

1. rational, reasonable

rational a. 理性的,区别于无理性;理智的,区别于感情用事的。

The rational thing to do was to take the sick man to a doctor.


reasonable a. 有道理的,公平合理的,或指人讲道理的。

That man works very hard, so it is reasonable for him to ask for more money.


2. refrain, restrain, constrain

refrain v. 抑制,禁止,强调抑制一种冲动,是正式用语,为不


Students refrain from smoking in the classroom.


restrain v. 抑制,约束,指通过管束阻止某事发生,是及物动词,其习惯用法是restrain sb. (sth.) from doing。

She restrains her dog by walking him on a leash.


constrain v. 强迫,力劝,是及物动词。

A law constrains the government from spending more money than it takes in.


3. respectable, respectful, respective一组形近易混词。

respectable a. 值得尊敬的,有好名声的。

They are respectable people who are liked and trusted in their town.


respectful a. 尊敬他人的,恭敬的。

Students and teachers should have a respectful attitude toward each other.


respective a.单个的,分别的。

4. revolve, evolve, involve

revolve v. 旋转,转动。

The room began to revolve , then he fainted.


evolve v. 发展,演变。

Agriculture evolved slowly over thousands of years.


involve v. 需要,包含;使卷入,牵涉。

Getting a driver's license involves learning how to drive, studying the rules of the road, and taking a test.


5. sanction, sanitation

sanction n. 认可,准许,批准。

I need my parents' sanction to stay out late.


sanitation n. 公共卫生,环境卫生,卫生设备。

Strict sanitation is used in businesses such as barber shops and restaurants.



考研英语完型词汇——近义词辨析 1. adherence&adhesion 这两个词都是“粘附的”意思。 adherence 用于比喻的意思。例如:His adherence to the strict letter of the law. adhesion 是指物质上的。 2. adjacent&adjoining&contiguous 这些词都有next to“紧挨”的意思。 adjacent “毗邻的,邻近的”,但它们可能并不相互直接接触。 adjoining和contiguous 指相互接触,通常之间有一个edge或boundary。 3. admission&admittance 它们都有“the act of entering”的意思。 但admission 用于公共场合。例如:The price of admission to the gallery is£5. admittance 不指公共场合,一般指私人的住所。 4. adopted&adoptive adopted “收养的,过继的” an adopted son(daughter) 养子(女);my adopted country 我所入籍的国家;adopted words 外来语。 adoptive“收养的”,我们说adoptive parents,但很少说adoptive child;“采用的”,“假冒的”an adoptive courage假充勇敢。 5. averse&adverse adverse “不利的,反对的”,用于事,不用于人。adverse weather conditions;an adverse reaction。 averse “嫌恶的,反对的,不乐意的”,常和“to”一起使用,而且用否定形式。 6. advise&advice


2019考研英语词汇:必背5500词(19) 652. cage [keid] "n.笼,鸟笼;牢房,监狱" 653. cake [keik] n.饼,糕,蛋糕;扁平的块状物 654. calcium ['klsim] n.钙(化学符号Ca) 655. calculate ['klkjuleit] "v.计算,推算;计划,打算" 656. calendar ['klind] "n.日历,月历" 657. call [k:l] vt.叫,喊;打电话 vi.叫;访问 n.叫;号召 658. calm "[kɑ:m, kɑ:lm]" "a.(天气,海洋等)静的 n.平静v.(使)平静" 659. calorie ['klri] n.卡路里(食物所产生的热量或能量单位) 660. camel ['kml] n.骆驼 661. camera ['kmr] "n.照相机,摄影机" 662. camp [kmp] "n.野营,营地;帐篷,阵营 v.设营,宿营" 663. campaign [km'pein] n.战役;运动 664. campus ['kmps] n.(大学)校园 665. can "[强kn, 弱kn]" aux.v.能;能够 n.罐头;容器 vt.把„装罐 666. canal [k'nl] n.运河;(沟)渠 667. cancel ['knsl] "v.取消,把„作废;删去,划掉" 668. cancer ['kns] n.癌

