


听力单句练习Number 1

1. The sun shone brightly. ( son 与sun; shone 与shown单词辨音)

(A). My son was the smartest. (B). We were shown the way by the boy.

(C). It was a sunny day . (D). Some of them were bright.

2. I picked up the receiver, dropped the coins in the slot, and then dialed the number I wanted. (场景关键词)

(A). I made a phone call . (B). I read the meter.

(C). I got some change. (D). I paid the bill.

3. She went to the store for some milk (重读动词,名词)

(A). Some of the milk was stored. (B). She brought some milk at the store .

(C).The milk spilled on the floor. (D). She sent him to the store for some milk.

4. You work at the main post office, don’t you?(考连读,还有句型,don’t you 知道前面肯定是动作词,知道几个关键词:大胆预猜)

(A). Do you know where the office is?

(B). Why don’t you look for an office job?

(C). I wouldn’t recommend that you work on Main Street.

(D). I think I have seen you working at the post office .

5. They asked if we’d stay. (ask除了问,还有“要求”的意思。后面连读,辨音)

(A). We would have stayed if they had asked.

(B). they took out the weeds today.

(C). They wanted us to stay .

(D). They asked me on Wednesday.

6. Virginia’s going to take all her required courses this year. (这个不难,红色的时态也是解题的关键,听时,不能忽略)

(A). Virginia has to complete her courses this year.

(B). Virginia goes to class because attendance is required.

(C). Virginia must leave the university soon

(D). Virginia will finish the required courses this year .

7. I couldn’t find my umbrella this morning. (听力不难,句型couldn’t find = didn’t know where XX was)

(A). I felt fine until this morning.

(B). Today I didn’t know where my umbrella was .

(C). This morning I couldn’t find Bella.

(D). I found my umbrella easily.

8. Not only is Cheryl a good swimmer, but she’s also a promising musician. (考点是:not only ,but also 句型就知道是both或者,many talents。Promising(有前途的)不是考点)

(A). Cheryl has many talents.

(B). Cheryl’s experience is limited to the arts.

(C). Cheryl kept her promise .

(D). Cheryl knows several athletes and musicians.

9. My pen’s out of in k again (画线部分连读,辨音)

(A). I must have dropped it. (B). I will have to get some more ink .

(C). I will bring it in again. (D). I will try another color.

10. Heavy rains caused the dam to collapse (collapse词义题,听力不难。destroy)

(A). The dam was built to catch rain.

(B). The dam was designed for preventing floods.

(C). The rain filled the dam.

(D). The rain destroyed the dam .

11. The students completely filled the classroom. (students弱读,只能听清studen知道几个关键词大胆预猜)

(A). The students failed to complete the courses.

(B). They fulfilled the course requirements.

(C). The room was full of students .

(D). They all passed the exam in that class.

12. May second, that’s when my cousin is coming to visit (听主干,时间N, that’s when…; 地点N,that’s where …..; 原因N, that’s why ….; May second 提示5月2号=early)(A). When is my cousin visiting?

(B). May my cousin come for a visit?

(C). It’s possible that my cousin will visit twice.

(D). My cousin will visit early in May .

13.Almost everyone had finished the book. (考词义,almost = 几乎,差不多not completely, nearly , 所以是a few had n’t 一小部分人还没有完成)

(A). Only a few people hadn’t finished it .

(B). Everyone had most of it finished.

(C). All the people had finished it.

(D). Nobody had finished all of it.

14. Peter blames himself for what happened. (考词义,blam oneself=think/feel XX are one’s own fault)

(A). Peter says he knows about the claim.

(B). Peter isn’t responsible for his actions.

(C). Peter feels it was all his fault .

(D). Peter doesn’t care what happened.

15. The train fare is reduced after five. (下划线部分连读,听重点词:reduced 下调/降,其他部分听力清晰,听明白的同时考反应换算能力)

(A). The train fare is higher before 5 o’clock.

(B). The train is usually on Track #5.

(C). The train fare is five dollars .

(D). Train #5 stops at the fair.

16. The controller made a mistake and overcharged Amy for her tuition. (考词义,overcharge sb = charge sb too much,听明白直接选)

(A). Amy was taken over to the controller’s office.

(B). The controller charged Amy too much.

(C). Amy overlooked the error .

(D). Amy had controlled over the situation.

17. Have the driver let you off at the intersection. (考句义,动词位于句首=祈使句,let sb off= sb get out下小轿车;get on the bus上公共汽车get off the bus下公共汽车)(A). Let the driver get off at the intersection .

(B). Has the bus driver reached the intersection yet?

