
























初中英语语法大全 名词 一名词的定义:表示人、事物或抽象概念的名称的词。 二名词的分类: 名词可以分为专有名词(Proper Nouns)和普通名词 (Common Nouns),专有名词是某个(些)人,地方,机构等专有的名称,如Beijing,China等。普通名词是一类人或东西或是一个抽象概念的名词,如:book,sadness等。普通名词又可分为下面四类: 1)个体名词(Individual Nouns):表示某类人或东西中的个体,如:gun。 2)集体名词(Collective Nouns):表示若干个个体组成的集合体,如:family。 3)物质名词(Material Nouns):表示无法分为个体的实物,如:air。 4)抽象名词(Abstract Nouns):表示动作、状态、品质、感情等抽象概念,如:work。 注意 专有名词一般第一个字母要大写。专有名词前一般不加冠词。 名词的种类 注意 物质名词与抽象名词一般无法用数目来计算,称为不可数名词。不可数名词前不能加冠词a或an来表示量。 (三)名词的数 1.可数名词有单数和复数两种形式: 1.单数 英语中,如果我们要表示一本书、一只鸟、一棵树等概念时,要用名词的单数

形式,表示名词的单数,要在名词前加冠词a或an。 This is a desk . 这是一张书桌。 There is an orange on the table . 桌上有一个橘子。 an orange 一个橘子 an new orange (×)→ a new orange (○) 一个新橘子 a desk a old desk (×)→ an old desk (○) 一张旧课桌 关键字:初中英语语法大全初中英语语法总结初中英语语法辅导英语语法大全名词复数名词所有格复数冠词抽象名词 a和an的使用区别 a加在以辅音开头的名词前,如a book,a pen。 an加在以元音开头的名词前,如an egg,an apple。 注意 有时a,an后面紧接的不是单数名词,而是a (an) +形容词+单数名词的形式。 这时判断用a还是an来表示“一个”的概念时,要看形容词开头字母的发音,而不是看名词。 2.复数


中药学》学习笔记:补血药之桑椹子和桂圆肉 桑椹子 【科属与药用部分】本品为桑科植物桑的未成熟果实。 【性味与归经】甘,寒。人心、肝、肾经。 【功效】滋阴补血。 【临床应用】用于阴血不足,眩晕,失眠,以及肝肾阴虚,须发早白等症。本品功能益肝肾、养阴血,对于阴血不足的眩晕、失眠等症,常与熟地黄、白芍等配合应用;对肝肾不足、须发早白、耳聋目昏,又可配合何首乌、女贞子等同用。此外,本品有滋润肠燥的作用,血虚肠燥便秘亦可应用。 【处方用名】桑椹子、黑桑椹(洗净,晒干用)。 【一般用量与用法】三钱至五钱,煎服。 【文献摘录】 《新修本草》:「单食止消渴。」 《本草求真》:「除热养阴 ... 乌须黑发。」 桂圆肉 【科属与药用部分】本品为无患子科植物龙眼的假种皮。 【性味与归经】甘,温。入心、脾经。 【功效】补心安神,养血益脾。

【临床应用】1. 用于心脾虚损的失眠健忘,惊悸怔仲等症。本品有滋养作用,能补益心脾,对心脾虚损的失眠、惊悸、怔仲等症,常与酸枣仁、远志、白朮、茯苓、当归等配合应用。 2. 用于气血不足,体虚力弱等症。本品既能补脾胃之气,又能补营血不足,单用一味熬膏,或配合其它益气补血药物同用,可治气弱血虚之症。 【处方用名】龙眼肉、桂圆肉(去壳与核用)。 【一般用量与用法】一钱至三钱,煎服。 【方剂举例】归脾汤《济生方》:党参、黄耆、白朮、茯神、酸枣仁、桂圆肉、木香、炙甘草、当归、远志、生姜,红枣,治心脾两虚,气血不足,神疲食少,心悸失眠等。 【文献摘录】 《别录》:「主安志厌食。」 《本草纲目》:「开胃益脾,补虚长智。」 《随息居饮食谱》:「龙眼甘温,益脾阴,滋营充液。」 补阳药之锁阳和胡芦巴 锁阳 【科属与药用部分】本品为锁阳科植物锁阳的肉质茎。 【性味与归经】甘,温。入肝、肾经。 【功效】补肾壮阳益精,润燥滑肠。


