


Document serial number【NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-NNUUT-NUT108】








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七年级英语上册竞赛试题 姓名班级考号分数 卷首语 回首即将过去的一学期,既有失败的经历,又有成功的喜悦。我们哭过、笑过、彷徨过;我们输过、赢过、拼搏过。听!新年的钟声马上敲响,让我们挥手告别过去,昂首迎接未来。我们相信在新的起点上,每个人心中都充满了期盼:期盼着更多的成功、期盼着更多的挑战、也期盼着自己能拿出一份满意的答卷!祝愿同学们在本次竞赛考试中考出好成绩! (满分100分) 一.单项填空(26分) ()1. It isn’t ______ ring. It’s ________ eraser. A. an, an B. a, an C. an, a D. a, a ()2.下列句中标点符号及书写均正确的是 A Mary says to me: “glad to see you again.” B I want to work hard on English; and Chinese. C《Harry Potter》is a very interesting book. D Does Jenny come home from school by bike? ()3.Sonia puts _____ clock and _____ art book on her desk. A a; an Ban; the C /; the D a;a ()4.—Excuse me. Is this ______ dictionary? --No. That one is ________. A I; you B my; yours C me; you D my; my ()5.Uncle Tom lives _____ a farm ______ the country. A in; at B near; on C over; of D on; in ( ) 6. A: Here you are. B: A. That’s right. B. Let me see. C. Thanks. D. Yes , I like it ()7.--________ is the tall girl in a black jacket? --It’s Simon’s new classmate. A.Who B.What C.Where D.Whom ()8.Which of the following signs means “You can’t take photos here.” A B C D ()9.—Your pen is very nice.—________________. A.OK B. No, it isn’t C. Thank you D. Yes, it is. ()10.The old man wants six _____ of _______ for his fruit shop. A boxes banana B box; bananas C boxes; bananas D box banana ()11.—Would you like a cup of tea? --______I’d like a glass of water, please.


新人教版七年级下英语竞赛试题 时间:120分钟分值:120分 一.不定项选择(正确答案有1—4个,多选少选不得分,共10小题,计10分) 例题:(ABD)There is _________on the floor. A.some money B.an orange box C.many books D.a little water ( )1.Please practice ______ every day. A.speaking English B.playing the piano C.to speak English D.doing kung fu ( )2. How many ______can you see on the tree? A.birds B.pears C.kites D.apples ( )3. -What are _________names? -Lucy and Lily . A.your parents’ B.the girl’ s C.the girls’ D.the twins’ ( )4.Where pandas ? –China. A.are,from B.are,come C.do,from D.do,come from ( )5. It’s 6:00pm. . It’s time _________. A.to have dinner B.for our party C.to have a dinner D.to go home ( )6.- He often helps her _______ her homework. A. does B. do C. to do D. with ( )7.- I want to join the _______ club,because I can _______ well now. A. music , swim B. swimming , swimming C. sports , play soccer D.art, draw ( )8.- ________.--Thank you . A.Happy birthday to you B.Your English is very good C.Here’s your lost pen. D.Don’t talk in class ( )9.- Let me tell you ________get to the park. A. what B. how to C. how I can D. how can I ( )10. I am an_________boy . But my brother Jim is only ___________. A. 15 years old, 12 years old. B. 18-year-old, 11 years old. C. 15-year-old, 12 years old D. 11-year-old, 5 years old 二、单项选择(正确答案只有1个,多选少选不得分,共25小题,计25分) ()1. -What do you think ______ the idea? -I think it's funny. A. of B. over C. in D. for ()2. Maria doesn’t like singing_______ dancing, _____ she likes drawing. A. and , and B. and, but C. or, but D. or ,and ()3. He’ll arrive ________Shanghai ______ the afternoon of May the tenth. A.on, on B.in, in C.in, on D.at, in ()4. Mike often ______books. He enjoys ______books. A. reads, looking B. read, reading C. reads, reading D. read, to read ( ) 5. Miss Brown has ______ hair. A. beautiful long blonde curly B. beautiful long curly blonde C. long beautiful curly blonde D. long curly blonde beautiful


