



you like music,yangyang

Yes, very much . l listen to all kinds of music. But l like pop songs best

l also like pop songs but l like jazz best

you like jazz Unle

No, l don’t.

Do you like country music

Yes. l like country , music best.

3. Do you like music

listen to all kinds of music. But l like pop songs best.

pop songs folk music classical music country music jazz Lesson 2

you keep a pet Sara

No, l don’ l like cats they are cute and quiet. Do you keep a cat No l don’t keep a cat l like dogs.

they are . Why don’t you get a cat.

L don’t like dogs , because they are too noisy

Because my mum doesn’t want me to.

3.Do you keep a cat No l don’t keep a cat l like dogs.

cat dogs parrot ducklings rabbit hamsters goldfish turtle Lesson3

do you like to d after school , mike

I like to make model planes.

Is that your model Yes,It is.

do you like to do after work , Uncle

L like to play basketball with riends.

Do you football .

Sometimes l do.

do you like to d after school I like to make model planes.

after school /make model planes In the evening /watch TV

in the afternoon /go roller-skating on weekends /go fishing Lesson 5

, come here please.

What’s wrong with you, baonao you don’t look very well.

l feel bad l .have a headache

me take your temperature……………..you have a fever!

Do l need to see a doctor.

l’m afraid so.

That’s too bad. L can’t go swimming today.

3.What’s wrong with you I have a headache.

a headache a stomachache a (high )fever a toothache


, he has a bad hedache and a high fever.

Ok, young mam , open your mouth and “AH”

Does he have the flu

I’m afraid so,but he needs to take a blood test first.

’s wrong with me,Doctor

Don’t worry . you just hav the flu. Take some pills and you’ll get

well soon.

he have the flu Does he have the flu

the flu a runny nose a sore throat a cough Lesson7

’s the matter with you , young mam

My right leg huets, Doctor.

All right, let me see.

Lt hurts badly. I can’t walk.

2. Does it hurt here

Yes, it hurts near the knee.

I’m afraid we need to take an X-ray.

Oh! Really

Take it easy. It doesn’t hurt.

3.What’s the matter with you My right leg huets My right leg her finger her left arm his neck


me(打扰了) , sir,(先生) where(哪里) is the(这个) new(新的)library(图书馆)

lt’s(它) in(在) that building(大楼) over there.(那边的)

Which (哪一)floor,(层) please

The fifth (第五)floor.(层)

Thank you.(谢谢)

me (打扰了),ls the library(图书馆) on the left (左边)of the stairs (楼梯)

No . lt’s the third(第三) room (房间)on the right.(右边)Thank you(感谢) so much.(非常)

Not at all.(不用谢)

me (打扰了), where(哪里) is the new(新的) library(图书馆) --- lt’s in that(那座) building(大楼) over there.(那边)

the teacher’s(老师的) office(办公室) /on the first floor(第一层)

the art(美术) classroom(教室) /the second(第二) room (房间)on the second(第二) floor(层)

the computer (电脑)lab(室) /on the third floor(第三层)Lesson 10

1. Excuse me ,(打扰了) please . l’m looking for(寻找)Building .(5号楼)Where(哪里) can(可以) l (我)find(发现) it

lt’s nearby (附近的). Do you see(看见) that grey(灰色的) building (楼)

Yes, l do(是的,我见到了)

Building (5号楼) is right beside(右边) it.

! l see (看见)building (5号楼)now.(现在)

Yes. lt’s right(右边) behind(后边) building (4号楼)

you’re so kind .(你太好了) thank you very much. It’s ok.(不用谢)

3.Where can l find Building

It’s right beside (右边)the grey(灰色的) building.(大楼)Building right beside the grey building

the police station(警察局)/in front of (在...前边)the tall (高)building

the red (红色的)building/behind (后边)the drugstore(药店)

The cinema(电影院)/beside(旁边) the supermarket.(超市)


me . where can l find a gas station(加油站)

There is one.(那有一个) lt’s not far.(不远)

Can you tell(告诉) me the way(路)

Sure. Please drive on,(直着开) and then turn left(左拐) at the first (第一个) corner(拐角). lt’s on your right.(在你的右边)

see(明白了). I should (应该)drive on and then turn left at then turn left at the first corner.

Yes. the gas station is on your right you can’t (不会)miss(错过)it.

Thanks a lot .(非常感谢)

you’re welcome.(不用谢)

3.Fire Station(消防局) Bookstore(书店) Cinema(电影院)Museum(博物馆)Gas Station (加油站) supermarket (超市)drive(开车) walk (步行)


day is coming.

is it a holiday

Yes. ln china , we also call it Labor day. Day .lt’s on may 1st

But in the labour bay is the fist Monday of September.

