










a. I asked him to come here.

b. Did you see anyone come into the room?

c. I think him to be a good teacher.

d. Please tell her to wait for me at the school gat



1.常见的接带to的定式作宾语补足语的动词:tell, ask,want, teach,allow, drive, expect, invite, love, hate, like, prefer, would like等。其否定形式在不定式前加not。


a. My mother often tells me to study hard at school.

b. Mr. Zhang asked us not to play too many computer games at home.

c. I want you to teach me how to use a computer.



二听:hear, listen to

三让:let, make, have

四看:see, watch, notice, observe

半帮助: help help sb. to do / do sth.

例如:a. Did you hear me sing a song last night?

b. I saw him come into the room yesterday.

c. Please let me help you clean / to clean the windows.

d. Oh, please don’t make the baby cry again.


a. I heard her sing yesterday. —— She was heard to sing yesterday by me.

b. He made me laugh. —— I was made to laugh by him.



a. Did you hear me singing an English song at this time last night?

b. I saw him watching TV when I came back from school yesterday.

c.When Edison’s father came into the room, he saw Edison sitting on some eggs.

d. Who makes the baby crying?


1. I saw her _______ when I came into the classroom.

A. cry

B. to cry

C. crying

D. cries

2. The teacher told Xiao Ming late for school again.

A. not to be

B. not be

C. don’t be

D. not to

3. The children are often asked loudly in the library. They must keep quiet.

A. to speak

B. not speak

C. don’t speak

D. not to speak

4. Miss Gao asked Lin Tao to the blackboard.

A. to come

B. comes

C. coming

D. came

5. She would not let him any housework at all.

A. to do

B. do

C. doing

D. does

6. 11. Tom asked his mother _________ and play basketball.

A. let him go

B. to let him to go

C. let him to go

D. to let him go

7. At last, I made the boy ________ and began to laugh.

A. stop to cry

B. to stop crying

C. to stop to cry

D. stop crying

8. I'd like my good friend ______ to my home tomorrow.

A. come

B. comes

C. coming

D. to come

9. Will you help me __________ this morning?

A. do the wash

B. to do the wash

C. do the washing

D. doing the washing

10. They heard her _____ in the next room just now.

A. to sing

B. sing

C. sings

D. sang

11. Hurry up! We shouldn’t keep our teach er __________ for too long time.

A. waiting

B. waited

C. waiting

D. to wait

12. They got up early to see the sun ___________.

A. rise

B. to rise

C. rises

D. rose

答案:1. C 2. A 3. D 4. A 5. B 6. D

7. D 8. D 9. C 10. B 11. C 12. A


动词不定式作宾语及双宾语结构解析 1. 我们经常需要表达“同意做某事” 或“决定做某事”等句子,这种一个句子连续出现两个动词的情况下,我们要用到动词不定式作宾语,即agree / decide to do sth.。初中阶段我们常见后接动词不定式作宾语的动词有:plan,decide,want, agree, try, wait, wish, hope等。例如: I want to talk to Tom. 我想和汤姆谈话。 2. 双宾语就是有些动词后面跟直接宾语和间接宾语。直接宾语指的是动词所涉及的物,间接宾语是指动词所涉及的人。例如: They gave him a watch. 他们给了他一块手表。 这里的him是间接宾语,a watch是直接宾语,间接宾语和直接宾语同时出现时叫双宾语。 英语中,有许多及物动词后面能跟双宾语,如:give, bring, lend, pass, send, show, leave, buy, tell, teach, sell, write, buy, sing等。例如: He teaches us English. 他教我们英语。 The old man told us a story yesterday. 那位老人昨天给我们讲了一个故事。 ★注意:“及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语”的结构一般可以改写为“及物动词+直接宾语+for / to sb.”的结构。例如: She bought me some presents. =She bought some presents for me. 她给我买了一些礼物。 Please show me your new book. =Please show your new book to me. 请给我看看你的新书。 【跟踪练习】同义句改写,每空一词。 1. I hope I can get higher marks next time. I hope_______________ higher marks next time. 2. He makes a plan to do some sightseeing this summer holiday. He _____________________ do some sightseeing this summer holiday.


