




读后感重在“感”读后感或观后感,既要写“读”或“观”的内容,如读某篇文章、某本书等,又要写读后或观后的“感想”,重点不是读或观,应该是“感”。可是,我们有的小朋友,往往抓不住这种文章的写作重点,一写起读后感或观后感来,就把读的内容、看的情景写得很多,到了“感”的时候,就没有话可说了。例如,有一篇《养花》的读后感,全文都是关于《养花》这篇文章内容的介绍和复述,直到结尾还是这样,很少写到“感”。结尾这样写道:“ 这篇文章的结尾写养花的乐趣,既须劳动,又长见识,这就是养花的乐趣。文章读完了,我的感想太深了。”可是,感想是什么呢?没有写,只有“感想太深了”一句话,更谈不上感想深刻了。要克服这种毛病,只有把“读”的内容少写,“感”的内容多写,写深写透,怎么想就怎么写,这样才有说服力。请看下面另一段写读《养花》的感想文字:“作者从养花中得到了知识和乐趣,并从中引出了一个哲理———‘不劳动,连棵花也养不活。’是的,劳动创造了一切,劳





Let the love between everyone When the sun of the spring was at the middle of the sky,I closed the book called Waiting For Goldie slowly。At that time,I felt a sunshine lighted up in my real heart,not only for the hot sun,but also for the meaningful story. Danny was the leading of the story,and Goldie was a champion racing pigeon of Danny’s Granddad。But one day,Danny was missing,and Danny was very worried about it,because his Granddad had a heart attack,if let he know the truth,he would even have another heart attack. So, Danny decided to look for Goldie by himself. First,he thought Goldie might be ate by the falcon,and he hated it very much. The sen tence “My fists are all bunched u p,in tight white knots” proves that Danny was really angry,But when he got to the quarry and found a chick of falcon,he changed his mind. The chick was too small and hopeless,that even made him think about Goldie. “All my angry feeling gush away,like water down a plughole”. I was moved by the love between Danny and Goldie,but I was move attracted by Danny’s kind and compassion. Surely,he found Goldie finally,but he didn’t hurt the falcon at last. In my opinion,I think the story was all about love: Danny’ s love to Granddad,Granddad’ s to Goldie. But the most important love that mov ed me is Danny’s love to the little falcon chick. As we know,at first,Danny even wanted it kill falcons,but finial he didn’t do that. What has made him do such different thing? I think it is the love. Love is the most beautiful thing in our world,we can’t see it ,but we can feel its existence。With the love,our heart can be warm。Sometimes,a word or action of love can make difference. So,Let’s lean to give love,share love,let the love between everyone. ——Written by 802 Daisy


作文范文: 周末的活动(第一人称和第三人称) I/He did many things last Sunday. I/He did homework. I/He learned to sing English songs. I/He went shopping with my mom. I/He visivted my grandparents. I/He had a great time. 假期旅行 I/He went to Hangzhou with my parents this summer vacation. I/He went there by train. I/He visited many places. I/He bought some things. I/He was very happy. I/He enjoyed my holiday. 奥运会 The Olympic Games have a very long history. The ancient Olympic Games began in 776BC in Greece. Only men could take part. It stopped a long time ago. People held the first modern Olympic Games in 1896 in Athens. Men and women could take part. Beijing hosted the 29th Olympic Games. The Chinese athletes won 51 gold medals, 21silver medals and 28bronze medals. We all were proud of our country. 介绍一位朋友 I have a good friend. Her name is Lily. She is tall. She likes singing. She often wears a nice dress. She is 1.70m and her size is large. 介绍自己 My name is …I was born in the years of Monkey. I like monkeys very much. Because my birth-year animal is also Monkey. I `m as smart as a monkey. I am 1.60m. my size is Medium . Football is my favorite sport.


