


1、CRH 中国高速铁路(Chi na Railways High-speed)


bullet train 动车


con ductor 列车长


、car atte ndant; train

atte ndant 歹U车员

5. wait ing room 候车室

6、dining car, restaura nt car, diner 餐车

7、Free of charge 免费

8. win dow seat 靠窗座位

9. make a broadcast 广播一下,broadcast ing room 广播室

10. Ladies and gen tleme n,女士们先生们:

11. Security check,please!请安检!

12. No smoking here please.请勿抽烟

13、What ' s the matter? 您怎么了?

14、Mi nd your steps. 注意脚下

15、Ticket,please.Have your ticket back.您的票!请把票那


16、This way, please.Follow me, please.请这边走。请跟

17、The other end of the coach.在车厢的那一端。

18、Our train will arrive at Beijing Railway Station at 18:27. 列车到达北京车站的时间是18点27分

19、Our restaura nt ope ns at 6:00pm for supper. 餐车下午6


20、Our next stop will be Lan zhou Stati on .Please prepare

yourself for getti ng off the trai n. 下一站将要到达兰州站,请您


21 、The destination will be reached in about twenty minutes.


22、Our train currently travels at 90 kilometres an hour.


23、The restaura nt is No 8 carriage in the middle of the


24、The toilets are available only when the train is travelling. 停车厕所是要


25、Excuse me ,please show your ticket on dema nd.



1.你好!请打开你的车票1hello,please un fold your ticket,tha nk


2马上要到站了,现在不能使用厕所,请稍等几分钟the train pulling in,toilet is unavailable now,please wait several

mi nu tes.

3 How long will this train take to go to Beiji ng ?这列直达快


4 This express will go straight from Beiji ng to Tianji n. 这歹U 快车从北京直达天津。

5. What time is the n ext train to Beiji ng? 下一趟去北京的车


6. Excuse me, can you help me find my seat? 劳驾,你能帮


Please show me your ticket, it says which seat is yours.


7. Excuse me, I n eed to get a pass. Can I help you with your

bags? Can I move it please? 打扰一下,借光。我能帮你提包吗?


8. Your child is already over 1.1m , please buy a children' ticket.你的小孩已超过1.1米了,请买小孩票。-Your child is already over 1.4m , please buy an adult ticket.


-Sorry , your luggage is overweight , please buy a luggage


9、Please add more ~~yuan for your ticket. 您需要加补~~ 元钱。

10、How long shall we stop here, please? 请问在这停车多久?

This is a temporary stop. 现在是临时停车。

It stays for ...... 停车in分e s

Please don ' t get off the trai请不要下车。

11、The train is now … minu列车现在晚点几分钟。

-Please don ' t wdhry train will arrive on schedule. 请另U 着急,列车将正点到达。

-The train will soon be on schedule. 列车很快就会正点的。

12、What have you got in side? 里面有什么东西?

-Don ' t worry. We ' ll try to find it for 请不要着急,我们


-Don ' t worry. we ' ll man age to give it back to you if we find it.请放心,如果我们找到了,我们设法转交给你。

We' ll keeyou in formed. 我们将随时通知您。

13、No Dangerous goods are allowed to bring on the train!


14、These are in flammables , please leave them to our care. 这些是易燃品,请交给我们适当处理。

15、Please take care of your valuables. 请保管好贵重物品!

