



Unit1 Glad to see you again 《Lesson1》 (2)

Unit1 Glad to see you again 《Lesson2》 (6)

Unit2 What do you do?《Lesson5》 (11)

Unit2 What do you do?《Lesson6》 (17)

Unit2 What do you do?《Lesson 7》 (23)

Unit3 What colour is your bag?《Lesson9》 (27)

Unit3 What colour is your bag?《Lesson12》 (32)

Unit4 How many stars can you see?《Lesson13》 (37)

Unit4 How many stars can you see?《Lesson14》 (41)

Unit4 How many stars can you see?《Lesson15》 (51)

Unit5 Who’s he?《Lesson17》 (62)

Unit5 Who’s he?《Lesson 18》 (70)

Unit6 I’m sorry I’m late?《Lesson 21》 (78)

Unit6 I’m sorry I’m late?《Lesson 23》 (94)

Unit1 Glad to see you again 《Lesson1》

Unit 1 He’s a doctor




2.能听懂、会说并认读下列句子:He's a doctor. She's a driver.

(二)能力目标:学生能口头运用“He's a doctor.”这类语句说明职业。







2.学生能用“He's a doctor. She's a driver.”对他人进行职业的介绍。(二)教学难点:

1. doctor,driver的发音。

2. 学生运用所学知识在真实的语境中进行交流的习惯。



Step 1 Warming-up 1.Greetings.

2.Sing an English song:“What's this?”

3.出示Ms Smart一家人的照片,请学生以最快的速度说出他们分别是家庭的哪个成员,最后问:What's Sam' father?引导学生回答:He's a doctor. 【设计意图】通过热身活动让学生动起来,不但活跃了课堂气氛,而且复习了大量的单词,为本节学习新知“描述职业”做了铺垫。

Step 2 Presentation

1.教师用课件出示本班语文老师的照片,向学生提问:Who is she?,引导学生用She's Ms…回答。教师继续提问What's she? ,对能够答出She's a teacher.的学生进行表扬。

2.教师对全班说:Ms …is a teacher,I'm a teacher,too.What's your father? What's your mother?以此引出今天的课文教学。【设计意图】通过出示大家都熟悉的人物的图片,形象、直接地引出本课的话题:“职业”,学生容易理解、接受。

3.听录音,并且回答问题:(课件显示问题)How many people are there?What are they?(可以向学生解释一下文本,然后引出问题) 【设计意图】通过第一遍录音使学生整体感知课文,带着任务有目的地听录音,了解课文大意。

4.学生回答问题,再次听录音,让学生划出生词:doctor,driver,policeman, nurse,farmer.


6. 课件显示单词doctor,driver,policeman,nurse,farmer,farmer齐读几遍后宣布比赛:

(1) “What’s missing?”最先答出的小组获胜,加一颗星。

(2)"I act,you say."教师表演,学生猜职业,然后小组活动,一个学生表演,其他学生猜。【设计意图】形式多样的教学方法吸引了学生的注意力,小组比赛利用了小学生喜欢争强好胜的特点,激发了他们的参与意识,提高了学习效率。

7.指着一个男孩说he ,指着一个女孩说she,在学生掌握了he,she后利用自编Chant巩固本课重点句型:He's,he's,he's. He's a doctor. She's she's she's. She's a nurse. 学生基本会说后,请学生四人为一小组替换表示职业的单词进行练习。

8.进行“头脑风暴”游戏:看谁在一分钟内用“He's a…”或“She's a…”说的句子最多,获胜的小组加一颗星。【设计意图】通过自编的chant,使学生在巩固课文的基础上,进行适当的放松和调整,调动了学生的学习积极性,使学生接下来能够更好地进行操练和运用。“头脑风暴”游戏,使学生在有限的时间里尽可能地多说句子,提高了学生的语速和反应能力。

9. 看CD-ROM教学,并跟读课文。

Step 3 Practice

1.游戏:Guessing game:听声音猜职业,看图片辨职业。

2. 找一组学生介绍自己,其他学生用第三人称进行介绍。【设计意图】本环节是本着参与面广的原则来设计的,通过同桌练习,扩大


Step 4 Consolidation 请学生拿出自己的全家福照片,在小组内进行介绍This is my….He's a ….最后向全班汇报。【设计意图】给学生设置情境,使学生达到学以致用的目的。

Step 5 Summary




Step 6 Assignments




Unit 1 Glad to see you again. 《Lesson2》


本节课是英语(北京版)一年级第二学期Unit 1 Glad to see you again. Lesson2 的内容。

教材分析本节课是英语(北京版)一年级第二学期Unit 1 Glad to see you again.--- Lesson2的教学,内容包括:Listen and say, Let’s act, Listen repeat and trace, Let’s say 。Listen and say:该板块呈现了两个的情景。第一个是Baobao在教室将自己的妈妈介绍给了Lingling;第二个是Baobao向妈妈介绍他的教室。本部分内容回顾了“Nice to meet you.”和”This is…”教师需要通过情景的设置让学生区分Nice to meet you h和Nice to see you again 的区别。Let’s act:本部分内容为角色扮演和模拟交际活动。着重引导学生使用This is…来介绍物品并用“It’s…”“Yes,I like it”表达对他的喜爱。Listen, repeat and trace:字母部分是这一课的重点。教学中注意指导Cc,Dd两个字母的读音,还要具体指导学生正确书写两个字母,注意手写体、笔顺和占格。同时还要整体认读含有字母Cc和Dd的四个单词,并感知字母在单词中的发音。Let’s act 本部分内容为一首简短的小韵文。韵文中再现了本课所学的单词,通过说韵文,培养学生的语感和节奏感,复习巩固所学词语,提高学生学习英语的兴趣。





1. 能用“Nice to meet you. ”及答语“Nice to meet you, too!”与新朋友之间互相问候;用“This is…”介绍物品,用“It’s…”“I like it.”表达喜爱之情。

2. 能正确指认、朗读和书写字母Cc和Dd的大小写形式,感受字母Cc、Dd在单词中的发音。

3. 能听懂、认读单词cap 、cow、duck 和desk

4. 能说唱小韵文?C is for cow.