一、选择题 1.My sister and I like eating two _______ and some _______ for dinner. They are really delicious. A.salad; eggs B.salads; eggs C.salad; eggs D.salads; egg 2.________the________Mike’ s and Jack’s? A.Is, rooms B.Are, room C.Are, rooms D.Is, room 3.Is it a picture_________ your school? A.of B.to C.and D.with 4.There are two________ near our school. A.shoe shops B.shoes shops C.shoe's shops D.shoes' shops 5.—What does your mother have for dinner? — A.Chickens and tomato B.Chicken and tomatoes.C.Chicken and tomato.6.There________some water in the bottle. A.is B.am C.are D.be 7.—Kate, I will go to the Guangzhou Zoo next week, because I will have a ________ holiday —You mean you can have ________ off? Oh, that’s great! A.three-day; three days B.three- day; three days’ C.three days’; three-day D.three days; three days 8.—Tom likes soccer.What club can he join? —He can join the ______ club. A.sport B.music C.sports D.swimming 9.—What is your _______, Lingling? —I really enjoy reading _______ stories at night. A.interests; interesting B.interests; interest C.interest; interesting D.interesting; interest 10.—What can I do for you? —Err, I want a glass of milk, some bread and . A.some chickens B.any chicken C.some chicken 11._______mother usually cooks for_______ at the weekend. A.Lily and Nick; their B.Lily's and Nick's; them C.Lily and Nick's; their D.Lily and Nick's; them 12.—Do you think it is _______good advice? —Yes, it’s really _______useful suggestion. A.a; an B./; a C.a; a D./; an 13.—Could you please give me ____? —Certainly. A.some advices B.any advices


一、选择题 1.When did your father your mother? A.marry B.marry to C.marry with D.get married 2.—________ Mary________ fruit? —Of course. A.Is; like B.Does; likes C.Does; like D.Do; likes 3.Coffee is ready. How nice it ______! Would you like some? A.looks B.smells C.sounds D.feels 4.A group of little ducks __________ their mother into the river and swim away. A.follow B.miss C.help D.cross 5.Our school basketball team ________ in the final of the basketball competition. Another team from No.5 Middle School ________ doing very well too. A.is; isn’t B.are; aren’t C.is; are D.are; is 6.—What will the weather _______tomorrow? — It is going to_______ . A.be like; rainy B.be like; rain C.like; rain D.like; rainy 7.—How much ________ this pair of shoes? —Five dollars. A.am B.is C.are D.be 8.—William, your hat _______ nice. —Thanks. A.buys B.looks C.finds 9.—I am feeling ill. What should I do? — eating junk food and breakfast every day. A.Stop; having B.Stop; have C.To stop; have. D.To stop; to have 10.—Do you know whom they will have ________the parts of car together?—Sorry,I have no idea. A.fix B.fixed C.to fix D.fixing 11.Karen and Helen _______ my brother's friends. I know _______. A.is; her B.are; them C.are; her D.is; them 12.Many students are so crazy about mobile games that they lose interest in their schoolwork, which _________ their parents and teachers a lot. A.worries about B.is worried about C.worries D.is worried 13.Their eyes __________blue, but ours_________black. A.are; are B.is; are C.are; is . D.are; is 14.— Tom in the library? —Yes,and his friends Eric and Dale in the library,too. A.Is;are B.Is;is C.Are;is 15.—Who are you _______? — My mother.


《中药学》学习笔记:补血药之阿胶 为马科动物驴EquusasinusL.的皮经煎煮、浓缩制成的固体胶。捣成碎块或以蛤粉炒成珠用。 【性味归经】甘,平。归肺、肾、肝经。 【功效与应用】 1.补血,用于血虚证。本品为补血要药,常与黄芪、熟地等补气养血之品同用。亦可单味应用,黄酒化服。 2.止血,用于多种出血,尤宜虚劳出血。本品为止血要药,常用于吐血、衄血、便血、崩漏等的治疗,对出血而兼见阴虚、血虚者尤宜,单用即效,多入复方使用。如黄土汤以本品配伍灶心土、生地、黄芩、附子等,治吐血、衄血、便血、崩漏。胶艾汤以本品配伍白芍、生地、艾叶炭等,治崩漏、月经过多、妊娠下血等。 3.滋阴润肺,用于阴虚心烦、失眠虚劳喘咳或阴虚燥咳。本品入肾滋阴,入肺润燥,是治阴虚及肺燥的常用药物。治热病伤阴,心烦失眠,可以本品配伍黄连、白芍、鸡子黄等,如黄连阿胶汤。治肺虚火旺,喘咳咽干痰少或痰中带血,可以本品与牛蒡子、杏仁等同用,如补肺阿胶汤。治燥热伤肺,干咳无痰或少痰,可合石膏、杏仁、桑叶、麦冬等同用,如清燥救肺汤。 此外,本品又可用于阴虚咳嗽、咯血,常与麦冬、沙参、马兜铃等配伍,有养阴润肺止血的功效。 【处方用名】阿胶、陈阿胶、驴皮胶(补血止血)。阿胶珠、蛤

