

For art,for audiences:

How do audiences hide configuring drama and building subjects’ habits

Abstract: Bourdieu's practice theory has been widely accepted by more and more scholars and used in interpreting different social life and inequality phenomena. I also try to show my interpretation and application of the theory with peer scholars, especially discuss Bourdieu's "field, habits,capital" concepts with different specific performance in different countries of Italy and Germany. The structures and changes of human society can be fully reflected from people’s activities in arts(Bourdieu, 1984). In this paper, first take the British Shakespeare drama as an example, with the famous French cultural sociologist Bourdieu view: in the field of cultural production,there is also full of interests (although the interests often exist in the "upside down" economic interests manner) field struggling to explain. Then,elaborating the Bourdieu's view through different styles between Italian audiences and Germany audiences in theaters. The former Italian audiences have clear commercial logic thinking, the latter Germany audiences tend to sacred, pure, and aesthetic logic(Parker, 1994). This paper tries to seek the original differences by means of field cultural production framework of Bourdieu. The two countries’ drama audiences rating occupying is not same, this is closely related to audience's different Opera habits. We found that the two "anonymous" processes -- the audiences change identity from craftsmen to a free artist -- have greatly affected the drama production field grade distribution and exposure the main habit differences. Through the full text analysis, we find that commercial always pushes the evolution and development of drama art. The author further reflects a simple "commercial" art as an opposition to elegant culture, and presents there is no essential distinctions between them. It largely depend on the theory of Bourdieu segmentation plays results. In the era of consumption society, in the field of power for legitimate interest of ruling, class definition will be resisted and hegemony digested more and more, it will be followed by the boundary between elegance and vulgarity tends to blur. We can use Bourdieu's theory to describe the drama field production of these two countries, analysis the two national theaters, the power relations between the reproduction of cultural capital and cultural habits of different subjects, locate the different opera styles.


First of all, we come to the "field" concept of Bourdieu. Bourdieu defined the "field" as a right which everyone has to free import and open social space. It has the entity, responsibilities, regulations and statutory missions(Elias, 2009). Each of the "field" is relatively independent and has their specific interests and power relations, and illusions. These interests form and illusions are actually recognized by people’s value to battle with each other in the game of target. The point is "field" position in the "rules of the game" by the WHO and how to control operation. The focus "field" internal relation among various kinds of power struggle is for the final legal definitions of power, the final specification for game decision power for the game, decided the winners and losers in power.

Secondly, we see "habit". "Habit" specifically refers to the individual or group behavior and thinking habit, it comes from the specific "field", which is the people abide by the process of the "field" rules of the game gradually cultivate up way of thinking and action in the years(Elias, 2006). Bourdieu took the "correlation between field" and "habit" as the interaction of two ways: a constraint between two aspects, "field" shaped "habit", "habit" was inevitable inherent attributes of a "field" to reflect the product in the body; the other on the one hand, and between the two is a kind of knowledge, "habit" has helped to bring the "field" to construct a world of meaning.

Finally, Bourdieu said the "capital" concept (i.e.: cultural capital, social capital, economic capital, symbolic capital, total capital), the higher capital one has,the higher social status he has.

Drama is a comprehensive art, it includes music, drama, poetry and storage, stage art, dance and other arts, is an ancient and enduring artistic form. It originated from Italy, now has developed the most brilliant art in European countries. But for different countries of the audience, their viewing habits, and cultural level is also completely different. As compared Wine and beer, not only taste and taste different -- whether diet or opera habits, under both non is "can avoid the influence of national character" differences in national character,

apparently not doomed, it gradually formed, and our social science are inseparable"(Benjamin, 2002). Bourdieu in the "field _ habits' 'analysis framework, the national character is also a habit, it formed through internalization mechanism by field shaping, and outside of a close interaction with the field occurs in the process. According to Bourdieu, a generation of viewers as the aesthetic practice of cultural main body of works of art, the so-called habits of their thinking mode of action or a Bourdieu, are in particular culture in the field of form and by constantly internalizing and externalizing to reproduce results(Burke, 2005). In the study of this problem, particular concern is the power relationship between the musicians and their sponsors and spectators.

A typical case study is mentioned above the plays of Shakespeare. As the study of literature in English major, Shakespeare research and British identity construction have closed relation. Traditionally, in the study of English literature, drama and language of Shakespeare have been shown as "the core of the British", they are used to take the establishment of a homogeneous, constant cultural identity and cultural characteristics of the mission(Chen Li, 2009). However, cultural studies does not take Shakespeare's position as behoove. It will ask is: in the Elizabeth era, what is the theater's social status? It will ask further: in sixteenth Century and seventeenth Century, how is the drama to be creative and productive out? There is evidence of the presence of highly: "cooperation" between the playwright and stage adaptation of the play, Shakespeare is on the basis of the requirements in the great writing crew extent, this change as "individual genius" charismatic style Shakespeare idea(Gerhardt, 2009). Shakespeare is present as part of a broader cultural. Therefore, should the history look at Shakespeare, rather than his plays as "permanent" or "immortal"? At the same time, the audience (the audience, the audience in seventeenth Century sixteenth Century and now the audience) problems have been proposed: what play are these players ready for ? How they accepted? Such questions a further challenge to the following concepts: the works of Shakespeare are common, is for everyone, in any time and the performance of the. Research shows, Shakespeare's text has year after year by frequent changes in the past, and it is not a model can not be high(Aojinniao - Garin, 2003). The Shakespeare drama permanent property also poses a challenge. In the cultural researchers said, "while the British" concept itself is

