【英语】 完形填空和阅读理解培优卷

【英语】 完形填空和阅读理解培优卷
【英语】 完形填空和阅读理解培优卷




King Akbar was in the habit of putting riddles and puzzles to his people. He often asked 1 which were strange. His people had to use words in a 2 way to answer these questions.

Once Akbar asked a very strange question. He looked at his people. As he looked, one by one the heads began to hang low in search of a(an) 3 . It was at this moment that Bribal entered the palace. Birbal 4 the habit of the king. He understood the 5 at once and asked, “May I know the question so that I can 6 for an answer?”

Akbar said, “How many crows(乌鸦)are there in the city?”

Without even a moment's thought, Birbal 7 , “There are fifty thousand five hundred and eighty nine crows, My Lord. "

“How can you be so 8 ?” asked Akbar.

Birbal said, “Make your men 9 , My Lord. If you find more crows it means some have come to visit their relatives here. If you find 10 crows it means some have gone to visit their relatives somewhere else. "

Akbar was pleased very much by Birbal's wise answer.

1. A. questions B. help C. promises

2. A. common B. friendly C. clever

3. A. habit B. order C. answer

4. A. knew B. developed C. hated

5. A. danger B. information C. situation

6. A. ask B. wait C. try

7. A. left B. replied C. asked

8. A. smart B. brave C. sure

9. A. catch B. discuss C. count

10. A. fewer B. larger C. less





⑴联系下文to answer these questions.描述,可知此处指的是问问题,故选A,问题。

⑵形容词辨析。A.共同的,普通的;B. 友好的;C. 聪明的;结合语境可知此处指的是人们




⑷ A. 知道;B. 发展;C. 憎恨;联系下文描述,可知他知道国王这个习惯。故选A。



⑹动词辨析。A. 问,要求;B. 等待;C.尝试;联系上下文,可知此处指的是我可以尝试回





⑼动词辨析。A. 捕捉,赶上;B. 讨论;C. 数。结合语境可知此处指的是让人数一数,故选C。





My father was born in a poor village in the north of Jiangsu, China. When he was a young boy,

he went to school in the morning, and then 1 in the fields till sunset. And then he did his homework until midnight. Life was hard, because they had no 2 !

At the age of 14, my father heard of the United States of America. It was the 3 of gold, the land where poor people can become rich.

“Why don't I go to America?” he thought to himself, full of 4 .

So, my father came to America. “I had thought it was easy to 5 money in America.” he told me. “But when I arrived there, I realized it's not 6 . They didn't like to hire(雇佣)me because I spoke little English. Later, I worked in a small restaurant, cleaning up tables, 7 dishes and sweeping the floor. Life was hard for the first few years. I worked from 10 a. m. to 11 p. m. I wanted to go to school to learn English, but it's impossible. I couldn't 8 the schooling (学费).”

My father 9 working hard,and reached his goal.

“Alan,” he often told me. “If you want something, you have to work for it and never give up. Things do not come 10 in life.” That's what I learned from my father.

1. A. taught B. worked C. studied

2. A. money B. energy C. experience

3. A. land B. field C. river

4. A. worry B. doubt C. hope

5. A. discover B. make C. collect

6. A. true B. important C. difficult

7. A. giving B. running C. washing

8. A. borrow B. need C. afford

9. A. kept B. finished C. minded

10. A. really B. easily C. quietly



⑴句意:他小时候,上午到学校上学,然后在田里干活直到日落。根据in the field可知选B。

⑵句意:生活很难,因为他们没有钱。根据上poor village可知家庭贫困,故选A。

⑶根据后半句the land where……可知选A。

⑷句意:“为什么我不去美国呢?”他心里想,充满了希望。worry担心,doubt怀疑;hope 希望。故选C。

⑸句意:我原以为在美国赚钱很容易。make money赚钱,故选B。




⑼我父亲一直努力工作,并实现了他的目标。keep doing 一直做某事。故选A。




It does not always come easy to discover oneself. From a young age, I had already got a strong sense of who I would like to become. 1 an accident made me redefine(重审) myself. To me, skating was the most important. There was 2 in this world that filled my heart with such joy. I spent twenty-four hours a week practising my 3 . Having no social life or interests but skating, my devotion(挚爱)brought me first place medals in nearly every 4 .

Unfortunately, in one show, I fell down and hurt myself 5 . After several X-rays and MRI (磁共振) scans, the 6 told me that I couldn't return to my sport any more. The pain in

my back was so hard to stand that even the 7 daily tasks became difficult.

As my passion(激情) was 8 , I had little sense of who I was to become. However, after eight months of suffering, something had to 9 . Instead of wasting my days sitting around painfully, I began to put my 10 into local public service projects. By volunteering 11 a swimming teacher and summer reading teacher for kids, I got an idea of who I 12 to become. After a few months, I put all my heart into developing my interest in the arts. Little by little, I 13 out of the shadow(阴影) and rebuilt my confidence.

Sometimes, some 14 rocks get in our way. We can choose to stay behind or try to climb over. My accident was a rock that 15 to stop me from reaching success. Today I'm a very confident and positive person.

1. A. And B. But C. Or D. So

2. A. everything B. something C. nothing D. anything

3. A. skills B. behaviors C. thoughts D. habits

4. A. meeting B. party C. concert D. competition

5. A. quickly B. softly C. badly D. slowly

6. A. waiter B. doctor C. teacher D. policeman

7. A. useful B. basic C. proper D. busy

8. A. found out B. brought back C. waken up D. taken away

9. A. change B. remain C. leave D. arrive

10. A. energy B. duty C. wealth D. spirit

11. A. with B. for C. as D. to

12. A. wanted B. started C. promised D. lived

13. A. ran B. jumped C. stood D. went

14. A. small B. large C. ugly D. round

15. A. managed B. helped C. failed D. continued









前句After several X-rays and MRI(磁共振) scans可知作者做了磁共振,所以是医生告诉作者的,故选B。



(9)句意:遭受八个月的痛苦后,一些事情不得不改变了。A.改变;B.保持;C.离开;D.到达。根据Instead of wasting my days sitting around painfully,可知作者八个月期间浪费时间疼痛地坐着,而现在作者改变了,故选A。