16、Help us to keep the train clean. 请协助我们,保持火车清洁卫生。

17、Take care when you get off the train. 下车时当心。

18、Luggage must not be put in the gateway. 行李不准放到过道上。

19、Mi nd the gap. 小心台阶间跨度

20、Please keep gateways clear. 请保持过道畅通。■


尊敬的各位考官、各位评委老师: Dear examiner, judges: 能够参加今天的招聘面试,对我来说,是幸运而又珍贵的。 To participate in today's interview, for me, is lucky and precious. 我是荆州职业技术学院应届毕业生,20岁,通过3年的努力,我在不断的学习和实践中,提高自己,把自己塑造成为一个专业功底扎实、知识结构完整、适应能力强、富于协作精神的时代青年。 I am the Jingzhou Institute of Technology graduates, 20 years old,through 3 years of efforts, I improve myself in continuous learning and practice,, put himself into a solid professional knowledge, the complete knowledge structure, strong ability to adapt, full of team spirit of the times young people. 飞鸟择良木而栖,经过慎重考虑和选择,我认为加盟贵单位,能够为贵单位贡献一份力量的同时,也能实现自己的人生价值。 This bird habitat selection, after careful consideration and choice, I thinkto join your unit, be able to contribute a strength for the expensive unit at the same time, also can realize their life values. 做一名列车乘务员,是我的夙愿,做一名合格的列车乘务员,需要用青春和勤奋去实现,做一名优秀的列车乘务员,需要千千万万旅客的投票赞成——但我相信:孜孜不倦的追求,一丝不苟的工作,坚持不懈的奋斗,能成就令人瞩目的业绩! A train crew, is my dream, to be a qualified to train attendants, need to use the youth and hard to achieve, do a good train attendants,thousands on thousands of passengers need to vote for -- but I believe:diligently pursue, not the slightest Gou work, unremittingly struggle, canachievements attract people's attention performance! 我真切希望能够加盟去开创属于我们每个人都希望拥有的美好未来。 I sincerely hope to join to create belong to each of us wants to have a better future. 谢谢!! Thank you.


Unit 1 Boarding Good morning, ladies and gentlemen: Welcome aboard Air China. Please ask the cabin attendants if you cannot find your seat. The seat numbers are shown on the overhead locker. Please make sure your hand baggage is stored on the overhead locker or under the seat in front of you. Please keep the aisle and the exits clear of all baggage. Please take your assigned seats as quickly as possible and keep the aisle clear for others to be seated. Thank you for your cooperation. Greeting Good morning, ladies and gentlemen: Welcome aboard Air China. I am Lisa, the purser for this flight. During the flight, all of my colleagues will be happy to serve you. Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, we will be taking off in a few minutes, please be seated and fasten your seat belt. Your seat back and table should be returned to the upright position. All Air China Airlines are non-smoking to comply with Government regulations. Please refrain from smoking during the flight. Thank you for your cooperation, and we wish you a pleasant journey! Unit 3 Baggage Arrangement Ladies and gentlemen: Please put all hand baggage securely in the overhead compartments or under the seat in front of you. Do not put any baggage in the aisles or by the exits. Thank you. Electronic Device Restriction Ladies and gentlemen: Please note certain electronic devices must not be used on board at any time. These devices include cellular phones, AM/FM radios, televisions and remote control equipment including toys. All other electronic devices including laptop computers and CD players must not be switched on until fifteen minutes after take-off, and must be switched off when the seat belt signs come on for landing. Your cooperation will be much appreciated. UNIT 4 Safety Instruction


