









2015辽宁大学考博英语历年真题 一、招考介绍 从整体上看,由于博士生招生形势的不断发展各院校博士生入学考试的难度越来越大,对考生的外语水平要求也越来越高,特别是听、说能力。攻读博士学位的学生,一方面应该具备坚实的专业理论基础和扎实的科研能力,另一方面还应该具备较高水平的外语能力。 二、辽宁大学考博英语题型 Part1:词汇15分,30小题。 Part2:完形填空10分,20小题。 Part3:阅读理解50分,25小题。 Part4:翻译10分,(英译汉300字的短文;汉译英300字短文)。 Part5:写作15分,200字左右。与学术有关的作文。 三、考博英语必备参考书 育明考博教研部主编,河北大学出版社出版的《考博英语真题解析》和《考博词汇》是考博人必备的两本书。在当当网,亚马逊和全国各大书店均有销售,也可以联系我们直接购买。 四、联系导师 在初步定好考博学校之后,就要和所报考院校中意的老师取得联系,询问是否有招生名额,能否报考,这是我们考博成功的关键第一步。 大多数考生会在九月中下旬与导师取得联系。因为太早,学校里面直博名额什么的还没有确定,报考的导师也不清楚是否有名额;太晚的话,怕别的学生比你早联系就不好了。一般情况下,导师对一个学生很中意的话,后来联系的学生,导师一般也不会答应其报考了。在此说点题外话,联系导师的过程中,如果读研期间的导师有关系,可以尽量利用。如果没有,也没关系,凭着自己的本事也是可以和考博导师很好的沟通的,这就要看自己了。 通常跟导师初次联系,都是发邮件。导师回复邮件的情况一般有几种: (1)、欢迎报考。这种答复最笼统,说明不了问题。我们可以接着努力和老师多沟通,看看具体的进展,避免出现初试之后却没有名额的情况。 (2)、名额有限,可以报考,但有竞争。很多人说这样的回复不满意,认为希望很小一般会被刷。


考博英语历年真题 北大2013年考博士英语真题及答案 Part Two:Structure and Written Expression20 Directions:In each question decide which of four choices given will most suita bly complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked.Mark your choices on the ANSWERSHEET. 21.The nuclear family__________a self-contained,self-satisfying unit compose d of father,mother and children. A.refers to B.defines C.describes D.devotes to 22.Some polls show that roughly two-thirds of the general public believe that e lderly Americans are________by social isolation and loneliness. A.reproach ed B.favored C.plagued D.reprehended 23.In addition to bettering group and individual performance,cooperation_____ ___the quality of interpersonal relationship. A.ascends https://www.360docs.net/doc/5311456330.html,pels C.enhances D.prefers 24.In the past50years,there________a great increase in the amount of resea rch_____on the human brain. A.was…did B.has been…to be done C.was…doing D.has been…done 25. “I must have eaten something wrong.I feel like_____.”“We told you not t o eat at a restaurant.You’ d better_______at hom e when you are not in the shape.” A.to throw up… to eat B.throwing up…eating C.to throw up…eat D.throwing up…eat 26.Parent shave to show due concerns to their children’ s creativity and emotional output;otherwise what they think beneficial to t he kids might probably_______their enthusiasm and aspirations. A.hold back B.hold to C.hold down D.hold over 27.According to psychoanalysis,a person’ s attention is attracted________by the intensity of different signals____ ____by their context,significance,and information content. A.not less than…as B.as…just as C.so much…as D.not so much… as28.They moved to Portland in1998and lived in a big house,_______to the south. A.the windows of which opened B.the windows of it opened C. its windows opened D.the windows of which opening 29.The lady who has_______for a night in the dead of the winter later turned o ut to be a distant relation of his. A.put him up B.put him out C.put him on D.put him in30.By standers, _______,_________as they walked past lines of ambulances. A.bloody and cov ered with dust,looking dazed B.bloodied and covered with dust,looked daze


