





With the development of _1现象或问题的背景__, ___2现象或问题__ has aroused great concern, which requires further analysis. There are many reasons

involved. Among them, ___3原因之一___ plays a very important role, that is to say, __4原因之一的主题词___ becomes __5原因之一的状态____ thanks to _6前述状态的理由___. What is more, it is ___7原因二___ to some degree. The similar

reasons are too numerous to mention one by one. Therefore, many measures must be taken on this matter. The first method is to __8观点或方法一___. Immediately after that, we should put focus on the importance to __9观点或方法二___. Only in this way can we __10重申主题____.


例子1 题目:On friendship

With the development ofhas aroused great concern, which requires further analysis. There are many reasons involved. Among them, plays a very important role, that is to say, 4 friendship becomes 5some degree. The similar reasons are too numerous to mention one by one. Therefore, many measures must be taken on this matter. The first method is 8. Immediately after that, we should put focus on the importance to . (141 words)


例子2 题目:the problem of heavy traffic

With the development ofwhich requires further analysis. There are many reasons involved. Among them,


常识性说明文的作文 常识性说明文的作文篇一:说明文指导及范文 一、说明文写作指导 说明文是客观的说明事物的一种文体,目的在于给人以知识:或说明事物状态、性质、功能的特征;或解说事物的发展变化;或阐述某一种道理;或解说事物之间的关系。 从总体上讲,说明文分为两大类型:说明事物特点的事物说明文和阐明事理说明文。 能写“简单的说明文”,做到“内容具体,中心明确,文字通顺”,是(大纲)对初中阶段说明文写作的基本要求,具体讲,包括以下几点: ①认真观察说明对象,抓住了特征; ②说明讲究了一定的顺序,条理性强; ③依据说明对象或说明内容采用合适的说明方法; ④语言表达讲究分寸,用语准确,并力求多样性。 怎样才能写好说明文呢? 首先,要抓住事物的特征。所谓特征,就是事物本身的某一点(或几点)的独特属性,也就是这一事物与其他事物在本质上的差别,即这一事物区别于其他事物的标志。要准确地把握特征,一要靠观察,二要靠比较。观察,必须认真、仔细、全面,这就是发现、抓住并说明事物特征的前提;比较,有纵向比较,如现在和过去

相比;有横向比较,如此物与彼物相比。对于事物说明文来讲,还要通过调查资料、向人请教等途径弄清事理。只要善于观察研究,就能把握特征。同是建筑,有的以雄伟著称,有的以精巧见长,有的简朴自然,有的典雅华丽;同是动物,有的凶猛,有的温驯。这些都是可以通过观察来把握的。比如要你写一篇介绍水的说明文,你必须介绍水是一种什么物质、水的种类和形态、水的重要性等。要做到这一点,你必须观察研究,知道水是由氢、氧组成的无色无味的透明液体,随着温度的变化而呈液态、固态和气态,水是人民生活和工农业生产必不可少的物质。1993年全国高考小作文,要求根据所绘图画介绍圆规。小而平常的圆规,乍看无特征可言,但一深究,圆规最大的特征是什么呢?当然是画圆,这是它最大的属性,也是特征。抓住这一点,文章就好写了。按要求要写圆规的构造、功能和使用方法,但这一切又必须紧紧围绕画圆这个主要特征,其作用是画圆,而它的构造和使用方法也都是为画圆服务的。 第二,用词要准确。在说明事物形态、性质、功用或操作程序时,必须将数量、范围、程度、次序等表达清楚、恰当,尤其要注意修饰、限制、补充性词语的选用。 第三,条理要清楚。根据说明对象及其特征的不同,分别选用空间顺序、时间顺序、逻辑顺序及主次顺序、因果关系等。最后,要学习运用举例子、列数字、作比较、分类别这四种主要的说明方法。


