21世纪英文报小学版391期 Magic world

21世纪英文报小学版391期 Magic world
21世纪英文报小学版391期 Magic world

We love mothers!

本文作者: 21st 期号:391 阅读数:404

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May 12 is Mother’s Day this year. It’s a great day to show how much you love her.

Making a Mother’s Day breakfast


Every day, mother cooks tasty1 food for us. But do you know what your mother’s favorite breakfast is? Today, let’s surprise2 her with a delicious Mother’s Day breakfast.

Here is an easy menu (菜单) for you. You can cook with the help of your father:

A glass of milk, a fried (油炸的) egg, a piece of bread and some fresh fruit.

Spending the day with mother


The best Mother’s Day gift is to spend3 time with her. What does your mom usually like to do? Go shopping, watch movies or do other things? Accompany (陪伴) her to do whatever (无论什么) she likes.

When you and Mom stay together, you can also talk about your school life and share4 your little secrets with her. Most importantly, tell her “Mom, I love you!”

Making a special gift


If you are creative (有创意的), you can make special5 things for her. Here are some ideas for you.

A Mother’s Day card: draw beautiful pictures and write some words to thank your mother.

Mother’s Day collage (剪贴画): use your family photos to make a storybook for your mother.

Being a helper




Do you usually help your mom do chores (家务)? On Mother’s Day, you should take up more jobs: helping mom in the kitchen, washing the dishes, sweeping the floor and doing the laundry (洗衣服) for a day. It will be a perfect Mother's Day gift idea for your mom.

Have a go


1.When is Mother’s Day this year?


2.What do you want to do for your mom on Mother’s Day?


3.What do you want to say to your mom?


Delicious sandwiches in England

本文作者: Thomas Hale 期号:391 阅读数:276

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Sandwiches were created (发明) by an English man, John Montagu. He gambled (赌博) all day, so he didn’t have ti me for a meal. He just put some food between two pieces of bread and ate it.

Now, there are many different kinds of sandwiches. People all over the world eat them. In England, many children at school and adults (成年人) at work have sandwiches as “packed lunch” (盒装午餐).

By Thomas Hale

21st Century Teens staff

Weird but true

本文作者: 21st 期号:391 阅读数:272

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Some wildflowers smell like chocolate.

Baby kangaroos (袋鼠) are really small. When they are born, they are a bit (一点儿) longer than a paper clip (回形针).

Guinness world records

本文作者: 21st 期号:391 阅读数:330

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The largest collection of shoes for recycling


Look, here are so many shoes! National Geographic Kids (《国家地理杂志儿童版》) has collected(收集) the largest number of shoes. They

recycled (回收) the shoes to make rubber (橡胶) playgroundsfor schools. They collected 16,407 pairs of shoes from all over the world.




女性读者向我问得最多的问题是──如何 能既拥有成功的事业又拥有幸福的家庭?她们中的很多人已经在事业上获得成功了,她们实际上要问的是如何同时获得一个幸福的家庭。 Here's the #1 question I get from women readers: How can I have a successful career and a happy family? Many of these readers already are successful in their careers. What they're really asking is how to also have a happy family. 对我们女性而言,这是一个非常新的问 题。许多世纪以来,女人的职业就是“照顾家人”。我们活着是为了取悦父亲、丈夫以及儿子。我们为他人服务,获得的回报是一生安稳的保障。 This is a very new question for us. For centuries, women's careers were our family. Our career was 'caregiver.' We lived to please our fathers, our husbands, our sons. In return for our service, we received a lifetime guarantee of stability and security. 然而,这种“交易”如今已经消失。虽然我 们依然在履行照顾家人的职责,但对许多人来说(如果不是大多数人的话),婚姻正成为巨大的不安全感的来源。 But today that bargain has vanished. We're still doing our part by serving our families. But for many if not most, marriage now is a source of deep insecurity. 大多数年轻人的婚姻如今以离婚告终 Most young marriages now end in divorce 在步入婚姻殿堂时,没有人会抱着这种 想法──“有一天我们会厌恶对方”,但这正是中国大多数80后一代的经历。根据民政部的统计,2005年时,80后的离婚率就已经达到了57%。 No one enters a marriage thinking, 'Someday we'll hate each other,' but that's been precisely the experience of most of China's born-post-1980 generation. The Ministry of Civil Affairs reports that by 2005, the divorce rate for this generation already had reached 57 percent. 中国历史上首次出现了在破碎家庭中长大的一代儿童。女性在离婚期间常常遭 受巨大的痛苦,但至少我们可以掌控自己的生活然后继续向前。然而,我们的孩子却不能。在离婚事件中,他们才是真正意义上的受害者。 For the first time in Chinese history, a generation of children now is growing up in broken households. Women often suffer greatly during divorce, but at least we can take charge of our lives and move on. Our children, on the other hand, cannot. When divorce occurs, they're victims in the truest sense. 离婚对孩子的影响可能会持续一生,我恰好对此有直接的了解。我1969年在美国出生,正如中国现在的情况一样,上世纪70年代正是离婚潮首次在美国爆发之时。我们那一代人是第一代成长在离异家庭的孩子。虽然我的父母一直都在 一起生活,但那些年我还是目睹了父母The impacts on children of divorce can last a lifetime. I happen to know this first-hand, since I was born in America in 1969, and it was in the 1970s that divorce first exploded in America as is happening now in China. My generation was the first to grow up as the children of divorce.