二年级查字典比赛试卷 姓名: 成绩: 小字典,是个宝,独立学习不可少。 遇生字,就请教,先把方法掌握好。 细心找,不急躁,勤学苦练技术高。 一、用音序查字法查下面的字。比一比,谁能最快查到下面这些字(写出字典中的页码)。(24分) zīchàfàn shū 滋( ) 岔( ) 泛( ) 舒( ) ài bēi dàn jiāng 碍( ) 碑( ) 旦( ) 浆( ) 二、用部首查字法查下面的字。 (1)用部首查字法查下面的字,在在横线上写出部首,并括号里注明此字在字典的哪一页上。(28分) 版()荡()裳()瘦() 延()阔()匡()滚()(2)用部首查字法查下面的字,并加上拼音。(24分) 耻隙峻益哀程烦距 (3)用部首查字法查下面的字,并按要求填表。(24分)

班级_____姓名____得分_____ 一、填空。20分 1、“沉”用音序查字法,应先查大写字母__,再查音节__;用部首查字法先查部首__,再查__画。 2、“熟” 用音序查字法,应先查大写字母__,再查音节__;用部首查字法先查部首__,再查_画。 3、“逸”用音序查字法,应先查大写字母__,再查音节__;用部首查字法先查部首__,再查_画。 4、“禽”用音序查字法,应先查大写字母__,再查音节__;用部首查字法先查部首__,再查__画。 5、当不知道一个字的读音,也分不清它的部首的时候,可以用______方法查。如用这种方法查字,“考”字该查___画。“夷”字该查___画。“卑”字该查___画。 二、下面词语中带点的字应怎样解释?请从各解释条中选择最恰当的项填入括号。32分 1、异 a 有分别,不相同; b 奇异,特别;c 惊奇,奇怪; d 另外,别的;e分开 奇花异草()异口同声()诧异()异乡() 2、绝 a 断绝。b完全没有了,穷尽。 C 走不通的,没有出路的。d独一无二的,没有有能赶上的。e绝对。f绝句。 斩尽杀绝()络绎不绝()绝处逢生()绝大多数() 3、尽 a 达到极端。b全部用出。c用力完成。d全,所有的。 e 完。 竭尽全力()山穷水尽()无穷无尽()尽量帮助() 4、望a向远处看。b探望。c盼望,希望。d名望。e对着,朝着。 一望无际()喜出望外()德高望重()看望病人() 三、按要求填表。30分 四、给句子中的“通”字选择解释条。(用字母表示)8分 “通”字的解释有:a没有堵塞,可以通过;b有路达到;c传达,使知道;d通顺;e普通;f用工具戳,使不堵塞。 1、草原一碧千里,四通八达,行车十分洒脱,只要方向不错,怎么走都可以。() 2、这篇文章怎么写得一点也不通?() 3、听说张作霖要派人来检查,有人通知李大钊离开北京,他却表示要与敌人斗争到底!() 4、詹天佑只用了原定工期的一半,就把隧道打通了。() 五、选择题10分 1、下列每组三个汉字,查字典是音序相同的一组是();部首相同的一组是()。 A建延造B欲软欣C缠动紧 D茁初雏E祼浏聊F湃臂编 2、用数笔画、音序和部首查字典,完全没有错误的一组是() A承(9C乙)觅(8M爪)丧(8S十) B峦(9 L山)凯(8K几)展(10Z尸)


