


Look Every Day Positively

If your life feels like it is lacking the power that you want and the motivation that you need, sometimes all you have to do is shift your point of view.

By training your thoughts to concentrate on the bright side of things, you are more likely to have the incentive to achieve your goals. You are less likely to be held back by negative ideas that might limit your performance.

Your life can be enhanced, and your happiness enriched when you choose to change your perspective. Don’t leave your future to chance, or wait for things to get better mysteriously on their own. You must go in the direction of your hopes and aspirations. Begin to build your confidence, and work through problems rather than avoid them. Remember that power is not necessarily control over situations, but the ability to deal with whatever comes in your way.

Always believe that good things are possible, and remember that mistakes can be lessons that lead to discoveries. Take your fear and transform into trust; learn to rise above anxiety and doubt. Turn your “worry hours” into “productive hours”. Take the energy that you have wasted and direct it toward every worthwhile effort that you can be involved in. You will see beautiful things happen when you allow yourself

to experience the joys of life. You will find happiness when you adopt positive thinking into your daily routine and make it an important part of your world.






晨读英语美文100篇:On Going a Journey

晨读英语美文100篇:On Going a Journey [00:00.32]Passage 98 On Going a Journey [00:05.35]One of the pleasantest things in the world is going a journey: [00:10.71]but I like to go by myself. [00:13.52]I can enjoy society in a room; [00:16.91]but out of doors, nature is company enough for me. [00:21.94]I am then never less alone than when alone. [00:26.55]“The fields his study, nature was his book.” [00:30.81]I cannot see the wit of walking and talking at the same time. [00:36.39]When I am in the country I wish to vegetate like the country. [00:41.86]I am not for criticizing hedges and black cattle. [00:46.02]I go out for town in order to forget

the town and all that is in it. [00:52.04]There are those who for this purpose go to watering places, [00:57.06]and carry the metropolis with them. [00:59.81]I like more space and fewer obstacles. [01:04.29]I like solitude, when I give myself up to it, for the sake of solitude; nor do I ask for [01:13.04]“a friend in my retreat, whom I may whisper solitude is sweet.” [01:19.27]The soul of journey is liberty, perfect liberty, to think, feel, do, just as one pleases. [01:29.45]We go a journey chiefly to be free of all obstacles and all inconveniences; [01:36.78]to leave ourselves behind, much more to get rid of others. [01:42.26]It is because I want a little breathing space to ponder on indifferent matters, where contemplation [01:50.46]“May plume her feathers and let grow her wings, [01:55.17]that in the various bustle of resort



How long will it be before you find yourself famous? 眼球经济时代,速成“明星”究竟能红多久 “IN the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes.” US artist Andy Warhol made this famous statement in 1968. Back then, the only really famous people were pop stars and actors, political figures and war heroes – although things were changing. In just 30 years, his statement seems to have come true. Today there are countless individuals that go in and out of the media spotlight. The most common way that ordinary people today become famous is through reality shows. Both American Idol and Hunan TV’s have produced quite a few instant stars. The most famous person of this type is Scottish singer Susan Boyle, an out-of-work, plain-looking 48-year-old who came to international attention when she appeared on the reality TV program Britain’s Got Talent in April 2009. However, Boyle’s success was largely due to a video posted on YouTube. According to the BBC, the video 庞大的) 120 million times worldwide” by the end of 2009. had been viewed “a whopping ( Indeed, today many people showcase their own videos on YouTube and other sites. “This model m Davis for the Associated Content. easy for an average Joe (路人) to get noticed,” writes Jonita But 15 minutes is a very short time; most of these instant celebrities fade from view. If others show true talent or staying power, they may be awarded extra time to prove themselves worthy of media and public attention. But while Warhol emphasized the short-lived nature of modern fame, he also pointed out that fame is easier to get nowadays. If digital video cameras enable people to become reporters, why shouldn’t they also become celebrities?


