


1. ABSENCE: (with/there is) the absence of attempt/ work 缺少、缺乏、没有

A.Many medical experts are now agreed that with the general absence of roughage,modem citizens are literally---via heart attacks and cancer--eating and drinking themselves into the grave.


B.There seems to have been an absence of attempt at conciliation between rival sects.


C.For large numbers of people, the absence of work is harmful to their health.


2. ACCEPTANCE: have/find/obtain/gain/win (general/immediate/wide)

acceptance for/among/of支持

A.Academic dishonesty has had relatively strong peer support and acceptance among some students,partly because we did not make a serious effort to explain why such behavior is contemptible.学习上的作弊得到同伴相对有力的支持,也被一些学生所接受。部分原因是我们没有真正努力去解释为什么这种行为是可耻的。

B.If that can be done,the high way will serve the purposes users want. Then it will gain broad acceptance and become a reality.如果做到这一点的话,高架就会达到使用者所希望的目的。这样就会得到广泛的支持而成为现实。

3. ACCESS: gain/get/have/attain/give (ready/easy) access to A.Advances in technology have smoothed access to information, rendering superfluous whole layers of management.

技术的发展使我们能较容易获取信息,也使整个管理层变得有些多余。B.While it is true that U.S.sources may have better access to the information,they might also have more reason to conceal or alter that



4. ACQUISITION: acquisition of knowledge/ a language/information

A. Newspaper reading,rather than being simply the acquisition of new information,is a kind of passive participation in the life of the national community.


B.But in the past trying to accelerate children's acquisition of academic skills in their early age was seen as evidence of bad parenting.但在过去,若家长们在孩子还很小时就加快对他们的文化知识的学习,这种做法被认为是不好的教育法。

5. AGREEMENT: there is general agreement that

A. There is total agreement that the activity of humans is at least partly

responsible for the problem.

有一点大家的意见是一致的:人类的活动对这个问题至少应当负部分责任。B.To come to agreement on control and reduction of weapons between the superpowers is difficult.


6. ANALYSIS: make a careful/close analysis of; attempt/defy/resist


A.Yet close analysis of such people often reveals the existence of what might be called “stability zones” in their lives.

仔细分析这些人,往往会发现,在他们生活中也存在可能称为的“稳定区域”。B.It requires a very unusual mind,Whitehead said,to undertake the analysis of a fact.


7.ANTICIPATION:in anticipation of a rise/fall/success

A.All experience a good deal of anticipation,but the anticipation pales next to the excitement of first communicating verbally.



B.The financial markets had raised interest rates in anticipation of a squeeze.


C.in anticipation of an early reply期待早复

8. ANTIDOTE: (serve) as an (strong/powerful) antidote to boredom

A.He supported,for example,universal education as an antidote to the numbing effects of economic specialization.


9. ANTIPATHY: have/arouse/provoke/natural antipathy to/towards A.Without question,however,the first major thinker to express a clear antipathy to the urban way of life was Thomas Jefferson.


10. APATHY: show/have/with an (political/election) apathy toward sth.

A.How can we curb this growing student apathy and assure ourselves of capable,responsible leadership for the future?



11. APPEAL: make a direct/strong appeal to

A.The appeal to venture capitalists of investing in United States high technology companies is quite obvious.


B.He holds a special appeal to little children.


12. APPETITE have/stimulate a strong/keen appetite for(爱好,追求)

1. He has a great appetite for knowledge.他强烈的求知欲。

2.The long hours in the office or the factory bring with them as their reward,not only the means of sustenance,but a keen appetite for

pleasure even in its simplest and most modest forms.在办公室或工厂里长时间的工作,给他们带来的报酬不仅仅是生活给养,而且是对乐趣的强烈追求,即使是最简单、最朴实的乐趣。

13. APPLICATION: the application of knowledge/theory

A. We ale dealing with the application of psychology to advertising and

political propaganda.


B.In general,the application---or misapplication---of science and technology in all fields is certain to affect the structure of society as a whole.


14. APPRECIATION: cultivate/deepen/express/show an (better/keen)

appreciation of欣赏、感谢、理解、了解

cultivate the appreciation of good music培养对音乐的欣赏能力A.We take this opportunity of expressing / to express our sincere appreciation of your help.


C.promote/deepen the appreciation of Chinese arts and letters in the United States of America促进/加深美国对中国文学艺术的理解。

D.He has a keen appreciation of the students’ needs.


15. ASSESSMENT: make an assessment of评价

A.Although it is,of course,much more difficult,he can also make a subjective assessment of the percentage of his emotional energy invested in the job.

虽然这很困难,但是他还能对在这份工作中投入多少精力作一个主观的评价。B.The other thing we have to notice is that the assessment of the intelligence of any subject is essentially a comparative affair.我们必须注意的另一件事是,对智力评估实质上是相对的。

16. ASSOCIATION: be/have an association with;in association with联系A.do sth in association with sb和某人一起做某事

B.They suggest the answer may be the lack of association with other humans during the period of sleep.


17.ATTACK: come under (personal/sharp) attack

A.Today, American colleges and universities originally modeled on German ones are under strong attack.


18. ATTAINMENT: the attainment of goals/aim/objective

A.This will deeply impress them on your memory, and these memory traces will soon start influencing your everyday behavior toward the

attainment of the goal.


B.Schools usually set as their educational objective the attainment of

a balanced development of a person.


19. ATTENTION: bring...to public attention/claim/draw/come to the attention of

A.Many of these workers are poorly educated and unskilled,and they often lack the union representation that has helped bring other industrial disease to public attention.


B.As for sowing methods-probably over half of Europe's seed was wasted every year before the Chinese idea of the seed drill came to the attention of Europeans.


C. The sad condition of women working as domestics around the world

received much media attention earlier this year in several highly publicized cases.


20. ATTEMPT: make an attempt/in an attempt to

A.Attempts to break up this old system have been made in every presidential election in the past one hundred years.

在过去的100年中,人们极力想打破这个在历届总统大选中都实行的旧体制。B.In an attempt to do sth, ...为了...

do sth in an attempt to do 做某事是为了

21. AVAILABILITY: the availability of information/money

A.They do this in order that births occur with the arrival of the rains, the availability of grazing, and the mother's adequate supply of milk for the young.


22. AWARENESS: heighten/reduce/increase/sharpen/spark/obscure one's

awareness of

A.The Bhopal tragedy five years ago, when thousands of Indians died after an escape of chemicals, sparked a belated environmental awareness among India's middle classes.


B.The computer could obscure man's awareness of the need to come to terms with himself.


C.The intelligent listener must be prepared to increase his awareness of the musical material and what happens to it.


23. BARRIER: a barrier to the development/progress

A.But it is the lack of political will and the ineptness of established sociopolitical structures that are major barriers to the progress in this field.