changing, the relationship between the British, and other parts of the world is changing. Shakespeare was regarded as a "national poet" re discovered in eighteenth Century. This study from the study of different versions of the works of Shakespeare, has been extended to the study of Shakespeare's hometown of tourism industry. It also involves the study of the rest of the world out of the production version of the Shakespeare. The results show that: on the one hand, the process of Shakespeare is a British imposed process of cultural significance; on the other hand, the imposition process is not absolute, Everything is going smoothly., without resistance. In fact, Shakespeare in the other parts of the world have always been rewritten and lead to different versions of the "Shakespeare" appeared.(thunder, 2007). "Shakespeare" in the cultural interaction network appear as a complex negotiation process. All of these questions, and the process of the classical classic negotiation process of course had a political enthusiasm, but not completely out of the so-called aesthetic value judgments or literary value judgment, they show: on Shakespeare's interpretation is a question of power. The famous French cultural sociologist Bourdieu thinks: the field of cultural production is also a full of interest (although the interests often to the economic interests of the "upside down" manner) field struggle(Kelly, 2011). In this field, different intellectual grasp varies amounts, and different types of cultural capital occupy different positions in the cultural field. The intellectual culture or art attitude is actually to improve or strengthen their presence in the domain of the position of the strategies adopted by the. In this sense, cultural and intellectual interests are also "political" interests.

In the view of Bourdieu: "those theories and method seems to just make a contribution to the progress of science and the concept, but also always' political 'tricks (maneuvers' political), is trying to establish, strengthen or subvert the symbolic rule established relationship structure political sleight of hand(Allison Cole, 2009). Writers and artists and other intellectuals, is to put yourself in the cultural field in the benefit maximization as the strategist of purpose, they did not not only become a highly integrated class, but also brought serious differentiation in the battle for cultural legitimacy in the struggle.

First, the aesthetic taste, culture capital and segmentation.

One party takes drama as commodity, another party takes drama as art treasure in the palace, this attitude is different, the first was evident in the different aesthetic taste. The aesthetic level, Bourdieu is the so-called cultural capital play. This is equivalent to the total knowledge ability qualification, down by the school system or family inheritance. Further said that the cultural capital has three main forms: an internalized form, such as human speech and deportment, appearance and style, the art appreciation ability and knowledge; the 2 objective form, namely the cultural products of the collection, such as books, paintings: three institutionalized forms, such as diplomas. As the economic capital, different social strata to the ability to control the amount of economic capital is limited, so is the cultural capital(Yongjun). Mechanism of cultural capital is Bourdieu discussed the reproduction of culture: social class structure, the number of all kinds of capital and social trajectory defined by the actors, is internalized into specific habits, or form specific temperament -- state of mind, temperament, body posture and aesthetic taste, this is seen as a social reproduction the process of internalization. These internalized habits and is always accompanied by people in the field of practice action, maintain or change their position in the social space, this became the general root of all social behavior, survival mode, action rules and strategies, this is the social reproduction "outside" process. Bourdieu view, the interest as a feature of cultural habits, habits of the whole class is one of the key segment of the mark. Because of the importance of performance, interest in it is the ruling class field and the field of cultural production the most important battle chips(Liu Shiyu, Zhang Ning, 1998). In the cultural field, the power relations between actors determines the structure of the field, do those who move or class possess cultural capital, is the relative strength, their presence in the game decided they can occupy the position and their action strategy. Having a higher visibility and art appreciation ability of drama critics felt able to override another dissident critic, impact of a performance with singing drama can be called drama, his comments reflect the cultural capital in the field strength.

Second, the field of cultural production.

Bourdieu points out, "because the relationship is established between the capital and the holders of various grades in the system, the field of cultural production temporarily in the

power field inside was dominant in the", all embracing field such as interest field, economic field or the field of politics essential(Liu Shirong, 1999). Therefore, the cultural field every time is a struggle between the two principles of hierarchical place, two principles are not independent of the principles and the principle of autonomy. The two polar division is such that independent polar view of art is more pure, can in order to pursue the freedom of art or artistic values and sacrifice personal political or economic benefits, if in this economic income is too high, too much money, is not very successful, but appears to be very failure. This has seen little in our society the art for art's sake guys; the latter is full and the political field, economic field is matched with the leading order or public expectations is the field of reward. In understanding the contemporary social framework, it can to a certain extent, is embodied in the art category for the characteristics of industrial production field.

Third, the audience anonymous.

Bourdieu's field reflects the collection of all sorts of system structure, or specification, and in a form or "circle", the field of vision is relatively seems more micro, each person with other people or groups of people with all kinds of relations linked together, everybody to have intention strategy response to others, to others words and deeds to mirror their own words and deeds. The artist from the craftsman "into" free artists ", which the artist gradually get rid of funding into or patron control concrete and has real identity in artistic taste, to pay the anonymous artist, to participate in the concert audience service, so as to obtain a certain degree of liberation in the creation philosophy. This process is very clear wood patron string, "the audience and artist earning power relation and change pulls out in front of us. This process is simple and known as "anonymous" process viewer.

Plays are presented.

The first act, two pieces of land, the same sky.

Italian drama master Verdi and the German playwright Wagner, is the two star the most shining star of the drama. Wagner is a reformer, he always sticks to the aesthetic idea of their own will, philosophy and political ideas through to his drama creation, he is so regardless of the feelings of the audience, in their own view on drama, will he works in the music melody

on the relatively minor position and all let the foil is located in the dramatic effect, the formation of a strong shock effect. Verdi told the audience to meet the requirements of even to the point of not afraid of religious and political pressure, his heart only faithfully services the audience.