高考英语指导写作专题:图表说明文 一,图表说明 1,分类:数字表、函数关系图、曲线图(graph);表格(table);几何图形(figure);图形表、饼状图(pie chart);条状图、柱状图(bar chart); 平面图、示意图、外形图(diagram)。 2,一般可分三个层次来写: 按照题目要求描述图表反映的总情况,即概括大意。 对数字进行仔细的比较,抓住特点进行分析、归纳并找出产生变化的原因。 读图表后的想法、结论、评论或针对反映出的问题采取的解决措施。 二.表达方式: 1,常用的描述句型The table/chart/diagram/graph shows that ... According to the table/chart/diagram/graph... As is shown in the table/chart/diagram/graph... As can be seen from the table/chart/diagram/graph/figures... We can see from the figures/statistics... It is clear/ apparent from the figures/statistics... 2.图表中数据(data)的具体表达法 数据(data)在某一个时间段固定不变:fixed in time 在一系列的时间段中转变:changes over time 增加:increase/raise/rise/... 减少:decrease/grow down/drop/fall/decline 稳定:remain stable 3.描写变化的形容词及副词 rapid/rapidly,dramatic/dramatically,significant/significantly,sharp/sharply steep/steeply,steady/steadily,gradual/gradually,slow/slowly,slight/slightly 三、写作模板 As (is) shown/indicated by the figure/in the table/graph/pie chart/chart,_____ has been increased/decreased significantly/steadily from _____ to_____. From the sharp decline/rise in the chart,it goes without saying that_____. There are at least two reasons accounting for / contributing to ____. On the one hand, _____ On the other hand, _____. _____is due to the fact that_____. In addition, _____is responsible for_____. Maybe there are other reasons to show. But it is generally believed that the above mentioned reasons are commonly convincing/persuasive. As far as I am concerned,I hold the view that_____. I am sure my opinion is both sound and well-grounded. 四,作文范例 1,最近你校对中学生的消费情况进行了调查。请根据调查表提供的信息写一篇英语短文,简要介绍调查结果并谈谈你对中学生消费的看法。


英语作文说明文 说明文类 写作指导 说明文的出题形式为文字提示或图表,文体有报道、投稿、书信等。写作步骤如下: 第一步:审题,确定主题句、主体时态(一般以现在时态为主)和中心人称; 第二步:在主题句后按提示顺序将各要点以完整的句子表达出来; 第三步:用过渡词将上下文的逻辑关系体现出来。 常用词有: ①表示时间:now, then, afterwards, soon, five minutes later,before long, shortly after that, soon after supper, to this day, just now, just then ②表示顺序、动作过程:first, firstly, first of all, second, secondly, at first, at last, next ③表示转折:but, yet, and yet, however, although, otherwise, in spite of ④表示结果:thus, therefore, so, as a result, seeing that, luckily, unfortunately ⑤表示强调:above all, indeed, surely, certainly, of course, after all, without any delay, at least, at most ⑥表示并列:and, also, as well as, and then ⑦表示递进:besides, what's more, in addition, even, once more, what was worse ⑧表示解释和说明:that is to say, namely, for example, actually, and so on, such as, believe it or not,to tell you the truth,according this, for this reason ⑨表示比较、对比:just like, just as, in the same way, more or less, sooner or later, on the contrary, on the other hand ⑩表示总结:finally, in conclusion, in a word, in general, generally speaking, in short, as you know, in the end 需要注意的是:使用上述过渡性词必须根据上下文需要的原则,力求自然,决不可牵强附会,让人感觉别扭。 精选范文 以“早起是好习惯”为题写篇议论文。请围绕以下几点来写: ①早起与健康; ②早起与学习; ③早起与一天的活动。 (字数80~120,要求自拟标题) Getting Up Early Is a Good Habit Getting up early is a good habit. It is very important to our health, our study, our life and so on. First, getting up early helps to keep us strong. We can do morning exercises in the open air in the morning and breathe fresh air to build our bodies. Second, getting up early helps us to memorize what we have learned in class by reading aloud in the morning. Third, getting up early can help us to find enough time to prepare our work of the day. If we stick to getting up early every day, it will do us a lot of good. 练习 ①某国际性英语刊物有一个介绍各国风俗习惯的专栏,请为该专栏写一篇短文,简单介绍中国的农历新年(春节)。请包括以下要点: a.春节是中国人的重要节日;