粉炒阿胶(用海蛤壳研粉同炒,用以润肺化痰,止咳止血)。蒲黄炒阿胶(用以止血)。 【一般用量与用法】三钱至五钱,煎服。单用阿胶,应另炖佯化后冲入药汁内服。入汤剂,烊化冲服,5~ 10g。止血常用阿胶珠。 阿胶与熟地都能补血滋阴,但阿胶的补血功效较佳,且能润肺、止血,它的粘腻之性超过熟地;熟地则以补肾滋阴见长。凡内有瘀滞,脾胃虚弱、消化不良以及有表症者,均不宜应用阿胶。 【方剂举例】补肺阿胶汤《小儿药证直诀》:阿胶、马兜铃、牛蒡子、炙甘草、杏仁、糯米。治阴虚火盛,咳嗽,气急,痰少而粘,或痰中带血,咽干或咽痛,咽红。 【文献摘录】 《本经》:「主心腹内崩,劳极洒洒如疟状,腰腹痛,四肢酸痛,女子下血,安胎。」 《用药法象》:「止血安胎,兼除嗽痢。」 《本草纲目》:疗吐血衄血,血淋尿血,肠风下痢,女人血病血枯,经水不调,无子,崩中带下,胎前产后诸疾....虚劳咳嗽,喘急,肺痿唾脓血....和血滋阴,除风润燥,化痰清肺。 【使用注意】本品滋腻,胃弱便溏者慎用。 【现代研究】本品主含胶原及多种氨基酸,尚含钙、硫等。能促进红细胞和血红蛋白的生成,预防和治疗进行性肌营养障碍,改善动物体内钙平衡,促进钙的吸收和在体内的停留,并可使血压升高而有抗休克作用。


一、选择题 1.Boys and girls, don′t lose in watching TV too much because it is bad for your eyes. A.himself B.yourself C.themselves D.yourselves 2.一I like the story of The Maze Runner better than of Tire Hunger Came. 一I agree. The fights are more exciting than in The Hunger Game. A.that; those B.those; those C.that; that D.those; that 3.—Did you buy a large house? —No, not really, at least not as large as ______. A.yours B.your C.you 4.—Hi, Anna. Are these your sister’s pencils? —Oh, no. The y’re not ______. A.her B.him C.hers D.his 5.The government is making an effort to improve the life of elderly people, many of whom are suffering(遭受) from either loneiness or poor health, or even___________. A.neither B.none C.all D.both 6.— Is there anything to drink in the fridge? — No, there is _____ left. A.all B.both C.neither D.none 7.—When is your father’s birthday? —________ birthday is on April 2nd. A.He B.She C.His D.Him 8.----Where would you like to go tomorrow, Beijing or Xi'an? ---- is OK. It’s up to you. A.Either B.Neither C.Both D.All 9.—Shall we sit in the corner or by the window? —. I don’t mind. A.Both B.Neither C.No D.Either 10.Not ______that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced. A.everything B.anything C.something D.nothing 11.My parents showed some old pictures that brought back sweet memories. A.I B.me C.my D.mine 12.—How many friends of ________ can come to celebrate your birthday? —________, I think. They’re all preparing for the new term. A.you, No one B.yours, None C.you, None 13.Winning or losing is only half the game, __________half is learning how to communicate with your teammates and learning from your mistakes. A.another B.other C.the other 14.Life is full of ups and downs, and without the downs, the ups will mean A.something B.everything C.anything D.nothing