陕西**技术学校 2015--2016学年第二学期 专业 班 《 15级高铁乘务英语 》期末考试(查)试题A 卷 考试说明:本课程为闭卷考试,可携带 文具。 Part Ⅰ.单词拼写。(5×2) 1.购买. v_____________ 2.护照. n____________________ 3.旅行社. n_____________ 4.部分. n _______________ 5.大陆. a________________ Part Ⅱ. 完成下列的对话。(5×4) Dialogue A : Excuse me,I can^t find my friend ._____________________? B :Don ’t worry,_____________________________________.Please write down the nationality and name of your friend.__________________________________________. A : Ok. B : Attention ,please ,Lady Lucy from America please go to the reception desk of the station master on duty on the first floor._______________ ____________________________. A : Thanks. Par t Ⅲ.完形填空。(10×2) When I began to study English, I didn ’t like it at all. I think it was__1_to learn. But last year a new teacher from the United States came to teach___2__English.We__3__him. Mr James He often__4__us that English was very useful. And he also told us that English was quite__5__to learn if we decided to learn it well. In order to make us_6_learning English, he always asked us to recite(背诵)the text and played games___7__us in class. He also liked___8__us jokes in English. At first I could hardly understand a word and I was__9_to say anything in English. Mr James often smiled at me and said,“Don ’t be_10_.You are a clever boy. If you think you can, you can.” Soon I found English was interesting. I began to see English films and listen to English songs. Now I can talk with my classmates in English. ( ) 1.A.easy B .fun C. Different D. difficult. ( ) 2.A.we B.I C. Us D. mine ( ) 3.A.called B. calls C. said D. say ( ) 4.A.speak B. tell C. says D. told ( ) 5.A.easy B. difficult C. hard D. easily. ( ) 6.A.like B. to like C. likes D. liked ( ) 7.A.at B. for C. with D. and ( ) 8.A.tell B. telling C. speaking D. speak ( ) 9.A.happy B. afraid C. angry D. bored ( ) 10.A.shy B. happy C. proud D. Hungry Part Ⅳ. 阅读理解。(10×2) Passage 1 There are stories about two U .S . presidents ,Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren ,which attempt to explain the American English term OK .We don ’t know if either story is true ,but they are both interesting . The first explanation is based on the fact that President Jackson had very little education .In fact ,he had difficulty reading and writing .When important papers came to Jackson ,he tried to read


高铁乘务专业教学计划 2016.1. 一、概述 1、专业名称:高铁乘务。 2、专业含义:本专业主要培养从事高铁乘务的中级专业技能人才。 3、招生对象: (1)应、往届初中毕业生,需面试、政审合格且身体健康,无传染性疾病者。 (2)五官端正、肤色好、身体健康、身体匀称、性格开朗、举止端庄;身高:女性:160cm-172cm,男性:172cm-182cm。体重 kg=(身高cm-110)+(身高 cm-110)x10%。视力:双眼矫正视力(E 形表)上不低于 4.8;色觉嗅觉正常;面部、颈部手部无明显疤痕;口齿清楚,中、 英文发音基本准确,听力正常;无精神病史、无肝炎病史、无慢性疾病史、无明显内、外八字。 4、学制:2+1 年制 二、培养目标 本专业培养德、智、体、美全面发展的高速铁路及 CRH 动车组乘务员、乘服员及相关服务人员。能适应社会主义市场经济建设需要,适应民航 企业发展需要,能从事国内民航服务的专业型、技能型人才 热爱民航事业;熟悉民航基本情况,掌握民用航空基本知识,了解 民用航空器的性能、结构、使用方法;掌握民航服务与管理的基本技能,掌握空乘、客货运输企业经营管理、空中交通运输业管理、物流航空法律等基本知识;培养具有良好的专业化形象,有修养、综合服务意识强的国际化高级人才。 毕业生应掌握良好的服务理念,拥有高度责任心,具备乘务员专业 技能及职业素养。应达到以下要求: 1、具有坚定正确的政治方向,树立正确的人生观、世界观、价值观,具有良好的道德情操和自主学习的能力。 2、熟练掌握计算机系统操作、文字录入、常用办公软件的应用和 计算机硬件的基本维护等技能。 3、能够运用高铁乘务知识开展行李服务引导服务等乘务旅客服务。


高铁、火车、铁路乘务英文常用语 1、CRH 中国高速铁路(Chi na Railways High-speed) 2 、 bullet train 动车 3 、 con ductor 列车长 4 、car atte ndant; train atte ndant 歹U车员 5. wait ing room 候车室 6、dining car, restaura nt car, diner 餐车 7、Free of charge 免费 8. win dow seat 靠窗座位 9. make a broadcast 广播一下,broadcast ing room 广播室 10. Ladies and gen tleme n,女士们先生们: 11. Security check,please!请安检! 12. No smoking here please.请勿抽烟 13、What ' s the matter? 您怎么了? 14、Mi nd your steps. 注意脚下 15、Ticket,please.Have your ticket back.您的票!请把票那 好。 16、This way, please.Follow me, please.请这边走。请跟 17、The other end of the coach.在车厢的那一端。