动词后接动词不定式/动名词作宾语用法小结 动词是英语中最活跃的词性之一,其主要作用是在句中作谓语。在谓语动词后接动词作宾语时,主要分为两种情况: Ⅰ动词加动词不定式 能以不定式做宾语的动词很多,常见的有:want,hope,wonder,wish,agree,try,manager,offer,decide,fail,refuse,ask,pretend,intend,attempt,teach,discuss等。例如: I have learned to drive the car. They refused to accept my suggestion. He promised to come. Ⅱ动词加动名词 在enjoy, appreciate, admit, consider, mind, avoid., miss, can’t help, deny, practise, allow, finish, imagine, forbid, suggest等这些动词之后要求 用动名词作宾语。例如: Have you finished repairing your car? She suggested spending another week in the country. Do you feel like taking a walk. 通常要后接动名词作宾语的动词 英语中有些动词后接另一个动词作宾语时,通常要用不定式,不用动名词,这类动词主要admit(承认), advise(建议), allow(允许), appreciate(感激), avoid(避免), consider(考虑), delay(推迟), discuss(讨论), dislike(不喜欢), enjoy(喜爱), escape(逃脱), excuse(原谅), fancy(没


being的用法小结 句子中的being是不能随便去掉的,在句子中出现being的情况大致分为以下几种: 一,being用作现在分词用法。 (1)一种用作现在分词,是强调正在进行,尤其是在被动语态中的使用,这个时候,being只是一个描述进行时态的符号,如,The trees are being planted,这种用法比较简单,我们也很好分辨。 (2)用作现在分词的时候.being用于作定语中,一般和过去分词连用,放在被说明名词后,表示进行时被动意义:(1)The house being built will be our new laboratory. (2)any text being(作定语,和过去分词translated连用,放在被说明名词any text之后) translated can also be read aloud by GT(google translateor) voice engine。任何被翻译后的文字也都可以被google语音大声的读出来。 (3)being用于状语,一般有逗号,翻译时常加表示状语的词汇,如“由于……”、“……时”等:Being very tiny, ants cannot often be seen by us. (4)还有一种现在分词的用法,是用作独立分词结构,含蓄的表示各种状态:1.There are a large number of different shapes of files, each being made for some particular kind of work.(伴随情况)各种锉刀的形状大不相同,每一种都是为特殊的一类加工而制作的。 (5)being用于介词后“主谓”结构中,即“介词+名词或代词+being+…”。这时介词宾语是一种复合宾语。其中being为现在分词。例如: 1.The pressure of a gas varies inversely as its volume, with temperature being constant.在温度不变条件下,气体压力是和其体积成反比的。 二,being用作动名词时,“being+过去分词”作介词宾语或动词宾语的用法 1.Water has the property of dissolving sugar, sugar (has)the property of being dissolved by water.(介词宾语)水具有溶解糖的特性,糖则具有被水溶解的特性。


动词不定式做宾语补足语 动词不定式在句子中可以用作宾语补足语,常用的“动词+宾语+不定式”的句子结构中,不定式作宾语补足语的有以下几种类型:(下列句子中划线部分作宾语补足语) 一、许多动词可跟一个“宾语 + to do…”构成句子,句中的不定式作宾语补足语;否定形式为“动词+宾语+not to do…”。例如: My boss told me to type out two letters. 分析:句中“My boss”做主语,“told”作谓语,“me”作宾语,划线部分作宾语补足语。请看下面的句子。 They forbid her to leave the country. 适用于“动词+宾语+(not)to do…”的结构,不定式作宾语补足语的动词有:advise,allow,ask,beg,cause,direct,encourage,expect,forbid,force,invite,order,permit,persuade,remind,request,require,teach,tell,want,warn等。 二、有些动词(感官动词和使动词)后可跟不带to的不定式构成句子,句中的不定式作宾语补足语。例如: He saw her enter the room. 分析:句中“He”做主语,“saw”作谓语,“her”作宾语,划线部分作宾语补足语。请看下面的句子。 She won't let me do it. I heard her lock the door. 适用于“动词+宾语+do…”的结构,不定式作宾语补足语的动词有:feel,have,hear,let,make,notice,observe,see,watch等。还有两个词组:listen to,look at。 三、help后的不定式可加to,也可不加to(美国人不加to时较多),但被动结构中要加to。 如:I'll help you(to) push the car. 分析:句中“I”做主语,“will help”作谓语,“you”作宾语,划线部分作宾语补足语。 动词不定式作状语 不定式作状语可以表示行为的目的、结果、原因等。(to do/ not to do) 1.表示目的 To save the child, he laid down his life.


