


Ⅰ. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F):

1. Dreaming is about a people being at one with the country which means that people do not own the land, but the land owns the people who have responsibilities of guardianship towards it. _____



2. Anglicanism is the British particular form of Protestantism. _____



3. Fundamentalism is only confined to Christianity. _____



4. Hugh Mackay points out that Australians spend far more, per capita, on the

training of elite athletes than they do on the training of doctors, scientists, musicians and philosophers. _____


【解析】运动在澳大利亚也被视为一种“宗教”。社会学家Hugh Mackay指出,澳大利亚人在训练精英运动员方面的花费远远超过他们在训练医生、科学家、音乐家和哲学家方面的费用。

5. Female sport coverage on television is far below that of male sports. _____



6. The history of Australian literature dates back to the Dreamtime stories, myths and legends that have been passed on orally or visually by artistic representations on rocks and on bark over 40 000 years. _____



7. The main feature of Australian literature in the early 20th century is realism. _____ 【答案】T


8. Ethel Richardson Robertson is a realist writer. His work includes The Getting of Wisdom and his trilogy, The Fortunes of Richard Mahoney. _____



9. In the 1950s and 1960s many Australian writers thought that to gain a name they had to leave Australia, and most went overseas to the U.S. _____


【解析】在上世纪50年代和60年代,许多澳大利亚作家也呼应了作家Christina Stead 早期的意识,即他们必须离开澳大利亚,他们大多数人都去了欧洲,而不是美国。

10. The Whitlam and Fraser governments invested in the arts to further encourage

this more independent Australian voice as it was given expression in films, art, music and books. _____



Ⅱ. Choose the answer that best completes the statement or answers the question:

1. Which one of the following in NOT a different version of Protestantism?

A. Catholicism

B. Salvation Army

C. Methodism

D. Congregationalism


【解析】到1850年代,社会阶级的差异导致了澳大利亚新教的不同版本:上层和中产阶级仍然保留着英国国教,社会底层则分割出教众主义,卫理公会和救世军等派别。因此选项A “天主教”是不包括在内的。

2. Which is now the fastest growing non-Christian belief system in Australia?

A. Islam

B. Judaism

C. Buddhism

D. Hinduism



3. Which game is the most popular in Australia in terms of the numbers who play the game?

A. Hockey

B. Cricket

C. Beach Volleyball

D. Netball



4. Sport has the following positive characteristics, EXCEPT _____.

A. it creates a sense of community

B. it encourages exercise

C. it improve physical fitness

D. it makes fans admire their sport heroes



5. The various forms of Australian literature in the English language during the period 1788 to the present day includes the following, EXCEPT _____.

A. verse

B. biography

C. rock art

D. drama



6. Patrick White is the author of the following book titled _____.

A. The Tree of Man

B. Unpolished Gem

C. Dead Europe

D. The Boat



7. Who belongs to the second generation migrant writers?

A. Thomas Keneally

B. Ruth Park The Age

C. Alice Pung

D. Patrick White



8. Many novels have been made into films, and the most influential film based on a novel by an Australian author has been Spielberg’s film _____.