669. candidate "['kndideit, -dt]" "n.候选人,候补者;报考者" 670. candle ['kndl] n.蜡烛 671. candy ['kndi] n.糖果,vt.用糖煮 672. cannon ['knn] "n.大炮,火炮" 673. canoe [k'nu:] "n.独木舟,小游艇" 674. canteen [kn'ti:n] n.(工厂、办公室等)食堂或小卖部 675. canvas ['knvs] n.帆布;帆布画布,(帆布)油画 676. cap [kp] "n.便帽,军帽;盖,罩,套 v.覆盖于„顶端" 677. capable ['keipbl] "a.有本领的,有水平的;(of)能够 „的,能„的" 678. capacity [k'psti] "n.容量,容积;能量,水平;接受力" 679. cape [keip] n.海角,岬;披肩,短披风 680. capital ['kpitl] "n.首都;大写字母;资本 a.主要的,大写字母的" 681. capitalism ['kpitlizm] n.资本主义 682. capsule ['kpsju:l] n.胶囊;太空舱 683. captain ['kptin] "n.首领,队长;船长;上尉 v.做„的首领,指挥" 684. captive ['kptiv] "n.俘虏 a.被俘虏的,被监禁的" 685. capture ['kpt] "v./n.捕获,俘虏;夺得,攻占" 686. car [kɑ:] n.汽车,车辆,车;(火车)车厢


2011考研英语词汇 第一部分考研英语核心词汇 记单词时不要采用从A——Z的顺序,而是要灵活搭配,比如A和J,B和O,C和N,D和L等,这样记起来既不觉得累又有成就感。一定记住吴老师的建议:每天晚上看1-2页,把自己已经记住的暂时划出来,第二天早上无论多忙都要把前一天晚上看过的单词复习一遍,然后再分别过3天、7天、15天、30天各复习一遍,坚持下来,到考前一周看最后一遍时,你会觉得大部分单词都已经很熟悉了。另外,务必要把自己做过的历年真题或模拟题中的词汇题集中整理起来,这样的对比记忆特别有助于我们对近义近形词汇的辨析。这样坚持学习,双管齐下,一定会取得良好学习效果! abide 遵循(…by);容忍The one thing she cannot abide is lying. abnormal 反常的abnormal behavior abolish 彻底废除(法律、制度、习俗等)abolish old custom abrupt 突然的,意外的an abrupt departure absolute 纯粹的,完全的have absolute trust in sb. absorb 吸收,吸进 A sponge absorbs water. abstract 抽象的 A flower is beautiful, but beauty itself is abstract. absurd 荒谬的,荒唐的The idea that number 14 brings bad luck is absurd. abuse 滥用abuse one's authority(office) aaccelerate 加速,增速accelerate one’s steps access 接近(或进入)的机会have regular and immediate access to the President accommodate 使适应,使符合一致accommodate oneself to changed circumstances accompany 陪伴,伴随She was accompanied to a dinner by her friend. accomplish 达到(目的),完成(任务),实现(计划,诺言等)accomplish one's purpose accord 使符合,相一致(with) His violent action do not accord with his peaceful words. account 记述,叙述give a brief account of what has happened accumulate 积累,积攒,积聚accumulate wisdom accurate 准确的,精确的an accurate estimate accuse 指控,指责They accused her publicly of stealing their books. accustom 使习惯于accustom oneself to rising (to rise) early acquaint 使认识,使了解 activate 使活动起来,使开始起作用,启动They have planted secret agents in many countries who could be activated whenever needed. acute 尖锐的,敏锐的an acute thinker adapt (使)适应adapt oneself to new conditions address 演说 a television address adhere 黏附,附着Paste is used to make one surface adhere to another. adjacent 临近的,毗邻的(to) a city and its adjacent suburbs adjoin 贴近,与...毗邻His house adjoins the lake. administrate 掌管,料理...的事务In many Japanese homes, the funds are administrated by the


