














考研英语一做题时间具体怎么分配 考研的英语时间是在考试的第一天下午2点到5点进行,共计3小时。如何高效地利用这三个小时,很多考生对此比较困惑。下面就为考研学子提供高效的答题策略及考研英语做题时间分配,希望能对大家有帮助。 一、考研英语做题策略 在《考研真相》的真题中,包含了完形填空、阅读理解、翻译、写作四大版块,从分值来看,考研英语阅读理解和作文总共70分,是重中之重,翻译、新题型和完形填空各10分。如果,阅读和作文首先顺利完成,考研英语可以说已经成功了一大半,接下来做其他题目也就信心十足。 如果按试卷顺序做题,到最后极有可能完形填空、新题型、翻译都做完了,但是作文没写完,因小失大。同时,根据经验分析,完形填空得分率都很低,一般在5分左右,可以完全放到最后面做。因为,到最后很多考生根本没有足够的时间仔细分析完形填空,一般都是大概看一看,直接填涂答题卡。即使得了零分,跟其他同学相比差距不会很大。 因此,把最佳的精神状态和时间合理的用在最重要的地方就能产生最佳的结果的地方。具体到实际运用过程中,一定要按照阅读理解、大小作文、翻译、新题型、完形填空这个顺序来做题。 二、考研英语做题时间分配 接下来就要分配做题时间。一般来说,四篇阅读理解文章,做题时间在一个小时左右。建议每篇文章花费15分钟时间,如果有个别较难的文章,可以多花点时间,但是不要超过20分钟。

写作文时间应该控制在40分钟之内,小作文写15分钟,6—8句话。大作文25分钟足够了,写3个自然段,12-15句话。很多同学感觉写作时间不够,主要是因为他们写的内容太多、太杂,层次不清晰,思路不明确,语言表达不到位。在考场上写作文,不在于你写的内容、篇幅太长,关键是看你的质量,无论是从内容上还是从语言上。 新题型部分,从这几年的真题走势来看,这部分的难度不是很大,建议考生把时间控制在20分钟之内。 翻译实际上这部分是阅读理解和翻译的综合能力考察,本身题目量较大,而且要翻译成相对应的汉语,所以考生把时间控制在20分钟内。 完形填空最后做,最多花15分钟时间,因为20个选项涂答题卡也要几分钟时间。如果最后没有时间仔细看题,就果断放弃完形填空,把时间放在认认真真涂好答题卡上面。 最后,提醒一点,上述时间分配不是固定不变的,考生可以根据自己答题情况灵活调整,原则是把时间花在最容易产生效益的地方。以上就是一些考研英语做题时间分配的规则。 历届学长学姐大力推荐的考研英语一辅导书 1.《非常词汇》 适合人群:英语一和英语二通用 推荐理由:800个句子浓缩所有大纲单词,通过句子记单词,让你不再由A 背到Z,背单词不再那么枯燥,记忆量大大变小了。赠送的4大赠本中,不仅包括考研英语必考词和基础词,还有四大赠本《高考词+四级词+六级词+考研词》、《基础词+必考词+偶考词+超纲词》,《750个考研高频短语》另外还有《300 组词汇辨析》。重点分明,可以根据的自己的情况和时间进行选择去用 2.闪过英语考研《必考词汇应用全书》 适合人群:备考时间不足的人 推荐理由:闪过作为英语教辅第二品牌,为什么说闪过英语适合备考时间不足的人,因为闪过英语辅导书都有“薄、准、精、快”的特点,让你在短期内闪过英语考试。


考研英语复试自我介绍方法 XX研究生复试自我介绍也需要技巧,以下是小编整理的考研英语复试自我介绍方法,欢迎阅读参考! 中文自我介绍时主要注意以下几点就可以,说话要有层次,条理清楚,抓住重点。 第一,先一句话自我表明身份,此时音质和音色好的同学,马上就能吸引导师的注意。 第二一段话简介自己的经历,而且强调的都是导喜欢听的经历,并且点明这些经历对你个人对你的学业有什么帮助。 第三,几句话概括一下自己的特点,这是关键,导师希望听到导师需要的特点。 第一部分,表明自己身份:姓名。年龄。原来的院校、专业。这一部分没有过多要说的,同学们发音要准,吐字要清晰就可以了。 例如: 1)我是一个热情开朗的女生,随和,自信,乐于助人,有责任心,是我样让我的生活非常充实。 2)我是个有想象力的人,对什么都很好奇,求知欲较强,尤其喜欢历史、文学、人文地理等学科,而且深深迷恋古人