(10)句意:我开始把我的精力放在当地公共服务项目。A.精力;;B.职责;C.财富;D.精神。put energy into...,投入精力做某事,故选A。

(11)句意:通过志愿做一名游泳老师。A.和;B.为了;C.作为;D.到达。as a swimming teacher,作为一名游泳老师,故选C。

(12)句意:我得到了我想成为谁的想法。A.想要;B.开始;C.许诺;D.居住。根据句意可知想成为,即want to do,故选A。

(13)句意:慢慢地我走出了阴影。A.跑;B.跳;C.站立;D.去。go out of从......出来,故选D。


(15)句意:我的事故是没有阻挡我到达成功的石头。A.成功;B.帮助;C.失败;D.继续。fail to do未能做某事,故选C。



Time is very important in our lives. But it never had any importance in my life until I 1 a watch from my father that made me responsible(有责任). It 2 me the importance of time in my life.

I got this gift on a gray-sky day. I had to go to the 3 at 9:00 a.m.to pick up my uncle Ali and take him to my father's house. However, I forgot it 4 I was playing with my friends. Later on that day, around 11:00 a.m., I 5 my uncle, but I was late for him. He had got out of the plane and 6 a taxi to my father's house.

I got to my father's house at 2:00p.m. 7 .My father looked at me angrily. I said "hi" to him and my 8 uncle. My father asked me to sit 9 him and handed me this watch which was a gift from 10 . It weighed 8 oz and all of it was made of silver. Then he said, "Essa, did you have fun 11 your friends today?

What you did was not very nice and you should be sorry for your 12 ."I felt sorry and told my father that I wouldn't do it again. Then he said," This watch will be a reminder(提醒物) for you. I hope today you have learned something 13 .”

I learned a lesson from my father to respect(尊重) time and 14 be late. The watch is important to me, not because of its 15 , but because of the lesson that I learned from it.

1. A. bought B. received C. borrowed D. broke

2. A. learned B. found C. sent D. told

3. A. airport B. school C. hospital D. station

4. A. when B. because C. if D. though

5. A. saw B. forgot C. remembered D. met

6. A. got B. caught C. invited D. taken

7. A. one day before B. the next day C. the same day D. the other day

8. A. surprised B. tired C. nervous D. lonely

9. A. next to B. around C. behind D. away from

10. A. us B. him C. them D. you

11. A. of B. for C. with D. about

12. A. words B. actions C. play D. fun

13. A. important B. interesting C. expensive D. wonderful

14. A. never B. usually C. sometimes D. often

15. A. look B. price C. size D. weight



(1)句意:作者收到了父亲送给他的一个表,使他变得有责任感。A. bought买;B. received收到;C. borrowed借;D. broke打破。由下文My father asked me to sit next to him and handed me this watch which was a gift from him . 可知是父亲给我的手表,故选B。(2)句意:这只表告诉作者在他的生命里时间的重要性。A. learned学习;B. found发现;C. sent送;D. told告诉。it指手表,根据下文This watch will be a reminder(提醒物)for you.可知它会告诉他在生命中时间的重要性。故选D。

(3)句意:我必须在上午9点去机场接我的叔叔阿里。 A. airport机场;B. school学校;C. hospital医院;D. station车站。根据后文写到作者到那里时叔叔已经下飞机了,可知,这里应该是早上9点去机场接叔叔。故选A。

(4)句意:我忘记了,因为我在和朋友们玩。A. when何时;B. because因为;C. if如果;D. though由于。根据前后句的意思作者和朋友玩耍,把去机场这件事忘记了。可知因果关系,故选B。

(5)句意:那天晚些时候,大约上午11点,我记得我叔叔,但我为他迟到了。A. saw看见;B. forgot忘记;C. remembered记得,想起;D. took拿,取。根据上下文,在早上11点的时候作者想起了叔叔,但是已经晚了。故选C。

(6)句意:作者去接叔叔已经晚了,叔叔下了飞机,自己坐出租车去作者的爸爸家了。由于 I was late for him.他只能坐出租车回家。take a taxi.乘出租车。故选D。

(7)句意:作者在下午两点到达爸爸家。A.one day before前一天;B.the next day第二天;C.the same day同一天;D.the other day前几天。根据 I had to go to the airport at 9:00 a.m.和Later on that day, around 11:00 a.m.可知下午2:00是指同一天的下午两点,故选C。(8)句意:我对他和我疲倦的叔叔说“嗨”。A. surprised惊讶的;B. tired疲倦的;C. nervous紧张的;D. lonely孤独的。根据上文He had got out of the plane,所以这里应该是疲倦的叔叔。故选B。

(9)句意:爸爸让作者坐到他身边来,就是紧挨着他做。A. next to紧挨着;B. around在周围;C. behind在后面;D. away from远离。根据 handed me this watch which was a gift from him.目的是递给他手表,让他靠近着坐。故选C。

(10)句意:作者的爸爸递给了他一个手表作为礼物。https://www.360docs.net/doc/3513947873.html,我们;B.him他;C.them他们;D.you你/们。由上文My father asked me to sit next to him and handed me this watch可知手表来自父亲,第三人称单数,要用him。故选B

(11)句意:作者的爸爸问他今天和朋友们玩的开心吗?A.of ......的;B.for为; C.with 与......一起; D.about关于。have fun with sb.和朋友们玩的开心。固定短语。故选C

(12)句意:作者的爸爸说作者今天做的很不好,应该为他的行为道歉。A. words言语;

B. actions行为;

C. play玩耍;

D. fun乐趣。由下文I felt sorry and told my father that I wouldn't do it again. 可知是为自己的行为而道歉,故选B。

(13)句意:作者的爸爸希望作者通过今天的事学到了一个重要的事情。A. important重要的;B. interesting有趣的;C. expensive贵重的;D. wonderful极好的。根据The watch is important to me, not because of its price, but because of the lesson that I learned from it.可知手表能让提示他学到尊重时间的重要性,故选A。

(14)句意:作者从爸爸那里学到了:尊重时间和永不迟到。A. never永不;B. usually通常;C. sometimes有时;D. often经常。由I learned a lesson from my father to respect(尊重) time ,最后的结果,永不迟到,故选A。

(15)句意:这只表对作者来说非常重要,不是因为它的价格,而是从它那里吸取了一些教训。 A. look外表;B. price价格;C. size尺寸;D. weight重量。由前文 It weighed 8 oz and all of it was made of silver.可知,这只表是银制的,所以应该很贵。故选B。



Where did you go yesterday? Did you hear 1 at any of those places? Today most stores and restaurants play music. You might 2 hear music in an office or on a farm.

