



1(外套c_____ 2(牛仔裤j_____

3(短裤s_____ 4(裤子t______

5(袜子s_____ 6(鞋子s_____

7(女服务员w_____ 8(运动员a______

9(律师1_____ 10(警察p______


1. girl the in who is a dress? red

2. the blue a shirt in boy Sally's friend. Is

3. a shop assistant. is he

4. time is it go to bed. to

5. usually my I clean bedroom.


1. Would you like ______ (swim) with me?

2. ______ (have) you got a new shirt?

3. Sunday is the ______ (one) day of the week.

4. Tim _____ (play) football with his friends after school.

5. Sometimes we ______ (play) chess.

6. I need a pair of ______ (sock).

7. Everything in the room _____ (be) clean.

8. I want to go ______ (shop).

9. The cook is very ______ (friend).

10. --- Are you ______(move) in now? --- No, I am not.


( ) 1. What are they______ now?

A. do

B. doing

C. does

D. did

( ) 2. I am ______ on the computer now.

A. playing

B. play

C. plays

D. played

( ) 3. Jenny ______her hair now.

A. wash

B. washes

C. is washing

D. washing

( ) 4. My father _______the phone now.

A. is talking on

B. am talking

C. talking on

D. talks on

( ) 5. They ______ TV now.

A. is watching

B. am watching

C. are watching

D. watches

( ) 6. He likes ______ to the shops _____ Saturday morning.

A. goes; on

B. to go; in

C. goes; in

D. to go; on

( ) 7. Look at Danny. He_____ with a ball.

A. plays

B. playing

C. to play

D. is playing

( ) 8. _______Jenny______ animals?

A. Is; like

B. Is; likes

C. Does; like

D. Does; likes

( ) 9. I often do my homework ______ the evening, but I watch TV ____ Sunday


A. in; at

B. on; at

C. in; on

D. at; on

( ) 10. Sometimes Jenny ________ books under the trees.

A. watches

B. see

C. reads

D. read


got, in, to, the, or

1. Are you moving ______?

2. My dad has _____ a new job.

3. Why don't you come _______ my apartment after school?

4. I'm_______ only child in my family.

5. I have no brothers ______ sisters.


1. Jean is wearing a pair of red socks((改为否定句)

2. The trousers are fifty yuan.(就画线部分提问)

3. He is 15. (就画线部分提问)

4. There is a girl near the shop((改为一般疑问句)

5. Do you want to be a movie star when you grow up?(作肯定回答)


A. Did you see any popular stars?

B. What do you think of Beijing?


I will bring them to school tomorrow. D. It was great! E. And I took some photos with him! A: How was your vacation, Li Lei?

B: 1. ________ I went to Beijing with my parents.

A: Cool! Where did you go in Beijing?

B: We went to the Summer Palace, the Palace Museum, the Great Wall and so on. A: 2.________

B: It's interesting. I really like the Palace Museum. It has many beautiful things from different dynasties(朝代).

A: 3. ________

B: Yes, I did. I saw Jackie Chan on the Great Wall. 4. ________ A: Wow, that's great! Can you show me photos?

B: Sure, 5. ________

八、阅读短文内容,判断句子正 (T)误 (F)。(10分)

My grandfather and I go to the park near my house. There are many people in the park. There are many men and women talking. There are many children playing and laughing. Everyone feels happy. Anna and I go up high in a tree. We are scared (害怕). My grandfather sees Anna and me in the tree. He runs to the tree and helps Anna and me come down. I am OK. But Anna hurts her fingers.

( ) 1. I live near a park.

( ) 2. There are many people talking in the park.

( ) 3. Everyone feels scared.

( ) 4. My grandfather helps us come down from the tree.

( ) 5. Anna hurts her knees.


It's Sunday afternoon, Peggy goes shopping with her mother. Her mother wants to buy some food for supper. Peggy wants to buy a new skirt and some school things. They come to a new shop.

“What does your shop sell?”Peggy asks. “A lot of things,”the

girl in the shop says. “You can buy food, drinks, clothes, school things and so on.”

Peggy and her mother go in. There are many people in the shop. Peggy finds a nice white skirt.

“How much is the skirt?” Peggy asks the girl in the shop.

“It's eighty yuan.”

“That's too dear. Can I find a cheap(便宜的)one?”

“What about the green one? It looks nice. And it's only thirty yuan.”

“OK, thanks a lot.”

“You are we come.”

After that, Peggy buys some school things, too. Her mother buys a lot of food, like bread, meat and fish. They get home very late.

( ) Peggy goes shopping with her mother on _____.

A. Saturday afternoon

B. Saturday morning

C. Sunday morning

D. Sunday afternoon

( ) Peggy wants to buy a new skirt and________.

A. some school things

B. some drinks

C. some clothes

D. some food

( ) Peggy finds a nice_____ skirt, but it's too dear.

A. green

B. white

C. red

D. cheap ( ) The green skirt is _______.

A. nice and cheap

B. nice but dear

C. not nice and cheap

D. not nice but cheap ( ) Peggy's mother doesn't buy any _____for supper.

A. fish

B. bread

C. meat

D. eggs

十、书面表达: (10分)







一、1. coat 2. jeans 3. shorts 4. trousers 5. socks

6. shoes

7. waitress

8. athlete

9. lawyer 10. policeman 二、 1. Who is the girl in a red dress?

2. The boy in a blue shirt is Sally's friend.

3. He is a shop assistant.

4. It is time to go to bed.

5. I usually clean my bedroom.

三、1. to swim 2. Have 3. first 4. plays 5. play

6. socks

7. is

8. shopping

9. friendly 10. moving 四、1. B 2. A 3. C

4. A

5. C

6. D

7. D

8. C

9. C 10. C 五、1. in 2. got 3. to 4. the 5. or

六、1. Jean isn't wearing a pair of red socks.

2. How much are the trousers?

3. How old is he?

4. Is there a girl near the shop?

5. Yes, I do.

七、1. D 2. B 3. A 4. E 5. C

八、1. T 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F

九、1. D 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. D


My Hero

My hero is my grandfather. He is old. He has no hair. He wears glasses. He

likes to read and always tells us some interesting stories. He is kind and hard-working.

