



During the SARS period in this spring, the year of 2003, one of my classmates, Li ming, was struck down by the virus and was immediately sent to hospital.

The news spread quickly on campus. At first, we were terrified and wondered if we were infected too. However, through our government's publicity on mass media, we gradually conquered the fear and set out to try out best to help her. Some teachers provided darly necessities while some students recorded the English class contents for him so that Li ming could not be left behind. With our care and concern, Li ming recovered quickly.

Such an incident teaches us a good moral. Our society is full of love, warm and peaceful, in which people-from man to woman, from individual to individual-lend others a hand. Just like a famous song goes, "the world will turn it to heaven only if everyone contributes a little." and I do believe that it's my great honor to live in this love-filled paradise!


an old man is sitting in the wheelchair, and a dog is serving

him with milk and food. Ironically, it is the dog that takes the responsibility to

attend the old man. We cannot help wonderinhg where the old man’s gro wn up

children are. It is they not the dog who should take good care of their old father.

The implied meaning of the picture is really provoking.

It is quite true that

in our society there are some grown-up children who treat their old parents badly. When their old parents are too old

to take care of themselves, they often view

them as a “burden” of their family life. They refuse either to support their

aging parents financially or to look after them. No doubt, this immoral behavior

of these grown-up children’s should be subject to social condemnation.

To respect the old has long been a traditional virtue of the Chinese people.

We should always bear in mind that we are much indebted

to our parents in that

they not only gave us life but have done much to bringing us up. It is against conscience to escape from the responsibility to take care of our parents. Rather,

we should pay back for the love and care of our parents

by making their later

years happy and enjoyable.


In the world has more than 60 hundred million populations. In the middle of this has us to know that has us not to know. Then human and between the human needs to be assorted maintains? Shows loving concern mutually. I gave everybody saying that first two sections occurred, in my side and occurred on my body's story: A father's mother goes to the store, walks a young woman shoves open after her when the heavy front door she has gone in only then lets loose the hand. Father's mother when expresses gratitude to her, that woman to the father's mother said:“my mother is also

similar with yours age, I only am hoped she experiences this kind of matter the time, also some people open the door for her.”Remembered that one year I have fallen ill, mother accompanies on me the hospital, the human are many, I have a fever, mother has been impatient, said loudly how you are do, does not see a doctor? A nurse walks saw mother anxious appearance, saw my pain the expression, smiled was saying, everybody looked could let this child look first, the crowded people gave us to let a road all of a

sudden. . . . . . . . . . Cared mutually the loving care is important. We should help any to need us soulful the person. Between the human and the human only then has filled thick showing loving concern, only will then have more people to be willing to share hardships with you; Only will then have more people to be willing to be you the friend; You will only then enjoy many to from other people's love. The love, is the society warmest character, in you are shown loving concern by others and shows loving concern others' time, feels the life

is the warm atmosphere.


洛阳广播电视大学人才培养模式改革和开放教育行政管理专业毕业论文 空巢老人生活现状与分析 姓名:李倩 学校:洛阳电大 学号:1441001459782 指导教师:吉晓敏 定稿日期: 2016年8月25日