高三英语复习备考经验交流 相互学习共同提高高三英语复习备考经验交流马继海 一、取得的成绩 2019年6月24日高考放榜了,我校在2019年的高考中取得了可喜的成绩,再次创造了新的辉煌。今年高考英语试卷整体难度增加,但我校英语学科仍然取得了非常优异的成绩,在今年的高考中,我校英语成绩在140 分以上的共有4 人,其中李佳慧同学以142分的成绩夺得了2019 年高考博州英语单科状元,李卓昕、刘逸博同学英语都考了141 分,韩凌霄同学英语140 分。第一层次黄尖班高三(15)班平均分125 分,第二层次两个黄冈班平均分106。四个实验班平均分在80 分左右,理科平行班平均分70 分左右,文科实验班平均分90 分左右,文科平行班68 分左右。 二、具体做法回顾过去一年的备考工作,我们主要做到以下几点: 1、制定好三轮复习计划。第一轮以基础知识为主,抓单词的拼写、词汇、句型的积累和活用以及重要语法的掌握。第一轮复习对于全年级各个层次班级的学生来说都非常重要,通过这些年的教学和学生的实际情况,我认为步步高系列全国版的一轮资料比较适合我们的学生,从基础词汇、重点短语、重点句型都和我们的教材同步,配套练习里,每单元还有一个要求运用以本单元所学内容进行微作文的写作练习,不仅使学生进一步巩固了已学词汇,而且很好的练习了书面表达能力。第二轮则以专项指导和训练为主,其中阅读和写作为重中之重。我个人认为,二轮专题中的大部分内容

其实在一轮复习时,已经穿插复习了,包括阅读和写作在一轮复习中已经花费了大量时间去练习。因此,二轮复习时,主要是结合专题练习进行查巩固加强。最后,第三轮是以综合模拟试卷类为主,主要以高考模式为主,不仅要训练学生的答题能力,还要注重答题技巧的培养和高考试卷答题规范性的要求和强调。以今年高考阅卷的情况为例,在写作、短文改错、语法填空题作答时,仍然有学生不能够严格按照试卷要求进行答题。在三轮复习中还要注意查漏补缺,根据学生的实际复习备考情况再对训练的内容进行调整。即使是尖子班的学生在高考前夕仍然会有需要强调和巩固的复习盲点。例如在几年高考前的最后一次综合模拟卷中,有一道语法填空题考查的是基数词变序数词,而这道题当时有很多同学都写错了,15 班也很有一部分同学都错了,因此,我专门准备了一个基数词变序数词的简短课件带着学生又复习了一遍。在今年的高考中,果然又考到了一道基数词变序数词的语法填空。 2、精选复习资料。这一届高三,我们使用的资料比较多样,我们使用的资料有步步高系列、完型阅读专练、小题大做、纠错卷、衡水测试卷、衡水金卷、衡水押题卷、考前三个月等。我们的资料非常充足,但是盲目地让学生把所有习题都做完也是不明智的。所以,不同层次的班级,教师要根据所教班级的实际情况,对复习资料要做出必要的挑选,再去使用轮复习时,三个黄冈班都集中使用了纠错卷、小题大做和衡水卷。纠错卷对平行班学生来说有一定难度,但对黄冈班学生来说还是非常有针对性的一本资料。 3、加强监督,提高练习的实效。众所周知,英语应该是所有学科里最容易应付的一门科目。进入高三复习阶段,学生各科的复习任务都比较繁重,因此在复习备考中,各个学科都会出现学生应付完成任务的现象。英语学科也一样,对于平行班那些


高三英语晨读背诵、朗读材料(二) 练习错题集(这些是我们做错过的题,请仔细体会,每天背下3-5个句子) l. Each country, of course, in (城市名称前不用冠词) Copenhagen has its own particular priorities and concerns, which is why an agreement is so difficult to reach. (reach/ arrive at /come to an agreement达成协议,取得一致) 2. ---Have you told him what has happened to the company? —No, I will do that instantly he gets back from abroad.(instantly, immediately 连词,一…就…) 3. I had meant to meet you at the station this afternoon but I was too busy, for I was writing a report which I had to hand in soon. 4.The door opened and in came Jerry, and the party began. 5. –What beautiful flowers! Are they for me? --You guessed it !(你猜对了) I’m glad you like them. 6.--Remember the first time we met, Julia? -Sure I do. I was being treated in hospital, which I remember quite well. 7. Since housing prices are rising so rapidly late1y, further prices are quite uncertain, and the risk that(同位语从句) a new investment depending on them may fail is greater. 8.-lt seems that the manager is very unhappy. --Surely he is. You see, Steve left the company half an hour ago, with his work left unfinished. 9. –Was the driving pleasant when you went to Mexico last summer? --No, it had been raining for four days when we arrived. So the roads were very muddy. 10. I wouldn’t have picked the shades of yellow they picked, but it was fine –I got used to yellow. 11. When asked why he walked in without permission, he just stared at us and said nothing. 12. I would have come here sooner but I didn’t know that you were waiting. 13. The mountain, of which the peak is hardly seen, is the highest mountain in the area. 14. It was extremely dark in the passage so he struck a match. (strike a match划火柴) 15. Even if you have won great fame and success, without friends or family, with whom to share your happiness, your loneliness will make it hard for you to bear. 16. A lot of young people like Stephen Chow’s films because he can make a sad situation entertaining. -What you said just now made the audience confused. --Sorry, I should have made it clear. 17. On one occasion(曾经), Jack liked western food. But now he is especially interested in Chinese food. 18. The rainy weather will continue tomorrow when a cold air current is expected to arrive. 19. Being exposed to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one’s skin. 20. I t’s believed that if an event is astonishing, it will surely astonish the readers of the paper. 21.–Does your sister work as a teacher in Canada? -No, but she once taught there for 5 years. 22. Our country is developing at an amazing speed, which is what makes me feel so proud. 23. Having given a satisfactory operation, the doctor believed the patient would recover from his illness very soon. Having been given a satisfactory operation, the patient believed he would recover from his


