英语国家社会与文化入门-澳大利亚简答题 unit18

英语国家社会与文化入门-澳大利亚简答题 unit18
英语国家社会与文化入门-澳大利亚简答题 unit18


1 what are the unique features of the Australian continent?

A:The unique features of the Australian continent are Animals,these animals include:the platypus,the kangaroo,the koala,the wombat.

2 Discuss the social and cultural values embodied in the Dreaming.讨论社会和文化价值在做梦中的体现

A: Membership in a particular language group was of great social and cultural significance

.traditionally,languages belong to tracts of country which ,in the belief system of the Dreamings,have been put in their places by Dreamtime creator figures.

3 why does author say that ' In most of the language there is no distinction between the words for "belief","law"and"knoeledge"?Do you think it is true in your own language?

A: The sacred creation stories are not only explanations about how the country came to be formed,they also provide principles of how peples should live and interact with others,especially with whom they may or may not intermarry .I think it is true in my own language.

4 what do you know about ZhengHe's voyages in the 15th century ? Do you think his fleet got to the northern part of Australia? Why?

A: In 1405,Zhu Di the Ming emperor commissioned his admiral ZhengHe to take 317 of his ships to the Middle East and Eastern Africa .Between 1405 and 1433 ZhengHe made seven trips routinely passing through what we now call Southeast and South Asia .I am sure that ZhengHe had gone there ,because there is evidence that several ships from that armada landed on the Aru Islands to the noth of Arnhem Land.

5 What is the impact of the assimilation policy on the indigenous people?同化政策对本土人民的影响是什么?

A: The local culture of the Dreamings were destoried and replaced with Christianity .the children grew to adulthood many of them had lost both their families and their culture.They were employed as domestic servants or on cattle stations .Young Aboriginal women were continually at risk of rape .

Aboriginal people were excluded from the social ,the political ,the education ,the health services and other aspects.

Racism was an entrenched part of Australian culture until the 1960s and operated at the personal and institutional level.

澳大利亚简答题第18 单元:

1.Do you think the Australian government system is a democratic?Why? Answer:Yes.The reason is following:

Australia has what has been called a “Washminster”form of polity.In other words it is a mixture of the US,Washington system of government and the British,Westminster system:the political structure is based on a Federation of States and has a three-tier system of government but the chief executive is a Prime Minister not a President.

2.Why do you think Australia adopted the “Washminster”form of polity?Do you think it reflects the advantages of both system?

Answer: The reason is following:

Although Australia has a three-tier system of government---the Australian Parliament at federal level,six state government and about 900 local government bodies ---the Prime Minister and his Cabinet at federal level is the acknowledged centerof Australian parliamentary power.For example,there are some parliamentary powers which are shared bu federal and state governments but,when there is any inconsistency between the decisions of the two levels of government,the Commonwealth or federal laws overrule the laws of the state.

Yes.I think it reflects the advantages of both system

3.Do you think the pluralist form of government is ideal?What are its drawbacks?

Answer:Within the pluralist paradigm,it is citizens who ultimately control the government through the electoral system.Citizens vote for members of parliament.The members of parliament generally belong to one of the two major political parties,the Australian Labor Party or the Coalition.As its name implies,the Coalition comprises a combination of two parties—the Liberals and the Nationals.Each party sets out a party programme—a set of basic principles and policies that align with those principles.

4.Do you think the government can improve the efficiency of the social welfare and social security services by contracting them out to private sector?Why? Answer:Yes. The reason is following:

Economic rationalism has been the major policy orientation.There have been significant shifts away from government involvement in communication,banking,and in the provision of water and sewerage services.Even in those spheres which are more usually associated with government---the provision of social welfare and social security services and the administration of its responsibilities to the private sector,sometimes even to overseas corporations. 5.Is the loss of social capital a necessary cost in maintaining a country’s strong economy?Why?

Answer:Yes. The reason is following:

As citizens,Australians today are debating whether the loss of “social capital”---the cut-backs of public spending on education,health and the public broadcaster---is a necessary cost in maintaining Australia’s position as one of the “strong”economies in global league tables.Bothe deregulating the economy.However,the Coalition is associated with the most stringent forms of economic rationalism especially with making a balanced budget the programme focusing more on the balance between social and economic aspects of Australian life.