所说的读万卷书,行万里路。所以一爱看书,二爱旅行。对生活充满希望,因为我始终相信,一分耕耘,一分收获,只要自己不放弃,我的这一生一定会活得有意义的。 第三部分相对来说最为重要,要简单的介绍自己的经历,而且要强调导师喜欢的经历。导师看重的不是经历,而是你的这些经历让你学到了什么,你学到的这些东西对你的学业又有什么帮助,这些才是导师重点看的。 例如: 1)我想谈一下我四年的大学生活,让我学到了很多,很多的实践让我从从各个方面提高了自己,不但让我学会了如何思考,学习的方法,还让我看到了实践的重要性,作为一名学生,我深知学习机会的不易,我学习很努力,其中3年拿了学校的奖学金,我还积极地参加各种活动和设计大赛,曾在河南理工大学首届和第二届青少年科技文化节中分别荣获摄影大赛优秀奖和节徽设计大赛二等奖在XX年中的设计大赛中工业设计类中设计的笔记本电脑荣获优秀奖。在大学中我也遇到了好的老师和朋友,从他们身上我学到了很多东西,这对我能力的提高和成长起了很大的作用。 2)在大学四年的学习生活中,我努力提升自我素质,全面锻炼自己,在扎实完成自己学习任务的同时,积极参与校内外学生社团活动,经过自己的不懈努力连续三年获得校


考研英语阅读理解模拟试题及答案(三) Passage 11 Dream is a story that a personwatchesor even takes part in during sleep. Dream events are imaginary, but they are related to real experiences and needs in the dreamer's life. They seem real while they are taking place. Some dreams are pleasant, others are annoying, and still others are frightening. Everyone dreams, but some persons never recall dreaming. Others remember only a little about a dream they had just before awakening and nothing about earlier dreams. No one recalls all his dreams. Dreams involve little logical thought. In most dreams, the dreamer cannot control what happens to him. The story may be confusing, and things happen that would not happen in real life. People see in most dreams, but they may also hear, smell, touch, and taste in their dreams. Most dreams occur in color. but persons who have been blind since birth do not see at all in dreams. Dreams are a product of the sleeper's mind. They


Unit 1 一、填单词 1、My job varies between the extremely tedious and the annoyingly busy. __On balance __I think I'm happier during the really busy times; no time to think about how bored I am。我的工作既有特无聊的时候,也有忙得要命 的时候。但总的来说,我在真正忙的时候高兴些,因为在那个时候,我没时间去想我有多厌倦。 2、It is the nature of the wise to___resist__ pleasures, but the foolish to be a slave to them。明智之人天生会抵制享乐,而愚蠢之人却成了它的奴隶。 3、I figure out a good team of dogs, hitched to a light sled, can _haul__ 1,000 pounds of goods. 一组健壮的狗可以用轻小的雪橇拉动1,000磅的货物。 4、In the story, the little girl has a _wicked__ stepmother, who makes her life a misery. 在这个故事中,小女孩有一个心肠很坏的继母,让她生活很痛苦。 5、Nothing ever becomes real till it is experienced -- even a proverb is no proverb to you till your life has __illustrated__ it. 眼见为实——即使是谚语在你没有在生活中得到证明时,也不一定正确。 6、Nowadays almost all libraries are finding it increasingly difficult to remain within their__ budget _ .当前,几乎所有图书馆发现靠他们的预算生存下去越来越难。 7、You can increase a tyre’s grip in winter by slightly __lowering __ its pressure . 冬天可以稍微放点气来增强轮胎的抓力。 8、Lakes Superior, Huron, Erie, and Ontario are shared by the United States and Canada, and form part of the _boundary_between the two