动词不定式作宾语和宾语补足语用法归纳 ◇以下动词可跟动词不定式作宾语补足语。 即:…sb to do sth 1. ask 2. tell 3. would like 4. want 5. help 《 6. invite 7. teach 8. order (命令) 9. remind (提醒) 10. advise (建议) 11. encourage (鼓励) 12. allow (允许) ~ 13. expect (期待) 14. need 特别提醒: ☆hope不可跟动词不定式作宾语,即不能说hope sb to do,只能说:hope to do ☆help后面的to可以省略。即:help sb (to) do sth。 ☆动词不定式的否定形式在to前面加not。如:ask sb not to do sth. 】 ◇以下动词可跟动词不定式作宾语。 即:…to do sth 1. agree 2. learn 3. hope 4. prefer ) 5. plan 6. decide 7. choose 8. would like 9. fail 10. need 11. prepare ~

12. help 13. wish 14. seem (似乎) 15. promise (承诺) 16. afford (负担得起) 17. remember (以下动词亦可跟doing,但含义或有异同,使用时注意) 18. forget 》 19. stop 20. like 21. love 22. hate 23. begin 24. start 】 ◇使用动词不定式的部分句型: 1. what/how/when to do 2. It's time to do; 3. try one's best to do; 4. can't wait to do; 5. There is no need to do; 6. the first to do; : 7. have no choice but to do;除了……别无选择 8. It's +adj+(for/of sb) +to do 9. be heard /watched /seen /noticed do (被动语态) 10. be made to do(被动语态) ◇江苏13城市中考试题汇编 单项选择: 、 ( c ) 1. Last week our geography teacher told us ______ more information about how to protect the environment. (08南京) A. get B. got C. to get D. getting ( b ) 2. The boy promised _______ late for school again. (08徐州) not be B. not to be C. not

Being done的用法

Being done的用法 一、与be动词一起构成现在进行时的被动语态(am/ is/ are being done)和过去进行时的被动语态(was/ were being done)。如: The new houses are being painted.这些新房子还在刷漆。 When I went to pay him a visit, he was being examined by a doctor. 当我去看他时,他正在接受医生的检查。 二、作后置定语,修饰某一名词,表示某一被动动作正在进行。如: The meeting being held now is of great importance. 现在正在开的会很重要。 上面的句子也可以变成含有定语从句的句子: The meeting which is being held now is of great importance. 注意:being done,to be done与done均可作后置定语,其区别为:being done表示正在发生的被动动作;to be done表示将要发生的被动动作;而done表示已经发生的被动动作。如: The house to be built here next year belongs to Fred. 明年将在这里建的房屋是弗雷德的。 The house built here last year belongs to Fred. 去年在这里建的房屋是弗雷德的。 三、作某些及物动词或介词的宾语。如: John hates being laughed at in public. 约翰不喜欢当众被嘲笑。 Do you mind being left alone at home. 把你一个人留在家里你介意吗? My class teacher was honoured for being devoted to the cause of the education. 我的班主任因致力于教育事业受到了表彰。 四、有时作主语或用在see,hear,feel等少量感官动词后作宾语补足语。如:Being lost can be a terrifying experience.迷路可能是一种可怕的经历。(作主语)He heard the song being sung next door. 他听到隔壁有人在唱这首歌。(作宾补)Having been done 和done用法的区别 1.done是过去分词,having been done是现在分词完成时的被动语态。两个都可以表示“完成+被动。”但作状语时,having been done表示该动作发生在主句动作之前;而done则不强调这层含义; Having been criticized by the teacher, Li Ming gave up smoking. Not having been invited, he felt very unhappy. (分词完成式的被动语态(having been done)强调分词动作先于谓语动词)Killed, she couldn't stop her blood from going chilled. Seen from the hill, the city looks magnificent. (过去分词也表示被动,但没有强调动作先后的含义) 2. done可作定语而having been done一般不作定语。 The concert given by the symphony orchesta was a great success. They are problems left over by history. 完成体的分词一般不作定语,若要表达完成意义最好用定语从句。如: 我们一般不说:The girl having won the race is my deskmate. 而常这样说:The girl who has won the race is my deskmate. 但非限定性的完成体作定语或如果分词所修饰的词是泛指则没有这个限制。如:Anyone having passed the test has got a prize. 任何通过考试的人都能得到一份奖品。