(C). Have you ever gotten off at this intersection?

(D). Tell the driver you will get out at the intersection.

18. Oh well, I really didn’t expect to win anyway. (前面did n’t expect 要听清楚,下划线连读,只有anyway 能听清楚。Didn’t expect to= not really disappointed 不期望,也不失望)

(A). I’m not really disappointed about losing.

(B). I thought I would win.

(C). I won anyway.

(D). I didn’t know what to expect .

19. How absent minded he is! (考词义,absent minded= forgetful 爱忘事)

(A). He’s absent again! (B). Isn’t he forgetful!

(C). How often is he absent? (D). How forgetful is he ?

20. I try to avoid high places.(考词义,名词复数hights=high place or area,恐高be afraid of hights,stay away from 远离,避开)

(A). High prices annoy me . (B). The trail went up very steeply.

(C). I stay away from heights. (D). I enjoy exciting places.


六种新托福听力题型及其解题技巧 (一六种托福听力题型易考点及其技巧点睛: 所谓最大的技巧就是“反命题”,知己知彼,才能百战不殆。想要在听力部分取得高分,不仅是在刚开始接触IBT听力时,乃至当临考的冲刺阶段在做官方样题时,也一定要将ETS 的出题思路和考核要点贯彻始终。 1、主旨题 一个段子的主旨往往出现在文章引言和开头处,而重复的最多往往一定是主旨!在听课堂演讲等学术性题目时,一定要首先把握文章最核心的主旨,主旨考题选项中过于细节的往往是错误选项; 2、功能/目的题 该题型类似于主旨题,对于任何一个长段子,首先务必要把握的是文章的主旨和结构,只有主旨确定了,才有可能去理解细节,做推断。 3、细节题 主旨题和细节题主要是考察考生对于基本信息的理解能力(basic comprehension,除此之外ETS所要考察考生的另外两种能力分别是对于语用信息的理解(pragmatic understanding和整合信息、对全文结构把握的能力(connecting information。而基本信息的理解就占到50%的比重,可见主旨题和细节题的重要性。 对于细节题,大家不要走入误区,觉得所有的细节100%会考到,所以去关注每一个小的细节点,以至于舍本逐末,只见树木,不见森林。对于细节题,大家要把握两个原则:第一、ETS只会考察我们和主旨有关的重要细节。过于偏细节的实在没有听到,大可不必惋惜,影响后面的发挥;第二,牢牢把握住往往和考点向联系的重要信号词。比如说表示因果的accordingly, thus等词对应于细节题中常考察的因果题。而常见的和信号词相关的考点有逻辑时间顺序、举例、列举、相似或者对比、转折、强调、因果、总结、定义、建议、数字等。


托福听力短语词汇汇总 短语汇总 1、a change of pace 改变步调;换口味 You cant do these chemistry e_periments all day long. You certainly need a change of pace. 2、a far cry from 相距甚远 The published book is a far cry from the early manuscript. 3、and how 的确 A:Shes a good dancer. B:And how. 4、a matter of time 时间问题 It is only a matter of time. 5、a phone call away 一个电话之远,即愿意过来帮忙 If you need my help, do let me know. Just remember I am a phone call away. 6、a while back 不久以前 Well, I listened to that CD you lent me a while back. 7、all along 一直 I knew it all along. 8、anything but 绝对不

I was anything but happy about going. 9、account for 解释 How do you account for it 10、after all 毕竟;终究 A:Ive just seen the _-rays and your teeth look just fine. B:I see. Then there is nothing to worry about after all. 11、allergic to 对过敏 Oh man! Something in this room is making my eyes itch. I must be allergic to something. 12、at sbs service 愿为某人服务 I am at your service at any time. 13、around the clock 24小时不停 Martha studied around the clock for management e_am. 14、as far as I know 就我所知 But as far as I know, he once won the world chion at the Olympic Games. 15、at home with 对很熟悉 She is at home with problems like this. 16、back out 退出 A:Wasnt Bert supposed to sing tonight