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Australian Culture 如何适应澳大利亚文化 尊重私人空间 澳大利亚的文化中,强调自我在社会中的价值,注重私人空间。一些在国内看似无心的行为,在澳大利亚人眼里很可能成为一种无礼与冒犯。 “如果是在超市里,别人在看货架上的东西时,即使他站得离货架有1米左右,如果你要从那儿过,是不能从那个人和货架之间走过去的,一定要从那个人背后绕过去,直接从中间走是非常不礼貌的举动。”来悉尼留学还不到3个

月的敬路月已从中吸取教训,“如果从背后绕不过去,一定要说打搅了,再从中间穿过。这是普遍的礼貌问题,不只是我个人要这么做。” 敬路月告诉笔者,之前的一次经历让她至今印象深刻。“有一次我去买肉,看到一个店员在那儿愣着,我就去跟她说我要买什么,但当时我没发现,实际上她是在等另外一位顾客付钱,而那位顾客和这个店员站的距离,对我来说,是看不出他们俩是在谈话的。然后,那个店员就很不客气地跟我讲:难道你没看到我正在为别人服务吗?我心里觉得委屈,他们中间隔了一个放肉的展柜,那个顾客和展柜之间还能挨紧站3个人。”敬路月一边解释,一边用手比画出顾客与店员之间的距离。 转换思维模式 在为人处世方面,受中国传统文化的影响,辞让之说对中国人影响深远,含蓄成为中国人独特的思维方式与处世哲学。谦逊含蓄与直截了当是中国文化和澳大利亚文化的差别之一。 “有一次,一位澳大利亚同学来我家玩,临走前,我客套地说了句‘明天有空带着你女友过来玩’,没想到第二天他真的和女友一起买了很多吃的东西过来,大有开派对的意思,弄得我很尴尬。”在澳大利亚悉尼留学的黄鹤告诉笔者。 此外,在学习方面,中国留学生与当地学生的思维方式也存在差异。 “中国学生比较善于综合性思考,善于从宏观层面把握问题;而澳大利亚学生更善于分析性思考,也就是他们所说的批判性思考,注重从细节去寻找解决问题的突破口。另外,中国留学生一般都是顺着老师的讲解听下去,而澳大利亚学


Unit 1 The Sunshine Industry Translate into Chinese. 1)Unlike physical “products”, say a car, you can never “test drive” a tourism product, say a destination. Decisions whether your client is going to buy your product or not have always been based on information and word of mouth. 与物理的“产品”不一样,例如汽车,你永远不能“试驾”旅游产品,比如目的地。决定你的客户是否会购买你的产品或不一直购买,已经是基于信息和口碑。 3) Consumers now have many more choices because the Internet gives more providers more opportunities to create direct consumer relationships and allows a wide variety of pricing. 现在的消费者有更多的选择,因为互联网让更多的供应商有更多的机会去创造与消费者的直接关系,并且允许各种各样的定价。 5) The most important question is not whether the new technology will replace the traditional ways of booking holidays, but rather how quickly this transition will occur. 最重要的问题不在于新技术是否将取代传统的预订度假的方式,而是这种转变如何迅速发生。 Translate into English 1) 尽管网络经济发展迅速,但网上营销观念还没有被中国的广大旅游企业所接 受。网上促销、网上预订,尤其是网上结算,对许多旅游企业来说还是陌生的。 Although the Internet economy has developed rapidly, online marketing concept has not been accepted by all the tourism enterprises of China. Online promotion and online booking, especially online settlement, is strange for many tourism enterprises. 3) 旅游电子商务的前景相当广阔,尤其在酒店和机票这两个领域。网络经济的 优势就在于它不需要库存,一切都可以通过电话和鼠标完成。 Tourism electronic commerce has bright prospects, especially in the two areas of the hotel and air ticket. The advantage of the network economy is that it doesn't need to inventory; everything can be done by telephone and mouse. 4)自1978年实行改革开放以来,我国旅游业取得了迅速发展,旅游设施和交通有了改进,不少历史名胜风景胜地均得到修复。旅游业已经成为我国第三产业的一个重要组成部分。 Since 1978 since the implementation of reform and opening up, China's tourism industry has made rapid development, tourism facilities and traffic has improved, many historical scenic resorts were repaired. Tourism has become an important part of the third industry in china.