If the use of Bourdieu's art production theory field of view in Italy success of the life of Verdi, that we should do the following analysis: Verdi uses a series of patriotic drama to echo the audience heart, even his works have also been seen as one of the Italy national asset class awakening symbol. So we can see that, as to suppress political field to cultural field rulers no absolute power. Economic field for drama production to role play is undoubtedly a great field. In Italy, the nobles with foreign rule and decline, the rise of Italy national bourgeoisie, theater and drama publishing is two very big business, the existence of a theater, is to sit with the audiences(Liu Xuefeng, 2008). Verdi or for practical reasons, exhibit bowed to political power attitude, he put the "Nabucco" mention to Austria Princess Aday Raid, had "Lombards" to Palma - Maria Louisa and the ruling request reward medal.

While the German Wagner, he told the audience of different attitude in Verdi: for the public, his attitude is, "art should be for them to open up new beauty, they become more beautiful human education". From the beginning of his first novel "Li Enji".

He had never intended to go along with the audience the palace of tradition, ethics requirements or ethnic color "out of date" thing.

"Composers don't want for money to provide what drama. His writing is based on the rational reasoning, art and revolution "," the future work of art "and" drama and drama "are regarded as one of his three important theory works. He holds that whole art, which is a kind, can be fully integrated into the music drama and drama performance as one of the existing(Robinson, 2008). The field of Politics: the creation of Wagner 'Nuremberg singer "the historical background," although the state and politics is divided, Germany is in art in the realization of the unity of A. This is also reflected in the theater. Whether it is "Ron Green"or" Nuremberg singer ", all these works reflects the power of rising ethnic consciousness. Economic field and theater relationship is: economic all-out to theater to represent various art field penetration, this of course is Wagner aware of the sensitive. He thinks that, compared to the nobles

ignorance, modern industry is the art of greater enemies. Italian drama production field situation is different for the audience, Wagner's patriotic spirit is a kind of "leading", while the Italian artist for the audience's patriotic spirit is more of an "echo".

[Scene] Second spatio-temporal trajectory in search of the whereabouts of the audience. Verdi's success is a bottom-up success, he as a rising artist, successful public affirmation, and Wagner's success is a kind of art. Belief in the success, he as a slightly stubborn artists, successful let the public accepted his idea. Italy drama production field is the degree of autonomy of the lower field, in grade sequence inside it, the audience because of their economic power penetration control drama production field, field operation logic is audience oriented, the composer must follow this principle to realize the good interaction between art and survive in this field, and the realization of personal value. The composer of "the artistic conscience" more embodied as responsible for the audience, they imagine the audience's aesthetic taste and created their own works, and be strict in one's demands strict to their implementation; and the drama production field in Germany is the opposite, in grade sequence inside it, the artist can carry a variety of economic and political pressure stick to his own artistic concept, the audience is at very low posture, and open and respectful to their artists and their advocates.

We can easily observe that in the two countries, Italy and Germany, there are asynchronous in the history of development of Chinese drama. This prompted us to look for the opportunity, can occur as the location of the target process, the process of view two countries occurred, the audience were subject to what kind of social sculpture (engrave) or immersion (en-culture), to develop such a different "habit". As time consumption of the main drama in the Italy audience, drama is the function of "entertainment", its purpose is to make people relaxed and happy, but the Germans became theater customers, drama bear the function is not so simple, "social" and "improving" has replaced the entertainment function so it becomes the drama "selling point", accept the groups for the function of drama looks different, cognition is different, appreciate the space. Given different meaning. These contrasts, natural in the implementation of the above difference opera habits -- the former sits on the rocking chair with entertainment, while the latter is full of wishes to climb a ladder to the top.

Cultural actors habits deeply affected by social factors of the sculpture, whether the audience is also a composer, their social environment and the experience of social change, deciding them for the appreciation of art or the way of creation. Proud Wagner on behalf of the German musician since Needless to say, although the life of Verdi will be in the audience aesthetic if the iron rule, but between him and the audience is not a simple obedience and relations of domination. Anonymous audience group is a diversified, their aesthetic attitude is relatively indifferent and casual. Compared to accept too many rules and patterns of the aristocracy, they perceived the art expressive force instead of the more flexible and open. Thus, even to the audience the best bow Verdi, acquired in the art of free space is significantly higher than the court musicians.

"The audience anonymous" process is undoubtedly accompanied by commercialization. The play shows them display style to bring money and build court composer reputation, timely to promote this change is inseparable from the business elite have taken in the weakened aristocracies. In the German logic, after a flash in the pan commercial role was occurred in the cultural field of a kind of "art hallowed a strength to hide, while in Italy, the business logic is well preserved.

We should be aware of the fact, in the course of development of some of the so-called elegant cultural products, as long as the art market exists, then the commercial operation will be accompanied by the art market presence. Whether they come from the court or from the palace, or from the bourgeois noble ladies piano room, when something of an art form into the market, it will bring the commodity attribute, acceptance and product convicted of anonymous mass, and get forward momentum in this process. Although it is a kind of aesthetic taste are hidden, but it never stagnates. Perhaps, as Xing Xihuan said, "Commercial sexual identity art is not on the art of blasphemy and degrade scientifically, but art is the objective attribute recognition and respect."