A. Schindler’s List

B. Oscar and Lucinda

C. Monkey Grip

D. The Eye of the Storm

英语国家社会与文化入门-澳大利亚简答题 unit18

澳大利亚unit15 1 what are the unique features of the Australian continent? A:The unique features of the Australian continent are Animals,these animals include:the platypus,the kangaroo,the koala,the wombat. 2 Discuss the social and cultural values embodied in the Dreaming.讨论社会和文化价值在做梦中的体现 A: Membership in a particular language group was of great social and cultural significance .traditionally,languages belong to tracts of country which ,in the belief system of the Dreamings,have been put in their places by Dreamtime creator figures. 3 why does author say that ' In most of the language there is no distinction between the words for "belief","law"and"knoeledge"?Do you think it is true in your own language? A: The sacred creation stories are not only explanations about how the country came to be formed,they also provide principles of how peples should live and interact with others,especially with whom they may or may not intermarry .I think it is true in my own language. 4 what do you know about ZhengHe's voyages in the 15th century ? Do you think his fleet got to the northern part of Australia? Why? A: In 1405,Zhu Di the Ming emperor commissioned his admiral ZhengHe to take 317 of his ships to the Middle East and Eastern Africa .Between 1405 and 1433 ZhengHe made seven trips routinely passing through what we now call Southeast and South Asia .I am sure that ZhengHe had gone there ,because there is evidence that several ships from that armada landed on the Aru Islands to the noth of Arnhem Land. 5 What is the impact of the assimilation policy on the indigenous people?同化政策对本土人民的影响是什么? A: The local culture of the Dreamings were destoried and replaced with Christianity .the children grew to adulthood many of them had lost both their families and their culture.They were employed as domestic servants or on cattle stations .Young Aboriginal women were continually at risk of rape . Aboriginal people were excluded from the social ,the political ,the education ,the health services and other aspects. Racism was an entrenched part of Australian culture until the 1960s and operated at the personal and institutional level. 澳大利亚简答题第18单元: 1.Do you think the Australian government system is a democratic?Why? Answer:Yes.The reason is following: Australia has what has been called a “Washminster”form of polity.In other words it is a mixture of the US,Washington system of government and the British,Westminster system:the political structure is based on a Federation of States and has a three-tier system of government but the chief executive is a Prime Minister not a President. 2.Why do you think Australia adopted the “Washminster”form of polity?Do you think it reflects the advantages of both system?


2019年高考文化生活考试试题汇总 第一单元文化与生活 1.(全国Ⅰ卷.20)在中国传统文化中,丹顶鹤象征着圣洁、高贵,无数文人雅士以鹤自喻,折射出人们对它的喜爱。现在,“人与自然是生命共同体”的理念成为社会共识,人们从人与自然环境和谐相处的高度来欣赏鹤、喜爱鹤、保护鹤。鹤的寓意的变化表明( B) ①人们的审美观念深受价值观念的影响②文化决定人们的思维方式和价值观念 ③社会实践是文化变化发展的动力和源泉④每个时代人们的审美观念会趋于一致 A.①② B.① ③ C.② ④ D.③④ 2.(卷.26)登滕王阁,看“落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色”;游西湖,感受“水光潋滟晴方好,山色空蒙雨亦奇”。纵情山水之间,品味诗词之美,“跟着诗词去旅行”成为人们出游新选择。对此认识正确的是( A) A.游历大好河山,感受诗词魅力,有助于深化文化体验 B.以文塑旅,以旅彰文,传承诗词文化重在发掘其经济价值 C.文化旅游的发展取决于人们的文化修养 D.文化与旅游相结合是文化创新的根本途径 3.(卷.20)“清早起来什么镜子照?梳一个油头什么花香……”随着一阵清脆明快的京剧曲调声,学生们有板有眼地做起了戏曲课间操。戏曲课间操不仅提升了学生做课间操的兴趣,也成为同学们感受优秀传统文化的一个窗口。材料说明( C) A.大众文化的发展可以高雅与通俗并存 B.形式多样的文化生活活跃了文化思想 C.人们在实践中创造、发展并享用文化 D.文化影响人们的交往行为和交往方式 5.(卷.16)说: “我们说要坚定中国特色社会主义道路自信、理论自信、制度自信,说到底是要坚定文化自信。文化自信是更基本、更深沉、更持久的力量。历史和现实都表明,一个抛弃了或者背叛了自己历史文化的民族,不仅不可能发展起来,而且很可能上演一场历史悲剧。”这一论述蕴含的文化生活道理是( B) ①文化是一个国家和民族的灵魂 ②一定社会的经济和政汉归根归根到底是由文化决定的 ③文化为经济发展和政治进步提供精神动力和价值支撑 ④文化发展水平是衡量一个民族和国家发展水平的根本尺度