说明文 说明文是以说明为主要表达方式来解说事物、阐明事理而给人知识的文章体裁。它通过揭示概念来说明事物特征、本质及其规律性。 说明文实用性很强,它包括广告、说明书、提要、提示、规则、章程、解说词、科学小品等。 说明文一般介绍事物的形状、构造、类别、关系、功能,解释事物的原理、含义、特点、演变等。 文艺性说明文是通过文艺的形式介绍科学知识的说明文。 说明文的特点是“说”,而且具有一定的知识性。这种知识,或者来自有关科学研究资料,或者是亲身实践、调查、考察的所得,都具有严格的科学性。为了要把事物说明白,就必须把握事物的特征,进而揭示出事物的本质属性,即不仅要说明“是什么”,还要说明“为什么”是这样。应用性说明文一般只要求说明事物的特征,阐述性说明文则必须揭示出问题的本源和实质。 说明文是客观地说明事物的一种文体,目的在于给人以知识:或说明事物的状态、性质、功能,或阐明事理。《中国石拱桥》属于前者,它以赵州桥和卢沟桥为例说明中国石拱桥“不但形式优美,而且结构坚固”的特征。《大自然的语言》属于后者,文章科学地说明了物候学知识。说明事物特点和阐明事理是说明文的两种类型。

为了把事物特征说清楚,或者把事理阐述明白,必须有相适应的说明方法。常见的说明方法有举例子、分类别、列数据、作比较、画图表、下定义、作诠释、打比方、摹状貌、作引用、作假设等。写说明文要根据说明对象和写作目的,选用最佳方法。采用什么说明方法,一方面服从内容的需要,另一方面作者有选择的自由。是采用某一种说明方法,还是采用多种说明方法,是采用这种说明方法,还是那种说明方法,可以灵活,不是一成不变的。 说明要有顺序,这是使说明内容条理化的必要条件。常见的说明顺序有:时间顺序、空间顺序、逻辑顺序。说明的时间顺序和记叙的时间顺序相似。空间顺序,要特别注意弄清空间的位置,注意事物的表里、大小、上下、前后、左右、东南西北等的位置和方向。逻辑顺序,常以推理过程来表现。采用什么顺序,主要取决于作者所说明对象的特点。说明事物的发展变化,时间顺序容易表示清楚。写建筑物的结构,离开空间顺序难让读者看明白。说明事理用逻辑顺序,正便于体现事理的内部联系。 说明语言的准确性与科学性,是说明文语言的先决条件。表示时间、空间、数量、范围、程度、特征、性质、程序等,都要求准确无误。说明的实用性很强,稍有差错,会失之毫厘,谬以千里。在准确的前提下,说明的语言有的以平实见长,有的以生动活泼见长。由于说明的对象和作者语言风格的不同,说明的语言也是多种多样的:或概括,或具体;或简洁,或丰腴;或精练,


中考英语作文英语作文模板:图表作文的框架 as is shown/indicated/illustrated by the figure/percentage in the table(graph/picture/pie/chart), ___作文题目的议题_____ has been on rise/ decrease (goesup/increases/drops/decreases), significantly/dramatically/steadily rising/decreasing from______ in _______ to ______ in _____。 From the sharp/marked decline/ rise in the chart, it goes without saying that ________。 There are at least two good reasons accounting for ______。 On the one hand, ________。 On the other hand, _______ is due to the fact that ________。In addition, ________ is responsible for _______。Maybe there are some other reasons to show ________。But it is generally believed that the above mentioned reasons are commonly convincing。 As far as I am concerned, I hold the point of view that _______。 I am sure my opinion is both sound and well-grounded。 图表作文(讲解图表,结合实际,总结观点) 海淀: 十、文段表达(共15分) 根据中文提示和图表内容,写一篇意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于60词的文段。文段的开头已给出,其词数不计入所完成的文段内。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。 75. 现在的中学生每月都有一定数量的零花钱。某校对九年级(1)班的30名学 生进行了零花钱用途的调查。结果如下:有的同学常买零食或书籍,有的同学把钱花在手机或其他方面,也有的同学把零花钱存了起来。请你任选图表中的2至3项简述调查结果,谈谈你是如何支配零花钱的,并说明理由。