空巢老人生活现状与分析 摘要随着经济和社会发展,根据相关资料统计,中国已经进入人口老龄化社会。而在人口老龄化过程中,空巢家庭已成为社会热切关注和亟待解决的社会问题。从国内研究的角度来看,主要集中在空巢老人的生活质量、心理健康、社会支持结构、精神慰藉等方面。基于此种情况,引入马斯洛需求层次理论,及时、客观地分析巩义市目前城市空巢老人的生活现状,并针对空巢老人出现的问题及其形成原因,对社区及政府改善空巢老人生活状况提出一些合理建议。 关键词空巢老人;生活现状;对策分析 一、导言 (一)研究背景与意义 随着社会的发展和传统家庭模式的分解,越来越多的老年人步入了“空巢老人”的行列。据第五次全国人口普查的资料显示,我国有65岁及以上老年空巢家庭1561.64万户,生活在空巢家庭中的老年人2339.73万人[2],由此可见空巢老人现象已相当严重。而近几年来,我国空巢家庭数量一直呈上升趋势。全国老龄办2012年9月的数据显示,城市老年人“空巢家庭”比例已达49.7%[4]。在一些大城市,由于住房条件的改善,很多青年人都拥有了自己的住房,空巢家庭问题更为突出。我的家乡巩义市虽然经济并不算发达,但经过调查,老龄化的形势也日趋严重,与其同时空巢家庭中的空巢老人也成为了老年人中的特殊群体,他们的生活状况也成为我们关注的焦点。本文就是通过对巩义市的城市空巢老人生活状况所提及的问题进行的调查与分析,通过对所反映问题的分析,向社会及家庭对待空巢老人的生活提出一些合理的建议。 (二)研究方法 本次调查在研究方法上选用的是非概率抽样中的判断抽样。因为对于空巢老人我们接触到的数量有限,所以只能根据调查到的少量个体以了解整个总体的情况。在前期的准备工作中也搜集了大量文献,以问卷调查法为主,并辅以文献法和访谈法。这次调查始于2013年3月11日,共调查200名空巢老人,男女分别有100人,各占50%,年龄在60-69岁,70-79岁,80岁及以上的分别有80人,89人,31人,各占被调查人数的40%,44.5%,15.5%。地点基本上是到不同的社区及广场公园进行访问的。在请他们填写问卷的同时我也及时地通过聊天对其进行小型的访谈,了解情况。在调查问卷回收后,再进行综合分析。 (三)空巢老人概念的界定


2019英语四级段落翻译练习:空巢老人 通常情况下,“空巢老人(emptynester)”是指子女离家后的中老年人。如今,随着社会老龄化水准的加深,空巢老人越来越多,已经成为~个不容忽视的社会问题(social issue)。同时它也导致了另一个问题——家庭空巢综合征(syndrome)的产生,是指当子女因为工作、学习、结婚等原因而离家后,独守空巢的中老年人所以而产生的心理失调症状。 Empty Nester Typically, "empty nester" refers to the middle-aged and elderly people whose children have left home. Nowadays, along with the advance of aging of the society, there are more and more empty nesters, which have become a social issue that cannot be ignored. At the same time, it also leads another problem--empty nest syndrome--a psychological disorder the middle-aged and elderly people suffered, which is caused by the absence of their children who move out of home due to work, study, marriage and so on.


空巢老人的英语作文 篇一:空巢老人 Empty nest syndrome is a general feeling of loneliness that parents or guardians may feel when one or more of their children leave home; it is more common in women. The marriage of a child can lead to similar feelings, with the role and influence of the parents often becoming less important compared to the new spouse. A strong maternal or paternal bond between the parent and child can make the condition worse. The role of the parent while the child is still living with them is more hands-on and immediate than is possible when they have moved out, particularly if the distance means that visits are difficult. Empty nest syndrome has become more prevalent in modern times,


看图写作文:空巢老人 The picture shows us a poignant picture about a drunk lonely old woman..A old woman who child is not around felt very lonely,no one spoke with her,no one will accompany her for dinner.she could only say it to myself in the mirror,and relying on alcohol to dispel loneliness.Sad as it seems,we can naturally associate it with a new word “Empty nesters”.In today’s society,many young people to work,the parents to stay at home alone,don’t greet them long time. "Filial piety" is in one thousand to keep the relationship of family social moral principles in China, is the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation. The famous "24 filial piety figure" was widely circulated,However, people today seem to have to abandon it. Many parents are always busy with work as an excuse to let parents stay at home alone, just to give physical care,totally oblivious to a parent's daily life. Young people to live, go out to work is inevitable.B ut at least remember that often greet parents, the parents, after all, already old, children are not around, life is inevitable there will be a lot of inconvenience.What parents want is not much, just your a few words of greetings, or go home for dinner. Parents spend much effort put children brought up, who stayed up all night to accompany with sick children at the bedside, and now children are reluctant to empty out a meal time to give them. If your parents is healthy in your side, then give them a little more love, let them feel your care.