Scientists believe that music changes the 3 people behave. According to some scientists, the sound of western classical(古典的)music makes people 4 richer. When a restaurant plays classical music, people spend 5 money on food and drinks. When the restaurant plays 6 music, people spend less money. With 7 music, people spend even less.

Scientists also 8 that loud, fast music makes people eat faster. In fact, people 9 their food faster when the music gets faster. Some restaurants play fast music during their 10 hours. This gets people to eat faster and leave quickly. Restaurants 11 make more money this way.

Some scientists think that music makes you think and learn better. They say 12 music helps students to be more active. It is true that people learn better when they are 13 . And listening to music can help you relax.

The 14 time you hear music somewhere, be 15 . It might change the way you do things.

1. A. music B. stories C. songs D. sound

2. A. already B. even C. hardly D. never

3. A. way B. time C. idea D. place

4. A. become B. get C. feel D. look

5. A. much B. more C. little D. less

6. A. pop B. modern C. light D. country

7. A. no B. much C. any D. some

8. A. think B. hope C. realize D. believe

9. A. cook B. order C. eat D. make

10. A. free B. busy C. happy D. sad

11. A. can B. should C. can't D. needn't

12. A. how B. why C. what D. that

13. A. excited B. interested C. confident D. relaxed

14. A. first B. second C. next D. last

15. A. quiet B. quick C. happy D. careful



(1)句意:你在那些地方听过音乐吗?A 音乐;B 故事;C 歌曲;D 声音。联系前文hear,及下文描述,可知此处指的是听音乐,故选A。

(2)句意:你甚至可以在办公室或者农场听音乐。A.已经;B.甚至,即使;C.几乎不,很难;D.从来不。结合文中语句Today most stores and restaurants play music. 可知此处指的是甚至可以在办公室或者农场听音乐,表示程度,故选B。

(3)句意:科学家人们认为音乐能改变人们的行为方式。A 方式;B 时间;C 想法;D 地方。根据句中的behave可知,此句表示影响人们的行为方式,故选A。

(4)句意:古典音乐让人们感到更富有。A 变得;B 得到;C 感觉;D 看似。根据下文语句When a restaurant plays classical music,people spend more money on food and drinks可知,这种音乐让人感觉更富有,故选C。

(5)句意:人们花更多的钱。A多;B 更多;C 少;D 更少。根据上文语句 the sound of western classical(古典的)music makes people feel richer.可知,古典音乐让人们会花更多的钱,故选B。

(6)句意:当餐厅播放现代音乐时,人们花费更少。A 流行;B 现代;C 轻音乐;D 乡村音乐。与古典音乐相对的是现代音乐.联系前文描述,可知此处指的是现代音乐,故选B。(7)句意:没有音乐,人们花费会更少。A 没有;B 很多;C 任何;D 某些。故选A。(8)句意:科学家们同样相信……,A 认为;B 希望;C 意识到;D 相信。根据上文语句Scientists believe that music changes the way people behave.可知,此句表示也相信,故选D。

(9)句意:当音乐变快时,人们吃的更快。A 做饭;B 命令;C 吃;D 做。根据下文语句This gets people to eat faster and leave quickly.可知,音乐播放的快,人们吃得就快,故选C。

(10)句意:在他们忙碌时,有些餐馆播放节奏快的音乐。A.空闲的;B.忙碌的;C.高兴的;D.伤心的;根据下文语句This gets people to eat faster and leave quickly.理解可知,故选B。

(11)句意:这样饭店就能挣到更多的钱。A可以;B 应该;C 不能;D 不必。根据上文语句 This gets people to eat faster and leave quickly. 可知,通过这种方式,饭店可以挣到更多的钱,故选A。

(12)句意:他们说音乐有助于学生更活跃。A 怎样;B 为何;C 什么;D 那个。结合语境可知宾语从句不缺少句子成分,故引导词用that,选D。

(13)句意:的确,人们在放松的时候学习得更好。联系下文, And listening to music can help you relax.可知此处指的是当他们放松的时候,人们能学得更好。故选D。

(14)句意:你下次听音乐的时候。A 第一;B 第二;C 下一个;D最后。联系下文,可知此处指的是你下次听音乐的时候,故选C。

(15)句意:小心。因为这能改变你做事的方式。A 安静;B 快的;C 开心的;D 小心。故




Vanuatu is an island nation in the South West Pacific. It is one of the smallest countries in the world. But for those who are interested in adventure and sports, there is a lot to do. Vanuatu's islands offer visitors two of the most exciting and dangerous activities in the world: volcano(火山) surfing and land diving.

Volcano Surfing On Tanna Island, Mount Yasur rises 361 metres into the sky. Yasur is an active volcano, and it erupts(爆发) almost every day, sometimes several times a day. For centuries, people have climbed this mountain to visit the top. Recently, people have also started climbing Yasur to surf the volcano. In some ways, volcano surfing is like surfing in the sea, but in other ways it's very different. Volcano surfers try to escape the erupting volcano-- without getting hit by flying rocks! It's fast, fun and dangerous- the perfect extreme sport(极限运动).