He often helps me with English, too. He is my hero.



1. 染火枫林,琼壶歌月,长歌倚楼。岁岁年年,花前月下,一尊芳酒。水落红莲,唯闻玉磬,但此情依旧。

2. 玉竹曾记凤凰游,人不见,水空流。

3. 他微笑着,在岁月的流失中毁掉自己。

4. 还能不动声色饮茶,踏碎这一场,盛世烟花。

5. 红尘嚣浮华一世转瞬空。

6. 我不是我你转身一走苏州里的不是我。

7. 几段唏嘘几世悲欢可笑我命由我不由天。

8. 经流年梦回曲水边看烟花绽出月圆。

9. 人生在世,恍若白驹过膝,忽然而已。然,我长活一世,却能记住你说的每一话。

10. 雾散,梦醒,我终于看见真实,那是千帆过尽的沉寂。 11. 纸张有些破旧,有些模糊。可每一笔勾勒,每一抹痕迹,似乎都记载着跨越千年万载的思念。

12. 生生的两端,我们彼此站成了岸。

13. 缘聚缘散缘如水,背负万丈尘寰,只为一句,等待下一次相逢。 14. 握住苍老,禁锢了时空,一下子到了地老天荒

15. 人永远看不破的镜花水月,不过我指间烟云世间千年,如我一瞬。 16. 相逢一醉是前缘,风雨散,飘然何处。

17. 虚幻大千两茫茫,一邂逅,终难忘。相逢主人留一笑,不相识,又何妨。

18. 天下风云出我辈,一入江湖岁月催;皇图霸业谈笑间,不胜人生一场醉。 19. 得即高歌失即休,多愁多恨亦悠悠,今朝有酒今朝醉,明日愁来明日愁。 20. 直道相思了无益,未妨惆怅是清狂。

21. 看那天地日月,恒静无言;青山长河,世代绵延;就像在我心中,你从未离去,也从未改变。

22. 就这样吧,从此山水不相逢。

23. 人天自两空,何相忘,何笑何惊人。

24. 既不回头,何必不忘。既然无缘,何须誓言。今日种种,似水无痕。明夕何夕,君已陌路。

25. 有缘相遇,无缘相聚,天涯海角,但愿相忆。有幸相知,无幸相守,苍海明月,天长地久。

26. 相见得恨晚,相爱的太慢,进退让我两难。缘过了远分,缘过了聚散,是否回头就能够上岸

27. 天凉了,凉尽了天荒地老了,人间的沧桑,爱哭了,这么难舍心都空了,想


28. 心微动奈何情己远.物也非,人也非,事事非,往日不可追

29. 渺渺时空,茫茫人海,与君相遇,莫失莫忘。

30. 如果换我先开口,日子是否还一样细水长流

31. 也许是前世的姻也许是来生的缘错在今生相见徒增一段无果的恩怨 32. 人道海水深,不抵相思半。海水尚有涯,相思渺无畔。 33. 醉眼看别人成双作


34. 无人处暗弹相思泪。

35. 终于为那一身江南烟雨覆了天下,容华谢后,不过一场,山河永寂。 36. 千秋功名,一世葬你,玲珑社稷,可笑却无君王命。

37. 凤凰台上凤凰游,负约而去,一夜苦等,从此江南江北,万里哀哭。 38. 嗟叹红颜泪、英雄殁,人世苦多。山河永寂、怎堪欢颜。 39. 风华是一指流砂,


40. 夜雨染成天水碧。有些人不需要姿态,也能成就一场惊鸿。

41. 你要记得,紫檀未灭,我亦未去。

42. 谁在岁月里长长叹息。

43. 汉霄苍茫,牵住繁华哀伤,弯眉间,命中注定,成为过往。

44. 红尘初妆,山河无疆。最初的面庞,碾碎梦魇无常,命格无双。

45. 江南风骨,天水成碧,天教心愿与身违。

46. 山河拱手,为君一笑。

47. 如是颠簸生世亦无悔。

48. 荏苒岁月覆盖的过往,白驹过隙,匆匆的铸成一抹哀伤。

49. 那被岁月覆盖的花开,一切白驹过隙成为空白。

50. 褪尽风华,我依然在彼岸守护你。

51. 那些繁华哀伤终成过往,

52. 请不要失望,平凡是为了最美的荡气回肠。

53. 你的路途,从此不见我的苍老。

54. 长歌当哭,为那些无法兑现的诺言,为生命中最深的爱恋,终散作云烟。

55. 随你走在天际,看繁花满地。

56. 我自是年少,韶华倾负。

57. 你要记得,那年那月,垂柳紫陌洛城东。

58. 苍茫大地一剑尽挽破,何处繁华笙歌落。

59. 寄君一曲,不问曲终人聚散。

60. 谁将烟焚散,散了纵横的牵绊;听弦断,断那三千痴缠。61. 清风湿润,茶烟轻扬。重温旧梦,故人已去。

1. 水滴虽小,却可以折射出太阳的光彩。

2. 梦落三千尺愁深似海,繁华遗落散满地。记忆轮回里,我举杯,在奈何桥上满口饮尽。

3. 人生没有轮回,就像花,人活一世,花开一季、人生如花,花似梦。

4. 生活的苦涩和美好给了我对人生的领悟,如今,千山万水走遍,我发现自己再也不愿离开文学的蓝天,再也不愿离开那个让我痴迷的文学舞台。

5. 在烟雨红尘中,轻拾季节花瓣飘落的音符,组成美妙曲符,然后,倚在时光的路口,撷一缕明媚,许自己一份唯美的怀想,与快乐、浪漫相约,闲淡清欢。

6. 未经历坎坷泥泞的艰难,哪能知道阳光大道的可贵;未经历风雪交加的黑夜,哪能体会风和日丽的可爱;未经历挫折和磨难的考验,怎能体会到胜利和成功的喜悦。挫折,想说恨你不容易