初一年级英语查字典比赛试题 班级:_______姓名:_________成绩:________ 一、按照字典里的顺序排列下列单词,在横线上写上单词对应的序号(20分,每题2分) 1.vocabulary 2. pronunciation 3. differently 4. terrify 5. comic 6. patient 7. frustrate 8. mistake 9. challenge 10. realize _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 二、根据字典里的意思选出一下单词的正确意思(50分,每题5分) ()1. jealous A.嘲弄 B.爵士乐 C.吃醋的,嫉妒的()2. mature A.忧伤的 B.成熟的 C.粗暴的 ()3. reputation A.名誉 B.要求 C.复制 ()4. irritate A.修改 B.激怒 C.跳跃 ()5. exceed A.超越 B.撞击 C.包裹 ()6. encounter A.把握 B.深陷于 C.邂逅 ()7. recommendation A.推荐 B.丢弃 C.遗忘 ()8. downright A.忧愁地 B.正确地 C.完全地 ()9. bold A.重要的 B.勇敢的 C.嫉妒的 ()10. eternal A.永恒的 B.怀旧的 C.无畏的 三、根据字典中的提示,选出以下单词的词性(30分,每题6分) A.名词 B.动词 C.形容词 D.副词 E.介词 ()1. victory()2. endure ()3. glorious ()4. guilty ()5. gradually 初一年级英语查字典比赛试题 班级:_______姓名:_________成绩:________ 二、按照字典里的顺序排列下列单词,在横线上写上单词对应的序号(20分,每题2分) 2.vocabulary 2. pronunciation 3. differently 4. terrify 5. comic 6. patient 7. frustrate 8. mistake 9. challenge 10. realize _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 二、根据字典里的意思选出一下单词的正确意思(50分,每题5分) ()1. jealous A.嘲弄 B.爵士乐 C.吃醋的,嫉妒的()2. mature A.忧伤的 B.成熟的 C.粗暴的 ()3. reputation A.名誉 B.要求 C.复制 ()4. irritate A.修改 B.激怒 C.跳跃 ()5. exceed A.超越 B.撞击 C.包裹 ()6. encounter A.把握 B.深陷于 C.邂逅 ()7. recommendation A.推荐 B.丢弃 C.遗忘 ()8. downright A.忧愁地 B.正确地 C.完全地 ()9. bold A.重要的 B.勇敢的 C.嫉妒的 ()10. eternal A.永恒的 B.怀旧的 C.无畏的 三、根据字典中的提示,选出以下单词的词性(30分,每题6分) A.名词 B.动词 C.形容词 D.副词 E.介词 ()1. victory()2. endure ()3. glorious ()4. guilty ()5. gradually


七年级英语竞赛试题 说明:时间90 分钟满分100 分 I .单项选择( 20 分) ( ) 1. It isn 't ______ ring. It 's _________ eraser. A. an, an B. a, an C. an, a D. a, a ( ) 2.—Your pen is very nice. — ________________ . A.OK B. No, it isn C'. Tthank you D. Yes, it is. ()3. —Please ______ your homework to school tomorrow. -OK , Miss Gao. A.bring B. have C. take D. let ( ) 4.—Are ________ Kate 's ______ ?Ye-s, they are. A.this, book B. that, book C. these ,book D. those, books ( ) 5.—What's six and three? It '-s ______ . A.three B. six C. nine D.eighteen ( ) 6.His father 's name is Tim Green. So his father 's first name is ____________ A. Green B. Mr. Green C. Tim D.Mrs.Green ( ) 7.Thanks ____ the photo ____ y our family. A. for of B. of for C. for for D.for in ( ) 8.—What time do you get up ___ w eekdays? ---- ___ six thirty. A.in;At B.on;At C.of; About D.at on ( ) 9.—Alice is a girl. ____ my good friend. A. She ' s B. She C. It ' s D.Her ( ) 10. —What do you call your mother 's s?iste—r __ . A. Aunt B. Uncle C. Cousin D.Grandmother ( )11.—_____ is the jacket? —It 's black and white. A. Where B. What color C. What D.Which )12.--- does Tom have in A. What class C. How many class )13.For dinner, Tom likes ______ . A. hamburgers, salad, and oranges C. eggs, bananas, and apple )14.--- Draw a map on the blackboard, Tom? --- ___ A. Yes, please B. That'sall right C. All right )15.--- Can I help you? --- _________ A. Yes, please B. Thank you )16.September is the _______ month A. nine B. nineteen D. Thanks C. OK of a year. C. nineth D. You are welcome D. ninth )17.--- How much is this T-shirt? A. dollar B. yuan )18.There are ________ days in May. A. twenty-eight B. thirty-one )19.The man doesn't know how to ___ A. speak B. say )20. --- Are you Han Mei? --- ______ --- Ninety _____ C. yuans D. cent( 美分) D. thirty C. twenty-nine this word in English. C. tell D. talk . I am Wei Hua. the morning? --- Math and Chinese. B. What's your favorite subject D. What subject B. kitchen, tomatoes, French fries D. French fries, sofa, vegetable