英语国家社会与文化 学 期 论 文 院系:外国语学院 专业:英语(翻译方向) 班级:二班

学号:0409100234 姓名:谈耀文 浅析澳大利亚英语的词汇特色及文化特质 摘要:语言的产生发展以及语言的变异与它所在的社会文化诸多因素紧密相联。 在语言三要素中,最敏感、最具活性的词汇对于社会文化有着强烈的依附性和共变性,澳大利亚英语在离开英国本土来到社会文化环境完全不同的澳洲之后,涌现了许多反映澳大利亚人民生活的特色词汇。本文考察了澳大利亚英语特色词汇的来源、缩略形式和词汇的戏谑性以及澳大利亚英语词汇的发展过程及发展趋势,力图说明社会环境制约和影响着词汇的变异,民族个性对词汇的发展也起着一定的作用。 关键词:澳大利亚英语;社会文化环境;词汇特色;缩略形式;变异 Abstract:The invention, evolution and variation of a language are closely connected with social—cultural environment. Lexicon which is the most sensititive and active among the three language factors is greatly attached to the change of society and culture. English lexicon has some variation since it came to Australia. This thesis investigates Australia English lexicon features with emphasis on lexicon invention, abbreviation and the fact of creating new words for fun. The lexicon development process is discussed as well. The author attempts to prove that lexicon variation is determined and affected by ecology and that the disposition of a certain nation also contributes a lot to it. Key words:Australian English;social—cultural environment;lexicon features:abbreviation;variation 前言 语言是社会文化的一个方面,是文化主观客观的表现形式。语言作为一种社会现象和一种交际工具,已成为文化的载体,并在许多方面体现文化。社会的各种因素会对语言产生各种影响,分布在不同国境中的同一语言由于各自处于不同的社会文化环境,久而久之会出现一些语言上的变异,最敏感、最迅速地反映社会特点的词汇在跨境语言的变异上表现得最为明显。澳大利亚英语在脱离母体远离英国之后,在澳大利亚所特有的社会文化环境中产生了许多特有的词汇,而这些根植于澳大利亚社会文化的词汇像镜子一样反映出了澳大利亚人民的文化经 济生活和民族个性特征。

英语国家社会与文化入门-澳大利亚简答题 unit18

澳大利亚unit15 1 what are the unique features of the Australian continent? A:The unique features of the Australian continent are Animals,these animals include:the platypus,the kangaroo,the koala,the wombat. 2 Discuss the social and cultural values embodied in the Dreaming.讨论社会和文化价值在做梦中的体现 A: Membership in a particular language group was of great social and cultural significance .traditionally,languages belong to tracts of country which ,in the belief system of the Dreamings,have been put in their places by Dreamtime creator figures. 3 why does author say that ' In most of the language there is no distinction between the words for "belief","law"and"knoeledge"?Do you think it is true in your own language? A: The sacred creation stories are not only explanations about how the country came to be formed,they also provide principles of how peples should live and interact with others,especially with whom they may or may not intermarry .I think it is true in my own language. 4 what do you know about ZhengHe's voyages in the 15th century ? Do you think his fleet got to the northern part of Australia? Why? A: In 1405,Zhu Di the Ming emperor commissioned his admiral ZhengHe to take 317 of his ships to the Middle East and Eastern Africa .Between 1405 and 1433 ZhengHe made seven trips routinely passing through what we now call Southeast and South Asia .I am sure that ZhengHe had gone there ,because there is evidence that several ships from that armada landed on the Aru Islands to the noth of Arnhem Land. 5 What is the impact of the assimilation policy on the indigenous people?同化政策对本土人民的影响是什么? A: The local culture of the Dreamings were destoried and replaced with Christianity .the children grew to adulthood many of them had lost both their families and their culture.They were employed as domestic servants or on cattle stations .Young Aboriginal women were continually at risk of rape . Aboriginal people were excluded from the social ,the political ,the education ,the health services and other aspects. Racism was an entrenched part of Australian culture until the 1960s and operated at the personal and institutional level. 澳大利亚简答题第18单元: 1.Do you think the Australian government system is a democratic?Why? Answer:Yes.The reason is following: Australia has what has been called a “Washminster”form of polity.In other words it is a mixture of the US,Washington system of government and the British,Westminster system:the political structure is based on a Federation of States and has a three-tier system of government but the chief executive is a Prime Minister not a President. 2.Why do you think Australia adopted the “Washminster”form of polity?Do you think it reflects the advantages of both system?