2. labour bay is a holiday for the working people.

Great! So what are you going to do on may day

We are going to visit the Grea wall in shanhaiguan.

3.What are you going to do on May Day

We are going to visit the Grea wall in shanhaiguan.

May Day/visit the Great Wall in shanhaiguan

World Earth Day /pick up litter.

Tree-planting Day /plant trees.


’s Day is coming .

What do you do on Children ’s Day

We go to cinemas, parks, and museums.

children all over the country celedrate this day.

Yes, of course. We also get gifts.

that’s nice. Does our school hold parties

Yes,every year on this day.

do you do on Children ’s Day

We go to cinemas on this day.

Children’s Day go to cinemas May Day go to a scinece museum

New Year’s Day go to a puppet show

National Day go to an amusement park


you know the dragon boat festival

No, l don’t. tell me more.

lt’s a Chinese festival.

’ s special about this day

In many places people eat zongzi. They also have dragon boat races. It sounds fun.

’ s special about this dayIn many places people eat zongzi.

Eat zongzi visit their friends and relatives see lantern shows at night

Lesson 19

me , young mam, please don’t fly your kite here.

Why not

Do you see those wires lt’s not safe.

I see. lt’s dangerous.

can fLy the kite , then

You can do it at the square in front of the museum.

All right,thank you.

don’t fly your kite here.

---why not---lt’s not safe./lt’s dangerous.


, can l skate here this afternoon.

l’m aftaid not . lt’s dangerous. You may fall into the water.


lt’s getting warm. The ice is not thick enough.

2. lt’s dangerous to skate on thin ice

that’s right . Watch out for your safety, kate.

All risht, l will.

l skate here

---I’m afraid may fall into the water.

skate fall into the water go roller-skating fall and hurt yourself cross the street get hit by a car


!look at the nthick crowd there.

Lt’s always like this during the spring festival.

lt’s not safe to push. let’s walk slowly.

OK, let’s be careful.


stepped on your foot.

That’s OK. Be careful! Don’t push in the crowd.

No, l won ’t

’t push in the ,I won’t.

push in the crowd play in the car park talk in the reading room pick flowers


1. Hi, yangyang !Come in.

Hi,l’m sorry l broke maomao toy car. l dropped it on the floor. it’s all right, yangyang. don’t worry . l can fix it.

’ maomao’s birthday gift, will he be upset

l’m sure he won’t never mind.

I want to say sorry to him.

’m sorry l broke maomao toy ’s all right./Never mind.

broke Maomao’s toy car broke the cup kicked the ball into the lake Lesson24

look sad, ’s the matter

I lost the key to our house, mum l’m sorry.

Well, is it in your schoolbag

Let me check.


what’s the matter now

l left my schoolbag on the Playground.

Again You should be more careful next time.

look ’s the matter

---I Lost the key to our house.

Lost the key to our house spilled the milk lost my new cap

hit somebody on my way home


! what happened to the floor lt’s wet.

l’m sorry , mum lala wet it l forgot to walk him this afternoon. lt’s all right.

happened to the vase then

I broke it. Sorry again.

What a mess! You naughty boys.

happened to the floor

---I’m sorry Lala wet it.

The floor Lala wet it the flowers my sister picked some the boy I broke it


Lesson 1 Hi ,Lingling !Glad to see you again. Hi ,Mama! Glad to see you ,too! Nice to see you again,boys and girls. Nice to see you, Miss Wang. A for apple B for banana. Red is the Apple, Yellow is the banana. Lessson 2 Hello, Lingling! This is my mum. Nice to meet you, Auntie. Nice to meet you , too. This is our classroom, Mum. It’s nice. Yes, I like it. C for cow, D for duck. Cows and ducks Live in farms.

Lesson 3 Look , Mum! This is my desk. It’s nice . I Iike it. I like the blackboard. It’s big . I like the eraser. It’s cute. Eggs , eggs, eggs, The elephant is Picking up eggs. Lesson 4 Hi,Lingling ! Glad to see you again. Hi, Doudou ! Glad to see you , too . I like the cup . It’s big. I like the eraser . It’s cute. Please turn to page 6. Let’s read the words. Lesson 5


