小学英语 谜语_脑筋急转弯

小学英语 谜语_脑筋急转弯
小学英语 谜语_脑筋急转弯

1. What room has no walls, no doors, no windows, and no floors?

A mushroom.(蘑菇)

2. What is smaller than an insect's mouth?

Anything it eats.

3. What large instrument do you carry in your ears?

Drums, that is eardrums.(鼓膜)

4. What's too much for one, just right for two, but nothing at all for three?

A secret.

5. What person tried to make you smile most of the time?

A photographer.

6. What animal has a head like a cat, eyes like a cat, a tail like a cat, but isn't a cat?

A kitten.(小猫)

7. What surprising things happen every 24 hours?

Day breaks, but doesn't fall; night falls, but doesn't break.

8. What can hear you without ears and can answer you without a mouth?

An echo.(回声)

9. What do you know about the kings of France?

They are all dead.

10. What question can you never answer 'yes" to"

Are you asleep?

11. Why do some old people never use glasses?

They must prefer bottles to glasses.

12. Why is the person wearing two coats while painting the house?

Because the instructions on the paint can say "Put on two coats for best results."

13. What two words have thousands of letters in them?

Post office.

14. What do workers do in a clock factory?

They make faces all day.

15. What 5-letter word has 6 left when you take 2 letters away?


16. When do you go as fast as a racing car?

When you are in it.

17. How many sides does a house have?

Two - inside and outside.

18. What never asks any questions but always gets answers?

A doorbell.

19. Where did Columbus stand when he discovered America?

On his feet.

20. When the boy fell into the water, what's the first thing he did?

He got wet first of all.

21. Who isn't your sister and isn't your brother, but is still a child of your mother and father?

I myself.

22. What has teeth but cannot eat?

A comb.

23. What kind of man can raise things without lifting them?

A farmer.

24. Why does time fly?

To get away from all the people who are trying to kill it.

25. Name five days of the week without saying: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.

The day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow.

26. What animal eats and drinks with its tail?

All do. No animal takes off its tail when eating and drinking.

27. What has a soft bed but never sleeps, a big mouth but never speaks?

A river.

28. What kind of dog never bite?

A hot dog.

29. Why does the Statue of Liberty stand in New York Harbor?

Because it can't sit down.

30. What did one invisible man say to the other invisible man?

It's nice not to see you again.

31. What wears a cap but has no head?

A bottle.

32. What rises in the morning and waves all day?

A flag.

34. How can you tell clocks and watches are shy?

Because they always have their hands in front of their faces.

36. What comes after the letter "A"?

All the other letters.

37. What starts with a T, ends with a T, and is full of T?


38. What word can you make shorter by adding to it?


39. What person does every man take his hat off to?

A barber.

40. Why does the boy carry a ladder to the school?

Because he wants to go to high school.

41. What can you swallow that can also swallow you?


42. What's the difference between a hill and a pill?

A hill is hard to get up and a pill is hard to get down.

43. Why is it useless to send a letter to Washington?

Because he's dead.

44. A doctor and a lawyer loved the same girl. The lawyer went away for a week and gave the girl seven apples before he left. Why?

Because an apple a day keeps the doctor away.

45. What will you do if a man-eating tiger is running after you?

Nothing. Because I'm a woman.

46. What always travels on foot?

A shoe.

47. Where can happiness always be found?

In the dictionary.

48. What is higher without a head than with a head?

A pillow.(枕头)

49. Why don't you advertise for your lost dog?

He can't read.

50. On which side does a bird have the most feathers?

The outside.

51. What is the best thing to keep in hot weather?


52. What is never used until it's broken?

An egg.

53. What's a skeleton?(骨架)

It's a lot of bones without the person on them!

54. What is dark but made by light?

A shadow.

56. What stays indoors no matter how many times you put it out?

The light.

57. A policeman saw a truck driver going the wrong way down a one-way street, but didn't give him a ticket. Why?

Because the truck driver was walking.

58. Where can milk be best stored?

In a cow.

59. Which can move faster, heat or cold?

Heat, because you can catch cold easily.

60. What's the hardest thing about learning skating?

The ice.

61. What has cities with no houses, rivers without water and forests without trees?

A map.

62. What can be measured but has no length, width or thickness?

The temperature.

63. What makes the Tower of Pisa lean?

It never eats.

64. Why is writing called handwriting?

If people wrote with their feet, we would have to call it footwriting.

65. If there were only thre girls in the world, what do you think they would do?

Two of them would get together ans talk about the other one.

66. How many great men have been born in London?

None. Only babies.

67. When can you have an empty pocket and still have something in it?

When you have a hole in your pocket.

68. The greater it is, the less it can be seen. What is it?


69. The more you take away, the bigger I become. What am I?

A hole.