2020年高考《文化生活》选择题必背55条 第一课文化与生活 1. 文化是人类社会实践的产物。 2. 人们的精神活动离不开物质活动。 3. 文化作为一种精神力量,能够在人们认识世界、改造世界的过程中转化为物质力量,对社会发展产生深刻的影响。 4. 经济是基础,政治是经济的集中表现。文化是经济、政治的反映 5. 先进的、健康的文化会促进社会的发展,落后的、腐朽的文化则会阻碍社会的发展。 6. 文化有其自身的传承性和相对独立性。 7. 文化越来越成为民族凝聚力和创造力的重要源泉,越来越成为经济社会发展的重要支撑,越来越成为综合国力竞争的重要因素。 第二课文化对人的影响 1. 文化对人的影响一般不是有形的、强制的。文化对人的影响也不都是消极被动、无目的地接受的,人们接受健康向上的文化影响,往往是自觉学习、主动接受文化熏陶的过程。 2. 世界观、人生观、价值观是人们文化素养的核心和标志。 3. 优秀的文化能丰富人的精神世界,增强人的精神力量,促进人的全面发展。 第三课文化的多样性与文化传播 1. 民族文化是一个民族区别于其他民族的独特标识。 2. 庆祝民族节日,是民族文化的集中展示。 3. 文化遗产是一个国家和民族历史文化成就的重要标志。文化遗产不仅对于研究人类文明的演进具有重要意义。 4. 文化多样性是人类社会的基本特征,也是人类文明进步的重要动力。 5. 对待文化多样性的正确态度:既要认同本民族文化,又要尊重其他民族文化。相互借鉴,求同存异,尊重世界文化多样性,共同促进人类文明繁荣进步。 6.大众传媒能够最大程度地超越时空的局限,汇集来自世界各地的信息,日益显示出文化传递、沟通、共享的强大功能,已成为文化传播的主要手段。 7. 文化传播的途径:商业贸易、人口迁徙、教育。 第四课文化的继承性与文化发展 1. 建筑被称为凝固的艺术,中国古代建筑,是展现中国传统文化的重要标志。 2. 文化遗产是一个国家和民族历史文化成就的重要标志。 3. 传统文化的特点:具有相对稳定性、鲜明的民族性、继承性。 4. 继承是发展的必要前提,发展是继承的必然要求。继承与发展,是同一过程的两个方面。 5. 思想运动往往催生社会变革,促进文化发展。 6. 生产力与生产关系的矛盾运动:决定着社会制度的变化,也决定着文化的发展方向。 7. 教育是人类特有的传承文化的能动性活动,具有选择、传递、创造文化的特定功能,在人的教化和培育上始终扮演着重要的角色。 第五课文化创新 1. 社会实践是文化创新的源泉和动力。 2. 文化创新是一个民族的文化永葆生命力和富有凝聚力的重要保证。 3. 人民群众是社会实践的主体,也是文化创造的主体。 4. 文化创新的根本途径是立足于社会实践,继承传统,推陈出新,面向世界,博采众长是文化创新的基本途径。 5. 守旧主义即一味固守本民族的传统文化;封闭主义即拒绝接受新文化和任何外来文化。 6. 民族虚无主义即一味推崇外来文化;历史虚无主义即根本否定传统文化。 7. 推动社会实践的发展,是文化创新的根本目的,也是检验文化创新的根本标准。 8. 推动文化发展,基础在继承,关键在创新。 第六课我们的中华文化 1. 中华文化具有源远流长、博大精深的特点。 2. 文字,是文化的基本载体,记载了文化发展的历史轨迹和丰富成果。汉字是中华文明的重要标志。 3. 史书典籍是中华文化一脉相传的重要见证。 4. 科学技术是一个民族文明程度的重要标志之一。我国古代科学技术注重实际运用,具有实用性和综合性的特点。 5. 中华文化之所以源远流长、博大精深,一个重要原因在于它所特有的包容性,即求同存异和兼收并蓄。 第七课我们的民族精神 1. 中华文化的力量,集中表现为民族精神的力量。中华民族精神,深深植根于绵延数千年的优秀传统文化之