To make a long story short, in Italy and Germany in the discussion, the mainstream aesthetic interest gives dramatic significance is obviously different. The Italian audience also by the modernity as a coerced civilization standard test in modernity process, their strong cultural habits still reserved after baptism, we also have reason to believe that the cultural habits of the

German audience and not easy to change. Gerner personally created the worship Rui special theater remains a powerful "respect" great art tradition, usually go to worship Rui special "pilgrimage", still can feel a kind of ritual with a sense of oppression and the feeling of silence(Pierrot, Borromeo Li, 2000). However, in the song theater, there are at least two different logic thinking to uphold the opera habits but we can be sure of it. To declare the legitimate aesthetic tastes the same cultural products, may be because of the different regions of the field of cultural production structure is different, the subject of culture habits strengthening way is different, resulting in a each other difficult to form a conclusion for. In this case, wise not to try to help them cutting out a winner, but a flexible Do in Rome as Rome does., try to imitate both habits, and to feel and to accept different -- Wine is vintage, beer is mellow, when we can integrate into the field of them and try the internalization of traditional habits of the corresponding time, if you still think of elegance and distinction between the two which is very troublesome, it is not necessary at all. Because in the experience of using different appreciation habits of dramas,since we have chosen to enter the corresponding orbit, we have entered the society with different carving process.



[1]Pierre Bourdieu, 1984, translated by Richard Nice, Distinction:a social CRI of the judgment of taste lie, Harvard University Press

[2]Roger Parker, 1994, The OXFORD ILLUSTRATED HISTORY of OPERA Oxford University Press

[3]Norbert Elias, 2009, "the course of civilization ", Wang Peili, translated by Yuan Zhiying, Shanghai:Shanghai Translation Publishing House

[4]Norbert Elias, 2006, from the perspective of Sociology of music genius -- the success and failure of Mozart", Lv Aihua, Guangxi: Guangxi Normal University press.

[5]Walter Walter Benjamin, 2002, "art in the age of mechanical reproduction of works", translated by Wang Caiyong, Beijing:Chinese City Press

[6]Peter Burke, 2005, "the European early modern mass culture", Yang Yu, Wang Hailiang et al.: Shanghai people's Publishing House

[7]Chen Li, 2009, musician "interview", Beijing: New Star Press

[8]Gerhardt, 2009, "the academic thinking of Parsons biography", translated by Li Kang, Beijing: Peking University Press

[9]Aojinniao - Garin, 2003, "Renaissance man", translated by Li Yucheng. Beijing: Sanlian book Shop

[10]John, thunder, 2007, "coupled memory and desire: culture and power in British Cultural Studies Force ", translated by Xu Delin. Guangxi: Guangxi Normal University Press

[11]Thomas Kelly, 2011, "debut", translated by Shen Qi. Beijing: the Commercial Press

[12]Allison Cole, 2009, "Italy Renaissance court art", Hu Weixiong, Zhang [13]Yongjun, Beijing: China building industry press,

[14]Liu Shiyu, Zhang Ning, 1998, "Opera Hall designer Verdi", Beijing: New World Press

[15]Liu Shirong, 1999, "Opera master Verdi", Shanghai: Shanghai people's Publishing House

[16]Liu Xuefeng, 2008, "the Pilgrim: Wagner's Bayreuth", Shanghai: Shanghai people's Publishing House

[17]Paul Robinson, 2008, "opera and concepts", translated by Zhou Binbin, Shanghai: East China Normal University Press

[18]Pierrot, Borromeo Li, 2000, "the soul of the language, the history of opera" translated by Zhang Yujing, four N-Sichuan people's Publishing House


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哈佛_论文引用格式! 1 A brief guide to the Harvard System The University of Greenwich as with all universities requires that students give credit to the authors of the evidence they use to support the arguments within their essays and other assignments. Most schools within the University require that students use the Harvard system of referencing citation. This is a guide to that system giving some useful examples to which you can refer when referencing yourself. Function A bibliographical reference should contain sufficient information for you or someone else to trace the information sources you have used. It indicates that you have considered appropriate authorities and evidence in your work It acknowledges the work of others in contributing to your work. The same set of rules and grammar colons and commas should be followed every time you cite a reference consistency. Note – you ought to follow the convention of referencing dictated by your school or tutor normally the Harvard system. The components of the Harvard system The Harvard system has two main components. Firstly there is the in-text reference. Fore each item of evidence that you use from an external source a book a journal article etc. there is an entry that includes the author?s family name and the year of the publication source that the information comes from. Note that

哈佛类型论文引用方式说明与举例- Citing quotations (Harvard style)

Citing quotations (Harvard style) What is quoting? Quoting is where you copy an author's text word for word, place quotation marks around the words and add a citation at the end of the quote. Quotes should be using sparingly as over quoting can suggest a lack of understanding of the text you are referring to. In scientific writing, it is generally the case that you should paraphrase from sources, rather than quote directly. Quoting more extended sections of text tends to be more common in arts and humanities subjects where it may be appropriate to quote frequently from the literature that is being analysed. As you take notes, ensure you clearly mark where you have quoted directly from the source. Direct quotations 1.If you use a direct quotation from an author, you should: ?enclose this in quotation marks ?give the author, date and page number(s) that the quotation was taken from, in brackets. Example: "Language is subject to change, and is not caused by unnecessary sloppiness, laziness or ignorance" (Aitchison, 1981, p.67). 2. If the quotation is more than two lines: ?It is separated from the rest of the paragraph by one free line above and below ?It is indented at left and right margins ?It may be in a smaller point size ?It is preceded by a colon ?It does not use quotation marks ?The citation includes author, date and page number(s) that the quotation was taken from. Example: One answer to this is that language has always been subject to change, just as everything else in the world is, and we should not feel that this is a bad thing. As Aitchison (1981, p.16) puts it: Language, then, like everything else, gradually transforms itself over the centuries. There is nothing surprising in this. In a world where humans grow old, tadpoles change into frogs, and milk turns into cheese, it would be strange if language alone remained unaltered. In spite of this, large numbers of intelligent people condemn and resent language change, regarding alterations as due to unnecessary sloppiness, laziness or ignorance. Aitchison clearly sees every change in language as neither good nor bad, but inevitable...