托福考试听力常用短语精选(3) I can never thank you enough. 我不知道该怎样多谢你. I can’t afford to lose... 我丢不起... I can’t believe my eye. 我简直不敢相信你的眼睛. I don’t buy your story. 我不相信你的话. I don’t care. 我不在乎. I don’t have a slightest idea. 我一点也不知道. I don’t want to be in your shoes. 我不要象你那样. I feel the call of nature 内急;急于上厕所 I get them mixed up. 我把它们搞乱了. I give you my word. 我向你保证. I have no idea. 我简直一无所知. I haven’t got the foggiest. 我一点也摸不着头脑. I know what I’m doing. 我知道该怎样做. I like the way you have. 照你原来的样子就好了. I lost you. 我不了解你的意思. I love her something fierce. 我爱她爱得要命. I may be psychic. 可能是第六感作用. I mean what I say. 我说的是实话. I must be in love. 我一定是在谈恋爱了. I was behind my paper correcting. 把改卷子的事耽误了. I was fooled by the terms. 我被这些名词搞糊涂了. I was starved to death. 我饿死了. I won’t take no for an answer. 你非答应不可. I would appreciate it. 我非常感谢. I’d enjoy the company. 我很高兴有个伴. I’ll be right over. 我马上就来. I’ll be right with you. 我马上就来. 上一页 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] 下一页 I’ll bet... 我敢打赌 I’ll give it to you strait. 我坦白对你说吧. I’ll go a couple of rounds with you. 我和你过几招. I’ll have him call you. 我会叫他打电话给你. I’ll heed your words. 我会考虑你的话. I’ll say. 英雄所见略同 I’ll see to it. 我会留意这件事的. I’ll see you home. 我送你回家吧. I’ll take a chance. 我要试试看. I’ll take a raincheck on that. 迟些再谈吧. 【


托福听力五大解题技巧 1、主旨题 一个段子的主旨往往出现在文章引言和开头处,而重复的最多往往一定是主旨!在听课堂演讲等学术性题目时,一定要首先把握文章最核心的主旨,主旨考题选项中过于细节的往往是错误选项; 2、功能/目的题 该题型类似于主旨题,对于任何一个长段子,首先务必要把握的是文章的主旨和结构,只有主旨确定了,才有可能去理解细节,做推断。 3、细节题 主旨题和细节题主要是考察考生对于基本信息的理解能力(basic comprehension),除此之外ETS所要考察考生的另外两种能力分别是对于语用信息的理解(pragmatic understanding)和整合信息、对全文结构把握的能力(connecting information)。而基本信息的理解就占到50%的比重,可见主旨题和细节题的重要性。 对于细节题,大家不要走入误区,觉得所有的细节100%会考到,所以去关注每一个小的细节点,以至于舍本逐末,只见树木,不见森林。对于细节题,大家要把握两个原则:第一、ETS只会考察我们和主旨有关的重要细节。过于偏细节的实在没有听到,大可不必惋惜,影响后面的发挥;第二,牢牢把握住往往和考点向联系的重要信号词。比如说表示因果的accordingly, thus等词对应于细节题中常考察的因果题。而常见的和信号词相关的考点有逻辑时间顺序、举例、列举、相似或者对比、转折、强调、因果、总结、定义、建议、数字等。 4、态度/ 推断 对话中的态度题要注意通过语气、语调、重读来推测;而由于演讲中的内容相对学术和客观,所以演讲中的态度题要注意通过形容词和副词的褒贬色彩来确定说话者的主观意图。


托福听力长对话短语:北美校园生活 小马过河为大家准备了“新托福听力长对话短语:北美校园生活”,供各位备考托福的考生们参考使用,来提高自己的托福成绩!免费咨询电话:400-0123-267。 1.orientation meeting/session新生情况介绍会 Ex: The University hasarranged an orientation session. 2.professor’s office h our 教授答疑时间 Ex:Many freshmen areuncertain or shy about utilizing a professor’s office hours. 3.lecture n. 演讲,讲课 Ex: Several hundredpeople are expected to attend the lecture. 4.lecture hall n. 讲堂,讲演厅,报告厅 Ex: The lecture hallwas jammed when the professor arrived at the very last moment. 5.tutorial n. 个别指导 Ex: Small grouptutorials are used to discuss problems which come up in lectures. 6. deadline n. 最后期限,截止时间 Ex: There's no way Ican meet that deadline. 7. overdue adj. 过期的 Ex: I must take thesebooks back to the library - they're overdue. There is a fine if the reserved librarybooks are even one hour overdue. 8. schedule n. 时间表,计划 v. 安排,计划, Ex: According to theschedule, the first lecture begins at 9.00 am The test is scheduled to begin in one hour.


