




第二节完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 30 分)

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上讲该项涂黑。

A Race Against Death

It was a cold January in 1925 in North Alaska. The town was cut off from the rest of the world due to heavy snow.

On the 20th of that month, Dr.Welch 36 a Sick boy, Billy, and knew he had diphtheria, a deadly infectious(传染的)disease mainly affecting children. The children of Nome would be 37 if it struck the town. Dr.Welch needed medicine as soon as possible to stop other kids from getting sick. 38 , the closest supply was over 1,000 miles away, in Anchorage.

How could the medicine get to Nome? The town`s 39 was already full of ice, so it couldn`t come by ship. Cars and horses couldn`t travel on the 40 roads. Jet airplanes and big trucks didn`t exist yet.

41 January 26, Billy and three other children had died. Twemty more were 42 . Nome`s town officials came up with a(n) 43 . They would have the medicine sent by 44 from Anchorage to Nenana. From there, dogeled(狗拉雪橇)drivers—known as “mushers”—would 45 it to Nome in a relay(接力).

The race began on January 27. The first musher, Shannon, picked up the medicine from the train at Nenana and rode all night. 46 he handed the medicine to the next musher, Shannon`s face was black from the extreme cold.

On January 31,a musher named Seppala had to 47 a frozen body of water called Norton Sound .It was the most 48 part of the journey. Norton Sound was covered with ice,which could sometimes break up without warning.If that happened,Seppala might fall into the icy water below.He would

49 ,and so would the sick children of Nome.But Seppala made it across.

A huge snowstorm hit on February 1.Amusher named Kaasen had to brave this storm.At one point,huge piles of sonw blocked his 50 .He had to leave the trail (雪橇痕迹)to get around them.Conditions were so bad that it was impossible for him to 51 the trail again. The only hope was

Balto,Kaasen’s lead dog, Balto put his nose to the ground, 5 2 to find the smell of other dogs that had traveled on the trail.If Balto failed,it would mean disaster for Nome.The minutes passed by.Suddenly, Balto began to 53 .He had foung the trail

At 5:30 am on February 2, Kaasen and his dog 54 in Nome. Within minutes,Dr.Welch had the medicine.He quickly gave it to the sick children.All of them recoverd.

Nome had been 55 . 425

36.A.examined B.warned C.interviewed D.cured

37.A.harmless B.helpless C. fearless D.careless

38.A.Moreover B.Therefore C.Otherwise D.However

39.A.airport B.station C. harbor D.border

40.A.narrow B. snowy C.busy D.dirty

41.A.From B.On C.By D.After

42.A.tired B.upset C. pale D.sick

43.A.plan B.excuse C.message D.topic

44.A.air B.rail C. sea D.road

45.A.carry B.return C. mail D.give

46.A.Though B.Since C. When D.If

47.A.enter B.move C. visit D.cross

48.A.shameful B.boring C.dangerous D.foolish

49.A.escape B.bleed C. swim D.die

50.A.memory B.exit C.way D.destination

51.A.find B.fix C. pass D.change

52.A.pretending B.trying C. asking D.learning

53.A.run B.leave C. bite D.play

54.A.gathered B.stayed C. camped D.arrived

55.A.controlled B.saved C.founded D.developed

36. A 37. B 38. D 39. C 40. B 41. C 42. D 43. A 44. B 45. A

46. C 47. D 48. C 49. D 50. C 51. A 52. B 53. A 54. D 55. B



阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

A Heroic Driver

Larry works with Transport Drivers. Inc. One morning in 2009. Larry was 41 along 165 north after delivering to one of his 42 . suddenly, he saw a car with its bright lights on. 43 he got closer, he found 44 vehicle upside down on the road. One more look and he noticed 45 shooting out from under the 46 vehicle. Larry pulled over, set the brake and 47 the fire extinguisher (灭火器). Two good bursts from the extinguisher and the fire was put out.

The man who had his bright lights on 48 and told Larry he had 49 an emergency call. They 50 heard a woman’s voice coming from the wrecked (毁坏的) vehicle. 51 the vehicle, they saw that a woman was trying to get out of the broken window. They told her to stay 52 until the emergency personnel arrived, 53 she thought the car was going to 54 . Larry told her that he had already put out the fire and she should not move 55 she injured her neck.

Once fire and emergency people arrive, Larry and the other man 56 and let them go to work. Then, Larry asked the 57 if he was needed or 58 to go. They let him and the other man go.

One thing is 59 —Larry went above and beyond the call of duty by getting so close to the burning vehicle! His 60 most likely saved the woman’s life. 253

41. A. walking B. touring C. traveling D. rushing

42. A. passengers B. colleagues C. employers D. customers

43. A. Since B. Although C. As D. If

44. A. each B. another C. that D. his

45. A. flames B. smoke C. water D. steam

46. A. used B. disabled C. removed D. abandoned

47. A. got hold of B. prepared C. took charge of D. controlled

48. A. came down B. came through C. came in D. came over

49. A. returned B. received C. made D. confirmed

50. A. then B. again C. finally D. even

51. A. Starting B. Parking C. Passing D. Approaching

52. A. quiet B. still C. away D. calm

53. A. for B. so C. and D. but

54. A. explode B. slip away C. fall apart D. crash

55. A. as if B. unless C. in case D. after

56. A. stepped forward B. backed off C. moved on D. set out

57. A. woman B. police C. man D. driver

58. A. forbidden B. ready C. asked D. free

59. A. for certain B. for consideration C. reported D. checked

60. A. patience B. skills C. efforts D. promise

41- 45 CDCBA 46-50 BADCA 51-55 DB DA C 56-60 BBDAC




Hundreds of people have formed impressions of you through that little device(装置) on your desk. And they’ve never actually 41 you. Everything they know about you 42 through this device, sometimes from hundreds of miles away. 43 they feel they can know you 44 from the sound of your voice. That’s how powerful the 45 is.

Powerful, yes, but not always 46 . For years I dealt with my travel agent only by phone. Rani, my faceless agent whom I’d never met 47 , got me rock-bottom prices on airfares, cars, and hotels. But her cold voice really 48 me. I sometimes wished to 49 another agent.

