


政治学习名词解释 “两学一做”学习教育开展以来,新名词术语较多,为了让大家学习方便,归纳几个重要的。 一、“两学一做”即“两学一做”学习教育 “两学一做”学习教育,具体指的是:1. 学习共产党党章、党规,2. 学习贯彻习近平总书记系列重要讲话精神,3. 做合格党员。 二、“支部主题党日”即“支部主题党日活动” “支部主题党日”是推进“两学一做”学习教育的基本载体,包含两个活动内容,一个是每周五下午为固定学习活动时间,要求全体党员干部都要学习的。二个是“主题党日”,每个月25日全体党员必须开展“一活动、两学习、两汇报、两讨论”。把按月交给党费、奏唱国歌、重温入党誓词、诵读党章为规定动作,不能随意变通或者掉项。新的要求是“三统一两全程(统一时间上午九点、统一模式分六个阶段、统一内容学习内容讨论内容;全程纪实音像记录、全程指导)。” 三、“四讲四有”即从5月份开始开展“四讲四有”专题讨论 讲政治、有信念 讲规矩、有纪律 讲道德、有品行 讲奉献、有作为 四、“四整四强化” 一是深入开展组织整建,强化基层党组织。 二是深入开展思想整顿,强化理想信念。 三是深入开展作风整肃,强化纪律规矩。 四是深入开展问题整改,强化知行合一。 五、“五项专项治理” 一是党费收缴工作专项检查;二是党代表和党员违纪违法未给予相应处理情况排查清理。三是关于党员组织关系集中排查。四是关于开展党员信教问题清理整顿。五是组织整建工作。 六、主题实践活动 1、“不忘初心、永跟党走” 按照州委“四访两会一参加”的要求,开展五个一活动。 2、“我是党员、向我看齐” 内容:信念坚定、向我看齐;服务群众、向我看齐;岗位奉献、向我看齐;推动发展、向我看齐;和谐共建、向我看齐。 七、“三个先进县、四个鹤峰” 三个先进县:全国生态文明先进县、全省山区小康建设先进县、全州城乡一体化建设先进县。 四个鹤峰:生态鹤峰、富裕鹤峰、文明鹤峰、幸福鹤峰。


政治术语归类 一、基础 1、价值是价格的基础。 2、商品交换要求以价值量为基础实行等价交换。 2、生产资料公有制是社会主义经济制度的基础。 3、物质资料的生产活动是人类社会存在和发展的基础。 4、社会主义制度下的生产力水平是实行按劳分配的物质基础。 5、私营经济以生产资料私有和雇用劳动为基础。 6、商业保险建立在商业原则基础上,是参与保险者个人意志的体现。 7、市场经济是市场在资源配置中起基础性作用的经济。 8、农业是国民经济的基础,粮食是基础的基础。 9、工业是国民经济各部门进行技术改造的物质基础。 10、生产的发展是提高消费水平的基础。 11、出口是对外贸易的基础。 12、商品服务市场是基础市场。 13、实事求是是马克思主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论的基础、精髓、出发点和根本点。 14、具体问题具体分析是人们正确认识事物的基础。 15、矛盾普遍性与特殊性辩证关系原理,是马克思主义普遍真理同各国革命和建设的具体实践相结合原则的哲学基础,也是我国建设有中国特色社会主义的重要哲学依据。 16、价值观在一定的社会存在的基础上产生,随着社会存在的变化而变化。 17、共同理想是实现最高理想基础和必经阶段。 18、实践不仅是人类存在和发展的前提,也是人类认识的基础。 19、作为主观见之于客观的实践活动,是科学世界观、人生观和价值观相统一的基础。 20、生产实践是人们从事政治、教育、科学、艺术等实践活动的基础。 21、实践是主观与客观、个人与社会相统一的基础。 22、尊重客观规律和客观条件是充分发挥主观能动性的基础和前提。 23、正确认识和处理个人与社会的关系,既是进行个人正常活动的重要条件,又是进行个生选择的基础和前提。 24、社会对个人的尊重和满足,需要以个人对社会的贡献为基础。 25、我们应该在感性认识的基础上,运用理性思维对现象进行分析,抓住事物的本质和规律。 26、正确认识和把握国情,是坚定不移地贯彻执行党的基本路线的基础。 27、政治自由是民主政治的基础。 28、民主是专政的基础。 29、工农联盟是我国国家政权的基础。 30、人民代表大会制度是建立其他有关的国家管理制度的基础。 31、“一国两制”的前提和基础是一国。 32、行使选举权和被选举权,是人民行使国家权力、管理国家事务的基础。 33、中国共产党和各民主党派合作的政治基础是坚持中国共产党的领导和坚持四项基本原则。 34、民族平等是实现民族团结的政治基础。 35、国家力量是主权国家赖以生存和发展的基础。 36、国家间的共同利益是国家合作的基础。 二、前提