Land Diving Most people are familiar with bungee jumping, but do you know bungee jumping started on Pentecost Island in Vanuatu and is almost fifteen centuries old? The activity, first called land diving, is part of a religious ceremony(宗教仪式). A man ties tree vines(树藤) to his legs. He then jumps head- first from a high tower to touch the earth with the top of his head- without breaking the vine. Every spring, island natives (men only)still take part in this amazing activity.

(1)In the first paragraph, what does the underlined word refer to?

A. People.

B. Animals.

C. Activities.

D. Islands.

(2)According to the passage, Mount Yasur?

A. is no longer active

B. is on Pentecost Island

C. erupts almost every day

D. rises 800 metres into the sky

(3)Why have people recently started climbing Mount Yasur?

A. Because people can climb it easily.

B. Because people can make money.

C. Because people can watch snow on it.

D. Because people can surf the volcano.

(4)Which of the following about land diving is TRUE?

A. It is not dangerous at all.

B. It was first called "bungee jumping".

C. It is a traditional activity in Vanuatu.

D. It came to Vanuatu from another country.

(5)What is the purpose of the passage?

A. To tell people not to do dangerous sports.

B. To explain what volcano surfing and land diving are.

C. To talk about the world's best volcano surfer and land diver.

D. To compare activities in Vanuatu with sports in New Zealand.







(2)细节题。根据Mount Yasur rises 361 metres into the sky. Yasur is an active volcano, and it erupts(爆发) almost every day可知Mount Yasur几乎每天爆发,故选C。

(3)细节题。根据Recently, people have also started climbing Yasur to surf the volcano.最近,人们也开始攀登雅苏火山。故选D。

(4)细节题。根据Land Diving Most people are familiar with bungee jumping, but do you know bungee jumping started on Pentecost Island in Vanuatu and is almost fifteen centuries old?陆地跳水大多数人都熟悉蹦极跳,但你知道蹦极跳始于瓦努阿图的五重岛,几乎有十五世纪的历史吗?可知它是一种传统的活动,故选C。

(5)细节题。根据Vanuatu's islands offer visitors two of the most exciting and dangerous activities in the world: volcano(火山) surfing and land diving.可知主要讲了瓦努阿图群岛为游客提供了世界上最激动人心和最危险的两项活动:火山冲浪和陆地潜水,目的是介绍火山冲浪和陆地潜水是什么,故选B。



Australia at last! The flight was tiring, but here I am at last, in Sydney! Look! Here we are at last! The Sydney Opera House! It looks like shells!

It's wonderful and amazing! And I'm taking the plane to New Zealand on Tuesday. I'll post again from there.

Coffee and Paris! Paris is beautiful! We went on a great city tour. We also took a boat ride on the River Seine. And it's nicer to just sit at a street care and watch the world go by. But, to tell you a secret. Frank's disappointed because no one can understand his French!

Don't come here! We're staying at a farm in Utah. There is nearly nothing! It's too quiet. Every morning, we get up really early, and we ride the horses. Then it's breakfast and more riding--not my idea of fun! So, today I walked to a little town near the farm where they actually have Internet! Next week, we're shopping in New York. I can't wait!

(1)Where is Jessy writing from?

A. Sydney.

B. New Zealand.

C. Paris.

D. Utah.

(2)What did Donna and Frank do during their travelling?

A. They visited museums.

B. They took a boat ride.

C. They sat at a street park.

D. They watched movies in the cinema.

(3)Which of the following is TRUE according to Anna's Moments(朋友圈) ?

A. It is too noisy around the farm.

B. Her idea of fun is horse riding.

C. She is going to London next week.

D. She cannot use Internet at the farm.





(1)细节理解题。根据Australia at last! The flight was tiring, but here I am at last, in Sydney! 澳大利亚是最后一站。这次飞行很令人厌烦,但是在悉尼这里是我最后一站。故选A。

(2)细节理解题。根据 We also took a boat ride on the River Seine. 我们还乘船游览了塞纳河。故选B。

(3)细节理解题。根据So, today I walked to a little town near the farm where they actually have Internet! 因此,今天我步行到农场附近的一个小镇在那里他们实际上是有网络的。可知农场没有网络,她不能在农场使用网络,故选D。




Sometimes I feel lonely,

Like I'm by myself with no one there.

When I'm that way. I call a friend.

My lonely mood soon disappear.

Sometimes I feel excited,

Like I have some news I have to share!

My friends open their ears to me.

They always listen, talk, and care.

Sometimes I feel so sad,

Like my world is cold and darkest blue.

At those times my friends let me know

They're with me, standing strong and true.

Sometimes I feel confused,

Like I just don't know how I should feel.

My friends then help me figure out

What's right and wrong, what's false and real!

A. become stronger

B. tell him what is right and wrong

C. open their ears to him

D. let him know they're always there with him (2)Which feelings are mentioned in the poem?

A. Loneliness, anger and sadness.

B. Excitement, sadness and loneliness.

C. Sadness, excitement and anger.

D. Anger, loneliness and excitement.

(3)What's the poem mainly about?

A. Friends are important in life.

B. The color blue is the color of sadness.

C. Poems can make humans happy.

D. Different people have different feelings.





(1)细节理解题,根据Sometimes I feel so sad,At those times my friends let me know They're with me, standing strong and true.可知,当他不开心的时候,他朋友们让他知道他的朋友一直跟他在一起,故答案是D。

(2)细节理解题,根据Sometimes I feel lonely,Sometimes I feel excited,Sometimes I

feel so sad,Sometimes I feel confused,可知,短文中涉及到了寂寞、兴奋、伤心和迷惑,故答案是B。




According to the passage, Steve's Pizza .

A. has new stores all over Miami

B. lies on Miami Beach

C. serves the best pizza in Miami

D. is open only in the daytime

(2)Which restaurant serves both breakfast and lunch?

A. Steve's Pizza.

B. Walt's Wharf.

C. Cattleman's Steakhouse.

D. Absolute Baking & Café..

(3)The passage is probably taken from .