What’s the main idea of the passage? ________ A.John Snow was a well-known doctor in London. B.The cause of Cholera was polluted water. C.The source of all drinking water should be examined. D.How did John Snow collect, analyze data and find the cause of the disease and solved it . II.根据课文内容总结出各段段落大意并在空格处填上适当的单词,每空一词。

III.仔细阅读课文,找出下列句子并分析。 1. John Snow was a famous doctor in London— so expert, indeed, that he attended Queen Victoria as her personal physician. ①划分句子成分:____________________;attend, join, join in和take part in 的区别: ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ②此句中so…that 引导_______ 从句,仿写句子:她对这篇文章太熟

了,以至于能全文背诵。 ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ 2. But he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera. ①划分句子成分:______________________________________ ②此句中inspired 和exposed各在句中作_____ 和______(成分); expose to意思是__________, 其后常接________ 形式。翻译:我不想向任何人揭露他的恐惧。___________________________________________________________ __________________ 3. The second suggested that people absorbed this disease into their bodies with their meals. ①划分句子成分:______________________________________ ②句中absorb…into意思是__________, be absorbed in/ into本意是_________,还有使全神贯注的意思;例如:He was so absorbed into the novel that he couldn’t hear the door bell 。翻译:____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ③比较:Para7中suggest的用法与此句中的一样吗? ____________________________________________________________ ___________________


10-11学年度第426期7版Quiz time答案: 高二版 Reading D1 1-4 CDCB D2 1. The mobile phone/The cell phone/The mobile. 2. Russia and Singapore. 3. 1) One gives its user safety, security and instant access to information. 2) One changes the nature of a relationship. 3) One can be used as an alarm clock and a camera and to play games. 4. 很多人从未不带手机出门,而且如果让他们选择的话,他们宁愿丢掉钱包也不愿丢掉手机。 D3 1-5 DDCBA D4 1-4 CDBA D5 1-5 DCADA 6-10 ABABC 11-15 DAABA 16-20 BACDD 答案解析 D1 1. C. 根据文章最后一句If you push a kid to do well, and they’re good at it, they benefit. It’s good to have high expectations.”可知,Amy Chua 的支持者们认为父母对于孩子的期望高是又好处的。 2. D. sympathize是“表示同情”的意思。 3. C. 文中提到Children need parents who can guide them, not force them to do things they’re probably not interested in. 所以Jeffrey Seinfeld 认为父母在教育孩子的时候要认真考虑孩子的需求。 4. B. 纵观全文,主要讲述了Amy Chua的书所引发的关于严厉管教孩子的教育方式的激烈辩论。 D3 1. D. 文章开头列举了母女的事例,之后开始介绍深度阅读的内容,可见事例的使用是为了引出话题。 2. D. 文章提到Instant messages and 140-character tweets appear to be reducing our ability to concentrate on a single idea or theme in a book, 只供学习与交流