词汇学相关的一些名词解释 (1)

Compounding is a process of word formation by which two independent words are put together to make one word. The word formed in this way is called compound Blending is a process of word formation by which a word is created by combining parts of other words. Words formed in this way are called blends. From morphological viewpoints, there are four types of blending: Acronymy is the process of forming new words by joining the initial letters of names of social and political organizations or special noun phrases and technical terms. Words formed in this way are called initialisms or acronyms, depending on the pronunciation of the words. Initialisms are words formed by the initial letters of words and pronounced as lettersEEC: European Economic Community Acronyms are words formed by the initial letters of words and pronounced as words:OPEC: Organisation of Petroleum Export Countries According to Leonard Bloomfield’s point of view, a word is a minimum free form, that is to say, the smallest form that may appear in isolation. There are two types of linguistic forms: one is the bound form, the other is the free form. A bound form is one which cannot occur on its own as a separate word, e.g. the various affixes: de-, -tion, -ize, etc. A free form is one which can occur as a separate word. For example, the word lovely contains the free form love and the suffix –ly. The suffix –ly in the word lovely, of course, i s not a free for m, because it cannot stand by itself. So we call it a bound form. A word is a minimum free form The morpheme can be considered as the smallest functioning unit in the composition of words. 1)Morphemes are commonly classified into two forms according to their character: one is free form, and the other is bound form. 2)Free morphemes自由词素are morphemes which can occur as separate words. That is to say, a free morpheme can stand alone as a word. 3)Bound morphemes粘着词素are morphemes which cannot stand alone as words. They are mainly affixes. That is to say, a bound morpheme is one that must appear with at least one other morpheme, bound or free in a word. 4)2) Morphemes may be classified into two categories according to their lexical and grammatical relationships: 5)lexical morphemes and grammatical morphemesLexical morphemes are morphemes used for the construction of new words as in compound words Grammatical morphemes are morphemes used to express grammatical relationships between a word and its context, such as plurality or past tense There are three types of words according to morphology:Simple words,Compound words,Complex words Conversion Conversion is a main type of word-formation assigning the base to a different word

词汇学 名词解释(部分)

Types of meaning Types of lexical changes 1.Elevation:词义升格 Definition: words rise from humble beginnings to positions of importance Some words early in their history signify something quite low or humble, but change as time goes by to designate something agreeable or pleasant. For example: nice: ignorant---foolish---delightful, pleasant Marshal: a keeper of horses---a high ranking army officer So elevation refers that the meaning of word changes from the neutral/negative to positive. 2.Old English:It refers to the English starting from 450 to 1100 AD. The old English is made up of different sources of languages spoken then –that of Anglo-Saxons, that of Celts, and that of Jutes, with a lot of Latin elements used for common peopl e’s life. 3.Bound morpheme: It is the smallest unit of grammar, a unit which cannot occur as separate words. They have no independent semantic meaning; instead, they have: Attached meaning E.g. un-kind, hope-ful Grammatical meaning E.g. cat-s, slow-ly, walk-ing, call-ed For an exact example, in the word “careful”, care is free morpheme, “-ful” is a bound morpheme. 4.Hyponymy: Hyponymy deals with the relationship of semantic inclusion, or to say, the relationship between general lexical items and specific lexical items. That is to say, when X is a kind of Y, the lower term X is the“hyponym”, and the upper term Y is the “superordinate”. For example, “fiction”is the superordinate of “novel”, “novelette”and “short story”, which are the hyponyms of “fiction”. Knowing the semantic features of the hyponyms and their superordinates can help us achieve vividness, exactness, and concreteness in expression.