(通用版)2017高考政治二轮复习 高考第39题对点特训(一)文化与生活

高考第39题对点特训(一) 1.阅读材料,回答问题。 法治文化是现代国家的必需品,唯有让法治成为民众的习惯,内化为一种自觉的意识,形成一种文化,才能实现真正的良法善治。要调动全社会的力量,加强法治文化建设,努力营造法治文化的氛围。 运用文化与生活的知识,分析在全面推进依法治国过程中加强法治文化建设的意义。 2.阅读材料,回答问题。 世界近代历史表明,科技创新是现代化的发动机,是一个国家进步和发展的重要因素。纵观当今世界创新型国家,它们的共同特征是科技自主创新成为促进国家发展的主导战略,创新综合指数明显高于其他国家,科技进步贡献率大都在70%以上,对外技术的依存度大都在30%以上。 结合材料,运用文化的作用的知识,分析材料中的观点。 3.阅读材料,回答问题。 某苹果种植户过去种植“随大流”、销售“靠运气”,生产经营难以为继。后来,他参加了当地政府举办的互联网知识培训,学习掌握了许多新知识。他根据网上订单来安排生产、管理、销售,当苹果才开花时,销售已经结束了;他又通过互联网展示自己的果田,吸引人们前来观赏、采摘,享受田园之美、体验动手之乐,带动当地“农家乐”旅游的发展。(1)结合材料,运用文化作用的知识,说明“互联网+”对解决“三农”问题的意义。

(2)结合材料,运用联系客观性和多样性的知识,说明农民应该如何为农产品插上互联网的翅膀。 (3)互联网也有风险,坑农、骗农事件时有发生,请你为网农如何防范互联网风险提出一条建议。 4.阅读材料,回答问题。 材料一文化是综合国力的重要方面,是国际竞争中备受关注的“软实力”。美国通过好莱坞电影等大众传媒和大众文化产品大肆推销他们的一套价值观念和生活方式;法国非常重视在世界上传播法兰西文化。不少发达国家都有着自己的文化战略。 材料二“十三五”时期是全面建设小康社会、大力推进文化建设的关键时期。为此,我国提出要积极开拓国际文化市场,推动中华文化走向世界。 (1)联系当前国际竞争的形势,运用文化生活有关知识,说明我国为什么要加强文化建设。 (2)面对这种形势,我们应如何加强文化建设。 4.阅读材料,回答问题。 近年来,互联网技术迅猛发展,快速融入并深刻改变了百姓的日常生活。


概括:今天我们为大家介绍的是最完美的旅游天堂,有人叫它水下仙静也有人 称它为世界上最神奇的地方——魅力神奇的澳洲大堡礁me people call it an underwater wonderland,others call it the most magical place on our planet——the beautifui and amazing Grea Brrier Reef Australia澳大利亚大堡礁是世界上自然奇 迹之一,大堡礁位于澳大利亚的东海岸,是世界上最大的珊瑚礁大堡礁被列为 世界遗产名录及国家遗产名录。The Great Barrier Reef, Australia,One of the natural wonders of the world, the Great Barrier Reef off the east coast of Australia is the world’s largest coral reef. It has the distinction of being placed in the World Heritage as well as the National Heritage lists. .一.地理位置Location 大堡礁位于澳大利亚的昆土兰州以东,巴布亚湾与南回归线之间的热带海域the Great barrier reef located at east of Australia's elder brother earth Lanzhou, between Papua bay and tropic of capricorn's tropics sea area, 北面从托雷斯海峡起,向南直到弗雷泽岛附近,沿澳大利亚东北海岸线绵延2000余千米,东西宽20~240千米。northern side from the Torres channel, to the south until the Frazer island nearby, is continuous 2000 kilometers along the Australian Northeast coastline, the thing extends 20~240 kilometers 大堡礁由三千个不同阶段的珊瑚礁、珊瑚岛、沙洲和泻湖组成。The great barrier reef by 3000 different period's coral reefs, the coral island, the sandbar and the lagoon is composed 这个世界上景色最美、规模最大的珊瑚礁群,总面积达20.7万平方千米In this world the scenery is most beautiful, the scale biggest coral reef group, the total area amounts to 207,000 square kilometers 二.气候Climate 从季节上讲,大堡礁地处热带,是全年都能进行观光活动的地方。Says from the season, the Great Barrier Reef is situated at the tropics, is the whole year can carry on sightseeing the place. 如果要选最佳时间,以每年5月到10月之间最为理想。If must choose the best time, by every year May to October between most ideal.候较为稳定、清爽宜人,多为蓝天白云。The climate is stable neatly, pleasant, many are the blue sky white clouds 天气晴朗,有足够光线入水,各色绚丽的珊瑚和鱼类的色彩非常艳丽动The clear weather there is enough ray of light into water, each coral with gorgeous color and fish color are very gorgeous to move 三.水域Waters 大堡礁水域共约有大小岛屿600多个,其中以绿岛、丹客岛、海伦岛、哈米顿岛、琳德曼岛、芬瑟岛等较为有名。The Great Barrier Reef waters altogether approximately have size islands more than 600, by Lyu island, the Dan guest island, the Helen Island, Mi Dudao, Lin the German isle of man, the profuse Chinese zither island and so on is more famous. The reef is scattered with beautiful islands and idyllic coral cays and covers more than 300,000 square kilometres大堡礁分散美丽的岛屿,覆盖面积超过300,000平方公里。. The Great Barrier Reef system consists of more than 3000 reefs大堡礁系统由超过3000岛礁组成。大堡礁的一部分岛屿,其实是淹在海中的山脉顶峰。The Great Barrier Reef part of islands, are actually