70. Who may marry many a wife and stay single all of his life?

A priest.(牧师)

1. What will you break once you say it? (什么东西一说出来就打破?)

Silence. (沉默)

2. Will liars be honest after they die? (骗子死了之后会诚实吗?)

No, they won’t. They lie still after they die。(不会,他们依旧撒谎。Lie still 躺着不动,依旧撒谎。)

3. What always goes up and never goes down? (什么东西只升不降?)

Your age. (你的年龄)

4. Why did the boy make his dog sit in the sun? (男孩为什么让他的狗坐在阳光下?)

He wants to have a hot dog. (他想要一条热狗。)

5. Why can a bride hide nothing?(为什么新娘子什么也藏不住?)

Because someone will give her away. (因为有人会揭发她。Give away 揭发,在婚礼上把新娘交给新郎)

6. Why is the library the highest building?(为什么图书馆是最高的建筑物?)

It has the most stories. (它的楼层最多。Story 故事,楼层)

7. What is the smallest bridge in the world? (世界上最小的桥梁是什么?)

The bridge of a nose. (鼻梁)

8. What is the difference between the North Pole and the South Pole? (北极与南极的区别是什么?)

A whole world. (整个世界。 a world of difference 天壤之别)

9. What makes naughty boys long to work in a clock factory? (淘气的男孩为什么想去钟表厂工作?)

They want to make faces. (make face 做鬼脸,做钟表面)

10. What bird lifts heavy things? (什么鸟能举起重物?)

Crane. (鹤。Crane鹤,举重机)

11. A ship can contain only fifty persons. Now there is alreadyforty-nine persons in it. At this time,a pregnant woman comes on andboards the ship. The shipsinks.Why?(有一艘船只能容纳50人,现在已有49人。这时一位孕妇上了船,船就沉了。为什么?)

Because is a pigbot. (那是潜水艇。pigbot,潜水艇)

14. What's the poorest bank in the world? (世界的最贫穷的银行是什么?)

The river bank。(河岸。)

15. What month do soldiers hate?(军人憎恨什么月?)



谜语168个 001★五个兄弟,住在一起,名字不同,高矮不齐。【答案】手指 002★一个黑孩,从不开口,要是开口,掉出舌头。【答案】瓜籽 003★人脱衣服,它穿衣服,人脱帽子,它戴帽子。【答案】衣帽架 004★屋子方方,有门没窗,屋外热烘,屋里冰霜。【答案】冰箱 005★两只小口袋,天天随身带,要是少一只,就把人笑坏。【答案】袜子006★弟兄七八个,围着柱子坐,只要一分开,衣服就扯破。【答案】蒜007★独木造高楼,没瓦没砖头,人在水下走,水在人上流。【答案】雨伞008★身穿大皮袄,野草吃个饱,过了严冬天,献出一身毛。【答案】绵009★一个小姑娘,生在水中央,身穿粉红衫,坐在绿船上。【答案】荷花010★颜色白如雪,身子硬如铁,一日洗三遍,夜晚柜中歇。【答案】碗011★有面没有口,有脚没有手,虽有四只脚,自己不会走。【答案】桌子012★白嫩小宝宝,洗澡吹泡泡,洗洗身体小,再洗不见了。【答案】香皂013★身穿绿衣裳,肚里水汪汪,生的子儿多,个个黑脸膛。【答案】西瓜014★不怕细菌小,有它能看到,化验需要它,科研不可少。【答案】显微镜 015★象只大蝎子,抱起似孩子,抓挠肚肠子,唱出好曲子。【答案】琵琶016★是笔不能画,和电是一家,要知有无电,可去请教它。【答案】测电笔 017★圆筒白浆糊,早晚挤一股,兄弟三十二,都说有好处。【答案】牙膏018★上不怕水,下不怕火;家家厨房,都有一个 (打一生活用品)。【答案】锅 019★一个老头,不跑不走;请他睡觉,他就摇头 (打一物)。【答案】不倒

翁 020★大姐用针不用线,二姐用线不用针,三姐点灯不干活,四姐做活不点灯。(打四种动物)【答案】蜜蜂,蜘蛛,萤火虫,纺织娘 021★驼背公公,力大无穷;爱驮什么车水马龙(打一物)。【答案】桥 022★头戴红帽子,身披五彩衣,从来不唱戏,喜欢吊嗓子(打一动物)。【答案】公鸡 023★先修十字街,在修月花台,身子不用动,口粮自动来(打一动物)。【答案】蜘蛛 024★有头没有颈,身上冷冰冰,有翅不能飞,无脚也能行(打一动物)。【答案】鱼 025★身披花棉袄,唱歌呱呱叫,田里捉害虫,丰收立功劳(打一动物)。【答案】青蛙 026★大姐长的真漂亮,身穿桔红花衣裳。七颗黑星上面镶,爱吃蚜虫饱肚肠。二妹最爱嗡嗡唱,百花园里忙又忙。后腿携带花粉筐,装满食品喂儿郎。三姐身披黄衣裳,腰儿细来腿儿长。飞到田间捉害虫,尾巴毒针塞刀枪。 (打三益虫) 。【答案】瓢虫,蜜蜂,黄蜂(马蜂) 027★头小颈长四脚短,硬壳壳里把身安,别看胆小又怕事,要论寿命大无边。(打一动物)。【答案】龟 028★一物长来真奇怪,肚皮下面长口袋,孩子袋里吃和睡,跑得不快跳得快。(打一动物)。【答案】袋鼠 029★耳朵像蒲扇,身子像小山,鼻子长又长,帮人把活干。 (打一动物)。【答案】大象 030★八只脚,抬面鼓,两把剪刀鼓前舞,生来横行又霸道,嘴里常把泡沫