说明文的写作技巧 写说明文和写其它文章一样,必须明确写作意图,确立文章中心;充分占有材料,力求做到言之有物、言之有序。除了这些一般性的要求之外,说明文的写作还有如下要求: (一)抓住事物特征,把握说明中心 任何事物都具有自身的质的规定性,一个事物的特征是区别于其它事物的标志。写说明文只有抓住事物的特征,才能把被说明的事物准确清晰地介绍给读者,让人们对事物有确切的了解。事物往往有方面的特征,介绍事物时,不可能在一篇说明文里面面俱到;只能根据需要,一次谈一两个特征。因此,要写好说明文,还必须把握说明文的中心。如:《漫活圆周率》是一篇介绍数学基础的说明文。文章题为“漫话”,并没有漫无边际地随意堆砌关于圆周率的材料,而是围绕求出圆周率的更精确的数值这个中心,向人们介绍了古今中外数学家对圆周率的数值所做的贡献。 抓住事物特点,把握说明中心,这是写说明文的一个重要要求,要做到这一点,写作者必须在写作前对被说明的事物作深入细致的研究。必须懂得只有熟悉被说明的事物,认识并掌握被说明事物本身的规律性,才能做到这一点。 (二)针对具体情况,选好写作角度 写说明文也是要求有的放矢的。写什么、怎样写,要从读者的实际情况考虑,使文章具有针对性,切合读者的知识水平、职业特点和年龄大小。往往读者对象不同,写的角度也不同。如阐述吸烟有害的说明文很多,有的是针对老年人的,有的是对妇女而言的,的有是对青少年而言的,角度不同,说明的内容则各有侧重。《青少年吸烟害处大》这篇文章从青少年是国家的未来和希望

的高度介绍吸烟对青少年的危害,突出分析青少年的生理特征,说明青少年接触毒性物质比成年人吸收快、排除慢、毒害大的情况,指出“吸烟对青少年是绝对有害而无一利的”。这样说明目的清楚,针对性强。 写说明文选取什么角度要依实际情况而定。比如,介绍牛的知识,如果是为饲养者写的,要侧重介绍牛的生活习惯和特性;如果是为使用者写的,要侧重介绍牛的功能和力气;如果是为兽医写的,则主要介绍它的身体构造;如果是为食用者写的,可以主要介绍它的营养价值。当然,作为科普知识介绍,不妨全面一点为好。 (三)务求解说清楚、做到条理分明 写说明文的目的就是让人获得知识的技能,只有解说清楚,才能达到这个目的。说明说明,一说即明,如何解说清楚,要讲究说明的方法,注意结构的安排,着力语言的运用。关于说明的方法,这里就不详细介绍了。这里着重讲讲结构安排的条理性问题。 文章的条理性是客观事物、事理本身的特点、规律在文章结构上的反映。说明文解说事物、阐释事理要按其本身的条理来安排说明的次序,使之层次清楚,主次分明,安排说明文的结构首先要注意条理性。如何具体安排结构,不同类型的说明文有不同要求,介绍产品制作过程的说明文,往往按照产品生产工序来安排结构,如叶圣陶的《景泰蓝的制作》是一篇介绍手工工艺品景泰蓝的说明文。它按照制作工艺的程序,抓住“做胎”、“掐丝”、“涂色”、“烧制”、“打磨”五道关键工序依次作了详细具体的说明,全篇言之有序,给人的印象十分鲜明。这一类安排,以时间变化为序,着重写事物的过程。