全册备课 对新课标的理解: 新课标使数学教育面向全体学生,实现人人学有价值的数学,人人都能获得必须的数学,不同的人在数学上得到不同的发展。 动手实践,自主探索与合作交流是新课标中学生学习的重要方式,由于学生所处文化环境、家庭背景与自身思维方式的不同,学生的数学学习活动应当是一个生动活泼的主体的和富有个性的过程,体现关系的转变,学生是数学学习的主人,老师是数学活动的组织者。 新课标中重视运用现代信息技术,特别考虑计算器、计算机对数学学习方式的影响,大力开发并向学生提供更为丰富的学习资源,把现代信息技术作为学生学习数学和解决问题的强有力工具。致力于改变学生的学习方式,使学生乐意并有更多的精力投入到现实的探索性的数学活动中去。 教学内容: 1.数学就在我身边 2.分类比较 3.认识10以内的数 4.位置与顺序 5.加法和减法(一) 6.实践活动(一) 7.认识图形 8.认识11至20各数 9.学看钟表 10.加法和减法(二) 11.实践活动(二) 12.总复习 教学目标: 经历分类与比较的过程,体验分类与比较的方法,并培养初步的观察和判断能力。结合生活实际,能熟练地数出20以内物体的各数,会读写,掌握顺序和大小,初步了解序数的概念,从而渗透数学与生活实际密不可分。在实际情境中能准确的确定物体的前后左右和上下的位置,并会用语言表达出来。初步体会生活中有很多的加减计算问题,了解加减法的含义,能比较熟练地口算20以内的加减法。在理解运算意义的基础上掌握连加、连减、加减混合运算顺序,能正确的口算20以内的连加、连减、加减混合式题、初步学会观察现实情景图,口述

题意并列式解答。能运用分类的方法,有顺序地整理学习用品,能发现并提出数学问题,培养能比较清楚的表达和交流解决问题的过程。初步领悟实际生活中的物体与几何形体的联系。初步会看钟表上的时间,认识时针和分针的作用,渗透合理利用时间和珍惜时间的观念。通过观察与操作、抽象与概括,掌握20以内数的进位加法和退位减法,能够计算。培养探究意识及合作精神。能与他人合作,在活动中能从数学角度提出问题、解决问题,初步体验解决问题策略的多样性。了解同一问题可以有不同的解决办法。有与同伴合作解决问题的体验。在对简单物体和图形的大小、位置关系、运动的探索过程中,发展空间观念。初步学会表达解决问题的大致过程和结果。初步认识生活中处处有数学,激发学习兴趣和探求知识的欲望,树立学好数学的信心。通过分类与比较,渗透分类与比较的数学思想和方法,并培养初步的观察和判断能力,强化数学与生活的联系。了解以用数和形来描述某些现象,感受数学与日常生活的紧密联系。经历观察、操作、归纳等学习数学的过程,感受数学思想过程的合理性。在他人的指导下,能够发现数学活动中的错误并及时改正。在他人的鼓励与帮助下,能克服在数学活动中遇到的困难,获得成功的体验,树立学好数学的信心。 教学重点: 初步认识生活中处处有数学,激发学生的学习兴趣和探求知识的欲望,树立学好数学的信心。熟练地数出20以内物体的各数,会读写0至20各数,掌握20以内各数的顺序和大小,初步了解序数的概念,从而渗透数学与生活实际密不可分。初步体会生活中有很多的加减计算问题,了解加减法的含义,能比较熟练地口算20以内的加减法。在理解运算意义的基础上掌握连加、连减、加减混合运算顺序,能正确的口算20以内的连加、连减、加减混合式题、初步学会观察现实情景图,口述题意并列式解答。学生通过观察与操作、抽象与概括,掌握20以内数的进位加法和退位减法,使学生能够计算。能与他人合作,在活动中能从数学角度提出问题、解决问题,使学生初步体验解决问题策略的多样性。教学难点: 通过动手操作,掌握20以内数的进位加法和退位减法的方法,能够正确计算。能与他人合作,在活动中能从数学角度提出问题、解决问题,使学生初步体验解决问题策略的多样性。初步学会观察现实情景图,口述题意并列式解答。


人教版一年级起点四年级下Unit 1 across from 对面 next to 紧邻 between 在……之间restaurant 餐馆 post office 邮局 bank 银行 grocery 食品杂货店 turn left 向左转 turn right 向右转 go straight 直行crossroads 十字路口neighbourhood 街坊 send 发送 get 得到 money 钱 get to 到达 before 在……之前 leave 离开 toy 玩具 hospital 医院 bookshop 书店 school 学校 supermarket 超市 ball 球 Unit 2 city 城市 street 街道 sports centre 体育中心hotel 宾馆 square 广场 buy toys 买玩具 see a film 看电影 go boating 去划船 busy 忙碌的 station 车站 place 地方

thing 事物 stay 停留 star 星星 king 国王 central 中心的 take photos 照相 museum 博物馆 dream 梦 Unit 3 sea 大海 ski 滑雪 eat seafood 吃海鲜 visit the Mogao Caves 参观莫高窟West Lake 西湖 row a boat 划船 the Great Wall 长城 take photos 照相 summer vacation 暑假 travel 旅游 Unit 4 reading 读书 skateboarding 玩滑板 singing 唱歌 dancing 跳舞 doing jigsaw puzzles 拼拼图making models 制作模型collecting erasers 收集橡皮different 不同的 bobby 爱好 stamp 邮票 catch 抓住 Unit 5 go for a picnic 去野餐 play the violin 拉小提琴 go skating 去滑冰 go camping 去野营 do the housework 做家务 free 空闲的 never 从不 once a week 一周一次


