





黄青阳 (东门中学) 施俞晨 (实验中学)




施钰麟(实验中学)徐魏钧(实验中学)周天然 (实验中学)


施彦迪(民一中学) 黄晨宇(正大中学) 顾岑赛(民一中学) 杜婧怡(民一中学) 朱若馨(民一中学) 徐凌峰(东门中学) 林珺瑶(东门中学) 浦天妮(东门中学) 朱思窈(实验中学) 郁严(民一中学) 蔡怡(东门中学) 秦文君(实验中学) 曹哲毅(正大中学)




小学生安全知识竞赛题及答案(一) 对表示(R),错表示(W) 一、判断 41.骑车可以推行、绕行闯越红灯。(W ) 42、小学生不应直接参预扑救火灾。(R ) 43、使用液化气要遵循“火等气”的操作规则,不能“气等火”。(R ) 44、看完电视后,可以用湿冷抹布擦拭后盖及荧光屏。(W ) 45、雷雨天可照常开电视机。(W ) 46、电扇运转中发出焦味或冒黑烟,可正常使用。(W ) 47、洪灾发生时,可以向高处走,并等待救援小组有序撤离。(R ) 48、学生在校外遭遇暴力侵害时,先是逃跑,必要时采取防卫,同时一定要记住施暴者的体貌特征,并及时报告警察和老师。(R ) 49、学校必须制订《突发事故应急预案》。(R ) 50、可以购买无行驶证与发票的二手自行车。(W ) 51、网上的不良内容不仅造成人的心理伤害,生理上也会出现伤害。(R ) 52、脱臼的处理:动作轻巧,不乱伸乱扭,先冷敷,扎上绷带,使关节固定不动,再请医生矫治。(R ) 53、抽筋的处理:运动时抽筋,可将肌肉轻轻拉直,加以按摩。(R ) 54、室内着火,火势较大,如果当时门窗紧闭,应立即打开门窗。(W ) 55、当人触电后,须先立即使病人脱离电源后,方可抢救。(R ) 56、沙眼是不会传染的眼病,因此可以使用患者的毛巾,手帕等。(W ) 57、近视形成的原因除了环境因素外,还有可能是遗传原因。(W ) 58、甲型肝炎主要通过消化道传播,乙型肝炎主要通过注射途径和密切的日常生活接触而传播。(R )

59、同学之间早恋者,一经发现,学校对其进行教育、处分的同时,要报派出所备案。(W ) 60、行人通过路口或者横过道路,应当走人行横道或者过街设施。(R ) 61、机动车驾驶员在驾驶机动车时可以拨打手提电话。(W ) 62、轻便摩托车上路行驶时,应戴好安全头盔。(R ) 63、发生火灾时可以组织学生参加救火。(W ) 64、饮水讲卫生,不喝生冷水。(R ) 65、打雷时,要就地蹲下,远离旗杆、高塔、烟囱、大树等。(R ) 66、被火烧伤或被开水烫伤时,如果身边有冰块,可以用冰块冰敷伤处,不需要再去医院。(W ) 67、在火场中逃生,要注意防止烟熏,要低头弯腰快速逃离现场。(R ) 68、四条机动车道以上的公路要求骑自行车人在人行道推车横过马路。(R ) 69、吸烟既危害健康,又容易引起火灾。中小学生"行为规范"中要求在校学生不要吸烟。香烟中含有尼古丁等剧毒物。(R ) 70、我国法律明文规定禁止未满16周岁人员进入网吧。(R) 二、判断题。(对的在括号里打“√”,错的在括号里打“×”) 1、过没有人行道的马路时要靠右侧路边行走。()√ 2、火灾逃跑时,遇到浓烟,应直立行走。()× 3、用煤气煮饭时,火被风吹灭,可以用打火机重新点燃。()× 4、在室内发现煤气味,要立即打开排气扇。()× 5、家里起火时,可以往身上浇水,以免引火烧身。()√ 6、游泳时,千万不要在水中打闹,以免呛水或受伤。()√ 7、上体育课时,穿不穿运动服装和运动鞋无所谓。()× 8、不带与体育课无关的物品,如别针、小刀等金属、硬物上体育课。()√