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目录 当别人的领导绝非易事。对于绝大部分新经理而言,获得晋升、初次走上管理岗位的兴奋和新鲜之后,他们很快就会发现,作为管理者想要获得成功所需的技能和方法,与作为员工个人成功所需的技能和方法截然不同。正如某证券公司一位新任分公司经理的感言:“我实在无法用言语形容。它很像当你有了孩子时的感觉。一天前,你还没有孩子。可过了一天,你就突然变成了母亲或父亲,你必须了解有关照料小孩的一切知识。” 所有的企业高管和领袖也都曾经有过初为经理的日子。他们生命中获得的第一份管理工作会对他们产生终身影响。数十年后,当回忆起最初的那几个月时,他们会觉得这段转型经历塑造了自己的领导理念和风格,不断影响自己的整个职业生涯。如果某个员工因为出色的个人业绩和能力得到提拔,却无法成功地承担管理责任,那么就会使企业蒙受相当大的人力和财务损失。 过去一个世纪里,全世界最聪明的学者一直在研究人何以胜任管理和领导工作,并把自己最了不起的研究成果发表在《哈佛商业评论》上。这里推荐的是一百年来最值得新经理阅读的十大哈佛文章,其中很多篇文章已经成为管理学、心理学、领导学的经典必读文献,值得每一位有志于管理和领导的商业人士永久珍藏,终身阅读。 1、角色认知篇:《初为领导》 本文作者琳达·希尔是哈佛商学院最资深的教授之一,她是哈佛商学院领导力和组织行为学两个学科领域的首席教授。过去十五年里,希尔教授专注于研究那些正在向管理岗位进行重大职业转形的人士,尤其关注那些由于个人业绩优异而被提拔为经理的人,《初为领导》一文就是她的主要研究成果。文章指出,学习管理比大多数新经理预想得还要困难,这个过程充满了痛苦和压力,其主要原因在于,新经理对管理工作有五大错误认知,包括:误


APA引用格式说明 一、正文中引用标注格式要求 ● 正文中引用的内容后标注为(作者姓,出版年,页码),如: Even Einstein recoiled from the implication of quantum mechanics that reality is an illusion (Gribbin, 1984, p.2) . 注:如文内已出现作者名,括号里就只要加出版年和页码,如 In a recent study Harvey (1993, p.2) argued that ... ● 当直接引用的原话超过三行以上时,引文须另起一行,左右各缩进3个字符,并用斜体书写,不需用引号,在引文结束处将页码放入小括号内。比如, Paine etal.(1983) added that good praise follows the “if-then” rule: The “if-then rule” states that if thestudent is doing something you want to encourage—something youwant to see the student do again or domore often in the future (and if you aresure that that is what the student is doing)—then (and onlythen) you should praise the student for it(p.46). 二、文尾 References页格式要求 ● 按作者姓的首字母顺序排列引用,网页引用放在最后 ● References页不会添加的话,请在如下网址自动生成。 MLA引用格式说明 一、正文中引用标注格式要求 ● 正文中引用的内容后标注为(作者姓页码),如 Naiman et al. (49-52) found a similar relationship, although in this case ‘ effort’ on the part of the learners was also associated with