外文翻译 题目城市空巢老人生活状况 分析与社工介入路径思考学生姓名孔兢 专业班级社会工作08-1 学号 200809020115 院(系)政法学院 指导教师(职称)胡莹(讲师)完成时间 2012年 5月25日

谁为中国人养老? ——中国独生子女政策所带来的问题及对策1摘要 早在1979年,中国计划生育政策(简称OCP)颁布实施,旨在降低中国的生育率。从那时起,就有大量的关于计划生育政策导致了中国人口老龄化的研究。逐渐上升的中国老年人群体比例正产生深刻的社会和经济并发症,这种情况势必要通过相关政策的出台才能缓解。本文采用一种新视角来讨论这个问题,聚焦于夹在“三明治”中间的一代——即必须要赡养老人、抚养孩子的那代人。此研究收集到的定性数据试图从另一个视角看待这种人口结构变化的后果,并找到合适的问题解决办法。但是我们可以确定的是,城市地区的可能选择会比较多,而在乡村地区,可供大量老年群体的选择越来越少。 2引言 在过去的几十年,中国经历了生育率的下降和寿命的增加,两种人口指标显示中国正在为一个老龄化社会。虽然大多数学者同意,人口增长放缓较之于人口爆炸会导致更少的社会变迁(科尔,1986),持续的低生育率也无形中影响了社会变迁和经济发展,尤其是像中国的这种发展中国家,这种作用不容忽视。 本文通过研究人口结构的变化,尤其是家庭结构和家庭护理模式的研究,将焦点放在独生子女政策和老龄人口之间的联系上。正如我们所记录的这些改变,我们也为这些新的挑战确定对策。这将通过分析从三明治,即要赡养中间一代收集而来的定性信息而确定。 虽然众多的老龄人口学家,[沃德Spitze,1998]和曾[1991])强调对三明治一代进行研究的重要性,特别是在老龄问题的研究上,但是相关的研究却很少。我们的此次研究正试图填补这一空白,并且以独特的视角探索减轻老龄化后果的可行性措施。 这项研究重新审视了中国近年来人口和经济所经历的转变,尤其注重逐渐增加的老年群体比例和由此引发的文化、社会、经济问题。其次,我们通过所获得的数据来分析社会变迁。最后,我们讨论了可能的解决方案,可以减轻中国老年人的养老难问题。


毕业论文(设计)文献综述 学院:公共管理学院 专业:社会工作 班级:1101 学号:1120300102 学生姓名:郭玉娟 指导教师:高燕 二○一四年十月

家庭教育指导情况调查及问题分析 ——以杭州市为例 摘要:在家庭教育指导服务体系中,家庭教育指导者起着主导作用,直接影响着家庭教育的开展。以杭州市从事家庭教育指导的服务者为背景,通过问卷调查,了解家庭教育的指导服务者本人的基本情况、家庭教育指导服务工作的开展状况,家庭教育指导服务的组织管理情况,从中发现在开展家庭教育指导过程中出现的问题,并针对问题提出相应对策。 关键词:家庭教育指导;家庭教育指导服务者;问题;对策 前言 一个国家的综合实力!越来越决定于国民素质的高低和创新人才的数量、质量。处于学习阶段的儿童、青少年、青年乃至成年人的素质,直接关系到国家和民族发展的前途和命运。家庭教育的包括身体素质教育、心理素质教育和思想道德素质教育,受到家庭教育的影响。而家庭教育的质量受到家长素质的影响。民族的竞争,综合国力的竞争,人才的竞争,说到底最根本的是父母素质的竞争。对家庭教育的认知是否正确和理解程度决定了教育水平的好坏,也就是家庭教育指导者的特质和素质与家庭教育是息息相关的。 一、家庭教育的定义与发展 近年来,家庭教育的重要性越来越引起社会及家长的广泛关注,社会上的各种以家庭教育为目标取向的培训机构及辅导学校如雨后春笋,借以提升家长的素质,促进儿童的身心健康发展。 所谓家庭教育,是指在家庭生活中,父母对其子女在文化、生活常识、人生观和价值观等方面的教育,也被称为“family education”。[1]教育是一个