One morning, I had to 50 an immediate flight home for a family emergency. I ran into Rani’s office 51 . The woman sitting at the desk, 52 my madness, sympathetically jumped up. She gave me a 53 smile, nodded while listening patiently, and then printed out the 54 immediately. “What a wonderful lady!” I thought.

Rushing out 55 I called out over my shoulder, “By the way, what’s your name?” “I’m Rani,” she said. I turned around and saw a 56 woman with a big smile on her face waving to wish me a safe trip.

I was 57 ! Why had I thought she was cold? Rani was, well, so 58 .

Sitting back in the car on the way to the airport, I figured it all out. Rani’s 59 ---her warm smile, her nods, her ‘I’m here for you’ 60 ---were all silent signals that didn’t travel through wires.264

41. A. accepted B. noticed C. heard D. met

42. A. came B. moved C. ran D. developed

43. A. Thus B. Yet C. Then D. Indeed

44. A. rather B. also C. just D. already

45. A. Telephone B. voice C. connection D. impression

46. A. direct B. useful C. easy D. accurate

47. A. in person B. by myself C. in public D. on purpose

48. A. annoyed B. interested C. discouraged D. confused

49. A. promote B. train C. find D. know

50. A. arrange B. postpone C. confirm D. book

51. A. for the first time B. at any time C. from time to time D. in good time

52. A. expecting B. seeing C. testing D. avoiding

53. A. shy B. comforting C. familiar D. forced

54. A. bill B. form C. ticket D. list

55. A. hopefully B. disappointedly C. gratefully D. regretfully

56. A. careful B. serious C. nervous D. pleasant

57. A. amused B. worried C. helpless D. speechless

58. A. calm B. nice C. proud D. clever

59. A. forgiveness B. eagerness C. friendliness D. skillfulness

60. A. explanation B. attitude C. concept D. Behavior

41. D 42. A 43. B 44. C 45. A 46. D 47. A 48. A 49. C 50. D

51. A 52. B 55. B 54. C 55. C 56. D 57. D 58. B 59. C 60. B


第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)


When I was 13 my only purpose was to become the star on our football team. That meant 21 Miller King, who was the best 22 at our school.

Football season started in September and all summer long I worked out. I carried my football everywhere for 23 .

Just before September, Miller was struck by a car and lost his right arm. I went to see him after he came back from 24 . He looked very 25 , but he didn’t cry.

That season, I 26 all of Miller’s records while he 27 the home games from the bench. We went 10-1 and I was named most valuable player, 28 I often had crazy dreams in which I was to blame for Miller’s 29 .

One afternoon, I was crossing the field to go home and saw Miller 30 going over a fence—which wasn’t 31 to climb if you had both arms. I’m sure I was the last person in the world he wanted to accept 32 from. But even that challenge he accepted. I 33 him move slowly over the fence. When we were

finally 34 on the other side, he said to me, “You know, I didn’t tell you this during the season, but you did 35 .Thank you for filling in for 36 .”

His words freed me from my bad 37 . I thought to myself, how even without an arm he was more of a leader. Damaged but not defeated, he was 38 ahead of me. I was right to have 39 him. From that day on,I grew 40 and a little more real. 274

21.A. cheering for B. beating out C. relying on D. staying with

22.A.coach B. student C. teacher D. player

23.A.practice B. show C. comfort D. pleasure

24.A.school B. vacation C. hospital D. training

25.A. pale B. calm C. relaxed D. ashamed

26.A. held B. broke C. set D. tried

27.A.reported B. judged C. organized D. watched

28.A.and B. then C. but D. thus

29.A. decision B. mistake C. accident D. sacrifice

30.A.stuck B. hurt C. tired D. lost

31.A. steady B. hard C. fun D. fit

32.A.praise B. advice C. assistance D. apology

33.A.let B. helped C. had D. noticed

34.A. dropped B. ready C. trapped D. safe

35.A.fine B. wrong C. quickly D. normally

36.A. us B. yourself C. me D. them

37.A.memories B. ideas C. attitudes D. dreams

38.A.still B. also C. yet D. just

39.A. challenged B. cured C. invited D. admired

40.A.healthier B. bigger C. cleverer D. cooler


41.B 42.D 43.A 44.C 45.A 46.B 47.D 48.C 49.C 50.A

51.B 52.C 53.B 54.D 55.A 56.C 57.D 58.A 59.D 60.B




The journey my daughter Cathy has had with her swimming is as long as it is beautiful.

Cathy suffered some terrible 16 in her early childhood. After years of regular treatment, she 17 became healthy.

Two years ago, while Cathy was watching the Olympics, a dream came into her sweet little head—to be a swimmer. Last summer, she wanted to 18 out local swim team. She practiced hard and finally 19 it. The team practice, 20 was a rough start. She coughed and choked and could hardly 21 her first few weeks. Hearing her coughing bitterly one night, I decided to 22 her from it all. But Cathy woke me up early next morning, wearing her swimsuit 23 to go! I told her she shouldn’t swim after a whole night’s coughing, but she refused to 24 and insisted she go .

From that day on, Cathy kept swimming and didn’t 25 a single practice. She had a 26 intention within herself to be the best she could be. My ten—year—old was growing and changing right before my eyes, into this 27 human being with a passion and a mission. There were moments of 28 of course: often she would be the last swimmer in the race. It was difficult for Cathy to accept that she wasn’t a 29 ---ever. But that didn’t stop her from trying.

Then came the final awards cer emony at the end of the year. Cathy didn’t expect any award but was still there to 30 her friends and praise their accomplishments. As the ceremony was nearing the end, I suddenly heard the head coach 31 , “The highest honor goes to Cathy!” Looking aro und, he continued, “Cathy has inspired us with her 32 and enthusiasm. 33 skills and talents bring great success, the most valuable asset(财富)one can hold is the heart.”