2020考研备考:词根词缀法巧记英语词汇 考研英语有许多题目组成,方便大家及时了解,下面为你精心准备了“2020考研备考:词根词缀法巧记英语词汇”,持续关注本站将可以持续获取的考试资讯! 2020考研备考:词根词缀法巧记英语词汇我们先来看看词根,很多英文单词都是词根衍生出来的,所以记住了一个词根,找到规律,就能记住一大串词。举个简单的例子,globe地球—global全球的—globalize使全球化—globalization全球化。可以看到,后面的一系列单词,都是从globe这个词根衍生过来的。再来看一下词缀,如beautiful、hopeful 、useful 、helpful 分别表示美丽的、有希望的、有用的、有帮助的,我们发现这四个词虽然词义不同,但词性相同,都是形容词,而且在形式上都有一个共同的部分-ful。这个-ful就是后缀,它是一个形容词后缀,起到决定词性的作用,也就是说一个单词要是以-ful结尾的话,这个单词的词性就是形容词。其实这种现象在中文中也很普遍,比如说“美丽”这个词,是个名词,在美丽后面加上“的”,变成了形容词“美丽的”,这里的“的”就是中文中的形容词后缀,相当于英文中的-ful,当然英文中的形容词后缀不仅仅有-ful这一个。 除了形容词后缀之外,还有很多其他词性的后缀,这里再给几个例子,如词根+ize, 表示使动,比如stable(稳定的)变为stabilize, 意为“使稳定”;词根+ion, 表示名词,如decide 变

为decision ,“决定”的动词变名词形式;词根+ment, 表示名词,如measure变成measurement ,由“测量”的动词形式变成了名词形式;词根+en,表加强,比如wide 变widen,由形容词“宽的”变为动词“放宽”;词根+ism, 表示一种主义、哲学,如capital 变capitalism, “资金、资本家”的含义变为了“资本主义”。 这样的词缀还有很多,大家平时要多多积累总结规律,这样看到词根+词缀,马上就知道单词的意思并且正确判断词性,加快背单词的效率。同时,这也有助于提高阅读理解、完形填空等题型的成绩。例如,四六级阅读部分的选词填空这一题型,很大程度上解题需要通过对不同单词的词性的判别来加快做题速度和准确度,考研英语中的完型填空考的也是相同词性的单词间不同词义的辨析,若选项单词的词性我们无法辨别的话,对做题会有很大的影响。因此,词根词缀记忆法是英语学习的一个基础,希望大家在学习中给予充分的关注。 2020考研英语:词汇之情感态度词 1. 表达歧视、偏见、不平等的词 eg. discrimination, prejudice, bias, unfair, contemptuous, scornful 这些词是考研中高频出现的,也就是说还有一些其他的表达这一类意思的词也不能选。为什么呢?其实很简单,这类词是放之四海皆不对的,它提倡和主张的不是我们所希望的,所以在学术性的议论文当中更不会出现。 2. 表达冷漠、不关心、不感兴趣及关心、感兴趣、担心的词 eg. Indifferent/ indifference, unconcerned, detached,


考研英语必备词汇 考研英语必备词汇 考研英语必备词汇1 考研英语必备词汇1 productivity n.生产率profession n.职业,专业,表白,宣布professional a.职业的,专门的n.自由职业者,专业人员professor n.教授proficiency n.(in)熟练,精通profile n.侧面(像);轮廓,外形;人物简介profit n.利润,收益v.(by,from)得利,获益;有利于profitable a.有利可图的,有益的profound a.深刻的,意义深远的;渊博的,造诣深的programme n.(program)节目,计划,规划,程序v.编程序progress v./n.进步,进展;前进progressive a.进步的,先进的;前进的prohibit v.禁止,不准;阻止project n.方案,工程,项目v.投射,放映;设计,规划projector n.放映机,幻灯机,投影仪prolong v.拉长,延长,拖延prominent a.突起的,凸出的;突出的,杰出的promise v.允许,答应;有可能n.承诺;希望,出息promising a.有希望的,有前途的promote v.促进,发扬;提升,提拔;增进,助长prompt a.敏捷的,迅速的,即刻的v.激起,促进,推动 考研英语必备词汇2 备受考生关注的《全国硕士研究生招生考试英语考试大纲》(以下简称大纲)于20xx年8月26日新鲜出炉,从整体上看,今年的大纲与去年相比,没有任何变化,因此,各位考生大可按照既定的复

