实际行为、态度、价值等,是人际交往中约定俗成的行为模式,主要是以礼俗、民俗、风俗等形态表现出来。 精神文化:是人类在社会实践和意识活动中创造出来的价值观、审美观、伦理观、思维方式等。 起一成文说:创造这种浅说法的人是宋代的郑樵,他认为所有的汉字都是由“一”字演变来的,他的唯一根据是许慎的《说文解字》中五百四 十个部首“始一终亥”的排列顺序,即第一个部首是“一”字,第 个五百四十个部首是“亥”字。因此,郑樵在《通志—六书略》中 提出“一”字可做五种变化,用以概括汉字形体的各种结构。 二、简答题 1:简述广义文化和狭义文化 广义的“文化”指人类在生存、繁衍、发展和社会实践的历程中所创造的物质财富和精神财富的总合。它是人类在生活、生产、生存的实践活动中创造的各种形态的事物所组成的有机复合体,它标志着一定社会区域的物质文明和精神文明的发展水平、人们的价值观念和行为规范、特定的组织结构和生活方式。狭义的“文化”指社会意识形态(即政治、法律、知识、信仰、艺术、道德等)及与之相适应的各种社会制度和组织结构(如政府、政党、社团、法庭和学校等)。2:简述汉语的特点 (1)形态变化不发达、不普遍,汉语中,形态变化的现象是存在的,但是很少。有的词类虽然具有某种形态上的变化,但是这种变化不是所有的同类词都具有,也不是所有的场合都通用。 (2)汉语十分重视词序和虚词 (3)繁多的量词 (4)庞杂的补语 (5)单双音节对组词造句也有相当的影响 3:分析汉语成语“四字格”形式的文化内涵 答:构成四字成语的“字”绝大多数是单音节语素。它们集形、音、义于一体,具有独立的较完整的含义,可以自由或较自由地运用,参与构成各种词语,信息容量较大。例如“实事求是”由四个语素构成,各个相对独立的语素意义有机联系起来,表达一个丰富完整的含义。特别是象“黔驴技穷”、“守株待兔”、“刻舟求剑”等成语,由四个语素记述一个生动的寓言故事,再由此作比喻引申,使成语在字面意义之外蕴含更丰富更深刻的寓意。这无疑是凭借了汉语单音节语素表义容量大这一有利条件。 汉语是非形态语言,语言单位的构成主要依靠语序和虚词来组合。其中以语序为手段的直接组合,与四字格成语言简意赅特点有密切关系。凡是进入成语的各个语素,只要在语义上能相互搭配,同时又符合逻辑事理和语言习惯,就可以不借助其它语言成分而直接依靠语序来灵活组合,构成并列、主谓、偏正、述宾、述补等复杂多样的语法关系,并以此表达丰富的意思。汉民族传统审美心理的一

【英语作文】阅读 Reading

阅读Reading At present,only a few students read after class.Here are several reasons:First,some students are so busy that the don’t have time to do reading due to teachers leaving them too much homework.Second,some students are not likely to read at all.Because they spend too much time in watching TV,searching the Internet and playing games.Finally,as the whole society do not attach importance to reading,parents do not urge students to read. 现在只有少部分学生会做课外阅读了。以下是几点原因。 首先,很多学生太忙了,因为老师布置给他们很多作业,所以没时间阅读。第二,很多学生并不喜欢阅读,他们花费太多时间看电视、上网和玩游戏了。第三,整个社会对阅读没给予很大的重视,所以父母并不督促孩子读书。 I feel it’s a pity that students do not read as much as before since books are the main resource of knowledge.Books also can t ake us to where we can’t really go,can help us experience the things we can’t really see.In addition,when you feel upset or irritable,reading is a good way to comfort yourself or make you calm down.I suggest that no matter how busy you are,you should spend


