

Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998

67, "rising above the sinful" said plants are (lotus).

68, and the "five elements" in the Chinese ancient culture refers to the (gold, wood, water, fire and earth).

69, Engels said: "he is the last of the medieval poet, is the first of a new era at the same time a poet." Refers to the (Dante) (Italy), its representative work is (the divine comedy).

Of 70 entitled "world music" the laudatory name of the city is (capital, Vienna, Austria).

71, say"LangYuan fairy yuan" refers to the (Lin), "mei-yu immaculate" refers to the (jia).

50, poem "suddenly look back, that person but in the lights fencing place" from which the poet Li qingzhao Du fu Li yu Li bai (3)

51, in "jingwei reclamation" story, "jingwei" is (B)

A, A person, A bird C B, D, A monkey dragon

52, popular famous poem of day if sentient days also always who sentence (D)

A and

B Wang Wei, han yu, li bai, li ho D C

53, the story of "not for the bureau count" whose character (C)

A, du fu, bai juyi, B C, tao yuanming D, liu zongyuan

54, song lyrics "I live upstream and you live in the Yangtze river the tail. Day by day, have you noticed, drink the Yangtze river water" epigraph, (B)

A sauvignon blanc "B," bligh operator "C," the sound of slow"

55, Chinese ancient literature masterpieces, who is the author of "the west-wing" (A) A, yi-qing liu B, tang xianzu, GanBao D, liu zongyuan C

56, "rains fall heavily as qingming comes, and passers-by with lowered spirits go", excuse me, are for tomb-sweeping day in China have a variety of call, which of the following is not a (E)

A, Halloween, dead section, ghost festival D C B, smart section E, cold food

57, "cross the rubicon" this idiom for war (C)

A, the battle of chibi, the battle of changping C B, the battle of the stag D, the battle of guandu E, at the battle of water

58. The following is sentence of wang anshi "docking melon continent" is (b).

A. spring to bluish green, such as blue.

B. the spring breeze and green river south bank.

C. breeze like scissors.

D. spring scenery garden caged.

59, editor-in-chief who is our country northern song dynasty years History As A Mirror a chronological history texts (B)

A. wang anshi b. sima guang c. ouyang xiu d. Sue power

60, in modern Chinese literary world, predominantly poetry writers: (B),

A. guo moruo ai qing c. b. yu dafu d. zhu zi-qing

61, the world's first education monograph is (D).

A. b. "big teaching theory" the analects "c." utopia "d." how to"

62. The allusion "ru mu SAN fen" meaning used to describe (C).

A. carving technology high b. A profound c. calligraphy saturated strong d. archery skills

63, advocate "the new poems movement" in tang dynasty poet is (C).

A. li bai du fu c. b. bai juyi d. li shangyin

64, below is the classical Chinese four great classical novels of character and plot, including improper collocation is a (C)

Lu - pour xiaojin hill pull B sun wukong - heaven

C zhuge liang, three

D granny liu, into the grand view garden

65, the ancients often in "ruler," generation refers to (B).

A. white turban letter c. b. handkerchief

66, "to cheer, to the next level," this is a historic deriving from (C).

B. a. bai juyi wang changling c. Wang Zhihuan d. li ho

67, li bai's poetry is (B)

A, sullen, bold, bold, bold and unrestrained C B, popular, and D, haughty, no training 68, the following lines of natural season and the other three different one is (C)

A. Yin rain embellish, such as crisp, grass color it looks almost no.

B. WeiCheng toward the light rain falling dust, qing qing LiuSe new guest.

C. like night of spring breeze comes suddenly, thousands of critics, pear tree.

D. spend for charming eye, shallow grass can't water chestnut.

69, in the following, with "all around lake mountain belongs to the eyeground" constitute a dual is a (B)

A. always full spring b. m sorrow joy to the heart

C. hew thousand hammer thousands mountains d. reached for the new dynasty

70, idiom "authentic wall steal light" from which the ancient character's story (D)

A, Confucius, sun jing, CheYin D C B, kuang heng

71, and "deliberately mispresents" allusions about historical figures is (C)

A, han xin, B, D, C, zhao gao xiang yu liu bang

72, calligraphy and painting works of the "four gentlemen" usually refers to the four plants (A)