[xx 英语脑筋急转弯] 1, Which two words contain thousands of letters? Post office 2, What kind of dog does not bite or bark? A hot dog 3, Why do people go to bed? Because the bed won ' t cometous. 4, What year is the best year for a kangaroo? Leap year 5, W hyisSundayisthestrongestdayinaweek?Becausetherestofthedaysareweakday s. 6, What will break once you say it? Silence 7, What fruit is never found singly? Pear 8, What clothing is always sad? Blue jeans 9, What is heavier in summer than in winter? The traffic to the beach10, Whenare people smartest? When it ' s sunny, everything is brighter11, How many legs dohorses have? Six. Forelegs in the front, two in the back12,What ' s the bankinthe world? The river bank 13, Who is closer to you, your mom or your dad? Mom. Because dadisfarther.14, What is the smallest room in the world? A mushroom 15, What has nothing but a head and a tail? A coin. Hea(d 正面)tail (反面) 16, What kind of water should people drink in order to be healthy? Drink well water. 17, Why is 10 x 10=1000 like your left eye? Because it ' s not right. 18, What do you still keep after giving it to someone else? Your word19, Takeaway my first letter, take away my second letter, take away all myletters,and I remainthe same, what am I? a postman 20, What king belongs to a student? A ruler 21, How long is a shoe? A little more than a foot long. 22, What is black and white and red (read) all over? Newspaper


英语谜语大全 1.What month do soldiers hate? 2.How many feet are there in a yard? 3.Why is an empty purse always the same? 4.What book has the most stirring chapters? 5.What kind of dog doesn't bite or bark? 6.What is the smallest room in the world? 7.What kind of water should people drink in order to be healthy? 8.How do we know the ocean is friendly? 9.Which can move faster, heat or cold? 10.Why is the library the highest building? What month do soldiers hate? March (三月,行军) How many feet are there in a yard? It depends on how many people stand in the yard. (码,院子) Why is an empty purse always the same? There is no change in it. (零钱,变化) What book has the most stirring chapters? A cook book. (动人的,搅拌的) What kind of dog doesn't bite or bark? Hot dog. (热狗) What is the smallest room in the world?


小学六年级脑筋急转弯(活跃课堂气氛) 1. 透明的剑是什么剑?谜底:看不见(剑) 2.小明的肚子明明是已经胀得受不了,为什么他还要不停的猛喝水?答案:不会游泳呗 3. 为什么大部分佛教徒都住在北半球?答案:南无阿弥陀佛 4. 为什么暑假一定比寒假长?答案:热胀冷缩 5. 一条小河中有20多只青蛙在游泳,只有一只青蛙穿了裤衩,请问为什么?答案:因为穿裤衩的青蛙是搓澡的 6.为什么大三的女生都很富有啊?答:女大三抱金砖 7. 世界最长的车是什么车?答案:是堵车。 8. 锦蛇,蟒蛇,青竹丝,哪种最长?答案:青竹丝其他两种都只有两个字只有它有三个字当然是最长的喽 9. 芳芳在学校门口将学生证掉了,它该怎么办?谜底:捡起来 10. 流行于大学里的30个脑筋急转弯1.为什么大三的女生都很富有啊?2.某女体臭无人能忍,故虽貌如西施却无人敢追。然一日路经教堂,伤感之下入之祈祷。片刻一物坠地,乃一长钉!问,何故? 3.一条小河中有20多只青蛙在游泳,只有一只青蛙穿了裤衩,请问为什么? 4.火星人 11. 什么花走着开?谜底:浪花 12. 没有尾巴的熊是无尾熊,没有鸡鸡的熊是什么熊?答案:母熊 13. 有一个绿豆觉得郁闷,就从100层楼上跳了下来,结果变成了红豆,知道为什么吗? 答案:因为他流血了 14. 1.提问:铅笔姓什么?回答:萧。原因:削(萧)铅笔。2.提问:猩猩最讨厌什么线?回答:平行线。原因:平行线没有相交(香蕉)。3.提问:橡皮、老虎皮、狮子皮哪一个最不好?回答:橡皮。原因:橡皮擦(橡皮差)。4.提问:布和纸怕什么?回答:布怕一万,纸怕万一。 15.1.监狱里关着两名犯人,一天晚上犯人全都逃跑了,可是第二天看守员打开牢门一看,里面还有一个犯人?? 2.有两个棋友他们在同一天中一共下了9盘棋,结果在没有和局的情况下他俩赢的次数相同,这是怎么一回事?? 3.为什么警察对闯红灯的汽车司机视而不见?? 谜底:1、逃跑 16. 一只狗总不洗洗澡,为什么不生虱子(脑筋急转弯)答案:因为狗只会生小狗 17. 大明的英语非常好,可是有些老外却听不懂,为什么?答案:老外不懂英语(并不是所有老外都说英语的) 18. 明月生于何处?(脑筋急转弯)谜底:海上,因为海上升明月! 19. 人的祖先是谁?谜底:是花生因为花生仁~~~ 20. 什么书你不可能在书店里买到? 谜底:秘书 21. 小猫、小狗、小鸡谁最先被叫起来背书?谜底:小狗因为汪汪仙贝(先背) 22. 爷爷、爸爸、弟弟谁听了妈妈的话会流眼泪?()谜底:爷爷因为夜夜想起妈妈的话,闪闪的泪光....... 23. 一个人被老虎穷追不舍,突然前面有一条大河,他不会游泳,但他却过去了,为什么?(谜底:河里没有水 24. 什么东西越洗越脏?谜底:水 25. 怎样使麻雀安静下来?谜底:压它一下。原因:鸦雀无声(压雀无声)。 26. 为什么青蛙可以跳得比树高?(脑筋急转弯)谜底:因为树不会跳 27 .黑鸡厉害还是白鸡厉害?谜底:黑鸡,因为能下白蛋(白鸡,不能下黑蛋) 28. 睡美人最怕的是什么?(脑筋急转弯)谜底:失眠 29. 动物园中,大象鼻子最长,鼻子第二长的是什么?(脑筋急转弯)谜底:小象 30. 冰变成水最快的方法是什么? (脑筋急转弯)谜底:去掉冰的两点水 31. 什么东西天气越热,它爬的越高?(脑筋急转弯)谜底:温度计