(一) Care your dream (By Vanessa Sanchez) 当梦想遭到现实的撞击时,总会发出凄美的破碎声。心灵被梦想的碎片刺痛,散落的碎片上还残留着斑斓的颜色。然而,心灵的疼痛却有着催人成长的力量。梦想的幻灭,是因为它没有得到精心的照料。去呵护你的梦想吧!勇敢地站在舞台中央,跳一曲快乐的人生芭蕾。 My dream ended when I was born. Although I never knew it then, I just he ld on to something that would never come to pass. Dreams really do exist. But in the morning when you wake up, they are remembered just as a dream. That is what happened to me. I always have the dream to dance like a beautiful ballerina twirling around and around and hearing people applaud for me. When I was young, I would twirling around and around in the fields of wildflowers that grew in my backyard. For hours I would dance as if people were watching me. I would dance so fast that I would forget where I was, until I would hear sounds that reminded me of where I really was. I thought that if I twirled faster everything would disappear and I would wake up in a new place. Reality woke me up when I heard a voice saying, "I don't know why you bother trying to dance. Ballerinas are pretty, slender little girls. Besides, you don't have the talent to even be a ballerina." I remember how those words paralyzed every feeling in my body. I feel to the ground and wept for hours. We lived in the country by a nearby lake and I would sometimes go there to hide. My parents were never home anyway and I did not like to be at home where I could hear the walls talking of pain. When they were home, my mother just yelled and criticized because nothing was ever perfect in her life. She dreamed of a different life but ended up living in a country far away from the city where she believed her dreams would have come true. I enjoyed hanging out by the water. I would sit there for hours and stare at my reflection. There I was, looked nothing like a pretty ballerina dancer. Reflections don't lie. Once the waves would come, my reflection was gone. Washed away just like my dream to dance. I sat there staring at the water, hoping that my reflection would reappear and be different. As I grew older, I began to realize that the reason my dream was even born in the first place, was because it was something that was inside of me. The dream I had was never nurtured and cared for, so it slowly died. It's not that I wanted it to die, but I allowed it to die the day I started listening to the words, "You can't do it." When I finally woke up from many years of dreaming, I realized that you can't settle for dancing in the wildflowers, you have to move on to the platform. I still go to the lake sometimes and sit there. Looking at my reflection is different now too. When I was young, I looked at how others saw me, now that I am older and wiser; I look at how God sees me. (二) Learn to be grateful Hello, everybody! Welcome to my blog, I'm Vivianna. Yesterday I read an encouraging essay, called "learn to be grateful". I hope you will enjoy this essay and wish all of you in this bigear family can make a better and more beautiful life!! Being grateful is an important philosophy of life and a great wisdom.. It is impossible for anyone to be lucky and successful all the time so long as he lives in the world. We should learn how to face failure or misfortune bravely and generously and to try to deal with it. If so, should we