How to Care for the Elderly By an eHow Contributor Print this article There are many things to consider when caring for the elderly, from finances to health concerns. Add to that mental and emotional issues you will both be facing- and caring for the elderly can seem like an insurmountable task. Don't be discouraged though because caring for the elderly can also be one of the most gratifying times in your life. Read on to learn more. Related Searches: Elderly PeopleElderly Services Difficulty: Moderately Challenging Instructions Physical Considerations 1 Get informed about physical illnesses by researching, talking to the doctor and talking to the elderly person. Know what to expect, what medications are needed and what possible side effects may occur. Talk to the doctor about getting home health nurses to help care for them during periods of sickness. Nurses aides may be available to help take care of the daily needs of bathing and dressing. Check with your county senior services agency to find out what services are offered. 2 Keep all medical information together, such as test results, names and phone numbers of doctors, appointment dates, social security number, Medicare cards and insurance papers. Make a chart of medications if the elderly person is taking a lot of them; a chart will keep track of what medication has been taken and the time. 3 Check the home for safety and easy access. If the elderly person is using a walker, make sure throw rugs are secure and take care there are no obstacles to trip over. Install safety railings if necessary. If the elderly person is in a wheelchair, make sure they have help getting in and out of the chair. Doorways may need to be widened and ramps installed for wheelchair access. Emotional and Mental Considerations 1 Keep the brain active by playing word games, doing crossword puzzles or quizzes. Teach the elderly to access the internet and help them find an area of interest to them. Ask them to help you with a pet project or to write out their family history. Keep the elderly engaged in every day life for good mental health. 2 Be understanding when the elderly person seems to be stubborn about something. Put yourself in their position; they've given up their independence and must now rely on you for care. Any little thing that they can hold on to helps them feel more independent. When you understand why they are being so stubborn, it's much easier to handle and you'll have much less stress.


农村空巢老人问题的对策分析 【摘要】改革开放以来,我国农村在经济结构、社会生活、思想观念等方面发生了巨大的变化。城市化进程和人口老龄化进程不断加快,特别是随着市场经济的逐步完善和计划生育政策的进一步落实,人们的居住方式和生活方式都发生了深刻的变化,家庭小型化趋势日趋明显,农村开始出现空巢家庭并呈现逐渐增多之势。农村传统的养老模式受到了挑战,农村空巢老人面临养老困境。面对未富先老的社会实际,如何探索解决社会转型过程中农村空巢老人的养老问题,已成为一个至关重要的研究课题。本研究通过实证调查和理论分析认为居家养老顺应人口老龄化的客观要求,适合我国的现实国情,既符合我国的传统文化习俗,又满足老人居家的愿望,可以充分整合家庭资源和社会资源,通过社区服务来弥补家庭养老的不足,是我国养老发展的必然趋势,也是农村空巢老人经济适宜的养老模式。最后,从家庭、社区、国家(政府)三个维度探讨了农村空巢老人居家养老的实践路径。 【关键词】农村空巢老人家庭社会政策 一、空巢空巢老人的定义人 1 空巢老人的定义及分类 北京大学人口研究所蔡文媚教授较早提出了空巢家庭的概念。空巢老人是指那些身边无子女共同生活的老年人,其中既包括无子女的老人,也包括与子女分开居住的老人。其分类按照居住形式可以分为夫妇偶居的空巢老人和孤老独居的空巢老人。按照年龄可以将其分为低龄空巢老人和高龄空巢老人,低龄空巢老人的年龄为60~79岁,80岁以上为高龄空巢老人。考虑到空巢的程度及其产生的影响,又可将子女都在国外或外地,或无子女的老人定义为绝对空巢;与子女在同一城市,但不在一起吃住的老人定义为相对空巢。 二.对空巢老人成因的研究 空巢老人形成的原因复杂多样,其原因可分为个人原因、家庭原因和社会原因三种,最重要的因素是社会因素,社会的发展使空巢家庭的出现成为必然。尤其是随着独生子女政策的推行,家庭子女数锐减,对于双独联姻组成的家庭,客观上无法同时满足双方老人与子女共同生活的要求,必然有一部分老人主动或被动独立生活而空巢。学者李克认为导致老人空巢的原因有六点:一是社会经济进步和居住条件改善。二是对自由空间和平静时间的向往。三是独生子女政策的实施。四是家庭模式的小型化、核心化。五是社保体系和老龄体系落后和不完善。六是社会养老和机构养老发展滞后。 现代价值观对空巢老人形成的影响,一是冲击传统孝文化,即手拜金主义和极端个人主义思潮的影响,许多年轻人认为如果在家庭中供养老人,就会牺牲很多家庭的利益。二是冲击传统家庭权威。传统老年人在家庭中扮演权威角色,而随着社会发展老年人在家庭中财产所有权等方面的丧失,导致他们在家庭中的地位和权威逐渐下降。又因代际生活习惯和思想观念差异。导致很多老年人与子女分开居住。 三、对空巢老人现状的研究 从经济状况、生活照料和精神慰藉三个维度对城市空巢老人现状进行研究。从经济状况看,大部分城市的老年人经济独立,但有相当大比例的老人对可能出现的医疗费用表示担忧。从生活照料看,去医院看病和生病或犯病时无人照料是空巢老人生活上遇到的最大难题。从精神慰藉看,有相当大比例的老人感到孤单、寂寞、现阶段对空巢老人的社会支持还是以子女、