托福听力备考4个基本要素 托福听力中考生常会因为听不懂长难句而无法顺利解答题目,而长难句本身的高难度也会让许多同学头疼不已。下面就和大家分享托福听力备考4个基本要素,来欣赏一下吧。 托福听力备考4个基本要素 托福听力备考以“词”为首 “词”为四要素之首为,托福考试涉及艺术、生命科学、自然科学、社会科学四大学科,44个话题,考察学术环境下的听力能力,要求考生掌握8000左右词汇量,其中包括学科专有词汇。良好的词汇基础就是听力高分的必要因素。 那么不同年级的同学如何准备词汇呢?小学和初中阶段备考同学可以按照初中词汇、高中词汇、四级词汇、托福词汇的顺序进行准备,高中阶段的同学可以按照高中词汇、四级词汇、托福词汇的顺序备考,大学阶段的同学可以考虑从四级词汇或托福词汇开始备考。确定词汇记忆的范围后,我们还需要注意托福听力的词汇记忆不同于阅读的词汇记忆,虽然两者的范围相当,但记忆方法却截然不同。阅读讲究用“看”的方式来识词,而听力则要用听的方式。因此记单词的时候可以采取“看-听”同步的形式熟练生词发音,即时反应,尽量达到2秒内精准输出生词意思。

托福听力备考先“听”再“记” “听”,托福听力学习过程中,“听”先于“记”,同学们需要确保听懂听力的基础上,加强笔记。如何提升听的能力呢?我们可以采用泛听与精听结合的方式。泛听即广泛的听,用于培养英语语感,目的在于在听力练习中以掌握*的整体意思。因此,泛听并不要要求百分之百听懂听力材料中的所有细节,只求听懂大意。备考的同学可以选择自己喜欢的方式练习泛听,如看美剧、听英文歌、模仿英语演讲、听英文广播等。精听材料尽量选择官方真题Official或与考试学科、难度相近的资料。学习过程中需要进行精读、精听、模仿跟读、影子跟读、口述输出。 托福听力备考要合“理” “理”,这里指的是听力的逻辑规律。托福听力需要掌握一些基础的逻辑论证框架和出题规律,如问题-解决方案、举例论证、对比论证、因果论证、分类论证、反对-赞同等。 如官方真题Official27-L1体现论证体现事物的因果关系 Mangrove root systems have the ability to absorb and, well, trap sediments and pollutants in water that flow through them before they enter the ocean.This of course has beneficial results for the nearby coral reefs.


托福考试听力真题中100个短语 1,a change of pace 节奏变换 You can‘t do these chemistry experiments all day long. You certainly need a change of pace. 2, a far cry from 相距甚远 The published book is far cry from the early manuscript. 3, and how 的确 A:She‘s a good dancer. B: and how. 4, a matter of time 时间问题 It is only a matter of time. 5, a phone call away 一个电话之远,愿意过来帮忙。 If you need my help, do let me know. Just remember I am a phone call away. 6, a while back 不久以前 7,all along 一直 I knew it all along. 8, anything but 绝对不 I was anything but happy about going. 9, account for 解释 How do you account for it? 10, after all 到底 A:I‘ve just seen the X-rays and your teeth look just fine,

B: I see. Then there is nothing to worry about after all. 11, allergic to 对|……过敏 Oh man! Something in this room is making my eyes itch. I must be allergic to something. 12,at sb‘s service 愿为某人服务 I am at your service at any time. 13, around the clock 24小时不停 Martha studied around the clock for management exam. 14, as far as I know 就我所知 15,at home with 对………很熟悉 She is at home with problems like this. 16, back out 1)退出 A:Wasn‘t Bert supposed to sing tonight? B: Yes, but he backed out at last minute 2)不履行 She finally backed out of her promise. 17, be cut out for 天生适合 I‘m not cut out to be a hero. 18, be absorbed in She has been absorbed in a horror fiction. I can‘t tear her away. 19, be addicted to 对……上瘾 She has been addicted to drugs for years. 20,be attached to 对……有感情