2014—2015七年级上英语竞赛试题 (满分120分,时间120分钟)命题人:唐廷学 姓名:班级:学校:得分: 一.单项填空(30分) 1.下列字母中含有相同元音音素的一项是 A d h k B j t z C c g p D o q u 2.下列句中标点符号及书写均正确的是 A Mary says to me: “glad to see you again.” B I want to work hard on English; and Chinese. C《Harry Potter》is a very interesting book. D Does Jenny come home from school by bike? 3.Sonia puts _____ clock and _____ art book on her desk. A a; an Ban; the C /; the D a;a 4.—Excuse me. Is this ______ dictionary? --No. That one is ________. A I; you B my; yours C me; you D my; my 5.Uncle Tom lives _____ a farm ______ the country. A in; at B near; on C over; of D on; in 6.May can’t go swimming this Sunday. She has _______ her mother at home. A looking for B to look after C looking up D to look like 7.There is _______ milk in the glass. You may drink it. A many B a few C a little D little 8.--________ is the tall girl in a black jacket? --It’s Simon’s new classmate. A.Who B.What C.Where D.Whom 9.Which of the following signs means “You can’t take photos here.” A B C D 10.The maths problem is __________. I can work it out _________. A difficult hard B fun; funny C easy; easily D interesting; interested 11.The old man wants six _____ of _______ for his fruit shop. A boxes banana B box; bananas C boxes; bananas D box banana 12.______ talk with others in class. It’s not polite. A Don’t be B Don’t C Be not D No 13.Tina, with her friend Cathy, often _____ to the park on her bike. A goes B go C going D to go 14.—Would you like a cup of tea? --______I’d like a glass of water, please. A That’s right. B Bad news C Yes, please D No, thanks. 15.—Thank you for asking me to your party.--_________.


查字典练习 一、填空: 1、查字典有①部首查字法、②音序查字法、③数笔画查字法等三种方法。在“淤(yu)、疡、氏”三个字中,“疡”用第①种查字法更快,“淤”用第②种方法更快,“氏”用第③种方法更快。 2、“慰”应先查心部,再查11画。在字典里的解释有:①使人心情安适。②心安。在“安慰”一词中应选第①种解释。 3、“拘束”的“拘”字查大写字母是 J ;要查的部首是扌;字典里的解释有:①逮捕或扣押;②限,限制;③固执。这里应取②第种解释。 4、“穷”读音qióng;按音序查字法应先查大写字母 Q ;按部首查字法应先查穴部,再查 2画。字典里“穷”字的解释有:①缺乏财物。②完了。③达到极点。④环境恶劣没有出路。 “穷凶极恶”中的“穷”应选第③种解释。“贫穷”中的“穷”应选第①种解释,“理屈词穷”中的“穷”应选第②种解释。 5、用音序查字法查“漫”,应先查音序 M ,再查音节 màn。“漫”在字典里的解释有五种:(1)水过满,向外流(2)到处都是(3)莫,不要(4)不受约束,随便(5)广阔,长。 “漫天风沙”的“漫”应选第(2)种解释。“长夜漫漫”的“漫”应选第(5)种解释。“漫无目的”的“漫”应选第(4)种解释。二、按要求选择填空