18、Our train will arrive at Beijing Railway Station at 18:27. 列车到达北京车站的时间是18点27分 19、Our restaura nt ope ns at 6:00pm for supper. 餐车下午6 点开始供应晚餐 20、Our next stop will be Lan zhou Stati on .Please prepare yourself for getti ng off the trai n. 下一站将要到达兰州站,请您 提前做好下车的准备 21 、The destination will be reached in about twenty minutes. 还有大约20分钟到达终点站 22、Our train currently travels at 90 kilometres an hour. 现在的时速大概90公里/小时 23、The restaura nt is No 8 carriage in the middle of the train.餐车在列车中部8号车厢 24、The toilets are available only when the train is travelling. 停车厕所是要 锁闭的,请开车后再使用 25、Excuse me ,please show your ticket on dema nd. 您好, 请出示您的车票。


高铁乘务专业教学计划 2016、1、 一、概述 1、专业名称:高铁乘务。 2、专业含义:本专业主要培养从事高铁乘务的中级专业技能人才。 3、招生对象: (1)应、往届初中毕业生,需面试、政审合格且身体健康,无传染性疾病者。 (2)五官端正、肤色好、身体健康、身体匀称、性格开朗、举止端庄; 身高:女性:160cm-172cm,男性:172cm-182cm。体重kg=(身高cm-110)+(身高cm-110)x10%。视力:双眼矫正视力(E形表)上不低于4、8; 色觉嗅觉正常;面部、颈部手部无明显疤痕;口齿清楚,中、英文发音基本准确,听力正常;无精神病史、无肝炎病史、无慢性疾病史、无明显内、外八字。 4、学制:2+1年制 二、培养目标 本专业培养德、智、体、美全面发展的高速铁路及CRH动车组乘务员、乘服员及相关服务人员。能适应社会主义市场经济建设需要,适应民航企业发展需要,能从事国内民航服务的专业型、技能型人才 热爱民航事业;熟悉民航基本情况,掌握民用航空基本知识,了解民用航空器的性能、结构、使用方法;掌握民航服务与管理的基本技能,掌握空乘、客货运输企业经营管理、空中交通运输业管理、物流航空法律等基本知识;培养具有良好的专业化形象,有修养、综合服务意识强的国际化高级人才。 毕业生应掌握良好的服务理念,拥有高度责任心,具备乘务员专业技能及职业素养。应达到以下要求: 1、具有坚定正确的政治方向,树立正确的人生观、世界观、价值观,具有良好的道德情操与自主学习的能力。 2、熟练掌握计算机系统操作、文字录入、常用办公软件的应用与计算机硬件的基本维护等技能。 3、能够运用高铁乘务知识开展行李服务引导服务等乘务旅客服务。


高铁乘务专业介绍 文稿归稿存档编号:[KKUY-KKIO69-OTM243-OLUI129-G00I-FDQS58-

高铁乘务专业介绍 就业前景: 随着我国国内经济的飞速发展,动车、高铁、地铁在全国各大中城市纷纷开通运营,对相关专业服务人才需求极大。按人车比150:1的比例计算在未来3到10年间,全国各大中城市将需求此类专业服务人才近20万人,目前国内只有个别学校开设相关服务专业,远远满足不了社会需求。我校顺应时代潮流,在多方论证的基础上积极开设动车乘务岗前培训班,为社会输送合格人才。所以本专业学生就业待遇丰厚,前景广阔,供不应求。 就业单位:全国各大铁路从事高铁、动车、地铁等乘务与管理工作。 课程设置: 旅游概论、旅客运输、铁路基本安全常识、旅游心理学、形体训练、旅游英语、客运安检、列车乘务、列车服务、计算机基础、劳动安全卫生、礼仪化妆、旅游地理、普通话 铁路基础知识、铁路法规、铁路地理、航空礼仪、基础英语、英语交际口语、形体训练、职业道德、简单急救知识、计算机应用基础、铁路客票销售。 招生对象及要求 面向全国招收应往届高中毕业生,或同等学历者(含职高、中专、技校、艺校、大专),年龄在18---25周岁。 1、五官端正、肤色好、身体健康、性格开朗、举止端庄 2、身高要求:女,160---172cm;男,170---183cm;