习思路继续备考。那么相对于试卷上客观存在的5类题型,很多考生在备考过程中容易忽略掉一个最最基础的内容词汇。本文将结合最新的考纲及真题,为各位考生总结归纳9月份以后词汇备考策略。 到了9月份以后,考生们开始专注于各个题型的解题技巧的学习或真题的演练。而做过真题的同学必然会发现,通过解题技巧定位出题目答案所在的范围后,面临的最大的问题就是锁定的那句话读不明白,原因很简单:单词不认识。因此,词汇的学习与复习应始终贯穿始终并且有计划性。从基础阶段的夯实基础,到强化阶段的解题技巧的学习,再到提高阶段真题的演练以至于冲刺阶段的查缺补漏,唯一不能停止学习的就是单词,只是在不同阶段,各位考生对单词记忆的侧重点可以稍微有所调整。备考之初,很多同学整天抱着很厚的一本单词书啃,但过了基础阶段,就将其抛到九霄云外。确实,9月份之后没有像前期大把的时间着眼于单词,但也不能完全不理会它,正如大纲所言:阅读上要求考生能够读懂一篇生词量不超过3%的学术性议论文,也就意味着1篇500词左右的文章最多有15个左右单词是不认识的。那么这些生词该如何破解?①猜测;②结合语境。那么又该如何猜测呢?大纲在词汇上明确要求我们要掌握116组前后缀,这就是在提醒同学们在初期备考时就要按照词根词缀法记忆单词,首先可以识记词汇,其次可以帮助我们猜测生词。因此,9月份以后单词的学习应围绕真题,复习真题中出现的高频、核心单词,从真题中强化基础,这也就要求各位考生在日常的练习中能够有规律性的进行整理跟归纳:①对于那些已经彻底记住的单词,直接略过,当然要注意一点,


◣词语大辨析◢-§(21)"争论,争吵" argue,debate,discuss,dispute,quarrel都含有一定的"争论"之意 argue指一方坚持自己的意见,立场和观点,通过争论企图说服对方(argue with sb. about/over sth.) debate多指公开,正式场合进行的辩论或严肃的争论,双方各自陈述理由,"交锋""往返"的意味较强 discuss指为了解决问题或弄清对方的观点而进行的讨论,磋商 dispute指持续,激烈的争论,语气较强,有”相持不下,未得解决”的意思(in dispute在争论中) quarrel争吵,争论,含与人发生口角的意思 1.I ____ with my flat-mate about who should do the housework. A.discussed B.debated C.argued D.quarreled 2.What we are ____ about is not survival but the quality of life. A.disputing B.deducing C.discussing D.debating 3.They are ____over foreign policy. A.disputing B.discussing C.arguing D.debating 4.They hold a fierce ____ as to whether their company should restore the trade relationship which was broken years ago. A.debate B.clash C.disagreement D.contest 5.What he said just now had little to do with the question under ____. A.debate B.discussion C.dispution D.arguement 6.The case was fully ____ before agreement was reached. A.quarreled B.argued C.debated D.contested 1.I __D__ with my flat-mate about who should do the housework.我和我同住一个单元的人关于谁应做家务吵了一架.(quarrel with sb. about sth.与某人发生口角) A.discussed B.debated C.argued D.quarreled 2.What we are __A__ about is not survival but the quality of life.我们所争论的不是生存问题而是生活质量问题. A.disputing B.deducing C.discussing D.debating 3.They are __C__ over foreign policy.他们正就外交政策进行辩论. (argue with sb. about/over sth.) A.disputing B.discussing C.arguing D.debating 4.They hold a fierce __A__ as to whether their company should restore the trade relationship which was broken years ago.他们就公司是否应当恢复几年前中断了的贸易关系进行了一场激烈的争论. A.debate B.clash C.disagreement D.contest 5.What he said just now had little to do with the question under __B__.他刚才所见讲的与讨论的问题关系不大.(under discussion在讨论中) A.debate B.discussion C.dispution D.arguement 6.The case was fully __B__ before agreement was reached.这案件在达成一致意见前进行了充分争论. A.quarreled B.argued C.debated D.contested