1、“盛气凌人”的“凌”用部首查字法应先查(冫)部,再查(8)画,第九笔是(?)。“凌”在字典里的解释有:①冰;②迫近;③侵犯;④欺凌。“盛气凌人”的“凌”应选第(④)种解释。 2、“秉”字按音序查字法应查大写字母(B );按部首查字法应查(?)部,再查( 7 )画;按数笔画查字法应查( 8 )画。“秉”字在字典里有四种解释:1掌握,主持;2拿着,握着;3古代容量单位;4姓。“秉烛夜游”的“秉”应取第( 2 )种解释;“秉公办事”的“秉”应取第( 1 )解释。 3、“固”按部首查字法应先查(口)部,再查( 5 )画;按音序查字法,应先查大写字母( G ),再查音节( gù)。“固”在字典里的解释有:①结实;②坚定;③本来。“人固有一死”的“固”应取第(③)种解释。 4、“崇”按部首查字法应先查(山)部,再查( 8 )画;按音序查字法应查大写字母( C ),读音是( chóng ),第六画名称是(横撇)。“崇”在字典里的解释有:①高;②重视;③姓。“崇山峻岭”的“崇”应选第(①)种解释。 5、“释”在字典里的解释有:①说明,解说;②消除;③放开,放下。“解释”的“释”应选第(①)种解释;“爱不释手”的“释”应选第(③)种解释。 6、“屈”在字典里的解释有:①弯曲,使弯曲;②屈服,使屈服;③理亏;①委曲,冤枉;⑤姓。将下面词语中“屈”字的正确解


七年级英语竞赛试题 一、运用单词的适当形式填空。(5分) 1. Bob is my friend. His t _______ number is 398-9293. 2. V olleyball is so d________. I can't play it. 3. The weather is_______ . We should wear a pair of sunglasses. ( sun ) 4.Would you like _______(have) a cup of coffee? 5.Be quiet,the baby ____(sleep) . 二. 根据要求写出相应的答案。(5分) 1.wind(形容词) 2.five(序数词) 3.leaf(复数) 4. left (反义词) __________ 5.friend(形容词) 三.单项选择:(10分) ( )1.Uncle Tom lives _____ a farm ______ the country. A in; at B near; on C over; of D on; in ( )2.May can’t go swimming this Sunday. She has _______ her mother at home. A looking for B to look after C looking up D to look like ( )3.There is _______ milk in the glass. You may drink it. A many B a few C a little D little ( )4.The maths problem is __________. I can work it out _________. A difficult hard B fun; funny C easy; easily D interesting; interested ( )5.______ talk with others in class. It’s not polite. A Don’t be B Don’t C Be not D No 四.完形填空(10分) A It’s Sunday morning.My mother 1 I are going to Xiangshan Park. 2 many people in it.Some 3 are running. They are 4 kites. Four 5 are 6 on the grass( 草地). They 7 Two girls are playing __8_ games near them.The men are standing __9__ a big tree.They are __10_the children.There’s a river over there .Many young people are singing and dancing near the river. ( )1.or B.and C.with D.but ( )2.It’s B. They’re C.There’s D.There are ( )3.A.boy B.girl C.childs D.children ( )4.doing B.taking C.flying D.making ( )5.woman B.women C.womans D.womens ()6.it B.sits C.siting D.sitting ()7.are talking B.is talking C.talking D.are talk ()8.some B.any C.the D./ ()9.under B.on C.of D.about ()10.looking B.finding C.watching D.count 五.阅读理解。(10分) We have two new students in our school. They are Mike and Kate. They look the


