



The Mid-Autumn Festival

The Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the 15th of the eighth month of our Chinese lunar calendar. As one of the traditional Chinese festivals, it has been enjoying great popularity in our country. Usually, no matter how far away or how busy we are, we will try to come home for the celebration. The moon that night looks the brightest in the whole lunar month. What we love most is the time we enjoy the full moon together. With the beautiful moon up in the sky, we sit together and eat moon cakes and fruit, sharing our stories. In addition to these traditional activities, we have a wider range of choices such as travelling and visiting our relatives or friends

节日模板 the 节日

节日 falls on +天/in+月. As one of the traditional Chinese festivals, it is popular in our country. It is the time https://www.360docs.net/doc/4114246689.html,ually, no matter how far away or how busy we are, we will try to come home for the celebration. What we love most is the time we enjoy +名词/doing together. With +名词, we sit together and have delicious dinner, sharing our stories. Everyone is busy and everyone is happy,too. In addition to these traditional activities, we have many choices such as travelling and visiting our relatives or friends.


the Spring Festival. Christmas

Do some washing and cleaning

Stay up and wake up early

present others with flowers and self-made cards

put presents in the sock

cook traditional food, such as jiaozi.

Watch TV New Year programme

Play cards and computer games

get luck money from old people

The Qingming Festival

The weather becomes warmer and warmer The trees and grass become green.

fly kites Sweep tombs for the dead 2010年石家庄模拟考试







参考词汇:节气,seasonal division point;祭祖in memory of one’s ancestors

Dear John,

Glad to hear from you.I’d like to tell you something about the Qingming Festival.


中国节日礼仪英语作文 中国人一年中的几个重大节日,都有相应的饮酒活动,如端午节饮”菖蒲酒” ,重阳节饮”菊花酒”,除夕夜的”年酒”。在一些地方,如江西民间,春季插完禾苗后,要欢聚饮酒,庆贺丰收时更要饮酒,酒席散尽之时,往往是”家家扶得醉人归”。以下是中国节日礼仪英语作文,欢迎阅读。 中国节日礼仪英语作文1 The Middle-Autumn Festival is one of the traditional Chinese festivals, it is often held in September or October. During the festival, family members get united and have mooncakes together. There are various kind of mooncakes, such as bean paste, egg-yolk or meat. The shape of a mooncake is round as it symbolizes a big moon. Moreover, in the evening of the Middle-Autumn Festival, people get together in a vacant place, eating delicious mooncakes while appreciating the beautiful moon hanging in the dark sky. To conclude, the Midde-Autumn Festival is a very nice festival for Chinese people. 中国节日礼仪英语作文2 The Dragon Boat Festival is a lunar (阴历)holiday, occurring (存正)on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month (农历史五月第五天).