7. 燕子斜飞人家,炊烟零乱,柳絮飘飘,弥漫了山里人家。

8. 这样知解自己的生命即使是心灵空荡我也无所畏惧

9. 中秋之曰不可能岁月明如水,偶然的暗淡,恰似镜子的背后之面,有所缺憾,人生才会是积翠如云的空濛山色。

10. 在经受了失败和挫折后,我学会了坚韧;在遭受到误解和委屈时,我学会了宽容;在经历了失落和离别后,我懂得了珍惜。

11. 曾经盛开的蔷薇,虽经风吹雨打,但和着微风,还有屡屡暗香飘过。

12. 我只希望,不管三年,五年,或是十年以后。某一天,我们相遇,还能相认,你大喊一声,我想死你了。那一刻,我定会泪流满面。我们是朋友,永远的朋友。

13. 最爱的未必适合在一起,相爱是让彼此做自己。

14. 时间断想,时间不断。流逝,像是水,可弯可直,像是风,可柔可刚。

15. 如果说人生是一望无际的大海,那么挫折则是一个骤然翻起的浪花。如果说人生是湛蓝的天空,那么失意则是一朵飘浮的淡淡的白云。

16. 云层雾气,缠着几户古木人家,清新自然,如诗如画。

17. 我喜欢你,只是一个现在;我爱你,却是一整个未来。

18. 夜雨染成天水碧。有些人不需要姿态,也能成就一场惊鸿。

19. 再大的风不会永不停息,在浓得雾不会经久不散,风息雾散仍是阳光灿烂。

20. 牵着时光的衣襟,走进芳菲五月,轻轻地将春光拥入怀中,于一抹素白流韵中,弹奏一曲江南的婉韵,把盏,将似水流年浅斟轻酌。

21. 我穿越轮回而来,在奈何桥相思盈袖,凄然守候。莫落泪,纵若水落三千尺东流,云动八万里西散,我依旧会化身城碟,翩翩起舞跨过奈何桥与你相会。

22. 如果我爱你,我就会理解你,通过你的眼睛去看世界。我能理解你,是因为我能在你身上看到我自己,在我身上也看到了你。

23. 似乎风在转向,送走了缓缓袭来的味道,又将刚刚溜走的风,静静地换回来。

24. 生活告诉我,童话只不过是小孩子幻想的游戏。

25. 人生就像穿着一件长满虱子的华丽睡袍,外表美丽,而内心却充满了干啊和恐慌。

26. 必须用另一种真实方式来代替时光里已经逝去的东西

27. 岁月,依一抹浅香于心间,看年华向晚,闻花香送暖。给时光一个浅浅的回眸;给自己一份微笑从容。沉淀,馨香;念起,温暖。

28. 人生的起起落落间,总会有一些情怀需要安静回味;总会有一些伤痛需要独自体会;总会有一段路需要一个人走;总会有一些事需要坦然面对。

29. 疏影横斜水清浅,暗香浮动月黄昏。

30. 心若没有栖息的地方,到哪里都是在流浪。

31. 今后,我会从尘世中的纷争走出,远离喧嚣,把岁月打磨成诗,让自己的文字静如睡莲,动如涟漪,无论何时都能描绘成美丽的水墨丹青。

32. 全是理智的心,恰如一柄全是锋刃的刀,它叫使用它的人手上流血。——泰戈尔

33. 我们都不擅长表达,以至于我们习惯了揣测。去肯定,去否定,反反复复,后来我们就变得敏感而脆弱。

34. 心心念念的往事、曾经深爱过的人、年少琐碎的过往,它们就像缠绕之间的一阵风,来的缱绻,去的时候让人来不及挽留。

35. 如果在乎的没有那么多,想要的没有那么多,生活便会简单得很多。

36. 在极度的喧嚣中,独自微笑独自平静是憾,落花是美的,淡淡的书香,淡淡的花香,淡淡的馨香。

37. 曾芬芳过的那片土地,幸福的花儿虽早已凋谢,只留下风雨吹打的痕迹。

38. 辗转半世红尘,缘去缘灭,空留满池伤痕。雨花迟落,霜雪纷飞,池水泛冰,已益处月的苍凉。

39. 一条古道,一匹瘦马,一个人影,被落日的余晖缓缓拉长。

40. 我们人生的大幕才刚刚拉启:刀光剑影,英雄本色;是非恩怨,儿女情常。

41. 我们要去流浪,虔诚地定格住每一寸记忆;我们要去成长,潇洒地忘却掉每一条纹路。

42. 嗅着昨日芬芳遗留的气息,寻寻觅觅,仍不见踪迹。邂逅了一场烟火,终还是那般凄凉。迷失的夜晚,点缀了无数颗孤单的星星,不知道那是否有属于我的一颗。

43. 像这样轻飘飘的日子和平平静静的心情,也算是生活中的一种享受吧。

44. 想着远方的你,绝美的笑容,只为你一个人展露,那一泓羞涩的笑容,悄悄。

45. 细碎的声音,如羞涩的蓓蕾,夜暮花影,轻浅六月,寂寂流年,拢一阙清绝,归隐在宋词里。

46. 夕阳沉落在海水深处却不见浪花翻滚,淡淡的只留下一个让人沉思的背影。落雨是晚风中的殇,带着晨曦的翘首滑落最后的伤痕!雨尽含羞,淡抹嫣红!

47. 无影击碎了泪水,岁月在那个光年划下的痕迹原来是一刀一刀地刻在了我的心上。

48. 我收拢了梦想的翅膀,我停却了信念的脚步,却再也作不回曾经的那一天。

49. 我宁愿用尽此生,为那些尘世的硝烟尘雾,潸然泪下,为菩提落花,为世间繁华。

50. 阳光依旧在,我们穿越光影,沿着历史的足迹继续前行,创造美好生活,走向美丽明天!