【考点必背】2018年中医助理医师中药学考点:补血药2018年执业医师考试时间在12月9日,考生要好好备考,争取一次性通过考试!小编整理了一些执业医师的重要考点,希望对备考的小伙伴会有所帮助!最后祝愿所有考生都能顺利通过考试!更多精彩资料关注医学考试之家! 一、性能功效 本类药物的药性甘温或甘平,质地滋润,能补肝养心或益脾,而以滋生血液为主有的还兼能滋养肝肾。 二、适应范围 主要适用于心肝血虚所致的面色萎黄,唇爪苍白,眩晕耳鸣,心悸怔忡,失眠健忘,或月经愆期,量少色淡,甚至经闭,脉细弱等证。 三、配伍方法 应用时,如兼见气虚者,要配伍补气药,使气旺以生血;兼见阴虚者,要配伍补阴药,或选用补血而充分发挥作用,故还应当配伍健运脾胃药。 四、使用注意 补血药多滋腻粘滞,妨碍运化。故凡湿滞脾胃,脘腹胀满,食少便溏者应慎用。必要时,可配伍健脾食药,以助运化。 当归白芍 共同点: 当归与白芍皆为常用的补血药,均能补血调经。都可用治血虚面色萎黄,眩晕心悸,月经不调,经闭痛经等症,二者常相须为用,并配伍熟地黄、川芎。 同时,二者均能止痛,都可用治疼痛的病证。 不同点: 当归味甘辛,性温,既能补血,又能活血,兼能散寒,故血虚、血瘀、血寒的月经不调,经闭痛经,均可使用,血虚寒滞者尤为适宜,为补血的要药和妇科调经的要药。

且当归止痛是善于补血活血,散寒止痛。故当归主治血虚、血瘀、虚寒的疼痛,如虚寒腹痛,瘀血作痛,癥瘕积聚,跌打损伤、瘀滞肿痛,风湿痹痛、肢体麻木,以及痈疽疮疡肿痛; 同时,当归又能润肠通便。也常用治血虚肠燥便秘。 本品一般生用,为加强活血则酒炒用。又,补血用当归身,活血用当归尾,和血(补血活血)用全当归。 白芍味苦酸甘,性微寒,善于养血敛阴,故血虚、阴虚有热者最为适宜。 且白芍止痛则善于养血柔肝,缓急止痛。故白芍主治肝阴不足,血虚肝旺,肝气不舒所致的胁肋疼痛、脘腹四肢拘挛作痛,以及肝脾不调、腹痛泄泻。 同时,白芍又能平抑肝阳,敛阴止汗。也常用治: 1.肝阳上亢所致的头痛眩晕、烦躁易怒; 2.阴虚盗汗,以及营卫不和的表虚自汗等证。治疗后者常配伍桂枝等药。 本品平肝、敛阴多生用,养血调经多炒用或酒炒用。 注意:白芍反藜芦,不宜同用。 白芍赤芍 共同点: 白芍与赤芍《本经》不分,通称芍药,唐末宋初,始将二者区分。二者虽同出一物而性微寒,但前人谓“白补赤泻,白收赤散”,一语而道破二者的主要区别。 不同点: 一般认为,在功效方面: 白芍长于养血调经,柔肝止痛,敛阴止汗,平抑肝阳; 赤芍长于清热凉血,活血散瘀,清泄肝火。 在应用方面: 白芍主治血虚阴亏,肝阳偏亢诸证。如血虚或阴虚有热的月经不调、经闭痛经,阴虚盗汗、营卫不和的表虚自汗,肝阳偏亢的眩晕耳鸣、烦躁易怒等证;