B.A strict schedule makes it impossible for the tourist to wander off on his own;and anyway,language is always a barrier to the contact with the local population.


24. BELIEF: express/foster/hold a belief in; there is a widely

accepted/held belief that; contrary to popular/general/growing belief

A.The enormous success of science has led to the general belief that scientists have developed and are employing effective methods in gaining new knowledge.


25. BOREDOM: to escape/interrupt/relieve boredom

A.Only an occasional stop at a gasoline station or at a drugstore to read movie magazines interrupts their boredom.

去加油站溜溜歇歇脚或到药店走走,读读电影画报这样可以解解闷气。B.This includes keeping them in more suitable cages, allowing social animals like dogs to live together and trying to reduce the boredom that these animals can experience.


26. CAPACITY: ( have a ) capacity for development/organization A.Hitler,aided by a phenomenal capacity for organization and by the readiness of Germany's great industrialists to finance his campaign,shrewdly utilized the prevailing attitude to establish his power.


B.But of all our problems,the most immediate and pressing, the one which threatens to paralyze our very capacity to act,to obliterate our vision of the future,is the plight of the Negro of the center city.


27. CELEBRATION: a celebration of freedom/achievement/success

A.Any celebration of what has been accomplished during our first two centuries also requires a commitment to what remains to be done during the third century.


B.At this time,and in the place where so many great names in American history have trod,we renew this celebration of freedom in the full and certain knowledge that with it comes great responsibility.


28. CERTAINTY: be/become a certainty with/has certainty

A.It can be said with certainty that…可以断言

B.I had the certainty that he was at home.我确信他在家。

C.Some children learn best by rote,in structured environments with high certainty and strict discipline.0thers gain success in the less structured“permissive” atmosphere of a“progressive”school.


29. CHALLENGE: meet/accept the challenge

A.Because I had no formal training in any of these fields with the exception of engineering,I had to learn to meet each challenge of managing a business as it arose.



30. CHANGE: undergo/bring about/inaugurate great/marked change A.After crossing several time zones,sleep rhythms undergo marked changes during the first night.


31. CHOICE: make a wise choice

A.Not only do lies not provide any hope,they invade the autonomy of patients and render them unable to make informed choices concerning their own health.


B.When choices are made among alternatives such as those just described,it becomes plain that choosing one alternative often involve giving up another.


32. COMBINATION: (express/symbolize) a rare/ happy combination of A.He turned out to be an incredible combination of strength and relaxation on the track.


B.The modern world is a combination of Eastern and Western ingredients which are inextricably fused.


33.COMFORT: take/derive/seek comfort from/enjoy the comfort of A.People have taken comfort from the idea that our brains are magically unique and could never be duplicated,never mind surpassed,by machines.人的大脑是神奇般独特的、不能被复制、不用担心会被机器超过,想到这一点,人们感到了极大的安慰。

34. COMMAND: acquire/has/secure a good command of

A.But this is not a business that can be undertaken in a day or swiftly

improvised by a mere command of the will.


35. COMMENT: make comment about

A.Old people are always saying that the young are not what they were.

The same comment is made from generation to generation and it is always true.


36. COMPARAISON: in comparison with/to make comparison

A.Yet culture shock is relatively mild in comparison with the much more serious malady,future shock.


B.The boredom that a man feels when he is doing necessary though uninteresting work is as nothing in comparison with the boredom that he feels when he has nothing to do with his days.


C.The first two must be equal for all who are being compared,if any comparison in terms of intelligence is to be made.


37. COMPETITION: enter/get into competition with

in competition with/for

A.In the Olympic Games,women not only cannot win any medals in competition with men,the gulf between them is so great that they cannot even qualify for the contests with men.


B.It would also place him in competition with other workers,which

would be playing into the bosses’hands.


38. CONCENTRATION: the concentration of

A.The lack of goods,services,and household aids,brought on by the country's concentration on heavy industry at the expense of consumer goods, affects women much more than men.


B.Strong economic and social currents encourage the continued concentration of the urban population which otherwise might disperse into more sparsely settled areas.


39. CONCERN: there is/express/arouse/show/give concern


A.I have a deeper concern about higher education and the current national mood.


B.Meanwhile the public show little concern about the danger of total destruction by nuclear weapons:a possibility people are consciously aware of.


40. CONSIDERATION: give consideration/thought to;

take sth. into consideration

A.All the argument sounds logical,but it is obvious that no consideration is to be given to his concern for either the women or the children.所有这些论点听上去有道理,但它没有考虑到对妇女或者对孩子的关心。

41. CONNECTION: there is/bear connection to

A.It also enables us to tell ourselves that the despair of homeless people bears no intimate connection to the privileged existence we enjoy-- when,in fact,we rent or purchase one of those restored townhouses that once provided shelter for people now huddled in the street.


42. CONSCIOUSNSS: a national/world/class/ deep consciousness

A.In other words,the world of urban America as a dark place undeserving of support or help has become fixed in the American consciousness.And we are paying for that attitude in our cities today.


B.Further study and better public understanding are needed,of course. But what is essential is a global consciousness.

当然,需要进一步研究和更好地理解公众,当然,更为重要的是全球的意识。C.the moral consciousness of a nation一个民族的道德意识

recover national consciousness恢复民族意识

It has awakened millions to political consciousness.


43. CONTACT: come into/establish/create/need/ regain/retain/strengthen

(close/frequent/understanding) contacts with/between; bring/take sb.

into contact with

A.But our modern world of music also brings us into contact with music that is not always so quickly grasped.


B.Hence,it can be argued that the people with whom we come into contact in these various contexts are all likely to have exerted some influence in shaping our attitudes,interests and even skills relevant to how we handle leisure.

因此可以这么说,我们在这些不同的环境所接触到的人们,很可能对我们的态度和兴趣的形成、甚至包括如何处理有关空闲时间的能力产生一定的影响。C.National governments,also,will be brought into closer and closer contact with science.


44. CONTRIBUTION: make a contribution to society/ human A.“Someone who has made a lasting contribution to human civilization is great,”said Dean Keith Simonton.


B.Their increasing demand for continuing education offers unprecedented opportunities for universities to increase and extend their

contributions to society.



45. CONTROL: exert control over; bring ... under control

A. Yet studies show that job satisfaction comes less from how much people

earn than from the challenge of their jobs and the control they are able to exert.


B.To protect the value of their invested capital, venture capitalists desire control over various corporate decisions.

为保障其投入资本的价值,风险资本家希望对公司的各种决定进行控制。C.However, very little control can be exercised over the media used to generate information that comes to you.


D.But although this form of genetic engineering will give us great control over mankind's future, there are several reasons for caution.