51. 洋溢着春日的微笑,坚强了外表,却虚伪了内心,脆弱了,是不敢触及的。

52. 也许,就在那一刻里,梦境还在,柔情亦在。

53. 一个人的戏,自己独自导演,诠释精彩。在剧中尽情释放着自己的喜怒哀乐。笑得凄然绝美;哭得肝肠寸断。

54. 但生命中被你刻上痕迹的那些岁月无法抹去。

55. 往事悠然一笑间,不必空忧。我们一路走来,只是为了告别往事,走入下一段风景。倘若让忧伤填补了生命的空白,就真的是亵渎了生命。

56. 人生只有回不去的过去,没有过不去的当下。上帝只会给你过得去的坎,再不好过的生活,再难过的坎,咬咬牙,也就过去了。

57. 我一直以为山是水的故事,云是风的故事,你是我的故事。可是却不知道,我是不是你的故事。

58. 生命并不是一场竞赛,而是一段旅程。如果你在途中一直都试图给他人留下深刻印象,超过别人,那你就浪费了这段旅程。

59. 比如新的朋友新的感情新的思绪我想要知道的

60. 我以为我已经将爱情忘记,将你忘记。可是有一天,我听到一首歌,我的眼泪就出来了。因为这首歌,我们曾一起听过。

61. 忍花开花落,云卷云舒,品人生似棋。

62. 我离开你这一种信仰又会以怎样全新的姿势去面临更深沉的挑战

63. 人生路,路迢迢,谁道自古英雄多寂寥,若一朝,看透了,一身清风挣多少。

64. 只有夕阳站在那里。灵魂像无数的雪花飘过,光明闪烁,渐渐清醒。

65. 终于为那一身江南烟雨覆了天下,容华谢后,不过一场,山河永寂。

66. 荏苒岁月覆盖的过往,白驹过隙,匆匆的铸成一抹哀伤。

67. 忘川水不枯,记忆不散;奈何桥不断,思卿不弃;今夕,彼岸花又放,佳期约又到,我轮回践约而来,等你归来。红尘路上,伊人在否?

68. 十年生死两茫茫,不思量,自难忘,千里孤坟,无处话凄凉,纵使相逢应不识,尘满面,鬓如霜。

69. 天空飘过一朵云,有时是晴,有时是阴。但白昼终归还是白昼。

70. 我知道回不去,但还是会想念会回忆会心疼到无法自拔。

71. 天空不曾留下鸟的痕迹,但是我已飞过、在大地上画满窗子,让所有习惯黑暗的眼睛都习惯光明。

72. 人生首先要是望远镜,看远;再就是显微镜,看细;接下来是放大镜,看透;其次是太阳镜,看淡;最后是哈哈镜,笑看生活。

73. 我不是公主,也不会有等待救赎我的王子。















14、远大的目标非常重要,一定要有成功的企图心,而且越大越好。 15、成功的秘诀是努力,所有的第一名都是练出来的。 16、宁愿辛苦一阵子,不要辛苦一辈子。


18、成功需要改变,用新的方法改变过去的结果。 19、练习时厉害,比赛时就厉害。




23、承诺是走向成功的必由之路;用公众承诺的力量逼自己成功。 24、成功等于目标,等于每天进步1,,等于全方位。 25、只要每天进步就开始进步了。





30、付出才会杰出;为别人创造价值,别人才愿意和你交往。 31、只向最顶端的人学习,只和最棒的人交往,只做最棒的人做的事。 32、书本也是好老师,活用才能成功。


34、过去不等于未来,没有失败,只有暂时停止成功。 35、要成功,需要跟成功者在一起。

36、每一分私下的努力,都会有倍增的回收,在公众面前被表扬出来。 37要成功,不要与马赛跑,要骑在马上,马上成功。 38、要跟成功者有同样的结果,就必须采取同样的行动。 39、成功就是简单的事情不断地重复做。

40、成功者不是比你聪明,只是在最短的时间采取最大的行动。 41、成功者,做别人不愿意做的事情,别人不敢做的事情,做不到的事情。





46、成功者要有远大的理想,但要有合理的目标~ 47、你到底是想要成功,还是一定要成功,


49、一定要向成功的人学习,尤其是世界级的成功人士。 50、要成功,先研究成功学。

51、要不断的请教成功者,学习他们成功的方法。 52、不管你做什么事,一定要快乐~一定要享受其过程~ 53、要设立高标准,绝对不要接受第二流的表现。 54、不断建立自己的知识基础~












66、顾客不是买产品,他更买做事认真的态度、服务态度和服务精神。 67、世界级的竟争,一律以结果为导向,市场以结果论英雄。



































姓名: ____________ 班别: _____________ 分数: __________ (答题时间40分钟,满分100分) 一、 听录音,选出与录音内容相符合的一项,并将其英文大写字母编号 填在题前的括号里。(每小题1分,共10份) .40 C.50 二、 听录音,判断图片是否与录音内容相符,相符的在相应的括号内打““”, 不相符的打“X”。(每小题2分,共20份) 四 、听 录 曰, 根 据 你 三、听录音,用阿拉伯数字标出顺序。(每题2分,共10分) 所听到的问题,选择最合适的答句,并将其英文大写字母编号填在题前的括 号内,每个问题将读两遍。(每小题1分,共10份) 's a teacher. A *■ ■ ? - -? ■jJl -^23,- 8 ■TiT?^7' J 点穆_诅应谕计 需 h T

()2.A. Yes,it is. B.Two pencils. C. It ' s a bag. ()3.A. It ' s my ruler. B」have 2. C. It ' s blue. ()4.A. Yes,I do. B. I ' d like some beef. C.Yes,I can. ()5.A. It ' s near the door. B. Yes,it is. C」can 12. 五、听录音,填上所缺单词,使句子意思合理、完整,每空只填一词,每组对话将读两遍。(每空1分,共10分) 1. A:Look! I have a new B: It ' s very nice. 2. A:How many ________ ? B: I can see thirty. 3. A:What colour is your ? _________ B: It ' s yellow. 4. My father is a . ________ 5. Chen Lin is my frie nd,she likes . ______________ 6. Welcome to my _______ J! ______ ' s nice. 7. I like my ________ __________ ' s big. 8. Where are my keys? They ' re on the _________ . _________ 9. The computer is n ear the _______ . ___________ 10. Open the _______ ,please. 六、听录音,在相关内容的框格里打“,每题读两遍。(每空1分,共10 分)