(莎姐自己的经历)一个月突破托福听力的方法----莎姐系列 1. 莎姐也曾为听力苦恼 我在听力上花了很大的精力,最终听力得了27分。可以说付出总算有了回报。 但是我并不是一开始就找对练习听力的方向。 最开始的时候,我发现练听力是一个折磨人的过程。要问练听力最难过的事是什么,我觉得是发现自己怎么也跟不上托福段子的节奏。那还有更痛苦的事吗?有!更痛苦的是好不容易听懂几个句子,等到做题的时候,发现刚才听得内容全部忘光了。不知道你有没有跟我一样的经历。 托福听力确实让我头疼了好几个月。我做完了一本厚厚的蓝色delta之后,发现自己的听力一点长进也没有。还好我及时开窍了,发现了光做听力模拟题对我一点用没有。我必须另辟蹊径。 于是,我辗转搜索各种听力练习资料,搜集各种民间的听力秘籍。我翻了很多书,读了很多听力分享帖,我还下了不同版本的新东方的听力讲座来听。慢慢的我总结了一些有用的方法。然后我花了一个月的时间去练习。这一个月,我的听力真正的有了长进。可以说,没有这一个月的练习,我是绝对不可能得到27分。 2托福听力一个月突破法如下: 1.练听写的原因及方法 首先,听力不好,因为我们有两个缺点:我们的耳朵和我们的记忆容量。反之,如果有了好的耳朵,和大的记忆容量,我们的听力不可能不好。 敏锐的耳朵可以帮助我们捕捉每一个单词,每一个句子,让我们能听得懂。记忆容量可以使我们更好的理解听力段子,帮助我们答题。因为好的记忆力可以让我们串词成句,串句成文,还可以使我们一看到问题就能回忆起答案,不会因为一听就忘而无法答题。 该如何练习耳朵和记忆容量呢? 练听写!按照我文章中的方法,你的耳朵和记忆容量可以同时得到练习。这个方法我是在小马过河网站上学到的,是马骏老师提出的突破听力的方法,感谢他。 其实刚开始我也怀疑,练习听写真能助我托福听力取得高分吗?我将信将疑的练习了一周后,发现自己的听力明显的挺高了。 现在,莎姐我用自己的经历告诉你,练习听写是磨刀不误砍柴工。如果你觉得自己跟不上托福段子的速度,抓不住一个个此起彼伏的单词,或者你能听懂单词,却一听就忘,说明你真的需要通过练听写来提高你的耳朵和记忆容量。 下面来说说听写方法: 1.1用什么材料来练习听写 用来练听写最好的材料当然是托福的听力段子啦。可是我们现在的新托福ibt的真题是不外泄的。但是我们完全可以拿老托福段子来练听力。老托福段子中有一部分就是lecture, 这和新托福的段子很相似。并且老托福段子比新托福段子的信息密集度更大,所以拿老托福段子练听写是最合适不过的啦。 我会把老托福段子添加在附件里给大家。内容很多哦,大家耐心听。我是全部坚持听完


一起来看看托福听力中的高频短语吧! leave no stone unturned 不遗余力;全力以赴 ——Lynn left no stone unturned in her research, and handed in an excellent paper.(Lynn 全力以赴做她的研究,交了一篇优秀的论文。) on cloud nine 沉浸在幸福之中;非常高兴 ——Marcia looks like she‘s on cloud nine.Do you know what made her so happy? (Marcia好象沉浸在幸福之中。你知道她为什么这么高兴吗?) ——She just had a paper accepted for publication.(她有一篇文章要发表了。) on the tip of one’s tongue 一时想不起来,话到嘴边又忘记 ——Are you sure you can‘t remember the name of that record? (你肯定记不起来那张唱片的名字吗?) ——It’s just on the tip of my tongue! (我就是一时想不起来了。 reach the bottom of the barrel 用完,弹尽粮绝 ——Don‘t you have any other clean shirts? (你还有其它干净衬衫吗?) ——I guess I’ve reached the bottom of the barrel.(我想我已经用完了。) rub sb.the wrong way 使(某人)有点恼火;惹怒;引起反感;烦扰,打搅 ——What do you think of our new economics instructor? (你觉得新经济学老师怎么样?) ——I don‘t know.Something about him rubs me the wrong way.(不知怎么的,他有点让我反感。) eg:scratch the surface 只懂皮毛,很不了解(通常和限制性副词如only, hardly等词连用) ——You’ve certainly done a lot of research for your project.(你显然对你的课题做了不少研究。) ——It seems like a lot, but actually I‘ve only scratched the surface.(看上去不少,但事实上我只懂一些毛皮。) up in the air 尚未决定的;捉摸不定的;悬而未决的 ——Her plans for the weekend are still up in the air.(她尚未决定如何度过这个周末。)


2019托福听力考场上要避免这9大错误 一、原文信息漏听 这是比较常见的一种错误原因,在听音过程中,因为种种原因导致考点细节漏听,种种原因可能包括: 1、听音基础不好,比如单词量少,语法差导致各种听不懂 2、因为听力材料语速较快,思路跟不上语速 3、因为外界干扰走神儿或者习惯性注意力不集中 解决方法: 1、做听写、背单词、学语法提升基础听音水平 2、做跟读模仿提升信息处理速度 3、做连续听音练习提升听音耐力或做抗干扰练习,比如做听力时,同时播放英文电视广播等 二、选项中的单词不理解 选项中的单词不理解直接导致选项无法正常翻译理解。 例: Why does the professor discuss refugia? Click on 2 answers A. To explain that the location of coralwithin a reef affects the coral's ability to survive B. To point out why some coral species aremore susceptible to bleaching than others