关于澳大利亚的英文介绍 Australia: An introduction In land area, Australia is the sixth largest nation after Russia, Canada, China, the United States of America and Brazil. It has, however, a relatively small population. Australia is the only nation to govern an entire continent and its outlying islands. The mainland is the largest island and the smallest, flattest continent on Earth. It lies between 10° and 39°South latitude. The highest point on the mainland, Mount Kosciuszko, is only 2228 metres. Apart from Antarctica, Australia is the driest continent. Australia is the driest inhabited continent on earth. Its interior has one of the lowest rainfalls in the world and about three-quarters of the land is arid or semi-arid. Its fertile areas are well-watered, however, and these are used very effectively to help feed the world. Sheep and cattle graze in dry country, but care must be taken with the soil. Some grazing land became desert when the long cycles that influence rainfall in Australia turned to drought. The Australian federation consists of six States and two Territories. Most inland borders follow lines of longitude and latitude. The largest State,


Culture of Australia In this class, I want to know something about Australia. The culture of Australia is essentially a western culture influenced by the unique geography of the Australian continent. I want to know such as the location and geography, demography, linguistic affiliation, history and ethnic relations. I like Australia and I hope one day I can go there to see its beautiful view. Because Australia living in the first-class level of education in today's world, every year it attracts a large number of international students to Australia Post-graduate. Stepping into Australia's five schools on the top, we will find the Australian university education combines American-style opened ethos and continuation of the traditional British education. P ersonnel’s training provides a relaxed learning space, and it’s a good academic atmosphere there. At last, the teacher taught us the grammar of English, some idioms in English and played some videos about Australia. In teaching, the teacher taught in English from beginning to the end which made us improve our own listening. We thank the teacher and I hope his class will be better and better. That’s all I wanted. Now I will give the teacher some advice. Teachers stressed the importance of constructing and understanding the situational factors. Under the guidance of a teacher, the students explore the social and cultural values to reflect on why some culture can be popular for a long time, and how it became a product of the times. Students' thinking and values will changes to make a re-interpretation about how different the groups of culture are. Students explore the culture points to the audience about how to influence the culture. Students’ sensitive cultural prejudices are changed. Students will realize l the diversity of the national culture of each country.