情感目标:能运用“This is…”介绍自己的学习环境,表达对学校的热爱。



1、能用“Hi,…!Glad to see you again. ”及答语“Glad to see you, too!”在与朋友再次见面时互相问候。


3、能听懂、认读单词cap 、cow、duck 和desk







一、Lead-in sing a song from last book: Nice to meet you 【设计意图:回顾Nice to meet you】


Listen and say Show picture 1(出示部分图片,先不出现mum)

1、T: Look at the picture, where are Baobao and Lingling?---classroom T: Yes, Baobao see Lingling again. What does Baobao say? Can you guess?----Nice /Glad to see you again.

T: What does Lingling say?----Nice/ Glad to see you, too. 【设计意图:复习第一课时的主题句】

2、Show mum T: Now, look, who is she?----mum

T: baobao 伸着小手在干什么呢?----介绍妈妈T: what does baobao

say?----This is my mum. T: So Guoguo and mum meet each other for the first time. (做手势帮助学生理解) what does Lingling say? S: Nice to meet you, Auntie. T: What does mum say? S: Nice to meet you, too. T: Ok. Let’s listen and check. (after listening,ask the Ss to feedback and show the sentences on the Blackboard and practice reading the words) Picture 2 T: Look, baobao 想介绍自己的教室,what does baobao say?

S: This is our classroom, mum. (Show the sentence on the board) T: What does Mum say? Listen. S: It’s nice. T: does baobao like the classroom? S: Yes. T: so, what does baobao say?S: Yes. I like it. (如果学生忘记了可以再听一遍) Show the sentences on the board

3、watch the cartoon Open the book , listen , point and read the words .

4. Practice the dialogue in pairs Ask two groups to show the dialogue

5. Make a new dialogue, introduce your things like pencil, book… Teacher make a model, then do it in pairs and then ask two groups to show it. Listen, repeat and trace

1. Show picture of cow elicit word cow/ cap / desk/ duck

2. divide the words into two groups

3. show the way by the first letter of every word to elicit Cc and Dd

4. Read letter Cc and Dd

5. Feel the sound of C and D in the word

6.Observe the letters and try to trace them.

Let’s say

1. review A is for apple

2. T: A is for apple, B is for banana. C is for----cow/ cap. D is for---desk/ duck.

3. listen to the chant T: What can you hear in the chant?---C D cow and duck

4. learn the chant with actions

5.show the chant with actions


1. Listen to the dialogue and chant.

2. write the letters for five times each


Unit1 Glad to see you again

This is my mum. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too!.

This is our classroom. It’s nice.

Yes. I like it. cow cap desk duck Cc Dd

Unit 2 What do you do?《Lesson5》


1.教学内容分析:本课的文本内容为小学英语一年级下册Unit2 Lesson5 What do you do?本课包括Listen and say, Let’s act, Listen repeat and trace, Let’s say四个板块。第二单元的主要话题是询问一天当中的活动,本课为新授课第一课时。对话部分的情景是Lala和Maomao互相询问早上做什么,Maomao回答我去学校,我喜欢学校。Lala则说我去公园,我喜欢公园。这一内容与学生生活实际紧密联系。本课的字母和词汇部分包含Ff和Gg两个字母以及首字母为f和g的四个单词:a fox, a gift, a flag, grapes要求学生能够正确读出和书写字母,并体会字母Ff和Gg在单词中的发音。


3.教学方法分析:TBLT(Task-based Language Teaching Method任务型教学法)在教授课文时,让学生带着明确目标去听录音,着重锻炼学生听“key words”的能力。TPR(Total Physical Response全身反应教学法)在讲授重点句“go to school”时带领学生做出背书包




1.能用“What do you do in the morning?”询问他人早上做什么并能用“I go to school”“I go to park”等进行回答。并在学习文本中锻炼学生听关键词的能力。逐渐渗透“brush my teeth”“comb my hair”“wash my face”等短语,使学生能够根据自己的真实情况进行回答。

2.能够正确指认、朗读、书写字母Ff和Gg的大小写形式,感受字母f在单词fox, flag的发音∕f∕,g在单词gift, grapes的发音∕g∕。

3.能够对一年级上册所学重难点动词“sing, swim, run”进行复习回顾。

4.能听懂、指认并读出单词a flag, a fox, a gift和grapes。

5.能用“I like school.”“I like parks”等表达喜爱的句子表达自己爱学校,爱生活,爱与他人交流的情感。


I.Warm up 导入环节视频引起学生兴趣教师播放歌曲This is the way…导入课题。并要求学生试着跟唱。

II.Presentation 呈现环节播放课件中视频,呈现两段新授对话





(4)学生分层次表演对话,然后打开书本,回归教材,指读对话。III.Practice and Production 操练环节

利用活动激发兴趣: (1)教师通过演示文稿呈现Let’s act 部分的句型,并分角色表演该对话。


IV.Listen,repeat and trace 学习字母和单词掌握Ff和Gg的书写及其一般发音规律学习单词fox, flag, gift, grapes并体会Ff和Gg的发音。V. Sum-up and homework 总结并布置作业环节1’





(1) 能用“What do you do in the morning?”询问他人早上做什么并能用“I go to school”“I go to park”进行回答。

(2) 能够正确读出和书写字母Ff, Gg,并感受它们在单词中fox, flag, grapes, gift的发音

2.教学难点字母Ff, Gg的读音和占格


(一)Listen and Say(20分钟)

1. 导入

(1) 师生互相问候“Good morning!”进行分组,每组一个动物,如果表现好可以一步步前进去公园。

(2) 用歌曲“This is the way…”通过早上进行的一些活动,“wash my face”等来引出主题“What do you do in the morning?”

(3) 教师用PPT来呈现刷牙、洗脸等图片并重复“brush my teeth”“comb my hair”“wash my face”等短语。T:And then? What do you do in the morning? How about our friend? Let’s go and see!