任何目标唯一的聪明方法!工作中只有苦劳,没有功劳,那也是白劳!最终的优秀的征订业绩决定一切! 望大家同心同德,共创佳绩!把绝望留给我们的竞争对手! 1,《21世纪英文报》发展史简介 《中国日报》是我国惟一进入西方主流社会的报纸,是美国总统、政府主要机构、参众两院三分之一以上的议员、大企业每天工作中必读的报纸。 《21世纪报》创办于1993年5月,由中国唯一一家国家级英文报社中国日报社(CHINA DAILY)(与新华社、人民日报、中央电台同等地位)主办。《21世纪英文报》集世界各地第一手的英文报刊资讯,同时精选采用世界主要通讯社,包括路透社、美联社、法新社、彭博通讯社、新华社以及《泰晤士报》、《卫报》等国外主流大报的稿件。是当前国内影响力最广泛、发行量最大的英文周报,是集科学性、知识性、辅导性、娱乐性为一体的,面向全国公开发行的大学英语学习类报纸,特别是适应于大一、大二学生英语学习,辅导学生从高中学习模式向大学学习模式转变,旨在提高大学生英语综合应用能力,同时在每期报纸都有国家四六级考试委员会资深专家指导您的四、六级考试! 2,《21世纪英文报》内容简介 (1) ,要闻导读,新颖独特的大幅照片,时尚个性,让我们在欣赏图片的同时学习英语! (2) ,新闻要点,主要是一周内国际和国内的热点新闻! (3) ,热点聚焦,关注国内高校动态,讨论大学生自己身边的事情,正反方进行激烈的辩论,各方表明自己观点,从而使我们读者不但学习了英语辩论的表达方法,又为我们学习、生活提供了参考的依据,例如:大学毕业后是先工作好,还是先考研好? (4) ,科技博览,介绍最新科研成果,展现了当今社会的科技前沿知识,使大学生时刻紧跟时代的步伐,内容涉及到:磁悬浮列车的原理,神州六号载人飞船的运行原理,等等。


如何利用《二十一世纪学生英文报·高中版》 展开英语阅读教学 天津市南开区南开大学附属中学 英语 潘臻

如何利用《二十一世纪学生英文报·高中版》展开英语阅读教学 摘要:在日常英语教学中要培养高中生的英语阅读能力,英语教师应以《英语新课程标准》为依据,在新课程标准理念的指导下,充分利用各种英语阅读资源培养学生阅读兴趣;提高学生的综合阅读能力。为达到此目的,我在高中英语教学中选用了《二十一世纪学生英文报·高中版》作为提高学生英语阅读能力的辅助材料。以下,我将从使用英文报刊作为辅助英语阅读教学的原因以及在课堂上如何使用报刊辅助教学两个方面来阐述自己是如何利用《二十一世纪学生英文报·高中版》来展开英语阅读教学的。 关键字:英文报刊辅助阅读教学阅读准则(速度题材参与感受) 高中新课程标准要求“侧重培养学生的阅读理解能力。”阅读能力是最为重要的学习能力,培养和提高学生的阅读能力已成为英语教学要完成的重要目标之一。阅读理解不仅是一种能很好地考查学生英语能力的检测手段,而且还是学生学好英语、获得交际能力的重要环节。由于阅读理解在高考英语中的重要地位越来越突出,就迫使教师必须找到一种行之有效地提高学生英语阅读能力的方法,尤其是在提高英语泛读能力方面。英语泛读的教学目的在于通过不断地快速浏览文章、概括大意等练习来确保学生对于长篇幅英语文章的正确理解。因此,教师和学生都面对着一个共同的问题,即需要找到更多地道的英语阅读材料来满足练习要求。然而这些材料往往不是很难获得就是过于昂贵,学生难于承受。另一方面,学生们仅仅习惯于阅读课本内的文章以及应对选择题型,对课外阅读也没有太多兴趣。种种这些问题导致了在英语阅读教学当中的