C. To suggest that bleaching is not asdetrimental to coral health as first thought D. To illustrate the importance of studyingcoral that has a low vulnerability of bleaching 这道题B选项中的susceptible,C选项中的detrimental,D选项中的vulnerability很多同学不理解,不知其意,所以在选择答案时出现困难。 解决方法: 课后通过单词书大量积累词汇,做题时在文章中和选项中积累生词,形成自己的生词本三、选项翻译错误 因为对句子成分辨识不清,导致翻译出错。 例: What point do the speakersmake about the background of The Dreamer? A. It is a good example ofBeaux's unusual style of brushstroke. B. It resembles the backgrounds ofother Beaux portraits. C. Its lack of clarity emphasizesthe theme of the painting. D. It is meant to suggest thatthe woman is in a dark room. 这道题的准确答案为C,准确翻译是:缺少清晰度的背景强调了这幅画的主题 很多同学把这句话中的lack看成了谓语动词,翻译成:背景没有清晰的强调这幅画的主题,和准确的翻译截然相反,导致选错。


30个托福听力对话常见习惯用语汇 总 托福听力的对话conversation中,两名老外在对话时常会脱口而出一些美式英语中的习惯用语。这些习惯用语经常看美剧电影或是脱口秀类节目的同学可能并不会陌生。下面就和大家分享这30个托福听力对话中老外脱口而出的习语,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 30个托福听力对话常见习惯用语汇总 1、fair and square 正大光明的 2、first things first 先说重要的 3、forgive and forget 尽释前嫌;握手言和 4、get the ball rolling 使蓬勃发展 5、a knockout 引人注目 6、a man of few words 沉默寡言的人 7、a rainy day 不如意的日子 8、all thumbs 笨手笨脚的;一窍不通的

9、ants in ones pants (skirt) 坐立不安 10、as mod as sb. 与某人一样时髦 11、a big shot = an important person 大腕儿,大亨 12、a breath of fresh air 使人耳目一新的人 13、Achilles’ heel 致命弱点;个性的瑕疵 14、be all ears 洗耳恭听 15、be all eyes 目不转睛 16、a wet blanket 讨人嫌的人 17、chip in = contribute money捐献,集资 18、sell like hot cakes = sell very well or very quickly 畅销 19、get butterflies in one’s stomach = get nervous 紧张不安 20、two thumbs up 举双手赞成 21、be the apple of one’s eye = be very precious to sb. 非常珍贵 22、pull one’ s leg = tease someone 开某人玩笑 23、break one’ s back 辛勤工作


托福听力对话类各大类出题点汇总 介绍 托福听力的对话conversation的难度相对较低,而且两人对谈的形式也让大家比较容易听懂对话的内容。今天给大家带来了托福听力对话类各大类出题点汇总介绍,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 托福听力对话类各大类出题点汇总介绍 托福听力对话出题点介绍:开头结尾 托福听力对话出题点中最为常见的是集中在对话开头结尾 部分的各类信息,比如开头部分提到的原因,也就是学生去询问老师问题或是去咨询学校工作人员的起因,问题中十有89都会问这个对话发生的原因。而既然有原因自然也会有结果,这个结果一般都是对话中被询问的人给出的,比如建议解决方案等等,也是非常高频的出题点。所以考生在听一段对话时,对于开头原因和结尾结果都需要认真听懂,因为这些基本上都是非常高频的考点。 托福听力对话出题点介绍:语法现象

除了开头结尾以外,对话的中间部分也包含了许多考点,这其中有些语法现象一旦出现大家也需要引起警惕,比如对话中出现两次以上重复的部分就比较容易成为考点,因为重复就代表着暗示和强调。而说到强调,各种强调类的句式中包含的信息也一样要多加注意,如It is that...;This is the first time...; One thing important is that...等等。 而除了句式外,词汇方面也有不少细节会给出作为出题点的提示,比如形容词和副词,如果出现了最高级的表达,那么跟在这类表达之后的信息点是出题点的几率也会变得很高。而一些针对上下文内容带有明显肯定或是否定的表述,特别是用到了极端化或是评价性副词的情况,后面紧跟的内容十有89都会是考点,这类副词有exactly;absolutely;definitely; It’s a good question等等。 托福听力对话出题点介绍:论点主题 接下来要说的是围绕对话主题论点的常见出题点。首先是对于和主题论点相对的其它观点的引用,这些引用的作用多半是为了突出和对话观点存在的对比,用不同观点对比来展开论述。这类被引用的观点大家需要多加留意。其次为了证明观点而给出的例子也是重要出题点,围绕这些例子的细节提出问题是很常见的出题套路。而论点除了例子以外,有时候还会进行解释说明,比如对论点中某个特定词汇或是新的概念,使用定义或是同位语表达等方式给出注解,这类解释也是ETS偏好的出题点。