接不定式作宾补的36个常用动词advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事 allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 ask sb. to do sth. 请(叫)某人做某事 bear sb. to do sth. 忍受某人做某事 beg sb. to do sth. 请求某人做某事 cause sb. to do sth. 导致某人做某事 command sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事 drive sb. to do sth. 驱使某人做某事 elect sb. to do sth. 选举某人做某事 encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事 expect sb. to do sth. 期望某人做某事 forbid sb. to do sth. 禁止某人做某事 force sb. to do sth. 强迫某人做某事 get sb. to do sth. 使(要)某人做某事 hate sb. to do sth. 讨厌某人做某事 help sb. to do sth. 帮助某人做某事 intend sb. to do sth. 打算要某人做某事 invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事 leave sb. to do sth. 留下某人做某事 like sb. to do sth. 喜欢某人做某事 mean sb. to do sth. 打算要某人做某事 need sb. to do sth. 需要某人做某事

oblige sb. to do sth. 迫使某人做某事 order sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事 permit sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事persuade sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事prefer sb. to do sth. 宁愿某人做某事request sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事 teach sb. to do sth. 教某人做某事 tell sb. to do sth. 告诉某人做某事 train sb. to do sth. 训练某人做某事 trouble sb. to do sth. 麻烦某人做某事 want sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事 warn sb. to do sth. 警告某人做某事 wish sb. to do sth. 希望某人做某事 不带to的不定式作宾补 “一感”(feel)、 “二听”(listen,hear)、 “三让”(let,make,have)、 “四看”(look at,see,watch,notice)



要点1 只接不定式作宾语的动词 Afford , agree, ask, attempt, beg, choose, decide, demand, determine, expect, fail, happen,hope, long, wish, manage, offer, pretend, prepare, promise refuse, struggle, want等。 语法填空: 1、I am out of work so I cannot afford _________(live) in this big flat. 2、He failed ________ (pass) the test, but he refused ________ (give up). 3、The man often pretends_______ (be) a rich man. 要点2 与doing 有区别 doing: 已经发生 A、Remember / forget; stop / go on; regret to do: 没有发生 语法填空: 1、I remember _______ (call) you a week ago, but I forgot _________ (tell) you the news then. 2、After work, he didn’t stop ________ (have) a rest, and went on ________ (have) an evening class. Doing: 尝试着做……; doing: 意味着……; B、try mean to do: 尽力做……; to do: 打算做……; 语法填空: Going to college doesn’t mean ________ (find) a good job after graduation, so I mean ________(learn) some practical skills in my spare time. Doing: 忍不住……; doing: 习惯…… C、can’t help be used to to do: 不能帮助做……; do:被用来做…… 语法填空: 1、When the man couldn’t help _______ (save) the drowning child, he couldn’t help ______ (cry). 2、The young man is used to _______ (rise) late, so he can’t be used to _______ (lead) the team. To do : 需要/ 想 / 请求做……; D、n eed / want / require doing (to be done): 需要 / 想 / 请求被……; 语法填空: I want ______ (ask) for a leave this afternoon because my hair needs _______ (cut). 要点3 可用形式宾语it来代替 不定式在make / think / feel / consider / find 等动词后作宾语并且其后有名词或 形容词作补语时,常用it作形式宾语。 例:I think it impossible to finish all the work in a day.