《传统节日作文》 传统节日作文(一): 中国传统节日春节 在我国的传统节日里面,我最喜欢的就是热闹的春节。春节是怎样来的呢 很久很久以前,有一个叫年的怪物,它经常在冬天欺负住在山里的人们,有一些人想把它除掉,也有一些人想把它赶走。有一天年又来了,许多人家里都遭到了袭击。只有几户挂着红布帘,门外生着火堆或敲敲打打闹翻天的人家没有受到伤害,因此山里的人们明白了年怕三样东西。当年再来的时候,人们用这三样东西把这个大怪物给赶走了,从此都不敢来伤害人们了。以后代代相传,便构成了过年热闹的习俗。 我喜欢春节,每年的春节我都要去花市。花市里人山人海可热闹了,店铺里的人在大声喊叫着卖各种各样的东西,有的卖艳丽多彩,芬芳迷人的鲜花,有的卖可口的爆米花和好喝的饮料,还有的卖各式各样的玩具。 近年随着我们国家的不断强大,各国的领导人也开始在春节的时候,发表讲话或文章向在本国的华人表示节日的祝贺,中国的春节在世界上越来越有影响力了。 传统节日作文(二): 中国传统节日清明节 清明节是我国的传统节日,他大约始于周代,已有两千五百多年的历史了。 清明节最开始是一个十分重要的节气,清明一到,气温升高,正是春耕春种的大好时节,所以有清明前后,种瓜种豆、植树造林,莫过清明的农谚。之后,由于清明与寒食的日子接近,而寒食是民间禁火扫墓的日子,渐渐地,寒食与清明就合二为一了。所以,清明节也是重要的祭拜祖先的节日,是祭祖和扫墓的日子。按照旧的习俗,扫墓时,人们要携带酒食果品、纸钱等物品到墓地,将食物供祭在亲人墓前,再将纸钱焚化,为坟墓培上新土,折几枝嫩绿的新枝插在坟上,然后叩头行礼祭拜,最后吃掉酒食回家。唐代诗人杜牧的诗《清明》:清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂,借问酒家何处有?牧童遥指杏花村。写的就是清明节的特殊气氛。 清明节又叫踏青节。它是在每年阳历的4月5日,这正是春光明媚,草木吐绿的时节, 也正是人们春游的好时候,所以古人有清明踏青,并开展打马球、荡秋千、蹴鞠、插柳等一系列风俗体育活动的习俗。相传这是因为清明节要寒食禁火,为了防止寒食冷餐伤身,所以大家来参加一些体育活动,以锻炼身体。因此,这个节日既有祭扫祖坟生别死离的悲伤,又有踏青游玩的欢乐,是一个富有特色的节日。 传统节日作文(三): 传统节日,我喜欢 中国的传统节日有很多很多,春节、端午节、清明节、元宵节等,其中我最喜欢的是春节。 春节七天的假期里是我最最开心的日子,因为在外地工作的爸爸能够有个长假回家陪我玩,住在深圳的大姑姑一家也会回厦门和爷爷奶奶一齐过年,还有在厦门的小姑姑一家,三家人,


高中英语作文有关节日 My favorite festival is Christmas Day. It’s not the trditional for Chinese. It’s for the foreigners, which Christmas Day is to them what Spring Festival is us. But with the development of the society, more and more foreigners come to China. And then it is popular in China. I feel excited to see the Cristmas decoration and Christmas trees. I also like Santa Claus, who will give Christmas present for us under the table. And people will say ”Merry Cristmas” to each other on that day. It is wonderful to hav e a foreign festival. 我最喜欢的节日是圣诞节。它不是中国的传统节日。是外国的。圣诞节对于他们来说就像是春节对于我们一样。随着社会的发展,越来越多的外国人来到中国。之后圣诞节在中国也流行起来了。看到圣诞装饰和圣诞树我会感到很兴奋。我也喜欢圣诞老人,他会悄悄的给我们圣诞礼物。在那一天人们会互相说圣诞快乐来打招呼。过一个国外的节日真的很美妙。 The Duanwu Festival, which is also called the Dragon Boat Festival, is an ancient Chinese traditional festival, celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. For thousands of years, various celebrating activities are held all around the country. Eating zongzi and racing dragon boats are the most pertinent ones, which are said to be in memory of Qu Yuan, a great poet. In some places, people spread realgar wine on the children in the hope of protecting them from the evil spirits. Many people consider May as an especially dangerous time for diseases in a year, and therefore they hang moxa and calamus and things like that around the doors to ward off evil and diseases and pray for good luck. 端午节,又称龙舟节,是中国古老的传统节日,在农历的五月初五这天庆祝。几千年来,全国各地都会举行多种多样的庆祝活动。最应景的就是吃粽子和赛龙舟,据说这是为了纪念伟大的古代诗人屈原。在有些地方,人们把雄黄酒涂抹在小孩的身上,希望这样可以使孩子们不受邪灵的伤害。许多人认为五月是一年中容易引发疾病的时节,因此为了驱疾避凶,讨个吉利,他们会在门口悬挂艾叶和菖蒲等。 Spring Festival is my favorite among all the Chinese traditional festival. The first reason why I love it the most is because I can get lucky money on that festival. It is the Chinese custom that the old will give children lucky money on Spring Festival to wish a good luck for the young generation. Moreover, people everywhere on those days are full of happiness. Quarrel, fight and abuse are almost disappeared at that time. Meanwhile, my mother will make a big meal for us to celebrate. Everyone will forget the unhappy thing