209-2020学年第一学期期末试卷 四年级 英语 时间:60分钟 满分:100分 一、看图片,写单词。(12分) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 二、选出不同类的单词。(10分) ( )https://www.360docs.net/doc/5715888205.html, B. fridge C.noodles ( )2. A. bag B. desk C.chalk ( )3. A. living room B. bedroom C. bed ( )4. A. cat B. kitchen C. pig ( )5. A. spoon B. kite C. knife 三、单项选择。(12分) ( )1. Let me clean the chair. A. teachers B.teacher ’s C. teachers ’ ( )2. I lost my schoolbag. A. Thanks B.Sorry C. Excuse me ( )3. How many pears the tree? A. in B. on C.at ( )4. My family six people. A. have B. is C. has ( )5. -My brother has a good friend. -A boy girl? -A boy. A.and B. or C. but ( )6. I ’d like fish. A.the B. a C.some 四、读句子,选单词。(10分) A. Where B. Who C. How D. What E. How many ( )1.- are you? -I'm fine, thank you. ( )2.- is Mike? - He's in the bathroom. ( )3.- are they? -They are my parents, my brother, my sister and me.


新人教版六年级英语上册期末试卷 学校班别姓名分数 听力部分(40分) 一、听录音,选单词(10分) ( ) 1. A. happy B. hobby C. head ( ) 2. A. work B. works C. working ( ) 3. A. teach B. teaches C. teaching ( ) 4. A. he B. him C. his ( ) 5. A. where B. when C. what w ( ) 6. A. tree B. trip C. train ( ) 7. A. singing B. swimming C. sleeping ( ) 8. A. playing football B. playing basketball C. playing the pipa ( ) 9. A. warm B. well C. word ( ) 10. A. It’s sunny B. It’s Sunday C. It’s cool 二、听录音,判断对错,对的打√,错的打×(5分) ( )1.My mother is a teacher. ( )2.Jane doesn’t like playing football. ( )3.My sister is angry with me. ( )4.Mike wants to be a pilot. ( )5.The cinema is in front of the bank. 三、听录音,选出最合适的答句。(10分) ( )1.A.Yes, you can. B.You can go by the No.12 bus. C.I can go by the No.12 bus. ( )2.A.Yes, it’s far from here. B.Yes,it’s near here. C.No,it’s far from here. ( )3.A.She’s my mother. B.She’s a reporter C.He’s a cleaner. ( )4.A.I’m going to by some books. B.I’m going there at 3 o’clock this afternoon. C.I’m going there by bus. ( )5.A.No,he does. B.Yes,she does. C.Yes, he does. 四、听录音,填写下列句子中所缺的单词。(5分) 1.Is there a _________ __________ near here? 2.What is she going to _________ _________? 3.A:What’s your __________? B:I like ________. 4.A:What _____ your aunt do ? B:She is a __________. 5.You should take a _________ _________. 五、听录音,判断对错,对的写T ,错的写F。(10分) ( )1.Lily lives in China.


人教版五年级上册英语期末试卷及答案最好的 GE GROUP system office room 【GEIHUA16H-GEIHUA GEIHUA8Q8-

六年级英语试卷 听力部分(40分)(每题读两遍) 一、Listen and choose.(听录音,选出你所听到的单词。10分) ( ) 1. A. tall B. kind C. funny ( ) 2. A. thin B.active C.quiet ( ) 3. A. Sunday B.Monday C.Wednesday ( ) 4.A.watch TV B.read books C.do homeworks ( ) 5. A.tomatoes and fish B.tomatoes and mutton C.tomatoes and pork ( ) 6. A.sour B.salty C.sweet ( ) 7. A.do the dishes B.empty the trash C.wash clothes ( ) 8. A.curtain B.closet C.mirror ( ) 9. A.near B.under C.beside

( ) 10. A.river B.path C.take 二、Listen and choose.(听录音,选出正确答语。8分) ( ) 1. A. Bananas. B.Brown. ( ) 2.A.Tofu and pork. B.Chinese and math. ( ) 3.A.Thin and tall B.Apples and oranges. ( ) 4.A.Yes,there is. B.Yes,it is. ( ) 5.A.No,there aren’t. B.No,there isn’t. ( ) 6.A.Clean the bedroom. B.Yes,she can. ( ) 7.A.Yes,I do. B.Watching TV ( ) 8.A.Saturday B.Read books. 三、Listen, match and number.(听下句,接下句,并在答案前标号。10分)( ) I can put away the clothes. ( ) No, there aren’t. ( ) I have green beans and rice. ( ) She’s our principle. ( ) It’s Thursday.


四年级上册英语期末考试卷 听力部分(30分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(10分)每小题听两遍( )1.A.jeans B. socks C. shorts( )2.A.pen B. pencil C. ball pen( )3.A.kite B. bike C. like( )4.A.hungry B. hundred C. hamburger( )5.A.skirt B. school C. storybook( )6.A.puzzle B. puppet C. purse( )7.A. do B. doll C. dog( )8.A. thirty B. thirsty C.thirteen( )9.A. on the desk B. in the fridge C. in the box( )10.A. 10:15 B. 10:35 C.10:55二、听录音,判断录音内容与图意是否相符,相符的在题下的括号里打“√”不相符的打“×”。(6分)每小题听两遍三、听录音,选择正确答语。(10分)每小题听两遍( )1.A.It’s Yang Ling’s. B. It’s Gao Shan’s. C. They’re my father’s.( )2.A.It’s eleven forty. B. At eleven. C. Eleven yuan.( )3.A.That’s all right. B. All right. C. Come in, please.( )4.A.Thank you. B. Not at all. C. It’s too short.( )5.A. I’m cold. B. I’m fine. C. I’m ten.四、听录音,填入所缺单词,完成句子。(4分) 每小题听两遍A: What’s this_________ English? B: It’s a bookmark .A: __________ bookmark is this? B: Perhaps _________Su Yang’s.A: Su Yang, is this _________bookmark? B: No, it _________. It’s Su Hai’s.A: Su Hai, _______ at this bookmark. B: Oh, it’s _________ bookmark.A: _________ you are. B: Thank you. 笔试部分(70分)一、辨音题。(6分)( )1. big doll ( )2. girl orange ( )3. cat kite( )4. new cinema ( )5. five photo ( )6. sofa please 二、英汉互译。(10分)1. 看一看________________________6.try this pair