小学四年级英语上册-----英语课文 Lesson1 1.Do you like music,yangyang? Yes, very much . l listen to all kinds of music. But l like pop songs best l also like pop songs but l like jazz best 2.Do you like jazz Unle? No, l don't. Do you like country music? Yes. l like country , music best. 3. Do you like music? Yes.l listen to all kinds of music. But l like pop songs best. pop songs folk music classical music country music jazz Lesson 2 1.Do you keep a pet Sara? No, l don't.But l like cats they are cute and quiet. Do you keep a cat? No l don't keep a cat l like dogs. 2.sometimes they are . Why don't you get a cat. L don't like dogs , because they are too noisy Because my mum doesn't want me to. 3.Do you keep a cat? No l don't keep a cat l like dogs. cat dogs parrot ducklings rabbit hamsters goldfish turtle


人教版三年级上册(一年级起点) Unit1 我的___________ 你的___________ 名字;姓名___________ 新的;新来的___________ 年;岁数___________ ……岁的;年老的___________ (年龄)多大___________ 班级___________ 年级___________ 年龄___________ 亲爱的(用于书信中,表示客气)___________ Unit2 身体___________ 头___________ 头发___________ 胳膊___________ 手___________ 腿___________ 脚___________ 麻烦事;困难___________ 疼痛;弄疼___________ 帮助___________ 坏的;糟糕___________ 咬___________ 舌头___________ 踢___________ 早晨___________ 下午___________ 总结;摘要___________ 脸___________ 眼睛___________ 鼻子___________ 嘴巴___________ 耳朵___________ Unit3 面包___________ 蛋糕___________ 水果___________ 冰淇淋___________ 土豆___________ 西红柿___________ 肉___________ 当作;作为___________ 购物单___________ 可乐___________ 买___________ 米饭;米___________ 面条___________ 蔬菜___________ 鱼肉___________ 鸡肉___________ 鸡蛋___________ Unit4 鸭子___________ 小鸡___________


人教版三年级上册(一年级起点) Unit1 我的___________ 名字;姓名___________ 新的;新来的___________ 年老的___________ (年龄)多大___________ 年级___________ 年龄___________ ___________ Unit2 身体___________ 头发___________ 胳膊___________ 腿___________ 脚___________ 疼痛;弄疼___________ 帮助___________ 咬___________ 舌头___________ 早晨___________

脸___________ 眼睛___________ 嘴巴___________ 耳朵___________ Unit3 面包___________ 水果___________ 冰淇淋___________ 西红柿___________ 肉___________ 购物单___________ 可哀___________ 米饭;米___________ 面条___________ 鱼肉___________ 鸡肉___________ Unit4 鸭子___________你的___________ 年;岁数___________……岁的;班级___________ 心爱的(用于书信中,表示客气)头___________

麻烦事;困难___________坏的;倒霉___________踢___________ 总结;摘要___________鼻子___________ 蛋糕___________ 土豆___________ 当作;作为___________买___________ 蔬菜___________ 鸡蛋___________ 小鸡___________ 兔子___________ 宠物___________ 海龟___________ 小的___________ 寻找___________ 尾巴___________ 猫___________ 狗___________ 鱼___________ 猴子___________ 大;大的___________ 短;短的___________

一年级英语复习资料 北京版

姓名: _____________ 连线 _ eye a green leaf a net a ball

连线 _ a banana an orange an egg a hand

圈出不同类的单词。 1. red green king yellow 2. queen ten three seven 3. eye ox head nose 4. car ship jam van 5. orange leaf grapes peach 连线 Who will try? She is my mother. Glad to see you? I’m fine. Thank you. Who’s that woman? Let me try. What do you do in the evening? Glad to see you,too. How are you? I watch cartoon. What’ your name? Good evening! How many stars do you have? My name is Guoguo. What color is it? I have six stars. Good evening! It’s black Merry Christmas to you! The same to you! Happy New Year! I watch cartoon. What do you do in the evening? Merry Christmas to you! 1、默写26个字母 2、把这三张试卷做会 3、课后的单词 4、会读课文