节日介绍 一.文体概述 节日,有的源于传统习俗,有的源于宗教,有的源于对某人或某件事情的纪念,另有国际组织提倡的运动指定的日子。节日在人们生活中意义重大。因此,在英语作文说明文里,节日介绍是一个重要的话题。 注意事项: 1. 时态。一般描述用现在时,下一年的日期用将来时,如涉及历史典故则用过去时。 2. 说明顺序。一般从基本情况(名称、来源)到延伸内容(庆祝方式等)。 3. 避免开头指代不明。避免用it作主语引导第一句,而应该具体写出描述的节日。 常用语块 1. 春节______________________ 2. 端午节______________________ 3. 中秋节______________________ 4. (某节日)是在(某月某日) ______________________ 5. 三天的假期_____________________ 6. 追溯到__________________________ 7. 遵守风俗__________________________ 8. 放烟花__________________________ 9. 表演节目__________________________ 10. 走亲访友__________________________ 11. 给小孩压岁钱______________________ 12. 对……表示尊敬______________________ 13. 举行龙舟赛______________________ 14. 吃粽子______________________ 15. 观看升旗仪式______________________ 二.套用句式 1.燃放烟花庆祝新年的到来是一种古老的传统。 2. 那是一个充满欢声笑语的日子。 3. 人们庆祝端午节是为了纪念我国古代伟大的诗人——屈原。 4. 中国有许多传统节日,但我最喜欢中秋节,因为它意味着丰收。 5. 在除夕夜,人们会和家人吃一顿丰盛的晚餐,说说笑笑。 三.习作修改(做短文改错,背经典范文) Tomb Sweeping Day usually fall on April 4 to 6 every year. It is one of the Chinese traditional festival, in which people offer sacrifices their ancestors. According to the Chinese customs, people will bring along with some food, wine, paper money or some flowers to the cemetery of their ancestors. After slightly sweep the tombs, people offer food, and then burnt the incense and paper money, and bow before the memorial tablet. It is in this special day that people mourn over their ancestors and remember their greatly contributions to a development of our society.


有关中国传统节日满分作文400字大全6篇 中国传统节日满分作文400字【1】 中国有许多的传统节日,如元宵节、中秋节、重阳节……而我最喜欢的就是一年中最热闹的节日——端午节。每到端午节,我们就会一起吃粽子。一大早,妈妈就热了几十个粽子,锅里飘出一股股浓浓的香味。我迫不及待地打开一个,看,粽子的糯米是褐色的,中间有一块 色泽诱人的肉和金黄的蛋黄。看着这美味的粽子,我真是“口水直流三千尺。”我忍不住地咬了一口,真是太美味了!我一边吃着粽子,一边听妈妈给我讲屈原投江的故事。原来,包粽子和赛龙舟的习俗就是要纪念伟大的爱国诗人——屈原啊!吃完粽子,我们一家人一起去江边看赛 龙舟。江边人声鼎沸,只见裁判用信号枪“砰!”的一声枪响,龙舟上的健儿们一边喊着“嘿嘿嘿”的口号,一边整齐有力地划动着木浆。每一条龙舟都互不相让。战况非常激烈,大家你追我赶丝毫不敢放松。观众们情绪高涨,大声呐喊着给他们加油鼓劲。我站在人群中,被这种节日的气氛紧紧包围着,不由自主地感叹——端午节真有趣!这就是我最喜欢的节日——端午节,你最喜欢的节日是什么?也来介绍一下吧! 中国传统节日满分作文400字【2】 七月,暑假开始了!酷热的阳光照着我们,照进心田,让心也温