考研近义词、形近词辨析宝典(共90组) ******************************************************************************* abnormal, uncommon abnormal a.不正常的,反常的(但并非罕见),指行为或现象(如气候)的异常。 His body temperature has been abnormal for 3 days, the highest point reaching 40.5 degree centigrade.他的体温三天来一直都不正常,最高的时候达到40.5摄氏度。uncommon a.罕见的,不平常的,指很少经历或很少见到的状况;特别的,出色的。Hurricanes are uncommon in England.飓风在英国非常罕见。 That is uncommon instant coffee; it tastes great! 那速溶咖啡质量上乘,味道好极了! ******************************************************************************* abide, adhere, conform, comply abide v.后接by表示“遵守,同意”。 I will abide by the director' decision.我将遵从主任的决定。 adhere v.后接to表示“遵守”。(当然adhere一词的其它意思如“坚持;粘附”也经常被考到。) Car drivers must adhere to the rules of driving.汽车司机必须遵守驾驶规则。conform v.后接to表示“遵守,符合”。 All individuals are required to conform to the laws made by their governments.每个人都应该遵守政府制订的法律。 comply v.后接with表示“遵守,服从”,用于正式的场合。 Our company complies with governmental regulations on paying taxes.我们公司遵守政府有关纳税的规定。 ******************************************************************************* abstract, digest, outline, summary 这一组名词都有“要点,摘要”的意思。 abstract n.概要,摘要,尤其指对学术论文或法律论据作的简述。 I have read the abstract of his book.我已经读了他的书的概要。 digest n. (篇幅较长的)摘要,文摘,它是对原文的浓缩而不是对原文的简单解释,浓缩后仍保持原文的顺序、重点和风格。 Reader's Digest《读者文摘》 outline n.要点,大纲,概要。 She made an outline of ideas she wanted to present in her talk.她把自己要谈的想法列了一个提纲。 summary n.总结,摘要,指用寥寥数语概括文章或者讲话的要点,不考虑原文的风格。 ******************************************************************************* absurd, ridiculous这一组形容词都有“愚蠢,可笑”的意思。 absurd a.荒谬的,可笑的,指因不符合常识、违反真理或不合逻辑而令人发笑。 There was an absurd idea that the earth was flat and motionless.过去曾经有一种荒谬的观点认为地球呈扁平状而且静止不动。


考研英语词汇同义词辨析归纳 1. victory ,conquest ,triumph 【辨析】 victory [viktri] 往往只用来表示在比赛或斗争中打败对手的意思,但用于斗争中,它则暗示胜利者产生的某种满意的情绪 conquest [kkwest] 往往意味着对对手的控制或制服 triumph [traimf] 胜利者因获得灿烂的或决定性的胜利 ,有得意洋洋的意思。 2.glance ,glimpse 【辨析】 glance [ɡlɑ:ns]意为“看一眼”或“扫视”,指在短暂的时间内从正面随便地匆匆地看上一眼。 glimpse [ɡlimps多指在一霎时瞥见某人或某物而有没看见全貌,往往含有不正眼看的意味。 3.publish,proclaim,declare,assert,announce 【辨析】publish [pbli] 常指正式地公布一件事,现在尤其指在影响范围更广的报刊上颁布法律、公布决议 proclaim [prkleim] 常指官方或当局正式宣布某件事情,极为庄重。 1

declare [dikl] 强调权威性的言辞。可能指有力地或直率地断言,也可以指正而明确地宣布或声明某一件事的发生。 assert [s:t]基本意义与 declare [dikl]相似。有时强调虽有证据,但其语言不确切。 announce [nauns] 几乎专指公众或官方的言论。 4.surprise ,astonish ,amaze ,shock 【辨析】 surprise [spraiz] 一般用语。指某事或某特殊的事发生出乎预料、感到意外而使人产生突然的或惊异的感觉。 astonish [stni] 常指一种带有不可理解,是贬义词。 amaze [meiz] 强调某种惊愕使人迷惑不解,含有“惊叹”、“佩服”之意。 shock [k] 本组内语气最为强烈。含有对情感造成触动的意味。 5. remark, comment, review 【辨析】 remark [rimɑ:k]意思是口头的评价,比较简单,而且不定客观的评价 comment [kment] 是比较正式的评价,而且具有权威的感觉。 review [rivju:] 是指对书籍或电影,电视的评价,是附加性的,是为了引起读者的注意和提示作用。 2