一、选择题 1.Karen and Helen _______ my brother's friends. I know _______. A.is; her B.are; them C.are; her D.is; them 2.Kay looked _________ at the guests who said that the food she cooked tasted _________. A.happily; wonderfully B.happily; wonderful C.happy; wonderful D.happy; wonderfully 3.I don’t have a baseball, but Alan A.do B.does C.have D.has 4.—Listen! I can hear someone __________ for help. —Is there __________? A.calling; anything wrong B.call; anything wrong C.calling; wrong anything D.call; wrong anything 5.Our school basketball team ________ in the final of the basketball competition. Another team from No.5 Middle School ________ doing very well too. A.is; isn’t B.are; aren’t C.is; are D.are; is 6.—Why ______ you so busy these days? —Because they arrived ______ London ______ the morning of July1. A.are; in , in B.are; in , on C.do; on , in D.do; at , on 7.A number of visitors ________visiting our school. The number of them________ about 180. A.is;are B.are; is C.is; is D.are; are 8.—William, your hat _______ nice. —Thanks. A.buys B.looks C.finds 9.This is a photo of my grandpa. He young A.looks B.feels C.sounds D.hears 10.Lily and Lucy _______ their mother. They have big eyes and yellow hair. A.like both B.both are like C.both like D.are both like 11.—He’s never been late for school. —________________. A.So have I B.So am I C.Neither have I D.Nor am I 12.In the past he often made his sister____, but now he is often made ___by his sister. A.to cry; to cry B.cry; cry C.to cry; cry D.cry; to cry 13.This my sister and those my brothers. A.is, is B.are, are C.is, are 14.— Tom in the library? —Yes,and his friends Eric and Dale in the library,too. A.Is;are B.Is;is C.Are;is


一、选择题 1.The result is ________ worse than we thought! A.more B.even C.great D.much more 2.I looked at a few printers, and among them the one from China was ________ to use. A.easy B.easier C.easiest D.the easiest 3.Rowan was listed in the top 50 ________ people ever by a group of comedians. A.funny B.funnier C.funniest D.the funniest 4.We are covering these ____________ girls’ wonderful performances ______ . A.lively; live B.lively; alive C.alive; live D.alive; living 5.I'm surprised that Jenny is 42. I thought she was , for she seems to be in her thirties. A.younger B.older C.young D.old 6.- Do you like the western food, Li Li? - No, I think Chinese food is______ than that of western countries. A.more delicious B.the most delicious C.not as delicious D.much delicious 7.- I’m very tired these days because of this exam. - Why not listen to music? It can make you ______. A.relaxed B.sad C.scared D.bored 8.—Good news! We will have a ________ holiday. —I’ve heard of it. But it’s coming in ________. A.three days; three days’ time B.three days’; three days’ C.three-day; three days D.three days; three-day time 9.Some students are so . They often make mistakes in their homework. A.careful B.serious C.careless D.successful 10.—We planted some trees in the park on Tree Planting Day. —Good! It helps to make our city __________. A.more cleaner B.less cleaner C.more beautiful D.less beautiful 11.—I really like to watch the TV program I AM A SINGER. —Me, too. It’s one of the ________ TV programs I’ve ever seen. A.least boring B.least interesting C.most boring D.most interesting 12.You are doing great! I’ve never had ___________ answer before. A.better B.best C.a better D.the best 13.—What do you think of the TV series All is well? —Oh, I am so moved because I’ve never seen a_________ one before. A.better B.worse C.good D.bad 14.Julia is very clever.In fact,I doubt whether anyone in the class has_______ IQ.


第二章股票 第四节我国的股票类型 单选题(以下备选答案中只有一项最符合题目要求) 1.( )是指企业法人或具有法人资格的事业单位和社会团体以其依法可支配的资产投入 公司形成的股份。[2010年3月真题] A.社会公众股 B:法人股 C.外资股 D.国家股 【答案】B 【解析】在我国,按投资主体的不同性质,将股票划分为国家股、法人股、社会公众股和外资股等不同类型。法人股是指企业法人或具有法人资格的事业单位和社会团体以其依法可支配的资产投入公司形成的股份。法人持股所形成的也是一种所有权关系,是法人经营自身财产的一种投资行为,法人股股票以法人记名。 2.( )是指在中国境外注册、在香港上市但主要业务在中国内地或大部分股东权益来自 中国内地的股票。[2010年3月真题] A.N股 B.H股 C.红筹股 D.B股 【答案】c 【解析】红筹股不属于外资股。红筹股是指在中国境外注册、在香港上市但主要业务在中国内地或大部分股东权益来自中国内地的股票。A项,N股是指在纽约上市的外资股;