暖起来。这酷热的阳光引来了牛郎织女,七夕节就要来到了! 七夕节,牛郎织女相会的日子,一年只能相会一次,也只有一个七夕节。在七夕节的夜晚,许多人们在织衣服,来庆祝这美好的七夕节。农村的人们也攀上高梯,许下自己的愿望。一切都很美好。就在这时,我仿佛看到了一只只小鸟排成一队,组成了一座桥:鹊桥。我又看见了牛郎和织女在鹊桥的两岸。他们的眼神充满幸福,他们的脸,充满渴望,期盼。渐渐地,两人走上鹊桥,在桥的中央相会。鸟儿叽叽的叫着,好像在祝福牛郎织女,树上的知了不停地叫,好像想推迟黎明的到来。牛郎织女仿佛插上了翅膀,在天空中相爱,让人陶醉,让人沉浸在充满阳光,鲜花和爱的家园里。 可惜,谁都阻挡不住清晨的到来。在离开的那一刻,牛郎紧紧地拉住织女的手,想留住这美好的一切,可这是没有办法的。感人的一刻就要到来了,鸟儿仿佛很珍惜这一切,知了仿佛在哭,连老天爷也流下了感动,大家多想挽回这一切啊!最让人激动的是,牛郎织女都不肯放手,宁愿牵手一起消失。 我也从这美好的梦中醒来,只望见繁星在空中闪烁。我心中也在祝福牛郎织女,期盼七夕节再一次到来,下次,我一定要在梦中留住牛郎和织女,让他们永不分开,幸福的过着生活,我更希望他们能下凡,与我一同生活。虽然这一切是不可能的可我依然有着这样的梦想。 中国传统节日满分作文400字【3】 今天是大家期盼已久的正月十五元宵节。大家是不是在桌前一边吃着香甜的汤圆,一边看着精彩的电视节目呢?


学海无涯 高考英语作文模板----节日介绍 2013年辽宁高考真题 The Mid-Autumn Festival The Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the 15th of the eighth month of our Chinese lunar calendar. As one of the traditional Chinese festivals, it has been enjoying great popularity in our country. Usually, no matter how far away or how busy we are, we will try to come home for the celebration. The moon that night looks the brightest in the whole lunar month. What we love most is the time we enjoy the full moon together. With the beautiful moon up in the sky, we sit together and eat moon cakes and fruit, sharing our stories. In addition to these traditional activities, we have a wider range of choices such as travelling and visiting our relatives or friends 节日模板 the 节日 节日 falls on +天/in+月. As one of the traditional Chinese festivals, it is popular in our country. It is the time https://www.360docs.net/doc/4114246689.html,ually, no matter how far away or how busy we are, we will try to come home for the celebration. What we love most is the time we enjoy +名词/doing together. With +名词, we sit together and have delicious dinner, sharing our stories. Everyone is busy and everyone is happy,too. In addition to these traditional activities, we have many choices such as travelling and visiting our relatives or friends. 常用短语 the Spring Festival. Christmas Do some washing and cleaning Stay up and wake up early present others with flowers and self-made cards put presents in the sock cook traditional food, such as jiaozi. Watch TV New Year programme Play cards and computer games get luck money from old people The Qingming Festival The weather becomes warmer and warmer The trees and grass become green. fly kites Sweep tombs for the dead 2010年石家庄模拟考试 假定你是李华,你的美国笔友John来信请你介绍中国传统节日清明节。请根据下表要点,用英语给他写封回信。 节日日期特点活动 清明节4月5日前后中国二十四节气之一放假一天,扫墓祭祖, 踏青游玩、放风筝等要求;l、词数l00左右; 2、可适当增加细节,使行文连贯; 3、开头已为你写好,不计入词数。 参考词汇:节气,seasonal division point;祭祖in memory of one’s ancestors Dear John, Glad to hear from you.I’d like to tell you something about the Qingming Festival.