2.呈现对话语境教师呈现主题图(见图1)图1 T: Now I have two questions. “Who are they?”Ss:Mao and Lala. T: How about the time? In the afternoon? S: In the morning. T:How do you know that? S:The clock. T:“Now let's go and see what are they talking about?" 教师播放无字动画一遍,紧接着逐句播放音频,让学生进行填空。【设计意图】通过之前的重复,部分同学已经了解重点句型“What do you do in the morning?"的意思,本部分旨在训练学生的听力能力


(1)学习对话1 教师出示本校校门口的图片(见图2)引导学生说出“school”这个单词,并逐渐递进难度“go to school”—“I go to school in the morning”

T:Maomao said I go to school,I like school! 教师做出桃心手势,齐读like T:Maomao likes school, he wants to get more knowledge from school, So Maomao is a ... S:Good boy! 【设计意图】通过引导学生,

自然地过渡课文,让学生了解为什么Lala说Maomao是Good boy (2)学习对话2 教师展示主题图2,并由图1过渡到图2。T:After the breakfast,Maomao are going to school, and he also wants to know what will Lala do in the morning, So he ask...Let's listen and see. 教师播放无字动画,紧接着逐句播放音频让学生重复Maomao https://www.360docs.net/doc/5210536783.html,la say... 【设计意图】让课文进行自然地过渡,有利于学生整体把握文本。教师出示park的图片,用自然拼读的方法引导学生说出该单词,并由park到go to the park到I go to the park进行逐步学习。渗透park 和parks的区别(见图3)图3 【设计意图】由浅入深的教学符合学生的认知规律,激发学生的学习动力。


(二)Let's act(5分钟)模拟情景表演对话





T:Lala goes to the park,he meets a lot of friends,the first is ... It can fly 教师慢慢移动单词卡片展示给学生,As:It's bird ! T:Yes, and Lala asks the bird“What do you do in the morning,bird?”“I sing.”T:Can you sing?

Ss: Yes,I can. T:Let's sing together! Twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are... T:Great!The second friend is ... Ss: Deer! ... 【设计意图】创设情景,吸引学生注意力,练习新知,复习旧知。

(四)Listen repeat and trace(9分钟)T:At last Lala meet a....wow!a fox! Lala is so scared so he jumped away !与此同时教师出示图5,引出本课单词部分。

T:But the fox is a good fox,he gave Lala a gift What's in the gift? Ss:Grapes and flag 教师拿教具带读grapes, gift, 体会它们共同的发音/g/,带读fox, flag ,体会它们共同的发音/f/。【设计意图】有利于学生掌握字母发音的规律,进行自主学习。提高学习英语的积极性。T:Ff makes sound Ss:/f/ /f/ /f/ T: Gg makes sound Ss:/g/ /g/ /g/ 教师在黑板上示范Gg,Ff 。学生先看后仿写。

(五)总结评价与布置作业(1分钟) Read the dialogue with your partner. 板书设计

Unit 2 What do you do?《Lesson6》


教材分析本单元是北京版小学英语一年级下册第二单元Lesson6,本单元教学内容包括lesson 5-Lesson 8,其中Lesson 5-7为新授课,三课的板块结构相同,Lesson 8 为复习课。本单元的主要话题为: 日常生活中的惯常活动。询问及回答一天中不同时段“通常做什么”,语音板块是字母的认读、书写及发音感悟。5至7课会话部分功能句结构相同,不同的是替换了时间和动词词组。在对教材有了以上研读后,对五课和六课进行了重组:五课重点讲课文,对功能句What do you do in the morning? I …结合实际顺势拓展问学生下午做什么?渗透have PE、go fishing等词组。

Lesson6主要讲Listen and say ,Let’s act, 以及5、6两课的语音listen、 repeat and trace。Listen and say部分以听说方式呈现知识点,承接第五课,使学生在情境中初步运用What do you do in the afternoon? I …进行交流;Let’s act让学生能够结合自身常规活动与小伙伴进行简单交流。Listen, repeat, and trace.让学生认识Ff/Gg/Hh三个字母掌握字母的书写笔顺和格式,进一步让学生体会它们的字母名称音及在单词中的发音。






2.能在情境中用“What do you do in the afternoon?” I …. 与


3.学生能听懂、指认并读出单词fox/ flag/ gift/ grapes/head/hair,感受Ff/Gg/Hh在单词中的发音,指认、朗读、


4. 通过各种形式的学习活动,对英语学习有兴趣、乐于体验、善于


教学重点: 1. 对话的理解。 2. 字母在单词中的发音,书写。


教学过程 Listen and say & Lets act’:

I.Free talk and Review

1.Greeting: Good morning, boys and girls. A new friend is in

the class, look, who is he? --Fox. Please say hello to Fox.

2.Introduce my school T: This is my school. I go to school in

the morning. Look at my Ss. They say:I read books in the morning. I sing in the morning.

3.Fox:What do you do in the morning? (以fox的口吻和学生交

流) Ss: I …(2-3人)What do you do in the morning?(强






Ⅱ. Presentation:

1.创设情景:钟表滴答,太阳移动,到下午。 In the afternoon, Who are they? What do they do in the afternoon? Let’s ask them. S1: What do you do in the afternoon,Guoguo?替换板书in the afternoon. S2:What do you do in the afternoon, Kate? 多形



尝试猜测两人的谈话。引出What do you do in the afternoon?

2. Watch the video T: What does Guoguo/Kate do? (结合图片

细节给泡泡让孩子猜可能两个人的答语) S1:I … T: Play the video again. What do you do in the afternoon, Kate? Ss: I go fishing. T:Does Kate like fish? (拓展问题,思维提升) S:Yes, Because Kate is a cat. ( have Ss understand go fishing

in different ways) T:Try to act:I am Guoguo, You are Kate. 【设计意图】通过视听对话的方法,听录音、猜测、选择答案、情景


3. Read with CAI(T/ss—Model--Work in pairs)

4.Show the story in Pairs.