3、体重要求:体重(kg)=[身高(cm)-110]加减[身高(cm)-110]乘10% 4、视力要求:眼球无变形,无色盲色弱,斜眼,矫正视力1.0以上 5、面部、颈部、手部无明显的疤痕,肤色好,无久治不愈的皮肤病; 6、口齿清楚,普通话流利,英文发音基本准确,听力不低于5米; 7、行走正常,无明显的内、外八字;无精神病史、癫痫史、肝功能正常、无肾炎和传染病及各类慢性疾病; 8、无犯罪史,无严重违纪史。 毕业待遇 1、入学即签订就业协议,保障就业。 2、就业后基本工资不低于2000元/月,根据公司不同缴纳相应的保险等。


高铁乘务专业人才培养方案 高铁乘务专业人才培养方案 为了确保事情或工作安全顺利进行,往往需要预先制定好方案,方案是计划中内容最为复杂的一种。那么问题来了,方案应该怎么写?下面是我整理的高铁乘务专业人才培养方案,欢迎大家阅读。 高铁乘务专业人才培养方案1 高速铁路乘务专业是我国高等职业教育中的一个新兴专业,近年来发展迅速。如何开展专业建设,提高教学水平,促进学生就业,已成为该专业面临的紧迫任务。成都职业技术学院高速铁路乘务专业从现有人才培养定位、教学体系建设、学生管理模式、实践教学模式、校企四个“一体化”五个方面,积极探索专业建设的发展路径。 我国高速铁路的快速发展给人们的出行带来了极大的便利。随着国家“四横四纵”高速铁路网的建设和开通,培养高速铁路乘务员服务管理专业人才势在必行。成都职业学校紧跟社会需求,2020年成功申报了高铁乘务专业,这也是四川省第一所开设高铁乘务员专业的高职院校。先后与成都铁路局、成都地铁建立了良好的校企合作关系,签订了就业培训协议,进校后定期进行铁路培训,实施“3+2”人才订单式教育模式,并在校内外建

立了一系列实习培训基地,为学生的课程培训、毕业实习和就业提供了必要条件。成都职业学校要在建设高水平技能大学的基础上,做好对中国高铁发展的支持工作,努力打造“校企合作特色专业”。 1、明确的人才培养目标 根据社会主义市场经济建设的需要,以铁路和高铁行业人才培养、就业为导向,校企合作为途径,培养高铁火车站乘务、客运、地面服务等岗位的高素质技能型人才是高铁乘务人员服务和管理的迫切需要。培养良好的文化素质、身体素质、政治素质和道德修养,熟悉铁路船员规章制度和组织管理基本知识,掌握铁路乘务员的基本理论和实际操作技能,具有较强的服务、管理、协调和灵活适应能力;具有较高的英语听说能力和计算机应用能力,能为广大乘客提供高质量、高基础、多方位、高质量、强能力的高端技能型人才。 2、规范的人才培养规格 从市场需求多样化出发,结合学院实际情况,在以上人才培养目标分析的基础上,成都职业技术学院高铁乘务专业培养的人才应具备以下能力: 通用能力:精通计算机系统操作、常用办公软件的应用及计算机硬件的基本维护;精通普通话交流和英语口语表达;具有较