托福听力常用短语 (2)

托福听力常用短语(3) P.A. (paper ass) 没头脑的人 packed like sardines 拥挤得象沙丁鱼罐头一样 packed snow 路上被踩过的雪 paddle one's own canoe 独自闯出自己的前途 pain in the neck 极讨厌的人或物 paint the town red 疯狂地庆祝 particular about food 对食物很讲究 pass away 过世 pass out 昏倒;分发 pass over 忽略 past master 技艺精湛的人 pay down (分期付款)付头款 pay one's own way 各自付费 pay the price 付出代价;得到报应 Penny for your thoughts. 告诉我你想什么 perhaps some other day 改天吧. Perish the thought! 打消这念头! person after my own heart 他人的作为符合我的心意 pick holes 挑毛病

pick sb out 看中某人 pick up 一点点学习 pick-me-up 喝酒、汤等刺激一下神经pipe course 容易的课程或工作 pipe down 安静些 plain home cooking 家常便饭 plain sailing 一帆风顺;轻而易举之事play ball with 与...合作 play it straight 诚实 play truant 逃学 plenty of fish in the sea 比喻多得很plug along 为生活而拼命工作 poorly off 穷困潦倒 pot calling the kettle black 五十步笑百步pour oil on troubled waters 平息事态prices are soaring 物价飞涨 pull a long face 拉长脸不悦 pull a long oar 独自去作 pull no punches 不客气,动真格的 pull off 成功;完成 pull one's leg 开某人的玩笑 pull oneself together 恢复镇定 pull through 克服困难;恢复健康


托福听力到底考什么 对于托福听力考试由来已久的一个误解就是把听懂素材和做对题目划上等号。可能在许多同学看来只要能听懂听力讲了什么自然就能顺利答题,其实这种思路存在很大问题。下面就和大家分享托福听力到底考什么,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 托福听力到底考什么?除了能听懂素材高分还需要这些能力托福听力3大真实考点分析 在看来,考生想在托福听力中顺利备考提升实力,在考试中拿到高分,首先需要的是理解托福听力考试的考点到底是什么。能够听懂素材在讲什么只能算是基本要求,下面这3个考点大家需要有所认识: 1. 基本听力理解能力 托福听力要考的首先当然是基本听力理解能力,也就是大家都认可的能够听懂素材大意的基本功。作为基础考点,基本理解能力可以算是一切的基础,就好比词汇之于阅读,或是计算能力之于数学一样。如果这项能力有所欠缺,那么别说高分,考生练基本得分可能都无法保障了。而对应这种能力的一般就是一些考

察细节主旨的题目了,这类题目在托福听力素材中数量也比较多,大约有半数的托福听力题目都是这类考察基本功的题目。 2. 实际交流能力 大家可能会觉得奇怪,考察交流能力的不是口语部分吗?大家忽视了一点,那就是所谓交流,既要有output,也要有input,前者涉及口语,而后者就涉及到听力了,也就是能否听懂别人讲了什么,能否准确理解他人想要表达的意思。托福听力中占3分之1数量的对话类conversation,其实考察的就是大家的交流能力,而这种能力,也关系到考生是否能够在日后的出国留学日常生活中和他人有效的进行语言交流。关系到这项能力的题目就是涉及到说话人目的和态度的题目了。当然这类题目不止在conversation中比较常见,讲座类lecture中也常会问到学生或是老师说话的目的态度。 3. 整体理解把握能力 最后这项能力其实考察的是考生对一段对话或是讲座类信 息的整体理解和把握能力。听话要听完整,不能只听一句话就做出行动,考生需要对整段听力素材进行综合性质的理解,汇总各方面的信息,把握整个内容的结构脉络,甚至对听力素材没有提到但之后可能出现的内容具备一定的预测推理能力。而对应这项能力的则是类似总结小结以及推导后续内容的题目。