政治术语归类大全(上) 一、基础 1、价值是价格的基础。 2、商品交换要求以价值量为基础实行等价交换。 2、生产资料公有制是社会主义经济制度的基础。 3、物质资料的生产活动是人类社会存在和发展的基础。 4、社会主义制度下的生产力水平是实行按劳分配的物质基础。 5、私营经济以生产资料私有和雇用劳动为基础。 6、商业保险建立在商业原则基础上,是参与保险者个人意志的体现。 7、市场经济是市场在资源配置中起基础性作用的经济。

8、农业是国民经济的基础,粮食是基础的基础。 9、工业是国民经济各部门进行技术改造的物质基础。 10、生产的发展是提高消费水平的基础。 11、出口是对外贸易的基础。 12、商品服务市场是基础市场。 13、实事求是是马克思主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论的基础、精髓、出点和根本点。 14、具体问题具体分析是人们正确认识事物的基础。 15、矛盾普遍性与特殊性辩证关系原理,是马克思主义普遍真理同各国革命和建设的具体实践相结合原则的哲学基础,也是我国建设有中国特色社会主义的重要哲学依据。 16、价值观在一定的社会存在的基础上产生,随着社会存在的变化而变化。

17、共同理想是实现最高理想基础和必经阶段。 18、实践不仅是人类存在和发展的前提,也是人类认识的基础。 19、作为主观见之于客观的实践活动,是科学世界观、人生观和价值观相统一的基础。 20、生产实践是人们从事政治、教育、科学、艺术等实践活动的基础。 21、实践是主观与客观、个人与社会相统一的基础。 22、尊重客观规律和客观条件是充分发挥主观能动性的基础和前提。 23、正确认识和处理个人与社会的关系,既是进行个人正常活动的重要条件,又是进行个生选择的基础和前提。 24、社会对个人的尊重和满足,需要以个人对社会的贡献为基础。


1.Allegory (寓言) A tale in verse or prose in which characters, actions, or settings represent abstract ideas or moral qualities. 寓言,讽喻:一种文学、戏剧或绘画的艺术手法,其中人物和事件代表抽象的观点、原则或支配力。 2.Alliteration (头韵) Alliteration is the repetition of the same initial consonant sound within a line or a group of words. 头韵:在一组词的开头或重读音节中对相同辅音或不同元音的重复。 3.Allusion (典故) A reference to a person, a place, an event, or a literary work that a writer expects the reader to recognize and respond to. 典故:作者对某些读者熟悉并能够作出反映的特定人物,地点,事件,文学作品的引用。 4.Analogy (类比) A comparison made between two things to show the similarities between them. 类比:为了在两个事物之间找出差别而进行的比较。 5. Antagonist (反面主角) The principal character in opposition to the protagonist or hero or heroine of a narrative or drama. 反面主角:叙事文学或戏剧中与男女主人公或英雄相对立的主要人物。 6. Antithesis (对仗) The balancing of two contrasting ideas, words, or sentences. 对仗:两组相对的思想,言辞,词句的平衡。 7. Aphorism (警句) A concise, pointed statement expressing a wise or clever observation about life. 警句:蕴含关于人生真理的明智的看法的精练的语句。 8. Aside (旁白) A piece of dialogue intended for the audience and supposedly not heard by other actors on stage. 旁白:只说给观众而认为不会让台上其他演员听到的一段对话。 9.Apostrophe (呼语) The direct address of an absent or imaginary person or of a personified abstraction, especially as a digression in the course of a speech or composition. 呼语:直接称呼不在场或虚构的人物或称呼拟人的事物,尤指作为演讲或作文过程中的离题话。 10.Assonance (类韵) The repetition of similar vowel sounds, especially in poetry. 类音,类韵:相同或相似元音的重复,尤其指在诗歌中的重复。 11.Atmosphere (氛围) The prevailing mood or feeling of a literary work. 12. Autobiography (自传) A person‘s account of his or her own life. 13. Ballad (民谣) A narrative poem, often of folk origin and intended to be sung. 14. Ballad Stanza (民谣诗节) A type of four-line stanza, the first and the third lines have four stressed words or syllables; the second and fourth lines have three stresses. 15. Biography (传记) A detailed account of a person‘s life written by another person. 传记:由他人篆写的关于某人生平的详细记录。 16.Blank Verse (无韵体诗) Verse written in unrhymed iambic pentameter. 17. Caesura (休止) A break or pause in a line of poetry. 18. Canto (章) One of the principal divisions of a long poem.. 诗章:一首长诗的主要部分之一。 19. Caricature (夸张讽刺) The use of exaggeration or distortion to make a figure appear comic or ridiculous. 夸张讽刺:为了使文中的人物显得可笑而使用的夸张或扭曲人物形象的手法。 20. Characterization (人物刻画) The means by which a writer reveals the personality of a character. 人物刻画:作者表现作品中人物性格的方法。 21. Classicism (古典主义) A movement or tendency in art, literature, or music that reflects the principles manifested in the art of ancient Greece and Rome. 古典主义:一种在文学,艺术,音乐领域体现古代希腊,罗马风格的运动。 22. Climax (高潮) The point of greatest intensity, interest, or suspense in a narrative.