中国地质大学考博经验:曲折的考博英语经历 首先自我介绍一下,本人是军医大学应届硕士毕业,土生土长的,2007年考过一次,那时是基础专业,没上,结果浪费我3年光阴,而且还被分配到一个基层部队,心里超级郁闷,这次2010年卷土重来,也算是破釜沉舟了,但还是没有按计划复习,原因一是家里出了点事,复习时间不够,二是我工作调动出现转机,对考博依赖性小了,下面我谈谈我的经历:2007年,硕士毕业,应该说我的课题很有新意,继续做的话应该可以发一片影响因子5分以上的文章,当时年轻气盛,一心想搞临床,对基础研究的兴趣有点下降了,再加上毕业时间紧,以前师兄师姐们也基本上是不复习英语的,一般也能考个50多分,能上线,因此我也对自己很有信心,因为平时英语还行吧,六级过得还算轻松,所以英语没在意(专业课基本上导师给题,就算不给,几个一般没问题的,所以不讨论),考试的时候超级郁闷,坐最后一排,录音基本听不到,反正我是没听,提前做词汇去了,听力听完我都已经准备做阅读了,最后听力的答案是抄了旁边一同学的(我估计是抄错答案了,因为他过了,我没过,我觉得阅读有充足的时间做应该不会低分)结果那年英语差3分,国家线是52,超级郁闷,不过当时还想也没什么,分配工作应该不会差吧,结果是大失所望,我所去的大单位是要求下基层,而且是前无古人,后无来者(08年毕业的就没有下基层),所以在基层部队一直呆到现在,没办法,只能为自己的错误决定买单了,卷土重来医学教,育网|搜集整理。联系我们扣扣:四九三三七一六二六。电话:四零零六六八六九七八2010年,有了第一次的经验,个人觉得,英语也不是传说中的难,也不是所谓的没有考不上的博士,关键还是要准备。我考虑了以下考试的题型,听力我一向都差,怎么听也提高不了多少,而且好多题应该是可以蒙对的,今年的一篇听力短文有关睡眠与减肥的我就都蒙对了,而且其他的有关数字


考博英语(阅读理解)-试卷80 (总分:40.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、Reading Comprehensio(总题数:4,分数:40.00) Too much alcohol dulls your senses, but a study in Japan shows that moderate drinkers have a higher IQ than teetotalers. Researchers at the National Institute for Longevity Sciences in Aichi Prefecture, 250 kilometers west of Tokyo, tested the IQs of 2000 people between the ages of 40 and 79. They found that, on average, men who drank moderately — defined as less than 540 milliliters of sake or wine a day — had an IQ that was 3. 3 points higher that men who did not drink at all. Women drinkers scored 2. 5 points higher than female teetotalers. The type of alcohol didn't influence the results. The volunteers tried a variety of tipples, which ranged from beer and whisky to wine and sake. The researchers are quick to point out that the results do not necessarily show that drinking will make you more intelligent. "It's very difficult to show a cause-effect relationship," says senior researcher Hiroshi Shimokata. "We screened subjects for factors such as income and education, but there may be other factors such as lifestyle and nutritional intake. " Shimokata says that people who drink sake, or Japanese rice wine, tend to eat more raw fish. This could be a factor in enhanced intelligence, as fish often contain essential fatty acids that have been linked to brain development. Similarly, wine drinkers eat a lot of cheese, which is not something Japanese people normally consume or buy. Shimokata says the high fat content of cheese is thought to be good for the brain. If alcoholic drinks are directly influencing IQ, Shimokata believes chemicals such as polyphenols could be the critical factor. They are known to have antioxidant properties and other beneficial effects on ageing bodies, such as dilating constricted coronary arteries. The study is part of a wider research project to find out why brain function deteriorates with age.(分数:10.00) (1).The Japanese study was carried out on______.(分数:2.00) A.the development of IQ B.the secret of longevity C.the brain food in a glass D.the amount of healthy drinking (2).The Japanese researchers found a higher IQ in______.(分数:2.00) A.female teetotalers than in male ones B.female drinkers than in male ones C.moderate drinkers D.teetotalers (3).When he says that it is very difficult to show cause-effect relationship, Shimokata means that______.(分数:2.00) A.the study failed to involve such variables as income and education B.he is doubtful of the findings of the investigation C.there are some other contributing factors D.the results were just misleading (4).From Shimokata's mention of fish and cheese we can infer that in enhancing intelligence______.(分数:2.00) A.sake or wine is a perfect match for fish and cheese B.they promote the drinking effect of sake or wine C.they are not as effective as sake and wine D.sake or wine is not alone (5).Based on the study, Shimokata would say that______.(分数:2.00) A.intelligence improves with age