A, chrysanthemum patterns, mei shochiku C B, mei Dutch bamboo chrysanthemum chrysanthemum D, mei

73, "the setting sun is infinite good, just near evening" whose verse is (A)

A, li shangyin, han yu, their own features D C B, li bai

74, "sunset and solitary seek fly together, colchicine and sky flavor" describing the scenery (B)

A, penglai pavilion, teng Wang Ge C B, laoshan D, buried with flowers

75, in lu xun's novels, the feudal society boils down to "a history of eating people", and shout "save the children" at the end of the novel is (D)

A and

B "blessing", the true story of ah Q, C, D "hometown", "the diary of A madman

76. Known as the "poet" and "medical sage", "god", "SAN", "holy book" ancient Chinese is (A), respectively.

A., zhang zhongjing, li bai, du fu wu daoxuan, wang xizhi

B., the flat, li bai, du fu later, wang xizhi

C. by du fu, sun simiao, li ho, wu daoxuan, wang xizhi

D. du fu, li shizhen, li bai, later, wang xizhi

Chapter 77, in the history of the "deal" who's first (C)

A, liu bei, zhuge liang, B, C, D, liu bang Zhu Yuanzhang

78, the volcano is located in: (B) in "pilgrimage to the west"

A, B, C in xinjiang, qinghai, gansu province

79, which of the following thing is "water margin" in liangshan wu song do (C)

And dial the vertical YangLiu B, bian city city sell knife C, drunk Chiang keeper 80, is China's first female poets (CAI wenji). (li qingzhao, zhu shuzhen, CAI wenji) 81, verse "advantage of month, xiangyang HuaMuYi for spring" (Su Lin) is the author of

(Su Lin; qi; always)

82. "the world first and, after the world of joy but joy" from (B).

A. "the analects" b. "the yueyang tower" c. "History As A Mirror" d. "shiji"

83. The following is compose the xiao the net Keats temple to send Lin Zifang is (A) in A sentence.

A. day endless blue lotus, video on lotus red.

B. persuade more as a cup of wine, west the sunlight without any reason.

C. solitary sail far shadow blue sky, but see the Yangtze river the sky flow.

D. don't worry about the road ahead is no bosom friend, the world who could.

84. The following is A gong zizhen sentences has gived the miscellaneous poems is


A. I beseech god to perk up, promising talents.

B. know who thin leaf cut out, breeze like scissors.

C. king division north on the central plains, angles without forgetting is weng.

D. all road, scenes and village.

85. The Chinese ancient literature criticism most system is (D).

A. the prefaces b. "the lyrics" c. "art" d. "wen-hsin-diao-long"

86, PI first appeared in where Egypt India Arabia of Babylon (2)

87, march of the volunteers, which film is the theme song The fortress, "the road", "west children" "cross street" (3)

88, artistic image, which works by "high sense hui" (C)

A, B, thunderstorm sunrise C, D, cold nights

89, there is a very famous "riddle of the sphinx", please guess: there is a thing, walk on four legs in the morning, walking on two legs at noon, evening with three legs. Do you know what is this thing

A, A ghost, A kind of ancient animals, human D C B, tree (C)

90, "Kim no pure gold, no one is perfect" this sentence contains the philosophy is (A) A, the universality of contradiction

B, the particularity of contradiction

C, the relationship between the primary and the secondary contradictions

D, the main aspects and the secondary aspects of the relationship

91, the following is A representative work MAO dun is (A).

A. "midnight" b. "the small two black get married c. d." home "" red sun"

92, below which is not one of the three great tragedy writer in ancient Greece (C)

A and

B Aeschylus, Euripides, and aristophanes

C D, sophocles

Who is 93, Russia's short story master (D)

A, Dostoevsky, gorky C B, mayan, D, Chekhov

94, les miserables, because of the hero jean valjean had stolen something and took 19 years of slavery (C)

A, A bottle of wine and A glass of milk B C, D, A piece of bread A biscuit

95, the following is not the works of Shakespeare is: (C)

A. the merchant of Venice b. A midsummer night's dream c. d. La Traviata revenge of the prince

96, may I ask which country theory of worship is the great romantic poet C

A French


C British

D Italy Switzerland

97, famous sculpture the thinker who out of hand:

A. Michelangelo b. c. rodin millon d. leonardo Da Vinci

98. "if winter comes, can spring be far behind Out (A)

Madame Curie Shelley B vor, C

In 99, the following name and myth that story

, Prometheus Greek story), B, Adam and eve (the bible), C (buddhist stories), large burn day.