全国中学生初三年级英语竞赛试题 一、听力测试(共30小题,计25分) (A)听对话,回答问题。本题共有五个小题,在每个小题内你将听到一个小对活,然后你会听到一个问题,我们把对话和问题都念两遍。请你从试卷上的A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出能回答这个问题的答案,并在答题卷上写上该答案的序号。(每小题1分) 1. A. Math. B. English. C. History. D. Physics. 2. A. Mary. B. Jane. C. Alice. D. Jenny. 3. A. A conductor. B. A teacher. C. A student. D. A farmer. 4. A. Friday. B. Thursday. C. Wednesday. D. Tuesday. 5. A. Close the window. B. Have more clothes on. C. Play outside. D. Move to another town. (B)单句理解。本题共有十个小题,在每个小题内你将听到一个句子,我们把句子念两遍。请你从试卷上A、B、C、D四个选项中找出一个句子,它与你所听到的那个句子意思最为接近,并在答题卷上写上该答案的序号。(每小题1分) 6. A. Please go on with it . B. Hold it in your hand . C. Don’t hang up the telephone. D. Please put up your hands. 7. A. We have a new co mputer and it’s in my room . B. We have a new computer but it’s not in my room . C. We want to put our new computer in my room . D. We must have a new computer in my room . 8. A. The exhibition started last Tuesday . B. The exhibition will end next Tuesday.


中学生安全知识竞赛题一、是非判断题(正确的写“A”,错误的写“C”。) 1、家里用的一次性打火机不会引起爆炸。( C ) 2、小青家电饭锅的内胆坏了,她就用其他的钢精器皿代替,这样做节约能源,值得大家学习。 ( C ) 3、晓斌在宿舍里经常从一张床上跳到另一张床上,他说这能锻炼身体。( C ) 4、安装灯泡是件简单的事情,但我们还是要先切断电源。( A ) 5、高楼发生火灾时使用电梯逃生比较快。( C ) 6、抽烟是一种时尚,青少年学生不在校时可以适当抽一些。( C ) 7、萧军因为在学校的游泳比赛中获得冠军,所以假期他去游泳从不要父母陪伴。他说:“我是冠军,用不着担心的。”( C ) 8、吸过的烟头直接扔进纸篓,会使纸张燃烧,引起火灾。( A ) 9、患有疾病或身体不适时,只要自己注意点,是可以参加紧张剧烈的体育活动的。( C ) 10、只要不影响交通,在道路上是可以使用旱冰鞋滑行的。( C )11、行人须在人行道上行走,没有人行道的靠马路边上行走。( C ) 12、体育运动中,如果安排的不科学,可能会造成运动损伤,如跑步,常会发生踝关节、腰关节扭伤及软组织损伤。( A) 13、运动后不要喝大量白开水,更不应该暴食冷饮,而需要多喝盐开水。( A ) 14、乱倒垃圾、乱扔果皮和纸屑是一种不良行为,会影响环境卫生和传播疾病( A ) 15.与同学发生争执时应先冷静,理智面对。如果解决不了应及时找老师帮助或与同学之间协调。( A ) 二、单选题 1、、“得放手时须放手,得饶人处且饶人”说明人应该:( C ) A、软弱 B、大度 C、宽容待人 D、对一切都无所谓 2、冬春季节是( B )传染病的流行季节。 A. 消化道 B. 呼吸道 C. 虫媒传染病。 3、在火场中,充满了各种各样的危险:烈焰、高温、烟雾、毒气等。下面几种保护措施,哪一条是正确的? ( C ) (A)在火场中站立、直行,并大口呼吸。 (B)迅速躲避在火场的下风处。(C)用湿毛巾捂住口鼻,必要时匍匐前行。 4、如果你经常外出带着家门的钥匙,下面的哪种做法可能会有危险?( A ) (A)把钥匙挂在脖子上。(B)把钥匙放在衣兜里。 (C)把钥匙放在随身的包里。 5、油锅着火时,正确的灭火方法是( C ) (A)赶快去端油锅。(B)用锅盖盖灭。(C)用水浇。6、各行其道是指( )只能在交通法律、法规规定的道路上或专用道上行驶,不得随意侵入对方行经的道路。( C )


C. Fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给) (14分) The rise of the Emoji(表情符号) Happy, angry, amazed-these are some of the emotions we like to express these days when we’re sending a message on our mobile phones. We’re also using them as a quick way of telling someone how we’re f____81____. Yes,emojis have become a very important tool for communication. Let’s clear one thing up first-there are emojis and emoticons. The latter are little images which are made using normal keys on a keyboard. For example, a colon(冒号), two dots, followed by a close bracket(右括号) is a “smiley face”. But as technology has improved, many images have been created and they can be simply a____82____ to your messages, which is great! The emoji was first invented in Japan in the late 1990s and the word “emoji” comes from the Japanese words for “picture” and “character”. The number of different images has greatly i____83____since then. Now we have a picture of every mood or situation. Another a____84____of emojis is that they are an international language-they don’t use word but tell a message in pictorial form so they can be e____85____ translated whatever your native language is. However, the emojis you send need some thought as they can sometimes be misunderstood. If a friend sends you an emoji of a hammer(锤), you may think he is angry when really he is s____86____ he has hurt! But as Linguist Neil Cohn says, “To many, emojis are an exciting development of the way we communicate; to others, they are linguistic decline(语言的衰退).” It shows there is a lot more to our communication than words a____87____, but does this mean the decline in traditional writing? C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(14分) Grades are important, but they are not the only measure. I have come to understand that exam grades are not the only purpose of schools, and grades


中小学生安全知识竞赛一、选择题(42分) 1 2分 得:2分( A )我们从电视或书本上读到的“大烟”(毒品)指_____。 A.鸦片 B.海洛因 C.大麻 2 2分 得:2分( C )机动车(除拖拉机、电瓶车、轮式专用机械车外)行经铁路道口、急弯路、窄路、窄桥、隧道时,时速不准超过______。

A.10公里B.20公里C.30公里 3 2分 得:2分( B )食品生产经营人员多久必须进行健康检查? A.每半年 B.每一年 C.每两年 D.每四年 4 2分得:2分( A )灭火器上的压力表用红、黄、绿三色表示灭火器的压力情况,当指针指在绿色区域表示________。

A .正常 B .偏高 C .偏低 D .已坏 5 2分 得:2分 ( B )惊恐发作时最常见的症状是: A .发抖 B .濒死感 C .意识丧失 D .恐惧

6 2分 得:2分( C )发现有人准备跳楼轻生,你应该拨打_____。 A.120 B.119 C.110 7 2分 得:2分( C )生产、经营、储存、运输、使用危险化学品和处置废弃危险化学品依法实施________的有关部门工作人员,对不符合本条例规定的事项予以批准或者许可的依法给予降级或者撤职的行政处分。 A.监督控制 B.检验 C.监督管理

8 2分 得:2分( C )电动工具的电源引线,其中黄绿双色线应作为______线使用。 A.相线 B.工作零线 C.保护接地 9 2分 得:2分( A )突发胃穿孔时,不要捂着肚子乱打滚,应朝左侧卧于床。理由是穿孔部位大多位于胃部__。 A.右侧 B.左侧 10 2分得:2分( B )下列哪项不属于台风过后所要注意的事项?