A. a science report

B. a history book

C. a travel magazine

D. a movie poster





(1)细节理解题。根据So many pizza stores in South Beach, but ask a Miami Beach local where to get the best pizza and they'll tell you about Steve's. 在南海滩有很多披萨店,但是要问迈阿密海滩的当地人的去那里买最好的披萨,他们将会告诉你关于史蒂文店。可知史蒂文的披萨是迈阿密最好的,故选C。

(2)细节理解题。根据 Absolute Baking & Café:The screen door is always swinging open at this town hot spot with giant breakfasts. 在这个小镇屏风门一直挂这开放,焦点是巨型早餐。And lunch includes salads, big sandwiches and local grass-fed beef burgers. 午餐包括沙拉,大三明治和当地草喂养的牛肉汉堡。可知Absolute Baking & Café饭店提供早餐和午餐。故选D。




A The Dragon Boat Festival is a folk festival which has a history of more than two thousand years. It is also named Chongwu Festival. There are many activities on the day.

Dragon boat race

The dragon boat race is an important competition during the festival. People held dragon boat races in the river to remember the poet, Qu Yuan. Now, the dragon boat race is a traditional activity for Chinese people.

Wearing sweet-smelling bags

During the Dragon Boat Festival, children usually wear sweet-smelling bags to avoid bad things. In some areas of China, a sweet-smelling bag is also used as a symbol of love between lovers.

Girls' Day

A long time ago, a married daughter would return to her parents's home during the Dragon Boat Festival. So the Dragon Boat Festival is also called Girls' Day.

Eating rice dumplings

Eating rice dumplings is also a custom for Chinese people. The rice dumpling is a kind of food with different designs and styles. For thousands of years, the custom of eating rice dumplings has

been popular in China and has spread to Korea, Japan and countries in Southeast Asia.

(1)The Dragon Boat Festival is called ________.

A. The Spring Festival

B. Yuanxiao Festival

C. Mid-Autumn Festival

D. Double Fifth Festival

(2)What should Chinese do during the Dragon Boat Festival?

①Take part in a dragon boat race.

②Wear bags that have sweet smells.

③Eat delicious noodles.

④Throw water at each other.

A. ①②

B. ②③

C. ①④

D. ③④

(3)Rice dumplings ________.

A. can express love between lovers

B. are eaten to avoid bad things

C. have different designs and styles

D. are only eaten in China





(1)细节题。根据 A The Dragon Boat Festival is a folk festival which has a history of more than two thousand years. It is also named Chongwu Festival. 可知龙舟节也叫重五节,故选D。(2)细节题。根据children usually wear sweet-smelling bags 和The dragon boat race is an important competition during the festival 可知龙舟节期间人们举行龙舟赛并且带有甜味的袋子,故选A。

(3)细节题。根据The rice dumpling is a kind of food with different designs and styles 可知粽子有不同的设计和款式,故选C。



高考完形填空专项训练步步高 抓好三方面●跨好三大步●做好三结合 ------谈完形填空解题技巧中学生在做完形填空题时存在的问题,概括起来有以下三方面: 1.不善于抓文章的主旨大意,并以此为中心展开对整篇文章的推理、判断,导致理解上出现偏差,甚至和文章的中心相悻。 2.容易受定势思维的影响,对文意分析不透,忽视特定语境中知识的运用。 3.对完形填空题怀有厌倦、畏惧心理,以至做题时处于应付状态,做题能力得不到提高。 那么,怎样才能提高做完形填空题的能力呢?我们应从以下三方面入手训练思维能力和解题技巧:抓准主旨、透析文意、理清逻辑。并在做题过程中把这三方面与做完形填空的三大步骤“通读、精读、复读”有机结合,明确每步的思维主攻方向。即抓好三方面,跨好三大步,做好三结合。 一、通读短文抓主旨 一般情况下,完形填空短文都不给标题,不容易把握文章的主题和大意。但短文首句通常不设空格,这就为我们窥视文章全貌提供了一个窗口,而尾句往往是文章的总结、结论或点睛之笔,所以抓住开篇启示作用的首句和总结概括性的尾句是必要的。借助于首尾句给予的启示,克服不良心理的影响,满怀信心,全神贯注,目光越过空格,注意能体现文章大意的关键词句,尽力从整体上理解短文大意,这是逐空填词的重要依据和基础。如果一开始就忙于见空填空,势必无法从整体上把握全文概要,无法形成连贯的思路,只见树木不见森林,理解偏离文章的中心,造成顾,此失彼的错误,甚至影响做题速度。 抓住了文章的主旨大意后,我们围绕主旨大意去阅读、预测、推理、判断,往往会收到事半功倍的效果。尤其是一些干扰性强,容易使人犯想当然错误的选项就会迎刃而解。 二、精读短文析文意 在基本抓住文章的主旨后,应逐句精读短文,逐题分析选项,对特定的语境做深人的理解,克服“定势思维”,根据全文大意和词不离句,句不离文的原则,逐项填空。切不可以单纯的词汇辨析或语法角度去做题,而应以能否恰如其分地表达文意作为选择最佳答案的唯一标准。要吃透文意,理解到位,我们应做到以下几点: 1.从上下文的角度考虑,注意其内在联系。就题论题,断章取义,忽视上下文的信息提示是我们常犯的错误。因此我们在做题时要注重暗含的信息提示,找准突破口,确保文意畅通。 2.从词汇意义及用法、惯用法和搭配的角度去考虑,准确判断。NMET完形填空题中考查词汇意义及用法、惯用法和搭配的题目逐年增多,必须结合上下文把握文意,研读