2020辽宁大学金融硕士报考分析、初试及复试考研经验指导必看考研的竞争日趋激烈,我自己备考的时候也是从学长学姐的经验贴中获益良多,今天分享一下自己备考辽宁大学金融专硕的经历,希望对大家的备考有帮助。 一、原因及考虑因素: 就业的形势比较严峻,好些的企业更看重学校背景和学历,大家都想提升自己,导致考研的人数越来越多,竞争也更加激烈。而且金融是热门专业,当时我是二战,也是报着必须考上的想法来准备考研的,深刻明白考研为什么难,难在哪里,自己之前的失败经验,所以选择了更贴合自己实力的学校。当然能这么快确定也受益于新祥旭老师前期专业的院校分析,大家如果有择校的疑惑也可以向他们咨询相关问题的。 因为辽大属于211高校,并且也被评为双一流学科,所以性价比很高。而且辽大的专业课不压分,指定的教材只有一本黄达的《金融学》,不像其他学校金融专硕至少两本专业课教材,能够节省精力放在数学和其他科目上。 二、报录情况介绍、考研难度分析: 往年辽大的金融专硕都是等额复试,即复试不刷人,但因为19年报名人数创了新高,所以报辽大的人也特别多,复试采用1:1.2来招收。辽大复试没有歧视,只要你的分数能够排名靠前,就没什么问题,专业课的批改也不压分,最高分能达到一百四十多,是很高的分数,均分也能在一百二左右,所以好好准备的话,考上的几率很大。 三、初试经验: 英语二: 每天用墨墨背单词APP背诵150个单词,因为它有重复记忆功能,可以记的更

牢固。最具参考价值的是真题,掌握好真题里的陌生词汇和句型,通过练习提高自己的阅读理解正确率,看唐静老师的翻译,从十一月份开始背英语作文,根据老师的讲解,总结一套自己喜欢的写作模版。 数学三: 一定要多做题,并且多做真题。数学靠看视频不会发现自己的不足,因为好多知识点能听懂,但是结合题目就会发现自己没有思路。数学的真题要至少做两遍,保证自己的均分在110分以上,并且总结好出错的地方。我前期看的是汤加凤老师的视频,配合他的1000题来巩固,汤老师的知识点讲解的很细致,更易于理解。从十月初开始刷数学三的真题,我强烈推荐在网上买同款答题纸,每次写的时候都当作正式考试规定好时间,熟悉了这种感觉之后也更利于考场上发挥。后期模拟题还做了李林的冲刺六套卷和预测四套卷。 政治: 看徐涛老师的知识点视频,做肖秀荣老师的1000题,手机微信上有考虫的政治1000题软件,推荐睡前可以刷一刷。等市面上的模拟卷出来之后,要大量的刷他们的选择题,大题依靠肖秀荣的四套卷和一些考前预测就足够。 专业课431金融学综合: 专业课的题型有名词解释、简答题和论述题。其中名词解释有五道,简答题有六道,论述题有三道。题目中没有计算,而且不涉及时政热点,都是书本上的纯背诵知识,相比其他院校的金融专硕,难度真的降低很多,只要书本知识掌握的全面,就完全可以拿到理想的分数。历年的真题也很有参考价值,每年都会出现历年考过的知识点,要善于发现其中的规律并且做好总结。 专业课我是从八月份开始好好背诵的,每天抽出三到五个小时在空旷的场地大声