澳大利亚英文介绍 Australia Australia is a island country .It is located in Oceania between the Indian Ocean and the South Ocean. The Australian Aborigines’arrival is the binging of Australia about 50 000 years ago. European countries did not know whether there was a continent , Australia ,before 1768.So they drew a hypothetical map, in which there was a Terra Australia .In 1768,James Cook traveled Cape Horn of South American .He continued his travel toward west .He got to New Zealand .Then he found Australia at west. When the earth and human society appeared was called the Dreamtime. During the Dreamtime, the Rainbow Serpent made laws: people can not eat his animal totem . Bushranging means thieving from law-abiding citizens while living in the Australia Outback. There are two different places we should attention .One is the Cape Horn in South American, the other is the Cape of Good Hope in Africa. Some people moved from Botany Bay to Jackson Port. They founded the city of Sydney, Jackson Port, Sydney Cove . In 1901,the colonies of Australia federated into a country . Australia Day is celebrated annually in January 26. There are some famous states and countries in Australia .Canberra is the capital of Australia. Sydney is the capital of New South Wales. Melbourne is the capital of Victoria .There are some states such as Queensland, Tasmania . There are two famous builds, Sydney Opera House and Sydney Harbor Bridge. There are many animals in Australia , kangaroo and thylacine called marsupial animal ,ostrich and emu . How did people catch flying animals? They used boomerang . They also like music performed by didgeridoo . There is a famous song about Australia named Waltzing Matilda: Once a jolly swagman camped by a billabong


文化生活第一课文化与社会高考题汇编(二) 1、(2011高考江苏卷20)某些发达国家借助跨国公司,通过向世界各国输出产品、以产品为载体的文化和附加条件的科技等手段,在全球推行“软征服”,以达到影响或改变其他国家国民价值观的目的。该材料告诉我们 ①文化与经济、政政是相互交融的 ②世界多极化发展充满了矛盾斗争 ③必须警惕国际交往中的文化霸权主义 ④跨国公司促进了资源在全球范围内流动 A. ①② B. ①③ C. ②④ D. ③④ 2、(2011高考天津卷4)台湾果农为提高水果附加值,把冰激凌灌入柿饼中,使之有双重口味,并别出心裁地将其取名为“你柿我的冰激凌”。由于加入了文化元素,该商品推向市场后受到消费者热捧。这体现了 A.文化与经济相互交融 B.文化创新决定社会实践的发展 C.文化总能推动经济的发展 D.文化发展要以经济发展为基础 4、(2011高考北京卷26)我国“十二五”规划提出“弘扬科学精神,加强人文挂怀,注重心理疏导,培育奋发进取,理性平和,开放包容的社会心态”,这是“社会心态”一词首先出现在国民经济和社会发展规划中,国家重视培育健康的社会心态是因为 A.社会心态受社会现实的制约 B.社会心态是对社会现实的反映 C.社会心态是影响社会现实的精神因素 D.社会矛盾主要通过调整社会心态来化解 5、(2010北京卷)25.《阿凡达》是一部运用3D技术制作的电影,目前已创造了超过27亿美元的全球票房,并带动了3D相关产业的发展。这体现了 ①文化对经济的重大影响②文化是政治经济的反映 ③文化生产力的日趋重要④文化以经济发展为基础 A. ①② B. ①③ C.②④ D.③④ 6、(2010广东卷)31.孟浩然《与诸子登岘山》诗:“人事有代谢,往来成古今。江山留胜迹,我辈复登临……羊公碑字在,读罢泪沾襟。”该句诗可以体现①文化是人类社会实践的产物②文化是由文人创造的 ③文化具有继承性④文化影响人的精神世界


1.The Location of Australia Australia is located in the south hemisphere, between equatorial South East Asia and the Antarctic.It's the largest island in the world and the smallest flattest and dried continent in the world . Being isolated from other major landmasses, Australia is a land of natural wonders . It's famous as a homeland of so many unique animals. Such as kangaroo, platypus, koala, and wombat.The Great Dividing Range , the Great Barrier Reef, Ayers Rock, the Twelves Apostles, the Gold Coast are all the wonderlands of Australia attracting many visitors around the world. 2.The history of British Colonization Historically, Australia was a stolen land, stolen by the British colonists from the hands of its original owners---the Australian aborigines. These aborigines have been living in Australia for at least 18500 generations . they belong to over 500 different groups and have diversified aboriginal culture traditions.But as they all believe in dreaming or dream time . They are also called the Peoples of Dreaming. In 1788, the British colonists arrived in Australia in the First Fleet and announced the land to be Terra Nullius. Meaning an unowned wasteland. This name legitimate British colonization of Australia. Since then, convicts or criminals were transported to Australia and a number of