人教版一年起点SL 小学四年下册表Unit 1 across from next to between restaurant post office bank grocery turn left turn right go straight crossroads neighbourhood send get 面 在??之 餐 局 行 食物店向左 向右 直行 十字路口街坊;附近寄;送 得到

money get to before leave toy hospital bookshop school supermarket ball Unit 2 city street sports centre hotel square 到达 在?之前离开 玩具 医院 店 学校 超市 球 城市 街道 体育中心广

buy toys see a film go boating busy station place thing stay star king central take photos museum dream Unit 3 sea 买玩具看电影去划船忙碌的车站 地方事;事物停留 星 国王 中心的照相 博物馆梦 大海

ski eat seafood visit the Mogao Caves West Lake row a boat the Great Wall take photos summer vacation travel Unit 4 reading skateboarding singing dancing doing jigsaw puzzles making models 滑雪 吃海鲜 参观莫高窟西湖 划船 长城 照相 暑假 旅游 读书 玩滑板 唱歌 跳舞 拼拼图 制作模型


小学英语(北京版)一年级下册单元测试 Unit 1 GLAD TO SEE YOU AGAIN Listening(40分) Ⅰ. Listen and number.(10分) ()()()()() Ⅱ. Listen and judge.(8分) 1. 2. 3. 4. ()()()()Ⅲ.. Listen and circle.(8分) 1. A. B. C. 2. A. B. C.

3. A. B. C. 4. A. B. C. Ⅳ. Listen and judge.(8分) ()1. Nice to see you again, boys and girls. ()2. I like the blackboard. It’s big. ()3. Hi, Lingling! Glad to see you again. ()4. This is my cap. Ⅴ. Listen and choose.(6分) ()1. A. B. C. ()2. A. B. C. ()3. A. B. C. Reading & Writing(60分)

Ⅵ. Look and choose.(15分) A. I like the cup. It’s big. B. I have an eraser. C. I’m a cat. D. I’m an apple. E. This is my desk. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ()Ⅶ. Choose the odd one.(15分) ()1. A. banana B. apple C. ball ()2. A. elephant B. cat C. desk ()3. A. cap B. duck C. cow ()4. A. apple B. banana C. cat ()5. A. eraser B. jam C. cake Ⅷ. Read and match.(10分) Ⅸ. Read and choose.(8分)


Lesson 2 【第一课时】 【教学内容】 Listen and say HI! I’m Lingling. What’s your name? My name is Maomao. Hello! I’m Maomao. What’s your name? My name is Guoguo. Let’s act What’s your name? I’m 【教学目标】 一、知识与技能目标: 1.能听懂、会说并能够认读This is…. 2.根据所听的单词可以找到图片,并认读。体会字母在单词中的发音规律。 3.在情境中运用This is…介绍某人 二、过程与方法目标: 1.听课文录音并认读 2.听单词照图片,并让学生认读,体会字母在单词中的发音规律。 3.创设情境,进行简单交流 三、情感态度价值观目标: 1.在活动中培养学生善于与人交流的能力。 【教学重点】 1.认读课文 2.根据课文会说This is… 【教学难点】 能正确运用This is…为其他人介绍 【教学准备】 教学挂图、录音机、单词图卡

【教学过程】 Warming up 活动一:唱歌和问候 活动目标:用歌曲活跃课堂气氛,激发兴趣,能用日常打招呼的句子与教师和同学问候,为本课学习创设氛围。 实施方法和师生语言: 1.学生边唱边做动作。Let's sing a song. 2.Greetings T: Hello, boys and girls. Glad to see you again. S: Hello, Miss Wang. Glad to see you too. T: Are you happy? S: Yes. 设计意图:用歌曲活跃课堂气氛,激发兴趣,复习第一课课文。 活动二:Revision 活动目标:听说、认读第一课单词,流利背诵小韵文。 实施方法及师生语言: T: What is this? (教师展示单词卡片,让学生认读、拼读) S: face/ apple/banana/ball… T: We have learned three rhyme. A for apple. B for bag…Who can retell it? S: …(请学生背诵所学过的小韵文) T: Group…, let’s retell this rhyme together. (让学生以小组为单位背诵小韵文) 设计意图:复习巩固第一课的单词和小韵文。 活动三:复习以前学过的句子:Nice to meet you. 活动目标:使学生回忆起句子功能句及其回答,为学习本课做铺垫。 实施方法和师生语言: 教师将自己的伙伴介绍给大家 T: Nice to meet you. S: Nice to meet you, too. 设计意图:复习了Nice to meet you.及其回答,为学习本课做铺垫。 Presentation and practice 课文学习