46. CONVICTION: confirm/express/deepen/hold/ voice the conviction;

carry/bring conviction to sb.; have/there is a strong/widespread conviction that;be in the conviction that

A.He is in the full conviction that real knowledge is the end product of a thorough study of the history.


B.confirm a conviction维持原判

bring conviction to sb使某人信服

His words carried conviction.他的话令人信服。

deepen one’s conviction加深某人的信念

She expressed her firm conviction that television was harmful to children.她坚持认为电视对儿童有害。

47. CORRELATION: there is/find correlation between

A.If he is bored and secure,he may invest very little--there being no necessary correlation between time devoted and emotion invested.如果他感到厌烦但又安全,他可以几乎不用投资,因为在奉献的时间和投资的精力之间没有必然的联系。

B.Yet when they studied the various sleep stages, they found no correction between sleep physiology and unhappy mood.


48. CREDIBILITY: lose/enhance the credibility of/with

A.For the emerging company the association with a corporate partner may not only enhance the emerging company's balance sheet,but may enhance its credibility with customers,supplier investors and others.

对于新兴公司而言,与大公司合伙人联合,不仅可以使公司的资产负债表大为改观,而且还可以提高客户、供应商、投资者和其他人对公司的信任度。B.“Lies also do harm to those who tell them:harm to their integrity and in the long run,to their credibility.


49. CRITICISM: be subjected to (harsh/sharp) criticism; challenge

/defy/excite/invite/offer/resent/tolerate/ survive

(considerable/hostile/frank/severe/harsh) criticism; come under (fierce/sharp) criticism for

A.A commonplace criticism of American culture is its excessive preoccupation with material goods and corresponding neglect of the human spirit.

对美国文化最常见的批评是其过分追求物质商品而忽视人的精神因素。B.White collar office workers,too,have come under criticism recently for robbing their bosses of their full-time services.

最近白领工作者同样受到批评,说他们没让他们的雇主得到全日制服务。C.In a sense,science fiction is criticism of reality.


D.defy every criticism拒不接受任何批评

excite/arouse/provoke/stir up criticism引起批评

invite/welcome customers’criticisms欢迎顾客批评

offer some criticisms of the argument brought forward by Mr. Smith 对史密斯先生提出的论点提几点批评意见

50. CULTIVATION: the cultivation of personality/skill

A.Those with a better education and in professional occupations may tend to seek recreation and personal development(eg.cultivation of skills and hobbies)in leisure.


B.Second is,the development of character,especially the cultivation of military virtues such as obedience,loyalty,strength of will, self-control,capacity for sacrifice, and pride in responsibility.第二是培养一个人的性格,尤其是军事素质如服从、忠诚、意志力、自控力、牺牲精神和责任感。

51. CURE: there is/develop no cure for

A.Needs are limited,but not greeds.Science has developed no cure for envy,so our wealth boosts our happiness only briefly while shrinking that of our neighbors.



52. DEMAND: there is an increasing demand (pressure) for

A.The fear may also bring increasing demands for police protection, and election of law-and-order politicians.

这种恐惧心理带给人们的是:要求警察的保护和选举执法官的呼声越来越高。B.As the world demand for new information technologies continues to experience unprecedented growth,a significant portion of available venture capital funds call be expected to be funneled into information, technology throughout the world in the next few years.


53. DENIAL: the denial of

A.His denial of our petition caused the students to rebel.由于他拒绝了我们的请求,引起了学生们的反抗。

B.The need for gratitude is something we all feel,and denial of it can do much to harm the spirit of kindness and cooperation.


54. DEPARTURE: make/justify/mark a new departure in/from the traditional value/old method

A.make a new departure成为一个新的开始

His dictionary marked a new departure in lexicography.


A departure was made from old custom.背弃旧习俗。

There are occasions justifying departure from custom.


55. DEVOTION: have devotion to

A.Devotion to that land has been the source of conflict in this area in the last decade.


B.Success factor is largely a matter of luck-being in the right place at the right time.Others speak of utter devotion to work,combined with a degree of ruthlessness.


C.Young people have an air of freedom, and they have not a dreary

commitment to mean ambitions or love of comfort.They are not anxious social climber, and they have no devotion to material things.


56. DESIRE: (have)a desire to/for

A.It is a product of Americans’ increasing prosperity and of their desire to own a piece of land.


B.Driven by the government's desire for a credible auto industry and by their own need to achieve economics of scale.automakers have embarked on expansion programs that envisage annual output of 600 000 vehicles by the mid-1990s.


57. DESIRABILITY: question/prove the desirability(好处;可取之处) of A.They questioned the desirability and utility, in the light of the international situation,of continuing the search for such a definition.


B.This debate over the desirability of continued economic growth is of prime importance to business and industry.


C.Nobody doubts the desirability of good health.


58. DISAGREEMENT: express/there is disagreement

A.express one’s disagreement with表达某人与…的不同意见

59. DISCOVERY: (make) the discovery of

A.A young man's first car is less a means of transportation than a monument to this discovery of youthful freedom.


B.He is doomed to a wasted life;he has as little prospect of making a scientific discovery as an electronic brain has.


60. DISPLAY: make/with a display of

A.The public display of fear,sorrow,anger,and irritation reveals a lack of self-discipline that should be avoided by the Positive Women just as much as by the Positive Man.


B.make a display of炫耀,卖弄;表示

make a display of one’s wealth炫耀自己的财富

He made a great display of his learning.他大肆卖弄自己的学问。

make a display of one’s affection表示亲热

61. DISSATISFACTION: there is/express/voice/cause a deep/growing/

widespread dissatisfaction with

A.Those reporting a supportive home, work and social life remained far healthier than those expressing dissatisfaction with their private and work lives.


B. Even so,social analysts see no early end to the growing dissatisfaction of women that is causing many to seek an outlet by running away from home and family.


62. DIVERSITY: There is/obtain wide/ great diversity of opinion as to A.The division of labor brought diversity of occupation and with it individual variability.


B.Mary has a great diversity of interests.玛丽的兴趣非常广泛。

63. DRAIN: a great/heavy drain on

A.Dropout is more than an academic failure.It is thought of as a waste of precious faculty time and a drain on university resources already being used to capacity.


B.The rapidly increasing drain on resources comes not only from the population explosion but also from the “expectation explosion”.

不仅是人口的快速增长,同样,不断膨胀的期望都迅速耗尽了国家的资源。C.brain drain人才外流

D.Defense costs have been a heavy drain on the country’s resources.


64. EAGERNESS: one's eagerness to do sth.

A.In their eagerness to extend a popular brand’s recognition and reputation to a new type of product,managers often overlook basic problems with the fit between the old name and the new item.