5. Say a chant with the key sentences. 【设计意图】借助chant梳理板书,内化语言,借助两只老虎的曲调,让学生学习长句型,并通过替换词组I fly a kite. I play football.强化重点句式,并顺势复习理清课文脉络。

III. Practice

1. Look and say quickly: T: Look at the pictures and say the words.

Ss: sing dance / / draw/ read/write/ fly a kite/ play ping-pong/ T: Show photos about have PE. Elicit Ss say something on different class. Eg: I jump. I run. I dance….

2. Let’s talk in pairs What do you do in the afternoon? I... 【设计意图】半机械化的训练学生语言,为后面结合结合相应情景语


IV. Production (结合校内社团活动) 1. Show the pictures of different classes. They work in pairs to ask and answer. They walk with a worksheet. S1:What do you do in the afternoon? S2I… I like… S3: A: Hi, ____, What do you do in the afternoon? B: I ______.

3. Pairs show a dialogue.

V、 Listen, repeat, and trace:

1. Let’s sing a song together: ABC song. Let’s read the letters


Unit 1 Hello 第一课时 教学目标: 1、听懂、会说Hello./Hi . Goodbye./Bye-Bye. I'm ...。 2、通过创设见面打招呼、自我介绍以及道别等情景,让学生学 会见面打招呼、自我介绍及道别的日常用语 3、培养学生乐于开口,敢于开口讲英语的习惯,激发学生想学、 乐学英语的兴趣和愿望。 教学重点: 本部分主要是见面打招呼、自我介绍及道别用语的会话学习,使学生在不同的情景中听懂、会说Hello./Hi . Goodbye./Bye-Bye. I'm ...。教学难点: 自我介绍用语I'm …的发音不容易到位,学习起来较难,教师要 适时纠正,切不可挫伤孩子的学习积极性。 教具准备: 1. 教材相关人物的面具或头饰 2.为Let's play中的击鼓传花游戏准备相应的道具 3.教材相配套的录音带 教学过程: 热身(Warm-up) (1)先给学生播放卡通片,了解所学语言运用的环境。内容为"迪士尼英语"中第一课的片段(Magic English----Hello)学生在他们喜爱的卡通节目中了解、学习打招呼用语Hello./Hi ,边看卡通边说英语。学习语言的同时,了解语言所用的环境,兴趣与语境同时创设, 学习与兴趣同时存在。[本部分内容根据各校情况可自行改变,用图 片来代替,或直接进入下一环节。 (2)通过看卡通片告诉学生"卡通"一词的发音是由英语单词Cartoon一词的发音直接翻译过来的。在现实生活中,我们还有许多 的类似之处,有时我们甚至直接用英语的单词来代表某物如CD, VCD, DVD等等。 (3)由于学生是第一次正式接受英语课的学习,教师可在此基 础上采取交谈的方式与学生讨论一下英语的作用以及学习英语的意 义。不妨请学生说说他们在现实生活中已经了解的英语单词或日常用 语。利用教科书开始的蝴蝶页Welcome to English 彩图中呈现的我们生活中学生已经会说或较熟悉的词汇如CD, VCD, DVD, OK! Hi! Yeah! Wow! Bye! E-mail, Cartoon等词来激发学生学习兴趣与学习愿望。 呈现新课(Presentation)


Lesson 1 Hi ,Lingling !Glad to see you again、Hi ,Mama! Glad to see you ,too! Nice to see you again,boys and girls、Nice to see you, Miss Wang、 A for apple B for banana、 Red is the Apple, Yellow is the banana、 Lessson 2 Hello, Lingling! This is my mum、 Nice to meet you, Auntie、 Nice to meet you , too、 This is our classroom, Mum、 It’s nice、 Yes, I like it、 C for cow,

D for duck、 Cows and ducks Live in farms、 Lesson 3 Look , Mum! This is my desk、 It’s nice 、 I Iike it、 I like the blackboard、 It’s big 、I like the eraser、 It’s cute、Eggs , eggs, eggs, The elephant is Picking up eggs、 Lesson 4 Hi,Lingling ! Glad to see you again、Hi, Doudou ! Glad to see you , too 、I like the cup 、 It’s big、 I like the eraser 、 It’s cute、Please turn to page 6、 Let’s read the words、


四年级上全册教材分析 一、全册知识点梳理和分析 (一)本册主题和相关知识点 1、本册将学习 1)询问他人情绪原因;Why are you look …?(Unit One) 2)“打电话”;May I speak to……? (Unit Two) 3)请求帮助;Would you please(mind)……for me? (Unit Three) 4)商店购物:Which kind would you like? (Unit Five) 5)餐厅点餐;What would you like to eat? (Unit Six) 6)自然现象;What falls down from the sky in winter? 等六大话题。2、语法: 第一单元 1.Be 动词的用法 2.助动词do 的用法 3.动词过去式go-went do- did 4.动词与形容词的区分 5to+ 动词原形 6.Don’t be…I’m sure… 7.一般将来时He will come back soon. 第二单元 1.May I speak + to 2.电话用语表示我是…. It’s… 3.祈使句:Please do… 第三单元 1.Would you please +动词原形 Would you mind + 动词ing 2.borrow/lend 的用法: 3.物主代词的用法:your—yours my—mine his—his her—hers its—its our—ours their—theirs 第五单元 1.动词三单This kind look s nice. This shop sell s jackets. 2.will + 动词原形 3.Kind/kinds 的区别 4.情态动词Would的用法 5.different kinds 中different---same 的区别及用法。 6.May, can, should 等词的区别与用法。 7.how much are they? How much—how many 的区别和用法。