有趣的小学英语脑筋急转弯 英语脑筋急转弯其实就是一种游戏,一些青少年儿童尤其喜欢玩这种游戏。它不仅能丰富人们的文化生活,还能提高智力呢。下面学习啦小编为大家揭晓答案,希望大家喜欢。 趣味英语脑筋急转弯 1.W h e n c a n y o u g e t w a t e r w i t h a n e t? 什么时候可以用网兜装水? 答: W h e n w a t e r i s t u r n e d i n t o i c e. 当水结成冰时。 2 .W h y i s t h e p i g a l w a y s e a t i n g? 猪为什么没完没了地吃? 答: H e s m a k i n g a h o g o f h i m s e l f. 它想成为一只肉猪。 3 .W h a t s t h e l o n g e s t w o r d i n t h e w o r l d? 世界上最长的单词是什么? 答: S m i l e s. B e c a u s e t h e r e s a m i l e b e t w e e n t h e l e t t e r s. 微笑。因为两个字母S中间隔了一里。

4 .W h a t q u e s t i o n i s t h a t t o w h i c h y o u m u s t a l w a y s a n s w e r y e s? 什么问题你只能回答y e s? 答: W h a t d o e s y-e-s s p e l l? 当别人问你y e s怎么拼。 5 . W h e r e w e r e y o u w h e n t h e p o w e r w a s c u t o f f? 当停电的时候你在哪? 答: I n t h e d a r k n e s s. 在黑暗中。 6.W i l l l i a r s b e h o n e s t a f t e r t h e y d i e?(骗子死了之后会诚实吗?) N o, t h e y w o n t。 T h e y l i e s t i l l a f t e r t h e y d i e。(不会,他们依旧撒谎。L i e s t i l l躺着不动,依旧撒谎。) 7. W h a t a l w a y s g o e s u p a n d n e v e r g o e s d o w n? (什么东西只升不降?) Y o u r a g e。 (你的年龄) 8.W h y i s t h e l i b r a r y t h e h i g h e s t b u i l d i n g?(为什么图书馆是最高的建筑物?) I t h a s t h e m o s t s t o r i e s。 (它的楼层最多。S t o r y 故事,楼层)


51个简单的适合小学生的英语谜语及答案: RIDDLES 1. What is clean when it is black and dirty when it is white 2. What has a round face and two thin hands, one hand short, one hand long 3. What is big and bright during the day and we can’t see it at night 4. I am small. I can fly. I like singing in the sky. What am I 5. Which letter is a drink 6. Which letter is around an island 7. Which letter is an animal 8. Which letter is a kind of vegetable 9. Which is the longest English word Why 10. Which letter is a question 11. Which letter is a part of your face 12. I am very big and heavy. I have a long nose and big ears. What am I 13. I am the tallest animal in the world. What am I 14. I live in the sea. I am the biggest animal in the sea. What am I 15. What do you call your fa ther’s father’s only son 16. What is the biggest ant in the world 17. What is in the middle of the world 18. What do you call your father-in-law's only child's mother-in-law 19. What is the smallest room in the world 20. Teachers write on me with chalk. I can’t talk. What am I 21. You have it. You read it. There are some words and pictures on it. What is it 22. Sometimes it looks like a boat. Sometimes it looks like a small white sun. What is it 23. You throw away the outside and cook the inside. Then you eat the outside and throw away the inside. What did you eat 24. What goes around the world but stays in a corner 25. Give me food, and I will live; give me water, and I will die. What am I can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps 27. I fly, but I have no wings. I cry, but I have no eyes. 28. How many letters are in the alphabet 29. I am always with you. Sometimes behind you, sometimes before you, sometimes by your side, but you can’t see m e in the dark. 30. What table is in the field 31. What table can tell you what to do changes a pear into a pearl 33. What letter makes a road broad 34. When do 2 and 2 make more than 4 35. I have cities but no houses, forests but no trees, rivers without water. What am I