65. EFFECT: exert/have a harmful effect on

A.Although they did have some influence,heavy television viewing still showed a significant effect.


B.A highway code which was universally accepted could only have a dramatically beneficial effect on the accident rate.


66. EFFICIENCY: improve/raise/increase/decrease/lower the efficiency of A.It is obvious that the strength of a country's economy is directly bound up with the efficiency of its agriculture and industry,and that this in turn rests upon the efforts of scientists and technologists of all



67. EFFORT: make/have/exert a(great/tremendous/ persistent/sustained)

effort to

A.If clear definitions of academic dishonesty have been developed, and if a reasonable effort has been made to in form students that such offenses ale treated seriously,the appropriate punishment for a willful offense should be some form of separation from the university.如果学习上的作弊定义清楚,如果做出恰当的努力使学生知道这种作弊要受到严肃处理,那么对故意作弊的惩罚应当是开除出大学。

B.India is making a determined effort to bring down its birth rate, which is currently about 35 per l 000,more than twice that in the United States.


68. EMANCIPATION: represent an emancipation from errors/prejudice/


A.It can argued that all this represents a welcome emancipation from Victorian morality, and that it is a wholesome affirmation of



B.emancipation of women from discriminative treatment


69. EMIGRATION: the emigration of people

A.Many Third World nations with high unemployment and low wages have seen an emigration of workers to the developed nations.



一.表示“好”的品质、性格等方面的词语 1. devotion / loyalty 忠实/忠诚;/faith /faithfulness /fidelity 忠实/诚实;allegiance 忠贞,效忠; 2. honesty/ sincerity /cordiality 诚挚,诚恳;hospitality 热情好 客 friendliness 友好; amity友好; 3. credit /trust/credibility 信任,信用;reliability 可靠性 4. confidence/reliance 信心,依靠; diligence/industry/hard work努力, 勤奋;courage/ bravery 勇气, 勇敢; cooperation/collaboration 合作, 协作;solidarity/unity 团结; 5. sympathy/compassion/pity同情,怜悯;mercy 仁慈,可怜;benevolence 善意,仁慈; 6. appeal /attraction/ temptation/ lure/enticement / 吸引力 7. humanity 人类,人性,人道,仁慈;humanities 人文学科 8. harmony 和谐; peace 和平; appreciation 欣赏 9. ingenuity /creativity/ 创造力,灵活性 10. dignity /self-respect/self-esteem / reverence 尊严,自尊,高贵 11. courtesy/manners/politeness /humility 谦卑,礼貌 12. innocence 无辜,清白; prestige 威望,名望;魅力,吸引力; reputation/fame/ 名声,名誉 13. perseverance毅力; persistence 坚持; mercy /beneficence/ goodness / kindness 仁慈,善良 14. integrity = honesty正直,诚实; 15. conscience 良心,良知; morality 道德观; values价值观


Be done Is ,am are done Was , were done Have,has been done Had been done Will be done A building will be built in our school next year . Be to be done Be going to be done The building ____next year is our teaching building . A is to be built Bwhich is to be built The professor who is to give us a speech is from a famous university . Be being done The building is being built . The new machine was being tested . The bridge ____ will be completed next month . A is being constructed B to be constructed C being --ed

Have being --ed C built D having built Admit sb as /to be 承认某人为。。。 Admit sb to /into Sb be admitted to/into 容许某人进入被录取 Because he was admitted to BeiJing University , everyone admitted him to be intelligent. Admit doing/having done 承认做了某事 The thief admitted having stolen a car . Admit that ... 承认 Admit of 容许 The project admits of no delay . Admission . 入场券入场费 John worked hard at his lessons and gained ____to a famous university last year A permission B admission C agreement D freedom Little Tom admitted____in the exam , ___that he wouldn’t do that again. A to cheat , promise B cheating , promised C having --ed promising D to have -ed , -d Where was it ___you ____our maths teacher ? A where , came to B that , come across C that , came across D where ,come to Together with Along with As well as Rather than


名词专项练习(重新整理) 一、单项选择名词 1.A sense of ______ is the basic requirement for people working in the fields of education and health care. A.agreement B.attention C.carefulness D.devotion 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 考查名词。句意:奉献意识感是对于工作在服务业例如教育和医疗保健的最基本的要求。 A.agreement 协议; B. attention注意; C. invitation邀请; D.devotion奉献,贡献。故选D 项。 2.场景、场面 ( 着重人物的活动) 3.The broken window was the that the house had been broken into. A.evidence B.expression C.scenery D.function 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】 考查名词。A. evidence证据; B. expression表达; C. scenery风景; D. function功能。句意:弄坏的窗户是这所房子被破门而入的证据。故选A。 4.Now that the banks are back on their feet, we expect the extraordinary______ from them to help rebuild the economy. A.category B.commitment C.component D.competence 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 考查名词。A. category 种类; B. commitment承诺,保证; C. component成分,组件; D. competence能力,胜任。句意:现在银行已经恢复了元气,我们希望他们能做出非凡的承诺,帮助重建经济。结合句意可知答案为B。 5.It has been proved that there is a(n) ______ between smoking and certain diseases. A.connection B.description. C.expression D.concentration 【答案】A 【解析】


抽象词语转换训练 从形象的东西想到形象的东西比较容易,但是在我们的学习中却有很多抽象的理论和概念,比方说一些抽象的文字如快乐、幸福、政治、考验等等。这就需要学会如何化抽象为具体,并很快地转化为形象生动的图像。因为在右脑的运作机制当中,具体鲜明的图像能快速地被吸收、消化并很快留下烙印。因此,迅速将抽象转化为具体,就成为了进行图像记忆法的重要前期准备工作。记忆高手能达到这样一种境界——看到任何抽象词汇都能瞬间转化成图像。我这里给你讲三个技巧,可以帮助你迅速地将抽象的东西转化为具体的图像。 第一种技巧是增减倒字法,‘曲解’成另外的含义。如抽象可变成:抽象可变成抽大象或者是大象抽烟等;福利加字可变成福利彩票等。这么加加减减,无论多么生疏难懂的词语都可转换成为你所能读懂的意思。当然望文生义不是目的,我们是为了记住学习内容。在记住的基础上要尽快弄懂该词的真正含义。 第二种技巧是谐音。谐音是记忆的窍门,经过谐音的处理,枯燥、艰涩的词语会变得不那么面目可憎,而是变得诙谐幽默,便于记忆了。如生动——深洞(又深又黑的无底洞);非常——肥肠。 第三种技巧是代替法,即寻找和信息关联最密切、最容易代表原有信息的图像作为替代图像的转化方法以。比方资本可以用一沓人民