(buddhist stories, the bible stories, Greek story)

100, "books are the ladder of human progress", this quote from (B).

, Tolstoy B, gorky, tuo's C, D, chernyshevsky ng

101, "winter arrived, can spring be far behind" Is who said that (B)

A, Schiller, Shelley B C, Goethe, D, E, xu zhimo ShuTing

102, the world's first education monograph is (D).

A. b. "big teaching theory" the analects "c." utopia "d." how to"

103. "for the rise of the Chinese reading" is (c) said a word.

A, sun yat-sen, MAO zedong c. b. zhou enlai d. deng xiaoping

104, teachers, (3) is the basic task of

(1) (2) the teaching education (3), (4) take the class teaching

105, promulgated the compulsory education law of the People's Republic of China time is (B).

A. in 1980 b. c. 1986 1993, d. 1995

106, the world's first electronic computer eni gram (C) years at the university of Pennsylvania, was born in the United States.

A, 1994 B, 1945 C, 1946 D, 1947

107. If you want to on the computer use pinyin input method input Chinese characters correctly and quickly must (C).

A. master standard mandarin, proper use of Chinese pinyin.

B. Standard mandarin, read standard Chinese characters correctly.

C. standard mandarin, correctly and use Chinese pinyin to read standard Chinese.

D. master standard mandarin.

108, "no child left behind, according to their aptitude" is the earliest (B). Confucius, mencius B, C, D, ye shengtao TaoSheng

109, "three facing" was put forward by comrade (C) at the earliest.

110, the Chinese characters in the computer is represented by a few bytes 1 2 3 4 (2) 111, "plum" full "plum" means what (students)

112. A teacher in his first few years for education work of knowledge, and he taught to children's knowledge of A minimum of (A)

A. 10:1 b. c. all the sons of spake

113, must put priority to the development of education in the strategic position of ideas put forward since the party's (B).

15 big a. b. on 14th c. 13 big d. twelve

114, "a key open a lock" theory in education embodies the human development (D) A. periodic b. imbalance c. sequentiality d. individual differences

115, "who lies near the ink black" refers to the factors that affect the development of the people (B).

C. a. b. genetic environment education d. personal activity

116, "structure" of the "plate" is China's traditional music rhythm of: (A)

A, downbeat B, weak

117. Putonghua and standard Chinese characters is (B).

A. national legal language b. national common language

C. nations through language d. idiomatic language

118. The Olympic motto is faster higher stronger.

B. a. love freedom and equality are more important to participate than to win c. faster higher stronger

119. The modern Olympic movement founder, Pierre DE coubertin.

C. a. samaranch b. coubertin al

120. The international Olympic committee (ioc) was founded in (1894).

A. 1892 b. c. 1896, 1894

121. The international Olympic committee headquarters in lausanne (Switzerland). C. b. a. in Geneva, Switzerland, Belgium Brussels in lausanne, Switzerland.

In April 122. (1896) 6, the first modern Olympic Games in Athens, Greece.

A. 1896 b. c. 1892, 1900

123. In the first modern Olympic Games, the champions in addition to win a medal, was awarded (olive branch loop).

A. laurel b. c. olive branch ring grains

124. The Olympic flag of blue, yellow, black, green, red five colors of loop connection, they represent a (D) respectively.

A. B from Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, America, Europe, Asia, Africa, America, Australia

C. Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, America d. Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and America

125. The football is regarded as "the world first movement". It is World Cup finals the field width () respectively. (A)

A. b. 105 x 68 meters 90 x 45 meters c. d. 120 x 90 meters, 100 x 90 meters

126. Table tennis is called "table tennis", which originated in the 19th century (). (B) A. China b. c. British American d. Japan

127, Olympic bicycle man shortest mileage is (C)

A 80 km

B 150 kilometers

C 220 kilometers

128 as A comprehensive art, opera, the most appropriate summary is (A).