英语说明文范文 1 2. something you must know this library is and english language teaching and learning library. if you want to borrow some books, you must fill out a library application form and put it in the box on the librarians desk. because of the large number of applications we receive each week, you must wait oneweek. please bring your student or work card to pick up your library card. library application forms which are not picked up within 2 months will be discarded and you will have to reapply. 3. english corner without you ,it would have never been possible. thank you. 4. this is a diagram of our schoolyard. it is four hundred meters long and three hundred meters wide. the school gate faces the south. our teaching building stands in the middle of our school yard. it is a building of five stories .the teachers offices are on the third floor. there is a garden in front of the teaching building. on the left of the garden is our library. our lab is on the right of the garden. there is a large playground behind the teaching building. many trees are planted around the school-yard. 5. english dictionaries most english dictionaries will tell you a number of things about the language. there are three important things, spelling, pronunciation and meanings. the first is the spelling of the words. if you are not sure about the spelling of a word, you can try to find the correct spelling in a dictionary. the words are always given in alphabetical order. the second thing is pronuncia- tion, most dictionaries give the pronunciation of a word in a special kind of alphabet, which is called phonetic. the third thing a dictionary will tell you is the meanings of words, many words have more than one meaning, and a good dictionary will explain all of the words meanings. these are some of the important facts that you can learn from dictionaries. 6. hans christian anderson hans christian anderson was a world-famous writer of fairy tales. he was born in 1805. when he was eleven his father died. his family was then so poor that he could not go to school during his childhood. he learned sewing from a tailor. at the age of fourteen, he went to work in a theatre. later helped by some warm-hearted artists, he went to school. in 1828, he began to get advanced education. after graduation, he devoted himself to literature. he wrote plays, novels, poems and so on. he worked hard at literature. this led to his great success. he wrote more than 160 stories in all .he was famous for his funny fairy tales, which became popular all over the world. he died in 1875. 7. my favorite program nowadays radios and tvs play a more and more important role in our daily life.


高中英语满分写作模板:说明文写作模板 万能句型 (1)It is located in/situated in... 它坐落在…… (2)China is a large country with a long history and much population. 中国是一个历史悠久、人口众多的大国。 (3)The Great Wall of China dates back to more than 2,500 years ago. 中国长城的历史可以追溯到2 500多年前。 (4)New Zealand has a population of about 3.8 million people, of which about fourteen percent are Maori. 新西兰有大约380万人,其中约14%是毛利人。 (5)You will never regret if you pay a visit to it. 如果你参观它,你将绝对不会后悔的。 (6)It is really a great feast for your eyes. 它真的会让你大饱眼福。 (7)A trip to China will make you know more about it besides/as well as/in addition to/apart from its culture and history. 中国之行,除了它的文化和历史之外,将会让你知道得更多。

(8)Go along the street until you come to the traffic lights. 沿这条路一直走到红绿灯那儿。 (9)My home is not far from here. It's only five minutes' walk. 我家离这儿不远,只有步行5分钟的路程。 (10)As a matter of fact, the main cause of it is... 实际上,它的主要原因是…… (11)To ensure success, there is one more thing that you must bear in mind, that is... 为了确保成功,还有一点你必须记住,那就是…… (12)If you can do what has been mentioned above, you can guarantee success. 如果你能做到上面提到的,你就可以取得成功。 黄金模板 模板A 解决问题型模板: 要求考生列举出解决问题的多种途径。基本结构是:(1)问题的现状和严重性;(2)怎样解决(不同解决方案的优点和缺点);(3)对解决该问题的看法。


目录 智慧手环..................................................................... .. (1) 栀子花..................................................................... .. (2) 剪纸..................................................................... (3) 日全食五大看点..................................................................... (4) 家乡的桥..................................................................... .. (5) 我的家乡..................................................................... .. (6) 圣诞节有感..................................................................... .. (7)