A (engine type) liquid cooled, in-line, 4cylinder, carb (发动机型号)水冷,直列,四缸,化油器式 (engine) compression ratio (发动机)压缩比(engine) displacement (发动机)排量(engine) fuel (发动机)燃料 13-mode 13工况 3rd gear 三档齿轮 3-way seat 三向座椅 4WD control device 四轮驱动控制装置 4WD indicator switch 四轮驱动指示灯开关 4WD lamp electrical connection 四轮驱动指示灯接线 4WD switch 四轮驱动开关 5th synchromesh assy. 五档同步器总成 6PK belt 6PK 多楔驱动皮带 A / C compressor assembly 空调压缩机总成 A / C control assembly 空调控制装置 A/C & heater assy. 空调加热器总成 A/C blower 空调鼓风机 A/C clutch 空调压缩机离合器 A/C compressor MTG bracket 空调压缩机安装支架 A/C control assy. 空调控制器 A/C housing assy. 空调箱总成 A/C low pressure switch 空调低压开关 A/C mode select switch 空调状态选择开关abdomen performance criterion 腹部性能指标 Abdominal Peak Force 腹部力峰值 ABS 防抱死制动系统 acceleration fuel system 加速系统acceleration running noise level 加速行驶噪声 accelerator interlocking type 加速踏板联锁式 accounting foundation 财政基础 Actual cycle work 实际循环功 Actual torso angle 实际躯干角 adapter 连接器additional features 附加装置 additional rule 附加法规 adjust screw 调整螺钉 adjuster cable 调整拉线 adjuster plug 调整盖 adjuster screw assy. 调整螺栓总成 adjuster washer 调整棘片 adjuster, diff. bearing 差速器轴承调整螺母Adjustment system 调节装置Administration and Registration Division 管理科 Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Technical Prescriptions for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts Which Can Be Fitted and/or Be Used on Wheeled Vehicles and the Conditions for Reciprocal Recognition of Approvals Granted on the Basis of These Prescriptions关于对轮式车辆、安装和/或用于轮式车辆的装备和部件采用统一条件并相互认可基于上述条件批准的协定书Agreement Regulations 协定法规 air cleaner 空气滤清器 air cleaner assy. 空气滤清器总成 air cleaner cartridge 空气滤清器滤芯 Air compressor 空压机 air condition compressor 空调压缩机 air direct 空气走向 air filter 空气滤清器 air flow 空气流向 Air flow meter 空气流量计 air jet 空气量孔 air metering hole 空气量孔 air path 气道 Air Pressure of Tire 轮胎气压 Air type 空气型 air valve 空气阀 air-cooled 风冷 Aisles 通道 Alcohol 酒精 all bearing 球轴承 alternater bracket 发动机支架 alternator 交流发电机 alterntor assembly 交流发电机总成alumininum-rim 铝合金钢圈


1、马克思主义政治经济学:即无产阶级政治经济学,它是研究社会生产关系体系及其发展规律性的科学。 2、劳动:是有劳动能力和劳动经验的人,在生产过程中的有目的的活动。 3、劳动对象:是人们把自己的劳动加于其上的一切东西,也就是劳动加工的对象。 4、劳动资料:又称劳动手段,是人们用来影响或改变劳动对象的一切物质资料,其中最主要的是生产工具。 5、生产资料:是生产过程中的劳动资料和劳动对象的总和,它是任何社会进行物质生产所必备的物质条件。 6、物质资料生产过程:是人们的劳动、劳动对象、劳动资料(劳动手段)在一定形式下结合起来,创造满足人类生存和发展所需的物质产品的过程。 7、生产力:是人们进行物质资料生产的能力,反映人和自然界的关系。 8、生产关系:是人们在物质资料生产和再生产过程中结成的相互关系,又称经济关系。生产关系是各种社会关系中最基本的关系。 9、生产关系体系:是人们在社会生产总过程中所建立的生产、分配、交换、消费方面的经济关系的总和。 10、社会生产方式:是生产力和生产关系的有机结合与统一。 11、经济规律:是经济现象和经济过程内在的、本质的、必然的