社会如何关爱残疾人关爱残疾人的英语作文 How to take care of the disabled people? Taking care of the disabled people Disabled people are normal people, except that they can not see as much as we can, or they can not walk as fast as we they need to our help. We should not look down upon can immediately do a long list of ways in which we can help them, for instance, Each student finds some one to help,when they go out,we can help them to cross the road. You can help pushing their wheel up kind of organization. Collect some money. Use this money to help them, to buy them daily necessities, to help their children finish school. We can make friends with the disabled by visiting them, by calling them, by emailing them, by whatever means. As they are disabled, they feel lonely. They think they are not as good as normal people. They easily become lonely, sad, disappointed. They easily lose hope of life. They need help more in spiritual things. They need people to chat with. They need people to encourage them to continue their lives. They need people to get rid of prejudices over them. So, help the disabled while you treat them like normal people. And they are normal people! 残疾人我们是常见的,有的因为患病而残疾了,有的因为发生事故而残疾,正是因为这样,有些人们瞧不起残疾人,认为他们简直就是废物,这让残疾人感到很伤心,甚至有不想活的念头。但是有些残疾人却不同,他们虽然残疾了,但是他们还是努力,坚持不懈地学习。我们大家要行动起来,关爱残疾人,多多帮助残疾人,帮助了别人,自己心里才快乐。在生活中,你对残疾人付出一小步,在他内心却建立起的却是很大的一种信念。关爱残疾人,他们时时刻刻都需要我们。 Nowadays, young men look so busy and independent in modern socie ty that they will never feel free to live with their parents. They mo ve out and mind their own business every day. On usual days, they wou ld not like to take their time to visit their parents with the excuse s of busyness. On some festival days, they probably share a little ti me to drop in their parents or even just send some presents but don't show up personally like what the cartoon above illustrates. They thi nk that presents can represent their love, however, to the parents, w ho overcame a lot of difficulties to bring them up, those stuff are f ar away from what they really hope for。 With the rapid pace of economic development, our old parents fee l more and more lonely and unhappy. However busy we may be, we should spend more time talking with them and accompanying them, because the


论文家庭社会学文献综述 前言: 1978年开始的农村改革,揭开了中国进入改革开放时代的帷幕。近30年来,农村经济、政治、教育、文化和农民的精神面貌发生了翻天覆地的变化,中国农村正在向现代化迈进,在此过程中的社会转型以及由此引起的经济体制、政治制度以及人们的文化价值观念、生活方式、行为方式、心理状态等各个方面的变化引起了农村家庭关系的变迁,并引发一系列的问题,如空巢老人,留守儿童,家庭暴力等等。本文主要研究咋时代大变革的背景下贵州农村家庭关系的变迁,对贵州农村家庭关系的变迁有一个新的认识,并进一步分析家庭关系的变迁对农村家庭养老的影响,提出解决农村家庭养老的一些对策。在论文准备与写作的过程中,我阅读了所能搜集相关研究文献,综述如下: 主题: 1、家庭关系与家庭养老的概念。 家庭关系又可以称为家庭内部的人及关系,关于家庭关系的定义,不同的文献有不同的说法,如在《家庭的社会学》中,潘允康认为:家庭关系就是指家庭成员之间的关系,指家庭成员在家庭中的不同地位,扮演不同角色,相关间不同的关系以及这种关系所产生的相互间的权利义务。在杨善华所著《家庭社会学》里,作者认为家庭关系指的是家庭成员之间的关系,如夫妻关系,父母和子女关系,兄弟姐妹关系,婆媳关系等。其他文献定义较多,但都认为,家庭关系是指家庭成员之间的关系。关于家庭养老的定义说法不一,如文献中的以下几种:A.家庭养老是指以家庭为核心,以子女为载体,以年老体弱、失去劳动能力而坐享天伦之乐为目标的一种养老模式。B.家庭养老,是指对老年人物质生活的需要、日常生活的照料和精神生活的慰藉,完全依靠家庭来满足。C.如果养老金来源于家庭,由家庭成员(一般