爱吹牛皮 飞机上弹琵琶---高调 上嘴皮挨天,下嘴皮贴地---好大的口木屐脱了底---尽牛皮 水桶当喇叭---大吹 风钻进鼓里---吹牛皮 公鸡飞到屋顶上---唱高调 皮坊老板---吹牛皮大王 吹牛皮不犯死罪---大话由你说 背着唢呐坐飞机---吹上天了 钱铺子的幌子---好大的调儿 麻雀子下鹅蛋---讲大话 鼓上安电扇---吹牛皮 爱好表现 一脚登上泰山---蹦得高 口袋里装满锥子---爱露尖 半瓶子醋---晃荡得很 头上安电风扇---大出风头 打破脑壳不叫痛---死称好汉 打足了气的皮球---爱蹦 打粉进棺材---死要面子 打肿脸---充胖子 布袋里兜菱角---尖的出头 石板上炒豆子---熟了就蹦 阴沟里洗手---假爱清洁 吃家饭屙野屎---只顾外头 光腿穿大衫---光讲阔气不讲丑 红漆粪缸板---臭讲究 厕所门口挂绣球---臭美 狗长了角---羊(洋)气 烂茅屋上挂绣球---假漂亮 虾子得意---爱蹦 袖筒里伸出一只脚---夸大手 胸前挂板---好大的牌子 聋子的耳朵---摆样子 搽粉上吊---死要面子 演员化妆---涂脂抹粉 爱情 一天下了三次雨----少晴(情) 大姑娘瞧嫁妆----有日子的人了 下雨天出太阳----假晴(情)

六月芥菜----假有心 木偶跳舞----自有牵线人 东边日出西边雨----说他无晴(情)也有晴(情) 司马遇文君---- 一见钟情 叶公好龙----假爱 电影里面谈恋爱----假情假意 刘海拉着孟姜女----有哭有笑 有盐同咸,无盐同淡----待你还不好啊 有福同享,有祸同当---生死在一起 百里挑一---美人儿 戏台上结婚---不是真夫妻 向着太阳的花---爱情(晴) 好花插在牛屎上---不相配 快刀砍西瓜---两分开 快刀砍水---难分开 杨宗保招亲---又喜又惊 陈世美当驸马---喜新厌旧 门板上的神---定成对 画上的美女---不嫁人的 雨后送伞---不领你的情 姐儿俩害相思---患的是一样的病 姑娘当大媒---自己作保 姑娘嫁太监---死也不去 挑水娶了个卖菜的---人对桶也对 哑巴恋爱---靠做手势 盼望太阳的姑娘---想晴(情)人 看戏流眼泪---有情人 莲蓬梗打人---丝尽(私情)断 贾宝玉结婚---不是心上人 鸳鸯戏水---双双下 捉对的蚕蛾---死也不放 黄鹰抓鹞子---两个人都扣了环了 棒打鸳鸯---两分开 隔墙看美女---爱不得她 媚眼做给瞎子看---不领你的情 壁上挂的美人---你爱她,她不爱你 办法很多 二齿钉耙---有两下子 六个指头搔痒---多一条道道 心眼像蜂窝---窍门多 天师过河不用船---自有法渡(度) 牙刷脱了毛---有板有眼


[六年级英语脑筋急转弯分享]六年级脑筋急转弯 分享一个小孩学英语很好的脑筋急转弯,有助于小孩子提高学习兴趣。下面为大家了六年级英语脑筋急转弯,欢迎大家阅读。 1.When can you go as fast as a racing car (什么时候你能像跑车一样快 )回答是:When you're in it.(当 你坐在跑车里的时候.) 2.Where does afternoon e before morning in the world (世 界上哪个地方下午比早上先到 ) 回答是:In the dictionary(在字典里). 正如我们中国很多脑筋急转弯题目是在谐音上做文章一样,英语脑 筋急转弯也广泛采用了谐音(homonyms)和双关(puns),问此而答彼,

导致诙谐的效果.做这样的题目,需要对英语中的一词多义或一语双关 比较熟悉;也就是说,做这类题目,你还会增加更多的语言知识.让我 们再看两例: 1.What stays hot even if put in a fridge (什么东西就是放在冰 箱里也是热的 )回答是:Pepper(辣椒). 2.Which side is the left side of a pie (哪边是馅饼的左边) 回答是: The side that is not eaten,yet.(还没有吃的那一边). 为什么这样回答已经会心微笑的读者朋友会告诉还是一脸迷悯的

读者:①hot有两个意思:热的;辣的.用第二个意思去理解原题,答案 自然是pepper(辣椒)了;②the left side of a pie有两层意思:饼 的左边;饼剩下没吃的那一边.问题和回答也是利用了这两种截然不同 的意思. Questions: 1.Who is closer to you, your mom or your dad 爸爸和妈妈谁和你更亲 2.Can you go to the Cinema With your watch broken 你手表坏了,可以去看电影吗 3.Why is the et like Micky Mouse



1.What is the poorest bank in the world? 2.What clothing is always sad? 3.When do 2 and 2 make more than 4? 4.What table is in the field? 5.What has three hands but only one face? 6.What travels around the earth without using any fuel? 7.What is the smallest room in the world? 8.What is visible only in winter time? 9.What goes up and never comes down? 10.How many months have 28 days? 参考答案: 1. The river bank 2. Blue jeans (blue有“忧郁”之意) 3. When they make 22 4. Vegetable (蔬菜长在地里的) 5. The clock (钟表有时针、分针和秒针--三只手) 6. Moon 7. Mushroom 8. Your breath (只有冬天能看到自己呼出的气) 9. Age (年龄是只增不减的) 10. 12 (每个月都有28天)