21世纪英文报小学版391期 Magic world

We love mothers! 本文作者: 21st 期号:391 阅读数:404 评论(1) 打印 收藏 妈妈,我爱你! May 12 is Mother’s Day this year. It’s a great day to show how much you love her. Making a Mother’s Day breakfast 做一顿美味早餐 Every day, mother cooks tasty1 food for us. But do you know what your mother’s favorite breakfast is? Today, let’s surprise2 her with a delicious Mother’s Day breakfast. Here is an easy menu (菜单) for you. You can cook with the help of your father: A glass of milk, a fried (油炸的) egg, a piece of bread and some fresh fruit. Spending the day with mother 陪伴妈妈一整天 The best Mother’s Day gift is to spend3 time with her. What does your mom usually like to do? Go shopping, watch movies or do other things? Accompany (陪伴) her to do whatever (无论什么) she likes. When you and Mom stay together, you can also talk about your school life and share4 your little secrets with her. Most importantly, tell her “Mom, I love you!” Making a special gift 亲手制作小礼物 If you are creative (有创意的), you can make special5 things for her. Here are some ideas for you. A Mother’s Day card: draw beautiful pictures and write some words to thank your mother. Mother’s Day collage (剪贴画): use your family photos to make a storybook for your mother. Being a helper 做个勤劳的小帮手 TEXT BY 21ST PHOTOS FROM AP AND XINHUA


Brothers on the court 本文作者:21ST 期号:354 阅读数:205评论(0) 打印收藏 加索尔兄弟欧锦赛所向披靡!词数244 建议阅读时间7分钟About Marc Birthday: January 29, 1985 Height: 2.16m Weight: 120kg About Pau Birthday: July 6, 1980

Height: 2.13m Weight: 113kg SPANISH basketball fans should buy Mr and Mrs Gasol dinner. Their sons – Pau and Marc Gasol – led Spain to become the champion of European basketball. Spain beat France 98-85 in the final of the 2011 EuroBasket on September 18. “The Gasol brothers rule the court (球场),”Slovenia guard Saso Ozbolt said. “You have to pay attention to them, then the other players move in. That’s why it’s so tough to play against Spain.” The Gasol brothers both play in the NBA. Pau is the forward (前锋) of the Los Angeles Lakers and Marc plays for the Memphis Grizzles (孟菲斯灰熊队) as a center. But, besides their height, the brothers do not have much in common. On the court, Pau moves gracefully around opponents (对手) and Marc charges through them. In their spare time, Pau goes to art house theaters while Marc goes fishing. Yet Marc talks to Pau at least every other day and lives in Pau’s old apartment. “Little brothers have to go their own way sometimes,” Marc says. “But Pau has always been the best example for me to follow.” As a big NBA star, Pau has won two NBA championships with the Lakers and four All-stars. But Marc is catching up with his brother. During the last NBA season, Marc had an average of 15 points and 12 rebounds (篮板球) a game in the playoffs (季后赛), compared wit h Pau’s 13 and eight. Marc did better than his famous brother. 【中考词汇】 height n. 高度 用法:at the height of 在某个高度上; high adj. 高的。 She is at the height of her career. catch up with 赶上 用法:一般指在某领域赶上或追上。 As a new student, he quickly caught up with his classmates.


如何合理运用《二十一世纪学生英语报》 提高高中生英语能力 江门市第二中学 林力筠 :. . . . . : ,, , ` , 在高中一年的英语教学中,我们发现大多数学生习惯性地用死记硬背的不良方法来记单词;结果还是记不准单词。由于记不住单词,当然就读不懂英语文章。学生们的普遍缺点是阅读速度慢,理解能力不强。其实这是阅读量不够、阅读模式单一造成的。老师受长期相对稳定的阅读理解测试影响,总是放弃文后无题的阅读材料,而教学时间紧、任务重,除了教材,忽视了学生感性趣的阅读材料。在课余时间我们常能看到学生读报纸上的明星档案、校园热点、幽默故事,深受启发。由于理解现在英语阅读的情况,我们让学生读《二十一世纪学生英语报》,辅助学生阅读,经过一段时间的实践摸索,形成了利用《二十一世纪学生英语报》辅助高中学生阅读的教学模式,领略到其带来的无限乐趣和吸收其丰富的知识。