过来人谈考博英语复习技巧 准备考博是个漫长的过程,而考博英语准备更是漫长的,本文就来看一下过来人的复习经验。 我以为好的不急躁的心态和完整的复习计划是紧密相连的,制定了大到一年小到一天的学习计划才能不盲目,信心满满的应对每一个考博日。育明考博全国免费电话:四零零六六八六九七八。2015年考博交流群:一零五六一九八二零,联系我们扣扣:二四七八七四八零五四或者四九三三七一六二六。 现在来具体说说考博英语复习技巧吧。 一、阅读 一开始就是阅读,有人可能觉得有点操之过急,然而对于去年六月才进入正式状态的我却是一点也不早。刚一开始我就买了一套阅读一百篇,外加50篇完型,每天四篇阅读一篇完型。有的同学刚开始做了一篇阅读就做不下去了,我要说的是硬着头皮也要坚持做下去,还要保证做的时间不能过长。在这个阶段我们的目标是适应题型,适应阅读量,正确率不是这个时候要解决的问题。于此同时是处理文章中的生词,最好有一个本子,把文章中的生词记录在本子里,尤其是熟词生意。譬如今年翻译中考到的reason这个单词,我在复习的阅读中遇到过,当时自己认为是“理由”的动词意思,结果一查是推理的意思,这个单词我们几乎天天看到,可是作为动词用就不常见,考博单词记忆这样的单词是最重要的。这个阶段的复习我用了三十天把这两本书看完(时间上没有完全按照计划,毕竟会有事情的影响的,但肯定不会差太多),每天是早上把题目做完,就把放在一边,下午对答案,背单词。在这里我想对背单词补充一点个人看法,我是很少背名词的,形容词次之,背的重点是动词,因为一个句子出来最重要的就是动词,是一个句子的骨骼。对于名词和形容词我背的原则重复遇到的要背,比如一个名词接连在几篇阅读理解里出现,那就要引起重视了;意思通俗的要背,就是虽然这个词看起来很生僻,但它的意思很常见,这样的词也要背。另外我们要认识到一点,考博英语中对于英语单词的识记要求是什么,是默写么?要求会拼写么?不是的,拼写单词只在作文中出现,而作文可以尽可能用自己会的单词来表达。这样我们又可以节省很多精力——我们不需要下大功夫会读会拼会默写一个单词,我们的目标很简洁,看到一个单词,感觉很熟悉,能回想出它的中文意思,就可以了。 进入了七月就是复习最关键的时候,可以说暑假两个月的成功与否直接决定考博结果,所以我建议广大新一代考博兄弟姐妹们暑假就不要回家,或者你家就在高校附近,可以进去复习也成。考博是需要一种氛围的,看到周围的人都那么用功,自己想偷懒也觉得脸上无光。这个阶段的复习内容还是阅读!阅读太重要了,除了翻译和写作,可以说考博英语就是用阅读建构起来的,而翻译和写作也可以在阅读的同时得到提高。过程和上一个月几乎一样,7月间再做一百篇阅读,当然了,这时阅读新题型也要带着看了。有人对于新题型有点害怕,比如加标题,而遇到排序,完型填句就放弃,寄望于考试不会考这种题型。这样的想法太不成熟了,想想我们考博又不是买彩票,怎么能这样赌呢?