1、候车 乘坐G2112次“和谐号”列车的旅客。欢迎您到本站(第12专用候车厅)候车。车站候车厅两侧(12 处)设有饮水处和卫生间,您在候车时,请先检查一下自己的车票,要注意工作人的提示和车站广播,按时检票进站乘车。特别是带老人或儿童出行的旅客,更要注意您乘坐的车次以及开车时间,避免误车,给您的旅行带来不便。 Passengers on the G2112 "harmony" train. Welcome to the bus stop at our 12th special waiting hall.Station waiting areas on both sides of (12) has a water fountain and toilet, when you are waiting, please check your ticket, pay attention to the work of prompt and radio stations, travel ticket into the station on time.Especially if you are traveling with the elderly or children, you should pay more attention to the number of trips you take and the time you drive to avoid the traffic accidents and inconvenience to your trip. 2、车底出库 工作人员请注意,昆明南开往上海虹桥的高铁动车G2112次列车已经出库,现在停靠在12站台4道,请工作人员做好检票准备。 Staff, please note that the G2112 train has been out of the warehouse in kunming nankai to Shanghai hongqiao, and now it is at platform 4, please be ready to check in. 3、检票前5分钟 车站工作人员请注意,昆明南开往上海虹桥的高铁动车G2112次列车,再过 5分钟就要检票,请做好准备。 高铁动车、G2112次列车乘务员,你们好,旅客现在就要检票进站了,请您做好准备,打开车门,迎接旅客上车。 Staff of the station, please note that kunming nankai Shanghai hongqiao high-speed train G2112 train, five minutes to check the ticket, please be ready. The train and the G2112 train attendants are ready to check in. Please be ready to open the door and welcome the passengers. 4、始发 欢迎您乘坐沪昆高铁和谐号动车组,本次列车是由昆明南站开往上海虹桥站的G2112次列车,列车途经长沙南站,上车后请您核对车票对号入座,将随身携带的物品放置在行李架上摆放稳妥,大件行李请放在每节车厢的大件行李存放处,感谢您的合作。 Welcome to shanghai-kunming high-speed harmony emu, YouKunMing south station does the train leave for Shanghai hongqiao G2112 time train station, the train passed through changsha south railway station, please check after get on the bus ticket accordingly, place the carry-on articles of the sound is put on the rack, big luggage, please put each big luggage storage, thank you for your cooperation. 5、开车前五分钟 欢迎您乘坐沪昆高铁和谐号动车组列车,您乘坐的这趟列车是由昆明南站开往上海虹桥站的G2112次列车,在昆明南站开车的时间是07:33分,到达终点上


篇一:高铁乘务员 高铁乘务专业 高铁乘务员是在旅客列车为旅客进行服务的工作人员,他们在旅客上车前要检查每一个人的票防止有人错乘或无票登车。帮旅客拿行李,当列车出发后还要整理行李,防止行李从行李架上掉下来,防止旅客受伤,每到一个站就要报站保证旅客知道旅途到站信息,每到一个站都要对车厢的垃圾进行清扫,给旅客带来干净整洁的环境。高铁乘务专业就是培养高铁乘务员的专业。 学历层次 中职、大专。 主要课程 旅游概论、旅客运输、铁路基本安全常识、旅游心理学、形体训练、旅游英语、客运安检、列车乘务、列车服务、计算机基础、劳动安全卫生、礼仪化妆、旅游地理、普通话等。 就业方向 全国各大铁路从事高铁、动车、地铁等乘务工作。 专业背景 中。因为地铁的舒适、快捷和便利,成为人们出行的重要交通工具,高铁也就成为了许多城市交通运输体系的重要组成部分。该贴地铁快速的发展对相应的专业及服务人员需求量快速增长,为本专业提供了丰富的岗位资源。 培养目标 为现代化城市提供配套的地铁营运高级综合人才,该专业主要掌握地铁企业战略管理、人力资源管理、国际人文管理、国际旅游基本理论与知识,注重人员素质和能力开发,包括公关能力、组织能力、涉外经营能力。 市场广阔的专业前景 21世纪是一个铁路高速发展的时代,高铁、地铁飞速发展造成人才缺口。另外,相关数据显示80%以上的高铁人才都以学校培养为主来完成职业生涯中的起点。就在2012年,中国的地铁高铁已经成为世界前列,经济发展促就铁道发展。地铁已经深入中国人生活的每个细节。据中国十三家权威媒体的综合调查报告显示,在中国的人才需求排行榜中,地铁高铁类相关专业的需求在未来十几年将高居榜首。而现实中仅靠学生在普通大学学习的大而空洞的理论基础知识已经远远不能达到工作实际的要求,所以,西安高铁乘务员学校根据严格科学的人才市场调研,结合在高铁地铁职业教育长期的丰富经验,一切从学生的未来就业前途考虑出发,特开设了最具广阔专业前景的七大地铁高铁热门应用专业。 高铁作为高新技术产物,它的架设和运营还需要大量的专业工程技术人员。特别是今后铁路系统将政企分开,高级乘务人才和技术人才势必将成为各地铁路运营单位发展过程中竞相争夺的对象。