七年级英语上册任务型阅读培优卷经典1 一、七年级英语上册任务型阅读专项目练习(含答案解析) 1.下面是王林一周的课程表,仔细阅读后完成所给的问题。 (1)What lesson does Wang Lin have each weekday? (2)How many geography lessons does he have in a week? (3)How many subjects does he study altogether(总共)? 【答案】(1)Wang Lin has English each weekday. (2)He has two geography lessons in a week. (3)He studies twelve subjects altogether. 【解析】【分析】本文主要介绍了王林一周的课程表。 (1)根据课程表可知王林每天都有英语课(English),故答案为Wang Lin has English each weekday.。 (2)根据课程表可知王林周二(Tuesday)有一节地理课(geography)和周四(Thursday)有一节地理课(geography),所以故答案为He has two geography lessons in a week.。 (3)根据课程表可知王林有语文、数学、英语、历史、生物、地理、政治、物理、化学、体育、美术、音乐12门功课,故答案为He studies twelve subjects altogether.。 【点评】考查任务型阅读。注意先理解问题所问,然后带着问题寻找答案。 2.任务型阅读 Hi! I'm Tom, the cat. The dog is Huck. We live with our master Miss Brown in New York. Miss Brown gives us the names after the book Tom Sawyer and HuckleberryFinn. In the book, Tom and Huckleberry are friends. Miss Brown hopes (希望) we can be friends too. I'm two years old. I like playing ball games with Huck. Huck is good at them too. Sleeping is also my hobby. I feel very good to sleep in the warm sun. Huck is a tall and strong dog. He likes running in the park with Miss Brown every afternoon. I don't go with them. I usually watch TV at home. Miss Brown likes travelling with us. We are going to California this summer. It is great, right? (1)Who is Tom? ________


2019全国卷1高考英语完形填空答案详细解析 【预览部分】 【完形填空答案与详细解析】 【主旨大意】这是一篇夹叙夹议文。本文主要介绍乞力马扎罗山的垃圾污染问题以及当地管理机构努力治理之后环境的改观。本文就游客对乞力马扎罗山自然环境的破坏展开论述,对山体环境进行介绍,意在引起人们对于自然环境的重视。 41. D。考查动词词义辨析。译文:每年有40,000人到非洲最高的山脉乞力马扎罗山(Kilimanjaro)旅游,他们带来了许多废品垃圾。解答此题根本不用费什么心思,读完第一、第二句马上就明白:此题是因果逻辑推断题,即第一句是原因,第41空句是结果。根据前文Every year about 40,000 people attempt to climb Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa.可知每年都有很多人去游览乞力马扎罗山,由此可推测该空是说游客将垃圾废物随身带到了山上。keep with意为“把……与……放一起”;mix with意为“(使)与……混合/结合”;connect with意为“与……连接”;bring sth. with sb. 意为“某人随身带来……”;故只有选项D切题。故选D。 42.C。考查名词词义辨析。译文:拥挤的人群破坏了美丽的乞力马扎罗山。此题仍然属于因果关系推断题。根据上一句Every year about 40,000 people attempt to climb Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa.可知,每年有大约四万人游览乞力马扎罗山,所以此处是指游客所造成的破坏,由此推断出本题答案是crowds(拥挤的人群)。A. stories故事;B. buildings建筑物;C. crowds人群;D. reporters记者。故选C。 【正文】 第三部分语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Every year about 40,000 people attempt to climb Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa. They 41 with them lots of waste. The 42 might damage the beauty of the place. The glaciers(冰川)are disappearing, changing the 43 of Kilimanjaro. Hearing these stories, I’m 44 about the place —other destinations are described as “purer” natural


初三英语培优试卷(一) 一.单项选择 1.These two rooms are of _____size, but another two rooms are three times_____size of them. A.the;the B.a;the C.a;a D.the;a 2.Helen went to the bookstore with her friend and bought____________. A.dozen books B.dozens books C.dozens of books D.dozens of books 3.Summer holidays approaching, the students are wondering how many days_______they will Have this year. A.off B.around C.about D./ 4.Because of the bad weather, we couldn’t do anything but_________. A.waiting B.to wait C.wait D.do wait 5.What do you think ______solve the problem ? A.you can do B.can you do C.you can do to D.can you do to 6.Mum, Tom invites me and Lucy to go to his birthday party. Let us go to his party,__________? A.will we B.shall we C.will you D.shall you 7.We need fifteen more people _____our team to do the job. A.besides B.except C.but D.as well 8.-Jack,you didn’t turn off the lights last night! -How come? I remember__________________. A.to turn them off B. turning them off C.to turn off them D.to turn off them 9.He ____- much of his success and happiness _____his wife and children. A.thanks;to B. Owes;to C.owns;to D.thinks; highly of 10.He will never forget the days ______he spent with you in Japan. A.when B. On which C.in which D.which 11.— Mum, can you give me some tips on how to behave myself at the table? — Well, I do have some tips. ________, please keep quiet while eating. A. In all B. Of all C. At all D. Above all 12. People ________ running everywhere. Do you know what ________? A. see; has happened B. see; happens C. are seen; is happening D. are seen; is happened 13. I find ________ difficult ________ us to work out the math problems. A. its; of B. its; for C. it's; of D. it; for 14. —The volunteers really provided the athletes with support. —Exactly. ________ they helped make the event! A. What a great success B. What great success C. How a great success D. How great success 15. 一You look sad. ________ ? 一My pet dog has been lost for two days. A. Why not see the doctor B. Where have you been C. Can I help you D. What's the matter 二.完形填空 Several years ago, I was at a train station in Amsterdam. I saw a young homeless man 16 people for money so he could buy breakfast. Most of the 17 simply took no notice of the