It was the greatest 34 of my daughter’s life. With all she hade been 35 in her ten years, this was the hour of true triumph(成功). 341

16. A. failure B. pressure C. loss D. illness

17. A. usually B. finally C. firstly D. frequently

18. A. improve B. train C. join D. contact

19. A. increased B. found C. created D. made

20. A. however B. therefore C. otherwise D. instead

21. A. use B. survive C. save D. waste

22. A. pull B. tell C. hide D. fire

23. A. afraid B. nervous C. ready D. free

24. A. take off B. set off C. give up D. show up

25. A. attend B. miss C. ban D. Start

26. A. rich B. weak C. firm D. kind

27. A. trusted B.determined C.experienced D. embarrassed

28. A. frustration B. delight C. excitement D. surprise

29. A. beginner B.learner C. partner D. winner

30. A. cheer on B. compete with C. respond to D. run after

31. A. admitting B.explaining C.announcing D. whispering

32. A. humor B. will C. honesty D. wisdom

33. A. Although B. Since C. Once D. Because

34. A. discovery B. choice C. influence D. moment

35. A. through B. under C. across D. around 16—20 DBCDA 21—25 BACCB 26—30 CBADA 31—35 CBADA




During the war,my husband was stationed at an army camp in a desert in California.I went to live there in order to be 21 him. I hated the place .I had never 22 been so unhappy . My husband was ordered out on a long-term duty,and I was left in a tiny shack(棚屋) alone. The heat was 23 -almost 125 0F even in the shade of a cactus(仙人掌)。24 a soul to talk to . The wind blew non-stop ,and all the food I ate ,and the evry air I breathed,were 25 with sand , sand , sand !

I was so sorry for myself that I wrote to my parents. I told them I was 26 and coming back home.I said I couldn’t stand it one minute longer. I 27 be in prison! My father answered my 28 with just

two lines-two lines that will always sing in my 29 - two lines that completely changed my life : Two men looked out from prison bars

One saw the mud ,the other saw the stars

I read those two lines 30 I was ashamed of myself. I made up my mind I would find out what was good in my present 31 ; I would look for the stars

I made friends with the natives,and their 32 amazed me. They gave me presents of their favorite artworks which they had 33 to sell to toueists . I studied the delightful forms of the cactus .I watched for the desert sunsets,and 34 for seashells that had been left there millions of years ago when the desert had been an ocean 35

What brought about this 36 cha nge in me ? The desert hadn’t changed ,37 I had .I had changed my 38 And by doing so ,I changed an unhappy experience into the most amazing 39 of my life . I was excited by this new world that I had dicovered I had looked out of my self-creatded prison and 40 the stars 342

21. A. off B. behind C. near D. beyond

22. A. before B. already C. then D. still

23. A. inflexible B. incomprehensible C. uncontrollable D.unbearable

24. A. Only B. Not C. Many D.Such

25. A. covered B. filled C. buried D. charhed

26. A. catching up B. keeping up C. giving up D.getting up

27. A. ought to B. might well C. would rather D.had better

28. A.request B. call C. question D.letter

29. A. comparison B. imagination C. consideration D. memory

30. A. over and over B. by and by C. up and down D.noe and then

31. A. company B. occupation C. situation D.relationship

32. A. movement B. reaction C. guidance D.purpose

33. A. refused B. failed C. managed D.happened

34. A. asked B. hunted C. waited D.headed

35. A. floor B. surface C. rock D.level

36. A. shocking B. challenging C. puzzling D.astonishing

37. A. as B. but C. for D.or

38. A. attitude B. principle C. identity D.standard

39. A. vacation B. operation C. affair D. adventure

40. A. sought B. counted C. found D.reached

21.C 22.A 23.D 24.B 25.B 26.C 27.C 28.D 29.D 30.A 31.C 32.B 33.A 34.B 35.A 36.D 37.B 38.A 39.D 40.C


第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)


Lainey finished third grade. She had good grades and could read 41 grade level, but she did not like to read. On a family car trip, her Aunt Dede pulled out a copy of Harry Potter, as a surprise for her 42 . But Lainey took one look at it, 43 her eyes, and said, “Borring!”

Aunt Dede, a teacher, had read the book to her students, and they loved it. 44 the youngest children in the class were 45 by the story. They 46 with great interest and then 47 joined in grand conversations about Harry`s adventures.

“How can you say it`s 48 ? Have you read it? ” asked Aunt Dede.

“No, it`s too long and it doesn`t have any 49 .” complained Lainey.

“Oh, that`s where you are 50 ;there are lots of pictures. Every page is full of pictures; you just have to read the words to 51 them. It`s like magic.”

“Nice try , Aunt Dede,”Lainey replied 52 from the back seat.

Another 53 was in order. “Well,if you don’t want to read it, give it54 .Maybe your mom would 55 hearing the story.” The book sailed through the air to Aunt Dede and she began to read it aloud. By the end of the first chapter,56 were coming from the back seat:“Please read a little57.”

Lainey is an example of an 58reader. As shown here, Lainey can become 59 about reading when 60 with literature on topics that interest her, and when the people around her model involvement in the reading process. 262

41.A.within B.on C.to D. above

42.A.daughter B.niece C. student D.friend

43.A.opend B.dried C.rolled D.shaded

44.A.Even B.Still C. Just D.Yet

45.A.surpriesd B.annoyed C. puzzled D.attracted.

46.A.read B.told C.listened D.wrote

47.A.suspectedly B.anxiously C.calmly D.enthusiastically

48.A.amazing B.boring C.ridiculous D.conversations

49.A.pictures B.stories C. adventures D.conversations

50.A.crazy B.foolish C. wrong D.different

51. A.see B. match C.show D.recognize

52.A.sourly B.patiently C. eagerly D.shyly

53.A.idea B.try C.belief D.behavior

54.A.away B.out C.in D.back

55.A.enjoy B.admit C. mind D.finish

56.A.decisions B. requests https://www.360docs.net/doc/4b4052824.html,ments D.promises