My Favorite Festival What is the name of the festival?Spring Festival When is it?First day of the Chinese lunar calendar What do people eat? A big dinner niangao jiaozi meat fish What do people do? ?Clean the house several days before the festival ?Buy new clothes ?Have a reunion dinner with the family on the eve ?Visit relatives after the festival ?Give “lucky” money to children Why do you like it so much? I think I can meet relatives. I know receiving “lucky” money makes me happy. I think that setting off fire crackers is interesting. I wonder if I can do these things next year. 用下列句式造句,谈谈对不同节日的看法: I think…He thinks…She thinks… I believe…He thinks…She thinks… I wonder…He wonders…She wonders… Spring Festival I know that Spring Festival is the most important festival for Chinese people. It comes in January or February. People usually clean their houses before the Spring Festival. People have a big family dinner on the eve of the Spring Festival. Young people bow to old people and wish them a happy new year. Old people give children “lucky money”. The next morning people put on their new clothes, go to see their friends and relatives and say “Happy New Year” to each other. I think that Spring Festival is one of the most important festivals in China. I love it very much. Middle-Autumn Festival People believe that the Middle-Autumn Festival is one of the most traditional Chinese festivals, it is often celebrated in September or October. During the festival, family members get together and eat moon cakes. There are many kinds of delicious moon cakes. I think they are very delicious. On the evening of the Middle-Autumn Festival, people can enjoy the full moon in the dark sky. I like Mid-Autumn Festival because it makes me happy. Dragon Boat Festival The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival in China. There’s a folk story about this festival. Many years ago, There was a poet called Qu Yuan. He loved his country very much. However, the king asked him to leave the country. He felt very sad. When he learned that another country had seized his country, he didn’t want to live any more.On the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, he jumped into Miluo River. The local people rowed the boat to save him, but it was too late. They didn’t want the fish to eat his body, So they dropped rice balls into the river. Nowadays, on this day, we watch dragon boat races and eat ZONGZI in memory of Qu Yuan.


描写传统节日作文 以下是笔者为大家整理的关于描写传统节日作文的 文章,希望大家能够喜欢! 春节,是农历正月初一,又叫阴历年,俗称“过年”。这是我国民间最隆重、最热闹的一个传统节日。春节的历史很悠久,它起源于殷商时期年头岁尾的祭神祭祖活动。按照我国农历,正月初一古称元日、元辰、元正、元朔、元旦等,俗称年初一,到了民国时期,改用公历,公历的一月一日称为元旦,把农历的一月一日叫春节。 春节到了,意味着春天将要来临,万象复苏草木更新,新一轮播种和收获季节又要开始。人们刚刚度过冰天雪地草木凋零的漫漫寒冬,早就盼望着春暖花开的日子,当新春到来之际,自然要充满喜悦载歌载舞地迎接这个节日。 千百年来,人们使年俗庆祝活动变得异常丰富多彩,每年从农历腊月二十三日起到年三十,民间把这段时间叫做“迎春日”,也叫“扫尘日”,在春节前扫尘搞卫生,是我国人民素有的传统习惯。 然后就是家家户户准备年货,节前十天左右,人们就开始忙于采购物品,年货包括鸡鸭鱼肉、茶酒油酱、南北炒