考研英语自我介绍1 Dear professors,it is my honor to be here to introduce myself. My name is -x-, I am twenty-three years old. I come from Tai’an city of Shan dong Province, there are a famous mountain –mountain tai. My undergraduate period will be accomplished in x-x-university in July, 201- I have majored in Ideological and Political Education. I always love x-x-Normal University,I think its teacher-training is which I am looking forward to. Like most of the Shandong people, I am a straightforward person and I am eager to help others. Generally speaking, I will try my best to finish it no matter how difficult the thing is. In my spare time, I will Pay attention to the current affairs and I like reading books , and singing. I am a diligent student during my college studying, and in my college, I like taking part in all kinds of useful activities and get scholarships for many times. I always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning.Of course, if I am given a chance for advanced studies in this famous University, I will stare to effort to master a good command of advance my capability. 考研英语自我介绍2 Good morning,everyone! I am glad to be here for this interview. First,let me introduce myself to you. My name is Qin Jiayin. I was born on April 23,1981. I am a local person.I am graduating from Jilin Normal University this June. I major in Chinese literature. I hope I could get the opportunity to finish my postgraduate courses in Jilin University which I have desired for a long time. I have the confidence because I have such ability! I am a girl who is fervent,outgoing and creative. At the same time,I think I am quick in mind and careful in everything. I am looking forward to my postgraduate studies and life. I will soon prove that your decision of choosing me is the wisest. Thank you for giving me such a valuable opportunity! Reasons for taking postgraduate e-ams: First of all,I love my major. Chinese literature is the symbol of the start of Chinese literary modernization. It plays an important part in modernization of our


2020年考研英语阅读模拟试题及答案(2) The fossil remains of the first flying vertebrates, the pterosaurs, have intrigued paleontologists for more than two centuries. How such large creatures, which weighed in some cases as much as a piloted hang-glider and had wingspans from 8 to 12 meters, solved the problems of powered flight, and exactly what these creatures were — reptiles or birds — are among the questions scientists have puzzled over. Perhaps the least controversial assertion about the pterosaurs is that they were reptiles. Their skulls, pelvises, and hind feet are reptilian. The anatomy of their wings suggests that they did not evolve into the class of birds. In pterosaurs a greatly elongated fourth finger of each forelimb supported a winglike membrane. The other fingers were short and reptilian, with sharpclaws. In birds the second finger is the principal strut of the wing, which consists primarily of feathers. If the pterosaurs walked on all fours, the three short fingers may have been employed for grasping. When a pterosaur walked or remained stationary, the fourth finger, and with it the wing, could only turn upward in an extended inverted V shape along each side of the animal’s body. The pterosaurs resembled both birds and bats in their overall structure and proportions. This is not surprising because the design of any flying vertebrate is subject to aerodynamic constraints. Both the pterosaurs and the birds have hollow bones, a feature that represents a savings in weight. In the birds, however, these bones are reinforced more massively by internal struts.


Unit 1 in order to no longer\not…any longer suffer from on purpose be concerned about go through set down get\be tired of get along with join in calm down add up 1.I_________________watching television;let’s go for a walk. 2.We started early_______________arrive before dark. 3.The country has_________________too many wars. 4.They are going to________________the singing. 5.She_________________your safety,you should come back earlier next time. 6.Although I am a new comer, I________________my classmates very well. 7.I didn’t do it_________________. It was an accident. 8.__________________3,4and 5and you\ll get 12. 9.She often_______________headaches. 10.I have ________________everything that the teacher said. Unit 2 because of such as play a part in at present make use of come up even if be based on believe it or not communicate with at the end of make voyages to 1.________________,more than half of our body weight comes to water. 2.Nowadays China______________important____________in the world. 3.A number of questions_______________at the meeting. 4._________________she is working abroad and she will come back next year. 5.This play________________ a true story. 6.We’ll have an exam in English______________January. 7.I think you’d better_______________your spare time better. 8._________________ we achieve great success in our work, we should no be proud. 9.We can now_______________ people on the other side of the world by using internet. 10.The football match was put off______________the terrible weather. Unit 3 be fond of care about change one’s mind make up one’s mind give in give up as usual prefer…to…be familiar with find out give out bring up 1.Can you________________ what time the train leaves? 2.Children are _______________in a better way by their educated mathers. 3.Many boys _______________playing football after school. 4.Li Ping_______________ watching TV at home_____________ going out for playing. 5.Are you_____________ the popular song? 6.She is a brave fighter, she never_______________. 7.Once he has _______________, nothing can change it. 8.My brother does not _____________the details of a book. 9.His father gets up early______________ and does exercise outside. 10.The doctor persuaded my father to_________________ smoking and drinking to much.