57.A.more clearly B.longer C. louder D.more carefully

58.A. Unpleasant B. Innocent C.unwilling D.independent

59.A.astonished B.worried C. confused D.excited

60.A. Presented B. concerned C.disturbed D .replaced

41. D 42. B 43.C 44.A 45.D 46.C 47.D 48.B 49.A 50. C 51. A 52. A 53.B 54.D 55.A 56.B 57.C 58.C 59.D 60.A


【最新】数学《三角函数与解三角形》复习资料 一、选择题 1.设函数())cos(2)f x x x ??=+++(||)2 π ?<,且其图像关于直线0x =对 称,则( ) A .()y f x =的最小正周期为π,且在(0,)2 π 上为增函数 B .()y f x =的最小正周期为 2π,且在(0,)4 π 上为增函数 C .()y f x =的最小正周期为π,且在(0,)2 π 上为减函数 D .()y f x =的最小正周期为2π,且在(0,)4 π 上为减函数 【答案】C 【解析】 试题分析:())cos(2)f x x x ??=+++2sin(2)6 x π ?=++,∵函数图像关于直 线0x =对称, ∴函数()f x 为偶函数,∴3 π ?=,∴()2cos 2f x x =,∴22 T π π= =, ∵02 x π << ,∴02x π<<,∴函数()f x 在(0, )2 π 上为减函数. 考点:1.三角函数式的化简;2.三角函数的奇偶性;3.三角函数的周期;4.三角函数的单调性. 2.已知函数sin(),0 ()cos(),0 x a x f x x b x +≤?=?+>?的图像关于y 轴对称,则sin y x =的图像向左平移 ( )个单位,可以得到cos()y x a b =++的图像( ). A . 4 π B . 3 π C . 2 π D .π 【答案】D 【解析】 【分析】 根据条件确定,a b 关系,再化简()cos y x a b =++,最后根据诱导公式确定选项. 【详解】 因为函数()()(),0 ,0 sin x a x f x cos x b x ?+≤?=?+>??的图像关于y 轴对称,所以


2017年全国高考英语试卷3完形填空部分答案祥解 贵州玉屏中学冯游洪 2017. 7 41. 选C 根据下文,机票受赠者必须名叫Elizabeth Gallagher并持有加拿大护照等“限制”而得知 42. 选 B A. 原籍 B. 护照 C. 口音 D. 朋友依据常识,做环球旅行须持护照,故选B 43. 选 D A. 假日结束,意味着机票着废,故不能选。B,不存在婚姻结束,因为前面 说明了他们只是男女朋友关系,故不能选。C 环球旅行梦想结束,机票着废,固不能选。D 由于男女朋友关系结束, 他俩的环球旅行未能成行, 故机票送人, 所以选D. 44. 选A 尽管环球旅行未能成行,但那男的不想浪费他前女友的那张机票,故选A 45. 选A A. 规定;政策 B. 命令 C. payment 支付 D. 日程安排根据航 空公司机票不可转让的规定, 故选A 46. 选 B 订票时, 护照信息没有作要求, 其余A申请,C核对,D讨价还价不符题意, 故选B 47. 选A 任何名叫Elizabeth Gallagher的人都可以使用这张机票,故选A 48. 选C A. 牺牲 B. 表达 C. 体验;亲历 D. 提供根据语境, 机票受赠人可亲历环球 旅行, 故选C 49. 选 C 男主人将此次的机票赠与信息发布在社交网站上, 其它 A答复, B建议, D评 价意义不符, 故选C 50. 选 B 根据上下文语境,收到几千人的电邮,其中包括30个人名字都叫Elizabeth Gallagher 并持有对应的,恰当的护照,A 相同的 C新的 D真的不符语境,故选 B,因为那30个人没可能都持 A相同的 C 新的护照 D 真的护照在此显然不符语境. 废话!出入境谁使用假护照? 51. 选 A 根据下文,有几百人竟然有趣的将自己的名字改成Elizabeth Gallagher此处 只能是更有趣的是,故选A. 其它如 B更令人生气的是 C 更令人满意的是 D 更令人信服的是与语境不符。


2017年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(全国卷Ⅲ) 英语答案解析 第一部分:阅读理解 第一节 1.【答案】A 【解析】题干问的是三月份可参加的旅行,而第一个项目San Francisco Winery Tour的时间是从2月1日到4月30日。故选A。 【考点】冠词,细节理解。 2.【答案】C 【解析】第二个项目Back to the Fifties Tour中提到在San Francisco你能免费品尝冰淇淋。而其他选项在这个旅行中没有被提到。故选C。 【考点】介词辨析,细节理解。 3.【答案】D 【解析】第四个项目Holiday Lights Tour的最后一句话提到”Advance reservations required”,由此可知,该旅行需要提前预定。故选D。 【考点】代词,细节理解。 4.【答案】B 【解析】根据第一段的最后一句”As one group of workers carried out the rubbish,another group began removing seats and other theater equipment in preparation for the buildings end”可推断出工人们清理垃圾和清除座位及其他剧院设备是在为剧院的关闭做准备。故选B。 【考点】副词辨析,推理判断。 5.【答案】D 【解析】根据第二段中的”Theater owner Ed Bradford said he chose the movie because it seemed appropriate”可知,剧院的老板亲自选定了The Last picture Show这部电影,因为他认为这部电影很合适。原文中的“appropriate”和D选项的“suitable都表示“合适的”。故选D。 【考点】细节理解。 6.【答案】C 【解析】第四段最后一句说剧院被卖给了当地的开发公司,该公司计划在剧院所在地建综合购物大楼,因此可推断出剧院将被推倒拆除。故选C。 【考点】动词的时态,推理判断。


高三语文一轮复习之图文(表文)转换训练题 1、《世界卫生组织烟草控制框架公约》在我国已经生效八年了,但目前仍存在烟草企业不积极履行公约相关内容的行为。北京市消费者协会昨日发布了“在知道吸烟会引发多种疾病的前提下,是否还会吸烟”的调查数据。请把下面的图表写成一段话。要求:表述准确,语言连贯,不超过75个字。(6分) 2、阅读下面的清华大学有关自主招生调查统计表,然后回答问题。(4分) 不同家庭所在地学生在百分之三十的自主招生名额中的分布情况 (1)根据图表内容,得出结论。(不超过26字) (2)针对自主招生的现状,提出一条具体的建设性意见。 3、请根据右边的示意图,对广州新体育馆的所在位置作一个介绍。(6分) 4、根据下面的文字和图表,在横线处填写相应的文字。 美国心理学家布克和诺非尔想通过心理学实验来探究学习成绩的知晓情况与学习动机间的关系。他们将两组学生作为实验对象,通过18天实验,观察学生在这期间的学习成绩变化来找寻基中规律。学生在前九天,A组知道自己的成绩,B 组不知道,从第十天起,再用相反的方法对两组学生进行实验,(见下面图表)①结果显示, ②由此见。(每处限 25 字以内作答) 5、由教育部委托北京师范大学,联合国内高校近百位专家历时3年完成的《中国学生发展核心素养》研究成果2016年9月13日在京发布。根据下图,简要说明“中国学生发展核心素养”的主要内容。不超过90字。(5分) 6、下面是“中国家长妈妈和爸爸对家庭教育中关注问题的态度对比”调查结果,请根据图表信息,概括所反映出的几点结论。(不需要运用具体数据)(5分)