课程:阅读理论与技巧 How English Reading is affected by Cultural Knowledge Introduction: This paper will explore the affection of cultural knowledge to the English reading from the perspective of cross-cultural communication, trying to generalize the different type s of affection Chinese students meet in English reading, and then analyzes the causes and bring forth approaches and methods for reducing and clearing the affections. Key words: English reading; cultural affection; Cultural knowledge is one of the main affections in English reading for Chinese students. Cultural background knowledge plays a part in reading which draws more and more attention these years (Sun Zhangjing, 2008: o6; Xu Xuefen, 2004; Duanmu Yiwan, 1999: 03). So the research on the affection of cultural knowledge has important meaning on improving the reading ability and reading level, as well as on the general development of reading teaching. 1.what is the cultural knowledge affection There are a dozen of definitions of cultural people have given. According to the need of foreign language teaching, Hu Wenzhong (1993:193) divided culture into two types: cultural knowledge information and cross-cultural communication. He figured out that cultural knowledge information is cultural factor which will not affect the Information transfer between two different people in different cultural background knowledge; cross-cultural knowledge is the factor which affects directly the language information transfer and non-language information transfer (misunderstanding and deviation). He also hold that cross-cultural communication plays more important part than cultural knowledge information in language teaching. In this paper, culture refers


绪论 一为什么说文化就就是“自然的人化”? 文化的实质性含义就是指:人化或人类化,即人类主体通过社会实践活动,适应、利用、改造自然界客体而逐步实现自身价值观念的过程。其体现即有自然面貌、形态、功能的不断改观;也有人类个体与群体素质的不断提高与完善。 二怎样理解广义文化与狭义文化的联系与区别? 广义的文化,着眼于人类与一般动物,人类社会与自然界的本质区别,着眼于人类卓立于自然的独特的生存方式,其涵盖面非常广泛,所以又被称为大文化。 狭义的文化排除人类社会——历史生活中关于物质创造活动及其结果的部分,专注于精神创造活动及其结果,主要就是心态文化,又称“小文化”。书本绪论为什么说文化就就是“自然的人化” 三文化结构的四层次包括哪些内容? 对文化的结构解剖,有两分说,即分为物质文化与精神文化;有三层次说,即分为物质、制度、精神三层次;有四层次说,即分为物质、制度、风俗习惯、思想与价值。有六大子系统说,即物质、社会关系、精神、艺术、语言符号、风俗习惯等。(注意:这里还就是记住为好,六大系统可简记为:社语俗物精艺) 四怎样认识与评价中国传统文化? 中国传统文化就是中华民族历史的结晶,具有历史性与现实性,不就是博物馆里的陈列品,传统文化所蕴含的、代代相传的思维方式、价值观念、行为准则、一方面具有强烈的历史性、遗传性;另一方面具有鲜活的现实性、变异性,它无时无刻不在影响着今天的中国人,为我们开创新文化提供历史的根据与现实的基础。 第一章中国文化的历史地理环境 一历史上哪些地理因素对中国文化的形成与发展产生过较大的影响?举例说明。 1 黄河中下游一带就是就是中国历史上百姓生存与繁衍的最适宜地区,在中国占主导地位的传统文化,无论就是物质的,还就是精神的,都就是建立在农业生产的基础上的,它们形成于农业区,也随着农业区的扩大而传播。农业文明对中国文化的延续性起了很大的作用。 2 地理环境对中国文化多样性的影响主要表现为,地理障碍对人类活动、特别就是交通运输的影响。不同的地理环境与物质条件,形成了不同人群的不同生活方式与思想观念,受到了不同程度的外来文化影响。 3 地理障碍对文化的传播有很大的影响,也使中国的不同地区所受的外来文化影响与影响程度各不相同。 4 地理环境对开放与封闭的影响就是相对的,首先,不存在绝对的开放或封闭的地理环境;其次在不同的生产力条件下,影响的程度就是不同的;再次自然地理环境也不就是决定开放与否的唯一条件,海洋并不就是开放的唯一途径。 5 中国历史上确实长期缺乏开放的动力,但从某种意义上说,根本的原因并不就是地理阻隔,而就是中国的地理条件过于优越。 二为什么同样的地理因素在不同的历史时期会起到不同的作用? 地理环境就是人类赖以生存与发展的物质基础,当然也就是人类意识或精神的基础。因此,地理环境对人类与人类社会所起的作用就是具有一定的决定意义的。,但就是在具体的时间与空间范围内,地理环境在起决定作用的同时,也给人类的发展保留着相对广泛的自由,因为:第一,它并没有规定人类从产生到消亡的具体过程、方式与时间;第二,它并没有确定物质与能量的转化与传递的具体过程、方式与时间;第三,人类只要不违背它的内在规律,完全可以根据自己的需要利用这一环境,实现对自身有利的物质转化与能量传递。人类对地理环境的利用从来没有达到极限,今天离极限也还相当遥远。而且,不同地区、不同时间的人们对地理