2019年度面向中小学生的全国性竞赛活动清单 一、科技创新类 1、全国青少年科技创新大赛 (小学、初中、高中学生) 2、中国青少年机器人竞赛(小学、初中、高中学生) 3、全国青少年创意编程与智能设计大赛(小学、初中、高中学生) 4、“童创未来”全国青少年人工智能创新挑战赛(初中、高中学生) 5、第六届全国青少年电子信息智能创新大赛 (小学、初中、高中学生) 6、全国中小学信息技术创新与实践大赛 (小学(三年级以上)、初中、高中学生) 7、全国中小学生创·造大赛(小学、初中、高中学生) 8、青少年科学调查体验竞赛 (小学、初中学生) 9、“明天小小科学家”竞赛(高中学生) 10、全国青年科普创新实验暨作品大赛 (初中、高中学生) 11、全国中学生天文知识竞赛 (初中、高中学生) 12、全国防震减灾知识大赛 (初中、高中学生) 二、学科类 13、全国中学生数学奥林匹克竞赛 (高中学生) 14、全国中学生物理奥林匹克竞赛 (高中学生) 15、全国中学生化学奥林匹克竞赛 (高中学生) 16、全国中学生生物学奥林匹克竞赛 (高中学生) 17、全国中学生信息学奥林匹克竞赛 (高中学生) 18、世界华人学生作文大赛 (高中学生) 19、全国中学生科普科幻作文大赛 (高中学生)

20、第十七届叶圣陶杯全国中学生新作文大赛 (高中学生) 21、高中生创新能力大赛(高一、高二学生) 22、“外研社杯”全国中小学外语素养大赛 (高中学生) 23、中国日报社“21世纪杯”全国英语演讲比赛 (高中学生) 24、第三十届“希望杯”全国数学邀请赛(高中学生) 25、第十三届“地球小博士”和“环保之星”全国地理科普知识大赛 (高中学生) 三、艺术体育类 26、全国中小学生绘画书法作品比赛 (幼儿园、小学、初中、高中学生) 27、中日青少年书画友好交流大赛 (小学、初中、高中学生) 28、全国青少年科学影像大赛 (小学、初中、高中学生) 29、丝路国家青少年国际摄影竞赛 (小学、初中、高中学生) 此次公布的正式名单比之前公示名单少了3项,教育部相关负责人表示,经过调查发现,中国写作学会申请举办的“第十四届全国高中生创新作文大赛”、中国篮协申请举办的“肯德基三人篮球赛”以及中国人生科学学会申请举办的“全国中小学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCSS)”等3项竞赛活动,存在承办方违规办赛、竞赛管理主体责任落实不到位、主办方年检不合格等问题,不符合《管理办法(试行)》有关条款的规定,因此取消了上述3项竞赛活动。


Shanghai Junior High School English Contest Paper for Written English I. Vocabulary and Structure: 30% 1. Adams hadn’t a _________ what the speaker was talking about most of time because the class was in chaos. A. guess B. thought C. concept D. clue 2. Any one who followed _________ would be blessed with a richer life and boundless love from his family. A. my set of rules B. my packet of rules C. my group of rules D. my pack of rules 3. _________, the King of Rock 'n' Roll, was crowned top-earning dead celebrity of the past 12 months. A. Elton John B. Elvis Presley C. Sting D. Michael Jackson 4. "To be or not to be, that is the question” is a quotation from Shakespeare’s play _________. A. Romeo and Juliet B. Macbeth C. Hamlet D. King Lear 5. My cousin Betty is the black _________ of the family A. cow B. pig C. horse D. sheep 6. I’v e got my driving test this afternoon so keep your _________ crossed. A. toes B. fingers C. arms D. legs 7. As Mr. Best was passing the bookshop, he thought he'd just _________ to see whether any interesting books were on sale. A. look in B. look up C. look round D. look for 8. Lenny advised me to have a _________ of brandy because it will make me less nervous. A. bite B. lick C. sip D. touch 9. My father's very quiet too. I _________ him. A. follow with B. take after C. look like D. turn up to be 10. The capital of Australia is _________ A. Sydney B. Melbourne C. Liverpool D. Canberra 11. Germany has won the World Cup _________ A. twice B. three times C. four times D. five times 12. Tony Blair became _________ of Britain in 19971 A. president B. general secretary C. prime minister D. king 13. _________ was defeated at the battle of Waterloo. A. Hitler B. Napoleon C. Mussolini D. Richard Nixon 14. There are two main political parties in the USA, _________ and _________. A. the Democrats and the Republicans B. the Democrats and the Labors C. the Democrats and the Conservatives D. the Conservatives and the Republicans