7、下面是某项技能训练的成绩曲线图,请简要概括练习成绩变化的三个特点,每点不超过6个字。(6分) 8、下面是“2017年春季白领跳槽意愿”调查图。请用一段话概括图表所反映的信息。要求内容完整,表述准确,语言连贯,不出现具体数字,不超过100个字。(5分) 9、请根据示意图,提取文字材料中的相应信息,并用一句话表述出来。要求:简明、准确,不超过70字。(6分) 2015年4月15日,亚洲基础设施投资银行的57个意向创始成员国已全部确定。在完成各国X群序后亚投行有望在2015年底之前正式成立并投入运行。 据预测,2010—2020年,亚洲每年大约需要8000亿美元的基础设施投资,而现有的世界银行、亚洲开发银行等国际多边机构都无法满足需求,亚投行将有效弥补其中的资金缺口,具体方式有贷款、股权投资以及提供担保等 可以预期,在亚投行的支持下,亚洲各国将掀起新一轮基础设施建设高潮,建设项目集中在公路、铁路、港口、通信、电力电网、油气运输等方面,这必将带动亚洲经济未来的强劲增长。 10、阅读下面的图表,根据要求完成题目。(5分) ⑴给图表拟一个标题。(不超过25字)(2分) ⑵根据图表数据,得出相关结论。(不超过40字)(3分) 11、科学家罗勒尔曾提出一种激励模式(如图),请你用简洁语言概括表述这种激励模式(50字左右).


解三角形高考大题,带答案 1. (宁夏17)(本小题满分12分) 如图,ACD △是等边三角形,ABC △是等腰直角三角形, 90ACB =∠,BD 交AC 于E ,2AB =. (Ⅰ)求cos CAE ∠的值; (Ⅱ)求AE . 解:(Ⅰ)因为9060150BCD =+=∠, CB AC CD ==, 所以15CBE =∠. 所以62 cos cos(4530)4 CBE +=-=∠. ···················································· 6分 (Ⅱ)在ABE △中,2AB =, 由正弦定理 2 sin(4515)sin(9015) AE =-+. 故2sin 30 cos15 AE = 122 624 ? = +62=-. 12分 2. (江苏17)(14分) 某地有三家工厂,分别位于矩形ABCD 的顶点A 、B 及CD 的中点P 处,已知AB=20km ,BC=10km ,为了处理三家工厂的污水,现要在矩形ABCD 的区域上(含边界),且A 、B 与等距离的一点O 处建造一个污水处理厂,并铺设排污管道AO 、BO 、OP ,设排污管道的总长为ykm 。 (1)按下列要求写出函数关系式: ①设∠BAO=θ(rad ),将y 表示成θ的函数关系式; ②设OP=x (km ),将y 表示成x 的函数关系式; (2)请你选用(1)中的一个函数关系式,确定污水处理厂的位置,使三条排污管道总长度最短。 【解析】:本小题考查函数的概念、 解三角形、导数等基本知识,考查数学建模能力、 抽象概括能力和解决实际问题的能力。 (1)①由条件知PQ 垂直平分AB ,若∠BAO=θ(rad ),则10 cos cos AQ OA BAO θ = =∠, 故10 cos OB θ = 又1010OP tan θ=-,所以1010 1010cos cos y OA OB OP tan θθθ =++= ++- B A C D E B C D A O P


2016年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 英语科试题完形填空题一览 1、北京卷 第二节完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 30 分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上讲该项涂黑。 A Race Against Death It was a cold January in 1925 in North Alaska. The town was cut off from the rest of the world due to heavy snow. On the 20th of that month, Dr.Welch 36 a Sick boy, Billy, and knew he had diphtheria, a deadly infectious(传染的)disease mainly affecting children. The children of Nome would be 37 if it struck the town. Dr.Welch needed medicine as soon as possible to stop other kids from getting sick. 38 , the closest supply was over 1,000 miles away, in Anchorage. How could the medicine get to Nome? The town`s 39 was already full of ice, so it couldn`t come by ship. Cars and horses couldn`t travel on the 40 roads. Jet airplanes and big trucks didn`t exist yet. 41 January 26, Billy and three other children had died. Twemty more were 42 . Nome`s town officials came up with a(n) 43 . They would have the medicine sent by 44 from Anchorage to Nenana. From there, dogeled(狗拉雪橇)drivers—known as “mushers”—would 45 it to Nome in a relay(接力). The race began on January 27. The first musher, Shannon, picked up the medicine from the train at Nenana and rode all night. 46 he handed the medicine to the next musher, Shannon`s face was black from the extreme cold. On January 31,a musher named Seppala had to 47 a frozen body of water called Norton Sound .It was the most 48 part of the journey. Norton Sound was covered with ice,which could sometimes break up without warning.If that happened,Seppala might fall into the icy water below.He would 49 ,and so would the sick children of Nome.But Seppala made it across. A huge snowstorm hit on February 1.Amusher named Kaasen had to brave this storm.At one point,huge piles of sonw blocked his 50 .He had to leave the trail (雪橇痕迹)to get around them.Conditions were so bad that it was impossible for him to 51 the trail again. The only hope was


徐老师 2017年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 英语 (考试时间:120分钟试卷满分:150分) 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号 涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。 3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A. £ 19.15. B. £ 9.18. C. £ 9.15. 答案是C。 1. What does the woman think of the movie? A. It’s amusing. B. It’s exciting. C.It’s disappointing. 2. How will Susan spend most of her time in France? A. Traveling around. B. Studying at a school. C. Looking after her aunt. 第1页

3. What are the speakers talking about? A. Going out. B. Ordering drinks. C. Preparing for a party. 4. Where are the speakers? A. In a classroom. B. In a library. C. In a bookstore. 5. What is the man going to do? A. Go on the Internet. B. Make a phone call. C. Take a train trip. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. What is the woman looking for? A. An information office. B. A police station C. A shoe repair shop. 7. What is the Town Guide according to the man? A. A brochure. B. A newspaper. C. A map. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8. What does the man say about the restaurant? A. It’s the biggest one around. B. It offers many tasty dishes. C. It’s famous for its seafood. 9. What will the woman probably order? A. Fried fish. B. Roast chicken. C. Beef steak. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10. Where will Mr. White be at 11 o’clock? A. At the office. B. At the airport. C. At the restaurant. 11. What will Mr. White probably do at one in the afternoon? A. Receive a guest. B. Have a meeting. C. Read a report. 第2页