判断题 第一单元 1、Britain is no longer an imperial(帝国)country(T) 2、The Commonwealth(英联邦)of Nations includes all European countries(F) 3、1 in 10 of the British population are of non-European ethnicity(种族)(F) 4、The stereotype(刻板印象)of the English gentleman never applied to the majority of the British people(T) 5、When people outside the UK talk about England, they mistake it as Britain sometimes(T) 6、The Scots and Welsh(苏格兰和威尔士)have a strong sense of being British(F) 7、Scotland(苏格兰)was never conquered by the Romans(罗马人)(T) 8、Most people in Scotland speak the Celtic(凯尔特)language, called “Gaelic” (F) 9、Scotland was unified with England through peaceful means(T) 10、Wales(威尔士)is rich in coal(煤炭)deposits(存款)(T) 11、Cardiff(卡迪夫), the capital of Wales, is a large city(F) 12、The title of Prince(王子)of Wales is held by a held by a Welsh according to tradition(F) 第二单元 1、Ireland is part of Great Britain(F) 2、“Ulster(阿尔斯特)”, referring to Northern Ireland, was once an ancient Irish Kingdom(王国)(T) 3、The capital of Belfast(贝尔法斯特)is a large city with half a million people(F) 4、Northern Ireland is significant(重要的)because of its manufacturing(制造业)industry(F) 5、The majority of Irish people were descendants(后代)of the original Celtic(凯尔特)people who inhabited British Isles(群岛)before the Romans arrived 2000 years ago(T) 6、Most British people are Protestants(新教徒)while most Irish people are Catholics(天主教徒)(T) 7、The British government does not have direct rule from London over Northern Ireland(T) 8、Sinn Fein(新芬党)is a legal political party in Northern Ireland(T) 9、The Anglo-Irish(岗格鲁-爱尔兰)Agreement of 1985 guaranteed the loyalist (政府军)Protestant community(社区)their to decide their future in Northern Ireland(T) 10、The Good Friday Agreement(协议)was approved on 10 April 1998(T) 11、Northern Ireland today is governed by separate jurisdictions(司法管辖区): thatf Republic(共和国)of Ireland that of Great Britain(F) 第三单元 1、It is no doubt that Britain is the oldest representative democracy(民主)in the world(F) 2、In Britain, the process of state-building(国家建设)has been one of evolution rather than revolution, contrast to France and the US(与法国和美国相比)(T)


论澳大利亚创意产业 ——以悉尼交响乐团为例 调查概况: 本文以澳大利亚的表演产业为着眼点,通过对于悉尼交响乐团的案例分析,总结了澳大利亚政府扶持创意产业的发展的优势特色,它可以主要归类为以下几点:国家重视政策法规对文化产业发展的促进作用;加强专业人才培养力度和受众群体;注重产业发展的本土化并打造优势品牌;以及鼓励文化产品出口贸易。本文旨在通过对其特点的分析给我国广大文化产业工作者提供一些借鉴。 调查时间:2013年5月至2013年6月 调查地点:同济大学 调查对象:悉尼交响乐团 调查人:单嘉依 104173

一、悉尼交响乐团概况 (一)表演艺术产业概况 澳大利亚约有近500个表演艺术团体,在艺术界享有盛誉的团体有澳大利亚芭蕾舞团、澳大利亚歌剧院、悉尼交响乐团、墨尔本交响乐团、澳大利亚室内乐团、黑天鹅剧院等。 这些表演团体长年活跃在国际国内舞台上,每个团每年都要演出半年以上。例如,澳大利亚芭蕾舞团平均每年上演5个剧目,共演出140多场,每二至三年到世界各地巡演一次。澳大利亚歌剧院每年上演19部作品,悉尼交响乐团每年举办音乐会180余场。 澳大利亚表演团体的特点是剧(节)目创新多且快,与国外合作的节目多,演出频率高。据澳大利亚统计局公布的数字,1999年7月至2000年6月澳大利亚音乐和舞台演出行业的总收入达到5亿零54万澳元,其分项收入列表如下: (二)悉尼交响乐团简介 悉尼交响乐团是澳大利亚的旗舰管弦乐团之一,是澳大利亚人口密集城市的主要音乐机构,完成了许多重要的国内外演出任务,可以称得上是整个澳大利亚的旗舰交响乐团。而作为整个悉尼城市文化的代表,乐团是奥林匹克艺术节的文化使节,并且在2000年悉尼奥运会上大放异彩。 作为悉尼歌剧院的长驻乐团,悉尼交响乐团保持着平均每三天就有两场音乐会的高频率,创下每年吸引观众总人次超过40万的傲人纪录,当知无愧成为世