2020年考研英语一真题答案及解析 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Even if families are less likely to sit down to eat together than was once the case, millions of Britons will none the less have partaken this weekend of one of the nation's great traditions: the Sunday roast.__1__ a cold winter's day, few culinary pleasures can __2__it.Yet as we report now, the food police are determined that this __3__ should be rendered yet another guilty pleasure __4__ to damage our health. The Food Standards Authority (FSA) has __5__ a public warning about the risks of a compound called acrylamide that forms in some foods cooked __6__ high temperatures.This means that people should __7__ crisping their roast potatoes, spurn thin-crust pizzas and only __8__ toast their bread.But where is the evidence to support such alarmist advice?__9__ studies have shown that acrylamide can cause neurological damage in mice, there is no __10__ evidence that it causes cancer in humans. Scientists say the compound is "__11__ to be carcinogenic" but have no hard scientific proof.__12__ the precautionary principle, it could be argued that it is __13__ to follow the FSA advice.__14__, it was rumored that smoking caused cancer for years before the evidence was found to prove a __15__. Doubtless a piece of boiled beef can always be __16__ up on Sunday alongside some steamed vegetables,without the Yorkshire pudding and no wine.But would life be worth living?__17__, the FSA says it is not telling people to cut out roast foods __18__, but to reduce their lifetime intake.However, their __19__ risks coming across as exhortation and nannying.Constant health scares just __20__ with no one listening. 1. A In B Towards C On D Till 2. A match B express C satisfy D influence 3. A patience B enjoyment C surprise D concern 4. A intensified B privileged C compelled D guaranteed 5. A issued B received C ignored D canceled 6. A under B at C for D by 7. A forget B regret C finish D avoid 8. A partially B regularly C easily D initially 9. A Unless B Since C If D While 10. A secondary B external C inconclusive D negative 11. A insufficient B bound C likely D slow 12. A On the basis of B At the cost of C In addition to D In contrast to 13. A interesting B advisable C urgent D fortunate 14. A As usual B In particular C By definition D After all 15. A resemblance B combination C connection D pattern 16. A made B served C saved D used 17. A To be fair B For instance C To be brief D in general 18. A reluctantly B entirely C gradually D carefully 19. A promise B experience C campaign D competition 20. A follow up B pick up C open up D end up 解析: 今年完形填空的难度较前两年略难,虽然话题不难理解,但不易把握上下文的线索。需要对文章内容有全


2020考研英语:完型词汇辨析(三十九) 考研英语有许多题目组成,方便大家及时了解,下面为你精心准备了“2020考研英语:完型词汇辨析(三十九)”,持续关注本站将可以持续获取的考试资讯! 2020考研英语:完型词汇辨析(三十九) assume 假定, 设想,担任承担接受 解析:【同】suppose 【辨析】suppose最不正式,表示根据一定证据作出的见解,assume用于逻辑推理,强调一种缺乏证据的结论,以检验某种建议。 authority 权威, 权力, 权势【pl.】当局, 负责人官方职权许可的权力根据, 凭据, 引证权威, 专家 解析:the authorities of government author作者 【衍】authorize,authorization available 可用到的, 可利用的, 有用的, 有空的, 接受探访的 解析:【衍】availability availably 注意:一般在名词之后,the apple available benefit n.利益, 好处vt.有益于, 有助于vi.受益 解析:【同】profit advantage interest 【辨析】advantage指有利条件,优势 take advantage of

benefit兼指物质及精神的好处 profit指利润 interest指利息 concept n.概念观念 consistent adj. 调和的, 坚固的 (常与with连用)与…一致的 解析:【助记法】-sist-表示坚持或力度,静态,构成 【衍】consistency constitutional adj.构成的, 增强体质的, 宪法的, 拥护宪法的 解析:【衍】constitute 组成 constitution 宪法 context n.上下文, 文章的前后关系 解析:注意它常用比喻的意思,表示语境或环境。 context-dependent adj. 随上下文决定的,与上下文有关的context-free adj. 与上下文无关的,注意free的否定含义,如alcohol-free context-sensitive adj.上下文有关的