考研英语考试时间完美分配法 3个小时!怎样在一场分秒必争的研究生入学英语考试中有条不紊地实现分值的最大化?除了自身的英语水平外,还有哪些因素影响考生的成绩? 你是否因为一道0.5分的完形填空题苦思冥想耗去大量时间,最后导致草草写完甚至写不完作文呢?失之东隅,却无法收之桑榆。问题的症结就是没有合理地分配考试时间。 一、1分的时间价值法则 如何分配考试时间,时间价值法则不能不提。假设分数是你要购买的商品,考试时间是你的货币成本,设商品总价是100分,货币成本固定不变,那么研究生英语考试分数的单位时间价值为:180分钟÷100分=1.8分钟/分。1分的时间成本是1.8分钟,即每答对一道分值为1分的题最多用1.8分钟。当然,100分是理想的状态,实际上,每个人考前都有一个期望值。运用这个公式,能够计算出每个人所预期的分数期望值对应的单位时间成本。比如,期望能够得到60分,那么1分的单位时间成本就是:180分钟÷60分=3分钟/分,即每答对一道分值为1分的题必须控制在3分钟内,否则就无法获得期望的分数。当然,以上使用的是均值衡量的方法,在实际考试中,不可能每一分的获取、每一道题的作答都能如此准确地一一对应。但是通过这个计算方式,考生对考试时间的分配可以有一个全面客观的认识。 下文将根据2008年全国研究生入学统一考试大纲提供的题型,结合2007年全国研究生入学统一考试试题,把试卷分为四大部分:两篇作文题、翻译与选择搭配题、阅读理解单项选择题、完形填空,探讨一个操作性较强、分值最大化的时间分配方案。 二、先写作文:反其道而行 答题顺序无非有两种:按照试卷排列的先后顺序,或是先易后难、优先选答自己最擅长的题目。然而,很多考生在英语考试中把过多的时间花费在第一卷的客观选择题上,陷入先松后紧的窘境。到临近交卷时才发现写作文的时间仅剩下短短的十几分钟,于是来不及认真审题,匆忙下笔。在时间紧迫的情况下,清晰而有条理的思路几乎不可能,有亮点的单词和短语也谈不上,只能是想到什么就写什么,最后的"成品"往往是前言不搭后语,文章的完整性、连贯性和可读性都很差,更来不及细究语法和拼写的错漏了。试想一下,英文写作功底好的人也难以在如此短的时间内写出两篇通顺的文章来,更何况是平时只进行过简单写作训练的普通考生呢?占卷面30%的分值就在这仓促的十几分钟内(有些同学甚至只有几分钟)白白断送了。因此,对于历经无数次大考考验的我们,不应拘泥于答题的先后顺序,完全可以拿到卷子后先写作文。 参照前文提到的时间价值法则,30分题的时间价值为:180分钟÷100分×30分=54分钟。如果一开考就写作文,英语水平中等的考生所需时间应该不会超过40分钟,这样,在一开始就从容地将作文分数收入囊中,又节省出时间来,何乐而不为呢? 许多英语考研辅导名师都不止一次地在辅导书中提到阅卷老师批阅作文的流程,跨考网的宫老师提醒广大考生,鲜有老师会在阅卷负荷巨大的情况下逐字逐句地批阅考生的作文。第一篇小作文通常是书信等应用文,只要格式正确,文章大意表达清楚,字数符合要求,就