铁路服务英语情景对话(客运值班员班) 参与演出角色:列车长1名、列车员A、列车员B、旅客A、旅客B、旅客C(共6名) 场景1:3车厢 (找座位) 列车员A: Good morning , sir. Ticket, please.(递车票)thanks for your cooperation! This is carriage three. Let me help you (帮助提行李上车) 早上好,先生!请出示车票,谢谢您的合作。这是3车厢,我帮您吧。 旅客A:thank you. 谢谢。 旅客A: Excuse me, can you help me find my seat? 打扰一下,您能帮我找下我的座位吗? 列车员B: Please show me your ticket, it says which seat is yours . Oh,your seat number is 17,follow me ,please.(引领) This aisle seat is yours. 请出示下您的车票,那上面有您的座位号码,您的座位号是17,请跟我来,就是这个靠过道的座位。 旅客A: T hanks, you are so kind. but there is someone in my seat. Look! 谢谢您的帮助,但是已经有人坐在我的座位上了,看。 列车员B:Sorry to trouble you. I'm afraid you are in the wrong seat. 20c is just two rows behind on the other aisle. Please change your seat. 恐怕您坐错位子了,20c正好在那边走廊的后二排。请换下座位。 旅客B: oh, I’m so sorry. I will change at once. 对不起,我马上换座位。 列车长:Dear passengers, welcome to take T12train, the train is from Haerbin to Shenyang. During the trip, if you have some trouble, please connect with the staff or the chief or the police on the train, we will try our best to help you. The train is


1.CRH 中国高速铁路(China Railways High-speed) 2.bullet train 动车 3.conductor 列车长 4.car attendant; train attendant 列车员 5.waiting room 候车室 6.dining car, restaurant car, diner 餐车 7.Free of charge 免费 8.window seat 靠窗座位 9.make a broadcast 广播一下,broadcasting room 广播室 https://www.360docs.net/doc/3c12265841.html,dies and gentlemen,女士们先生们: 11.Security check, please!请安检! 12.No smoking here please.请勿抽烟 13.What’s the matter? 您怎么了? 14.Mind your steps. 注意脚下 15.Ticket, please. Have your ticket back. 您的票!请把票那好。 16.This way, please. Follow me, please. 请这边走。请跟我走。 17.The other end of the coach. 在车厢的那一端。 18.Your passport, please. 您的护照。 19.Just wait a moment. Ok? 稍等会,好吗? 20.Sorry, I don’t quite understand you. speak slowly抱歉,我没听懂,您说慢一点 21.Welcome aboard our train. I’ll be at your service during the whole journey. 欢迎乘坐我们的列车,我将全程为你们服务。 22.Attention, please. The next station is zhengzhou(xi an).请大家注意,下一张是郑州 (西安)。 23.Passengers for zhengzhou(xi an)station, please get ready.到郑州(西安)的乘客请做 好下车准备。 24.Please take your belongings with you.请带好自己的行李物品。 25.We are looking forward to having you here again.我们期待着您下次乘车。 26.Enjoy your stay in zhengzhou(xi an).祝您在郑州(西安)愉快!