A. birth, Dan, net, ugly b. said, learn, c. : speech, mimicry, comedy and song to sing, read, do, play d. blow, drawing, playing, singing

129, whether children, adults, or old calcium deficiency will affect the health, a variety of diseases, the absorption of calcium and (vitamin)

B. a. vitamin A B vitamin c. vitamin C d. vitamins

Idiom was created in 130, "context" :

A, B, C, feng shui exploration historical research political events (B)

131, what kind of animals in the world's longest life expectancy (A)

A and

B tortoise, giraffe, ostrich, elephants, D C

132, the world's largest palace is: (A)

A and

B of the imperial palace, the White House, the Elysee palace, D,

C the kremlin 133, world environment day is a day (C)

On March 12 A, B, on March 5, C, D on June 5, June 12

134, Huang Hefa comes from the north slope of balyanlkalla mountains in qinghai province, the nine provinces autonomous regions and the inflow (B)

A bohai in the east China sea


C qiongzhou strait

135, jiangnan three towers is yellow crane tower, yueyang tower and (A)

Tengwang pavilion B octagon house misty rain building C

136, the laba festival is affected by (B) formation of a holiday.

A Taoist buddhist


C to legalism

137, China became the world's ancient civilization is an important symbol of (A)

The four great inventions of B C characters appear of the Great Wall

138, the national flag guards from water bridge to flag go every time step (C).

A136 B 137 C 138

139, the national flag guards every step width (A)

A75 ㎝ B76 ㎝ C77 ㎝

140, in order to alleviate eye fatigue, watching TV to keep a proper distance, such as 14 inches color TV should keep a distance of (C).

A, 1 m, m C B, 2 m

141, what time is suitable for use to describe the "July"

A, sorching summer, summer to autumn passed; the C B, spring has given way to summer, autumn and to not only D (B)

142, "sweat" had been from the western han dynasty bo zhou, the cause of his "hot" is: A, clothes too much, too am C, B desperate fight war D, the emperor could not answer question (D)

143, plus a small amount of salt in the sugar water, taste Change astringent salty sweet bitter more (3)

145 1. Issuance of RMB for the first time in our country is in:

A. in 1948 b. c. 1949 1950

146. The inventor of the telephone is:

A. Edison b. c. bell baird

"Aobao" in 147. "aobao meet" is:

Small heaped-up mountains a. b. ger d. C pile of rivers

148. The main raw material of champagne is:

B. a. grape apple c. BinZi

149, jiuzhaigou, due to which national nine village and get its name

A. b. Tibetan miao c. Mongolian

"In 150. The Mongolian qaidam" means:

B. a. basin salt pond c. oasis

151. "any lift" in xinjiang uygur is what mean

A. kind person b. c. witty people learned man d. friends more people

152. The beer bottles of 12 degrees, refers to:

A. wort concentration b. c. hop concentration alcohol concentration

153. The first bridge built over the river is:

A. the wuhan Yangtze river bridge of nanjing Yangtze river bridge c. b. jiujiang Yangtze river bridge

154. The Nobel Prize award is finally set up:

A. peace prize for economics c. b. chemistry d. prize for literature

155. Which parts of the tongue to taste the most sensitive

On both sides of the c. a. b. with the tip of the tongue tongue tongue root d. tongue in the middle

156. The longest time for our country credit card overdraft is:

A. b. 6 days 16 days c. d. 60 days 90 days

, 157. The first issue renminbi is in:

A. in 1948 b. c. 1949 1950

158. Turn off the lights and watch television on the eyes (B).

A, beneficial and harmful B

In 159, the following ocean which is the largest sea (A)

A, B, C, D yellow sea and bohai sea in the east China sea, south China sea

160, which of the following is a lake in the border of jiangxi province in China: (B) Dongting lake A, B, C, D in taihu lake, poyang lake hongze lake

, 161 the Soviet government, anxian county, was founded in which year (B)

A, 1927 b, 1928 c, 1929 d, 1930

162, which of the following rivers is the world's longest process: (A)