下雨天帮助摔倒的老人帮助摔倒老人英语作文 范文 帮助摔倒老人这一社会话题在英语作文中可谓是热点,若是你遇到这种话题,你知道范文吗?下面是WTT给大家带来帮助摔倒老人英语作文,供大家参阅! 帮助摔倒老人英语作文篇 1 This afternoon when i was crossing the street after school,I saw an old woman with a heavy basket fell over herself.One of her legs was hurt and she couldn't move any more.She groaned on the ground with pain.I was hesitating if i should go to help while a kind cleaner rushed to her.He helped her stand up and took her to the nearest hospital. 今天下午放学后,我过马路时看到一个提着重篮子的老妇人摔倒了。她的一条腿摔坏了,动不了。她躺在地上痛苦地呻吟

着。正在我犹豫要不要过去帮忙的时候,一个清洁工抛向了她。他把她扶了起来,并送她去了最近的医院。 帮助摔倒老人英语作文篇 2 It seems like a silly question, anyone in sane would give a hand to the elderly who fell.But in China, this question is being tricky.Many news report that there are some old people not just fell, they do it on https://www.360docs.net/doc/3d14171851.html,ually, they walk on a crowdy street, and pretend to faint or just lay down on the ground, intend to accuse the one who es to help as a perpetrator and blackmail him/her for the treatment fee.Many people have fell for that and had to pay as there is no witness to prove their innocence.As for these negative news, people is afraid to help those old people in need, that makes some of them who are in real trouble could not get help in time.I once asked one of my friends: “Why the old peopl e turn bad? If you see one in the street, would you help?” He said: “It is not the old people turn bad, it is the bad people turn old.I