XXX 联系电话:#### 邮箱:globalxiaonizi@https://www.360docs.net/doc/581586877.html, 家庭地址:******* 求职目标 银行业 教育背景 2005.9~2009.6 上海对外贸易学院法学(国际经济法方向)本科 主修课程:国际金融、基础会计、市场营销、国际贸易实务、国际经济法、国际贸易法 实习经历 2008.1~2008.2 中国银行上海正大广场支行见习柜员 ?负责本行开户企业对账单的整理及反馈,记录每天的晨会概要,协调柜台与大堂经理的沟通,接受客户关于存贷业务的咨询,录入信用卡申请资料等 ?积极学习个人理财业务知识,协助客户经理完成指定基金的销售业绩 2007.7~2007.8 联合证券有限责任公司长江西路营业部投资经理助理 ?指导客户开户流程,在投资经理的指导下学习大盘趋势的判断,以及优质股票的推荐 ?负责与潜在客户沟通,分享理财知识,在时机成熟的情况下把投资经理推荐给客户,以其更专业的知识完成客户营销,期间团队营销业绩为8户,个人直接参与5户 2006.7~2006.8 上海零点市场调查有限公司数据采集员 ?参加过3个大型项目,根据项目要求进行电话访问、拦截访问和定点访问,克服被拒绝的心理障碍,不断尝试新的方法与客户沟通,从而赢得客户的信任 ?认真完成问卷填写,及时追问客户真实意见,经督导回访,信息准确率达到95% 实践活动 2006.9~2008.6 上海对外贸易学院励勤人才服务公司市场部业务经理 ?积极联系校外企业,拓展学生的就业市场,并参与项目管理 ?累计为学生提供20个校外工作岗位(包括促销、翻译等)、联系过8家企业来我校做招聘会(包括民生银行、中银国际等)、提出建立学生人才库的构想并录入第一批名单2007.7~2007.8 2007世界特殊奥林匹克运动会志愿者 ?在豫园进行印有Q版刘翔、姚明形象T恤衫的义卖,用双语进行解说和吆喝 ?在三天的义卖中,团队业绩20件,个人直接贡献15件 2006.9~2007.6 英语俱乐部副社长 ?负责社团日常事务的布置协调,包括校外赞助商的邀请、品牌活动英语沙龙的组织和策划、学术讲座组织、校外拓展活动的联系(例如组织社员去人民公园练口语)等 ?使英语俱乐部从一个10+的社团扩充到50+,并整理出学术类社团活动举办活动的思路2006.3~2006.12 上海对外贸易学院学生创业中心管理服务中心市场部助理 ?搜集关于创业的各种比赛、成果、政策性文件等资料,积极参与中心市场战略的制定 ?邀请钱峰明先生参加第一次创业沙龙,并为市场部确定了工作方向 获奖情况 ?学术类:国家奖学金一等奖(1次,1人/学期)、校优秀学生奖学金三等奖(2次,专业前10%) 2006-2007学年度暑期实践先进个人、暑期实践征文二等奖(3人/学期) ?实践类:上海对外贸易学院励勤人才服务公司优秀业务经理(3人/学期,公司共30人) 2007-2008学年度勤工助学先进个人(1人/学期) 2007-2008学年度法学院体育标兵(1人/学期) 技能与培训 ?语言水平:中级口译证书英语六级525 ?计算机水平:上海市电脑中级证书熟练办公软件操作


哈佛大学英文简历样本 David Smith38 Western StreetBoston, MA 10084dsmith@https://www.360docs.net/doc/581586877.html,(617) 276-6277education 2019-2000 1987-1991 HARVARD UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOLOF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION BOSTON, MACandidate for Master in Business Administration degree, June 2019. Member of Management Consulting, Entrepreneurship, High Tech and New Media, and Business of Sports Clubs.MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY CAMBRIDGE, MABachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering. GPA 3.9/4.0. Elected dormitory treasurer ($16,000 budget) and athletic chairman. experience 2019 CHAINSHINE CONSULTING GROUP NEW YORK, NYSummer Intern, International DepartmentWorked with client teams serving major international paper and industrial products manufacturer.Analyzed product-costing process. Identified opportunities to improve accuracy of product costs by 5%. Researched and reformulated procurement strategy for primary raw material input with team members. Constructed model demonstrating potential revenue increase of $15million. Conducted client interviews and led focus groups as part of initial phase of re-engineering


哈佛商学院简历模板 David Smith 38 Western Street Boston, MA 10084 dsmith@https://www.360docs.net/doc/581586877.html, (617) 276-6277 education 1998-2000 HARVARD UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION BOSTON, MA Candidate for Master in Business Administration degree, June 1999. Member of Management Consulting, Entrepreneurship, High Tech and New Media, and Business of Sports Clubs. 1987-1991 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY CAMBRIDGE, MA Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering. GPA 3.9/4.0. Elected dormitory treasurer ($16,000 budget) and athletic chairman. experience 1999 CHAINSHINE CONSULTING GROUP

NEW YORK, NY Summer Intern, International Department Worked with client teams serving major international paper and industrial products manufacturer. · Analyzed product-costing process. Identified opportunities to improve accuracy of product costs by 5%. · Researched and reformulated procurement strategy for primary raw material input with team members. Constructed model demonstrating potential revenue increase of $15million. · Conducted client interviews and led f ocus groups as part of initial phase of re- engineering initiative. · Participated in two-week training program composed of 15 summer interns. 1991-1998 CUMMINS ENGINE COMPANY COLUMBUS, IN 1998 Technical Specialist, Automotive Customer Engineering Department Pioneered and led the Market Segment Profile Project. · Characterized various market segments within


令狐文艳创作 XX(中文) 令狐文艳 Room X, Building X, ZengcuoanStudent apartment, XiamenUniversity, XiamenCity, 361005 XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX ?JOB OBJECTIVE:

令狐文艳创作 ?Honors Excellent Student Leader (3 times), Pioneer of Social Practice, Three Good Student Champion Team of “Maidong”national campus competition First prizeof the9th National Challenge Cup Competition forAcademic and Scientific Achievements