最新人教版小学三年级英语教案优秀范文大全 英语教案设计是改善课堂教学的一种更高层次的探索,是提高课堂教学质量和效率的一项必要工作,它可以促进教学的系统化,使老师掌握讲课节奏.下面是小编为大家准备好了三年级有关的英语,希望你们能喜欢, 人教版小学三年级英语教案优秀范文大全一 1.单元教材分析 本单元是本学期的第一个单元Welcome back to school!欢迎学生回到学校,从巩固问候语开始,如:Welcome back! Nice to see you again. Nice to see you, too.接着学习自我介绍I m I m from 及问句Where are you from?和9个单词Canada, China, USA, UK, she, he, student, teacher, pupil以及元音字母a 的发音.在上个学期知识点Good morning. Nice to meet you.的基础上进一步扩展新知识,学生易于接受,能更好地学习自我介绍.通过本单元的学习,更好地为以后学习介绍他人奠定基础;字母的学习也为以后的学习打下基础.课本通过新学期新学生与大家见面、学生之间做自我介绍的情景,让学生感知句型的意义及应用情景. 2.学情分析 三年级学生经过半年的学习,对英语有了全新的认识,加上社会与家庭的渲染与影响,学生对新课程充满了好奇,想了解英语究竟是怎么一回事,学习热情也比较高.这也是学生从对英语的无知向求知发展的动力.这对他们学好英语有很大帮助,教师应抓住这一有利因素在新学期的第一节课里充分展示英语的魅力,让他们从一开始就爱上这门学科,激发学生的学习兴趣. 单元教学目标 1.知识目标 (1)能够听懂、会说句型Where are you from? I m from He/She is (2)能够听、说、认读单词:UK, Canada,USA,China,teacher, student, pupil, he, she. (3)掌握Let s spell中元音字母a在单词中的发音以及认读、书写含有这个字母的单词. (4)学会Let s check, Let s sing等部分内容.


576个小学1-6年级英语单词系统分类汇总 COLOUR (颜色) 1.blue 蓝色(的) 2.green 绿色(的) 3. red 红色(的) 4. yellow黄色(的) 5. orange橘色(的) 6. purple紫色(的) 7. white 白色(的) 8. black 黑色(的) 9. brown 棕色(的) 10.schoo学校 11.book书 12. chair 椅子 13. class 班 14. desk 书桌 15. student 学生 16. teacher 老师 17. office 办公室 18. gym 体育馆 19. classroom 教室 20. blackboard黑板 21. school bus 校车 22. lights 灯 23. lesson 课 24. card 卡片 STATIONERY(文具)25.book 书 26.26. notebook笔记本 27. paper 纸 28.pencil 铅笔 29. pencil case笔袋 30. pen 钢笔 31. eraser 橡皮 32. ruler 尺子 33. marker 水彩笔 34. scissors 剪子 35. envelope 信封 36. stamp 邮票 37. glue 胶水 NUMBERS(数字) 38.number 数字号码 39. zero 零 39.40. one 一 41.two 二 42. three 三 42.43. four 四 44.five 五 45. six 六 46. seven 七 47.eight 八 48. nine 九 49. ten 十 50.eleven 十一 51. twelve 十二 52. thirteen 十三 53.fourteen 十四 54. fifteen 十五 55. sixteen 十六 56.seventeen 十七 57. eighteen 十八 58. nineteen 十九 59. twenty 二十 60. thirty 三十 61. forty 四十 62. fifty 五十 63. sixty 六十 64. seventy 七十 65. eighty 八十 66. ninety 九十 67. one hundred 一百 68. nine hundred 九百 69.one thousand一千 70.tenthousand 一万 71. first 第一 72. second第二 73. third 第三 74. fourth第四 75. fifth 第五 76. sixth 第六 77. seventh第七 78. eighth第八 79. ninth 第九 80. tenth 第十 FAMILY (家庭) 文案大全


初级中学初一年级第一学期期中测试 英 语 答 题 纸 第II 卷(共40分) 五、词汇运用(共20小题;每小题0.5分,满分10分) 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 六、根据要求改写句子。(共5题,每空0.5分,计5分) 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 七、根据所给汉语完成下列句子,每空词数不限。(共10题,每小题1分,计10分) 76. Jay Chou ________________________ Taiwan. 77. It ’s _______________________ breakfast. 78. My classmate Su Miao _______________________ Maths. 79. I hope his dream can _________________________. 80. The boy often draws pictures ____________________________. 81. Li Lei is ________________________ school. 82. Suqian is ________________________ Shanghai. 83. There is on the wall in my bedroom. 84. Our classroom is in Science Building. 85. My mother very early to cook breakfast for me every morning. 班 级 姓 名 考 号 …………………………………装………………………………………订………………………………线…………………………………………


小学英语水果教学教案 一、教学目标: 1、知识目标 (1)能够听、说、认读五个有关水果的单词:apple,orange,banana, grape,pear,并能正确运用;注意单词banana、grape的复数形式。 (2)能够运用句型What is this/that? It is a/an…进行对话,注意单词在名词前a/an的变化。2、技能目标 (1)通过学习单词,培养学生听说读的能力 (2)通过创设情景,综合运用所学语言进行交流,培养学生在实际生活中综合运用语言的交际能力和对语言的应变能力。 3、情感目标 让每一个学生都能积极主动参与教学活动,发挥学生主观能动性,从而使他们更加热爱英语学习,增强学习英语的信心。 二、教学重点难点 (1)重点:学习单词apple、pear 、banana 、orange 、grape 的正确读音以及句型What is this/that? It is a/an…的学习。注意单词在名词前a/an的变化和单词的复数形式。 (2)难点:注意单词在名词前a/an的变化和单词banana、grape的复数形式;能正确运用句型What is this/that? It is a/an…在日常生活中进行对话。 三、教法、学法:情景教学法、游戏法、活动教学法、小组合作法 四、教具准备:单词卡片,多媒体课件。 五、教学过程 1、复习旧知:利用带有颜色单词的卡片,进行抽查和全班齐读形式让学生回忆red、yellow、orange等单词。 2、导入新课:大屏幕出示所要学习的水果的谜语,要求学生猜谜语。“同学们喜欢猜谜语吗?老师这里有几个谜语,想让同学们猜猜,快看大屏幕:红红脸,圆又圆,咬一口,脆又甜。”(剩下的4种水果也用猜谜形式引出) “同学们真聪明,那同学们想不想知道这些水果用英语怎么说呢?好,今天我们就一起来学习吧。”

北京版六年级上册英语课文Unit 1 What did you do this summer

Lesson 1 Yangyang: Hi, Mike! What did you do this summer? Mike: Oh, I went back to Canada. I had a great time and did many things. Yangyang: What did you do in Canada? Mike: Well, I visited my grandparents. I played with my friends. I worked on my uncle's farm. Where did you go, Yangyang? Yangyang: I just stayed in Beijing. I learned to sing Peking Opera in the morning and went swimming in the afternoon. Mike: No wonder you look stronger. Yangyang: Thank you. I also visited some museums and played with my cousins. Mike: We both had an interesting vacation. Lesson 2 Baob ao : When did you come back from your summer camp, Lingling? Lingling: I came back last Thursday. Baobao: What did you do there? Lingling: I climbed the mountains and I swam in the river. I went fishing one day and caught three fish. Baobao: Really! Lingling: I let them go back into the river again. Baobao: Good for you! Was the camp very far?