本文从社会工作的视角来看待城市空巢老人,主要涉及到社会工作中的老年社会工作和社区工作,将二者结合起来解决社区内的空巢老人养老问题。并通过进行问卷调查方法,针对个例结合问卷访谈法获取调查信息。选取样本从长沙市天心区进行抽取,选取样本的范围是天心区年满60周岁及以上独居或者与有配偶的空巢老人、以及社区从事老年服务的相关工作人员、社工机构从事老年服务的相关工作人员,了解城市空巢老人的养老现状及对社会工作服务的需求,以及现有社会工作对城市空巢老人的介入情况。 文章首先揭示了社会现存的养老状况,即:主要由于计划生育政策的实施,现在的家庭模式已经发生了巨大的变化,4-2-1(四位老人,夫妻两人,一个孩子)的家庭的模式给年轻人带来很大的压力;其次,子女外出务工造成的空巢,或者现在颇受重视的失独家庭也存在着养老问题。而我国老年人的养老方式自古以来就是依靠家庭养老这种传统的养老方式,随着上述几种问题的不断深化,家庭养老以及不能有效的发挥其养老职能。所以除了传统的家庭养老方式之外,还可以动员社区,机构养老等模式,采用政府筹建的机构养老或者社区开展的社工服务的社区养老。本文就针对其中更为高效,更容易普及的社区养老进行了调查,并根据调查中发现的问题提出了相应的解决方案和建议。 所谓社区养老,就是以老年人生活的社区为依托,由家庭、邻居、社会工作者以及社区、街道、NGO、NPO乃至政府开展的养老模式。这样的优点是老年人不用改变熟悉的生活环境,而且可以通过社区的帮助接收到更便捷、舒适、人性化的服务,使得老人“老有所依,老有所养,老有所医,老有所教,老有所学,老有所为,老有所乐。”并且使老人在身心健康与日常生活中都可以接受更专业化的照顾。 本文的理论依据是社会工作的价值观和原则,结合社会工作价值理念、专业手法和操作技巧在空巢老年社会工作服务中的运用,特别是老年社会工作理论和方法。同时在学科上,文章结合了社会工作和人口学,丰富了老年社会工作的理论支撑,为空巢老人养老提供新的理论视角。空巢老人的需求着重从日常生活照料需求、精神慰藉需求和医疗保健需求三个方面展开。关于空巢老人的需求,作者结合了众多学者的观点,例如有的学者认为空巢老人对日常生活照料的需求最大;有的学者认为,精神慰藉和日常生活照料同等重要(本文并未提出自己的观点) 针对城市空巢老人的养老问题,一些学者提出应增强全社会的老龄意识、养老意识和责任意识,营造良好的社会及家庭养老氛围,也有学者认为,应当构筑以社区养老服务为依托,“居家养老、社区服务、社会保障”的养老模式和社会服务体系。有的学者还对空巢老人的生活提出了更高的要求,提出老年人自身价值的实现,鼓励老有所为、老有所用和老有所成。 目前中国在总体上还是以“家庭养老”为主。21世纪,养老观念随着社会的发展、核心家庭的不断增多、生活节奏的不断加快而转变,子女迫于生活、工作和学习的压力,对老年人特别是高龄老年人的照料心有余而力不足,不得不转变养老观念把家庭养老转向社区养老。社区服务的兴起和发展,为解决我国的养老问题提供了新选择。“以社区为载体,以社区基层组织为主导,发挥政府、社区、家庭和个人多方面的力量,充分动员社区中财力、物力和人力资源,为老年人安老、养老提供全方位的支持”。 关于社区养老,尽管不同的学者有不同的定义,但他们都主张以社区养老为主要的养老模式。社区养老是家庭养老和机构养老的最佳结合点,发展社区服务养老,使社会的力量为家庭提供最直接的帮助,不但可以使家庭中的子女以及其他成员减轻负担,而且使老人在家也能得到全方位照顾。充分体现了以人为本的精神,也符合社会工作“以人为本”和“助人自助”的精神和伦理价值观。 社区养老模式,不仅是一种促进老年人的自助及互助能力的模式,同时也可以发展培养义工、运用小组工作,如成立老年人关注社区小组等社区工作手法的应用技巧。社区养老模