2020-2021统编版高考语文图文转换专题练习(附答案) 一、高中语文图文转换 1.下面是某高中高三语文学科复习计划的整体规划,请用一段简明连贯的话转述图表的意思,要求要点完整,表述准确,不超过100字。 【答案】高三语文复习分成三个阶段:第一轮专项复习,复习古诗文、现代文、语言运用、作文四个专题;第二轮综合复习,在做综合练习的同时进行专项突破;第三轮冲刺,主要是自主复习和热身训练。 【解析】【分析】本题考查图文转换的能力。本题由题干可知,所给图表是“某高中高三语文学科复习计划的整体规划”图,由图片可知,起点为“高三语言复习”,然后是复习的三个轮次。“第一轮:专题复习阶段”分为四部分,分别是“古诗文”“现代文”“语言运用”“作文”;“第二轮:综合复习阶段”分为两部分,分别是“综合练习”“专项突破”;“第三轮:冲刺阶段”分为两部分,分别为“自主复习”“热身训练”。考生按照流程图自上而下的顺序表述清楚即可。 故答案为:高三语文复习分成三个阶段:第一轮专项复习,复习古诗文、现代文、语言运用、作文四个专题;第二轮综合复习,在做综合练习的同时进行专项突破;第三轮冲刺,主要是自主复习和热身训练。 【点评】图文转换题是一种综合性、技巧性强,具有创新特色的新题型,要求考生根据图或表中的有关内容,分析有关材料,辨别或挖掘某些隐含的信息,对材料进行综合性评价或推断。解答此题时,一要观察清楚图表上的内容,二要读清楚题目的要求。这类题目解答时用语一定要简洁、连贯、准确。 2.阅读下面这幅华君武先生的漫画,然后说明画面内容并概括其寓意。

【答案】内容:画中的人全身缠裹着,腰间捆着带子,只露出一张脸。画面上写有画中人的独白:“永不走路,永不摔跤,永处襁褓。” 寓意:该画面讽刺了那种因惧怕失败、磨难和犯错误而自我保护起来,不再敢去进取和奋斗的人,批判了现实生活中逃避主义和“不作为”行为。 【解析】【分析】这是一道图文转换的题目,图文转化的题目主要有解析徽标、解说题片、描述图片、分析统计图表和漫画等,此题属于分析漫画,分析漫画的题目主要有概括画面的内容,分析漫画的寓意,给漫画添加标题和解说词等题目,答题时首先立足于漫画的内容,注意按一定的顺序概括,然后注意漫画的劝诫意义,劝诫意义要从漫画夸张的手法中获取。 故答案为:内容:画中的人全身缠裹着,腰间捆着带子,只露出一张脸。画面上写有画中人的独白:“永不走路,永不摔跤,永处襁褓。” 寓意:该画面讽刺了那种因惧怕失败、磨难和犯错误而自我保护起来,不再敢去进取和奋斗的人,批判了现实生活中逃避主义和“不作为”行为。 【点评】本题考查图文转换,要分析构图要素,结合文字说明,理解漫画的寓意。 3.下面是关于大学毕业生的基本去向示意图,请有条理地进行概括,要求内容简明,表述准确,条理清晰,不超过100字。 【答案】大学毕业生的基本去向主要有三种:一种是直接走上工作岗位,可以选择工作就业和自主创业两种方式;一种是延缓就业,可以选择考研究生或参军入伍;还有一种就是不找工作,在家闲置成为啃老族。 【解析】【分析】此题根据题干可知是“关于大学毕业生的基本去向示意图”,答题时注意搞清图表的要素之间的关系。从示意图整体来分析,大学毕业生的去向主要有三种,一是“工作就业”“自主创业”;二是“考研究生”“参军入伍”;三是“成啃老族”。用概括性的语言,适当增补字词以便衔接连贯,准确表述即可。 故答案为:大学毕业生的基本去向主要有三种:一种是直接走上工作岗位,可以选择工作就业和自主创业两种方式;一种是延缓就业,可以选择考研究生或参军入伍;还有一种就是不找工作,在家闲置成为啃老族。 【点评】本题考查学生图文转换的能力。图文转换,要求考生将图表中的信息转换成语言


绝密★启封前试卷类型A 2017 年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(全国 1 卷)

英语 (考试时间: 120 分钟试卷满分:150分) 第一部分听力 (共两节,满分 30 分)略 第二部分阅读理解 (共两节,满分 40 分 ) 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A 、 B、 C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Pacific Science Center Guide ◆Visit Pacific Science Center ’s Store Don’ t forget to stop by Pacific Science Center’ s Store while you are here to pick up a wonderful science activity or remember your visit. The store is located(位于 ) upstairs in Building 3 right next to the Laster Dome. ◆Hungry Our exhibits will feed your mind but what about your body? Our caf offers aécomplete menu of lunch and snack options, in addition to seasonal specials. The caf is located upstairs in Building 1 and is open daily until one hour before Pacific Science Center closes. ◆Rental Information Lockers are available to store any belongings during your visit. The lockers are located in Building 1 near the Information Desk and in Building 3. Pushchairs and wheelchairs are available to rent at the Information Desk and Denny Way entrance. ID required. ◆S upport Pacific Science Center Since 1962 Pacific Science Center has been inspiring a passion(热情) for discovery and lifelong learning in science, math and technology. Today Pacific Science Center serves more than 1.3 million people a year and beings inquiry-based science education to classrooms and community events all over Washington State. It an amazing accomplishment and one we connot achieve without generous support