10第十单元 旅游资料

第十单元旅游资料 旅游资料中存在着大量的文化因素,这一点早已引起学者的关注。由于每个国家或民族的文化发展道路不同,各国旅游景点所展示的旅游资料必然会带有各自的文化特色。中国与西方国家是不同语种的国度,其文化差异就更大、更明显,因而旅游资料中的文化因素往往会给外国游客造成理解障碍。张宁在“旅游资料翻译中的文化思考”(2000)一文中把旅游资料中的文化文化因素归纳为下述几个方面:(1)历史典故(historical allusions);(2)宗教信仰(religious beliefs);(3)园林艺术(gardening / horticulture);(4)民族风情(cultures and customs of the ethnic minorities);(5)风味饮食(local delicacy)。因此,翻译人员采取适当的翻译策略,把这些文化信息从原文转移到译文,帮助外国游客来阅读理解。 th 旅游翻译不仅要忠实于原文,而且要言简意赅,文情相生,渗透其中幽微。旅游资料中的文化因素往往会给外国游客的阅读活动造成理解障碍。文化因素的处理要遵循两个原则,即“以原语文化为基础,以译语读者为导向”。所谓以原语文化为基准,就是要尽量保留原语文化信息,从而促进文化交流;所谓以译语读者为导向,则是指旅游资料翻译既要忠实于原文,又不拘泥于原文。根据实际情况对原文作适当调整,采用不同的翻译方法来弥补文化差异而给外国游客造成的理解障碍。 第19课英语旅游资料汉译 英汉对比赏析 一、英语原文 The Real London By Roger Mason [1] London is bigger, dirtier and more crowded than one would imagine from the descriptions in many magazines and books. It has around 8 million inhabitants and sprawls over a huge area, mostly of suburbs where tourists seldom go. The city streets are narrow and often blocked by traffic. Most of the famous buildings are quite far apart, separated by rows of drab, ordinary buildings. We have no public space as impressive as Beijing’s Tian’anmen Square or Paris’Place de la Concorde, no ceremonial way as grand as Washington’s Pennsylvania Avenue. And in a recent BBC poll, Buckingham Palace was voted one of the ten ugliest buildings in Britain. But an awesome crowed of workers walk over London Bridge every weekday morning on their way to toil in one of the world’s major financial districts, and there is a modern commercial development at Docklands with skyscrapers to rival those in Pudong. We have the largest and finest selection of theaters in the world, recently jointed by a faithful reconstruction of Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre. It is built of wood with a thatched roof and has no electricity, so performances can only take place in summer daylight, as in the Bard’s day. [2] Myths about London persist in China and other countries. As Mrs. Thatcher told everyone during her visit to Beijing, London isn’t foggy. The fog disappeared fifty years ago when homes, factories and railway engines stopped burning coal. Despite their traditional uniforms, police officers will laugh if you call them “bobbies”. We call them “the Bill” or “the Plod”and they have two-way radios, travel by car and maybe armed with guns. They are still polite to tourists and will give directions if you really are lost. If they ever existed, the warm-hearted Cockneys in the movies also went away at about the same time as the fogs. Slum houses were pulled down and their inhabitants moved to council flats (rented apartments provided by the local government) or the suburbs. Nowadays the people who live in downtown London are as varied as those of New York and Paris. We have the largest, most colourful street carnival outside South America, but also gangsters, drug abuse and racial hatred. More and more pubs (friendly neighbourhood bars that serve alcohol) are being converted into fast-food restaurants, shops and offices. [3] There is a small Chinatown at the heart of the theatre and cinema district in Soho. A pedestrian street has Chinese gateways given by the Hong Kong business community, plus traditional lion statues and a monument. Shops and restaurants supply mixtures of Chinese and western food, the more genuine ones with menus in Chinese as well as English,