1.What month do soldiers hate? --March (三月,行军) 2.How many feet are there in a yard? --It depends on how many people stand in the yard. (码,院子) 3.Why is an empty purse always the same? --There is no change in it. (零钱,变化) 4.What book has the most stirring chapters? --A cook book. (动人的,搅拌的) 5.What kind of dog doesn't bite or bark? --Hot dog. (热狗) 6.What is the smallest room in the world? --Mushroom. (蘑菇) 7.What kind of water should people drink in order to be healthy? --Drink well water. (井水,健康的) 8.How do we know the ocean is friendly? --It waves. (起波浪,招手致意) 9.Which can move faster, heat or cold? --Heat, because you can catch cold. (追上冷,患感冒)


小学生脑筋急转弯 1. 透明的剑是什么剑?谜底:看不见(剑) 2.小明的肚子明明是已经胀得受不了,为什么他还要不停的猛喝水?答案:不会游泳呗 3. 为什么大部分佛教徒都住在北半球?答案:南无阿弥陀佛 4. 为什么暑假一定比寒假长?答案:热胀冷缩 5. 一条小河中有20多只青蛙在游泳,只有一只青蛙穿了裤衩,请问为什么?答案:因为穿裤衩的青蛙是搓澡的 6.为什么大三的女生都很富有啊?答:女大三抱金砖 7. 世界最长的车是什么车?答案:是堵车。 8. 锦蛇,蟒蛇,青竹丝,哪种最长?答案:青竹丝其他两种都只有两个字只有它有三个字当然是最长的喽 9. 芳芳在学校门口将学生证掉了,它该怎么办?谜底:捡起来 10. 流行于大学里的30个脑筋急转弯1.为什么大三的女生都很富有啊?2.某女体臭无人能忍,故虽貌如西施却无人敢追。然一日路经教堂,伤感之下入之祈祷。片刻一物坠地,乃一长钉!问,何故? 3.一条小河中有20多只青蛙在游泳,只有一只青蛙穿了裤衩,请问为什么? 4.火星人 11. 什么花走着开?谜底:浪花 12. 没有尾巴的熊是无尾熊,没有鸡鸡的熊是什么熊?答案:母熊 13. 有一个绿豆觉得郁闷,就从100层楼上跳了下来,结果变成了红豆,知道为什么吗? 答案:因为他流血了 14. 1.提问:铅笔姓什么?回答:萧。原因:削(萧)铅笔。2.提问:猩猩最讨厌什么线?回答:平行线。原因:平行线没有相交(香蕉)。 3.提问:橡皮、老虎皮、狮子皮哪一个最不好?回答:橡皮。原因:橡皮擦(橡皮差)。4.提问:布和纸怕什么?回答:布怕一万,纸怕万一。 15.1.监狱里关着两名犯人,一天晚上犯人全都逃跑了,可是第二天看守员打开牢门一看,里面还有一个犯人?? 2.有两个棋友他们在同一天中一共下了9盘棋,结果在没有和局的情况下他俩赢的次数相同,这是怎么一回事?? 3.为什么警察对闯红灯的汽车司机视而不见?? 谜底:1、逃跑 16. 一只狗总不洗洗澡,为什么不生虱子(脑筋急转弯)答案:因为狗只会生小狗 17. 大明的英语非常好,可是有些老外却听不懂,为什么?答案:老外不懂英语(并不是所有老外都说英语的) 18. 明月生于何处?(脑筋急转弯)谜底:海上,因为海上升明月! 19. 人的祖先是谁?谜底:是花生因为花生仁~~~ 20. 什么书你不可能在书店里买到? 谜底:秘书 21. 小猫、小狗、小鸡谁最先被叫起来背书?谜底:小狗因为汪汪仙贝(先背) 22. 爷爷、爸爸、弟弟谁听了妈妈的话会流眼泪?()谜底:爷爷因为夜夜想起妈妈的话,闪闪的泪光....... 23. 一个人被老虎穷追不舍,突然前面有一条大河,他不会游泳,但他却过去了,为什么?(谜底:河里没有水 24. 什么东西越洗越脏?谜底:水 25. 怎样使麻雀安静下来?谜底:压它一下。原因:鸦雀无声(压雀无声)。 26. 为什么青蛙可以跳得比树高?(脑筋急转弯)谜底:因为树不会跳 27 .黑鸡厉害还是白鸡厉害?谜底:黑鸡,因为能下白蛋(白鸡,不能下黑蛋) 28. 睡美人最怕的是什么?(脑筋急转弯)谜底:失眠 29. 动物园中,大象鼻子最长,鼻子第二长的是什么?(脑筋急转弯)谜底:小象 30. 冰变成水最快的方法是什么? (脑筋急转弯)谜底:去掉冰的两点水 31. 什么东西天气越热,它爬的越高?(脑筋急转弯)谜底:温度计 32. 有一只小白猫掉进河里了,一只小黑猫把它救了上来,请问:小白猫上岸后的第一句话是什么?谜底:喵~ 33. 是太阳叫公鸡起床还是公鸡叫太阳起床?(脑筋急转弯)谜底:是公鸡,因为太阳不会叫。 34. 五成熟的牛排碰到八成熟的牛排,它们为什么不打招呼?(脑筋急转弯)谜底:因为他们不熟 35. 有两个人到海边去玩,突然有一个人被一阵浪卷走了,被卷走的人叫小明,剩下的那个人叫什么?谜底:叫救命 36. 农夫养了10头牛,为什么只有19只角?(脑筋急转弯)谜底:因为有一只是犀牛 37. 太平洋中间是什么啊?(脑筋急转弯)谜底:平字