2016-2017第一学期六年级上册英语期末测试卷 Listening Part(听力部分) 一、听音,选择你所听到的单词或短语。 ( ) 1. A. science B. straight C. street ( ) 2. A. slow down B. on foot C. by bus ( ) 3. A. next week B. take a trip C. comic book ( ) 4. A. traffic light B. get together C. moon cake ( ) 5. A. puzzle B. hobby C. pen pal ( ) 6. A. worker B. head teacher C. reporter ( ) 7. A. angry B. sad C. afraid ( ) 8. A. see a doctor B. count to ten C. pay attention to ( ) 9. A. turn B. stop C. visit ( )10. A. country B. gym C. grass 二、选出你所听到句子中含有的单词或短语。 ()1. Jim goes to Beijing ________ . A. by ship B. by subway C. by train ()2. _______ at a red light. A. Stop B. traffic C. Wait ()3.I’m going to see a film _______ . A. tonight B. tomorrow C. next week ()4.He is a ________ . A. post man B. factory worker C. businessman ( ) 5. You should_____________. A. see a doctor B. do morning exercise C. wear warm clothes 三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。 ()1.A. Where is the museum shop? B. Where are you going? ()2.A.Turn left at the bookstore. B. Turn right at the bookstore. ()3.A. How do you come to school? B. How does she go to school ? ()4.A.I must pay attention to the traffic light. B. I’m going to see a film. ()5.A.When are you going? B. What does he do? ()6.A. Does he live in Sydney? B. Does he like doing word puzzles? ()7.A. He like reading stories. B. He works at sea. ()8.A.Don’t go at the red light. B. Don’t be sad. ()9.A. You should see a doctor. B. You should take a deep breath. ()10.A. They’re afraid of him. B. They’re happy. 四、听问题,选答句。 ( ) 1. A. Turn left then go straight. B.I go to the museum by car. ( ) 2. A. She works at sea. B. She goes to work by subway. ( ) 3. A. He likes swimming. B. He is a scientist. ( ) 4. A .The cinema. B. Next Wednesday. ( ) 5.A. Yes, he does. B. No, he can’t.


听力部分(30分) 一、听句子,选出句子中所包含的单词。(10分) ()1. A. house B. road C. building D. city ()2. A. flower B. path C. park D. lake ()3. A. mirror B. closet C. curtain D. trash bin ()4. A. bedroom B. kitchen C. bathroom D. living room ()5. A. cabbage B. mutton C. potato D. eggplant 二、听句子,判断下面的图形是否与句子内容一致,一致的在括号内写“T”,不一致的写“F”。(10分) 1.. 2. 3. 4. 5. ()()()()() 三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子的最佳应答,把答案填在括号里。(10分) ()1、A. I’d like some beef . B. I have chicken and fish. ()2、A. No, they aren’t. B. No, there aren’t. ()3、A. We have P.E and art. B. I like P.E and art. ()4、A. It’s behind you. B. They’re behind you. ()5、A. It’s Sunny. B. It’s Sunday. 笔试部分(70分) 四、找出下面单词中意思不同类的一个,把它的序号写到前面的括号里。(10分) ()1. A. tasty B. sour C. thin D. salty ()2. A. bedroom B. closet C. kitchen D. bathroom ()3. A. village B. tree C. flower D. glass ()4. A. fish B. tofu C. tomato D. road ()5. A. curtain B. trash bin C. fresh D. mirror 五、找出画线部分读音与其他单词不同的一项。(5分)


2010----2011学年度第一学期期末检测 小学四年级英语试卷 班别________ 姓名_________ 分数________ 听力部分(50分) 一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词,将序号填在题前的括号内。(10分)()1. A.your B. yours C. you ()2. A. reach B. catch C. match ()3. A. foot B. feet C. food ()4. A. doll B. door C. dog ()5. A. Tuesday B. Monday C.Sunday ()6. A. eating B. writing C. painting ()7. A. their B. they C. theirs ()8. A. thirsty B. thirty C. thirteen ()9.A. dance B. science C. fence ()10.A. head B. hand C. have 二、听录音,在单词下面的括号里标号。(10分) watch painting hair hot aughing ()()()()() sleeping fax photo sofa next to ()()()()( ) 三、听录音,选择你所听到的句子,并把句子前面的字母编号填在左边的括号里。(10)

()1、A. What do you want? B. What do they want? ()2、A. I like math . B. I don’t like math. ()3、A. She’s my grandmother. B. He’s my grandfather. ()4、A. Can I have a ruler? B. Can I have a pen? ()5、A. What day is it today? B. What subjects do you like? 四、听录音,选择正确的句子回答问题。(10分) ()1. A. It’s hers. B. It’s her ( ) 2. A. Y es, please. B. OK. ( ) 3.A.Y es, I am. B. Y es, I do. ( ) 4.A. It’s hot. B. Y es, it is. ( ) 5.A. They’re Tony’s. B. It’s mine. 五、听录音,完成句子。(10分) 1. Where are my _____________? 2. Whose___________ is this? 3. We are _____________? 4. I play the violin on___________. 5.This is my _____________? 笔试部分(50分) 六、把下面汉语译成英语。(10分) 1、鼻子______________ 2、玩具汽车_____________ 3、我们的______________ 4、口______________ 5、数学________________ 6、星期四_____________