小学英语作文优秀范文集锦 Today, when I walk pass a special shop, there sells all kinds of funny things. I love them all. Then I see a thing that my father must like. But I don’t have enough money at hand, I have to make choice. I finally decide to buy things for my father, bec ause I think it’s value is more important. My father has bought so many things for me, now I want to do it for him. 今天,当我走过一个特别的商店时,那里有卖各种各样的有趣的东西。我爱不释手。然后我看到一样我父亲一定很喜欢的东西。但是我没有足够的钱,我必须做出选择。最后我决定给我的父亲买东西,因为我认为它的价值更为重要。我父亲已经给我买了很多东西,现在我想为他做这些。 I am a shy girl, when there is activity in my class, I will run away from it and try to be nobody. But in my heart, I want to be noticed and show my talent. My friend encourages me to take part in the activity, she helps me to finish the task.At last, I become more and more confident and get along with others. I am so thankful to her for finding my confidence. 我是一个害羞的女孩,班上有活动的时候,我会逃离,让自己成为隐形人。但在我的心里,我想要得到关注,并展示我的才华。我的朋友鼓励我参加活动,她帮助我完成任务。最后,我变得越来越自信,与他人相处得也很愉快。我很感谢她帮助我找到了自信。 When I am taking the food, I get used to watching TV, it makes me happy. Though my parents have educated me to focus my attention on eating many time, I still like to keep my bad habit. Some day, I see from the news that there are so many bad influences on bad eating habit. So I decide not to watch TV while I am eating. 当我在吃饭的时候,我习惯了看电视,这让我高兴。虽然我父母经常教育我要集中注意力吃饭,但是我还是喜欢保持这样的坏习惯。有一天,我看到新闻,不好的饮食习惯会有很多不好的影响。所以我决定在吃饭的时候不看电视。 感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。


小学生优秀读后感文400字大全 以下是笔者为大家整理的关于小学生优秀读后感文400字大全的文章,供大家学习参考! 小学生400字读后感 滥竽充数》讲一个意义很深的故事。南郭先生根本不会吹竽,却老是装模作样地混进齐宣王的吹竽队里。后来齐湣王继承王位,却喜欢吹竽手一个个地吹给他听,南郭先生觉得混不下去了,只好灰溜溜地逃跑了。 读了这个故事以后,我为南郭先生感到悲哀,如果南郭先生学会了吹竽,不就可以光明正大地留在了皇宫了呀?但是南郭先生却耍起了小聪明,靠骗人来赚钱,最后只能落荒而逃。这个道理我以前就没有体会到,还让自己做了一回“南郭先生”。 有一次我回家乡,姐姐叫我去钓鱼。我们就来到了小湖旁垂钓。这鱼可真难上钩,都老半天了还没动静。眼看姐姐钓的鱼越来越多了,我心里开始着急,便趁姐姐不注意,去市场买了一条鱼,我把鱼紧紧地钩在鱼嘴里,跑回去往湖里一放,装腔作势地喊着:“钓到了!钓到了!”姐姐过来看了看,对我说:“这不是你钓的。”我惊叫:“你怎么知道的

呢?”“这湖里氧气不足,养不出这么大的鱼。”我红着脸,走到一边笑去了。 通过这件事,使我明白了,做“南郭先生”是不长久的,只有真才实学,才能使自己立于不败之地 《小学生枕边书》的读后感这本书里有激励小学生的100个故事,每当我翻开这本书,便会津津有味地读了起来。这本书的名字叫《小学生枕边书》。“一篇故事,一个哲理;一种激励,一次成长;一份努力,一片蓝天。”这本书里有100篇短小精悍的励志小故事,也有数不胜数的大道理。如:《小乌龟的困惑》这短短的几句谈话就告诉我们:我们每个人的命运都掌握在自己手中,不要把希望寄予在别人身上,不管他是你的父母亲还是至爱亲朋。大树底下好乘凉,可树总有到的一天,依靠别人,也总有靠不住的一天。只有通过我们的奋斗拼博才能真正实现自己的理想。《骆驼和马》这一故事让我们知道:不要因为自己有些地方不如别人就懊恼沮丧。你所以为的短处也许正是你未来的长处。成不了高山上的青松,就做溪边的一棵小树;成不了溪边的小树,就做田间的小草。记住,总有一片属于你的天空。……书里面的勇气、友爱、责任、自信、坚持、乐观,一个也不能少。俗话说:三岁看大,七岁看老。小学时的教育将会影响孩子的一生。让我们一起专心致志地读完这个励志小故事吧,共同享受这温馨甜蜜而又意义非凡的时刻。同学们,你也有对