B项,H股是指注册地在我国内地、上市地在我国香港的外资股;D项,B股是指境内 上市外资股。 3.以下关于按流通受限与否分类的说法错误的是( )。[2010年5月真题] A.未完成股权分置改革的上市公司股份,都是未上市流通股份 B.未上市流通股份是指尚未在证券交易所上市交易的股份 c.无限售条件股份是指流通转让不受限制的股份 D.有限售条件股份是指股份持有人依照法律,法规规定或按承诺有转让制的股份 【答案】A 【解】A项,未完成股权分置改革的公司,按股份流通受限与否可分为以下类别:①未 上市流通股份;②已上市流通股份。. 4.国家股、法人股等是按( )来划分的。 A.股票上市地点 B.股票投资主体的不同性质 C.股票上市主要监管部门 D.股票是否公开发行 【答案】B 【解析】按股东的权利和义务关系,国外一般将股票分为普通股和优先股。在我国,按投 资主体的不同性质,将股票划分为国家股、法人股、社会公众股和外资股等不同类型。 5.我国《证券法》规定,社会募集公司申请股票上市的条件之一是,向社会公开发行的股份 达到公司股份总数的25%P2_k。公司股本总额超过人民币4亿元的,向社会公开发行 股 份的比例为( )以上。 A.5% B.10% C.15% D.20%

中药学第73讲 补血药当归、熟地黄、白芍、何首乌

中药学第73讲补血药当归、熟地黄、白芍、何首乌第七十三讲补血药:当归、熟地黄、白芍、何首乌前面我们把补虚药第三节补血药概述当中的有关问题,作了一些简单的说明,主要也是一些共性的、规律性的东西。下面我们把几味重要的补血药也作一个简单的介绍。,当归这种植物用的它的根作为中药使第一味补血药就是当归。这是一个伞形科(植物)用。当归的植物那和前面我们学过的白芷是同属的,都同一个属的,从植物来讲它们有很多相似的地方。那么伞形科的植物在解表药当中也是很多的,什么防风、羌活这一类都是。当归质量最好的是产在甘肃的岷县,产量大,而且质量好,历来认为是当归的道地药材。所以甘肃的岷县那也就是道地产区,这在商品里面叫做秦归。为什么甘肃岷县产的这个当归称为秦归呢,因为就是战国时候的秦国,它最先受封(时)这个周的天子是封他在甘肃的岷县,古代当时叫做秦州,后来它慢慢的才向东推进,扩大了势力,最后才到了陕西,所以最初他。受封的地点秦州,与这个有关,所以把它称为“秦归” 当归作为一个补血药,我们书上首先就肯定它是一个补血的要药,就是一般的血虚证都可以选择使用。从中医学这个角度来讲,不管肝血虚或者心血虚,它都可以配伍使用。就是结合现代的医学,真正属于贫血的,当归也有补血的效果。真正属于贫血的血虚证,它都可以使用。那我们在教科书上,在应用一里面分了两段,第一段主要是介绍了它在治疗心血虚方面的应用。心血虚除了血虚的共同的症状,比如说就是面色萎黄,或者白,那个舌质比较淡白这样的一些症状以外,主要就表现为神失所养,出现了心神不宁、心悸失眠、健忘多梦这样的一些症状。那么当归呢,主要就和养心安神的药配伍,尤其是象酸枣仁、柏子仁这些养血安神的药,当然也可以配伍其他的养心安神药。我们前面学过的大枣、人参、茯苓,以后还会学一些,包括丹参这一类,它都可以配伍使用,所以这个是一个基本的原则。今后大家学养心安神的有名的天王补心丹,或者养心汤这样的一些方里


初中英语语法大全-句子的种类 按照英语句子的使用目的和用途,句子可分为四类: 陈述句(Declarative Sentence)、疑问句(Interrogative Sentence)、祈使句(Imperative Sentence)和感叹句(Exclamatory Sentence)。 陈述句包括肯定陈述句和否定陈述句。 疑问句有一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句和反意疑问句。 图解语法 1. 陈述句 说明一个事实或陈述一个人的看法,陈述句包括肯定陈述句和否定陈述句 特别提示:

肯定陈述句改成否定句或一般疑问句时,如句中有already,some,something,somebody等词,须分别改成yet,any,anything,anybody 等。 另外,也要注意,too改成either,both改成neither,all改成none等。 2. 疑问句

3. 常用的特殊疑问句

4. 特殊的反意疑问句 ①主句是祈使句时,“will you?”意为“请求”,“won’t you?”表示提醒对方注意。 例句: Look at the blackboard, will you / won’t you? Don’t be late again, will you? ②感叹句后的反意疑问,用一般现在时态的否定形式 例句: What fine weather, isn’t it? How beautifully she sings, doesn’t she? ③陈述部分是“I am …”时,用“aren’t I?”而不用“am not I?” 例句: I'm working now, aren’t I?