他山之石,可以攻玉 ——当前西方主要发达国家的文化政策对我们的启示 霍桂桓 【专题名称】文化研究 【专题号】G0 【复印期号】2004年02期 【原文出处】《民族艺术研究》(昆明)2003年05期第30~33页 【作者简介】霍桂桓,男,中国社会科学院文化研究中心研究员北京100732 【内容提要】20世纪70年代以来,西方各主要发达国家进入第二次现代化进程,文化要素逐步进入经济活动领域,全球文化市场正在形成。西方发达国家已充分认 识到文化产业研究与开发在国际竞争中的重要意义,制定了灵活多样的文化 政策。在加入WTO、文化市场开放的情况下,我国应借鉴其经验,全面推进 社会经济文化的转型,在继续完成第一次现代化的同时,研究二次现代化的 新情况,奠定文化政策基础,实现文化观念的转型与文化管理体制的转轨。【关键词】第二次现代化/全球文化市场/文化政策/文化转型/体制转轨 中图分类号:G11 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-840X(2003)05-0030-04 当前,在以胡锦涛同志为核心的新一届中央领导集体的领导和大力支持下,国内的文化研究、文化产业研究与开发,以及文化管理体制改革的研究和探索,不仅已经在有关学术研究部门开展起来,也得到了从中央到地方各级领导的高度重视和积极的参与及合作。在这种形势下,翻译和引介西方主要国家的文化政策,并结合其具体国情现状对这些文化政策进行比较全面和准确的理解、探讨及研究,对我们目前正在进行的文化、文化产业研究和文化管理体制改革探索,显然都具有非常重要的理论意义和现实借鉴价值,因而也成为中国社会科学院文化研究中心目前正在大力实施的重要科研项目之一。 一、西方主要国家的社会文化现状和文化政策特征 根据我们通过互联网和其他渠道掌握的资料(注:需要说明的是,其中的某些材料和数据已经刊登在中国社会科学院文化研究中心编印的《文化政策调研》上,但读者可能由于保密方面的原因无法看到这份刊物;需要这些材料的读者,请直接与该文化研究中心办公室联系索取。)来看,当前西方主要发达国家虽然都在关注文化研究和文化产业的研究与开发,但由于它们的历史文化传统不同,当前的经济、政治和社会发展水平各异,其社会文化管理体制和相应的文化政策侧重点也有所不同。综合看来,我们可以把当前西方主要发达国家的社会文化现状和文化政策特征分为以下四种基本类型: 第一种类型:美国 它是目前世界上最发达、已经全面市场化、市场化程度最高的资本主义国家。基于这样的社会文化发展水平,国家对文化发展的管理和协调机制以“无为而无不为”为特征,具体管理方式以各州政府为核心协调单位并且灵活多样;而其文化政策重点则是,一方面,就发展信息化高科技手段而言,通过颁布各种政策法规促成软件硬件的剥离、使硬件生产归于传统产业,进一步促进、保护和开发国内外文化资源(特别是开发国外文化资源),在使“文化资源


10.科学危险吗? 1.知识是危险的这一观念在我们的文化中根深蒂固。圣经中的亚当和夏娃被禁食“智慧之树”上的果实,而弥尔顿《失乐园》中的蛇将此树称为“科学之母”。当亚当试图向天使长拉斐尔询问有关宇宙本质的问题时,拉斐尔建议他最好“知之甚少”。事实上,西方文献中有大量关于科学家扰乱自然界,而后导致灾难后果的记载。科学家被描绘成一群冷酷和无视伦理道德的人。 2.那么科学真地是危险的吗?科学家需要肩负起特定的社会责任吗?我们必须认识到,可靠的科学知识并不负载道德或伦理的价值。科学只告诉我们世界为何等模样:我们人类不处于宇宙的中心这一事实本身无好坏之分;基因会影响我们的智力和行为这一可能性亦无优劣之别。道德义务 3.当科学研究在现实生活中进行时,就会带来危害性及有关的伦理问题,例如涉及人或其它动物的实验;或是将研究成果用于技术实施;又或是相关的研究涉及到人们的安全问题。由此可见,科学和技术之间有一重要区别:科学知识旨在了解自然,而技术却是运用这一知识制造产品或将这一知识运用于实际目的。 4.科学研究推导有关世界本质的观念,而技术观念则旨在制造可使用的产品。技术远比科学源远流长。而且没有科学的指引,单凭技术也发展了诸如农业和金属制造业之类的行业。我认为19世纪之前,科学实际上未对技术做出太多的贡献——即使是那些辉煌的技术成果,如蒸汽机和文艺复兴时期的大教堂,也是在没有任何科学观念的影响下,通过当时人们富于想象的反复试验完成的。 5.无论发明什么样的技术,科学家均不应该对该技术的运用做涉及道德伦

理方面的决策,因为他们在这方面没有任何特殊的权利或能力。如果要求科学家承担更多的社会义务,并赋予他们特权进行相关的决策,那么将会出现严重的危机。科学家所承担的社会责任有别于他们与其他公民共同分担的社会义务(例如支持民主社会或尊重他人权益),这种责任源于他们具备专业的知识去了解世界的本质,而普通人未能拥有这些知识。科学家的义务是公开他们的研究成果以及有关的技术应用对社会可能产生的影响,同时还需对研究的可靠性加以评价。在大多数的科学研究领域,就公众而言,某一理论的对错无关紧要,然而在某些领域,如有关人类和植物基因的研究,理论的是非会变得至关重要。 6.如果客观冷静地审视以往的事实,我们很难发现科学家在有关研究中表现出有悖伦理的行为。例如最近在英国和其它地方出现的疯牛病现象,以及在法国引起轩然大波的由输血导致的艾滋病丑闻中,我们发现与某些人所宣称的现象完全不同,科学家在这些事件中并未表现出任何违反公共伦理道德的行为。 7.科学研究中最明显的不道德行为是优生运动。这一运动的科学理据至为关键:人类绝大多数的特征(好的或不好的)均为遗传。进行此项研究的科学家未能全面评价这一观点的可靠性,对这一观点的后果也是考虑不周。更有甚者,也是更应受到谴责的是,这批科学家似乎在一种他们认为是有益于社会的观念的驱使之下,得出有关的结论。与此相反,那些共同研究原子弹的科学家的行为表现得十分合乎伦理。他们承担各自的社会责任,知会政府有关原子理论可能会产生的社会影响。是否制造原子弹的决策权在于政治家,而不是科学家。那么应不应该赋予科学家同样的决策权呢?对那些进行优生研究的德国科学家而言,他们本应该感到作为科学家和公民之间的义务冲突。