2020考研英语:词缀词汇plaint=complain 考研英语有许多题目组成,方便大家及时了解,下面为你精心准备了“2020考研英语:词缀词汇plaint=complain”,持续关注本站将可以持续获取的考试资讯! 2020考研英语:词缀词汇plaint=complain►plaint=complain,表示“抱怨” plaintive a 痛苦的,伤心的(plaint+ive) plaintiff n 原告(plaint+iff 表名词,如:tariff 关税) palaint n 悲叹 complaint n 抱怨(com 全部+plaint&rarr对全部东西抱怨) 2020考研英语:词缀词汇plaud=clap hands ►plaud=clap hands,表示“鼓掌” applaud v 拍手喝彩(ap+pland) applause n 鼓掌(applaud 的名词) plausible a 可行的有理的(plaus+ible&rarr能鼓掌经过的&rarr可行的) plaudit n 称赞,赞美(plaud+it 表名词,如:pundit 权威人士,专家) 2020考研英语:词缀词汇pold=big noise ►pold=big noise,表示“大声音” plod v 拖重步子走路 explode v 爆炸(ex 出+plod+e&rarr出来大声音&rarr爆炸)

explosion n 爆炸(explode 的名词) implode v 内聚爆炸,猛然内缩(im 内+plode&rarr向内爆炸) implosion n 内暴


2020考研英语词汇:appoint的翻译解析考研英语有许多题目组成,方便大家及时了解,下面为你精心准备了“2020考研英语词汇:appoint的翻译解析”,持续关注本站将可以持续获取的考试资讯! 2020考研英语词汇:appoint的翻译解析appoint什么意思及同义词 及物动词: 1.任命,指派,委派 2.分派,分配 3.给……提供设备 词形变化 时态 appointed,appointing,appoints 单词分析 这些动词均有“任命,委派”之意。 appoint通常指不经过选择的官方委任。 designate书面用语,侧重当权者或机构的选拔或任命,有时含强行指定的意味。 assign常指给一群人或个人分配、分派、指派或委派任务。 name普通用词,着重任命的结果,而不是过程。 nominate通常指为某一公职选择候选人,并将其提交给有决定权的人作最后决定。

英语解释 furnish assign a duty, responsibility or obligation to create and charge with a task or function 例句 When only a child, he went to Hunan with his father, who had been appointed an official there, and the family settled down in Hengyang. 当他还是一个小孩的时候,他的父亲到湖南任职,他就跟随全家迁居到衡阳。 To his credit, my son was bewildered, embarrassed, and disappointed. He wasn‘t used to being passed over for academic recognition. 对这样的结果,我儿子显得有些不知所措,既难为情又失望,他还不习惯于在学业的竞争中被淘汰。 "I have appointment with company x, y, and z today. " 我今天与X,Y及Z公司有约会 There had been some barley and wheat together, but, to my great disappointment, I found afterwards that the rats had eaten or spoil'd it all 船上本来还有一点大麦和小麦,但后来发现都给老鼠吃光了或搞脏了,使我大为失望。 This raises expectations, which, when absolutely disappointed, make the relaror of this excellent thing look,


2020年考研英语“d开头”优秀词汇 【导语】生命不是一篇“文摘”,不接受平淡,只收藏精彩。对于考试而言,每天进步一点点,基础扎实一点点,老师为您提供2020年考研英语“d开头”优秀词汇,一起看看吧。 2020年考研英语“d开头”优秀词汇篇一 1 discovery n.发现;被发现的事物 2 discreet a.(言行)谨慎的;慎重的;有判断力的 3 discrepancy n.相差;差异;矛盾; 4 discriminate v.区别,辨别;(against)有差别地对待,歧视 5 discuss vt.讨论,商议 6 disease n.疾病 7 disgrace n.失宠,耻辱 v.使失宠;玷辱,使蒙羞 8 disguise n./v.假装,伪装 9 disgust n.厌恶,恶心 v.使厌恶 10 dish n.碟子,盘子,菜肴