历年真题 2000年北京大学博士研究生入学考试英语试题 PartⅡStructure & Written Expression Directions: In each question decide which of the four choices given will most suitably complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked. Put the letter of your choice in the ANSWER SHEET. (25%) 1.Thomas Wolfe portrayed people so that you came to know their yearnings, their impulses, and their warts-this was effective______. A.motivation B.point of view C.characterization D.background 2.The appeal to the senses known as______is especially common in poetry. A.imaginative B.imaginable C.ingenious D.imagery 3.If you've got a complaint, the best thing is to see the person concerned and______with him.A.tell it B.have it out C.say it D.have it known 4.There have been several attempts to introduce gayer colors and styles in men's clothing, but none of them______. A.has caught on B.has caught him out C.has caught up D.take roots 5.The retired engineer plunked down$50,000in cash for a mid-size Mercedes as a present for his wife______a purchase with money made in the stock market the week before. A.paid off B.paid through C.paid out D.paid for 6.He has courage all right, but in matters requiring judgment, he has often been found sadly______. A.lack it B.absent C.in need of it D.wanting 7.Danis Hayes raised the essential paradox and asked how people could have fought so hard against environmental degradation______themselves now on the verge of losing the war. A.only found B.finding only C.only to find D.have only found 8.The once separate issue of environment and development are now______linked. A.intangible B.indispensable C.inextricably D.incredibly 9.The need to see that justice is done______every decision made in the courts. A.implants into B.imposes on C.impinges upon D.imprecates upon 10.Two thirds of the U. S. basketball players are black, and the number would be greater______the continuing practice of picking white bench warmers for the sake of balance. A.was it not because of B.had it not been for C.were it not for D.would it not have been for 11.No one would have time to read or listen to an account of everything______going on in the world. A.it is B.there is C.as is D.what is 12.If there is the need to compete in a crowd, to battle______the edge the surest strategy is to develop the unexpected. A.on B.for C.against D.with 13.Just as there are occupations that require college or even higher degrees, ______occupations for which technical training is necessary. A.so too there are B.so also there are C.so there are too D.so too are there 14.It is a myth that the law permits the Food and Drug Administration to ignore requirements for______drugs while brand-name drugs still must meet these rigid tests. A.specific B.generic C.intricate D.acrid 15.The very biggest and most murderous wars during the industrial age were intra-industrial wars that______Second Wave nations like Germany and Britain against one an other. A.pitted B.drove C.kept D.embarked 16.The private life of having each individual make his or her own choice of beliefs and interest______without the overarching public world of the state, which sustains a structure of law appropriate to a self-determining association. A.is not possible B.would not be possible C.will not be possible D.cannot be possible 17.From Christianity and the barbarian kingdoms of the west emerged the medieval version of politics______in tum evolved the politics of our modern world. A.of which B.from which C.on which D.by which 18.The Portuguese give a great deal of credit to one man for having promoted sea travel that


东北农业大学考博英语模拟试题及其解析Although recent years have seen substantial reductions in noxious pollutants from individual motor vehicles,the number of such vehicles has been steadily increasing.Consequently,more than100 cities in the United States still have levels of carbon monoxide, particulate matter,and ozone(generated by photochemical reactions with hydrocarbons from vehicle exhaust)that exceed legally Geng duo yuan xiao wan zheng kao bo ying yu zhen ti ji qi jie xi qing lian xi quan guo mian fei zi xun dian hua:si ling ling liu liu ba liu jiu qi ba,huo jia zi xun qq:qi qi er liu qi ba wu san qi established limits.There is a growing realization that the only effective way to achieve further reductions in vehicle emissions—short of a massive shift away from the private automobile—is to replace conventional diesel fuel and gasoline with cleaner-burning fuels such as compressed natural gas,liquefied petroleum gas,ethanol,or methanol. All of these alternatives are carbon-based fuels whose molecules are smaller and simpler than those of gasoline.These molecules burn more cleanly than gasoline,in part because they have fewer,if any, carbon-carbon bonds and the hydrocarbons they do emit are less likely to generate ozone.The combustion of larger molecules,which have multiple carbon-carbon bonds involves a more complex series of reactions.These reactions increase the probability of incomplete combustion and are more likely to release uncombusted and photochemically active hydrocarbon compounds into the atmosphere.On