资料收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除 1 (see 、hear 、notice 、find 、feel 、listen to 、look at (感官动词)+do eg:I like watching monkeys jump 2 (比较级and 比较级)表示越来越怎么样 3 a piece of cake =easy 小菜一碟(容易) 4 agree with sb 赞成某人 5 all kinds of 各种各样a kind of 一样 6 all over the world = the whole world 整个世界 7 along with同……一道,伴随…… eg : I will go along with you我将和你一起去 the students planted trees along with their teachers 学生同老师们一起种树 8 As soon as 一怎么样就怎么样 9 as you can see 你是知道的 10 ask for ……求助向…要…(直接接想要的东西)eg : ask you for my book 11 ask sb for sth 向某人什么 12 ask sb to do sth 询问某人某事ask sb not to do 叫某人不要做某事 13 at the age of 在……岁时eg:I am sixteen I am at the age of sixteen 14 at the beginning of …… ……的起初;……的开始 15 at the end of +地点/+时间最后;尽头;末尾eg : At the end of the day 16 at this time of year 在每年的这个时候 17 be /feel confident of sth /that clause +从句感觉/对什么有信心,自信 eg : I am / feel confident of my spoken English I feel that I can pass the test 18 be + doing 表:1 现在进行时2 将来时 19 be able to (+ v 原) = can (+ v 原)能够…… eg : She is able to sing She can sing 20 be able to do sth 能够干什么eg :she is able to sing 21 be afraid to do (of sth 恐惧,害怕…… eg : I'm afraed to go out at night I'm afraid of dog 22 be allowed to do 被允许做什么 eg: I'm allowed to watch TV 我被允许看电视I should be allowed to watch TV 我应该被允许看电视 23 be angry with sb 生某人的气eg : Don't be angry with me 24 be angry with(at) sb for doing sth 为什么而生某人的气 25 be as…原级…as 和什么一样eg : She is as tall as me 她和我一样高 26 be ashamed to 27 be away from 远离 28 be away from 从……离开 29 be bad for 对什么有害eg : Reading books in the sun is bad for your eyes 在太阳下看书对你的眼睛不好 30 be born 出生于 31 be busy doing sth 忙于做什么事be busy with sth 忙于…… 32 be careful 当心;小心 33 be different from…… 和什么不一样 34 be famous for 以……著名


一、选择题 1.— Is this room yours? —No, it's not__________.It's __________. A.mine; Lily's and Lucy's B.my; Lily and Lucy's C.my; theirs D.mine; Sally's 2.________wild animals are disappearing because of the ________of their living areas. A.The number of; lost B.The number of; losing C.A number of; lose D.A number of; loss 3.-Can I help you? -Yes. I'd like__________ rice. A.a small bar of B.a slice of C.a large bag of D.a piece of 4.With the ________ of society, our environment is becoming worse and worse. So we should do what we can ________ our environment. A.development; to protect B.developing; to protect C.development; protect D.develop; protect 5.People in western countries will get together to eat turkeys and celebrate harvest(丰收)on ________, just like our Mid-Autumn Day. A.Thanksgiving Day B.Christmas Day C.National Day 6.—There are beautiful flowers everywhere to celebrate the National Day, and we have —________ holiday. That means we have seven days ________ for this public holiday. A.a seven-day; off B.a seven-days; away C.seven-day; over D.a seven-days’; off 7.Look, this is________ bedroom. A.my father and mother’s B.my father’s and mother’s C.my father’s and mother D.my father and mother 8.Those _________ plans for the holiday sound great. How about ________? A.girl’s ; yours B.girls’; you C.girls ; your D.girls’; yours 9.My mother often________when she was a young girl. A.keep diaries B.keep diary C.kept diaries D.kept diary 10.—Kate, I will go to the Guangzhou Zoo next week, because I will have a ________ holiday —You mean you can have ________ off? Oh, that’s great! A.three-day; three days B.three- day; three days’ C.three days’; three-day D.three days; three days 11.—Look.There’re lots of______here. —Great.We can make______soup. A.egg;egg B.eggs;egg C.egg;eggs D.eggs;eggs 12.—Do you think it is _______good advice?