联系,它体现着经济过程的必然趋势。 12、生产资料所有制:即生产资料归谁所有,它是人们在占有生产资料方面所形成的关系,体现着生产劳动者同生产资料的结合方式。 13、经济基础:是一定社会形态中占主导地位的生产关系的总和。 14、上层建筑:是建立在一定经济基础之上,并与它相适应的政治法律制度和社会意识形态。 1、商品:是为市场交换而生产的有用劳动产品。 2、商品生产:是以交换为目的而进行的生产。 3、商品交换:是商品的相互让渡或买卖。 4、商品经济:是以商品生产和商品交换为内容,直接以交换为目的进行生产的经济形式。 5、社会分工:是社会劳动划分和独立化为不同部门和行业的分工。 6、使用价值:是物品的有用性或效用,即物品能够满足人们某种需要的属性。它体现了商品的自然属性。 7、价值:是在商品中无差别的一般人类劳动的凝结。它体现了商品的社会属性。 8、具体劳动:是指生产一定使用价值的具有特定性质、目的和形式的劳动。它反映的是人与自然之间的关系。


《词汇学》名词解释总汇 1.Conversion(转换)is a word-formation whereby a word of a certain word-class is shifted into a word of another without the addition of an affix. It is also called zero derivation. 2.Neologisms(新词用法)are newly coined words or words that are given new meaning to fit new situation because of social, economic, political, cultural, scientific and technological changes in human society. 3.Lexicology(词汇学)is a branch of linguistics concerned with the study of the vocabulary of a given language. It deals with words, their origin, development, structure, formation, meaning and usage. 4.the elevation of meaning(词义的升格)refers to the process by which words rise from humble beginnings to positions of importance. 5.Acronyms(首字母拼音词)words formed from the initial letters of words and pronounced as words. They differ from initialisms in that they are pronounced as words rather than as sequences of letters. 6.Hyponymy(上下义关系)deals with the relationship of semantic inclusion. It refers to the relationship which obtains between the genus (general lexical item)and the species(specific lexical items). 7.Analogy(类比)is a process by which words or phrases are created or re-formed according to the existing patterns in the language. 8.Motivation(理据)deals with the connection between name (word-symbol) and its sense (meaning). It is the relationship between the word structure and its meaning. 9.Metaphor(隐喻)is a figure of speech containing an implied comparison. It is a simile without like or as. 10.Antonymy(反义关系)is concerned with semantic opposition. It can be defined as words which are opposite in meaning. 11.Suffix(后缀): an affix attached to the end of a base (root or stem) 12. synecdoche(提喻)means using a part for a whole, an individual for a class, a material for a thing, or vice versa, the whole for a part. 13. prefix(前缀): an affix attached to the beginning of a base (root or stem) 14. initialism(首字母连写词): a type of shortening, using the first letters of words to form a proper name, a technical term, or a phrase; it is pronounced letter by letter. 15.morpheme(词素): the smallest meaningful linguistic unit of language, not dividable or analyzable into smaller forms. 16.the degradation of meaning(词义的降格): is the opposite of semantic elevation. It is a process whereby words of good origin fall into ill reputation or non-affective words come to be used in derogatory sense. 17.Derivational affixes (派生词缀)Affixes added to other morphemes to create new words. They can be further divided into prefixes and suffixes。 18. back-formation(逆成法): is a process of word-formation by which a word is created by the deletion of a supposed suffix. It is also known as a reverse derivation. 19. derivation(派生): the process by which noninfectional affixes are added to roots to form words. 20. compounding(复合): the process of joining together two linguistic forms which can function independently.