11 dislike n./v.不喜欢,厌恶 12 dismay n./v.(使)沮丧;(使)惊慌;(使)失望,(使)绝望 13 dismiss v.免职,解雇,开除,解散 14 disorder n.混乱,杂乱;*;失调,疾病 15 disperse v.(使)分散;(使)散开;疏散 16 displace v.移置,转移;取代,置换 17 display v./n.陈列,展览,显示(器) 18 disposal n.处理,处置;布置,安排 19 dispose v.(of)处理,处置;(for)布置,安排 20 disposition n.排列,部署;性格倾向;倾向,意向 21 dispute n.争论,争执 v.争论,辩论;反驳;怀疑;阻止 22 disregard vt.不理会;忽视;漠视 n.忽视;漠视 23 disrupt vt.使混乱,使崩溃,使分裂,使瓦解 24 dissipate v.驱散;(使云、雾、疑虑等)消散;挥霍 25 dissolve v.(使)溶解,(使)融化;解散,取消 26 distance n.距离,间隔,远方,路程 27 distant a.远的;遥远的;疏远的;不亲近的 28 distill vt.蒸馏,用蒸馏法提取;吸取,提炼 29 distinct a.清楚的,明显的;(from)截然不同的


考研英语词汇多义词 ①?absorb: v. ①吸收: to ~ sweat ②吸收并同化:~ed into the pop culture ③经受,承受: to ~ these changes ④使全神贯注(be absorbed in)【解】前缀“ab-”,词根“sorb”(suck,吸) ②?back: n. ①背②反面,后面v. ①后退②支持a. 到期未支付的,拖欠的:~ pay (rent) 【派】backup, backward, backbone 【搭】back up (支持,后背),back off(退让),back and forth, ③available: a. ①可利用的,可获得的:the amount of money ~ for spending ②有空的, 可会见的[反busy] ③有效的,通用的:The ticket is ~ on the day of issue only. 此票仅发售当天后效。【解】前缀“a-”,词根“vail”(value),后缀“able”【派】avail; availability ④attend: v. ①出席,参加②上学,上教堂③照料,看护:Doctors were rare and only attended to very sick patients. ④注意,专心,倾听[反ignore]:to attend closely music 【解】前缀“as-”,词根“tend”(take)【派】attention, attentive, attendance (到场人数,上座率) ⑤assume: v. ①承担,采取,呈现:to ~ responsibility ②假定,以为,猜想[侧重于没有 真实的证据]):When you have a language degree, people ~ that you can speak the language fluently.【解】前缀“as-”,词根“sume”(take)【派】assumption[其后常接同位语从句] ⑥associate (注意动词发音,而形容词和名词发音不同): v. ①联想:to be ~d with old-fashioned values 使人联想到老派价值观②与…有关系③与…为伍[含有贬义色彩]:She spent her adolescence associating with criminals. / a. 副的,准的: associate members 准成员/ n. 同事,伙伴:a new set of ~s 一批新同事【解】前缀“as-”,词根“soc”(群体),后缀“ate” ⑦assert: v. ①坚持,要求:to ~ one’s rights ②宣称,断言(to state firmly and forcefully): a startling assertion 令人吃惊的看法【解】前缀“as-”,词根“sert”(say)【派】assertive (武断的,过分有自信的) ⑧?approach: n. ①路径,途径:an ~ to the palace ②方法,态度: He was highly commercial in his approach. 他的态度商业气十足。v. ①靠近,走进[侧重最近距离] ②探讨,处理,对待【解】前缀“ap-”,词根“proach”(走,走近) ⑨appreciation: n. ①欣赏,赏识(= recognition) ②感激,感谢(=gratitude) ③领会,认识: a full ~of the implications 对牵涉之问题的充分了解【解】前缀“ap-”,词根“prec”(price), 后缀“ation”【派】appreciate, appreciable (= noticeable) ⑩application n. ①申请,请求: to complete ~ forms ②应用;运用:apps ③用功,专心: immense talent, boundless energy and unremitting application 极高的天分、无限的精力和不懈的努力【解】词根“pli”(finger,手指)【派】apply; applicable (to) 适用于 b与p为浊辅音和清辅音的关系。pulse与搏击、敲打相关,如脉搏,bell(铃声,打铃)为隐喻。 ??appeal: v./ n. ①吸引,使感兴趣:appealing dolls ②呼吁:a radio appeal 广播电台的呼吁③申诉,上诉: the Supreme Court had just turned down our appeal 最高法院刚刚驳回了我们的上诉【解】前缀“ap-”,词根“peal”(push, pulse)【派】appealing, unappealing