求职目标: 教育背景 厦门大学经济学硕士研究生(2009年毕业) ?成绩排名:1/38 ?担任经济学院研究生会副主席、经济系主席、班长,策划 组织了多次大型校级活动,率领经济学院创造校运会五连 冠 西南财经大学国家经济学基础人才培养基地本科 ?成绩排名:2/49(2006年保送厦门大学攻读硕士研究生) ?荣获国家奖学金、科研单项奖学金和9次校级奖学金 ?担任班委期间,带领班集体获得2003年度“优秀班集体” 荣誉称号 ?学术部部长,校科研人才库首批成员,公开发表论文7篇 ?优秀学生干部、社会实践先进个人、三好学生 工作经历 所罗门管理咨询有限公司实习项目经理 ?参与组织国家烟草专卖局“四定”改革培训讲座 ?全程参与山东中烟、吉安烟草改革项目 ?组织岗位评价培训,独立完成岗位评价现场电子数据处理 ?在项目调研阶段,独立负责五个部门的访谈工作 ?负责问卷调查数据处理工作,参与调研报告的编写 ?通过实习,积累了项目经验,适应了长期出差和加班工作, 锻炼了自己在高压力环境下的工作能力 蒙牛乳业集团直销代表 ?组织蒙牛产品展示会,负责蒙牛学生奶区域推广和销售 ?学生奶项目区域负责人,使学生奶进入校内超市、面包坊、 早餐辅等校园销售终端,将学生奶销售额提升了37% 四川富顺劳动和社会保障局实习生 ?担任局长助理,负责办公室日常工作 ?参与撰写相关工作报告及发言稿 厦门大学助教 ?组织学生课堂讨论,网上答疑,协调导师与校方的联系和日 程安排工作 社会活动 “飞利浦”挑战杯创业计划大赛项目负责人 ?荣获金国银奖,四川省金奖 ?负责制定创业总体规划 2007,09 -2008,05 厦门2007,03 -2007,08 厦门2006,01 -2006,02 自贡2007,09 -2008,01 厦门2006,09 -至今 厦门 2002,09 -2006,06 成都 2005,10 -2006,10 成都,济 南


比尔盖茨在哈佛大学毕业典礼上的演讲稿 导读我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《比尔盖茨在哈佛大学毕业典礼上的演讲稿》的内容,具体内容比尔盖茨是世界首富,是著名的慈善家。今天我给大家一篇,希望对大家有所帮助。President Bok, former President Rudenstine, i... 比尔盖茨是世界首富,是著名的慈善家。今天我给大家一篇,希望对大家有所帮助。 President Bok, former President Rudenstine, incoming President Faust, members of the Harvard Corporation and the Board of Overseers, members of the faculty, parents, and especially, the graduates: 尊敬的 Bok 校长, Rudenstine 前校长,即将上任的 Faust 校长,哈佛集团的各位成员,监管理事会的各位理事,各位老师,各位家长,各位同学 Ive been waiting more than 3 years to say this: Dad, I always told you Id come back and get my degree. 有一句话我等了三十年,现在终于可以说了 " 老爸,我总是跟你说,我会回来拿到我的学位的!" I want to thank Harvard for this timely honor. Ill be changing my job next year ... and it will be nice to finally have a college degree on my resume. 我要感谢哈佛大学在这个时候给我这个荣誉。明年,我就要换工作了 (注指从微软公司退休) ...... 我终于可以在简历上写我有一个本科学位,这真是不错啊。 I applaud the graduates today for taking a much more direct route to your degrees. For my part, Im just happy that the Crimson has called me Harvards most successful dropout. I guess that makes me valedictorian of my own special class ... I did the best of everyone who failed. 我为今天在座的各位同学感到高兴,你们拿到学位可比我简单多了。哈佛的校报称我是 " 哈佛大学历史上最成功的辍学生 " 。我想这大概使我有资格代表我这一类学生发言 ...... 在所有的失败者里,我做得最好。 But I also want to be recognized as the guy who got Steve Ballmer to drop out of business school. Im a bad influence. Thats why I was invited to speak at your graduation. If I had spoken at your orientation, fewer of you might be here today. 但是,我还要提醒大家,我使得 Steve Ballmer (注微软总经理)也从哈佛商学院退学了。


实用文档之"XX ( 中文)" Room X, Building X, Zengcuoan Student apartment, Xiamen University, Xiamen City, 361005 XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX ?JOB OBJECTIVE: ?Experience

?Honors Excellent Student Leader (3 times), Pioneer of Social Practice, Three Good Student Champion Team of “Maidong” national campus competition First prize of the 9th National Challenge Cup Competition for Academic and Scientific Achievements

求职目标: 教育背景 厦门大学经济学硕士研究生(2009年毕业) ?成绩排名:1/38 ?担任经济学院研究生会副主席、经济系主席、班长,策划组 织了多次大型校级活动,率领经济学院创造校运会五连冠西南财经大学国家经济学基础人才培养基地本科 ?成绩排名:2/49(2006年保送厦门大学攻读硕士研究生) ?荣获国家奖学金、科研单项奖学金和9次校级奖学金 ?担任班委期间,带领班集体获得2003年度“优秀班集体” 荣誉称号 ?学术部部长,校科研人才库首批成员,公开发表论文7篇 ?优秀学生干部、社会实践先进个人、三好学生 工作经历 所罗门管理咨询有限公司实习项目经理 ?参与组织国家烟草专卖局“四定”改革培训讲座 ?全程参与山东中烟、吉安烟草改革项目 ?组织岗位评价培训,独立完成岗位评价现场电子数据处理?在项目调研阶段,独立负责五个部门的访谈工作 ?负责问卷调查数据处理工作,参与调研报告的编写 ?通过实习,积累了项目经验,适应了长期出差和加班工作, 锻炼了自己在高压力环境下的工作能力 蒙牛乳业集团直销代表 ?组织蒙牛产品展示会,负责蒙牛学生奶区域推广和销售 ?学生奶项目区域负责人,使学生奶进入校内超市、面包坊、 早餐辅等校园销售终端,将学生奶销售额提升了37% 四川富顺劳动和社会保障局实习生 ?担任局长助理,负责办公室日常工作 ?参与撰写相关工作报告及发言稿 厦门大学助教 ?组织学生课堂讨论,网上答疑,协调导师与校方的联系和日 程安排工作 2007,09 -2008,05 厦门2007,03 -2007,08 厦门2006,01 -2006,02 自贡2007,09 -2008,01 厦门2006,09 -至今 厦门 2002,09 -2006,06 成都