适合二年级的脑筋急转弯及答案 1.要把大象装冰箱里总共分几部答案:三步:开门,装大象,关门 2.如果你有一双翅膀你会做什么答案:赶紧上医院 3.一头熊从远处走来打一成语。答案:有备而来(熊英语bear) 4.什么东西比乌鸦更讨厌答案:乌鸦嘴 5.公主结婚以后就不挂蚊帐了,为什么答案:她嫁给了青蛙王子 6.伴君如伴虎(打一动物)答案:恐龙 7.有人说吃鱼可避免患近视眼,为什么答案:因为没见过猫戴眼镜啊 8.一只鸟在地球上飞行二十公里需要一个小时,问这只鸟在月球上飞行同样的距离需要多长时间答案:月球上没有空气,在月球上那只鸟就活不成了 9.动物园内,大象鼻子最长,那第二长的是什么答案:小象 10.怎样使麻雀安静下来答案:压它(鸦雀无声) 11.什么东西比细菌还小答案:细菌的儿子 12.谁敢站在老虎头上答案:虱子 13.黑鸡厉害还是白鸡厉害为什么答案:黑鸡,因为黑鸡能下白蛋,白鸡下不出黑蛋吧 14.十只羊,九只蹲在羊圈里,一只蹲在猪圈里。(打一成语)答案:抑扬顿挫(一羊蹲错) 15.梁山伯和祝英台变成了一对比翼双飞的蝴蝶之后怎样了答案:生下一堆毛毛虫

16.城门失火(猜一动物)答案:热带鱼 17.为什么两只老虎打架,非要拼个你死我活绝不罢休答案:因为没人敢劝架什么情况下,一山能容二虎答案:一公一母大象的左耳朵像什么答案:右耳朵什么海里没鱼答案:辞海 18.袋鼠与猴子比赛跳高。为什么还没开始跳,袋鼠就输了答案:袋鼠双脚起跳,犯规了 19.有头猪,为了减肥,每天早上起来跑步。有一天它跑得很快,这时前面有一棵树,它也看到了,可它还是撞到树上给撞死了。你知道这是怎么回事吗答案:因为猪不会急转弯 20.一只小白+一只小白=答案:小白兔 21.麒麟飞到北极变什么啊答案:冰激凌 22.世界上什么鸡跑的快答案:肯德鸡块 23.世界上什么鸡跑的慢答案:妮可基曼 24.狗咬狗(猜成语)答案:犬牙交错 25.一个人被老虎穷追不舍,突然前面有一条大河,他不会游泳,但他却过去了,为什么答案:晕过去的 26.狮子和猎豹在草原上实行百米赛跑,如果从同一起点起跑,狮子跑到一百米终点时,猎豹只跑到90米,现在让狮子从起点退后10米起跑,那么它们谁先到达终点呢答案:狮子 27.一个猎人有一杆猎枪只能打一米远,一只兔子离他一百米为什么被他一枪打死了答案:枪长99米 28.熊猫的两个愿望是什么呢答案:照张彩色的相片和去掉黑眼圈 29.为什么好马不吃回头草答案:因为后面的吃光了


关于动物的谜语: 1.一个小姑娘,坐在水中央,穿着粉红袄,模样真漂亮。(打一植物)【谜底】荷花 2.身上一身毛,头上两个角,火气真不小,还会哞哞叫。(打一动物)【谜底】牛 3.小小售货员,肩上不挑担,背上背着针,满地到处串。(打一动物)【谜底】刺猬 4. 小小姑娘黑又黑,秋天走了春天回,带着一把小剪刀,半天空里飞呀飞。(打一动物)【谜底】燕子 5.没有脚,没有手,背上房子到处走,有谁把它碰一碰,赶紧躲进房里头。(打一动物)【谜底】蜗牛 6.驼背老公公,胡子毛烘烘,热火锅里去洗澡,青袍换成大给红袍。(打一动物)【谜底】虾 7.尖尖牙齿,大盆嘴,短短腿儿长长尾,捕捉食物流眼泪,人人知它假慈悲。(一动物)【谜底】鳄鱼 8.样子像吊塔,身上布满花,跑路速度快,可惜是哑巴。(打一动物)【谜底】长颈鹿 字谜: 1.池里不见水,地上不见泥。(也) 2.半个月亮。(胖) 3.一只狗,两个口,谁遇它,谁发愁(哭) 4.人人都走横道线(丛) 5.一人(大) 6.一字十三点,难在如何点(汁) 7.上下难分(卡) 8.多一半(夕) 9.草上飞(早) 10.挥手告别(军) 脑筋急转弯: 1.黄瓜、冬瓜、西瓜、南瓜都能吃,什么瓜不能吃?(傻瓜) 2.盆里有6个馒头,6个小朋友每人拿了一个,为什么盆里还有一个?(因为最后一个小朋友连盆一起拿了) 3.什么方法可以把水最快地变成冰?(把“水”前面加上两点水,就成了“冰”) 4.冬天宝宝怕冷,即使在屋里也戴着帽子,可是见到一个人后就乖乖地摘下了,为啥?(因为这人是理发师) 5.老王一天要刮一百次脸,可脸上还是有胡子,为啥?(因为老王是理发师) 6.小明在家里和谁长得最像?(镜中的小明) 7.鸡蛋壳有什么用处?(包裹鸡蛋清和鸡蛋黄了)