[摘要]本英国留学生论文文章主要是介绍澳大利亚的商务文化。商务文化作为国际经济和国际贸易的内涵要素和重要支撑,越来越多地受到人们的高度重视。同样是英语国家,澳大利亚的商务文化背景与美国、英国、加拿大和新西兰等英语国家有很大的不同。 首先值得一提的是,我在撰写该《商务文化习惯与亚文化认知》之澳大利亚篇的过程中得到了旅居澳大利亚南部城市的Lily Sudtks女士的大力帮助,特别是关于澳大利亚的一些地方独有的文化表现,风情和习俗,都给本文的撰写提供了很好的参考,在此表示感谢。在此之前我发表了三篇内容为商务文化新解的文章,介绍了美国、英国以及加拿大的商务文化。而本篇是介绍澳大利亚的商务文化。由于澳大利亚独特的发展历史和独特的自然资源,独特的国家多元文化,特别是在土著文化的保护方面,是世界上许多国家难以比拟的。 一、澳大利亚商务文化大环境简介(一)多样文化背景构成的澳大利亚1.澳大利亚的独特历史早在4万多年前,土著居民便生息繁衍于澳大利亚这块古老的土地上。据有关史料记载, 1606年,西班牙航海家托勒斯(LuisVaez de Torres)的船只驶过位于澳大利亚和新几内亚岛(伊里安岛)之间的海峡;同年,荷兰人威廉姆?简士的杜伊夫根号(Duyfken)涉足过澳大利亚并且是首次有记载的外来人在澳大利亚的真正登陆。1770年,英国航海家库克船长(Captain James Cook)发现澳大利亚东海岸,将其命名为“新南威尔士”,并宣布这片土地是英国的属土。1788年1月26日,英国首批移民抵澳,开始在澳建立殖民地,后来这一天被定为澳大利亚国庆日。1900年7月,英国议会通过“澳大利亚联邦宪法”和“不列颠自治领条例”。1901年1月1日,澳各殖民区改为州,成立澳大利亚联邦。1931年,澳成为英联邦内的独立国家。1986年,英议会通过“与澳大利亚关系法”,澳获得完全立法权和司法终审权。最早,澳大利亚只是英国政府作为一个流放囚犯的地方。1788年1月18日,由菲利普船长率领的一支有6艘船的船队共1530人抵达澳大利亚的园林湾(BotanyBay),当中包括736名囚犯。八天之后的1788年1月26日,他们正式在澳大利亚杰克逊港(PortJackson)建立起第一个英国殖民区,这个地方后来人口不断增长而成为澳大利亚现在的第一大城市悉尼。这个名字的来由,是为了纪念当时的英国内政大臣悉尼(sydney)。现在,每年的1月26日是澳大利亚的国庆日。1790年,第一批来自英国的自由民移居澳大利亚,以悉尼为中心,逐步向内陆发展,至1803年,殖民区已拓展到今日的塔斯曼尼亚。初期的殖民地仅赖以农业生存,其后便利用天然条件发展畜牧业。至1819年,澳大利亚的畜牧业已有了较大发展。当时的麦卡瑟船长与妻子共同培育了澳大利亚最早的螺角羊。他们牧场的羊群总数达6000头。殖民地生产的羊毛不仅自给,而且向英国出口,为澳大利亚换回日用生活必需品。至1850年,澳大利亚的牧羊业已很发达,羊只存栏总数达1800万头,当时英国进口羊毛总量的一半以上来自澳大利亚。悉尼和墨尔本已取代德国汉堡,成为世界上最著名的羊毛集散中心。2.澳大利亚的自然地理和人口情况澳大利亚位于南太平洋和印度洋之间,由澳大利亚大陆和塔斯马尼亚岛等岛屿和海外领土组成。它东濒太平洋的珊瑚海和塔斯曼海,西、北、南三面临印度洋及其边缘海,海岸线长约3?67万公里。面积769?2万平方公里,占大洋洲的绝大部分,虽四面环水,沙漠和半沙漠却占全国面积的35%。全国分为东部山地、中部平原和西部高原3个地区。全国最高峰科修斯科山海拨2230米,最长河流墨尔本河长1745公里。中部的埃尔湖是澳大利亚的最低点,湖面低于海平面12米。在东部沿海有全世界最大的珊瑚礁———大堡礁。北部属热带,大部分属温带。年平均气温北部27℃,南部14℃,内陆地区干旱少雨,年降水量不足200毫米,东部山区500—1200毫米。人口2023万,其中70%是英国及爱尔兰后裔, 18%为欧洲其他国家后裔,亚裔占6%,土著居民约占2?3%。居民中大多数信奉基督教。澳大利亚的通用语言为英语。行政区划:澳大利亚全国分为6个州和两个地区。各州有自己的议会、政府、州督和州总理。6个州是:新南威尔士、维多利亚、昆士兰、南澳大利亚、西澳大利亚、塔斯马尼亚;两个地区是:北部地方、首都直辖区。3.澳大利亚的多元文化澳大利亚是一个非常典型的移民国家,被社会学家喻为“民族的拼盘”,因此多元文化是澳大利亚文化的必然特性。