货、糖饵果品,都要采买充足,还要准备一些过年时走亲访友时赠送的礼品,小孩子要添置新衣新帽,准备过年时穿。 在节前要在住宅的大门上粘贴红纸黄字的新年寄语,也就是用红纸写成的春联。屋里张贴色彩鲜艳寓意吉祥的年画,心灵手巧的姑娘们剪出美丽的窗花贴在窗户上,门前挂大红灯笼或贴福字及财神、门神像等,福字还可以倒贴,路人一念福倒了,也就是福气到了,所有这些活动都是要为节日增添足够的喜庆气氛。 春节的另一名称叫过年。在过去的传说中,年是一种为人们带来坏运气的想象中的动物。年一来。树木凋蔽,百草不生;年一过,万物生长,鲜花遍地。年如何才能过去呢?需用鞭炮轰,于是有了燃鞭炮的习俗,这其实也是烘托热闹场面的又一种方式。 春节是个欢乐祥和的节日,也是亲人团聚的日子,离家在外的孩子在过春节时都要回家欢聚。过年的前一夜,就是旧年的腊月三十夜,也叫除夕,又叫团圆夜,在这新旧交替的时候,守岁是最重要的年俗活动之一,除夕晚上,全家老小都一起熬年守岁,欢聚酣饮,共享天伦之乐,北方地区在除夕有吃饺子的习俗,饺子的作法是先和面,和字就是合;饺子的饺和交谐音,合和交有相聚之意,又取更岁交子之意。在南方有过年吃年糕的习惯,甜甜的粘粘的年糕,象征新一年生活甜蜜蜜,步步高。

高考全国卷英语作文预测系列范文 一 传统节假日

2018年高考全国卷英语作文预测系列范文(一)传统节假日 传统节假日类:Passage 1 (中秋节)假定你是李华,随着中秋节临近,你校将组织庆祝中秋节活动。外教Lucy一直都热衷于中国传统文化,请写信邀请她。内容包括:1. 活动时间与地点2. 中秋习俗及庆祝活动注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;Dear Lucy,I’m writing to invite you to our Mid-Autumn Festival celebration, due to the fact that you are always keen on Chinese culture. The celebration is to be held on the playground at 8 o’clock this Wednesday night.As is well known, the Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month, a time for family reunion or for family members sharing the same brilliant moon thousands of miles away. On this charming night, our holiday celebration involves launching floating sky lanterns called Kongming and appreciating the bright full moon with a variety of delicious moon cakes at hand. Everyone present, I believe, will undoubtedly enjoy thorough refreshment, immersed in the unforgettable traditional atmosphere. I hope you can come and join us.I would be more than grateful if you could write back soon.Yours,Li Hua传统节假日类:Passage 2(端午节)假定你是李华。想邀请外教Charlie参加学生会举办的端午节庆祝活动。请给他写封邮件。内容包括:1. 简要介绍端午节;2. 活动时间、


高考英语作文模板----节日介绍 2013年辽宁高考真题 The Mid-Autumn Festival The Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the 15th of the eighth month of our Chinese lunar calendar. As one of the traditional Chinese festivals, it has been enjoying great popularity in our country. Usually, no matter how far away or how busy we are, we will try to come home for the celebration. The moon that night looks the brightest in the whole lunar month. What we love most is the time we enjoy the full moon together. With the beautiful moon up in the sky, we sit together and eat moon cakes and fruit, sharing our stories. In addition to these traditional activities, we have a wider range of choices such as travelling and visiting our relatives or friends 节日模板 the 节日 节日 falls on +天/in+月. As one of the traditional Chinese festiva ls, it is popular in our country. It is the time https://www.360docs.net/doc/4114246689.html,ually, no matter how far a way or how busy we are, we will try to come home for the celebration. What we l ove most is the time we enjoy +名词/doing together. With +名词, we sit together and have delicious dinner, sharing our stories. Everyone is busy and everyone is happy,too. In addition to these traditional activities, we have many choices such as travelling and visiting our relatives or friend s. 常用短语 the Spring Festival. Christmas Do some washing and cleaning Stay up and wake up early present others with flowers and self-made cards put presents in the s ock cook traditional food, such as jiaozi. Watch TV New Year programme Play cards and computer games