报刊阅读训练的具体实施及方法 一份报纸内容多、容量大,仅仅靠课内的分钟是远远不够的。所以,要上好报刊阅读课,老师既要布置学生在课下根据自己的兴趣选择不同的阅读材料,又要在课内充分利用上课时间指导学生,对学生在课上学习的内容进行讨论归纳和总结,并给予适当的评价。 1.老师阅读材料的选择: 以教学内容为中心,密切联系时事热点 由于报纸内容多、容量大,不是每一篇都适合学生们阅读,而且学生们不懂得选择性地对阅读材料进行分类,所以老师的帮助是必要的。老师对学生们的自行选择进行辅导,并不是完全按照教学内容来选择,而是以学生的接受能力为根据、教学内容为主导、时事热点为补充、老师意见为辅助。例如:《二十一世纪学生英语报》高一版第期“”和第期“”是高科技发展的现状,与高一必修教学内容相关;第期“”和第期“”是关于年轻人所喜欢的流行音乐人,与必修教学内容相关;第期“”是年热点时事;第期“”和第期“, ”是关于四川大地震的后续报道,与必修教学内容相关。 这些阅读材料紧扣时事,与学生日常生活息息相关,便于学生自主理解,而且与课文有较强关联性,能让学生更好地理解课文内容,举一反三,温故而知新。 .学生课前准备:


初三28期 Day 1 【P3】 1. Because there was heavy snow and they had to stay inside. 2. On the third day. 3. She felt happy / excited / like a happy bird. Or He/She felt happy/excited. 4. It looked even more beautiful in the snow. 5. She will explore the USA as much as she can. Day 2 【P4】1. 他们也有自己专门的歌曲,常围着篝火歌唱。 2. peaceful 3. In 1920. 4. Baden-Powell’s experiences in the Boer War in South Africa led him to begin the movement. 5. Tying knots in ropes, making a fire and finding food outdoors. Day 3 【P4-5】CBDD Day 4 【P6】BDAC Day 5 完成句子: 1. be designed 2. success 3. solving 4. dangerous 5. friendly 6. loud 7. flew 8. mind 9. received 10. annoyed/angry Cloze: 1-5 CACDB 6-10 CADBC 6版佳句仿写

1. The thief hid himself in a little house, hungry and thirsty. 2. It’s important fo r us to go over what we have learned. 3. As a responsible student, I should at least do what I can to help protect the environment. 4. According to the weather report, it will be pretty cold today. 5. Many workers began to realize that the boss made them work much more than they should every day. 初三29期 初三 Day 1 【P4】1. Jane Austen is an English novelist in the 18th century. 2. In Bath, England. 3. Austen was is famous for her humorous words and clever ideas. 4. She thought that women should marry for love, not for money or social status. 5. Austen’s novels are wereare about a small part of English country life, while many other novelists’ at that time preferred novels describing were about the whole picture of human life. Day 2 【P4-5】CBBA Day 3 【P5】ACCD Day 4 【P6】 1. angry 2. distanced / far


一、听下面三段对话,然后回答问题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. How does the woman feel about the man's idea? A. Serious. B. Silly. C. Good. 2. What does the woman mean? A. It’s ok for him not to wear a school uniform. B. He can wear whatever he wants to. C. He has to wear school uniform. 3. What does the woman mean? A. John has never been ready for bad results. B. John needs to be more careful. C. John had better not be over-confident. 二.听下面两段长对话,然后回答问题。每段对话读两遍。 4. What does the woman want to study? A. Journalism. B. Engineering. C. Chemistry.

5. Which university does the man want to go to? A. Columbia University. B. The University of Waterloo. C. Harvard University. 6. What’s the man’s problem with the uni versity he wants to study at? A. The course is disappointing. B. It’s not a nice place to live. C. The teachers there are very strict. 7. What should students do in PE class in China? A. Perform well to get good grades. B. Pretend to be good at sports. C. Show up and look as if they’re trying. 8. What do students usually do in PE class in the US? A. Perform well to get good grades.