高考语文图文转换试题(附答案) 一、高中语文图文转换 1.下面这幅漫画反映了怎样的现象?对此,你有何看法?要求语意简明,句子通顺,不超过80个字。 【答案】现象:名目繁多且缺乏传统文化内涵的“臆造节日”异军突起,掩盖了传统节日。看法1:传统节日被商业化的“新节”淡化,亟需“抢救”。 看法2:节日也需要创新,不必一味严肃,新节日带来新快乐。 【解析】【分析】画面显示的是一个年轻人记得的节日:“5·17”谐音“我要吃”,名为“吃货节”;“5·18”谐音“吾要发”,名为“理财节”;“8·8”名为“爸爸节”;“11·11” 里有四个阿拉伯数字“1”形似四根光滑的棍子,而光棍在中文有单身的意思,名为“光棍节”。但对于传统的节日“七夕节”却无印象。由此触发的应该是对传统节日的一些思考,传统节日被商业化的“新节”淡化,亟需“抢救”。节日也需要创新,不必一味严肃,新节日带来新快乐。 故答案为:现象:名目繁多且缺乏传统文化内涵的“臆造节日”异军突起,掩盖了传统节日。 看法1:传统节日被商业化的“新节”淡化,亟需“抢救”。 看法2:节日也需要创新,不必一味严肃,新节日带来新快乐。 【点评】此题考查图文转换的能力。这类题目解答时要认真看图,仔细观察,画面中的要素要全面把握,读懂图示的意思。答题时注意把这些转化为语言,表述时要注意条理清晰即可。这幅漫画由一个人和几个节日组成,这几个节日很明显不是中国传统节日,而是根据数字的谐音或形象臆造出来的,所以这幅漫画反映的是名目繁多且缺乏传统文化内涵的“臆造节日”异军突起,掩盖了传统节日。对这种现象的看法可以肯定,也可以否定,言之有理即可。 2.赵老师因为班上同学成绩不理想经常批评大家,结果适得其反。班长郝思同学看到下面流程图,认为可以借之给赵老师提出相关建议。请你以郝思的名义给赵老师写封短信,要求表达简明、连贯得体,正文不超过120字。


2019年高考试题汇编:解三角形 1.(2019?新课标Ⅰ)△ABC的内角A,B,C的对边分别为a,b,c.已知a sin A﹣b sin B=4c sin C,cos A=﹣,则=() A.6B.5C.4D.3 2.(2019?北京)如图,A,B是半径为2的圆周上的定点,P为圆周上的动点,∠APB是锐角,大小为β,图中阴影区域的面积的最大值为() A.4β+4cosβB.4β+4sinβC.2β+2cosβD.2β+2sinβ 3.(2019?新课标II)△ABC的内角A,B,C的对边分别为a,b,c.已知b sin A+a cos B=0,则B=. 4.(2019?浙江)在△ABC中,∠ABC=90°,AB=4,BC=3,点D在线段AC上,若∠BDC=45°,则BD=,cos∠ABD=. 5.(2019?新课标II)△ABC的内角A,B,C的对边分别为a,b,c.若b=6,a=2c,B =,则△ABC的面积为. 6.(2019?天津)在△ABC中,内角A,B,C所对的边分别为a,b,c.已知b+c=2a,3c sin B =4a sin C. (Ⅰ)求cos B的值; (Ⅱ)求sin(2B+)的值. 7.(2019?新课标Ⅰ)△ABC的内角A,B,C的对边分别为a,b,c.设(sin B﹣sin C)2=sin2A﹣sin B sin C. (1)求A; (2)若a+b=2c,求sin C. 8.(2019?江苏)在△ABC中,角A,B,C的对边分别为a,b,c. (1)若a=3c,b=,cos B=,求c的值; (2)若=,求sin(B+)的值. 9.(2019?北京)在△ABC中,a=3,b﹣c=2,cos B=﹣. (Ⅰ)求b,c的值;(Ⅱ)求sin(B﹣C)的值. 10.(2019?新课标Ⅲ)△ABC的内角A、B、C的对边分别为a,b,c.已知a sin=b sin A. (1)求B; (2)若△ABC为锐角三角形,且c=1,求△ABC面积的取值范围.


2017年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(全国卷1) 英语 (考试时间:120分钟试卷满分:150分) 注意事项: 1.本试卷由四个部分组成。其中,第一、二部分和第三部分の第一节为选择题。第三部分の第二节和第四部分为非选择题。 2.答卷前,考生务必将自己の姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 3.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目の答案标号涂黑;回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。 4.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟の时间将试卷上の答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给のA、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷の相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟の时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A. £ 19. 15. B. £ 9. 18. C. £ 9. 15. 答案是C。 1.What does the woman think of the movie? A.It’s amusing B.It’s exciting C.It’s disappointing 2.How will Susan spend most of her time in France? A. Traveling around B.Studying at a school C.Looking after her aunt 3.What are the speakers talking about? A. Going out B.Ordering drinks C.Preparing for a party 4.Where are the speakers? A.In a classroom B.In a library C.In a bookstore 5.What is the man going to do ?


2020-2021统编高考语文图文转换练习题(含答案) 一、高中语文图文转换 1.下面是高考改革后普通本科院校招生录取主要采取的“两依据、一参考”录取模式的构思框架,请把这个构思框架写成一段话,要求内容完整,表述准确,语音连贯,不超过100个字。 【答案】普通本科院校招生录取主要依靠考生统一高考成绩和参加合格性考试、等级性考试取得的学业水平测试成绩,同时参考考生思想品德、学业成就、身心健康、艺术素养和社会实践等方面的表现,择优录取。 【解析】【分析】本题是普通本科院校录取模式构思框架图,要从上向下看,先说“两依据”,即普通本科院校招生录取主要依靠考生统一高考成绩和参加合格性考试、等级性考试取得的学业水平测试成绩;再说“一参考”,即参考考生思想品德、学业成就、身心健康、艺术素养和社会实践等方面的表现;然后在这基础上择优录取。 故答案为:普通本科院校招生录取主要依靠考生统一高考成绩和参加合格性考试、等级性考试取得的学业水平测试成绩,同时参考考生思想品德、学业成就、身心健康、艺术素养和社会实践等方面的表现,择优录取。 【点评】本题考查的是图文转换的能力,注意阅读题干的要求。看清题目的要求,明确做题的方向,注意图文中的重点词、分层次等,要客观的概括图文的内容。 2.2018年12月18日,党中央、国务院决定,授予于敏等100名同志“改革先锋”称号,颁授改革先锋奖章。改革先锋奖章以“春华秋实”为设计主题。请写出该标志除文字以外的构图要素及其寓意。