考研英语自我介绍及各专业所对应英语翻译自我介绍(self-introduce) (1开场白)Good morning, my dear my dear professors. I feel so glad to meet all of you here.( 2.姓名,英文名,毕业院校,毕业专业,毕业学院) My name is ****, I am *** years old. I major in***** in the institute of****in china university of petroleum in Qingdao , My undergraduate period will be accomplished in July this year; and now, I am trying my best for obtaining a key to your university. (3.性格,爱好,实践经验)Generally speaking , I am a hard working student. I had an outstanding performance during my college life, and had won the scholarship for two times. When I decided to take part in The first National Petroleum Engineering Design Competition organized by your university, our group overcame several difficulties, we searched for information on the internet or in the library, used special software s such as petrel and Eclipse to create model and make analysis, we tried our best and had learned a lot in the process, and our hard work paid off , we won the Excellence Award . What’s more, i am a person with great perseverance. I will try my best to finish a thing no matter how difficult it is. i once used C programming language to write a application programs about “how to query personal information quickly ” in a competition .when i was sophomore(['s?f?m?:]), i found public elective course ****very interesting, so i persisted in studying it throughout the second semester while most of my schoolmates chose to give up. My**** name **** ,which means ****t, was given by my teacher. In my spare time, I like reading books, especially history books, I also like playing tennis and ping pang, I also like English very much, I am fond of watching English films, I do believe learning a foreigner language is a way to communicate with aliens, and maybe a tool to change one’s life. There is still a


考研英语模拟试题:阅读理解 Faces, like fingerprints, are unique. Did you ever wonder how it is possible for us to recognize people? Even a skilled writer probably could not describe all the features that make one face different from another. Yet a very young child-or even an animal, such as a pigeon-can learn to recognize faces. We all take this ability for granted. We also tell people apart by how they behave. When we talk about someone’s personality, we mean the ways in which he or she acts, speaks, thinks and feels that make that individual different from others. Like the human face, human personality is very complex. But describing someone’s personality in words is somewhat easier than describing his face. if you were asked to describe what anice facelooked like, you probably would have a difficult time doing so. But if you were asked to describe anice person,you might begin to think about someone who was kind, considerate, friendly, warm,and so forth. There are many words to describe how a person thinks, feels and acts. Gordon all ports, an American psychologist, found nearly 18 000 English words characterizing differences in people’s behavior. And many of us use this information as a basis for describing, or typing, his personality. Bookworms, conservatives, military types-people are described with such terms. People have always tried totypeeach other. Actors in early Greek


【英语】七年级英语下册选词填空专项练习综合 一、七年级英语下册选词填空专项目练习(含答案解析) 1.根据句意,选词填空,注意有一个是多余的 (2)Suzy writes good ________. (3)The strange rabbit ________ Alice. (4)Get out at ________ A. (5)Mr. Li ________ a four-bedroom flat. 【答案】(1)without (2)articles (3)surprised (4)Exit (5)owns 【解析】【分析】notebooks笔记本;surprised惊讶的;without没有;articles文章;owns 拥有;Exit出口 (1)句意:骆驼没有水可知生存很长时间。根据常识可知骆驼没有水喝可以生存很久,without water没水,故填without。 (2)句意:Suzy写好的文章。good是形容词,修饰名词,article文章,good前面没有表示单数的a/one,所以用复数articles,故填articles。 (3)句意:这个奇怪的兔子使Alice感到惊讶。句子缺少谓语,兔子使Alice感到惊讶,故填surprised。 (4)句意:在出口A出来。Exit A,出口A,故填Exit。 (5)句意:李先生拥有一个四间卧室的公寓。时态是一般现在时,主语是单数Mr. Li,所以own用单三式owns,故填owns。 【点评】考查选词填空,考查词汇在句中的运用能力。注意理解句意,首先读一遍,然后再逐一作答。注意句型、搭配、短语及语境。 2.阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从每个方框内所给11个词汇中选择10个意义相符的词汇,必要时进行词形变化,填入空白处。 He is a little ________ but he can help me do many things. Sometimes I ask him ________ about my homework, and he can give me right answers. When I go shopping, he usually carries the shopping bag for ________. He can also help me do the ________ housework and never feels tired. ________ the future, I think he will help me do more things. He will go ________ with me. ________ he will fly in the air and take me home when I meet traffic jams. So I will have more ________ time to do what I like. I hope it can come ________ one day.