币来代替,爱情可以用一颗红彤彤的心来代替。 需要注意的是转换不应该是整个抽象词的转换,如果是那样转化的话那就太死板了而且时间也会花费很多。假设有四个字,如果你理解的话只要提示其中两个字就可想起这四个字。所以可以简化抽象词。比如剩余价值,可以简化为剩值即可转化为圣旨;生产关系,可以简化为生关即可转化为升官。 以下是一些抽象词语转换实例作为参考,我们在训练当中可以不断地积累。 谐音类 凝结——领结 幸福——新服 价值——夹子 内因——垒印(把印章垒起来了) 发展——罚站(做错了事就罚站) 消费——消肥(减肥) 加强——家墙 调查——吊茶 真相——针箱 北京——白金


名词 名词:是一些名称,表示人物、地方、国家、动物或物品等。 不用an、one,如How many sandwiches would you like?你想要多少块三明治。I would like just one sandwiches.我只要一块三明治。比较May I have a sandwiches?和May I have one sandwiches?的区别) 单数变复数的规则:

1、 Chinese中国人,sheep羊,deer鹿,fish鱼, Japanese日本人,li,jin,yuan,two li,three mu,four jin,但除人民币元、角、分外,美元、英镑、法郎等都有复数形式。如:a dollar, two dollars; a meter, two meters 2、不规则的名词 foot脚-feet mouse老鼠-mice child小孩-child goose鹅-geese man男人-men woman 女人-women tooth牙-teeth,注意:与man 和woman构成的合成词,其

复数形式也是-men 和-women。如:an Englishman,two Englishmen. 但German 不是合成词,故复数形式为Germans; 3、集体名词,以单数形式出现,但实为复数。 如:people police cattle 等本身就是复数,不能说 a people,a police,a cattle,但可以说 a person,a policeman,a head of cattle,the English,the British,the French,the Chinese,the Japanese,the Swiss 等名词,表示国民总称时,作复数用。如:The Chinese are industries and brave.中国人民是勤劳勇敢的。 4、以s结尾,仍为单数的名词,如: a). maths,politics,physics等学科名词,为不可数名词,是单数。 b). news 是不可数名词“新闻”。 c). the United States,the United Nations 应视为单数。 The United Nations was organized in 1945. 联合国是1945年组建起来的。 d). 以复数形式出现的书名,剧名,报纸,杂志名,也可视为单数。 "The Arabian Nights" is a very interesting story-book..<<一千零一夜>>是一本非常有趣的故事书。 5、没有单数形式的名词:表示由两部分构成的东西 glasses眼镜shorts短裤trousers裤子scissors剪刀 若表达具体数目,要借助数量词pair(对,双);suit(套); a pair of glasses; two pairs of trousers,His trousers are there 他的裤子在那里 6、另外还有一些名词,其复数形式有时可表示特别意思,如:goods货物,waters水域,fishes (各种)鱼,room为可数名词时为“房间”,如:I live in Room 5.而room为抽象名词时 为空间上面一句话应译为“请给老妇人在校车上留个地方。”这样的词还有:glass 玻璃glasses 眼镜stone 石头a stone 一块石头time 时间two times 两次wood 木头woods 树林。 clothes 为衣服,而cloth则是布,sand沙子,而sands是沙滩 7、不同国家的人的单复数(注:中日不变英法变,其余S加后面) 名称总称(谓语用复数)一个人两个人 中国人the Chinese a Chinese two Chinese 瑞士人the Swiss a Swiss two Swiss 澳大利亚人the Australians an Australian two Australians 俄国人the Russians a Russian two Russians 意大利人the Italians an Italian two Italians 希腊人the Greek a Greek two Greeks 法国人the French a Frenchman two Frenchmen 日本人the Japanese a Japanese two Japanese 美国人the Americans an American two Americans 印度人the Indians an Indian two Indians 加拿大人the Canadians a Canadian two Canadians 德国人the Germans a Germans two Germans 英国人the English an Englishman two Englishmen 瑞典人the Swedish a Swede two Swedes 8、复合名词的复数形式(名词+名词) 1)、通常只变后面的名词为复数,如boy student→boy student s,shoe shop→shoe shop s 2)但当前面的名词是man和woman时,两个词都变为复数,如man teacher→m e n teacher s 3)一般组合名词变为复数形式时只将中心词变为复数 daughter-in-law儿媳妇—daughters-in-law man doctor男医生-men doctor half brother—half brothers(同父异母或同母异父的兄弟),man driver—men drivers(男司机) woman doctor—women doctors(女大夫)grown up—grown ups(成年人) 4)、“数词+名词+形容词”构成的复合形容词,中间的名词不能用复数形式而须用单数形 式,She is a five-year-old girl 她是一个五岁女孩。a ten-story-high building 一幢


honor 荣耀 an honor一个(件)引以为荣的(事) (1)一般说来抽象名词为不可数名词,但当抽象名词表示具体的东西时,可用作可数名词且词义发生变化,主要类型如下: ①抽象名词表示具有某种特性、状态、感情情绪的人或事。如: 抽象名词(不可数)具体化(个体名词,可数名词) in surprise惊讶地a surprise一件令人惊讶的事 win success获得成功a success一个(件)成功的人(事) win honor赢得荣誉an honor一个(件)引以为荣的(事) Failure(失败)is the mother of success a failure失败者 失败是成功之母。 by experience靠经验an experience一次经历 youth青春a youth一个青年人 have pity on sb.怜悯某人a pity可惜的事情 with pleasure乐意a pleasure乐事 ②抽象名词与a(an)连用,淡化了抽象概念,转化为似乎可以体验到的动作、行为或类别。如: A knowledge of English is a must in international trade. Would you like to have a walk(swim, bath, talk)with me? It is waste of time reading such a novel. She made an apology to her mother for her wrong doings. (2)物质名词是不可数名词,但表示数量或种类之多时,可以用作可数名词。如: ①物质名词有形或数的相应物体,有单、复数。如:some coffee一些咖啡,a coffee一杯咖啡,three coffees三杯咖啡,some drink一些饮料, a drink一杯饮料,three drinks三杯饮料,his hair他的头发,a few gray hairs几根白发,glass玻璃,a glass一只玻璃杯。 ②物质名词有前置后置修饰时,前面要使用不定冠词。 have breakfast have a big breakfast The road is covered with snow. They have a heavy snow every year. Time and tide wait for no man.. We had a wonderful time last night