人教版新起点一年级上册单词表Unit 1 book 书,书本 ruler 尺子 pencil 铅笔 schoolbag 书包 teacher 教师 I 我 have 有 a/an 一(个) Unit 2 face 脸 ear 耳朵 eye 眼睛 nose 鼻子 mouth 嘴巴 this 这(个) is 是 my 我的 Unit 3 dog 狗 bird 鸟 tiger 老虎 monkey 猴子 cat 猫 what 什么 it 它 Unit 4 one 一 two 二 three 三 four 四 five 五 six 六seven 七 eight 八 nine 九 ten 十 how 多少 many 多的,许多的 are 是 there (代替主语) Unit 5 black 黑色;黑色的 yellow 黄色;黄色的 blue 蓝色;蓝色的 red 红色;红色的 green 绿色;绿色的 colour 颜色 Unit 6 apple 苹果 pear 梨 banana 香蕉 orange 柑橘;橙 do (助动词) you 你;你们 like 喜欢;喜爱 yes 是,是的 no 不,不是 人教版新起点一年级下册单词表Unit 1 chair 椅子 desk 书桌,写字台blackboard 黑板 on在……上 under 在……下面/下方 in在……里面 where 在哪里

the 放在名词前,特指人、事或物Unit 2 light 灯 bed 床 door 门,出入口 box 箱子,盒子 near 靠近,接近 behind 在...背后 Unit 3 plane 飞机 ball 球 doll 玩偶,玩具娃娃 train 列车,火车 car 小汽车,轿车 bear 玩具熊,熊 can 可以,能够 sure 当然 sorry 对不起,抱歉 Unit 4 rice 米饭,米 noodles 面条 vegetable 蔬菜 fish 鱼肉,鱼 chicken 鸡肉,鸡 egg 鸡蛋 hungry 饥饿的 want 要,想要 and 和 Unit 5 juice 果汁,蔬菜汁 tea 茶,茶叶 milk 奶,牛奶 water 水 thirsty 口渴的thanks 感谢 Unit 6 shirt 衬衫 T-shirt T恤衫,短袖圆领衬衫skirt 裙子 dress 连衣裙,套裙 socks 短袜 shorts 短裤 your 你的,你们的 人教版新起点二年级上册单词表Unit 1 father 父亲 mother 母亲 brother 兄;弟 sister 姐;妹grandmother (外)祖母grandfather (外)祖父 who 谁 he 他 she 她 Unit 2 classmate 同班同学 friend 朋友 woman 女人 girl 女孩 man 男人 boy 男孩 look 看;瞧 his 他的 name 名字 her 她的 or 还是 Unit 3


.. Lesson1 Hello,Baobao!你好,宝宝!Hello,Maomao!你好,毛毛!Hello,boys and girls!I ’m Miss Wang.大家好,我是王老师。 Hello,Miss Wang.王老师好。 hello你好a boat一条船a coat 一件外套 Hello,hello,let’s go.你好,你好,我们走吧。 Take your coat,let ’s go.带着你的外套,让我们走吧。 Hello,hello,let’s go.To my boat,let ’s go. 到我的船上,我们走吧。Lesson2 Hi!I ’m Lingling.嗨!我是玲玲。 What’s your name? 你叫什么名字? My name is Maomao. 我叫毛毛 Hello!I ’m Maomao. what’s your name? My name is Guoguo. name名字a gate一个门a cake 一个蛋糕a lake 一个湖 Kate,Kate,at the gate.凯特,凯特,在门口。 She is looking for her cake. 她正在寻找她的蛋糕。 Cake,cake,by the lake.蛋糕,蛋糕,在湖边。 Kate is looking at her cake.凯特正看着她蛋糕。 Lesson3 Hello,Maomao!Hi,Guoguo! Hello!what’s your name?My name is Good Boy. 我的名字是好男孩。 good wood木材a foot一只脚 A foot,a foot,一只脚,一只脚,A foot is on the wood.一只脚放在木头上。 The wood,the wood,木头,木头, The wood is under the foot.木头在脚下。 Lesson4 第1页,共 10页 Stand up,please.起立 Sit down,please.坐下 Put up your hands,please.请举起你们的手。 Please put down your hands.请放下你们的手。 Hello歌词 Hello!Hello!Hello! How are you?I ’m fine. I ’m fine.我很好。 I hope that you are, too.我希望你也一样。 Lesson5 Good morning Miss Wang!早上好,王老师。 Hi,boys and girls! Good afternoon,bays and girls! Good afternoon,Mr.Li!下午好,李老师。 hi a kite一只风筝 a bike一辆自行车 I have a bike,我有一辆自行车, I like my bike.我喜欢我的自行车。