查字典练习题加答案 一、填空: 1、查字典有① 部首查字法、② 音序查字法、③ 数笔画查字法等三种方法。在“淤、疡、氏”三个字中,“ 疡”用第①种查字法更快,“ 淤”用第②种方法更快,“ 氏”用第③种方法更快。 2、“慰”应先查心部,再查 11 画。在字典里的解释有:①使人心情安适。②心安。在“安慰”一词中应选第 ① 种解释。 3、“拘束”的“拘”字查大写字母是 J ;要查的部首是扌;字典里的解释有:①逮捕或扣押;②限,限制; ③固执。这里应取② 第种解释。 4、“穷”读音qióng;按音序查字法应先查大写字母Q ;按部首查字法应先查穴部,再查画。字典里“穷”字的解释有:①缺乏财物。②完了。③达到极点。④环境恶劣没有出路。 “穷凶极恶”中的“穷”应选第③种解释。“贫穷”中的“穷”应选第① 种解释,“理屈词穷”中的“穷”应选第②种解释。 5、用音序查字法查“漫”,应先查音序 M ,再查音节màn。“漫”在字典里的解释有五种:水过满,向外流到处都是莫,不要不受约束,随便广阔,长。

“漫天风沙”的“漫”应选第种解释。“长夜漫漫”的“漫”应选第种解释。“漫无目的”的“漫”应选第种解释。 二、按要求选择填空 1、“盛气凌人”的“凌”用部首查字法应先查部,再查 画,第九笔是。“凌”在字典里的解释有:①冰;②迫近;③侵犯;④欺凌。“盛气凌人”的“凌”应选第种解释。 2、“秉”字按音序查字法应查大写字母;按部首查字法应查部,再查画;按数笔画查字法应查画。“秉”字在字典里有四种解释:1掌握,主持;2拿着,握着;3古代容量单位;4姓。“秉烛夜游”的“秉”应取第种解释;“秉公办事”的“秉”应取第解释。 3、“固”按部首查字法应先查部,再查画;按音序查字法,应先查大写字母,再查音节。“固”在字典里的解释有:①结实;②坚定;③本来。“人固有一死”的“固”应取第种解释。 4、“崇”按部首查字法应先查部,再查画;按音序查字法应查大写字母,读音是,第六画名称是。“崇”在字典里的解释有:①高;②重视;③姓。“崇山峻岭”的“崇”应选第种解释。


乐东海之南实验学校三年级查字典比赛试卷时间:30分钟姓名: 分数: 小字典,是个宝,独立学习不可少。遇生字,就请教,先把方法掌握好。 细心找,不急躁,勤学苦练技术高。 温馨提示:保持卷面书写工整,奖励1分。 一、用音序查字法查下面的字。比一比,谁能最快查到下面这些字(写出字典中的页码)。(24分) zīchàfàn shū 滋( ) 岔( ) 泛( ) 舒( ) ài bēi dàn jiāng 碍( ) 碑( ) 旦( ) 浆( ) 二、用部首查字法查下面的字。 (1)用部首查字法查下面的字,在在横线上写出部首,并括号里注明此字在字典的哪一页上。(24分) 版()荡()裳()瘦() 延()阔()匡()滚()(2)用部首查字法查下面的字,并加上拼音。(24分) ()()()()()()()()耻隙峻益哀程烦距(3)用部首查字法查下面的字,并按要求填表。(27分) 要查的字部首除去部首查几画音节组词帽 碗 悲 裤 强 海 凰 罕 秦