文化生活第三课文化的多样性与文化传播高考试题汇编练习 一、选择题 1.(09江苏卷19)2020年10月,第31届世界戏剧节在南京举行,来自五大洲16个国家和地区的近40个剧目登台亮相,赢得了广泛好评。这表明 A.其他民族的文化成果都可以为我所用 B.尊重文化的多样性首先要尊重其他民族的文化 C.不同民族的文化可以相互融合、走向同一 D.不同民族的文化可以平等交流、相互借鉴 2.(09浙江卷33)“扁担宽板凳长,扁担想绑在板凳上……各种颜色的皮肤各种颜色的头发,嘴里念的说的开始流行中国话”这首广为传唱的《中国话》表明 A 推广汉语是世界文化多元化的需要 B 中华文化与其他文化相比具有优越性 C 汉语在中外文化中的交流越来越重要 D 汉语是现代文化传播的一种主要手段 3.(09福建卷31)2020年6月18日,中国邮政发行了《海峡西岸建设》特种邮票和邮资封。《海峡西安建设》特种邮票形象地展示了海峡两岸经济区经济社会发展成就。由此可见 A.文化成为地方经济发展的主要标志 B文化能够反映经济社会发展状况 C.邮票成为展示文化款实力的载体 D.发行邮票已成为文化传播的主要途径 4.(08海南卷13)近年来,流行歌曲、小品等大受欢迎,交响乐、歌剧、民族戏曲则有些受冷落,各种文化艺术形式的发展出现了不平衡现象。一些有识之士呼吁“文化艺术领域也需要生态平衡”,因为(D) ①不同文化艺术形式共同发展,可以满足不同层面大众的需求②在文化艺术领域,经济效益与社会效益同样重要③扶持高雅文化艺术、适当限制通俗文化艺术是当务之急④各种文化艺术形式相互依存、共同发展,才能繁荣中国特色社会主义文化 A.①② B.②③ C.③④ D.①④


2011-2015年新课标I高考真题《文化生 活》部分 2012年21.在澳门,道教、佛教、天主教、基督教、伊斯兰教登几百 年来和睦相处,中式建筑与西式建筑比肩而立,中式婚礼与西式婚礼、 中餐与西餐相映成趣。这表明: ①澳门文化的内容和形式具有多样性 ②澳门文化的性质是由其地理环 境决定的 ③澳门文化以中华文化为主以西方文化为辅 ④澳门文化具有包容性、 开放性 A.①② B.①④ C.②③ D.②④ 2013年20.M中学T班同学小薇关心集体、乐于助人,多次荣获“道德之星”光荣称号,老师和同学都对她交口称赞。她 因此慢慢摆脱了因学习成绩不理想而产生的自卑心理,自信 心越来越强。小薇的成长经历进一步印证 ①文化对人的思想和行为有潜移默化的影响 ②文化对提升人的精神境界有着决定性作用 ③优秀文化有利于培育和塑造人的健全人格 ④优秀文化是解决人的心理问题的主导力量 A.①② B.①③ C.②④ 2014年19. 历史上,中华文化曾经成为法国社会的时尚,在法国启蒙 思想家的著作和凡尔赛宫的装饰中都能找到中华文化元素。同样,法国 的历史、哲学、文学、艺术深深吸引着广大中国读者.建交50年来,中 法文化交流进一步发展,促进了各自文化的繁荣,因为两国文化 ①在长期交流中达到了相互融合②都体现着人类进步的价值追求 ③都有自己的精粹和独特的个性④都源远流长,具有相似的历史传统 A.①② B.①④ C.②③ D.③④ 2015年20、“自强不息,厚德载物”“实事求是”……大学校训引