英语词汇学笔记之“名词解释篇” 2010.1.11济南1.Word --- A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic funtion. 2. Morpheme --- A morpheme is the minimal significant element in the composition of words. 3. Free morphemes or Content morphemes (Free root)--- They are morphemes that may constitute words by themselves : cat, walk. 4. Bound Morphemes or Grammatical morphemes--- They are morphemes that must appear with at least one other morpheme, either bound or free : Catts, walk+ing. 5. Bound root --- A bound root is that part of the word that carries the fundamental meaning just like a free root. Unlike a free root, it is a bound form and has to combine with other morphemes to make words. Take -dict- for example: it conveys the meaning of "say or speak" as a Latin root, but not as a word. With the prefix pre-(=before) we obtain the verb predict meaning "tell beforehand". 6. Affixes --- Affixes are forms that are attached to words or word elements to modify meaning or funtion. 7. Inflectional morphemes or Inflectional affixes --- Affixes attaches to the end of words to indicate grammatical relationships are inflectional ,thus known as inflectional morphemes. There is the regular plural suffix -s(-es) which is added to nouns such as machines, desks. 8. Derivational morphemes or Derivational affixes--- Derivational affixes are affixes added to other morphemes to create new words. 9. Prefixes --- Prefixes are affixes that come before the word, such as, pre+war. 10. Suffixes --- suffixes are affixes that come after the word, for instance, blood+y. Derivational morphemes/ derivational affixes --- A process of forming new words by the addition of a word element. Such as prefix, suffix, combing form to an already existing word. Prefixation ---- is the formation of new words by adding prefix or combing form to the base. (It modify the lexical meaning of the base) Suffixation--- is the formation of a new word by adding a suffix or combing form to the base and usually changing the word-class of the base. Such as boy. Boyish (noun- adjective) 11. Roo t --- A root is the basic form of a word which cannot be further analysed without total loss of identity. 12.Opaque Words--Words that are formed by one content morpheme only and cannot be analysed into parts are called opaque words, such as axe, glove. 13. Transparent Words--Words that consist of more than one morphemes and can be segmented into parts are called transparent words: workable(work+able), door-man(door+man).


高考政治术语归类 一、基础 1、价值是价格的基础。 2、商品交换要求以价值量为基础实行等价交换。 2、生产资料公有制是社会主义经济制度的基础。 3、物质资料的生产活动是人类社会存在和发展的基础。 4、社会主义制度下的生产力水平是实行按劳分配的物质基础。 5、私营经济以生产资料私有和雇用劳动为基础。 6、商业保险建立在商业原则基础上,是参与保险者个人意志的体现。 7、市场经济是市场在资源配置中起基础性作用的经济。 8、农业是国民经济的基础,粮食是基础的基础。 9、工业是国民经济各部门进行技术改造的物质基础。 10、生产的发展是提高消费水平的基础。 11、出口是对外贸易的基础。 12、商品服务市场是基础市场。 13、实事求是是马克思主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论的基础、精髓、出发点和根本点。 14、具体问题具体分析是人们正确认识事物的基础。 15、矛盾普遍性与特殊性辩证关系原理,是马克思主义普遍真理同各国革命和建设的具体实践相结合原则的哲学基础,也是我国建设有中国特色社会主义的重要哲学依据。 16、价值观在一定的社会存在的基础上产生,随着社会存在的变化而变化。 17、共同理想是实现最高理想基础和必经阶段。 18、实践不仅是人类存在和发展的前提,也是人类认识的基础。 19、作为主观见之于客观的实践活动,是科学世界观、人生观和价值观相统一的基础。 20、生产实践是人们从事政治、教育、科学、艺术等实践活动的基础。 21、实践是主观与客观、个人与社会相统一的基础。 22、尊重客观规律和客观条件是充分发挥主观能动性的基础和前提。 23、正确认识和处理个人与社会的关系,既是进行个人正常活动的重要条件,又是进行个生选择的基础和前提。 24、社会对个人的尊重和满足,需要以个人对社会的贡献为基础。 25、我们应该在感性认识的基础上,运用理性思维对现象进行分析,抓住事物的本质和规律。 26、正确认识和把握国情,是坚定不移地贯彻执行党的基本路线的基础。 27、政治自由是民主政治的基础。 28、民主是专政的基础。 29、工农联盟是我国国家政权的基础。 30、人民代表大会制度是建立其他有关的国家管理制度的基础。 31、“一国两制”的前提和基础是一国。 32、行使选举权和被选举权,是人民行使国家权力、管理国家事务的基础。 33、中国共产党和各民主党派合作的政治基础是坚持中国共产党的领导和坚持四项基本原则。 34、民族平等是实现民族团结的政治基础。 35、国家力量是主权国家赖以生存和发展的基础。 36、国家间的共同利益是国家合作的基础。 二、前提