抽象名词归纳(一) (2008-09-08 20:21:06) 转载 分类:词汇篇 标签: 教育 一.表示“好”的品质、性格等方面的词语 1. devotion / loyalty 忠实/忠诚;/faith /faithfulness /fidelity 忠实/诚实;allegiance 忠贞,效忠; 2. honesty/ sincerity /cordiality诚挚,诚恳;hospitality 热情好客friendliness 友好; amity友好; 3. credit /trust/credibility 信任,信用;reliability 可靠性 4. confidence/reliance 信心,依靠; diligence/industry/hard work努力, 勤奋;courage/ bravery勇气, 勇敢; cooperation/collaboration 合作, 协作;solidarity/unity 团结; 5. sympathy/compassion/pity同情,怜悯;mercy 仁慈,可怜;benevolence 善意,仁慈; 6. appeal /attraction/ temptation/ lure/enticement / 吸引力 7. humanity 人类,人性,人道,仁慈;humanities 人文学科 8. harmony 和谐; peace 和平; appreciation 欣赏 9. ingenuity /creativity/ 创造力,灵活性 10. dignity /self-respect/self-esteem / reverence尊严,自尊,高贵 11. courtesy/manners/politeness /humility 谦卑,礼貌 12. innocence 无辜,清白; prestige 威望,名望;魅力,吸引力; reputation/fame/ 名声,名誉 13. perseverance毅力; persistence 坚持; mercy /beneficence/ goodness / kindness 仁慈,善良 14. integrity = honesty正直,诚实; 15. conscience 良心,良知; morality 道德观; values价值观 16. admiration / adoration 崇拜,敬爱;aspiration/desire/longing 希望,渴望; ambition 抱负,理想,野心 17. thank/ gratitude/gratification 感谢,感恩,满意 18. generosity 慷慨,大方; reward 回报,奖赏 19. joy/happiness/pleasure/ rejoice/ elation/ cheerfulness 快乐,高兴,愉快 20. craftiness/ cuteness/shrewdness/ smartness/ cunning 21. prudence/ carefulness/ caution/ 谨慎,小心 二.表示“不好”的品质、性格等方面的词语 1. immorality 不道德; hypocrisy /dishonesty虚伪hypocritical /dishonest虚伪的,伪善的 2. deception /fraud/ trickery /cheat /lie /betrayal /humbug /swindle / hoax/ trick/


抽象词的转换 在上一篇联想中所提到的两两联想都是一些形象的词,是比较好联想的。但如果遇到比较抽象的词我们该如何来转换呢? 所谓转换力是指:把抽象的信息变成具体形象的信息能力。 一、实词与虚词的转换 1)所谓的实词也就是形象的词:它可以明确看见,真实摸着的。如:手机、电话、铅笔、牛奶等。 2)所谓的虚词也就是抽象的词:不能直接看见的,摸不着的。如:复杂、伟大、敏捷、政治等。 (一)抽象词的转化(虚词) 一般抽象词要转换成形象词,常见的方法有以下几种: 1)谐音法:如:“实证”这个词通过谐音可以变成“时针”;“敏捷”通过谐音:名警。 2)替代法:“伟大”可以想到“毛泽东”;“机灵”可以想到:机灵小不懂。 3)拆分法:如:评价——先通过谐音:苹架——想成:放苹果的架子; 4)倒字法:如:复习——先倒字:习复——谐音:媳妇;文化——先倒字:化文——谐音:花纹,或直接把它谐音成:闻花。 (二)抽象词转换的举例。 1)逻辑——转换:裸鸡——想象:赤裸裸的鸡,身上的鸡毛被人拔了个精光。 2)腐朽——转换:斧锈——想象:斧头生锈了。

3)基础——转换:鸡醋——想象:鸡浸泡在醋里。 4)本科——倒字:科本(谐音):课本。 5)思考——倒字:考思(谐音):考试。 6)迟到——谐音:刺刀 7)健康——替换为:鲁智深。 8)政治——谐音:珍子。 9)朝气——谐音:沼气。 以上这些就是抽象词的转换,它是联想法中的基础之一。 抽象词语记忆秘诀: 1、懂得原意的用原意,不好用的再望文生义。如关税壁垒,本是贸易保护方式的一种,若不懂就转化成别的含义,只要能正确还原就行。 2、在抽象词语中加减字,曲解成另外的含义。如抽象劳动可变成:抽打大象让它快点劳动;苦难加字变成: 叫苦叫难等。就这么加加减减,无论多么生疏难懂的词语都可转换成为你所能读懂的意思。当然望文生义不是目的,我们是为了记住学习内容。在记住的基础上要尽快弄懂该词的真正含义。 3、谐音。音是记忆的窍门,经过谐音的处理,枯燥、艰涩的词语会变得不那么


名词的分类、定义和例子 名词是指表示人、事物、地点或抽象概念等的名称词。名词根据其词汇意义,通常分为专有名词和普通名词。而普通名词根据其语法性质,又可以细分为个体名词、物质名词、集合名词和抽象名词四类。 一、专有名词 专有名词主要指人、地方、组织、机构等的专有的名称。专有名词的第一个字母通常大写,如Mary, Mr Black, Paris, Sunday, September, French等。请看例句: They kept it for Mary. 他们留着这个给玛丽。 My plan was to go from Lyon to Paris. 我的计划是从里昂到巴黎。 The park is open from May through September. 公园从5月到9月开放。 I work every other day: Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 我隔天上班:每周 一、三、五。 二、普通名词 普通名词通常指人、物、概念等的一般名称。事实上,除了专有名词外,其余的名词都可以叫普通名词。如:boy, pen, teacher, water, idea, cloudy, money等。注意,有少数的普通名词与专有名词词形相同,只是用作普通名词时第一个字母用小写,而用作专有名词时第一个字母用大写。如: He saw the best china in China. 他在中国见到了最好的瓷器。 Mrs. Green likes to wear green clothes. 格林夫人喜欢穿绿色衣服。 三、个体名词 所谓个体名词就是指表示人或物的个体的名词。如boy, girl, tree, book, cup, desk等。在通常情况下,个体名词都是可数的。如:


抽象词语如何转变成具体图像 导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《抽象词语如何转变成具体图像》的内容,具体内容:图像记忆,顾名思义,采用图像的方法帮助记忆。与传统的声音刺激记忆相比效率要提高3-10倍。结合思维导图,快速阅读及其它方法就可以做到轻松高效记忆文章的效果。下面我为你整理抽象词语变成具... 图像记忆,顾名思义,采用图像的方法帮助记忆。与传统的声音刺激记忆相比效率要提高3-10倍。结合思维导图,快速阅读及其它方法就可以做到轻松高效记忆文章的效果。下面我为你整理抽象词语变成具体图像,希望能帮到你。 具体图像 具体图像的记忆如果利用想象电影情节来连接是轻而易举的。但是你在学习中所需要记忆的东西,并不是像电视、铅笔,这么简单就可以利用图像的原理来记忆。而是要利用把抽象词语转变成具体图像的技巧才能利用到图像的好处。所以,把抽象词变成具体图像的技巧,就决定了你个人能不能有效的运用图像记忆。 如此一来,你学到了把抽象词语变成具体图像之后,你就可以充分的利用图像记忆的好处。把所有需要记忆的资料,转换成图象来加以记忆。很多英语单词的记忆法都是应用图像记忆法来完成的。 这里提供两个把抽象词语变成具体图像的方法。 抽象词语变成具体图像的第一个方法:联想法