导莘莘学子成长成才。2014年4月,某报推出《校训的故事》专栏,挖掘和阐述大学校训的文化内涵、历史传承与当代价值,传播社会主义核心价值观,引起了社会强烈反响。《校训的故事》引起社会强烈反响的原因是 ①校训的实质内涵与社会主义核心价值观相契合 ②校训是传播社会主义核心价值观的生动载体 ③校训全面反映了社会主义核心价值观的时代内涵 ④校训宣传是培育社会主义核心价值观的基本途径 A ①② B ①④ C ②③ D ③④ 2011年39.(26分)阅读材料,回答下列问题。 妈祖被誉为“海上女神”,传说妈祖姓林名默,宋代时出生在湄洲湾畔(今福建省莆田市境内)。她一出生救急扶危,行善济世。妈祖去世后,人们在湄洲岛建庙祭祀。宋元以后,随着闽南海上贸易和渔业不断发展,船工渔夫越来越多,妈祖信仰越传越广,妈祖从湄洲逐渐走向世界。据统计,目前世界上有妈祖庙5000多座(其中中国台湾800多座、港澳地区50多座),遍布20多个国家和地区,信奉者2亿多人。每逢妈祖出生和升天纪念日,福建、台湾、香港、澳门等地都隆重举行各种庆祝活动,弘扬妈祖信俗蕴涵的传统美德,促进文化发展,近年来,到美洲来祭祀妈祖的台湾同胞、香港同胞、澳门同胞和海外华裔、华侨越来越多,妈祖文化日益成为凝聚华人、华侨的重要精神纽带。 2009年,妈祖信俗被评为世界非物质文化遗产。 (1)结合材料和所学文化生活知识,说明为什么妈祖文化具有凝聚华人、华侨的作用。(10分) (3)结合材料并根据所学的文化生活知识,就如何更好地发挥妈祖文化的作用提出两条建议。(4分) 2012年39.(26分)阅读材料,完成下列各题。 中医药文化是中国文化宝库中的瑰宝。从龙脑樟树中提取的龙脑具有极高药用价值和保健功能。《寿域神方》记载:“之头脑疼痛,龙脑一钱,纸卷做拈,烧烟熏鼻,吐出痰涎即愈。”唐代医药典籍称龙脑“为百药之先,万物中香无出其右者”。 不知从何时起,龙脑樟树在我国“销声匿迹”了,我国所需龙脑不得不长期依赖进口。


高中文化生活主观题知识归纳及高考例题 角度内容例题 文化1、文化的内涵:(全国2012-39)结合材料,运用文化生活知识说明现代 与生活(1)文化是相对于经济、政治 科技对于广大中以文化的作用。 而言的人类全部精神活动及其 科学技术是促进文化发展的重要因素。现代科技有利于培产品。 育珍惜中医药植物,开发新产品,促进中医药文化创新; (2)文化是人类社会特有的现 有利于建立中医药植物资源基因库,更好地传承中医药文象。文化是社会实践的产物。 化;网络等现代信息技术有利于促进中医药文化的传播,(3)每个人所具有的文化素养, 扩大中医药文化的影响。 不是天生的,而是通过对社会生(北京2011-40)运用《文化生活》中有关文化对人的影 活的体验,特别是通过参与文化响的知识,说明加强环境宣传教育的意义。 活动、接受文化知识教育而逐步 ①文化影响人们的实践活动、认识活动和思维方式。加强 培养出来的。 环境宣传教育,有助于人们清醒地认识环境与发展的关 2、文化作为一种精神力量,能 系,转变思维方式,采取自觉行动。②文化对人具有潜够在人们认识世界、改造世界的 移默化、深远持久的影响,加强环境宣传教育,有助于营过程中转化为物质力量,对社会 造全社会重视环保的文化氛围。③文化丰富人的精神世发展产生深刻的影响。先进的、 界、增强人的精神力量。加强环境宣传教育,有助于提高健康的文化会促进社会的发展, 人的道德素质,促进人的全面发展。 落后的、腐朽的文化则会阻碍社(山东2011-29)1955年10月,武汉钢铁厂在武汉市东郊 会的发展。长江南岸破土动工,1958年9月建成投产。2011年,汉 3、文化与经济、政治的关系。 阳铁厂遗址保护性改造工程启动,原址上将建设一座博物(1)文化与经济、政治相互影 馆,作为青少年爱国主义教育的新基地。结合材料,从“文响、相互交融。化的特点及影响”的角度,分析为什么要在原址上建设博