2019年高考英语全国卷I完形填空题 Every year about 40,000 people attempt to climb Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa. They ______(41) with them lots of waste. The ______(42) might damage the beauty of the place. The glaciers(冰川)are disappearing, changing the ______(43) of Kilimanjaro. Hearing these stories, I’m ______(44) about the place—other destinations are described as "purer"natural experiences. However, I soon ______(45) that much has changed since the days of disturbing reports of ______(46) among tons of rubbish. I find a ______(47) mountain, with toilets at camps and along the paths. The environmental challenges are ______(48) but the efforts made by the Tanzania National Park Authority seem to be ______(49). The best of a Kilimanjaro ______(50), in my opinion, isn’t reaching the top. Mountains are ______(51) as spiritual places by many cultures. This ______(52) is especially evident on Kilimanjaro as ______(53) go through five ecosystems(生态系统)in the space of a few kilometers. At the base is a rainforest. It ends abruptly at 3, 000 meters, ______(54) lands of low growing plants. Further up, the weather ______(55)—low clouds envelope the mountainsides, which are covered with thick grass. I ______(56) twelve shades of green from where I stand. Above 4, 000 meters is the highland ______(57): gravel(砾石), stones and rocks. ______(58) you climb into an arctic-like zone with ______(59) snow and the glaciers that may soon disappear. Does Kilimanjaro ______(60) its reputation as a crowded mountain with lines of tourists ruining the atmosphere of peace? I found the opposite to be true. 41.A. keep B. mix C. connect D. bring 42.A. stories B. buildings C. crowds D. reporters 43.A. position B. age C. face D. name 44.A. silent B. skeptical C. serious D. crazy 45.A. discover B. argue C. decide D. advocate 46.A. equipment B. grass C. camps D. stones 47.A. remote B. quiet C. all D. clean 48.A. new B. special C. significant D. necessary 49.A.paying off B. spreading out C. blowing up D. fading away 50.A.atmosphere B. experience C. experiment D. sight 51. A. studied B. observed C. explored D. regarded 52. A. view B. quality C. reason D. purpose 53. A. scientists B. climbers C. locals D. officials 54. A. holding on to B. going back to C. living up to D. giving way to 55. A. changes B. clears C. improves D. permits 56. A. match B. imagine C. count D. add 57. A. village B. desert C. road D. lake 58. A. Obviously B. Easily C. Consequently D. Finally 59. A. permanent B. little C. fresh D. artificial 60. A. enjoy B. deserve C. save D. acquire


七年级英语培优试题 第I卷选择题(共50分) 一、选择填空(20小题;20分) 1. I think these pants are his brother’s, not _____. His ______ over there. A. hers; is B. mine; is C. his; are D. ours; are 2.It's seven o'clock.I ________ in bed. A.lie B.lies C.am lying D.are lying 3. We want ________ the window ________ paper cuts. A.decorate,with B.decorate,in C.to decorate,with D.to decorate,use 4. I want something to drink, but there is ______ water. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little 5. Her mother doesn’t let her go out to play with other children, so she ______ do her homework at home. A. may B. would C. can D. has to 6. -Welcome and help yourselves. -______. A. Not at all B. You’re welcome C. All right D. Thank you 7. Jim; would you please ______ a message ______ Tom? A. gives; to B. takes; to C. give; for D. take; for 8.________ a hot summer day,people don't like to go out. A.At B.In C.On D.Of 9. I want to get some erasers, ______ there are not any. A. but B. and C. or D. so 10. This kind of shirt looks ______ and sells (卖;出售) ______. A. nice; well B. well; nice C. well; well D. good; nice 11. -Hello. This is Maria. May I speak to Lily? -______. A.Fine B. That’s right C. Speaking D. Good-bye 12. -Do you like lions or tigers? -I like ______.


英语第五次培优测试卷 (测试范围:unit3) 一、单项选择(每小题2分,共40分) ( )1. There?s ______ mall near my house. ______ mall sells the best clothes. A. a; A B. the; The C. the; A D. a; The ( )2. Go straight until you see a museum ______ your left. A. with B. at C. on D. from ( )3. Jack?s mother taught me how ______ Yunnan rice noodles last weekend. A. to make B. making C. make D. to making ( )4. It?s ______ for my son to go t o school from here. It only takes five minutes on foot.3原创作品 A. interesting B. dangerous C. convenient D. difficult ( )5. Linda thinks ______ conversations with friends in English is really helpful. A. having B. has C. to having D. have ( )6. I want to go to Mrs. Li?s home. Could you tell me her ______? A. address B. name C. story D. hobby ( )7. —Excuse me, do you know ______? —Yes, there is a flower shop on Jiefang Road. A. how can I buy some flowers B. where I can buy some flowers C. how I can buy some flowers D. where can I buy some flowers ( )8.(2016?安顺)-Can you tell me ____ to London? -Sure.Next month. A.when you will travel B.when will you travel C.when you travelled D.when did you travel ( )9.(2016?绵阳)---Could you tell me_______? ---At nine o'clock,in ten minutes. A.how will he leave B.when he has left C.why he is leaving D.when he will leave ( )10.(2016?北京)-Can you tell me ________? -He lives in Shanghai. A.where Mark lives B.where does Mark live C.where Mark lived D.where did Mark live ( )11.(2016?重庆)---Do you know ________? ---Let me see.I remember it was on March 18th. A.why did they move here B.why they moved here C.when did they move here D.when they moved here ( )12.(2016?青岛)-Excuse me.Could you tell me ______ about the local history and culture? -Of course.You can check it on this computer. A.how can I get the information B.what information did I get C.where I can get the information D.that I got the information ( )13.(2016?随州)-Would you like to tell me______? -Sure.Practice makes perfect. A.how can I learn English better B.how I can learn English better C.why can I learn English better D.why I can learn English better ( )14.---Would you please tell me the way to the Pacific Hotel? ---Go______ the post office, and you will find it on the left. A.pass B.past C.to pass D.passed ( )15.If you don?t understand it, you can ask the teacher______, and it will become____. A.direct, easily B.directly, easy C.directly, easily D.direct, easy ( )16.It?s very kind _____you ______ help me with my English. A. for, to B. with, for C. of, to D. to, to ( )17. Do you know ______there are_____ public restroom near here? A. that , some B. that , any C. if , some D. if , any ( )18. If it ________ tomorrow, we_______ kites. A. rain ,fly B. will rain ,will fly C. will rain , don?t fly D. rains, won?t fly ( )19. the staff ______to wear uniforms in the office. A. is asking B. ask C. are asked D. are asking ( )20.Would you please ______the window, it?s cold outside. A. not open B. not to open C. do not open D. to not open 二、完形填空。(每空1分,共10分) A teacher was giving a talk to his students on stress(压力) management. He raised a glass of water and asked them, "How___1____ do you think this glass of water is"? The students began to think and __2__. Their answers are different, from 20g to 500g. "It does not matter on the real __3__. It depends on how long you hold it. If I hold it for a __4__it is OK. If I hold it for an hour, I will have an ache in my right arm. If I hold it for a day, you will have to call a __5__ . It is the exact same weight, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes. What we have to do is to put the glass down, __6__ for a while before holding it up again." "If we carry our burdens (负担)__7__ sooner or later, we will not be able to carry on.. The burden will become increasingly heavier. We have to ___8__the burden every now and then, so that we can be refreshed and are able to carry on." So __9___you return home from work tonight, put the burden of work down. Don't carry it back home. You can pick it up tomorrow. Whatever burdens you have, let them down for a moment if you can. And learn to__ 10__ ourselves. Life is short but amazing. Enjoy it! ( )1.A. heavy B. full C. much D. long