—————————————————————————————中国的社会与文化(一) 1 “铁肩担道义,妙手著文章”形容的是以下哪个职业?() A、新闻工作者 B、律师 C、教师 D、政治家 正确答案:A 2 孙志刚事件促进了以下哪项法律法规的废止?() A、《国有土地上房屋征收与补偿条例》 B、《城市户口管理暂行条例》 C、《中华人民共和国户口登记条例》 D、《城市流浪乞讨人员收容遣送办法》 正确答案:D 3 1978年著名的社论《实践是检验真理的唯一标准》最初发表在哪份报纸上? A、人民日报 B、参考消息 C、光明日报 D、新华日报

正确答案:C 4 新闻业的早期雏形出现在巴黎。() 正确答案:× 5 从社会影响而言,新闻最根本的属性是每日都在影响社会的工作。()正确答案:√ 中国的社会与文化(二) 1 《纽约世界报》的创办者是()。 A、赫斯特 B、贝内特 C、普利策 D、亨利·斯坦利 正确答案:C 2 新闻工作的先天弱点是()。

A、从业人员的收入低,地位低 B、对事实需要进行歪曲和粉饰 C、竞争激烈导致三俗内容多 D、要在很短的时间里完成对社会事物的调查、认识、判断和选择 正确答案:D 3 “人有多大胆,地有大产”是以下哪个时期的政治口号?() A、文化大革命时期 B、大跃进时期 C、改革开放时期 D、国内战争时期 正确答案:B 4 新闻工作者要在短时间内做出准确全面的判断,离不开其平时对于社会现状的了解和知识积累。() 正确答案:√ 5 《纽约世界报》和《纽约新闻报》的竞争对越南战争的发生负有不可推卸的责任。() 正确答案:×

中国的社会与文化(三) 1 提出“文化是包括知识、信仰、艺术、道德、法律、习俗和任何人作为一名社会成员而获得的能力和习惯在内的复杂整体。”这一定义的人是()。 A、斯宾塞 B、列维.斯特劳斯 C、泰勒 D、莫斯 正确答案:C 2 “中国特有的国情”最主要的是指()。 A、独特的地理环境 B、庞大的人口基数 C、特殊的政治体制 D、不曾中断的历史和文化传统 正确答案:D 3 下列不属于行为文化层的是?() A、斗转星移


K3 Reading幼儿园三岁阅读 ?General sound discrimination: environmental, instrumental, body percussion ?语音的一般识别:环境,工具,肢体动作 ?Rhythm and rhyme, alliteration, voice sounds ?节奏和韵律,头韵,声音 ?Oral blending and segmenting ?口语原音拼合拆解 ?Make connections to their own experience when listening to or “reading” texts ?在聆听或“阅读”文本时建立自己英语学习经验 ?Select and reread favorite texts for enjoyment ?为培养兴趣可选择自己喜爱的文字重复读 ?Understand that print is permanent, for example, when listening to familiar stories, notices when the reader leaves out or changes parts ?要知道印记是永久性的,例如,听着熟悉的故事时,会注意到读者省去或改变的部分 ?Participate in shared reading, posing and responding to questions and joining in the refrains. ?参与共享阅读,提出问题并回答问题,并参与避免。 ?Recognize their own first name.认识自己的名字。 ?Distinguish between pictures and written text, for example, can point to a picture when asked ?图片和手写区分,例如,可以指向图片时提问 ?Join in with chants, poems, songs, word games and clapping games, gaining familiarity with the sounds and patterns of the language of instruction. ?加入诗歌,诗词,歌曲,文字游戏和拍手游戏,熟悉教学语言的声音和模式。 ?Handle books, showing an understanding of how a book works, for example, cover, beginning, directional movement, end ?处理书籍,显示对书籍如何工作的理解,例如封面,开始,定向移动,结束 ?Listen attentively and respond actively to read- aloud situations; make predictions, anticipate possible outcomes ?仔细倾听并积极响应朗读; 做出预测,预测可能的结果 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