智慧手环 “智慧”手环到底是什么样儿,可能连命题人自己也不太清楚。下面来谈谈我设计的“智慧”手环。 首先,当然要说说“智慧”手环里的数据。这些数据,说白了就是迄今为止人类已知的各种各样的知识。对于这些知识,到底是搞个集大成,还是分门别类,这是很需要考虑的。我的看法倾向于后者。 理由很简单,大概很少有人对各门类的知识都感兴趣,容量太大等于增加成本,不划算。可以通过统计估算,按照大多数人的需要,分成若干大类,比如生活技能类、医学常识类、文学历史类、天文地理类、刑事侦破类、交通出行类等等。不趣、不同职业、不同专业、不同学历的人,可以各取所需。 其次,是技术支持的问题。“智慧”手环里应该有最先进、最快速的检索、输出系统。有三点需要高手来攻克:一是“智慧”手环如何与使用者的神经系统相连接,最好不要考虑植入体,因为这样风险太大,换起来也麻烦,体外连接当是首选。二是“智慧”手环的激活与信息转换问题,是语音激活,还是脉冲激活,还是其它,检索出的数据如何转换为神经刺激信息,通过什么途径传入使用者的大脑与语言中枢,这要与生物学专业人士联合“攻关”才能解决。三是系统的速度,应该严格限制在0.1秒以,时间长了,使用者半天说不出道不来,会让人以为此人是结巴,影响形象。 第三,几个辅助性的细节。“智慧”手环里采集的“知识”,抑或数据是否符合知识产权保护法?是否有自动更新功能?是否有自我保护措施?等等。 重点谈自我保护问题。首先要保证“智慧”手环为好人服务,为社会进步服务。如果有人利用“智慧”手环从事犯罪活动,像盗窃啦、作弊啦、贪污啦、抢劫啦、诈骗啦、窃听啦、搞恐怖活动啦等等,“智慧”手环能否暂时“自我关闭”;遇有病毒侵入,“智慧”手环是否有及时诊断、同步防护的本领;“智慧”手环如果丢失,或被他人盗用,是否有报警及释放脉冲报告位置的功能等等。 感命题人出了这么好的题目,歪打正着,撞进了我的“最近发展区”,所以我就投桃报,为他策划了一番。而且特别声明,这是免费的。 具体充实,逻辑性强。文章本天成,妙手偶得之。考场写说明文的本来就很少,写得出色的就更属凤毛麟角。本文对“智慧”手环的设计总体上是符合事理逻辑的,数据、技术支持、辅助性细节,都属于这类数字产品的基本要素。对数据,主要强调的是分类以更实用;技术支持所谈的几点,是“智慧”手环的核心问题,目前尚未攻克,属于“想象”,至于是否有科学依据,作为考场应急作文是可以忽略不计的;辅助性的几点,具有“时代特色”,表现了作者的“现代意识”,


说明文写作知识要点:1、说明文是以说明为主要表达方式来介绍说明客观事物或事理的文体。 2、说明文按照不同的分类标准,有多种多样的分类方法。按照不同的构成成分,可以分为简单说明文和复杂说明文;按照不同的写作目的,可以分为介绍性说明文、记述性说明文和阐释性说明文;按照不同的表达方式,可以分为科学性说明文和文艺性说明文;而按照不同的说明对象,又可以分为说明事物和说明事理两类。 3、所谓“事物”,就是客观存在的实体,包括人、事、物。向读者介绍一个人(包括自己)、一个集体、介绍一种程序、一种现象、一种物体,都属于这种类型的说明文。 4、所谓“事理”,就是与事物有关的某种道理。人们在生产、生活中,特别是在科学研究中,常常不满足于对事物表象的认识,而要进一步探究其中的原委,这就需要作事理的说明。 考试说明:说明文的运用范围相当广泛,我们在日常生活、学习和工作中,无论交流思想、介绍情况,常常要用到说明文。这里着重谈谈普通说明文的写法。 1、必须抓住特征所谓特征,就是指事物所具有的独特的地方。任何事物都有各自的特征,这也是它区别于其它事物的主要标志。要准确地反映事物的本来面目,必须抓住事物的特征。 2、合理安排顺序 事物大多是具有复杂性的,必须从多方面去介绍,才能讲清楚它的特征。依据事物本身固有的条理,是将说明文写得条理清楚的根本保证。事物本身固有的条理顺序,一般说来,有以下几种: (1)空间顺序。是指按照物品的空间方位进行说明。或由远及近,由近及远;或由内到外,由外到内;或由上到下,由下到上;或由前到后,由后到前等等。说明物品的形状、构造,一般采用这种顺序。《玉雕<三奔玉马>》,由前到后,一一介绍三匹马的姿态,用的就是空间顺序。 (2)时间顺序。是指按照时间发展的先后进行说明,先发生的先说,后发生的后说。说明事物发展变化的过程,往往采用这种顺序。如《看云识天气》中有一段描写天气的变化,由晴转阴,由阴转雨(雪)有时间先后的顺序,天空的云随着这个时间的推移,也变化着不同的形态:卷云——卷层云——雨层云。就是按时间先后的顺序写的。 (3)逻辑顺序。是指按照事物内部的联系和人们认识事物的规律来安排说明的顺序。由整体到部分,由主要到次要,由浅入深,由简到繁,由具体到抽象,由现象到本质等,因此,说明文作者在考虑文章思路时也必须符合这些认识规律,才能使自己的文章正确地反映人们对客观世界的认识过程,同时又能适应读者的接受能力和欣赏习惯。如《大自然的语言》说明物候现象来临的因素,共写了三段:第一段说,“首先是纬度”,第二段指出,“经度的差异是影响物候第二个因素”,第三段指出,“影响物候的第三个因素是高下的差异”。这个层次顺序的安排,就是由主次决定的。 以上说的是三种较为常见的说明顺序。应当指出的是,不要把这三种安排顺序的方法看成固定的格式。事物是千变万化的,人们的认识是多角度的,说明的顺序经常随着说明对象的改变而改变,是允许的,也是正常的。总之,说明事物要做到“言之有序”,文章才能脉络分明,层次清楚,使读者一目了然。 3、选择说明方法 说明事物的方法很多,常用的有: (1)下定义。用简明的语言指出被说明对象的本质特征,把那些容易与之相混的对象同它区别开来,叫下定义。如“统筹方法,是一种安排工作进程的数学方法”。 (2)分类别。把被说明对象按一定的标准分成不同的类别,一类一类地加以说明,叫