初级中学初一年级第一学期期中测试 英 语 答 题 纸 第II 卷(共40分) 五、词汇运用(共20小题;每小题0.5分,满分10分) 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 六、根据要求改写句子。(共5题,每空0.5分,计5分) 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 七、根据所给汉语完成下列句子,每空词数不限。(共10题,每小题1分,计10分) 76. Jay Chou ________________________ Taiwan. 77. It ’s _______________________ breakfast. 78. My classmate Su Miao _______________________ Maths. 79. I hope his dream can _________________________. 80. The boy often draws pictures ____________________________. 81. Li Lei is ________________________ school. 82. Suqian is ________________________ Shanghai. 83. There is on the wall in my bedroom. 84. Our classroom is in Science Building. 85. My mother very early to cook breakfast for me every morning. 班 级 姓 名 考 号 …………………………………装………………………………………订………………………………线…………………………………………



小学四年级英语上册-----英语课文 Lesson1 1.Do you like music,yangyang? Yes, very much . l listen to all kinds of music. But l like of music . but l Like pop songs best l also like pop songs but l like jazz best 2.Do you like jazz Unle? No, l don’t. Do you like country music? Yes. l like country , music best. Lesson 2 1.Do you keep a pet Sara? No, l don’t.But l like cats they are cute and quiet. Do you keep a cat? No l don’t keep a cat l like dogs. 2.sometimes they are . Why don’t you get a cat. L don’t like dogs , because they are too noisy Because my mum doesn’t want me to. Lesson3

1.What do you like to d after school , mike? L like to make model planes. Ls that your model? 2.What do you like to do after work , Uncle ? L like to play basketball with riends. Do you football . Sometimes l do. Lesson 5 1.mum, come here please. Whats wrong with you, baonao ?you don’t look very well. l feel bad l .have a headache 2.let me take your temperature……………..you have a fever! Do l need to see a doctor. l’m afraid That’s too bad. L can’t go swimming Lesson6 1.Doctor, he has a bad hedache and a high fever. Ok, young mam , open your mouth and “AH” Does he have the flu? L’m afraid soDon’t worry . you just hav the flu. Take some pills and you’ll get well soon. Lesson7


人教版三年级下册(一年级起点) Unit1 语文;汉语(的)___________ 英语(的)___________ 科学___________ 体育___________ 数学___________ 美术___________ 计算机课___________ 我们___________ 那;那个___________ Unit2 教室___________ 图书馆___________ 厕所;洗手间___________ 操场;运动场___________ 第一的___________ 第二的___________ 第三的___________ (楼)层___________ 房间___________ 我们的___________ 他们的___________ 椅子___________ 书桌;写字台___________ 黑板___________ Unit3 放学后___________ 做运动___________ 画画___________ 下棋___________ 跳舞___________ 唱歌___________ 读书___________ 读书___________ 确实___________ 明天___________ 叫醒___________ 回来___________ 踢足球___________ 放风筝___________ 骑自行车___________ 游泳___________ 做飞机模型___________ 堆雪人___________ Unit4 家庭___________ 姑父;伯父;舅父;叔叔___________ 姑母;伯母;舅妈;阿姨___________ 堂(或表)兄弟;堂(或表)姐妹___________ 英俊的___________ 美丽的___________ 遗失___________ 水瓶___________ 知道___________ 好的;行___________ 很多地;非常___________ 受欢迎的___________ (外)祖父___________ (外)祖母___________ 父亲;爸爸___________ 母亲;妈妈___________ 兄;弟___________ 姐;妹___________ Unit5 正在做饭________________ 正在遛狗________________ 正在给植物浇水________________ 正在打扫房间________________ 正在听音乐________________ 正在看电视________________ 正在喂鱼________________ 与……玩耍________________ 一小时之后___________ 每人;人人___________ 孩子们___________ 跑___________ Unit6 家;家庭___________ 卧室___________ 客厅___________ 浴室___________ 餐厅___________ 书房___________ 厨房___________ 供出租___________ 沙发___________ 灯;发光体___________ 床;床架;床垫___________ 门;出入口___________