Improper expressions: 1.Spring Festival 2.For there is a long time …, we have to… 3.This phenomenon results in the doubt that whether Christmas will replace… 4.traditional festivals should be paid more attention than foreign festivals. 5.We exchange…, which results in more and more people get interested in foreign festivals. 6.The question that whether Christmas will replace the Spring Festival leads to a heated discussion in society. 7.There are many people in the western countries celebrate the Spring Festival. Proper and good expressions: 1.With the tendency towards globalization 2.the Spring Festival should be passed on from generation to generation 3.It seems that some traditional festivals like the Spring Festival are gradually overshadowed By Christmas. 4.Globalization has encouraged the popularity of Christmas in Chinese. 5.The Spring Festival is an apparent symbol of Chinese culture which is engraved in every Chinese’s mind. 6.cultural heritage 7.Learning their culture is a must…. We learn English in order to make more people learn Chinese. 8.festival celebrating has been globalized 9.Some people suspect that the obsession with Christmas will lead us to neglect another traditional festival--- the Spring Festival. 10.Observing Christmas doesn’t mean abandoning the Spring Festival. 11.the Spring Festival is more than a festival 12.an exotic festival 13.Chinese are celebrating some western festivals, and vice versa. 14.some most celebrated festivals in our country are the essence of our long history and rich culture. 15.Currently, the word “Christmas” has evolved into a symbol of happiness and gifts. 16.people tend to have an increasing liking for observing western festivals 17.in the circumstances of globalization Modal In the course of globalization, western culture has flooded into China at an almost non-stop rate. Along with it come western festivals, the most influential of which is Christmas. As a result of this “culture invasion”, more and more Chinese people, particularly the youth, are abandoning traditional Chinese festivals. There is even a prediction that the Spring Festival will ultimately be replaced by Christmas. However, personally I’m not in favor of this statement, as the Spring Festival is a kind of cultural heritage serving as a spiritual legacy for all of us to cling to, regardless of any hindrance. First of all, observing Christmas does not mean that the Spring Festival can be neglected. The Spring Festival has its roots in Chinese history, from which it requires its identity and meaning irreplaceable by Christmas. As Christmas stemmed from Western civilization, it can’t easily fit in


中国传统节日春节的作文600字 中国是一个具有悠久文化的国家,哪怕只是一个小小的节日,它都有着一段传奇的历史故事。春节,就是中国一年中最重要的一个节日。 关于春节的历史,可是很遥远的。 春节是中国最富有特色的传统节日,中国人过春节已超过4000多年的历史,关于春节的起源有多种说法,但其中普遍接受的说法是春节由虞舜时期兴起。春节一般指正月初一,是一年的第一天,又叫阴历年,俗称“过年”;但在民间,传统意义上的春节是指从腊月的腊祭或腊月二十三或二十四的祭灶,一直到正月十九,其中以除夕和正月初一为高潮。在春节期间,中国的汉族和很多少数民族都要举行各种活动以示庆祝。 关于春节的来源,又是多种多样的。 春节的来源,我知道三种。第一种是在陕西关中一带民间流传的。人们为了纪念弥勒佛,就把这初春之时,二佛交接的时刻称做“春节”。第二种是由于万年的故事,后来人们也把春节称做年,每每过年之时屋里挂上寿星图,象征新岁添寿,也是对功高德重的万年寄以怀念之情。第三种是在福建省民间,是我们最耳熟能详的一个。相传远古时候,有一种凶恶的怪兽,身子庞大,头上长着像牛角一般的触角;眼睛圆滚滚的。活似两盏灯笼。一张血盆大嘴、一口可以吞食一个人。这种怪兽的名字叫做“年”。

关于春节的习俗,那可就多了。 首先,春节前几天,家家都要准备年货。有买来的,也有自己做的,如年糕等,口味因地而异。除了这些,我们还要“扫尘”,贴春联,剪窗花,贴门神等等。之后,就要迎来春节的前一天,这一天叫做除夕,夜晚叫做除夕夜,这时候要吃团圆饭,吃过饭后还要守岁,它象征守岁迎新。第二天,我们就要过年了,这一天,我们要起得早一些,然后就去放爆竹,以哔哔叭叭的爆竹声除旧迎新。吃过饭后,我们就要去拜年了,小孩子还可以得到大人给的“压岁钱”哦! 关于春节的文化,还有很多很多,说一天一夜也说不完,这就是中国文化的博大精深,源远流长……