英语写作说明文范文求英文说明文模板英文说明文模板,从比较对照、分类、特征、因果、人物描写、地点描写、物体描写分别讲解,最后附上常用的句型。 说明文是对事情的发生、发展、结果、特征、性质、状态、功能等进行解释、介绍、阐述的一种文体。这类文章的目的和性质是客观地介绍、解释事物,使读者获得知识和信息,并不需要发表主张、做出证明。一般说来,知识简介,商品介绍,旅游指南,科技读物,工作总结,实验报告,教材辅导等均属说明文之列。 写说明文,可以按时间、空间、结构、逻辑顺序来写,也可以采取举例、比较、对比、分类、分析、说明、叙述等方法。 1.比较对照 比较对照有两种,一是逐点比较,二是整块比较,即AB交错或先A后B: 1)逐点比较:多数人认为这种AB交错的方式可以避免行文的单调沉闷,对比的效果更鲜明突出。如:

There are basic differences between largeand small enterprises. In a small enterprise, you operated mainly throughpersonal contacts. In a large enterprise, you have established “policies” ,“channels” of organization, and fairly strict procedure. In the smallenterprise you have immediate effectiveness in a very small area. You can seethe effect of your work and of your decisions ground. In the large organizationyou are normally taught one thing thoroughly. In the small one the danger is ofbeing a Jack-of-all-trades-but-master-of-none. In the large it is ofbeing the man who knows more and more about less and less. 2) 整块比较 It is easy to be a winner. A winner canshow his joy publicly. He can laugh and sing and dance and celebrate hisvictory. People love to be with winners. Winners are never lonely. Unlikewinners, losers are the lonely ones of the world. It is difficult to facedefeat with dignity. Losers can not show their disappointment publicly. Theycan not cry or grieve about their defeat. They may suffer


初中说明文写作技巧指导 一、说明文的类型:分事物说明文和事理说明文(从内容角度,根据说明的对象和目的)。 事物说明文一般标题就是说明的对象; 事理说明文找准开头结尾的总结句。 因为说明对象是一篇文章所要介绍的事物或事理,一般是一个名词或名词短语,可以从两个方面入手:一看文题二看首尾段。事物说明文指出被说明事物即可。事理说明文指出说明内容,形成一个短语:介绍了……的……(对象加内容)。 二、说明文的语言:平实、生动说明文(语言表达角度)。 三、说明方法:一般回答三个字,要掌握几种常见的说明方法,会分析在文中的作用: ①.举例子:具体真切地说明了事物的××特点。 ②.分类别:条理清楚地说明了事物的××特点。对事物的特征/事理分门别类加以说明,使说明更有条理性。使说明的内容眉目清楚,避免重复交叉的现象。 ③.列数字:具体而准确地说明该事物的××特点。使说明更有说服力。 ④.作比较:突出强调了被说明对象的××特点(地位、影响等)。 ⑤.下定义:用简明科学的语言对说明的对象/科学事理加以揭示,从而更科学、更本质、更概括地揭示事物的特征/事理。 ⑥.打比方:打比方就是修辞方法中的比喻。生动形象地说明该事物的××特点,增强了文章的趣味性。