全国卷高考英语精品卷:完形填空和语法填空(两篇) 完形填空和语法填空(1) I. 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分60 分)第一节完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30 分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1~15各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题 卡上将该项涂黑。 Wishing to encourage her young son ' s progress on the piano, a mother took her boy to a Paderewski concert. After they were 1 , the mother spotted a friend in the audience and walked down the passage to greet her. Seizing the 2 to explore the wonders of the concert hall, the little boy rose and 3__ explored his way through a door marked “ NO ADMITTAN CWEh.”en the house lights dimmed and the concert was about to begin, the mother returned to her seat and 4 that the child was missing. Suddenly, the curtains parted and spotlights focused on the impressive Steinway on stage. In __5 , the mother saw her little boy sitting at the key-board, 6__ picking out Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. At that moment, the great piano master made his 7 , quickly moved to the piano, and __8 in the boy ' s ear, “ Don' t quit. Keep playing. ” Then 9 over, Paderewski reached down with his left hand and began filling in a bass part. Soon his right arm reached around to the other side of the child and he added a running obbligato (伴奏). Together, the old master and the young novice (beginner) transformed a frightening situation into a wonderfully 10 experience. The audience was strongly 11 . That ' s the way it is in life. What we can accomplish on our own is hardly 12 . We try our best, but the 13 aren ' t exactly graceful flowing music. But when we trust in the hands of a Greater Power, our life 14 can be beautiful. Next time you set out to 15 great achievements, listen carefully. You can hear the voice of the Master, whispering in your ear, “ Don' t quit. Keep playing. ” 【文章大意】本文叙述了一个小男孩和他母亲一块去参加音乐会,趁他母亲和朋友聊天时,自己一人在音乐大厅跑。结果当钢琴表演开始时,小男孩正坐在钢琴键盘上弹奏数星星这首乐曲。钢琴大师并没有让他下来,而是让他继续弹。这样他们俩合作弹出的曲子吸引了观众。由此,可总结为,有人帮助完成的事是真正杰出优秀的。 1. A. seated B. sat C. dressed D. rested 【答案】A 【解析】考查动词及语境的理解。 A. seated 使坐下; B.sat 坐; C. dressed 穿衣; D. rested 休息。 短语be seated坐下,坐着。根据句意他们坐好后,妈妈发现了一个朋友。

【英语】 中考英语书面表达培优卷(word)

【英语】中考英语书面表达培优卷(word) 一、中考英语书面表达(含答案详细解析) 1.书面表达 我的英语学习 初中即将毕业,你在英语学习方面积累了较多的经验与方法,请你向你的表弟介绍你的做法,根据下面表格中的内容,按要求用英语写一篇短文, 要求:1.语句通顺,意思连贯,语法正确,书写规范; 2.必须包含表格中所有内容,并作适当发挥 3.行文中不得出现真实人名、校名或地名; 4.词数80-100。 _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 【答案】My English Study How time flies! My three-year middle school life will be over soon. Looking back, I have many memories of my English study. First, listen more. Listening to the radio is a good way to learn English. We can relax ourselves by listening to English songs. Second, say more. Use spoken English when communicating with classmates. Speaking English can enhance the ability and confidence to learn English well. Third, read more English books. Reading can broaden our horizon and help us understand English culture. In addition, learn some grammar rules to better understand and use English. Finally, we can write about our daily life. In a word, only when we develop interest in studying English can we learn it well. 【解析】 【详解】 这篇短文使用了大量的固定句式和短语,为文章增色不少,如look back,listen to the radio,a good way to learn English,relax ourselves,communicate with,help sb. do,do more reading,in addition,in a word等。而感叹句How time flies!,倒装句only when we


2018年高考英语年全国卷完形填汇总及答案 2018年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(I卷) 第三部分语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 During my second year at the city college, I was told that the education department was offering a “free” course, c alled Thinking Chess, for three credits. I 41 the idea of taking the class because, after all, who doesn’t want to 42 a few dollars? More than that, I’d always wanted to learn chess. And, even if I weren’t 43 enough about free credits, news about our 44 was appealing enough to me. He was an international grandmaster, which 45 I would be learning from one of the game’s46 . I could hardly wait to 47 him. Maurice Ashley was kind and smart, a former graduate returning to teach, and this 48 was no game for him; he meant business. In his introduction, he made it 49 that our credits would be hard-earned. In order to 50 the class, among other criteria, we had to write a paper on how we plan to 51 what we would learn in class to our future professions and, 52 , to our lives. I managed to get an A in that 53 and learned life lessons that have served me well beyond the 54 . Ten years after my chess class with Ashley, I’m still putting to use what he 55 me: “The absolute most important 56 that you learn when you play chess is how to make good 57 . On every single move you have to 58 a situation, process what your opponent (对手) is doing and 59 the best move from among all your options.” These words stil l ring true today in my 60 as a journalist. 41. A. put forward B. jumped at C. tried out D. turned down 42. A. waste B. earn C. save D. pay 43. A. excited B. worried C. moved D. tired 44. A. title B. competitor C. textbook D. instructor 45. A. urged B. demanded C. held D. meant 46. A. fastest B. easiest C. best D. rarest 47. A. interview B. meet C. challenge D. beat 48. A. chance B. qualification C. honor D. job 49. A. real B. perfect C. clear D. possible