【答案】构图要素主要是旗帜、丰碑、中国结。 寓意:迎风飘扬的旗帜诠释获奖者砥砺奋进、披荆斩棘、阔步前行的先锋精神,丰碑象征改革开放40年来所取得的辉煌成就,编织的中国结寓意全国人民携手并肩,众志成城,共同编织“中国梦”。 【解析】【分析】解答这类题目,先要明确图的类型,如本题提供的图是奖章,属于徽标类;然后分析题干的要求,如本题“写出该标志除文字以外的构图要素及其寓意”,这里包括两个问题,一是写成构图要素,二是写成寓意。先解答第一个问题,要写成构图要素,就要观察徽标,看徽标上除了文字之外还有哪些图形,这个改革先锋奖章主要由旗帜、丰碑、中国结,考生按照顺序把这些内容列举出来就可以了;再看第二个问题,要分析寓意,就要先明确这徽标使用的场合,再结合图形分析寓意就可以了,这个奖章是奖励在改革开放四十年中做出重大贡献的人,所以图中的丰碑应是象征了改革开放40年的丰硕成果;图上迎风飘扬的旗帜应是诠释这些获奖者的先锋精神;如上那紧密的中国结应是寓意全国人民齐心协力一起编织“中国梦”。 故答案为:构图要素主要是旗帜、丰碑、中国结。 寓意:迎风飘扬的旗帜诠释获奖者砥砺奋进、披荆斩棘、阔步前行的先锋精神,丰碑象征改革开放40年来所取得的辉煌成就,编织的中国结寓意全国人民携手并肩,众志成城,共同编织“中国梦”。 【点评】本题考查的是图文转换的能力,注意抓住图表中关键的内容。做此题,先要弄清图表的直观内容,推出图表深层次的内容;然后理出陈述的顺序和层次;再结合题目要求组织答案。 3.阅读下面《中国城市创新竞争力发展报告(2018)》中的图示,请你就天津的情况,从正反两个方面各概括出一条看法,要抓住图表信息,语言要简练。 中国城市创新竞争力一级、二级指标得分和排名情况 指标城市 一级指标二级指标 创新 竞争力 创新基础 竞争力 创新环境 竞争力 创新投入 竞争力 创新产出 竞争力 创新可持续发展竞争力排名得分排名得分排名得分排名得分排名得分排名得分 北京170.0282.4168.0182.6261.9154.9上海260.5188.5452.4356.1455.2250.5


2017高考真题解三角形汇编 1.(2017北京高考题)在△ABC 中,A ∠ =60°,c =37 a . (Ⅰ)求sin C 的值; (Ⅱ)若a =7,求△ABC 的面积. 2.(2017全国卷1理科)△ABC 的内角A ,B ,C 的对边分别为a ,b ,c ,已知△ ABC 的面积为2 3sin a A (1)求sin B sin C ; (2)若6cos B cos C =1,a =3,求△ABC 的周长. 3.(2017全国卷1文科)△ABC 的内角A 、B 、C 的对边分别为a 、b 、c 。已知 sin sin (sin cos )0B A C C +-=,a =2,c ,则C =B A .π 12 B .π6 C .π4 D .π3 4.(2016全国卷2理科)ABC ?的内角,,A B C 的对边分别为,,a b c ,已知 2 sin()8sin 2 B A C +=. (1)求cos B (2)若6a c += , ABC ?面积为2,求.b 5.(2017全国卷2文科16)△ABC 的内角A,B,C 的对边分别为a,b,c,若2b cosB=a cosC+c cosA,则B= 6.(2017全国卷3理科)△ABC 的内角A ,B ,C 的对边分别为a ,b ,c ,已知sin A cos A =0,a b =2. (1)求c ;(2)设D 为BC 边上一点,且AD ⊥ AC,求△ABD 的面积. 7.(2017全国卷3文科)△ABC 的内角A ,B ,C 的对边分别为a ,b ,c 。已知 C =60°,b c =3,则A =_________。 8.(2017山东高考题理科)在C ?AB 中,角A ,B ,C 的对边分别为a ,b ,c .若 C ?AB 为锐角三角形,且满足()sin 12cosC 2sin cosC cos sinC B +=A +A ,


2017年高考英语完形填空里的419个高频词,必须记住! 1. occasion 场合 2. situation 情况,处境 3. take over 接管 4. exchange 交换 5. command 命令 6. confirm 证实 7. cultivate 培养 8. prosperously 繁荣的 9. suspect 怀疑 10. relatively 相对的,比较的 11. acknowledge 承认,鸣谢 12. ambition 抱负,野心 13. quality 质量,品质 14. protection 保护 15. equally 平等地 16. promise 承诺 17. clearly 清楚地 18. grateful 感激的 19. remove 移开 20. force 强迫 21. apologize 道歉 22. terrible 可怕的,糟糕的 23. stubborn 固执的

24. actively 积极地,主动地 25. spiritual 精神的,心灵的 26. magical 魔力的 27. willingly 愿意地 28. strengthen 加强 29. image 形象 30. complexity 复杂 31. cautious 小心的 32. manage 管理,成功做成 33. prejudice 偏见 34. economic 经济的,合算的 35. academic 学术的 36. control 控制 37. adopt 收养,采取 38. consume 消费,消耗 39. unique 独一无二的 40. beneficial 有益的 41. varied 多变的,各种各样的 42. demanding 要求高的 43. appropriate 合理的 44. entertainment 娱乐 45. deliberately 故意地 46. purchase 购买 47. tough 艰难的 48. bright 明亮的 49. remain 留下,保持 50. terrify 使害怕 51. disappointing 令人失望的 52. formal 正式的 53. desire 愿望


绝密★启用前 2017年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 英语 (考试时间:120分钟试卷满分:150分) 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 3.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。 3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上,录音结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A.£ 19.15. B.£9.18. C.£9.15. 答案是C。 1.What will the woman do this afternoon? A.Do some exercise. B.Go shopping. C.Wash her clothes. 2.Why does the woman call the man? A .To cancel a flight. B.To make an apology. C.To put off a meeting. 3.How much more does David need for the car? A.$ 5,000. B.$20,000. C.$25,000. 4.What is Jane doing? A.Planning a tour. B.Calling her father. C.Asking for leave.