小学英语教案模板 全英文

Instructional Design I. Background information Content: Section A, Unit 5, JEFC Teacher: Chen Jie Description of students: 40 students in Junior/Primary/Senior 1, 15 boys and 25 girls Lesson duration: 40 minutes Time & date: 8:20—9:00am, Tuesday, 29th April, 2014 II. Teaching contents: Topic: Asking the way. New words: face, hand, …. New patterns: Could you tell me how to get to the post office? 按照听、读、说、写的内容分开写,然后要功能与话题。 III. Teaching key points and difficulties: Teaching key points: Teaching difficulties: IV. Teaching objectives: A.Knowledge objectives By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: ……

B.Ability objectives By the end of the lesson, students should be able to …… C.Affects/Morality/Attitude…. Students learn to be good listeners while the others are talking. V. Teaching aids: tapes, OHP, chalk, etc. VI. Teaching Model /Method ?PPP ?Three stages ?Five-step teaching method ?Audio-lingual method, etc. ?语法课见第七单元 ?每节课选用一个 VII. The style of the lesson: ?Reading ?Reading and writing ?Reading and talking ?Listening and talking ?Listening and speaking ?Grammar ?Exercises


六年级英语上册学习重点(单元句型和单词)谁最棒,比比看! Unit1 句子: 1.What did you do this summer? 今年夏天你干什么了? I went back to Canada. 我回到加拿大。 2.When did you come back? 你什么时候回来了? I came back last Thursday. 我上周四回来了。 3.Did you go to see your grandparents? 你看望爷爷奶奶了吗? Yes, I did./ No, I didn’t.是的。看望了。/没有。 短语: Wrote a story 写故事went back to Canada 回到加拿大 made cakes 做蛋糕came back 回来 went to the airport 去机场finished the piano lessons 完成钢琴课 return the books 还书win the football match 赢得足球赛 Unit2 句子: 4.Why did you stand on your head? 你为什么倒立呢? Because I wanted to practice kung fu. 因为我想练习功夫。 5.What happened to you? 你怎么了? I hurt my right leg. 我伤了右腿。 6.What did you say? 你说什么了? I said you should stop eating too much. 我说你应该少吃点儿。 短语: Stand on your head 倒立practice kung fu练习功夫 go to hospital 去医院cut my finger 切伤了手指 fell 摔倒cry 哭hurt 受伤broke 折断scratched抓伤 eating too much 吃的太多playing computer games 玩电脑游戏smoking 抽烟 Unit3 句子: 7.Where did you go last weekend? 上周末你去哪里了? We flew to Hangzhou. 我飞到了杭州。 8.How did you go to Hangzhou? 你怎样去的杭州? We went there by air. 我们坐飞机去的。 9.Who invented those vehicles? 谁发明的交通工具? Some smart people did. 一些聪明的人。 短语: Last weekend 上周末yesterday afternoon 昨天下午 on Friday morning 周五早上flew飞/ drove驾驶/ took the train to Hangzhou 坐火车去杭州the Spring Festival Fair春节庙会 the train station 火车站by air/ bus/subway/taxi/train, on foot those vehicles 那些交通工具some smart people 一些聪明的人


(一)hello你好 a boat小船 a coat外套Hello,hello,let’s go. 你好,你好,我们出发吧。 Take your coat, 带上你的外套, Go to my boat. 去我的小船上。 Boy男孩girl 女孩boys and girls同学们 (二)name名字 a gate大门 a cake蛋糕 a lake 湖Kate,kate,at the gate, 凯特,凯特,在门口。 Cake,cake,by the lake, 蛋糕,蛋糕,在湖边, Kate is looking at the cake. 凯特在看着那块蛋糕 (三)good 好wood 木头 a foot 脚 A foot,a foot, 一只脚,一只脚 a foot is on the wood. 一只脚踩在木头上。 The wood,the wood, 木头,木头 The wood is under the foot. 木头在脚下。 Good morning早上好 Good noon 中午好Good afternoon 下午好Good evening晚上好Good night晚安 Stand up,please. 请起立Sit down,please.请坐下 Put up your hands,please. 请举起你的手。 Please put down your hands.请放下你的手

(四)hi你好 a kite 风筝 a bike 自行车 I have a bike, 我有一辆自行车, I like my bike. 我喜欢我的自行车, I have a kite, 我有一只风筝, I like my kite. 我喜欢我的风筝。 (五)evening 傍晚 a bee蜜蜂 a knee膝盖 a key钥匙 What do you see? 你看见什么? I see a key on his knee. 我看见一把钥匙在他的膝盖上What do you see? 你看见什么? I see a bee on his knee. 我看见一只蜜蜂在他的膝盖上 (六)dad 爸爸 a bag 包 a cat 猫 A cat,a fat cat, 一只猫,一只肥猫, A bag,a black bag, 一个包,一个黑包, A fat cat in a black bag. 在一个黑包里的肥猫。 Please open your books. 请打开你的书。 Close your books,please. 请合上你的书。 Please read after me. 请跟我读。 Again,please. 再来一次。