双语美文诵读 Look Every Day Positively If your life feels like it is lacking the power that you want and the motivation that you need, sometimes all you have to do is shift your point of view. By training your thoughts to concentrate on the bright side of things, you are more likely to have the incentive to achieve your goals. You are less likely to be held back by negative ideas that might limit your performance. Your life can be enhanced, and your happiness enriched when you choose to change your perspective. Don’t leave your future to chance, or wait for things to get better mysteriously on their own. You must go in the direction of your hopes and aspirations. Begin to build your confidence, and work through problems rather than avoid them. Remember that power is not necessarily control over situations, but the ability to deal with whatever comes in your way. Always believe that good things are possible, and remember that mistakes can be lessons that lead to discoveries. Take your fear and transform into trust; learn to rise above anxiety and doubt. Turn your “worry hours” into “productive hours”. Take the energy that you have wasted and direct it toward every worthwhile effort that you can be involved in. You will see beautiful things happen when you allow yourself


品味复原美文—熟读语感出 Years ago, a critical event occurred in my life that would change it forever. I met Kurt Kampmeir of Success Motivation Incorporation for breakfast. While we were eating, Kurt asked me, “John, what is your plan for personal growth?” Never at a loss for words, I tried to find things in my life that might qualify for growth.I told him about the many activities in which I was involved. And I went into a speech about how hard I worked and the gains I was making. I must have talked for ten minutes. Kurt listened patiently, but then he finally smiled and said, “You don’t have a personal plan for growth, do you?” “No, ” I admitted. “You know, ” Kurt said simply, “growth is not an automatic process.” And th at’s when it hit me. I wasn’t doing anything on purpose to make myself better. And at that moment, I made the decision: I will develop and follow a personal growth plan for my life. That night, I talked to my wife about my conversation with Kurt and what I had learned. I showed her the workbook and tapes Kurt was selling. We recognized that Kurt wasn’t just trying to make a sale. He was offering a way for us to change our lives and achieve our dreams. Several important things happened that day. First, we decided to buy the resources. But more importantly, we made a commitment to grow together as a couple. From that day on, we learned together, traveled together, and sacrificed together. It was a wise decision. While too many couples grow apart, we were growing together. 复现表达词汇—写作词汇储备 1. plan n. 计划;方案v. 计划; 打算【比较】project ________ programme _______ →plan to do sth. 打算做某事according to plan _________ 【比较】as scheduled_______ [背诵](2017·浙江高考写作佳句) As planned, we will be leaving by bus at 7 am at the school gate. 按计划,我们将于早上7点在学校大门口乘车离开。 2. involve vt. 包括; 需要;涉及;使参与→ involvement _________ →involve doing sth.包括做某事; 需要做某事→involve sb.in (doing) sth. 使某人参与某事 →be/get involved in 被卷入…之中;热衷于,专心于 [背诵](2014·江西高考写作佳句) 【比较】be engaged in __________ It really benefited me a lot to preview lessons, get actively involved in class and review what had been taught after class. 预习功课、积极参与课堂活动以及课后温习老师讲过的内容,真的使我受益匪浅。 3. admit vt. 承认;准许进入;接纳;可容纳→ ________(名词)【比较】allow ________ →admit doing/having done sth. 承认做过某事→admit sb.to/into 准许某人进入… →be admitted to/into 被接收(入学/入院/入党) admit that ... 承认… [背诵](2017·全国卷Ⅲ写作佳句) The table tennis team of our school is admitting new players. 我们学校的乒乓球队正在招收新队员。 3.decision n. 决定,决心→decide v.决定; 下决心→decisive________ →make a decision作出决定→ decide on 决定; 选定(=settle on ) →decide to do 决定做…(= determine to do ; make up one’s mind to do ...; )


高三英语晨读晚练3(教案) Step 1 Reading and memorizing [晨背词汇] 1.名词篇 absence缺勤;attitude态度;education教育;effort努力;experience经历,经验;graduation 毕业,毕业典礼;permission许可,允许;progress进步;scholarship奖学金;speech演讲,演说;outline提纲,要点,概要 2.动词篇 apply申请,应用;debate辩论;discuss讨论;follow跟随,听得懂;offer提供;praise赞美,表扬;refer参考,查阅;require需要 3.形容词篇 absent缺席的,缺勤的;brief简短的;confident自信的;patient有耐心的;present出席的,在场的 4.短语篇 be dying for/to do... 极想要…… be occupied with 忙于,专心于 make preparations for 为……做准备 keep ...in mind 记住…… put forward 提出 participate in 参与,参加 [晨背佳作] (2015·全国卷Ⅰ)假定你是李华,你校英文报“外国文化”栏目拟刊登美国节日风俗和中学生生活的短文。请给美国朋友彼得写信约稿,要点如下: 1.栏目介绍;2.稿件内容;3.稿件长度:约400词;4.交稿日期:6月28日前。 注意:1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.开头语已为你写好。 Dear Peter, I'd like to...________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________