笔试部分(共七大题,计120分) I. 选择填空(Vocabulary and structure) (共20小题,计20分) 从A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. —Jane, what are you doing _________ your computer? —I'm looking for information _________ airlines? A. about; for B. on; with C. in; with D. with; about 2. There are _________ carrots in the fridge. You don't have to buy any. A. few B. a few C. any D. little 3. —Who is Tina? —The girl who is wearing a _________ dress? A. beautiful red B. red and pretty C. red nice D. red but long 4. He _________ up very late in the morning, but now he _________ up very early. A. used to get; is used to get B. used to getting; is used to get C. is used to getting; used to get D. used to get; is used to getting 5. _________, he had studied art in Paris. A. When a boy B. As boy C. As a boy D. As he is a boy 6. —I hate space adventures. —_________. A. Nor do I B. Me neither C. Neither do I D. So do I 7. —Are you going to buy that car?


中小学生安全知识竞赛100分 一、选择题(40分) 1 5分 得:5 分 用冰箱保存保藏食品不正确的做法是______。 A .冰箱内的生熟食物必须分开放置 B .准备放入冰箱的生熟食物要清洗干净 C .冰箱内的食物都可以存放较长时间,因为冰箱中温度低,所以不必担心食物变质 D .存放在冰箱内的熟食在食用前要再次加热 2 5分 得: 5分 交通信号灯中的黄灯表示什么? A .禁止通行 B .准许通行 C .警示

5分 得:5 分 当你发现有人触电倒下时,应立即采取的方法是: A .迅速用手拉触电者 B .迅速用铁棍挑开电线 C .迅速用竹竿或木棍挑开电线 D .以上都不可以 4 5 分得: 5分 单位或家庭维修中使用溶剂和油漆时除了杜绝一切火种,还应该注意______。 A .湿度 B .温度 C .通风 5 5 分得:5 分 发生煤气泄漏时不能______。 A .打电话 B .开窗 C .关闭阀门

5分 得: 5分 发现有人准备跳楼轻生,你应该拨打_____。 A .120 B .119 C .110 7 5分 得:5 分 在学校内发现甲型H1N1流感或疑似病例时,如何有效预防疫情蔓延? A .注意个人卫生、不到人多的拥挤的地方 B .与同学一起共用餐具 C .防止感染H1N1、关好门窗。 8 5 分得: 5分 图中标志为______标志。 A .注意儿童

B.人行横道 C.学校二、判断题(40分) 1 6分 得:6分 ()常吃黄色、绿色蔬菜及动物肝脏、鸡蛋、红薯等食品,可以保护视力。 2 6分 得:6分 ()出行时可以坐在货车车厢内。 3 6分 得:6分 ()焊接管道和设备时,必须采取防火安全措施。 4 5分 ()不要随便采摘、食用蘑菇、野菜和野果,以免发生食物中毒。