北京版小学生英语知识点总结 【基础知识】 1、动词be(is,am,are)的用法 我(I)用am,你you用(are),is跟着他(he),她(she),他(it).单数名词用is,复数名词全用are。变否定,更容易,be后not 加上去。变疑问,往前提,句末问号某丢弃。还有一条须注意,句首大写莫忘记。 2、this,that和it用法 (1)this和that是指示代词,it是人称代词。 (2)距离说话人近的人或者物用this,距离说话人远的人或物用that。如:This is a flower.这是一朵花。(近处)That is a tree.那是一棵树。(远处) (3)放在一起的两样东西,先说this,后说that。如:This is a pen.That is a pencil.这是一支钢笔,那是一支铅笔。 (4)向别人介绍某人说This is...,不说That is...。如:This is Helen.Helen,this isTom.这是海伦,海伦,这是汤姆。 (5)This is不能缩写,而That is可以缩写。如:This is a bike.That's a car.这是一辆自行车,那是一辆轿车。 (6) 打电话时,介绍自己用this,询问对方用that。如:-Hello! Is that Miss Green?喂,是格林小姐吗?-Yes,this is.Who's that?是的,我是,你是谁?注意:虽然汉语中使用”我“和”你“,但

英语中打电话时绝不可以说:I am...,Are you...?Who are you? (7)在回答this或that做主语的疑问句时,要用it代替this 或者that。如:①-Is this a notebook?这是笔记本吗?-Yes,it is.是的,它是。②-What's that?那是什么?-It's a kite.是只风筝。 3、these和those用法 this, that, these和those是指示代词,these是this的复数形式,指时间,距离较近的或下面要提到的人或事;those是that的复数形式,指时间、距离较远或前面已经提到过的人或事物。 ①This is my bed. That is Lily’s bed. 这是我的床。那是莉莉的床。 ②These pictures are good. 那些画很好。 ③ Are those apple trees? 那些是苹果树吗? 在回答主语是these或those的疑问句时,通常用they代替these或those以避免重复。如:④Are these/those your apples? 这些(那些)是你的苹果吗?Yes, they are. 是的,他们是。 4、名词+’s所有格单数名词后直接加“’s ” Jim’s coat 吉姆的外套 Jeff’s mother杰夫的妈妈 以s结尾的复数名词,只加“’”Teachers’ Day教师节 the twins’ books双胞胎的书 不以s结尾的不规则的名词复数,加“’s ”Children’s Day 儿童节 men’s shoes男式鞋 表示两者共同拥有时,只在最后一个名词后加’sLucy and Lily’s mother 露茜和莉莉的妈妈(共同的妈妈,一个妈妈) 表示两者各自拥有时,要在每个名词后加’sLucy’s and Kate’


小学英语教案全英文版 小学英语教案全英文版篇一 Ⅰ.Teaching objectives https://www.360docs.net/doc/5210536783.html,nguage functions: Talking about animals and their favorite food. 2. Language structures: I like… 3. New vocabulary: Monkey, elephant, rabbit, panda, goat 4. Skills: Listening: 能听懂各种动物的名称及其习性的内容,-go to the zoo。Speaking: 能运用所学的单词句型谈论各种动物的习性 5. Teaching activities: (1). Role play: Elephant 生日请客,分食物给他的朋友们并说”I like…”T-elephant Ss-monkey, rabbit, panda, goat (2). A game: Looking for good friends 让学生自取道具找朋友,如当T说1,2,3后拿carrot的要与拿rabbit的站到一块并说We are good friends. Ⅱ.Teaching key points and difficult points 1.The sounds of the new words. 2.Freely using the sentences. Ⅲ.Teaching aids 课件,a big picture (animals party), 10 small pictures (monkey, elephant, rabbit, panda, goat, bananas, grass, carrots, bamboo, leaves)Ⅳ.Teaching procedure 1. Greeting 2. Sing a song: one two three song 3. say goodbye to the 1, 2, 3 and go to the zoo T: We


小学英语(北京版)一年级上册单元测试 Unit 1 HELLO! I’M MAOMAO 听力部分(70分) 一、听一听,排一排。(根据录音内容,给下列图标上正确的序号。)(10分) ()()()()()二、听录音,判断听到的内容与图片是否相符,相符的画“”,不相符的画“”。(12分) 1. 2. 3. 4. ()()()() 三、听录音,判断听到的内容与所给句子是否相符,相符的用“√”表示,不相符的用“×”表示。(12分)

( ) 1. Hi, my name is Maomao. ( ) 2. —What’s your name? —My name is Good Boy. ( ) 3. Stand up, please. ( ) 4. Hello, boys and girls. 四、听一听,排一排。根据听到的顺序用数字重新排列小韵文。(12分)( ) A foot, a foot, ( ) The wood, the wood, ( ) The wood is under the foot. ( ) A foot is on the wood. 五、听一听,圈一圈。(根据录音内容,选择正确的图片,并将其编号圈起来。)(12分) 1. A. B. 2. A. B. 3. A. B.

六、听一听,辨一辨。(根据录音内容,判断下列各图是否与录音一致,是的在括号内打“√”,不是的“×”。)(12分) 1. 2. ()() 3. 4. ()() 笔试部分(30分) 七、找出与图片对应的句子,用字母序号表示。(10 分) A. I’m Good Boy. B. I’m a cake. C. I’m a boat. D. I’m wood. E. I’m a gate. 八、看图连线。(8分)


作文范文: 周末的活动(第一人称和第三人称) l/He did many things last Sun day. I/He did homework. I/He lear ned to sing En glish son gs. I/He went shopp ing with my mom. I/He visivted my gran dpare nts. I/He had a great time. 假期旅行 I/He went to Hangzhou with my parents this summer vacation. I/He went there by train. I/He visited many places. I/He bought some things. I/He was very happy. I /He enjoyed my holiday. 奥运会 The Olympic Games have a very long history. The an cie nt Olympic Games bega n in 776BC in Greece. Only men could take part. It stopped a long time ago. People held the first moder n Olympic Games in 1896 in Athe ns. Men and wome n could take part. th Beijing hosted the 29 Olympic Games. The Chinese athletes won 51 gold medals, 21silver medals and 28br onze medals. We all were proud of our coun try. 介绍一位朋友 I have a good frie nd. Her n ame is Lily. She is tall. She likes singing. She ofte n wears a nice dress. She is 1.70m and her size is large. 介绍自己 My n ame is …I was born in the years of Mon key. I like mon keys very much. Because my birth-year ani mal is also Mon key. I 'm as smart as a mon key. I am 1.60m. my size is Medium . Football is my favorite sport.