利用电影画面的方法来记忆。但是有些时候,要记忆的东西并不能立刻产生图像。以下为例: 如何评估一个人:1. 同情心 2. 生长背景 3. 人生满足感 以上是认识评估一个人的三个重要焦点,而这三个词是抽象词语,并无法马上的产生具体图像。而在这种情形之下,就要运用人的想象力了。 同情心,您可以联想到某一个具有同情心的人,如证严法师。 生长背景,您可以联想到演戏的布景,背景。 人生满足感,您可以联想到一个饱腹的人,很满足的样子。 然后,把「证严法师」、「布景」、「饱腹的人」作电影情节的连结。「证严法师」在布景上飞来飞去,然以布景倒了下来压在饱腹的人身上。如果你把这个电影运镜画面给记了下了,那么你就把「同情心」、「生长背景」、「人生满足感」这三个词给背下来了。就这样,可以把不是具体的抽像词语,换成具体的图像加以连结。 抽象词语变成具体图像的第二个方法:谐音法 有时候,可以用谐音的方法来产生图像。 诸如「交代」可以用「胶带」这个图像表示。但是我还是喜欢用第一个方法,理由是「比较简单」。 一、实词与虚词的转换 1)所谓的实词也就是形象的词:它可以明确看见,真实摸着的。如:手机、电话、铅笔、牛奶等。 2)所谓的虚词也就是抽象的词:不能直接看见的,摸不着的。如:复杂、伟大、敏捷、政治等。


英语名词用法总结(完整) 一、单项选择名词 1.‘’There is among Chinese people that no country or individual can can protect itself without intellectual property(知识产权)protection’’ Liu Xin said. A.commitment B.criterion C.consensus D.competence 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:刘鑫说,在中国人群中由这样一种共识,没有知识产权保护法的话,任何国家和个人都不能保护自己。https://www.360docs.net/doc/587087159.html,mitment 承诺、许诺,(因工作而)献身、奉献B. criterion (判断的)标准、准则、原则;C.consensus 一致意见、共识;D. competence 能力、胜任、本领。根据句意判断,故选C。 2.场景、场面 ( 着重人物的活动) 3.His conflicted with that of the other witnesses and yet his story had, for me, the ring of truth. A.expectation B.instruction C.response D.account 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 考查名词辨析。句意:他的叙述与其他目击者讲的有矛盾。然而在我看来,他所说的有可能是真的。A. expectation期望;B. instruction指示;C. response 回应 ;D. account陈述。由“yet his story”可知,account符合句意。故D选项正确。 4.Only when women are enabled to become strong will our families, our economies, and our societies reach their fullest . A.distinction B.innovation C.potential D.appreciation 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 考查名词。A. distinction区别; B. innovation创新; C. potential潜能; D. appreciation 欣赏。句意:只有当妇女能够变得强大时,我们的家庭、经济和社会才能充分发挥其潜力。结合句意可知答案为C。 5.Violent programs on television may have a bad on children. A.injury B.pressure


抽象名词归纳(二)(2008-09-08 20:24:05) 标签:抽象名词归纳杂谈分类:词汇篇 9. agony/ misery/ sadness/ distress/ pain /suffering/ anguish/ grief / sorrow /woe / grief 痛苦,伤害, 悲哀 10. abuse 滥用,虐待,辱骂,毁谤;misuse 误用 11. timidity 胆怯,胆小; shyness/ coyness; coward ness 胆小鬼 12. disorder /disturbance/ mess/ chaos混乱,骚乱,失调,疾病 13. rage / anger/ fury/ annoyance /anguish/irritation 生气,怒火; indignation 义愤填膺,愤慨 14. handicap/barrier/obstacle/ hindrance/ barricade/problem 障碍,阻碍,问题 15. crisis/ crunch/ pinch危机,匮乏; deficit / shortage /lack /scarcity / deficiency / scanty 缺乏,不足; for want/lack of 因为缺乏 16. contempt/ despise /scorn 轻视,蔑视 17. superstition 迷信; disorder/ mess/trouble/chaos 无秩序,混乱 18. plague/disaster/accident/catastrophe/mishap/calamity/tragedy祸害,灾难,事故; victim 受害者;casualty 伤亡,死亡;/mortality 死亡率; 19. restriction/limitation/ confinement/restraint 限制,制约,抑制 20. vice /sin / wick/ evil 罪恶,邪恶 21. nightmare = bad dream ; self-doubt 自我怀疑; 22. nonsense 废话,胡说; nuisance 讨厌的人或物 23. conspiracy /plot 阴谋,密谋 24. distortion 歪曲,扭曲;disrespect 失礼,无礼


抽象名词具体化通常可分为以下四类: 要求:记忆以下单词 一、表示情感、情绪的词,强调具体的人或事时常将其具体化使用。常用的重点抽象名词有:1. beauty美、美丽(不可数名词)a beauty 美人、美丽的东西(可数名词)如:the beauty of nature大自然的美He regarded his wife as a beauty.他把妻子视为美人。 2. experience经验(不可数名词)an experience一次经历(可数名词)如:Experience is the best teacher.经验是最好的老师。An unusual experience一次不同寻常的经历 3. surprise吃惊、惊奇(不可数名词)a surprise令人吃惊的人或事(可数名词)如:in surprise惊奇地、吃惊地/to one’s surprise令人吃惊的是What a surprise to see you here! 4. pleasure愉快、高兴(不可数词)a pleasure一个乐事、一个乐趣(可数名词)如:with pleasure高兴地、乐意地/take pleasure in以…为乐、爱好 t’s a pleasure to work with him. 和他一块儿工作是件乐事。 5. pride骄傲(不可数名词)a pride令人骄傲的人或事(可数名词)如:He takes pride in his son. He is a pride to his parents.他是父母的一个骄傲。 6. reality实际(不可数名词)a reality一个实现的事、现实(可数名词) 如:in reality事实上His hope has become a reality.它的希望成为了现实。