一、选择填空 1. This story-book is ______. I wrote ______ name on its cover______. A. my; my; myself B. mine; my; myself C. myself; mine; my D. mine; myself; my 2. Peter decided to go _____ the lesson once more before class. A.out B.on C.over D.down 3. I really like Maria. She's _________ a sweet girl _________ is always polite to everyone. A. so; that B. quite; which C. such; who D. very; whose 4. I won't leave unless you _________ me everything. I have to know! A. don't leave B. won't teach C. would find D. tell 5. — Do you know the famous musical Cats is going to be performed in Beijing on 5th December? — Yes. But we've not got the tickets. — _________. A. We haven’t too B. So do we C. So have we D. Neither have we 6. _________ she was washing her face, the water stopped _________. A. As; running B. As soon as; to flow C. After; to go D. Since; raining 7. — Have you ever _________ a lot of money? — No, I haven't, but once I _________ £10 in a lottery. A. won; won B. seen; have stolen C. made; will get D. received; paid 8. — _________ you change a pound, please? — I _________ have some. Let me see. A. Should; might B. Can; must C. Could; may D. Will; would 9. Help yourself to some fish. The fish _________ in this restaurant are _________ locally. A. cooking; living B. served; caught C. sold; finding D. made; seen 10. — Do you like cooking? — Yes, but the one job I hate in the kitchen is _________. A. getting up B. putting up C. hanging up D. washing up 11.—Where have you been all the time?—I came back at noon and I ____ in this room since. A. have been B. was C. had been D. have gone 12.. --- Can he lend me some money?-- I regret to tell you he is ______ you. A. not rich as B. no more rich than C. no richer than D. not richer as 13.. --- If he _____, he _____ that food.--- Luckily he was sent to the hospital at once. A. was warned, would not take B. had been warned, would not have taken C. would be warned, had not taken D. would have been warned, had not taken 14. I don’t like _____ of the two pens. Please show me ______. A. both, one B. all, the other C. neither, the others D. either, another 15. He was afraid ______ the yard because he was afraid ______ by the big dog _____ at the gates.


初中英语竞赛试题(笔试)试题和答案 2005 Shanghai Junior High School English Contest Paper for Written English I. Vocabulary and Structure: 30% 1. Adams hadn’t a _________ what the speaker was talking about most of time because the class was in chaos. A. guess B. thought C. concept D. clue 2. Any one who followed _________ would be blessed with a richer life and boundless love from his family. A. my set of rules B. my packet of rules C. my group of rules D. my pack of rules 3. _________, the King of Rock 'n' Roll, was crowned top-earning dead celebrity of the past 12 months. A. Elton John B. Elvis Presley C. Sting D. Michael Jackson 4. "To be or not to be, that is the question” is a quotation from Shakespeare’s play _________. A. Romeo and Juliet B. Macbeth C. Hamlet D. King Lear 5. My cousin Betty is the black _________ of the family A. cow B. pig C. horse D. sheep 6. I’ve got my driving test this afternoon so keep your _________ crossed. A. toes B. fingers C. arms D. legs 7. As Mr. Best was passing the bookshop, he thought he'd just _________ to see whether any interesting books were on sale. A. look in B. look up C. look round D. look for 8. Lenny advised me to have a _________ of brandy because it will make me less nervous. A. bite B. lick C. sip D. touch 9. My father's very quiet too. I _________ him. A. follow with B. take after C. look like D. turn up to be 10. The capital of Australia is _________ A. Sydney B. Melbourne C. Liverpool D. Canberra 11. Germany has won the World Cup _________