既可接不定式又可接动名词作宾语的动词 一、后接不定式或动名词且含义相同的动词 这类动词常见的有:like 喜欢 / love 喜欢 / hate 憎恨 / prefer 宁可 / b egin 开始 / start 开始 / continue 继续/ can’t bear 不能忍受 / bother 麻烦 / intend 想要 / attempt 试图 / cease 停止,等。如: He likes travelling [to travel] alone. 他喜欢单独旅行。 He began doing [to do] this job last year. 他去年开始做这工作。 Don’t bother to get [getting]dinner for me. 请不必费事为我做饭了。 注意:当 like, love, hate, prefer 与 would, should 连用时,其后只能接不定式。如: I’d like to drop in and see you tonight. 我想今晚来看你。 另外,当 begin, start 本身为进行时态或后接 know, realize, understa nd 等静态动词时,其后的动词只能用不定式。如: He is beginning to work in that company. 他即将开始去那个公司工作。 After the talk with his English teacher, he began to like English. 跟英语老师谈话之后,他开始喜欢英语了。 二、forget, remember, regret 后接不定式或动名词含义不同 动词 forget, remember, regret 等接不定式时,表示非谓语动词的动作发生于谓语动词的动作之后;接动名词作宾语时,表示非谓语动词的动作发生于谓语动词的动作之前。如: I forgot to tell you about it. 我忘记告诉你那件事了。 I remembered giving the book to Li Lei, but he said I didn’t. 我记得我把书给李蕾了,但是他说我没有给。


不定式作宾语补足语的类型 动词不定式既有动词的性质,又有名词的性质。它没有人称和数的变化,在句子中不能独立作谓语。动词不定式在句子中可以作主语、宾语、宾语补足语、定语、状语、表语、同位语等:动词不定式在句子中可以用作宾语补足语,常用的“动词+宾语+不定式”的句子结构中。不定式作宾语补足语的有以下八种类型:(下列句子中划线部分作宾语补足语) 一、许多动词可跟一个宾语+ to do…构成句子,句中的不定式作宾语补足语;否定形式为“动词+宾语+not to do…”。例如:do sb/sth to do sth My boss told me to type out two letters. 分析:句中“My boss”做主语,“told”作谓语,“me”作宾语,划线部分作宾语补足语。请看下面的句子。 They forbade her to leave the country. Please remind me not to be late for the meeting. 高中范围内,适用于“动词+宾语+(not)to do…”的结构,不定式作宾语补足语的动词有:advise,allow,ask,beg,cause,direct,encourage,expect,forbid,force,invite,order,permit,persuade,remind,request,require,teach,tell,want,warn等。 二、有些动词可跟“宾语+to be…”构成句子,句中的不定式作宾语补足语。例如: I consider him to be the best candidate. 分析:句中“I”做主语,“consider”作谓语,“him”作宾语,划线部分作宾语补足语。请看下面的句子。 I know him to be a liar. I suppose him to be away from home. 高中范围内,适用于“动词+宾语+to be…”的结构,不定式作宾语补足语的动词有:consider,declare,discover,feel,find,suppose等。 三、有些动词(感官动词和使动词)后可跟不带to的不定式构成句子,句中的不定式作宾语补足语。例如: He saw her enter the room. 分析:句中“He”做主语,“saw”作谓语,“her”作宾语,划线部分作宾语补足语。请看下面的句子。 She won't let me do it. I heard her lock the door. We watched the children play games. 高中范围内,适用于“动词+宾语+do…”的结构,不定式作宾语补足语的动词有:feel,have,hear,let,make,notice,observe,see,watch等。还有两个词组:listen to,look at. 注意:这类句子变为被动结构时,不定式前加to。请看下列句子,句中划线部分作宾语补足语。例如: A child was seen to enter the building. She was often he 3 ②在使役动词后作宾语补足语,不定式不带to。有些动词跟不定式作宾语补足语时省去了to,这些动词有:一感二听三让四观看。一感:feel 二听:hear, listen to 三让:let, have, make 四观看:observe, see, watch, look at 这类动词有:make, let, have等。转为被动语态时,其后通常都用带to的不定式 (have没有被动语态)。 What would you have me do?