Lesson 1 Hello, Baobao! 你好,宝宝! Hello, Maomao! 你好,毛毛!Hello, boys and girls! I’m Miss Wang. 大家好,我是王老师。 Hello, Miss Wang. 王老师好。 hello你好 a boat 一条船 a coat一件外套 Hello, hello, let’s go. 你好,你好,我们走吧。 Take your coat, let’s go. 带着你的外套,让我们走吧。 Hello, hello, let’s go. To my boat, let’s go.到我的船上,我们走吧。Lesson 2 Hi! I’m Lingling. 嗨!我是玲玲。What’s your name?你叫什么名字? My name is Maomao. 我叫毛毛 Hello! I’m Maomao. what’s your name? My name is Guoguo. name名字 a gate 一个门 a cake一个蛋糕 a lake一个湖 Kate, Kate, at the gate. 凯特,凯特,在门口。 She is looking for her cake. 她正在寻找她的蛋糕。 Cake, cake, by the lake. 蛋糕,蛋糕,在湖边。 Kate is looking at her cake. 凯特正看着她蛋糕。 Lesson 3 Hello, Maomao! Hi, Guoguo! Hello! what’s your name? My name is Good Boy. 我的名字是好男孩。 good wood木材 a foot一只脚 A foot, a foot, 一只脚,一只脚,A foot is on the wood. 一只脚放在木头上。 The wood, the wood, 木头,木头, The wood is under the foot. 木头在脚下。 Stand up, please. 起立 Sit down, please. 坐下 Put up your hands, please. 请举起你们的手。 Please put down your hands. 请放下你们的手。 Hello 歌词 Hello! Hello! Hello! How are you? I’m fine. I’m fine. 我很好。 I hope that you are, too. 我希望你也一样。 Lesson 5 Good morning Miss Wang! 早上好,王老师。 Hi, boys and girls! Good afternoon, bays and girls! Good afternoon, Mr. Li! 下午好,老师。 hi a kite一只风筝 a bike 一辆自行车 I have a bike, 我有一辆自行车, I like my bike. 我喜欢我的自行车。


1、人之初 之之中无本之木 本本人书本本来本国本年本月本子老本儿 近远近近几天近来年近五十远远近远方长远远山远大乃 以以为可以 2、我要快快长大 快飞快快车快乐大快人心长长大成长长子学长 毛不毛之地毛发毛毛虫 虫虫子书虫毛毛虫 做做人做工 3、门牙掉了 哭哭了不哭 时四时子时平时小时时光可可是可以可心可口 你你们你的为你 们你们我们他们她们它们心用心开心中心小心心里4、我自己做

奶奶奶奶妈牛奶 爸爸爸 包书包包子 课上课下课课本 给还给 妈妈妈大妈 全全国成全全身 5、小鹰学飞 只只身一只鸟 只只是只好 会开会大会会长工会一会儿比好比比画比一比 还还有还是 好好人只好好马好手好快几几天几年几个 6、古诗二首 春春天春雨青春大地回春 风国风东风北风风力风光雨春雨下雨雨水 多多少多心多么多大多会儿草草地青草干草 早早上一大早

7、一粒种子 种种子有种人种黄种白种 点雨点点子要点点头点心 外里外外出国外外国外人 说听说学说说一说 先先生先进先人 听听见听说 要不要只要要点 8、春雨的色彩 田田地水田种田 什什么 么什么多么 色成色白色青色五光十色 淋淋雨风吹雨淋 洒洒水花洒洒脱 公公平公正公开公里公尺公斤公羊外公公牛 9、小树谣 绿绿色绿地绿草绿叶 芽出芽绿芽芽苗 红红色走红红人分红开门红 爱爱心爱人爱好友爱爱国

唱唱一唱 吹吹气吹牛吹风吹干 10、杨家岭的早晨 太太阳太平太长太好 阳阳光太阳 主主人自主主见主力主力 苗芽苗禾苗 军红军军人 士学士上士中士士气 11、游子吟 母母子母女母爱 行行书行为远行行走出行日行千里 得得分得手大得人心 谁 言有言在先 寸分寸尺寸 12、我们一家人 家家人家长人家回家上家下家着说着听着看着走着 脸花脸方脸长脸门脸儿 金金子白金金色五金


词汇总结: 文具book ruler pencil schoolbag 身体部位:face ear nose mouth 动物:dog bird tiger monkey cat 数字:one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 颜色:yellow blue black red green 水果:apple pear banana orange 句型总结: 1.show me ...... 2.I have ...... 3.Touch your ...... 4.This is my ...... 5.What’s this ? It’s a ...... 6.How many ......are there ? 7.What colour is it ? 8.Do you like ......?

词汇总结: 教室:chair desk blackboard on in under 房间:light bed door box near behind 玩具:plane ball bear car train 食物:rice noodles vegetables eggs chicken fish 饮品:juice tea milk water 服装:shirt T-shirt skirt dress socks shorts 句型总结: 1.Where is the ruler ? 2.What’s behind the door ? 3.Can I have a car ? 4.I’m hungry . I want ...... 5.I’m thirsty . Do you want ......? 6.Put on your ...... 7.Look at my ...... 8.I like your...... 同步教材二年级上册