艺术与中国社会 阅读答案

艺术与中国社会宗白华 孔子说兴于诗,立于礼,成于乐。这三句话挺简括地说出孔子的文化理想、社会政策和教育程序。中国古代的社会文化与教育是拿诗书礼乐做根基。教育的主要工具、门径和方法是艺术文学。艺术的作用是能以感情动人,潜移默化培养社会民众的性格品德于不知不觉之中,深刻而普遍。尤以诗和乐能直接打动人心,陶冶人的性灵人格。而礼却在群体生活的和谐与节律中,养成文质彬彬的动作、步调的整齐、意志的集中。中国人在天地的动静、四时的节律、昼夜的来复、生长老死的绵延,感到宇宙是生生而具条理的。这生生而条理就是天地运行的大道。这种最高度的把握生命和最深度的体验生命的精神境界,具体地贯注到社会实际生活里,使生活端庄流丽,成就了诗书礼乐的文化。 礼和乐是中国社会的两大柱石。礼构成社会生活里的秩序条理。乐涵润着群体内心的和谐与团结力。然而礼乐的最后根据,在于形而上的天地境界。《礼记》上说:礼者,天地之序也;乐者,天地之和也。 人生里面的礼乐负荷着形而上的光辉,使现实的人生启示着深一层的意义和美。礼乐使生活上最实用的、最物质的衣食住行及日用品,升华进端庄流丽的艺术领域。三代的各种玉器,是从石器时代的石斧石磬等,升华到圭璧等等的礼器乐器。三代①的铜器,也是从铜器时代的烹调器及饮器等,升华到国家的至宝。而它们艺术上的形体之美、式样之美、花纹之美、色泽之美、铭文之美,集合了画家书家雕塑家的设计与模型,由冶铸家的技巧,而终于在圆满的器形上,表出民族的宇宙意识(天地境界)、生命情调,以至政治的权威、社会的亲和力。在中国文化里,从最低层的物质器皿,穿过礼乐生活,直达天地境界,是一片混然无间、灵肉不二的大和谐、大节奏。 因为中国人由农业进于文化,对于大自然是不隔的,是父子亲和的关系,没有奴役自然的态度。中国人对他的用具(石器铜器),不只是用来控制自然,以图生存,他更希望能在每件用品里面,表出对自然的敬爱,把大自然里启示着的和谐、秩序,它内部的音乐、诗,表现在具体而微的器皿中。一个鼎要能表象天地人。 中国人的个人人格、社会组织以及日用器皿,都希望能在美的形式中,作为形而上的宇宙秩序与宇宙生命的表征。这是中国人的文化意识,也是中国艺术境界的最后根据。 孔子是替中国社会奠定了礼的生活的。然而,孔子更进一步求礼之本。礼之本在仁,在于音乐的精神。理想的人格,应该是一个音乐的灵魂。 社会生活的真精神在于亲爱精诚的团结,最能发扬和激励团结精神的是音乐!音乐使我们步调整齐,意志集中,团结的行动有力而美。中国人感到宇宙全体是大生命的流行,其本身就是节奏与和谐。人类社会生活里的礼和乐,是反射着天地的节奏与和谐。 但西洋文艺自希腊以来所富有的悲剧精神,在中国艺术里,却得不到充分的发挥,且往往被拒绝和闪躲。人性由剧烈的内心矛盾才能掘发出的深度,往往被浓挚的和谐愿望所淹没。固然,中国人心灵里并不缺乏雍穆和平的大海似的幽深,然而,由心灵的冒险,不怕悲剧,以窥探宇宙人生的危岩雪岭,发而为莎士比亚的悲剧、贝多芬的乐曲,这却是西洋人生波澜壮阔的造诣!(本文有删改)【注】三代:夏、商、周三个朝代的合称。6.关于诗书礼乐与中国社会的关系,下列理解符合原文意思的一项是A.诗书礼乐是中国古代社会文化与教育的根基,因此,从根本上讲,中国古代社会的教育内容就是艺术文学,教育的目的是以情动人。B.诗书礼乐涵盖了中国古代社会文化的全部内容。礼作用于群体,造就群体生活的和谐;诗与乐则作用于个体,陶冶个体的性灵。C.诗书礼乐的文化能够培养社会民众的性格品德,对中国社会生活具有重要意。礼乐可以在群体生活中养成步调的整齐、意志的集中。D.正是由于礼乐的最后根据在于形而上的天地境界,所以二者成为中国社会的两大柱石,成为兴于诗得以实现的基础。7.下列理解和分析,不符合原文意思的一项是A.石斧石磐升华到圭璧等