2008年第ll期(总第59期) 边疆经济与文化 THEBORDEHECONOMYANDCULTURE No.11.艄 GenentLNo.59 【构建和谐社会】 爨寻鹄蜜巢∞誊叭弱家锏冀谳缘避 瞿蓓 (中南民族大学社会学系,武汉430074), 摘要:“空巢”家庭老人是老年人中有独特需要的群体。随着“空巢”老人的迅猛增加,对此领域的研究也越加广泛而深入。许多学者从“空巢”老人的概念界定、分类、成因、现状及对策等多个方面进行了探讨和思考,见仁见智,众说纷纭,可供借鉴和参考。 关键词:。空巢”老人;文献;综述 中图分类号:C913.6文献标志码:A文章编号:1672-5409(2008)11-0054..02 根据全国1987年60岁以上老年人口抽样调查资料显示,在60岁及以上的老年人家庭中,“空巢”家庭比例占到16.7%。1990年第四次人口普查时,单身户和一对夫妇户这种纯老年户(即老年“空巢”家庭)占老年人居住的家庭户的25%。有学者预测:到本世纪的三四十年代,中国城市里的独生子女父母年老后可能有60%-70%与已婚子女不住在一起,农村中的独生子女父母年老后可能有30%与已婚子女不住在一起。因此,如何在“未富先老”的经济和社会条件下帮助“空巢”老人更好地生活,已成为政府和学界广泛关注的问题。笔者通过对近十年来关于“空巢”老人研究的文献进行梳理,再次感受到这一问题的严重性和紧迫性。 一、对“空巢”老人的界定及分类 “空巢”老人包含了“空巢”家庭和“老人”两个概念。按照国际惯例,“老人”通常指60或65岁以上的人,这一点比较明确。而对于“空巢”家庭的定义则存在分歧。大部分学者将其界定为无子女或虽有子女,但子女长大成人后离开老人另立门户,剩下老人独自居住的老年家庭,如赵芳许芸的《城市空巢老人生活状况和社会支持体系分析》持此说。也有的学者将“空巢”家庭定义为子女长大离开家庭独立居住谋生之后,由留下的中年夫妇或老年夫妇所组成的家庭,如梁艳的《农村“空巢家庭”老人精神赡养状况探析》。不难看出,这两种定义的差别在于是否把无子女即丁克家庭也纳入“空巢”家庭之中。 关于“空巢”家庭的分类,穆光宗在《家庭空巢化过程的养老问题》中,将“空巢”家庭分为“纯空巢”家庭(子女、亲属均不在身边)和“类空巢”家庭(虽然子女不在身边但其他亲属在身边)。而王武林、安和平在《空巢老人特征及其生存质量状况分析》里,将“空巢”家庭分为源发性“空巢”,即终身无子女的老年人(包括单身和有配偶的)和次生性“空巢”(包括子女外出不在老人身边和子女在本地居住却不与老人同吃同住)两种。 二、对“空巢”老人成因的研究 “空巢”老人形成的原因复杂多样,有一些学者如赵芳和梁艳都是从微观、中观、宏观这三个维度来进行归因的。他们将老人“空巢”的原因分为个人原因、家庭原因和社会原因三种,同时强调最重要的原因是社会因素,是社会的发展使“空巢”家庭的出现成为某种必然。尤其是随着独生子女政策的推行,家庭子女数锐减,对于那些双独联姻(独生子女间联姻通婚)组成的家庭,客观上无法同时满足双方老人与子女共同生活的要求,必然有一部分老人主动或被动独立生活而“空巢”。 李克在<“空巢”离爱巢有多远>中将导致老人“空巢”的原因分为六点:一是社会经济的进步和居住条件的改善。二是对自由空间和平静时间的向往。三是独生子女政策的实施。四是家庭结构模式的小型化、核心化。五是社保体系尤其是老龄体系落后和不完善。六是社会养老、机构养老发展滞后。 刘亿、吴奇超在<经济转型期家庭社会资本与。空巢”老人养老问题研究:》中,特别强调了现代价值观念的冲击对形成“空巢”老人的影响。一是冲击传统“孝”文化。即受拜金主义和极端个人主义思潮的影响,许多年轻人认为如果在家庭中赡养老人,就会以牺牲家庭很多的利益为代价。二是冲击传统家庭权威。传统老年角色在家庭扮演着权威角色,伴随着老年人在家庭中财产所有权等方面优势的丧失,导致他们在家庭中的权威和地位 收稿日期:2008-05-28 作者简介:瞿蓓(1983一),女,湖南株洲人,硕士研究生。从事社会学研究。团~一舢JⅢ唧M


Caring about old people: urgent and necessary With the development of modern society, many social issues concerned about old people lost their security in supporting themselves have been revealed comprehensively in our daily life, due to severer phenomenon, ignorance from family、absence of social pension insurance system and lack of enough attention from the whole society have been linked to those realities. So, how to find some effective methods to solve the problems of the elder have significant meaning in sharing the economy benefit. First of all, family should pay more attention and share more mental care for the elder. China has a long history of giving the honor to parents and caring about the old people, visit our parents frequently with full attention and behave in a polite way will provide mental care to the old people. So, enhance the education of supporting and loving old people would form a person with right attitude in dealing with old people, at the same time, the whole society would form a more proper atmosphere in how to treat the elder, which is full of patience, caring and positive attitude. On the other hand, accelerate the construction of pension insurance system can provide old people security with reliable income when people reach the legal retired age. Insurance system of old people are including following policy: one is pension insurance system which can make sure that old people get paid when they retired, and another is social security, which would guarantee the elder a basic living ability. Concern about some advanced experience, social organization of supporting the elder can be more effective in helping old people, especially the elder without a family, such as public nursing house and supportive fund to elder, etc. To those old people who