9-4 summary Zhou yanjunStevie's father became a forest warden. So Stevie's family moved intoatinycottageontheedgeofathickforest.Thepreviousownerwholivedtherebeforecall edOldBilly.HeleftadogcalledBlackDan.Itbelonged to Old Billy before. Black Dan was the seventh. And Old Billygot rid of all of the other six dogs in the forest. One day when Stevie wasgoing to sleep, he heard a sound like howling. The next day he heard itagain. Black Dan howled back and ran out of the house quickly into theforest.SteviefollowedBlackDanintotheforest.Thenhewassurrounded by six Black Dans. He was so scared and tried to escape. Heran into an old mine but the dogs were still following. He kept runninguntil he reached the very edge of a mine shaft. Just when he was fallingdown the hole, Black Dan sopped him and pulled him back. Then he gotup and went out of the tunnel and got home with Black Dan guardinghim all the way. Black Dan became the hero who had saved his life. Thisstorytoldusthatdogoftenprotectsmasterfromdistress.Ittreats us so faithful, so we should take good care of the dog like Stevie.Do not exploit dog for yourself as Old Billy. A dog's life is very short for apeople, and can only have one master, so pleaselook after them well.Dog is human's best friend. 1/ 1


小学英语作文范文 1、根据给出的材料,写一写Sam这个周末的活动计划。 Sam is a puple. He is my good friend. He is busy at the weekend. He is going to read a book this Saturday morning. He is going to go to the zoo this Saturday afternoon. He is going to buy a book this Sunday morning. He is going to help Mum this Sunday afternoon. He is going to watch TV this Sunday evening. 2、看图写作文。 题目:A Happy Day in Spring 提示:Mr. Black 一家人在春天的某一天在野外游玩的场景。请用一般现在时描写图中所呈现出的内容。可作适当的想象和发挥。 A Happy Day in Spring It’s spring. It’s sunny and cloudy today. There are many big trees in the park. Mr. Black’s family have a picnic in a park. They bring many food

there. They bring fruit, drink and bread. Mr. Black and Mrs. Black talk with each other. They talk very happily. Ann reads a magazine. Tom likes flying a kite. The kite flies very well. They are hungry now. They want to eat their food. They are very happy. 3、根据下面提供的内容,写一篇英语短文。要求语句通顺,条理清楚,字数不少于50个单词。 Mary 是个英国女孩,五年级学生,十二岁。她向别人自我介绍,并介绍她的家庭。她有个双胞胎姐姐,爸爸是医生,妈妈是老师,她非常爱他们,他们也很爱她。 My name is Mary. I come from England. I am an English girl. I am a student. I am in Grade Five. I like my teacher. Her English is good. There are four people in my family. I have a twin sister. My father is a doctor. My mother is a teacher. I love them very much. They love me, too. 4、题目: My net friend(我的网友)


小学英语作文优秀范文五篇 【篇一】小学英语作文优秀范文 My English teacher is special, she teaches us in the different way. Since the day she comes to us, she says we can talk in the class, what’s more, we also can eat things, she never cares so much about the class rules. Her teaching method works, we always take the first place in the exam. I wish someday I could be a teacher like her. 我的英语老师很特别,她用不同与别人的方式来教我们。打从她 来到我们前面的第一天起,她就说我们能够在课堂上聊天,而且,我 们也能够吃东西,她总是不怎么介意课堂纪律。她的教育方法确实有效,我们总是考到了第一名。我希望将来有一天我也能成为像她那样 的老师。 【篇二】小学英语作文优秀范文 I like small animals. I like playing with them. My favorite animal is chick. They look lovely and like running. I also like running with them. It is a funny game. Sometimes I will give some food to them. They are always very happy to get the food. They like speaking. But I always cannot know what they say. And it doesn’t let me not like them. 我喜欢小动物。我喜欢跟它们玩。小鸡是我最喜欢的动物。它们 长得好可爱,而且还很喜欢跑来跑去的,我还喜欢跟它们一起跑。真 的是很好玩的游戏。有时候我会拿食物给它们。有吃的它们会很开心。它们很喜欢说话,不过我基本上都听不懂它们在说什么。但是这不影 响我喜欢它们 【篇三】小学英语作文优秀范文