小学英语智力题 1. What has two legs but can’t walk? 2. What kind of dog never bite? 3. What number gets bigger when you turn it upside down? 4. What is pronounced like one letter, written with three letters, and belongs to all the animals? 5. What has four eyes but cannot see? 6. What do vampires do at midnight? 7. What can you catch but cannot throw? 8. What is deaf and dumb but always tells the truth? 9. What did one penny say to the other? 10. What has a tongue but cannot talk? 11. What has ears but cannot hear? 12. What has teeth but cannot eat? 13. What is yours but is used by others more than by yourself? 14. What goes through a door but never comes in or goes out? 15. What runs all around the ground but never moves? 16. What can go through water but never get wet? 17. What kind of leaves doesn’t fall in Autumn? 18. What kind of house weights least? 19. What kinds of keys are too large for your pocket? 20. Where do ghost like to swim? 21. Why did the pickle close its eyes? 22. What has arms but can't hug? 23. What has a face but no head? 24. What has fingers but can't type? 25. What has a head and a foot but no body? 26. What has a mouth but never smiles? 27. Which month has 28 days? 28. With which hand do you write? 29. What animal can jump as high as a tree? 30. What falls often but never gets hurt?


小学生的搞笑脑筋急转弯大全及答案_ 脑筋急转弯不仅能够突破固定思维模式,让孩子们转变思考方式,开发他们的超常思维能力,锻炼机智灵敏的大脑,还是日常娱乐爆笑必备。以下是为大家准备的小学生的搞笑脑筋急转弯及答案,希望大家喜欢! 小学生的搞笑脑筋急转弯及答案【经典篇】1. 又一只狼从羊身旁经过,还没有吃羊。(打一海产品)海虾(还瞎) 2. 第三只狼经过,羊冲浪大叫,狼还是没有吃羊。(还打一海产品)龙虾(聋瞎) 3. 一颗心值多少钱?答案:亿.因为一心一意嘛! 4. 台风天气要带多少钱才能出门?答案:四千万.因为台风天气没"事千万"不要出门. 5. 要考试了,不能看什么书?答案:百科全书(百科全输). 6. 如果明天就是世界末日,为什么今天就有人想自杀?答案:去天堂占位置 7. 提问:布和纸怕什么?回答:布怕一万,纸怕万一。原因:不(布)怕一万,只(纸)怕万一。 8. 提问:铅笔姓什么?回答:萧原因:削(萧)铅笔。 9. 提问:麒麟到了北极会变成什么?回答:冰淇凌。原因:冰淇凌(冰麒麟)。

10. 提问:从到哪个数字最勤劳,哪个数字最懒惰?回答:懒惰;勤劳。原因:一()不做二()不休。 11. 提问:怎样使麻雀安静下来?回答:压它一下。原因:鸦雀无声(压雀无声)。 12. 提问:历史上哪个人跑的最快?回答:曹操。原因:说曹操曹操到 13. 提问:-哪个数字比熊的大便厉害!答案:40原因:事实胜于雄(熊)辩 小学生的搞笑脑筋急转弯及答案【精选篇】1. 提问:猪圈里的猪跑出来怎么办?回答:王力宏原因:往里哄 2. 提问:又出来怎么办?回答:韩红原因:还哄 3. 9月28是孔子诞辰,那么10月28日是什么日子?答案:孔子满月 4. 狼来了(猜水果)?答案:杨桃(羊逃) 5. 蒋公(蒋介石)如果还在世的话世界会怎样?答案:多一个人... 6. 这两块冰下有鲤鱼(四字成语)?答案:彬彬有礼(冰冰有鲤) 7. 豆腐为什么能打伤人?答案:因为是冻豆腐 8. 一辆客车发生了事故,所有的人都受伤了,为什么小明却没事?答案:因为他不在车上 9. 冬瓜黄瓜西瓜南瓜都能吃,什么瓜不能吃?答案:傻瓜 10. 你能以最快速度,把冰变成水吗?答案:把“冰”字去掉两点,就成了“水”。


小学生趣味英语脑筋急转弯 脑筋急转弯,小偷最怕的3个字母是什么?英语脑筋急转弯问答的速度要快,问答的语言要巧。它既能测试一个人的反应能力,又能锻炼一个人的思维能力。下面学习啦小编为大家揭晓答案,希望大家喜欢。 趣味英语脑筋急转弯 1. The more you take away, the bigger I become. What am I? A hole. 2. What is smaller than an insect's mouth? Anything it eats. 3. What large instrument do you carry in your ears? Drums, that is eardrums.(鼓膜) 4. What's too much for one, just right for two, but nothing at all for three? A secret. 5. What person tried to make you smile most of the time? A photographer. 6. What animal has a head like a cat, eyes like a cat, a tail like a cat, but isn't a cat? A kitten.(小猫) 7. What surprising things happen every 24 hours? Day breaks, but doesn't fall; night falls, but doesn't break. 8. What can hear you without ears and can answer you without a mouth? An echo.(回声) 9. What do you know about the kings of France? They are all dead. 10. What question can you never answer 'yes" to" Are you asleep? 11. Why do some old people never use glasses? They must prefer bottles to glasses. 12. Why is the person wearing two coats while painting the house?