⑦.画图表:使读者一目了然,非常直观形象地说明的事物的××特点。 ⑧.作诠释:对事物的特征/事理加以具体的解释说明,使说明更通俗易懂。 下定义与作诠释的区别是:定义要求完整,而诠释并不要求完整,对事物的特征/事理加以具体的解释说明,使说明更通俗易懂。可以颠倒。 ⑨.摹状貌:对事物的特征/事理加以形象化的描摹,使说明更具体生动形象。 ⑩.引资料:能使说明的内容更具体、更充实。用引用的方法说明事物的特征,增强说服力,如引用古诗文、谚语、俗话。引用说明在文章开头,还起到引出说明对象的作用。 四、说明顺序:时间顺序(程序顺序)、空间顺序、逻辑顺序。在答题时可答得具体些。 如:空间顺序(从上到下,从里到外,总到分,外到内,前到后,左到右,整体到局部,都可反之等,常用方位词如介绍建筑物或实体)。 逻辑顺序(先结果后原因,层层递进,现象到本质,因到果,果到因,主到次,浅入深,个别到一般等,常用表因果、表事理顺序的词,如“因为、所以”“首先、其次”)。 时间顺序则是说明事物发展、演变,例如介绍工作程序的文章。 ü掌握答题格式:本文使用了的说明顺序对加以说明,使说明更有条理性,便于读者理解。(第一空应该填具体的说明顺序,第二空应该填写具体的事物名称或说明的事理。如果是事理性说明文,但又不能准确表述,可用“事理”、“科学事理”等模糊性的语言表述。) 五、说明对象:指文章说明的主要人或事物(一般不必答人或事物的特点)。 六、说明文的结构常见的形式有:“总——分”式(或由总到分,或由分到总,或总分总)、并列式、递进式等。分析文章结构,抓中心句及连接词,如“首先”“其次”


Exposition (说明文) 1.Definition Ambition means the goal in our life. To have one’s ambition does not necessarily mean to become the chief state leaders. This is not in the real sense of the word. True ambition is the goal that encourages us always to look forward and not to lose hope because of failure. Ambition differs from person to person and everyone has his own ambition. Yet not everyone of us can succeed in what we desire to do. 2.Illustration Americans value manual labor. They have great respect for craftsmanship. Many Americans prefer craft hobbies. For example, some build small boats in their leisure time. Others make new furniture or refinish antique furniture. Others enjoy gardening or painting. Many low-income American families have beautiful furniture or paintings or pottery or boats. They make these things and they are proud of their manual skill. In fact some people are really very handy. 3.Classification All matter is in one of the three states. It may be in the state of a gas, a liquid or a solid. A solid has definite shape and definite volume. A liquid has definite volume, but it has no definite shape. It may flow or take the shape of its container. A gas changes not only in shape but also in volume, for it expands and contracts easily. https://www.360docs.net/doc/3513743339.html,parison and Contrast A kaleidoscope is a cylindrical toy. The cylinder turns, and pieces of glass inside change their geometric patterns and colors. We can never predict their forms and hues. The patterns can be very beautiful at one moment. Then the cylinder might turn and the pattern might become distorted and ugly. The slightest jar changes its form and its colors, too. Some people are like kaleidoscopes. They are like toys, and we cannot take them seriously. They change their ideas and attitudes unpredictably. They neither consistently support nor consistently condemn a political philosophy or a code of social behavior. They are the uncommitted, shifting people of the world. They waver like the geometric patterns and colors of the kaleidoscope. 5.Cause and Effect Climate affects the culture of a country. Men must learn to live within the limitations of their environment and climate is an important part of the physical environment. Life in a tropical country is less strenuous and more casual than it is in a temperate one. Men work shorter hours and less vigorously in a hot climate. They cannot play hard either. They tire easily. They can relax by reading, by sipping cool drinks, or by listening to soothing music. They must try to conserve their energy. The wisest ones learn to respect the demands of Nature. (cause – effect) I do not usually do very well on tests. I get scared in a group of people all writing at once. The ticking of the clock makes me so nervous that I forget what I have learned. Often I do not understand the question well enough to answer it. (effect – cause)