第一章名词 一、名词的定义和分类 名词是表1,人或事物以及抽象概念名称的词。名词按照意义可分为普通名词(包括个体名同、集休名词、物质名词和拍象名词)和专有名词两大类;名ik按1语法特征又可分为可数名词和不可数侣词两大类;名词按构成可分为简单名词和复合名词。 1.普通名词和专有名词 (1)普通名词 1)个体名词:指人或物的个体,如:girl, dog, rose, desk, piece 等。 2〕集体名词:指一群人成物的总称,如:audience, class, committee, [A呻any, family,government, Police, People, poetry, machinery等。 3)物质名词:表示不能个别存在的物质形态,如:喊water, cotton, sand, food, paper,wood, money等。 4)抽象名询:表示人或物的品质、状态等抽象的概念 如:education, knowle电e,atmngt6, happiness, hemedty, friendship, peace, information,户ilosophy等。 (2)专有名词:表示特定的或者是独一无二的人或物.构成专有名词的实词首字母要大写,如:Asia, Einstc诚the (hod Wall, the Pacific, China Daily.山e United Nations等。 2.可数名词和不可数名词

1可数名词 可数名词分单数和复数,单数前面可以用不定冠词.或an,复数前面可以im数词。个体名间和大多数有生命的集体名词是可数名词。 a book-"(two) books an apple--.(five) apples a family-.(three) families (2)不可数名词 不可数名词只有单数形式.不能在前面加不定冠词a或即.也不能加数词。专有名词、物质名词、抽象名词以及无生命的集体名词是不可数名词。 Elnrreln a famous Scienti Water is important human beings. Happiness lies in contentment. They have bought some now machinery. (3)兼类名词 可数与不可数的划分并不是绝对的,有些名词既可以是可数名词也可以是不可数名词,表示不同的意义,但意义上有一定的联系。 1.物质名词一个体名词 chicken(鸡肉).-tea chicken(小鸡)-chickens iron(铁)---.an iron(熨斗)-imps bee(啤酒)一beer(一杯啤酒)-.beers


不可数的抽象名词用来表示可数的人或物,在特殊情况下,有些抽象名词可以进行具体化,即名词的数和词义发生了变化。下面就高中课本中出现的一些抽象名词具体化的名词做一整理。 1. attraction (U)吸引,吸引力; (C)有吸引力的人或事物. 到月球上旅行的想法对我没有什么吸引力. The idea of traveling to the moon has little attraction for me. 城里明亮的灯,戏院,电影等有巨大的吸引力. The city's bright lights, theatres, and movies are great attractions. 这份工作最吸引人的是薪水高. One of the main attractions of the job is the high salary. 2. beauty 美,美丽;美丽的人或事物 She was a famous beauty in her youth. 她年轻时是个有名的美人. That new car is an absolute beauty. 那辆新车漂亮极了. 3. comfort 安慰,慰藉,宽恕;令人感到安慰的人或事物 The news brought comfort to all of us. 这消息给我们大家带来了安慰. His husband was a great comfort to her when she was ill. 她生病时,她丈夫对她是个极大的安慰. 4. danger 危险,风险; 危险的人,危险因素 Children's lives are in danger every time they cross this road. 孩子们每次过这条马路都面临着生命危险. out of danger 脱离危险 警方说这个男子对公众是个危险分子. Police said the man was a danger to the public. 自然现象是如何对全球人类造成威胁的? How does nature form a danger to people in the world? 5. death死,死亡;死亡的人 Air pollution alone causes about three million deaths every year. 仅空气污染就造成了每年近三百万人死亡. If the hurricane had happened during the daytime, there would have been many more deaths. 若飓风发生在白天,那么死亡的人会多的多. 6. delight 高兴,愉快,快乐;令人高兴的事,乐事,乐趣 To our great delight, the day turned out fine. 我们感到高兴的是天气转晴了.


抽象名词 一.表示“好”的品质、性格等方面的词语 1. devotion / loyalty 忠实/忠诚;/faith /faithfulness /fidelity 忠实/诚实;allegiance 忠贞,效忠; 2. honesty/ sincerity /cordiality 诚挚,诚恳;hospitality 热情好客friendliness 友好;amity友好; 3. credit /trust/credibility 信任,信用;reliability 可靠性 4. confidence/reliance 信心,依靠; diligence/industry/hard work努力, 勤奋;courage/ bravery 勇气, 勇敢; cooperation/collaboration 合作, 协作;solidarity/unity 团结; 5. sympathy/compassion/pity同情,怜悯;mercy 仁慈,可怜;benevolence 善意,仁慈; 6. appeal /attraction/ temptation/ lure/enticement / 吸引力 7. humanity 人类,人性,人道,仁慈;humanities 人文学科 8. harmony 和谐; peace 和平; appreciation 欣赏 9. ingenuity /creativity/ 创造力,灵活性 10. dignity /self-respect/self-esteem / reverence 尊严,自尊,高贵 11. courtesy/manners/politeness /humility 谦卑,礼貌 12. innocence 无辜,清白; prestige 威望,名望;魅力,吸引力; reputation/fame/ 名声,名誉 13. perseverance毅力; persistence 坚持; mercy /beneficence/ goodness / kindness 仁慈,善良 14. integrity = honesty正直,诚实; 15. conscience 良心,良知; morality 道德观; values价值观 16. admiration / adoration 崇拜,敬爱;aspiration/desire/longing 希望,渴望; ambition 抱负, 理想,野心 17. thank/ gratitude/gratification 感谢,感恩,满意 18. generosity 慷慨,大方; reward 回报,奖赏 19. joy/happiness/pleasure/ rejoice/ elation/ cheerfulness 快乐,高兴,愉快 20. craftiness/ cuteness/shrewdness/ smartness/ cunning 21. prudence/ carefulness/ caution/ 谨慎,小心 二.表示“不好”的品质、性格等方面的词语 1. immorality 不道德; hypocrisy /dishonesty虚伪hypocritical /dishonest虚伪的,伪善的 2. deception /fraud/ trickery /cheat /lie /betrayal /humbug /swindle / hoax/ trick/ mislead/ coax/ deceit/ lie 欺骗;欺诈;哄骗 3. fiction/illusion / legend/ tales /fantasy/myth/anecdote 虚构,假想 4. slyness 狡猾,fox 狡猾的人, abjection 悲惨,下流,卑鄙 5. guilt 罪行,内疚; anxiety/worry/apprehension / 焦虑,着急; gloom/sadness/ grief /melancholy /dismal 忧郁,郁闷,悲伤 6. irresponsibility 不负责任; insecurity 不安全/ terrorism 恐怖 7. cruelty / bloodiness/ brutality 残忍,残酷, 8. discrimination/ bias/ prejudice/ injustice/ inequality/ unfairness歧视,偏见,不公平; grievance 冤枉,委屈,不平 9. agony/ misery/ sadness/ distress/ pain /suffering/ anguish/ grief / sorrow /woe / grief 痛苦,伤害, 悲哀 10. abuse 滥用,虐待,辱骂,毁谤;misuse 误用 11. timidity 胆怯,胆小; shyness/ coyness; coward ness 胆小鬼