四年级下册英语教案 、教学目的 1、激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们学习英语的积极态度,使他们初步建立学习英语的自信心; 2、培养学生具有一定的语感和良好的语音、语调书写基础,以及良好的学习习惯; 3、使他们初步具备用英语进行简单日常交流的能力。 4、同时培养学生的观察、记忆、思维、想象和创造能力。 5、适当介绍中西方文化,培养学生的爱国主义精神,增强世界意志,为学生的进一步学习奠定良好的基础。 二、教材分析 《义务教育课程标准实验教科书英语》供三年级起使用,是人民教育出版社与加拿大Lingo.Media 国际集团合作编写的一套全新的中下学衔接的英语教材。这套教材是根据教育部制定的《国家英语课程标准》和《小学英语教学基本要求》编写而成的。本册供以小学三年级为起点、开设英语的学校第一学年第一学期使用。 《义务教育课程标准实验教科书英语》的设计和编写体现了外语教学思想的继承和发展。在分析、研究许多种国内外小学英语教材的基础上,取其精华,博采众长,形成了本套教材特有的编写体系。同时,有吸收了当今国内外英语作为外语教学的理论和成功经验,把这些教学理论和实践经验同我国的小学外语教学实际相结合,以形成我国小学英语的外语教学模式和教学方法。 本册教材具有以下几个特点: 1、注重学生语言运用能力的培养,突出语言的实践性和交际性,同时也突出语言的真实性和实用性。 2、注重学生自学能力和学习策略的培养,为学生的进一步学习或终身学习奠定基础。 3、注重中外文化的双向交流,使学生通过学习,培养未来跨文化交际所需要的能力。 4、注重学生学习兴趣的培养,以不同方式最大限度的激发学生的学习动机。 5、注重融合学科内容,加强学科之间的整合和渗透,让学生通过英语学习来获得其他学科的知识。 6、注重教材的灵活性和可操作性,以满足不同层次的学生的需求。 7、注重教学资料的配套,为学生提供良好的英语学习环境,帮助学生拓展自我发展的空间。 8、注重中小学各阶段的衔接,以保证各学段的顺利过渡,全面提高中小学英语教学的整体质量。 三、教学措施 1、认真备课,钻研教材,抓紧课堂教学,做到当堂内容当堂掌握。 2、运用各种不同的肢体语言来辅助教学。 3、在课堂上多开展一些有趣的活动、游戏让学生在活动中学习英语,在生活中学习英语。 4、多为学生营造一些学习氛围,如:创设英语角等等。 5、要求学生在课余时间尽量的运用已经学习的英语进行对话。 6、多看英语画报,多读英语故事,多看英语书籍。 7、多与学生交流,进行口语交际训练。


Unit 1 What did you do this summer? 一、核心词汇 1. 名词:farm 农场Thursday 星期四mountain 山,山脉glasses 眼镜 problem 问题 2. 动词:play 玩swim 游泳let 让,允许 3. 形容词:strong 健壮的,强健的 4. 限定词:some 一些 5. 感叹词:please 请 二、拓展词汇 1. 名词:airport 飞机场vacation 假期camp(夏令)营,营地gift 礼物fun 乐趣weekend 周末fox 狐狸machine 机器ox 牛,公牛Xerox复印机 2. 动词:write 写return 归还visit 访问,拜访learn 学,学习;学会catch抓住fish 钓鱼miss 思念,想念enjoy 享受……乐趣;喜欢win 获胜;赢得比赛carry 拿,搬,带 3. 形容词:interesting 有趣的,有意思的best 最好的 4. 副词:also 也,同样first 第一;首次 5. 代词:both 二者,两者都 6. 介词:into进入, 到……中during 在……期间;在……过程中 7. 短语:gobackto 回去haveagreattime 玩得开心,过得愉快nowonder 难怪,怪不得comebackfrom 从……回来oneday 一天goodforyou 你真好alotof 许多,大量buy… for 给……买……apairof 一双;一条;一副 三、核心句型 1. — Whatdidyoudothissummer? 你今年夏天干什么了? — Oh,IwentbacktoCanada. 噢,我回加拿大了。 解读:这是询问某人做过什么的句型及其回答,是 what 引导的一般过去时的特殊疑问句。 举一反三: — WhatdidyoudolastThursday? 你上星期四做什么了? — Iplayedfootball. 我踢足球了。


Lesson 1 Hello, baobao! Hello ,maomao! Hello,boys and girls! Im miss wang. 你好,你好,那走吧! Take your coat,let ’s go. Hello,hello,let ’s go. To my boat,let ’s go. Lesson 2 Hi! I’m lingling. What ’s your name? My name is maomao. Hello! I’m maomao what ’s your name? She is looking for her cake. Cake,cake,by the lake. Kate is looking at her cake. Lesson 3 Hello, maomao! Hi, guoguo, Hello, what’s your name? A foot, is on the wood. The wood, the wood, The wood is under the foot. Lesson 4略 Lesson 5 Good morning miss wang! Hi,boys and girls! Good afternoon bays and girls! Good afternoon, mr li! I like my bike. I have a kite, L like my kite. Lesson 6 Good evening, grandpa! Good evening, lingling! Good night, lingling! Good night, grandpa! I see a key on his knee. What do you see? I see a bee on his knee. Lesson 7 Good moming maomao! Good morning, mum! Good evening, dad! Good evening, maomao! A bag, a black bag, A fat cat in a black bag. Lesson 9 Good morning, guoguo! Haw are you? I’m fine, thanks. Goodbye, guoguo! A cook has a book. A book, a book, The book is a cookbook. Lesson 10 Good evening, guoguo, how are you today? Fine, thank you mum.