小学生读后感优秀范文 小学生读后感优秀范文(一) 在这个寒冷的冬季,我有幸读了动物小说大王沈石溪作家的一本小说;;《虎娃金叶子》。 本书主要讲述:一位名叫“六指头”人,他出生在一个名叫郎雀的爱伲族的小村寨,他出生时有六个指头,因此他的阿妈给他起名叫“六指头”。当地有个古老的风俗,凡是双胞胎或长有六根指头的人都是琵琶鬼。为了逃避村民的追杀,他和阿妈逃进了大山成了“野人”。几年后,阿妈去世了…… 一次,六指头在野外打猎时,猎杀了一只正在分娩老虎,捡到了一只小老虎,并把这只小老虎带回来了自己的家;;“葫芦洞”。六指头每天用肉粥喂养小老虎并给它起名为“金叶子”。在主人精心地照顾下金叶子长成了一只威风凛凛的大老虎。 六指头为了金叶子,去与天空豪杰;; 金雕展开了一场激烈的搏杀。最后打败了金雕…… 金叶子也为了六指头,不惜与野象群搏斗。最后也打败了象群。救出了六指头…… 但是老虎不能像猎狗一样终身守候在主人的身旁。一天,金叶子出去猎食了,到了夜晚还没有回家。这使得六指头十分担心。三天后,金叶子终于回来了。金叶子拖着一只大公鹿从羊蹄甲草滩到了葫芦洞

送给六指头,表明它想离开主人,独自生活。金叶子离开了主人一段时间,可能是想主人了,又回到了葫芦洞。后来,金叶子产下一雌一雄两只小老虎。本以为六指头和金叶子还有两只小老虎可以过上幸福美满的生活,却没有想到厄运降临到他们头上。金叶子为了救马上就要被巫娘放的大火焚烧的六指头,不顾一切生命危险,最终,虎娃金叶子在黑衣兵丁的弹雨中不幸中弹身亡…… 读完这本书,我明白了动物其实是有感情的。想要让动物对人类有感情,那么人类必须懂得怎样帮助保护动物,让动物产生对人类的信赖。这样,动物才会对人类有感情。其实每个生命都应该受到应有的尊重。我希望大家也明白这个道理,以后不要伤害动物,而是要保护动物。千万别让人类成为地球上唯一的动物。 小学生读后感优秀范文(二) 今年假期,我读了《海底两万里》这部科幻巨着,我和阿龙纳斯三个人乘坐着“鹦鹉螺”号潜水艇开始了历时10个月,航程两万法里的海底之旅。 我们经过了太平洋,印度洋,红海,地中海,大西洋,南北极,其中我印象最深的有海底打猎。“鹦鹉螺”号撞暗礁搁浅,阿龙纳斯三人在陆地上度过了两天,海底葬礼、捕海牛、肉搏大鲨鱼、冰山封路、肉搏大章鱼,击沉战舰等。要知道凡尔纳时代没有什么潜水艇,甚至连电灯都没有,我赞叹凡尔纳的想象力,竟然能想象出未来世界。后来人们受到了凡尔纳的启发,造出了潜水艇,电灯等。 书中“鹦鹉螺”号的舰长尼摩是个神秘的人物,谁也不知道他是


Name: _____________________ Class: _____________________ Date: _______________________ Title of the book: Amy the Hedgehog Girl (7-1) ● Words Study 1. 野生动物 _________ 2. 专家 __________ 3. 对......无所不知 ____________ 4. 按时____________ 5. 继续试下去_________ 6. 打断道________ 7. 温柔地 _____________ 8. 吃光 ____________ 9. 设法 ___________ 10. 太棒了________ 11. 不许拍照 __________ 12. 不仅如此 ________ 13.expect ___________ 14. mean __________ 15.dig _____________ 16. delighted___________ 17. gently__________ 18. rudely __________ 19.promise ____________ 21.get dark __________ 21 amazing __________ 22. whisper _________ 23. odd _____________ 24.manage to ___________ ● Questions and answers: 1. Who was Mr. Peck? Why didn’t he like hedgehogs? (Chapter 1) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. How did Amy learn to talk with hedgehogs? What do hedgehogs like to eat? (Chapter 2) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Why were there so many people watching Amy at night? How did Amy deal with the money? (Chapter 3) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Who helped Mr. Peck win the third prize? What did he buy for the hedgehogs? (Chapter 3) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. What do you think of Amy? Why? ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ● What can you remember?