四年级上册英语期末考试、根据汉语意思补全单词。(10分) 二、连词成句。(10分) 1. girl the in who is a dress? red 2. the blue a shirt in boy Sally's friend. Is 3. a shop assistant. is he 4. time is it go to bed. to 5. usually my I clean bedroom. 三、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分) 1. Would you like ______ (swim) with me? 2. _____ (have) you got a new shirt? 3. Sun day is the _____ (one) day of the week. 4. Tim ____ (play) football with his friends after school. 5. Sometimes we _____ (play) chess. 6. I n eed a pair of _____ (sock). 7. Everything in the room ____ (be) clean. 8. I want to go _____ (shop). 9. The cook is very _____ (frie nd). 10. --- Are you ____ (move) in now? --- No, I am not. 四、选择最佳答案填空。(20分) ()1. What are they _________ now? A. do B. doing C. does D. did ( )2. I am ______ on the computer now. A. play ing B. play C. plays D. played ( )3. Jenny ______ h er hair now. A. wash B. washes C. is washing D. washi ng ( )4. My father _______ the phone now. A. is talki ng on B. am talki ng C. talki ng on D. talks on ( )5. They _____ TV now. A. is watch ing B. am watch ing C. are watch ing D. watches ( )6. He likes ______ to the shops _____ Saturday morni ng. A. goes; on B. to go; in C. goes; in D. to go; on ()7. Look at Danny. He _______ w ith a ball.

最新人教版六年级上册英语期末考试试题以及答案 (4套题)

六年级上册英语期末测试试卷 一.根据首字母提示补全单词。 1.What is your father's h________? 2.My mother sings well.She is a s________. 3.She is a teacher.She t________music. 4.Her brother puts the s________into the soil. 5.We s________help our parents. 二.按要求改写单词。 1.ride(现在分词形式)________ 2.there is(缩写形式)________ 3.Tim(所有格形式)________ 4.sing(名词形式)________ 5.we(宾格形式)________ 6.I(物主代词)________ 7.watch(第三人称单数形式)________8.hobby(复数形式)________9.play(现在分词形式)________10.rain(形容词)________ 三.单项选择。 ()1.Mr Black is________teacher. A.they B.They's C.their ()2.________one do you like? A.Which B.Where C.Who ()3.________you often water your flowers? A.do B.Do C.Does ()4.You can see a sprout________several days.

A.on B.for C.in ()5.I put my flower________the sun every day. A.in B.for C.on ()6.This is Mr Li's room.________room is clean. A.He B.His C.A ()7.I'm in________room. A.he B.my C.me ()8.John________drawing pictures. A.like B.likes C.liking ()9.A:Where's John? B:________ A.He's over there. B.Which one? C.Oh,she's in the classroom. ()10.How many________are there in the classroom? A.boy B.girl C.boys and girls 三.按要求写句子。 1.Does your father go to work by subway?(作肯定与否定回答)____________________________________ 2.My aunt works in_a_supermarket.(对画线部分提问) ____________________________________ 3.Jane likes to sing.(对画线部分提问)


五年级上册英语期末考试卷及答案 听力部分(30分) 一、听句子,选出句子中所包含的单词。(10分) ()1.A.houseB.roadC.buildingD.city ()https://www.360docs.net/doc/5715888205.html,ke ()3.A.mirrorB.closetC.curtainD.trashbin ()4.A.bedroomB.kitchenC.bathroomD.livingroom ()5.A.cabbageB.muttonC.potatoD.eggplant 三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子的最佳应答,把答案填在括号里。(10分) ()1、A.I’dlikesomebeef.B.Ihavechickenandfish. ()2、A.No,theyaren’t.B.No,therearen’t. ()3、A.WehaveP.Eandart.B.IlikeP.Eandart. ()4、A.It’sbehindyou.B.They’rebehindyou. ()5、A.It’sSunny.B.It’sSunday. 笔试部分(70分) 四、找出下面单词中意思不同类的一个,把它的序号写到前面的括号里。(10分) ()1.A.tastyB.sourC.thinD.salty ()2.A.bedroomB.closetC.kitchenD.bathroom ()3.A.villageB.treeC.flowerD.glass ()4.A.fishB.tofuC.tomatoD.road

()5.A.curtainB.trashbinC.freshD.mirror 五、找出画线部分读音与其他单词不同的一项。(5分) ()1.A.shortB.workC.horseD.fork ()2.A.doctorB.forestC.visitorD.actor ()3.A.whoseB.whereC.whoD.whom ()4.A.tableB.makeC.babyD.wash ()https://www.360docs.net/doc/5715888205.html,puterC.funnyD.just 六、单项选择,请将正确选项字母标号填写在题前括号内。(10分) ()1.There____somebeautifultreesinfrontofourbuilding. A.have B.has C.is D.are ()2.---What'syournewmusicteacherlike? ---_______ A.Shelikessports. B.Sheisfunny. C.Fishandvegetables. D.Shelikesmymother. ()3.---Whatdowehave_____Mondays? ---WehaveEnglish,mathandP.E. A.in B.on C.for D.at ()4.---Whatwouldyoulikeforlunch? ---I'dlikesome______. A.tomatoandmutton B.tomatoesandmutton C.tomatoandmuttons D.tomatoesandmuttons ()5.---Wouldyoulikesome_______?