【晨读英语美文100篇】晨读英语美文中英对照版英语晨读365 116 Virtue 美德 Sweet day,so cool,so calm,so bright! 甜美的白昼,如此凉爽、安宁、明媚! The bridal of the earth and sky- 天地间完美的匹配----- The dew shall weep thy fall to-night; 今宵的露珠儿将为你的消逝而落泪; For thou must die. 因为你必须离去。 Sweet rose,whose hue angry and brave, 美丽的玫瑰,色泽红润艳丽, Bids the rash gazer wipe his eye, 令匆匆而过的人拭目而视,Thy root is ever in its grave, 你的根永远扎在坟墓里, And thou must die. 而你必须消逝。 Sweet spring,full of sweet days and roses, 美妙的春天,充满了美好的日子和芳香的玫瑰, A box where sweets compacted lie, 如一支芬芳满溢的盒子, My music shows ye have your closes, 我的音乐表明你们也有终止, And all must die, 万物都得消逝。 Only a sweet and virtuous soul, 唯有美好而正直的心灵, Like season'd timber,never gives; 犹如干燥备用的木料,永

不走样; But though the whole world turn to coal, 纵然整个世界变为灰烬, Then chiefly lives. 它依然流光溢彩。 英语晨读365 115 Equipment 装备 Figure it out for yourself, my lad. You have got all that the great have had: two arms, two legs, two hands, two eyes, and a brain to use if you'd be wise. With this equipment they all began, so start for the top and say" I can". Look them over the wise and the great. They take their food from a common plate. With similar knives and forks they use; with similar laces they tie their shoes. The world considers them brave and smart, but you know--- you have got all they had when they made their start. You can triumph and come to skill; you can be great if you only will. You are well equipped for the fight you choose you have arms and legs and brains to use. And people who have risen, great deeds to do started their lives with no more than you. You are the handicap you must face. You are the one who must choose your place. You must say where you want to go, and how much you will study the truth to know. God has equipped you for life, but he lets you decide what you want to be.


2017届高三英语早读检查单(Monthly Test, Reading, word power and Task in U2, M10) 1. Learn by heart the key words & phrases of M10U2 from P18—P29. 2. Go over the passage and try to bear some key sentences in mind. 1. 维度,方面n dimension 21.across the USA 整个美国 2. 谨慎地adv cautiously 22.做某事很愉快have fun in doing 3. 彻底地adj th 23.feel at home 不拘束 4. undertake 24.通过望远镜through the telescope 5. 失业,失业状态n 25.作出调整make adjustments 6. unrest 26.at sb’s expense 有某人花费 7.空缺的,未占用的adj 27.屈从,屈服submit to 8. valid 28. Variety is the very spice of life. 多样化是生活的调味品。 9. vertical 29.订阅,同意subscribe to 10.vision 30.have feet of clay 致命的弱点 11.生动、逼真的adj 31.see the handwriting on the wall 即将来临的灾难 12.voluntrary 32.用A换得B(swap)swap A for B 13.漫游,游荡v 33.利用(take)take advantage of 14.zip 34.从…获得好处benefit from 15.withdraw 35.创办自己的事业start one’s own business 16.wipe 36.the return rate 回归速度 17.widespread 37.have fees paid by the state 由国家付学费 18.weird 38.the faster growing number of 较快增长的数量 19. 39.有利形势the beneficial situation 20.赞助商/赞助n/v sponsor 40.口口相传 II. Complete the sentences below with proper words. 1. Everything happens for a reason. Perhaps a bitter experience lies _______ her anger. Success, as we all know, lies _______ hard work. (in/behind) 2. The Temple has had extensions added many times, which often ____________ times of war. The Temple has had extensions added many times, often ____________ times of war. (follow) 3. Now she is reduced ____________ anything for supper. We are frequently told ___________ anything during a lesson. A. not to eat B. not to eat C. to not eating D. to not eat 4. Farmers have benefited from a water buffalo bank _______ a water buffalo results in every farmer owning one. Amazing people see potential opportunities _______ others see merely failure. It is in the library _______ they happen to share the same table _______ the heroine came across her Mr.Right. Today many parents tend to protect their children from the knowledge _______ they have failed. A. where B. that