托福听力必备词组 1,give out——分给人们,分发 -The dormitory laundry service gives out clean sheets each week,doesn’t it? 2,give credibility to——相信 -did you hear about jam(拥挤,堵塞) Jim——你听说有关Jim的事了吗 I wouldn’t give that rumor any credibility 3,give sb a ride——让某人搭车 -Can I give you a ride over there? 4,give up——放弃,投降,屈服 -You are not going to give it up, are you? -I think I am going to give up playing table tennis I lost again today Just because you lost, is there any reason to quit 5,give someone a break——行行好吧,用于口语(与人方便) -Give me a break; I am nervous enough as it is? 行行好吧,我已经够紧张的了 6,go ahead——开始做某事 -Do go ahead before with your dessert? 吃点甜点吧 7,go around——足够分配 -Are there enough assignment sheets to go around? 8,go in for——从事,致力于;参加,追求 -What he wants to do is get someone to go in for him just pass back the mid-term exams 他希望有人可以帮助他通过期中考试 9,go off——开始响起来 -She never wakes up before her alarm goes off 10,go out of one’s way——格外努力,比往常多做 -I was touched that our neighbor brought over a dish when we moved in Yes, Miss Smith really goes out of her way for others 11,go over——仔细检查,仔细考虑,仔细看 -Would you have some time this week to go over these questions with me? How does tomorrow sound——再读一遍,研究 -How about seeing the new movie at the North Park Theater tonight Sounds great,but I got to go over my notes for tomorrow’s mid -term 12,go through the proper channels——通过适当的途径,方式


托福听力五大题型备考建议 本文介绍了新托福听力部分中六大题型的答题技巧,以及考生在备考中应该采取的复习方法和时间安排。这五种题型分别是:主旨题、功能/目的题、细节题、态度/推断和排序题。 (一)托福听力五大题型备考建议: 所谓最大的技巧就是“反命题”,知己知彼,才能百战不殆。想要在听力部分取得高分,不仅是在刚开始接触IBT听力时,乃至当临考的冲刺阶段在做官方样题时,也一定要将ETS 的出题思路和考核要点贯彻始终。 1、主旨题 一个段子的主旨往往出现在文章引言和开头处,而重复的最多往往一定是主旨!在听课堂演讲等学术性题目时,一定要首先把握文章最核心的主旨,主旨考题选项中过于细节的往往是错误选项; 2、功能/目的题 该题型类似于主旨题,对于任何一个长段子,首先务必要把握的是文章的主旨和结构,只有主旨确定了,才有可能去理解细节,做推断。 3、细节题 主旨题和细节题主要是考察考生对于基本信息的理解能力(basic comprehension),除此之外ETS所要考察考生的另外两种能力分别是对于语用信息的理解(pragmatic understanding)和整合信息、对全文结构把握的能力(connecting information)。而基本信息的理解就占到50%的比重,可见主旨题和细节题的重要性。 对于细节题,大家不要走入误区,觉得所有的细节100%会考到,所以去关注每一个小的细节点,以至于舍本逐末,只见树木,不见森林。对于细节题,大家要把握两个原则:第一、ETS只会考察我们和主旨有关的重要细节。过于偏细节的实在没有听到,大可不必惋惜,影响后面的发挥;第二,牢牢把握住往往和考点向联系的重要信号词。比如说表示因果的accordingly, thus等词对应于细节题中常考察的因果题。而常见的和信号词相关的考点有逻辑时间顺序、举例、列举、相似或者对比、转折、强调、因果、总结、定义、建议、数字等。 4、态度/ 推断 对话中的态度题要注意通过语气、语调、重读来推测;而由于演讲中的内容相对学术和客观,所以演讲中的态度题要注意通过形容词和副词的褒贬色彩来确定说话者的主观意图。 推断题把握一条原则:正确选项往往不是文章中的直接表述,可能通过同意互换的方式来设置陷阱,迷惑考生。


托福听力100个精辟短语 在托福听力考试中,短语或习语是必考的,且又是考生最不容易掌握的。现从托福听力原文中精选100例,方便考生复习掌握习语或小词。 1,a change of pace 节奏变换 You can’t do these chemistry experiments all day long. You certainly need a change of pace. 2, a far cry from 相距甚远 The published book is far cry from the early manuscript. 3, and how 的确 A: She’s a good dancer. B: and how. 4, a matter of time 时间问题 It is only a matter of time. 5, a phone call away 一个电话之远,愿意过来帮忙。 If you need my help, do let me know. Just remember I am a phone call away.

6, a while back 不久以前 7,all along 一直 I knew it all along. 8, anything but 绝对不 I was anything but happy about going. 9, account for 解释 How do you account for it? 10, after all 到底 A: I’ve just seen the X-rays and your teeth look just fine, B: I see. Then there is nothing to worry about after all. 11, allergic to 对|……过敏 Oh man! Something in this room is making my eyes itch. I must be allergic to something. 12, at sb’s service 愿为某人服务 I am at your service at any time.