班级_____姓名____得分_____ 一、填空。20分 1、“沉”用音序查字法,应先查大写字母__,再查音节__; 用部首查字法先查部首__,再查__画。 2、“熟” 用音序查字法,应先查大写字母__,再查音节__; 用部首查字法先查部首__,再查_画。 3、“逸”用音序查字法,应先查大写字母__,再查音节__; 用部首查字法先查部首__,再查_画。 4、“禽”用音序查字法,应先查大写字母__,再查音节__; 用部首查字法先查部首__,再查__画。 5、当不知道一个字的读音,也分不清它的部首的时候,可以用______方法查。如用这种方法查字,“考”字该查___画。“夷”字该查___画。“卑”字该查___画。 二、按要求填表。40分 要查的字徽罕皮牌秦爽派風凰舜部首 音序 页数 三、选择题10分 1、下列每组三个汉字,查字典是音序相同的一组是();部首相同的一组是() A建延造B欲软欣C缠动紧 D茁初雏E祼浏聊F湃臂编 2、用数笔画、音序和部首查字典,完全没有错误的一组是() A承(9C乙)觅(8M爪)丧(8S十) B峦(9 L 山)凯(8K几)展(10Z尸)


查字典 一、我会填空:(26分) 1、查字典有查字法、查字法、查字法等三种方法。“淤(yū)”字”用查字法更快,先查再查;“疡”字用查字法更快,先查再查;“氏”字用查字法更快,应查画。 2、“慰”用部首查字法应先查部,再查画。在字典里的解释有:①使人心情安适。 ②心安。在“安慰”一词中应选第种解释。 3、“穷”读音;按音序查字法应先查大写字母;按部首查字法应先查部,再查画。字典里“穷”字的解释有:①缺乏财物。②完了。③达到极点。④环境恶劣没有出路。 “穷凶极恶”中的“穷”应选第____种解释。“贫穷”中的“穷”应选第____种解释,“理屈词穷”中的“穷”应选第____种解释。 4、用音序查字法查“漫”,应先查音序____,再查音节____。“漫”在字典里的解释有五种:(1)水过满,向外流(2)到处都是(3)莫,不要(4)不受约束,随便(5)广阔,长。 “漫天风沙”的“漫”应选第____种解释。“长夜漫漫”的“漫”应选第____种解释。“漫无目的”的“漫”应选第____种解释。 二、我会选择题:(10分) 1、下列每组三个汉字,查字典音序相同的一组是();部首相同的一组是()。 A 建延造 B 欲软欣 C 缠动紧 D 茁初雏 E 祼浏聊 F 湃臂编 2、用数笔画、音序和部首查字法查字典,完全没有错误的一组是() A: 承(9画 C 乙部)觅(8画M 爪部)丧(8画 S 十部 ) B: 峦(9画 L 山部)凯(8画 K 几部)展(10画 Z 尸部) 三、我能写出下面字的部首。(16分) A、辽:第一画是“乛”,共五画 B、女:第一画是“一”,共四画 C、延:第一画是“”,共六画 D、鸣:第五画是“丿”,共八画 2、“流、及、魄(pò)”这三个字中:查字用音序查字法比较方便,先查大写字母;再查音节;查字用部首查字法比较方便,先查,除部首外再查画;查字用数笔画查字比较方便,共有画。 3、“举”字用数笔画查字法应查画。在字典中“举”有以下几种解释:①向上抬,向上托;②提出;③推选,推荐;④全。在诗句“举头望明月”中应该选第种解释,在词语“举例说明”中应取第 种解释,在词语“举世闻名”中应取第种解释。 4、姓氏“孙、武、黎、蒋”四个字用部首查字法分别应查部首、、、;用音序查字法分别应查大写字母、、、。如果按笔画多少排列,顺序应为 、、、;如果按音序排列,顺序应为、、、。 5、下面的说法对吗?对的画“√”,错的打“×”。 (1)“荡”是上下结构,第七笔是“一”。() (2)“篷”是半包围结构,共有十五画。() (3)“匠”的第六笔是竖折。() (4)“我”的第五笔是斜钩,第六笔是点。() (5)“幽”的第二笔的笔画名称是“ㄥ”。() 6、按要求填空: (1)如果你不认识“糜”字,应按查字法查字典,先查,再查。 (2)如果你不会写“[zhì]烤”的“zhì”字,应按查字法查字典,先查,再查。(3)《新华字典》正文按音序排列,“堵”“煮”“诸”在字典中的位置是在前,在中,在后;“深入浅出”四个字的先后顺序是。 (4)“截”字是结构,它的第十三笔是。