:接不定式作宾语的常用动词,接不定式作宾补的常用动词,接动名词作宾语的常用动词,接如今分词作宾补的常用动词,接动词原形作宾补的常用动词,接不定式或动名词作宾语意思相反的动词,接不定式或动名词作宾语意思不同的动词。 afford to do sth.担负得起做某事 agree to do sth.赞同做某事 arrange to do sth .布置做某事 ask to do sth.要求做某事 beg to do sth.恳求做某事 care to do sth.想要做某事 choose to do sth.决议做某事 decide to do sth.决议做某事 dema nd to do sth.要求做某事 determine to do sth. 决计做某事 expect to do sth.等待做某事 fear to do sth.惧怕做某事 help to do sth.协助做某事 hope to do sth.希望做某事 learn to do sth.学习做某事 man age to do sth.设法做某事 offer to do sth.自动提出做某事

plan to do sth.计划做某事 prepare to do sth.预备做某事 pretend to do sth.伪装做某事 promise to do sth. 容许做某事 refuse to do sth.回绝做某事 want to do sth.想要做某事 wish to do sth.希望做某事 注:有些不及物动词后习惯上也接不定式,不接动名词: aim to do sth.计划做某事 fail to do sth.未能做某事 long to do sth.盼望做某事 happe n to do sth.碰巧做某事 hesitate to do sth.犹疑做某事 struggle to do sth.努力做某事 二、接不定式作宾补的36个常用动词 advise sb. to do sth.建议某人做某事 allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事 ask sb. to do sth请(叫)某人做某事 bear sb. to do sth.忍耐某人做某事 beg sb. to do sth .恳求某人做某事


动词+宾语+动词不定式作宾补的动词总结及短文填空训练 I.动词+宾语+动词不定式作宾补的动词总结 advise (劝告) , ask (请、要) , allow(允许、让).permit(允许), forbid(禁止), beg(请求) , cause (使) , command (命令) , encourage (鼓励) , expect (预料) , force (迫使), get (让) , help (帮助) , invite (邀请) , intend (想要) , instruct (指令) , like (喜欢) , oblige (迫使) , order (命令) , permit (允许) , persuade (劝说) , prefer (宁愿) , press (强求) , remind (提醒) , request (要求) require(要求), urge (催促) ,tell(告诉),teach(教),warn (警告) , want (想要) , wish (希望) 另外,还有某些短语的后面也可以用这样的复合宾语,这样的成语动词常见的有: call on (号召), count on (仰仗) , depend on (依靠) , long for (渴望) , rely on (依靠) , vote for (投票) , wait for (等待) 。 特别注意:hope, agree, demand, suggest 等没有宾补。 II.短文填空训练 While Teachers in high school are trained and certified to educate,high school does not generally encourage students 1 ( explore ) new aspects of life, In Henan Province and Shandong Province, China, the senior high school life is extremely tough and boring. Parents count on them depend on them 4 ( enter ) the gates of their dream universities. As a result, higher grades mean everything, and self control is the key to success. Some are begged 6 ( give up )their own interests; some are forbidden 7 ( watch )TV;some are urged8 ( finish )their papers on time; some are warned 9 ( avoid ) 10 (fall) behind; some are reminded 11 (work )out to relax; some are persuaded 12 ( go )to Cram school ; some are pressed 13 ( accept) their parents’ advice ;others are requested 14 ( eat ) two prepared eggs every morning , causing them 15 ( eat) less;My classmate wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him not16 . Rather than on a crowded bus, he always prefers to ride a bicycle. He do esn’t have to be made18 ( learn). He always works hard. 19 (conclude), people here spare no efforts 20 ( defeat ) others and 21 ( get )high marks comes first. Middle school students in China usually have some problems, such as stress, anger and loneliness, but college sets the stage for that exploration. Be independent.


动词不定式作宾语 ★动词不定式就是一种非谓语动词形式,其结构为“to+动词原形”,其中to不就是介词,而就是动词不定式的符号,称为小品词,动词不定式没有人称与数的变化。动词不定式与其后面的名词等构成动词不定式短语,在句子中可以作主语、表语、补足语、定语、状语等。今天我们重点学习后接动词不定式作宾语的常见动词。 1.动词+ 不定式 Want hope decide agree choose would like plan fail 上列动词只能用动词不定式作宾语 举例: The driver failed to see the other car in time、 司机没能及时瞧见另一辆车。 I happen to know the answer to your question、 我碰巧知道您那道问题的答案。 I decided to go to the countryside on vacation、 我决定去农村度假。 2.动词+疑问词+不定式 Know ask show teach think guess find out understand 上列动词或短语后可用疑问词加动词不定式短语结构 举例: Please teach me how to play the piano、 请教我怎么弹钢琴。 I must think what to do next、 我必须考虑下一步做什么。 3.动词+不定式∕动名词 Like love begin start 上列动词后既可以接动词不定式也可以接动名词形式,意义上差别不大 举例: I like singing, but I don’t like to sing now、 我喜欢唱歌,但就是我现在不想唱歌。 Stop forget remember try