四年级英语上册期末考试卷及答案 一、Look and choose.看一看,选一选。根据句子内容选择正确的图片,并把正确图片的编号填在题前括号内。(共10分) ( )1. He is playing with toys. A. B . ( )2. Today is Halloween. A. B. ( )3. I can have some sweets. A. B. ( ) 4. We are going to go to Hainan A. B. ( )5. Mother is cooking vegetables. A. B. 二、Read and choose.读一读,选一选。并把正确答案的编号填在题前括号内。(5分) ( )1. I live ______ Shanghai. A. in B. on ( )2. He is ______ a book. A. reading B. read ( )3. He can play ______ flute. A. a B. the ( )4. Children’s Day(儿童节) is in ______. A. March B. June ( )5. They are listening ______ music. A. to B. at

三、Look .Read and Choose.给下边的句子选出正确的答语,把它的编号填在题前括号内。(共5分) ( )1. —Can Sam run fast? — _______. A. Yes, he can B. No, he can’t. ( )2. —Do you want some rice? — _______. A. No, please B. Yes , please. ( )3. —Are you going to go at two o’clock? — _______. A. No, we aren’t. B. Yes, we are . ( )4. —What’s this? — _______. A. It’s a bird. B. It’s a tiger. ( )5. —Happy birthday to you. — _______. A. Thank you. B. Sorry, you can’t. 【参考答案】 一、每小题1分,共10分。 ABABA


人教版四年级上册英语期末试卷 一、听录音,根据录音内容为情景图标号。10% ﹙ ﹚ ﹙ ﹚ ﹙ ﹚ ﹙ ﹚ ' ﹙ ﹚ 二、听音,连线。根据录音内容,将人物与食物连线。10% ' # 三、听音,写数字。根据录音,在图片下的括号中写该物品的数量。10% 1. 2. 3. :

4. 5. 四、听句子,选出句子中所包含的单词。将单词的字母代号写括号中。10%﹙﹚ 1. A. light B. board C. door ﹙﹚ 2. A. music B. science C. sports ﹙﹚ 3. A. Chinese B. English C. math ^ ﹙﹚ 4. A. thin B. quiet C. strong ﹙﹚ 5. A. twenty B. thirty C. ten ﹙﹚ 6. A. nurse B. doctor C. farmer ﹙﹚7. A. study B. bathroom C. bedroom ﹙﹚8. A. phone B. shelf C. fridge ﹙﹚9. A. rice B. vegetable C. bread ﹙﹚. knife B. spoon C. chopsticks 五、听问句选择合适的答句,将其字母代号写在题前的括号中。10%﹙﹚ 1. A. I’d like some rice and fish. B. I like some bread. , ﹙﹚ 2. A. She is a nurse. B. He is a doctor. ﹙﹚ 3. A. Yes, she is. B. No, he isn’t. ﹙﹚ 4. A. They’re on the desk. B. They’re in the door. ﹙﹚ 5. A. A bed, a lamp and a phone. B. A spoon, a knife and a fork. 六、根据已经给出的大写或小写字母,写出各自的小写或大写字母。10% 1.Y · 2.


六年级上册英语期末测试卷 Listening Part(听力部分) 一、听音,选择你所听到的单词或短语。 ( ) 1. A. science B. straight C. street ( ) 2. A. slow down B. on foot C. by bus ( ) 3. A. next week B. take a trip C. comic book ( ) 4. A. traffic light B. get together C. moon cake ( ) 5. A. puzzle B. hobby C. pen pal ( ) 6. A. worker B. head teacher C. reporter ( ) 7. A. angry B. sad C. afraid ( ) 8. A. see a doctor B. count to ten C. pay attention to ( ) 9. A. turn B. stop C. visit ( )10. A. country B. gym C. grass 二、选出你所听到句子中含有的单词或短语。 ()1. Jim goes to Beijing ________ . A. by ship B. by subway C. by train ()2. _______ at a red light. A. Stop B. traffic C. Wait ()3.I’m going to see a film _______ . A. tonight B. tomorrow C. next week ()4.He is a ________ . A. post man B. factory worker C. businessman ( ) 5. You should_____________. A. see a doctor B. do morning exercise C. wear warm clothes 三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。 ()1.A. Where is the museum shop? B. Where are you going? ()2.A.Turn left at the bookstore. B. Turn right at the bookstore. ()3.A. How do you come to school? B. How does she go to school ? ()4.A.I must pay attention to the traffic light. B. I’m going to see a film. ()5.A.When are you going? B. What does he do? ()6.A. Does he live in Sydney? B. Does he like doing word puzzles? ()7.A. He like reading stories. B. He works at sea. ()8.A.Don’t go at the red light. B. Don’t be sad. ()9.A. You should see a doctor. B. You should take a deep breath. ()10.A. They’re afraid of him. B. They’re happy. 四、听问题,选答句。 ( ) 1. A. Turn left then go straight. B.I go to the museum by car. ( ) 2. A. She works at sea. B. She goes to work by subway. ( ) 3. A. He likes swimming. B. He is a scientist. ( ) 4. A .The cinema. B. Next Wednesday. ( ) 5.A. Yes, he does. B. No, he can’t.


小学五年级期末考试 英 语 试 卷 (考试时间:50分 满分:100分) 题号 Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ Ⅸ Ⅹ Ⅺ 总分 得分 I. 选出每组单词中画线部分读音与其它两个发音不同的选项。 (共5小题,计5分) ( ) 1. A. cow B. brown C. yellow ( ) 2. A. doctor B. short C. morning ( ) 3. A. cake B. cap C. ant ( ) 4. A. engineer B. driver C. English ( ) 5. A. cloudy B. mouth C. young Ⅱ. 看图片,写单词。 (共5小题,计10分) 6.__________ 7. __________ 8.__________ 9. __________ 10. __________ Ⅲ. 根据首字母提示并联系上下文写出恰当的单词,使句子或对话意思完整。(共5小题,计10分) 11. —What color do you like? —I like red, but I d________ like yellow. 12. —________ is that boy? The small one. —Oh, that ’s Bob. 13. —Mom, I want to go out to play. —OK. It ’s cold outside. P________ on your coat, gloves and boots. 14. —What ’s your grandfather l________, David? —He is short and has short white hair. 15. It ’s r________ today. Don ’t forget the umbrella and the raincoat. Ⅳ. 根据句意及上下文选择合适选项,将其标号写在相应的括号内。(共5小题,计5分) 16. —Mom, we are going hiking tomorrow. What ’s the weather like? —Let ’s listen to the ________. 17. —Are they seals? —No. ________. They ’re very kind and friendly to people. 18. —Who ’s that man? —________? —The tall one. 19. —Li Ming, let me draw a picture for you. —Why not? ________. 20. —Oh, dear. It ’s raining outside. Shall we ________ at home? A. play chess B. Good idea C. They are whales D. Which one E. weather report