二年级查字典比赛试卷(第二份) 时间:六十分钟(一分钟查一个字) 1.思:部首(),再查()画,页码(),读音(),组词() 2.例:部首(),再查()画,页码(),读音(),组词() 3.段:部首(),再查()画,页码(),读音(),组词() 4.糊:部首(),再查()画,页码(),读音(),组词() 5.涂:部首(),再查()画,页码(),读音(),组词() 6.晃:部首(),再查()画,页码(),读音(),组词() 7.吓:部首(),再查()画,页码(),读音(),组词() 8.呆:部首(),再查()画,页码(),读音(),组词() 9.雀:部首(),再查()画,页码(),读音(),组词() 10.拿:部首(),再查()画,页码(),读音(),组词() 11.厉:部首(),再查()画,页码(),读音(),组词() 12.既:部首(),再查()画,页码(),读音(),组词() 13.养:部首(),再查()画,页码(),读音(),组词() 14.登:部首(),再查()画,页码(),读音(),组词() 15.按:部首(),再查()画,页码(),读音(),组词() 16.址:部首(),再查()画,页码(),读音(),组词() 17.钠:部首(),再查()画,页码(),读音(),组词() 18.盐:部首(),再查()画,页码(),读音(),组词() 19.验:部首(),再查()画,页码(),读音(),组词() 20.砝:部首(),再查()画,页码(),读音(),组词() 21.码:部首(),再查()画,页码(),读音(),组词() 22.急:部首(),再查()画,页码(),读音(),组词() 23.添:部首(),再查()画,页码(),读音(),组词() 24.瓦:部首(),再查()画,页码(),读音(),组词() 25.扇:部首(),再查()画,页码(),读音(),组词() 26.裳:部首(),再查()画,页码(),读音(),组词() 27.遮:部首(),再查()画,页码(),读音(),组词() 28.烫:部首(),再查()画,页码(),读音(),组词()


初中英语竞赛试题及答案(精编) 笔试部分(共七大题,计120分) I. 选择填空(Vocabulary and structure) (共20小题,计20分) 从A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. —Jane, what are you doing _________ your computer? —I'm looking for information _________ airlines? A. about; for B. on; with C. in; with D. with; about 2. There are _________ carrots in the fridge. You don't have to buy any. A. few B. a few C. any D. little 3. —Who is Tina? —The girl who is wearing a _________ dress? A. beautiful red B. red and pretty C. red nice D. red but long 4. He _________ up very late in the morning, but now he _________ up very early. A. used to get; is used to get B. used to getting; is used to get C. is used to getting; used to get D. used to get; is used to getting 5. _________, he had studied art in Paris. A. When a boy B. As boy C. As a boy D. As he is a boy 6. —I hate space adventures. —_________. A. Nor do I B. Me neither C. Neither do I D. So do I 7. —Are you going to buy that car? —No, I'm not. It's _________ for me.


20XX年初一英语竞赛试题答案 初一英语竞赛试题与常规的英语试题是有很大区别的。以下是学习啦小编为大家整理的20XX年初一英语竞赛试题及参考答案,希望你们喜欢。 20XX年初一英语竞赛试题一、单项填空(共20小题,计20分) 选择最佳答案。 1. Li Lei has orange. Its color is ________ orange. A. the; an B. an; / C. /; an D. the; / . ______name is Tom. Please call ________Tom. A. He; my B. I; me C. My; me D. She; I . Let’s ________ TV together after school. A. to watch B. watch C. watches D. watching . These are my two brothers. That’s my __________. A. sister B. sisters C. parents D. grandfathers .—When is your birthday ? —_________. A. Ten B. Two dollars C. Ten thirty D. June 1st . —_________ are the pants? — They are 180 yuan. A. How many B. When C. Where D. How much . Thank you the letters and photos.