小学生安全知识竞赛题及答案 必答题: 对表示(R),错表示(W) 1.骑车可以推行、绕行闯越红灯。(W ) 2、小学生不应直接参预扑救火灾。(R ) 3、看完电视后,可以用湿冷抹布擦拭后盖及荧光屏。(W ) 4、雷雨天可照常开电视机。(W ) 5、电扇运转中发出焦味或冒黑烟,可正常使用。(W ) 6、学生在校外遭遇暴力侵害时,先是逃跑,必要时采取防卫,同时一定要记住施暴者的体貌特征,并及时报告警察和老师。(R ) 7、网上的不良内容不仅造成人的心理伤害,生理上也会出现伤害。(R ) 8、抽筋的处理:运动时抽筋,可将肌肉轻轻拉直,加以按摩。(R ) 9、室内着火,火势较大,如果当时门窗紧闭,应立即打开门窗。(W ) 10、当人触电后,须先立即使病人脱离电源后,方可抢救。(R ) 11、行人通过路口或者横过道路,应当走人行横道或者过街设施。(R ) 12、机动车驾驶员在驾驶机动车时可以拨打手提电话。(W ) 13、轻便摩托车上路行驶时,应戴好安全头盔。(R ) 14、发生火灾时可以组织学生参加救火。(W ) 15、饮水讲卫生,不喝生冷水。(R ) 16、打雷时,要就地蹲下,远离旗杆、高塔、烟囱、大树等。(R ) 17、被火烧伤或被开水烫伤时,如果身边有冰块,可以用冰块冰敷伤处,不需要再去医院。(W ) 18、在火场中逃生,要注意防止烟熏,要低头弯腰快速逃离现场。(R ) 19、吸烟既危害健康,又容易引起火灾。中小学生"行为规范"中要求在校学生不要吸烟。香烟中含有尼古丁等剧毒物。(R ) 20、我国法律明文规定禁止未满16周岁人员进入网吧。(R) 21、过没有人行道的马路时要靠右侧路边行走。()√ 22、火灾逃跑时,遇到浓烟,应直立行走。()× 23、用煤气煮饭时,火被风吹灭,可以用打火机重新点燃。()× 24、家里起火时,可以往身上浇水,以免引火烧身。()√ 25、游泳时,千万不要在水中打闹,以免呛水或受伤。()√ 26、上体育课时,穿不穿运动服装和运动鞋无所谓。()× 27、不带与体育课无关的物品,如别针、小刀等金属、硬物上体育课。()√


.精品文档 . 初中二年级英语奥林匹克竞赛试题 一、词语释义:(10%) ()1.Unlike yur ity,there are a lt f ars in ur ity. A.The sae as B.Different fr .Lving D.Nt liking()2.Nearly ten students arent there tday. A.Abut B.re than.As any as D.Nt far() 3.I pleased t help ak with his hinese. A.afraid B.kind.glad D.sad()4.He went ut and did a lt f shpping. A.any B.uh.a little D.few ()5.The party went n when I left. A.didnt stp B.stpped .was ver D.began()6.Please give y best wishes t everyne else in ur lass. A.say hell t B.give a essage t.give y thanks t D.buy a dear present t()7.ill yu pay fr the eal r shall I? A.help yurself t B.ake tea fr .give ut ney fr D.pass n() 8.Please ake a phne all t Ann and ask her if she wants t e ver. A.ake up B.lk up.ring up D.put up() 9.The wrk ges n well when the peple d it ne after anther in gd rder. A.take tie B.take exerises.take turning D.take turns () 10.She is nt very lever,but I like her all the sae. A.all right B.nt yet.still D.as


II. Reading Comprehension: 15% (A) Most Americans think that ice cream is as American as baseball and apple pie. But ice cream was known long before America was discovered. The Roman emperor Nero may have made a kind of ice cream. He hired hundreds of men to bring snow and ice from the mountains. He used it to make cold drinks. Traveler Marco Polo brought back recipes for chilled and frozen milk from China. Hundreds of years later, ice cream reached England. It is said that King Charles enjoyed that treat very much. There is a story that he bribed his cook to keep the recipe for ice cream a royal secret. Today ice cream is known throughout the world. Americans alone eat more than two billion quarts a year. 31 .The passage says that most Americans _________ A. think that ice cream is very new B. think that ice cream was an American idea C. know that ice cream has a long history D. do not know what ice cream is 32. The Roman emperor Nero hired men to _________ A. make ice cream for him B. bring ice cream from China C. guard the secret of ice cream D. bring ice to cool his drinks 33. Charles I of England wanted to _________ A. make ice cream popular B. keep the secret of ice cream for himself C. develop new kinds of ice cream D. bring ice cream recipes from China (B) Ben Johnson is one of the few men ever buried standing up. As the story goes, King Charles I once made him a promise. The king told the great writer that he would be buried in England's famous Westminster Abbey. But that wasn't all. Johnson could choose any place he liked for his grave. Johnson died in 1637. Then it was found that the spot he had picked was already filled. The ground space left in it was just eighteen inches