21世纪英语报初中版 21世纪学生英文报,初一版 TC boys are back Do you like Top Combine(TC),the popular Chinese boy band? The band has five members:ZhangYuan,theleader;LiMao;MaXueyang;LiuZhoucheng and Jin Ensheng from South Korea. Recently,the band went to South Korea for two months of hard training.Now they are bringing a lot back:Newlooks,newdancemoves and a new album,Grandness Equal to Heaven. The five boys are promoting their new album across China.Each of thw boys has put somethings of themselves into the album.Some wrote music and some wrote lyrics for the eight songs. The album's name is pronounced "Qitiandasheng" in Chinese.It sounds the same as "the MonekyKing".TC hopes they can bring some new Chinese-style music to their fans.


Appendix 1: 1. Parents pick up on social media Would you add your parents on WeChat? This has become one of the biggest questions facing young Chinese in an age of *unprecedented digital interconnectedness. In a poll conducted by the Huashang Bao newspaper in Xi’an, 17 of 40 young people polled said they have added their parents on WeChat, but 14 blocked them from seeing their “friends’ circles” -- a space where friends can share pictures and posts with one another. Of the 20 parents polled, 12 have added their children on WeChat but only could see his or her ch ild’s *updates. The other 11 parents had been blocked by their kids from having access to their friends’ circles despite being able to send them messages on WeChat. Some children say they’re not comfortable with their parents combing through their everyday activities and photos, as their parents either don’t approve of the things they do for fun, or would constantly worry over what they consider unsafe or inappropriate behavior. Others say their friends’ circles are for friends of a similar age with simila r interests, and their parents wouldn’t understand. However, some say parents’ feelings would be hurt if they discovered their children restricted their access to this part of their social life. So, what is your opinion? Should young people share their everyday activities with their parents through social media like WeChat? Yes. Some young people are blocking their parents on social media. QUANJING


21世纪大学实用英语综合教程(第二册)课文翻译及课后习题答案 Unit One 误会 佚名 他头发蓬乱,衣着肮脏,口袋里只有35美分。在马里兰州的巴尔的摩,他登上一辆公共汽车并径直走向了洗手间。他想如果他躲在洗手间里,便可以不付钱就乘车去纽约。但是坐在公共汽车后面的一位乘客看见了他。她拍了拍她前面那位乘客的肩膀说:“洗手间里有个流浪汉。告诉公共汽车司机。”那位乘客轻轻地拍了一下坐在他前面的人,说道:“告诉公共汽车司机,洗手间里有个流浪汉。 这口信通过一个又一个的乘客传到了公共汽车的前边。但在这一过程的某个环节,口信变了。当它传到公共汽车司机那儿时,已经不是“洗手间里有个流浪汉”,而是“洗手间里有颗炸弹”。司机马上在公路边停下车来并用无线电通知了警察。当警察到达时,他们让乘客下车并且远离汽车。然后他们关闭了那条公路。那很快就造成了15英里长的交通堵塞。警察在警犬的帮助下,在公共汽车上搜查了两个小时。当然,他们没有发现什么炸弹。 两个发音相似的英语单词给一个想从洛杉矶飞往加利福尼亚州奥克兰的人也造成了麻烦。他的问题始于洛杉矶机场。他以为听到广播中宣布了他的航班,所以他走向登机门,出示了机票并登上了飞机。起飞20分钟后,这人开始担心起来。奥克兰在洛杉矶的北边,但是飞机似乎正在向西飞,而当他向窗外望去时,他所能看到的全是大海。“这架飞机是去奥克兰吗?”他问航班服务员。航班服务员倒抽了一口冷气,“不,”她说。“我们去奥克兰——新西兰的奥克兰。” 因为有这么多英文单词发音相似,讲英语者之间的误会并不罕见。并非所有的误会都会导致公路关闭或乘客飞错大陆。大多数误会远没有这么严重。每天讲英语的人会相互问这样的问题:“你是说七十还是十七?”“你是说你能来还是不能来?”发音相似的单词对把英语作为第二语言的人来说,特别容易让人混淆。 一天早晨,一位生活在美国的韩国妇女到上班地点时,她的老板问她:“你拿到盘子了吗?” “没有……”她回答说,心里却在纳闷,不知道他到底是什么意思。她在办公室工作。老板为什么问她盘子的事呢?一整天她都对老板的怪问题感到纳闷,但又不好意思开口问他。到了5点,当她准备回家时,她的老板说:“明天请准时上班。你今天早晨迟到了15分钟” “对不起,”她说。“我的车发动不起来,而且……” 突然她停止了讲话并开始微笑起来。她这时才明白老板并没有问她“你拿到盘子了吗?”他问的是“你是不是起来晚了?” Auckland 和Oakland。“一个盘子”和“起晚”。当发音相似的单词引起误会时,也许最好的处理方式就是一笑了之并从错误中吸取教训。当然,有时候很难笑得出来。那个没到Oakland却去了Auckland的人是不会想笑的。但即使是那场误会,最终的结局也还不错。那家航空公司支付了那人在新西兰的旅馆住房和用餐的费用,还支付了他飞回加利福尼亚的费用。“ 哦,还好,”那人后来说,“我一直就想要看看新西兰的。” 以下是课后练习答案 5 1. passengers 2. immediately 3. similar 4. wonder 5. continent 6. traffic 7. misunderstandings 8. embarrassed 9. flights 10. common 11. serious 12. searched 6 1. got on 2. head for 3. tapped on the shoulder 4. pull over 5. resulted in 6. feel like 7. By the time 8. turn out all right 9. in the end 10. instead of