A, the Nile river, the Yangtze river and amazon D C B, the Mississippi River 163, intercontinental missile range over how many kilometers (C)

A, one hundred B, one thousand C, ten thousand D, one hundred thousand

164, our country has a special test "atomic city", it is located in (C)

A, xinjiang, Inner Mongolia B, C, D in qinghai, sichuan

The age of 165, our soldiers reserve range is: (D)

A, B, 16 -, 16-30 one full year of life 35 C, the age of 18 to 30 D, 18 to 35 years of age

166. China's first man-made earth satellite launch, the tunes in space is (D).

A. the internationale b. "there would be no new China without the communist party"

C. march of the volunteers, d. "the east is red"

167. The famous scientist yuan longping breakthrough results in improved variety breeding, the improvement of grain production in China even all over the world played a major role, by international peers as (C).

A. people's scientists b. c. wheat king the father of hybrid rice d. the king of corn 168. The combustion of carbon monoxide gas is (). (B)

A. b. white blue c. d. yellow red

169. The TV remote control is (). (B)

A. ultraviolet b. d. infrared rays rays

170. Why dolphins follow the ship

A. seek security b. c. can get food with swimming d. play with humans

171. How many years of Halley's comet again

A. in 75 b. c. 76 77, d. 78

172, the following four provinces of heilongjiang, Shanghai, Hong Kong and shandong, from north to south by the correct is: (D)

A, B, heilongjiang, shandong, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Shanghai, shandong, Hong Kong, heilongjiang

C, Shanghai, Hong Kong, shandong, heilongjiang D, heilongjiang, shandong, Shanghai, Hong Kong

173, China's space suit about ___C____ kg

A, 15 B, 20, 10 D, 5 C

174. Don't swim in the sea (B)

A sink to the bottom

B will float on the water

175. The "ballet" from which country pass from abroad (C)

A Russian

B the

C in France

176. A cup filled with water, there is a piece of ice water, the water is full cup, when the ice dissolved after (C)

A water overflow cup

B water in the cup has reduced

C water not overflow the cup 177, the following three body parts as early as the part of the aging is (C)

A, face, hair, bones, C B

In 178, the following instruments as part of the copper pipe of instrumental music has (B, C, D)

A, oboe, B, C of A bugle call, trumpet, trombone E D, saxophone

179, A go board with A total of (A) A intersection

A, 361 B, 360 C, 359 D, 358

180, the fastest flying bird is: (A)

A, swifts B, hummingbirds, ostrich D C, sparrow

181, "playing snake played seven inches" seven inches "mean: (C)

A, the head, neck, heart and lung D C B

182 last year, someone to buy a stock, was down 20%, what percentage should be higher this year, in order to keep the original value (C)

20% A, B, C, D, 25% and 30% 80%

Circulation of 183, now the fifth set of RMB on the back of the design is (A).

C, lotus, peony, orchid B

184. The first thermometer was invented by (B).

A, B, Galileo Edison

At weekends, New Year's day of 185, whether should be compensatory leave (A) A is not B

186 what kind of milk drinks are good for children's growth (B)

A sterilized milk

B pasteurized milk

187, land area of the largest in the world is (B).

C. a. b. China Russia America d. Canada

188. The 55 ethnic minorities in China, what is the most populous nation (D) A. manchu b. miao c. li d. zhuang

The hardest part is 189, the human body (C, teeth). A,, nails. B, skull; C, teeth,

, our school was founded in 190 () A, 1904 B, 1905 C, 1906 D, 1907

191, the human body () bone - A, 203 B, 204 C, 204 D, 205

192. The "carnival" is a transliteration words, it was meant to (D)

(A, sports; B, C and D Christmas festival, "carnival" English "carnival" (carnival), equivalent to the Chinese "temple fair".)

193 the LangHao, writing brush is made of what kind of animal fur (C)

A, little Wolf, Wolf C B, weasel

194, some people motion sickness or seasick, sometimes this is because the body balancer was stimulated, the balancer in (D)

A, heart, B, C, D in the stomach, cerebellum

In 195, the word "fashionable" "temminick" refers to (A) the earliest

A, the child's hair, the women's hair C B, the man's beard