我的班级My Class I am ten years old now, I am in a primary school, in my class, I have many friends. My friends and I get along with each other well,they will help me when I am in trouble. When the activity race comes, my class gets united and fight for the first place, I am soproud of my class, I have so many happy memories. 我现在十岁了,我在一所小学上学,在我的班级中,我有很多的朋友。我的朋友和我之间相处得很好,他们会帮助我,当我遇到困难 的时候。当活动比赛举行的时候,我的班级就会团结起来,为第一 名奋斗,我为我的班级感到自豪,我有很多开心的回忆 我最喜欢的节日My Favorite Festival There are many festivals in a year, I love Children’s day, because on that day, I can have many candies from school. In the school, i will play many games, there will be no class on Children’s day, and everybody will have fun. Children’s day is my favorite day, the day belongs to me. I enjoy that day so much. My parents will also celebrate it for me. 一年中有很多的节日,我喜欢儿童节,因为在那天,我可以从学校 里得到很多的糖果。在学校里,我可以玩很多的游戏,儿童节那天


精品文档英语作文 题目:A Happy Day in Spring 提示:Mr. Black 一家人在春天的某一天在野外游玩的场景。请用一般现在时描写,可作适当的想象和发挥。 要求:1、条理清晰,意思明确、连贯,句子通顺,标点正确,书写工整、规范。 2、不少于70个单词。 A Happy Day in Spring It’s spring. It’s sunny and cloudy today. There are many big trees in the park. Mr. Black’s family have a picnic in a park. They bring many food there. They bring fruit, drink and bread. Mr. Black and Mrs. Black talk with each other. They talk very happily. Ann reads a magazine. Tom likes flying a kite. The kite flies very well. They are hungry now. They want to eat their food. They are very happy. 2、根据给出的材料,写一写Mike这个周末的活动计划。 Saturday Sunday read a magazine go to the zoo buy a book learn Kungfu watch TV Mike is a student. He is my good friend. He is busy at the weekend. He is going to read a magazine this Saturday morning. He is going to go to the zoo this Saturday afternoon. He is going to buy a book this Sunday morning. He is going to learn Kungfu this Sunday afternoon. He is going to watch TV this Sunday evening. 3、根据下面提供的内容,写一篇英语短文。要求语句通顺,条理清楚,字数不少于50个单词。 Amy是个美国女孩,六年级学生,十二岁。她向别人自我介绍,并介绍她的家庭。她有个双胞胎姐 姐,爸爸是医生,妈妈是老师,她非常爱他们,他们也很爱她。 My name is Amy. I come from US. I am an English girl. I am a student. I am in Grade Five. I like my teacher. Her English is good. There are four people in my family. I have a twin sister. My father is a doctor. My mother is a teacher. I love them very much. They love me, too. 4、题目:My net friend(我的网友) 要求:1.条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确,书写清晰、规范; 2.要将提示词全部体现在作文中;不得少于50个单词。 提示词:(1)computer (2)net friend (3) talk with each other(互相交谈) .


【篇一】小学生读后感优秀范文 这本书在教我们如何成为一个受朋友欢迎的孩子,内容以漫画为主,由图片让小朋友更有兴趣看这本全韩最畅销的儿童教育书,作者是李成亚,译者是李哲柱,出版社汉湘出版社。 许多人都曾烦恼过为什么大家都不想跟我当朋友?只要看了这本书就会明白交朋友要注意的地方。这本书交了许多学校老师没敎的东西,例如与朋有相处要以身作则、一定要保守秘密、要有风度等,它还告诉我们怎样会使人变成讨厌鬼,例如不断将朋友分等级、爱说谎、总在背后说人家的坏话等。 其中在“受欢迎的人”区,令我印像深刻的是遵守约定。遵守约定很重要,不把约定当回事而不遵守约定的人是不被朋友信任的,大家也会渐渐离开,所以遵守约定非常重要;另外,在“讨厌鬼”区,令我印象最深刻的是以为长相好看就行了。为什么呢?因为很多人会因为自己长得好看就对别人使唤来使唤去的,以为脸蛋长的好看就有用,错!完全错误!我妈常跟我说:“好看,又不能当饭吃,我们必须打破那种脸蛋长的好看就有用的信念。” 朋友有时是除了亲人外更能贴近我们的人,拥好美好的有谊是人生中无形的财富,如果能在朋友中受欢迎,相信不管有什么困难,一定能笑着度过! 【篇二】小学生读后感优秀范文 今天,我选择的读本是叶圣陶爷爷的《稻草人》。一个个童话故事吸引了我们,其中《傻子》这篇文章深深吸引着我的眼球。 故事介绍了:傻子虽然很傻,但是他很有善心、有爱心和强烈的正义感。傻子虽然连银元也不认识,但是他为了把银元还给失主一直等到深更半夜。傻子虽然也很笨,但是他也懂得照顾别人。他让师兄休息,自己完成任务锯木头锯到第二天。还有一次,国王打仗因被邻国打败,非常不甘心,傻子想让国王拿他来消气,谁知歪打正着,反让国王不再打仗。 我读懂了,傻子是一个善良的人,他只知道为别人着想,自己就能得到快乐,不顾别人的讽刺和嘲笑。我们要像傻子一样,做一个有爱心、善心和有正义感的人。 如果拿我和傻子相比的话,那肯定是傻子更胜一筹。傻子有一颗善良的心,捡到钱就还给失主,如果是我的话,肯定嫌麻烦视而不见。傻子也很有爱心,他让别人休息,自己干活。换做是我,肯定干一会儿就不干了,直接推给别人干。别看傻子傻,其实他还有许多优点等着我们去学习呢! 这就是我向你们介绍的文章,从中我知道不要小看人家,总有一