浙江理工大学 2013年博士研究生招生入学考试试题 考试科目:英语代码: 1001 (请考生在答题纸或答题卡上答题,在试题纸上答题无效) Part I Vocabulary (20 marks, 1 mark each) Section A Directions:In this section there are 10 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet I with a single line through the center. 1. If you never do any work, you will only have yourself ____ if you fail your examination. A.to fault B. to reprove C. to mistake D. to blame 2. I’d like to study under your guidance, because I know you are a(n) ____ scientist in physics. A.prominent B. requisite C. desperate D. impatient 3. Before their skins were used, their feet were ____, leading to the misconception that the birds never had feet. A.cut down B. cut into C. cut over D. cut off 4. With the constant change of the conditions, the outcome is not always _____. A. favorable B. reasonable C. dependable D. predictable 5. The television station is supported by ______ from foundations and other sources. A. pensions B. accounts C. donations D. advertisements 6. We’ll all take a vacation in the mountains as soon as I finish working _____ my project. A. with B. on C. in D. about 7. Her husband is interested in designing electronic _________. A. safety B. management C. routine D. devices 8. Gestures are an important means to _______ message. A. study B. convey C. keep D. exploit 9. ________ preparations were being made for the Prime Minister's official visit to the four foreign countries. A. Elaborate B. Wise C. Neutral D. Optional 10. ____ adults, young children find little difficulty in imitating sounds in foreign languages. A.Not like B. Unlike C. Being not D. Not as Section B Directions: In this section there are 10 sentences, each with one word or phrases underlined. Choose the one from the four choices marked A, B, C and D that best keeps the meaning of the sentence. Then mark the corresponding


考博参考书目: 一、全球史 《全球通史》(中英)两卷本斯塔夫里阿诺斯北京大学出版社 《全球通史》十二卷本美国时代生活编辑部吉林文史出版社 《世界通史》六卷本崔连仲人民出版社 《世界通史》六卷本齐世荣高等教育出版社 《新全球史》两卷本(美)本特利、齐格勒北京大学出版社 《世界文明史》两卷本(美)拉尔夫商务印书馆 《世界文明史》十一卷本(美)威尔·杜兰特华夏出版社 《世界史纲》两卷本(英)H·G·查尔斯上海世界出版社 北京大学西学影印丛书—— 《希腊史》《中世纪史》《世界近代史》《世界史》《新全球史》《历史思想史》 二、史学理论和史学史 《当代西方史学理论》何兆武、陈启能主编上海社会科学院出版社 《当代西方史学理论流派》徐浩、侯建新中国人民大学出版社 《西方史学的理论和流派》姜芃中国社会科学出版社 《西方史学名著导读》萧圣中武汉大学人文学院 《外国史学名著导读》赵立行复旦大学出版社 《史学概论》离隆国北京大学出版社 《历史著作史》(美)J·W汤普森商务印书馆 《西方历史学名著提要》陈启能江苏人民出版社 《西方史学史》张广智复旦大学出版社 《美国历史学家特纳及其学派》杨生茂商务印书馆 《历史研究》(美)阿诺德·汤因比上海世纪出版集团 《历史哲学》(德)黑格尔上海世纪出版集团 《马克思的历史、国家和社会学说——马克思的社会学的基本观点》(德)亨利希·库诺 上海世纪出版集团 北京大学翻译西方历史理论系列——历史的观念译丛 三、西方文明史 《西方文明史》(美)罗伯特·E.勒纳、斯坦迪什·米查姆、爱德华·麦克纳尔·伯恩斯中国青年出版社《西方的没落》(德)斯宾格勒上海译文出版社 《西方世界的兴起》(美)道格拉斯·诺斯、罗伯特·托马斯华夏出版社 《国外文明理论研究(上、下)》(世界文明通论)姚介厚、王逢振、杨深福建教育出版社 《文明衰落论:西方文化悲观主义的形成和演变》赫尔曼上海人民出版社


General English Admission Test For Non-English Major Ph.D. program (Harbin Institute of Technology) Passage One Questions 1-7 are based on the following passage: According to a recent theory, Archean-age gold-quartz vein systems were formed over two billion years ago from magmatic fluids that originated from molten granitelike bodies deep beneath the surface of the Earth. This theory is contrary to the widely held view that the systems were deposited from metamorphic fluids, that is, from fluids that formed during the dehydration of wet sedimentary rocks. The recently developed theory has considerable practical importance. Most of the gold deposits discovered during the original gold rushes were exposed at the Earth’s surface and were found because they had shed trails of alluvial gold that were easily traced by simple prospecting methods. Although these same methods still leas to an occasional discovery, most deposits not yet discovered have gone undetected because they are buried and have no surface expression. The challenge in exploration is therefore to unravel the subsurface geology of an area and pinpoint the position of buried minerals. Methods widely used today include analysis of aerial images that yield a broad