三一文库(https://www.360docs.net/doc/581586877.html,)/求职离职/个人简历 微软(中国)有限公司的简历挑选方 法 我见过许多学生拿着哈佛商学院的英文简历当模板,依葫芦画瓢地改写自己的简历,可还是改得走了样,不是上下对不齐就是行距不统一,而且自己还看不出来。关键就是因为他们缺乏专业素养,而这在求职中非常不利。许多在正规公司工作多年的资深人士甚至连一个混在10.5号字队伍当中的10号字都能一眼“侦察”出来,功力了得。 我在学校讲简历写作技巧时曾经强调过:你写简历的目的就是让简历带你脱颖而出,可学生们断章取义地理解为,为了让招聘经理把他的简历挑出来可以不惜在形式上哗众取宠。一些学生为此挖空心思,无所不用其极,有的竟然寄希望于红色纸张能一下子吸引招聘经理的目光。我知道,这样的简历一定能够如其所料被拿出来,不过不是作为面试通行证,而是作为“红牌”把他罚下。还有的同学借用自传形式,先自我陶醉地写一首抒情诗意图博得好感,然后才开始干瘪的正文,这样越发显出不够专业。正规商业公司在简历格式上要求符合专业、规范的原则,即使标新

立异也应该在这一前提下进行。有经验的求职者通常都是在具体的专业用词上下功夫,而不会脱离简历格式的规范。 资深的专业人士有能力鉴别简历是否专业,他们不会在格式上别出心裁,而是在描述自己多年专业背景和经验的文字上大做*。规范的简历中,每一项信息都有约定俗成的位置,招聘经理筛选时通常会到这些特定的位置去寻找需要的信息,如果应聘者的简历过于标新立异,反而有可能把位置打乱,当招聘经理找不到他关心的信息时就会毫不手软地把简历扔进再也不会有人问津的“人才库”。(人力资源经理王瑾女士)



个人简历基本情况姓名:某某某 性别:女 出生年月:2000.10.10 政治面貌:党员 专业:中文专业 毕业院校:某某大学文学院 教育情况2007.09—2011.06 某某大学文学系 古代文学学士大专 奖励证书2002年:取得英语6级证书 2002年:荣获“二等奖学金”及“文明个人” 2003年:被评为“优秀学生干部” 2003年:被评为“三好学生” 2002年:取得英语6级证书 2002年:荣获“二等奖学金”及“文明个人” 自我评价性格外向开朗,热衷于校内活动:在校期间,曾担任广播台通信员,文学社社长,新闻社记者等工作;以各种形式参与大型活动,包括表演,主持,策 划,外联等; 工作严谨负责,具有效率。在担任班干部期间,协助老师开展工作,工作细 心负责,获得同学和老师的认可,被评为优秀学生干部;在中国进出口商品 交易会实习期间,能同时完成多项任务并处理紧急情况,最终获得优秀实习 生的称号; 适应能力与学习能力极强:任职价格分析师期间,经过月余培训,在独立完 成工作之外,还能参与对工作流程的改进和同事的培训,业务能力达到进阶 水平。 工作经历2010.07—2010.08 交通银行XXX分行XXXX支行经理助理 ●协助对大宗贷款客户信息调查,准备会议资料; ●充当经理与客户沟通的中介,解决客户的难题; ●根据客户条件向客户介绍相关产品,提供咨询服务; 2009.10—2009.11 中国进出口商品交易会客户服务 ●协助境外客商办理相关,及时更新客户信息资料库; ●解释客户疑难问题并解决各种突发紧急情况; ●表现突出,被评为优秀实习生。 ●协助境外客商办理相,及时更新客户信息资料库;

Harvard referencing 3 哈佛大学参考文献格式指导 - (世界顶尖大学专用版)

References/Bibliography Harvard Style Based on Style manual for authors, editors and printers / revised by Snooks & Co. 2002 Quick guide - How to USE IT ?There are various ways of setting out references / bibliographies for an assignment. NOTE ?Before you write your list of references/bibliography check with your lecturer/tutor for the bibliographic style preferred by the Academic Department. ?The following are examples of one style previously known as the Harvard style based on AGPS style but now revised by Snooks & Co, 2002. The style is based on the author-date system for books, articles and “non-books”. ?Your bibliography should identify an item (e.g. book, journal article, cassette tape, film, or internet site) in sufficient detail so that others may identify it and consult it. ?Your bibliography should appear at the end of your essay/report with entries listed alphabetically. ?If you have used sources from the Internet, these should be listed in your bibliography. n FOR A BOOK The details required in order are: 1. name/s of author/s, editor/s, compiler/s or the institution responsible 2. year of publication 3. title of publication and subtitle if any (all titles must be underlined or italicised) 4. series title and individual volume if any 5. edition, if other than first 6. publisher 7. place of publication 8. page number(s) if applicable ? One author Berkman, RI 1994, Find it fast: how to uncover expert information on any subject, HarperPerennial, New York. Explanation of above citation ? Two or more authors Cengel, YA & Boles, MA 1994, Thermodynamics: an engineering approach, 2nd edn, McGraw Hill, London. Cheek, J, Doskatsch, I, Hill, P & Walsh, L 1995, Finding out: information literacy for the 21st century, MacMillan Education Australia, South Melbourne.