澳大利亚的文化 外语系08级翻译4班 0840512249 史顺娟 摘要:澳大利亚的文化生活乃是丰富多彩的众多传统、澳洲各种民族、风俗以及当代世界影响的产物。澳大利亚社会的特色一方面反映在土著人的绘画、文学和音乐中,另一方面又在从西方传统吸收来的艺术、文学、现代舞蹈、电影、歌剧和戏剧中得到了体现。亚太地区也是影响澳洲文化的一个重要因素。尽管众所周知,澳大利亚人热爱运动,但同时,他们也喜欢静静地感受艺术。从电影、文学作品和音乐到戏剧、舞蹈和视觉艺术,澳大利亚的每个城市都提供有大量的文化产品。当然,如果没有多元文化因素,澳大利亚的文化就不会是今天这样。 关键词:艺术,多元文化,土著文化,饮食文化 音乐 澳大利亚人酷爱欣赏音乐会、观看戏剧演出,重要美术展览观众如潮。如果按人口平均计算,澳大利亚人购买杂志和书籍的数量在世界上属于最多者之列。人们对澳大利亚工艺美术作品很感兴趣,同时,美术馆也举办高水平的国际展览。当代著名艺术家们的作品就其内容、风格和特色而言,乃是澳大利亚与国际兼而有之。 澳大利亚共有八个大型专业交响乐团。就通俗音乐而论,澳大利亚在世界英语国家中所提供的乐曲在数量上占第四位。作为澳国家歌剧公司的澳大利亚歌剧团经常进行访问演出,广大电视观众和电台听众也能得以欣赏其表演。作为一个多民族的国家,土著文化的价值越来越被人们所认识。与此相适应,土著文化的地位也日益提高。获得显著成功的有土著音乐剧布朗奴德、尤图·因蒂摇滚乐队和世界闻名的土著画家。 电影 澳大利亚的电影在世界上具有较大的影响,澳洲的导演和演员博得了国际上的青睐。影片《交际舞》在1992年的戛纳电影节引起轰动。1993年,在澳大利亚电影委员会的协助下拍摄的《钢琴》,在戛纳国际电影节上得金棕榈奖,并获得了美国电影艺术学院奖九项提名。同年,《调皮的布比》先后五次获奖,包括柏林电影节的评审小组奖。澳大利亚电影每年在所有重要的电影节上都会获奖;多次获奖影片有《缪里尔的婚礼》、《沙漠女皇普丽西拉》和《小猪贝布》。 文学 在现代英语著作方面,澳大利亚的文学作品在国际上享有盛誉。而澳大利亚土著人、托雷斯海峡岛民以及来自海外的移民作家为这方面增添了新的领域。澳大利亚的作家们曾多次获奖,其中包括帕特里克·怀特获得的诺贝尔奖、布克奖、波德莱尔奖和1995年莱思·穆里所获得的彼特拉克奖。这是彼特拉克奖首次由欧洲之外的作家获取。 博物馆 联邦政府组织和安排了各种计划以便使全社会包括边远地区能更多地欣赏并参与文艺活动。全国性的项目如"澳大利亚大剧场"和"澳洲的憧憬"鼓励艺术家