部分动词后接不定式和/或动名词作宾语和宾补时用法辨析 只能接不定式作宾语的动词 三个希望两答应: hope,wish,want,agree,promise 两个要求莫拒绝: demand,ask,refuse 设法学会做决定: manage,learn,decide 不要假装在选择: pretend,choose 只能接动名词作宾语的动词/短语 考虑建议盼原谅: consider, suggest/advise, look forward to, excuse/pardon 承认推迟没得想: admit, delay/put off, fancy 避免错过继续练: avoid, miss, keep/keep on, practice 否认完成就欣赏: deny, finish, enjoy/appreciate 禁止想象才冒险: forbid, imagine, risk 不禁介意准逃亡: can't help, mind, allow/permit, escape 难以忍受始反对:can't stand难以忍受),set about开始,着手),object to 想要成功坚持忙: feel like, succeed in, stick to, insist on, be busy (in) 习惯放弃有困难:be used to, give up, have difficulty/trouble (in) 导致专心防道歉:lead to, devote to, prevent …from …,apologize for

以下动词/短语接不定式和动名词含义不同: 四、不定式在以下动词后作宾语补足语时需要要和省略to 一感:feel 二听:hear, listen to 三让:make, let, have 四看:see, notice, watch, observe

作宾语补足语的不定式 to be

作宾语补足语的不定式 to be 请看下面的例句: The whole country was very sad at the news of his death; the people had considered him to be a great leader, and a wise, kind and honest man. 句中“ to be a great leader, and a wise, kind and honest man ”是“ had considered ”的宾语补足语,用来说明宾语 him 的身份和性格特征。consider 是表示心理状态和感觉的动词。依照惯用法,它后面可以用“ to be + 名词、形容词或介词短语”作宾语补足语。 believe, declare, find, imagine,judge, prove, report, think 和 deny, discover, feel, guess, know,suppose, understand 等也都属于这类动词。 1. 这些动词的这一用法常用于正式文体。例如: They all believe the story to be true. 他们都相信这篇报道是真实的。 He declared the story to be false. 他断言这篇报道是假的。 Imagine yourself to be in his place. 设想你自己处于他的地位,那又会怎么样呢? We judged the distance to be about four miles. 我们估计距离大约是 4 英里远。 We all felt the plan to be unwise. 我们都感到这个计划是不明智的。 Fans know him to be a good player.


接不定式作宾语的动词顺口溜 一接不定式作宾语的动词顺口溜 动词不定作宾语,期希渴欲承担起; 愿望碰巧又出现,假装安排不拒绝; 准备计划却失败,好像提供又犹豫; 企图要把目标证,爱恨要求作选择。 动词+ 不定式 aim appear agree arrange ask be decide bother care choose come dare demand desire determine expect elect endeavor hope fail happen help hesitate learn long mean manage offer ought plan prepare pretend promise refuse seem tend wait wish undertake后直接加to do sth作宾语 二接不定式作宾语的动词 【速记口诀】 三个希望两答应,两个要求莫拒绝; 设法学会做决定,不要假装在选择。 【妙语诠释】三个希望两答应:hope,wish,want,agree,promise 两个要求莫拒绝:demand,ask,refuse 设法学会做决定:manage,learn,decide 不要假装在选择:petend,choose 三接动名词作宾语的动词 【速记口诀】 Mrs.PBlackmissedabeefbag.(P·布莱克夫人丢了一个牛肉袋。) 【妙语诠释】该句话中每个字母代表了一个动词或短语,这些动词要求后面跟动名词作宾语。这些动词分别是: M=mind,r=risk,s=succeedin,P=practice,B=bebusy,l=lookforwardto,a=admit,c=can'thelp,k=keepon,m=miss,i=insiston,s=suggest,s=stop,e=enjoy,d=delay, a=avoid,b=beworth,a=advise,g=giveup。 四不定式作宾语补足语时省to的动词 【速记口诀】