21世纪学生英文报·初二版> 第498期> 正文 Cheer for the school race 精彩刺激的男女生运动会。 LAST week, our school held a pep rally (动员会) for spring sports at the school gym for students and teachers. Mr Kleffer read out the names of all sports players, including track and field (田径), baseball, golf, softball (垒球), swimming and boy’s tennis. Players went into the gym and cheered our slogan (口 号): Mustangs! Track team was divided into a boys’ team and girls’ team. Each team received things like a fancy skirt, baggy trousers, soft slippers (拖鞋) and large ribbons (绸带). They needed to put them on and rush to the other end of gym then turn back and give their clothes to the next person in line. When the race began, the boys’ team ran in front, the wind almost blew the ribbon off one of their heads. He pressed (按压) one hand on his head but didn’t slow down at all. The girls then took the lead (领先). One girl didn’t com pletely put the long trousers on so they were pulling her back when she moved her legs really fast. The audience was cheering for their friends. Last but not least, at the final round, at the final moment, the cheers got louder and louder. At the very last second, the last girl lost her right shoe. My heart jumped in my mouth. The boys took their chance and reached the finish line first, winning the relay (接力赛)! By Ma Xinyue Cheer for the school race (P3)Answer the following questions: 1. Did the school give the students a pep rally before spring sports? _____________________________________ 2. How did the school divide the track team? _____________________________________ 3. What did the players for the track team need to do? _____________________________________ 4. Which team first took the lead? _____________________________________ 5. What happened to the girls’ team at the last second? _____________________________________ Driverless technology 无人驾驶技术到底意味着什么? LATER next year, Beijing will start the country’s first driverless (无人驾驶 的) subway trains. The Yanfang Line – connecting part of Fangshan district to the city center – will be the first to try out driverless technology. The Beijing public transportation authority says the new trains will make the metro system better. They will have an upgraded (升级的) operating system. They will reach 80km per hour and carry more than 1,200 passengers. The development of driverless technology is opening up in Driverless cars have long been a dream for many. And other areas of transport. in the past few years, innovation (创新) has speeded up. Big car companies, including Volkswagon and Toyota, are competing with other companies, such as Google. But with no tracks (轨道) to run on, how will driverless cars be safe? The technology that is used is made up of many sensors (传感器), including radar (雷达) and GPS. This gives the car an exact position in the world, as well as what’s around it. It also allows the car to see moving objects (物体), too, like other cars and people. Pilot-free planes have also become a hot technology topic. Yet while these types of technology are seen as better and safer, they do have disadvantages. Automation (自动化) means these types of transport will heavily rely on computers. Just like humans, they make mistakes – although less often. And like much of technology, it makes many workers lose their jobs. What will happen to the future bus drivers and pilots? By James Whitehead, 21st Century Teens staff