A Book Which Make Us Happy To Study English ---------the book review on Good English When I get this set of books first time, I found it was really a wonderful book to learn English. It chooses the most veritable English articles by best writers and these articles are always interesting stories or scripts of stage plays. All the students can?t get rid of temptation of it. Our English teacher always tell us the story behind every book and we enjoy listening it. Some books can be played by ourselves. We write the scripts, choose the actors, prepare the equipment and direct it all by ourselves, everyone plays a part in this play. I believe that everyone loves learning English in excitement like this, but there?re still a lot of stude nt studying in this way: listening, writing,exercising over and over again. They can?t get happy from leaning English even hate English. We are in great danger! All the Chinese students are in great danger! They always pay more attention to the grammars an d don?t notice that the foreign cultures, the pronunciation and what the writer want to tell us. “Good English” gives us the best experiences of learning English. We can …travel? all over the world and …talk? with the foreign native speaker during we study English happily.


【导语】英语作文,是指用英语针对某一内容写出一篇文章,是英语考试最常见的一种题目类型,英语作文要求阅读、写作能力比较高,也是考生最容易失分的题型,因此培养学生写作能力是非常有意义的。以下是无忧考网整理的《小学生英语作文范文10篇》,希望帮助到您。 小学生英语作文范文篇一 Last week, my father took me to the swimming pool, he told me that I should learn to swimming, so that I could protect myself when I meet the emergent situation. I was so afraid of the water at the beginning, my father asked to be brave, I tried to go into the water many times, finally I made it. It is a good try for me, I believe I can swim soon. 小学生英语作文范文篇二 There are 5 members in my family, my father,mother,elder brother, elder sister and me.My brother and sister were married,my brother has a 4 years old daughter. We moved to Shanghai when i was 3 years old, my parents are running business in a company until now. My father is a little bit childish, he feel that nothing is important than children happy, so he always satisfy to what we want since we were small. my mother take much care to this family, i used to feel than my mother is annoying, but now i understand what my mom did was for our own good. My brother is cuteand very tolerate, my sister is a strong-determination women, we fought everyday when we were small, but our relationship is close. I feel happy to have such family. 小学生英语作文范文篇三 Last night, my parents told me that they needed to go out for work at night, so they couldn’t cook for me, they asked me to live with my grandparents. Thinking about staying at home alone, I felt excited, I told them I could take care of myself. When the darkness came, I felt hungry, I cooked the simple dinner, what’s more, I washed the dishes. I can take care of myself. 小学生英语作文范文篇四 I like to watch comedy so much, because it makes me laugh happily and I will forget about the annoyance. The comedies from Zhou Xingchi are my favorite, no matter how many times I watch them, I just can’t help laughing out loudly. Watching comedy is a good way to relax, it helps me to keep the good mood. 小学生英语作文范文篇五 My uncle is a policeman. He is very tall and very strong. He punishes the bad people and protect the good people. He always helps others. He is my hero. When I grow up, I want to be a policeman like my uncle. I want to help people and protect them, so they can live a safe life.