2018考研英语时间分配最合适 2018年要考研的同学,可参考xx年考研英语试卷题型及分值分布 xx考研英语试卷题型及分值分布: 1、完型填空(10分,每个0.5) 2、阅读4篇文章(40分,每个2分) 3、阅读新题型(10分,每个2分)题型分为排序、填标题等 4、翻译(10分,每个2分) 5、作文(共三十分)作文一为应用作文写信、通知、告示等(共10分)作文二大作文一般为看图作文(共20分) xx年考研英语时间分配: 考研英语总时长为180分钟,建议大多数考生按照以下时间划分来完成各部分考题:

1、完型填空:15-20分钟(10分) 2、阅读理解:110-115分钟(分值:60分,PartA为40分,其余各占10分)PartA:传统阅读理解70-75分钟(考试重点)PartB:新题型20分钟PartC:翻译20-25分钟 3、作文:50分钟(30分)(考试重点)PartA:小作文15分钟PartB:大作文35分钟 考研英语作文答题时间应该控制在50分钟之内。 第一篇小作文15分钟差不多,因为第一篇小作文写6—8句话,超过8句话就过分了,就远远超过考试的字数要求,增加判卷老师的工作量。 第二篇作文35分钟足够了,也就是写3个自然段,12句话,冲到顶17句话。 很多同学感觉写作时间不够,主要是因为他们写的内容太多、太杂,层次不清晰,思路不明确,语言表达不到位。

在考场上写作文,不在于你写的内容、篇幅太长,关键是看你的质量,无论是从内容上还是从语言上。 考研英语时间控制: 对于以上的考研英语时间分配表,大家可以结合自身情况进行参考。 一个比较安全的方法是各位网友在考前严格按照上面这个时间分配表做三套模拟题只有这样,你们在真正考场上才能熟练而且严格按照时间表来做题。 由于考研英语阅读PartA和写作这两部分占的分值很大,可以说拿下这两个部分考生基本上可以高枕无忧了。 因此,大家在实际考试的时候,绝对要保证阅读和写作两个部分能够有充裕时间完成。 考研英语的答题顺序要因人而异的,考生可以根据自身答题情况来调整顺序,使自己达到最佳应试状态。


考研英语自我介绍范文6篇 Self introduction model for postgraduate entrance exam ination 编订:JinTai College

考研英语自我介绍范文6篇 前言:自我介绍是向别人展示你自己,直接关系到你给别人的第一印象的好坏及以后交往的顺利与否,也是认识自我的手段。自我介绍是每个人都必然要经历的一件事情,日常学习、工作、生活中与陌生人建立关系、打开局面的一种非常重要的手段,通过自我介绍获得到对方的认识甚至认可,是一种非常重要的技巧。本文档根据自我介绍内容要求和特点展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意调整修改及打印。 本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】 1、篇章1:考研英语自我介绍范文 2、篇章2:考研英语自我介绍范文 3、篇章3:考研英语自我介绍范文 4、篇章4:考研英语自我介绍模板文档 5、篇章5:考研英语自我介绍模板文档 6、篇章6:考研英语自我介绍模板文档 研究生复试环节是研究生招生考试工作的重要环节之一,主要方式包括笔试、实践(实验)能力考核、面试等,是对学

生的专业素养和综合能力的进一步考察。本文是小泰为大家整理的考研英语的自我介绍范文,仅供参考。 篇章1:考研英语自我介绍范文 Good morning, everyone! I am glad to be here for this interview. First, let me introduce myself to you. My name is Li Ming. I was born on April 23, 1981. I am a local major in Chinese literature. I hope I could get the opportunity to finish my postgraduate courses inPeking University which I have desired for a long time. I have the confidence because I have such ability! I am a girl who is fervent(热情的), outgoing and creative. At the same time, I think I am quick in mind and careful in everything. I am looking forward to my postgraduate studies and life. I will soon prove that your decision of choosing me is the wisest. Thank you for giving me such a valuable opportunity! 篇章2:考研英语自我介绍范文【按住Ctrl键点此返回目录】
